path: root/plugins/micromega
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:48:05 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:48:05 +0200
commitbbb5e6eb84a46c7e8041e05ab0059994fa0b1a25 (patch)
tree7d2930678b27e520c9431739c3d1af9d6475ccd1 /plugins/micromega
parent7a998985060742038ba6d2664d159ff2dbcdec3d (diff)
parent5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (diff)
Merge branch 'experimental/upstream' into experimental/master
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/micromega')
30 files changed, 14668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/CheckerMaker.v b/plugins/micromega/CheckerMaker.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93b4d213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/CheckerMaker.v
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import Decidable.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Refl.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section CheckerMaker.
+(* 'Formula' is a syntactic representation of a certain kind of propositions. *)
+Variable Formula : Type.
+Variable Env : Type.
+Variable eval : Env -> Formula -> Prop.
+Variable Formula' : Type.
+Variable eval' : Env -> Formula' -> Prop.
+Variable normalise : Formula -> Formula'.
+Variable negate : Formula -> Formula'.
+Hypothesis normalise_sound :
+ forall (env : Env) (t : Formula), eval env t -> eval' env (normalise t).
+Hypothesis negate_correct :
+ forall (env : Env) (t : Formula), eval env t <-> ~ (eval' env (negate t)).
+Variable Witness : Type.
+Variable check_formulas' : list Formula' -> Witness -> bool.
+Hypothesis check_formulas'_sound :
+ forall (l : list Formula') (w : Witness),
+ check_formulas' l w = true ->
+ forall env : Env, make_impl (eval' env) l False.
+Definition normalise_list : list Formula -> list Formula' := map normalise.
+Definition negate_list : list Formula -> list Formula' := map negate.
+Definition check_formulas (l : list Formula) (w : Witness) : bool :=
+ check_formulas' (map normalise l) w.
+(* Contraposition of normalise_sound for lists *)
+Lemma normalise_sound_contr : forall (env : Env) (l : list Formula),
+ make_impl (eval' env) (map normalise l) False -> make_impl (eval env) l False.
+intros env l; induction l as [| t l IH]; simpl in *.
+intros H1 H2. apply IH. apply H1. now apply normalise_sound.
+Theorem check_formulas_sound :
+ forall (l : list Formula) (w : Witness),
+ check_formulas l w = true -> forall env : Env, make_impl (eval env) l False.
+unfold check_formulas; intros l w H env. destruct l as [| t l]; simpl in *.
+pose proof (check_formulas'_sound H env) as H1; now simpl in H1.
+intro H1. apply normalise_sound in H1.
+pose proof (check_formulas'_sound H env) as H2; simpl in H2.
+apply H2 in H1. now apply normalise_sound_contr.
+(* In check_conj_formulas', t2 is supposed to be a list of negations of
+formulas. If, for example, t1 = [A1, A2] and t2 = [~ B1, ~ B2], then
+check_conj_formulas' checks that each of [~ B1, A1, A2] and [~ B2, A1, A2] is
+inconsistent. This means that A1 /\ A2 -> B1 and A1 /\ A2 -> B1, i.e., that
+A1 /\ A2 -> B1 /\ B2. *)
+Fixpoint check_conj_formulas'
+ (t1 : list Formula') (wits : list Witness) (t2 : list Formula') {struct wits} : bool :=
+match t2 with
+| nil => true
+| t':: rt2 =>
+ match wits with
+ | nil => false
+ | w :: rwits =>
+ match check_formulas' (t':: t1) w with
+ | true => check_conj_formulas' t1 rwits rt2
+ | false => false
+ end
+ end
+(* checks whether the conjunction of t1 implies the conjunction of t2 *)
+Definition check_conj_formulas
+ (t1 : list Formula) (wits : list Witness) (t2 : list Formula) : bool :=
+ check_conj_formulas' (normalise_list t1) wits (negate_list t2).
+Theorem check_conj_formulas_sound :
+ forall (t1 : list Formula) (t2 : list Formula) (wits : list Witness),
+ check_conj_formulas t1 wits t2 = true ->
+ forall env : Env, make_impl (eval env) t1 (make_conj (eval env) t2).
+intro t1; induction t2 as [| a2 t2' IH].
+intros; apply make_impl_true.
+intros wits H env.
+unfold check_conj_formulas in H; simpl in H.
+destruct wits as [| w ws]; simpl in H. discriminate.
+case_eq (check_formulas' (negate a2 :: normalise_list t1) w);
+intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; [| discriminate].
+assert (H2 : make_impl (eval' env) (negate a2 :: normalise_list t1) False) by
+now apply check_formulas'_sound with (w := w). clear H1.
+pose proof (IH ws H env) as H1. simpl in H2.
+assert (H3 : eval' env (negate a2) -> make_impl (eval env) t1 False)
+by auto using normalise_sound_contr. clear H2.
+rewrite <- make_conj_impl in *.
+rewrite make_conj_cons. intro H2. split.
+apply <- negate_correct. intro; now elim H3. exact (H1 H2).
+End CheckerMaker.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/Env.v b/plugins/micromega/Env.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..231004bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/Env.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Max.
+Require Import List.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(* I have addded a Leaf constructor to the varmap data structure (/plugins/ring/Quote.v)
+ -- this is harmless and spares a lot of Empty.
+ This means smaller proof-terms.
+ BTW, by dropping the polymorphism, I get small (yet noticeable) speed-up.
+Section S.
+ Variable D :Type.
+ Definition Env := positive -> D.
+ Definition jump (j:positive) (e:Env) := fun x => e (Pplus x j).
+ Definition nth (n:positive) (e : Env ) := e n.
+ Definition hd (x:D) (e: Env) := nth xH e.
+ Definition tail (e: Env) := jump xH e.
+ Lemma psucc : forall p, (match p with
+ | xI y' => xO (Psucc y')
+ | xO y' => xI y'
+ | 1%positive => 2%positive
+ end) = (p+1)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p.
+ auto with zarith.
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ auto with zarith.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Pplus : forall i j l,
+ forall x, jump (i + j) l x = jump i (jump j l) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold jump.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_simpl : forall p l,
+ forall x, jump p l x =
+ match p with
+ | xH => tail l x
+ | xO p => jump p (jump p l) x
+ | xI p => jump p (jump p (tail l)) x
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p ; unfold tail ; intros ; repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ (* xI p = p + p + 1 *)
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ reflexivity.
+ (* xO p = p + p *)
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac jump_s :=
+ repeat
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [jump xH ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl xH)
+ | |- context [jump (xO ?p) ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl (xO p))
+ | |- context [jump (xI ?p) ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl (xI p))
+ end.
+ Lemma jump_tl : forall j l, forall x, tail (jump j l) x = jump j (tail l) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold tail.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Psucc : forall j l,
+ forall x, (jump (Psucc j) l x) = (jump 1 (jump j l) x).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Pdouble_minus_one : forall i l,
+ forall x, (jump (Pdouble_minus_one i) (tail l)) x = (jump i (jump i l)) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold tail.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_x0_tail : forall p l, forall x, jump (xO p) (tail l) x = jump (xI p) l x.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold jump.
+ unfold tail.
+ unfold jump.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_spec : forall p l x,
+ nth p l =
+ match p with
+ | xH => hd x l
+ | xO p => nth p (jump p l)
+ | xI p => nth p (jump p (tail l))
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ unfold nth.
+ destruct p.
+ intros.
+ unfold jump, tail.
+ unfold jump.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold jump.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold hd.
+ unfold nth.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_jump : forall p l x, nth p (tail l) = hd x (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ unfold tail.
+ unfold hd.
+ unfold jump.
+ unfold nth.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_Pdouble_minus_one :
+ forall p l, nth (Pdouble_minus_one p) (tail l) = nth p (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold tail.
+ unfold nth, jump.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite <- Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End S.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/EnvRing.v b/plugins/micromega/EnvRing.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e58f8e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/EnvRing.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@
+(* V * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* F. Besson: to evaluate polynomials, the original code is using a list.
+ For big polynomials, this is inefficient -- linear access.
+ I have modified the code to use binary trees -- logarithmic access. *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import BinList.
+Require Import Env.
+Require Import BinPos.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Require Import BinInt.
+Require Export Ring_theory.
+Open Local Scope positive_scope.
+Import RingSyntax.
+Section MakeRingPol.
+ (* Ring elements *)
+ Variable R:Type.
+ Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R->R).
+ Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
+ (* Ring properties *)
+ Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
+ Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
+ Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req.
+ (* Coefficients *)
+ Variable C: Type.
+ Variable (cO cI: C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C).
+ Variable ceqb : C->C->bool.
+ Variable phi : C -> R.
+ Variable CRmorph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req
+ cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
+ (* Power coefficients *)
+ Variable Cpow : Set.
+ Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
+ Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
+ Variable pow_th : power_theory rI rmul req Cp_phi rpow.
+ (* R notations *)
+ Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
+ Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
+ Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
+ Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
+ (* C notations *)
+ Notation "x +! y" := (cadd x y). Notation "x *! y " := (cmul x y).
+ Notation "x -! y " := (csub x y). Notation "-! x" := (copp x).
+ Notation " x ?=! y" := (ceqb x y). Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
+ (* Usefull tactics *)
+ Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_set1.
+ Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
+ Add Morphism radd : radd_ext. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
+ Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
+ Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
+ Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
+ Ltac rsimpl := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
+ Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
+ Ltac mul_push := gen_mul_push rmul Rsth Reqe ARth.
+ (* Definition of multivariable polynomials with coefficients in C :
+ Type [Pol] represents [X1 ... Xn].
+ The representation is Horner's where a [n] variable polynomial
+ (C[X1..Xn]) is seen as a polynomial on [X1] which coefficients
+ are polynomials with [n-1] variables (C[X2..Xn]).
+ There are several optimisations to make the repr compacter:
+ - [Pc c] is the constant polynomial of value c
+ == c*X1^0*..*Xn^0
+ - [Pinj j Q] is a polynomial constant w.r.t the [j] first variables.
+ variable indices are shifted of j in Q.
+ == X1^0 *..* Xj^0 * Q{X1 <- Xj+1;..; Xn-j <- Xn}
+ - [PX P i Q] is an optimised Horner form of P*X^i + Q
+ with P not the null polynomial
+ == P * X1^i + Q{X1 <- X2; ..; Xn-1 <- Xn}
+ In addition:
+ - polynomials of the form (PX (PX P i (Pc 0)) j Q) are forbidden
+ since they can be represented by the simpler form (PX P (i+j) Q)
+ - (Pinj i (Pinj j P)) is (Pinj (i+j) P)
+ - (Pinj i (Pc c)) is (Pc c)
+ *)
+ Inductive Pol : Type :=
+ | Pc : C -> Pol
+ | Pinj : positive -> Pol -> Pol
+ | PX : Pol -> positive -> Pol -> Pol.
+ Definition P0 := Pc cO.
+ Definition P1 := Pc cI.
+ Fixpoint Peq (P P' : Pol) {struct P'} : bool :=
+ match P, P' with
+ | Pc c, Pc c' => c ?=! c'
+ | Pinj j Q, Pinj j' Q' =>
+ match Pcompare j j' Eq with
+ | Eq => Peq Q Q'
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ | PX P i Q, PX P' i' Q' =>
+ match Pcompare i i' Eq with
+ | Eq => if Peq P P' then Peq Q Q' else false
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Notation " P ?== P' " := (Peq P P').
+ Definition mkPinj j P :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc _ => P
+ | Pinj j' Q => Pinj ((j + j'):positive) Q
+ | _ => Pinj j P
+ end.
+ Definition mkPinj_pred j P:=
+ match j with
+ | xH => P
+ | xO j => Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) P
+ | xI j => Pinj (xO j) P
+ end.
+ Definition mkPX P i Q :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => if c ?=! cO then mkPinj xH Q else PX P i Q
+ | Pinj _ _ => PX P i Q
+ | PX P' i' Q' => if Q' ?== P0 then PX P' (i' + i) Q else PX P i Q
+ end.
+ Definition mkXi i := PX P1 i P0.
+ Definition mkX := mkXi 1.
+ (** Opposite of addition *)
+ Fixpoint Popp (P:Pol) : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => Pc (-! c)
+ | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (Popp Q)
+ | PX P i Q => PX (Popp P) i (Popp Q)
+ end.
+ Notation "-- P" := (Popp P).
+ (** Addition et subtraction *)
+ Fixpoint PaddC (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c1 => Pc (c1 +! c)
+ | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PaddC Q c)
+ | PX P i Q => PX P i (PaddC Q c)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PsubC (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c1 => Pc (c1 -! c)
+ | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PsubC Q c)
+ | PX P i Q => PX P i (PsubC Q c)
+ end.
+ Section PopI.
+ Variable Pop : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
+ Variable Q : Pol.
+ Fixpoint PaddI (j:positive) (P:Pol){struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC Q c)
+ | Pinj j' Q' =>
+ match ZPminus j' j with
+ | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
+ | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
+ | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PaddI k Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q' =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
+ | xO j => PX P i (PaddI (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
+ | xI j => PX P i (PaddI (xO j) Q')
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PsubI (j:positive) (P:Pol){struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC (--Q) c)
+ | Pinj j' Q' =>
+ match ZPminus j' j with
+ | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
+ | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
+ | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PsubI k Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q' =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
+ | xO j => PX P i (PsubI (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
+ | xI j => PX P i (PsubI (xO j) Q')
+ end
+ end.
+ Variable P' : Pol.
+ Fixpoint PaddX (i':positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PX P' i' P
+ | Pinj j Q' =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX P' i' Q'
+ | xO j => PX P' i' (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
+ | xI j => PX P' i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q' =>
+ match ZPminus i i' with
+ | Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
+ | Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
+ | Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX k P) i Q'
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PsubX (i':positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PX (--P') i' P
+ | Pinj j Q' =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX (--P') i' Q'
+ | xO j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
+ | xI j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q' =>
+ match ZPminus i i' with
+ | Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
+ | Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
+ | Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX k P) i Q'
+ end
+ end.
+ End PopI.
+ Fixpoint Padd (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
+ match P' with
+ | Pc c' => PaddC P c'
+ | Pinj j' Q' => PaddI Padd Q' j' P
+ | PX P' i' Q' =>
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PX P' i' (PaddC Q' c)
+ | Pinj j Q =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX P' i' (Padd Q Q')
+ | xO j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q')
+ | xI j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q =>
+ match ZPminus i i' with
+ | Zpos k => mkPX (Padd (PX P k P0) P') i' (Padd Q Q')
+ | Z0 => mkPX (Padd P P') i (Padd Q Q')
+ | Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX Padd P' k P) i (Padd Q Q')
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+ Notation "P ++ P'" := (Padd P P').
+ Fixpoint Psub (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
+ match P' with
+ | Pc c' => PsubC P c'
+ | Pinj j' Q' => PsubI Psub Q' j' P
+ | PX P' i' Q' =>
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PX (--P') i' (*(--(PsubC Q' c))*) (PaddC (--Q') c)
+ | Pinj j Q =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => PX (--P') i' (Psub Q Q')
+ | xO j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q')
+ | xI j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
+ end
+ | PX P i Q =>
+ match ZPminus i i' with
+ | Zpos k => mkPX (Psub (PX P k P0) P') i' (Psub Q Q')
+ | Z0 => mkPX (Psub P P') i (Psub Q Q')
+ | Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX Psub P' k P) i (Psub Q Q')
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+ Notation "P -- P'" := (Psub P P').
+ (** Multiplication *)
+ Fixpoint PmulC_aux (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c' => Pc (c' *! c)
+ | Pinj j Q => mkPinj j (PmulC_aux Q c)
+ | PX P i Q => mkPX (PmulC_aux P c) i (PmulC_aux Q c)
+ end.
+ Definition PmulC P c :=
+ if c ?=! cO then P0 else
+ if c ?=! cI then P else PmulC_aux P c.
+ Section PmulI.
+ Variable Pmul : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
+ Variable Q : Pol.
+ Fixpoint PmulI (j:positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => mkPinj j (PmulC Q c)
+ | Pinj j' Q' =>
+ match ZPminus j' j with
+ | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pmul (Pinj k Q') Q)
+ | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pmul Q' Q)
+ | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PmulI k Q')
+ end
+ | PX P' i' Q' =>
+ match j with
+ | xH => mkPX (PmulI xH P') i' (Pmul Q' Q)
+ | xO j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (Pdouble_minus_one j') Q')
+ | xI j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (xO j') Q')
+ end
+ end.
+ End PmulI.
+(* A symmetric version of the multiplication *)
+ Fixpoint Pmul (P P'' : Pol) {struct P''} : Pol :=
+ match P'' with
+ | Pc c => PmulC P c
+ | Pinj j' Q' => PmulI Pmul Q' j' P
+ | PX P' i' Q' =>
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PmulC P'' c
+ | Pinj j Q =>
+ let QQ' :=
+ match j with
+ | xH => Pmul Q Q'
+ | xO j => Pmul (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q'
+ | xI j => Pmul (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q'
+ end in
+ mkPX (Pmul P P') i' QQ'
+ | PX P i Q=>
+ let QQ' := Pmul Q Q' in
+ let PQ' := PmulI Pmul Q' xH P in
+ let QP' := Pmul (mkPinj xH Q) P' in
+ let PP' := Pmul P P' in
+ (mkPX (mkPX PP' i P0 ++ QP') i' P0) ++ mkPX PQ' i QQ'
+ end
+ end.
+(* Non symmetric *)
+ Fixpoint Pmul_aux (P P' : Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
+ match P' with
+ | Pc c' => PmulC P c'
+ | Pinj j' Q' => PmulI Pmul_aux Q' j' P
+ | PX P' i' Q' =>
+ (mkPX (Pmul_aux P P') i' P0) ++ (PmulI Pmul_aux Q' xH P)
+ end.
+ Definition Pmul P P' :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => PmulC P' c
+ | Pinj j Q => PmulI Pmul_aux Q j P'
+ | PX P i Q =>
+ (mkPX (Pmul_aux P P') i P0) ++ (PmulI Pmul_aux Q xH P')
+ end.
+ Notation "P ** P'" := (Pmul P P').
+ Fixpoint Psquare (P:Pol) : Pol :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => Pc (c *! c)
+ | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (Psquare Q)
+ | PX P i Q =>
+ let twoPQ := Pmul P (mkPinj xH (PmulC Q (cI +! cI))) in
+ let Q2 := Psquare Q in
+ let P2 := Psquare P in
+ mkPX (mkPX P2 i P0 ++ twoPQ) i Q2
+ end.
+ (** Monomial **)
+ Inductive Mon: Set :=
+ mon0: Mon
+ | zmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon
+ | vmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon.
+ Fixpoint Mphi(l:Env R) (M: Mon) {struct M} : R :=
+ match M with
+ mon0 => rI
+ | zmon j M1 => Mphi (jump j l) M1
+ | vmon i M1 =>
+ let x := hd 0 l in
+ let xi := pow_pos rmul x i in
+ (Mphi (tail l) M1) * xi
+ end.
+ Definition mkZmon j M :=
+ match M with mon0 => mon0 | _ => zmon j M end.
+ Definition zmon_pred j M :=
+ match j with xH => M | _ => mkZmon (Ppred j) M end.
+ Definition mkVmon i M :=
+ match M with
+ | mon0 => vmon i mon0
+ | zmon j m => vmon i (zmon_pred j m)
+ | vmon i' m => vmon (i+i') m
+ end.
+ Fixpoint MFactor (P: Pol) (M: Mon) {struct P}: Pol * Pol :=
+ match P, M with
+ _, mon0 => (Pc cO, P)
+ | Pc _, _ => (P, Pc cO)
+ | Pinj j1 P1, zmon j2 M1 =>
+ match (j1 ?= j2) Eq with
+ Eq => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 M1 in
+ (mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
+ | Lt => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 (zmon (j2 - j1) M1) in
+ (mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
+ | Gt => (P, Pc cO)
+ end
+ | Pinj _ _, vmon _ _ => (P, Pc cO)
+ | PX P1 i Q1, zmon j M1 =>
+ let M2 := zmon_pred j M1 in
+ let (R1, S1) := MFactor P1 M in
+ let (R2, S2) := MFactor Q1 M2 in
+ (mkPX R1 i R2, mkPX S1 i S2)
+ | PX P1 i Q1, vmon j M1 =>
+ match (i ?= j) Eq with
+ Eq => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 (mkZmon xH M1) in
+ (mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
+ | Lt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 (vmon (j - i) M1) in
+ (mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
+ | Gt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 (mkZmon xH M1) in
+ (mkPX R1 i Q1, mkPX S1 (i-j) (Pc cO))
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition POneSubst (P1: Pol) (M1: Mon) (P2: Pol): option Pol :=
+ let (Q1,R1) := MFactor P1 M1 in
+ match R1 with
+ (Pc c) => if c ?=! cO then None
+ else Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
+ | _ => Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PNSubst1 (P1: Pol) (M1: Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat) {struct n}: Pol :=
+ match POneSubst P1 M1 P2 with
+ Some P3 => match n with S n1 => PNSubst1 P3 M1 P2 n1 | _ => P3 end
+ | _ => P1
+ end.
+ Definition PNSubst (P1: Pol) (M1: Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat): option Pol :=
+ match POneSubst P1 M1 P2 with
+ Some P3 => match n with S n1 => Some (PNSubst1 P3 M1 P2 n1) | _ => None end
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PSubstL1 (P1: Pol) (LM1: list (Mon * Pol)) (n: nat) {struct LM1}:
+ Pol :=
+ match LM1 with
+ cons (M1,P2) LM2 => PSubstL1 (PNSubst1 P1 M1 P2 n) LM2 n
+ | _ => P1
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list (Mon * Pol)) (n: nat) {struct LM1}: option Pol :=
+ match LM1 with
+ cons (M1,P2) LM2 =>
+ match PNSubst P1 M1 P2 n with
+ Some P3 => Some (PSubstL1 P3 LM2 n)
+ | None => PSubstL P1 LM2 n
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint PNSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list (Mon * Pol)) (m n: nat) {struct m}: Pol :=
+ match PSubstL P1 LM1 n with
+ Some P3 => match m with S m1 => PNSubstL P3 LM1 m1 n | _ => P3 end
+ | _ => P1
+ end.
+ (** Evaluation of a polynomial towards R *)
+ Fixpoint Pphi(l:Env R) (P:Pol) {struct P} : R :=
+ match P with
+ | Pc c => [c]
+ | Pinj j Q => Pphi (jump j l) Q
+ | PX P i Q =>
+ let x := hd 0 l in
+ let xi := pow_pos rmul x i in
+ (Pphi l P) * xi + (Pphi (tail l) Q)
+ end.
+ Reserved Notation "P @ l " (at level 10, no associativity).
+ Notation "P @ l " := (Pphi l P).
+ (** Proofs *)
+ Lemma ZPminus_spec : forall x y,
+ match ZPminus x y with
+ | Z0 => x = y
+ | Zpos k => x = (y + k)%positive
+ | Zneg k => y = (x + k)%positive
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ induction x;destruct y.
+ replace (ZPminus (xI x) (xI y)) with (Zdouble (ZPminus x y));trivial.
+ assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble;rewrite H;trivial.
+ replace (ZPminus (xI x) (xO y)) with (Zdouble_plus_one (ZPminus x y));trivial.
+ assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble_plus_one;rewrite H;trivial.
+ apply Pplus_xI_double_minus_one.
+ simpl;trivial.
+ replace (ZPminus (xO x) (xI y)) with (Zdouble_minus_one (ZPminus x y));trivial.
+ assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble_minus_one;rewrite H;trivial.
+ apply Pplus_xI_double_minus_one.
+ replace (ZPminus (xO x) (xO y)) with (Zdouble (ZPminus x y));trivial.
+ assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble;rewrite H;trivial.
+ replace (ZPminus (xO x) xH) with (Zpos (Pdouble_minus_one x));trivial.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO;trivial.
+ replace (ZPminus xH (xI y)) with (Zneg (xO y));trivial.
+ replace (ZPminus xH (xO y)) with (Zneg (Pdouble_minus_one y));trivial.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO;trivial.
+ simpl;trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Peq_ok : forall P P',
+ (P ?== P') = true -> forall l, P@l == P'@ l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P;destruct P';simpl;intros;try discriminate;trivial.
+ apply (morph_eq CRmorph);trivial.
+ assert (H1 := Pcompare_Eq_eq p p0); destruct ((p ?= p0)%positive Eq);
+ try discriminate H.
+ rewrite (IHP P' H); rewrite H1;trivial;rrefl.
+ assert (H1 := Pcompare_Eq_eq p p0); destruct ((p ?= p0)%positive Eq);
+ try discriminate H.
+ rewrite H1;trivial. clear H1.
+ assert (H1 := IHP1 P'1);assert (H2 := IHP2 P'2);
+ destruct (P2 ?== P'1);[destruct (P3 ?== P'2); [idtac|discriminate H]
+ |discriminate H].
+ rewrite (H1 H);rewrite (H2 H);rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Pphi0 : forall l, P0@l == 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros;simpl;apply (morph0 CRmorph).
+ Qed.
+Lemma env_morph : forall p e1 e2, (forall x, e1 x = e2 x) ->
+ p @ e1 = p @ e2.
+ induction p ; simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros.
+ apply IHp.
+ intros.
+ unfold jump.
+ apply H.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (IHp1 e1 e2) ; auto.
+ rewrite (IHp2 (tail e1) (tail e2)) ; auto.
+ unfold hd. unfold nth. rewrite H. reflexivity.
+ unfold tail. unfold jump. intros ; apply H.
+Lemma Pjump_Pplus : forall P i j l, P @ (jump (i + j) l ) = P @ (jump j (jump i l)).
+ intros. apply env_morph. intros. rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Pjump_xO_tail : forall P p l,
+ P @ (jump (xO p) (tail l)) = P @ (jump (xI p) l).
+ intros.
+ apply env_morph.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xI p)).
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xO p)).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one : forall P p l,
+ P @ (jump (Pdouble_minus_one p) (tail l)) = P @ (jump (xO p) l).
+ intros.
+ apply env_morph.
+ intros.
+ rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xO p)).
+ reflexivity.
+ Lemma Pphi1 : forall l, P1@l == 1.
+ Proof.
+ intros;simpl;apply (morph1 CRmorph).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mkPinj_ok : forall j l P, (mkPinj j P)@l == P@(jump j l).
+ Proof.
+ intros j l p;destruct p;simpl;rsimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Let pow_pos_Pplus :=
+ pow_pos_Pplus rmul Rsth Reqe.(Rmul_ext) ARth.(ARmul_comm) ARth.(ARmul_assoc).
+ Lemma mkPX_ok : forall l P i Q,
+ (mkPX P i Q)@l == P@l*(pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) i) + Q@(tail l).
+ Proof.
+ intros l P i Q;unfold mkPX.
+ destruct P;try (simpl;rrefl).
+ assert (H := morph_eq CRmorph c cO);destruct (c ?=! cO);simpl;try rrefl.
+ rewrite (H (refl_equal true));rewrite (morph0 CRmorph).
+ rewrite mkPinj_ok;rsimpl;simpl;rrefl.
+ assert (H := @Peq_ok P3 P0);destruct (P3 ?== P0);simpl;try rrefl.
+ rewrite (H (refl_equal true));trivial.
+ rewrite Pphi0. rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac Esimpl :=
+ repeat (progress (
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [P0@?l] => rewrite (Pphi0 l)
+ | |- context [P1@?l] => rewrite (Pphi1 l)
+ | |- context [(mkPinj ?j ?P)@?l] => rewrite (mkPinj_ok j l P)
+ | |- context [(mkPX ?P ?i ?Q)@?l] => rewrite (mkPX_ok l P i Q)
+ | |- context [[cO]] => rewrite (morph0 CRmorph)
+ | |- context [[cI]] => rewrite (morph1 CRmorph)
+ | |- context [[?x +! ?y]] => rewrite ((morph_add CRmorph) x y)
+ | |- context [[?x *! ?y]] => rewrite ((morph_mul CRmorph) x y)
+ | |- context [[?x -! ?y]] => rewrite ((morph_sub CRmorph) x y)
+ | |- context [[-! ?x]] => rewrite ((morph_opp CRmorph) x)
+ end));
+ rsimpl; simpl.
+ Lemma PaddC_ok : forall c P l, (PaddC P c)@l == P@l + [c].
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
+ rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PsubC_ok : forall c P l, (PsubC P c)@l == P@l - [c].
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl.
+ rewrite IHP;rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PmulC_aux_ok : forall c P l, (PmulC_aux P c)@l == P@l * [c].
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
+ mul_push ([c]);rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PmulC_ok : forall c P l, (PmulC P c)@l == P@l * [c].
+ Proof.
+ intros c P l; unfold PmulC.
+ assert (H:= morph_eq CRmorph c cO);destruct (c ?=! cO).
+ rewrite (H (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
+ assert (H1:= morph_eq CRmorph c cI);destruct (c ?=! cI).
+ rewrite (H1 (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
+ apply PmulC_aux_ok.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Popp_ok : forall P l, (--P)@l == - P@l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl.
+ apply IHP.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac Esimpl2 :=
+ Esimpl;
+ repeat (progress (
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [(PaddC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PaddC_ok c P l)
+ | |- context [(PsubC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PsubC_ok c P l)
+ | |- context [(PmulC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PmulC_ok c P l)
+ | |- context [(--?P)@?l] => rewrite (Popp_ok P l)
+ end)); Esimpl.
+ Lemma Padd_ok : forall P' P l, (P ++ P')@l == P@l + P'@l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P';simpl;intros;Esimpl2.
+ generalize P p l;clear P p l.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ assert (H := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0).
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';rrefl.
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';Esimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus. rrefl.
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus. rrefl.
+ destruct p0;simpl.
+ rewrite IHP2;simpl. rsimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail. Esimpl.
+ rewrite IHP2;simpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP'.
+ rsimpl.
+ destruct P;simpl.
+ Esimpl2;add_push [c];rrefl.
+ destruct p0;simpl;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP'2;simpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail.
+ rsimpl;add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'2;simpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one. rsimpl.
+ add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl.
+ unfold tail.
+ add_push (P @ (jump 1 l));rrefl.
+ assert (H := ZPminus_spec p0 p);destruct (ZPminus p0 p);Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP'1;rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rewrite H;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'1;rewrite IHP'2;simpl;Esimpl.
+ rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
+ assert (forall P k l,
+ (PaddX Padd P'1 k P) @ l == P@l + P'1@l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) k).
+ induction P;simpl;intros;try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ destruct p2; simpl; try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail.
+ apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p2 k);destruct (ZPminus p2 k);Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP'1;rsimpl; rewrite H1;add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'1;simpl;Esimpl.
+ rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;Esimpl.
+ add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
+ rewrite H0;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l)).
+ rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite IHP'2;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Psub_ok : forall P' P l, (P -- P')@l == P@l - P'@l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P';simpl;intros;Esimpl2;trivial.
+ generalize P p l;clear P p l.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+ assert (H := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0).
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';rsimpl.
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';Esimpl.
+ rewrite <- Pjump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
+ rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP.
+ rewrite <- Pjump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
+ destruct p0;simpl.
+ rewrite IHP2;simpl; try rewrite Pjump_xO_tail ; rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP2;simpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl.
+ unfold tail ; rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP';rsimpl.
+ destruct P;simpl.
+ repeat rewrite Popp_ok;Esimpl2;rsimpl;add_push [c];try rrefl.
+ destruct p0;simpl;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP'2;simpl;rsimpl;add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));trivial.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail.
+ add_push (P @ ((jump (xI p0) l)));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'2;simpl;rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl.
+ add_push (- (P'1 @ l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
+ unfold tail.
+ rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;add_push (P @ (jump 1 l));rrefl.
+ assert (H := ZPminus_spec p0 p);destruct (ZPminus p0 p);Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP'1; rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rewrite H;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'1; rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;simpl;Esimpl.
+ rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
+ assert (forall P k l,
+ (PsubX Psub P'1 k P) @ l == P@l + - P'1@l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) k).
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ rewrite Popp_ok;rsimpl;apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
+ destruct p2;simpl; rewrite Popp_ok;rsimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail.
+ apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
+ apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
+ assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p2 k);destruct (ZPminus p2 k);Esimpl2;rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP'1;rsimpl;add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rewrite H1;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP'1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;Esimpl.
+ add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;rsimpl.
+ add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
+ rewrite H0;rsimpl.
+ rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;add_push (P3 @ (tail l)).
+ rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+(* Proof for the symmetric version *)
+ Lemma PmulI_ok :
+ forall P',
+ (forall (P : Pol) (l : Env R), (Pmul P P') @ l == P @ l * P' @ l) ->
+ forall (P : Pol) (p : positive) (l : Env R),
+ (PmulI Pmul P' p P) @ l == P @ l * P' @ (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
+ assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0);Esimpl2.
+ rewrite H1; rewrite H;rrefl.
+ rewrite H1; rewrite H.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus;simpl;rrefl.
+ rewrite H1.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus;rewrite IHP;rrefl.
+ destruct p0;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p);rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p); rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;simpl;rsimpl.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p).
+ rewrite H;rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PmulI_ok :
+ forall P',
+ (forall (P : Pol) (l : list R), (Pmul_aux P P') @ l == P @ l * P' @ l) ->
+ forall (P : Pol) (p : positive) (l : list R),
+ (PmulI Pmul_aux P' p P) @ l == P @ l * P' @ (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
+ assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0);Esimpl2.
+ rewrite H1; rewrite H;rrefl.
+ rewrite H1; rewrite H.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite jump_Pplus;simpl;rrefl.
+ rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite jump_Pplus;rewrite IHP;rrefl.
+ destruct p0;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p);rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p); rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHP1;simpl;rsimpl.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p).
+ rewrite H;rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Pmul_aux_ok : forall P' P l,(Pmul_aux P P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P';simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;trivial.
+ apply PmulI_ok;trivial.
+ rewrite Padd_ok;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite (PmulI_ok P'2 IHP'2). rewrite IHP'1. rrefl.
+ Qed.
+(* Proof for the symmetric version *)
+ Lemma Pmul_ok : forall P P' l, (P**P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros P P';generalize P;clear P;induction P';simpl;intros.
+ apply PmulC_ok. apply PmulI_ok;trivial.
+ destruct P.
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth);Esimpl2;Esimpl2.
+ Esimpl2. rewrite IHP'1;Esimpl2.
+ assert (match p0 with
+ | xI j => Pinj (xO j) P ** P'2
+ | xO j => Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) P ** P'2
+ | 1 => P ** P'2
+ end @ (tail l) == P @ (jump p0 l) * P'2 @ (tail l)).
+ destruct p0;rewrite IHP'2;Esimpl.
+ rewrite Pjump_xO_tail. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pdouble_minus_one;Esimpl.
+ rewrite H;Esimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2. rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2.
+ repeat (rewrite IHP'1 || rewrite IHP'2);simpl.
+ rewrite PmulI_ok;trivial.
+ unfold tail.
+ mul_push (P'1@l). simpl. mul_push (P'2 @ (jump 1 l)). Esimpl.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Pmul_ok : forall P P' l, (P**P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
+ Proof.
+ destruct P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
+ rewrite (PmulI_ok P (Pmul_aux_ok P)).
+ apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
+ rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2.
+ rewrite (PmulI_ok P3 (Pmul_aux_ok P3));trivial.
+ rewrite Pmul_aux_ok;mul_push (P' @ l).
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (P' @ l));rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Psquare_ok : forall P l, (Psquare P)@l == P@l * P@l.
+ Proof.
+ induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl2.
+ apply IHP. rewrite Padd_ok. rewrite Pmul_ok;Esimpl2.
+ rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2.
+ mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p). mul_push (P2@l).
+ rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Mphi_morph : forall P env env', (forall x, env x = env' x ) ->
+ Mphi env P = Mphi env' P.
+ Proof.
+ induction P ; simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros.
+ apply IHP.
+ intros.
+ unfold jump.
+ apply H.
+ (**)
+ intros.
+ replace (Mphi (tail env) P) with (Mphi (tail env') P).
+ unfold hd. unfold nth.
+ rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+ apply IHP.
+ unfold tail,jump.
+ intros. symmetry. apply H.
+ Qed.
+Lemma Mjump_xO_tail : forall M p l,
+ Mphi (jump (xO p) (tail l)) M = Mphi (jump (xI p) l) M.
+ intros.
+ apply Mphi_morph.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xI p)).
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xO p)).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Mjump_Pdouble_minus_one : forall M p l,
+ Mphi (jump (Pdouble_minus_one p) (tail l)) M = Mphi (jump (xO p) l) M.
+ intros.
+ apply Mphi_morph.
+ intros.
+ rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ rewrite (@jump_simpl R (xO p)).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Mjump_Pplus : forall M i j l, Mphi (jump (i + j) l ) M = Mphi (jump j (jump i l)) M.
+ intros. apply Mphi_morph. intros. rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Lemma mkZmon_ok: forall M j l,
+ Mphi l (mkZmon j M) == Mphi l (zmon j M).
+ intros M j l; case M; simpl; intros; rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma zmon_pred_ok : forall M j l,
+ Mphi (tail l) (zmon_pred j M) == Mphi l (zmon j M).
+ Proof.
+ destruct j; simpl;intros l; rsimpl.
+ rewrite mkZmon_ok;rsimpl.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite Mjump_xO_tail.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite mkZmon_ok;simpl.
+ rewrite Mjump_Pdouble_minus_one; rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mkVmon_ok : forall M i l, Mphi l (mkVmon i M) == Mphi l M*pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) i.
+ Proof.
+ destruct M;simpl;intros;rsimpl.
+ rewrite zmon_pred_ok;simpl;rsimpl.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Mphi_ok: forall P M l,
+ let (Q,R) := MFactor P M in
+ P@l == Q@l + (Mphi l M) * (R@l).
+ Proof.
+ intros P; elim P; simpl; auto; clear P.
+ intros c M l; case M; simpl; auto; try intro p; try intro m;
+ try rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ intros i P Hrec M l; case M; simpl; clear M.
+ rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ intros j M.
+ case_eq ((i ?= j) Eq); intros He; simpl.
+ rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ He).
+ generalize (Hrec M (jump j l)); case (MFactor P M);
+ simpl; intros P2 Q2 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ generalize (Hrec (zmon (j -i) M) (jump i l));
+ case (MFactor P (zmon (j -i) M)); simpl.
+ intros P2 Q2 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ rewrite <- (Pplus_minus _ _ (ZC2 _ _ He)).
+ rewrite Mjump_Pplus; auto.
+ rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ intros P2 m; rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ intros P2 Hrec1 i Q2 Hrec2 M l; case M; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ intros j M1.
+ generalize (Hrec1 (zmon j M1) l);
+ case (MFactor P2 (zmon j M1)).
+ intros R1 S1 H1.
+ generalize (Hrec2 (zmon_pred j M1) (tail l));
+ case (MFactor Q2 (zmon_pred j M1)); simpl.
+ intros R2 S2 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2.
+ repeat rewrite mkPX_ok; simpl.
+ rsimpl.
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ rewrite zmon_pred_ok;rsimpl.
+ intros j M1.
+ case_eq ((i ?= j) Eq); intros He; simpl.
+ rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ He).
+ generalize (Hrec1 (mkZmon xH M1) l); case (MFactor P2 (mkZmon xH M1));
+ simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ rewrite H; rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
+ rewrite mkZmon_ok.
+ apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ generalize (Hrec1 (vmon (j - i) M1) l);
+ case (MFactor P2 (vmon (j - i) M1));
+ simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ rewrite H; rsimpl; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
+ apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
+ rewrite (Pplus_minus _ _ (ZC2 _ _ He)); rsimpl.
+ generalize (Hrec1 (mkZmon 1 M1) l);
+ case (MFactor P2 (mkZmon 1 M1));
+ simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
+ rewrite H; rsimpl.
+ rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite mkZmon_ok.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
+ apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
+ rewrite mkPX_ok; simpl; rsimpl.
+ rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
+ repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (Q3@l)); rsimpl.
+ apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
+ rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
+ rewrite (Pplus_minus _ _ He); rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+(* Proof for the symmetric version *)
+ Lemma POneSubst_ok: forall P1 M1 P2 P3 l,
+ POneSubst P1 M1 P2 = Some P3 -> Mphi l M1 == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros P2 M1 P3 P4 l; unfold POneSubst.
+ generalize (Mphi_ok P2 M1 l); case (MFactor P2 M1); simpl; auto.
+ intros Q1 R1; case R1.
+ intros c H; rewrite H.
+ generalize (morph_eq CRmorph c cO);
+ case (c ?=! cO); simpl; auto.
+ intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; auto; rsimpl.
+ discriminate.
+ intros _ H1 H2; injection H1; intros; subst.
+ rewrite H2; rsimpl.
+ (* new version *)
+ rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite PmulC_ok; rsimpl.
+ intros i P5 H; rewrite H.
+ intros HH H1; injection HH; intros; subst; rsimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite PmulI_ok by (intros;apply Pmul_ok). rewrite H1; rsimpl.
+ intros i P5 P6 H1 H2 H3; rewrite H1; rewrite H3.
+ assert (P4 = Q1 ++ P3 ** PX i P5 P6).
+ injection H2; intros; subst;trivial.
+ rewrite H;rewrite Padd_ok;rewrite Pmul_ok;rsimpl.
+ Lemma POneSubst_ok: forall P1 M1 P2 P3 l,
+ POneSubst P1 M1 P2 = Some P3 -> Mphi l M1 == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
+ intros P2 M1 P3 P4 l; unfold POneSubst.
+ generalize (Mphi_ok P2 M1 l); case (MFactor P2 M1); simpl; auto.
+ intros Q1 R1; case R1.
+ intros c H; rewrite H.
+ generalize (morph_eq CRmorph c cO);
+ case (c ?=! cO); simpl; auto.
+ intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; auto; rsimpl.
+ discriminate.
+ intros _ H1 H2; injection H1; intros; subst.
+ rewrite H2; rsimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite Pmul_ok; rsimpl.
+ intros i P5 H; rewrite H.
+ intros HH H1; injection HH; intros; subst; rsimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite Pmul_ok. rewrite H1; rsimpl.
+ intros i P5 P6 H1 H2 H3; rewrite H1; rewrite H3.
+ injection H2; intros; subst; rsimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok.
+ rewrite Pmul_ok; rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PNSubst1_ok: forall n P1 M1 P2 l,
+ Mphi l M1 == P2@l -> P1@l == (PNSubst1 P1 M1 P2 n)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros n; elim n; simpl; auto.
+ intros P2 M1 P3 l H.
+ generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 M1 P3 P4 l);
+ case (POneSubst P2 M1 P3); [idtac | intros; rsimpl].
+ intros P4 Hrec; rewrite (Hrec P4); auto; rsimpl.
+ intros n1 Hrec P2 M1 P3 l H.
+ generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 M1 P3 P4 l);
+ case (POneSubst P2 M1 P3); [idtac | intros; rsimpl].
+ intros P4 Hrec1; rewrite (Hrec1 P4); auto; rsimpl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PNSubst_ok: forall n P1 M1 P2 l P3,
+ PNSubst P1 M1 P2 n = Some P3 -> Mphi l M1 == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros n P2 M1 P3 l P4; unfold PNSubst.
+ generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 M1 P3 P4 l);
+ case (POneSubst P2 M1 P3); [idtac | intros; discriminate].
+ intros P5 H1; case n; try (intros; discriminate).
+ intros n1 H2; injection H2; intros; subst.
+ rewrite <- PNSubst1_ok; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint MPcond (LM1: list (Mon * Pol)) (l: Env R) {struct LM1} : Prop :=
+ match LM1 with
+ cons (M1,P2) LM2 => (Mphi l M1 == P2@l) /\ (MPcond LM2 l)
+ | _ => True
+ end.
+ Lemma PSubstL1_ok: forall n LM1 P1 l,
+ MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PSubstL1 P1 LM1 n)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros n LM1; elim LM1; simpl; auto.
+ intros; rsimpl.
+ intros (M2,P2) LM2 Hrec P3 l [H H1].
+ rewrite <- Hrec; auto.
+ apply PNSubst1_ok; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PSubstL_ok: forall n LM1 P1 P2 l,
+ PSubstL P1 LM1 n = Some P2 -> MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == P2@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros n LM1; elim LM1; simpl; auto.
+ intros; discriminate.
+ intros (M2,P2) LM2 Hrec P3 P4 l.
+ generalize (PNSubst_ok n P3 M2 P2); case (PNSubst P3 M2 P2 n).
+ intros P5 H0 H1 [H2 H3]; injection H1; intros; subst.
+ rewrite <- PSubstL1_ok; auto.
+ intros l1 H [H1 H2]; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma PNSubstL_ok: forall m n LM1 P1 l,
+ MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PNSubstL P1 LM1 m n)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros m; elim m; simpl; auto.
+ intros n LM1 P2 l H; generalize (fun P3 => @PSubstL_ok n LM1 P2 P3 l);
+ case (PSubstL P2 LM1 n); intros; rsimpl; auto.
+ intros m1 Hrec n LM1 P2 l H.
+ generalize (fun P3 => @PSubstL_ok n LM1 P2 P3 l);
+ case (PSubstL P2 LM1 n); intros; rsimpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- Hrec; auto.
+ Qed.
+ (** Definition of polynomial expressions *)
+ Inductive PExpr : Type :=
+ | PEc : C -> PExpr
+ | PEX : positive -> PExpr
+ | PEadd : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
+ | PEsub : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
+ | PEmul : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
+ | PEopp : PExpr -> PExpr
+ | PEpow : PExpr -> N -> PExpr.
+ (** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
+ Definition mk_X j := mkPinj_pred j mkX.
+ (** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
+ Fixpoint PEeval (l:Env R) (pe:PExpr) {struct pe} : R :=
+ match pe with
+ | PEc c => phi c
+ | PEX j => nth j l
+ | PEadd pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) + (PEeval l pe2)
+ | PEsub pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) - (PEeval l pe2)
+ | PEmul pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) * (PEeval l pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 => - (PEeval l pe1)
+ | PEpow pe1 n => rpow (PEeval l pe1) (Cp_phi n)
+ end.
+ (** Correctness proofs *)
+ Lemma mkX_ok : forall p l, nth p l == (mk_X p) @ l.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
+ rewrite nth_spec ; auto.
+ unfold hd.
+ rewrite <- nth_Pdouble_minus_one.
+ rewrite (nth_jump (Pdouble_minus_one p) l 1).
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac Esimpl3 :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- context [(?P1 ++ ?P2)@?l] => rewrite (Padd_ok P2 P1 l)
+ | |- context [(?P1 -- ?P2)@?l] => rewrite (Psub_ok P2 P1 l)
+ end;Esimpl2;try rrefl;try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
+(* Power using the chinise algorithm *)
+(*Section POWER.
+ Variable subst_l : Pol -> Pol.
+ Fixpoint Ppow_pos (P:Pol) (p:positive){struct p} : Pol :=
+ match p with
+ | xH => P
+ | xO p => subst_l (Psquare (Ppow_pos P p))
+ | xI p => subst_l (Pmul P (Psquare (Ppow_pos P p)))
+ end.
+ Definition Ppow_N P n :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => P1
+ | Npos p => Ppow_pos P p
+ end.
+ Lemma Ppow_pos_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
+ forall P p, (Ppow_pos P p)@l == (pow_pos Pmul P p)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros l subst_l_ok P.
+ induction p;simpl;intros;try rrefl;try rewrite subst_l_ok.
+ repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rewrite Psquare_ok;rewrite IHp;rrefl.
+ repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rewrite Psquare_ok;rewrite IHp;rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Ppow_N_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
+ forall P n, (Ppow_N P n)@l == (pow_N P1 Pmul P n)@l.
+ Proof. destruct n;simpl. rrefl. apply Ppow_pos_ok. trivial. Qed.
+ End POWER. *)
+Section POWER.
+ Variable subst_l : Pol -> Pol.
+ Fixpoint Ppow_pos (res P:Pol) (p:positive){struct p} : Pol :=
+ match p with
+ | xH => subst_l (Pmul res P)
+ | xO p => Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p
+ | xI p => subst_l (Pmul (Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p) P)
+ end.
+ Definition Ppow_N P n :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => P1
+ | Npos p => Ppow_pos P1 P p
+ end.
+ Lemma Ppow_pos_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
+ forall res P p, (Ppow_pos res P p)@l == res@l * (pow_pos Pmul P p)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros l subst_l_ok res P p. generalize res;clear res.
+ induction p;simpl;intros;try rewrite subst_l_ok; repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;repeat rewrite IHp.
+ rsimpl. mul_push (P@l);rsimpl. rsimpl. rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Ppow_N_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
+ forall P n, (Ppow_N P n)@l == (pow_N P1 Pmul P n)@l.
+ Proof. destruct n;simpl. rrefl. rewrite Ppow_pos_ok. trivial. Esimpl. auto. Qed.
+ End POWER.
+ (** Normalization and rewriting *)
+ Variable n : nat.
+ Variable lmp:list (Mon*Pol).
+ Let subst_l P := PNSubstL P lmp n n.
+ Let Pmul_subst P1 P2 := subst_l (Pmul P1 P2).
+ Let Ppow_subst := Ppow_N subst_l.
+ Fixpoint norm_aux (pe:PExpr) : Pol :=
+ match pe with
+ | PEc c => Pc c
+ | PEX j => mk_X j
+ | PEadd (PEopp pe1) pe2 => Psub (norm_aux pe2) (norm_aux pe1)
+ | PEadd pe1 (PEopp pe2) =>
+ Psub (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
+ | PEadd pe1 pe2 => Padd (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
+ | PEsub pe1 pe2 => Psub (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
+ | PEmul pe1 pe2 => Pmul (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 => Popp (norm_aux pe1)
+ | PEpow pe1 n => Ppow_N (fun p => p) (norm_aux pe1) n
+ end.
+ Definition norm_subst pe := subst_l (norm_aux pe).
+ (*
+ Fixpoint norm_subst (pe:PExpr) : Pol :=
+ match pe with
+ | PEc c => Pc c
+ | PEX j => subst_l (mk_X j)
+ | PEadd (PEopp pe1) pe2 => Psub (norm_subst pe2) (norm_subst pe1)
+ | PEadd pe1 (PEopp pe2) =>
+ Psub (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
+ | PEadd pe1 pe2 => Padd (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
+ | PEsub pe1 pe2 => Psub (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
+ | PEmul pe1 pe2 => Pmul_subst (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 => Popp (norm_subst pe1)
+ | PEpow pe1 n => Ppow_subst (norm_subst pe1) n
+ end.
+ Lemma norm_subst_spec :
+ forall l pe, MPcond lmp l ->
+ PEeval l pe == (norm_subst pe)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros;assert (subst_l_ok:forall P, (subst_l P)@l == P@l).
+ unfold subst_l;intros.
+ rewrite <- PNSubstL_ok;trivial. rrefl.
+ assert (Pms_ok:forall P1 P2, (Pmul_subst P1 P2)@l == P1@l*P2@l).
+ intros;unfold Pmul_subst;rewrite subst_l_ok;rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
+ induction pe;simpl;Esimpl3.
+ rewrite subst_l_ok;apply mkX_ok.
+ rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;destruct pe1;destruct pe2;Esimpl3.
+ rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
+ rewrite Pms_ok;rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHpe;rrefl.
+ unfold Ppow_subst. rewrite Ppow_N_ok. trivial.
+ rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). destruct n0;Esimpl3.
+ induction p;simpl;try rewrite IHp;try rewrite IHpe;repeat rewrite Pms_ok;
+ repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma norm_aux_spec :
+ forall l pe, (*MPcond lmp l ->*)
+ PEeval l pe == (norm_aux pe)@l.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ induction pe;simpl;Esimpl3.
+ apply mkX_ok.
+ rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;destruct pe1;destruct pe2;Esimpl3.
+ rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
+ rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2. rewrite Pmul_ok. rrefl.
+ rewrite IHpe;rrefl.
+ rewrite Ppow_N_ok by reflexivity.
+ rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). destruct n0;Esimpl3.
+ induction p;simpl;try rewrite IHp;try rewrite IHpe;repeat rewrite Pms_ok;
+ repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
+ Qed.
+End MakeRingPol.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/LICENSE.sos b/plugins/micromega/LICENSE.sos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5aadfa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/LICENSE.sos
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ HOL Light copyright notice, licence and disclaimer
+ (c) University of Cambridge 1998
+ (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2006
+HOL Light version 2.20, hereinafter referred to as "the software", is a
+computer theorem proving system written by John Harrison. Much of the
+software was developed at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory,
+New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QG, England. The
+software is copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 and John Harrison
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute the software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. In the
+case of further distribution of the software the present text, including
+copyright notice, licence and disclaimer of warranty, must be included in
+full and unmodified form in any release. Distribution of derivative
+software obtained by modifying the software, or incorporating it into
+other software, is permitted, provided the inclusion of the software is
+acknowledged and that any changes made to the software are clearly
+John Harrison and the University of Cambridge disclaim all warranties
+with regard to the software, including all implied warranties of
+merchantability and fitness. In no event shall John Harrison or the
+University of Cambridge be liable for any special, indirect,
+incidental or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever,
+including, but not limited to, those arising from computer failure or
+malfunction, work stoppage, loss of profit or loss of contracts.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v b/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d7fbd56
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+++ b/plugins/micromega/MExtraction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+(* Used to generate *)
+Require Import ZMicromega.
+Require Import QMicromega.
+Require Import RMicromega.
+Require Import VarMap.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import NArith.
+Require Import QArith.
+Extract Inductive prod => "( * )" [ "(,)" ].
+Extract Inductive List.list => list [ "[]" "(::)" ].
+Extract Inductive bool => bool [ true false ].
+Extract Inductive sumbool => bool [ true false ].
+Extract Inductive option => option [ Some None ].
+Extract Inductive sumor => option [ Some None ].
+(** Then, in a ternary alternative { }+{ }+{ },
+ - leftmost choice (Inleft Left) is (Some true),
+ - middle choice (Inleft Right) is (Some false),
+ - rightmost choice (Inright) is (None) *)
+(** To preserve its laziness, andb is normally expansed.
+ Let's rather use the ocaml && *)
+Extract Inlined Constant andb => "(&&)".
+Extraction ""
+ simpl_cone (*map_cone indexes*)
+ denorm Qpower
+ n_of_Z Nnat.N_of_nat ZTautoChecker ZWeakChecker QTautoChecker RTautoChecker find.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/OrderedRing.v b/plugins/micromega/OrderedRing.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..803dd903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/OrderedRing.v
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Evgeny Makarov, INRIA, 2007 *)
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import Ring.
+(** Generic properties of ordered rings on a setoid equality *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Module Import OrderedRingSyntax.
+Export RingSyntax.
+Reserved Notation "x ~= y" (at level 70, no associativity).
+Reserved Notation "x [=] y" (at level 70, no associativity).
+Reserved Notation "x [~=] y" (at level 70, no associativity).
+Reserved Notation "x [<] y" (at level 70, no associativity).
+Reserved Notation "x [<=] y" (at level 70, no associativity).
+End OrderedRingSyntax.
+Variable R : Type.
+Variable (rO rI : R) (rplus rtimes rminus: R -> R -> R) (ropp : R -> R).
+Variable req rle rlt : R -> R -> Prop.
+Notation "0" := rO.
+Notation "1" := rI.
+Notation "x + y" := (rplus x y).
+Notation "x * y " := (rtimes x y).
+Notation "x - y " := (rminus x y).
+Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
+Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ req x y).
+Notation "x <= y" := (rle x y).
+Notation "x < y" := (rlt x y).
+Record SOR : Type := mk_SOR_theory {
+ SORsetoid : Setoid_Theory R req;
+ SORplus_wd : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 + y1 == x2 + y2;
+ SORtimes_wd : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2;
+ SORopp_wd : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> -x1 == -x2;
+ SORle_wd : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> (x1 <= y1 <-> x2 <= y2);
+ SORlt_wd : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> (x1 < y1 <-> x2 < y2);
+ SORrt : ring_theory rO rI rplus rtimes rminus ropp req;
+ SORle_refl : forall n : R, n <= n;
+ SORle_antisymm : forall n m : R, n <= m -> m <= n -> n == m;
+ SORle_trans : forall n m p : R, n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p;
+ SORlt_le_neq : forall n m : R, n < m <-> n <= m /\ n ~= m;
+ SORlt_trichotomy : forall n m : R, n < m \/ n == m \/ m < n;
+ SORplus_le_mono_l : forall n m p : R, n <= m -> p + n <= p + m;
+ SORtimes_pos_pos : forall n m : R, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n * m;
+ SORneq_0_1 : 0 ~= 1
+(* We cannot use Relation_Definitions.order.ord_antisym and
+Relations_1.Antisymmetric because they refer to Leibniz equality *)
+Variable R : Type.
+Variable (rO rI : R) (rplus rtimes rminus: R -> R -> R) (ropp : R -> R).
+Variable req rle rlt : R -> R -> Prop.
+Variable sor : SOR rO rI rplus rtimes rminus ropp req rle rlt.
+Notation "0" := rO.
+Notation "1" := rI.
+Notation "x + y" := (rplus x y).
+Notation "x * y " := (rtimes x y).
+Notation "x - y " := (rminus x y).
+Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
+Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ req x y).
+Notation "x <= y" := (rle x y).
+Notation "x < y" := (rlt x y).
+Add Relation R req
+ reflexivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ )
+ symmetry proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ )
+ transitivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ )
+as sor_setoid.
+Add Morphism rplus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rplus_morph.
+exact sor.(SORplus_wd).
+Add Morphism rtimes with signature req ==> req ==> req as rtimes_morph.
+exact sor.(SORtimes_wd).
+Add Morphism ropp with signature req ==> req as ropp_morph.
+exact sor.(SORopp_wd).
+Add Morphism rle with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rle_morph.
+exact sor.(SORle_wd).
+Add Morphism rlt with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rlt_morph.
+exact sor.(SORlt_wd).
+Add Ring SOR : sor.(SORrt).
+Add Morphism rminus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rminus_morph.
+intros x1 x2 H1 y1 y2 H2.
+rewrite (sor.(SORrt).(Rsub_def) x1 y1).
+rewrite (sor.(SORrt).(Rsub_def) x2 y2).
+rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
+Theorem Rneq_symm : forall n m : R, n ~= m -> m ~= n.
+intros n m H1 H2; rewrite H2 in H1; now apply H1.
+(* Propeties of plus, minus and opp *)
+Theorem Rplus_0_l : forall n : R, 0 + n == n.
+intro; ring.
+Theorem Rplus_0_r : forall n : R, n + 0 == n.
+intro; ring.
+Theorem Rtimes_0_r : forall n : R, n * 0 == 0.
+intro; ring.
+Theorem Rplus_comm : forall n m : R, n + m == m + n.
+intros; ring.
+Theorem Rtimes_0_l : forall n : R, 0 * n == 0.
+intro; ring.
+Theorem Rtimes_comm : forall n m : R, n * m == m * n.
+intros; ring.
+Theorem Rminus_eq_0 : forall n m : R, n - m == 0 <-> n == m.
+intros n m.
+split; intro H. setoid_replace n with ((n - m) + m) by ring. rewrite H.
+now rewrite Rplus_0_l.
+rewrite H; ring.
+Theorem Rplus_cancel_l : forall n m p : R, p + n == p + m <-> n == m.
+intros n m p; split; intro H.
+setoid_replace n with (- p + (p + n)) by ring.
+setoid_replace m with (- p + (p + m)) by ring. now rewrite H.
+now rewrite H.
+(* Relations *)
+Theorem Rle_refl : forall n : R, n <= n.
+Proof sor.(SORle_refl).
+Theorem Rle_antisymm : forall n m : R, n <= m -> m <= n -> n == m.
+Proof sor.(SORle_antisymm).
+Theorem Rle_trans : forall n m p : R, n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p.
+Proof sor.(SORle_trans).
+Theorem Rlt_trichotomy : forall n m : R, n < m \/ n == m \/ m < n.
+Proof sor.(SORlt_trichotomy).
+Theorem Rlt_le_neq : forall n m : R, n < m <-> n <= m /\ n ~= m.
+Proof sor.(SORlt_le_neq).
+Theorem Rneq_0_1 : 0 ~= 1.
+Proof sor.(SORneq_0_1).
+Theorem Req_em : forall n m : R, n == m \/ n ~= m.
+intros n m. destruct (Rlt_trichotomy n m) as [H | [H | H]]; try rewrite Rlt_le_neq in H.
+right; now destruct H.
+now left.
+right; apply Rneq_symm; now destruct H.
+Theorem Req_dne : forall n m : R, ~ ~ n == m <-> n == m.
+intros n m; destruct (Req_em n m) as [H | H].
+split; auto.
+split. intro H1; false_hyp H H1. auto.
+Theorem Rle_lt_eq : forall n m : R, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n == m.
+intros n m; rewrite Rlt_le_neq.
+split; [intro H | intros [[H1 H2] | H]].
+destruct (Req_em n m) as [H1 | H1]. now right. left; now split.
+rewrite H; apply Rle_refl.
+Ltac le_less := rewrite Rle_lt_eq; left; try assumption.
+Ltac le_equal := rewrite Rle_lt_eq; right; try reflexivity; try assumption.
+Ltac le_elim H := rewrite Rle_lt_eq in H; destruct H as [H | H].
+Theorem Rlt_trans : forall n m p : R, n < m -> m < p -> n < p.
+intros n m p; repeat rewrite Rlt_le_neq; intros [H1 H2] [H3 H4]; split.
+now apply Rle_trans with m.
+intro H. rewrite H in H1. pose proof (Rle_antisymm H3 H1). now apply H4.
+Theorem Rle_lt_trans : forall n m p : R, n <= m -> m < p -> n < p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H1.
+now apply Rlt_trans with (m := m). now rewrite H1.
+Theorem Rlt_le_trans : forall n m p : R, n < m -> m <= p -> n < p.
+intros n m p H1 H2; le_elim H2.
+now apply Rlt_trans with (m := m). now rewrite <- H2.
+Theorem Rle_gt_cases : forall n m : R, n <= m \/ m < n.
+intros n m; destruct (Rlt_trichotomy n m) as [H | [H | H]].
+left; now le_less. left; now le_equal. now right.
+Theorem Rlt_neq : forall n m : R, n < m -> n ~= m.
+intros n m; rewrite Rlt_le_neq; now intros [_ H].
+Theorem Rle_ngt : forall n m : R, n <= m <-> ~ m < n.
+intros n m; split.
+intros H H1; assert (H2 : n < n) by now apply Rle_lt_trans with m. now apply (Rlt_neq H2).
+intro H. destruct (Rle_gt_cases n m) as [H1 | H1]. assumption. false_hyp H1 H.
+Theorem Rlt_nge : forall n m : R, n < m <-> ~ m <= n.
+intros n m; split.
+intros H H1; assert (H2 : n < n) by now apply Rlt_le_trans with m. now apply (Rlt_neq H2).
+intro H. destruct (Rle_gt_cases m n) as [H1 | H1]. false_hyp H1 H. assumption.
+(* Plus, minus and order *)
+Theorem Rplus_le_mono_l : forall n m p : R, n <= m <-> p + n <= p + m.
+intros n m p; split.
+apply sor.(SORplus_le_mono_l).
+intro H. apply (sor.(SORplus_le_mono_l) (p + n) (p + m) (- p)) in H.
+setoid_replace (- p + (p + n)) with n in H by ring.
+setoid_replace (- p + (p + m)) with m in H by ring. assumption.
+Theorem Rplus_le_mono_r : forall n m p : R, n <= m <-> n + p <= m + p.
+intros n m p; rewrite (Rplus_comm n p); rewrite (Rplus_comm m p).
+apply Rplus_le_mono_l.
+Theorem Rplus_lt_mono_l : forall n m p : R, n < m <-> p + n < p + m.
+intros n m p; do 2 rewrite Rlt_le_neq. rewrite Rplus_cancel_l.
+now rewrite <- Rplus_le_mono_l.
+Theorem Rplus_lt_mono_r : forall n m p : R, n < m <-> n + p < m + p.
+intros n m p.
+rewrite (Rplus_comm n p); rewrite (Rplus_comm m p); apply Rplus_lt_mono_l.
+Theorem Rplus_lt_mono : forall n m p q : R, n < m -> p < q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2.
+apply Rlt_trans with (m + p); [now apply -> Rplus_lt_mono_r | now apply -> Rplus_lt_mono_l].
+Theorem Rplus_le_mono : forall n m p q : R, n <= m -> p <= q -> n + p <= m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2.
+apply Rle_trans with (m + p); [now apply -> Rplus_le_mono_r | now apply -> Rplus_le_mono_l].
+Theorem Rplus_lt_le_mono : forall n m p q : R, n < m -> p <= q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2.
+apply Rlt_le_trans with (m + p); [now apply -> Rplus_lt_mono_r | now apply -> Rplus_le_mono_l].
+Theorem Rplus_le_lt_mono : forall n m p q : R, n <= m -> p < q -> n + p < m + q.
+intros n m p q H1 H2.
+apply Rle_lt_trans with (m + p); [now apply -> Rplus_le_mono_r | now apply -> Rplus_lt_mono_l].
+Theorem Rplus_pos_pos : forall n m : R, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n + m.
+intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (Rplus_0_l 0). now apply Rplus_lt_mono.
+Theorem Rplus_pos_nonneg : forall n m : R, 0 < n -> 0 <= m -> 0 < n + m.
+intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (Rplus_0_l 0). now apply Rplus_lt_le_mono.
+Theorem Rplus_nonneg_pos : forall n m : R, 0 <= n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n + m.
+intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (Rplus_0_l 0). now apply Rplus_le_lt_mono.
+Theorem Rplus_nonneg_nonneg : forall n m : R, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> 0 <= n + m.
+intros n m H1 H2. rewrite <- (Rplus_0_l 0). now apply Rplus_le_mono.
+Theorem Rle_le_minus : forall n m : R, n <= m <-> 0 <= m - n.
+intros n m. rewrite (@Rplus_le_mono_r n m (- n)).
+setoid_replace (n + - n) with 0 by ring.
+now setoid_replace (m + - n) with (m - n) by ring.
+Theorem Rlt_lt_minus : forall n m : R, n < m <-> 0 < m - n.
+intros n m. rewrite (@Rplus_lt_mono_r n m (- n)).
+setoid_replace (n + - n) with 0 by ring.
+now setoid_replace (m + - n) with (m - n) by ring.
+Theorem Ropp_lt_mono : forall n m : R, n < m <-> - m < - n.
+intros n m. split; intro H.
+apply -> (@Rplus_lt_mono_l n m (- n - m)) in H.
+setoid_replace (- n - m + n) with (- m) in H by ring.
+now setoid_replace (- n - m + m) with (- n) in H by ring.
+apply -> (@Rplus_lt_mono_l (- m) (- n) (n + m)) in H.
+setoid_replace (n + m + - m) with n in H by ring.
+now setoid_replace (n + m + - n) with m in H by ring.
+Theorem Ropp_pos_neg : forall n : R, 0 < - n <-> n < 0.
+intro n; rewrite (Ropp_lt_mono n 0). now setoid_replace (- 0) with 0 by ring.
+(* Times and order *)
+Theorem Rtimes_pos_pos : forall n m : R, 0 < n -> 0 < m -> 0 < n * m.
+Proof sor.(SORtimes_pos_pos).
+Theorem Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg : forall n m : R, 0 <= n -> 0 <= m -> 0 <= n * m.
+intros n m H1 H2.
+le_elim H1. le_elim H2.
+le_less; now apply Rtimes_pos_pos.
+rewrite <- H2; rewrite Rtimes_0_r; le_equal.
+rewrite <- H1; rewrite Rtimes_0_l; le_equal.
+Theorem Rtimes_pos_neg : forall n m : R, 0 < n -> m < 0 -> n * m < 0.
+intros n m H1 H2. apply -> Ropp_pos_neg.
+setoid_replace (- (n * m)) with (n * (- m)) by ring.
+apply Rtimes_pos_pos. assumption. now apply <- Ropp_pos_neg.
+Theorem Rtimes_neg_neg : forall n m : R, n < 0 -> m < 0 -> 0 < n * m.
+intros n m H1 H2.
+setoid_replace (n * m) with ((- n) * (- m)) by ring.
+apply Rtimes_pos_pos; now apply <- Ropp_pos_neg.
+Theorem Rtimes_square_nonneg : forall n : R, 0 <= n * n.
+intro n; destruct (Rlt_trichotomy 0 n) as [H | [H | H]].
+le_less; now apply Rtimes_pos_pos.
+rewrite <- H, Rtimes_0_l; le_equal.
+le_less; now apply Rtimes_neg_neg.
+Theorem Rtimes_neq_0 : forall n m : R, n ~= 0 /\ m ~= 0 -> n * m ~= 0.
+intros n m [H1 H2].
+destruct (Rlt_trichotomy n 0) as [H3 | [H3 | H3]];
+destruct (Rlt_trichotomy m 0) as [H4 | [H4 | H4]];
+try (false_hyp H3 H1); try (false_hyp H4 H2).
+apply Rneq_symm. apply Rlt_neq. now apply Rtimes_neg_neg.
+apply Rlt_neq. rewrite Rtimes_comm. now apply Rtimes_pos_neg.
+apply Rlt_neq. now apply Rtimes_pos_neg.
+apply Rneq_symm. apply Rlt_neq. now apply Rtimes_pos_pos.
+(* The following theorems are used to build a morphism from Z to R and
+prove its properties in ZCoeff.v. They are not used in RingMicromega.v. *)
+(* Surprisingly, multilication is needed to prove the following theorem *)
+Theorem Ropp_neg_pos : forall n : R, - n < 0 <-> 0 < n.
+intro n; setoid_replace n with (- - n) by ring. rewrite Ropp_pos_neg.
+now setoid_replace (- - n) with n by ring.
+Theorem Rlt_0_1 : 0 < 1.
+apply <- Rlt_le_neq. split.
+setoid_replace 1 with (1 * 1) by ring. apply Rtimes_square_nonneg.
+apply Rneq_0_1.
+Theorem Rlt_succ_r : forall n : R, n < 1 + n.
+intro n. rewrite <- (Rplus_0_l n); setoid_replace (1 + (0 + n)) with (1 + n) by ring.
+apply -> Rplus_lt_mono_r. apply Rlt_0_1.
+Theorem Rlt_lt_succ : forall n m : R, n < m -> n < 1 + m.
+intros n m H; apply Rlt_trans with m. assumption. apply Rlt_succ_r.
+(*Theorem Rtimes_lt_mono_pos_l : forall n m p : R, 0 < p -> n < m -> p * n < p * m.
+intros n m p H1 H2. apply <- Rlt_lt_minus.
+setoid_replace (p * m - p * n) with (p * (m - n)) by ring.
+apply Rtimes_pos_pos. assumption. now apply -> Rlt_lt_minus.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/Psatz.v b/plugins/micromega/Psatz.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444a590a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/Psatz.v
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import ZMicromega.
+Require Import QMicromega.
+Require Import RMicromega.
+Require Import QArith.
+Require Export Ring_normalize.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Raxioms.
+Require Export RingMicromega.
+Require Import VarMap.
+Require Tauto.
+Declare ML Module "micromega_plugin".
+Ltac xpsatz dom d :=
+ let tac := lazymatch dom with
+ | Z =>
+ (sos_Z || psatz_Z d) ;
+ intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Zeval_formula (@find Z Z0 __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (ZTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity
+ | R =>
+ (sos_R || psatz_R d) ;
+ (* If csdp is not installed, the previous step might not produce any
+ progress: the rest of the tactical will then fail. Hence the 'try'. *)
+ try (intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Reval_formula (@find R 0%R __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (RTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity)
+ | Q =>
+ (sos_Q || psatz_Q d) ;
+ (* If csdp is not installed, the previous step might not produce any
+ progress: the rest of the tactical will then fail. Hence the 'try'. *)
+ try (intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Qeval_formula (@find Q 0%Q __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (QTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity)
+ | _ => fail "Unsupported domain"
+ end in tac.
+Tactic Notation "psatz" constr(dom) int_or_var(n) := xpsatz dom n.
+Tactic Notation "psatz" constr(dom) := xpsatz dom ltac:-1.
+Ltac psatzl dom :=
+ let tac := lazymatch dom with
+ | Z =>
+ psatzl_Z ;
+ intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Zeval_formula (@find Z Z0 __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (ZTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity
+ | Q =>
+ psatzl_Q ;
+ (* If csdp is not installed, the previous step might not produce any
+ progress: the rest of the tactical will then fail. Hence the 'try'. *)
+ try (intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Qeval_formula (@find Q 0%Q __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (QTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity)
+ | R =>
+ psatzl_R ;
+ (* If csdp is not installed, the previous step might not produce any
+ progress: the rest of the tactical will then fail. Hence the 'try'. *)
+ try (intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Reval_formula (@find R 0%R __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (RTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity)
+ | _ => fail "Unsupported domain"
+ end in tac.
+Ltac lia :=
+ xlia ;
+ intros __wit __varmap __ff ;
+ change (Tauto.eval_f (Zeval_formula (@find Z Z0 __varmap)) __ff) ;
+ apply (ZTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit); vm_compute ; reflexivity.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/QMicromega.v b/plugins/micromega/QMicromega.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e909cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/QMicromega.v
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import Refl.
+Require Import QArith.
+Require Import Qfield.
+(*Declare ML Module "micromega_plugin".*)
+Lemma Qsor : SOR 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq Qle Qlt.
+ constructor; intros ; subst ; try (intuition (subst; auto with qarith)).
+ apply Q_Setoid.
+ rewrite H ; rewrite H0 ; reflexivity.
+ rewrite H ; rewrite H0 ; reflexivity.
+ rewrite H ; auto ; reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- H ; rewrite <- H0 ; auto.
+ rewrite H ; rewrite H0 ; auto.
+ rewrite <- H ; rewrite <- H0 ; auto.
+ rewrite H ; rewrite H0 ; auto.
+ apply Qsrt.
+ eapply Qle_trans ; eauto.
+ apply (Qlt_not_eq n m H H0) ; auto.
+ destruct(Q_dec n m) as [[H1 |H1] | H1 ] ; tauto.
+ apply (Qplus_le_compat p p n m (Qle_refl p) H).
+ generalize (Qmult_lt_compat_r 0 n m H0 H).
+ rewrite Qmult_0_l.
+ auto.
+ compute in H.
+ discriminate.
+Lemma QSORaddon :
+ SORaddon 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq Qle (* ring elements *)
+ 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp (* coefficients *)
+ Qeq_bool Qle_bool
+ (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Qmult).
+ constructor.
+ constructor ; intros ; try reflexivity.
+ apply Qeq_bool_eq; auto.
+ constructor.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros x y.
+ apply Qeq_bool_neq ; auto.
+ apply Qle_bool_imp_le.
+(*Definition Zeval_expr := eval_pexpr 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x => x) (fun x => Z_of_N x) (Zpower).*)
+Require Import EnvRing.
+Fixpoint Qeval_expr (env: PolEnv Q) (e: PExpr Q) : Q :=
+ match e with
+ | PEc c => c
+ | PEX j => env j
+ | PEadd pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) + (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEsub pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) - (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEmul pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) * (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 => - (Qeval_expr env pe1)
+ | PEpow pe1 n => Qpower (Qeval_expr env pe1) (Z_of_N n)
+ end.
+Lemma Qeval_expr_simpl : forall env e,
+ Qeval_expr env e =
+ match e with
+ | PEc c => c
+ | PEX j => env j
+ | PEadd pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) + (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEsub pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) - (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEmul pe1 pe2 => (Qeval_expr env pe1) * (Qeval_expr env pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 => - (Qeval_expr env pe1)
+ | PEpow pe1 n => Qpower (Qeval_expr env pe1) (Z_of_N n)
+ end.
+ destruct e ; reflexivity.
+Definition Qeval_expr' := eval_pexpr Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Qmult).
+Lemma QNpower : forall r n, r ^ Z_of_N n = pow_N 1 Qmult r n.
+ destruct n ; reflexivity.
+Lemma Qeval_expr_compat : forall env e, Qeval_expr env e = Qeval_expr' env e.
+ induction e ; simpl ; subst ; try congruence.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHe.
+ apply QNpower.
+Definition Qeval_op2 (o : Op2) : Q -> Q -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| OpEq => Qeq
+| OpNEq => fun x y => ~ x == y
+| OpLe => Qle
+| OpGe => fun x y => Qle y x
+| OpLt => Qlt
+| OpGt => fun x y => Qlt y x
+Definition Qeval_formula (e:PolEnv Q) (ff : Formula Q) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := ff in Qeval_op2 o (Qeval_expr e lhs) (Qeval_expr e rhs).
+Definition Qeval_formula' :=
+ eval_formula Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq Qle Qlt (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Qmult).
+Lemma Qeval_formula_compat : forall env f, Qeval_formula env f <-> Qeval_formula' env f.
+ intros.
+ unfold Qeval_formula.
+ destruct f.
+ repeat rewrite Qeval_expr_compat.
+ unfold Qeval_formula'.
+ unfold Qeval_expr'.
+ split ; destruct Fop ; simpl; auto.
+Definition Qeval_nformula :=
+ eval_nformula 0 Qplus Qmult Qeq Qle Qlt (fun x => x) .
+Definition Qeval_op1 (o : Op1) : Q -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| Equal => fun x : Q => x == 0
+| NonEqual => fun x : Q => ~ x == 0
+| Strict => fun x : Q => 0 < x
+| NonStrict => fun x : Q => 0 <= x
+Lemma Qeval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (Qeval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (Qeval_nformula env d).
+ exact (fun env d =>eval_nformula_dec Qsor (fun x => x) env d).
+Definition QWitness := Psatz Q.
+Definition QWeakChecker := check_normalised_formulas 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qeq_bool Qle_bool.
+Require Import List.
+Lemma QWeakChecker_sound : forall (l : list (NFormula Q)) (cm : QWitness),
+ QWeakChecker l cm = true ->
+ forall env, make_impl (Qeval_nformula env) l False.
+ intros l cm H.
+ intro.
+ unfold Qeval_nformula.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Qsor QSORaddon l cm).
+ unfold QWeakChecker in H.
+ exact H.
+Require Import Tauto.
+Definition Qnormalise := @cnf_normalise Q 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq_bool.
+Definition Qnegate := @cnf_negate Q 0 1 Qplus Qmult Qminus Qopp Qeq_bool.
+Definition QTautoChecker (f : BFormula (Formula Q)) (w: list QWitness) : bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Q) (NFormula Q)
+ Qnormalise
+ Qnegate QWitness QWeakChecker f w.
+Lemma QTautoChecker_sound : forall f w, QTautoChecker f w = true -> forall env, eval_f (Qeval_formula env) f.
+ intros f w.
+ unfold QTautoChecker.
+ apply (tauto_checker_sound Qeval_formula Qeval_nformula).
+ apply Qeval_nformula_dec.
+ intros. rewrite Qeval_formula_compat. unfold Qeval_formula'. now apply (cnf_normalise_correct Qsor QSORaddon).
+ intros. rewrite Qeval_formula_compat. unfold Qeval_formula'. now apply (cnf_negate_correct Qsor QSORaddon).
+ intros t w0.
+ apply QWeakChecker_sound.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/RMicromega.v b/plugins/micromega/RMicromega.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21f991ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/RMicromega.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import Refl.
+Require Import Raxioms RIneq Rpow_def DiscrR.
+Require Setoid.
+(*Declare ML Module "micromega_plugin".*)
+Definition Rsrt : ring_theory R0 R1 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (@eq R).
+ constructor.
+ exact Rplus_0_l.
+ exact Rplus_comm.
+ intros. rewrite Rplus_assoc. auto.
+ exact Rmult_1_l.
+ exact Rmult_comm.
+ intros ; rewrite Rmult_assoc ; auto.
+ intros. rewrite Rmult_comm. rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_l.
+ rewrite (Rmult_comm z). rewrite (Rmult_comm z). auto.
+ reflexivity.
+ exact Rplus_opp_r.
+Add Ring Rring : Rsrt.
+Open Scope R_scope.
+Lemma Rmult_neutral : forall x:R , 0 * x = 0.
+ intro ; ring.
+Lemma Rsor : SOR R0 R1 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (@eq R) Rle Rlt.
+ constructor; intros ; subst ; try (intuition (subst; try ring ; auto with real)).
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ unfold RelationClasses.Symmetric. auto.
+ unfold RelationClasses.Transitive. intros. subst. reflexivity.
+ apply Rsrt.
+ eapply Rle_trans ; eauto.
+ apply (Rlt_irrefl m) ; auto.
+ apply Rnot_le_lt. auto with real.
+ destruct (total_order_T n m) as [ [H1 | H1] | H1] ; auto.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- (Rmult_neutral m).
+ apply (Rmult_lt_compat_r) ; auto.
+Require ZMicromega.
+(* R with coeffs in Z *)
+Lemma RZSORaddon :
+ SORaddon R0 R1 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (@eq R) Rle (* ring elements *)
+ 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (* coefficients *)
+ Zeq_bool Zle_bool
+ IZR Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
+ constructor.
+ constructor ; intros ; try reflexivity.
+ apply plus_IZR.
+ symmetry. apply Z_R_minus.
+ apply mult_IZR.
+ apply Ropp_Ropp_IZR.
+ apply IZR_eq.
+ apply Zeq_bool_eq ; auto.
+ apply R_power_theory.
+ intros x y.
+ intro.
+ apply IZR_neq.
+ apply Zeq_bool_neq ; auto.
+ intros. apply IZR_le. apply Zle_bool_imp_le. auto.
+Require Import EnvRing.
+Definition INZ (n:N) : R :=
+ match n with
+ | N0 => IZR 0%Z
+ | Npos p => IZR (Zpos p)
+ end.
+Definition Reval_expr := eval_pexpr Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp IZR Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
+Definition Reval_op2 (o:Op2) : R -> R -> Prop :=
+ match o with
+ | OpEq => @eq R
+ | OpNEq => fun x y => ~ x = y
+ | OpLe => Rle
+ | OpGe => Rge
+ | OpLt => Rlt
+ | OpGt => Rgt
+ end.
+Definition Reval_formula (e: PolEnv R) (ff : Formula Z) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := ff in Reval_op2 o (Reval_expr e lhs) (Reval_expr e rhs).
+Definition Reval_formula' :=
+ eval_formula Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (@eq R) Rle Rlt IZR Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
+Lemma Reval_formula_compat : forall env f, Reval_formula env f <-> Reval_formula' env f.
+ intros.
+ unfold Reval_formula.
+ destruct f.
+ unfold Reval_formula'.
+ unfold Reval_expr.
+ split ; destruct Fop ; simpl ; auto.
+ apply Rge_le.
+ apply Rle_ge.
+Definition Reval_nformula :=
+ eval_nformula 0 Rplus Rmult (@eq R) Rle Rlt IZR.
+Lemma Reval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (Reval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (Reval_nformula env d).
+ exact (fun env d =>eval_nformula_dec Rsor IZR env d).
+Definition RWitness := Psatz Z.
+Definition RWeakChecker := check_normalised_formulas 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Require Import List.
+Lemma RWeakChecker_sound : forall (l : list (NFormula Z)) (cm : RWitness),
+ RWeakChecker l cm = true ->
+ forall env, make_impl (Reval_nformula env) l False.
+ intros l cm H.
+ intro.
+ unfold Reval_nformula.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Rsor RZSORaddon l cm).
+ unfold RWeakChecker in H.
+ exact H.
+Require Import Tauto.
+Definition Rnormalise := @cnf_normalise Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition Rnegate := @cnf_negate Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition RTautoChecker (f : BFormula (Formula Z)) (w: list RWitness) : bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Z) (NFormula Z)
+ Rnormalise Rnegate
+ RWitness RWeakChecker f w.
+Lemma RTautoChecker_sound : forall f w, RTautoChecker f w = true -> forall env, eval_f (Reval_formula env) f.
+ intros f w.
+ unfold RTautoChecker.
+ apply (tauto_checker_sound Reval_formula Reval_nformula).
+ apply Reval_nformula_dec.
+ intros. rewrite Reval_formula_compat.
+ unfold Reval_formula'. now apply (cnf_normalise_correct Rsor RZSORaddon).
+ intros. rewrite Reval_formula_compat. unfold Reval_formula. now apply (cnf_negate_correct Rsor RZSORaddon).
+ intros t w0.
+ apply RWeakChecker_sound.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/Refl.v b/plugins/micromega/Refl.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b0de76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/Refl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *)
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import List.
+Require Setoid.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(* Refl of '->' '/\': basic properties *)
+Fixpoint make_impl (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (l : list A) (goal : Prop) {struct l} : Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => goal
+ | cons e l => (eval e) -> (make_impl eval l goal)
+ end.
+Theorem make_impl_true :
+ forall (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (l : list A), make_impl eval l True.
+induction l as [| a l IH]; simpl.
+intro; apply IH.
+Fixpoint make_conj (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (l : list A) {struct l} : Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => True
+ | cons e nil => (eval e)
+ | cons e l2 => ((eval e) /\ (make_conj eval l2))
+ end.
+Theorem make_conj_cons : forall (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (a : A) (l : list A),
+ make_conj eval (a :: l) <-> eval a /\ make_conj eval l.
+intros; destruct l; simpl; tauto.
+Lemma make_conj_impl : forall (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (l : list A) (g : Prop),
+ (make_conj eval l -> g) <-> make_impl eval l g.
+ induction l.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ destruct l.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ generalize (IHl g).
+ tauto.
+Lemma make_conj_in : forall (A : Type) (eval : A -> Prop) (l : list A),
+ make_conj eval l -> (forall p, In p l -> eval p).
+ induction l.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ destruct l.
+ simpl in H0.
+ destruct H0.
+ subst; auto.
+ tauto.
+ destruct H.
+ destruct H0.
+ subst;auto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+Lemma make_conj_app : forall A eval l1 l2, @make_conj A eval (l1 ++ l2) <-> @make_conj A eval l1 /\ @make_conj A eval l2.
+ induction l1.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ intros.
+ change ((a::l1) ++ l2) with (a :: (l1 ++ l2)).
+ rewrite make_conj_cons.
+ rewrite IHl1.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons.
+ tauto.
+Lemma not_make_conj_cons : forall (A:Type) (t:A) a eval (no_middle_eval : (eval t) \/ ~ (eval t)),
+ ~ make_conj eval (t ::a) -> ~ (eval t) \/ (~ make_conj eval a).
+ intros.
+ simpl in H.
+ destruct a.
+ tauto.
+ tauto.
+Lemma not_make_conj_app : forall (A:Type) (t:list A) a eval
+ (no_middle_eval : forall d, eval d \/ ~ eval d) ,
+ ~ make_conj eval (t ++ a) -> (~ make_conj eval t) \/ (~ make_conj eval a).
+ induction t.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ intros.
+ simpl ((a::t)++a0)in H.
+ destruct (@not_make_conj_cons _ _ _ _ (no_middle_eval a) H).
+ left ; red ; intros.
+ apply H0.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H1.
+ tauto.
+ destruct (IHt _ _ no_middle_eval H0).
+ left ; red ; intros.
+ apply H1.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H2.
+ tauto.
+ right ; auto.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/RingMicromega.v b/plugins/micromega/RingMicromega.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d556cd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/RingMicromega.v
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Evgeny Makarov, INRIA, 2007 *)
+Require Import NArith.
+Require Import Relation_Definitions.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import Env.
+Require Import EnvRing.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Bool.
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import Refl.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Import OrderedRingSyntax.
+Section Micromega.
+(* Assume we have a strict(ly?) ordered ring *)
+Variable R : Type.
+Variables rO rI : R.
+Variables rplus rtimes rminus: R -> R -> R.
+Variable ropp : R -> R.
+Variables req rle rlt : R -> R -> Prop.
+Variable sor : SOR rO rI rplus rtimes rminus ropp req rle rlt.
+Notation "0" := rO.
+Notation "1" := rI.
+Notation "x + y" := (rplus x y).
+Notation "x * y " := (rtimes x y).
+Notation "x - y " := (rminus x y).
+Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
+Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ req x y).
+Notation "x <= y" := (rle x y).
+Notation "x < y" := (rlt x y).
+(* Assume we have a type of coefficients C and a morphism from C to R *)
+Variable C : Type.
+Variables cO cI : C.
+Variables cplus ctimes cminus: C -> C -> C.
+Variable copp : C -> C.
+Variables ceqb cleb : C -> C -> bool.
+Variable phi : C -> R.
+(* Power coefficients *)
+Variable E : Set. (* the type of exponents *)
+Variable pow_phi : N -> E.
+Variable rpow : R -> E -> R.
+Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
+Notation "x [=] y" := (ceqb x y).
+Notation "x [<=] y" := (cleb x y).
+(* Let's collect all hypotheses in addition to the ordered ring axioms into
+one structure *)
+Record SORaddon := mk_SOR_addon {
+ SORrm : ring_morph 0 1 rplus rtimes rminus ropp req cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb phi;
+ SORpower : power_theory rI rtimes req pow_phi rpow;
+ SORcneqb_morph : forall x y : C, x [=] y = false -> [x] ~= [y];
+ SORcleb_morph : forall x y : C, x [<=] y = true -> [x] <= [y]
+Variable addon : SORaddon.
+Add Relation R req
+ reflexivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ )
+ symmetry proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ )
+ transitivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ )
+as micomega_sor_setoid.
+Add Morphism rplus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rplus_morph.
+exact sor.(SORplus_wd).
+Add Morphism rtimes with signature req ==> req ==> req as rtimes_morph.
+exact sor.(SORtimes_wd).
+Add Morphism ropp with signature req ==> req as ropp_morph.
+exact sor.(SORopp_wd).
+Add Morphism rle with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rle_morph.
+ exact sor.(SORle_wd).
+Add Morphism rlt with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rlt_morph.
+ exact sor.(SORlt_wd).
+Add Morphism rminus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rminus_morph.
+ exact (rminus_morph sor). (* We already proved that minus is a morphism in OrderedRing.v *)
+Definition cneqb (x y : C) := negb (ceqb x y).
+Definition cltb (x y : C) := (cleb x y) && (cneqb x y).
+Notation "x [~=] y" := (cneqb x y).
+Notation "x [<] y" := (cltb x y).
+Ltac le_less := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); left; try assumption.
+Ltac le_equal := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); right; try reflexivity; try assumption.
+Ltac le_elim H := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor) in H; destruct H as [H | H].
+Lemma cleb_sound : forall x y : C, x [<=] y = true -> [x] <= [y].
+ exact addon.(SORcleb_morph).
+Lemma cneqb_sound : forall x y : C, x [~=] y = true -> [x] ~= [y].
+intros x y H1. apply addon.(SORcneqb_morph). unfold cneqb, negb in H1.
+destruct (ceqb x y); now try discriminate.
+Lemma cltb_sound : forall x y : C, x [<] y = true -> [x] < [y].
+intros x y H. unfold cltb in H. apply andb_prop in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
+apply cleb_sound in H1. apply cneqb_sound in H2. apply <- (Rlt_le_neq sor). now split.
+(* Begin Micromega *)
+Definition PolC := Pol C. (* polynomials in generalized Horner form, defined in Ring_polynom or EnvRing *)
+Definition PolEnv := Env R. (* For interpreting PolC *)
+Definition eval_pol (env : PolEnv) (p:PolC) : R :=
+ Pphi 0 rplus rtimes phi env p.
+Inductive Op1 : Set := (* relations with 0 *)
+| Equal (* == 0 *)
+| NonEqual (* ~= 0 *)
+| Strict (* > 0 *)
+| NonStrict (* >= 0 *).
+Definition NFormula := (PolC * Op1)%type. (* normalized formula *)
+Definition eval_op1 (o : Op1) : R -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| Equal => fun x => x == 0
+| NonEqual => fun x : R => x ~= 0
+| Strict => fun x : R => 0 < x
+| NonStrict => fun x : R => 0 <= x
+Definition eval_nformula (env : PolEnv) (f : NFormula) : Prop :=
+let (p, op) := f in eval_op1 op (eval_pol env p).
+(** Rule of "signs" for addition and multiplication.
+ An arbitrary result is coded buy None. *)
+Definition OpMult (o o' : Op1) : option Op1 :=
+match o with
+| Equal => Some Equal
+| NonStrict =>
+ match o' with
+ | Equal => Some Equal
+ | NonEqual => None
+ | Strict => Some NonStrict
+ | NonStrict => Some NonStrict
+ end
+| Strict => match o' with
+ | NonEqual => None
+ | _ => Some o'
+ end
+| NonEqual => match o' with
+ | Equal => Some Equal
+ | NonEqual => Some NonEqual
+ | _ => None
+ end
+Definition OpAdd (o o': Op1) : option Op1 :=
+ match o with
+ | Equal => Some o'
+ | NonStrict =>
+ match o' with
+ | Strict => Some Strict
+ | NonEqual => None
+ | _ => Some NonStrict
+ end
+ | Strict => match o' with
+ | NonEqual => None
+ | _ => Some Strict
+ end
+ | NonEqual => match o' with
+ | Equal => Some NonEqual
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma OpMult_sound :
+ forall (o o' om: Op1) (x y : R),
+ eval_op1 o x -> eval_op1 o' y -> OpMult o o' = Some om -> eval_op1 om (x * y).
+unfold eval_op1; destruct o; simpl; intros o' om x y H1 H2 H3.
+(* x == 0 *)
+inversion H3. rewrite H1. now rewrite (Rtimes_0_l sor).
+(* x ~= 0 *)
+destruct o' ; inversion H3.
+ (* y == 0 *)
+ rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
+ (* y ~= 0 *)
+ apply (Rtimes_neq_0 sor) ; auto.
+(* 0 < x *)
+destruct o' ; inversion H3.
+ (* y == 0 *)
+ rewrite H2; now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
+ (* 0 < y *)
+ now apply (Rtimes_pos_pos sor).
+ (* 0 <= y *)
+ apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor); [le_less | assumption].
+(* 0 <= x *)
+destruct o' ; inversion H3.
+ (* y == 0 *)
+ rewrite H2; now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
+ (* 0 < y *)
+ apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor); [assumption | le_less ].
+ (* 0 <= y *)
+ now apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor).
+Lemma OpAdd_sound :
+ forall (o o' oa : Op1) (e e' : R),
+ eval_op1 o e -> eval_op1 o' e' -> OpAdd o o' = Some oa -> eval_op1 oa (e + e').
+unfold eval_op1; destruct o; simpl; intros o' oa e e' H1 H2 Hoa.
+(* e == 0 *)
+inversion Hoa. rewrite <- H0.
+destruct o' ; rewrite H1 ; now rewrite (Rplus_0_l sor).
+(* e ~= 0 *)
+ destruct o'.
+ (* e' == 0 *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rplus_0_r sor).
+ (* e' ~= 0 *)
+ discriminate.
+ (* 0 < e' *)
+ discriminate.
+ (* 0 <= e' *)
+ discriminate.
+(* 0 < e *)
+ destruct o'.
+ (* e' == 0 *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rplus_0_r sor).
+ (* e' ~= 0 *)
+ discriminate.
+ (* 0 < e' *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ now apply (Rplus_pos_pos sor).
+ (* 0 <= e' *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ now apply (Rplus_pos_nonneg sor).
+(* 0 <= e *)
+ destruct o'.
+ (* e' == 0 *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ now rewrite H2, (Rplus_0_r sor).
+ (* e' ~= 0 *)
+ discriminate.
+ (* 0 < e' *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ now apply (Rplus_nonneg_pos sor).
+ (* 0 <= e' *)
+ inversion Hoa.
+ now apply (Rplus_nonneg_nonneg sor).
+Inductive Psatz : Type :=
+| PsatzIn : nat -> Psatz
+| PsatzSquare : PolC -> Psatz
+| PsatzMulC : PolC -> Psatz -> Psatz
+| PsatzMulE : Psatz -> Psatz -> Psatz
+| PsatzAdd : Psatz -> Psatz -> Psatz
+| PsatzC : C -> Psatz
+| PsatzZ : Psatz.
+(** Given a list [l] of NFormula and an extended polynomial expression
+ [e], if [eval_Psatz l e] succeeds (= Some f) then [f] is a
+ logic consequence of the conjunction of the formulae in l.
+ Moreover, the polynomial expression is obtained by replacing the (PsatzIn n)
+ by the nth polynomial expression in [l] and the sign is computed by the "rule of sign" *)
+(* Might be defined elsewhere *)
+Definition map_option (A B:Type) (f : A -> option B) (o : option A) : option B :=
+ match o with
+ | None => None
+ | Some x => f x
+ end.
+Implicit Arguments map_option [A B].
+Definition map_option2 (A B C : Type) (f : A -> B -> option C)
+ (o: option A) (o': option B) : option C :=
+ match o , o' with
+ | None , _ => None
+ | _ , None => None
+ | Some x , Some x' => f x x'
+ end.
+Implicit Arguments map_option2 [A B C].
+Definition Rops_wd := mk_reqe rplus rtimes ropp req
+ sor.(SORplus_wd)
+ sor.(SORtimes_wd)
+ sor.(SORopp_wd).
+Definition pexpr_times_nformula (e: PolC) (f : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
+ let (ef,o) := f in
+ match o with
+ | Equal => Some (Pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e ef , Equal)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition nformula_times_nformula (f1 f2 : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
+ let (e1,o1) := f1 in
+ let (e2,o2) := f2 in
+ map_option (fun x => (Some (Pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2,x))) (OpMult o1 o2).
+ Definition nformula_plus_nformula (f1 f2 : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
+ let (e1,o1) := f1 in
+ let (e2,o2) := f2 in
+ map_option (fun x => (Some (Padd cO cplus ceqb e1 e2,x))) (OpAdd o1 o2).
+Fixpoint eval_Psatz (l : list NFormula) (e : Psatz) {struct e} : option NFormula :=
+ match e with
+ | PsatzIn n => Some (nth n l (Pc cO, Equal))
+ | PsatzSquare e => Some (Psquare cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e , NonStrict)
+ | PsatzMulC re e => map_option (pexpr_times_nformula re) (eval_Psatz l e)
+ | PsatzMulE f1 f2 => map_option2 nformula_times_nformula (eval_Psatz l f1) (eval_Psatz l f2)
+ | PsatzAdd f1 f2 => map_option2 nformula_plus_nformula (eval_Psatz l f1) (eval_Psatz l f2)
+ | PsatzC c => if cltb cO c then Some (Pc c, Strict) else None
+(* This could be 0, or <> 0 -- but these cases are useless *)
+ | PsatzZ => Some (Pc cO, Equal) (* Just to make life easier *)
+ end.
+Lemma pexpr_times_nformula_correct : forall (env: PolEnv) (e: PolC) (f f' : NFormula),
+ eval_nformula env f -> pexpr_times_nformula e f = Some f' ->
+ eval_nformula env f'.
+ unfold pexpr_times_nformula.
+ destruct f.
+ intros. destruct o ; inversion H0 ; try discriminate.
+ simpl in *. unfold eval_pol in *.
+ rewrite (Pmul_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm)).
+ rewrite H. apply (Rtimes_0_r sor).
+Lemma nformula_times_nformula_correct : forall (env:PolEnv)
+ (f1 f2 f : NFormula),
+ eval_nformula env f1 -> eval_nformula env f2 ->
+ nformula_times_nformula f1 f2 = Some f ->
+ eval_nformula env f.
+ unfold nformula_times_nformula.
+ destruct f1 ; destruct f2.
+ case_eq (OpMult o o0) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ intros. inversion H2 ; simpl.
+ unfold eval_pol.
+ destruct o1; simpl;
+ rewrite (Pmul_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm));
+ apply OpMult_sound with (3:= H);assumption.
+Lemma nformula_plus_nformula_correct : forall (env:PolEnv)
+ (f1 f2 f : NFormula),
+ eval_nformula env f1 -> eval_nformula env f2 ->
+ nformula_plus_nformula f1 f2 = Some f ->
+ eval_nformula env f.
+ unfold nformula_plus_nformula.
+ destruct f1 ; destruct f2.
+ case_eq (OpAdd o o0) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ intros. inversion H2 ; simpl.
+ unfold eval_pol.
+ destruct o1; simpl;
+ rewrite (Padd_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm));
+ apply OpAdd_sound with (3:= H);assumption.
+Lemma eval_Psatz_Sound :
+ forall (l : list NFormula) (env : PolEnv),
+ (forall (f : NFormula), In f l -> eval_nformula env f) ->
+ forall (e : Psatz) (f : NFormula), eval_Psatz l e = Some f ->
+ eval_nformula env f.
+ induction e.
+ (* PsatzIn *)
+ simpl ; intros.
+ destruct (nth_in_or_default n l (Pc cO, Equal)).
+ (* index is in bounds *)
+ apply H ; congruence.
+ (* index is out-of-bounds *)
+ inversion H0.
+ rewrite e. simpl.
+ now apply addon.(SORrm).(morph0).
+ (* PsatzSquare *)
+ simpl. intros. inversion H0.
+ simpl. unfold eval_pol.
+ rewrite (Psquare_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm));
+ now apply (Rtimes_square_nonneg sor).
+ (* PsatzMulC *)
+ simpl.
+ intro.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l e) ; simpl ; intros.
+ apply IHe in H0.
+ apply pexpr_times_nformula_correct with (1:=H0) (2:= H1).
+ discriminate.
+ (* PsatzMulC *)
+ simpl ; intro.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ intros.
+ apply IHe1 in H1. apply IHe2 in H0.
+ apply (nformula_times_nformula_correct env n0 n) ; assumption.
+ (* PsatzAdd *)
+ simpl ; intro.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
+ intros.
+ apply IHe1 in H1. apply IHe2 in H0.
+ apply (nformula_plus_nformula_correct env n0 n) ; assumption.
+ (* PsatzC *)
+ simpl.
+ intro. case_eq (cO [<] c).
+ intros. inversion H1. simpl.
+ rewrite <- addon.(SORrm).(morph0). now apply cltb_sound.
+ discriminate.
+ (* PsatzZ *)
+ simpl. intros. inversion H0.
+ simpl. apply addon.(SORrm).(morph0).
+Fixpoint ge_bool (n m : nat) : bool :=
+ match n with
+ | O => match m with
+ | O => true
+ | S _ => false
+ end
+ | S n => match m with
+ | O => true
+ | S m => ge_bool n m
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma ge_bool_cases : forall n m, (if ge_bool n m then n >= m else n < m)%nat.
+ induction n ; simpl.
+ destruct m ; simpl.
+ constructor.
+ omega.
+ destruct m.
+ constructor.
+ omega.
+ generalize (IHn m).
+ destruct (ge_bool n m) ; omega.
+Fixpoint xhyps_of_psatz (base:nat) (acc : list nat) (prf : Psatz) : list nat :=
+ match prf with
+ | PsatzC _ | PsatzZ | PsatzSquare _ => acc
+ | PsatzMulC _ prf => xhyps_of_psatz base acc prf
+ | PsatzAdd e1 e2 | PsatzMulE e1 e2 => xhyps_of_psatz base (xhyps_of_psatz base acc e2) e1
+ | PsatzIn n => if ge_bool n base then (n::acc) else acc
+ end.
+(* roughly speaking, normalise_pexpr_correct is a proof of
+ forall env p, eval_pexpr env p == eval_pol env (normalise_pexpr p) *)
+Definition paddC := PaddC cplus.
+Definition psubC := PsubC cminus.
+Definition PsubC_ok : forall c P env, eval_pol env (psubC P c) == eval_pol env P - [c] :=
+ let Rops_wd := mk_reqe rplus rtimes ropp req
+ sor.(SORplus_wd)
+ sor.(SORtimes_wd)
+ sor.(SORopp_wd) in
+ PsubC_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt))
+ addon.(SORrm).
+Definition PaddC_ok : forall c P env, eval_pol env (paddC P c) == eval_pol env P + [c] :=
+ let Rops_wd := mk_reqe rplus rtimes ropp req
+ sor.(SORplus_wd)
+ sor.(SORtimes_wd)
+ sor.(SORopp_wd) in
+ PaddC_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt))
+ addon.(SORrm).
+(* Check that a formula f is inconsistent by normalizing and comparing the
+resulting constant with 0 *)
+Definition check_inconsistent (f : NFormula) : bool :=
+let (e, op) := f in
+ match e with
+ | Pc c =>
+ match op with
+ | Equal => cneqb c cO
+ | NonStrict => c [<] cO
+ | Strict => c [<=] cO
+ | NonEqual => c [=] cO
+ end
+ | _ => false (* not a constant *)
+ end.
+Lemma check_inconsistent_sound :
+ forall (p : PolC) (op : Op1),
+ check_inconsistent (p, op) = true -> forall env, ~ eval_op1 op (eval_pol env p).
+intros p op H1 env. unfold check_inconsistent in H1.
+destruct op; simpl ;
+destruct p ; simpl; try discriminate H1;
+try rewrite <- addon.(SORrm).(morph0); trivial.
+now apply cneqb_sound.
+apply addon.(SORrm).(morph_eq) in H1. congruence.
+apply cleb_sound in H1. now apply -> (Rle_ngt sor).
+apply cltb_sound in H1. now apply -> (Rlt_nge sor).
+Definition check_normalised_formulas : list NFormula -> Psatz -> bool :=
+ fun l cm =>
+ match eval_Psatz l cm with
+ | None => false
+ | Some f => check_inconsistent f
+ end.
+Lemma checker_nf_sound :
+ forall (l : list NFormula) (cm : Psatz),
+ check_normalised_formulas l cm = true ->
+ forall env : PolEnv, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
+intros l cm H env.
+unfold check_normalised_formulas in H.
+revert H.
+case_eq (eval_Psatz l cm) ; [|discriminate].
+intros nf. intros.
+rewrite <- make_conj_impl. intro.
+assert (H1' := make_conj_in _ _ H1).
+assert (Hnf := @eval_Psatz_Sound _ _ H1' _ _ H).
+destruct nf.
+apply (@check_inconsistent_sound _ _ H0 env Hnf).
+(** Normalisation of formulae **)
+Inductive Op2 : Set := (* binary relations *)
+| OpEq
+| OpNEq
+| OpLe
+| OpGe
+| OpLt
+| OpGt.
+Definition eval_op2 (o : Op2) : R -> R -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| OpEq => req
+| OpNEq => fun x y : R => x ~= y
+| OpLe => rle
+| OpGe => fun x y : R => y <= x
+| OpLt => fun x y : R => x < y
+| OpGt => fun x y : R => y < x
+Definition eval_pexpr (l : PolEnv) (pe : PExpr C) : R := PEeval rplus rtimes rminus ropp phi pow_phi rpow l pe.
+Record Formula : Type := {
+ Flhs : PExpr C;
+ Fop : Op2;
+ Frhs : PExpr C
+Definition eval_formula (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula) : Prop :=
+ let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
+ (eval_op2 op) (eval_pexpr env lhs) (eval_pexpr env rhs).
+(* We normalize Formulas by moving terms to one side *)
+Definition norm := norm_aux cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb.
+Definition psub := Psub cO cplus cminus copp ceqb.
+Definition padd := Padd cO cplus ceqb.
+Definition normalise (f : Formula) : NFormula :=
+let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match op with
+ | OpEq => (psub lhs rhs, Equal)
+ | OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs, NonEqual)
+ | OpLe => (psub rhs lhs, NonStrict)
+ | OpGe => (psub lhs rhs, NonStrict)
+ | OpGt => (psub lhs rhs, Strict)
+ | OpLt => (psub rhs lhs, Strict)
+ end.
+Definition negate (f : Formula) : NFormula :=
+let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match op with
+ | OpEq => (psub rhs lhs, NonEqual)
+ | OpNEq => (psub rhs lhs, Equal)
+ | OpLe => (psub lhs rhs, Strict) (* e <= e' == ~ e > e' *)
+ | OpGe => (psub rhs lhs, Strict)
+ | OpGt => (psub rhs lhs, NonStrict)
+ | OpLt => (psub lhs rhs, NonStrict)
+ end.
+Lemma eval_pol_sub : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (psub lhs rhs) == eval_pol env lhs - eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (Psub_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm)).
+Lemma eval_pol_add : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (padd lhs rhs) == eval_pol env lhs + eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (Padd_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm)).
+Lemma eval_pol_norm : forall env lhs, eval_pexpr env lhs == eval_pol env (norm lhs).
+ intros.
+ apply (norm_aux_spec sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm) addon.(SORpower) ).
+Theorem normalise_sound :
+ forall (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula),
+ eval_formula env f -> eval_nformula env (normalise f).
+intros env f H; destruct f as [lhs op rhs]; simpl in *.
+destruct op; simpl in *; rewrite eval_pol_sub ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm.
+now apply <- (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
+intros H1. apply -> (Rminus_eq_0 sor) in H1. now apply H.
+now apply -> (Rle_le_minus sor).
+now apply -> (Rle_le_minus sor).
+now apply -> (Rlt_lt_minus sor).
+now apply -> (Rlt_lt_minus sor).
+Theorem negate_correct :
+ forall (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula),
+ eval_formula env f <-> ~ (eval_nformula env (negate f)).
+intros env f; destruct f as [lhs op rhs]; simpl.
+destruct op; simpl in *; rewrite eval_pol_sub ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm.
+symmetry. rewrite (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
+split; intro H; [symmetry; now apply -> (Req_dne sor) | symmetry in H; now apply <- (Req_dne sor)].
+rewrite (Rminus_eq_0 sor). split; intro; now apply (Rneq_symm sor).
+rewrite <- (Rlt_lt_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor).
+rewrite <- (Rlt_lt_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor).
+rewrite <- (Rle_le_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor).
+rewrite <- (Rle_le_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor).
+(** Another normalistion - this is used for cnf conversion **)
+Definition xnormalise (t:Formula) : list (NFormula) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq =>
+ (psub lhs rhs, Strict)::(psub rhs lhs , Strict)::nil
+ | OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpGt => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub rhs lhs , Strict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub lhs rhs ,Strict) :: nil
+ end.
+Require Import Tauto.
+Definition cnf_normalise (t:Formula) : cnf (NFormula) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnormalise t).
+Add Ring SORRing : sor.(SORrt).
+Lemma cnf_normalise_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (cnf_normalise t) -> eval_formula env t.
+ unfold cnf_normalise, xnormalise ; simpl ; intros env t.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o ; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub ; repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm in * ;
+ generalize (eval_pexpr env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros.
+ (**)
+ apply sor.(SORle_antisymm).
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ now rewrite <- (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). auto.
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). auto.
+ rewrite (Rlt_nge sor). rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor). auto.
+ rewrite (Rlt_nge sor). rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor). auto.
+Definition xnegate (t:Formula) : list (NFormula) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs ,Strict)::(psub rhs lhs,Strict)::nil
+ | OpGt => (psub lhs rhs,Strict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub rhs lhs,Strict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ end.
