path: root/plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-08-06 16:15:08 -0400
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-08-06 16:17:55 -0400
commitf18e6146f4fd6ed5b8ded10a3e602f5f64f919f4 (patch)
treec413c5bb42d20daf5307634ae6402526bb994fd6 /plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v
parentb9f47391f7f259c24119d1de0a87839e2cc5e80c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.3~rc1+dfsgupstream/8.3.rc1.dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 558 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v b/plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0ae4ef..00000000
--- a/plugins/nsatz/Nsatz_domain.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
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-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
- Tactic nsatz: proofs of polynomials equalities with variables in R.
- Uses Hilbert Nullstellensatz and Buchberger algorithm.
- Thanks to B.Gregoire for the verification of the certicate
- and L.Thery for help on ring tactic,
- and to B.Barras for modularization of the ocaml code.
- Example: see test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
- L.Pottier, june 2010
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Setoid.
-Require Import BinPos.
-Require Import BinList.
-Require Import Znumtheory.
-Require Import Ring_polynom Ring_tac InitialRing.
-Declare ML Module "nsatz_plugin".
-Class Zero (A : Type) := {zero : A}.
-Notation "0" := zero.
-Class One (A : Type) := {one : A}.
-Notation "1" := one.
-Class Addition (A : Type) := {addition : A -> A -> A}.
-Notation "x + y" := (addition x y).
-Class Multiplication (A : Type) := {multiplication : A -> A -> A}.
-Notation "x * y" := (multiplication x y).
-Class Subtraction (A : Type) := {subtraction : A -> A -> A}.
-Notation "x - y" := (subtraction x y).
-Class Opposite (A : Type) := {opposite : A -> A}.
-Notation "- x" := (opposite x).
-Class Ring (R:Type) := {
- ring0: R; ring1: R;
- ring_plus: R->R->R; ring_mult: R->R->R;
- ring_sub: R->R->R; ring_opp: R->R;
- ring_ring:
- ring_theory ring0 ring1 ring_plus ring_mult ring_sub
- ring_opp (@eq R)}.
-Class Domain (R : Type) := {
- domain_ring:> Ring R;
- domain_axiom_product:
- forall x y, ring_mult x y = ring0 -> x = ring0 \/ y = ring0;
- domain_axiom_one_zero: ring1 <> ring0}.
-Ltac ring2 := simpl; ring.
-Section domain.
-Variable R: Type.
-Variable Rd: Domain R.
-Add Ring Rr: (@ring_ring R (@domain_ring R Rd)).
-Instance zero_ring : Zero R := {zero := ring0}.
-Instance one_ring : One R := {one := ring1}.
-Instance addition_ring : Addition R := {addition x y := ring_plus x y}.
-Instance multiplication_ring : Multiplication R := {multiplication x y := ring_mult x y}.
-Instance subtraction_ring : Subtraction R := {subtraction x y := ring_sub x y}.
-Instance opposite_ring : Opposite R := {opposite x := ring_opp x}.
-Lemma psos_r1b: forall x y:R, x - y = 0 -> x = y.
-intros x y H; replace x with ((x - y) + y);
- [rewrite H | idtac]; ring2.
-Lemma psos_r1: forall x y, x = y -> x - y = 0.
-intros x y H; rewrite H; ring2.
-Lemma nsatzR_diff: forall x y:R, x<>y -> x - y<>0.
-intro; apply H.
-replace x with ((x - y) + y) by ring2.
-rewrite H0; ring2.
-(* code de Benjamin *)
-Require Import ZArith.
-Definition PolZ := Pol Z.
-Definition PEZ := PExpr Z.
-Definition P0Z : PolZ := @P0 Z 0%Z.
-Definition PolZadd : PolZ -> PolZ -> PolZ :=
- @Padd Z 0%Z Zplus Zeq_bool.
-Definition PolZmul : PolZ -> PolZ -> PolZ :=
- @Pmul Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool.
-Definition PolZeq := @Peq Z Zeq_bool.
-Definition norm :=
- @norm_aux Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
-Fixpoint mult_l (la : list PEZ) (lp: list PolZ) : PolZ :=
- match la, lp with
- | a::la, p::lp => PolZadd (PolZmul (norm a) p) (mult_l la lp)
- | _, _ => P0Z
- end.
