path: root/plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:08:29 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:08:29 +0100
commit23a6061a81ffa0c214d521287b6af0a31bfa22f0 (patch)
treef1ca9ba9240b98b8695a9f1870e56602734cf97c /plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v
parentde109d8c0c68f569b907e6e24271f259ba28888e (diff)
parent39efc41237ec906226a3a53d7396d51173495204 (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.4_beta+dfsg' into experimental/master
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v b/plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v
index 3817f98c..9cae7a44 100644
--- a/plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v
+++ b/plugins/rtauto/Rtauto.v
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Rtauto.v 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
Require Export List.
Require Export Bintree.
Require Import Bool.
-Unset Boxed Definitions.
Declare ML Module "rtauto_plugin".
-Ltac caseq t := generalize (refl_equal t); pattern t at -1; case t.
Ltac clean:=try (simpl;congruence).
Inductive form:Set:=
@@ -43,7 +39,7 @@ end.
Theorem pos_eq_refl : forall m n, pos_eq m n = true -> m = n.
induction m;simpl;destruct n;congruence ||
-(intro e;apply f_equal with positive;auto).
+(intro e;apply f_equal;auto).
Fixpoint form_eq (p q:form) {struct p} :bool :=
@@ -69,15 +65,15 @@ end.
Theorem form_eq_refl: forall p q, form_eq p q = true -> p = q.
induction p;destruct q;simpl;clean.
intro h;generalize (pos_eq_refl _ _ h);congruence.
-caseq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
+case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
-caseq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
+case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
-caseq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
+case_eq (form_eq p1 q1);clean.
intros e1 e2;generalize (IHp1 _ e1) (IHp2 _ e2);congruence.
-Implicit Arguments form_eq_refl [p q].
+Arguments form_eq_refl [p q] _.
Section with_env.
@@ -165,7 +161,7 @@ intros hyps F p g e; apply project_In.
apply get_In with p;assumption.
-Implicit Arguments project [hyps p g].
+Arguments project [hyps] F [p g] _.
Inductive proof:Set :=
Ax : positive -> proof
@@ -263,7 +259,7 @@ induction p;intros hyps F gl.
(* cas Axiom *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f nth_f e;rewrite <- (form_eq_refl e).
apply project with p;trivial.
@@ -276,10 +272,10 @@ apply IHp;try constructor;trivial.
(* Cas Arrow_Elim *)
Focus 1.
-simpl check_proof;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
-intros f ef;caseq (get p0 hyps);clean.
+simpl check_proof;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
+intros f ef;case_eq (get p0 hyps);clean.
intros f0 ef0;destruct f0;clean.
-caseq (form_eq f f0_1);clean.
+case_eq (form_eq f f0_1);clean.
simpl;intros e check_p1.
generalize (project F ef) (project F ef0)
(IHp (hyps \ f0_2) (F_push f0_2 hyps F) gl check_p1);
@@ -291,10 +287,10 @@ auto.
(* cas Arrow_Destruct *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p1 hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p1 hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
destruct f1;clean.
-caseq (check_proof (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2 \ f1_1) f1_2 p2);clean.
+case_eq (check_proof (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2 \ f1_1) f1_2 p2);clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2.
generalize (project F ef)
(IHp1 (hyps \ f1_2 =>> f2 \ f1_1)
@@ -305,7 +301,7 @@ simpl;apply compose3;auto.
(* Cas False_Elim *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
intros _; generalize (project F ef).
apply compose1;apply False_ind.
@@ -313,13 +309,13 @@ apply compose1;apply False_ind.
(* Cas And_Intro *)
Focus 1.
simpl;destruct gl;clean.
-caseq (check_proof hyps gl1 p1);clean.
+case_eq (check_proof hyps gl1 p1);clean.
intros Hp1 Hp2;generalize (IHp1 hyps F gl1 Hp1) (IHp2 hyps F gl2 Hp2).
apply compose2 ;simpl;auto.
(* cas And_Elim *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
intro check_p;generalize (project F ef)
(IHp (hyps \ f1 \ f2) (F_push f2 (hyps \ f1) (F_push f1 hyps F)) gl check_p).
@@ -327,7 +323,7 @@ simpl;apply compose2;intros [h1 h2];auto.
(* cas And_Destruct *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
destruct f1;clean.
intro H;generalize (project F ef)
@@ -349,9 +345,9 @@ apply compose1;simpl;auto.
(* cas Or_elim *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p1 hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p1 hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
-caseq (check_proof (hyps \ f1) gl p2);clean.
+case_eq (check_proof (hyps \ f1) gl p2);clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2;generalize (project F ef)
(IHp1 (hyps \ f1) (F_push f1 hyps F) gl check_p1)
(IHp2 (hyps \ f2) (F_push f2 hyps F) gl check_p2);
@@ -359,7 +355,7 @@ simpl;apply compose3;simpl;intro h;destruct h;auto.
(* cas Or_Destruct *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (get p hyps);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (get p hyps);clean.
intros f ef;destruct f;clean.
destruct f1;clean.
intro check_p0;generalize (project F ef)
@@ -370,7 +366,7 @@ apply compose2;auto.
(* cas Cut *)
Focus 1.
-simpl;caseq (check_proof hyps f p1);clean.
+simpl;case_eq (check_proof hyps f p1);clean.
intros check_p1 check_p2;
generalize (IHp1 hyps F f check_p1)
(IHp2 (hyps\f) (F_push f hyps F) gl check_p2);
@@ -378,7 +374,7 @@ simpl; apply compose2;auto.
Theorem Reflect: forall gl prf, if check_proof empty gl prf then [[gl]] else True.
-intros gl prf;caseq (check_proof empty gl prf);intro check_prf.
+intros gl prf;case_eq (check_proof empty gl prf);intro check_prf.
change (interp_ctx empty F_empty [[gl]]) ;
apply interp_proof with prf;assumption.