+Definition cnf_negate (t:Formula) : cnf (NFormula) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnegate t).
+Lemma cnf_negate_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (cnf_negate t) -> ~ eval_formula env t.
+ unfold cnf_negate, xnegate ; simpl ; intros env t.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o ; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub ; repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm in * ;
+ generalize (eval_pexpr env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; intuition.
+ (**)
+ apply H0.
+ rewrite H1 ; ring.
+ (**)
+ apply H1.
+ apply sor.(SORle_antisymm).
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ (**)
+ apply H0. now rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor) in H1.
+ apply H0. now rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor) in H1.
+ apply H0. now rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor) in H1.
+ apply H0. now rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor) in H1.
+Lemma eval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (eval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (eval_nformula env d).
+ intros.
+ destruct d ; simpl.
+ generalize (eval_pol env p); intros.
+ destruct o ; simpl.
+ apply (Req_em sor r 0).
+ destruct (Req_em sor r 0) ; tauto.
+ rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor r 0). generalize (Rle_gt_cases sor r 0). tauto.
+ rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor r 0). generalize (Rle_gt_cases sor 0 r). tauto.
+(** Reverse transformation *)
+Fixpoint xdenorm (jmp : positive) (p: Pol C) : PExpr C :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc c => PEc c
+ | Pinj j p => xdenorm (Pplus j jmp ) p
+ | PX p j q => PEadd
+ (PEmul (xdenorm jmp p) (PEpow (PEX _ jmp) (Npos j)))
+ (xdenorm (Psucc jmp) q)
+ end.
+Lemma xdenorm_correct : forall p i env, eval_pol (jump i env) p == eval_pexpr env (xdenorm (Psucc i) p).
+ unfold eval_pol.
+ induction p.
+ simpl. reflexivity.
+ (* Pinj *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Pplus_succ_permute_r.
+ rewrite <- IHp.
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite Pjump_Pplus. reflexivity.
+ (* PX *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- IHp1.
+ rewrite <- IHp2.
+ unfold Env.tail , Env.hd.
+ rewrite <- Pjump_Pplus.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ unfold Env.nth.
+ unfold jump at 2.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ rewrite addon.(SORpower).(rpow_pow_N).
+ unfold pow_N. ring.
+Definition denorm (p : Pol C) := xdenorm xH p.
+Lemma denorm_correct : forall p env, eval_pol env p == eval_pexpr env (denorm p).
+ unfold denorm.
+ induction p.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ apply xdenorm_correct.
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite IHp1.
+ unfold Env.tail.
+ rewrite xdenorm_correct.
+ change (Psucc xH) with 2%positive.
+ rewrite addon.(SORpower).(rpow_pow_N).
+ simpl. reflexivity.
+(** Some syntactic simplifications of expressions *)
+Definition simpl_cone (e:Psatz) : Psatz :=
+ match e with
+ | PsatzSquare t =>
+ match t with
+ | Pc c => if ceqb cO c then PsatzZ else PsatzC (ctimes c c)
+ | _ => PsatzSquare t
+ end
+ | PsatzMulE t1 t2 =>
+ match t1 , t2 with
+ | PsatzZ , x => PsatzZ
+ | x , PsatzZ => PsatzZ
+ | PsatzC c , PsatzC c' => PsatzC (ctimes c c')
+ | PsatzC p1 , PsatzMulE (PsatzC p2) x => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
+ | PsatzC p1 , PsatzMulE x (PsatzC p2) => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
+ | PsatzMulE (PsatzC p2) x , PsatzC p1 => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
+ | PsatzMulE x (PsatzC p2) , PsatzC p1 => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
+ | PsatzC x , PsatzAdd y z => PsatzAdd (PsatzMulE (PsatzC x) y) (PsatzMulE (PsatzC x) z)
+ | PsatzC c , _ => if ceqb cI c then t2 else PsatzMulE t1 t2
+ | _ , PsatzC c => if ceqb cI c then t1 else PsatzMulE t1 t2
+ | _ , _ => e
+ end
+ | PsatzAdd t1 t2 =>
+ match t1 , t2 with
+ | PsatzZ , x => x
+ | x , PsatzZ => x
+ | x , y => PsatzAdd x y
+ end
+ | _ => e
+ end.
+End Micromega.
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Refl.
+Require Import Bool.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+ Inductive BFormula (A:Type) : Type :=
+ | TT : BFormula A
+ | FF : BFormula A
+ | X : Prop -> BFormula A
+ | A : A -> BFormula A
+ | Cj : BFormula A -> BFormula A -> BFormula A
+ | D : BFormula A-> BFormula A -> BFormula A
+ | N : BFormula A -> BFormula A
+ | I : BFormula A-> BFormula A-> BFormula A.
+ Fixpoint eval_f (A:Type) (ev:A -> Prop ) (f:BFormula A) {struct f}: Prop :=
+ match f with
+ | TT => True
+ | FF => False
+ | A a => ev a
+ | X p => p
+ | Cj e1 e2 => (eval_f ev e1) /\ (eval_f ev e2)
+ | D e1 e2 => (eval_f ev e1) \/ (eval_f ev e2)
+ | N e => ~ (eval_f ev e)
+ | I f1 f2 => (eval_f ev f1) -> (eval_f ev f2)
+ end.
+ Lemma map_simpl : forall A B f l, @map A B f l = match l with
+ | nil => nil
+ | a :: l=> (f a) :: (@map A B f l)
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ destruct l ; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Section S.
+ Variable Env : Type.
+ Variable Term : Type.
+ Variable eval : Env -> Term -> Prop.
+ Variable Term' : Type.
+ Variable eval' : Env -> Term' -> Prop.
+ Variable no_middle_eval' : forall env d, (eval' env d) \/ ~ (eval' env d).
+ Definition clause := list Term'.
+ Definition cnf := list clause.
+ Variable normalise : Term -> cnf.
+ Variable negate : Term -> cnf.
+ Definition tt : cnf := @nil clause.
+ Definition ff : cnf := cons (@nil Term') nil.
+ Definition or_clause_cnf (t:clause) (f:cnf) : cnf :=
+ (fun x => (t++x)) f.
+ Fixpoint or_cnf (f : cnf) (f' : cnf) {struct f}: cnf :=
+ match f with
+ | nil => tt
+ | e :: rst => (or_cnf rst f') ++ (or_clause_cnf e f')
+ end.
+ Definition and_cnf (f1 : cnf) (f2 : cnf) : cnf :=
+ f1 ++ f2.
+ Fixpoint xcnf (pol : bool) (f : BFormula Term) {struct f}: cnf :=
+ match f with
+ | TT => if pol then tt else ff
+ | FF => if pol then ff else tt
+ | X p => if pol then ff else ff (* This is not complete - cannot negate any proposition *)
+ | A x => if pol then normalise x else negate x
+ | N e => xcnf (negb pol) e
+ | Cj e1 e2 =>
+ (if pol then and_cnf else or_cnf) (xcnf pol e1) (xcnf pol e2)
+ | D e1 e2 => (if pol then or_cnf else and_cnf) (xcnf pol e1) (xcnf pol e2)
+ | I e1 e2 => (if pol then or_cnf else and_cnf) (xcnf (negb pol) e1) (xcnf pol e2)
+ end.
+ Definition eval_cnf (env : Term' -> Prop) (f:cnf) := make_conj (fun cl => ~ make_conj env cl) f.
+ Lemma eval_cnf_app : forall env x y, eval_cnf (eval' env) (x++y) -> eval_cnf (eval' env) x /\ eval_cnf (eval' env) y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ intros.
+ rewrite make_conj_app in H ; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma or_clause_correct : forall env t f, eval_cnf (eval' env) (or_clause_cnf t f) -> (~ make_conj (eval' env) t) \/ (eval_cnf (eval' env) f).
+ Proof.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ unfold or_clause_cnf.
+ induction f.
+ simpl.
+ intros ; right;auto.
+ (**)
+ rewrite map_simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H.
+ destruct H as [HH1 HH2].
+ generalize (IHf HH2) ; clear IHf ; intro.
+ destruct H.
+ left ; auto.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons.
+ destruct (not_make_conj_app _ _ _ (no_middle_eval' env) HH1).
+ tauto.
+ tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_cnf_cons : forall env a f, (~ make_conj (eval' env) a) -> eval_cnf (eval' env) f -> eval_cnf (eval' env) (a::f).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold eval_cnf in *.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons ; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma or_cnf_correct : forall env f f', eval_cnf (eval' env) (or_cnf f f') -> (eval_cnf (eval' env) f) \/ (eval_cnf (eval' env) f').
+ Proof.
+ induction f.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (**)
+ intros.
+ simpl in H.
+ destruct (eval_cnf_app _ _ _ H).
+ clear H.
+ destruct (IHf _ H0).
+ destruct (or_clause_correct _ _ _ H1).
+ left.
+ apply eval_cnf_cons ; auto.
+ right ; auto.
+ right ; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Variable normalise_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval' env) (normalise t) -> eval env t.
+ Variable negate_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval' env) (negate t) -> ~ eval env t.
+ Lemma xcnf_correct : forall f pol env, eval_cnf (eval' env) (xcnf pol f) -> eval_f (eval env) (if pol then f else N f).
+ Proof.
+ induction f.
+ (* TT *)
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ simpl.
+ destruct pol ; simpl ; auto.
+ (* FF *)
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct pol; simpl ; auto.
+ (* P *)
+ simpl.
+ destruct pol ; intros ;simpl.
+ unfold eval_cnf in H.
+ (* Here I have to drop the proposition *)
+ simpl in H.
+ tauto.
+ (* Here, I could store P in the clause *)
+ unfold eval_cnf in H;simpl in H.
+ tauto.
+ (* A *)
+ simpl.
+ destruct pol ; simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply normalise_correct ; auto.
+ (* A 2 *)
+ intros.
+ apply negate_correct ; auto.
+ auto.
+ (* Cj *)
+ destruct pol ; simpl.
+ (* pol = true *)
+ intros.
+ unfold and_cnf in H.
+ destruct (eval_cnf_app _ _ _ H).
+ clear H.
+ split.
+ apply (IHf1 _ _ H0).
+ apply (IHf2 _ _ H1).
+ (* pol = false *)
+ intros.
+ destruct (or_cnf_correct _ _ _ H).
+ generalize (IHf1 false env H0).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ generalize (IHf2 false env H0).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (* D *)
+ simpl.
+ destruct pol.
+ (* pol = true *)
+ intros.
+ destruct (or_cnf_correct _ _ _ H).
+ generalize (IHf1 _ env H0).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ generalize (IHf2 _ env H0).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (* pol = true *)
+ unfold and_cnf.
+ intros.
+ destruct (eval_cnf_app _ _ _ H).
+ clear H.
+ simpl.
+ generalize (IHf1 _ _ H0).
+ generalize (IHf2 _ _ H1).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (**)
+ simpl.
+ destruct pol ; simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply (IHf false) ; auto.
+ intros.
+ generalize (IHf _ _ H).
+ tauto.
+ (* I *)
+ simpl; intros.
+ destruct pol.
+ simpl.
+ intro.
+ destruct (or_cnf_correct _ _ _ H).
+ generalize (IHf1 _ _ H1).
+ simpl in *.
+ tauto.
+ generalize (IHf2 _ _ H1).
+ auto.
+ (* pol = false *)
+ unfold and_cnf in H.
+ simpl in H.
+ destruct (eval_cnf_app _ _ _ H).
+ generalize (IHf1 _ _ H0).
+ generalize (IHf2 _ _ H1).
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Variable Witness : Type.
+ Variable checker : list Term' -> Witness -> bool.
+ Variable checker_sound : forall t w, checker t w = true -> forall env, make_impl (eval' env) t False.
+ Fixpoint cnf_checker (f : cnf) (l : list Witness) {struct f}: bool :=
+ match f with
+ | nil => true
+ | e::f => match l with
+ | nil => false
+ | c::l => match checker e c with
+ | true => cnf_checker f l
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+ Lemma cnf_checker_sound : forall t w, cnf_checker t w = true -> forall env, eval_cnf (eval' env) t.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ induction t.
+ (* bc *)
+ simpl.
+ auto.
+ (* ic *)
+ simpl.
+ destruct w.
+ intros ; discriminate.
+ case_eq (checker a w) ; intros ; try discriminate.
+ generalize (@checker_sound _ _ H env).
+ generalize (IHt _ H0 env) ; intros.
+ destruct t.
+ red ; intro.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ tauto.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition tauto_checker (f:BFormula Term) (w:list Witness) : bool :=
+ cnf_checker (xcnf true f) w.
+ Lemma tauto_checker_sound : forall t w, tauto_checker t w = true -> forall env, eval_f (eval env) t.
+ Proof.
+ unfold tauto_checker.
+ intros.
+ change (eval_f (eval env) t) with (eval_f (eval env) (if true then t else TT Term)).
+ apply (xcnf_correct t true).
+ eapply cnf_checker_sound ; eauto.
+ Qed.
+End S.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/VarMap.v b/plugins/micromega/VarMap.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a66fce3
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+++ b/plugins/micromega/VarMap.v
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *)
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Max.
+Require Import List.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(* I have addded a Leaf constructor to the varmap data structure (/plugins/ring/Quote.v)
+ -- this is harmless and spares a lot of Empty.
+ This means smaller proof-terms.
+ BTW, by dropping the polymorphism, I get small (yet noticeable) speed-up.
+Section MakeVarMap.
+ Variable A : Type.
+ Variable default : A.
+ Inductive t : Type :=
+ | Empty : t
+ | Leaf : A -> t
+ | Node : t -> A -> t -> t .
+ Fixpoint find (vm : t ) (p:positive) {struct vm} : A :=
+ match vm with
+ | Empty => default
+ | Leaf i => i
+ | Node l e r => match p with
+ | xH => e
+ | xO p => find l p
+ | xI p => find r p
+ end
+ end.
+ (* an off_map (a map with offset) offers the same functionalites as /plugins/setoid_ring/BinList.v - it is used in EnvRing.v *)
+ Definition off_map := (option positive *t )%type.
+ Definition jump (j:positive) (l:off_map ) :=
+ let (o,m) := l in
+ match o with
+ | None => (Some j,m)
+ | Some j0 => (Some (j+j0)%positive,m)
+ end.
+ Definition nth (n:positive) (l: off_map ) :=
+ let (o,m) := l in
+ let idx := match o with
+ | None => n
+ | Some i => i + n
+ end%positive in
+ find idx m.
+ Definition hd (l:off_map) := nth xH l.
+ Definition tail (l:off_map ) := jump xH l.
+ Lemma psucc : forall p, (match p with
+ | xI y' => xO (Psucc y')
+ | xO y' => xI y'
+ | 1%positive => 2%positive
+ end) = (p+1)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p.
+ auto with zarith.
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ auto with zarith.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Pplus : forall i j l,
+ (jump (i + j) l) = (jump i (jump j l)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold jump.
+ destruct l.
+ destruct o.
+ rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_simpl : forall p l,
+ jump p l =
+ match p with
+ | xH => tail l
+ | xO p => jump p (jump p l)
+ | xI p => jump p (jump p (tail l))
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p ; unfold tail ; intros ; repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ (* xI p = p + p + 1 *)
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ reflexivity.
+ (* xO p = p + p *)
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac jump_s :=
+ repeat
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [jump xH ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl xH)
+ | |- context [jump (xO ?p) ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl (xO p))
+ | |- context [jump (xI ?p) ?e] => rewrite (jump_simpl (xI p))
+ end.
+ Lemma jump_tl : forall j l, tail (jump j l) = jump j (tail l).
+ Proof.
+ unfold tail.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Psucc : forall j l,
+ (jump (Psucc j) l) = (jump 1 (jump j l)).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_Pdouble_minus_one : forall i l,
+ (jump (Pdouble_minus_one i) (tail l)) = (jump i (jump i l)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold tail.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma jump_x0_tail : forall p l, jump (xO p) (tail l) = jump (xI p) l.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ jump_s.
+ repeat rewrite <- jump_Pplus.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_spec : forall p l,
+ nth p l =
+ match p with
+ | xH => hd l
+ | xO p => nth p (jump p l)
+ | xI p => nth p (jump p (tail l))
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ unfold nth.
+ destruct l.
+ destruct o.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite psucc.
+ destruct p.
+ replace (p0 + xI p)%positive with ((p + (p0 + 1) + p))%positive.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm p0).
+ rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm 1)%positive.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
+ reflexivity.
+ (**)
+ replace ((p0 + xO p))%positive with (p + p0 + p)%positive.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ destruct p.
+ rewrite xI_succ_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_diag.
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_jump : forall p l, nth p (tail l) = hd (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ destruct l.
+ unfold tail.
+ unfold hd.
+ unfold jump.
+ unfold nth.
+ destruct o.
+ symmetry.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm p0).
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite Pplus_comm.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_Pdouble_minus_one :
+ forall p l, nth (Pdouble_minus_one p) (tail l) = nth p (jump p l).
+ Proof.
+ destruct l.
+ unfold tail.
+ unfold nth, jump.
+ destruct o.
+ rewrite ((Pplus_comm p)).
+ rewrite <- (Pplus_assoc p0).
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ rewrite <- Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm (Pdouble_minus_one p)).
+ rewrite Pplus_assoc.
+ rewrite (Pplus_comm p0).
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
+ rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
+ rewrite Pplus_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End MakeVarMap.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f27cd15e
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+++ b/plugins/micromega/ZCoeff.v
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Evgeny Makarov, INRIA, 2007 *)
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import InitialRing.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Import OrderedRingSyntax.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section InitialMorphism.
+Variable R : Type.
+Variables rO rI : R.
+Variables rplus rtimes rminus: R -> R -> R.
+Variable ropp : R -> R.
+Variables req rle rlt : R -> R -> Prop.
+Variable sor : SOR rO rI rplus rtimes rminus ropp req rle rlt.
+Notation "0" := rO.
+Notation "1" := rI.
+Notation "x + y" := (rplus x y).
+Notation "x * y " := (rtimes x y).
+Notation "x - y " := (rminus x y).
+Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
+Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ req x y).
+Notation "x <= y" := (rle x y).
+Notation "x < y" := (rlt x y).
+Lemma req_refl : forall x, req x x.
+ destruct sor.(SORsetoid).
+ apply Equivalence_Reflexive.
+Lemma req_sym : forall x y, req x y -> req y x.
+ destruct sor.(SORsetoid).
+ apply Equivalence_Symmetric.
+Lemma req_trans : forall x y z, req x y -> req y z -> req x z.
+ destruct sor.(SORsetoid).
+ apply Equivalence_Transitive.
+Add Relation R req
+ reflexivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _)
+ symmetry proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _)
+ transitivity proved by sor.(SORsetoid).(@Equivalence_Transitive _ _)
+as sor_setoid.
+Add Morphism rplus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rplus_morph.
+exact sor.(SORplus_wd).
+Add Morphism rtimes with signature req ==> req ==> req as rtimes_morph.
+exact sor.(SORtimes_wd).
+Add Morphism ropp with signature req ==> req as ropp_morph.
+exact sor.(SORopp_wd).
+Add Morphism rle with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rle_morph.
+exact sor.(SORle_wd).
+Add Morphism rlt with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rlt_morph.
+exact sor.(SORlt_wd).
+Add Morphism rminus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rminus_morph.
+ exact (rminus_morph sor).
+Ltac le_less := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); left; try assumption.
+Ltac le_equal := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); right; try reflexivity; try assumption.
+Definition gen_order_phi_Z : Z -> R := gen_phiZ 0 1 rplus rtimes ropp.
+Notation phi_pos := (gen_phiPOS 1 rplus rtimes).
+Notation phi_pos1 := (gen_phiPOS1 1 rplus rtimes).
+Notation "[ x ]" := (gen_order_phi_Z x).
+Lemma ring_ops_wd : ring_eq_ext rplus rtimes ropp req.
+exact rplus_morph.
+exact rtimes_morph.
+exact ropp_morph.
+Lemma Zring_morph :
+ ring_morph 0 1 rplus rtimes rminus ropp req
+ 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp
+ Zeq_bool gen_order_phi_Z.
+exact (gen_phiZ_morph sor.(SORsetoid) ring_ops_wd sor.(SORrt)).
+Lemma phi_pos1_pos : forall x : positive, 0 < phi_pos1 x.
+induction x as [x IH | x IH |]; simpl;
+try apply (Rplus_pos_pos sor); try apply (Rtimes_pos_pos sor); try apply (Rplus_pos_pos sor);
+try apply (Rlt_0_1 sor); assumption.
+Lemma phi_pos1_succ : forall x : positive, phi_pos1 (Psucc x) == 1 + phi_pos1 x.
+exact (ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc sor.(SORsetoid) ring_ops_wd
+ (Rth_ARth sor.(SORsetoid) ring_ops_wd sor.(SORrt))).
+Lemma clt_pos_morph : forall x y : positive, (x < y)%positive -> phi_pos1 x < phi_pos1 y.
+intros x y H. pattern y; apply Plt_ind with x.
+rewrite phi_pos1_succ; apply (Rlt_succ_r sor).
+clear y H; intros y _ H. rewrite phi_pos1_succ. now apply (Rlt_lt_succ sor).
+Lemma clt_morph : forall x y : Z, (x < y)%Z -> [x] < [y].
+unfold Zlt; intros x y H;
+do 2 rewrite (same_genZ sor.(SORsetoid) ring_ops_wd sor.(SORrt));
+destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *; try discriminate.
+apply phi_pos1_pos.
+now apply clt_pos_morph.
+apply <- (Ropp_neg_pos sor); apply phi_pos1_pos.
+apply (Rlt_trans sor) with 0. apply <- (Ropp_neg_pos sor); apply phi_pos1_pos.
+apply phi_pos1_pos.
+rewrite Pcompare_antisym in H; simpl in H. apply -> (Ropp_lt_mono sor).
+now apply clt_pos_morph.
+Lemma Zcleb_morph : forall x y : Z, Zle_bool x y = true -> [x] <= [y].
+unfold Zle_bool; intros x y H.
+case_eq (x ?= y)%Z; intro H1; rewrite H1 in H.
+le_equal. apply Zring_morph.(morph_eq). unfold Zeq_bool; now rewrite H1.
+le_less. now apply clt_morph.
+Lemma Zcneqb_morph : forall x y : Z, Zeq_bool x y = false -> [x] ~= [y].
+intros x y H. unfold Zeq_bool in H.
+case_eq (Zcompare x y); intro H1; rewrite H1 in *; (discriminate || clear H).
+apply (Rlt_neq sor). now apply clt_morph.
+fold (x > y)%Z in H1. rewrite Zgt_iff_lt in H1.
+apply (Rneq_symm sor). apply (Rlt_neq sor). now apply clt_morph.
+End InitialMorphism.
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v b/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b02a9850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import ZCoeff.
+Require Import Refl.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Bool.
+(*Declare ML Module "micromega_plugin".*)
+Ltac flatten_bool :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ id : (_ && _)%bool = true |- _ ] => destruct (andb_prop _ _ id); clear id
+ | [ id : (_ || _)%bool = true |- _ ] => destruct (orb_prop _ _ id); clear id
+ end.
+Ltac inv H := inversion H ; try subst ; clear H.
+Require Import EnvRing.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Lemma Zsor : SOR 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle Zlt.
+ constructor ; intros ; subst ; try (intuition (auto with zarith)).
+ apply Zsth.
+ apply Zth.
+ destruct (Ztrichotomy n m) ; intuition (auto with zarith).
+ apply Zmult_lt_0_compat ; auto.
+Lemma ZSORaddon :
+ SORaddon 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle (* ring elements *)
+ 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (* coefficients *)
+ Zeq_bool Zle_bool
+ (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+ constructor.
+ constructor ; intros ; try reflexivity.
+ apply Zeq_bool_eq ; auto.
+ constructor.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros x y.
+ apply Zeq_bool_neq ; auto.
+ apply Zle_bool_imp_le.
+Fixpoint Zeval_expr (env : PolEnv Z) (e: PExpr Z) : Z :=
+ match e with
+ | PEc c => c
+ | PEX x => env x
+ | PEadd e1 e2 => Zeval_expr env e1 + Zeval_expr env e2
+ | PEmul e1 e2 => Zeval_expr env e1 * Zeval_expr env e2
+ | PEpow e1 n => Zpower (Zeval_expr env e1) (Z_of_N n)
+ | PEsub e1 e2 => (Zeval_expr env e1) - (Zeval_expr env e2)
+ | PEopp e => Zopp (Zeval_expr env e)
+ end.
+Definition eval_expr := eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+Lemma ZNpower : forall r n, r ^ Z_of_N n = pow_N 1 Zmult r n.
+ destruct n.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ unfold Zpower_pos.
+ replace (pow_pos Zmult r p) with (1 * (pow_pos Zmult r p)) by ring.
+ generalize 1.
+ induction p; simpl ; intros ; repeat rewrite IHp ; ring.
+Lemma Zeval_expr_compat : forall env e, Zeval_expr env e = eval_expr env e.
+ induction e ; simpl ; try congruence.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite ZNpower. congruence.
+Definition Zeval_op2 (o : Op2) : Z -> Z -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| OpEq => @eq Z
+| OpNEq => fun x y => ~ x = y
+| OpLe => Zle
+| OpGe => Zge
+| OpLt => Zlt
+| OpGt => Zgt
+Definition Zeval_formula (env : PolEnv Z) (f : Formula Z):=
+ let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
+ (Zeval_op2 op) (Zeval_expr env lhs) (Zeval_expr env rhs).
+Definition Zeval_formula' :=
+ eval_formula Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle Zlt (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+Lemma Zeval_formula_compat : forall env f, Zeval_formula env f <-> Zeval_formula' env f.
+ destruct f ; simpl.
+ rewrite Zeval_expr_compat. rewrite Zeval_expr_compat.
+ unfold eval_expr.
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env Flhs).
+ generalize ((eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env Frhs)).
+ destruct Fop ; simpl; intros ; intuition (auto with zarith).
+Definition eval_nformula :=
+ eval_nformula 0 Zplus Zmult (@eq Z) Zle Zlt (fun x => x) .
+Definition Zeval_op1 (o : Op1) : Z -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| Equal => fun x : Z => x = 0
+| NonEqual => fun x : Z => x <> 0
+| Strict => fun x : Z => 0 < x
+| NonStrict => fun x : Z => 0 <= x
+Lemma Zeval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (eval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (eval_nformula env d).
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_nformula_dec Zsor).
+Definition ZWitness := Psatz Z.
+Definition ZWeakChecker := check_normalised_formulas 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Lemma ZWeakChecker_sound : forall (l : list (NFormula Z)) (cm : ZWitness),
+ ZWeakChecker l cm = true ->
+ forall env, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
+ intros l cm H.
+ intro.
+ unfold eval_nformula.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Zsor ZSORaddon l cm).
+ unfold ZWeakChecker in H.
+ exact H.
+Definition psub := psub Z0 Zplus Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition padd := padd Z0 Zplus Zeq_bool.
+Definition norm := norm 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition eval_pol := eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x => x).
+Lemma eval_pol_sub : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (psub lhs rhs) = eval_pol env lhs - eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_sub Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Lemma eval_pol_add : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (padd lhs rhs) = eval_pol env lhs + eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Lemma eval_pol_norm : forall env e, eval_expr env e = eval_pol env (norm e) .
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_norm Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Definition xnormalise (t:Formula Z) : list (NFormula Z) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq =>
+ ((psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::((psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::nil
+ | OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpGt => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ end.
+Require Import Tauto.
+Definition normalise (t:Formula Z) : cnf (NFormula Z) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnormalise t).
+Lemma normalise_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (normalise t) <-> Zeval_formula env t.
+ Opaque padd.
+ unfold normalise, xnormalise ; simpl; intros env t.
+ rewrite Zeval_formula_compat.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_add;
+ repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; simpl in *;
+ unfold eval_expr;
+ generalize ( eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; subst;
+ intuition (auto with zarith).
+ Transparent padd.
+Definition xnegate (t:RingMicromega.Formula Z) : list (NFormula Z) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpNEq => ((psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::((psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::nil
+ | OpGt => (psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ end.
+Definition negate (t:RingMicromega.Formula Z) : cnf (NFormula Z) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnegate t).
+Lemma negate_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (negate t) <-> ~ Zeval_formula env t.
+ Opaque padd.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite Zeval_formula_compat.
+ unfold negate, xnegate ; simpl.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_add;
+ repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; simpl in *;
+ unfold eval_expr;
+ generalize ( eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; subst;
+ intuition (auto with zarith).
+ Transparent padd.
+Definition ZweakTautoChecker (w: list ZWitness) (f : BFormula (Formula Z)) : bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Z) (NFormula Z) normalise negate ZWitness ZWeakChecker f w.
+(* To get a complete checker, the proof format has to be enriched *)
+Require Import Zdiv.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Definition ceiling (a b:Z) : Z :=
+ let (q,r) := Zdiv_eucl a b in
+ match r with
+ | Z0 => q
+ | _ => q + 1
+ end.
+Lemma narrow_interval_lower_bound : forall a b x, a > 0 -> a * x >= b -> x >= ceiling b a.
+ unfold ceiling.
+ intros.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod b a H).
+ destruct (Zdiv_eucl b a).
+ intros.
+ destruct H1.
+ destruct H2.
+ subst.
+ destruct (Ztrichotomy z0 0) as [ HH1 | [HH2 | HH3]]; destruct z0 ; try auto with zarith ; try discriminate.
+ assert (HH :x >= z \/ x < z) by (destruct (Ztrichotomy x z) ; auto with zarith).
+ destruct HH ;auto.
+ generalize (Zmult_lt_compat_l _ _ _ H3 H1).
+ auto with zarith.
+ clear H2.
+ assert (HH :x >= z +1 \/ x <= z) by (destruct (Ztrichotomy x z) ; intuition (auto with zarith)).
+ destruct HH ;auto.
+ assert (0 < a) by auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Zmult_lt_0_le_compat_r _ _ _ H2 H1).
+ intros.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm in H4.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm z) in H4.
+ auto with zarith.
+(** NB: narrow_interval_upper_bound is Zdiv.Zdiv_le_lower_bound *)
+Require Import QArith.
+Inductive ZArithProof : Type :=
+| DoneProof
+| RatProof : ZWitness -> ZArithProof -> ZArithProof
+| CutProof : ZWitness -> ZArithProof -> ZArithProof
+| EnumProof : ZWitness -> ZWitness -> list ZArithProof -> ZArithProof.
+(* n/d <= x -> d*x - n >= 0 *)
+Definition makeLb (v:PExpr Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in (PEsub (PEmul (PEc (Zpos d)) v) (PEc n),NonStrict).
+(* x <= n/d -> d * x <= d *)
+Definition makeUb (v:PExpr Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in
+ (PEsub (PEc n) (PEmul (PEc (Zpos d)) v), NonStrict).
+Definition qceiling (q:Q) : Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in ceiling n (Zpos d).
+Definition qfloor (q:Q) : Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in Zdiv n (Zpos d).
+Definition makeLbCut (v:PExprC Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ (PEsub v (PEc (qceiling q)), NonStrict).
+Definition neg_nformula (f : NFormula Z) :=
+ let (e,o) := f in
+ (PEopp (PEadd e (PEc 1%Z)), o).
+Lemma neg_nformula_sound : forall env f, snd f = NonStrict ->( ~ (Zeval_nformula env (neg_nformula f)) <-> Zeval_nformula env f).
+ unfold neg_nformula.
+ destruct f.
+ simpl.
+ intros ; subst ; simpl in *.
+ split; auto with zarith.
+(* In order to compute the 'cut', we need to express a polynomial P as a * Q + b.
+ - b is the constant
+ - a is the gcd of the other coefficient.
+Require Import Znumtheory.
+Definition isZ0 (x:Z) :=
+ match x with
+ | Z0 => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma isZ0_0 : forall x, isZ0 x = true <-> x = 0.
+ destruct x ; simpl ; intuition congruence.
+Lemma isZ0_n0 : forall x, isZ0 x = false <-> x <> 0.
+ destruct x ; simpl ; intuition congruence.
+Definition ZgcdM (x y : Z) := Zmax (Zgcd x y) 1.
+Fixpoint Zgcd_pol (p : PolC Z) : (Z * Z) :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc c => (0,c)
+ | Pinj _ p => Zgcd_pol p
+ | PX p _ q =>
+ let (g1,c1) := Zgcd_pol p in
+ let (g2,c2) := Zgcd_pol q in
+ (ZgcdM (ZgcdM g1 c1) g2 , c2)
+ end.
+(*Eval compute in (Zgcd_pol ((PX (Pc (-2)) 1 (Pc 4)))).*)
+Fixpoint Zdiv_pol (p:PolC Z) (x:Z) : PolC Z :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc c => Pc (Zdiv c x)
+ | Pinj j p => Pinj j (Zdiv_pol p x)
+ | PX p j q => PX (Zdiv_pol p x) j (Zdiv_pol q x)
+ end.
+Inductive Zdivide_pol (x:Z): PolC Z -> Prop :=
+| Zdiv_Pc : forall c, (x | c) -> Zdivide_pol x (Pc c)
+| Zdiv_Pinj : forall p, Zdivide_pol x p -> forall j, Zdivide_pol x (Pinj j p)
+| Zdiv_PX : forall p q, Zdivide_pol x p -> Zdivide_pol x q -> forall j, Zdivide_pol x (PX p j q).
+Lemma Zdiv_pol_correct : forall a p, 0 < a -> Zdivide_pol a p ->
+ forall env, eval_pol env p = a * eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol p a).
+ intros until 2.
+ induction H0.
+ (* Pc *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply Zdivide_Zdiv_eq ; auto.
+ (* Pinj *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply IHZdivide_pol.
+ (* PX *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite IHZdivide_pol1.
+ rewrite IHZdivide_pol2.
+ ring.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_ge : forall p, fst (Zgcd_pol p) >= 0.
+ induction p.
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p1).
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p3).
+ intros.
+ simpl.
+ unfold ZgcdM.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos z1 z2).
+ generalize (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1).
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos (Zmax (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) z).
+ generalize (Zmax_spec (Zgcd (Zmax (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) z) 1).
+ auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_Zdivide : forall p x y, Zdivide_pol x p -> (y | x) -> Zdivide_pol y p.
+ intros.
+ induction H.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_trans with (1:= H0) ; assumption.
+ constructor. auto.
+ constructor ; auto.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_one : forall p, Zdivide_pol 1 p.
+ induction p ; constructor ; auto.
+ exists c. ring.
+Lemma Zgcd_minus : forall a b c, (a | c - b ) -> (Zgcd a b | c).
+ intros a b c (q,Hq).
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd a b) as [(a',Ha) (b',Hb) _].
+ set (g:=Zgcd a b) in *; clearbody g.
+ exists (q * a' + b').
+ symmetry in Hq. rewrite <- Zeq_plus_swap in Hq.
+ rewrite <- Hq, Hb, Ha. ring.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_sub : forall p a b,
+ 0 < Zgcd a b ->
+ Zdivide_pol a (PsubC Zminus p b) ->
+ Zdivide_pol (Zgcd a b) p.
+ induction p.
+ simpl.
+ intros. inversion H0.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zgcd_minus ; auto.
+ intros.
+ constructor.
+ simpl in H0. inversion H0 ; subst; clear H0.
+ apply IHp ; auto.
+ simpl. intros.
+ inv H0.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (1:= H3).
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd a b) ; assumption.
+ apply IHp2 ; assumption.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_sub_0 : forall p a,
+ Zdivide_pol a (PsubC Zminus p 0) ->
+ Zdivide_pol a p.
+ induction p.
+ simpl.
+ intros. inversion H.
+ constructor. replace (c - 0) with c in H1 ; auto with zarith.
+ intros.
+ constructor.
+ simpl in H. inversion H ; subst; clear H.
+ apply IHp ; auto.
+ simpl. intros.
+ inv H.
+ constructor. auto.
+ apply IHp2 ; assumption.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_div : forall p g c,
+ Zgcd_pol p = (g, c) -> Zdivide_pol g (PsubC Zminus p c).
+ induction p ; simpl.
+ (* Pc *)
+ intros. inv H.
+ constructor.
+ exists 0. now ring.
+ (* Pinj *)
+ intros.
+ constructor. apply IHp ; auto.
+ (* PX *)
+ intros g c.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p1) ; case_eq (Zgcd_pol p3) ; intros.
+ inv H1.
+ unfold ZgcdM at 1.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd (ZgcdM z1 z2) z) 1) as [HH1 | HH1];
+ destruct HH1 as [HH1 HH1'] ; rewrite HH1'.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (x:= ZgcdM z1 z2).
+ unfold ZgcdM.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) as [HH2 | HH2].
+ destruct HH2.
+ rewrite H2.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_sub ; auto.
+ auto with zarith.
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+ unfold ZgcdM in HH1. unfold ZgcdM.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) as [HH2 | HH2].
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2 in *.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd (Zgcd z1 z2) z); auto.
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd 1 z); auto.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (x:= z).
+ apply (IHp2 _ _ H); auto.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd (ZgcdM z1 z2) z); auto.
+ constructor. apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_correct_lt : forall p env g c, Zgcd_pol p = (g,c) -> 0 < g -> eval_pol env p = g * (eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g)) + c.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- Zdiv_pol_correct ; auto.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ unfold eval_pol. ring.
+ (**)
+ apply Zgcd_pol_div ; auto.
+Definition makeCuttingPlane (p : PolC Z) : PolC Z * Z :=
+ let (g,c) := Zgcd_pol p in
+ if Zgt_bool g Z0
+ then (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g , Zopp (ceiling (Zopp c) g))
+ else (p,Z0).
+Definition genCuttingPlane (f : NFormula Z) : option (PolC Z * Z * Op1) :=
+ let (e,op) := f in
+ match op with
+ | Equal => let (g,c) := Zgcd_pol e in
+ if andb (Zgt_bool g Z0) (andb (Zgt_bool c Z0) (negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g)))
+ then None (* inconsistent *)
+ else Some (e, Z0,op) (* It could still be inconsistent -- but not a cut *)
+ | NonEqual => Some (e,Z0,op)
+ | Strict => let (p,c) := makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus e 1) in
+ Some (p,c,NonStrict)
+ | NonStrict => let (p,c) := makeCuttingPlane e in
+ Some (p,c,NonStrict)
+ end.
+Definition nformula_of_cutting_plane (t : PolC Z * Z * Op1) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (e_z, o) := t in
+ let (e,z) := e_z in
+ (padd e (Pc z) , o).
+Definition is_pol_Z0 (p : PolC Z) : bool :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc Z0 => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma is_pol_Z0_eval_pol : forall p, is_pol_Z0 p = true -> forall env, eval_pol env p = 0.
+ unfold is_pol_Z0.
+ destruct p ; try discriminate.
+ destruct z ; try discriminate.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition eval_Psatz : list (NFormula Z) -> ZWitness -> option (NFormula Z) :=
+ eval_Psatz 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Definition check_inconsistent := check_inconsistent 0 Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Fixpoint ZChecker (l:list (NFormula Z)) (pf : ZArithProof) {struct pf} : bool :=
+ match pf with
+ | DoneProof => false
+ | RatProof w pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w with
+ | None => false
+ | Some f =>
+ if check_inconsistent f then true
+ else ZChecker (f::l) pf
+ end
+ | CutProof w pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w with
+ | None => false
+ | Some f =>
+ match genCuttingPlane f with
+ | None => true
+ | Some cp => ZChecker (nformula_of_cutting_plane cp::l) pf
+ end
+ end
+ | EnumProof w1 w2 pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w1 , eval_Psatz l w2 with
+ | Some f1 , Some f2 =>
+ match genCuttingPlane f1 , genCuttingPlane f2 with
+ |Some (e1,z1,op1) , Some (e2,z2,op2) =>
+ match op1 , op2 with
+ | NonStrict , NonStrict =>
+ if is_pol_Z0 (padd e1 e2)
+ then
+ (fix label (pfs:list ZArithProof) :=
+ fun lb ub =>
+ match pfs with
+ | nil => if Zgt_bool lb ub then true else false
+ | pf::rsr => andb (ZChecker ((psub e1 (Pc lb), Equal) :: l) pf) (label rsr (Zplus lb 1%Z) ub)
+ end)
+ pf (Zopp z1) z2
+ else false
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint bdepth (pf : ZArithProof) : nat :=
+ match pf with
+ | DoneProof => O
+ | RatProof _ p => S (bdepth p)
+ | CutProof _ p => S (bdepth p)
+ | EnumProof _ _ l => S (List.fold_right (fun pf x => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) O l)
+ end.
+Require Import Wf_nat.
+Lemma in_bdepth : forall l a b y, In y l -> ltof ZArithProof bdepth y (EnumProof a b l).
+ induction l.
+ (* nil *)
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (* cons *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ destruct H.
+ subst.
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ generalize ( (fold_right
+ (fun (pf : ZArithProof) (x : nat) => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) 0%nat l)).
+ intros.
+ generalize (bdepth y) ; intros.
+ generalize (Max.max_l n0 n) (Max.max_r n0 n).
+ auto with zarith.
+ generalize (IHl a0 b y H).
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ generalize ( (fold_right (fun (pf : ZArithProof) (x : nat) => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) 0%nat
+ l)).
+ intros.
+ generalize (Max.max_l (bdepth a) n) (Max.max_r (bdepth a) n).
+ auto with zarith.
+Lemma eval_Psatz_sound : forall env w l f',
+ make_conj (eval_nformula env) l ->
+ eval_Psatz l w = Some f' -> eval_nformula env f'.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_Psatz_Sound Zsor ZSORaddon) with (l:=l) (e:= w) ; auto.
+ apply make_conj_in ; auto.
+Lemma makeCuttingPlane_sound : forall env e e' c,
+ eval_nformula env (e, NonStrict) ->
+ makeCuttingPlane e = (e',c) ->
+ eval_nformula env (nformula_of_cutting_plane (e', c, NonStrict)).
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_nformula. unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula.
+ unfold eval_op1.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl.
+ (**)
+ unfold makeCuttingPlane in H0.
+ revert H0.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol e) ; intros g c0.
+ generalize (Zgt_cases g 0) ; destruct (Zgt_bool g 0).
+ intros.
+ inv H2.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in *.
+ apply Zgcd_pol_correct_lt with (env:=env) in H1.
+ generalize (narrow_interval_lower_bound g (- c0) (eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus e c0) g)) H0).
+ auto with zarith.
+ auto with zarith.
+ (* g <= 0 *)
+ intros. inv H2. auto with zarith.
+Lemma cutting_plane_sound : forall env f p,
+ eval_nformula env f ->
+ genCuttingPlane f = Some p ->
+ eval_nformula env (nformula_of_cutting_plane p).
+ unfold genCuttingPlane.
+ destruct f as [e op].
+ destruct op.
+ (* Equal *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol e) ; intros g c.
+ destruct (Zgt_bool g 0 && (Zgt_bool c 0 && negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g))) ; [discriminate|].
+ intros. inv H1. unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold eval_op1 in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+ (* NonEqual *)
+ intros.
+ inv H0.
+ unfold eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_op1 in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ (* Strict *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus e 1)).
+ intros.
+ inv H1.
+ apply makeCuttingPlane_sound with (env:=env) (2:= H).
+ simpl in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ auto with zarith.
+ (* NonStrict *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (makeCuttingPlane e).
+ intros.
+ inv H1.
+ apply makeCuttingPlane_sound with (env:=env) (2:= H).
+ assumption.
+Lemma genCuttingPlaneNone : forall env f,
+ genCuttingPlane f = None ->
+ eval_nformula env f -> False.
+ unfold genCuttingPlane.
+ destruct f.
+ destruct o.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p) ; intros g c.
+ case_eq (Zgt_bool g 0 && (Zgt_bool c 0 && negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g))).
+ intros.
+ flatten_bool.
+ rewrite negb_true_iff in H5.
+ apply Zeq_bool_neq in H5.
+ contradict H5.
+ rewrite <- Zgt_is_gt_bool in H3.
+ rewrite <- Zgt_is_gt_bool in H.
+ apply Zis_gcd_gcd; auto with zarith.
+ constructor; auto with zarith.
+ change (eval_pol env p = 0) in H2.
+ rewrite Zgcd_pol_correct_lt with (1:= H0) in H2; auto with zarith.
+ set (x:=eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g)) in *; clearbody x.
+ exists (-x).
+ rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l, Zmult_comm; auto with zarith.
+ (**)
+ discriminate.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct (makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus p 1)) ; discriminate.
+ destruct (makeCuttingPlane p) ; discriminate.
+Lemma ZChecker_sound : forall w l, ZChecker l w = true -> forall env, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
+ induction w using (well_founded_ind (well_founded_ltof _ bdepth)).
+ destruct w as [ | w pf | w pf | w1 w2 pf].
+ (* DoneProof *)
+ simpl. discriminate.
+ (* RatProof *)
+ simpl.
+ intro l. case_eq (eval_Psatz l w) ; [| discriminate].
+ intros f Hf.
+ case_eq (check_inconsistent f).
+ intros.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Zsor ZSORaddon l w).
+ unfold check_normalised_formulas. unfold eval_Psatz in Hf. rewrite Hf.
+ unfold check_inconsistent in H0. assumption.
+ intros.
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) (f::l) False).
+ apply H with (2:= H1).
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ auto with arith.
+ destruct f.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H2.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ apply H2.
+ split ; auto.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (2:= Hf) ; assumption.
+ (* CutProof *)
+ simpl.
+ intro l.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w) ; [ | discriminate].
+ intros f' Hlc.
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f').
+ intros.
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) (nformula_of_cutting_plane p::l) False).
+ eapply (H pf) ; auto.
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ auto with arith.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H2.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ apply H2.
+ split ; auto.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hlc.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hlc) (2:= H0).
+ auto.
+ (* genCuttingPlane = None *)
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intros.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (2:= Hlc) in H2.
+ apply genCuttingPlaneNone with (2:= H2) ; auto.
+ (* EnumProof *)
+ intro.
+ simpl.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w1) ; [ | discriminate].
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w2) ; [ | discriminate].
+ intros f1 Hf1 f2 Hf2.
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f2) ; [ | discriminate].
+ destruct p as [ [p1 z1] op1].
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f1) ; [ | discriminate].
+ destruct p as [ [p2 z2] op2].
+ case_eq op1 ; case_eq op2 ; try discriminate.
+ case_eq (is_pol_Z0 (padd p1 p2)) ; try discriminate.
+ intros.
+ (* get the bounds of the enum *)
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ assert (-z1 <= eval_pol env p1 <= z2).
+ split.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hf2 ; auto.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hf2) in H4.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane in H4.
+ unfold eval_nformula in H4.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in H4.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in H4.
+ unfold eval_op1 in H4.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H4. simpl in H4.
+ auto with zarith.
+ (**)
+ apply is_pol_Z0_eval_pol with (env := env) in H0.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H0.
+ replace (eval_pol env p1) with (- eval_pol env p2) by omega.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hf1 ; auto.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hf1) in H3.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane in H3.
+ unfold eval_nformula in H3.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in H3.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in H3.
+ unfold eval_op1 in H3.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H3. simpl in H3.
+ omega.
+ revert H5.
+ set (FF := (fix label (pfs : list ZArithProof) (lb ub : Z) {struct pfs} : bool :=
+ match pfs with
+ | nil => if Z_gt_dec lb ub then true else false
+ | pf :: rsr =>
+ (ZChecker ((PsubC Zminus p1 lb, Equal) :: l) pf &&
+ label rsr (lb + 1)%Z ub)%bool
+ end)).
+ intros.
+ assert (HH :forall x, -z1 <= x <= z2 -> exists pr,
+ (In pr pf /\
+ ZChecker ((PsubC Zminus p1 x,Equal) :: l) pr = true)%Z).
+ clear H.
+ clear H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H7.
+ revert H5.
+ generalize (-z1). clear z1. intro z1.
+ revert z1 z2.
+ induction pf;simpl ;intros.
+ generalize (Zgt_cases z1 z2).
+ destruct (Zgt_bool z1 z2).
+ intros.
+ apply False_ind ; omega.
+ discriminate.
+ flatten_bool.
+ assert (HH:(x = z1 \/ z1 +1 <=x)%Z) by omega.
+ destruct HH.
+ subst.
+ exists a ; auto.
+ assert (z1 + 1 <= x <= z2)%Z by omega.
+ destruct (IHpf _ _ H1 _ H3).
+ destruct H4.
+ exists x0 ; split;auto.
+ (*/asser *)
+ destruct (HH _ H7) as [pr [Hin Hcheker]].
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) ((PsubC Zminus p1 (eval_pol env p1),Equal) :: l) False).
+ apply (H pr);auto.
+ apply in_bdepth ; auto.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H8.
+ apply H8.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons.
+ split ;auto.
+ unfold eval_nformula.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ unfold eval_pol. ring.
+Definition ZTautoChecker (f : BFormula (Formula Z)) (w: list ZArithProof): bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Z) (NFormula Z) normalise negate ZArithProof ZChecker f w.
+Lemma ZTautoChecker_sound : forall f w, ZTautoChecker f w = true -> forall env, eval_f (Zeval_formula env) f.
+ intros f w.
+ unfold ZTautoChecker.
+ apply (tauto_checker_sound Zeval_formula eval_nformula).
+ apply Zeval_nformula_dec.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite normalise_correct ; auto.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite negate_correct ; auto.
+ intros t w0.
+ apply ZChecker_sound.
+Fixpoint xhyps_of_pt (base:nat) (acc : list nat) (pt:ZArithProof) : list nat :=
+ match pt with
+ | DoneProof => acc
+ | RatProof c pt => xhyps_of_pt (S base ) (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c) pt
+ | CutProof c pt => xhyps_of_pt (S base ) (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c) pt
+ | EnumProof c1 c2 l =>
+ let acc := xhyps_of_psatz base (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c2) c1 in
+ List.fold_left (xhyps_of_pt (S base)) l acc
+ end.
+Definition hyps_of_pt (pt : ZArithProof) : list nat := xhyps_of_pt 0 nil pt.
+(*Lemma hyps_of_pt_correct : forall pt l, *)
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(** To ease bindings from ml code **)
+(*Definition varmap := Quote.varmap.*)
+Definition make_impl := Refl.make_impl.
+Definition make_conj := Refl.make_conj.
+Require VarMap.
+(*Definition varmap_type := VarMap.t Z. *)
+Definition env := PolEnv Z.
+Definition node := @VarMap.Node Z.
+Definition empty := @VarMap.Empty Z.
+Definition leaf := @VarMap.Leaf Z.
+Definition coneMember := ZWitness.
+Definition eval := eval_formula.
+Definition prod_pos_nat := prod positive nat.
+Definition n_of_Z (z:Z) : BinNat.N :=
+ match z with
+ | Z0 => N0
+ | Zpos p => Npos p
+ | Zneg p => N0
+ end.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5760229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+(* We take as input a list of polynomials [] and return an unfeasibility
+ certificate polynomial. *)
+(*open Micromega.Polynomial*)
+open Big_int
+open Num
+open Sos_lib
+module Mc = Micromega
+module Ml2C = Mutils.CamlToCoq
+module C2Ml = Mutils.CoqToCaml
+let (<+>) = add_num
+let (<->) = minus_num
+let (<*>) = mult_num
+type var = Mc.positive
+module Monomial :
+ type t
+ val const : t
+ val var : var -> t
+ val find : var -> t -> int
+ val mult : var -> t -> t
+ val prod : t -> t -> t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (var -> int -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ =
+ (* A monomial is represented by a multiset of variables *)
+ module Map = Map.Make(struct type t = var let compare = end)
+ open Map
+ type t = int Map.t
+ (* The monomial that corresponds to a constant *)
+ let const = Map.empty
+ (* The monomial 'x' *)
+ let var x = Map.add x 1 Map.empty
+ (* Get the degre of a variable in a monomial *)
+ let find x m = try find x m with Not_found -> 0
+ (* Multiply a monomial by a variable *)
+ let mult x m = add x ( (find x m) + 1) m
+ (* Product of monomials *)
+ let prod m1 m2 = Map.fold (fun k d m -> add k ((find k m) + d) m) m1 m2
+ (* Total ordering of monomials *)
+ let compare m1 m2 = m1 m2
+ let pp o m = Map.iter (fun k v ->
+ if v = 1 then Printf.fprintf o "x%i." (C2Ml.index k)
+ else Printf.fprintf o "x%i^%i." (C2Ml.index k) v) m
+ let fold = fold
+module Poly :
+ (* A polynomial is a map of monomials *)
+ (*
+ This is probably a naive implementation
+ (expected to be fast enough - Coq is probably the bottleneck)
+ *The new ring contribution is using a sparse Horner representation.
+ *)
+ type t
+ val get : Monomial.t -> t -> num
+ val variable : var -> t
+ val add : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t
+ val constant : num -> t
+ val mult : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t
+ val product : t -> t -> t
+ val addition : t -> t -> t
+ val uminus : t -> t
+ val fold : (Monomial.t -> num -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val is_null : t -> bool
+end =
+ (*normalisation bug : 0*x ... *)
+ module P = Map.Make(Monomial)
+ open P
+ type t = num P.t
+ let pp o p = P.iter (fun k v ->
+ if compare_num v (Int 0) <> 0
+ then
+ if Monomial.const k = 0
+ then Printf.fprintf o "%s " (string_of_num v)
+ else Printf.fprintf o "%s*%a " (string_of_num v) Monomial.pp k) p
+ (* Get the coefficient of monomial mn *)
+ let get : Monomial.t -> t -> num =
+ fun mn p -> try find mn p with Not_found -> (Int 0)
+ (* The polynomial 1.x *)
+ let variable : var -> t =
+ fun x -> add (Monomial.var x) (Int 1) empty
+ (*The constant polynomial *)
+ let constant : num -> t =
+ fun c -> add (Monomial.const) c empty
+ (* The addition of a monomial *)
+ let add : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t =
+ fun mn v p ->
+ let vl = (get mn p) <+> v in
+ add mn vl p
+ (** Design choice: empty is not a polynomial
+ I do not remember why ....
