path: root/parsing/
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 18:33:25 +0100
commit1b92c226e563643da187b8614d5888dc4855eb43 (patch)
treec4c3d204b36468b58cb71050ba95f06b8dd7bc2e /parsing/
parent7c9b0a702976078b813e6493c1284af62a3f093c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.6
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index b0bbdd81..a292c746 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -6,17 +6,145 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Compat
-open Errors
+open CErrors
open Util
open Pcoq
-open Extend
open Constrexpr
+open Notation
open Notation_term
+open Extend
open Libnames
-open Tacexpr
open Names
-open Egramml
+(* This determines (depending on the associativity of the current
+ level and on the expected associativity) if a reference to constr_n is
+ a reference to the current level (to be translated into "SELF" on the
+ left border and into "constr LEVEL n" elsewhere), to the level below
+ (to be translated into "NEXT") or to an below wrt associativity (to be
+ translated in camlp4 into "constr" without level) or to another level
+ (to be translated into "constr LEVEL n")
+ The boolean is true if the entry was existing _and_ empty; this to
+ circumvent a weakness of camlp4/camlp5 whose undo mechanism is not the
+ converse of the extension mechanism *)
+let constr_level = string_of_int
+let default_levels =
+ [200,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 100,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 99,Extend.RightA,true;
+ 10,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 9,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 8,Extend.RightA,true;
+ 1,Extend.LeftA,false;
+ 0,Extend.RightA,false]
+let default_pattern_levels =
+ [200,Extend.RightA,true;
+ 100,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 99,Extend.RightA,true;
+ 11,Extend.LeftA,false;
+ 10,Extend.RightA,false;
+ 1,Extend.LeftA,false;
+ 0,Extend.RightA,false]
+let default_constr_levels = (default_levels, default_pattern_levels)
+(* At a same level, LeftA takes precedence over RightA and NoneA *)
+(* In case, several associativity exists for a level, we make two levels, *)
+(* first LeftA, then RightA and NoneA together *)
+let admissible_assoc = function
+ | Extend.LeftA, Some (Extend.RightA | Extend.NonA) -> false
+ | Extend.RightA, Some Extend.LeftA -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let create_assoc = function
+ | None -> Extend.RightA
+ | Some a -> a
+let error_level_assoc p current expected =
+ let open Pp in
+ let pr_assoc = function
+ | Extend.LeftA -> str "left"
+ | Extend.RightA -> str "right"
+ | Extend.NonA -> str "non" in
+ errorlabstrm ""
+ (str "Level " ++ int p ++ str " is already declared " ++
+ pr_assoc current ++ str " associative while it is now expected to be " ++
+ pr_assoc expected ++ str " associative.")
+let create_pos = function
+ | None -> Extend.First
+ | Some lev -> Extend.After (constr_level lev)
+type gram_level =
+ gram_position option * gram_assoc option * string option *
+ (** for reinitialization: *) gram_reinit option
+let find_position_gen current ensure assoc lev =
+ match lev with
+ | None ->
+ current, (None, None, None, None)
+ | Some n ->
+ let after = ref None in
+ let init = ref None in
+ let rec add_level q = function
+ | (p,_,_ as pa)::l when p > n -> pa :: add_level (Some p) l
+ | (p,a,reinit)::l when Int.equal p n ->
+ if reinit then
+ let a' = create_assoc assoc in
+ (init := Some (a',create_pos q); (p,a',false)::l)
+ else if admissible_assoc (a,assoc) then
+ raise Exit
+ else
+ error_level_assoc p a (Option.get assoc)
+ | l -> after := q; (n,create_assoc assoc,ensure)::l
