path: root/library
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:43:34 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:43:34 +0100
commit4e76c4f01b69b77f40686e06c4544aa156efaa5a (patch)
treeaefad2e3de35f75c46729f9310d33b56d3821961 /library
parent64fa31c7ee53e79b112507fb2eea27dc7648328d (diff)
parent91dbeab8eef959c3f64960909ca69d4e68c8198d (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'library')
27 files changed, 535 insertions, 666 deletions
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
deleted file mode 100644
index 62645b23..00000000
--- a/library/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* The following definitions are used by the function
- [assumptions] which gives as an output the set of all
- axioms and sections variables on which a given term depends
- in a context (expectingly the Global context) *)
-(* Initial author: Arnaud Spiwack
- Module-traversing code: Pierre Letouzey *)
-open Pp
-open Errors
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Declarations
-open Mod_subst
-open Globnames
-type context_object =
- | Variable of Id.t (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
- | Axiom of constant (* An axiom or a constant. *)
- | Opaque of constant (* An opaque constant. *)
- | Transparent of constant
-(* Defines a set of [assumption] *)
-module OrderedContextObject =
- type t = context_object
- let compare x y =
- match x , y with
- | Variable i1 , Variable i2 -> i1 i2
- | Axiom k1 , Axiom k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
- | Opaque k1 , Opaque k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
- | Transparent k1 , Transparent k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
- | Axiom _ , Variable _ -> 1
- | Opaque _ , Variable _
- | Opaque _ , Axiom _ -> 1
- | Transparent _ , Variable _
- | Transparent _ , Axiom _
- | Transparent _ , Opaque _ -> 1
- | _ , _ -> -1
-module ContextObjectSet = Set.Make (OrderedContextObject)
-module ContextObjectMap = Map.Make (OrderedContextObject)
-(** For a constant c in a module sealed by an interface (M:T and
- not M<:T), [Global.lookup_constant] may return a [constant_body]
- without body. We fix this by looking in the implementation
- of the module *)
-let modcache = ref (MPmap.empty : structure_body MPmap.t)
-let rec search_mod_label lab = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | (l, SFBmodule mb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> mb
- | _ :: fields -> search_mod_label lab fields
-let rec search_cst_label lab = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | (l, SFBconst cb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> cb
- | _ :: fields -> search_cst_label lab fields
-(* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below is probably slightly incorrect. But:
- a) I don't see currently what should be used instead
- b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some
- constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical,
- leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own
- [lookup_constant] should work.
-let rec fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args = function
- |NoFunctor a -> f subs mp0 args a
- |MoreFunctor (mbid,_,e) ->
- match args with
- | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *)
- | mpa :: args ->
- let subs = add_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver (*TODO*) subs in
- fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args e
-let rec lookup_module_in_impl mp =
- try Global.lookup_module mp
- with Not_found ->
- (* The module we search might not be exported by its englobing module(s).
- We access the upper layer, and then do a manual search *)
- match mp with
- | MPfile _ | MPbound _ ->
- raise Not_found (* should have been found by [lookup_module] *)
- | MPdot (mp',lab') ->
- let fields = memoize_fields_of_mp mp' in
- search_mod_label lab' fields
-and memoize_fields_of_mp mp =
- try MPmap.find mp !modcache
- with Not_found ->
- let l = fields_of_mp mp in
- modcache := MPmap.add mp l !modcache;
- l
-and fields_of_mp mp =
- let mb = lookup_module_in_impl mp in
- let fields,inner_mp,subs = fields_of_mb empty_subst mb [] in
- let subs =
- if mp_eq inner_mp mp then subs
- else add_mp inner_mp mp mb.mod_delta subs
- in
- Modops.subst_structure subs fields
-and fields_of_mb subs mb args = match mb.mod_expr with
- |Algebraic expr -> fields_of_expression subs mb.mod_mp args expr
- |Struct sign -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args sign
- |Abstract|FullStruct -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args mb.mod_type
-(** The Abstract case above corresponds to [Declare Module] *)
-and fields_of_signature x =
- fields_of_functor
- (fun subs mp0 args struc ->
- assert (List.is_empty args);
- (struc, mp0, subs)) x
-and fields_of_expr subs mp0 args = function
- |MEident mp ->
- let mb = lookup_module_in_impl (subst_mp subs mp) in
- fields_of_mb subs mb args
- |MEapply (me1,mp2) -> fields_of_expr subs mp0 (mp2::args) me1
- |MEwith _ -> assert false (* no 'with' in [mod_expr] *)
-and fields_of_expression x = fields_of_functor fields_of_expr x
-let lookup_constant_in_impl cst fallback =
- try
- let mp,dp,lab = repr_kn (canonical_con cst) in
- let fields = memoize_fields_of_mp mp in
- (* A module found this way is necessarily closed, in particular
- our constant cannot be in an opened section : *)
- search_cst_label lab fields
- with Not_found ->
- (* Either:
- - The module part of the constant isn't registered yet :
- we're still in it, so the [constant_body] found earlier
- (if any) was a true axiom.
- - The label has not been found in the structure. This is an error *)
- match fallback with
- | Some cb -> cb
- | None -> anomaly (str "Print Assumption: unknown constant " ++ pr_con cst)
-let lookup_constant cst =
- try
- let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- if Declareops.constant_has_body cb then cb
- else lookup_constant_in_impl cst (Some cb)
- with Not_found -> lookup_constant_in_impl cst None
-(** Graph traversal of an object, collecting on the way the dependencies of
- traversed objects *)
-let rec traverse accu t = match kind_of_term t with
-| Var id ->
- let body () = match Global.lookup_named id with (_, body, _) -> body in
- traverse_object accu body (VarRef id)
-| Const (kn, _) ->
- let body () = Global.body_of_constant_body (lookup_constant kn) in
- traverse_object accu body (ConstRef kn)
-| Ind (ind, _) ->
- traverse_object accu (fun () -> None) (IndRef ind)
-| Construct (cst, _) ->
- traverse_object accu (fun () -> None) (ConstructRef cst)
-| Meta _ | Evar _ -> assert false
-| _ -> Constr.fold traverse accu t
-and traverse_object (curr, data) body obj =
- let data =
- if Refmap.mem obj data then data
- else match body () with
- | None -> Refmap.add obj Refset.empty data
- | Some body ->
- let (contents, data) = traverse (Refset.empty, data) body in
- Refmap.add obj contents data
- in
- (Refset.add obj curr, data)
-let traverse t =
- let () = modcache := MPmap.empty in
- traverse (Refset.empty, Refmap.empty) t
-(** Hopefully bullet-proof function to recover the type of a constant. It just
- ignores all the universe stuff. There are many issues that can arise when
- considering terms out of any valid environment, so use with caution. *)
-let type_of_constant cb = match cb.Declarations.const_type with
-| Declarations.RegularArity ty -> ty
-| Declarations.TemplateArity (ctx, arity) ->
- Term.mkArity (ctx, Sorts.sort_of_univ arity.Declarations.template_level)
-let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) ?(add_transparent=false) st t =
- let (idts, knst) = st in
- (** Only keep the transitive dependencies *)
- let (_, graph) = traverse t in
- let fold obj _ accu = match obj with
- | VarRef id ->
- let (_, body, t) = Global.lookup_named id in
- if Option.is_empty body then ContextObjectMap.add (Variable id) t accu
- else accu
- | ConstRef kn ->
- let cb = lookup_constant kn in
- if not (Declareops.constant_has_body cb) then
- let t = type_of_constant cb in
- ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom kn) t accu
- else if add_opaque && (Declareops.is_opaque cb || not (Cpred.mem kn knst)) then
- let t = type_of_constant cb in
- ContextObjectMap.add (Opaque kn) t accu
- else if add_transparent then
- let t = type_of_constant cb in
- ContextObjectMap.add (Transparent kn) t accu
- else
- accu
- | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> accu
- in
- Refmap.fold fold graph ContextObjectMap.empty
diff --git a/library/assumptions.mli b/library/assumptions.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index bb36a972..00000000
--- a/library/assumptions.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Globnames
-(** A few declarations for the "Print Assumption" command
- @author spiwack *)
-type context_object =
- | Variable of Id.t (** A section variable or a Let definition *)
- | Axiom of constant (** An axiom or a constant. *)
- | Opaque of constant (** An opaque constant. *)
- | Transparent of constant (** A transparent constant *)
-(** AssumptionSet.t is a set of [assumption] *)
-module ContextObjectSet : Set.S with type elt = context_object
-module ContextObjectMap : Map.ExtS
- with type key = context_object and module Set := ContextObjectSet
-(** Collects all the objects on which a term directly relies, bypassing kernel
- opacity, together with the recursive dependence DAG of objects.
- WARNING: some terms may not make sense in the environment, because they are
- sealed inside opaque modules. Do not try to do anything fancy with those
- terms apart from printing them, otherwise demons may fly out of your nose.