+ **)
+ (* The product by a monomial *)
+ let mult : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t =
+ fun mn v p ->
+ fold (fun mn' v' res -> P.add ( mn mn') (v<*>v') res) p empty
+ let addition : t -> t -> t =
+ fun p1 p2 -> fold (fun mn v p -> add mn v p) p1 p2
+ let product : t -> t -> t =
+ fun p1 p2 ->
+ fold (fun mn v res -> addition (mult mn v p2) res ) p1 empty
+ let uminus : t -> t =
+ fun p -> map (fun v -> minus_num v) p
+ let fold = P.fold
+ let is_null p = fold (fun mn vl b -> b & sign_num vl = 0) p true
+ let compare = compare compare_num
+open Mutils
+type 'a number_spec = {
+ bigint_to_number : big_int -> 'a;
+ number_to_num : 'a -> num;
+ zero : 'a;
+ unit : 'a;
+ mult : 'a -> 'a -> 'a;
+ eqb : 'a -> 'a -> bool
+let z_spec = {
+ bigint_to_number = Ml2C.bigint ;
+ number_to_num = (fun x -> Big_int (C2Ml.z_big_int x));
+ zero = Mc.Z0;
+ unit = Mc.Zpos Mc.XH;
+ mult = Mc.zmult;
+ eqb = Mc.zeq_bool
+let q_spec = {
+ bigint_to_number = (fun x -> {Mc.qnum = Ml2C.bigint x; Mc.qden = Mc.XH});
+ number_to_num = C2Ml.q_to_num;
+ zero = {Mc.qnum = Mc.Z0;Mc.qden = Mc.XH};
+ unit = {Mc.qnum = (Mc.Zpos Mc.XH) ; Mc.qden = Mc.XH};
+ mult = Mc.qmult;
+ eqb = Mc.qeq_bool
+let r_spec = z_spec
+let dev_form n_spec p =
+ let rec dev_form p =
+ match p with
+ | Mc.PEc z -> Poly.constant (n_spec.number_to_num z)
+ | Mc.PEX v -> Poly.variable v
+ | Mc.PEmul(p1,p2) ->
+ let p1 = dev_form p1 in
+ let p2 = dev_form p2 in
+ Poly.product p1 p2
+ | Mc.PEadd(p1,p2) -> Poly.addition (dev_form p1) (dev_form p2)
+ | Mc.PEopp p -> Poly.uminus (dev_form p)
+ | Mc.PEsub(p1,p2) -> Poly.addition (dev_form p1) (Poly.uminus (dev_form p2))
+ | Mc.PEpow(p,n) ->
+ let p = dev_form p in
+ let n = C2Ml.n n in
+ let rec pow n =
+ if n = 0
+ then Poly.constant (n_spec.number_to_num n_spec.unit)
+ else Poly.product p (pow (n-1)) in
+ pow n in
+ dev_form p
+let monomial_to_polynomial mn =
+ Monomial.fold
+ (fun v i acc ->
+ let mn = if i = 1 then Mc.PEX v else Mc.PEpow (Mc.PEX v ,Ml2C.n i) in
+ if acc = Mc.PEc (Mc.Zpos Mc.XH)
+ then mn
+ else Mc.PEmul(mn,acc))
+ mn
+ (Mc.PEc (Mc.Zpos Mc.XH))
+let list_to_polynomial vars l =
+ assert (List.for_all (fun x -> ceiling_num x =/ x) l);
+ let var x = monomial_to_polynomial (List.nth vars x) in
+ let rec xtopoly p i = function
+ | [] -> p
+ | c::l -> if c =/ (Int 0) then xtopoly p (i+1) l
+ else let c = Mc.PEc (Ml2C.bigint (numerator c)) in
+ let mn =
+ if c = Mc.PEc (Mc.Zpos Mc.XH)
+ then var i
+ else Mc.PEmul (c,var i) in
+ let p' = if p = Mc.PEc Mc.Z0 then mn else
+ Mc.PEadd (mn, p) in
+ xtopoly p' (i+1) l in
+ xtopoly (Mc.PEc Mc.Z0) 0 l
+let rec fixpoint f x =
+ let y' = f x in
+ if y' = x then y'
+ else fixpoint f y'
+let rec_simpl_cone n_spec e =
+ let simpl_cone =
+ Mc.simpl_cone n_spec.unit n_spec.mult n_spec.eqb in
+ let rec rec_simpl_cone = function
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(t1, t2) ->
+ simpl_cone (Mc.PsatzMulE (rec_simpl_cone t1, rec_simpl_cone t2))
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(t1,t2) ->
+ simpl_cone (Mc.PsatzAdd (rec_simpl_cone t1, rec_simpl_cone t2))
+ | x -> simpl_cone x in
+ rec_simpl_cone e
+let simplify_cone n_spec c = fixpoint (rec_simpl_cone n_spec) c
+type cone_prod =
+ Const of cone
+ | Ideal of cone *cone
+ | Mult of cone * cone
+ | Other of cone
+and cone = Mc.zWitness
+let factorise_linear_cone c =
+ let rec cone_list c l =
+ match c with
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd (x,r) -> cone_list r (x::l)
+ | _ -> c :: l in
+ let factorise c1 c2 =
+ match c1 , c2 with
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(x,y) , Mc.PsatzMulC(x',y') ->
+ if x = x' then Some (Mc.PsatzMulC(x, Mc.PsatzAdd(y,y'))) else None
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(x,y) , Mc.PsatzMulE(x',y') ->
+ if x = x' then Some (Mc.PsatzMulE(x, Mc.PsatzAdd(y,y'))) else None
+ | _ -> None in
+ let rec rebuild_cone l pending =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> (match pending with
+ | None -> Mc.PsatzZ
+ | Some p -> p
+ )
+ | e::l ->
+ (match pending with
+ | None -> rebuild_cone l (Some e)
+ | Some p -> (match factorise p e with
+ | None -> Mc.PsatzAdd(p, rebuild_cone l (Some e))
+ | Some f -> rebuild_cone l (Some f) )
+ ) in
+ (rebuild_cone (List.sort (cone_list c [])) None)
+(* The binding with Fourier might be a bit obsolete
+ -- how does it handle equalities ? *)
+(* Certificates are elements of the cone such that P = 0 *)
+(* To begin with, we search for certificates of the form:
+ a1.p1 + ... + b1.q1 +... + bn.qn + c = 0
+ where pi >= 0 qi > 0
+ ai >= 0
+ bi >= 0
+ Sum bi + c >= 1
+ This is a linear problem: each monomial is considered as a variable.
+ Hence, we can use fourier.
+ The variable c is at index 0
+open Mfourier
+ (*module Fourier = Fourier(Vector.VList)(SysSet(Vector.VList))*)
+ (*module Fourier = Fourier(Vector.VSparse)(SysSetAlt(Vector.VSparse))*)
+(*module Fourier = Mfourier.Fourier(Vector.VSparse)(*(SysSetAlt(Vector.VMap))*)*)
+(*module Vect = Fourier.Vect*)
+(*open Fourier.Cstr*)
+(* fold_left followed by a rev ! *)
+let constrain_monomial mn l =
+ let coeffs = List.fold_left (fun acc p -> (Poly.get mn p)::acc) [] l in
+ if mn = Monomial.const
+ then
+ { coeffs = Vect.from_list ((Big_int unit_big_int):: (List.rev coeffs)) ;
+ op = Eq ;
+ cst = Big_int zero_big_int }
+ else
+ { coeffs = Vect.from_list ((Big_int zero_big_int):: (List.rev coeffs)) ;
+ op = Eq ;
+ cst = Big_int zero_big_int }
+let positivity l =
+ let rec xpositivity i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (_,Mc.Equal)::l -> xpositivity (i+1) l
+ | (_,_)::l ->
+ {coeffs = Vect.update (i+1) (fun _ -> Int 1) Vect.null ;
+ op = Ge ;
+ cst = Int 0 } :: (xpositivity (i+1) l)
+ in
+ xpositivity 0 l
+let string_of_op = function
+ | Mc.Strict -> "> 0"
+ | Mc.NonStrict -> ">= 0"
+ | Mc.Equal -> "= 0"
+ | Mc.NonEqual -> "<> 0"
+(* If the certificate includes at least one strict inequality,
+ the obtained polynomial can also be 0 *)
+let build_linear_system l =
+ (* Gather the monomials: HINT add up of the polynomials *)
+ let l' = fst l in
+ let monomials =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc p -> Poly.addition p acc) (Poly.constant (Int 0)) l'
+ in (* For each monomial, compute a constraint *)
+ let s0 =
+ Poly.fold (fun mn _ res -> (constrain_monomial mn l')::res) monomials [] in
+ (* I need at least something strictly positive *)
+ let strict = {
+ coeffs = Vect.from_list ((Big_int unit_big_int)::
+ ( (fun (x,y) ->
+ match y with Mc.Strict ->
+ Big_int unit_big_int
+ | _ -> Big_int zero_big_int) l));
+ op = Ge ; cst = Big_int unit_big_int } in
+ (* Add the positivity constraint *)
+ {coeffs = Vect.from_list ([Big_int unit_big_int]) ;
+ op = Ge ;
+ cst = Big_int zero_big_int}::(strict::(positivity l)@s0)
+let big_int_to_z = Ml2C.bigint
+(* For Q, this is a pity that the certificate has been scaled
+ -- at a lower layer, certificates are using nums... *)
+let make_certificate n_spec (cert,li) =
+ let bint_to_cst = n_spec.bigint_to_number in
+ match cert with
+ | [] -> failwith "empty_certificate"
+ | e::cert' ->
+ let cst = match compare_big_int e zero_big_int with
+ | 0 -> Mc.PsatzZ
+ | 1 -> Mc.PsatzC (bint_to_cst e)
+ | _ -> failwith "positivity error"
+ in
+ let rec scalar_product cert l =
+ match cert with
+ | [] -> Mc.PsatzZ
+ | c::cert -> match l with
+ | [] -> failwith "make_certificate(1)"
+ | i::l ->
+ let r = scalar_product cert l in
+ match compare_big_int c zero_big_int with
+ | -1 -> Mc.PsatzAdd (
+ Mc.PsatzMulC (Mc.Pc ( bint_to_cst c), Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)),
+ r)
+ | 0 -> r
+ | _ -> Mc.PsatzAdd (
+ Mc.PsatzMulE (Mc.PsatzC (bint_to_cst c), Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)),
+ r) in
+ ((factorise_linear_cone
+ (simplify_cone n_spec (Mc.PsatzAdd (cst, scalar_product cert' li)))))
+exception Found of Monomial.t
+exception Strict
+let primal l =
+ let vr = ref 0 in
+ let module Mmn = Map.Make(Monomial) in
+ let vect_of_poly map p =
+ Poly.fold (fun mn vl (map,vect) ->
+ if mn = Monomial.const
+ then (map,vect)
+ else
+ let (mn,m) = try (Mmn.find mn map,map) with Not_found -> let res = (!vr, Mmn.add mn !vr map) in incr vr ; res in
+ (m,if sign_num vl = 0 then vect else (mn,vl)::vect)) p (map,[]) in
+ let op_op = function Mc.NonStrict -> Ge |Mc.Equal -> Eq | _ -> raise Strict in
+ let cmp x y = (fst x) (fst y) in
+ snd (List.fold_right (fun (p,op) (map,l) ->
+ let (mp,vect) = vect_of_poly map p in
+ let cstr = {coeffs = List.sort cmp vect; op = op_op op ; cst = minus_num (Poly.get Monomial.const p)} in
+ (mp,cstr::l)) l (Mmn.empty,[]))
+let dual_raw_certificate (l: (Poly.t * Mc.op1) list) =
+(* List.iter (fun (p,op) -> Printf.fprintf stdout "%a %s 0\n" Poly.pp p (string_of_op op) ) l ; *)
+ let sys = build_linear_system l in
+ try
+ match Fourier.find_point sys with
+ | Inr _ -> None
+ | Inl cert -> Some (rats_to_ints (Vect.to_list cert))
+ (* should not use rats_to_ints *)
+ with x ->
+ if debug
+ then (Printf.printf "raw certificate %s" (Printexc.to_string x);
+ flush stdout) ;
+ None
+let raw_certificate l =
+ try
+ let p = primal l in
+ match Fourier.find_point p with
+ | Inr prf ->
+ if debug then Printf.printf "AProof : %a\n" pp_proof prf ;
+ let cert = (fun (x,n) -> x+1,n) (fst (List.hd (Proof.mk_proof p prf))) in
+ if debug then Printf.printf "CProof : %a" Vect.pp_vect cert ;
+ Some (rats_to_ints (Vect.to_list cert))
+ | Inl _ -> None
+ with Strict ->
+ (* Fourier elimination should handle > *)
+ dual_raw_certificate l
+let simple_linear_prover (*to_constant*) l =
+ let (lc,li) = List.split l in
+ match raw_certificate lc with
+ | None -> None (* No certificate *)
+ | Some cert -> (* make_certificate to_constant*)Some (cert,li)
+let linear_prover n_spec l =
+ let li = List.combine l (interval 0 (List.length l -1)) in
+ let (l1,l') = List.partition
+ (fun (x,_) -> if snd x = Mc.NonEqual then true else false) li in
+ let l' =
+ (fun ((x,y),i) -> match y with
+ Mc.NonEqual -> failwith "cannot happen"
+ | y -> ((dev_form n_spec x, y),i)) l' in
+ simple_linear_prover (*n_spec*) l'
+let linear_prover n_spec l =
+ try linear_prover n_spec l with
+ x -> (print_string (Printexc.to_string x); None)
+let linear_prover_with_cert spec l =
+ match linear_prover spec l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some cert -> Some (make_certificate spec cert)
+(* zprover.... *)
+(* I need to gather the set of variables --->
+ Then go for fold
+ Once I have an interval, I need a certificate : 2 other fourier elims.
+ (I could probably get the certificate directly
+ as it is done in the fourier contrib.)
+let make_linear_system l =
+ let l' = fst l in
+ let monomials = List.fold_left (fun acc p -> Poly.addition p acc)
+ (Poly.constant (Int 0)) l' in
+ let monomials = Poly.fold
+ (fun mn _ l -> if mn = Monomial.const then l else mn::l) monomials [] in
+ ( (fun (c,op) ->
+ {coeffs = Vect.from_list ( (fun mn -> (Poly.get mn c)) monomials) ;
+ op = op ;
+ cst = minus_num ( (Poly.get Monomial.const c))}) l
+ ,monomials)
+let pplus x y = Mc.PEadd(x,y)
+let pmult x y = Mc.PEmul(x,y)
+let pconst x = Mc.PEc x
+let popp x = Mc.PEopp x
+let debug = false
+(* keep track of enumerated vectors *)
+let rec mem p x l =
+ match l with [] -> false | e::l -> if p x e then true else mem p x l
+let rec remove_assoc p x l =
+ match l with [] -> [] | e::l -> if p x (fst e) then
+ remove_assoc p x l else e::(remove_assoc p x l)
+let eq x y = x y = 0
+let remove e l = List.fold_left (fun l x -> if eq x e then l else x::l) [] l
+(* The prover is (probably) incomplete --
+ only searching for naive cutting planes *)
+let candidates sys =
+ let ll = List.fold_right (
+ fun (e,k) r ->
+ match k with
+ | Mc.NonStrict -> (dev_form z_spec e , Ge)::r
+ | Mc.Equal -> (dev_form z_spec e , Eq)::r
+ (* we already know the bound -- don't compute it again *)
+ | _ -> failwith "Cannot happen candidates") sys [] in
+ let (sys,var_mn) = make_linear_system ll in
+ let vars = mapi (fun _ i -> Vect.set i (Int 1) Vect.null) var_mn in
+ (List.fold_left (fun l cstr ->
+ let gcd = Big_int (Vect.gcd cstr.coeffs) in
+ if gcd =/ (Int 1) && cstr.op = Eq
+ then l
+ else (Vect.mul (Int 1 // gcd) cstr.coeffs)::l) [] sys) @ vars
+let rec xzlinear_prover planes sys =
+ match linear_prover z_spec sys with
+ | Some prf -> Some (Mc.RatProof (make_certificate z_spec prf,Mc.DoneProof))
+ | None -> (* find the candidate with the smallest range *)
+ (* Grrr - linear_prover is also calling 'make_linear_system' *)
+ let ll = List.fold_right (fun (e,k) r -> match k with
+ Mc.NonEqual -> r
+ | k -> (dev_form z_spec e ,
+ match k with
+ Mc.NonStrict -> Ge
+ | Mc.Equal -> Eq
+ | Mc.Strict | Mc.NonEqual -> failwith "Cannot happen") :: r) sys [] in
+ let (ll,var) = make_linear_system ll in
+ let candidates = List.fold_left (fun acc vect ->
+ match Fourier.optimise vect ll with
+ | None -> acc
+ | Some i ->
+(* Printf.printf "%s in %s\n" (Vect.string vect) (string_of_intrvl i) ; *)
+ flush stdout ;
+ (vect,i) ::acc) [] planes in
+ let smallest_interval =
+ match List.fold_left (fun (x1,i1) (x2,i2) ->
+ if Itv.smaller_itv i1 i2
+ then (x1,i1) else (x2,i2)) (Vect.null,(None,None)) candidates
+ with
+ | (x,(Some i, Some j)) -> Some(i,x,j)
+ | x -> None (* This might be a cutting plane *)
+ in
+ match smallest_interval with
+ | Some (lb,e,ub) ->
+ let (lbn,lbd) =
+ (Ml2C.bigint (sub_big_int (numerator lb) unit_big_int),
+ Ml2C.bigint (denominator lb)) in
+ let (ubn,ubd) =
+ (Ml2C.bigint (add_big_int unit_big_int (numerator ub)) ,
+ Ml2C.bigint (denominator ub)) in
+ let expr = list_to_polynomial var (Vect.to_list e) in
+ (match
+ (*x <= ub -> x > ub *)
+ linear_prover z_spec
+ ((pplus (pmult (pconst ubd) expr) (popp (pconst ubn)),
+ Mc.NonStrict) :: sys),
+ (* lb <= x -> lb > x *)
+ linear_prover z_spec
+ ((pplus (popp (pmult (pconst lbd) expr)) (pconst lbn),
+ Mc.NonStrict)::sys)
+ with
+ | Some cub , Some clb ->
+ (match zlinear_enum (remove e planes) expr
+ (ceiling_num lb) (floor_num ub) sys
+ with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some prf ->
+ let bound_proof (c,l) = make_certificate z_spec ( c , ( (fun x -> x -1) l)) in
+ Some (Mc.EnumProof((*Ml2C.q lb,expr,Ml2C.q ub,*) bound_proof clb, bound_proof cub,prf)))
+ | _ -> None
+ )
+ | _ -> None
+and zlinear_enum planes expr clb cub l =
+ if clb >/ cub
+ then Some []
+ else
+ let pexpr = pplus (popp (pconst (Ml2C.bigint (numerator clb)))) expr in
+ let sys' = (pexpr, Mc.Equal)::l in
+ (*let enum = *)
+ match xzlinear_prover planes sys' with
+ | None -> if debug then print_string "zlp?"; None
+ | Some prf -> if debug then print_string "zlp!";
+ match zlinear_enum planes expr (clb +/ (Int 1)) cub l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some prfl -> Some (prf :: prfl)
+let zlinear_prover sys =
+ let candidates = candidates sys in
+ (* Printf.printf "candidates %d" (List.length candidates) ; *)
+ (*let t0 = Sys.time () in*)
+ let res = xzlinear_prover candidates sys in
+ (*Printf.printf "Time prover : %f" (Sys.time () -. t0) ;*) res
+open Sos_types
+open Mutils
+let rec scale_term t =
+ match t with
+ | Zero -> unit_big_int , Zero
+ | Const n -> (denominator n) , Const (Big_int (numerator n))
+ | Var n -> unit_big_int , Var n
+ | Inv _ -> failwith "scale_term : not implemented"
+ | Opp t -> let s, t = scale_term t in s, Opp t
+ | Add(t1,t2) -> let s1,y1 = scale_term t1 and s2,y2 = scale_term t2 in
+ let g = gcd_big_int s1 s2 in
+ let s1' = div_big_int s1 g in
+ let s2' = div_big_int s2 g in
+ let e = mult_big_int g (mult_big_int s1' s2') in
+ if (compare_big_int e unit_big_int) = 0
+ then (unit_big_int, Add (y1,y2))
+ else e, Add (Mul(Const (Big_int s2'), y1),
+ Mul (Const (Big_int s1'), y2))
+ | Sub _ -> failwith "scale term: not implemented"
+ | Mul(y,z) -> let s1,y1 = scale_term y and s2,y2 = scale_term z in
+ mult_big_int s1 s2 , Mul (y1, y2)
+ | Pow(t,n) -> let s,t = scale_term t in
+ power_big_int_positive_int s n , Pow(t,n)
+ | _ -> failwith "scale_term : not implemented"
+let scale_term t =
+ let (s,t') = scale_term t in
+ s,t'
+let get_index_of_ith_match f i l =
+ let rec get j res l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> failwith "bad index"
+ | e::l -> if f e
+ then
+ (if j = i then res else get (j+1) (res+1) l )
+ else get j (res+1) l in
+ get 0 0 l
+let rec scale_certificate pos = match pos with
+ | Axiom_eq i -> unit_big_int , Axiom_eq i
+ | Axiom_le i -> unit_big_int , Axiom_le i
+ | Axiom_lt i -> unit_big_int , Axiom_lt i
+ | Monoid l -> unit_big_int , Monoid l
+ | Rational_eq n -> (denominator n) , Rational_eq (Big_int (numerator n))
+ | Rational_le n -> (denominator n) , Rational_le (Big_int (numerator n))
+ | Rational_lt n -> (denominator n) , Rational_lt (Big_int (numerator n))
+ | Square t -> let s,t' = scale_term t in
+ mult_big_int s s , Square t'
+ | Eqmul (t, y) -> let s1,y1 = scale_term t and s2,y2 = scale_certificate y in
+ mult_big_int s1 s2 , Eqmul (y1,y2)
+ | Sum (y, z) -> let s1,y1 = scale_certificate y
+ and s2,y2 = scale_certificate z in
+ let g = gcd_big_int s1 s2 in
+ let s1' = div_big_int s1 g in
+ let s2' = div_big_int s2 g in
+ mult_big_int g (mult_big_int s1' s2'),
+ Sum (Product(Rational_le (Big_int s2'), y1),
+ Product (Rational_le (Big_int s1'), y2))
+ | Product (y, z) ->
+ let s1,y1 = scale_certificate y and s2,y2 = scale_certificate z in
+ mult_big_int s1 s2 , Product (y1,y2)
+open Micromega
+ let rec term_to_q_expr = function
+ | Const n -> PEc (Ml2C.q n)
+ | Zero -> PEc ( Ml2C.q (Int 0))
+ | Var s -> PEX (Ml2C.index
+ (int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))))
+ | Mul(p1,p2) -> PEmul(term_to_q_expr p1, term_to_q_expr p2)
+ | Add(p1,p2) -> PEadd(term_to_q_expr p1, term_to_q_expr p2)
+ | Opp p -> PEopp (term_to_q_expr p)
+ | Pow(t,n) -> PEpow (term_to_q_expr t,Ml2C.n n)
+ | Sub(t1,t2) -> PEsub (term_to_q_expr t1, term_to_q_expr t2)
+ | _ -> failwith "term_to_q_expr: not implemented"
+ let term_to_q_pol e = Mc.norm_aux (Ml2C.q (Int 0)) (Ml2C.q (Int 1)) Mc.qplus Mc.qmult Mc.qminus Mc.qopp Mc.qeq_bool (term_to_q_expr e)
+ let rec product l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Mc.PsatzZ
+ | [i] -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | i ::l -> Mc.PsatzMulE(Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i), product l)
+let q_cert_of_pos pos =
+ let rec _cert_of_pos = function
+ Axiom_eq i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Axiom_le i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Axiom_lt i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Monoid l -> product l
+ | Rational_eq n | Rational_le n | Rational_lt n ->
+ if compare_num n (Int 0) = 0 then Mc.PsatzZ else
+ Mc.PsatzC (Ml2C.q n)
+ | Square t -> Mc.PsatzSquare (term_to_q_pol t)
+ | Eqmul (t, y) -> Mc.PsatzMulC(term_to_q_pol t, _cert_of_pos y)
+ | Sum (y, z) -> Mc.PsatzAdd (_cert_of_pos y, _cert_of_pos z)
+ | Product (y, z) -> Mc.PsatzMulE (_cert_of_pos y, _cert_of_pos z) in
+ simplify_cone q_spec (_cert_of_pos pos)
+ let rec term_to_z_expr = function
+ | Const n -> PEc (Ml2C.bigint (big_int_of_num n))
+ | Zero -> PEc ( Z0)
+ | Var s -> PEX (Ml2C.index
+ (int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))))
+ | Mul(p1,p2) -> PEmul(term_to_z_expr p1, term_to_z_expr p2)
+ | Add(p1,p2) -> PEadd(term_to_z_expr p1, term_to_z_expr p2)
+ | Opp p -> PEopp (term_to_z_expr p)
+ | Pow(t,n) -> PEpow (term_to_z_expr t,Ml2C.n n)
+ | Sub(t1,t2) -> PEsub (term_to_z_expr t1, term_to_z_expr t2)
+ | _ -> failwith "term_to_z_expr: not implemented"
+ let term_to_z_pol e = Mc.norm_aux (Ml2C.z 0) (Ml2C.z 1) Mc.zplus Mc.zmult Mc.zminus Mc.zopp Mc.zeq_bool (term_to_z_expr e)
+let z_cert_of_pos pos =
+ let s,pos = (scale_certificate pos) in
+ let rec _cert_of_pos = function
+ Axiom_eq i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Axiom_le i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Axiom_lt i -> Mc.PsatzIn (Ml2C.nat i)
+ | Monoid l -> product l
+ | Rational_eq n | Rational_le n | Rational_lt n ->
+ if compare_num n (Int 0) = 0 then Mc.PsatzZ else
+ Mc.PsatzC (Ml2C.bigint (big_int_of_num n))
+ | Square t -> Mc.PsatzSquare (term_to_z_pol t)
+ | Eqmul (t, y) -> Mc.PsatzMulC(term_to_z_pol t, _cert_of_pos y)
+ | Sum (y, z) -> Mc.PsatzAdd (_cert_of_pos y, _cert_of_pos z)
+ | Product (y, z) -> Mc.PsatzMulE (_cert_of_pos y, _cert_of_pos z) in
+ simplify_cone z_spec (_cert_of_pos pos)
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abe4b368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,1710 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* ** Toplevel definition of tactics ** *)
+(* *)
+(* - Modules ISet, M, Mc, Env, Cache, CacheZ *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2009 *)
+(* *)
+open Mutils
+ * Debug flag
+ *)
+let debug = false
+ * Time function
+ *)
+let time str f x =
+ let t0 = (Unix.times()).Unix.tms_utime in
+ let res = f x in
+ let t1 = (Unix.times()).Unix.tms_utime in
+ (*if debug then*) (Printf.printf "time %s %f\n" str (t1 -. t0) ;
+ flush stdout);
+ res
+ * Initialize a tag type to the Tag module declaration (see Mutils).
+ *)
+type tag = Tag.t
+ * An atom is of the form:
+ * pExpr1 {<,>,=,<>,<=,>=} pExpr2
+ * where pExpr1, pExpr2 are polynomial expressions (see Micromega). pExprs are
+ * parametrized by 'cst, which is used as the type of constants.
+ *)
+type 'cst atom = 'cst Micromega.formula
+ * Micromega's encoding of formulas.
+ * By order of appearance: boolean constants, variables, atoms, conjunctions,
+ * disjunctions, negation, implication.
+ *)
+type 'cst formula =
+ | TT
+ | FF
+ | X of Term.constr
+ | A of 'cst atom * tag * Term.constr
+ | C of 'cst formula * 'cst formula
+ | D of 'cst formula * 'cst formula
+ | N of 'cst formula
+ | I of 'cst formula * Names.identifier option * 'cst formula
+ * Formula pretty-printer.
+ *)
+let rec pp_formula o f =
+ match f with
+ | TT -> output_string o "tt"
+ | FF -> output_string o "ff"
+ | X c -> output_string o "X "
+ | A(_,t,_) -> Printf.fprintf o "A(%a)" Tag.pp t
+ | C(f1,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "C(%a,%a)" pp_formula f1 pp_formula f2
+ | D(f1,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "D(%a,%a)" pp_formula f1 pp_formula f2
+ | I(f1,n,f2) -> Printf.fprintf o "I(%a%s,%a)"
+ pp_formula f1
+ (match n with
+ | Some id -> Names.string_of_id id
+ | None -> "") pp_formula f2
+ | N(f) -> Printf.fprintf o "N(%a)" pp_formula f
+ * Collect the identifiers of a (string of) implications. Implication labels
+ * are inherited from Coq/CoC's higher order dependent type constructor (Pi).
+ *)
+let rec ids_of_formula f =
+ match f with
+ | I(f1,Some id,f2) -> id::(ids_of_formula f2)
+ | _ -> []
+ * A clause is a list of (tagged) nFormulas.
+ * nFormulas are normalized formulas, i.e., of the form:
+ * cPol {=,<>,>,>=} 0
+ * with cPol compact polynomials (see the Pol inductive type in EnvRing.v).
+ *)
+type 'cst clause = ('cst Micromega.nFormula * tag) list
+ * A CNF is a list of clauses.
+ *)
+type 'cst cnf = ('cst clause) list
+ * True and False are empty cnfs and clauses.
+ *)
+let tt : 'cst cnf = []
+let ff : 'cst cnf = [ [] ]
+ * A refinement of cnf with tags left out. This is an intermediary form
+ * between the cnf tagged list representation ('cst cnf) used to solve psatz,
+ * and the freeform formulas ('cst formula) that is retrieved from Coq.
+ *)
+type 'cst mc_cnf = ('cst Micromega.nFormula) list list
+ * From a freeform formula, build a cnf.
+ * The parametric functions negate and normalize are theory-dependent, and
+ * originate in (extracted, e.g. for rnegate, from RMicromega.v
+ * and RingMicromega.v).
+ *)
+let cnf (negate: 'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf) (normalise:'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf) (f:'cst formula) =
+ let negate a t =
+ (fun cl -> (fun x -> (x,t)) cl) (negate a) in
+ let normalise a t =
+ (fun cl -> (fun x -> (x,t)) cl) (normalise a) in
+ let and_cnf x y = x @ y in
+ let or_clause_cnf t f = (fun x -> t@x) f in
+ let rec or_cnf f f' =
+ match f with
+ | [] -> tt
+ | e :: rst -> (or_cnf rst f') @ (or_clause_cnf e f') in
+ let rec xcnf (polarity : bool) f =
+ match f with
+ | TT -> if polarity then tt else ff
+ | FF -> if polarity then ff else tt
+ | X p -> if polarity then ff else ff
+ | A(x,t,_) -> if polarity then normalise x t else negate x t
+ | N(e) -> xcnf (not polarity) e
+ | C(e1,e2) ->
+ (if polarity then and_cnf else or_cnf) (xcnf polarity e1) (xcnf polarity e2)
+ | D(e1,e2) ->
+ (if polarity then or_cnf else and_cnf) (xcnf polarity e1) (xcnf polarity e2)
+ | I(e1,_,e2) ->
+ (if polarity then or_cnf else and_cnf) (xcnf (not polarity) e1) (xcnf polarity e2) in
+ xcnf true f
+ * MODULE: Ordered set of integers.
+ *)
+module ISet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare : int -> int -> int = end)
+ * Given a set of integers s={i0,...,iN} and a list m, return the list of
+ * elements of m that are at position i0,...,iN.
+ *)
+let selecti s m =
+ let rec xselecti i m =
+ match m with
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::m -> if ISet.mem i s then e::(xselecti (i+1) m) else xselecti (i+1) m in
+ xselecti 0 m
+ * MODULE: Mapping of the Coq data-strustures into Caml and Caml extracted
+ * code. This includes initializing Caml variables based on Coq terms, parsing
+ * various Coq expressions into Caml, and dumping Caml expressions into Coq.
+ *
+ * Opened here and in
+ *)
+module M =
+ open Coqlib
+ open Term
+ (**
+ * Location of the Coq libraries.
+ *)
+ let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
+ let coq_modules =
+ init_modules @
+ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules @
+ [ ["Coq";"Lists";"List"];
+ ["ZMicromega"];
+ ["Tauto"];
+ ["RingMicromega"];
+ ["EnvRing"];
+ ["Coq"; "micromega"; "ZMicromega"];
+ ["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];
+ ["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"];
+ ["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "EnvRing"];
+ ["Coq";"QArith"; "QArith_base"];
+ ["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rdefinitions"];
+ ["Coq";"Reals" ; "Rpow_def"];
+ ["LRing_normalise"]]
+ (**
+ * Initialization : a large amount of Caml symbols are derived from
+ * ZMicromega.v
+ *)
+ let init_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" init_modules
+ let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega" coq_modules
+ (* let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omicron" coq_modules *)
+ let coq_and = lazy (init_constant "and")
+ let coq_or = lazy (init_constant "or")
+ let coq_not = lazy (init_constant "not")
+ let coq_iff = lazy (init_constant "iff")
+ let coq_True = lazy (init_constant "True")
+ let coq_False = lazy (init_constant "False")
+ let coq_cons = lazy (constant "cons")
+ let coq_nil = lazy (constant "nil")
+ let coq_list = lazy (constant "list")
+ let coq_O = lazy (init_constant "O")
+ let coq_S = lazy (init_constant "S")
+ let coq_nat = lazy (init_constant "nat")
+ let coq_NO = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "N" [ ["Coq";"NArith";"BinNat" ]] "N0")
+ let coq_Npos = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "N" [ ["Coq";"NArith"; "BinNat"]] "Npos")
+ (* let coq_n = lazy (constant "N")*)
+ let coq_pair = lazy (constant "pair")
+ let coq_None = lazy (constant "None")
+ let coq_option = lazy (constant "option")
+ let coq_positive = lazy (constant "positive")
+ let coq_xH = lazy (constant "xH")
+ let coq_xO = lazy (constant "xO")
+ let coq_xI = lazy (constant "xI")
+ let coq_N0 = lazy (constant "N0")
+ let coq_N0 = lazy (constant "Npos")
+ let coq_Z = lazy (constant "Z")
+ let coq_Q = lazy (constant "Q")
+ let coq_R = lazy (constant "R")
+ let coq_ZERO = lazy (constant "Z0")
+ let coq_POS = lazy (constant "Zpos")
+ let coq_NEG = lazy (constant "Zneg")
+ let coq_Build_Witness = lazy (constant "Build_Witness")
+ let coq_Qmake = lazy (constant "Qmake")
+ let coq_R0 = lazy (constant "R0")
+ let coq_R1 = lazy (constant "R1")
+ let coq_proofTerm = lazy (constant "ZArithProof")
+ let coq_doneProof = lazy (constant "DoneProof")
+ let coq_ratProof = lazy (constant "RatProof")
+ let coq_cutProof = lazy (constant "CutProof")
+ let coq_enumProof = lazy (constant "EnumProof")
+ let coq_Zgt = lazy (constant "Zgt")
+ let coq_Zge = lazy (constant "Zge")
+ let coq_Zle = lazy (constant "Zle")
+ let coq_Zlt = lazy (constant "Zlt")
+ let coq_Eq = lazy (init_constant "eq")
+ let coq_Zplus = lazy (constant "Zplus")
+ let coq_Zminus = lazy (constant "Zminus")
+ let coq_Zopp = lazy (constant "Zopp")
+ let coq_Zmult = lazy (constant "Zmult")
+ let coq_Zpower = lazy (constant "Zpower")
+ let coq_Qgt = lazy (constant "Qgt")
+ let coq_Qge = lazy (constant "Qge")
+ let coq_Qle = lazy (constant "Qle")
+ let coq_Qlt = lazy (constant "Qlt")
+ let coq_Qeq = lazy (constant "Qeq")
+ let coq_Qplus = lazy (constant "Qplus")
+ let coq_Qminus = lazy (constant "Qminus")
+ let coq_Qopp = lazy (constant "Qopp")
+ let coq_Qmult = lazy (constant "Qmult")
+ let coq_Qpower = lazy (constant "Qpower")
+ let coq_Rgt = lazy (constant "Rgt")
+ let coq_Rge = lazy (constant "Rge")
+ let coq_Rle = lazy (constant "Rle")
+ let coq_Rlt = lazy (constant "Rlt")
+ let coq_Rplus = lazy (constant "Rplus")
+ let coq_Rminus = lazy (constant "Rminus")
+ let coq_Ropp = lazy (constant "Ropp")
+ let coq_Rmult = lazy (constant "Rmult")
+ let coq_Rpower = lazy (constant "pow")
+ let coq_PEX = lazy (constant "PEX" )
+ let coq_PEc = lazy (constant"PEc")
+ let coq_PEadd = lazy (constant "PEadd")
+ let coq_PEopp = lazy (constant "PEopp")
+ let coq_PEmul = lazy (constant "PEmul")
+ let coq_PEsub = lazy (constant "PEsub")
+ let coq_PEpow = lazy (constant "PEpow")
+ let coq_PX = lazy (constant "PX" )
+ let coq_Pc = lazy (constant"Pc")
+ let coq_Pinj = lazy (constant "Pinj")
+ let coq_OpEq = lazy (constant "OpEq")
+ let coq_OpNEq = lazy (constant "OpNEq")
+ let coq_OpLe = lazy (constant "OpLe")
+ let coq_OpLt = lazy (constant "OpLt")
+ let coq_OpGe = lazy (constant "OpGe")
+ let coq_OpGt = lazy (constant "OpGt")
+ let coq_PsatzIn = lazy (constant "PsatzIn")
+ let coq_PsatzSquare = lazy (constant "PsatzSquare")
+ let coq_PsatzMulE = lazy (constant "PsatzMulE")
+ let coq_PsatzMultC = lazy (constant "PsatzMulC")
+ let coq_PsatzAdd = lazy (constant "PsatzAdd")
+ let coq_PsatzC = lazy (constant "PsatzC")
+ let coq_PsatzZ = lazy (constant "PsatzZ")
+ let coq_coneMember = lazy (constant "coneMember")
+ let coq_make_impl = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "Zmicromega" [["Refl"]] "make_impl")
+ let coq_make_conj = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "Zmicromega" [["Refl"]] "make_conj")
+ let coq_TT = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "TT")
+ let coq_FF = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "FF")
+ let coq_And = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "Cj")
+ let coq_Or = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "D")
+ let coq_Neg = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "N")
+ let coq_Atom = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "A")
+ let coq_X = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "X")
+ let coq_Impl = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "I")
+ let coq_Formula = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "Tauto"];["Tauto"]] "BFormula")
+ (**
+ * Initialization : a few Caml symbols are derived from other libraries;
+ * QMicromega, ZArithRing, RingMicromega.
+ *)
+ let coq_QWitness = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "QMicromega"
+ [["Coq"; "micromega"; "QMicromega"]] "QWitness")
+ let coq_ZWitness = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "QMicromega"
+ [["Coq"; "micromega"; "ZMicromega"]] "ZWitness")
+ let coq_N_of_Z = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "ZArithRing"
+ [["Coq";"setoid_ring";"ZArithRing"]] "N_of_Z")
+ let coq_Build = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "RingMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"] ; ["RingMicromega"] ]
+ "Build_Formula")
+ let coq_Cstr = lazy
+ (gen_constant_in_modules "RingMicromega"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "RingMicromega"] ; ["RingMicromega"] ] "Formula")
+ (**
+ * Parsing and dumping : transformation functions between Caml and Coq
+ * data-structures.
+ *
+ * dump_* functions go from Micromega to Coq terms
+ * parse_* functions go from Coq to Micromega terms
+ * pp_* functions pretty-print Coq terms.
+ *)
+ (* Error datastructures *)
+ type parse_error =
+ | Ukn
+ | BadStr of string
+ | BadNum of int
+ | BadTerm of Term.constr
+ | Msg of string
+ | Goal of (Term.constr list ) * Term.constr * parse_error
+ let string_of_error = function
+ | Ukn -> "ukn"
+ | BadStr s -> s
+ | BadNum i -> string_of_int i
+ | BadTerm _ -> "BadTerm"
+ | Msg s -> s
+ | Goal _ -> "Goal"
+ exception ParseError
+ (* A simple but useful getter function *)
+ let get_left_construct term =
+ match Term.kind_of_term term with
+ | Term.Construct(_,i) -> (i,[| |])
+ | Term.App(l,rst) ->
+ (match Term.kind_of_term l with
+ | Term.Construct(_,i) -> (i,rst)
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+ )
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+ (* Access the Micromega module *)
+ module Mc = Micromega
+ (* parse/dump/print from numbers up to expressions and formulas *)
+ let rec parse_nat term =
+ let (i,c) = get_left_construct term in
+ match i with
+ | 1 -> Mc.O
+ | 2 -> Mc.S (parse_nat (c.(0)))
+ | i -> raise ParseError
+ let pp_nat o n = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.nat n)
+ let rec dump_nat x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.O -> Lazy.force coq_O
+ | Mc.S p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_S,[| dump_nat p |])
+ let rec parse_positive term =
+ let (i,c) = get_left_construct term in
+ match i with
+ | 1 -> Mc.XI (parse_positive c.(0))
+ | 2 -> Mc.XO (parse_positive c.(0))
+ | 3 -> Mc.XH
+ | i -> raise ParseError
+ let rec dump_positive x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.XH -> Lazy.force coq_xH
+ | Mc.XO p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xO,[| dump_positive p |])
+ | Mc.XI p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xI,[| dump_positive p |])
+ let pp_positive o x = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.positive x)
+ let rec dump_n x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.N0 -> Lazy.force coq_N0
+ | Mc.Npos p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Npos,[| dump_positive p|])
+ let rec dump_index x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.XH -> Lazy.force coq_xH
+ | Mc.XO p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xO,[| dump_index p |])
+ | Mc.XI p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_xI,[| dump_index p |])
+ let pp_index o x = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.index x)
+ let rec dump_n x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.N0 -> Lazy.force coq_NO
+ | Mc.Npos p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Npos,[| dump_positive p |])
+ let rec pp_n o x = output_string o (string_of_int (CoqToCaml.n x))
+ let dump_pair t1 t2 dump_t1 dump_t2 (x,y) =
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_pair,[| t1 ; t2 ; dump_t1 x ; dump_t2 y|])
+ let rec parse_z term =
+ let (i,c) = get_left_construct term in
+ match i with
+ | 1 -> Mc.Z0
+ | 2 -> Mc.Zpos (parse_positive c.(0))
+ | 3 -> Mc.Zneg (parse_positive c.(0))
+ | i -> raise ParseError
+ let dump_z x =
+ match x with
+ | Mc.Z0 ->Lazy.force coq_ZERO
+ | Mc.Zpos p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_POS,[| dump_positive p|])
+ | Mc.Zneg p -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_NEG,[| dump_positive p|])
+ let pp_z o x = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (CoqToCaml.z x)
+ let dump_num bd1 =
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Qmake,
+ [|dump_z (CamlToCoq.bigint (numerator bd1)) ;
+ dump_positive (CamlToCoq.positive_big_int (denominator bd1)) |])
+ let dump_q q =
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Qmake,
+ [| dump_z q.Micromega.qnum ; dump_positive q.Micromega.qden|])
+ let parse_q term =
+ match Term.kind_of_term term with
+ | Term.App(c, args) -> if c = Lazy.force coq_Qmake then
+ {Mc.qnum = parse_z args.(0) ; Mc.qden = parse_positive args.(1) }
+ else raise ParseError
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+ let rec parse_list parse_elt term =
+ let (i,c) = get_left_construct term in
+ match i with
+ | 1 -> []
+ | 2 -> parse_elt c.(1) :: parse_list parse_elt c.(2)
+ | i -> raise ParseError
+ let rec dump_list typ dump_elt l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_nil,[| typ |])
+ | e :: l -> Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_cons,
+ [| typ; dump_elt e;dump_list typ dump_elt l|])
+ let pp_list op cl elt o l =
+ let rec _pp o l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [e] -> Printf.fprintf o "%a" elt e
+ | e::l -> Printf.fprintf o "%a ,%a" elt e _pp l in
+ Printf.fprintf o "%s%a%s" op _pp l cl
+ let pp_var = pp_positive
+ let dump_var = dump_positive
+ let pp_expr pp_z o e =
+ let rec pp_expr o e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PEX n -> Printf.fprintf o "V %a" pp_var n
+ | Mc.PEc z -> pp_z o z
+ | Mc.PEadd(e1,e2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)+(%a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
+ | Mc.PEmul(e1,e2) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a*(%a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
+ | Mc.PEopp e -> Printf.fprintf o "-(%a)" pp_expr e
+ | Mc.PEsub(e1,e2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)-(%a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
+ | Mc.PEpow(e,n) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)^(%a)" pp_expr e pp_n n in
+ pp_expr o e
+ let dump_expr typ dump_z e =
+ let rec dump_expr e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PEX n -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEX,[| typ; dump_var n |])
+ | Mc.PEc z -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEc,[| typ ; dump_z z |])
+ | Mc.PEadd(e1,e2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEadd,
+ [| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
+ | Mc.PEsub(e1,e2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEsub,
+ [| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
+ | Mc.PEopp e -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEopp,
+ [| typ; dump_expr e|])
+ | Mc.PEmul(e1,e2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEmul,
+ [| typ; dump_expr e1;dump_expr e2|])
+ | Mc.PEpow(e,n) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PEpow,
+ [| typ; dump_expr e; dump_n n|])
+ in
+ dump_expr e
+ let dump_pol typ dump_c e =
+ let rec dump_pol e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.Pc n -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Pc, [|typ ; dump_c n|])
+ | Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Pinj , [| typ ; dump_positive p ; dump_pol pol|])
+ | Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PX, [| typ ; dump_pol pol1 ; dump_positive p ; dump_pol pol2|]) in
+ dump_pol e
+ let pp_pol pp_c o e =
+ let rec pp_pol o e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.Pc n -> Printf.fprintf o "Pc %a" pp_c n
+ | Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> Printf.fprintf o "Pinj(%a,%a)" pp_positive p pp_pol pol
+ | Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> Printf.fprintf o "PX(%a,%a,%a)" pp_pol pol1 pp_positive p pp_pol pol2 in
+ pp_pol o e
+ let pp_cnf pp_c o f =
+ let pp_clause o l = List.iter (fun ((p,_),t) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a @%a)" (pp_pol pp_c) p Tag.pp t) l in
+ List.iter (fun l -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a]" pp_clause l) f
+ let dump_psatz typ dump_z e =
+ let z = Lazy.force typ in
+ let rec dump_cone e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzIn,[| z; dump_nat n |])
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzMultC,
+ [| z; dump_pol z dump_z e ; dump_cone c |])
+ | Mc.PsatzSquare e -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzSquare,
+ [| z;dump_pol z dump_z e|])
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzAdd,
+ [| z; dump_cone e1; dump_cone e2|])
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzMulE,
+ [| z; dump_cone e1; dump_cone e2|])
+ | Mc.PsatzC p -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_PsatzC,[| z; dump_z p|])
+ | Mc.PsatzZ -> mkApp( Lazy.force coq_PsatzZ,[| z|]) in
+ dump_cone e
+ let pp_psatz pp_z o e =
+ let rec pp_cone o e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "(In %a)%%nat" pp_nat n
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "( %a [*] %a)" (pp_pol pp_z) e pp_cone c
+ | Mc.PsatzSquare e ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "(%a^2)" (pp_pol pp_z) e
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "(%a [+] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "(%a [*] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2
+ | Mc.PsatzC p ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "(%a)%%positive" pp_z p
+ | Mc.PsatzZ ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "0" in
+ pp_cone o e
+ let rec dump_op = function
+ | Mc.OpEq-> Lazy.force coq_OpEq
+ | Mc.OpNEq-> Lazy.force coq_OpNEq
+ | Mc.OpLe -> Lazy.force coq_OpLe
+ | Mc.OpGe -> Lazy.force coq_OpGe
+ | Mc.OpGt-> Lazy.force coq_OpGt
+ | Mc.OpLt-> Lazy.force coq_OpLt
+ let pp_op o e=
+ match e with
+ | Mc.OpEq-> Printf.fprintf o "="
+ | Mc.OpNEq-> Printf.fprintf o "<>"
+ | Mc.OpLe -> Printf.fprintf o "=<"
+ | Mc.OpGe -> Printf.fprintf o ">="
+ | Mc.OpGt-> Printf.fprintf o ">"
+ | Mc.OpLt-> Printf.fprintf o "<"
+ let pp_cstr pp_z o {Mc.flhs = l ; Mc.fop = op ; Mc.frhs = r } =
+ Printf.fprintf o"(%a %a %a)" (pp_expr pp_z) l pp_op op (pp_expr pp_z) r
+ let dump_cstr typ dump_constant {Mc.flhs = e1 ; Mc.fop = o ; Mc.frhs = e2} =
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Build,
+ [| typ; dump_expr typ dump_constant e1 ;
+ dump_op o ;
+ dump_expr typ dump_constant e2|])
+ let assoc_const x l =
+ try
+ snd (List.find (fun (x',y) -> x = Lazy.force x') l)
+ with
+ Not_found -> raise ParseError
+ let zop_table = [
+ coq_Zgt, Mc.OpGt ;
+ coq_Zge, Mc.OpGe ;
+ coq_Zlt, Mc.OpLt ;
+ coq_Zle, Mc.OpLe ]
+ let rop_table = [
+ coq_Rgt, Mc.OpGt ;
+ coq_Rge, Mc.OpGe ;
+ coq_Rlt, Mc.OpLt ;
+ coq_Rle, Mc.OpLe ]
+ let qop_table = [
+ coq_Qlt, Mc.OpLt ;
+ coq_Qle, Mc.OpLe ;
+ coq_Qeq, Mc.OpEq
+ ]
+ let parse_zop (op,args) =
+ match kind_of_term op with
+ | Const x -> (assoc_const op zop_table, args.(0) , args.(1))
+ | Ind(n,0) ->
+ if op = Lazy.force coq_Eq && args.(0) = Lazy.force coq_Z
+ then (Mc.OpEq, args.(1), args.(2))
+ else raise ParseError
+ | _ -> failwith "parse_zop"
+ let parse_rop (op,args) =
+ match kind_of_term op with
+ | Const x -> (assoc_const op rop_table, args.(0) , args.(1))
+ | Ind(n,0) ->
+ if op = Lazy.force coq_Eq && args.(0) = Lazy.force coq_R
+ then (Mc.OpEq, args.(1), args.(2))
+ else raise ParseError
+ | _ -> failwith "parse_zop"
+ let parse_qop (op,args) =
+ (assoc_const op qop_table, args.(0) , args.(1))
+ let is_constant t = (* This is an approx *)
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Construct(i,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ type 'a op =
+ | Binop of ('a Mc.pExpr -> 'a Mc.pExpr -> 'a Mc.pExpr)
+ | Opp
+ | Power
+ | Ukn of string
+ let assoc_ops x l =
+ try
+ snd (List.find (fun (x',y) -> x = Lazy.force x') l)
+ with
+ Not_found -> Ukn "Oups"
+ (**
+ * MODULE: Env is for environment.
+ *)
+ module Env =
+ struct
+ type t = constr list
+ let compute_rank_add env v =
+ let rec _add env n v =
+ match env with
+ | [] -> ([v],n)
+ | e::l ->
+ if eq_constr e v
+ then (env,n)
+ else
+ let (env,n) = _add l ( n+1) v in
+ (e::env,n) in
+ let (env, n) = _add env 1 v in
+ (env, CamlToCoq.idx n)
+ let empty = []
+ let elements env = env
+ end (* MODULE END: Env *)
+ (**
+ * This is the big generic function for expression parsers.
+ *)
+ let parse_expr parse_constant parse_exp ops_spec env term =
+ if debug
+ then (Pp.pp (Pp.str "parse_expr: ");
+ Pp.pp_flush ();Pp.pp (Printer.prterm term); Pp.pp_flush ());
+ let constant_or_variable env term =
+ try
+ ( Mc.PEc (parse_constant term) , env)
+ with ParseError ->
+ let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in
+ (Mc.PEX n , env) in
+ let rec parse_expr env term =
+ let combine env op (t1,t2) =
+ let (expr1,env) = parse_expr env t1 in
+ let (expr2,env) = parse_expr env t2 in
+ (op expr1 expr2,env) in
+ match kind_of_term term with
+ | App(t,args) ->
+ (
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Const c ->
+ ( match assoc_ops t ops_spec with
+ | Binop f -> combine env f (args.(0),args.(1))
+ | Opp -> let (expr,env) = parse_expr env args.(0) in
+ (Mc.PEopp expr, env)
+ | Power ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let (expr,env) = parse_expr env args.(0) in
+ let power = (parse_exp expr args.(1)) in
+ (power , env)
+ with _ -> (* if the exponent is a variable *)
+ let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in (Mc.PEX n, env)
+ end
+ | Ukn s ->
+ if debug
+ then (Printf.printf "unknown op: %s\n" s; flush stdout;);
+ let (env,n) = Env.compute_rank_add env term in (Mc.PEX n, env)
+ )
+ | _ -> constant_or_variable env term
+ )
+ | _ -> constant_or_variable env term in
+ parse_expr env term
+ let zop_spec =
+ [
+ coq_Zplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Zminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Zmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
+ coq_Zopp , Opp ;
+ coq_Zpower , Power]
+ let qop_spec =
+ [
+ coq_Qplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Qminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Qmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
+ coq_Qopp , Opp ;
+ coq_Qpower , Power]
+ let rop_spec =
+ [
+ coq_Rplus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEadd(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Rminus , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEsub(x,y)) ;
+ coq_Rmult , Binop (fun x y -> Mc.PEmul (x,y)) ;
+ coq_Ropp , Opp ;
+ coq_Rpower , Power]
+ let zconstant = parse_z
+ let qconstant = parse_q
+ let rconstant term =
+ if debug
+ then (Pp.pp_flush ();
+ Pp.pp (Pp.str "rconstant: ");
+ Pp.pp (Printer.prterm term); Pp.pp_flush ());
+ match Term.kind_of_term term with
+ | Const x ->
+ if term = Lazy.force coq_R0
+ then Mc.Z0
+ else if term = Lazy.force coq_R1
+ then Mc.Zpos Mc.XH
+ else raise ParseError
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+ let parse_zexpr = parse_expr
+ zconstant
+ (fun expr x ->
+ let exp = (parse_z x) in
+ match exp with
+ | Mc.Zneg _ -> Mc.PEc Mc.Z0
+ | _ -> Mc.PEpow(expr, Mc.n_of_Z exp))
+ zop_spec
+ let parse_qexpr = parse_expr
+ qconstant
+ (fun expr x ->
+ let exp = parse_z x in
+ match exp with
+ | Mc.Zneg _ ->
+ begin
+ match expr with
+ | Mc.PEc q -> Mc.PEc (Mc.qpower q exp)
+ | _ -> print_string "parse_qexpr parse error" ; flush stdout ; raise ParseError
+ end
+ | _ -> let exp = Mc.n_of_Z exp in
+ Mc.PEpow(expr,exp))
+ qop_spec
+ let parse_rexpr = parse_expr
+ rconstant
+ (fun expr x ->
+ let exp = Mc.n_of_nat (parse_nat x) in
+ Mc.PEpow(expr,exp))
+ rop_spec
+ let parse_arith parse_op parse_expr env cstr =
+ if debug
+ then (Pp.pp_flush ();
+ Pp.pp (Pp.str "parse_arith: ");
+ Pp.pp (Printer.prterm cstr);
+ Pp.pp_flush ());
+ match kind_of_term cstr with
+ | App(op,args) ->
+ let (op,lhs,rhs) = parse_op (op,args) in
+ let (e1,env) = parse_expr env lhs in
+ let (e2,env) = parse_expr env rhs in
+ ({Mc.flhs = e1; Mc.fop = op;Mc.frhs = e2},env)
+ | _ -> failwith "error : parse_arith(2)"
+ let parse_zarith = parse_arith parse_zop parse_zexpr
+ let parse_qarith = parse_arith parse_qop parse_qexpr
+ let parse_rarith = parse_arith parse_rop parse_rexpr
+ (* generic parsing of arithmetic expressions *)
+ let rec f2f = function
+ | TT -> Mc.TT
+ | FF -> Mc.FF
+ | X _ -> Mc.X
+ | A (x,_,_) -> Mc.A x
+ | C (a,b) -> Mc.Cj(f2f a,f2f b)
+ | D (a,b) -> Mc.D(f2f a,f2f b)
+ | N (a) -> Mc.N(f2f a)
+ | I(a,_,b) -> Mc.I(f2f a,f2f b)
+ let is_prop t =
+ match t with
+ | Names.Anonymous -> true (* Not quite right *)
+ | Names.Name x -> false
+ let mkC f1 f2 = C(f1,f2)
+ let mkD f1 f2 = D(f1,f2)
+ let mkIff f1 f2 = C(I(f1,None,f2),I(f2,None,f1))
+ let mkI f1 f2 = I(f1,None,f2)
+ let mkformula_binary g term f1 f2 =
+ match f1 , f2 with
+ | X _ , X _ -> X(term)
+ | _ -> g f1 f2
+ (**
+ * This is the big generic function for formula parsers.