+ in
+ try
+ let updated = add_level None current in
+ let assoc = create_assoc assoc in
+ begin match !init with
+ | None ->
+ (* Create the entry *)
+ updated, (Some (create_pos !after), Some assoc, Some (constr_level n), None)
+ | _ ->
+ (* The reinit flag has been updated *)
+ updated, (Some (Extend.Level (constr_level n)), None, None, !init)
+ end
+ with
+ (* Nothing has changed *)
+ Exit ->
+ (* Just inherit the existing associativity and name (None) *)
+ current, (Some (Extend.Level (constr_level n)), None, None, None)
+let rec list_mem_assoc_triple x = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | (a,b,c) :: l -> Int.equal a x || list_mem_assoc_triple x l
+let register_empty_levels accu forpat levels =
+ let rec filter accu = function
+ | [] -> ([], accu)
+ | n :: rem ->
+ let rem, accu = filter accu rem in
+ let (clev, plev) = accu in
+ let levels = if forpat then plev else clev in
+ if not (list_mem_assoc_triple n levels) then
+ let nlev, ans = find_position_gen levels true None (Some n) in
+ let nlev = if forpat then (clev, nlev) else (nlev, plev) in
+ ans :: rem, nlev
+ else rem, accu
+ in
+ filter accu levels
+let find_position accu forpat assoc level =
+ let (clev, plev) = accu in
+ let levels = if forpat then plev else clev in
+ let nlev, ans = find_position_gen levels false assoc level in
+ let nlev = if forpat then (clev, nlev) else (nlev, plev) in
+ (ans, nlev)
@@ -45,6 +173,146 @@ open Egramml
(** Declare Notations grammar rules *)
+(* Binding constr entry keys to entries *)
+(* Camlp4 levels do not treat NonA: use RightA with a NEXT on the left *)
+let camlp4_assoc = function
+ | Some NonA | Some RightA -> RightA
+ | None | Some LeftA -> LeftA
+let assoc_eq al ar = match al, ar with
+| NonA, NonA
+| RightA, RightA
+| LeftA, LeftA -> true
+| _, _ -> false
+(* [adjust_level assoc from prod] where [assoc] and [from] are the name
+ and associativity of the level where to add the rule; the meaning of
+ the result is
+ None = SELF
+ Some None = NEXT
+ Some (Some (n,cur)) = constr LEVEL n
+ s.t. if [cur] is set then [n] is the same as the [from] level *)
+let adjust_level assoc from = function
+(* Associativity is None means force the level *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true))
+(* Compute production name on the right side *)
+ (* If NonA or LeftA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some (NonA|LeftA))) ->
+ Some None
+ (* If RightA on the right-hand side, set to the explicit (current) level *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some RightA)) ->
+ Some (Some (n,true))
+(* Compute production name on the left side *)
+ (* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some NonA)) -> None
+ (* If the expected assoc is the current one, set to SELF *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) when assoc_eq a (camlp4_assoc assoc) ->
+ None
+ (* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *)
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) ->
+ begin match a with
+ | LeftA -> Some (Some (n, true))
+ | _ -> Some None
+ end
+ (* None means NEXT *)
+ | (NextLevel,_) -> Some None
+(* Compute production name elsewhere *)
+ | (NumLevel n,InternalProd) ->
+ if from = n + 1 then Some None else Some (Some (n, Int.equal n from))
+type _ target =
+| ForConstr : constr_expr target
+| ForPattern : cases_pattern_expr target
+type prod_info = production_level * production_position
+type (_, _) entry =
+| TTName : ('self, Name.t Loc.located) entry
+| TTReference : ('self, reference) entry
+| TTBigint : ('self, Bigint.bigint) entry
+| TTBinder : ('self, local_binder list) entry
+| TTConstr : prod_info * 'r target -> ('r, 'r) entry