-val traverse : constr -> (Refset.t * Refset.t Refmap.t)
-(** Collects all the assumptions (optionally including opaque definitions)
- on which a term relies (together with their type). The above warning of
- {!traverse} also applies. *)
-val assumptions :
- ?add_opaque:bool -> ?add_transparent:bool -> transparent_state -> constr ->
- Term.types ContextObjectMap.t
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index c3181e4c..5968fbf3 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ open Decls
open Decl_kinds
(** flag for internal message display *)
-type internal_flag =
- | KernelVerbose (* kernel action, a message is displayed *)
- | KernelSilent (* kernel action, no message is displayed *)
- | UserVerbose (* user action, a message is displayed *)
+type internal_flag =
+ | UserAutomaticRequest (* kernel action, a message is displayed *)
+ | InternalTacticRequest (* kernel action, no message is displayed *)
+ | UserIndividualRequest (* user action, a message is displayed *)
(** Declaration of section variables and local definitions *)
type section_variable_entry =
- | SectionLocalDef of definition_entry
+ | SectionLocalDef of Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
| SectionLocalAssum of types Univ.in_universe_context_set * polymorphic * bool (** Implicit status *)
type variable_declaration = DirPath.t * section_variable_entry * logical_kind
let cache_variable ((sp,_),o) =
match o with
- | Inl ctx -> Global.push_context_set ctx
+ | Inl ctx -> Global.push_context_set false ctx
| Inr (id,(p,d,mk)) ->
(* Constr raisonne sur les noms courts *)
if variable_exists id then
@@ -50,20 +50,20 @@ let cache_variable ((sp,_),o) =
let impl,opaq,poly,ctx = match d with (* Fails if not well-typed *)
| SectionLocalAssum ((ty,ctx),poly,impl) ->
- let () = Global.push_named_assum ((id,ty),ctx) in
+ let () = Global.push_named_assum ((id,ty,poly),ctx) in
let impl = if impl then Implicit else Explicit in
impl, true, poly, ctx
| SectionLocalDef (de) ->
- let () = Global.push_named_def (id,de) in
- Explicit, de.const_entry_opaque, de.const_entry_polymorphic,
- (Univ.ContextSet.of_context de.const_entry_universes) in
+ let univs = Global.push_named_def (id,de) in
+ Explicit, de.const_entry_opaque,
+ de.const_entry_polymorphic, univs in
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) (restrict_path 0 sp) (VarRef id);
add_section_variable id impl poly ctx;
Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps sp [];
add_variable_data id (p,opaq,ctx,poly,mk)
let discharge_variable (_,o) = match o with
- | Inr (id,_) ->
+ | Inr (id,_) ->
if variable_polymorphic id then None
else Some (Inl (variable_context id))
| Inl _ -> Some o
@@ -93,9 +93,13 @@ type constant_obj = {
cst_hyps : Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps;
cst_kind : logical_kind;
cst_locl : bool;
+ mutable cst_exported : Safe_typing.exported_private_constant list;
+ (* mutable: to avoid change the libobject API, since cache_function
+ * does not return an updated object *)
+ mutable cst_was_seff : bool
-type constant_declaration = constant_entry * logical_kind
+type constant_declaration = Safe_typing.private_constants constant_entry * logical_kind
(* At load-time, the segment starting from the module name to the discharge *)
(* section (if Remark or Fact) is needed to access a construction *)
@@ -116,8 +120,9 @@ let open_constant i ((sp,kn), obj) =
match (Global.lookup_constant con).const_body with
| (Def _ | Undef _) -> ()
| OpaqueDef lc ->
- match Opaqueproof.get_constraints (Global.opaque_tables ())lc with
- | Some f when Future.is_val f -> Global.push_context_set (Future.force f)
+ match Opaqueproof.get_constraints (Global.opaque_tables ()) lc with
+ | Some f when Future.is_val f ->
+ Global.push_context_set false (Future.force f)
| _ -> ()
let exists_name id =
@@ -130,8 +135,17 @@ let check_exists sp =
let cache_constant ((sp,kn), obj) =
let id = basename sp in
let _,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
- let () = check_exists sp in
- let kn' = Global.add_constant dir id obj.cst_decl in
+ let kn' =
+ if obj.cst_was_seff then begin
+ obj.cst_was_seff <- false;
+ if Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id (basename sp))
+ then constant_of_kn kn
+ else Errors.anomaly Pp.(str"Ex seff not found: " ++ Id.print(basename sp))
+ end else
+ let () = check_exists sp in
+ let kn', exported = Global.add_constant dir id obj.cst_decl in
+ obj.cst_exported <- exported;
+ kn' in
assert (eq_constant kn' (constant_of_kn kn));
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp (ConstRef (constant_of_kn kn));
let cst = Global.lookup_constant kn' in
@@ -156,19 +170,22 @@ let discharge_constant ((sp, kn), obj) =
(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
let dummy_constant_entry =
- ConstantEntry (ParameterEntry (None,false,(mkProp,Univ.UContext.empty),None))
+ ConstantEntry
+ (false, ParameterEntry (None,false,(mkProp,Univ.UContext.empty),None))
let dummy_constant cst = {
cst_decl = dummy_constant_entry;
cst_hyps = [];
cst_kind = cst.cst_kind;
cst_locl = cst.cst_locl;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = cst.cst_was_seff;
let classify_constant cst = Substitute (dummy_constant cst)
-let inConstant : constant_obj -> obj =
- declare_object { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
+let (inConstant, outConstant : (constant_obj -> obj) * (obj -> constant_obj)) =
+ declare_object_full { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
cache_function = cache_constant;
load_function = load_constant;
open_function = open_constant;
@@ -176,17 +193,41 @@ let inConstant : constant_obj -> obj =
subst_function = ident_subst_function;
discharge_function = discharge_constant }
+let declare_scheme = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let set_declare_scheme f = declare_scheme := f
let declare_constant_common id cst =
- let (sp,kn) = add_leaf id (inConstant cst) in
+ let update_tables c =
+(* Printf.eprintf "tables: %s\n%!" (Names.Constant.to_string c); *)
+ declare_constant_implicits c;
+ Heads.declare_head (EvalConstRef c);
+ Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstRef c) in
+ let o = inConstant cst in
+ let _, kn as oname = add_leaf id o in
+ List.iter (fun (c,ce,role) ->
+ (* handling of private_constants just exported *)
+ let o = inConstant {
+ cst_decl = ConstantEntry (false, ce);
+ cst_hyps = [] ;
+ cst_kind = IsProof Theorem;
+ cst_locl = false;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = true; } in
+ let id = Label.to_id (pi3 (Constant.repr3 c)) in
+ ignore(add_leaf id o);
+ update_tables c;
+ match role with
+ | Safe_typing.Subproof -> ()
+ | Safe_typing.Schema (ind, kind) -> !declare_scheme kind [|ind,c|])
+ (outConstant o).cst_exported;
+ pull_to_head oname;
let c = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in
- declare_constant_implicits c;
- Heads.declare_head (EvalConstRef c);
- Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstRef c);
+ update_tables c;
-let definition_entry ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
- ?(poly=false) ?(univs=Univ.UContext.empty) ?(eff=Declareops.no_seff) body =
- { const_entry_body = Future.from_val ((body,Univ.ContextSet.empty), eff);
+let definition_entry ?fix_exn ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
+ ?(poly=false) ?(univs=Univ.UContext.empty) ?(eff=Safe_typing.empty_private_constants) body =
+ { const_entry_body = Future.from_val ?fix_exn ((body,Univ.ContextSet.empty), eff);
const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = types;
const_entry_polymorphic = poly;
@@ -195,98 +236,33 @@ let definition_entry ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
const_entry_feedback = None;
const_entry_inline_code = inline}
-let declare_scheme = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
-let set_declare_scheme f = declare_scheme := f
-let declare_sideff env fix_exn se =
- let cbl, scheme = match se with
- | SEsubproof (c, cb, pt) -> [c, cb, pt], None
- | SEscheme (cbl, k) ->
- (fun (_,c,cb,pt) -> c,cb,pt) cbl, Some (cbl,k) in
- let id_of c = Names.Label.to_id (Names.Constant.label c) in
- let pt_opaque_of cb pt =
- match cb, pt with
- | { const_body = Def sc }, _ -> (Mod_subst.force_constr sc, Univ.ContextSet.empty), false
- | { const_body = OpaqueDef _ }, `Opaque(pt,univ) -> (pt, univ), true
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let ty_of cb =
- match cb.Declarations.const_type with
- | Declarations.RegularArity t -> Some t
- | Declarations.TemplateArity _ -> None in
- let cst_of cb pt =
- let pt, opaque = pt_opaque_of cb pt in
- let univs, subst =
- if cb.const_polymorphic then
- let univs = Univ.instantiate_univ_context cb.const_universes in
- univs, Vars.subst_instance_constr (Univ.UContext.instance univs)
- else cb.const_universes, fun x -> x
- in
- let pt = (subst (fst pt), snd pt) in
- let ty = subst (ty_of cb) in
- { cst_decl = ConstantEntry (DefinitionEntry {
- const_entry_body = Future.from_here ~fix_exn (pt, Declareops.no_seff);
- const_entry_secctx = Some cb.Declarations.const_hyps;
- const_entry_type = ty;
- const_entry_opaque = opaque;
- const_entry_inline_code = false;
- const_entry_feedback = None;
- const_entry_polymorphic = cb.const_polymorphic;
- const_entry_universes = univs;
- });
- cst_hyps = [] ;
- cst_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition;
- cst_locl = true;
- } in
- let exists c =
- try ignore(Environ.lookup_constant c env); true
- with Not_found -> false in
- let knl =
- CList.map_filter (fun (c,cb,pt) ->
- if exists c then None
- else Some (c,declare_constant_common (id_of c) (cst_of cb pt))) cbl in
- match scheme with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (inds_consts,kind) ->
- !declare_scheme kind (Array.of_list
- ( (fun (c,kn) ->
- CList.find_map (fun (x,c',_,_) ->
- if Constant.equal c c' then Some (x,kn) else None) inds_consts)
- knl))
-let declare_constant ?(internal = UserVerbose) ?(local = false) id ?(export_seff=false) (cd, kind) =
- let cd = (* We deal with side effects *)
+let declare_constant ?(internal = UserIndividualRequest) ?(local = false) id ?(export_seff=false) (cd, kind) =
+ let export = (* We deal with side effects *)
match cd with
- | Entries.DefinitionEntry de ->
- if export_seff ||
- not de.const_entry_opaque ||
- de.const_entry_polymorphic then
