path: root/plugins/decl_mode/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:08:29 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:08:29 +0100
commit23a6061a81ffa0c214d521287b6af0a31bfa22f0 (patch)
treef1ca9ba9240b98b8695a9f1870e56602734cf97c /plugins/decl_mode/
parentde109d8c0c68f569b907e6e24271f259ba28888e (diff)
parent39efc41237ec906226a3a53d7396d51173495204 (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.4_beta+dfsg' into experimental/master
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/decl_mode/')
1 files changed, 1501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/decl_mode/ b/plugins/decl_mode/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1553b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/decl_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,1501 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Evd
+open Refiner
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Tacinterp
+open Decl_expr
+open Decl_mode
+open Decl_interp
+open Glob_term
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Declarations
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Namegen
+open Reductionops
+open Goptions
+(* Strictness option *)
+let get_its_info gls = get_info gls.sigma
+let get_strictness,set_strictness =
+ let strictness = ref false in
+ (fun () -> (!strictness)),(fun b -> strictness:=b)
+let _ =
+ declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "strict mode";
+ optkey = ["Strict";"Proofs"];
+ optread = get_strictness;
+ optwrite = set_strictness }
+let tcl_change_info_gen info_gen =
+ (fun gls ->
+ let concl = pf_concl gls in
+ let hyps = Goal.V82.hyps (project gls) (sig_it gls) in
+ let extra = Goal.V82.extra (project gls) (sig_it gls) in
+ let (gl,ev,sigma) = Goal.V82.mk_goal (project gls) hyps concl (info_gen extra) in
+ let sigma = Goal.V82.partial_solution sigma (sig_it gls) ev in
+ { it = [gl] ; sigma= sigma } )
+open Store.Field
+let tcl_change_info info gls =
+ let info_gen = info in
+ tcl_change_info_gen info_gen gls
+let tcl_erase_info gls = tcl_change_info_gen ( gls
+let special_whd gl=
+ let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betadeltaiota (pf_env gl) in
+ (fun t -> Closure.whd_val infos (Closure.inject t))
+let special_nf gl=
+ let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betaiotazeta (pf_env gl) in
+ (fun t -> Closure.norm_val infos (Closure.inject t))
+let is_good_inductive env ind =
+ let mib,oib = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ oib.mind_nrealargs = 0 && not (Inductiveops.mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,oib))
+let check_not_per pts =
+ if not (Proof.is_done pts) then
+ match get_stack pts with
+ Per (_,_,_,_)::_ ->
+ error "You are inside a proof per cases/induction.\n\
+Please \"suppose\" something or \"end\" it now."
+ | _ -> ()
+let mk_evd metalist gls =
+ let evd0= create_goal_evar_defs (sig_sig gls) in
+ let add_one (meta,typ) evd =
+ meta_declare meta typ evd in
+ List.fold_right add_one metalist evd0
+let is_tmp id = (string_of_id id).[0] = '_'
+let tmp_ids gls =
+ let ctx = pf_hyps gls in
+ match ctx with
+ [] -> []
+ | _::q -> List.filter is_tmp (ids_of_named_context q)
+let clean_tmp gls =
+ let clean_id id0 gls0 =
+ tclTRY (clear [id0]) gls0 in
+ let rec clean_all = function
+ [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | id :: rest -> tclTHEN (clean_id id) (clean_all rest)
+ in
+ clean_all (tmp_ids gls) gls
+let assert_postpone id t =
+ assert_tac (Name id) t
+(* start a proof *)
+let start_proof_tac gls=
+ let info={pm_stack=[]} in
+ tcl_change_info info gls
+let go_to_proof_mode () =
+ start_proof_tac;
+ let p = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in
+ Decl_mode.focus p
+(* closing gaps *)
+let daimon_tac gls =
+ set_daimon_flag ();
+ {it=[];sigma=sig_sig gls}
+(* marking closed blocks *)
+let rec is_focussing_instr = function
+ Pthus i | Pthen i | Phence i -> is_focussing_instr i
+ | Pescape | Pper _ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _
+ | Psuppose _ | Pcase (_,_,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let mark_rule_as_done = function
+ Decl_proof true -> Decl_proof false
+ | Decl_proof false ->
+ anomaly "already marked as done"
+ | _ -> anomaly "mark_rule_as_done"
+(* post-instruction focus management *)
+(* spiwack: This used to fail if there was no focusing command
+ above, but I don't think it ever happened. I hope it doesn't mess
+ things up*)
+let goto_current_focus pts =
+ Decl_mode.maximal_unfocus pts
+let goto_current_focus_or_top pts =
+ goto_current_focus pts
+(* return *)
+let close_tactic_mode pts =
+ try goto_current_focus pts
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "\"return\" cannot be used outside of Declarative Proof Mode."
+let return_from_tactic_mode () =
+ close_tactic_mode (Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ())
+(* end proof/claim *)
+let close_block bt pts =
+ if Proof.no_focused_goal pts then
+ goto_current_focus pts
+ else
+ let stack =
+ if Proof.is_done pts then
+ get_top_stack pts
+ else
+ get_stack pts
+ in
+ match bt,stack with
+ B_claim, Claim::_ | B_focus, Focus_claim::_ | B_proof, [] ->
+ (goto_current_focus pts)
+ | _, Claim::_ ->
+ error "\"end claim\" expected."
+ | _, Focus_claim::_ ->
+ error "\"end focus\" expected."
+ | _, [] ->
+ error "\"end proof\" expected."
+ | _, (Per (et,_,_,_)::_|Suppose_case::Per (et,_,_,_)::_) ->
+ begin
+ match et with
+ ET_Case_analysis -> error "\"end cases\" expected."
+ | ET_Induction -> error "\"end induction\" expected."
+ end
+ | _,_ -> anomaly "Lonely suppose on stack."
+(* utility for suppose / suppose it is *)
+let close_previous_case pts =
+ if
+ Proof.is_done pts
+ then
+ match get_top_stack pts with
+ Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> anomaly "Weird case occured ..."
+ | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ ->
+ goto_current_focus (pts)
+ | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction."