-Fixpoint compute_list (lla: list (list PEZ)) (lp:list PolZ) :=
- match lla with
- | List.nil => lp
- | la::lla => compute_list lla ((mult_l la lp)::lp)
- end.
-Definition check (lpe:list PEZ) (qe:PEZ) (certif: list (list PEZ) * list PEZ) :=
- let (lla, lq) := certif in
- let lp := norm lpe in
- PolZeq (norm qe) (mult_l lq (compute_list lla lp)).
-(* Correction *)
-Definition PhiR : list R -> PolZ -> R :=
- (Pphi 0 ring_plus ring_mult (gen_phiZ 0 1 ring_plus ring_mult ring_opp)).
-Definition pow (r : R) (n : nat) := pow_N 1 ring_mult r (Nnat.N_of_nat n).
-Definition PEevalR : list R -> PEZ -> R :=
- PEeval 0 ring_plus ring_mult ring_sub ring_opp
- (gen_phiZ 0 1 ring_plus ring_mult ring_opp)
- Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
-Lemma P0Z_correct : forall l, PhiR l P0Z = 0.
-Proof. trivial. Qed.
-Lemma Rext: ring_eq_ext ring_plus ring_mult ring_opp eq.
-apply mk_reqe. intros. rewrite H; rewrite H0; trivial.
- intros. rewrite H; rewrite H0; trivial.
-intros. rewrite H; trivial. Qed.
-Lemma Rset : Setoid_Theory R eq.
-apply Eqsth.
-Lemma PolZadd_correct : forall P' P l,
- PhiR l (PolZadd P P') = ((PhiR l P) + (PhiR l P')).
- refine (Padd_ok Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd)))
- (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd)))).
-Lemma PolZmul_correct : forall P P' l,
- PhiR l (PolZmul P P') = ((PhiR l P) * (PhiR l P')).
- refine (Pmul_ok Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd)))
- (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd)))).
-Lemma R_power_theory
- : power_theory 1 ring_mult eq Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
-apply mkpow_th. unfold pow. intros. rewrite Nnat.N_of_nat_of_N. trivial. Qed.
-Lemma norm_correct :
- forall (l : list R) (pe : PEZ), PEevalR l pe = PhiR l (norm pe).
- intros;apply (norm_aux_spec Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd)))
- (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd))) R_power_theory)
- with (lmp:= List.nil).
- compute;trivial.
-Lemma PolZeq_correct : forall P P' l,
- PolZeq P P' = true ->
- PhiR l P = PhiR l P'.
- intros;apply
- (Peq_ok Rset Rext (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (@ring_ring _ (@domain_ring _ Rd))));trivial.
-Fixpoint Cond0 (A:Type) (Interp:A->R) (l:list A) : Prop :=
- match l with
- | List.nil => True
- | a::l => Interp a = 0 /\ Cond0 A Interp l
- end.
-Lemma mult_l_correct : forall l la lp,
- Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) lp ->
- PhiR l (mult_l la lp) = 0.
- induction la;simpl;intros;trivial.
- destruct lp;trivial.
- simpl in H;destruct H.
- rewrite PolZadd_correct, PolZmul_correct, H, IHla;[ring2 | trivial].
-Lemma compute_list_correct : forall l lla lp,
- Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) lp ->
- Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) (compute_list lla lp).
- induction lla;simpl;intros;trivial.
- apply IHlla;simpl;split;trivial.
- apply mult_l_correct;trivial.
-Lemma check_correct :
- forall l lpe qe certif,
- check lpe qe certif = true ->
- Cond0 PEZ (PEevalR l) lpe ->
- PEevalR l qe = 0.
- unfold check;intros l lpe qe (lla, lq) H2 H1.
- apply PolZeq_correct with (l:=l) in H2.
- rewrite norm_correct, H2.
- apply mult_l_correct.
- apply compute_list_correct.
- clear H2 lq lla qe;induction lpe;simpl;trivial.
- simpl in H1;destruct H1.
- rewrite <- norm_correct;auto.
-(* fin du code de Benjamin *)
-Lemma pow_not_zero: forall p n, pow p n = 0 -> p = 0.
-induction n. unfold pow; simpl. intros. absurd (1 = 0).
-simpl. apply domain_axiom_one_zero.