+| TTConstrList : prod_info * Tok.t list * 'r target -> ('r, 'r list) entry
+| TTBinderListT : ('self, local_binder list) entry
+| TTBinderListF : Tok.t list -> ('self, local_binder list list) entry
+type _ any_entry = TTAny : ('s, 'r) entry -> 's any_entry
+(* This computes the name of the level where to add a new rule *)
+let interp_constr_entry_key : type r. r target -> int -> r Gram.entry * int option =
+ fun forpat level -> match forpat with
+ | ForConstr ->
+ if level = 200 then Constr.binder_constr, None
+ else Constr.operconstr, Some level
+ | ForPattern -> Constr.pattern, Some level
+let target_entry : type s. s target -> s Gram.entry = function
+| ForConstr -> Constr.operconstr
+| ForPattern -> Constr.pattern
+let is_self from e = match e with
+| (NumLevel n, BorderProd (Right, _ (* Some(NonA|LeftA) *))) -> false
+| (NumLevel n, BorderProd (Left, _)) -> Int.equal from n
+| _ -> false
+let is_binder_level from e = match e with
+| (NumLevel 200, (BorderProd (Right, _) | InternalProd)) -> from = 200
+| _ -> false
+let make_sep_rules tkl =
+ let rec mkrule : Tok.t list -> unit rules = function
+ | [] -> Rules ({ norec_rule = Stop }, ignore)
+ | tkn :: rem ->
+ let Rules ({ norec_rule = r }, f) = mkrule rem in
+ let r = { norec_rule = Next (r, Atoken tkn) } in
+ Rules (r, fun _ -> f)
+ in
+ let r = mkrule (List.rev tkl) in
+ Arules [r]
+let symbol_of_target : type s. _ -> _ -> _ -> s target -> (s, s) symbol = fun p assoc from forpat ->
+ if is_binder_level from p then Aentryl (target_entry forpat, 200)
+ else if is_self from p then Aself
+ else
+ let g = target_entry forpat in
+ let lev = adjust_level assoc from p in
+ begin match lev with
+ | None -> Aentry g
+ | Some None -> Anext
+ | Some (Some (lev, cur)) -> Aentryl (g, lev)
+ end
+let symbol_of_entry : type s r. _ -> _ -> (s, r) entry -> (s, r) symbol = fun assoc from typ -> match typ with
+| TTConstr (p, forpat) -> symbol_of_target p assoc from forpat
+| TTConstrList (typ', [], forpat) ->
+ Alist1 (symbol_of_target typ' assoc from forpat)
+| TTConstrList (typ', tkl, forpat) ->
+ Alist1sep (symbol_of_target typ' assoc from forpat, make_sep_rules tkl)
+| TTBinderListF [] -> Alist1 (Aentry Constr.binder)
+| TTBinderListF tkl -> Alist1sep (Aentry Constr.binder, make_sep_rules tkl)
+| TTName -> Aentry
+| TTBinder -> Aentry Constr.binder
+| TTBinderListT -> Aentry Constr.open_binders
+| TTBigint -> Aentry Prim.bigint
+| TTReference -> Aentry
+let interp_entry forpat e = match e with
+| ETName -> TTAny TTName
+| ETReference -> TTAny TTReference
+| ETBigint -> TTAny TTBigint
+| ETBinder true -> anomaly (Pp.str "Should occur only as part of BinderList")
+| ETBinder false -> TTAny TTBinder
+| ETConstr p -> TTAny (TTConstr (p, forpat))
+| ETPattern -> assert false (** not used *)
+| ETOther _ -> assert false (** not used *)
+| ETConstrList (p, tkl) -> TTAny (TTConstrList (p, tkl, forpat))
+| ETBinderList (true, []) -> TTAny TTBinderListT
+| ETBinderList (true, _) -> assert false
+| ETBinderList (false, tkl) -> TTAny (TTBinderListF tkl)
let constr_expr_of_name (loc,na) = match na with
| Anonymous -> CHole (loc,None,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
| Name id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id), None)
@@ -53,333 +321,158 @@ let cases_pattern_expr_of_name (loc,na) = match na with
| Anonymous -> CPatAtom (loc,None)
| Name id -> CPatAtom (loc,Some (Ident (loc,id)))
-type grammar_constr_prod_item =
- | GramConstrTerminal of Tok.t
- | GramConstrNonTerminal of constr_prod_entry_key * Id.t option
- | GramConstrListMark of int * bool
- (* tells action rule to make a list of the n previous parsed items;