+ else
+ match get_stack pts with
+ Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> ()
+ | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ ->
+ goto_current_focus ((pts))
+ | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction."
+(* Proof instructions *)
+(* automation *)
+let filter_hyps f gls =
+ let filter_aux (id,_,_) =
+ if f id then
+ tclIDTAC
+ else
+ tclTRY (clear [id]) in
+ tclMAP filter_aux (pf_hyps gls) gls
+let local_hyp_prefix = id_of_string "___"
+let add_justification_hyps keep items gls =
+ let add_aux c gls=
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ Var id ->
+ keep:=Idset.add id !keep;
+ tclIDTAC gls
+ | _ ->
+ let id=pf_get_new_id local_hyp_prefix gls in
+ keep:=Idset.add id !keep;
+ tclTHEN (letin_tac None (Names.Name id) c None Tacexpr.nowhere)
+ (thin_body [id]) gls in
+ tclMAP add_aux items gls
+let prepare_goal items gls =
+ let tokeep = ref Idset.empty in
+ let auxres = add_justification_hyps tokeep items gls in
+ [ (fun _ -> auxres);
+ filter_hyps (let keep = !tokeep in fun id -> Idset.mem id keep)] gls
+let my_automation_tac = ref
+ (fun gls -> anomaly "No automation registered")
+let register_automation_tac tac = my_automation_tac:= tac
+let automation_tac gls = !my_automation_tac gls
+let justification tac gls=
+ (tclSOLVE [tclTHEN tac assumption])
+ (fun gls ->
+ if get_strictness () then
+ error "Insufficient justification."
+ else
+ begin
+ msg_warning (str "Insufficient justification.");
+ daimon_tac gls
+ end) gls
+let default_justification elems gls=
+ justification (tclTHEN (prepare_goal elems) automation_tac) gls
+(* code for conclusion refining *)
+let constant dir s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant "Declarative" dir s)
+let _and = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and"
+let _and_rect = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and_rect"
+let _prod = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod"
+let _prod_rect = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod_rect"
+let _ex = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex"
+let _ex_ind = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex_ind"
+let _sig = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig"
+let _sig_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig_rect"
+let _sigT = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT"
+let _sigT_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT_rect"
+type stackd_elt =
+ se_type:types;
+ se_last_meta:metavariable;
+ se_meta_list:(metavariable*types) list;
+ se_evd: evar_map}
+let rec replace_in_list m l = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | c::q -> if m=fst c then l@q else c::replace_in_list m l q
+let enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls=
+ let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls se.se_type) in
+ match kind_of_term hd with
+ Ind ind when is_good_inductive env ind ->
+ let mib,oib=
+ Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let gentypes=
+ Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind (mib,oib) in
+ let process i gentyp =
+ let constructor = mkConstruct(ind,succ i)
+ (* constructors numbering*) in
+ let appterm = applist (constructor,params) in
+ let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentyp params in
+ let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in
+ let rec meta_aux last lenv = function
+ [] -> (last,lenv,[])
+ | (nam,_,typ)::q ->
+ let nlast=succ last in
+ let (llast,holes,metas) =
+ meta_aux nlast (mkMeta nlast :: lenv) q in
+ (llast,holes,(nlast,special_nf gls (substl lenv typ))::metas) in
+ let (nlast,holes,nmetas) =
+ meta_aux se.se_last_meta [] (List.rev rc) in
+ let refiner = applist (appterm,List.rev holes) in
+ let evd = meta_assign se.se_meta
+ (refiner,(Conv,TypeProcessed (* ? *))) se.se_evd in
+ let ncreated = replace_in_list
+ se.se_meta nmetas se.se_meta_list in
+ let evd0 = List.fold_left
+ (fun evd (m,typ) -> meta_declare m typ evd) evd nmetas in
+ List.iter (fun (m,typ) ->
+ Stack.push
+ {se_meta=m;
+ se_type=typ;
+ se_evd=evd0;
+ se_meta_list=ncreated;
+ se_last_meta=nlast} stack) (List.rev nmetas)
+ in
+ Array.iteri process gentypes
+ | _ -> ()
+let rec nf_list evd =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | (m,typ)::others ->
+ if meta_defined evd m then
+ nf_list evd others
+ else
+ (m,nf_meta evd typ)::nf_list evd others
+let find_subsubgoal c ctyp skip submetas gls =
+ let env= pf_env gls in
+ let concl = pf_concl gls in
+ let evd = mk_evd ((0,concl)::submetas) gls in
+ let stack = Stack.create () in
+ let max_meta =
+ List.fold_left (fun a (m,_) -> max a m) 0 submetas in
+ let _ = Stack.push
+ {se_meta=0;
+ se_type=concl;
+ se_last_meta=max_meta;
+ se_meta_list=[0,concl];
+ se_evd=evd} stack in
+ let rec dfs n =
+ let se = Stack.pop stack in
+ try
+ let unifier =
+ Unification.w_unify env se.se_evd Reduction.CUMUL
+ ~flags:Unification.elim_flags ctyp se.se_type in
+ if n <= 0 then
+ {se with
+ se_evd=meta_assign se.se_meta
+ (c,(Conv,TypeNotProcessed (* ?? *))) unifier;
+ se_meta_list=replace_in_list
+ se.se_meta submetas se.se_meta_list}
+ else
+ dfs (pred n)
+ with _ ->
+ begin
+ enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls;
+ dfs n
+ end in
+ let nse= try dfs skip with Stack.Empty -> raise Not_found in
+ nf_list nse.se_evd nse.se_meta_list,nf_meta nse.se_evd (mkMeta 0)
+let concl_refiner metas body gls =
+ let concl = pf_concl gls in
+ let evd = sig_sig gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ let sort = family_of_sort (Typing.sort_of env evd concl) in
+ let rec aux env avoid subst = function
+ [] -> anomaly "concl_refiner: cannot happen"
+ | (n,typ)::rest ->
+ let _A = subst_meta subst typ in
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar env _A Anonymous in
+ let _x = fresh_id avoid x gls in
+ let nenv = Environ.push_named (_x,None,_A) env in