+ *)
+ let parse_formula parse_atom env term =
+ let parse_atom env tg t = try let (at,env) = parse_atom env t in
+ (A(at,tg,t), env, tg) with _ -> (X(t),env,tg) in
+ let rec xparse_formula env tg term =
+ match kind_of_term term with
+ | App(l,rst) ->
+ (match rst with
+ | [|a;b|] when l = Lazy.force coq_and ->
+ let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
+ let g,env, tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
+ mkformula_binary mkC term f g,env,tg
+ | [|a;b|] when l = Lazy.force coq_or ->
+ let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
+ let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
+ mkformula_binary mkD term f g,env,tg
+ | [|a|] when l = Lazy.force coq_not ->
+ let (f,env,tg) = xparse_formula env tg a in (N(f), env,tg)
+ | [|a;b|] when l = Lazy.force coq_iff ->
+ let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
+ let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
+ mkformula_binary mkIff term f g,env,tg
+ | _ -> parse_atom env tg term)
+ | Prod(typ,a,b) when not (Termops.dependent (mkRel 1) b) ->
+ let f,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg a in
+ let g,env,tg = xparse_formula env tg b in
+ mkformula_binary mkI term f g,env,tg
+ | _ when term = Lazy.force coq_True -> (TT,env,tg)
+ | _ when term = Lazy.force coq_False -> (FF,env,tg)
+ | _ -> X(term),env,tg in
+ xparse_formula env term
+ let dump_formula typ dump_atom f =
+ let rec xdump f =
+ match f with
+ | TT -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_TT,[|typ|])
+ | FF -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_FF,[|typ|])
+ | C(x,y) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_And,[|typ ; xdump x ; xdump y|])
+ | D(x,y) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Or,[|typ ; xdump x ; xdump y|])
+ | I(x,_,y) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Impl,[|typ ; xdump x ; xdump y|])
+ | N(x) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Neg,[|typ ; xdump x|])
+ | A(x,_,_) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Atom,[|typ ; dump_atom x|])
+ | X(t) -> mkApp(Lazy.force coq_X,[|typ ; t|]) in
+ xdump f
+ (**
+ * Given a conclusion and a list of affectations, rebuild a term prefixed by
+ * the appropriate letins.
+ * TODO: reverse the list of bindings!
+ *)
+ let set l concl =
+ let rec xset acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | (e::l) ->
+ let (name,expr,typ) = e in
+ xset (Term.mkNamedLetIn
+ (Names.id_of_string name)
+ expr typ acc) l in
+ xset concl l
+end (**
+ *)
+open M
+let rec sig_of_cone = function
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> [CoqToCaml.nat n]
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(w1,w2) -> (sig_of_cone w1)@(sig_of_cone w2)
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(w1,w2) -> (sig_of_cone w2)
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(w1,w2) -> (sig_of_cone w1)@(sig_of_cone w2)
+ | _ -> []
+let same_proof sg cl1 cl2 =
+ let rec xsame_proof sg =
+ match sg with
+ | [] -> true
+ | n::sg -> (try List.nth cl1 n = List.nth cl2 n with _ -> false)
+ && (xsame_proof sg ) in
+ xsame_proof sg
+let tags_of_clause tgs wit clause =
+ let rec xtags tgs = function
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> Names.Idset.union tgs
+ (snd (List.nth clause (CoqToCaml.nat n) ))
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(e,w) -> xtags tgs w
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE (w1,w2) | Mc.PsatzAdd(w1,w2) -> xtags (xtags tgs w1) w2
+ | _ -> tgs in
+ xtags tgs wit
+let tags_of_cnf wits cnf =
+ List.fold_left2 (fun acc w cl -> tags_of_clause acc w cl)
+ Names.Idset.empty wits cnf
+let find_witness prover polys1 = try_any prover polys1
+let rec witness prover l1 l2 =
+ match l2 with
+ | [] -> Some []
+ | e :: l2 ->
+ match find_witness prover (e::l1) with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some w ->
+ (match witness prover l1 l2 with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some l -> Some (w::l)
+ )
+let rec apply_ids t ids =
+ match ids with
+ | [] -> t
+ | i::ids -> apply_ids (Term.mkApp(t,[| Term.mkVar i |])) ids
+let coq_Node = lazy
+ (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Node")
+let coq_Leaf = lazy
+ (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Leaf")
+let coq_Empty = lazy
+ (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ;"VarMap"];["VarMap"]] "Empty")
+let btree_of_array typ a =
+ let size_of_a = Array.length a in
+ let semi_size_of_a = size_of_a lsr 1 in
+ let node = Lazy.force coq_Node
+ and leaf = Lazy.force coq_Leaf
+ and empty = Term.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Empty, [| typ |]) in
+ let rec aux n =
+ if n > size_of_a
+ then empty
+ else if n > semi_size_of_a
+ then Term.mkApp (leaf, [| typ; a.(n-1) |])
+ else Term.mkApp (node, [| typ; aux (2*n); a.(n-1); aux (2*n+1) |])
+ in
+ aux 1
+let btree_of_array typ a =
+ try
+ btree_of_array typ a
+ with x ->
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf "btree of array : %s" (Printexc.to_string x))
+let dump_varmap typ env =
+ btree_of_array typ (Array.of_list env)
+let rec pp_varmap o vm =
+ match vm with
+ | Mc.Empty -> output_string o "[]"
+ | Mc.Leaf z -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a]" pp_z z
+ | Mc.Node(l,z,r) -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a, %a, %a]" pp_varmap l pp_z z pp_varmap r
+let rec dump_proof_term = function
+ | Micromega.DoneProof -> Lazy.force coq_doneProof
+ | Micromega.RatProof(cone,rst) ->
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_ratProof, [| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z cone; dump_proof_term rst|])
+ | Micromega.CutProof(cone,prf) ->
+ Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_cutProof,
+ [| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z cone ;
+ dump_proof_term prf|])
+ | Micromega.EnumProof(c1,c2,prfs) ->
+ Term.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_enumProof,
+ [| dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z c1 ; dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z c2 ;
+ dump_list (Lazy.force coq_proofTerm) dump_proof_term prfs |])
+let pp_q o q = Printf.fprintf o "%a/%a" pp_z q.Micromega.qnum pp_positive q.Micromega.qden
+let rec pp_proof_term o = function
+ | Micromega.DoneProof -> Printf.fprintf o "D"
+ | Micromega.RatProof(cone,rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "R[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst
+ | Micromega.CutProof(cone,rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "C[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst
+ | Micromega.EnumProof(c1,c2,rst) ->
+ Printf.fprintf o "EP[%a,%a,%a]"
+ (pp_psatz pp_z) c1 (pp_psatz pp_z) c2
+ (pp_list "[" "]" pp_proof_term) rst
+let rec parse_hyps parse_arith env tg hyps =
+ match hyps with
+ | [] -> ([],env,tg)
+ | (i,t)::l ->
+ let (lhyps,env,tg) = parse_hyps parse_arith env tg l in
+ try
+ let (c,env,tg) = parse_formula parse_arith env tg t in
+ ((i,c)::lhyps, env,tg)
+ with _ -> (lhyps,env,tg)
+ (*(if debug then Printf.printf "parse_arith : %s\n" x);*)
+(*exception ParseError*)
+let parse_goal parse_arith env hyps term =
+ (* try*)
+ let (f,env,tg) = parse_formula parse_arith env (Tag.from 0) term in
+ let (lhyps,env,tg) = parse_hyps parse_arith env tg hyps in
+ (lhyps,f,env)
+ (* with Failure x -> raise ParseError*)
+ * The datastructures that aggregate theory-dependent proof values.
+ *)
+type ('d, 'prf) domain_spec = {
+ typ : Term.constr; (* Z, Q , R *)
+ coeff : Term.constr ; (* Z, Q *)
+ dump_coeff : 'd -> Term.constr ;
+ proof_typ : Term.constr ;
+ dump_proof : 'prf -> Term.constr
+let zz_domain_spec = lazy {
+ typ = Lazy.force coq_Z;
+ coeff = Lazy.force coq_Z;
+ dump_coeff = dump_z ;
+ proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_proofTerm ;
+ dump_proof = dump_proof_term
+let qq_domain_spec = lazy {
+ typ = Lazy.force coq_Q;
+ coeff = Lazy.force coq_Q;
+ dump_coeff = dump_q ;
+ proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_QWitness ;
+ dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Q dump_q
+let rz_domain_spec = lazy {
+ typ = Lazy.force coq_R;
+ coeff = Lazy.force coq_Z;
+ dump_coeff = dump_z;
+ proof_typ = Lazy.force coq_ZWitness ;
+ dump_proof = dump_psatz coq_Z dump_z
+ * Instanciate the current Coq goal with a Micromega formula, a varmap, and a
+ * witness.
+ *)
+let micromega_order_change spec cert cert_typ env ff gl =
+ let formula_typ = (Term.mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Cstr,[|spec.coeff|])) in
+ let ff = dump_formula formula_typ (dump_cstr spec.coeff spec.dump_coeff) ff in
+ let vm = dump_varmap (spec.typ) env in
+ Tactics.change_in_concl None
+ (set
+ [
+ ("__ff", ff, Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Formula, [|formula_typ |]));
+ ("__varmap", vm, Term.mkApp
+ (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "VarMap"
+ [["Coq" ; "micromega" ; "VarMap"] ; ["VarMap"]] "t", [|spec.typ|]));
+ ("__wit", cert, cert_typ)
+ ]
+ (Tacmach.pf_concl gl)
+ )
+ gl
+ * The datastructures that aggregate prover attributes.
+ *)
+type ('a,'prf) prover = {
+ name : string ; (* name of the prover *)
+ prover : 'a list -> 'prf option ; (* the prover itself *)
+ hyps : 'prf -> ISet.t ; (* extract the indexes of the hypotheses really used in the proof *)
+ compact : 'prf -> (int -> int) -> 'prf ; (* remap the hyp indexes according to function *)
+ pp_prf : out_channel -> 'prf -> unit ;(* pretting printing of proof *)
+ pp_f : out_channel -> 'a -> unit (* pretty printing of the formulas (polynomials)*)
+ * Given a list of provers and a disjunction of atoms, find a proof of any of
+ * the atoms. Returns an (optional) pair of a proof and a prover
+ * datastructure.
+ *)
+let find_witness provers polys1 =
+ let provers = (fun p ->
+ (fun l ->
+ match p.prover l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some prf -> Some(prf,p)) , provers in
+ try_any provers ( fst polys1)
+ * Given a list of provers and a CNF, find a proof for each of the clauses.
+ * Return the proofs as a list.
+ *)
+let witness_list prover l =
+ let rec xwitness_list l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Some []
+ | e :: l ->
+ match find_witness prover e with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some w ->
+ (match xwitness_list l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some l -> Some (w :: l)
+ ) in
+ xwitness_list l
+let witness_list_tags = witness_list
+(* *Deprecated* let is_singleton = function [] -> true | [e] -> true | _ -> false *)
+let pp_ml_list pp_elt o l =
+ output_string o "[" ;
+ List.iter (fun x -> Printf.fprintf o "%a ;" pp_elt x) l ;
+ output_string o "]"
+ * Prune the proof object, according to the 'diff' between two cnf formulas.
+ *)
+let compact_proofs (cnf_ff: 'cst cnf) res (cnf_ff': 'cst cnf) =
+ let compact_proof (old_cl:'cst clause) (prf,prover) (new_cl:'cst clause) =
+ let new_cl = Mutils.mapi (fun (f,_) i -> (f,i)) new_cl in
+ let remap i =
+ let formula = try fst (List.nth old_cl i) with Failure _ -> failwith "bad old index" in
+ List.assoc formula new_cl in
+ if debug then
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "\ncompact_proof : %a %a %a"
+ (pp_ml_list prover.pp_f) ( fst old_cl)
+ prover.pp_prf prf
+ (pp_ml_list prover.pp_f) ( fst new_cl) ;
+ flush stdout
+ end ;
+ let res = try prover.compact prf remap with x ->
+ if debug then Printf.fprintf stdout "Proof compaction %s" (Printexc.to_string x) ;
+ (* This should not happen -- this is the recovery plan... *)
+ match prover.prover ( fst new_cl) with
+ | None -> failwith "proof compaction error"
+ | Some p -> p
+ in
+ if debug then
+ begin
+ Printf.printf " -> %a\n"
+ prover.pp_prf res ;
+ flush stdout
+ end ;
+ res in
+ let is_proof_compatible (old_cl:'cst clause) (prf,prover) (new_cl:'cst clause) =
+ let hyps_idx = prover.hyps prf in
+ let hyps = selecti hyps_idx old_cl in
+ is_sublist hyps new_cl in
+ let cnf_res = List.combine cnf_ff res in (* we get pairs clause * proof *)
+ (fun x ->
+ let (o,p) = List.find (fun (l,p) -> is_proof_compatible l p x) cnf_res
+ in compact_proof o p x) cnf_ff'
+ * "Hide out" tagged atoms of a formula by transforming them into generic
+ * variables. See the Tag module in for more.
+ *)
+let abstract_formula hyps f =
+ let rec xabs f =
+ match f with
+ | X c -> X c
+ | A(a,t,term) -> if TagSet.mem t hyps then A(a,t,term) else X(term)
+ | C(f1,f2) ->
+ (match xabs f1 , xabs f2 with
+ | X a1 , X a2 -> X (Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_and, [|a1;a2|]))
+ | f1 , f2 -> C(f1,f2) )
+ | D(f1,f2) ->
+ (match xabs f1 , xabs f2 with
+ | X a1 , X a2 -> X (Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_or, [|a1;a2|]))
+ | f1 , f2 -> D(f1,f2) )
+ | N(f) ->
+ (match xabs f with
+ | X a -> X (Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_not, [|a|]))
+ | f -> N f)
+ | I(f1,hyp,f2) ->
+ (match xabs f1 , hyp, xabs f2 with
+ | X a1 , Some _ , af2 -> af2
+ | X a1 , None , X a2 -> X (Term.mkArrow a1 a2)
+ | af1 , _ , af2 -> I(af1,hyp,af2)
+ )
+ | FF -> FF
+ | TT -> TT
+ in xabs f
+ * This exception is raised by really_call_csdpcert if Coq's configure didn't
+ * find a CSDP executable.
+ *)
+exception CsdpNotFound
+ * This is the core of Micromega: apply the prover, analyze the result and
+ * prune unused fomulas, and finally modify the proof state.
+ *)
+let micromega_tauto negate normalise spec prover env polys1 polys2 gl =
+ let spec = Lazy.force spec in
+ (* Express the goal as one big implication *)
+ let (ff,ids) =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,f) (cc,ids) ->
+ match f with
+ X _ -> (cc,ids)
+ | _ -> (I(f,Some id,cc), id::ids))
+ polys1 (polys2,[]) in
+ (* Convert the aplpication into a (mc_)cnf (a list of lists of formulas) *)
+ let cnf_ff = cnf negate normalise ff in
+ if debug then
+ begin
+ Pp.pp (Pp.str "Formula....\n") ;
+ let formula_typ = (Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_Cstr, [|spec.coeff|])) in
+ let ff = dump_formula formula_typ
+ (dump_cstr spec.typ spec.dump_coeff) ff in
+ Pp.pp (Printer.prterm ff) ; Pp.pp_flush ();
+ Printf.fprintf stdout "cnf : %a\n" (pp_cnf (fun o _ -> ())) cnf_ff
+ end;
+ match witness_list_tags prover cnf_ff with
+ | None -> Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str " Cannot find witness") gl
+ | Some res -> (*Printf.printf "\nList %i" (List.length `res); *)
+ let hyps = List.fold_left (fun s (cl,(prf,p)) ->
+ let tags = ISet.fold (fun i s -> let t = snd (List.nth cl i) in
+ if debug then (Printf.fprintf stdout "T : %i -> %a" i Tag.pp t) ;
+ (*try*) TagSet.add t s (* with Invalid_argument _ -> s*)) (p.hyps prf) TagSet.empty in
+ TagSet.union s tags) TagSet.empty (List.combine cnf_ff res) in
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "TForm : %a\n" pp_formula ff ; flush stdout;
+ Printf.printf "Hyps : %a\n" (fun o s -> TagSet.fold (fun i _ -> Printf.fprintf o "%a " Tag.pp i) s ()) hyps) ;
+ let ff' = abstract_formula hyps ff in
+ let cnf_ff' = cnf negate normalise ff' in
+ if debug then
+ begin
+ Pp.pp (Pp.str "\nAFormula\n") ;
+ let formula_typ = (Term.mkApp( Lazy.force coq_Cstr,[| spec.coeff|])) in
+ let ff' = dump_formula formula_typ
+ (dump_cstr spec.typ spec.dump_coeff) ff' in
+ Pp.pp (Printer.prterm ff') ; Pp.pp_flush ();
+ Printf.fprintf stdout "cnf : %a\n" (pp_cnf (fun o _ -> ())) cnf_ff'
+ end;
+ (* Even if it does not work, this does not mean it is not provable
+ -- the prover is REALLY incomplete *)
+ (* if debug then
+ begin
+ (* recompute the proofs *)
+ match witness_list_tags prover cnf_ff' with
+ | None -> failwith "abstraction is wrong"
+ | Some res -> ()
+ end ; *)
+ let res' = compact_proofs cnf_ff res cnf_ff' in
+ let (ff',res',ids) = (ff',res', Term.mkVar (ids_of_formula ff')) in
+ let res' = dump_list (spec.proof_typ) spec.dump_proof res' in
+ (Tacticals.tclTHENSEQ
+ [
+ Tactics.generalize ids ;
+ micromega_order_change spec res'
+ (Term.mkApp(Lazy.force coq_list, [|spec.proof_typ|])) env ff'
+ ]) gl
+ * Parse the proof environment, and call micromega_tauto
+ *)
+let micromega_gen
+ parse_arith
+ (negate:'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf)
+ (normalise:'cst atom -> 'cst mc_cnf)
+ spec prover gl =
+ let concl = Tacmach.pf_concl gl in
+ let hyps = Tacmach.pf_hyps_types gl in
+ try
+ let (hyps,concl,env) = parse_goal parse_arith Env.empty hyps concl in
+ let env = Env.elements env in
+ micromega_tauto negate normalise spec prover env hyps concl gl
+ with
+ | Failure x -> flush stdout ; Pp.pp_flush () ;
+ Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str x) gl
+ | ParseError -> Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "Bad logical fragment") gl
+ | CsdpNotFound -> flush stdout ; Pp.pp_flush () ;
+ Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str
+ (" Skipping what remains of this tactic: the complexity of the goal requires "
+ ^ "the use of a specialized external tool called csdp. \n\n"
+ ^ "Unfortunately this instance of Coq isn't aware of the presence of any \"csdp\" executable. \n\n"
+ ^ "You may need to specify the location during Coq's pre-compilation configuration step")) gl
+let lift_ratproof prover l =
+ match prover l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some c -> Some (Mc.RatProof( c,Mc.DoneProof))
+type micromega_polys = (Micromega.q Mc.pol * Mc.op1) list
+type csdp_certificate = S of Sos_types.positivstellensatz option | F of string
+type provername = string * int option
+ * The caching mechanism.
+ *)
+open Persistent_cache
+module Cache = PHashtable(struct
+ type t = (provername * micromega_polys)
+ let equal = (=)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+let csdp_cache = "csdp.cache"
+ * Build the command to call csdpcert, and launch it. This in turn will call
+ * the sos driver to the csdp executable.
+ * Throw CsdpNotFound if a Coq isn't aware of any csdp executable.
+ *)
+let require_csdp =
+ match System.search_exe_in_path "csdp" with
+ | Some _ -> lazy ()
+ | _ -> lazy (raise CsdpNotFound)
+let really_call_csdpcert : provername -> micromega_polys -> Sos_types.positivstellensatz option =
+ fun provername poly ->
+ Lazy.force require_csdp;
+ let cmdname =
+ List.fold_left Filename.concat (Envars.coqlib ())
+ ["plugins"; "micromega"; "csdpcert" ^ Coq_config.exec_extension] in
+ match ((command cmdname [|cmdname|] (provername,poly)) : csdp_certificate) with
+ | F str -> failwith str
+ | S res -> res
+ * Check the cache before calling the prover.
+ *)
+let xcall_csdpcert =
+ Cache.memo csdp_cache (fun (prover,pb) -> really_call_csdpcert prover pb)
+ * Prover callback functions.
+ *)
+let call_csdpcert prover pb = xcall_csdpcert (prover,pb)
+let rec z_to_q_pol e =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.Pc z -> Mc.Pc {Mc.qnum = z ; Mc.qden = Mc.XH}
+ | Mc.Pinj(p,pol) -> Mc.Pinj(p,z_to_q_pol pol)
+ | Mc.PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> Mc.PX(z_to_q_pol pol1, p, z_to_q_pol pol2)
+let call_csdpcert_q provername poly =
+ match call_csdpcert provername poly with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some cert ->
+ let cert = Certificate.q_cert_of_pos cert in
+ if Mc.qWeakChecker poly cert
+ then Some cert
+ else ((print_string "buggy certificate" ; flush stdout) ;None)
+let call_csdpcert_z provername poly =
+ let l = (fun (e,o) -> (z_to_q_pol e,o)) poly in
+ match call_csdpcert provername l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some cert ->
+ let cert = Certificate.z_cert_of_pos cert in
+ if Mc.zWeakChecker poly cert
+ then Some cert
+ else ((print_string "buggy certificate" ; flush stdout) ;None)
+let xhyps_of_cone base acc prf =
+ let rec xtract e acc =
+ match e with
+ | Mc.PsatzC _ | Mc.PsatzZ | Mc.PsatzSquare _ -> acc
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> let n = (CoqToCaml.nat n) in
+ if n >= base
+ then ISet.add (n-base) acc
+ else acc
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(_,c) -> xtract c acc
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) | Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> xtract e1 (xtract e2 acc) in
+ xtract prf acc
+let hyps_of_cone prf = xhyps_of_cone 0 ISet.empty prf
+let compact_cone prf f =
+ let np n = CamlToCoq.nat (f (CoqToCaml.nat n)) in
+ let rec xinterp prf =
+ match prf with
+ | Mc.PsatzC _ | Mc.PsatzZ | Mc.PsatzSquare _ -> prf
+ | Mc.PsatzIn n -> Mc.PsatzIn (np n)
+ | Mc.PsatzMulC(e,c) -> Mc.PsatzMulC(e,xinterp c)
+ | Mc.PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> Mc.PsatzAdd(xinterp e1,xinterp e2)
+ | Mc.PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> Mc.PsatzMulE(xinterp e1,xinterp e2) in
+ xinterp prf
+let hyps_of_pt pt =
+ let rec xhyps base pt acc =
+ match pt with
+ | Mc.DoneProof -> acc
+ | Mc.RatProof(c,pt) -> xhyps (base+1) pt (xhyps_of_cone base acc c)
+ | Mc.CutProof(c,pt) -> xhyps (base+1) pt (xhyps_of_cone base acc c)
+ | Mc.EnumProof(c1,c2,l) ->
+ let s = xhyps_of_cone base (xhyps_of_cone base acc c2) c1 in
+ List.fold_left (fun s x -> xhyps (base + 1) x s) s l in
+ xhyps 0 pt ISet.empty
+let hyps_of_pt pt =
+ let res = hyps_of_pt pt in
+ if debug
+ then (Printf.fprintf stdout "\nhyps_of_pt : %a -> " pp_proof_term pt ; ISet.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i " i) res);
+ res
+let compact_pt pt f =
+ let translate ofset x =
+ if x < ofset then x
+ else (f (x-ofset) + ofset) in
+ let rec compact_pt ofset pt =
+ match pt with
+ | Mc.DoneProof -> Mc.DoneProof
+ | Mc.RatProof(c,pt) -> Mc.RatProof(compact_cone c (translate (ofset)), compact_pt (ofset+1) pt )
+ | Mc.CutProof(c,pt) -> Mc.CutProof(compact_cone c (translate (ofset)), compact_pt (ofset+1) pt )
+ | Mc.EnumProof(c1,c2,l) -> Mc.EnumProof(compact_cone c1 (translate (ofset)), compact_cone c2 (translate (ofset)),
+ (fun x -> compact_pt (ofset+1) x) l) in
+ compact_pt 0 pt
+ * Definition of provers.
+ * Instantiates the type ('a,'prf) prover defined above.
+ *)
+let lift_pexpr_prover p l = p ( (fun (e,o) -> Mc.denorm e , o) l)
+let linear_prover_Z = {
+ name = "linear prover" ;
+ prover = lift_ratproof (lift_pexpr_prover (Certificate.linear_prover_with_cert Certificate.z_spec)) ;
+ hyps = hyps_of_pt ;
+ compact = compact_pt ;
+ pp_prf = pp_proof_term;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x)
+let linear_prover_Q = {
+ name = "linear prover";
+ prover = lift_pexpr_prover (Certificate.linear_prover_with_cert Certificate.q_spec) ;
+ hyps = hyps_of_cone ;
+ compact = compact_cone ;
+ pp_prf = pp_psatz pp_q ;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_q o (fst x)
+let linear_prover_R = {
+ name = "linear prover";
+ prover = lift_pexpr_prover (Certificate.linear_prover_with_cert Certificate.z_spec) ;
+ hyps = hyps_of_cone ;
+ compact = compact_cone ;
+ pp_prf = pp_psatz pp_z ;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x)
+let non_linear_prover_Q str o = {
+ name = "real nonlinear prover";
+ prover = call_csdpcert_q (str, o);
+ hyps = hyps_of_cone;
+ compact = compact_cone ;
+ pp_prf = pp_psatz pp_q ;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_q o (fst x)
+let non_linear_prover_R str o = {
+ name = "real nonlinear prover";
+ prover = call_csdpcert_z (str, o);
+ hyps = hyps_of_cone;
+ compact = compact_cone;
+ pp_prf = pp_psatz pp_z;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x)
+let non_linear_prover_Z str o = {
+ name = "real nonlinear prover";
+ prover = lift_ratproof (call_csdpcert_z (str, o));
+ hyps = hyps_of_pt;
+ compact = compact_pt;
+ pp_prf = pp_proof_term;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x)
+module CacheZ = PHashtable(struct
+ type t = (Mc.z Mc.pol * Mc.op1) list
+ let equal = (=)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+let memo_zlinear_prover = CacheZ.memo "lia.cache" (lift_pexpr_prover Certificate.zlinear_prover)
+let linear_Z = {
+ name = "lia";
+ prover = memo_zlinear_prover ;
+ hyps = hyps_of_pt;
+ compact = compact_pt;
+ pp_prf = pp_proof_term;
+ pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x)
+ * Functions instantiating micromega_gen with the appropriate theories and
+ * solvers
+ *)
+let psatzl_Z gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_zarith Mc.negate Mc.normalise zz_domain_spec
+ [ linear_prover_Z ] gl
+let psatzl_Q gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_qarith Mc.qnegate Mc.qnormalise qq_domain_spec
+ [ linear_prover_Q ] gl
+let psatz_Q i gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_qarith Mc.qnegate Mc.qnormalise qq_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_Q "real_nonlinear_prover" (Some i) ] gl
+let psatzl_R gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_rarith Mc.rnegate Mc.rnormalise rz_domain_spec
+ [ linear_prover_R ] gl
+let psatz_R i gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_rarith Mc.rnegate Mc.rnormalise rz_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_R "real_nonlinear_prover" (Some i) ] gl
+let psatz_Z i gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_zarith Mc.negate Mc.normalise zz_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_Z "real_nonlinear_prover" (Some i) ] gl
+let sos_Z gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_zarith Mc.negate Mc.normalise zz_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_Z "pure_sos" None ] gl
+let sos_Q gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_qarith Mc.qnegate Mc.qnormalise qq_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_Q "pure_sos" None ] gl
+let sos_R gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_rarith Mc.rnegate Mc.rnormalise rz_domain_spec
+ [ non_linear_prover_R "pure_sos" None ] gl
+let xlia gl =
+ micromega_gen parse_zarith Mc.negate Mc.normalise zz_domain_spec
+ [ linear_Z ] gl
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4e6d920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+open Big_int
+open Num
+open Sos
+open Sos_types
+open Sos_lib
+module Mc = Micromega
+module Ml2C = Mutils.CamlToCoq
+module C2Ml = Mutils.CoqToCaml
+type micromega_polys = (Micromega.q Mc.pol * Mc.op1) list
+type csdp_certificate = S of Sos_types.positivstellensatz option | F of string
+type provername = string * int option
+let debug = true
+let flags = [Open_append;Open_binary;Open_creat]
+let chan = open_out_gen flags 0o666 "trace"
+module M =
+ open Mc
+ let rec expr_to_term = function
+ | PEc z -> Const (C2Ml.q_to_num z)
+ | PEX v -> Var ("x"^(string_of_int (C2Ml.index v)))
+ | PEmul(p1,p2) ->
+ let p1 = expr_to_term p1 in
+ let p2 = expr_to_term p2 in
+ let res = Mul(p1,p2) in res
+ | PEadd(p1,p2) -> Add(expr_to_term p1, expr_to_term p2)
+ | PEsub(p1,p2) -> Sub(expr_to_term p1, expr_to_term p2)
+ | PEpow(p,n) -> Pow(expr_to_term p , C2Ml.n n)
+ | PEopp p -> Opp (expr_to_term p)
+open M
+open List
+open Mutils
+let rec canonical_sum_to_string = function s -> failwith "not implemented"
+let print_canonical_sum m = Format.print_string (canonical_sum_to_string m)
+let print_list_term o l =
+ output_string o "print_list_term\n";
+ List.iter (fun (e,k) -> Printf.fprintf o "q: %s %s ;"
+ (string_of_poly (poly_of_term (expr_to_term e)))
+ (match k with
+ Mc.Equal -> "= "
+ | Mc.Strict -> "> "
+ | Mc.NonStrict -> ">= "
+ | _ -> failwith "not_implemented")) ( (fun (e, o) -> Mc.denorm e , o) l) ;
+ output_string o "\n"
+let partition_expr l =
+ let rec f i = function
+ | [] -> ([],[],[])
+ | (e,k)::l ->
+ let (eq,ge,neq) = f (i+1) l in
+ match k with
+ | Mc.Equal -> ((e,i)::eq,ge,neq)
+ | Mc.NonStrict -> (eq,(e,Axiom_le i)::ge,neq)
+ | Mc.Strict -> (* e > 0 == e >= 0 /\ e <> 0 *)
+ (eq, (e,Axiom_lt i)::ge,(e,Axiom_lt i)::neq)
+ | Mc.NonEqual -> (eq,ge,(e,Axiom_eq i)::neq)
+ (* Not quite sure -- Coq interface has changed *)
+ in f 0 l
+let rec sets_of_list l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> [[]]
+ | e::l -> let s = sets_of_list l in
+ s@( (fun s0 -> e::s0) s)
+(* The exploration is probably not complete - for simple cases, it works... *)
+let real_nonlinear_prover d l =
+ let l = (fun (e,op) -> (Mc.denorm e,op)) l in
+ try
+ let (eq,ge,neq) = partition_expr l in
+ let rec elim_const = function
+ [] -> []
+ | (x,y)::l -> let p = poly_of_term (expr_to_term x) in
+ if poly_isconst p
+ then elim_const l
+ else (p,y)::(elim_const l) in
+ let eq = elim_const eq in
+ let peq = fst eq in
+ let pge =
+ (fun (e,psatz) -> poly_of_term (expr_to_term e),psatz) ge in
+ let monoids = (fun m -> (List.fold_right (fun (p,kd) y ->
+ let p = poly_of_term (expr_to_term p) in
+ match kd with
+ | Axiom_lt i -> poly_mul p y
+ | Axiom_eq i -> poly_mul (poly_pow p 2) y
+ | _ -> failwith "monoids") m (poly_const (Int 1)) , map snd m))
+ (sets_of_list neq) in
+ let (cert_ideal, cert_cone,monoid) = deepen_until d (fun d ->
+ list_try_find (fun m -> let (ci,cc) =
+ real_positivnullstellensatz_general false d peq pge (poly_neg (fst m) ) in
+ (ci,cc,snd m)) monoids) 0 in
+ let proofs_ideal = map2 (fun q i -> Eqmul(term_of_poly q,Axiom_eq i))
+ cert_ideal ( snd eq) in
+ let proofs_cone = map term_of_sos cert_cone in
+ let proof_ne =
+ let (neq , lt) = List.partition
+ (function Axiom_eq _ -> true | _ -> false ) monoid in
+ let sq = match
+ ( (function Axiom_eq i -> i | _ -> failwith "error") neq)
+ with
+ | [] -> Rational_lt (Int 1)
+ | l -> Monoid l in
+ List.fold_right (fun x y -> Product(x,y)) lt sq in
+ let proof = list_fold_right_elements
+ (fun s t -> Sum(s,t)) (proof_ne :: proofs_ideal @ proofs_cone) in
+ S (Some proof)
+ with
+ | Sos_lib.TooDeep -> S None
+ | x -> F (Printexc.to_string x)
+(* This is somewhat buggy, over Z, strict inequality vanish... *)
+let pure_sos l =
+ let l = (fun (e,o) -> Mc.denorm e, o) l in
+ (* If there is no strict inequality,
+ I should nonetheless be able to try something - over Z > is equivalent to -1 >= *)
+ try
+ let l = List.combine l (interval 0 (length l -1)) in
+ let (lt,i) = try (List.find (fun (x,_) -> snd x = Mc.Strict) l)
+ with Not_found -> List.hd l in
+ let plt = poly_neg (poly_of_term (expr_to_term (fst lt))) in
+ let (n,polys) = sumofsquares plt in (* n * (ci * pi^2) *)
+ let pos = Product (Rational_lt n,
+ List.fold_right (fun (c,p) rst -> Sum (Product (Rational_lt c, Square
+ (term_of_poly p)), rst))
+ polys (Rational_lt (Int 0))) in
+ let proof = Sum(Axiom_lt i, pos) in
+(* let s,proof' = scale_certificate proof in
+ let cert = snd (cert_of_pos proof') in *)
+ S (Some proof)
+ with
+(* | Sos.CsdpNotFound -> F "Sos.CsdpNotFound" *)
+ | x -> (* May be that could be refined *) S None
+let run_prover prover pb =
+ match prover with
+ | "real_nonlinear_prover", Some d -> real_nonlinear_prover d pb
+ | "pure_sos", None -> pure_sos pb
+ | prover, _ -> (Printf.printf "unknown prover: %s\n" prover; exit 1)
+let output_csdp_certificate o = function
+ | S None -> output_string o "S None"
+ | S (Some p) -> Printf.fprintf o "S (Some %a)" output_psatz p
+ | F s -> Printf.fprintf o "F %s" s
+let main () =
+ try
+ let (prover,poly) = (input_value stdin : provername * micromega_polys) in
+ let cert = run_prover prover poly in
+(* Printf.fprintf chan "%a -> %a" print_list_term poly output_csdp_certificate cert ;
+ close_out chan ; *)
+ output_value stdout (cert:csdp_certificate);
+ flush stdout ;
+ Marshal.to_channel chan (cert:csdp_certificate) [] ;
+ flush chan ;
+ exit 0
+ with x -> (Printf.fprintf chan "error %s" (Printexc.to_string x) ; exit 1)
+let _ = main () in ()
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/g_micromega.ml4 b/plugins/micromega/g_micromega.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4d04e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/g_micromega.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Quote
+open Ring
+open Mutils
+open Rawterm
+open Util
+let out_arg = function
+ | ArgVar _ -> anomaly "Unevaluated or_var variable"
+ | ArgArg x -> x
+| [ "psatz_Z" int_or_var(i) ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_Z (out_arg i) ]
+| [ "psatz_Z" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_Z (-1) ]
+[ "xlia" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.xlia]
+| [ "sos_Z" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.sos_Z]
+| [ "sos_Q" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.sos_Q]
+| [ "sos_R" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.sos_R]
+[ "psatzl_Z" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatzl_Z]
+[ "psatzl_Q" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatzl_Q]
+[ "psatzl_R" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatzl_R]
+| [ "psatz_R" int_or_var(i) ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_R (out_arg i) ]
+| [ "psatz_R" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_R (-1) ]
+| [ "psatz_Q" int_or_var(i) ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_Q (out_arg i) ]
+| [ "psatz_Q" ] -> [ Coq_micromega.psatz_Q (-1) ]
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6250e324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+open Num
+module Utils = Mutils
+let map_option = Utils.map_option
+let from_option = Utils.from_option
+let debug = false
+type ('a,'b) lr = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
+module Vect =
+ struct
+ (** [t] is the type of vectors.
+ A vector [(x1,v1) ; ... ; (xn,vn)] is such that:
+ - variables indexes are ordered (x1 < ... < xn
+ - values are all non-zero
+ *)
+ type var = int
+ type t = (var * num) list
+(** [equal v1 v2 = true] if the vectors are syntactically equal.
+ ([num] is not handled by [Pervasives.equal] *)
+ let rec equal v1 v2 =
+ match v1 , v2 with
+ | [] , [] -> true
+ | [] , _ -> false
+ | _::_ , [] -> false
+ | (i1,n1)::v1 , (i2,n2)::v2 ->
+ (i1 = i2) && n1 =/ n2 && equal v1 v2
+ let hash v =
+ let rec hash i = function
+ | [] -> i
+ | (vr,vl)::l -> hash (i + (Hashtbl.hash (vr, float_of_num vl))) l in
+ Hashtbl.hash (hash 0 v )
+ let null = []
+ let pp_vect o vect =
+ List.iter (fun (v,n) -> Printf.printf "%sx%i + " (string_of_num n) v) vect
+ let from_list (l: num list) =
+ let rec xfrom_list i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::l ->
+ if e <>/ Int 0
+ then (i,e)::(xfrom_list (i+1) l)
+ else xfrom_list (i+1) l in
+ xfrom_list 0 l
+ let zero_num = Int 0
+ let unit_num = Int 1
+ let to_list m =
+ let rec xto_list i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x,v)::l' ->
+ if i = x then v::(xto_list (i+1) l') else zero_num ::(xto_list (i+1) l) in
+ xto_list 0 m
+ let cons i v rst = if v =/ Int 0 then rst else (i,v)::rst
+ let rec update i f t =
+ match t with
+ | [] -> cons i (f zero_num) []
+ | (k,v)::l ->
+ match i k with
+ | 0 -> cons k (f v) l
+ | -1 -> cons i (f zero_num) t
+ | 1 -> (k,v) ::(update i f l)
+ | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
+ let rec set i n t =
+ match t with
+ | [] -> cons i n []
+ | (k,v)::l ->
+ match i k with
+ | 0 -> cons k n l
+ | -1 -> cons i n t
+ | 1 -> (k,v) :: (set i n l)
+ | _ -> failwith "compare_num"
+ let gcd m =
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun x (i,e) -> Big_int.gcd_big_int x (Utils.numerator e)) Big_int.zero_big_int m in
+ if Big_int.compare_big_int res Big_int.zero_big_int = 0
+ then Big_int.unit_big_int else res
+ let rec mul z t =
+ match z with
+ | Int 0 -> []
+ | Int 1 -> t
+ | _ -> (fun (i,n) -> (i, mult_num z n)) t
+ let compare : t -> t -> int = Utils.Cmp.compare_list (fun x y -> Utils.Cmp.compare_lexical
+ [
+ (fun () -> (fst x) (fst y));
+ (fun () -> compare_num (snd x) (snd y))])
+ (** [tail v vect] returns
+ - [None] if [v] is not a variable of the vector [vect]
+ - [Some(vl,rst)] where [vl] is the value of [v] in vector [vect]
+ and [rst] is the remaining of the vector
+ We exploit that vectors are ordered lists
+ *)
+ let rec tail (v:var) (vect:t) =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (v',vl)::vect' ->
+ match v' v with
+ | 0 -> Some (vl,vect) (* Ok, found *)
+ | -1 -> tail v vect' (* Might be in the tail *)
+ | _ -> None (* Hopeless *)
+ let get v vect =
+ match tail v vect with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some(vl,_) -> Some vl
+ let rec fresh v =
+ match v with
+ | [] -> 1
+ | [v,_] -> v + 1
+ | _::v -> fresh v
+ end
+open Vect
+(** Implementation of intervals *)
+module Itv =
+ (** The type of intervals is *)
+ type interval = num option * num option
+ (** None models the absence of bound i.e. infinity *)
+ (** As a result,
+ - None , None -> ]-oo,+oo[
+ - None , Some v -> ]-oo,v]
+ - Some v, None -> [v,+oo[
+ - Some v, Some v' -> [v,v']
+ Intervals needs to be explicitely normalised.
+ *)
+ type who = Left | Right
+ (** if then interval [itv] is empty, [norm_itv itv] returns [None]
+ otherwise, it returns [Some itv] *)
+ let norm_itv itv =
+ match itv with
+ | Some a , Some b -> if a <=/ b then Some itv else None
+ | _ -> Some itv
+ (** [opp_itv itv] computes the opposite interval *)
+ let opp_itv itv =
+ let (l,r) = itv in
+ (map_option minus_num r, map_option minus_num l)
+(** [inter i1 i2 = None] if the intersection of intervals is empty
+ [inter i1 i2 = Some i] if [i] is the intersection of the intervals [i1] and [i2] *)
+ let inter i1 i2 =
+ let (l1,r1) = i1
+ and (l2,r2) = i2 in
+ let inter f o1 o2 =
+ match o1 , o2 with
+ | None , None -> None
+ | Some _ , None -> o1
+ | None , Some _ -> o2
+ | Some n1 , Some n2 -> Some (f n1 n2) in
+ norm_itv (inter max_num l1 l2 , inter min_num r1 r2)
+ let range = function
+ | None,_ | _,None -> None
+ | Some i,Some j -> Some (floor_num j -/ceiling_num i +/ (Int 1))
+ let smaller_itv i1 i2 =
+ match range i1 , range i2 with
+ | None , _ -> false
+ | _ , None -> true
+ | Some i , Some j -> i <=/ j
+(** [in_bound bnd v] checks whether [v] is within the bounds [bnd] *)
+let in_bound bnd v =
+ let (l,r) = bnd in
+ match l , r with
+ | None , None -> true
+ | None , Some a -> v <=/ a
+ | Some a , None -> a <=/ v
+ | Some a , Some b -> a <=/ v && v <=/ b
+open Itv
+type vector = Vect.t
+type cstr = { coeffs : vector ; bound : interval }
+(** 'cstr' is the type of constraints.
+ {coeffs = v ; bound = (l,r) } models the constraints l <= v <= r
+module ISet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = end)
+module PSet = ISet
+module System = Hashtbl.Make(Vect)
+ type proof =
+ | Hyp of int
+ | Elim of var * proof * proof
+ | And of proof * proof
+type system = {
+ sys : cstr_info ref System.t ;
+ vars : ISet.t
+and cstr_info = {
+ bound : interval ;
+ prf : proof ;
+ pos : int ;
+ neg : int ;
+(** A system of constraints has the form [{sys = s ; vars = v}].
+ [s] is a hashtable mapping a normalised vector to a [cstr_info] record where
+ - [bound] is an interval
+ - [prf_idx] is the set of hypothese indexes (i.e. constraints in the initial system) used to obtain the current constraint.
+ In the initial system, each constraint is given an unique singleton proof_idx.
+ When a new constraint c is computed by a function f(c1,...,cn), its proof_idx is ISet.fold union ( (fun x -> x.proof_idx) [c1;...;cn]
+ - [pos] is the number of positive values of the vector
+ - [neg] is the number of negative values of the vector
+ ( [neg] + [pos] is therefore the length of the vector)
+ [v] is an upper-bound of the set of variables which appear in [s].
+(** To be thrown when a system has no solution *)
+exception SystemContradiction of proof
+let hyps prf =
+ let rec hyps prf acc =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> ISet.add i acc
+ | Elim(_,prf1,prf2)
+ | And(prf1,prf2) -> hyps prf1 (hyps prf2 acc) in
+ hyps prf ISet.empty
+(** Pretty printing *)
+ let rec pp_proof o prf =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> Printf.fprintf o "H%i" i
+ | Elim(v, prf1,prf2) -> Printf.fprintf o "E(%i,%a,%a)" v pp_proof prf1 pp_proof prf2
+ | And(prf1,prf2) -> Printf.fprintf o "A(%a,%a)" pp_proof prf1 pp_proof prf2
+let pp_bound o = function
+ | None -> output_string o "oo"
+ | Some a -> output_string o (string_of_num a)
+let pp_itv o (l,r) = Printf.fprintf o "(%a,%a)" pp_bound l pp_bound r
+let rec pp_list f o l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e::l -> f o e ; output_string o ";" ; pp_list f o l
+let pp_iset o s =
+ output_string o "{" ;
+ ISet.fold (fun i _ -> Printf.fprintf o "%i " i) s ();
+ output_string o "}"
+let pp_pset o s =
+ output_string o "{" ;
+ PSet.fold (fun i _ -> Printf.fprintf o "%i " i) s ();
+ output_string o "}"
+let pp_info o i = pp_itv o i.bound
+let pp_cstr o (vect,bnd) =
+ let (l,r) = bnd in
+ (match l with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some n -> Printf.fprintf o "%s <= " (string_of_num n))
+ ;
+ pp_vect o vect ;
+ (match r with
+ | None -> output_string o"\n"
+ | Some n -> Printf.fprintf o "<=%s\n" (string_of_num n))
+let pp_system o sys=
+ System.iter (fun vect ibnd ->
+ pp_cstr o (vect,(!ibnd).bound)) sys
+let pp_split_cstr o (vl,v,c,_) =
+ Printf.fprintf o "(val x = %s ,%a,%s)" (string_of_num vl) pp_vect v (string_of_num c)
+(** [merge_cstr_info] takes:
+ - the intersection of bounds and
+ - the union of proofs
+ - [pos] and [neg] fields should be identical *)
+let merge_cstr_info i1 i2 =
+ let { pos = p1 ; neg = n1 ; bound = i1 ; prf = prf1 } = i1
+ and { pos = p2 ; neg = n2 ; bound = i2 ; prf = prf2 } = i2 in
+ assert (p1 = p2 && n1 = n2) ;
+ match inter i1 i2 with
+ | None -> None (* Could directly raise a system contradiction exception *)
+ | Some bnd ->
+ Some { pos = p1 ; neg = n1 ; bound = bnd ; prf = And(prf1,prf2) }
+(** [xadd_cstr vect cstr_info] loads an constraint into the system.
+ The constraint is neither redundant nor contradictory.
+ @raise SystemContradiction if [cstr_info] returns [None]
+let xadd_cstr vect cstr_info sys =
+ if debug && System.length sys mod 1000 = 0 then (print_string "*" ; flush stdout) ;
+ try
+ let info = System.find sys vect in
+ match merge_cstr_info cstr_info !info with
+ | None -> raise (SystemContradiction (And(cstr_info.prf, (!info).prf)))
+ | Some info' -> info := info'
+ with
+ | Not_found -> System.replace sys vect (ref cstr_info)
+type cstr_ext =
+ | Contradiction (** The constraint is contradictory.
+ Typically, a [SystemContradiction] exception will be raised. *)
+ | Redundant (** The constrain is redundant.
+ Typically, the constraint will be dropped *)
+ | Cstr of vector * cstr_info (** Taken alone, the constraint is neither contradictory nor redundant.
+ Typically, it will be added to the constraint system. *)
+(** [normalise_cstr] : vector -> cstr_info -> cstr_ext *)
+let normalise_cstr vect cinfo =
+ match norm_itv cinfo.bound with
+ | None -> Contradiction
+ | Some (l,r) ->
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> if Itv.in_bound (l,r) (Int 0) then Redundant else Contradiction
+ | (_,n)::_ -> Cstr(
+ (if n <>/ Int 1 then (fun (x,nx) -> (x,nx // n)) vect else vect),
+ let divn x = x // n in
+ if sign_num n = 1
+ then{cinfo with bound = (map_option divn l , map_option divn r) }
+ else {cinfo with pos = cinfo.neg ; neg = cinfo.pos ; bound = (map_option divn r , map_option divn l)})
+(** For compatibility, there an external representation of constraints *)
+type cstr_compat = {coeffs : vector ; op : op ; cst : num}
+and op = |Eq | Ge
+let string_of_op = function Eq -> "=" | Ge -> ">="
+let eval_op = function
+ | Eq -> (=/)
+ | Ge -> (>=/)
+let count v =
+ let rec count n p v =
+ match v with
+ | [] -> (n,p)
+ | (_,vl)::v -> let sg = sign_num vl in
+ assert (sg <> 0) ;
+ if sg = 1 then count n (p+1) v else count (n+1) p v in
+ count 0 0 v
+let norm_cstr {coeffs = v ; op = o ; cst = c} idx =
+ let (n,p) = count v in
+ normalise_cstr v {pos = p ; neg = n ; bound =
+ (match o with
+ | Eq -> Some c , Some c
+ | Ge -> Some c , None) ;
+ prf = Hyp idx }
+(** [load_system l] takes a list of constraints of type [cstr_compat]
+ @return a system of constraints
+ @raise SystemContradiction if a contradiction is found
+let load_system l =
+ let sys = System.create 1000 in
+ let li = Mutils.mapi (fun e i -> (e,i)) l in
+ let vars = List.fold_left (fun vrs (cstr,i) ->
+ match norm_cstr cstr i with
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction (Hyp i))
+ | Redundant -> vrs
+ | Cstr(vect,info) ->
+ xadd_cstr vect info sys ;
+ List.fold_left (fun s (v,_) -> ISet.add v s) vrs cstr.coeffs) ISet.empty li in
+ {sys = sys ;vars = vars}
+let system_list sys =
+ let { sys = s ; vars = v } = sys in
+ System.fold (fun k bi l -> (k, !bi)::l) s []
+(** [add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) ]
+ precondition: (c1 <>/ Int 0 && c2 <>/ Int 0)
+ @return a pair [(v,ln)] such that
+ [v] is the sum of vector [v1] divided by [c1] and vector [v2] divided by [c2]
+ Note that the resulting vector is not normalised.
+let add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) =
+ assert (c1 <>/ Int 0 && c2 <>/ Int 0) ;
+ let rec xadd v1 v2 =
+ match v1 , v2 with
+ | (x1,n1)::v1' , (x2,n2)::v2' ->
+ if x1 = x2
+ then
+ let n' = (n1 // c1) +/ (n2 // c2) in
+ if n' =/ Int 0 then xadd v1' v2'
+ else
+ let res = xadd v1' v2' in
+ (x1,n') ::res
+ else if x1 < x2
+ then let res = xadd v1' v2 in
+ (x1, n1 // c1)::res
+ else let res = xadd v1 v2' in
+ (x2, n2 // c2)::res
+ | [] , [] -> []
+ | [] , _ -> (fun (x,vl) -> (x,vl // c2)) v2
+ | _ , [] -> (fun (x,vl) -> (x,vl // c1)) v1 in
+ let res = xadd v1 v2 in
+ (res, count res)
+let add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) =
+ let res = add (v1,c1) (v2,c2) in
+ (* Printf.printf "add(%a,%s,%a,%s) -> %a\n" pp_vect v1 (string_of_num c1) pp_vect v2 (string_of_num c2) pp_vect (fst res) ;*)
+ res
+type tlr = (num * vector * cstr_info) list
+type tm = (vector * cstr_info ) list
+(** To perform Fourier elimination, constraints are categorised depending on the sign of the variable to eliminate. *)
+(** [split x vect info (l,m,r)]
+ @param v is the variable to eliminate
+ @param l contains constraints such that (e + a*x) // a >= c / a
+ @param r contains constraints such that (e + a*x) // - a >= c / -a
+ @param m contains constraints which do not mention [x]
+let split x (vect: vector) info (l,m,r) =
+ match get x vect with
+ | None -> (* The constraint does not mention [x], store it in m *)
+ (l,(vect,info)::m,r)
+ | Some vl -> (* otherwise *)
+ let cons_bound lst bd =
+ match bd with
+ | None -> lst
+ | Some bnd -> (vl,vect,{info with bound = Some bnd,None})::lst in
+ let lb,rb = info.bound in
+ if sign_num vl = 1
+ then (cons_bound l lb,m,cons_bound r rb)
+ else (* sign_num vl = -1 *)
+ (cons_bound l rb,m,cons_bound r lb)
+(** [project vr sys] projects system [sys] over the set of variables [ISet.remove vr sys.vars ].
+ This is a one step Fourier elimination.
+let project vr sys =
+ let (l,m,r) = System.fold (fun vect rf l_m_r -> split vr vect !rf l_m_r) sys.sys ([],[],[]) in
+ let new_sys = System.create (System.length sys.sys) in
+ (* Constraints in [m] belong to the projection - for those [vr] is already projected out *)
+ List.iter (fun (vect,info) -> System.replace new_sys vect (ref info) ) m ;
+ let elim (v1,vect1,info1) (v2,vect2,info2) =
+ let {neg = n1 ; pos = p1 ; bound = bound1 ; prf = prf1} = info1
+ and {neg = n2 ; pos = p2 ; bound = bound2 ; prf = prf2} = info2 in
+ let bnd1 = from_option (fst bound1)
+ and bnd2 = from_option (fst bound2) in
+ let bound = (bnd1 // v1) +/ (bnd2 // minus_num v2) in
+ let vres,(n,p) = add (vect1,v1) (vect2,minus_num v2) in
+ (vres,{neg = n ; pos = p ; bound = (Some bound, None); prf = Elim(vr,info1.prf,info2.prf)}) in
+ List.iter(fun l_elem -> List.iter (fun r_elem ->
+ let (vect,info) = elim l_elem r_elem in
+ match normalise_cstr vect info with
+ | Redundant -> ()
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction info.prf)
+ | Cstr(vect,info) -> xadd_cstr vect info new_sys) r ) l;
+ {sys = new_sys ; vars = ISet.remove vr sys.vars}
+(** [project_using_eq] performs elimination by pivoting using an equation.
+ This is the counter_part of the [elim] sub-function of [!project].
+ @param vr is the variable to be used as pivot
+ @param c is the coefficient of variable [vr] in vector [vect]
+ @param len is the length of the equation
+ @param bound is the bound of the equation
+ @param prf is the proof of the equation
+let project_using_eq vr c vect bound prf (vect',info') =
+ match get vr vect' with
+ | Some c2 ->
+ let c1 = if c2 >=/ Int 0 then minus_num c else c in
+ let c2 = abs_num c2 in
+ let (vres,(n,p)) = add (vect,c1) (vect', c2) in
+ let cst = bound // c1 in
+ let bndres =
+ let f x = cst +/ x // c2 in
+ let (l,r) = info'.bound in
+ (map_option f l , map_option f r) in
+ (vres,{neg = n ; pos = p ; bound = bndres ; prf = Elim(vr,prf,info'.prf)})
+ | None -> (vect',info')
+let elim_var_using_eq vr vect cst prf sys =
+ let c = from_option (get vr vect) in
+ let elim_var = project_using_eq vr c vect cst prf in
+ let new_sys = System.create (System.length sys.sys) in
+ System.iter(fun vect iref ->
+ let (vect',info') = elim_var (vect,!iref) in
+ match normalise_cstr vect' info' with
+ | Redundant -> ()
+ | Contradiction -> raise (SystemContradiction info'.prf)
+ | Cstr(vect,info') -> xadd_cstr vect info' new_sys) sys.sys ;
+ {sys = new_sys ; vars = ISet.remove vr sys.vars}
+(** [size sys] computes the number of entries in the system of constraints *)
+let size sys = System.fold (fun v iref s -> s + (!iref).neg + (!iref).pos) sys 0
+module IMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare : int -> int -> int = end)
+let pp_map o map = IMap.fold (fun k elt () -> Printf.fprintf o "%i -> %s\n" k (string_of_num elt)) map ()
+(** [eval_vect map vect] evaluates vector [vect] using the values of [map].