- concat with last parsed list if true *)
-let make_constr_action
- (f : Loc.t -> constr_notation_substitution -> constr_expr) pil =
- let rec make (constrs,constrlists,binders as fullsubst) = function
- | [] ->
- Gram.action (fun (loc:CompatLoc.t) -> f (!@loc) fullsubst)
- | (GramConstrTerminal _ | GramConstrNonTerminal (_,None)) :: tl ->
- (* parse a non-binding item *)
- Gram.action (fun _ -> make fullsubst tl)
- | GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some _) :: tl ->
- (* parse a binding non-terminal *)
- (match typ with
- | (ETConstr _| ETOther _) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:constr_expr) ->
- make (v :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
- | ETReference ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:reference) ->
- make (CRef (v,None) :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
- | ETName ->
- Gram.action (fun (na:Loc.t * Name.t) ->
- make (constr_expr_of_name na :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
- | ETBigint ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:Bigint.bigint) ->
- make (CPrim(Loc.ghost,Numeral v) :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
- | ETConstrList (_,n) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:constr_expr list) ->
- make (constrs, v::constrlists, binders) tl)
- | ETBinder _ | ETBinderList (true,_) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:local_binder list) ->
- make (constrs, constrlists, v::binders) tl)
- | ETBinderList (false,_) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:local_binder list list) ->
- make (constrs, constrlists, List.flatten v::binders) tl)
- | ETPattern ->
- failwith "Unexpected entry of type cases pattern")
- | GramConstrListMark (n,b) :: tl ->
- (* Rebuild expansions of ConstrList *)
- let heads,constrs = List.chop n constrs in
- let constrlists =
- if b then (heads@List.hd constrlists) constrlists
- else heads::constrlists
- in make (constrs, constrlists, binders) tl
- in
- make ([],[],[]) (List.rev pil)
-let check_cases_pattern_env loc (env,envlist,hasbinders) =
- if hasbinders then Topconstr.error_invalid_pattern_notation loc
- else (env,envlist)
-let make_cases_pattern_action
- (f : Loc.t -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> cases_pattern_expr) pil =
- let rec make (env,envlist,hasbinders as fullenv) = function
- | [] ->
- Gram.action
- (fun (loc:CompatLoc.t) ->
- let loc = !@loc in
- f loc (check_cases_pattern_env loc fullenv))
- | (GramConstrTerminal _ | GramConstrNonTerminal (_,None)) :: tl ->
- (* parse a non-binding item *)
- Gram.action (fun _ -> make fullenv tl)
- | GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some _) :: tl ->
- (* parse a binding non-terminal *)
- (match typ with
- | ETConstr _ -> (* pattern non-terminal *)
- Gram.action (fun (v:cases_pattern_expr) ->
- make (v::env, envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETReference ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:reference) ->
- make (CPatAtom (Loc.ghost,Some v) :: env, envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETName ->
- Gram.action (fun (na:Loc.t * Name.t) ->
- make (cases_pattern_expr_of_name na :: env, envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETBigint ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:Bigint.bigint) ->
- make (CPatPrim (Loc.ghost,Numeral v) :: env, envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETConstrList (_,_) ->
- Gram.action (fun (vl:cases_pattern_expr list) ->
- make (env, vl :: envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETBinder _ | ETBinderList (true,_) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:local_binder list) ->
