path: root/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f062b50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+(** * Plugin for building Coq via Ocamlbuild *)
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin
+open Ocamlbuild_pack
+open Printf
+open Scanf
+(** WARNING !! this is preliminary stuff. It should allows you to
+ build coq and its libraries if everything goes right.
+ Support for all the build rules and configuration options
+ is progressively added. Tested only on linux + ocaml 3.11 +
+ local + natdynlink for now.
+ Usage:
+ ./configure -local -opt
+ ./build (which launches ocamlbuild coq.otarget)
+ Then you can (hopefully) launch bin/coqtop, bin/coqide and so on.
+ Apart from the links in bin, every created files are in _build.
+ A "./build clean" should give you back a clean source tree
+(** F.A.Q about ocamlbuild:
+* P / Px ?
+ Same, except that the second can be use to signal the main target
+ of a rule, in order to get a nicer log (otherwise the full command
+ is used as target name)
+(** Generic file reader, which produces a list of strings, one per line *)
+let read_file f =
+ let ic = open_in f and l = ref [] in
+ (try while true do l := (input_line ic)::!l done with End_of_file -> ());
+ close_in ic; List.rev !l
+(** Configuration *)
+(** First, we access indirectly : we symlink it to
+, which is linked with this *)
+module Coq_config = struct include Myocamlbuild_config end
+let _ = begin
+ Options.ocamlc := A Coq_config.ocamlc;
+ Options.ocamlopt := A Coq_config.ocamlopt;
+ Options.ocamlmklib := A Coq_config.ocamlmklib;
+ Options.ocamldep := A Coq_config.ocamldep;
+ Options.ocamldoc := A Coq_config.ocamldoc;
+ Options.ocamlyacc := A Coq_config.ocamlyacc;
+ Options.ocamllex := A Coq_config.ocamllex;
+let w32 = (Coq_config.arch = "win32")
+let w32pref = "i586-mingw32msvc"
+let w32ocamlc = w32pref^"-ocamlc"
+let w32ocamlopt = w32pref^"-ocamlopt"
+let w32ocamlmklib = w32pref^"-ocamlmklib"
+let w32lib = "/usr/"^w32pref^"/lib/"
+let w32bin = "/usr/"^w32pref^"/bin/"
+let _ = if w32 then begin
+ Options.ocamlopt := A w32ocamlopt;
+ Options.ocamlmklib := A w32ocamlmklib;
+let ocaml = A Coq_config.ocaml
+let camlp4o = A Coq_config.camlp4o
+let camlp4incl = S[A"-I"; A Coq_config.camlp4lib]
+let camlp4compat = Sh Coq_config.camlp4compat
+let opt = ( = "opt")
+let ide = Coq_config.has_coqide
+let hasdynlink = Coq_config.has_natdynlink
+let os5fix = (Coq_config.natdynlinkflag = "os5fixme")
+let flag_dynlink = if hasdynlink then A"-DHasDynlink" else N
+let dep_dynlink = if hasdynlink then N else Sh"-natdynlink no"
+let lablgtkincl = Sh Coq_config.coqideincl
+let local = Coq_config.local
+let coqsrc = Coq_config.coqsrc
+let cflags = S[A"-ccopt";A Coq_config.cflags]
+(** Do we want to inspect .ml generated from .ml4 ? *)
+let readable_genml = false
+let readable_flag = if readable_genml then A"pr_o.cmo" else N
+let _build = Options.build_dir
+(** Abbreviations about files *)
+let core_libs =
+ ["lib/lib"; "kernel/kernel"; "library/library";
+ "pretyping/pretyping"; "interp/interp"; "proofs/proofs";
+ "parsing/parsing"; "tactics/tactics"; "toplevel/toplevel";
+ "parsing/highparsing"; "tactics/hightactics"]
+let core_cma = (fun s -> s^".cma") core_libs