- trivial. replace (pow p (S n)) with (p * (pow p n)). intros.
-case (@domain_axiom_product _ _ _ _ H). trivial. trivial.
-unfold pow; simpl.
-clear IHn. induction n; try ring2. simpl.
- rewrite pow_pos_Psucc. trivial. exact Rset.
- intros. rewrite H; rewrite H0; trivial.
- intros. ring2. intros. ring2. Qed.
-Lemma Rdomain_pow: forall c p r, ~c= 0 -> c * (pow p r)= 0 -> p = ring0.
-intros. case (@domain_axiom_product _ _ _ _ H0). intros; absurd (c = 0); auto.
-intros. apply pow_not_zero with r. trivial. Qed.
-Definition R2:= 1 + 1.
-Fixpoint IPR p {struct p}: R :=
- match p with
- xH => 1
- | xO xH => 1 + 1
- | xO p1 => R2 + (IPR p1)
- | xI xH => 1 + (1 + 1)
- | xI p1 => 1 + (R2 * (IPR p1))
- end.
-Definition IZR1 z :=
- match z with Z0 => 0
- | Zpos p => IPR p
- | Zneg p => -(IPR p)
- end.
-Fixpoint interpret3 t fv {struct t}: R :=
- match t with
- | (PEadd t1 t2) =>
- let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
- let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 + v2)
- | (PEmul t1 t2) =>
- let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
- let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 * v2)
- | (PEsub t1 t2) =>
- let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
- let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 - v2)
- | (PEopp t1) =>
- let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in (- v1)
- | (PEpow t1 t2) =>
- let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in pow v1 (Nnat.nat_of_N t2)
- | (PEc t1) => (IZR1 t1)
- | (PEX n) => List.nth (pred (nat_of_P n)) fv 0
- end.
-End domain.
-Ltac equalities_to_goal :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | H: (@eq _ ?x 0) |- _ => try revert H
- | H: (@eq _ 0 ?x) |- _ =>
- try generalize (sym_equal H); clear H
- | H: (@eq _ ?x ?y) |- _ =>
- try generalize (@psos_r1 _ _ _ _ H); clear H
- end.
-Ltac nsatz_domain_begin tacsimpl:=
- intros;
- try apply (@psos_r1b _ _);
- repeat equalities_to_goal;
- tacsimpl.
-Ltac generalise_eq_hyps:=
- repeat
- (match goal with
- |h : (?p = ?q)|- _ => revert h
- end).
-Ltac lpol_goal t :=
- match t with
- | ?a = ring0 -> ?b =>
- let r:= lpol_goal b in
- constr:(a::r)
- | ?a = ring0 => constr:(a::nil)
- end.
-(* lp est incluse dans fv. La met en tete. *)
-Ltac parametres_en_tete fv lp :=
- match fv with
- | (@nil _) => lp
- | (@cons _ ?x ?fv1) =>
- let res := AddFvTail x lp in
- parametres_en_tete fv1 res
- end.
-Ltac append1 a l :=
- match l with
- | (@nil _) => constr:(cons a l)
- | (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := append1 a l in constr:(cons x l')
- end.
-Ltac rev l :=
- match l with
- |(@nil _) => l
- | (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := rev l in append1 x l'
- end.
-Ltac nsatz_call_n info nparam p rr lp kont :=
- let ll := constr:(PEc info :: PEc nparam :: PEpow p rr :: lp) in
- nsatz_compute ll;
- match goal with
- | |- (?c::PEpow _ ?r::?lq0)::?lci0 = _ -> _ =>
- intros _;
- set (lci:=lci0);
- set (lq:=lq0);
- kont c rr lq lci
- end.
-Ltac nsatz_call radicalmax info nparam p lp kont :=
- let rec try_n n :=
- lazymatch n with
- | 0%N => fail
- | _ =>
-(* idtac "Trying power: " n;*)
- (let r := eval compute in (Nminus radicalmax (Npred n)) in
- nsatz_call_n info nparam p r lp kont) ||
- let n' := eval compute in (Npred n) in try_n n'
- end in
- try_n radicalmax.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Class Cclosed_seq T (l:list T) := {}.
-Instance Iclosed_nil T : Cclosed_seq (T:=T) nil.