- make (env, envlist, hasbinders) tl)
- | ETBinderList (false,_) ->
- Gram.action (fun (v:local_binder list list) ->
- make (env, envlist, true) tl)
- | (ETPattern | ETOther _) ->
- anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected entry of type cases pattern or other"))
- | GramConstrListMark (n,b) :: tl ->
- (* Rebuild expansions of ConstrList *)
- let heads,env = List.chop n env in
- if b then
- make (env,(heads@List.hd envlist) envlist,hasbinders) tl
- else
- make (env,heads::envlist,hasbinders) tl
- in
- make ([],[],false) (List.rev pil)
-let rec make_constr_prod_item assoc from forpat = function
- | GramConstrTerminal tok :: l ->
- gram_token_of_token tok :: make_constr_prod_item assoc from forpat l
- | GramConstrNonTerminal (nt, ovar) :: l ->
- symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat nt
- :: make_constr_prod_item assoc from forpat l
- | GramConstrListMark _ :: l ->
- make_constr_prod_item assoc from forpat l
- | [] ->
- []
-let prepare_empty_levels forpat (pos,p4assoc,name,reinit) =
- let entry =
- if forpat then weaken_entry Constr.pattern
- else weaken_entry Constr.operconstr in
- grammar_extend entry reinit (pos,[(name, p4assoc, [])])
-let pure_sublevels level symbs =
- let filter s =
- try
- let i = level_of_snterml s in
- begin match level with
- | Some j when Int.equal i j -> None
- | _ -> Some i
- end
- with Failure _ -> None
- in
- List.map_filter filter symbs
-let extend_constr (entry,level) (n,assoc) mkact forpat rules =
- List.fold_left (fun nb pt ->
- let symbs = make_constr_prod_item assoc n forpat pt in
- let pure_sublevels = pure_sublevels level symbs in
- let needed_levels = register_empty_levels forpat pure_sublevels in
- let map_level (pos, ass1, name, ass2) =
- ( of_coq_position pos, of_coq_assoc ass1, name, ass2) in
- let needed_levels = map_level needed_levels in
- let pos,p4assoc,name,reinit = find_position forpat assoc level in
- let nb_decls = List.length needed_levels + 1 in
- List.iter (prepare_empty_levels forpat) needed_levels;
- grammar_extend entry reinit ( of_coq_position pos,
- [(name, of_coq_assoc p4assoc, [symbs, mkact pt])]);
- nb_decls) 0 rules
-type notation_grammar = {
- notgram_level : int;
- notgram_assoc : gram_assoc option;
- notgram_notation : notation;
- notgram_prods : grammar_constr_prod_item list list;
- notgram_typs : notation_var_internalization_type list;
-let extend_constr_constr_notation ng =
- let level = ng.notgram_level in
- let mkact loc env = CNotation (loc, ng.notgram_notation, env) in
- let e = interp_constr_entry_key false (ETConstr (level, ())) in
- let ext = (ETConstr (level, ()), ng.notgram_assoc) in
- extend_constr e ext (make_constr_action mkact) false ng.notgram_prods
-let extend_constr_pat_notation ng =
- let level = ng.notgram_level in
- let mkact loc env = CPatNotation (loc, ng.notgram_notation, env, []) in
- let e = interp_constr_entry_key true (ETConstr (level, ())) in
- let ext = ETConstr (level, ()), ng.notgram_assoc in
- extend_constr e ext (make_cases_pattern_action mkact) true ng.notgram_prods
-let extend_constr_notation ng =
- (* Add the notation in constr *)
- let nb = extend_constr_constr_notation ng in
- (* Add the notation in cases_pattern *)
- let nb' = extend_constr_pat_notation ng in
- nb + nb'
-(** Grammar declaration for Tactic Notation (Coq level) *)
-let get_tactic_entry n =
- if Int.equal n 0 then
- weaken_entry Tactic.simple_tactic, None
- else if Int.equal n 5 then
- weaken_entry Tactic.binder_tactic, None
- else if 1<=n && n<5 then
- weaken_entry Tactic.tactic_expr, Some (Extend.Level (string_of_int n))
- else
- error ("Invalid Tactic Notation level: "^(string_of_int n)^".")