+ let asort = family_of_sort (Typing.sort_of nenv evd _A) in
+ let nsubst = (n,mkVar _x)::subst in
+ if rest = [] then
+ asort,_A,mkNamedLambda _x _A (subst_meta nsubst body)
+ else
+ let bsort,_B,nbody =
+ aux nenv (_x::avoid) ((n,mkVar _x)::subst) rest in
+ let body = mkNamedLambda _x _A nbody in
+ if occur_term (mkVar _x) _B then
+ begin
+ let _P = mkNamedLambda _x _A _B in
+ match bsort,sort with
+ InProp,InProp ->
+ let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _ex,[|_A;_P|]) in
+ InProp,_AxB,
+ mkApp(Lazy.force _ex_ind,[|_A;_P;concl;body|])
+ | InProp,_ ->
+ let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sig,[|_A;_P|]) in
+ let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
+ InType,_AxB,
+ mkApp(Lazy.force _sig_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|])
+ | _,_ ->
+ let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT,[|_A;_P|]) in
+ let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
+ InType,_AxB,
+ mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|])
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ match asort,bsort with
+ InProp,InProp ->
+ let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _and,[|_A;_B|]) in
+ InProp,_AxB,
+ mkApp(Lazy.force _and_rect,[|_A;_B;concl;body|])
+ |_,_ ->
+ let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _prod,[|_A;_B|]) in
+ let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
+ InType,_AxB,
+ mkApp(Lazy.force _prod_rect,[|_A;_B;_P0;body|])
+ end
+ in
+ let (_,_,prf) = aux env [] [] metas in
+ mkApp(prf,[|mkMeta 1|])
+let thus_tac c ctyp submetas gls =
+ let list,proof =
+ try
+ find_subsubgoal c ctyp 0 submetas gls
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "I could not relate this statement to the thesis." in
+ if list = [] then
+ exact_check proof gls
+ else
+ let refiner = concl_refiner list proof gls in
+ Tactics.refine refiner gls
+(* general forward step *)
+let mk_stat_or_thesis info gls = function
+ This c -> c
+ | Thesis (For _ ) ->
+ error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here."
+ | Thesis Plain -> pf_concl gls
+let just_tac _then cut info gls0 =
+ let last_item = if _then then
+ let last_id = try get_last (pf_env gls0) with Failure _ ->
+ error "\"then\" and \"hence\" require at least one previous fact" in
+ [mkVar last_id]
+ else []
+ in
+ let items_tac gls =
+ match cut.cut_by with
+ None -> tclIDTAC gls
+ | Some items -> prepare_goal (last_item@items) gls in
+ let method_tac gls =
+ match cut.cut_using with
+ None ->
+ automation_tac gls
+ | Some tac ->
+ (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) gls in
+ justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls0
+let instr_cut mkstat _thus _then cut gls0 =
+ let info = get_its_info gls0 in
+ let stat = cut.cut_stat in
+ let (c_id,_) = match stat.st_label with
+ Anonymous ->
+ pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_fact") gls0,false
+ | Name id -> id,true in
+ let c_stat = mkstat info gls0 stat.st_it in
+ let thus_tac gls=
+ if _thus then
+ thus_tac (mkVar c_id) c_stat [] gls
+ else tclIDTAC gls in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)
+ [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info (just_tac _then cut info);
+ thus_tac] gls0
+(* iterated equality *)
+let _eq = Libnames.constr_of_global (Coqlib.glob_eq)
+let decompose_eq id gls =
+ let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
+ let whd = (special_whd gls typ) in
+ match kind_of_term whd with
+ App (f,args)->
+ if eq_constr f _eq && (Array.length args)=3
+ then (args.(0),
+ args.(1),
+ args.(2))
+ else error "Previous step is not an equality."
+ | _ -> error "Previous step is not an equality."
+let instr_rew _thus rew_side cut gls0 =
+ let last_id =
+ try get_last (pf_env gls0) with _ -> error "No previous equality." in
+ let typ,lhs,rhs = decompose_eq last_id gls0 in
+ let items_tac gls =
+ match cut.cut_by with
+ None -> tclIDTAC gls
+ | Some items -> prepare_goal items gls in
+ let method_tac gls =
+ match cut.cut_using with
+ None ->
+ automation_tac gls
+ | Some tac ->
+ (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) gls in
+ let just_tac gls =
+ justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls in
+ let (c_id,_) = match cut.cut_stat.st_label with
+ Anonymous ->
+ pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_eq") gls0,false
+ | Name id -> id,true in
+ let thus_tac new_eq gls=
+ if _thus then
+ thus_tac (mkVar c_id) new_eq [] gls
+ else tclIDTAC gls in
+ match rew_side with
+ Lhs ->
+ let new_eq = mkApp(_eq,[|typ;cut.cut_stat.st_it;rhs|]) in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)
+ [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info
+ (tclTHENS (transitivity lhs)
+ [just_tac;exact_check (mkVar last_id)]);
+ thus_tac new_eq] gls0
+ | Rhs ->
+ let new_eq = mkApp(_eq,[|typ;lhs;cut.cut_stat.st_it|]) in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)
+ [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info
+ (tclTHENS (transitivity rhs)
+ [exact_check (mkVar last_id);just_tac]);
+ thus_tac new_eq] gls0
+(* tactics for claim/focus *)
+let instr_claim _thus st gls0 =
+ let info = get_its_info gls0 in
+ let (id,_) = match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_claim") gls0,false
+ | Name id -> id,true in
+ let thus_tac gls=
+ if _thus then
+ thus_tac (mkVar id) st.st_it [] gls
+ else tclIDTAC gls in
+ let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=
+ (if _thus then Focus_claim else Claim)::info.pm_stack} in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone id st.st_it)
+ [thus_tac;
+ tcl_change_info ninfo1] gls0
+(* tactics for assume *)
+let push_intro_tac coerce nam gls =
+ let (hid,_) =
+ match nam with
+ Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_hyp") gls,false
+ | Name id -> id,true in
+ [intro_mustbe_force hid;
+ coerce hid]
+ gls
+let assume_tac hyps gls =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (Hvar st | Hprop st) ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (push_intro_tac