+ If [map] binds all the variables of [vect], we get
+ [eval_vect map [(x1,v1);...;(xn,vn)] = (IMap.find x1 map * v1) + ... + (IMap.find xn map) * vn , []]
+ The function returns as second argument, a sub-vector consisting in the variables that are not in [map]. *)
+let eval_vect map vect =
+ let rec xeval_vect vect sum rst =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> (sum,rst)
+ | (v,vl)::vect ->
+ try
+ let val_v = IMap.find v map in
+ xeval_vect vect (sum +/ (val_v */ vl)) rst
+ with
+ Not_found -> xeval_vect vect sum ((v,vl)::rst) in
+ xeval_vect vect (Int 0) []
+(** [restrict_bound n sum itv] returns the interval of [x]
+ given that (fst itv) <= x * n + sum <= (snd itv) *)
+let restrict_bound n sum (itv:interval) =
+ let f x = (x -/ sum) // n in
+ let l,r = itv in
+ match sign_num n with
+ | 0 -> if in_bound itv sum
+ then (None,None) (* redundant *)
+ else failwith "SystemContradiction"
+ | 1 -> map_option f l , map_option f r
+ | _ -> map_option f r , map_option f l
+(** [bound_of_variable map v sys] computes the interval of [v] in
+ [sys] given a mapping [map] binding all the other variables *)
+let bound_of_variable map v sys =
+ System.fold (fun vect iref bnd ->
+ let sum,rst = eval_vect map vect in
+ let vl = match get v rst with
+ | None -> Int 0
+ | Some v -> v in
+ match inter bnd (restrict_bound vl sum (!iref).bound) with
+ | None -> failwith "bound_of_variable: impossible"
+ | Some itv -> itv) sys (None,None)
+(** [pick_small_value bnd] picks a value being closed to zero within the interval *)
+let pick_small_value bnd =
+ match bnd with
+ | None , None -> Int 0
+ | None , Some i -> if (Int 0) <=/ (floor_num i) then Int 0 else floor_num i
+ | Some i,None -> if i <=/ (Int 0) then Int 0 else ceiling_num i
+ | Some i,Some j ->
+ if i <=/ Int 0 && Int 0 <=/ j
+ then Int 0
+ else if ceiling_num i <=/ floor_num j
+ then ceiling_num i (* why not *) else i
+(** [solution s1 sys_l = Some(sn,[(vn-1,sn-1);...; (v1,s1)]@sys_l)]
+ then [sn] is a system which contains only [black_v] -- if it existed in [s1]
+ and [sn+1] is obtained by projecting [vn] out of [sn]
+ @raise SystemContradiction if system [s] has no solution
+let solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys sys_l =
+ let rec solve_sys sys sys_l =
+ if debug then Printf.printf "S #%i size %i\n" (System.length sys.sys) (size sys.sys);
+ let eqs = choose_eq sys in
+ try
+ let (v,vect,cst,ln) = fst (List.find (fun ((v,_,_,_),_) -> v <> black_v) eqs) in
+ if debug then
+ (Printf.printf "\nE %a = %s variable %i\n" pp_vect vect (string_of_num cst) v ;
+ flush stdout);
+ let sys' = elim_var_using_eq v vect cst ln sys in
+ solve_sys sys' ((v,sys)::sys_l)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let vars = choose_variable sys in
+ try
+ let (v,est) = (List.find (fun (v,_) -> v <> black_v) vars) in
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "\nV : %i esimate %f\n" v est ; flush stdout) ;
+ let sys' = project v sys in
+ solve_sys sys' ((v,sys)::sys_l)
+ with Not_found -> (* we are done *) Inl (sys,sys_l) in
+ solve_sys sys sys_l
+let solve black_v choose_eq choose_variable cstrs =
+ try
+ let sys = load_system cstrs in
+(* Printf.printf "solve :\n %a" pp_system sys.sys ; *)
+ solve_sys black_v choose_eq choose_variable sys []
+ with SystemContradiction prf -> Inr prf
+(** The purpose of module [EstimateElimVar] is to try to estimate the cost of eliminating a variable.
+ The output is an ordered list of (variable,cost).
+module EstimateElimVar =
+ type sys_list = (vector * cstr_info) list
+ let abstract_partition (v:int) (l: sys_list) =
+ let rec xpart (l:sys_list) (ltl:sys_list) (n:int list) (z:int) (p:int list) =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> (ltl, n,z,p)
+ | (l1,info) ::rl ->
+ match l1 with
+ | [] -> xpart rl (([],info)::ltl) n (info.neg+info.pos+z) p
+ | (vr,vl)::rl1 ->
+ if v = vr
+ then
+ let cons_bound lst bd =
+ match bd with
+ | None -> lst
+ | Some bnd -> info.neg+info.pos::lst in
+ let lb,rb = info.bound in
+ if sign_num vl = 1
+ then xpart rl ((rl1,info)::ltl) (cons_bound n lb) z (cons_bound p rb)
+ else xpart rl ((rl1,info)::ltl) (cons_bound n rb) z (cons_bound p lb)
+ else
+ (* the variable is greater *)
+ xpart rl ((l1,info)::ltl) n (info.neg+info.pos+z) p
+ in
+ let (sys',n,z,p) = xpart l [] [] 0 [] in
+ let ln = float_of_int (List.length n) in
+ let sn = float_of_int (List.fold_left (+) 0 n) in
+ let lp = float_of_int (List.length p) in
+ let sp = float_of_int (List.fold_left (+) 0 p) in
+ (sys', float_of_int z +. lp *. sn +. ln *. sp -. lp*.ln)
+ let choose_variable sys =
+ let {sys = s ; vars = v} = sys in
+ let sl = system_list sys in
+ let evals = fst
+ (ISet.fold (fun v (eval,s) -> let ts,vl = abstract_partition v s in
+ ((v,vl)::eval, ts)) v ([],sl)) in
+ List.sort (fun x y -> (snd x) (snd y) ) evals
+open EstimateElimVar
+(** The module [EstimateElimEq] is similar to [EstimateElimVar] but it orders equations.
+module EstimateElimEq =
+ let itv_point bnd =
+ match bnd with
+ |(Some a, Some b) -> a =/ b
+ | _ -> false
+ let eq_bound bnd c =
+ match bnd with
+ |(Some a, Some b) -> a =/ b && c =/ b
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec unroll_until v l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> (false,[])
+ | (i,_)::rl -> if i = v
+ then (true,rl)
+ else if i < v then unroll_until v rl else (false,l)
+ let choose_primal_equation eqs sys_l =
+ let is_primal_equation_var v =
+ List.fold_left (fun (nb_eq,nb_cst) (vect,info) ->
+ if fst (unroll_until v vect)
+ then if itv_point info.bound then (nb_eq + 1,nb_cst) else (nb_eq,nb_cst)
+ else (nb_eq,nb_cst)) (0,0) sys_l in
+ let rec find_var vect =
+ match vect with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (i,_)::vect ->
+ let (nb_eq,nb_cst) = is_primal_equation_var i in
+ if nb_eq = 2 && nb_cst = 0
+ then Some i else find_var vect in
+ let rec find_eq_var eqs =
+ match eqs with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (vect,a,prf,ln)::l ->
+ match find_var vect with
+ | None -> find_eq_var l
+ | Some r -> Some (r,vect,a,prf,ln)
+ in
+ find_eq_var eqs
+ let choose_equality_var sys =
+ let sys_l = system_list sys in
+ let equalities = List.fold_left
+ (fun l (vect,info) ->
+ match info.bound with
+ | Some a , Some b ->
+ if a =/ b then (* This an equation *)
+ (vect,a,info.prf,info.neg+info.pos)::l else l
+ | _ -> l
+ ) [] sys_l in
+ let rec estimate_cost v ct sysl acc tlsys =
+ match sysl with
+ | [] -> (acc,tlsys)
+ | (l,info)::rsys ->
+ let ln = info.pos + info.neg in
+ let (b,l) = unroll_until v l in
+ match b with
+ | true ->
+ if itv_point info.bound
+ then estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln) ((l,info)::tlsys) (* this is free *)
+ else estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln+ct) ((l,info)::tlsys) (* should be more ? *)
+ | false -> estimate_cost v ct rsys (acc+ln) ((l,info)::tlsys) in
+ match choose_primal_equation equalities sys_l with
+ | None ->
+ let cost_eq eq const prf ln acc_costs =
+ let rec cost_eq eqr sysl costs =
+ match eqr with
+ | [] -> costs
+ | (v,_) ::eqr -> let (cst,tlsys) = estimate_cost v (ln-1) sysl 0 [] in
+ cost_eq eqr tlsys (((v,eq,const,prf),cst)::costs) in
+ cost_eq eq sys_l acc_costs in
+ let all_costs = List.fold_left (fun all_costs (vect,const,prf,ln) -> cost_eq vect const prf ln all_costs) [] equalities in
+ (* pp_list (fun o ((v,eq,_,_),cst) -> Printf.fprintf o "((%i,%a),%i)\n" v pp_vect eq cst) stdout all_costs ; *)
+ List.sort (fun x y -> (snd x) (snd y) ) all_costs
+ | Some (v,vect, const,prf,_) -> [(v,vect,const,prf),0]
+open EstimateElimEq
+module Fourier =
+ let optimise vect l =
+ (* We add a dummy (fresh) variable for vector *)
+ let fresh =
+ List.fold_left (fun fr c -> Pervasives.max fr (Vect.fresh c.coeffs)) 0 l in
+ let cstr = {
+ coeffs = Vect.set fresh (Int (-1)) vect ;
+ op = Eq ;
+ cst = (Int 0)} in
+ match solve fresh choose_equality_var choose_variable (cstr::l) with
+ | Inr prf -> None (* This is an unsatisfiability proof *)
+ | Inl (s,_) ->
+ try
+ Some (bound_of_variable IMap.empty fresh s.sys)
+ with
+ x -> Printf.printf "optimise Exception : %s" (Printexc.to_string x) ; None
+ let find_point cstrs =
+ match solve max_int choose_equality_var choose_variable cstrs with
+ | Inr prf -> Inr prf
+ | Inl (_,l) ->
+ let rec rebuild_solution l map =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> map
+ | (v,e)::l ->
+ let itv = bound_of_variable map v e.sys in
+ let map = IMap.add v (pick_small_value itv) map in
+ rebuild_solution l map
+ in
+ let map = rebuild_solution l IMap.empty in
+ let vect = List.rev (IMap.fold (fun v i vect -> (v,i)::vect) map []) in
+(* Printf.printf "SOLUTION %a" pp_vect vect ; *)
+ let res = Inl vect in
+ res
+module Proof =
+(** A proof term in the sense of a ZMicromega.RatProof is a positive combination of the hypotheses which leads to a contradiction.
+ The proofs constructed by Fourier elimination are more like execution traces:
+ - certain facts are recorded but are useless
+ - certain inferences are implicit.
+ The following code implements proof reconstruction.
+ let add x y = fst (add x y)
+ let forall_pairs f l1 l2 =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e1 ->
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e2 ->
+ match f e1 e2 with
+ | None -> acc
+ | Some v -> v::acc) acc l2) [] l1
+ let add_op x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | Eq , Eq -> Eq
+ | _ -> Ge
+ let pivot v (p1,c1) (p2,c2) =
+ let {coeffs = v1 ; op = op1 ; cst = n1} = c1
+ and {coeffs = v2 ; op = op2 ; cst = n2} = c2 in
+ match Vect.get v v1 , Vect.get v v2 with
+ | None , _ | _ , None -> None
+ | Some a , Some b ->
+ if (sign_num a) * (sign_num b) = -1
+ then Some (add (p1,abs_num a) (p2,abs_num b) ,
+ {coeffs = add (v1,abs_num a) (v2,abs_num b) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2 ;
+ cst = n1 // (abs_num a) +/ n2 // (abs_num b) })
+ else if op1 = Eq
+ then Some (add (p1,minus_num (a // b)) (p2,Int 1),
+ {coeffs = add (v1,minus_num (a// b)) (v2 ,Int 1) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2;
+ cst = n1 // (minus_num (a// b)) +/ n2 // (Int 1)})
+ else if op2 = Eq
+ then
+ Some (add (p2,minus_num (b // a)) (p1,Int 1),
+ {coeffs = add (v2,minus_num (b// a)) (v1 ,Int 1) ;
+ op = add_op op1 op2;
+ cst = n2 // (minus_num (b// a)) +/ n1 // (Int 1)})
+ else None (* op2 could be Eq ... this might happen *)
+ let normalise_proofs l =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc (prf,cstr) ->
+ match acc with
+ | Inr _ -> acc (* I already found a contradiction *)
+ | Inl acc ->
+ match norm_cstr cstr 0 with
+ | Redundant -> Inl acc
+ | Contradiction -> Inr (prf,cstr)
+ | Cstr(v,info) -> Inl ((prf,cstr,v,info)::acc)) (Inl []) l
+ type oproof = (vector * cstr_compat * num) option
+ let merge_proof (oleft:oproof) (prf,cstr,v,info) (oright:oproof) =
+ let (l,r) = info.bound in
+ let keep p ob bd =
+ match ob , bd with
+ | None , None -> None
+ | None , Some b -> Some(prf,cstr,b)
+ | Some _ , None -> ob
+ | Some(prfl,cstrl,bl) , Some b -> if p bl b then Some(prf,cstr, b) else ob in
+ let oleft = keep (<=/) oleft l in
+ let oright = keep (>=/) oright r in
+ (* Now, there might be a contradiction *)
+ match oleft , oright with
+ | None , _ | _ , None -> Inl (oleft,oright)
+ | Some(prfl,cstrl,l) , Some(prfr,cstrr,r) ->
+ if l <=/ r
+ then Inl (oleft,oright)
+ else (* There is a contradiction - it should show up by scaling up the vectors - any pivot should do*)
+ match cstrr.coeffs with
+ | [] -> Inr (add (prfl,Int 1) (prfr,Int 1), cstrr) (* this is wrong *)
+ | (v,_)::_ ->
+ match pivot v (prfl,cstrl) (prfr,cstrr) with
+ | None -> failwith "merge_proof : pivot is not possible"
+ | Some x -> Inr x
+let mk_proof hyps prf =
+ (* I am keeping list - I might have a proof for the left bound and a proof for the right bound.
+ If I perform aggressive elimination of redundancies, I expect the list to be of length at most 2.
+ For each proof list, all the vectors should be of the form a.v for different constants a.
+ *)
+ let rec mk_proof prf =
+ match prf with
+ | Hyp i -> [ ([i, Int 1] , List.nth hyps i) ]
+ | Elim(v,prf1,prf2) ->
+ let prfsl = mk_proof prf1
+ and prfsr = mk_proof prf2 in
+ (* I take only the pairs for which the elimination is meaningfull *)
+ forall_pairs (pivot v) prfsl prfsr
+ | And(prf1,prf2) ->
+ let prfsl1 = mk_proof prf1
+ and prfsl2 = mk_proof prf2 in
+ (* detect trivial redundancies and contradictions *)
+ match normalise_proofs (prfsl1@prfsl2) with
+ | Inr x -> [x] (* This is a contradiction - this should be the end of the proof *)
+ | Inl l -> (* All the vectors are the same *)
+ let prfs =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc e ->
+ match acc with
+ | Inr _ -> acc (* I have a contradiction *)
+ | Inl (oleft,oright) -> merge_proof oleft e oright) (Inl(None,None)) l in
+ match prfs with
+ | Inr x -> [x]
+ | Inl (oleft,oright) ->
+ match oleft , oright with
+ | None , None -> []
+ | None , Some(prf,cstr,_) | Some(prf,cstr,_) , None -> [prf,cstr]
+ | Some(prf1,cstr1,_) , Some(prf2,cstr2,_) -> [prf1,cstr1;prf2,cstr2] in
+ mk_proof prf
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c350ed0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,1703 @@
+(** val negb : bool -> bool **)
+let negb = function
+ | true -> false
+ | false -> true
+type nat =
+ | O
+ | S of nat
+type comparison =
+ | Eq
+ | Lt
+ | Gt
+(** val compOpp : comparison -> comparison **)
+let compOpp = function
+ | Eq -> Eq
+ | Lt -> Gt
+ | Gt -> Lt
+(** val plus : nat -> nat -> nat **)
+let rec plus n0 m =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> m
+ | S p -> S (plus p m)
+(** val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **)
+let rec app l m =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> m
+ | a :: l1 -> a :: (app l1 m)
+(** val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **)
+let rec nth n0 l default =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> (match l with
+ | [] -> default
+ | x :: l' -> x)
+ | S m -> (match l with
+ | [] -> default
+ | x :: t0 -> nth m t0 default)
+(** val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **)
+let rec map f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | a :: t0 -> (f a) :: (map f t0)
+type positive =
+ | XI of positive
+ | XO of positive
+ | XH
+(** val psucc : positive -> positive **)
+let rec psucc = function
+ | XI p -> XO (psucc p)
+ | XO p -> XI p
+ | XH -> XO XH
+(** val pplus : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+let rec pplus x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XO (pplus_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XI (pplus p q0)
+ | XH -> XO (psucc p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (pplus p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XO (pplus p q0)
+ | XH -> XI p)
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XO (psucc q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XI q0
+ | XH -> XO XH)
+(** val pplus_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+and pplus_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (pplus_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XO (pplus_carry p q0)
+ | XH -> XI (psucc p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XO (pplus_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XI (pplus p q0)
+ | XH -> XO (psucc p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> XI (psucc q0)
+ | XO q0 -> XO (psucc q0)
+ | XH -> XI XH)
+(** val p_of_succ_nat : nat -> positive **)
+let rec p_of_succ_nat = function
+ | O -> XH
+ | S x -> psucc (p_of_succ_nat x)
+(** val pdouble_minus_one : positive -> positive **)
+let rec pdouble_minus_one = function
+ | XI p -> XI (XO p)
+ | XO p -> XI (pdouble_minus_one p)
+ | XH -> XH
+type positive_mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+(** val pdouble_plus_one_mask : positive_mask -> positive_mask **)
+let pdouble_plus_one_mask = function
+ | IsNul -> IsPos XH
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XI p)
+ | IsNeg -> IsNeg
+(** val pdouble_mask : positive_mask -> positive_mask **)
+let pdouble_mask = function
+ | IsNul -> IsNul
+ | IsPos p -> IsPos (XO p)
+ | IsNeg -> IsNeg
+(** val pdouble_minus_two : positive -> positive_mask **)
+let pdouble_minus_two = function
+ | XI p -> IsPos (XO (XO p))
+ | XO p -> IsPos (XO (pdouble_minus_one p))
+ | XH -> IsNul
+(** val pminus_mask : positive -> positive -> positive_mask **)
+let rec pminus_mask x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pdouble_mask (pminus_mask p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> pdouble_plus_one_mask (pminus_mask p q0)
+ | XH -> IsPos (XO p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pdouble_plus_one_mask (pminus_mask_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> pdouble_mask (pminus_mask p q0)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pdouble_minus_one p))
+ | XH -> (match y with
+ | XH -> IsNul
+ | _ -> IsNeg)
+(** val pminus_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> positive_mask **)
+and pminus_mask_carry x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pdouble_plus_one_mask (pminus_mask_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> pdouble_mask (pminus_mask p q0)
+ | XH -> IsPos (pdouble_minus_one p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pdouble_mask (pminus_mask_carry p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> pdouble_plus_one_mask (pminus_mask_carry p q0)
+ | XH -> pdouble_minus_two p)
+ | XH -> IsNeg
+(** val pminus : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+let pminus x y =
+ match pminus_mask x y with
+ | IsPos z0 -> z0
+ | _ -> XH
+(** val pmult : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+let rec pmult x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p -> pplus y (XO (pmult p y))
+ | XO p -> XO (pmult p y)
+ | XH -> y
+(** val pcompare : positive -> positive -> comparison -> comparison **)
+let rec pcompare x y r =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pcompare p q0 r
+ | XO q0 -> pcompare p q0 Gt
+ | XH -> Gt)
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> pcompare p q0 Lt
+ | XO q0 -> pcompare p q0 r
+ | XH -> Gt)
+ | XH -> (match y with
+ | XH -> r
+ | _ -> Lt)
+(** val psize : positive -> nat **)
+let rec psize = function
+ | XI p2 -> S (psize p2)
+ | XO p2 -> S (psize p2)
+ | XH -> S O
+type n =
+ | N0
+ | Npos of positive
+(** val pow_pos : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 **)
+let rec pow_pos rmul x = function
+ | XI i0 -> let p = pow_pos rmul x i0 in rmul x (rmul p p)
+ | XO i0 -> let p = pow_pos rmul x i0 in rmul p p
+ | XH -> x
+type z =
+ | Z0
+ | Zpos of positive
+ | Zneg of positive
+(** val zdouble_plus_one : z -> z **)
+let zdouble_plus_one = function
+ | Z0 -> Zpos XH
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (XI p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (pdouble_minus_one p)
+(** val zdouble_minus_one : z -> z **)
+let zdouble_minus_one = function
+ | Z0 -> Zneg XH
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (pdouble_minus_one p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (XI p)
+(** val zdouble : z -> z **)
+let zdouble = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos (XO p)
+ | Zneg p -> Zneg (XO p)
+(** val zPminus : positive -> positive -> z **)
+let rec zPminus x y =
+ match x with
+ | XI p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> zdouble (zPminus p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> zdouble_plus_one (zPminus p q0)
+ | XH -> Zpos (XO p))
+ | XO p ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> zdouble_minus_one (zPminus p q0)
+ | XO q0 -> zdouble (zPminus p q0)
+ | XH -> Zpos (pdouble_minus_one p))
+ | XH ->
+ (match y with
+ | XI q0 -> Zneg (XO q0)
+ | XO q0 -> Zneg (pdouble_minus_one q0)
+ | XH -> Z0)
+(** val zplus : z -> z -> z **)
+let zplus x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> y
+ | Zpos x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Zpos x'
+ | Zpos y' -> Zpos (pplus x' y')
+ | Zneg y' ->
+ (match pcompare x' y' Eq with
+ | Eq -> Z0
+ | Lt -> Zneg (pminus y' x')
+ | Gt -> Zpos (pminus x' y')))
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Zneg x'
+ | Zpos y' ->
+ (match pcompare x' y' Eq with
+ | Eq -> Z0
+ | Lt -> Zpos (pminus y' x')
+ | Gt -> Zneg (pminus x' y'))
+ | Zneg y' -> Zneg (pplus x' y'))
+(** val zopp : z -> z **)
+let zopp = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos x0 -> Zneg x0
+ | Zneg x0 -> Zpos x0
+(** val zminus : z -> z -> z **)
+let zminus m n0 =
+ zplus m (zopp n0)
+(** val zmult : z -> z -> z **)
+let zmult x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos y' -> Zpos (pmult x' y')
+ | Zneg y' -> Zneg (pmult x' y'))
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos y' -> Zneg (pmult x' y')
+ | Zneg y' -> Zpos (pmult x' y'))
+(** val zcompare : z -> z -> comparison **)
+let zcompare x y =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> (match y with
+ | Z0 -> Eq
+ | Zpos y' -> Lt
+ | Zneg y' -> Gt)
+ | Zpos x' -> (match y with
+ | Zpos y' -> pcompare x' y' Eq
+ | _ -> Gt)
+ | Zneg x' ->
+ (match y with
+ | Zneg y' -> compOpp (pcompare x' y' Eq)
+ | _ -> Lt)
+(** val zabs : z -> z **)
+let zabs = function
+ | Z0 -> Z0
+ | Zpos p -> Zpos p
+ | Zneg p -> Zpos p
+(** val zmax : z -> z -> z **)
+let zmax m n0 =
+ match zcompare m n0 with
+ | Lt -> n0
+ | _ -> m
+(** val zle_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
+let zle_bool x y =
+ match zcompare x y with
+ | Gt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+(** val zge_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
+let zge_bool x y =
+ match zcompare x y with
+ | Lt -> false
+ | _ -> true
+(** val zgt_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
+let zgt_bool x y =
+ match zcompare x y with
+ | Gt -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(** val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool **)
+let zeq_bool x y =
+ match zcompare x y with
+ | Eq -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(** val n_of_nat : nat -> n **)
+let n_of_nat = function
+ | O -> N0
+ | S n' -> Npos (p_of_succ_nat n')
+(** val zdiv_eucl_POS : positive -> z -> z * z **)
+let rec zdiv_eucl_POS a b =
+ match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl_POS a' b in
+ let r' = zplus (zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) r) (Zpos XH) in
+ if zgt_bool b r'
+ then (zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) , r'
+ else (zplus (zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) (Zpos XH)) , (zminus r' b)
+ | XO a' ->
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl_POS a' b in
+ let r' = zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) r in
+ if zgt_bool b r'
+ then (zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) , r'
+ else (zplus (zmult (Zpos (XO XH)) q0) (Zpos XH)) , (zminus r' b)
+ | XH ->
+ if zge_bool b (Zpos (XO XH)) then Z0 , (Zpos XH) else (Zpos XH) , Z0
+(** val zdiv_eucl : z -> z -> z * z **)
+let zdiv_eucl a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> Z0 , Z0
+ | Zpos a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0 , Z0
+ | Zpos p -> zdiv_eucl_POS a' b
+ | Zneg b' ->
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl_POS a' (Zpos b') in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> (zopp q0) , Z0
+ | _ -> (zopp (zplus q0 (Zpos XH))) , (zplus b r)))
+ | Zneg a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> Z0 , Z0
+ | Zpos p ->
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl_POS a' b in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> (zopp q0) , Z0
+ | _ -> (zopp (zplus q0 (Zpos XH))) , (zminus b r))
+ | Zneg b' ->
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl_POS a' (Zpos b') in q0 , (zopp r))
+(** val zdiv : z -> z -> z **)
+let zdiv a b =
+ let q0 , x = zdiv_eucl a b in q0
+type 'c pol =
+ | Pc of 'c
+ | Pinj of positive * 'c pol
+ | PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
+(** val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let p0 cO =
+ Pc cO
+(** val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let p1 cI =
+ Pc cI
+(** val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool **)
+let rec peq ceqb p p' =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c -> (match p' with
+ | Pc c' -> ceqb c c'
+ | _ -> false)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) ->
+ (match p' with
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match pcompare j j' Eq with
+ | Eq -> peq ceqb q0 q'
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ (match p' with
+ | PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match pcompare i i' Eq with
+ | Eq -> if peq ceqb p2 p'0 then peq ceqb q0 q' else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkPinj_pred j p =
+ match j with
+ | XI j0 -> Pinj ((XO j0), p)
+ | XO j0 -> Pinj ((pdouble_minus_one j0), p)
+ | XH -> p
+(** val mkPX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkPX cO ceqb p i q0 =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c ->
+ if ceqb c cO
+ then (match q0 with
+ | Pc c0 -> q0
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus XH j'), q1)
+ | PX (p2, p3, p4) -> Pinj (XH, q0))
+ else PX (p, i, q0)
+ | Pinj (p2, p3) -> PX (p, i, q0)
+ | PX (p', i', q') ->
+ if peq ceqb q' (p0 cO)
+ then PX (p', (pplus i' i), q0)
+ else PX (p, i, q0)
+(** val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkXi cO cI i =
+ PX ((p1 cI), i, (p0 cO))
+(** val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mkX cO cI =
+ mkXi cO cI XH
+(** val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec popp copp = function
+ | Pc c -> Pc (copp c)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (popp copp q0))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX ((popp copp p2), i, (popp copp q0))
+(** val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddC cadd p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c1 -> Pc (cadd c1 c)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (paddC cadd q0 c))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX (p2, i, (paddC cadd q0 c))
+(** val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubC csub p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c1 -> Pc (csub c1 c)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (psubC csub q0 c))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) -> PX (p2, i, (psubC csub q0 c))
+(** val paddI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddI cadd pop q0 j = function
+ | Pc c ->
+ let p2 = paddC cadd q0 c in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c0 -> p2
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match zPminus j' j with
+ | Z0 ->
+ let p2 = pop q' q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zpos k ->
+ let p2 = pop (Pinj (k, q')) q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zneg k ->
+ let p2 = paddI cadd pop q0 k q' in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j' j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j', p2)))
+ | PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q0 (XO j0) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p2, i, (paddI cadd pop q0 (pdouble_minus_one j0) q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q0)))
+(** val psubI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) ->
+ 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubI cadd copp pop q0 j = function
+ | Pc c ->
+ let p2 = paddC cadd (popp copp q0) c in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c0 -> p2
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match zPminus j' j with
+ | Z0 ->
+ let p2 = pop q' q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zpos k ->
+ let p2 = pop (Pinj (k, q')) q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zneg k ->
+ let p2 = psubI cadd copp pop q0 k q' in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j' j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j', p2)))
+ | PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p2, i, (psubI cadd copp pop q0 (XO j0) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p2, i,
+ (psubI cadd copp pop q0 (pdouble_minus_one j0) q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p2, i, (pop q' q0)))
+(** val paddX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol
+ -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec paddX cO ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX (p', i', p)
+ | Pinj (j, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p', i', (Pinj ((pdouble_minus_one j0), q')))
+ | XH -> PX (p', i', q'))
+ | PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match zPminus i i' with
+ | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
+ | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
+ | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (paddX cO ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
+(** val psubX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' i' p = match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', p)
+ | Pinj (j, q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj ((XO j0), q')))
+ | XO j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', (Pinj (
+ (pdouble_minus_one j0), q')))
+ | XH -> PX ((popp copp p'), i', q'))
+ | PX (p2, i, q') ->
+ (match zPminus i i' with
+ | Z0 -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop p2 p') i q'
+ | Zpos k -> mkPX cO ceqb (pop (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p') i' q'
+ | Zneg k -> mkPX cO ceqb (psubX cO copp ceqb pop p' k p2) i q')
+(** val padd :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+ -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec padd cO cadd ceqb p = function
+ | Pc c' -> paddC cadd p c'
+ | Pinj (j', q') -> paddI cadd (fun x x0 -> padd cO cadd ceqb x x0) q' j' p
+ | PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX (p'0, i', (paddC cadd q' c))
+ | Pinj (j, q0) ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX (p'0, i',
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX (p'0, i',
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb (Pinj ((pdouble_minus_one j0), q0))
+ q'))
+ | XH -> PX (p'0, i', (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ (match zPminus i i' with
+ | Z0 ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (padd cO cadd ceqb p2 p'0) i
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')
+ | Zpos k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0) i'
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')
+ | Zneg k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (paddX cO ceqb (fun x x0 -> padd cO cadd ceqb x x0) p'0
+ k p2) i (padd cO cadd ceqb q0 q')))
+(** val psub :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p = function
+ | Pc c' -> psubC csub p c'
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ psubI cadd copp (fun x x0 -> psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb x x0) q' j' p
+ | PX (p'0, i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i', (paddC cadd (popp copp q') c))
+ | Pinj (j, q0) ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'))
+ | XO j0 -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (Pinj
+ ((pdouble_minus_one j0), q0)) q'))
+ | XH -> PX ((popp copp p'0), i',
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ (match zPminus i i' with
+ | Z0 ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb p2 p'0) i
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')
+ | Zpos k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb (PX (p2, k, (p0 cO))) p'0)
+ i' (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')
+ | Zneg k ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (psubX cO copp ceqb (fun x x0 ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb x x0) p'0 k p2) i
+ (psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb q0 q')))
+(** val pmulC_aux :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c' -> Pc (cmul c' c)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) ->
+ let p2 = pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q0 c in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c0 -> p2
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p2 c) i
+ (pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb q0 c)
+(** val pmulC :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 pol **)
+let pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c =
+ if ceqb c cO
+ then p0 cO
+ else if ceqb c cI then p else pmulC_aux cO cmul ceqb p c
+(** val pmulI :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j = function
+ | Pc c ->
+ let p2 = pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q0 c in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c0 -> p2
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ (match zPminus j' j with
+ | Z0 ->
+ let p2 = pmul0 q' q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zpos k ->
+ let p2 = pmul0 (Pinj (k, q')) q0 in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j, p2))
+ | Zneg k ->
+ let p2 = pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 k q' in
+ (match p2 with
+ | Pc c -> p2
+ | Pinj (j'0, q1) -> Pinj ((pplus j' j'0), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (j', p2)))
+ | PX (p', i', q') ->
+ (match j with
+ | XI j' ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j p') i'
+ (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 (XO j') q')
+ | XO j' ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 j p') i'
+ (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 (pdouble_minus_one j') q')
+ | XH ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb pmul0 q0 XH p') i'
+ (pmul0 q' q0))
+(** val pmul :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p'' = match p'' with
+ | Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p c
+ | Pinj (j', q') ->
+ pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (fun x x0 -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb x x0) q'
+ j' p
+ | PX (p', i', q') ->
+ (match p with
+ | Pc c -> pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb p'' c
+ | Pinj (j, q0) ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p p') i'
+ (match j with
+ | XI j0 ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj ((XO j0), q0)) q'
+ | XO j0 ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (Pinj
+ ((pdouble_minus_one j0), q0)) q'
+ | XH -> pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0 q')
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ padd cO cadd ceqb
+ (mkPX cO ceqb
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb
+ (mkPX cO ceqb (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2 p') i (p0 cO))
+ (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb
+ (match q0 with
+ | Pc c -> q0
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus XH j'), q1)
+ | PX (p3, p4, p5) -> Pinj (XH, q0)) p')) i'
+ (p0 cO))
+ (mkPX cO ceqb
+ (pmulI cO cI cmul ceqb (fun x x0 ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb x x0) q' XH p2) i
+ (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0 q')))
+(** val psquare :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb = function
+ | Pc c -> Pc (cmul c c)
+ | Pinj (j, q0) -> Pinj (j, (psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0))
+ | PX (p2, i, q0) ->
+ mkPX cO ceqb
+ (padd cO cadd ceqb
+ (mkPX cO ceqb (psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2) i (p0 cO))
+ (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb p2
+ (let p3 = pmulC cO cI cmul ceqb q0 (cadd cI cI) in
+ match p3 with
+ | Pc c -> p3
+ | Pinj (j', q1) -> Pinj ((pplus XH j'), q1)
+ | PX (p4, p5, p6) -> Pinj (XH, p3)))) i
+ (psquare cO cI cadd cmul ceqb q0)
+type 'c pExpr =
+ | PEc of 'c
+ | PEX of positive
+ | PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEopp of 'c pExpr
+ | PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
+(** val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol **)
+let mk_X cO cI j =
+ mkPinj_pred j (mkX cO cI)
+(** val ppow_pos :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1
+ pol **)
+let rec ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p = function
+ | XI p3 ->
+ subst_l
+ (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3) p)
+ | XO p3 ->
+ ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l
+ (ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l res p p3) p p3
+ | XH -> subst_l (pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb res p)
+(** val ppow_N :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol **)
+let ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l p = function
+ | N0 -> p1 cI
+ | Npos p2 -> ppow_pos cO cI cadd cmul ceqb subst_l (p1 cI) p p2
+(** val norm_aux :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol **)
+let rec norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb = function
+ | PEc c -> Pc c
+ | PEX j -> mk_X cO cI j
+ | PEadd (pe1, pe2) ->
+ (match pe1 with
+ | PEopp pe3 ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
+ | _ ->
+ (match pe2 with
+ | PEopp pe3 ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe3)
+ | _ ->
+ padd cO cadd ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)))
+ | PEsub (pe1, pe2) ->
+ psub cO cadd csub copp ceqb
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+ | PEmul (pe1, pe2) ->
+ pmul cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe2)
+ | PEopp pe1 -> popp copp (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1)
+ | PEpow (pe1, n0) ->
+ ppow_N cO cI cadd cmul ceqb (fun p -> p)
+ (norm_aux cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb pe1) n0
+type 'a bFormula =
+ | TT
+ | FF
+ | X
+ | A of 'a
+ | Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+ | D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+ | N of 'a bFormula
+ | I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+type 'term' clause = 'term' list
+type 'term' cnf = 'term' clause list
+(** val tt : 'a1 cnf **)
+let tt =
+ []
+(** val ff : 'a1 cnf **)
+let ff =
+ [] :: []
+(** val or_clause_cnf : 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf **)
+let or_clause_cnf t0 f =
+ map (fun x -> app t0 x) f
+(** val or_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf **)
+let rec or_cnf f f' =
+ match f with
+ | [] -> tt
+ | e :: rst -> app (or_cnf rst f') (or_clause_cnf e f')
+(** val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf **)
+let and_cnf f1 f2 =
+ app f1 f2
+(** val xcnf :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf **)
+let rec xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 = function
+ | TT -> if pol0 then tt else ff
+ | FF -> if pol0 then ff else tt
+ | X -> ff
+ | A x -> if pol0 then normalise0 x else negate0 x
+ | Cj (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then and_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else or_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ | D (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then or_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else and_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ | N e -> xcnf normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e
+ | I (e1, e2) ->
+ if pol0
+ then or_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+ else and_cnf (xcnf normalise0 negate0 (negb pol0) e1)
+ (xcnf normalise0 negate0 pol0 e2)
+(** val cnf_checker :
+ ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool **)
+let rec cnf_checker checker f l =
+ match f with
+ | [] -> true
+ | e :: f0 ->
+ (match l with
+ | [] -> false
+ | c :: l0 ->
+ if checker e c then cnf_checker checker f0 l0 else false)
+(** val tauto_checker :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1
+ bFormula -> 'a3 list -> bool **)
+let tauto_checker normalise0 negate0 checker f w =
+ cnf_checker checker (xcnf normalise0 negate0 true f) w
+type 'c polC = 'c pol
+type op1 =
+ | Equal
+ | NonEqual
+ | Strict
+ | NonStrict
+type 'c nFormula = 'c polC * op1
+(** val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option **)
+let opAdd o o' =
+ match o with
+ | Equal -> Some o'
+ | NonEqual -> (match o' with
+ | Equal -> Some NonEqual
+ | _ -> None)
+ | Strict -> (match o' with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | _ -> Some Strict)
+ | NonStrict ->
+ (match o' with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | Strict -> Some Strict
+ | _ -> Some NonStrict)
+type 'c psatz =
+ | PsatzIn of nat
+ | PsatzSquare of 'c polC
+ | PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzC of 'c
+ | PsatzZ
+(** val pexpr_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e = function
+ | ef , o ->
+ (match o with
+ | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e ef) , Equal)
+ | _ -> None)
+(** val nformula_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb f1 f2 =
+ let e1 , o1 = f1 in
+ let e2 , o2 = f2 in
+ (match o1 with
+ | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) , Equal)
+ | NonEqual ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) , Equal)
+ | NonEqual -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) ,
+ NonEqual)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | Strict ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | _ -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) , o2))
+ | NonStrict ->
+ (match o2 with
+ | Equal -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) , Equal)
+ | NonEqual -> None
+ | _ -> Some ((pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2) , NonStrict)))
+(** val nformula_plus_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1
+ nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option **)
+let nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb f1 f2 =
+ let e1 , o1 = f1 in
+ let e2 , o2 = f2 in
+ (match opAdd o1 o2 with
+ | Some x -> Some ((padd cO cplus ceqb e1 e2) , x)
+ | None -> None)
+(** val eval_Psatz :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz -> 'a1
+ nFormula option **)
+let rec eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l = function
+ | PsatzIn n0 -> Some (nth n0 l ((Pc cO) , Equal))
+ | PsatzSquare e0 -> Some ((psquare cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e0) , NonStrict)
+ | PsatzMulC (re, e0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l e0 with
+ | Some x -> pexpr_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb re x
+ | None -> None)
+ | PsatzMulE (f1, f2) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1 with
+ | Some x ->
+ (match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2 with
+ | Some x' ->
+ nformula_times_nformula cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb x x'
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+ | PsatzAdd (f1, f2) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f1 with
+ | Some x ->
+ (match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l f2 with
+ | Some x' -> nformula_plus_nformula cO cplus ceqb x x'
+ | None -> None)
+ | None -> None)
+ | PsatzC c ->
+ if (&&) (cleb cO c) (negb (ceqb cO c))
+ then Some ((Pc c) , Strict)
+ else None
+ | PsatzZ -> Some ((Pc cO) , Equal)
+(** val check_inconsistent :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula ->
+ bool **)
+let check_inconsistent cO ceqb cleb = function
+ | e , op ->
+ (match e with
+ | Pc c ->
+ (match op with
+ | Equal -> negb (ceqb c cO)
+ | NonEqual -> ceqb c cO
+ | Strict -> cleb c cO
+ | NonStrict -> (&&) (cleb c cO) (negb (ceqb c cO)))
+ | _ -> false)
+(** val check_normalised_formulas :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz ->
+ bool **)
+let check_normalised_formulas cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l cm =
+ match eval_Psatz cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb cleb l cm with
+ | Some f -> check_inconsistent cO ceqb cleb f
+ | None -> false
+type op2 =
+ | OpEq
+ | OpNEq
+ | OpLe
+ | OpGe
+ | OpLt
+ | OpGt
+type 'c formula = { flhs : 'c pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 'c pExpr }
+(** val flhs : 'a1 formula -> 'a1 pExpr **)
+let flhs x = x.flhs
+(** val fop : 'a1 formula -> op2 **)
+let fop x = x.fop
+(** val frhs : 'a1 formula -> 'a1 pExpr **)
+let frhs x = x.frhs
+(** val norm :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol **)
+let norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb pe =
+ norm_aux cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb pe
+(** val psub0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol **)
+let psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb p p' =
+ psub cO cplus cminus copp ceqb p p'
+(** val padd0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+ -> 'a1 pol **)
+let padd0 cO cplus ceqb p p' =
+ padd cO cplus ceqb p p'
+(** val xnormalise :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
+ nFormula list **)
+let xnormalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Strict) ::
+ (((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , Strict) :: [])
+ | OpNEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Equal) :: []
+ | OpLe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Strict) :: []
+ | OpGe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , Strict) :: []
+ | OpLt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , NonStrict) ::
+ []
+ | OpGt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , NonStrict) ::
+ [])
+(** val cnf_normalise :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
+ nFormula cnf **)
+let cnf_normalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
+ map (fun x -> x :: []) (xnormalise cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0)
+(** val xnegate :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
+ nFormula list **)
+let xnegate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Equal) :: []
+ | OpNEq -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Strict) ::
+ (((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , Strict) :: [])
+ | OpLe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , NonStrict) ::
+ []
+ | OpGe -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , NonStrict) ::
+ []
+ | OpLt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb rhs0 lhs0) , Strict) :: []
+ | OpGt -> ((psub0 cO cplus cminus copp ceqb lhs0 rhs0) , Strict) :: [])
+(** val cnf_negate :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1
+ nFormula cnf **)
+let cnf_negate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0 =
+ map (fun x -> x :: []) (xnegate cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb t0)
+(** val xdenorm : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr **)
+let rec xdenorm jmp = function
+ | Pc c -> PEc c
+ | Pinj (j, p2) -> xdenorm (pplus j jmp) p2
+ | PX (p2, j, q0) -> PEadd ((PEmul ((xdenorm jmp p2), (PEpow ((PEX jmp),
+ (Npos j))))), (xdenorm (psucc jmp) q0))
+(** val denorm : 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr **)
+let denorm p =
+ xdenorm XH p
+(** val simpl_cone :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 psatz ->
+ 'a1 psatz **)
+let simpl_cone cO cI ctimes ceqb e = match e with
+ | PsatzSquare t0 ->
+ (match t0 with
+ | Pc c -> if ceqb cO c then PsatzZ else PsatzC (ctimes c c)
+ | _ -> PsatzSquare t0)
+ | PsatzMulE (t1, t2) ->
+ (match t1 with
+ | PsatzMulE (x, x0) ->
+ (match x with
+ | PsatzC p2 ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | PsatzC c -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x0)
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ -> e)
+ | _ ->
+ (match x0 with
+ | PsatzC p2 ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | PsatzC c -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC
+ (ctimes c p2)), x)
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ -> e)
+ | _ ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | PsatzC c ->
+ if ceqb cI c
+ then t1
+ else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ -> e)))
+ | PsatzC c ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | PsatzMulE (x, x0) ->
+ (match x with
+ | PsatzC p2 -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC (ctimes c p2)), x0)
+ | _ ->
+ (match x0 with
+ | PsatzC p2 -> PsatzMulE ((PsatzC
+ (ctimes c p2)), x)
+ | _ ->
+ if ceqb cI c
+ then t2
+ else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)))
+ | PsatzAdd (y, z0) -> PsatzAdd ((PsatzMulE ((PsatzC c), y)),
+ (PsatzMulE ((PsatzC c), z0)))
+ | PsatzC c0 -> PsatzC (ctimes c c0)
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ -> if ceqb cI c then t2 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2))
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ ->
+ (match t2 with
+ | PsatzC c -> if ceqb cI c then t1 else PsatzMulE (t1, t2)
+ | PsatzZ -> PsatzZ
+ | _ -> e))
+ | PsatzAdd (t1, t2) ->
+ (match t1 with
+ | PsatzZ -> t2
+ | _ -> (match t2 with
+ | PsatzZ -> t1
+ | _ -> PsatzAdd (t1, t2)))
+ | _ -> e
+type q = { qnum : z; qden : positive }
+(** val qnum : q -> z **)
+let qnum x = x.qnum
+(** val qden : q -> positive **)
+let qden x = x.qden
+(** val qeq_bool : q -> q -> bool **)
+let qeq_bool x y =
+ zeq_bool (zmult x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (zmult y.qnum (Zpos x.qden))
+(** val qle_bool : q -> q -> bool **)
+let qle_bool x y =
+ zle_bool (zmult x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (zmult y.qnum (Zpos x.qden))
+(** val qplus : q -> q -> q **)
+let qplus x y =
+ { qnum = (zplus (zmult x.qnum (Zpos y.qden)) (zmult y.qnum (Zpos x.qden)));
+ qden = (pmult x.qden y.qden) }
+(** val qmult : q -> q -> q **)
+let qmult x y =
+ { qnum = (zmult x.qnum y.qnum); qden = (pmult x.qden y.qden) }
+(** val qopp : q -> q **)
+let qopp x =
+ { qnum = (zopp x.qnum); qden = x.qden }
+(** val qminus : q -> q -> q **)
+let qminus x y =
+ qplus x (qopp y)
+(** val qinv : q -> q **)
+let qinv x =
+ match x.qnum with
+ | Z0 -> { qnum = Z0; qden = XH }
+ | Zpos p -> { qnum = (Zpos x.qden); qden = p }
+ | Zneg p -> { qnum = (Zneg x.qden); qden = p }
+(** val qpower_positive : q -> positive -> q **)
+let qpower_positive q0 p =
+ pow_pos qmult q0 p
+(** val qpower : q -> z -> q **)
+let qpower q0 = function
+ | Z0 -> { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
+ | Zpos p -> qpower_positive q0 p
+ | Zneg p -> qinv (qpower_positive q0 p)
+(** val pgcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive **)
+let rec pgcdn n0 a b =
+ match n0 with
+ | O -> XH
+ | S n1 ->
+ (match a with
+ | XI a' ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI b' ->
+ (match pcompare a' b' Eq with
+ | Eq -> a
+ | Lt -> pgcdn n1 (pminus b' a') a
+ | Gt -> pgcdn n1 (pminus a' b') b)
+ | XO b0 -> pgcdn n1 a b0
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XO a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | XI p -> pgcdn n1 a0 b
+ | XO b0 -> XO (pgcdn n1 a0 b0)
+ | XH -> XH)
+ | XH -> XH)
+(** val pgcd : positive -> positive -> positive **)
+let pgcd a b =
+ pgcdn (plus (psize a) (psize b)) a b
+(** val zgcd : z -> z -> z **)
+let zgcd a b =
+ match a with
+ | Z0 -> zabs b
+ | Zpos a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> zabs a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (pgcd a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (pgcd a0 b0))
+ | Zneg a0 ->
+ (match b with
+ | Z0 -> zabs a
+ | Zpos b0 -> Zpos (pgcd a0 b0)
+ | Zneg b0 -> Zpos (pgcd a0 b0))
+type 'a t =
+ | Empty
+ | Leaf of 'a
+ | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
+(** val find : 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> positive -> 'a1 **)
+let rec find default vm p =
+ match vm with
+ | Empty -> default
+ | Leaf i -> i
+ | Node (l, e, r) ->
+ (match p with
+ | XI p2 -> find default r p2
+ | XO p2 -> find default l p2
+ | XH -> e)
+type zWitness = z psatz
+(** val zWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool **)
+let zWeakChecker x x0 =
+ check_normalised_formulas Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zeq_bool zle_bool x x0
+(** val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
+let psub1 p p' =
+ psub0 Z0 zplus zminus zopp zeq_bool p p'
+(** val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol **)
+let padd1 p p' =
+ padd0 Z0 zplus zeq_bool p p'
+(** val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol **)
+let norm0 pe =
+ norm Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zminus zopp zeq_bool pe
+(** val xnormalise0 : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
+let xnormalise0 t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) ::
+ (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: [])
+ | OpNEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0) , Equal) :: []
+ | OpLe -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpGe -> ((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpLt -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpGt -> ((psub1 rhs0 lhs0) , NonStrict) :: [])
+(** val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let normalise t0 =
+ map (fun x -> x :: []) (xnormalise0 t0)
+(** val xnegate0 : z formula -> z nFormula list **)
+let xnegate0 t0 =
+ let { flhs = lhs; fop = o; frhs = rhs } = t0 in
+ let lhs0 = norm0 lhs in
+ let rhs0 = norm0 rhs in
+ (match o with
+ | OpEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0) , Equal) :: []
+ | OpNEq -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) ::
+ (((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: [])
+ | OpLe -> ((psub1 rhs0 lhs0) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpGe -> ((psub1 lhs0 rhs0) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpLt -> ((psub1 rhs0 (padd1 lhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: []
+ | OpGt -> ((psub1 lhs0 (padd1 rhs0 (Pc (Zpos XH)))) , NonStrict) :: [])
+(** val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let negate t0 =
+ map (fun x -> x :: []) (xnegate0 t0)
+(** val ceiling : z -> z -> z **)
+let ceiling a b =
+ let q0 , r = zdiv_eucl a b in
+ (match r with
+ | Z0 -> q0
+ | _ -> zplus q0 (Zpos XH))
+type zArithProof =
+ | DoneProof
+ | RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+ | CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+ | EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
+(** val zgcdM : z -> z -> z **)
+let zgcdM x y =
+ zmax (zgcd x y) (Zpos XH)
+(** val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z * z **)
+let rec zgcd_pol = function
+ | Pc c -> Z0 , c
+ | Pinj (p2, p3) -> zgcd_pol p3
+ | PX (p2, p3, q0) ->
+ let g1 , c1 = zgcd_pol p2 in
+ let g2 , c2 = zgcd_pol q0 in (zgcdM (zgcdM g1 c1) g2) , c2
+(** val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC **)
+let rec zdiv_pol p x =
+ match p with
+ | Pc c -> Pc (zdiv c x)
+ | Pinj (j, p2) -> Pinj (j, (zdiv_pol p2 x))
+ | PX (p2, j, q0) -> PX ((zdiv_pol p2 x), j, (zdiv_pol q0 x))
+(** val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC * z **)
+let makeCuttingPlane p =
+ let g , c = zgcd_pol p in
+ if zgt_bool g Z0
+ then (zdiv_pol (psubC zminus p c) g) , (zopp (ceiling (zopp c) g))
+ else p , Z0
+(** val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC * z) * op1) option **)
+let genCuttingPlane = function
+ | e , op ->
+ (match op with
+ | Equal ->
+ let g , c = zgcd_pol e in
+ if (&&) (zgt_bool g Z0)
+ ((&&) (zgt_bool c Z0) (negb (zeq_bool (zgcd g c) g)))
+ then None
+ else Some ((e , Z0) , op)
+ | NonEqual -> Some ((e , Z0) , op)
+ | Strict ->
+ let p , c = makeCuttingPlane (psubC zminus e (Zpos XH)) in
+ Some ((p , c) , NonStrict)
+ | NonStrict ->
+ let p , c = makeCuttingPlane e in Some ((p , c) , NonStrict))
+(** val nformula_of_cutting_plane :
+ ((z polC * z) * op1) -> z nFormula **)
+let nformula_of_cutting_plane = function
+ | e_z , o -> let e , z0 = e_z in (padd1 e (Pc z0)) , o
+(** val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool **)
+let is_pol_Z0 = function
+ | Pc z0 -> (match z0 with
+ | Z0 -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+(** val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option **)