+ | DefinitionEntry de when
+ export_seff ||
+ not de.const_entry_opaque ||
+ de.const_entry_polymorphic ->
let bo = de.const_entry_body in
let _, seff = Future.force bo in
- if Declareops.side_effects_is_empty seff then cd
- else begin
- let seff = Declareops.uniquize_side_effects seff in
- Declareops.iter_side_effects
- (declare_sideff (Global.env ()) (Future.fix_exn_of bo)) seff;
- Entries.DefinitionEntry { de with
- const_entry_body = Future.chain ~pure:true bo (fun (pt, _) ->
- pt, Declareops.no_seff) }
- end
- else cd
- | _ -> cd
+ Safe_typing.empty_private_constants <> seff
+ | _ -> false
let cst = {
- cst_decl = ConstantEntry cd;
+ cst_decl = ConstantEntry (export,cd);
cst_hyps = [] ;
cst_kind = kind;
cst_locl = local;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = false;
} in
let kn = declare_constant_common id cst in
-let declare_definition ?(internal=UserVerbose)
+let declare_definition ?(internal=UserIndividualRequest)
?(opaque=false) ?(kind=Decl_kinds.Definition) ?(local = false)
?(poly=false) id ?types (body,ctx) =
- let cb =
+ let cb =
definition_entry ?types ~poly ~univs:(Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx) ~opaque body
declare_constant ~internal ~local id
@@ -382,12 +358,12 @@ let inInductive : inductive_obj -> obj =
let declare_projections mind =
let spec,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) (mind,0) in
match spec.mind_record with
- | Some (Some (_, kns, pjs)) ->
- Array.iteri (fun i kn ->
+ | Some (Some (_, kns, pjs)) ->
+ Array.iteri (fun i kn ->
let id = Label.to_id (Constant.label kn) in
let entry = {proj_entry_ind = mind; proj_entry_arg = i} in
let kn' = declare_constant id (ProjectionEntry entry,
- IsDefinition StructureComponent)
+ IsDefinition StructureComponent)
assert(eq_constant kn kn')) kns; true
| Some None | None -> false
@@ -441,50 +417,69 @@ let assumption_message id =
(** Global universe names, in a different summary *)
-type universe_names =
+type universe_names =
(Univ.universe_level Idmap.t * Id.t Univ.LMap.t)
-let input_universes : universe_names -> Libobject.obj =
- let open Libobject in
- declare_object
+(* Discharged or not *)
+type universe_decl = polymorphic * (Id.t * Univ.universe_level) list
+let cache_universes (p, l) =
+ let glob = Universes.global_universe_names () in
+ let glob', ctx =
+ List.fold_left (fun ((idl,lid),ctx) (id, lev) ->
+ ((Idmap.add id lev idl, Univ.LMap.add lev id lid),
+ Univ.ContextSet.add_universe lev ctx))
+ (glob, Univ.ContextSet.empty) l
+ in
+ Global.push_context_set false ctx;
+ if p then Lib.add_section_context ctx;
+ Universes.set_global_universe_names glob'
+let input_universes : universe_decl -> Libobject.obj =
+ declare_object
{ (default_object "Global universe name state") with
- cache_function = (fun (na, pi) -> Universes.set_global_universe_names pi);
- load_function = (fun _ (_, pi) -> Universes.set_global_universe_names pi);
- discharge_function = (fun (_, a) -> Some a);
+ cache_function = (fun (na, pi) -> cache_universes pi);
+ load_function = (fun _ (_, pi) -> cache_universes pi);
+ discharge_function = (fun (_, (p, _ as x)) -> if p then None else Some x);
classify_function = (fun a -> Keep a) }
-let do_universe l =
- let glob = Universes.global_universe_names () in
- let glob' =
- List.fold_left (fun (idl,lid) (l, id) ->
- let lev = Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ()) in
- (Idmap.add id lev idl, Univ.LMap.add lev id lid))
- glob l
+let do_universe poly l =
+ let l =
+ (fun (l, id) ->
+ let lev = Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ()) in
+ (id, lev)) l
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_universes glob')
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_universes (poly, l))
+type constraint_decl = polymorphic * Univ.constraints
+let cache_constraints (na, (p, c)) =
+ Global.add_constraints c;
+ if p then Lib.add_section_context (Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints c Univ.ContextSet.empty)
+let discharge_constraints (_, (p, c as a)) =
+ if p then None else Some a
-let input_constraints : Univ.constraints -> Libobject.obj =
- let open Libobject in
+let input_constraints : constraint_decl -> Libobject.obj =
+ let open Libobject in
{ (default_object "Global universe constraints") with
- cache_function = (fun (na, c) -> Global.add_constraints c);
- load_function = (fun _ (_, c) -> Global.add_constraints c);
- discharge_function = (fun (_, a) -> Some a);
+ cache_function = cache_constraints;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_constraints);
+ discharge_function = discharge_constraints;
classify_function = (fun a -> Keep a) }
-let do_constraint l =
- let u_of_id =
+let do_constraint poly l =
+ let u_of_id =
let names, _ = Universes.global_universe_names () in
- fun (loc, id) ->
+ fun (loc, id) ->
try Idmap.find id names
with Not_found ->
- user_err_loc (loc, "Constraint", str "Undeclared universe " ++ pr_id id)
+ user_err_loc (loc, "Constraint", str "Undeclared universe " ++ pr_id id)
let constraints = List.fold_left (fun acc (l, d, r) ->
let lu = u_of_id l and ru = u_of_id r in
Univ.Constraint.add (lu, d, ru) acc)
Univ.Constraint.empty l
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_constraints constraints)
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_constraints (poly, constraints))
diff --git a/library/declare.mli b/library/declare.mli
index d8a00db0..c6119a58 100644
--- a/library/declare.mli
+++ b/library/declare.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open Decl_kinds
(** Declaration of local constructions (Variable/Hypothesis/Local) *)
type section_variable_entry =
- | SectionLocalDef of definition_entry
+ | SectionLocalDef of Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
| SectionLocalAssum of types Univ.in_universe_context_set * polymorphic * bool (** Implicit status *)
type variable_declaration = DirPath.t * section_variable_entry * logical_kind
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ val declare_variable : variable -> variable_declaration -> object_name
(** Declaration of global constructions
i.e. Definition/Theorem/Axiom/Parameter/... *)
-type constant_declaration = constant_entry * logical_kind
+type constant_declaration = Safe_typing.private_constants constant_entry * logical_kind
(** [declare_constant id cd] declares a global declaration
(constant/parameter) with name [id] in the current section; it returns
@@ -43,14 +43,15 @@ type constant_declaration = constant_entry * logical_kind
type internal_flag =
- | KernelVerbose
- | KernelSilent
- | UserVerbose
+ | UserAutomaticRequest
+ | InternalTacticRequest
+ | UserIndividualRequest
(* Defaut definition entries, transparent with no secctx or proj information *)
-val definition_entry : ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?types:types ->
- ?poly:polymorphic -> ?univs:Univ.universe_context -> ?eff:Declareops.side_effects ->
- constr -> definition_entry
+val definition_entry : ?fix_exn:Future.fix_exn ->
+ ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?types:types ->
+ ?poly:polymorphic -> ?univs:Univ.universe_context ->
+ ?eff:Safe_typing.private_constants -> constr -> Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
val declare_constant :
?internal:internal_flag -> ?local:bool -> Id.t -> ?export_seff:bool -> constant_declaration -> constant
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ val declare_definition :
?local:bool -> ?poly:polymorphic -> Id.t -> ?types:constr ->
constr Univ.in_universe_context_set -> constant
-(** Since transparent constant's side effects are globally declared, we
+(** Since transparent constants' side effects are globally declared, we
* need that *)
val set_declare_scheme :
(string -> (inductive * constant) array -> unit) -> unit
@@ -85,5 +86,5 @@ val exists_name : Id.t -> bool
(** Global universe names and constraints *)
-val do_universe : Id.t Loc.located list -> unit
-val do_constraint : (Id.t Loc.located * Univ.constraint_type * Id.t Loc.located) list -> unit
+val do_universe : polymorphic -> Id.t Loc.located list -> unit
+val do_constraint : polymorphic -> (Id.t Loc.located * Univ.constraint_type * Id.t Loc.located) list -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index cc7c4d7f..7f607a51 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -166,12 +166,14 @@ let consistency_checks exists dir dirinfo =
let globref =
try Nametab.locate_dir (qualid_of_dirpath dir)
with Not_found ->
- anomaly (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " should already exist!")
+ errorlabstrm "consistency_checks"
+ (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " should already exist!")
assert (eq_global_dir_reference globref dirinfo)
if Nametab.exists_dir dir then
- anomaly (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " already exists")
+ errorlabstrm "consistency_checks"
+ (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " already exists")
let compute_visibility exists i =
if exists then Nametab.Exactly i else Nametab.Until i
@@ -845,10 +847,6 @@ type library_objects = Lib.lib_objects * Lib.lib_objects
(** For the native compiler, we cache the library values *)
-type library_values = Nativecode.symbol array
-let library_values =
- Summary.ref (Dirmap.empty : library_values Dirmap.t) ~name:"LIBVALUES"
let register_library dir cenv (objs:library_objects) digest univ =
let mp = MPfile dir in
let () =
@@ -857,15 +855,15 @@ let register_library dir cenv (objs:library_objects) digest univ =
ignore(Global.lookup_module mp);
with Not_found ->
(* If not, let's do it now ... *)
- let mp', values = Global.import cenv univ digest in
+ let mp' = Global.import cenv univ digest in
if not (ModPath.equal mp mp') then
anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected disk module name");
- library_values := Dirmap.add dir values !library_values
let sobjs,keepobjs = objs in
do_module false Lib.load_objects 1 dir mp ([],Objs sobjs) keepobjs
-let get_library_symbols_tbl dir = Dirmap.find dir !library_values
+let get_library_native_symbols dir =
+ Safe_typing.get_library_native_symbols (Global.safe_env ()) dir
let start_library dir =
let mp = Global.start_library dir in
@@ -950,7 +948,7 @@ type 'modast module_params =
let debug_print_modtab _ =
let pr_seg = function
| [] -> str "[]"
- | l -> str ("[." ^ string_of_int (List.length l) ^ ".]")