+ (fun id ->
+ convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it)) st.st_label))
+ hyps tclIDTAC gls
+let assume_hyps_or_theses hyps gls =
+ List.fold_right
+ (function
+ (Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c} | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c}) ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (push_intro_tac
+ (fun id ->
+ convert_hyp (id,None,c)) nam)
+ | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=Thesis (tk)} ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (push_intro_tac
+ (fun id -> tclIDTAC) nam))
+ hyps tclIDTAC gls
+let assume_st hyps gls =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun st ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (push_intro_tac
+ (fun id -> convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it)) st.st_label))
+ hyps tclIDTAC gls
+let assume_st_letin hyps gls =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun st ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (push_intro_tac
+ (fun id ->
+ convert_hyp (id,Some (fst st.st_it),snd st.st_it)) st.st_label))
+ hyps tclIDTAC gls
+(* suffices *)
+let rec metas_from n hyps =
+ match hyps with
+ _ :: q -> n :: metas_from (succ n) q
+ | [] -> []
+let rec build_product args body =
+ match args with
+ (Hprop st| Hvar st )::rest ->
+ let pprod= lift 1 (build_product rest body) in
+ let lbody =
+ match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> pprod
+ | Name id -> subst_term (mkVar id) pprod in
+ mkProd (st.st_label, st.st_it, lbody)
+ | [] -> body
+let rec build_applist prod = function
+ [] -> [],prod
+ | n::q ->
+ let (_,typ,_) = destProd prod in
+ let ctx,head = build_applist (Term.prod_applist prod [mkMeta n]) q in
+ (n,typ)::ctx,head
+let instr_suffices _then cut gls0 =
+ let info = get_its_info gls0 in
+ let c_id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_cofact") gls0 in
+ let ctx,hd = cut.cut_stat in
+ let c_stat = build_product ctx (mk_stat_or_thesis info gls0 hd) in
+ let metas = metas_from 1 ctx in
+ let c_ctx,c_head = build_applist c_stat metas in
+ let c_term = applist (mkVar c_id, mkMeta metas) in
+ let thus_tac gls=
+ thus_tac c_term c_head c_ctx gls in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)
+ [ assume_tac ctx;
+ tcl_erase_info;
+ just_tac _then cut info];
+ thus_tac] gls0
+(* tactics for consider/given *)
+let conjunction_arity id gls =
+ let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
+ let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls typ) in
+ let env =pf_env gls in
+ match kind_of_term hd with
+ Ind ind when is_good_inductive env ind ->
+ let mib,oib=
+ Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let gentypes=
+ Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind (mib,oib) in
+ let _ = if Array.length gentypes <> 1 then raise Not_found in
+ let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentypes.(0) params in
+ let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in
+ List.length rc
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec intron_then n ids ltac gls =
+ if n<=0 then
+ ltac ids gls
+ else
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
+ tclTHEN
+ (intro_mustbe_force id)
+ (intron_then (pred n) (id::ids) ltac) gls
+let rec consider_match may_intro introduced available expected gls =
+ match available,expected with
+ [],[] ->
+ tclIDTAC gls
+ | _,[] -> error "Last statements do not match a complete hypothesis."
+ (* should tell which ones *)
+ | [],hyps ->
+ if may_intro then
+ begin
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
+ (intro_mustbe_force id)
+ (consider_match true [] [id] hyps)
+ (fun _ ->
+ error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements.")
+ gls
+ end
+ else
+ error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements."
+ (* should tell which ones *)
+ | id::rest_ids,(Hvar st | Hprop st)::rest ->
+ tclIFTHENELSE (convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it))
+ begin
+ match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous ->
+ consider_match may_intro ((id,false)::introduced) rest_ids rest
+ | Name hid ->
+ [rename_hyp [id,hid];
+ consider_match may_intro ((hid,true)::introduced) rest_ids rest]
+ end
+ begin
+ (fun gls ->
+ let nhyps =
+ try conjunction_arity id gls with
+ Not_found -> error "Matching hypothesis not found." in
+ [general_case_analysis false (mkVar id,NoBindings);
+ intron_then nhyps []
+ (fun l -> consider_match may_intro introduced
+ (List.rev_append l rest_ids) expected)] gls)
+ end
+ gls
+let consider_tac c hyps gls =
+ match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c) with
+ Var id ->
+ consider_match false [] [id] hyps gls
+ | _ ->
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
+ tclTHEN
+ (forward None (Some (dummy_loc, Genarg.IntroIdentifier id)) c)
+ (consider_match false [] [id] hyps) gls
+let given_tac hyps gls =
+ consider_match true [] [] hyps gls
+(* tactics for take *)
+let rec take_tac wits gls =
+ match wits with
+ [] -> tclIDTAC gls
+ | wit::rest ->
+ let typ = pf_type_of gls wit in
+ tclTHEN (thus_tac wit typ []) (take_tac rest) gls
+(* tactics for define *)
+let rec build_function args body =
+ match args with
+ st::rest ->
+ let pfun= lift 1 (build_function rest body) in
+ let id = match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> assert false
+ | Name id -> id in
+ mkLambda (Name id, st.st_it, subst_term (mkVar id) pfun)
+ | [] -> body
+let define_tac id args body gls =
+ let t = build_function args body in
+ letin_tac None (Name id) t None Tacexpr.nowhere gls
+(* tactics for reconsider *)
+let cast_tac id_or_thesis typ gls =
+ match id_or_thesis with
+ This id ->
+ let (_,body,_) = pf_get_hyp gls id in
+ convert_hyp (id,body,typ) gls
+ | Thesis (For _ ) ->
+ error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here."