+let eval_Psatz0 x x0 =
+ eval_Psatz Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zeq_bool zle_bool x x0
+(** val check_inconsistent0 : z nFormula -> bool **)
+let check_inconsistent0 f =
+ check_inconsistent Z0 zeq_bool zle_bool f
+(** val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool **)
+let rec zChecker l = function
+ | DoneProof -> false
+ | RatProof (w, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
+ | Some f ->
+ if check_inconsistent0 f then true else zChecker (f :: l) pf0
+ | None -> false)
+ | CutProof (w, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w with
+ | Some f ->
+ (match genCuttingPlane f with
+ | Some cp ->
+ zChecker ((nformula_of_cutting_plane cp) :: l) pf0
+ | None -> true)
+ | None -> false)
+ | EnumProof (w1, w2, pf0) ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w1 with
+ | Some f1 ->
+ (match eval_Psatz0 l w2 with
+ | Some f2 ->
+ (match genCuttingPlane f1 with
+ | Some p ->
+ let p2 , op3 = p in
+ let e1 , z1 = p2 in
+ (match genCuttingPlane f2 with
+ | Some p3 ->
+ let p4 , op4 = p3 in
+ let e2 , z2 = p4 in
+ (match op3 with
+ | NonStrict ->
+ (match op4 with
+ | NonStrict ->
+ if is_pol_Z0 (padd1 e1 e2)
+ then
+ let rec label pfs lb ub =
+ match pfs with
+ |
+ [] -> zgt_bool lb ub
+ |
+ pf1 :: rsr ->
+ (&&)
+ (zChecker
+ (((psub1 e1 (Pc lb)) ,
+ Equal) :: l) pf1)
+ (label rsr
+ (zplus lb (Zpos XH)) ub)
+ in label pf0 (zopp z1) z2
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | None -> false)
+ | None -> false)
+ | None -> false)
+ | None -> false)
+(** val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool **)
+let zTautoChecker f w =
+ tauto_checker normalise negate zChecker f w
+(** val n_of_Z : z -> n **)
+let n_of_Z = function
+ | Zpos p -> Npos p
+ | _ -> N0
+type qWitness = q psatz
+(** val qWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool **)
+let qWeakChecker x x0 =
+ check_normalised_formulas { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH);
+ qden = XH } qplus qmult qeq_bool qle_bool x x0
+(** val qnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
+let qnormalise t0 =
+ cnf_normalise { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH }
+ qplus qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool t0
+(** val qnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf **)
+let qnegate t0 =
+ cnf_negate { qnum = Z0; qden = XH } { qnum = (Zpos XH); qden = XH } qplus
+ qmult qminus qopp qeq_bool t0
+(** val qTautoChecker : q formula bFormula -> qWitness list -> bool **)
+let qTautoChecker f w =
+ tauto_checker qnormalise qnegate qWeakChecker f w
+type rWitness = z psatz
+(** val rWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool **)
+let rWeakChecker x x0 =
+ check_normalised_formulas Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zeq_bool zle_bool x x0
+(** val rnormalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let rnormalise t0 =
+ cnf_normalise Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zminus zopp zeq_bool t0
+(** val rnegate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf **)
+let rnegate t0 =
+ cnf_negate Z0 (Zpos XH) zplus zmult zminus zopp zeq_bool t0
+(** val rTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> rWitness list -> bool **)
+let rTautoChecker f w =
+ tauto_checker rnormalise rnegate rWeakChecker f w
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli b/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e3ae2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/micromega.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+val negb : bool -> bool
+type nat =
+ | O
+ | S of nat
+type comparison =
+ | Eq
+ | Lt
+ | Gt
+val compOpp : comparison -> comparison
+val plus : nat -> nat -> nat
+val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list
+val nth : nat -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
+type positive =
+ | XI of positive
+ | XO of positive
+ | XH
+val psucc : positive -> positive
+val pplus : positive -> positive -> positive
+val pplus_carry : positive -> positive -> positive
+val p_of_succ_nat : nat -> positive
+val pdouble_minus_one : positive -> positive
+type positive_mask =
+ | IsNul
+ | IsPos of positive
+ | IsNeg
+val pdouble_plus_one_mask : positive_mask -> positive_mask
+val pdouble_mask : positive_mask -> positive_mask
+val pdouble_minus_two : positive -> positive_mask
+val pminus_mask : positive -> positive -> positive_mask
+val pminus_mask_carry : positive -> positive -> positive_mask
+val pminus : positive -> positive -> positive
+val pmult : positive -> positive -> positive
+val pcompare : positive -> positive -> comparison -> comparison
+val psize : positive -> nat
+type n =
+ | N0
+ | Npos of positive
+val pow_pos : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1
+type z =
+ | Z0
+ | Zpos of positive
+ | Zneg of positive
+val zdouble_plus_one : z -> z
+val zdouble_minus_one : z -> z
+val zdouble : z -> z
+val zPminus : positive -> positive -> z
+val zplus : z -> z -> z
+val zopp : z -> z
+val zminus : z -> z -> z
+val zmult : z -> z -> z
+val zcompare : z -> z -> comparison
+val zabs : z -> z
+val zmax : z -> z -> z
+val zle_bool : z -> z -> bool
+val zge_bool : z -> z -> bool
+val zgt_bool : z -> z -> bool
+val zeq_bool : z -> z -> bool
+val n_of_nat : nat -> n
+val zdiv_eucl_POS : positive -> z -> z * z
+val zdiv_eucl : z -> z -> z * z
+val zdiv : z -> z -> z
+type 'c pol =
+ | Pc of 'c
+ | Pinj of positive * 'c pol
+ | PX of 'c pol * positive * 'c pol
+val p0 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val p1 : 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val peq : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> bool
+val mkPinj_pred : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val mkPX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val mkXi : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val mkX : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val popp : ('a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val paddC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val psubC : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1 pol
+val paddI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol ->
+ positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psubI :
+ ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) ->
+ 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val paddX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol
+ -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psubX :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val padd :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol
+val psub :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val pmulC_aux :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 -> 'a1
+ pol
+val pmulC :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1
+ -> 'a1 pol
+val pmulI :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val pmul :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val psquare :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+type 'c pExpr =
+ | PEc of 'c
+ | PEX of positive
+ | PEadd of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEsub of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEmul of 'c pExpr * 'c pExpr
+ | PEopp of 'c pExpr
+ | PEpow of 'c pExpr * n
+val mk_X : 'a1 -> 'a1 -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val ppow_pos :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> positive -> 'a1 pol
+val ppow_N :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 pol -> 'a1 pol) -> 'a1 pol -> n -> 'a1 pol
+val norm_aux :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
+type 'a bFormula =
+ | TT
+ | FF
+ | X
+ | A of 'a
+ | Cj of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+ | D of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+ | N of 'a bFormula
+ | I of 'a bFormula * 'a bFormula
+type 'term' clause = 'term' list
+type 'term' cnf = 'term' clause list
+val tt : 'a1 cnf
+val ff : 'a1 cnf
+val or_clause_cnf : 'a1 clause -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf
+val or_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf
+val and_cnf : 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a1 cnf
+val xcnf :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> bool -> 'a1 bFormula -> 'a2 cnf
+val cnf_checker : ('a1 list -> 'a2 -> bool) -> 'a1 cnf -> 'a2 list -> bool
+val tauto_checker :
+ ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a1 -> 'a2 cnf) -> ('a2 list -> 'a3 -> bool) -> 'a1
+ bFormula -> 'a3 list -> bool
+type 'c polC = 'c pol
+type op1 =
+ | Equal
+ | NonEqual
+ | Strict
+ | NonStrict
+type 'c nFormula = 'c polC * op1
+val opAdd : op1 -> op1 -> op1 option
+type 'c psatz =
+ | PsatzIn of nat
+ | PsatzSquare of 'c polC
+ | PsatzMulC of 'c polC * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzMulE of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzAdd of 'c psatz * 'c psatz
+ | PsatzC of 'c
+ | PsatzZ
+val pexpr_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 polC -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val nformula_times_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val nformula_plus_nformula :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> 'a1
+ nFormula -> 'a1 nFormula option
+val eval_Psatz :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz -> 'a1
+ nFormula option
+val check_inconsistent :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula -> bool
+val check_normalised_formulas :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ bool) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 nFormula list -> 'a1 psatz -> bool
+type op2 =
+ | OpEq
+ | OpNEq
+ | OpLe
+ | OpGe
+ | OpLt
+ | OpGt
+type 'c formula = { flhs : 'c pExpr; fop : op2; frhs : 'c pExpr }
+val flhs : 'a1 formula -> 'a1 pExpr
+val fop : 'a1 formula -> op2
+val frhs : 'a1 formula -> 'a1 pExpr
+val norm :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pExpr -> 'a1 pol
+val psub0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1
+ -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol
+val padd0 :
+ 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pol ->
+ 'a1 pol
+val xnormalise :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1 nFormula
+ list
+val cnf_normalise :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1 nFormula
+ cnf
+val xnegate :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1 nFormula
+ list
+val cnf_negate :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 ->
+ 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 formula -> 'a1 nFormula
+ cnf
+val xdenorm : positive -> 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr
+val denorm : 'a1 pol -> 'a1 pExpr
+val simpl_cone :
+ 'a1 -> 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 psatz ->
+ 'a1 psatz
+type q = { qnum : z; qden : positive }
+val qnum : q -> z
+val qden : q -> positive
+val qeq_bool : q -> q -> bool
+val qle_bool : q -> q -> bool
+val qplus : q -> q -> q
+val qmult : q -> q -> q
+val qopp : q -> q
+val qminus : q -> q -> q
+val qinv : q -> q
+val qpower_positive : q -> positive -> q
+val qpower : q -> z -> q
+val pgcdn : nat -> positive -> positive -> positive
+val pgcd : positive -> positive -> positive
+val zgcd : z -> z -> z
+type 'a t =
+ | Empty
+ | Leaf of 'a
+ | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
+val find : 'a1 -> 'a1 t -> positive -> 'a1
+type zWitness = z psatz
+val zWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool
+val psub1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
+val padd1 : z pol -> z pol -> z pol
+val norm0 : z pExpr -> z pol
+val xnormalise0 : z formula -> z nFormula list
+val normalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val xnegate0 : z formula -> z nFormula list
+val negate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val ceiling : z -> z -> z
+type zArithProof =
+ | DoneProof
+ | RatProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+ | CutProof of zWitness * zArithProof
+ | EnumProof of zWitness * zWitness * zArithProof list
+val zgcdM : z -> z -> z
+val zgcd_pol : z polC -> z * z
+val zdiv_pol : z polC -> z -> z polC
+val makeCuttingPlane : z polC -> z polC * z
+val genCuttingPlane : z nFormula -> ((z polC * z) * op1) option
+val nformula_of_cutting_plane : ((z polC * z) * op1) -> z nFormula
+val is_pol_Z0 : z polC -> bool
+val eval_Psatz0 : z nFormula list -> zWitness -> z nFormula option
+val check_inconsistent0 : z nFormula -> bool
+val zChecker : z nFormula list -> zArithProof -> bool
+val zTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> zArithProof list -> bool
+val n_of_Z : z -> n
+type qWitness = q psatz
+val qWeakChecker : q nFormula list -> q psatz -> bool
+val qnormalise : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
+val qnegate : q formula -> q nFormula cnf
+val qTautoChecker : q formula bFormula -> qWitness list -> bool
+type rWitness = z psatz
+val rWeakChecker : z nFormula list -> z psatz -> bool
+val rnormalise : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val rnegate : z formula -> z nFormula cnf
+val rTautoChecker : z formula bFormula -> rWitness list -> bool
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/micromega_plugin.mllib b/plugins/micromega/micromega_plugin.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..debc296e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/micromega_plugin.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec06fa58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+let debug = false
+let finally f rst =
+ try
+ let res = f () in
+ rst () ; res
+ with x ->
+ (try rst ()
+ with _ -> raise x
+ ); raise x
+let map_option f x =
+ match x with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some v -> Some (f v)
+let from_option = function
+ | None -> failwith "from_option"
+ | Some v -> v
+let rec try_any l x =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> None
+ | (f,s)::l -> match f x with
+ | None -> try_any l x
+ | x -> x
+let iteri f l =
+ let rec xiter i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e::l -> f i e ; xiter (i+1) l in
+ xiter 0 l
+let mapi f l =
+ let rec xmap i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::l -> (f i e)::xmap (i+1) l in
+ xmap 0 l
+let rec map3 f l1 l2 l3 =
+ match l1 , l2 ,l3 with
+ | [] , [] , [] -> []
+ | e1::l1 , e2::l2 , e3::l3 -> (f e1 e2 e3)::(map3 f l1 l2 l3)
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "map3")
+let rec is_sublist l1 l2 =
+ match l1 ,l2 with
+ | [] ,_ -> true
+ | e::l1', [] -> false
+ | e::l1' , e'::l2' ->
+ if e = e' then is_sublist l1' l2'
+ else is_sublist l1 l2'
+let list_try_find f =
+ let rec try_find_f = function
+ | [] -> failwith "try_find"
+ | h::t -> try f h with Failure _ -> try_find_f t
+ in
+ try_find_f
+let rec list_fold_right_elements f l =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "list_fold_right_elements"
+ | [x] -> x
+ | x::l -> f x (aux l) in
+ aux l
+let interval n m =
+ let rec interval_n (l,m) =
+ if n > m then l else interval_n (m::l,pred m)
+ in
+ interval_n ([],m)
+open Num
+open Big_int
+let ppcm x y =
+ let g = gcd_big_int x y in
+ let x' = div_big_int x g in
+ let y' = div_big_int y g in
+ mult_big_int g (mult_big_int x' y')
+let denominator = function
+ | Int _ | Big_int _ -> unit_big_int
+ | Ratio r -> Ratio.denominator_ratio r
+let numerator = function
+ | Ratio r -> Ratio.numerator_ratio r
+ | Int i -> Big_int.big_int_of_int i
+ | Big_int i -> i
+let rec ppcm_list c l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> c
+ | e::l -> ppcm_list (ppcm c (denominator e)) l
+let rec rec_gcd_list c l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> c
+ | e::l -> rec_gcd_list (gcd_big_int c (numerator e)) l
+let rec gcd_list l =
+ let res = rec_gcd_list zero_big_int l in
+ if compare_big_int res zero_big_int = 0
+ then unit_big_int else res
+let rats_to_ints l =
+ let c = ppcm_list unit_big_int l in
+ (fun x -> (div_big_int (mult_big_int (numerator x) c)
+ (denominator x))) l
+(* Nasty reordering of lists - useful to trim certificate down *)
+let mapi f l =
+ let rec xmapi i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::l -> (f e i)::(xmapi (i+1) l) in
+ xmapi 0 l
+let concatMapi f l = List.rev (mapi (fun e i -> (i,f e)) l)
+(* assoc_pos j [] = [j,,j+n],j+n+1 *)
+let assoc_pos j l = (mapi (fun e i -> e,i+j) l, j + (List.length l))
+let assoc_pos_assoc l =
+ let rec xpos i l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x,l) ::rst -> let (l',j) = assoc_pos i l in
+ (x,l')::(xpos j rst) in
+ xpos 0 l
+let filter_pos f l =
+ (* Could sort ... take care of duplicates... *)
+ let rec xfilter l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (x,e)::l ->
+ if List.exists (fun ee -> List.mem ee f) ( snd e)
+ then (x,e)::(xfilter l)
+ else xfilter l in
+ xfilter l
+let select_pos lpos l =
+ let rec xselect i lpos l =
+ match lpos with
+ | [] -> []
+ | j::rpos ->
+ match l with
+ | [] -> failwith "select_pos"
+ | e::l ->
+ if i = j
+ then e:: (xselect (i+1) rpos l)
+ else xselect (i+1) lpos l in
+ xselect 0 lpos l
+module CoqToCaml =
+ open Micromega
+ let rec nat = function
+ | O -> 0
+ | S n -> (nat n) + 1
+ let rec positive p =
+ match p with
+ | XH -> 1
+ | XI p -> 1+ 2*(positive p)
+ | XO p -> 2*(positive p)
+ let n nt =
+ match nt with
+ | N0 -> 0
+ | Npos p -> positive p
+ let rec index i = (* Swap left-right ? *)
+ match i with
+ | XH -> 1
+ | XI i -> 1+(2*(index i))
+ | XO i -> 2*(index i)
+ let z x =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> 0
+ | Zpos p -> (positive p)
+ | Zneg p -> - (positive p)
+ open Big_int
+ let rec positive_big_int p =
+ match p with
+ | XH -> unit_big_int
+ | XI p -> add_int_big_int 1 (mult_int_big_int 2 (positive_big_int p))
+ | XO p -> (mult_int_big_int 2 (positive_big_int p))
+ let z_big_int x =
+ match x with
+ | Z0 -> zero_big_int
+ | Zpos p -> (positive_big_int p)
+ | Zneg p -> minus_big_int (positive_big_int p)
+ let num x = Num.Big_int (z_big_int x)
+ let q_to_num {qnum = x ; qden = y} =
+ Big_int (z_big_int x) // (Big_int (z_big_int (Zpos y)))
+module CamlToCoq =
+ open Micromega
+ let rec nat = function
+ | 0 -> O
+ | n -> S (nat (n-1))
+ let rec positive n =
+ if n=1 then XH
+ else if n land 1 = 1 then XI (positive (n lsr 1))
+ else XO (positive (n lsr 1))
+ let n nt =
+ if nt < 0
+ then assert false
+ else if nt = 0 then N0
+ else Npos (positive nt)
+ let rec index n =
+ if n=1 then XH
+ else if n land 1 = 1 then XI (index (n lsr 1))
+ else XO (index (n lsr 1))
+ let idx n =
+ (*a.k.a path_of_int *)
+ (* returns the list of digits of n in reverse order with
+ initial 1 removed *)
+ let rec digits_of_int n =
+ if n=1 then []
+ else (n mod 2 = 1)::(digits_of_int (n lsr 1))
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun b c -> (if b then XI c else XO c))
+ (List.rev (digits_of_int n))
+ (XH)
+ let z x =
+ match compare x 0 with
+ | 0 -> Z0
+ | 1 -> Zpos (positive x)
+ | _ -> (* this should be -1 *)
+ Zneg (positive (-x))
+ open Big_int
+ let positive_big_int n =
+ let two = big_int_of_int 2 in
+ let rec _pos n =
+ if eq_big_int n unit_big_int then XH
+ else
+ let (q,m) = quomod_big_int n two in
+ if eq_big_int unit_big_int m
+ then XI (_pos q)
+ else XO (_pos q) in
+ _pos n
+ let bigint x =
+ match sign_big_int x with
+ | 0 -> Z0
+ | 1 -> Zpos (positive_big_int x)
+ | _ -> Zneg (positive_big_int (minus_big_int x))
+ let q n =
+ {Micromega.qnum = bigint (numerator n) ;
+ Micromega.qden = positive_big_int (denominator n)}
+module Cmp =
+ let rec compare_lexical l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> 0 (* Equal *)
+ | f::l ->
+ let cmp = f () in
+ if cmp = 0 then compare_lexical l else cmp
+ let rec compare_list cmp l1 l2 =
+ match l1 , l2 with
+ | [] , [] -> 0
+ | [] , _ -> -1
+ | _ , [] -> 1
+ | e1::l1 , e2::l2 ->
+ let c = cmp e1 e2 in
+ if c = 0 then compare_list cmp l1 l2 else c
+ let hash_list hash l =
+ let rec _hash_list l h =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> h lxor (Hashtbl.hash [])
+ | e::l -> _hash_list l ((hash e) lxor h) in
+ _hash_list l 0
+module type Tag =
+ type t
+ val from : int -> t
+ val next : t -> t
+ val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+module Tag : Tag =
+ type t = int
+ let from i = i
+ let next i = i + 1
+ let pp o i = output_string o (string_of_int i)
+ let compare : int -> int -> int =
+module TagSet = Set.Make(Tag)
+let command exe_path args vl =
+ (* creating pipes for stdin, stdout, stderr *)
+ let (stdin_read,stdin_write) = Unix.pipe ()
+ and (stdout_read,stdout_write) = Unix.pipe ()
+ and (stderr_read,stderr_write) = Unix.pipe () in
+ (* Create the process *)
+ let pid = Unix.create_process exe_path args stdin_read stdout_write stderr_write in
+ (* Write the data on the stdin of the created process *)
+ let outch = Unix.out_channel_of_descr stdin_write in
+ output_value outch vl ;
+ flush outch ;
+ (* Wait for its completion *)
+ let _pid,status = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
+ finally
+ (fun () ->
+ (* Recover the result *)
+ match status with
+ | Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
+ let inch = Unix.in_channel_of_descr stdout_read in
+ begin try Marshal.from_channel inch with x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "command \"%s\" exited %s" exe_path (Printexc.to_string x)) end
+ | Unix.WEXITED i -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "command \"%s\" exited %i" exe_path i)
+ | Unix.WSIGNALED i -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "command \"%s\" killed %i" exe_path i)
+ | Unix.WSTOPPED i -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "command \"%s\" stopped %i" exe_path i))
+ (fun () ->
+ (* Cleanup *)
+ List.iter (fun x -> try Unix.close x with _ -> ()) [stdin_read; stdin_write; stdout_read ; stdout_write ; stderr_read; stderr_write]
+ )
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f17e1c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* A persistent hashtable *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Inria Rennes) 2009 *)
+(* *)
+module type PHashtable =
+ sig
+ type 'a t
+ type key
+ val create : int -> string -> 'a t
+ (** [create i f] creates an empty persistent table
+ with initial size i
+ associated with file [f] *)
+ val open_in : string -> 'a t
+ (** [open_in f] rebuilds a table from the records stored in file [f].
+ As marshaling is not type-safe, it migth segault.
+ *)
+ val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
+ (** find has the specification of Hashtable.find *)
+ val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
+ (** [add tbl key elem] adds the binding [key] [elem] to the table [tbl].
+ (and writes the binding to the file associated with [tbl].)
+ If [key] is already bound, raises KeyAlreadyBound *)
+ val close : 'a t -> unit
+ (** [close tbl] is closing the table.
+ Once closed, a table cannot be used.
+ i.e, copy, find,add will raise UnboundTable *)
+ val memo : string -> (key -> 'a) -> (key -> 'a)
+ (** [memo cache f] returns a memo function for [f] using file [cache] as persistent table.
+ Note that the cache will only be loaded when the function is used for the first time *)
+ end
+open Hashtbl
+module PHashtable(Key:HashedType) : PHashtable with type key = Key.t =
+ type key = Key.t
+ module Table = Hashtbl.Make(Key)
+ exception InvalidTableFormat
+ exception UnboundTable
+ type mode = Closed | Open
+ type 'a t =
+ {
+ outch : out_channel ;
+ mutable status : mode ;
+ htbl : 'a Table.t
+ }
+let create i f =
+ {
+ outch = open_out_bin f ;
+ status = Open ;
+ htbl = Table.create i
+ }
+let finally f rst =
+ try
+ let res = f () in
+ rst () ; res
+ with x ->
+ (try rst ()
+ with _ -> raise x
+ ); raise x
+let read_key_elem inch =
+ try
+ Some (Marshal.from_channel inch)
+ with
+ | End_of_file -> None
+ | _ -> raise InvalidTableFormat
+let open_in f =
+ let flags = [Open_rdonly;Open_binary;Open_creat] in
+ let inch = open_in_gen flags 0o666 f in
+ let htbl = Table.create 10 in
+ let rec xload () =
+ match read_key_elem inch with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (key,elem) ->
+ Table.add htbl key elem ;
+ xload () in
+ try
+ finally (fun () -> xload () ) (fun () -> close_in inch) ;
+ {
+ outch = begin
+ let flags = [Open_append;Open_binary;Open_creat] in
+ open_out_gen flags 0o666 f
+ end ;
+ status = Open ;
+ htbl = htbl
+ }
+ with InvalidTableFormat ->
+ (* Try to keep as many entries as possible *)
+ begin
+ let flags = [Open_wronly; Open_trunc;Open_binary;Open_creat] in
+ let outch = open_out_gen flags 0o666 f in
+ Table.iter (fun k e -> Marshal.to_channel outch (k,e) [Marshal.No_sharing]) htbl;
+ { outch = outch ;
+ status = Open ;
+ htbl = htbl
+ }
+ end
+let close t =
+ let {outch = outch ; status = status ; htbl = tbl} = t in
+ match t.status with
+ | Closed -> () (* don't do it twice *)
+ | Open ->
+ close_out outch ;
+ Table.clear tbl ;
+ t.status <- Closed
+let add t k e =
+ let {outch = outch ; status = status ; htbl = tbl} = t in
+ if status = Closed
+ then raise UnboundTable
+ else
+ begin
+ Table.add tbl k e ;
+ Marshal.to_channel outch (k,e) [Marshal.No_sharing]
+ end
+let find t k =
+ let {outch = outch ; status = status ; htbl = tbl} = t in
+ if status = Closed
+ then raise UnboundTable
+ else
+ let res = Table.find tbl k in
+ res
+let memo cache f =
+ let tbl = lazy (open_in cache) in
+ fun x ->
+ let tbl = Lazy.force tbl in
+ try
+ find tbl x
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let res = f x in
+ add tbl x res ;
+ res
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3029496b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,1859 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* - This code originates from John Harrison's HOL LIGHT 2.30 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE.sos for license, copyright and disclaimer) *)
+(* - Laurent Théry ( has isolated the HOL *)
+(* independent bits *)
+(* - Frédéric Besson ( is using it to feed micromega *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Nonlinear universal reals procedure using SOS decomposition. *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+open Num;;
+open List;;
+open Sos_types;;
+open Sos_lib;;
+let debugging = ref false;;
+exception Sanity;;
+exception Unsolvable;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Turn a rational into a decimal string with d sig digits. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let decimalize =
+ let rec normalize y =
+ if abs_num y </ Int 1 // Int 10 then normalize (Int 10 */ y) - 1
+ else if abs_num y >=/ Int 1 then normalize (y // Int 10) + 1
+ else 0 in
+ fun d x ->
+ if x =/ Int 0 then "0.0" else
+ let y = abs_num x in
+ let e = normalize y in
+ let z = pow10(-e) */ y +/ Int 1 in
+ let k = round_num(pow10 d */ z) in
+ (if x </ Int 0 then "-0." else "0.") ^
+ implode(tl(explode(string_of_num k))) ^
+ (if e = 0 then "" else "e"^string_of_int e);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterations over numbers, and lists indexed by numbers. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec itern k l f a =
+ match l with
+ [] -> a
+ | h::t -> itern (k + 1) t f (f h k a);;
+let rec iter (m,n) f a =
+ if n < m then a
+ else iter (m+1,n) f (f m a);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The main types. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type vector = int*(int,num)func;;
+type matrix = (int*int)*(int*int,num)func;;
+type monomial = (vname,int)func;;
+type poly = (monomial,num)func;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Assignment avoiding zeros. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let (|-->) x y a = if y =/ Int 0 then a else (x |-> y) a;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This can be generic. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let element (d,v) i = tryapplyd v i (Int 0);;
+let mapa f (d,v) =
+ d,foldl (fun a i c -> (i |--> f(c)) a) undefined v;;
+let is_zero (d,v) =
+ match v with
+ Empty -> true
+ | _ -> false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Vectors. Conventionally indexed 1..n. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let vector_0 n = (n,undefined:vector);;
+let dim (v:vector) = fst v;;
+let vector_const c n =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then vector_0 n
+ else (n,itlist (fun k -> k |-> c) (1--n) undefined :vector);;
+let vector_1 = vector_const (Int 1);;
+let vector_cmul c (v:vector) =
+ let n = dim v in
+ if c =/ Int 0 then vector_0 n
+ else n,mapf (fun x -> c */ x) (snd v)
+let vector_neg (v:vector) = (fst v,mapf minus_num (snd v) :vector);;
+let vector_add (v1:vector) (v2:vector) =
+ let m = dim v1 and n = dim v2 in
+ if m <> n then failwith "vector_add: incompatible dimensions" else
+ (n,combine (+/) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) (snd v1) (snd v2) :vector);;
+let vector_sub v1 v2 = vector_add v1 (vector_neg v2);;
+let vector_dot (v1:vector) (v2:vector) =
+ let m = dim v1 and n = dim v2 in
+ if m <> n then failwith "vector_add: incompatible dimensions" else
+ foldl (fun a i x -> x +/ a) (Int 0)
+ (combine ( */ ) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) (snd v1) (snd v2));;
+let vector_of_list l =
+ let n = length l in
+ (n,itlist2 (|->) (1--n) l undefined :vector);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matrices; again rows and columns indexed from 1. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let matrix_0 (m,n) = ((m,n),undefined:matrix);;
+let dimensions (m:matrix) = fst m;;
+let matrix_const c (m,n as mn) =
+ if m <> n then failwith "matrix_const: needs to be square"
+ else if c =/ Int 0 then matrix_0 mn
+ else (mn,itlist (fun k -> (k,k) |-> c) (1--n) undefined :matrix);;
+let matrix_1 = matrix_const (Int 1);;
+let matrix_cmul c (m:matrix) =
+ let (i,j) = dimensions m in
+ if c =/ Int 0 then matrix_0 (i,j)
+ else (i,j),mapf (fun x -> c */ x) (snd m);;
+let matrix_neg (m:matrix) = (dimensions m,mapf minus_num (snd m) :matrix);;
+let matrix_add (m1:matrix) (m2:matrix) =
+ let d1 = dimensions m1 and d2 = dimensions m2 in
+ if d1 <> d2 then failwith "matrix_add: incompatible dimensions"
+ else (d1,combine (+/) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) (snd m1) (snd m2) :matrix);;
+let matrix_sub m1 m2 = matrix_add m1 (matrix_neg m2);;
+let row k (m:matrix) =
+ let i,j = dimensions m in
+ (j,
+ foldl (fun a (i,j) c -> if i = k then (j |-> c) a else a) undefined (snd m)
+ : vector);;
+let column k (m:matrix) =
+ let i,j = dimensions m in
+ (i,
+ foldl (fun a (i,j) c -> if j = k then (i |-> c) a else a) undefined (snd m)
+ : vector);;
+let transp (m:matrix) =
+ let i,j = dimensions m in
+ ((j,i),foldl (fun a (i,j) c -> ((j,i) |-> c) a) undefined (snd m) :matrix);;
+let diagonal (v:vector) =
+ let n = dim v in
+ ((n,n),foldl (fun a i c -> ((i,i) |-> c) a) undefined (snd v) : matrix);;
+let matrix_of_list l =
+ let m = length l in
+ if m = 0 then matrix_0 (0,0) else
+ let n = length (hd l) in
+ (m,n),itern 1 l (fun v i -> itern 1 v (fun c j -> (i,j) |-> c)) undefined;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Monomials. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let monomial_eval assig (m:monomial) =
+ foldl (fun a x k -> a */ power_num (apply assig x) (Int k))
+ (Int 1) m;;
+let monomial_1 = (undefined:monomial);;
+let monomial_var x = (x |=> 1 :monomial);;
+let (monomial_mul:monomial->monomial->monomial) =
+ combine (+) (fun x -> false);;
+let monomial_pow (m:monomial) k =
+ if k = 0 then monomial_1
+ else mapf (fun x -> k * x) m;;
+let monomial_divides (m1:monomial) (m2:monomial) =
+ foldl (fun a x k -> tryapplyd m2 x 0 >= k & a) true m1;;
+let monomial_div (m1:monomial) (m2:monomial) =
+ let m = combine (+) (fun x -> x = 0) m1 (mapf (fun x -> -x) m2) in
+ if foldl (fun a x k -> k >= 0 & a) true m then m
+ else failwith "monomial_div: non-divisible";;
+let monomial_degree x (m:monomial) = tryapplyd m x 0;;
+let monomial_lcm (m1:monomial) (m2:monomial) =
+ (itlist (fun x -> x |-> max (monomial_degree x m1) (monomial_degree x m2))
+ (union (dom m1) (dom m2)) undefined :monomial);;
+let monomial_multidegree (m:monomial) = foldl (fun a x k -> k + a) 0 m;;
+let monomial_variables m = dom m;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Polynomials. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let eval assig (p:poly) =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> a +/ c */ monomial_eval assig m) (Int 0) p;;
+let poly_0 = (undefined:poly);;
+let poly_isconst (p:poly) = foldl (fun a m c -> m = monomial_1 & a) true p;;
+let poly_var x = ((monomial_var x) |=> Int 1 :poly);;
+let poly_const c =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then poly_0 else (monomial_1 |=> c);;
+let poly_cmul c (p:poly) =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then poly_0
+ else mapf (fun x -> c */ x) p;;
+let poly_neg (p:poly) = (mapf minus_num p :poly);;
+let poly_add (p1:poly) (p2:poly) =
+ (combine (+/) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) p1 p2 :poly);;
+let poly_sub p1 p2 = poly_add p1 (poly_neg p2);;
+let poly_cmmul (c,m) (p:poly) =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then poly_0
+ else if m = monomial_1 then mapf (fun d -> c */ d) p
+ else foldl (fun a m' d -> (monomial_mul m m' |-> c */ d) a) poly_0 p;;
+let poly_mul (p1:poly) (p2:poly) =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> poly_add (poly_cmmul (c,m) p2) a) poly_0 p1;;
+let poly_div (p1:poly) (p2:poly) =
+ if not(poly_isconst p2) then failwith "poly_div: non-constant" else
+ let c = eval undefined p2 in
+ if c =/ Int 0 then failwith "poly_div: division by zero"
+ else poly_cmul (Int 1 // c) p1;;
+let poly_square p = poly_mul p p;;
+let rec poly_pow p k =
+ if k = 0 then poly_const (Int 1)
+ else if k = 1 then p
+ else let q = poly_square(poly_pow p (k / 2)) in
+ if k mod 2 = 1 then poly_mul p q else q;;
+let poly_exp p1 p2 =
+ if not(poly_isconst p2) then failwith "poly_exp: not a constant" else
+ poly_pow p1 (Num.int_of_num (eval undefined p2));;
+let degree x (p:poly) = foldl (fun a m c -> max (monomial_degree x m) a) 0 p;;
+let multidegree (p:poly) =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> max (monomial_multidegree m) a) 0 p;;
+let poly_variables (p:poly) =
+ foldr (fun m c -> union (monomial_variables m)) p [];;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Order monomials for human presentation. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let humanorder_varpow (x1,k1) (x2,k2) = x1 < x2 or x1 = x2 & k1 > k2;;
+let humanorder_monomial =
+ let rec ord l1 l2 = match (l1,l2) with
+ _,[] -> true
+ | [],_ -> false
+ | h1::t1,h2::t2 -> humanorder_varpow h1 h2 or h1 = h2 & ord t1 t2 in
+ fun m1 m2 -> m1 = m2 or
+ ord (sort humanorder_varpow (graph m1))
+ (sort humanorder_varpow (graph m2));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conversions to strings. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let string_of_vector min_size max_size (v:vector) =
+ let n_raw = dim v in
+ if n_raw = 0 then "[]" else
+ let n = max min_size (min n_raw max_size) in
+ let xs = map ((o) string_of_num (element v)) (1--n) in
+ "[" ^ end_itlist (fun s t -> s ^ ", " ^ t) xs ^
+ (if n_raw > max_size then ", ...]" else "]");;
+let string_of_matrix max_size (m:matrix) =
+ let i_raw,j_raw = dimensions m in
+ let i = min max_size i_raw and j = min max_size j_raw in
+ let rstr = map (fun k -> string_of_vector j j (row k m)) (1--i) in
+ "["^end_itlist(fun s t -> s^";\n "^t) rstr ^
+ (if j > max_size then "\n ...]" else "]");;
+let string_of_vname (v:vname): string = (v: string);;
+let rec string_of_term t =
+ match t with
+ Opp t1 -> "(- " ^ string_of_term t1 ^ ")"
+| Add (t1, t2) ->
+ "(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " + " ^ (string_of_term t2) ^ ")"
+| Sub (t1, t2) ->
+ "(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " - " ^ (string_of_term t2) ^ ")"
+| Mul (t1, t2) ->
+ "(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " * " ^ (string_of_term t2) ^ ")"
+| Inv t1 -> "(/ " ^ string_of_term t1 ^ ")"
+| Div (t1, t2) ->
+ "(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " / " ^ (string_of_term t2) ^ ")"
+| Pow (t1, n1) ->
+ "(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " ^ " ^ (string_of_int n1) ^ ")"
+| Zero -> "0"
+| Var v -> "x" ^ (string_of_vname v)
+| Const x -> string_of_num x;;
+let string_of_varpow x k =
+ if k = 1 then string_of_vname x else string_of_vname x^"^"^string_of_int k;;
+let string_of_monomial m =
+ if m = monomial_1 then "1" else
+ let vps = List.fold_right (fun (x,k) a -> string_of_varpow x k :: a)
+ (sort humanorder_varpow (graph m)) [] in
+ end_itlist (fun s t -> s^"*"^t) vps;;
+let string_of_cmonomial (c,m) =
+ if m = monomial_1 then string_of_num c
+ else if c =/ Int 1 then string_of_monomial m
+ else string_of_num c ^ "*" ^ string_of_monomial m;;
+let string_of_poly (p:poly) =
+ if p = poly_0 then "<<0>>" else
+ let cms = sort (fun (m1,_) (m2,_) -> humanorder_monomial m1 m2) (graph p) in
+ let s =
+ List.fold_left (fun a (m,c) ->
+ if c </ Int 0 then a ^ " - " ^ string_of_cmonomial(minus_num c,m)
+ else a ^ " + " ^ string_of_cmonomial(c,m))
+ "" cms in
+ let s1 = String.sub s 0 3
+ and s2 = String.sub s 3 (String.length s - 3) in
+ "<<" ^(if s1 = " + " then s2 else "-"^s2)^">>";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printers. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let print_vector v = Format.print_string(string_of_vector 0 20 v);;
+let print_matrix m = Format.print_string(string_of_matrix 20 m);;
+let print_monomial m = Format.print_string(string_of_monomial m);;
+let print_poly m = Format.print_string(string_of_poly m);;
+#install_printer print_vector;;
+#install_printer print_matrix;;
+#install_printer print_monomial;;
+#install_printer print_poly;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conversion from term. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec poly_of_term t = match t with
+ Zero -> poly_0
+| Const n -> poly_const n
+| Var x -> poly_var x
+| Opp t1 -> poly_neg (poly_of_term t1)
+| Inv t1 ->
+ let p = poly_of_term t1 in
+ if poly_isconst p then poly_const(Int 1 // eval undefined p)
+ else failwith "poly_of_term: inverse of non-constant polyomial"
+| Add (l, r) -> poly_add (poly_of_term l) (poly_of_term r)
+| Sub (l, r) -> poly_sub (poly_of_term l) (poly_of_term r)
+| Mul (l, r) -> poly_mul (poly_of_term l) (poly_of_term r)
+| Div (l, r) ->
+ let p = poly_of_term l and q = poly_of_term r in
+ if poly_isconst q then poly_cmul (Int 1 // eval undefined q) p
+ else failwith "poly_of_term: division by non-constant polynomial"
+| Pow (t, n) ->
+ poly_pow (poly_of_term t) n;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String of vector (just a list of space-separated numbers). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_vector (v:vector) =
+ let n = dim v in
+ let strs = map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
+ end_itlist (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) strs ^ "\n";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String for block diagonal matrix numbered k. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
+ let pfx = string_of_int k ^" " in
+ let ents =
+ foldl (fun a (b,i,j) c -> if i > j then a else ((b,i,j),c)::a) [] m in
+ let entss = sort (increasing fst) ents in
+ itlist (fun ((b,i,j),c) a ->
+ pfx ^ string_of_int b ^ " " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
+ " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) entss "";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String for a matrix numbered k, in SDPA sparse format. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_matrix k (m:matrix) =
+ let pfx = string_of_int k ^ " 1 " in
+ let ms = foldr (fun (i,j) c a -> if i > j then a else ((i,j),c)::a)
+ (snd m) [] in
+ let mss = sort (increasing fst) ms in
+ itlist (fun ((i,j),c) a ->
+ pfx ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
+ " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) mss "";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String in SDPA sparse format for standard SDP problem: *)
+(* *)
+(* X = v_1 * [M_1] + ... + v_m * [M_m] - [M_0] must be PSD *)
+(* Minimize obj_1 * v_1 + ... obj_m * v_m *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_problem comment obj mats =
+ let m = length mats - 1
+ and n,_ = dimensions (hd mats) in
+ "\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
+ string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
+ "1\n" ^
+ string_of_int n ^ "\n" ^
+ sdpa_of_vector obj ^
+ itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_matrix (k - 1) m ^ a)
+ (1--length mats) mats "";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* More parser basics. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let word s =
+ end_itlist (fun p1 p2 -> (p1 ++ p2) >> (fun (s,t) -> s^t))
+ (map a (explode s));;
+let token s =
+ many (some isspace) ++ word s ++ many (some isspace)
+ >> (fun ((_,t),_) -> t);;
+let decimal =
+ let numeral = some isnum in
+ let decimalint = atleast 1 numeral >> ((o) Num.num_of_string implode) in
+ let decimalfrac = atleast 1 numeral
+ >> (fun s -> Num.num_of_string(implode s) // pow10 (length s)) in
+ let decimalsig =
+ decimalint ++ possibly (a "." ++ decimalfrac >> snd)
+ >> (function (h,[x]) -> h +/ x | (h,_) -> h) in
+ let signed prs =
+ a "-" ++ prs >> ((o) minus_num snd)
+ || a "+" ++ prs >> snd
+ || prs in
+ let exponent = (a "e" || a "E") ++ signed decimalint >> snd in
+ signed decimalsig ++ possibly exponent
+ >> (function (h,[x]) -> h */ power_num (Int 10) x | (h,_) -> h);;
+let mkparser p s =
+ let x,rst = p(explode s) in
+ if rst = [] then x else failwith "mkparser: unparsed input";;
+let parse_decimal = mkparser decimal;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parse back a vector. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let parse_sdpaoutput,parse_csdpoutput =
+ let vector =
+ token "{" ++ listof decimal (token ",") "decimal" ++ token "}"
+ >> (fun ((_,v),_) -> vector_of_list v) in
+ let rec skipupto dscr prs inp =
+ (dscr ++ prs >> snd
+ || some (fun c -> true) ++ skipupto dscr prs >> snd) inp in
+ let ignore inp = (),[] in
+ let sdpaoutput =
+ skipupto (word "xVec" ++ token "=")
+ (vector ++ ignore >> fst) in
+ let csdpoutput =
+ (decimal ++ many(a " " ++ decimal >> snd) >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t)) ++
+ (a " " ++ a "\n" ++ ignore) >> ((o) vector_of_list fst) in
+ mkparser sdpaoutput,mkparser csdpoutput;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Also parse the SDPA output to test success (CSDP yields a return code). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_run_succeeded =
+ let rec skipupto dscr prs inp =
+ (dscr ++ prs >> snd
+ || some (fun c -> true) ++ skipupto dscr prs >> snd) inp in
+ let prs = skipupto (word "phase.value" ++ token "=")
+ (possibly (a "p") ++ possibly (a "d") ++
+ (word "OPT" || word "FEAS")) in
+ fun s -> try ignore (prs (explode s)); true with Noparse -> false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The default parameters. Unfortunately this goes to a fixed file. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_default_parameters =
+"100 unsigned int maxIteration;
+1.0E-7 double 0.0 < epsilonStar;
+1.0E2 double 0.0 < lambdaStar;
+2.0 double 1.0 < omegaStar;
+-1.0E5 double lowerBound;
+1.0E5 double upperBound;
+0.1 double 0.0 <= betaStar < 1.0;
+0.2 double 0.0 <= betaBar < 1.0, betaStar <= betaBar;
+0.9 double 0.0 < gammaStar < 1.0;
+1.0E-7 double 0.0 < epsilonDash;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* These were suggested by Makoto Yamashita for problems where we are *)
+(* right at the edge of the semidefinite cone, as sometimes happens. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_alt_parameters =
+"1000 unsigned int maxIteration;
+1.0E-7 double 0.0 < epsilonStar;
+1.0E4 double 0.0 < lambdaStar;
+2.0 double 1.0 < omegaStar;
+-1.0E5 double lowerBound;
+1.0E5 double upperBound;
+0.1 double 0.0 <= betaStar < 1.0;
+0.2 double 0.0 <= betaBar < 1.0, betaStar <= betaBar;
+0.9 double 0.0 < gammaStar < 1.0;
+1.0E-7 double 0.0 < epsilonDash;
+let sdpa_params = sdpa_alt_parameters;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* CSDP parameters; so far I'm sticking with the defaults. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let csdp_default_parameters =
+let csdp_params = csdp_default_parameters;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Now call CSDP on a problem and parse back the output. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let run_csdp dbg obj mats =
+ let input_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
+ let output_file =
+ String.sub input_file 0 (String.length input_file - 6) ^ ".out"
+ and params_file = Filename.concat (!temp_path) "param.csdp" in
+ file_of_string input_file (sdpa_of_problem "" obj mats);
+ file_of_string params_file csdp_params;
+ let rv = Sys.command("cd "^(!temp_path)^"; csdp "^input_file ^
+ " " ^ output_file ^
+ (if dbg then "" else "> /dev/null")) in
+ let op = string_of_file output_file in
+ let res = parse_csdpoutput op in
+ ((if dbg then ()
+ else (Sys.remove input_file; Sys.remove output_file));
+ rv,res);;
+let csdp obj mats =
+ let rv,res = run_csdp (!debugging) obj mats in
+ (if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then failwith "csdp: Problem is infeasible"
+ else if rv = 3 then ()
+ (* Format.print_string "csdp warning: Reduced accuracy";
+ Format.print_newline() *)
+ else if rv <> 0 then failwith("csdp: error "^string_of_int rv)
+ else ());
+ res;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Try some apparently sensible scaling first. Note that this is purely to *)
+(* get a cleaner translation to floating-point, and doesn't affect any of *)
+(* the results, in principle. In practice it seems a lot better when there *)
+(* are extreme numbers in the original problem. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let scale_then =
+ let common_denominator amat acc =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> lcm_num (denominator c) a) acc amat
+ and maximal_element amat acc =
+ foldl (fun maxa m c -> max_num maxa (abs_num c)) acc amat in
+ fun solver obj mats ->
+ let cd1 = itlist common_denominator mats (Int 1)
+ and cd2 = common_denominator (snd obj) (Int 1) in
+ let mats' = map (mapf (fun x -> cd1 */ x)) mats
+ and obj' = vector_cmul cd2 obj in
+ let max1 = itlist maximal_element mats' (Int 0)
+ and max2 = maximal_element (snd obj') (Int 0) in
+ let scal1 = pow2 (20-int_of_float(log(float_of_num max1) /. log 2.0))
+ and scal2 = pow2 (20-int_of_float(log(float_of_num max2) /. log 2.0)) in
+ let mats'' = map (mapf (fun x -> x */ scal1)) mats'
+ and obj'' = vector_cmul scal2 obj' in
+ solver obj'' mats'';;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Round a vector to "nice" rationals. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let nice_rational n x = round_num (n */ x) // n;;
+let nice_vector n = mapa (nice_rational n);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reduce linear program to SDP (diagonal matrices) and test with CSDP. This *)
+(* one tests A [-1;x1;..;xn] >= 0 (i.e. left column is negated constants). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let linear_program_basic a =
+ let m,n = dimensions a in
+ let mats = map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
+ and obj = vector_const (Int 1) m in
+ let rv,res = run_csdp false obj mats in
+ if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then false
+ else if rv = 0 then true
+ else failwith "linear_program: An error occurred in the SDP solver";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Alternative interface testing A x >= b for matrix A, vector b. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let linear_program a b =
+ let m,n = dimensions a in
+ if dim b <> m then failwith "linear_program: incompatible dimensions" else
+ let mats = diagonal b :: map (fun j -> diagonal (column j a)) (1--n)
+ and obj = vector_const (Int 1) m in
+ let rv,res = run_csdp false obj mats in
+ if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then false
+ else if rv = 0 then true
+ else failwith "linear_program: An error occurred in the SDP solver";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Test whether a point is in the convex hull of others. Rather than use *)
+(* computational geometry, express as linear inequalities and call CSDP. *)
+(* This is a bit lazy of me, but it's easy and not such a bottleneck so far. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let in_convex_hull pts pt =
+ let pts1 = (1::pt) :: map (fun x -> 1::x) pts in
+ let pts2 = map (fun p -> map (fun x -> -x) p @ p) pts1 in
+ let n = length pts + 1
+ and v = 2 * (length pt + 1) in
+ let m = v + n - 1 in
+ let mat =
+ (m,n),
+ itern 1 pts2 (fun pts j -> itern 1 pts (fun x i -> (i,j) |-> Int x))
+ (iter (1,n) (fun i -> (v + i,i+1) |-> Int 1) undefined) in
+ linear_program_basic mat;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Filter down a set of points to a minimal set with the same convex hull. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let minimal_convex_hull =
+ let augment1 = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (m::ms) -> if in_convex_hull ms m then ms else ms@[m] in
+ let augment m ms = funpow 3 augment1 (m::ms) in
+ fun mons ->
+ let mons' = itlist augment (tl mons) [hd mons] in
+ funpow (length mons') augment1 mons';;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stuff for "equations" (generic A->num functions). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let equation_cmul c eq =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then Empty else mapf (fun d -> c */ d) eq;;
+let equation_add eq1 eq2 = combine (+/) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0) eq1 eq2;;
+let equation_eval assig eq =
+ let value v = apply assig v in
+ foldl (fun a v c -> a +/ value(v) */ c) (Int 0) eq;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Eliminate among linear equations: return unconstrained variables and *)
+(* assignments for the others in terms of them. We give one pseudo-variable *)
+(* "one" that's used for a constant term. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let failstore = ref [];;
+let eliminate_equations =
+ let rec extract_first p l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> failwith "extract_first"
+ | h::t -> if p(h) then h,t else
+ let k,s = extract_first p t in
+ k,h::s in
+ let rec eliminate vars dun eqs =
+ match vars with
+ [] -> if forall is_undefined eqs then dun
+ else (failstore := [vars,dun,eqs]; raise Unsolvable)
+ | v::vs ->
+ try let eq,oeqs = extract_first (fun e -> defined e v) eqs in
+ let a = apply eq v in
+ let eq' = equation_cmul (Int(-1) // a) (undefine v eq) in
+ let elim e =
+ let b = tryapplyd e v (Int 0) in
+ if b =/ Int 0 then e else
+ equation_add e (equation_cmul (minus_num b // a) eq) in
+ eliminate vs ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (map elim oeqs)
+ with Failure _ -> eliminate vs dun eqs in
+ fun one vars eqs ->
+ let assig = eliminate vars undefined eqs in
+ let vs = foldl (fun a x f -> subtract (dom f) [one] @ a) [] assig in
+ setify vs,assig;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Eliminate all variables, in an essentially arbitrary order. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let eliminate_all_equations one =
+ let choose_variable eq =
+ let (v,_) = choose eq in
+ if v = one then
+ let eq' = undefine v eq in
+ if is_undefined eq' then failwith "choose_variable" else
+ let (w,_) = choose eq' in w
+ else v in
+ let rec eliminate dun eqs =
+ match eqs with
+ [] -> dun
+ | eq::oeqs ->
+ if is_undefined eq then eliminate dun oeqs else
+ let v = choose_variable eq in
+ let a = apply eq v in
+ let eq' = equation_cmul (Int(-1) // a) (undefine v eq) in
+ let elim e =
+ let b = tryapplyd e v (Int 0) in
+ if b =/ Int 0 then e else
+ equation_add e (equation_cmul (minus_num b // a) eq) in
+ eliminate ((v |-> eq') (mapf elim dun)) (map elim oeqs) in
+ fun eqs ->
+ let assig = eliminate undefined eqs in
+ let vs = foldl (fun a x f -> subtract (dom f) [one] @ a) [] assig in
+ setify vs,assig;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Solve equations by assigning arbitrary numbers. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let solve_equations one eqs =
+ let vars,assigs = eliminate_all_equations one eqs in
+ let vfn = itlist (fun v -> (v |-> Int 0)) vars (one |=> Int(-1)) in
+ let ass =
+ combine (+/) (fun c -> false) (mapf (equation_eval vfn) assigs) vfn in
+ if forall (fun e -> equation_eval ass e =/ Int 0) eqs
+ then undefine one ass else raise Sanity;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hence produce the "relevant" monomials: those whose squares lie in the *)
+(* Newton polytope of the monomials in the input. (This is enough according *)
+(* to Reznik: "Extremal PSD forms with few terms", Duke Math. Journal, *)
+(* vol 45, pp. 363--374, 1978. *)
+(* *)
+(* These are ordered in sort of decreasing degree. In particular the *)
+(* constant monomial is last; this gives an order in diagonalization of the *)
+(* quadratic form that will tend to display constants. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let newton_polytope pol =
+ let vars = poly_variables pol in
+ let mons = map (fun m -> map (fun x -> monomial_degree x m) vars) (dom pol)
+ and ds = map (fun x -> (degree x pol + 1) / 2) vars in
+ let all = itlist (fun n -> allpairs (fun h t -> h::t) (0--n)) ds [[]]
+ and mons' = minimal_convex_hull mons in
+ let all' =
+ filter (fun m -> in_convex_hull mons' (map (fun x -> 2 * x) m)) all in
+ map (fun m -> itlist2 (fun v i a -> if i = 0 then a else (v |-> i) a)
+ vars m monomial_1) (rev all');;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Diagonalize (Cholesky/LDU) the matrix corresponding to a quadratic form. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let diag m =
+ let nn = dimensions m in
+ let n = fst nn in
+ if snd nn <> n then failwith "diagonalize: non-square matrix" else
+ let rec diagonalize i m =
+ if is_zero m then [] else
+ let a11 = element m (i,i) in
+ if a11 </ Int 0 then failwith "diagonalize: not PSD"
+ else if a11 =/ Int 0 then
+ if is_zero(row i m) then diagonalize (i + 1) m
+ else failwith "diagonalize: not PSD"
+ else
+ let v = row i m in
+ let v' = mapa (fun a1k -> a1k // a11) v in
+ let m' =
+ (n,n),
+ iter (i+1,n) (fun j ->
+ iter (i+1,n) (fun k ->
+ ((j,k) |--> (element m (j,k) -/ element v j */ element v' k))))
+ undefined in
+ (a11,v')::diagonalize (i + 1) m' in
+ diagonalize 1 m;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adjust a diagonalization to collect rationals at the start. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let deration d =
+ if d = [] then Int 0,d else
+ let adj(c,l) =
+ let a = foldl (fun a i c -> lcm_num a (denominator c)) (Int 1) (snd l) //
+ foldl (fun a i c -> gcd_num a (numerator c)) (Int 0) (snd l) in
+ (c // (a */ a)),mapa (fun x -> a */ x) l in
+ let d' = map adj d in
+ let a = itlist ((o) lcm_num ( (o) denominator fst)) d' (Int 1) //
+ itlist ((o) gcd_num ( (o) numerator fst)) d' (Int 0) in
+ (Int 1 // a),map (fun (c,l) -> (a */ c,l)) d';;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Enumeration of monomials with given multidegree bound. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec enumerate_monomials d vars =
+ if d < 0 then []
+ else if d = 0 then [undefined]
+ else if vars = [] then [monomial_1] else
+ let alts =
+ map (fun k -> let oths = enumerate_monomials (d - k) (tl vars) in
+ map (fun ks -> if k = 0 then ks else (hd vars |-> k) ks) oths)
+ (0--d) in
+ end_itlist (@) alts;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Enumerate products of distinct input polys with degree <= d. *)