+ | l -> str "[." ++ int (List.length l) ++ str ".]"
let pr_modinfo mp (prefix,substobjs,keepobjs) s =
s ++ str (string_of_mp mp) ++ (spc ())
diff --git a/library/declaremods.mli b/library/declaremods.mli
index c3578ec4..319d168d 100644
--- a/library/declaremods.mli
+++ b/library/declaremods.mli
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ val register_library :
Safe_typing.compiled_library -> library_objects -> Safe_typing.vodigest ->
Univ.universe_context_set -> unit
-val get_library_symbols_tbl : library_name -> Nativecode.symbol array
+val get_library_native_symbols : library_name -> Nativecode.symbols
val start_library : library_name -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 875097e4..6002382c 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module GlobalSafeEnv : sig
val safe_env : unit -> Safe_typing.safe_environment
val set_safe_env : Safe_typing.safe_environment -> unit
val join_safe_environment : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> unit -> unit
+ val is_joined_environment : unit -> bool
end = struct
@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ let global_env = ref Safe_typing.empty_environment
let join_safe_environment ?except () =
global_env := Safe_typing.join_safe_environment ?except !global_env
+let is_joined_environment () =
+ Safe_typing.is_joined_environment !global_env
let () =
Summary.declare_summary global_env_summary_name
{ Summary.freeze_function = (function
@@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ end
let safe_env = GlobalSafeEnv.safe_env
let join_safe_environment ?except () =
GlobalSafeEnv.join_safe_environment ?except ()
+let is_joined_environment = GlobalSafeEnv.is_joined_environment
let env () = Safe_typing.env_of_safe_env (safe_env ())
@@ -73,13 +78,12 @@ let globalize_with_summary fs f =
let i2l = Label.of_id
let push_named_assum a = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_named_assum a)
-let push_named_def d = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_named_def d)
+let push_named_def d = globalize (Safe_typing.push_named_def d)
let add_constraints c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.add_constraints c)
-let push_context_set c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_context_set c)
-let push_context c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_context c)
+let push_context_set b c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_context_set b c)
+let push_context b c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_context b c)
let set_engagement c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_engagement c)
-let set_type_in_type () = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_type_in_type)
let add_constant dir id d = globalize (Safe_typing.add_constant dir (i2l id) d)
let add_mind dir id mie = globalize (Safe_typing.add_mind dir (i2l id) mie)
let add_modtype id me inl = globalize (Safe_typing.add_modtype (i2l id) me inl)
@@ -245,7 +249,7 @@ let current_dirpath () =
let with_global f =
let (a, ctx) = f (env ()) (current_dirpath ()) in
- push_context_set ctx; a
+ push_context_set false ctx; a
(* spiwack: register/unregister functions for retroknowledge *)
let register field value by_clause =
diff --git a/library/global.mli b/library/global.mli
index 62d7ea32..03469bea 100644
--- a/library/global.mli
+++ b/library/global.mli
@@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ val named_context : unit -> Context.named_context
(** Changing the (im)predicativity of the system *)
val set_engagement : Declarations.engagement -> unit
-val set_type_in_type : unit -> unit
(** Variables, Local definitions, constants, inductive types *)
-val push_named_assum : (Id.t * Constr.types) Univ.in_universe_context_set -> unit
-val push_named_def : (Id.t * Entries.definition_entry) -> unit
+val push_named_assum : (Id.t * Constr.types * bool) Univ.in_universe_context_set -> unit
+val push_named_def : (Id.t * Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry) -> Univ.universe_context_set
val add_constant :
- DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Safe_typing.global_declaration -> constant
+ DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Safe_typing.global_declaration ->
+ constant * Safe_typing.exported_private_constant list
val add_mind :
DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Entries.mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive
(** Extra universe constraints *)
val add_constraints : Univ.constraints -> unit
-val push_context : Univ.universe_context -> unit
-val push_context_set : Univ.universe_context_set -> unit
+val push_context : bool -> Univ.universe_context -> unit
+val push_context_set : bool -> Univ.universe_context_set -> unit
(** Non-interactive modules and module types *)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ val export : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> DirPath.t ->
module_path * Safe_typing.compiled_library * Safe_typing.native_library
val import :
Safe_typing.compiled_library -> Univ.universe_context_set -> Safe_typing.vodigest ->
- module_path * Nativecode.symbol array
+ module_path
(** {6 Misc } *)
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ val import :
val env_of_context : Environ.named_context_val -> Environ.env
val join_safe_environment : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> unit -> unit
+val is_joined_environment : unit -> bool
val is_polymorphic : Globnames.global_reference -> bool
val is_template_polymorphic : Globnames.global_reference -> bool
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index ef25fa59..30d195f8 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type option_value =
| BoolValue of bool
| IntValue of int option
| StringValue of string
+ | StringOptValue of string option
(** Summary of an option status *)
type option_state = {
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ type option_state = {
let nickname table = String.concat " " table
let error_undeclared_key key =
- error ((nickname key)^": no table or option of this type")
+ errorlabstrm "Goptions" (str (nickname key) ++ str ": no table or option of this type")
(* 1- Tables *)
@@ -293,6 +294,10 @@ let declare_string_option =
(fun v -> StringValue v)
(function StringValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option"))
+let declare_stringopt_option =
+ declare_option
+ (fun v -> StringOptValue v)
+ (function StringOptValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option"))
(* 3- User accessible commands *)
@@ -301,7 +306,9 @@ let declare_string_option =
let set_option_value locality check_and_cast key v =
let (name, depr, (_,read,write,lwrite,gwrite)) =
try get_option key
- with Not_found -> error ("There is no option "^(nickname key)^".")
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Goptions.set_option_value"
+ (str "There is no option " ++ str (nickname key) ++ str ".")
let write = match locality with
| None -> write
@@ -322,11 +329,13 @@ let check_bool_value v = function
let check_string_value v = function
| StringValue _ -> StringValue v
+ | StringOptValue _ -> StringOptValue (Some v)
| _ -> bad_type_error ()
let check_unset_value v = function
| BoolValue _ -> BoolValue false
| IntValue _ -> IntValue None
+ | StringOptValue _ -> StringOptValue None
| _ -> bad_type_error ()
(* Nota: For compatibility reasons, some errors are treated as
@@ -357,6 +366,8 @@ let msg_option_value (name,v) =
| IntValue (Some n) -> int n
| IntValue None -> str "undefined"
| StringValue s -> str s
+ | StringOptValue None -> str"undefined"
+ | StringOptValue (Some s) -> str s
(* | IdentValue r -> pr_global_env Id.Set.empty r *)
let print_option_value key =
@@ -364,9 +375,9 @@ let print_option_value key =
let s = read () in
match s with
| BoolValue b ->
- msg_info (str ("The "^name^" mode is "^(if b then "on" else "off")))
+ msg_info (str "The " ++ str name ++ str " mode is " ++ str (if b then "on" else "off"))
| _ ->
- msg_info (str ("Current value of "^name^" is ") ++ msg_option_value (name, s))
+ msg_info (str "Current value of " ++ str name ++ str " is " ++ msg_option_value (name, s))
let get_tables () =
let tables = !value_tab in
@@ -383,7 +394,7 @@ let get_tables () =
let print_tables () =
let print_option key name value depr =
- let msg = str (" "^(nickname key)^": ") ++ msg_option_value (name, value) in
+ let msg = str " " ++ str (nickname key) ++ str ": " ++ msg_option_value (name, value) in
if depr then msg ++ str " [DEPRECATED]" ++ fnl ()
else msg ++ fnl ()
@@ -401,10 +412,10 @@ let print_tables () =
!value_tab (mt ()) ++
str "Tables:" ++ fnl () ++
- (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str (" "^nickkey) ++ fnl ())
+ (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str " " ++ str nickkey ++ fnl ())
!string_table (mt ()) ++
- (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str (" "^nickkey) ++ fnl ())
+ (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str " " ++ str nickkey ++ fnl ())
!ref_table (mt ()) ++
fnl ()
diff --git a/library/goptions.mli b/library/goptions.mli
index 1c44f890..9d87c14c 100644
--- a/library/goptions.mli
+++ b/library/goptions.mli
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ type 'a write_function = 'a -> unit
val declare_int_option : int option option_sig -> int option write_function
val declare_bool_option : bool option_sig -> bool write_function
val declare_string_option: string option_sig -> string write_function
+val declare_stringopt_option: string option option_sig -> string option write_function
(** {6 Special functions supposed to be used only in } *)
@@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ type option_value =
| BoolValue of bool
| IntValue of int option
| StringValue of string
+ | StringOptValue of string option
(** Summary of an option status *)
type option_state = {
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 5c153b06..73d2aa05 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ let kind_of_head env t =
| None -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead)
| Const (cst,_) ->
(try on_subterm k l b (constant_head cst)
- with Not_found -> assert false)
+ with Not_found ->
+ Errors.anomaly
+ Pp.(str "constant not found in kind_of_head: " ++
+ str (Names.Constant.to_string cst)))
| Construct _ | CoFix _ ->
if b then NotImmediatelyComputableHead else ConstructorHead
| Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> RigidHead RigidType
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 4b0e2e3d..d15a02fe 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ open Errors
open Util
open Names
open Globnames
+open Nameops
open Term
open Reduction
open Declarations
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ let set_maximality imps b =
inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a
partial application)
-- [Manual] means the argument has been explicitely set as implicit.