+let core_cmxa = (fun s -> s^".cmxa") core_libs
+let core_mllib = (fun s -> s^".mllib") core_libs
+let ide_cma = "ide/ide.cma"
+let ide_cmxa = "ide/ide.cmxa"
+let ide_mllib = "ide/ide.mllib"
+let tolink = "scripts/"
+let c_headers_base =
+ ["coq_fix_code.h";"coq_instruct.h"; "coq_memory.h"; "int64_emul.h";
+ "coq_gc.h"; "coq_interp.h"; "coq_values.h"; "int64_native.h";
+ "coq_jumptbl.h"]
+let c_headers = ((^) "kernel/byterun/") c_headers_base
+let coqinstrs = "kernel/byterun/coq_instruct.h"
+let coqjumps = "kernel/byterun/coq_jumptbl.h"
+let copcodes = "kernel/"
+let libcoqrun = "kernel/byterun/libcoqrun.a"
+let grammar = "parsing/grammar.cma"
+let qconstr = "parsing/q_constr.cmo"
+let refutpat = "lib/refutpat.cmo"
+let initialcoq = "states/initial.coq"
+let init_vo = ["theories/Init/Prelude.vo";"theories/Init/Logic_Type.vo"]
+let makeinitial = "states/MakeInitial.v"
+let nmake = "theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/NMake_gen.v"
+let nmakegen = "theories/Numbers/Natural/BigN/"
+let adapt_name (pref,oldsuf,newsuf) f =
+ pref ^ (Filename.chop_suffix f oldsuf) ^ newsuf
+let get_names (oldsuf,newsuf) s =
+ let pref = Filename.dirname s ^ "/" in
+ (adapt_name (pref,oldsuf,newsuf)) (string_list_of_file s)
+let get_vo_itargets f =
+ let vo_itargets = get_names (".otarget",".itarget") f in
+ List.flatten ( (get_names (".vo",".v")) vo_itargets)
+let theoriesv = get_vo_itargets "theories/theories.itarget"
+let pluginsv = get_vo_itargets "plugins/pluginsvo.itarget"
+let pluginsmllib = get_names (".cma",".mllib") "plugins/pluginsbyte.itarget"
+(** for correct execution of coqdep_boot, source files should have
+ been imported in _build (and NMake_gen.v should have been created). *)
+let coqdepdeps = theoriesv @ pluginsv @ pluginsmllib
+let coqtop = "toplevel/coqtop"
+let coqide = "ide/coqide"
+let coqdepboot = "tools/coqdep_boot"
+let coqmktop = "scripts/coqmktop"
+(** The list of binaries to build:
+ (name of link in bin/, name in _build, install both or only best) *)
+type links = Both | Best | BestInPlace | Ide
+let all_binaries =
+ [ "coqtop", coqtop, Both;
+ "coqide", coqide, Ide;
+ "coqmktop", coqmktop, Both;
+ "coqc", "scripts/coqc", Both;
+ "coqchk", "checker/main", Both;
+ "coqdep_boot", coqdepboot, Best;
+ "coqdep", "tools/coqdep", Best;
+ "coqdoc", "tools/coqdoc/main", Best;
+ "coqwc", "tools/coqwc", Best;
+ "coq_makefile", "tools/coq_makefile", Best;
+ "coq-tex", "tools/coq_tex", Best;
+ "gallina", "tools/gallina", Best;
+ "csdpcert", "plugins/micromega/csdpcert", BestInPlace;
+ ]
+let best_oext = if opt then ".native" else ".byte"
+let best_ext = if opt then ".opt" else ".byte"
+let best_iext = if ide = "opt" then ".opt" else ".byte"
+let coqtopbest = coqtop^best_oext
+let coqdepbest = coqdepboot^(if w32 then ".byte" else best_oext)
+let coqmktopbest = coqmktop^(if w32 then ".byte" else best_oext)
+let binaries_deps =
+ let rec deps = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (_,bin,Ide)::l ->
+ (if ide = "opt" then [bin^".native"] else []) @
+ (if ide <> "no" then [bin^".byte"] else []) @ deps l
+ | (_,bin,Both)::l when opt ->
+ (bin^".native") :: (bin^".byte") :: deps l
+ | (_,bin,_)::l -> (bin^best_oext) :: deps l