+(* We ignore any constant input polynomials. *)
+(* Give the output polynomial and a record of how it was derived. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec enumerate_products d pols =
+ if d = 0 then [poly_const num_1,Rational_lt num_1] else if d < 0 then [] else
+ match pols with
+ [] -> [poly_const num_1,Rational_lt num_1]
+ | (p,b)::ps -> let e = multidegree p in
+ if e = 0 then enumerate_products d ps else
+ enumerate_products d ps @
+ map (fun (q,c) -> poly_mul p q,Product(b,c))
+ (enumerate_products (d - e) ps);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Multiply equation-parametrized poly by regular poly and add accumulator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let epoly_pmul p q acc =
+ foldl (fun a m1 c ->
+ foldl (fun b m2 e ->
+ let m = monomial_mul m1 m2 in
+ let es = tryapplyd b m undefined in
+ (m |-> equation_add (equation_cmul c e) es) b)
+ a q) acc p;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Usual operations on equation-parametrized poly. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let epoly_cmul c l =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then undefined else mapf (equation_cmul c) l;;
+let epoly_neg = epoly_cmul (Int(-1));;
+let epoly_add = combine equation_add is_undefined;;
+let epoly_sub p q = epoly_add p (epoly_neg q);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Convert regular polynomial. Note that we treat (0,0,0) as -1. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let epoly_of_poly p =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> (m |-> ((0,0,0) |=> minus_num c)) a) undefined p;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String for block diagonal matrix numbered k. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
+ let pfx = string_of_int k ^" " in
+ let ents =
+ foldl (fun a (b,i,j) c -> if i > j then a else ((b,i,j),c)::a) [] m in
+ let entss = sort (increasing fst) ents in
+ itlist (fun ((b,i,j),c) a ->
+ pfx ^ string_of_int b ^ " " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
+ " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) entss "";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* SDPA for problem using block diagonal (i.e. multiple SDPs) *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_blockproblem comment nblocks blocksizes obj mats =
+ let m = length mats - 1 in
+ "\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
+ string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
+ string_of_int nblocks ^ "\n" ^
+ (end_itlist (fun s t -> s^" "^t) (map string_of_int blocksizes)) ^
+ "\n" ^
+ sdpa_of_vector obj ^
+ itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_blockdiagonal (k - 1) m ^ a)
+ (1--length mats) mats "";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hence run CSDP on a problem in block diagonal form. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let run_csdp dbg nblocks blocksizes obj mats =
+ let input_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
+ let output_file =
+ String.sub input_file 0 (String.length input_file - 6) ^ ".out"
+ and params_file = Filename.concat (!temp_path) "param.csdp" in
+ file_of_string input_file
+ (sdpa_of_blockproblem "" nblocks blocksizes obj mats);
+ file_of_string params_file csdp_params;
+ let rv = Sys.command("cd "^(!temp_path)^"; csdp "^input_file ^
+ " " ^ output_file ^
+ (if dbg then "" else "> /dev/null")) in
+ let op = string_of_file output_file in
+ let res = parse_csdpoutput op in
+ ((if dbg then ()
+ else (Sys.remove input_file; Sys.remove output_file));
+ rv,res);;
+let csdp nblocks blocksizes obj mats =
+ let rv,res = run_csdp (!debugging) nblocks blocksizes obj mats in
+ (if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then failwith "csdp: Problem is infeasible"
+ else if rv = 3 then ()
+ (*Format.print_string "csdp warning: Reduced accuracy";
+ Format.print_newline() *)
+ else if rv <> 0 then failwith("csdp: error "^string_of_int rv)
+ else ());
+ res;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* 3D versions of matrix operations to consider blocks separately. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let bmatrix_add = combine (+/) (fun x -> x =/ Int 0);;
+let bmatrix_cmul c bm =
+ if c =/ Int 0 then undefined
+ else mapf (fun x -> c */ x) bm;;
+let bmatrix_neg = bmatrix_cmul (Int(-1));;
+let bmatrix_sub m1 m2 = bmatrix_add m1 (bmatrix_neg m2);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Smash a block matrix into components. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let blocks blocksizes bm =
+ map (fun (bs,b0) ->
+ let m = foldl
+ (fun a (b,i,j) c -> if b = b0 then ((i,j) |-> c) a else a)
+ undefined bm in
+ (((bs,bs),m):matrix))
+ (zip blocksizes (1--length blocksizes));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Positiv- and Nullstellensatz. Flag "linf" forces a linear representation. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let real_positivnullstellensatz_general linf d eqs leqs pol =
+ let vars = itlist ((o) union poly_variables) (pol::eqs @ map fst leqs) [] in
+ let monoid =
+ if linf then
+ (poly_const num_1,Rational_lt num_1)::
+ (filter (fun (p,c) -> multidegree p <= d) leqs)
+ else enumerate_products d leqs in
+ let nblocks = length monoid in
+ let mk_idmultiplier k p =
+ let e = d - multidegree p in
+ let mons = enumerate_monomials e vars in
+ let nons = zip mons (1--length mons) in
+ mons,
+ itlist (fun (m,n) -> (m |-> ((-k,-n,n) |=> Int 1))) nons undefined in
+ let mk_sqmultiplier k (p,c) =
+ let e = (d - multidegree p) / 2 in
+ let mons = enumerate_monomials e vars in
+ let nons = zip mons (1--length mons) in
+ mons,
+ itlist (fun (m1,n1) ->
+ itlist (fun (m2,n2) a ->
+ let m = monomial_mul m1 m2 in
+ if n1 > n2 then a else
+ let c = if n1 = n2 then Int 1 else Int 2 in
+ let e = tryapplyd a m undefined in
+ (m |-> equation_add ((k,n1,n2) |=> c) e) a)
+ nons)
+ nons undefined in
+ let sqmonlist,sqs = unzip(map2 mk_sqmultiplier (1--length monoid) monoid)
+ and idmonlist,ids = unzip(map2 mk_idmultiplier (1--length eqs) eqs) in
+ let blocksizes = map length sqmonlist in
+ let bigsum =
+ itlist2 (fun p q a -> epoly_pmul p q a) eqs ids
+ (itlist2 (fun (p,c) s a -> epoly_pmul p s a) monoid sqs
+ (epoly_of_poly(poly_neg pol))) in
+ let eqns = foldl (fun a m e -> e::a) [] bigsum in
+ let pvs,assig = eliminate_all_equations (0,0,0) eqns in
+ let qvars = (0,0,0)::pvs in
+ let allassig = itlist (fun v -> (v |-> (v |=> Int 1))) pvs assig in
+ let mk_matrix v =
+ foldl (fun m (b,i,j) ass -> if b < 0 then m else
+ let c = tryapplyd ass v (Int 0) in
+ if c =/ Int 0 then m else
+ ((b,j,i) |-> c) (((b,i,j) |-> c) m))
+ undefined allassig in
+ let diagents = foldl
+ (fun a (b,i,j) e -> if b > 0 & i = j then equation_add e a else a)
+ undefined allassig in
+ let mats = map mk_matrix qvars
+ and obj = length pvs,
+ itern 1 pvs (fun v i -> (i |--> tryapplyd diagents v (Int 0)))
+ undefined in
+ let raw_vec = if pvs = [] then vector_0 0
+ else scale_then (csdp nblocks blocksizes) obj mats in
+ let find_rounding d =
+ (if !debugging then
+ (Format.print_string("Trying rounding with limit "^string_of_num d);
+ Format.print_newline())
+ else ());
+ let vec = nice_vector d raw_vec in
+ let blockmat = iter (1,dim vec)
+ (fun i a -> bmatrix_add (bmatrix_cmul (element vec i) (el i mats)) a)
+ (bmatrix_neg (el 0 mats)) in
+ let allmats = blocks blocksizes blockmat in
+ vec,map diag allmats in
+ let vec,ratdias =
+ if pvs = [] then find_rounding num_1
+ else tryfind find_rounding (map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
+ map pow2 (5--66)) in
+ let newassigs =
+ itlist (fun k -> el (k - 1) pvs |-> element vec k)
+ (1--dim vec) ((0,0,0) |=> Int(-1)) in
+ let finalassigs =
+ foldl (fun a v e -> (v |-> equation_eval newassigs e) a) newassigs
+ allassig in
+ let poly_of_epoly p =
+ foldl (fun a v e -> (v |--> equation_eval finalassigs e) a)
+ undefined p in
+ let mk_sos mons =
+ let mk_sq (c,m) =
+ c,itlist (fun k a -> (el (k - 1) mons |--> element m k) a)
+ (1--length mons) undefined in
+ map mk_sq in
+ let sqs = map2 mk_sos sqmonlist ratdias
+ and cfs = map poly_of_epoly ids in
+ let msq = filter (fun (a,b) -> b <> []) (map2 (fun a b -> a,b) monoid sqs) in
+ let eval_sq sqs = itlist
+ (fun (c,q) -> poly_add (poly_cmul c (poly_mul q q))) sqs poly_0 in
+ let sanity =
+ itlist (fun ((p,c),s) -> poly_add (poly_mul p (eval_sq s))) msq
+ (itlist2 (fun p q -> poly_add (poly_mul p q)) cfs eqs
+ (poly_neg pol)) in
+ if not(is_undefined sanity) then raise Sanity else
+ cfs,map (fun (a,b) -> snd a,b) msq;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterative deepening. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec deepen f n =
+ try print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
+ print_int n; print_newline(); f n
+ with Failure _ -> deepen f (n + 1);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ordering so we can create canonical HOL polynomials. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let dest_monomial mon = sort (increasing fst) (graph mon);;
+let monomial_order =
+ let rec lexorder l1 l2 =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ [],[] -> true
+ | vps,[] -> false
+ | [],vps -> true
+ | ((x1,n1)::vs1),((x2,n2)::vs2) ->
+ if x1 < x2 then true
+ else if x2 < x1 then false
+ else if n1 < n2 then false
+ else if n2 < n1 then true
+ else lexorder vs1 vs2 in
+ fun m1 m2 ->
+ if m2 = monomial_1 then true else if m1 = monomial_1 then false else
+ let mon1 = dest_monomial m1 and mon2 = dest_monomial m2 in
+ let deg1 = itlist ((o) (+) snd) mon1 0
+ and deg2 = itlist ((o) (+) snd) mon2 0 in
+ if deg1 < deg2 then false else if deg1 > deg2 then true
+ else lexorder mon1 mon2;;
+let dest_poly p =
+ map (fun (m,c) -> c,dest_monomial m)
+ (sort (fun (m1,_) (m2,_) -> monomial_order m1 m2) (graph p));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Map back polynomials and their composites to HOL. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let term_of_varpow =
+ fun x k ->
+ if k = 1 then Var x else Pow (Var x, k);;
+let term_of_monomial =
+ fun m -> if m = monomial_1 then Const num_1 else
+ let m' = dest_monomial m in
+ let vps = itlist (fun (x,k) a -> term_of_varpow x k :: a) m' [] in
+ end_itlist (fun s t -> Mul (s,t)) vps;;
+let term_of_cmonomial =
+ fun (m,c) ->
+ if m = monomial_1 then Const c
+ else if c =/ num_1 then term_of_monomial m
+ else Mul (Const c,term_of_monomial m);;
+let term_of_poly =
+ fun p ->
+ if p = poly_0 then Zero else
+ let cms = map term_of_cmonomial
+ (sort (fun (m1,_) (m2,_) -> monomial_order m1 m2) (graph p)) in
+ end_itlist (fun t1 t2 -> Add (t1,t2)) cms;;
+let term_of_sqterm (c,p) =
+ Product(Rational_lt c,Square(term_of_poly p));;
+let term_of_sos (pr,sqs) =
+ if sqs = [] then pr
+ else Product(pr,end_itlist (fun a b -> Sum(a,b)) (map term_of_sqterm sqs));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Interface to HOL. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let REAL_NONLINEAR_PROVER translator (eqs,les,lts) =
+ let eq0 = map (poly_of_term o lhand o concl) eqs
+ and le0 = map (poly_of_term o lhand o concl) les
+ and lt0 = map (poly_of_term o lhand o concl) lts in
+ let eqp0 = map (fun (t,i) -> t,Axiom_eq i) (zip eq0 (0--(length eq0 - 1)))
+ and lep0 = map (fun (t,i) -> t,Axiom_le i) (zip le0 (0--(length le0 - 1)))
+ and ltp0 = map (fun (t,i) -> t,Axiom_lt i) (zip lt0 (0--(length lt0 - 1))) in
+ let keq,eq = partition (fun (p,_) -> multidegree p = 0) eqp0
+ and klep,lep = partition (fun (p,_) -> multidegree p = 0) lep0
+ and kltp,ltp = partition (fun (p,_) -> multidegree p = 0) ltp0 in
+ let trivial_axiom (p,ax) =
+ match ax with
+ Axiom_eq n when eval undefined p <>/ num_0 -> el n eqs
+ | Axiom_le n when eval undefined p </ num_0 -> el n les
+ | Axiom_lt n when eval undefined p <=/ num_0 -> el n lts
+ | _ -> failwith "not a trivial axiom" in
+ try let th = tryfind trivial_axiom (keq @ klep @ kltp) in
+ with Failure _ ->
+ let pol = itlist poly_mul (map fst ltp) (poly_const num_1) in
+ let leq = lep @ ltp in
+ let tryall d =
+ let e = multidegree pol in
+ let k = if e = 0 then 0 else d / e in
+ let eq' = map fst eq in
+ tryfind (fun i -> d,i,real_positivnullstellensatz_general false d eq' leq
+ (poly_neg(poly_pow pol i)))
+ (0--k) in
+ let d,i,(cert_ideal,cert_cone) = deepen tryall 0 in
+ let proofs_ideal =
+ map2 (fun q (p,ax) -> Eqmul(term_of_poly q,ax)) cert_ideal eq
+ and proofs_cone = map term_of_sos cert_cone
+ and proof_ne =
+ if ltp = [] then Rational_lt num_1 else
+ let p = end_itlist (fun s t -> Product(s,t)) (map snd ltp) in
+ funpow i (fun q -> Product(p,q)) (Rational_lt num_1) in
+ let proof = end_itlist (fun s t -> Sum(s,t))
+ (proof_ne :: proofs_ideal @ proofs_cone) in
+ print_string("Translating proof certificate to HOL");
+ print_newline();
+ translator (eqs,les,lts) proof;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A wrapper that tries to substitute away variables first. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ let zero = `&0:real`
+ and mul_tm = `( * ):real->real->real`
+ and shuffle1 =
+ CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV(REAL_ARITH `a + x = (y:real) <=> x = y - a`))
+ and shuffle2 =
+ CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV(REAL_ARITH `x + a = (y:real) <=> x = y - a`)) in
+ let rec substitutable_monomial fvs tm =
+ match tm with
+ Var(_,Tyapp("real",[])) when not (mem tm fvs) -> Int 1,tm
+ | Comb(Comb(Const("real_mul",_),c),(Var(_,_) as t))
+ when is_ratconst c & not (mem t fvs)
+ -> rat_of_term c,t
+ | Comb(Comb(Const("real_add",_),s),t) ->
+ (try substitutable_monomial (union (frees t) fvs) s
+ with Failure _ -> substitutable_monomial (union (frees s) fvs) t)
+ | _ -> failwith "substitutable_monomial"
+ and isolate_variable v th =
+ match lhs(concl th) with
+ x when x = v -> th
+ | Comb(Comb(Const("real_add",_),(Var(_,Tyapp("real",[])) as x)),t)
+ when x = v -> shuffle2 th
+ | Comb(Comb(Const("real_add",_),s),t) ->
+ isolate_variable v(shuffle1 th) in
+ let make_substitution th =
+ let (c,v) = substitutable_monomial [] (lhs(concl th)) in
+ let th1 = AP_TERM (mk_comb(mul_tm,term_of_rat(Int 1 // c))) th in
+ CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV REAL_POLY_CONV) (isolate_variable v th2) in
+ fun translator ->
+ let rec substfirst(eqs,les,lts) =
+ try let eth = tryfind make_substitution eqs in
+ let modify =
+ substfirst(filter (fun t -> lhand(concl t) <> zero) (map modify eqs),
+ map modify les,map modify lts)
+ with Failure _ -> REAL_NONLINEAR_PROVER translator (eqs,les,lts) in
+ substfirst;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Overall function. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let REAL_SOS =
+ fun tm -> let th = init tm in EQ_MP (SYM th) (pure(rand(concl th)));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add hacks for division. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ let inv_tm = `inv:real->real` in
+ let prenex_conv =
+ and core_rule t =
+ try REAL_ARITH t
+ with Failure _ -> try REAL_RING t
+ with Failure _ -> REAL_SOS t
+ and is_inv =
+ let is_div = is_binop `(/):real->real->real` in
+ fun tm -> (is_div tm or (is_comb tm & rator tm = inv_tm)) &
+ not(is_ratconst(rand tm)) in
+ let is_freeinv t = is_inv t & free_in t tm in
+ let itms = setify(map rand (find_terms is_freeinv tm)) in
+ let hyps = map (fun t -> SPEC t REAL_MUL_RINV) itms in
+ let tm' = itlist (fun th t -> mk_imp(concl th,t)) hyps tm in
+ let itms' = map (curry mk_comb inv_tm) itms in
+ let gvs = map (genvar o type_of) itms' in
+ let tm'' = subst (zip gvs itms') tm' in
+ let th1 = setup_conv tm'' in
+ let cjs = conjuncts(rand(concl th1)) in
+ let ths = map core_rule cjs in
+ let th2 = EQ_MP (SYM th1) (end_itlist CONJ ths) in
+ rev_itlist (C MP) hyps (INST (zip itms' gvs) th2) in
+ fun tm ->
+ let th0 = prenex_conv tm in
+ let tm0 = rand(concl th0) in
+ let avs,bod = strip_forall tm0 in
+ let th1 = setup_conv bod in
+ let ths = map BASIC_REAL_FIELD (conjuncts(rand(concl th1))) in
+ EQ_MP (SYM th0) (GENL avs (EQ_MP (SYM th1) (end_itlist CONJ ths)));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Integer version. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let INT_SOS =
+ let atom_CONV =
+ let pth = prove
+ (`(~(x <= y) <=> y + &1 <= x:int) /\
+ (~(x < y) <=> y <= x) /\
+ (~(x = y) <=> x + &1 <= y \/ y + &1 <= x) /\
+ (x < y <=> x + &1 <= y)`,
+ [int_eq; int_le; int_lt; int_ge; int_gt;
+ int_of_num_th; int_neg_th; int_add_th; int_mul_th;
+ int_sub_th; int_pow_th; int_abs_th; int_max_th; int_min_th] in
+ let base_CONV = TRY_CONV atom_CONV THENC bub_CONV in
+ (base_CONV,fun t -> base_CONV t,base_CONV(mk_neg t)) in
+ let init_CONV =
+ let p_tm = `p:bool`
+ and not_tm = `(~)` in
+ let pth = TAUT(mk_eq(mk_neg(mk_neg p_tm),p_tm)) in
+ fun tm ->
+ let th0 = INST [tm,p_tm] pth
+ and th1 = NNF_NORM_CONV(mk_neg tm) in
+ let th2 = REAL_SOS(mk_neg(rand(concl th1))) in
+ EQ_MP th0 (EQ_MP (AP_TERM not_tm (SYM th1)) th2);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Natural number version. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let SOS_RULE tm =
+ let avs = frees tm in
+ let tm' = list_mk_forall(avs,tm) in
+ let th1 = NUM_TO_INT_CONV tm' in
+ let th2 = INT_SOS (rand(concl th1)) in
+ SPECL avs (EQ_MP (SYM th1) th2);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Now pure SOS stuff. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Some combinatorial helper functions. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec allpermutations l =
+ if l = [] then [[]] else
+ itlist (fun h acc -> map (fun t -> h::t)
+ (allpermutations (subtract l [h])) @ acc) l [];;
+let allvarorders l =
+ map (fun vlis x -> index x vlis) (allpermutations l);;
+let changevariables_monomial zoln (m:monomial) =
+ foldl (fun a x k -> (assoc x zoln |-> k) a) monomial_1 m;;
+let changevariables zoln pol =
+ foldl (fun a m c -> (changevariables_monomial zoln m |-> c) a)
+ poly_0 pol;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Return to original non-block matrices. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sdpa_of_vector (v:vector) =
+ let n = dim v in
+ let strs = map (o (decimalize 20) (element v)) (1--n) in
+ end_itlist (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) strs ^ "\n";;
+let sdpa_of_blockdiagonal k m =
+ let pfx = string_of_int k ^" " in
+ let ents =
+ foldl (fun a (b,i,j) c -> if i > j then a else ((b,i,j),c)::a) [] m in
+ let entss = sort (increasing fst) ents in
+ itlist (fun ((b,i,j),c) a ->
+ pfx ^ string_of_int b ^ " " ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
+ " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) entss "";;
+let sdpa_of_matrix k (m:matrix) =
+ let pfx = string_of_int k ^ " 1 " in
+ let ms = foldr (fun (i,j) c a -> if i > j then a else ((i,j),c)::a)
+ (snd m) [] in
+ let mss = sort (increasing fst) ms in
+ itlist (fun ((i,j),c) a ->
+ pfx ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ string_of_int j ^
+ " " ^ decimalize 20 c ^ "\n" ^ a) mss "";;
+let sdpa_of_problem comment obj mats =
+ let m = length mats - 1
+ and n,_ = dimensions (hd mats) in
+ "\"" ^ comment ^ "\"\n" ^
+ string_of_int m ^ "\n" ^
+ "1\n" ^
+ string_of_int n ^ "\n" ^
+ sdpa_of_vector obj ^
+ itlist2 (fun k m a -> sdpa_of_matrix (k - 1) m ^ a)
+ (1--length mats) mats "";;
+let run_csdp dbg obj mats =
+ let input_file = Filename.temp_file "sos" ".dat-s" in
+ let output_file =
+ String.sub input_file 0 (String.length input_file - 6) ^ ".out"
+ and params_file = Filename.concat (!temp_path) "param.csdp" in
+ file_of_string input_file (sdpa_of_problem "" obj mats);
+ file_of_string params_file csdp_params;
+ let rv = Sys.command("cd "^(!temp_path)^"; csdp "^input_file ^
+ " " ^ output_file ^
+ (if dbg then "" else "> /dev/null")) in
+ let op = string_of_file output_file in
+ let res = parse_csdpoutput op in
+ ((if dbg then ()
+ else (Sys.remove input_file; Sys.remove output_file));
+ rv,res);;
+let csdp obj mats =
+ let rv,res = run_csdp (!debugging) obj mats in
+ (if rv = 1 or rv = 2 then failwith "csdp: Problem is infeasible"
+ else if rv = 3 then ()
+(* (Format.print_string "csdp warning: Reduced accuracy";
+ Format.print_newline()) *)
+ else if rv <> 0 then failwith("csdp: error "^string_of_int rv)
+ else ());
+ res;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sum-of-squares function with some lowbrow symmetry reductions. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let sumofsquares_general_symmetry tool pol =
+ let vars = poly_variables pol
+ and lpps = newton_polytope pol in
+ let n = length lpps in
+ let sym_eqs =
+ let invariants = filter
+ (fun vars' ->
+ is_undefined(poly_sub pol (changevariables (zip vars vars') pol)))
+ (allpermutations vars) in
+ let lpns = zip lpps (1--length lpps) in
+ let lppcs =
+ filter (fun (m,(n1,n2)) -> n1 <= n2)
+ (allpairs
+ (fun (m1,n1) (m2,n2) -> (m1,m2),(n1,n2)) lpns lpns) in
+ let clppcs = end_itlist (@)
+ (map (fun ((m1,m2),(n1,n2)) ->
+ map (fun vars' ->
+ (changevariables_monomial (zip vars vars') m1,
+ changevariables_monomial (zip vars vars') m2),(n1,n2))
+ invariants)
+ lppcs) in
+ let clppcs_dom = setify(map fst clppcs) in
+ let clppcs_cls = map (fun d -> filter (fun (e,_) -> e = d) clppcs)
+ clppcs_dom in
+ let eqvcls = map (o setify (map snd)) clppcs_cls in
+ let mk_eq cls acc =
+ match cls with
+ [] -> raise Sanity
+ | [h] -> acc
+ | h::t -> map (fun k -> (k |-> Int(-1)) (h |=> Int 1)) t @ acc in
+ itlist mk_eq eqvcls [] in
+ let eqs = foldl (fun a x y -> y::a) []
+ (itern 1 lpps (fun m1 n1 ->
+ itern 1 lpps (fun m2 n2 f ->
+ let m = monomial_mul m1 m2 in
+ if n1 > n2 then f else
+ let c = if n1 = n2 then Int 1 else Int 2 in
+ (m |-> ((n1,n2) |-> c) (tryapplyd f m undefined)) f))
+ (foldl (fun a m c -> (m |-> ((0,0)|=>c)) a)
+ undefined pol)) @
+ sym_eqs in
+ let pvs,assig = eliminate_all_equations (0,0) eqs in
+ let allassig = itlist (fun v -> (v |-> (v |=> Int 1))) pvs assig in
+ let qvars = (0,0)::pvs in
+ let diagents =
+ end_itlist equation_add (map (fun i -> apply allassig (i,i)) (1--n)) in
+ let mk_matrix v =
+ ((n,n),
+ foldl (fun m (i,j) ass -> let c = tryapplyd ass v (Int 0) in
+ if c =/ Int 0 then m else
+ ((j,i) |-> c) (((i,j) |-> c) m))
+ undefined allassig :matrix) in
+ let mats = map mk_matrix qvars
+ and obj = length pvs,
+ itern 1 pvs (fun v i -> (i |--> tryapplyd diagents v (Int 0)))
+ undefined in
+ let raw_vec = if pvs = [] then vector_0 0 else tool obj mats in
+ let find_rounding d =
+ (if !debugging then
+ (Format.print_string("Trying rounding with limit "^string_of_num d);
+ Format.print_newline())
+ else ());
+ let vec = nice_vector d raw_vec in
+ let mat = iter (1,dim vec)
+ (fun i a -> matrix_add (matrix_cmul (element vec i) (el i mats)) a)
+ (matrix_neg (el 0 mats)) in
+ deration(diag mat) in
+ let rat,dia =
+ if pvs = [] then
+ let mat = matrix_neg (el 0 mats) in
+ deration(diag mat)
+ else
+ tryfind find_rounding (map Num.num_of_int (1--31) @
+ map pow2 (5--66)) in
+ let poly_of_lin(d,v) =
+ d,foldl(fun a i c -> (el (i - 1) lpps |-> c) a) undefined (snd v) in
+ let lins = map poly_of_lin dia in
+ let sqs = map (fun (d,l) -> poly_mul (poly_const d) (poly_pow l 2)) lins in
+ let sos = poly_cmul rat (end_itlist poly_add sqs) in
+ if is_undefined(poly_sub sos pol) then rat,lins else raise Sanity;;
+let sumofsquares = sumofsquares_general_symmetry csdp;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pure HOL SOS conversion. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let SOS_CONV =
+ let mk_square =
+ let pow_tm = `(pow)` and two_tm = `2` in
+ fun tm -> mk_comb(mk_comb(pow_tm,tm),two_tm)
+ and mk_prod = mk_binop `( * )`
+ and mk_sum = mk_binop `(+)` in
+ fun tm ->
+ let k,sos = sumofsquares(poly_of_term tm) in
+ let mk_sqtm(c,p) =
+ mk_prod (term_of_rat(k */ c)) (mk_square(term_of_poly p)) in
+ let tm' = end_itlist mk_sum (map mk_sqtm sos) in
+ let th = REAL_POLY_CONV tm and th' = REAL_POLY_CONV tm' in
+ TRANS th (SYM th');;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Attempt to prove &0 <= x by direct SOS decomposition. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ let tac =
+let PURE_SOS tm = prove(tm,PURE_SOS_TAC);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Examples. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time REAL_SOS
+ `a1 >= &0 /\ a2 >= &0 /\
+ (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2 = b1 * b1 + b2 * b2 + &2) /\
+ (a1 * b1 + a2 * b2 = &0)
+ ==> a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 >= &0`;;
+time REAL_SOS `&3 * x + &7 * a < &4 /\ &3 < &2 * x ==> a < &0`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `b pow 2 < &4 * a * c ==> ~(a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0)`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `(a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) ==> b pow 2 >= &4 * a * c`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= x /\ x <= &1 /\ &0 <= y /\ y <= &1
+ ==> x pow 2 + y pow 2 < &1 \/
+ (x - &1) pow 2 + y pow 2 < &1 \/
+ x pow 2 + (y - &1) pow 2 < &1 \/
+ (x - &1) pow 2 + (y - &1) pow 2 < &1`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= b /\ &0 <= c /\ &0 <= x /\ &0 <= y /\
+ (x pow 2 = c) /\ (y pow 2 = a pow 2 * c + b)
+ ==> a * c <= y * x`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= x /\ &0 <= y /\ &0 <= z /\ x + y + z <= &3
+ ==> x * y + x * z + y * z >= &3 * x * y * z`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `(x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &1) ==> (x + y + z) pow 2 <= &3`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `(w pow 2 + x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &1)
+ ==> (w + x + y + z) pow 2 <= &4`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `x >= &1 /\ y >= &1 ==> x * y >= x + y - &1`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `x > &1 /\ y > &1 ==> x * y > x + y - &1`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `abs(x) <= &1
+ ==> abs(&64 * x pow 7 - &112 * x pow 5 + &56 * x pow 3 - &7 * x) <= &1`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `abs(x - z) <= e /\ abs(y - z) <= e /\ &0 <= u /\ &0 <= v /\ (u + v = &1)
+ ==> abs((u * x + v * y) - z) <= e`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* One component of denominator in dodecahedral example. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&2 <= x /\ x <= &125841 / &50000 /\
+ &2 <= y /\ y <= &125841 / &50000 /\
+ &2 <= z /\ z <= &125841 / &50000
+ ==> &2 * (x * z + x * y + y * z) - (x * x + y * y + z * z) >= &0`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Over a larger but simpler interval. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&2 <= x /\ x <= &4 /\ &2 <= y /\ y <= &4 /\ &2 <= z /\ z <= &4
+ ==> &0 <= &2 * (x * z + x * y + y * z) - (x * x + y * y + z * z)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* We can do 12. I think 12 is a sharp bound; see PP's certificate. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&2 <= x /\ x <= &4 /\ &2 <= y /\ y <= &4 /\ &2 <= z /\ z <= &4
+ ==> &12 <= &2 * (x * z + x * y + y * z) - (x * x + y * y + z * z)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Gloptipoly example. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*** This works but normalization takes minutes
+time REAL_SOS
+ `(x - y - &2 * x pow 4 = &0) /\ &0 <= x /\ x <= &2 /\ &0 <= y /\ y <= &3
+ ==> y pow 2 - &7 * y - &12 * x + &17 >= &0`;;
+ ***)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inequality from sci.math (see "Leon-Sotelo, por favor"). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= x /\ &0 <= y /\ (x * y = &1)
+ ==> x + y <= x pow 2 + y pow 2`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= x /\ &0 <= y /\ (x * y = &1)
+ ==> x * y * (x + y) <= x pow 2 + y pow 2`;;
+time REAL_SOS
+ `&0 <= x /\ &0 <= y ==> x * y * (x + y) pow 2 <= (x pow 2 + y pow 2) pow 2`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Some examples over integers and natural numbers. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time SOS_RULE `!m n. 2 * m + n = (n + m) + m`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!n. ~(n = 0) ==> (0 MOD n = 0)`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!m n. m < n ==> (m DIV n = 0)`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!n:num. n <= n * n`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!m n. n * (m DIV n) <= m`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!n. ~(n = 0) ==> (0 DIV n = 0)`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!m n p. ~(p = 0) /\ m <= n ==> m DIV p <= n DIV p`;;
+time SOS_RULE `!a b n. ~(a = 0) ==> (n <= b DIV a <=> a * n <= b)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This is particularly gratifying --- cf hideous manual proof in *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*** This doesn't now seem to work as well as it did; what changed?
+time SOS_RULE
+ `!a b c d. ~(b = 0) /\ b * c < (a + 1) * d ==> c DIV d <= a DIV b`;;
+ ***)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Key lemma for injectivity of Cantor-type pairing functions. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time SOS_RULE
+ `!x1 y1 x2 y2. ((x1 + y1) EXP 2 + x1 + 1 = (x2 + y2) EXP 2 + x2 + 1)
+ ==> (x1 + y1 = x2 + y2)`;;
+time SOS_RULE
+ `!x1 y1 x2 y2. ((x1 + y1) EXP 2 + x1 + 1 = (x2 + y2) EXP 2 + x2 + 1) /\
+ (x1 + y1 = x2 + y2)
+ ==> (x1 = x2) /\ (y1 = y2)`;;
+time SOS_RULE
+ `!x1 y1 x2 y2.
+ (((x1 + y1) EXP 2 + 3 * x1 + y1) DIV 2 =
+ ((x2 + y2) EXP 2 + 3 * x2 + y2) DIV 2)
+ ==> (x1 + y1 = x2 + y2)`;;
+time SOS_RULE
+ `!x1 y1 x2 y2.
+ (((x1 + y1) EXP 2 + 3 * x1 + y1) DIV 2 =
+ ((x2 + y2) EXP 2 + 3 * x2 + y2) DIV 2) /\
+ (x1 + y1 = x2 + y2)
+ ==> (x1 = x2) /\ (y1 = y2)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reciprocal multiplication (actually just ARITH_RULE does these). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time SOS_RULE `x <= 127 ==> ((86 * x) DIV 256 = x DIV 3)`;;
+time SOS_RULE `x < 2 EXP 16 ==> ((104858 * x) DIV (2 EXP 20) = x DIV 10)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* This is more impressive since it's really nonlinear. See REMAINDER_DECODE *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time SOS_RULE `0 < m /\ m < n ==> ((m * ((n * x) DIV m + 1)) DIV n = x)`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Some conversion examples. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&2 * x pow 4 + &2 * x pow 3 * y - x pow 2 * y pow 2 + &5 * y pow 4`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `x pow 4 - (&2 * y * z + &1) * x pow 2 +
+ (y pow 2 * z pow 2 + &2 * y * z + &2)`;;
+time SOS_CONV `&4 * x pow 4 +
+ &4 * x pow 3 * y - &7 * x pow 2 * y pow 2 - &2 * x * y pow 3 +
+ &10 * y pow 4`;;
+time SOS_CONV `&4 * x pow 4 * y pow 6 + x pow 2 - x * y pow 2 + y pow 2`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&4096 * (x pow 4 + x pow 2 + z pow 6 - &3 * x pow 2 * z pow 2) + &729`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&120 * x pow 2 - &63 * x pow 4 + &10 * x pow 6 +
+ &30 * x * y - &120 * y pow 2 + &120 * y pow 4 + &31`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&9 * x pow 2 * y pow 4 + &9 * x pow 2 * z pow 4 + &36 * x pow 2 * y pow 3 +
+ &36 * x pow 2 * y pow 2 - &48 * x * y * z pow 2 + &4 * y pow 4 +
+ &4 * z pow 4 - &16 * y pow 3 + &16 * y pow 2`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `(x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2) *
+ (x pow 4 * y pow 2 + x pow 2 * y pow 4 +
+ z pow 6 - &3 * x pow 2 * y pow 2 * z pow 2)`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `x pow 4 + y pow 4 + z pow 4 - &4 * x * y * z + x + y + z + &3`;;
+(*** I think this will work, but normalization is slow
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&100 * (x pow 4 + y pow 4 + z pow 4 - &4 * x * y * z + x + y + z) + &212`;;
+ ***)
+time SOS_CONV
+ `&100 * ((&2 * x - &2) pow 2 + (x pow 3 - &8 * x - &2) pow 2) - &588`;;
+time SOS_CONV
+ `x pow 2 * (&120 - &63 * x pow 2 + &10 * x pow 4) + &30 * x * y +
+ &30 * y pow 2 * (&4 * y pow 2 - &4) + &31`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Example of basic rule. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+time PURE_SOS
+ `!x. x pow 4 + y pow 4 + z pow 4 - &4 * x * y * z + x + y + z + &3
+ >= &1 / &7`;;
+time PURE_SOS
+ `&0 <= &98 * x pow 12 +
+ -- &980 * x pow 10 +
+ &3038 * x pow 8 +
+ -- &2968 * x pow 6 +
+ &1022 * x pow 4 +
+ -- &84 * x pow 2 +
+ &2`;;
+time PURE_SOS
+ `!x. &0 <= &2 * x pow 14 +
+ -- &84 * x pow 12 +
+ &1022 * x pow 10 +
+ -- &2968 * x pow 8 +
+ &3038 * x pow 6 +
+ -- &980 * x pow 4 +
+ &98 * x pow 2`;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* From Zeng et al, JSC vol 37 (2004), p83-99. *)
+(* All of them work nicely with pure SOS_CONV, except (maybe) the one noted. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ `x pow 6 + y pow 6 + z pow 6 - &3 * x pow 2 * y pow 2 * z pow 2 >= &0`;;
+PURE_SOS `x pow 4 + y pow 4 + z pow 4 + &1 - &4*x*y*z >= &0`;;
+PURE_SOS `x pow 4 + &2*x pow 2*z + x pow 2 - &2*x*y*z + &2*y pow 2*z pow 2 +
+&2*y*z pow 2 + &2*z pow 2 - &2*x + &2* y*z + &1 >= &0`;;
+(**** This is harder. Interestingly, this fails the pure SOS test, it seems.
+ Yet only on rounding(!?) Poor Newton polytope optimization or something?
+ But REAL_SOS does finally converge on the second run at level 12!
+`x pow 4*y pow 4 - &2*x pow 5*y pow 3*z pow 2 + x pow 6*y pow 2*z pow 4 + &2*x
+pow 2*y pow 3*z - &4* x pow 3*y pow 2*z pow 3 + &2*x pow 4*y*z pow 5 + z pow
+2*y pow 2 - &2*z pow 4*y*x + z pow 6*x pow 2 >= &0`;;
+ ****)
+`x pow 4 + &4*x pow 2*y pow 2 + &2*x*y*z pow 2 + &2*x*y*w pow 2 + y pow 4 + z
+pow 4 + w pow 4 + &2*z pow 2*w pow 2 + &2*x pow 2*w + &2*y pow 2*w + &2*x*y +
+&3*w pow 2 + &2*z pow 2 + &1 >= &0`;;
+`w pow 6 + &2*z pow 2*w pow 3 + x pow 4 + y pow 4 + z pow 4 + &2*x pow 2*w +
+&2*x pow 2*z + &3*x pow 2 + w pow 2 + &2*z*w + z pow 2 + &2*z + &2*w + &1 >=
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/sos.mli b/plugins/micromega/sos.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e38caba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/sos.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Sos_types
+type poly
+val poly_isconst : poly -> bool
+val poly_neg : poly -> poly
+val poly_mul : poly -> poly -> poly
+val poly_pow : poly -> int -> poly
+val poly_const : Num.num -> poly
+val poly_of_term : term -> poly
+val term_of_poly : poly -> term
+val term_of_sos : positivstellensatz * (Num.num * poly) list ->
+ positivstellensatz
+val string_of_poly : poly -> string
+val real_positivnullstellensatz_general : bool -> int -> poly list ->
+ (poly * positivstellensatz) list ->
+ poly -> poly list * (positivstellensatz * (Num.num * poly) list) list
+val sumofsquares : poly -> Num.num * ( Num.num * poly) list
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baf90d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* - This code originates from John Harrison's HOL LIGHT 2.30 *)
+(* (see file LICENSE.sos for license, copyright and disclaimer) *)
+(* This code is the HOL LIGHT library code used by *)
+(* - Laurent Théry ( has isolated the HOL *)
+(* independent bits *)
+(* - Frédéric Besson ( is using it to feed micromega *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+open Sos_types
+open Num
+open List
+let debugging = ref false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comparisons that are reflexive on NaN and also short-circuiting. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let (=?) = fun x y -> x y = 0;;
+let (<?) = fun x y -> x y < 0;;
+let (<=?) = fun x y -> x y <= 0;;
+let (>?) = fun x y -> x y > 0;;
+let (>=?) = fun x y -> x y >= 0;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Combinators. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let (o) = fun f g x -> f(g x);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Some useful functions on "num" type. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let num_0 = Int 0
+and num_1 = Int 1
+and num_2 = Int 2
+and num_10 = Int 10;;
+let pow2 n = power_num num_2 (Int n);;
+let pow10 n = power_num num_10 (Int n);;
+let numdom r =
+ let r' = Ratio.normalize_ratio (ratio_of_num r) in
+ num_of_big_int(Ratio.numerator_ratio r'),
+ num_of_big_int(Ratio.denominator_ratio r');;
+let numerator = (o) fst numdom
+and denominator = (o) snd numdom;;
+let gcd_num n1 n2 =
+ num_of_big_int(Big_int.gcd_big_int (big_int_of_num n1) (big_int_of_num n2));;
+let lcm_num x y =
+ if x =/ num_0 & y =/ num_0 then num_0
+ else abs_num((x */ y) // gcd_num x y);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* List basics. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec el n l =
+ if n = 0 then hd l else el (n - 1) (tl l);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Various versions of list iteration. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec itlist f l b =
+ match l with
+ [] -> b
+ | (h::t) -> f h (itlist f t b);;
+let rec end_itlist f l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> failwith "end_itlist"
+ | [x] -> x
+ | (h::t) -> f h (end_itlist f t);;
+let rec itlist2 f l1 l2 b =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ ([],[]) -> b
+ | (h1::t1,h2::t2) -> f h1 h2 (itlist2 f t1 t2 b)
+ | _ -> failwith "itlist2";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* All pairs arising from applying a function over two lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec allpairs f l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ h1::t1 -> itlist (fun x a -> f h1 x :: a) l2 (allpairs f t1 l2)
+ | [] -> [];;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* String operations (surely there is a better way...) *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let implode l = itlist (^) l "";;
+let explode s =
+ let rec exap n l =
+ if n < 0 then l else
+ exap (n - 1) ((String.sub s n 1)::l) in
+ exap (String.length s - 1) [];;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Attempting function or predicate applications. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let can f x = try (f x; true) with Failure _ -> false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Repetition of a function. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec funpow n f x =
+ if n < 1 then x else funpow (n-1) f (f x);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Replication and sequences. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec replicate x n =
+ if n < 1 then []
+ else x::(replicate x (n - 1));;
+let rec (--) = fun m n -> if m > n then [] else m::((m + 1) -- n);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Various useful list operations. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec forall p l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> true
+ | h::t -> p(h) & forall p t;;
+let rec tryfind f l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> failwith "tryfind"
+ | (h::t) -> try f h with Failure _ -> tryfind f t;;
+let index x =
+ let rec ind n l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> failwith "index"
+ | (h::t) -> if x =? h then n else ind (n + 1) t in
+ ind 0;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* "Set" operations on lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec mem x lis =
+ match lis with
+ [] -> false
+ | (h::t) -> x =? h or mem x t;;
+let insert x l =
+ if mem x l then l else x::l;;
+let union l1 l2 = itlist insert l1 l2;;
+let subtract l1 l2 = filter (fun x -> not (mem x l2)) l1;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Merging and bottom-up mergesort. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec merge ord l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ [] -> l2
+ | h1::t1 -> match l2 with
+ [] -> l1
+ | h2::t2 -> if ord h1 h2 then h1::(merge ord t1 l2)
+ else h2::(merge ord l1 t2);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Common measure predicates to use with "sort". *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let increasing f x y = f x <? f y;;
+let decreasing f x y = f x >? f y;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Zipping, unzipping etc. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec zip l1 l2 =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ ([],[]) -> []
+ | (h1::t1,h2::t2) -> (h1,h2)::(zip t1 t2)
+ | _ -> failwith "zip";;
+let rec unzip =
+ function [] -> [],[]
+ | ((a,b)::rest) -> let alist,blist = unzip rest in
+ (a::alist,b::blist);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterating functions over lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec do_list f l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ()
+ | (h::t) -> (f h; do_list f t);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sorting. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec sort cmp lis =
+ match lis with
+ [] -> []
+ | piv::rest ->
+ let r,l = partition (cmp piv) rest in
+ (sort cmp l) @ (piv::(sort cmp r));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Removing adjacent (NB!) equal elements from list. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec uniq l =
+ match l with
+ x::(y::_ as t) -> let t' = uniq t in
+ if x =? y then t' else
+ if t'==t then l else x::t'
+ | _ -> l;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Convert list into set by eliminating duplicates. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let setify s = uniq (sort (<=?) s);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Polymorphic finite partial functions via Patricia trees. *)
+(* *)
+(* The point of this strange representation is that it is canonical (equal *)
+(* functions have the same encoding) yet reasonably efficient on average. *)
+(* *)
+(* Idea due to Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons (OCaml list, 2003/11/10). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('a,'b)func =
+ Empty
+ | Leaf of int * ('a*'b)list
+ | Branch of int * int * ('a,'b)func * ('a,'b)func;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Undefined function. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let undefined = Empty;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* In case of equality comparison worries, better use this. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let is_undefined f =
+ match f with
+ Empty -> true
+ | _ -> false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Operation analagous to "map" for lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let mapf =
+ let rec map_list f l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ | (x,y)::t -> (x,f(y))::(map_list f t) in
+ let rec mapf f t =
+ match t with
+ Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf(h,l) -> Leaf(h,map_list f l)
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) -> Branch(p,b,mapf f l,mapf f r) in
+ mapf;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Operations analogous to "fold" for lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let foldl =
+ let rec foldl_list f a l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> a
+ | (x,y)::t -> foldl_list f (f a x y) t in
+ let rec foldl f a t =
+ match t with
+ Empty -> a
+ | Leaf(h,l) -> foldl_list f a l
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) -> foldl f (foldl f a l) r in
+ foldl;;
+let foldr =
+ let rec foldr_list f l a =
+ match l with
+ [] -> a
+ | (x,y)::t -> f x y (foldr_list f t a) in
+ let rec foldr f t a =
+ match t with
+ Empty -> a
+ | Leaf(h,l) -> foldr_list f l a
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) -> foldr f l (foldr f r a) in
+ foldr;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Redefinition and combination. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let (|->),combine =
+ let ldb x y = let z = x lxor y in z land (-z) in
+ let newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 =
+ let b = ldb p1 p2 in
+ let p = p1 land (b - 1) in
+ if p1 land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,t1,t2)
+ else Branch(p,b,t2,t1) in
+ let rec define_list (x,y as xy) l =
+ match l with
+ (a,b as ab)::t ->
+ if x =? a then xy::t
+ else if x <? a then xy::l
+ else ab::(define_list xy t)
+ | [] -> [xy]
+ and combine_list op z l1 l2 =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ [],_ -> l2
+ | _,[] -> l1
+ | ((x1,y1 as xy1)::t1,(x2,y2 as xy2)::t2) ->
+ if x1 <? x2 then xy1::(combine_list op z t1 l2)
+ else if x2 <? x1 then xy2::(combine_list op z l1 t2) else
+ let y = op y1 y2 and l = combine_list op z t1 t2 in
+ if z(y) then l else (x1,y)::l in
+ let (|->) x y =
+ let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
+ let rec upd t =
+ match t with
+ Empty -> Leaf (k,[x,y])
+ | Leaf(h,l) ->
+ if h = k then Leaf(h,define_list (x,y) l)
+ else newbranch h t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) ->
+ if k land (b - 1) <> p then newbranch p t k (Leaf(k,[x,y]))
+ else if k land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,upd l,r)
+ else Branch(p,b,l,upd r) in
+ upd in
+ let rec combine op z t1 t2 =
+ match (t1,t2) with
+ Empty,_ -> t2
+ | _,Empty -> t1
+ | Leaf(h1,l1),Leaf(h2,l2) ->
+ if h1 = h2 then
+ let l = combine_list op z l1 l2 in
+ if l = [] then Empty else Leaf(h1,l)
+ else newbranch h1 t1 h2 t2
+ | (Leaf(k,lis) as lf),(Branch(p,b,l,r) as br) |
+ (Branch(p,b,l,r) as br),(Leaf(k,lis) as lf) ->
+ if k land (b - 1) = p then
+ if k land b = 0 then
+ let l' = combine op z lf l in
+ if is_undefined l' then r else Branch(p,b,l',r)
+ else
+ let r' = combine op z lf r in
+ if is_undefined r' then l else Branch(p,b,l,r')
+ else
+ newbranch k lf p br
+ | Branch(p1,b1,l1,r1),Branch(p2,b2,l2,r2) ->
+ if b1 < b2 then
+ if p2 land (b1 - 1) <> p1 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
+ else if p2 land b1 = 0 then
+ let l = combine op z l1 t2 in
+ if is_undefined l then r1 else Branch(p1,b1,l,r1)
+ else
+ let r = combine op z r1 t2 in
+ if is_undefined r then l1 else Branch(p1,b1,l1,r)
+ else if b2 < b1 then
+ if p1 land (b2 - 1) <> p2 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
+ else if p1 land b2 = 0 then
+ let l = combine op z t1 l2 in
+ if is_undefined l then r2 else Branch(p2,b2,l,r2)
+ else
+ let r = combine op z t1 r2 in
+ if is_undefined r then l2 else Branch(p2,b2,l2,r)
+ else if p1 = p2 then
+ let l = combine op z l1 l2 and r = combine op z r1 r2 in
+ if is_undefined l then r
+ else if is_undefined r then l else Branch(p1,b1,l,r)
+ else
+ newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 in
+ (|->),combine;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special case of point function. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let (|=>) = fun x y -> (x |-> y) undefined;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Grab an arbitrary element. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec choose t =
+ match t with
+ Empty -> failwith "choose: completely undefined function"
+ | Leaf(h,l) -> hd l
+ | Branch(b,p,t1,t2) -> choose t1;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Application. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let applyd =
+ let rec apply_listd l d x =
+ match l with
+ (a,b)::t -> if x =? a then b
+ else if x >? a then apply_listd t d x else d x
+ | [] -> d x in
+ fun f d x ->
+ let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
+ let rec look t =
+ match t with
+ Leaf(h,l) when h = k -> apply_listd l d x
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) -> look (if k land b = 0 then l else r)
+ | _ -> d x in
+ look f;;
+let apply f = applyd f (fun x -> failwith "apply");;
+let tryapplyd f a d = applyd f (fun x -> d) a;;
+let defined f x = try apply f x; true with Failure _ -> false;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Undefinition. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let undefine =
+ let rec undefine_list x l =
+ match l with
+ (a,b as ab)::t ->
+ if x =? a then t
+ else if x <? a then l else
+ let t' = undefine_list x t in
+ if t' == t then l else ab::t'
+ | [] -> [] in
+ fun x ->
+ let k = Hashtbl.hash x in
+ let rec und t =
+ match t with
+ Leaf(h,l) when h = k ->
+ let l' = undefine_list x l in
+ if l' == l then t
+ else if l' = [] then Empty
+ else Leaf(h,l')
+ | Branch(p,b,l,r) when k land (b - 1) = p ->
+ if k land b = 0 then
+ let l' = und l in
+ if l' == l then t
+ else if is_undefined l' then r
+ else Branch(p,b,l',r)
+ else
+ let r' = und r in
+ if r' == r then t
+ else if is_undefined r' then l
+ else Branch(p,b,l,r')
+ | _ -> t in
+ und;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping to sorted-list representation of the graph, domain and range. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let graph f = setify (foldl (fun a x y -> (x,y)::a) [] f);;
+let dom f = setify(foldl (fun a x y -> x::a) [] f);;
+let ran f = setify(foldl (fun a x y -> y::a) [] f);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* More parser basics. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Noparse;;
+let isspace,issep,isbra,issymb,isalpha,isnum,isalnum =
+ let charcode s = Char.code(String.get s 0) in
+ let spaces = " \t\n\r"
+ and separators = ",;"
+ and brackets = "()[]{}"
+ and symbs = "\\!@#$%^&*-+|\\<=>/?~.:"
+ and alphas = "'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ and nums = "0123456789" in
+ let allchars = spaces^separators^brackets^symbs^alphas^nums in
+ let csetsize = itlist ((o) max charcode) (explode allchars) 256 in
+ let ctable = Array.make csetsize 0 in
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 1) (explode spaces);
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 2) (explode separators);
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 4) (explode brackets);
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 8) (explode symbs);
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 16) (explode alphas);
+ do_list (fun c -> Array.set ctable (charcode c) 32) (explode nums);
+ let isspace c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 1
+ and issep c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 2
+ and isbra c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 4
+ and issymb c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 8
+ and isalpha c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 16
+ and isnum c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) = 32
+ and isalnum c = Array.get ctable (charcode c) >= 16 in
+ isspace,issep,isbra,issymb,isalpha,isnum,isalnum;;
+let (||) parser1 parser2 input =
+ try parser1 input
+ with Noparse -> parser2 input;;
+let (++) parser1 parser2 input =
+ let result1,rest1 = parser1 input in
+ let result2,rest2 = parser2 rest1 in
+ (result1,result2),rest2;;
+let rec many prs input =
+ try let result,next = prs input in
+ let results,rest = many prs next in
+ (result::results),rest
+ with Noparse -> [],input;;
+let (>>) prs treatment input =
+ let result,rest = prs input in
+ treatment(result),rest;;
+let fix err prs input =
+ try prs input
+ with Noparse -> failwith (err ^ " expected");;
+let rec listof prs sep err =
+ prs ++ many (sep ++ fix err prs >> snd) >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t);;
+let possibly prs input =
+ try let x,rest = prs input in [x],rest
+ with Noparse -> [],input;;
+let some p =
+ function
+ [] -> raise Noparse
+ | (h::t) -> if p h then (h,t) else raise Noparse;;
+let a tok = some (fun item -> item = tok);;
+let rec atleast n prs i =
+ (if n <= 0 then many prs
+ else prs ++ atleast (n - 1) prs >> (fun (h,t) -> h::t)) i;;
+let finished input =
+ if input = [] then 0,input else failwith "Unparsed input";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let temp_path = ref Filename.temp_dir_name;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Convenient conversion between files and (lists of) strings. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let strings_of_file filename =
+ let fd = try Pervasives.open_in filename
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ failwith("strings_of_file: can't open "^filename) in
+ let rec suck_lines acc =
+ try let l = Pervasives.input_line fd in
+ suck_lines (l::acc)
+ with End_of_file -> rev acc in
+ let data = suck_lines [] in
+ (Pervasives.close_in fd; data);;
+let string_of_file filename =
+ end_itlist (fun s t -> s^"\n"^t) (strings_of_file filename);;
+let file_of_string filename s =
+ let fd = Pervasives.open_out filename in
+ output_string fd s; close_out fd;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterative deepening. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let rec deepen f n =
+ try (*print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
+ print_int n; print_newline();*) f n
+ with Failure _ -> deepen f (n + 1);;
+exception TooDeep
+let deepen_until limit f n =
+ match compare limit 0 with
+ | 0 -> raise TooDeep
+ | -1 -> deepen f n
+ | _ ->
+ let rec d_until f n =
+ try(* if !debugging
+ then (print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
+ print_int n; print_newline()) ;*) f n
+ with Failure x ->
+ (*if !debugging then (Printf.printf "solver error : %s\n" x) ; *)
+ if n = limit then raise TooDeep else d_until f (n + 1) in
+ d_until f n
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ b/plugins/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe481ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* The type of positivstellensatz -- used to communicate with sos *)
+open Num
+type vname = string;;
+type term =
+| Zero
+| Const of Num.num
+| Var of vname
+| Inv of term
+| Opp of term
+| Add of (term * term)
+| Sub of (term * term)
+| Mul of (term * term)
+| Div of (term * term)
+| Pow of (term * int);;
+let rec output_term o t =
+ match t with
+ | Zero -> output_string o "0"
+ | Const n -> output_string o (string_of_num n)
+ | Var n -> Printf.fprintf o "v%s" n
+ | Inv t -> Printf.fprintf o "1/(%a)" output_term t
+ | Opp t -> Printf.fprintf o "- (%a)" output_term t
+ | Add(t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)+(%a)" output_term t1 output_term t2
+ | Sub(t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)-(%a)" output_term t1 output_term t2
+ | Mul(t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)*(%a)" output_term t1 output_term t2
+ | Div(t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)/(%a)" output_term t1 output_term t2
+ | Pow(t1,i) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)^(%i)" output_term t1 i
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Data structure for Positivstellensatz refutations. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type positivstellensatz =
+ Axiom_eq of int
+ | Axiom_le of int
+ | Axiom_lt of int
+ | Rational_eq of num
+ | Rational_le of num
+ | Rational_lt of num
+ | Square of term
+ | Monoid of int list
+ | Eqmul of term * positivstellensatz
+ | Sum of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz
+ | Product of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz;;
+let rec output_psatz o = function
+ | Axiom_eq i -> Printf.fprintf o "Aeq(%i)" i
+ | Axiom_le i -> Printf.fprintf o "Ale(%i)" i
+ | Axiom_lt i -> Printf.fprintf o "Alt(%i)" i
+ | Rational_eq n -> Printf.fprintf o "eq(%s)" (string_of_num n)
+ | Rational_le n -> Printf.fprintf o "le(%s)" (string_of_num n)
+ | Rational_lt n -> Printf.fprintf o "lt(%s)" (string_of_num n)
+ | Square t -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)^2" output_term t
+ | Monoid l -> Printf.fprintf o "monoid"
+ | Eqmul (t,ps) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a * %a" output_term t output_psatz ps
+ | Sum (t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a + %a" output_psatz t1 output_psatz t2
+ | Product (t1,t2) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a * %a" output_psatz t1 output_psatz t2
diff --git a/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget b/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30201308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/micromega/vo.itarget
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@