-(** State of the grammar extensions *)
-type tactic_grammar = {
- tacgram_level : int;
- tacgram_prods : grammar_prod_item list;
+type 'r env = {
+ constrs : 'r list;
+ constrlists : 'r list list;
+ binders : (local_binder list * bool) list;
-type all_grammar_command =
- | Notation of Notation.level * notation_grammar
- | TacticGrammar of KerName.t * tactic_grammar
- | MLTacticGrammar of ml_tactic_name * grammar_prod_item list list
-(** ML Tactic grammar extensions *)
-let add_ml_tactic_entry name prods =
- let entry = weaken_entry Tactic.simple_tactic in
- let mkact loc l : raw_tactic_expr = Tacexpr.TacML (loc, name, snd l) in
- let rules = (make_rule mkact) prods in
- synchronize_level_positions ();
- grammar_extend entry None (None ,[(None, None, List.rev rules)]);
- 1
-(* Declaration of the tactic grammar rule *)
-let head_is_ident tg = match tg.tacgram_prods with
-| GramTerminal _::_ -> true
-| _ -> false
-(** Tactic grammar extensions *)
-let add_tactic_entry kn tg =
- let entry, pos = get_tactic_entry tg.tacgram_level in
- let mkact loc l = (TacAlias (loc,kn,l):raw_tactic_expr) in
- let () =
- if Int.equal tg.tacgram_level 0 && not (head_is_ident tg) then
- error "Notation for simple tactic must start with an identifier."
- in
- let rules = make_rule mkact tg.tacgram_prods in
- synchronize_level_positions ();
- grammar_extend entry None ( of_coq_position pos,[(None, None, List.rev [rules])]);
- 1
-let (grammar_state : (int * all_grammar_command) list ref) = ref []
-let extend_grammar gram =
- let nb = match gram with
- | Notation (_,a) -> extend_constr_notation a
- | TacticGrammar (kn, g) -> add_tactic_entry kn g
- | MLTacticGrammar (name, pr) -> add_ml_tactic_entry name pr
+let push_constr subst v = { subst with constrs = v :: subst.constrs }
+let push_item : type s r. s target -> (s, r) entry -> s env -> r -> s env = fun forpat e subst v ->
+match e with
+| TTConstr _ -> push_constr subst v
+| TTName ->
+ begin match forpat with
+ | ForConstr -> push_constr subst (constr_expr_of_name v)
+ | ForPattern -> push_constr subst (cases_pattern_expr_of_name v)
+ end
+| TTBinder -> { subst with binders = (v, true) :: subst.binders }
+| TTBinderListT -> { subst with binders = (v, true) :: subst.binders }
+| TTBinderListF _ -> { subst with binders = (List.flatten v, false) :: subst.binders }
+| TTBigint ->
+ begin match forpat with
+ | ForConstr -> push_constr subst (CPrim (Loc.ghost, Numeral v))
+ | ForPattern -> push_constr subst (CPatPrim (Loc.ghost, Numeral v))
+ end
+| TTReference ->
+ begin match forpat with
+ | ForConstr -> push_constr subst (CRef (v, None))
+ | ForPattern -> push_constr subst (CPatAtom (Loc.ghost, Some v))
+ end
+| TTConstrList _ -> { subst with constrlists = v :: subst.constrlists }
+type (_, _) ty_symbol =
+| TyTerm : Tok.t -> ('s, string) ty_symbol
+| TyNonTerm : 's target * ('s, 'a) entry * ('s, 'a) symbol * bool -> ('s, 'a) ty_symbol
+type ('self, _, 'r) ty_rule =
+| TyStop : ('self, 'r, 'r) ty_rule
+| TyNext : ('self, 'a, 'r) ty_rule * ('self, 'b) ty_symbol -> ('self, 'b -> 'a, 'r) ty_rule
+| TyMark : int * bool * ('self, 'a, 'r) ty_rule -> ('self, 'a, 'r) ty_rule
+type 'r gen_eval = Loc.t -> 'r env -> 'r
+let rec ty_eval : type s a. (s, a, Loc.t -> s) ty_rule -> s gen_eval -> s env -> a = function
+| TyStop ->
+ fun f env loc -> f loc env
+| TyNext (rem, TyTerm _) ->
+ fun f env _ -> ty_eval rem f env
+| TyNext (rem, TyNonTerm (_, _, _, false)) ->
+ fun f env _ -> ty_eval rem f env
+| TyNext (rem, TyNonTerm (forpat, e, _, true)) ->
+ fun f env v ->
+ ty_eval rem f (push_item forpat e env v)
+| TyMark (n, b, rem) ->
+ fun f env ->
+ let heads, constrs = List.chop n env.constrs in
+ let constrlists =
+ if b then (heads @ List.hd env.constrlists) :: env.constrlists
+ else heads :: env.constrlists
+ in
+ ty_eval rem f { env with constrs; constrlists; }
+let rec ty_erase : type s a r. (s, a, r) ty_rule -> (s, a, r) Extend.rule = function