+ | Thesis Plain ->
+ convert_concl typ DEFAULTcast gls
+(* per cases *)
+let is_rec_pos (main_ind,wft) =
+ match main_ind with
+ None -> false
+ | Some index ->
+ match fst (Rtree.dest_node wft) with
+ Mrec (_,i) when i = index -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec constr_trees (main_ind,wft) ind =
+ match Rtree.dest_node wft with
+ Norec,_ ->
+ let itree =
+ (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).mind_recargs in
+ constr_trees (None,itree) ind
+ | _,constrs -> main_ind,constrs
+let ind_args rp ind =
+ let main_ind,constrs = constr_trees rp ind in
+ let args ctree =
+ (fun t -> main_ind,t) (snd (Rtree.dest_node ctree)) in
+ args constrs
+let init_tree ids ind rp nexti =
+ let indargs = ind_args rp ind in
+ let do_i i arp = ( is_rec_pos arp),nexti i arp in
+ Split_patt (ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i indargs)
+let map_tree_rp rp id_fun mapi = function
+ Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) ->
+ let indargs = ind_args rp ind in
+ let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i indargs.(i) bri in
+ Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches)
+ | _ -> failwith "map_tree_rp: not a splitting node"
+let map_tree id_fun mapi = function
+ Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) ->
+ let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i bri in
+ Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches)
+ | _ -> failwith "map_tree: not a splitting node"
+let start_tree env ind rp =
+ init_tree Idset.empty ind rp (fun _ _ -> None)
+let build_per_info etype casee gls =
+ let concl=pf_concl gls in
+ let env=pf_env gls in
+ let ctyp=pf_type_of gls casee in
+ let is_dep = dependent casee concl in
+ let hd,args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in
+ let ind =
+ try
+ destInd hd
+ with _ ->
+ error "Case analysis must be done on an inductive object." in
+ let mind,oind = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams,index =
+ match etype with
+ ET_Induction -> mind.mind_nparams_rec,Some (snd ind)
+ | _ -> mind.mind_nparams,None in
+ let params,real_args = list_chop nparams args in
+ let abstract_obj c body =
+ let typ=pf_type_of gls c in
+ lambda_create env (typ,subst_term c body) in
+ let pred= List.fold_right abstract_obj
+ real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term casee concl)) in
+ is_dep,
+ {per_casee=casee;
+ per_ctype=ctyp;
+ per_ind=ind;
+ per_pred=pred;
+ per_args=real_args;
+ per_params=params;
+ per_nparams=nparams;
+ per_wf=index,oind.mind_recargs}
+let per_tac etype casee gls=
+ let env=pf_env gls in
+ let info = get_its_info gls in
+ match casee with
+ Real c ->
+ let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls in
+ let ek =
+ if is_dep then
+ EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf)
+ else EK_unknown in
+ tcl_change_info
+ {pm_stack=
+ Per(etype,per_info,ek,[])::info.pm_stack} gls
+ | Virtual cut ->
+ assert (cut.cut_stat.st_label=Anonymous);
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "anonymous_matched") gls in
+ let c = mkVar id in
+ let modified_cut =
+ {cut with cut_stat={cut.cut_stat with st_label=Name id}} in
+ tclTHEN
+ (instr_cut (fun _ _ c -> c) false false modified_cut)
+ (fun gls0 ->
+ let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls0 in
+ assert (not is_dep);
+ tcl_change_info
+ {pm_stack=
+ Per(etype,per_info,EK_unknown,[])::info.pm_stack} gls0)
+ gls
+(* suppose *)
+let register_nodep_subcase id= function
+ Per(et,pi,ek,clauses)::s ->
+ begin
+ match ek with
+ EK_unknown -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s
+ | EK_nodep -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s
+ | EK_dep _ -> error "Do not mix \"suppose\" with \"suppose it is\"."
+ end
+ | _ -> anomaly "wrong stack state"
+let suppose_tac hyps gls0 =
+ let info = get_its_info gls0 in
+ let thesis = pf_concl gls0 in
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "subcase_") gls0 in
+ let clause = build_product hyps thesis in
+ let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in
+ let old_clauses,stack = register_nodep_subcase id info.pm_stack in
+ let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=stack} in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone id clause)
+ [tclTHENLIST [tcl_change_info ninfo1;
+ assume_tac hyps;
+ clear old_clauses];
+ tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0
+(* suppose it is ... *)
+(* pattern matching compiling *)
+let rec skip_args rest ids n =
+ if n <= 0 then
+ Close_patt rest
+ else
+ Skip_patt (ids,skip_args rest ids (pred n))
+let rec tree_of_pats ((id,_) as cpl) pats =
+ match pats with
+ [] -> End_patt cpl
+ | args::stack ->
+ match args with
+ [] -> Close_patt (tree_of_pats cpl stack)
+ | (patt,rp) :: rest_args ->
+ match patt with
+ PatVar (_,v) ->
+ Skip_patt (Idset.singleton id,
+ tree_of_pats cpl (rest_args::stack))
+ | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) ->
+ let nexti i ati =
+ if i = pred cnum then
+ let nargs =
+ list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
+ Some (Idset.singleton id,
+ tree_of_pats cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack))
+ else None
+ in init_tree Idset.empty ind rp nexti
+let rec add_branch ((id,_) as cpl) pats tree=
+ match pats with
+ [] ->
+ begin
+ match tree with
+ End_patt cpl0 -> End_patt cpl0
+ (* this ensures precedence for overlapping patterns *)
+ | _ -> anomaly "tree is expected to end here"
+ end
+ | args::stack ->
+ match args with
+ [] ->
+ begin
+ match tree with
+ Close_patt t ->
+ Close_patt (add_branch cpl stack t)
+ | _ -> anomaly "we should pop here"
+ end
+ | (patt,rp) :: rest_args ->
+ match patt with
+ PatVar (_,v) ->
+ begin
+ match tree with
+ Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
+ Skip_patt (Idset.add id ids,
+ add_branch cpl (rest_args::stack) t)