+ in deps all_binaries
+let binariesopt_deps =
+ List.filter (fun s -> Filename.check_suffix s ".native") binaries_deps
+let ln_sf toward f =
+ Command.execute ~quiet:true (Cmd (S [A"ln";A"-sf";P toward;P f]))
+let rec make_bin_links = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (b,ob,kind)::l ->
+ make_bin_links l;
+ let obd = "../"^ !_build^"/"^ob and bd = "bin/"^b in
+ match kind with
+ | Ide when ide <> "no" ->
+ ln_sf (obd^".byte") (bd^".byte");
+ if ide = "opt" then ln_sf (obd^".native") (bd^".opt");
+ ln_sf (b^best_iext) bd
+ | Ide (* when ide = "no" *) -> ()
+ | Both ->
+ ln_sf (obd^".byte") (bd^".byte");
+ if opt then ln_sf (obd^".native") (bd^".opt");
+ ln_sf (b^best_ext) bd
+ | Best -> ln_sf (obd^best_oext) bd
+ | BestInPlace -> ln_sf (b^best_oext) (!_build^"/"^ob)
+let incl f = Ocaml_utils.ocaml_include_flags f
+let cmd cl = (fun _ _ -> (Cmd (S cl)))
+let initial_actions () = begin
+ (** We "pre-create" a few subdirs in _build *)
+ Shell.mkdir_p (!_build^"/dev");
+ Shell.mkdir_p (!_build^"/bin");
+ Shell.mkdir_p (!_build^"/plugins/micromega");
+ make_bin_links all_binaries;
+let extra_rules () = begin
+(** Virtual target for building all binaries *)
+ rule "binaries" ~stamp:"binaries" ~deps:binaries_deps (fun _ _ -> Nop);
+ rule "binariesopt" ~stamp:"binariesopt" ~deps:binariesopt_deps (fun _ _ -> Nop);
+(** We create a special coq_config which mentions _build *)
+ rule "" ~prod:"" ~dep:"config/"
+ (fun _ _ ->
+ if w32 then cp "config/" "" else
+ let lines = read_file "config/" in
+ let lines = (fun s -> s^"\n") lines in
+ let srcbuild = Filename.concat coqsrc !_build in
+ let line0 = "\n(* Adapted variables for ocamlbuild *)\n" in
+ let line1 = "let coqsrc = \""^srcbuild^"\"\n" in
+ let line2 = "let coqlib = \""^srcbuild^"\"\n" in
+ (* TODO : line3 isn't completely accurate with respect to ./configure:
+ the case of -local -coqrunbyteflags foo isn't supported *)
+ let line3 =
+ "let coqrunbyteflags = \"-dllib -lcoqrun -dllpath '"
+ ^srcbuild^"/kernel/byterun'\"\n"
+ in
+ Echo (lines @ [line0;line1] @ (if local then [line2;line3] else []),
+ ""));
+(** Camlp4 extensions *)
+ rule "" ~dep:"%.ml4" ~prod:""
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let ml4 = env "%.ml4" and ml = env "" in
+ Cmd (S[camlp4o;T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4mod");readable_flag;
+ T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4option"); camlp4compat;
+ A"-o"; Px ml; A"-impl"; P ml4]));
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_macro"] (A"pa_macro.cmo");
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_extend"] (A"pa_extend.cmo");
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_MLast"] (A"q_MLast.cmo");
+ flag_and_dep ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_grammar"] (P grammar);
+ flag_and_dep ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_constr"] (P qconstr);
+ flag_and_dep ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_refutpat"] (P refutpat);
+(** Special case of toplevel/mltop.ml4:
+ - will be the old mltop.optml and be used to obtain mltop.cmx
+ - we add a special mltop.ml4 --> mltop.cmo rule, before all the others
+ flag ["is_mltop"; "p4option"] flag_dynlink;