+- [Manual] means the argument has been explicitly set as implicit.
We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is
operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true.
@@ -337,10 +338,12 @@ let check_correct_manual_implicits autoimps l =
List.iter (function
| ExplByName id,(b,fi,forced) ->
if not forced then
- error ("Wrong or non-dependent implicit argument name: "^(Id.to_string id)^".")
+ errorlabstrm ""
+ (str "Wrong or non-dependent implicit argument name: " ++ pr_id id ++ str ".")
| ExplByPos (i,_id),_t ->
if i<1 || i>List.length autoimps then
- error ("Bad implicit argument number: "^(string_of_int i)^".")
+ errorlabstrm ""
+ (str "Bad implicit argument number: " ++ int i ++ str ".")
errorlabstrm ""
(str "Cannot set implicit argument number " ++ int i ++
diff --git a/library/impargs.mli b/library/impargs.mli
index 1d3a73e9..30f2e30f 100644
--- a/library/impargs.mli
+++ b/library/impargs.mli
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ type implicit_explanation =
inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a
partial application) *)
| Manual
- (** means the argument has been explicitely set as implicit. *)
+ (** means the argument has been explicitly set as implicit. *)
(** We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is
operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true. *)
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 9977b666..297441e6 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ let classify_segment seg =
| (_,ClosedModule _) :: stk -> clean acc stk
| (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections"
| (_,OpenedModule (ty,_,_,_)) :: _ ->
- error ("there are still opened " ^ module_kind ty ^"s")
+ errorlabstrm "Lib.classify_segment"
+ (str "there are still opened " ++ str (module_kind ty) ++ str "s")
| (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> clean acc stk
clean ([],[],[]) (List.rev seg)
@@ -197,6 +198,9 @@ let split_lib_at_opening sp =
let add_entry sp node =
lib_stk := (sp,node) :: !lib_stk
+let pull_to_head oname =
+ lib_stk := (oname,List.assoc oname !lib_stk) :: List.remove_assoc oname !lib_stk
let anonymous_id =
let n = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr n; Names.Id.of_string ("_" ^ (string_of_int !n))
@@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ let start_modtype = start_mod true None
let error_still_opened string oname =
let id = basename (fst oname) in
errorlabstrm ""
- (str ("The "^string^" ") ++ pr_id id ++ str " is still opened.")
+ (str "The " ++ str string ++ str " " ++ pr_id id ++ str " is still opened.")
let end_mod is_type =
let oname,fs =
@@ -318,7 +322,8 @@ let end_compilation_checks dir =
try match snd (find_entry_p is_opening_node) with
| OpenedSection _ -> error "There are some open sections."
| OpenedModule (ty,_,_,_) ->
- error ("There are some open "^module_kind ty^"s.")
+ errorlabstrm "Lib.end_compilation_checks"
+ (str "There are some open " ++ str (module_kind ty) ++ str "s.")
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> ()
@@ -369,7 +374,8 @@ let find_opening_node id =
let oname,entry = find_entry_p is_opening_node in
let id' = basename (fst oname) in
if not (Names.Id.equal id id') then
- error ("Last block to end has name "^(Names.Id.to_string id')^".");
+ errorlabstrm "Lib.find_opening_node"
+ (str "Last block to end has name " ++ pr_id id' ++ str ".");
with Not_found -> error "There is nothing to end."
@@ -389,10 +395,13 @@ type abstr_info = variable_context * Univ.universe_level_subst * Univ.UContext.t
type abstr_list = abstr_info Names.Cmap.t * abstr_info Names.Mindmap.t
+type secentry =
+ | Variable of (Names.Id.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind *
+ Decl_kinds.polymorphic * Univ.universe_context_set)
+ | Context of Univ.universe_context_set
let sectab =
- Summary.ref ([] : ((Names.Id.t * Decl_kinds.binding_kind *
- Decl_kinds.polymorphic * Univ.universe_context_set) list *
- Opaqueproof.work_list * abstr_list) list)
+ Summary.ref ([] : (secentry list * Opaqueproof.work_list * abstr_list) list)
let add_section () =
@@ -403,16 +412,25 @@ let add_section_variable id impl poly ctx =
match !sectab with
| [] -> () (* because (Co-)Fixpoint temporarily uses local vars *)
| (vars,repl,abs)::sl ->
- sectab := ((id,impl,poly,ctx)::vars,repl,abs)::sl
+ sectab := (Variable (id,impl,poly,ctx)::vars,repl,abs)::sl
+let add_section_context ctx =
+ match !sectab with
+ | [] -> () (* because (Co-)Fixpoint temporarily uses local vars *)
+ | (vars,repl,abs)::sl ->
+ sectab := (Context ctx :: vars,repl,abs)::sl
let extract_hyps (secs,ohyps) =
let rec aux = function
- | ((id,impl,poly,ctx)::idl,(id',b,t)::hyps) when Names.Id.equal id id' ->
+ | (Variable (id,impl,poly,ctx)::idl,(id',b,t)::hyps) when Names.Id.equal id id' ->
let l, r = aux (idl,hyps) in
(id',impl,b,t) :: l, if poly then Univ.ContextSet.union r ctx else r
- | ((_,_,poly,ctx)::idl,hyps) ->
+ | (Variable (_,_,poly,ctx)::idl,hyps) ->
let l, r = aux (idl,hyps) in
l, if poly then Univ.ContextSet.union r ctx else r
+ | (Context ctx :: idl, hyps) ->
+ let l, r = aux (idl, hyps) in
+ l, Univ.ContextSet.union r ctx
| [], _ -> [],Univ.ContextSet.empty
in aux (secs,ohyps)
@@ -433,7 +451,8 @@ let add_section_replacement f g hyps =
let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
let subst, ctx = Univ.abstract_universes true ctx in
let args = instance_from_variable_context (List.rev sechyps) in
- sectab := (vars,f (Univ.UContext.instance ctx,args) exps,g (sechyps,subst,ctx) abs)::sl
+ sectab := (vars,f (Univ.UContext.instance ctx,args) exps,
+ g (sechyps,subst,ctx) abs)::sl
let add_section_kn kn =
let f x (l1,l2) = (l1,Names.Mindmap.add kn x l2) in
@@ -453,10 +472,13 @@ let section_segment_of_mutual_inductive kn =
let section_instance = function
| VarRef id ->
- if List.exists (fun (id',_,_,_) -> Names.id_eq id id')
- (pi1 (List.hd !sectab))
- then Univ.Instance.empty, [||]
- else raise Not_found
+ let eq = function
+ | Variable (id',_,_,_) -> Names.id_eq id id'
+ | Context _ -> false
+ in
+ if List.exists eq (pi1 (List.hd !sectab))
+ then Univ.Instance.empty, [||]
+ else raise Not_found
| ConstRef con ->
Names.Cmap.find con (fst (pi2 (List.hd !sectab)))
| IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) ->
diff --git a/library/lib.mli b/library/lib.mli
index 9c4d26c5..bb883175 100644
--- a/library/lib.mli
+++ b/library/lib.mli
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ val segment_of_objects :
val add_leaf : Names.Id.t -> Libobject.obj -> Libnames.object_name
val add_anonymous_leaf : Libobject.obj -> unit
+val pull_to_head : Libnames.object_name -> unit
(** this operation adds all objects with the same name and calls [load_object]
for each of them *)
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ val section_instance : Globnames.global_reference -> Univ.universe_instance * Na
val is_in_section : Globnames.global_reference -> bool
val add_section_variable : Names.Id.t -> Decl_kinds.binding_kind -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> Univ.universe_context_set -> unit
+val add_section_context : Univ.universe_context_set -> unit
val add_section_constant : bool (* is_projection *) ->
Names.constant -> Context.named_context -> unit
val add_section_kn : Names.mutual_inductive -> Context.named_context -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 5f2a2127..85c830ea 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
open Libnames
+open Pp
(* The relax flag is used to make it possible to load files while ignoring
failures to incorporate some objects. This can be useful when one
@@ -33,15 +34,13 @@ type 'a object_declaration = {
discharge_function : object_name * 'a -> 'a option;
rebuild_function : 'a -> 'a }
-let yell s = Errors.anomaly (Pp.str s)
let default_object s = {
object_name = s;
cache_function = (fun _ -> ());
load_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
open_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
subst_function = (fun _ ->
- yell ("The object "^s^" does not know how to substitute!"));
+ Errors.anomaly (str "The object " ++ str s ++ str " does not know how to substitute!"));
classify_function = (fun obj -> Keep obj);
discharge_function = (fun _ -> None);
rebuild_function = (fun x -> x)}
@@ -102,7 +101,16 @@ let declare_object_full odecl =
dyn_rebuild_function = rebuild };
-let declare_object odecl = fst (declare_object_full odecl)
+(* The "try .. with .. " allows for correct printing when calling
+ declare_object a loading time.