+| TyStop -> Stop
+| TyMark (_, _, r) -> ty_erase r
+| TyNext (rem, TyTerm tok) -> Next (ty_erase rem, Atoken tok)
+| TyNext (rem, TyNonTerm (_, _, s, _)) -> Next (ty_erase rem, s)
+type ('self, 'r) any_ty_rule =
+| AnyTyRule : ('self, 'act, Loc.t -> 'r) ty_rule -> ('self, 'r) any_ty_rule
+let make_ty_rule assoc from forpat prods =
+ let rec make_ty_rule = function
+ | [] -> AnyTyRule TyStop
+ | GramConstrTerminal tok :: rem ->
+ let AnyTyRule r = make_ty_rule rem in
+ AnyTyRule (TyNext (r, TyTerm tok))
+ | GramConstrNonTerminal (e, var) :: rem ->
+ let AnyTyRule r = make_ty_rule rem in
+ let TTAny e = interp_entry forpat e in
+ let s = symbol_of_entry assoc from e in
+ let bind = match var with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
+ AnyTyRule (TyNext (r, TyNonTerm (forpat, e, s, bind)))
+ | GramConstrListMark (n, b) :: rem ->
+ let AnyTyRule r = make_ty_rule rem in
+ AnyTyRule (TyMark (n, b, r))
- grammar_state := (nb,gram) :: !grammar_state
+ make_ty_rule (List.rev prods)
-let extend_constr_grammar pr ntn =
- extend_grammar (Notation (pr, ntn))
+let target_to_bool : type r. r target -> bool = function
+| ForConstr -> false
+| ForPattern -> true
-let extend_tactic_grammar kn ntn =
- extend_grammar (TacticGrammar (kn, ntn))
+let prepare_empty_levels forpat (pos,p4assoc,name,reinit) =
+ let empty = (pos, [(name, p4assoc, [])]) in
+ if forpat then ExtendRule (Constr.pattern, reinit, empty)
+ else ExtendRule (Constr.operconstr, reinit, empty)
+let rec pure_sublevels : type a b c. int option -> (a, b, c) rule -> int list = fun level r -> match r with
+| Stop -> []
+| Next (rem, Aentryl (_, i)) ->
+ let rem = pure_sublevels level rem in
+ begin match level with
+ | Some j when Int.equal i j -> rem
+ | _ -> i :: rem
+ end
+| Next (rem, _) -> pure_sublevels level rem
+let make_act : type r. r target -> _ -> r gen_eval = function
+| ForConstr -> fun notation loc env ->
+ let env = (env.constrs, env.constrlists, fst env.binders) in
+ CNotation (loc, notation , env)
+| ForPattern -> fun notation loc env ->
+ let invalid = List.exists (fun (_, b) -> not b) env.binders in
+ let () = if invalid then Topconstr.error_invalid_pattern_notation loc in
+ let env = (env.constrs, env.constrlists) in
+ CPatNotation (loc, notation, env, [])
+let extend_constr state forpat ng =
+ let n = ng.notgram_level in
+ let assoc = ng.notgram_assoc in
+ let (entry, level) = interp_constr_entry_key forpat n in
+ let fold (accu, state) pt =
+ let AnyTyRule r = make_ty_rule assoc n forpat pt in
+ let symbs = ty_erase r in
+ let pure_sublevels = pure_sublevels level symbs in
+ let isforpat = target_to_bool forpat in
+ let needed_levels, state = register_empty_levels state isforpat pure_sublevels in
+ let (pos,p4assoc,name,reinit), state = find_position state isforpat assoc level in
+ let empty_rules = (prepare_empty_levels isforpat) needed_levels in
+ let empty = { constrs = []; constrlists = []; binders = [] } in
+ let act = ty_eval r (make_act forpat ng.notgram_notation) empty in
+ let rule = (name, p4assoc, [Rule (symbs, act)]) in
+ let r = ExtendRule (entry, reinit, (pos, [rule])) in
+ (accu @ empty_rules @ [r], state)
+ in
+ List.fold_left fold ([], state) ng.notgram_prods
-let extend_ml_tactic_grammar name ntn =
- extend_grammar (MLTacticGrammar (name, ntn))
+let constr_levels = GramState.field ()
-let recover_constr_grammar ntn prec =
- let filter = function
- | _, Notation (prec', ng) when
- Notation.level_eq prec prec' &&
- String.equal ntn ng.notgram_notation -> Some ng
- | _ -> None
+let extend_constr_notation (_, ng) state =
+ let levels = match GramState.get state constr_levels with
+ | None -> default_constr_levels
+ | Some lev -> lev
- match List.map_filter filter !grammar_state with
- | [x] -> x
- | _ -> assert false
-(* Summary functions: the state of the lexer is included in that of the parser.