+ | Split_patt (_,_,_) ->
+ map_tree (Idset.add id)
+ (fun i bri ->
+ append_branch cpl 1 (rest_args::stack) bri)
+ tree
+ | _ -> anomaly "No pop/stop expected here"
+ end
+ | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) ->
+ match tree with
+ Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
+ let nexti i ati =
+ if i = pred cnum then
+ let nargs =
+ list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
+ Some (Idset.add id ids,
+ add_branch cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack)
+ (skip_args t ids (Array.length ati)))
+ else
+ Some (ids,
+ skip_args t ids (Array.length ati))
+ in init_tree ids ind rp nexti
+ | Split_patt (_,ind0,_) ->
+ if (ind <> ind0) then error
+ (* this can happen with coercions *)
+ "Case pattern belongs to wrong inductive type.";
+ let mapi i ati bri =
+ if i = pred cnum then
+ let nargs =
+ list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
+ append_branch cpl 0
+ (nargs::rest_args::stack) bri
+ else bri in
+ map_tree_rp rp (fun ids -> ids) mapi tree
+ | _ -> anomaly "No pop/stop expected here"
+and append_branch ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats = function
+ Some (ids,tree) ->
+ Some (Idset.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats tree)
+ | None ->
+ Some (Idset.singleton id,tree_of_pats cpl pats)
+and append_tree ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats tree =
+ if depth<=0 then add_branch cpl pats tree
+ else match tree with
+ Close_patt t ->
+ Close_patt (append_tree cpl (pred depth) pats t)
+ | Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
+ Skip_patt (Idset.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats t)
+ | End_patt _ -> anomaly "Premature end of branch"
+ | Split_patt (_,_,_) ->
+ map_tree (Idset.add id)
+ (fun i bri -> append_branch cpl (succ depth) pats bri) tree
+(* suppose it is *)
+let rec st_assoc id = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | st::_ when st.st_label = id -> st.st_it
+ | _ :: rest -> st_assoc id rest
+let thesis_for obj typ per_info env=
+ let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in
+ let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in
+ let ind = destInd cind in
+ let _ = if ind <> per_info.per_ind then
+ errorlabstrm "thesis_for"
+ ((Printer.pr_constr_env env obj) ++ spc () ++
+ str"cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong inductive type).") in
+ let params,args = list_chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in
+ let _ = if not (List.for_all2 eq_constr params per_info.per_params) then
+ errorlabstrm "thesis_for"
+ ((Printer.pr_constr_env env obj) ++ spc () ++
+ str "cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong parameters).") in
+ let hd2 = (applist ((lift (List.length rc) per_info.per_pred),args@[obj])) in
+ compose_prod rc (whd_beta Evd.empty hd2)
+let rec build_product_dep pat_info per_info args body gls =
+ match args with
+ (Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c}
+ | Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c})::rest ->
+ let pprod=
+ lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in
+ let lbody =
+ match nam with
+ Anonymous -> body
+ | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in
+ mkProd (nam,c,lbody)
+ | Hprop ({st_it=Thesis tk} as st)::rest ->
+ let pprod=
+ lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in
+ let lbody =
+ match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> body
+ | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in
+ let ptyp =
+ match tk with
+ For id ->
+ let obj = mkVar id in
+ let typ =
+ try st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_vars
+ with Not_found ->
+ snd (st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_aliases) in
+ thesis_for obj typ per_info (pf_env gls)
+ | Plain -> pf_concl gls in
+ mkProd (st.st_label,ptyp,lbody)
+ | [] -> body
+let build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls =
+ let concl=
+ thesis_for pat_info.pat_constr pat_info.pat_typ per_info (pf_env gls) in
+ let open_clause =
+ build_product_dep pat_info per_info hyps concl gls in
+ let prod_one st body =
+ match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> mkProd(Anonymous,st.st_it,lift 1 body)
+ | Name id -> mkNamedProd id st.st_it (lift 1 body) in
+ let let_one_in st body =
+ match st.st_label with
+ Anonymous -> mkLetIn(Anonymous,fst st.st_it,snd st.st_it,lift 1 body)
+ | Name id ->
+ mkNamedLetIn id (fst st.st_it) (snd st.st_it) (lift 1 body) in
+ let aliased_clause =
+ List.fold_right let_one_in pat_info.pat_aliases open_clause in
+ List.fold_right prod_one (params@pat_info.pat_vars) aliased_clause
+let rec register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat = function
+ EK_nodep -> error "Only \"suppose it is\" can be used here."
+ | EK_unknown ->
+ register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat
+ (EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf))
+ | EK_dep tree -> EK_dep (add_branch id [[pat,per_info.per_wf]] tree)
+let case_tac params pat_info hyps gls0 =
+ let info = get_its_info gls0 in
+ let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "subcase_") gls0 in
+ let et,per_info,ek,old_clauses,rest =
+ match info.pm_stack with
+ Per (et,pi,ek,old_clauses)::rest -> (et,pi,ek,old_clauses,rest)
+ | _ -> anomaly "wrong place for cases" in
+ let clause = build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls0 in
+ let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in
+ let nek =
+ register_dep_subcase (id,(List.length params,List.length hyps))
+ (pf_env gls0) per_info pat_info.pat_pat ek in
+ let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=Per(et,per_info,nek,id::old_clauses)::rest} in
+ tclTHENS (assert_postpone id clause)
+ [tcl_change_info ninfo1;
+ assume_st (params@pat_info.pat_vars);
+ assume_st_letin pat_info.pat_aliases;