+let declare_object odecl =
+ try fst (declare_object_full odecl)
+ with e -> Errors.fatal_error (Errors.print e) (Errors.is_anomaly e)
+let declare_object_full odecl =
+ try declare_object_full odecl
+ with e -> Errors.fatal_error (Errors.print e) (Errors.is_anomaly e)
let missing_tab = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t)
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index b4261309..024ac9e6 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ open Lib
(*s Low-level interning/externing of libraries to files *)
-(*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *)
+let raw_extern_library f =
+ System.raw_extern_state Coq_config.vo_magic_number f
-let (raw_extern_library, raw_intern_library) =
- System.raw_extern_intern Coq_config.vo_magic_number
+let raw_intern_library f =
+ System.with_magic_number_check
+ (System.raw_intern_state Coq_config.vo_magic_number) f
(** Serialized objects loaded on-the-fly *)
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ let in_delayed f ch =
let fetch_delayed del =
let { del_digest = digest; del_file = f; del_off = pos; } = del in
- let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
+ let ch = raw_intern_library f in
let () = seek_in ch pos in
let obj, _, digest' = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let () = close_in ch in
@@ -76,19 +78,22 @@ open Delayed
type compilation_unit_name = DirPath.t
type library_disk = {
- md_name : compilation_unit_name;
md_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library;
md_objects : Declaremods.library_objects;
+type summary_disk = {
+ md_name : compilation_unit_name;
+ md_imports : compilation_unit_name array;
md_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Safe_typing.vodigest) array;
- md_imports : compilation_unit_name array }
(*s Modules loaded in memory contain the following informations. They are
kept in the global table [libraries_table]. *)
type library_t = {
library_name : compilation_unit_name;
- library_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library;
- library_objects : Declaremods.library_objects;
+ library_data : library_disk delayed;
library_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Safe_typing.vodigest) array;
library_imports : compilation_unit_name array;
library_digests : Safe_typing.vodigest;
@@ -126,7 +131,8 @@ let find_library dir =
let try_find_library dir =
try find_library dir
with Not_found ->
- error ("Unknown library " ^ (DirPath.to_string dir))
+ errorlabstrm "Library.find_library"
+ (str "Unknown library " ++ str (DirPath.to_string dir))
let register_library_filename dir f =
(* Not synchronized: overwrite the previous binding if one existed *)
@@ -165,8 +171,9 @@ let register_loaded_library m =
let prefix = Nativecode.mod_uid_of_dirpath libname ^ "." in
let f = prefix ^ "cmo" in
let f = Dynlink.adapt_filename f in
- if not !Flags.no_native_compiler then
- Nativelib.link_library ~prefix ~dirname ~basename:f
+ (* This will not produce errors or warnings if the native compiler was
+ not enabled *)
+ Nativelib.link_library ~prefix ~dirname ~basename:f
let rec aux = function
| [] -> link m; [libname]
@@ -374,14 +381,14 @@ let access_table what tables dp i =
| Fetched t -> t
| ToFetch f ->
let dir_path = Names.DirPath.to_string dp in
- msg_info (str"Fetching " ++ str what++str" from disk for " ++ str dir_path);
+ Flags.if_verbose msg_info (str"Fetching " ++ str what++str" from disk for " ++ str dir_path);
let t =
try fetch_delayed f
with Faulty f ->
- error
- ("The file "^f^" (bound to " ^ dir_path ^
- ") is inaccessible or corrupted,\n" ^
- "cannot load some "^what^" in it.\n")
+ errorlabstrm "Library.access_table"
+ (str "The file " ++ str f ++ str " (bound to " ++ str dir_path ++
+ str ") is inaccessible or corrupted,\ncannot load some " ++
+ str what ++ str " in it.\n")
tables := LibraryMap.add dp (Fetched t) !tables;
@@ -405,19 +412,19 @@ let () =
(* Internalise libraries *)
+type seg_sum = summary_disk
type seg_lib = library_disk
type seg_univ = (* true = vivo, false = vi *)
Univ.universe_context_set Future.computation array * Univ.universe_context_set * bool
type seg_discharge = Opaqueproof.cooking_info list array
type seg_proofs = Term.constr Future.computation array
-let mk_library md digests univs =
+let mk_library sd md digests univs =
- library_name = md.md_name;
- library_compiled = md.md_compiled;
- library_objects = md.md_objects;
- library_deps = md.md_deps;
- library_imports = md.md_imports;
+ library_name = sd.md_name;
+ library_data = md;
+ library_deps = sd.md_deps;
+ library_imports = sd.md_imports;
library_digests = digests;
library_extra_univs = univs;
@@ -429,24 +436,25 @@ let mk_summary m = {
let intern_from_file f =
- let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
- let (lmd : seg_lib), pos, digest_lmd = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
+ let ch = raw_intern_library f in
+ let (lsd : seg_sum), _, digest_lsd = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
+ let (lmd : seg_lib delayed) = in_delayed f ch in
let (univs : seg_univ option), _, digest_u = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let _ = System.skip_in_segment f ch in
let _ = System.skip_in_segment f ch in
let (del_opaque : seg_proofs delayed) = in_delayed f ch in
close_in ch;
- register_library_filename lmd.md_name f;
- add_opaque_table lmd.md_name (ToFetch del_opaque);
+ register_library_filename lsd.md_name f;
+ add_opaque_table lsd.md_name (ToFetch del_opaque);
let open Safe_typing in
match univs with
- | None -> mk_library lmd (Dvo_or_vi digest_lmd) Univ.ContextSet.empty
+ | None -> mk_library lsd lmd (Dvo_or_vi digest_lsd) Univ.ContextSet.empty
| Some (utab,uall,true) ->
- add_univ_table lmd.md_name (Fetched utab);
- mk_library lmd (Dvivo (digest_lmd,digest_u)) uall
+ add_univ_table lsd.md_name (Fetched utab);
+ mk_library lsd lmd (Dvivo (digest_lsd,digest_u)) uall
| Some (utab,_,false) ->
- add_univ_table lmd.md_name (Fetched utab);
- mk_library lmd (Dvo_or_vi digest_lmd) Univ.ContextSet.empty
+ add_univ_table lsd.md_name (Fetched utab);
+ mk_library lsd lmd (Dvo_or_vi digest_lsd) Univ.ContextSet.empty
module DPMap = Map.Make(DirPath)
@@ -462,7 +470,7 @@ let rec intern_library (needed, contents) (dir, f) from =
let m = intern_from_file f in
if not (DirPath.equal dir m.library_name) then
errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
- (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
+ (str "The file " ++ str f ++ str " contains library" ++ spc () ++
pr_dirpath m.library_name ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++
spc() ++ pr_dirpath dir); dir, f));
@@ -475,52 +483,18 @@ and intern_library_deps libs dir m from =
and intern_mandatory_library caller from libs (dir,d) =
let digest, libs = intern_library libs (try_locate_absolute_library dir) from in
if not (Safe_typing.digest_match ~actual:digest ~required:d) then
- errorlabstrm "" (strbrk ("Compiled library "^ DirPath.to_string caller ^
- ".vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library " ^
- DirPath.to_string dir));
+ errorlabstrm "" (str "Compiled library " ++ str (DirPath.to_string caller) ++ str ".vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library " ++ str (DirPath.to_string dir));
let rec_intern_library libs mref =
let _, libs = intern_library libs mref None in
-let check_library_short_name f dir = function
- | Some id when not (Id.equal id (snd (split_dirpath dir))) ->
- errorlabstrm "check_library_short_name"
- (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
- pr_dirpath dir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc () ++
- pr_id id)
- | _ -> ()
-let rec_intern_by_filename_only id f =
- let m = try intern_from_file f with Sys_error s -> error s in
- (* Only the base name is expected to match *)
- check_library_short_name f m.library_name id;
- (* We check no other file containing same library is loaded *)
- if library_is_loaded m.library_name then
- begin
- msg_warning
- (pr_dirpath m.library_name ++ str " is already loaded from file " ++
- str (library_full_filename m.library_name));
- m.library_name, []
- end
- else
- let needed, contents = intern_library_deps ([], DPMap.empty) m.library_name m (Some f) in
- let needed = (fun dir -> dir, DPMap.find dir contents) needed in
- m.library_name, needed
let native_name_from_filename f =
- let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
- let (lmd : seg_lib), pos, digest_lmd = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
+ let ch = raw_intern_library f in
+ let (lmd : seg_sum), pos, digest_lmd = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
Nativecode.mod_uid_of_dirpath lmd.md_name
-let rec_intern_library_from_file idopt f =
- (* A name is specified, we have to check it contains library id *)
- let paths = Loadpath.get_paths () in
- let _, f =
- System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".vo") in
- rec_intern_by_filename_only idopt f
(*s [require_library] loads and possibly opens a library. This is a
synchronized operation. It is performed as follows:
@@ -539,10 +513,11 @@ let rec_intern_library_from_file idopt f =
let register_library m =
+ let l = fetch_delayed m.library_data in
- m.library_compiled
- m.library_objects
+ l.md_compiled
+ l.md_objects
register_loaded_library (mk_summary m)
@@ -595,25 +570,13 @@ let require_library_from_dirpath modrefl export =
add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,modrefl,export));
add_frozen_state ()
-let require_library_from_file idopt file export =
- let modref,needed = rec_intern_library_from_file idopt file in
- let needed = List.rev_map snd needed in
- if Lib.is_module_or_modtype () then begin
- add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,[modref],None));
- Option.iter (fun exp -> add_anonymous_leaf (in_import_library ([modref],exp)))
- export
- end
- else
- add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (needed,[modref],export));
- add_frozen_state ()
(* the function called by Vernacentries.vernac_import *)
let safe_locate_module (loc,qid) =
try Nametab.locate_module qid
with Not_found ->
- (loc,"import_library", str (string_of_qualid qid ^ " is not a module"))
+ (loc,"import_library", str (string_of_qualid qid) ++ str " is not a module")
let import_module export modl =
(* Optimization: libraries in a raw in the list are imported
@@ -638,7 +601,7 @@ let import_module export modl =
try Declaremods.import_module export mp; aux [] l
with Not_found ->
user_err_loc (loc,"import_library",
- str ((string_of_qualid dir)^" is not a module")))
+ str (string_of_qualid dir) ++ str " is not a module"))
| [] -> flush acc
in aux [] modl
@@ -650,8 +613,8 @@ let check_coq_overwriting p id =
let is_empty = match l with [] -> true | _ -> false in
if not !Flags.boot && not is_empty && String.equal (Id.to_string (List.last l)) "Coq" then
errorlabstrm ""
- (strbrk ("Cannot build module "^DirPath.to_string p^"."^Id.to_string id^
- ": it starts with prefix \"Coq\" which is reserved for the Coq library."))