+(*TODO: this is rather ugly for a simple file, we should try to
+ benefit more from predefined rules *)
+ let mltop = "toplevel/mltop" in
+ let ml4 = mltop^".ml4" and mlo = mltop^".cmo" and
+ ml = mltop^".ml" and mld = mltop^".ml.depends"
+ in
+ rule "mltop_byte" ~deps:[ml4;mld] ~prod:mlo ~insert:`top
+ (fun env build ->
+ Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build ml;
+ Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlc; A"-c"; A"-pp";
+ Quote (S [camlp4o; T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4mod");
+ A"-DByte";A"-DHasDynlink";camlp4compat;A"-impl"]);
+ A"-rectypes"; camlp4incl; incl ml4; A"-impl"; P ml4]));
+(** All caml files are compiled with -rectypes and +camlp4/5
+ and ide files need +lablgtk2 *)
+ flag ["compile"; "ocaml"] (S [A"-rectypes"; camlp4incl]);
+ flag ["link"; "ocaml"] (S [A"-rectypes"; camlp4incl]);
+ flag ["compile"; "ocaml"; "ide"] lablgtkincl;
+ flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "ide"] lablgtkincl;
+(** Extra libraries *)
+ ocaml_lib ~extern:true "gramlib";
+(** C code for the VM *)
+ dep ["compile"; "c"] c_headers;
+ flag ["compile"; "c"] cflags;
+ dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_libcoqrun"] [libcoqrun];
+ (* we need to use a different ocamlc. For now we copy the rule *)
+ if w32 then
+ rule ".c.o" ~deps:("%.c"::c_headers) ~prod:"%.o" ~insert:`top
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let c = env "%.c" in
+ let o = env "%.o" in
+ Seq [Cmd (S [P w32ocamlc;cflags;A"-c";Px c]);
+ mv (Filename.basename o) o]);
+(** VM: Generation of coq_jumbtbl.h and from coq_instruct.h *)
+ rule "coqinstrs" ~dep:coqinstrs ~prods:[coqjumps;copcodes]
+ (fun _ _ ->
+ let jmps = ref [] and ops = ref [] and i = ref 0 in
+ let add_instr instr comma =
+ if instr = "" then failwith "Empty" else begin
+ jmps:=sprintf "&&coq_lbl_%s%s \n" instr comma :: !jmps;
+ ops:=sprintf "let op%s = %d\n" instr !i :: !ops;
+ incr i
+ end
+ in
+ (** we recognize comma-separated uppercase instruction names *)
+ let parse_line s =
+ let b = Scanning.from_string s in
+ try while true do bscanf b " %[A-Z0-9_]%[,]" add_instr done
+ with _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter parse_line (read_file coqinstrs);
+ Seq [Echo (List.rev !jmps, coqjumps);
+ Echo (List.rev !ops, copcodes)]);
+(** Generation of *)
+ rule tolink ~deps:(ide_mllib::core_mllib) ~prod:tolink
+ (fun _ _ ->
+ let cat s = String.concat " " (string_list_of_file s) in
+ let core_mods = String.concat " " ( cat core_mllib) in
+ let ide_mods = cat ide_mllib in
+ let core_cmas = String.concat " " core_cma in
+ Echo (["let copts = \"-cclib -lcoqrun\"\n";
+ "let core_libs = \"coq_config.cmo "^core_cmas^"\"\n";
+ "let core_objs = \"Coq_config "^core_mods^"\"\n";
+ "let ide = \""^ide_mods^"\"\n"],
+ tolink));
+(** Coqtop and coqide *)
+ let mktop_rule f is_ide =
+ let fo = f^".native" and fb = f^".byte" in
+ let ideflag = if is_ide then A"-ide" else N in
+ let depsall = [coqmktopbest;libcoqrun] in
+ let depso = "coq_config.cmx" :: core_cmxa in
+ let depsb = "coq_config.cmo" :: core_cma in
+ let depideo = if is_ide then [ide_cmxa] else [] in
+ let depideb = if is_ide then [ide_cma] else [] in