+ assume_hyps_or_theses hyps;
+ clear old_clauses];
+ tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0
+(* end cases *)
+type instance_stack =
+ (constr option*(constr list) list) list
+let initial_instance_stack ids =
+ (fun id -> id,[None,[]]) ids
+let push_one_arg arg = function
+ [] -> anomaly "impossible"
+ | (head,args) :: ctx ->
+ ((head,(arg::args)) :: ctx)
+let push_arg arg stacks =
+ (fun (id,stack) -> (id,push_one_arg arg stack)) stacks
+let push_one_head c ids (id,stack) =
+ let head = if Idset.mem id ids then Some c else None in
+ id,(head,[]) :: stack
+let push_head c ids stacks =
+ (push_one_head c ids) stacks
+let pop_one (id,stack) =
+ let nstack=
+ match stack with
+ [] -> anomaly "impossible"
+ | [c] as l -> l
+ | (Some head,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx ->
+ let arg = applist (head,(List.rev args)) in
+ (head0,(arg::args0))::ctx
+ | (None,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx ->
+ (head0,(args@args0))::ctx
+ in id,nstack
+let pop_stacks stacks =
+ pop_one stacks
+let hrec_for fix_id per_info gls obj_id =
+ let obj=mkVar obj_id in
+ let typ=pf_get_hyp_typ gls obj_id in
+ let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in
+ let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in
+ let ind = destInd cind in assert (ind=per_info.per_ind);
+ let params,args= list_chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in
+ assert begin
+ try List.for_all2 eq_constr params per_info.per_params with
+ Invalid_argument _ -> false end;
+ let hd2 = applist (mkVar fix_id,args@[obj]) in
+ compose_lam rc (whd_beta gls.sigma hd2)
+let rec execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args objs nhrec tree gls =
+ match tree, objs with
+ Close_patt t,_ ->
+ let args0 = pop_stacks args in
+ execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 objs nhrec t gls
+ | Skip_patt (_,t),skipped::next_objs ->
+ let args0 = push_arg skipped args in
+ execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 next_objs nhrec t gls
+ | End_patt (id,(nparams,nhyps)),[] ->
+ begin
+ match List.assoc id args with
+ [None,br_args] ->
+ let all_metas =
+ list_tabulate (fun n -> mkMeta (succ n)) (nparams + nhyps) in
+ let param_metas,hyp_metas = list_chop nparams all_metas in
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclDO nhrec introf)
+ (tacnext
+ (applist (mkVar id,
+ List.append param_metas
+ (List.rev_append br_args hyp_metas)))) gls
+ | _ -> anomaly "wrong stack size"
+ end
+ | Split_patt (ids,ind,br), casee::next_objs ->
+ let (mind,oind) as spec = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams = mind.mind_nparams in
+ let concl=pf_concl gls in
+ let env=pf_env gls in
+ let ctyp=pf_type_of gls casee in
+ let hd,all_args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in
+ let _ = assert (destInd hd = ind) in (* just in case *)
+ let params,real_args = list_chop nparams all_args in
+ let abstract_obj c body =
+ let typ=pf_type_of gls c in
+ lambda_create env (typ,subst_term c body) in
+ let elim_pred = List.fold_right abstract_obj
+ real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term casee concl)) in
+ let case_info = Inductiveops.make_case_info env ind RegularStyle in
+ let gen_arities = Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind spec in
+ let f_ids typ =
+ let sign =
+ (prod_assum (Term.prod_applist typ params)) in
+ find_intro_names sign gls in
+ let constr_args_ids = f_ids gen_arities in
+ let case_term =
+ mkCase(case_info,elim_pred,casee,
+ Array.mapi (fun i _ -> mkMeta (succ i)) constr_args_ids) in
+ let branch_tac i (recargs,bro) gls0 =
+ let args_ids = constr_args_ids.(i) in
+ let rec aux n = function
+ [] ->
+ assert (n=Array.length recargs);
+ next_objs,[],nhrec
+ | id :: q ->
+ let objs,recs,nrec = aux (succ n) q in
+ if recargs.(n)
+ then (mkVar id::objs),(id::recs),succ nrec
+ else (mkVar id::objs),recs,nrec in
+ let objs,recs,nhrec = aux 0 args_ids in
+ [tclMAP intro_mustbe_force args_ids;
+ begin
+ fun gls1 ->
+ let hrecs =
+ (fun id ->
+ hrec_for (out_name fix_name) per_info gls1 id)
+ recs in
+ generalize hrecs gls1
+ end;
+ match bro with
+ None ->
+ msg_warning (str "missing case");
+ tacnext (mkMeta 1)
+ | Some (sub_ids,tree) ->
+ let br_args =
+ List.filter
+ (fun (id,_) -> Idset.mem id sub_ids) args in
+ let construct =
+ applist (mkConstruct(ind,succ i),params) in
+ let p_args =
+ push_head construct ids br_args in
+ execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext
+ p_args objs nhrec tree] gls0 in
+ (refine case_term)
+ (Array.mapi branch_tac br) gls
+ | Split_patt (_, _, _) , [] ->
+ anomaly "execute_cases : Nothing to split"
+ | Skip_patt _ , [] ->
+ anomaly "execute_cases : Nothing to skip"
+ | End_patt (_,_) , _ :: _ ->
+ anomaly "execute_cases : End of branch with garbage left"
+let understand_my_constr c gls =
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ let nc = names_of_rel_context env in
+ let rawc = Detyping.detype false [] nc c in
+ let rec frob = function GEvar _ -> GHole (dummy_loc,QuestionMark Expand) | rc -> map_glob_constr frob rc in
+ Pretyping.Default.understand_tcc (sig_sig gls) env ~expected_type:(pf_concl gls) (frob rawc)
+let my_refine c gls =
+ let oc = understand_my_constr c gls in
+ Refine.refine oc gls
+(* end focus/claim *)
+let end_tac et2 gls =
+ let info = get_its_info gls in
+ let et1,pi,ek,clauses =
+ match info.pm_stack with
+ Suppose_case::_ ->
+ anomaly "This case should already be trapped"
+ | Claim::_ ->
+ error "\"end claim\" expected."
+ | Focus_claim::_ ->
+ error "\"end focus\" expected."
+ | Per(et',pi,ek,clauses)::_ -> (et',pi,ek,clauses)
+ | [] ->
+ anomaly "This case should already be trapped" in
+ let et =
+ if et1 <> et2 then
+ match et1 with
+ ET_Case_analysis ->
+ error "\"end cases\" expected."
+ | ET_Induction ->
+ error "\"end induction\" expected."