+ (str "Cannot build module " ++ str (DirPath.to_string p) ++ str "." ++ pr_id id ++ str "." ++ spc () ++
+ str "it starts with prefix \"Coq\" which is reserved for the Coq library.")
(* Verifies that a string starts by a letter and do not contain
others caracters than letters, digits, or `_` *)
@@ -673,29 +636,28 @@ let check_module_name s =
| c -> err c
let start_library f =
- let paths = Loadpath.get_paths () in
- let _, longf =
- System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".v") in
+ let () = if not (Sys.file_exists f) then
+ errorlabstrm "" (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str f))
+ in
let ldir0 =
- let lp = Loadpath.find_load_path (Filename.dirname longf) in
+ let lp = Loadpath.find_load_path (Filename.dirname f) in
Loadpath.logical lp
with Not_found -> Nameops.default_root_prefix
- let file = Filename.basename f in
+ let file = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f) in
let id = Id.of_string file in
check_module_name file;
check_coq_overwriting ldir0 id;
let ldir = add_dirpath_suffix ldir0 id in
Declaremods.start_library ldir;
- ldir,longf
+ ldir
let load_library_todo f =
- let paths = Loadpath.get_paths () in
- let _, longf =
- System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".v") in
+ let longf = Loadpath.locate_file (f^".v") in
let f = longf^"io" in
- let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
+ let ch = raw_intern_library f in
+ let (s0 : seg_sum), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (s1 : seg_lib), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (s2 : seg_univ option), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (s3 : seg_discharge option), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
@@ -706,7 +668,7 @@ let load_library_todo f =
if s2 = None then errorlabstrm "restart" (str"not a .vio file");
if s3 = None then errorlabstrm "restart" (str"not a .vio file");
if pi3 (Option.get s2) then errorlabstrm "restart" (str"not a .vio file");
- longf, s1, Option.get s2, Option.get s3, Option.get tasks, s5
+ longf, s0, s1, Option.get s2, Option.get s3, Option.get tasks, s5
(*s [save_library dir] ends library [dir] and save it to the disk. *)
@@ -770,18 +732,23 @@ let save_library_to ?todo dir f otab =
if not(is_done_or_todo i x) then Errors.errorlabstrm "library"
Pp.(str"Proof object "++int i++str" is not checked nor to be checked"))
- let md = {
+ let sd = {
md_name = dir;
+ md_deps = Array.of_list (current_deps ());
+ md_imports = Array.of_list (current_reexports ());
+ } in
+ let md = {
md_compiled = cenv;
md_objects = seg;
- md_deps = Array.of_list (current_deps ());
- md_imports = Array.of_list (current_reexports ()) } in
- if Array.exists (fun (d,_) -> DirPath.equal d dir) md.md_deps then
+ } in
+ if Array.exists (fun (d,_) -> DirPath.equal d dir) sd.md_deps then
error_recursively_dependent_library dir;
(* Open the vo file and write the magic number *)
- let (f',ch) = raw_extern_library f in
+ let f' = f in
+ let ch = raw_extern_library f' in
(* Writing vo payload *)
+ System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (sd : seg_sum);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (md : seg_lib);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (utab : seg_univ option);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (dtab : seg_discharge option);
@@ -789,19 +756,21 @@ let save_library_to ?todo dir f otab =
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (opaque_table : seg_proofs);
close_out ch;
(* Writing native code files *)
- if not !Flags.no_native_compiler then
+ if !Flags.native_compiler then
let fn = Filename.dirname f'^"/"^Nativecode.mod_uid_of_dirpath dir in
if not (Nativelib.compile_library dir ast fn) then
- msg_error (str"Could not compile the library to native code. Skipping.")
+ error "Could not compile the library to native code."
with reraise ->
let reraise = Errors.push reraise in
- let () = msg_warning (str ("Removed file "^f')) in
+ let () = msg_warning (str "Removed file " ++ str f') in
let () = close_out ch in
let () = Sys.remove f' in
iraise reraise
-let save_library_raw f lib univs proofs =
- let (f',ch) = raw_extern_library (f^"o") in
+let save_library_raw f sum lib univs proofs =
+ let f' = f^"o" in
+ let ch = raw_extern_library f' in
+ System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (sum : seg_sum);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (lib : seg_lib);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (Some univs : seg_univ option);
System.marshal_out_segment f' ch (None : seg_discharge option);
diff --git a/library/library.mli b/library/library.mli
index 35067068..d5e610dd 100644
--- a/library/library.mli
+++ b/library/library.mli
@@ -22,12 +22,11 @@ open Libnames
(** Require = load in the environment + open (if the optional boolean
is not [None]); mark also for export if the boolean is [Some true] *)
val require_library_from_dirpath : (DirPath.t * string) list -> bool option -> unit
-val require_library_from_file :
- Id.t option -> CUnix.physical_path -> bool option -> unit
-(** {6 ... } *)
+(** {6 Start the compilation of a library } *)
(** Segments of a library *)
+type seg_sum
type seg_lib
type seg_univ = (* cst, all_cst, finished? *)
Univ.universe_context_set Future.computation array * Univ.universe_context_set * bool
@@ -38,17 +37,19 @@ type seg_proofs = Term.constr Future.computation array
an export otherwise just a simple import *)
val import_module : bool -> qualid located list -> unit
-(** {6 Start the compilation of a library } *)
-val start_library : string -> DirPath.t * string
+(** Start the compilation of a file as a library. The argument must be an
+ existing file on the system, and the returned path is the associated
+ absolute logical path of the library. *)
+val start_library : CUnix.physical_path -> DirPath.t
-(** {6 End the compilation of a library and save it to a ".vo" file } *)
+(** End the compilation of a library and save it to a ".vo" file *)
val save_library_to :
?todo:(((Future.UUID.t,'document) Stateid.request * bool) list * 'counters) ->
DirPath.t -> string -> Opaqueproof.opaquetab -> unit
val load_library_todo :
- string -> string * seg_lib * seg_univ * seg_discharge * 'tasks * seg_proofs
-val save_library_raw : string -> seg_lib -> seg_univ -> seg_proofs -> unit
+ string -> string * seg_sum * seg_lib * seg_univ * seg_discharge * 'tasks * seg_proofs
+val save_library_raw : string -> seg_sum -> seg_lib -> seg_univ -> seg_proofs -> unit
(** {6 Interrogate the status of libraries } *)
diff --git a/library/library.mllib b/library/library.mllib
index eca28c82..92065736 100644
--- a/library/library.mllib
+++ b/library/library.mllib
@@ -16,5 +16,4 @@ Dischargedhypsmap
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 26af809e..622d390a 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ let physical p = p.path_physical
let get_load_paths () = !load_paths
-let get_paths () = physical !load_paths
let anomaly_too_many_paths path =
anomaly (str "Several logical paths are associated to" ++ spc () ++ str path)
@@ -112,3 +110,9 @@ let expand_path dir =
if DirPath.equal dir lg then (ph, lg) :: aux l else aux l
aux !load_paths
+let locate_file fname =
+ let paths = physical !load_paths in
+ let _,longfname =
+ System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths fname in
+ longfname
diff --git a/library/loadpath.mli b/library/loadpath.mli
index 3251b8c6..269e28e0 100644
--- a/library/loadpath.mli
+++ b/library/loadpath.mli
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ val logical : t -> DirPath.t
val get_load_paths : unit -> t list
(** Get the current loadpath association. *)
-val get_paths : unit -> CUnix.physical_path list
-(** Same as [get_load_paths] but only get the physical part. *)
val add_load_path : CUnix.physical_path -> DirPath.t -> implicit:bool -> unit
(** [add_load_path phys log type] adds the binding [phys := log] to the current
loadpaths. *)
@@ -52,3 +49,7 @@ val expand_path : DirPath.t -> (CUnix.physical_path * DirPath.t) list
val filter_path : (DirPath.t -> bool) -> (CUnix.physical_path * DirPath.t) list
(** As {!expand_path} but uses a filter function instead, and ignores the
implicit status of loadpaths. *)
+val locate_file : string -> string
+(** Locate a file among the registered paths. Do not use this function, as
+ it does not respect the visibility of paths. *)
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 02b085a7..3a23ab97 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -136,6 +136,11 @@ let name_fold_map f e = function
| Name id -> let (e,id) = f e id in (e,Name id)
| Anonymous -> e,Anonymous
+let name_max na1 na2 =
+ match na1 with
+ | Name _ -> na1
+ | Anonymous -> na2
let pr_lab l = str (Label.to_string l)
let default_library = Names.DirPath.initial (* = ["Top"] *)
diff --git a/library/nameops.mli b/library/nameops.mli
index 23432ae2..de1f99fe 100644
--- a/library/nameops.mli
+++ b/library/nameops.mli
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ val name_iter : (Id.t -> unit) -> Name.t -> unit
val name_cons : Name.t -> Id.t list -> Id.t list
val name_app : (Id.t -> Id.t) -> Name.t -> Name.t
val name_fold_map : ('a -> Id.t -> 'a * Id.t) -> 'a -> Name.t -> 'a * Name.t
+val name_max : Name.t -> Name.t -> Name.t
val pr_lab : Label.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 6af1e686..5b6d7cd9 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -524,7 +524,8 @@ let shortest_qualid_of_tactic kn =
let pr_global_env env ref =
try str (string_of_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global env ref))
- with Not_found as e -> prerr_endline "pr_global_env not found"; raise e
+ with Not_found as e ->