-Instance Iclosed_cons T t l `{Cclosed_seq (T:=T) l} : Cclosed_seq (T:=T) (t::l).
-Class Cfind_at (R:Type) (b:R) (l:list R) (i:nat) := {}.
-Instance Ifind0 (R:Type) (b:R) l: Cfind_at b (b::l) 0.
-Instance IfindS (R:Type) (b2 b1:R) l i `{Cfind_at R b1 l i} : Cfind_at b1 (b2::l) (S i) | 1.
-Definition Ifind0' := Ifind0.
-Definition IfindS' := IfindS.
-Definition li_find_at (R:Type) (b:R) l i `{Cfind_at R b l i} {H:Cclosed_seq (T:=R) l} := (l,i).
-Class Creify (R:Type) (e:PExpr Z) (l:list R) (b:R) := {}.
-Instance Ireify_zero (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) l : Creify (PEc 0%Z) l ring0.
-Instance Ireify_one (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) l : Creify (PEc 1%Z) l ring1.
-Instance Ireify_plus (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) e1 l b1 e2 b2 `{Creify R e1 l b1} `{Creify R e2 l b2}
- : Creify (PEadd e1 e2) l (ring_plus b1 b2).
-Instance Ireify_mult (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) e1 l b1 e2 b2 `{Creify R e1 l b1} `{Creify R e2 l b2}
- : Creify (PEmul e1 e2) l (ring_mult b1 b2).
-Instance Ireify_sub (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) e1 l b1 e2 b2 `{Creify R e1 l b1} `{Creify R e2 l b2}
- : Creify (PEsub e1 e2) l (ring_sub b1 b2).
-Instance Ireify_opp (R:Type) (Rd:Domain R) e1 l b1 `{Creify R e1 l b1}
- : Creify (PEopp e1) l (ring_opp b1).
-Instance Ireify_var (R:Type) b l i `{Cfind_at R b l i}
- : Creify (PEX _ (P_of_succ_nat i)) l b | 100.
-Class Creifylist (R:Type) (le:list (PExpr Z)) (l:list R) (lb:list R) := {}.
-Instance Creify_nil (R:Type) l : Creifylist nil l (@nil R).
-Instance Creify_cons (R:Type) e1 l b1 le2 lb2 `{Creify R e1 l b1} `{Creifylist R le2 l lb2}
- : Creifylist (e1::le2) l (b1::lb2).
-Definition li_reifyl (R:Type) le l lb `{Creifylist R le l lb}
- {H:Cclosed_seq (T:=R) l} := (l,le).
-Unset Implicit Arguments.
-Ltac lterm_goal g :=
- match g with
- ?b1 = ?b2 => constr:(b1::b2::nil)
- | ?b1 = ?b2 -> ?g => let l := lterm_goal g in constr:(b1::b2::l)
- end.
-Ltac reify_goal l le lb:=
- match le with
- nil => idtac
- | ?e::?le1 =>
- match lb with
- ?b::?lb1 =>
- let x := fresh "B" in
- set (x:= b) at 1;
- change x with (@interpret3 _ _ e l);
- clear x;
- reify_goal l le1 lb1
- end
- end.
-Ltac get_lpol g :=
- match g with
- (interpret3 _ _ ?p _) = _ => constr:(p::nil)
- | (interpret3 _ _ ?p _) = _ -> ?g =>
- let l := get_lpol g in constr:(p::l)
- end.