+ let w32ideflag = (*if is_ide then [A"-ccopt";A"\"-link -mwindows\""] else*) [] in
+ let w32flag = if not w32 then N else S ([A"-camlbin";A w32bin]@w32ideflag) in
+ if opt then rule fo ~prod:fo ~deps:(depsall@depso@depideo) ~insert:`top
+ (cmd [P coqmktopbest;w32flag;A"-boot";A"-opt";ideflag;incl fo;A"-o";Px fo]);
+ rule fb ~prod:fb ~deps:(depsall@depsb@depideb) ~insert:`top
+ (cmd [P coqmktopbest;w32flag;A"-boot";A"-top";ideflag;incl fb;A"-o";Px fb]);
+ in
+ mktop_rule coqtop false;
+ mktop_rule coqide true;
+(** Coq files dependencies *)
+ rule "coqdepready" ~stamp:"coqdepready" ~deps:coqdepdeps (fun _ _ -> Nop);
+ rule ".v.d" ~prod:"%.v.depends" ~deps:["%.v";coqdepbest;"coqdepready"]
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let v = env "%.v" and vd = env "%.v.depends" in
+ (** NB: this relies on all .v files being already in _build. *)
+ Cmd (S [P coqdepbest;dep_dynlink;A"-slash";P v;Sh">";Px vd]));
+(** Coq files compilation *)
+ let coq_build_dep f build =
+ (** NB: this relies on coqdep producing a single Makefile line
+ for one .v file, with some specific shape : *)
+ match string_list_of_file (f^".v.depends") with
+ | vo::vg::v::deps when vo=f^".vo" && vg=f^".glob:" && v=f^".v" ->
+ let d = (fun x -> [x]) deps in
+ List.iter Outcome.ignore_good (build d)
+ | _ -> failwith ("Something wrong with dependencies of "^f^".v")
+ in
+ let coq_v_rule d init =
+ let bootflag = if init then A"-nois" else N in
+ let gendep = if init then coqtopbest else initialcoq in
+ rule (d^".v.vo")
+ ~prods:[d^"%.vo";d^"%.glob"] ~deps:[gendep;d^"%.v";d^"%.v.depends"]
+ (fun env build ->
+ let f = env (d^"%") in
+ coq_build_dep f build;
+ Cmd (S [P coqtopbest;A"-boot";bootflag;A"-compile";Px f]))
+ in
+ coq_v_rule "theories/Init/" true;
+ coq_v_rule "" false;
+(** Initial state *)
+ rule "initial.coq" ~prod:initialcoq ~deps:(makeinitial::init_vo)
+ (cmd [P coqtopbest;A"-boot";A"-batch";A"-nois";A"-notop";A"-silent";
+ A"-l";P makeinitial; A"-outputstate";Px initialcoq]);
+(** Generation of files *)
+ rule "" ~prod:"" ~dep:"%_plugin.mllib"
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let line s = "let _ = Mltop.add_known_module \""^s^"\"\n" in
+ let mods =
+ string_list_of_file (env "%_plugin.mllib") @
+ [Filename.basename (env "%_plugin")]
+ in
+ Echo ( line mods, env ""));
+(** Rule for native dynlinkable plugins *)
+ rule ".cmxa.cmxs" ~prod:"%.cmxs" ~dep:"%.cmxa"
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let cmxs = Px (env "%.cmxs") and cmxa = P (env "%.cmxa") in
+ if os5fix then
+ Cmd (S [A"../dev/"; !Options.ocamlopt; cmxs])
+ else
+ Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlopt;A"-linkall";A"-shared";A"-o";cmxs;cmxa]));
+(** Generation of NMake.v from *)
+ rule "NMake" ~prod:nmake ~dep:nmakegen
+ (cmd [ocaml;P nmakegen;Sh ">";Px nmake]);
+(** Registration of our rules (after the standard ones) *)
+let _ = dispatch begin function
+ | After_rules -> initial_actions (); extra_rules ()
+ | _ -> ()
+(** TODO / Remarques:
+ * Apres un premier build, le second prend du temps, meme cached:
+ 1 min 25 pour les 2662 targets en cache. Etonnement, refaire
+ coqtop.byte ne prend que ~4s, au lieu des ~40s pour coqtop.opt.
+ A comprendre ...
+ * Parallelisation: vraiment pas top