+ else et1 in
+ tclTHEN
+ tcl_erase_info
+ begin
+ match et,ek with
+ _,EK_unknown ->
+ tclSOLVE [simplest_elim pi.per_casee]
+ | ET_Case_analysis,EK_nodep ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (general_case_analysis false (pi.per_casee,NoBindings))
+ (default_justification ( mkVar clauses))
+ | ET_Induction,EK_nodep ->
+ [generalize (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee]);
+ simple_induct (AnonHyp (succ (List.length pi.per_args)));
+ default_justification ( mkVar clauses)]
+ | ET_Case_analysis,EK_dep tree ->
+ execute_cases Anonymous pi
+ (fun c -> tclTHENLIST
+ [my_refine c;
+ clear clauses;
+ justification assumption])
+ (initial_instance_stack clauses) [pi.per_casee] 0 tree
+ | ET_Induction,EK_dep tree ->
+ let nargs = (List.length pi.per_args) in
+ tclTHEN (generalize (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee]))
+ begin
+ fun gls0 ->
+ let fix_id =
+ pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_fix") gls0 in
+ let c_id =
+ pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_main_arg") gls0 in
+ [fix (Some fix_id) (succ nargs);
+ tclDO nargs introf;
+ intro_mustbe_force c_id;
+ execute_cases (Name fix_id) pi
+ (fun c ->
+ [clear [fix_id];
+ my_refine c;
+ clear clauses;
+ justification assumption])
+ (initial_instance_stack clauses)
+ [mkVar c_id] 0 tree] gls0
+ end
+ end gls
+(* escape *)
+let escape_tac gls =
+ (* spiwack: sets an empty info stack to avoid interferences.
+ We could erase the info altogether, but that doesn't play
+ well with the Decl_mode.focus (used in post_processing). *)
+ let info={pm_stack=[]} in
+ tcl_change_info info gls
+(* General instruction engine *)
+let rec do_proof_instr_gen _thus _then instr =
+ match instr with
+ Pthus i ->
+ assert (not _thus);
+ do_proof_instr_gen true _then i
+ | Pthen i ->
+ assert (not _then);
+ do_proof_instr_gen _thus true i
+ | Phence i ->
+ assert (not (_then || _thus));
+ do_proof_instr_gen true true i
+ | Pcut c ->
+ instr_cut mk_stat_or_thesis _thus _then c
+ | Psuffices c ->
+ instr_suffices _then c
+ | Prew (s,c) ->
+ assert (not _then);
+ instr_rew _thus s c
+ | Pconsider (c,hyps) -> consider_tac c hyps
+ | Pgiven hyps -> given_tac hyps
+ | Passume hyps -> assume_tac hyps
+ | Plet hyps -> assume_tac hyps
+ | Pclaim st -> instr_claim false st
+ | Pfocus st -> instr_claim true st
+ | Ptake witl -> take_tac witl
+ | Pdefine (id,args,body) -> define_tac id args body
+ | Pcast (id,typ) -> cast_tac id typ
+ | Pper (et,cs) -> per_tac et cs
+ | Psuppose hyps -> suppose_tac hyps
+ | Pcase (params,pat_info,hyps) -> case_tac params pat_info hyps
+ | Pend (B_elim et) -> end_tac et
+ | Pend _ -> anomaly "Not applicable"
+ | Pescape -> escape_tac
+let eval_instr {instr=instr} =
+ do_proof_instr_gen false false instr
+let rec preprocess pts instr =
+ match instr with
+ Phence i |Pthus i | Pthen i -> preprocess pts i
+ | Psuffices _ | Pcut _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _
+ | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_) | Pgiven _ | Ptake _
+ | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Pper _ | Prew _ ->
+ check_not_per pts;
+ true
+ | Pescape ->
+ check_not_per pts;
+ true
+ | Pcase _ | Psuppose _ | Pend (B_elim _) ->
+ close_previous_case pts ;
+ true
+ | Pend bt ->
+ close_block bt pts ;
+ false
+let rec postprocess pts instr =
+ match instr with
+ Phence i | Pthus i | Pthen i -> postprocess pts i
+ | Pcut _ | Psuffices _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_)
+ | Pgiven _ | Ptake _ | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Prew (_,_) -> ()
+ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _ | Psuppose _ | Pcase _ | Pper _ ->
+ Decl_mode.focus pts
+ | Pescape ->
+ Decl_mode.focus pts;
+ Proof_global.set_proof_mode "Classic"
+ | Pend (B_elim ET_Induction) ->
+ begin
+ let pfterm = List.hd (Proof.partial_proof pts) in
+ let { it = gls ; sigma = sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
+ let env = try
+ Goal.V82.env sigma (List.hd gls)
+ with Failure "hd" ->
+ Global.env ()
+ in
+ try
+ Inductiveops.control_only_guard env pfterm;
+ goto_current_focus_or_top pts
+ with
+ Type_errors.TypeError(env,
+ Type_errors.IllFormedRecBody(_,_,_,_,_)) ->
+ anomaly "\"end induction\" generated an ill-formed fixpoint"
+ end
+ | Pend _ ->
+ goto_current_focus_or_top (pts)
+let do_instr raw_instr pts =
+ let has_tactic = preprocess pts raw_instr.instr in
+ begin
+ if has_tactic then
+ let { it=gls ; sigma=sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
+ let gl = { it=List.hd gls ; sigma=sigma } in
+ let env= pf_env gl in
+ let ist = {ltacvars = ([],[]); ltacrecvars = [];
+ gsigma = sigma; genv = env} in
+ let glob_instr = intern_proof_instr ist raw_instr in
+ let instr =
+ interp_proof_instr (get_its_info gl) sigma env glob_instr in
+ (tclTHEN (eval_instr instr) clean_tmp)
+ else () end;
+ postprocess pts raw_instr.instr;
+ (* spiwack: this should restore a compatible semantics with
+ v8.3 where we never stayed focused on 0 goal. *)
+ Decl_mode.maximal_unfocus pts
+let proof_instr raw_instr =
+ let p = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in
+ do_instr raw_instr p
+let decompose_bin_app t=
+ let hd,args = destApp
+let identify_transitivity_lemma c =
+ let varx,tx,c1 = destProd c in
+ let vary,ty,c2 = destProd (pop c1) in
+ let varz,tz,c3 = destProd (pop c2) in
+ let _,p1,c4 = destProd (pop c3) in
+ let _,lp2,lp3 = destProd (pop c4) in
+ let p2=pop lp2 in
+ let p3=pop lp3 in