- Because the grammar affects the set of keywords when adding or removing
- grammar rules. *)
-type frozen_t = (int * all_grammar_command) list * Lexer.frozen_t
-let freeze _ : frozen_t = (!grammar_state, Lexer.freeze ())
-(* We compare the current state of the grammar and the state to unfreeze,
- by computing the longest common suffixes *)
-let factorize_grams l1 l2 =
- if l1 == l2 then ([], [], l1) else List.share_tails l1 l2
-let number_of_entries gcl =
- List.fold_left (fun n (p,_) -> n + p) 0 gcl
-let unfreeze (grams, lex) =
- let (undo, redo, common) = factorize_grams !grammar_state grams in
- let n = number_of_entries undo in
- remove_grammars n;
- remove_levels n;
- grammar_state := common;
- Lexer.unfreeze lex;
- List.iter extend_grammar (List.rev_map snd redo)
-(** No need to provide an init function : the grammar state is
- statically available, and already empty initially, while
- the lexer state should not be resetted, since it contains
- keywords declared in g_*.ml4 *)
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "GRAMMAR_LEXER"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = Summary.nop }
-let with_grammar_rule_protection f x =
- let fs = freeze false in
- try let a = f x in unfreeze fs; a
- with reraise ->
- let reraise = Errors.push reraise in
- let () = unfreeze fs in
- iraise reraise
-(** Ltac quotations *)
+ (* Add the notation in constr *)
+ let (r, levels) = extend_constr levels ForConstr ng in
+ (* Add the notation in cases_pattern *)
+ let (r', levels) = extend_constr levels ForPattern ng in
+ let state = GramState.set state constr_levels levels in
+ (r @ r', state)
-let ltac_quotations = ref String.Set.empty
+let constr_grammar : (Notation.level * notation_grammar) grammar_command =
+ create_grammar_command "Notation" extend_constr_notation
-let create_ltac_quotation name cast wit e =
- let () =
- if String.Set.mem name !ltac_quotations then
- failwith ("Ltac quotation " ^ name ^ " already registered")
- in
- let () = ltac_quotations := String.Set.add name !ltac_quotations in
-(* let level = Some "1" in *)
- let level = None in
- let assoc = Some (of_coq_assoc Extend.RightA) in
- let rule = [
- gram_token_of_string name;
- gram_token_of_string ":";
- symbol_of_prod_entry_key (Agram ( e));
- ] in
- let action v _ _ loc =
- let loc = !@loc in
- let arg = TacGeneric (Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.rawwit wit) (cast (loc, v))) in
- TacArg (loc, arg)
- in
- let gram = (level, assoc, [rule, Gram.action action]) in
- maybe_uncurry (Gram.extend Tactic.tactic_expr) (None, [gram])
+let extend_constr_grammar pr ntn = extend_grammar_command constr_grammar (pr, ntn)