-Ltac nsatz_domain_generic radicalmax info lparam lvar tacsimpl Rd :=
- match goal with
- |- ?g => let lb := lterm_goal g in
- (*idtac "lb"; idtac lb;*)
- match eval red in (li_reifyl (lb:=lb)) with
- | (?fv, ?le) =>
- let fv := match lvar with
- (@nil _) => fv
- | _ => lvar
- end in
- (* idtac "variables:";idtac fv;*)
- let nparam := eval compute in (Z_of_nat (List.length lparam)) in
- let fv := parametres_en_tete fv lparam in
- (*idtac "variables:"; idtac fv;
- idtac "nparam:"; idtac nparam;*)
- match eval red in (li_reifyl (l:=fv) (lb:=lb)) with
- | (?fv, ?le) =>
- idtac "variables:";idtac fv;
- reify_goal fv le lb;
- match goal with
- |- ?g =>
- let lp := get_lpol g in
- let lpol := eval compute in (List.rev lp) in
- (*idtac "polynomes:"; idtac lpol;*)
- tacsimpl; intros;
- let SplitPolyList kont :=
- match lpol with
- | ?p2::?lp2 => kont p2 lp2
- | _ => idtac "polynomial not in the ideal"
- end in
- tacsimpl;
- SplitPolyList ltac:(fun p lp =>
- set (p21:=p) ;
- set (lp21:=lp);
- (*idtac "lp:"; idtac lp; *)
- nsatz_call radicalmax info nparam p lp ltac:(fun c r lq lci =>
- set (q := PEmul c (PEpow p21 r));
- let Hg := fresh "Hg" in
- assert (Hg:check lp21 q (lci,lq) = true);
- [ (vm_compute;reflexivity) || idtac "invalid nsatz certificate"
- | let Hg2 := fresh "Hg" in
- assert (Hg2: interpret3 _ _ q fv = ring0);
- [ tacsimpl;
- apply (@check_correct _ Rd fv lp21 q (lci,lq) Hg);
- tacsimpl;
- repeat (split;[assumption|idtac]); exact I
- | simpl in Hg2; tacsimpl;
- apply Rdomain_pow with (interpret3 _ _ c fv) (Nnat.nat_of_N r); tacsimpl;
- [ apply domain_axiom_one_zero || idtac "could not prove discrimination result"
- | exact Hg2]
- ]
- ]
-end end end end .
-Ltac nsatz_domainpv radicalmax info lparam lvar tacsimpl rd:=
- nsatz_domain_begin tacsimpl;
- nsatz_domain_generic radicalmax info lparam lvar tacsimpl rd.
-Ltac nsatz_domain:=
- intros;
- match goal with
- |- (@eq ?r _ _ ) =>
- let a := constr:(@Ireify_zero _ _ (@nil r)) in
- match a with
- (@Ireify_zero _ ?rd _) =>
- nsatz_domainpv 6%N 1%Z (@nil r) (@nil r) ltac:(simpl) rd
- end
- end.
-(* Dans Z *)
-Instance Zri : Ring Z := {
- ring0 := 0%Z;
- ring1 := 1%Z;
- ring_plus := Zplus;
- ring_mult := Zmult;
- ring_sub := Zminus;
- ring_opp := Zopp;
- ring_ring := Zth}.
-Lemma Zaxiom_one_zero: 1%Z <> 0%Z.
-Instance Zdi : Domain Z := {
- domain_ring := Zri;
- domain_axiom_product := Zmult_integral;
- domain_axiom_one_zero := Zaxiom_one_zero}.
-Ltac simplZ:=
- simpl;
-replace 0%Z with (@ring0 _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace 1%Z with (@ring1 _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Zplus with (@ring_plus _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Zmult with (@ring_mult _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Zminus with (@ring_sub _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Zopp with (@ring_opp _ (@domain_ring _ Zdi));[idtac|reflexivity].
-Ltac nsatz_domainZ:= nsatz_domainpv 6%N 1%Z (@nil Z) (@nil Z) ltac:simplZ Zdi.
-(* Dans R *)
-Require Import Reals.
-Require Import RealField.
-Instance Rri : Ring R := {
- ring0 := 0%R;
- ring1 := 1%R;
- ring_plus := Rplus;
- ring_mult := Rmult;
- ring_sub := Rminus;
- ring_opp := Ropp;
- ring_ring := RTheory}.
-Lemma Raxiom_one_zero: 1%R <> 0%R.
-Instance Rdi : Domain R := {
- domain_ring := Rri;
- domain_axiom_product := Rmult_integral;
- domain_axiom_one_zero := Raxiom_one_zero}.
-Ltac simplR:=
- simpl;
-replace 0%R with (@ring0 _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace 1%R with (@ring1 _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Rplus with (@ring_plus _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Rmult with (@ring_mult _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Rminus with (@ring_sub _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity];
-replace Ropp with (@ring_opp _ (@domain_ring _ Rdi));[idtac|reflexivity].
-Ltac nsatz_domainR:= nsatz_domainpv 6%N 1%Z (@List.nil R) (@List.nil R) ltac:simplR Rdi.