+ if !Flags.debug then Pp.msg_debug (Pp.str "pr_global_env not found"); raise e
let global_inductive r =
match global r with
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 96a487b1..3cb6da12 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -21,18 +21,12 @@ let unfreeze (fl,fs) =
Lib.unfreeze fl;
Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs
-let (extern_state,intern_state) =
- let ensure_suffix f = CUnix.make_suffix f ".coq" in
- let (raw_extern, raw_intern) =
- extern_intern Coq_config.state_magic_number in
- (fun s ->
- let s = ensure_suffix s in
- raw_extern s (freeze ~marshallable:`Yes)),
- (fun s ->
- let s = ensure_suffix s in
- let paths = Loadpath.get_paths () in
- unfreeze (with_magic_number_check (raw_intern paths) s);
- Library.overwrite_library_filenames s)
+let extern_state s =
+ System.extern_state Coq_config.state_magic_number s (freeze ~marshallable:`Yes)
+let intern_state s =
+ unfreeze (with_magic_number_check (System.intern_state Coq_config.state_magic_number) s);
+ Library.overwrite_library_filenames s
(* Rollback. *)
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 9fddc706..6cccb10e 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ open Names
open Term
open Environ
open Univ
+open Globnames
+(** Global universe names *)
type universe_names =
Univ.universe_level Idmap.t * Id.t Univ.LMap.t
-let global_universes = Summary.ref ~name:"Global universe names"
+let global_universes =
+ Summary.ref ~name:"Global universe names"
((Idmap.empty, Univ.LMap.empty) : universe_names)
let global_universe_names () = !global_universes
@@ -26,6 +29,25 @@ let pr_with_global_universes l =
try Nameops.pr_id (LMap.find l (snd !global_universes))
with Not_found -> l
+(** Local universe names of polymorphic references *)
+type universe_binders = (Id.t * Univ.universe_level) list
+let universe_binders_table = Summary.ref Refmap.empty ~name:"universe binders"
+let universe_binders_of_global ref =
+ try
+ let l = Refmap.find ref !universe_binders_table in l
+ with Not_found -> []
+let register_universe_binders ref l =
+ universe_binders_table := Refmap.add ref l !universe_binders_table
+(* To disallow minimization to Set *)
+let set_minimization = ref true
+let is_set_minimization () = !set_minimization
type universe_constraint_type = ULe | UEq | ULub
type universe_constraint = universe * universe_constraint_type * universe
@@ -139,6 +161,32 @@ let eq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
let res = Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n in
res, !cstrs
+(** Variant of [eq_constr_univs_infer] taking kind-of-term functions,
+ to expose subterms of [m] and [n], arguments. *)
+let eq_constr_univs_infer_with kind1 kind2 univs m n =
+ (* spiwack: duplicates the code of [eq_constr_univs_infer] because I
+ haven't find a way to factor the code without destroying
+ pointer-equality optimisations in [eq_constr_univs_infer].
+ Pointer equality is not sufficient to ensure equality up to
+ [kind1,kind2], because [kind1] and [kind2] may be different,
+ typically evaluating [m] and [n] in different evar maps. *)
+ let cstrs = ref Constraints.empty in
+ let eq_universes strict = Univ.Instance.check_eq univs in
+ let eq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
+ if Univ.check_eq univs u1 u2 then true
+ else
+ (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, UEq, u2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let rec eq_constr' m n =
+ Constr.compare_head_gen_with kind1 kind2 eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
+ in
+ let res = Constr.compare_head_gen_with kind1 kind2 eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n in
+ res, !cstrs
let leq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
@@ -148,15 +196,18 @@ let leq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
- if Univ.check_eq univs u1 u2 then true
- else (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, UEq, u2) !cstrs;
- true)
+ if Univ.check_eq univs u1 u2 then true
+ else (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, UEq, u2) !cstrs;
+ true)
let leq_sorts s1 s2 =
if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
- if Univ.check_leq univs u1 u2 then true
+ if Univ.check_leq univs u1 u2 then
+ ((if Univ.is_small_univ u1 then
+ cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, ULe, u2) !cstrs);
+ true)
(cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, ULe, u2) !cstrs;
@@ -169,7 +220,7 @@ let leq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
eq_constr' leq_constr' m n
and leq_constr' m n = m == n || compare_leq m n in
let res = compare_leq m n in
- res, !cstrs
+ res, !cstrs
let eq_constr_universes m n =
if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
@@ -188,7 +239,7 @@ let eq_constr_universes m n =
m == n || Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
let res = Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n in
- res, !cstrs
+ res, !cstrs
let leq_constr_universes m n =
if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
@@ -216,22 +267,22 @@ let leq_constr_universes m n =
Constr.compare_head_gen_leq eq_universes leq_sorts eq_constr' leq_constr' m n
and leq_constr' m n = m == n || compare_leq m n in
let res = compare_leq m n in
- res, !cstrs
+ res, !cstrs
let compare_head_gen_proj env equ eqs eqc' m n =
match kind_of_term m, kind_of_term n with
| Proj (p, c), App (f, args)
| App (f, args), Proj (p, c) ->
- (match kind_of_term f with
- | Const (p', u) when eq_constant (Projection.constant p) p' ->
- let pb = Environ.lookup_projection p env in
- let npars = pb.Declarations.proj_npars in
- if Array.length args == npars + 1 then
- eqc' c args.(npars)
- else false
- | _ -> false)
+ (match kind_of_term f with
+ | Const (p', u) when eq_constant (Projection.constant p) p' ->
+ let pb = Environ.lookup_projection p env in
+ let npars = pb.Declarations.proj_npars in
+ if Array.length args == npars + 1 then
+ eqc' c args.(npars)
+ else false
+ | _ -> false)
| _ -> Constr.compare_head_gen equ eqs eqc' m n
let eq_constr_universes_proj env m n =
if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
@@ -249,7 +300,7 @@ let eq_constr_universes_proj env m n =
m == n || compare_head_gen_proj env eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
let res = eq_constr' m n in
- res, !cstrs
+ res, !cstrs
(* Generator of levels *)
let new_univ_level, set_remote_new_univ_level =
@@ -697,7 +748,10 @@ let pr_constraints_map cmap =
prlist_with_sep spc (fun (d,r) -> pr_constraint_type d ++ r) cstrs ++ fnl ()
++ acc)
cmap (mt ())
+let remove_alg l (ctx, us, algs, insts, cstrs) =
+ (ctx, us, LSet.remove l algs, insts, cstrs)
let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs =
let left, lbounds =
Univ.LMap.fold (fun r lower (left, lbounds as acc) ->
@@ -713,15 +767,14 @@ let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs =
let rec instance (ctx', us, algs, insts, cstrs as acc) u =
let acc, left =
try let l = LMap.find u left in
- List.fold_left (fun (acc, left') (d, l) ->
- let acc', (enf,alg,l') = aux acc l in
- (* if alg then assert(not alg); *)
- let l' =
- if enf then Universe.make l
- else l'
- (* match Universe.level l' with Some _ -> l' | None -> Universe.make l *)
- in
- acc', (d, l') :: left') (acc, []) l
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc, left') (d, l) ->
+ let acc', (enf,alg,l') = aux acc l in
+ let l' =
+ if enf then Universe.make l
+ else l'
+ in acc', (d, l') :: left')
+ (acc, []) l
with Not_found -> acc, []
and right =
try Some (LMap.find u right)
@@ -729,24 +782,22 @@ let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs =
let instantiate_lbound lbound =
let alg = LSet.mem u algs in
- if alg then
- (* u is algebraic and has no upper bound constraints: we
- instantiate it with it's lower bound, if any *)
- instantiate_with_lbound u lbound true false acc
- else (* u is non algebraic *)
- match Universe.level lbound with
- | Some l -> (* The lowerbound is directly a level *)
- (* u is not algebraic but has no upper bounds,
- we instantiate it with its lower bound if it is a
- different level, otherwise we keep it. *)
- if not (Level.equal l u) && not (LSet.mem l algs) then
- (* if right = None then. Should check that u does not
- have upper constraints that are not already in right *)
- instantiate_with_lbound u lbound false false acc
- (* else instantiate_with_lbound u lbound false true acc *)
- else
- (* assert false: l can't be alg *)
- acc, (true, false, lbound)
+ if alg then
+ (* u is algebraic: we instantiate it with it's lower bound, if any,
+ or enforce the constraints if it is bounded from the top. *)
+ instantiate_with_lbound u lbound true false acc
+ else (* u is non algebraic *)
+ match Universe.level lbound with
+ | Some l -> (* The lowerbound is directly a level *)
+ (* u is not algebraic but has no upper bounds,
+ we instantiate it with its lower bound if it is a
+ different level, otherwise we keep it. *)
+ if not (Level.equal l u) then
+ (* Should check that u does not
+ have upper constraints that are not already in right *)
+ let acc' = remove_alg l acc in
+ instantiate_with_lbound u lbound false false acc'
+ else acc, (true, false, lbound)
| None ->
(* if right <> None then raise Not_found; *)
@@ -794,22 +845,63 @@ let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs =
if v == None then fst (aux acc u)
else LSet.remove u ctx', us, LSet.remove u algs, seen, cstrs)
us (ctx, us, algs, lbounds, cstrs)
let normalize_context_set ctx us algs =
let (ctx, csts) = ContextSet.levels ctx, ContextSet.constraints ctx in
let uf = UF.create () in
+ (** Keep the Prop/Set <= i constraints separate for minimization *)
+ let smallles, csts =
+ Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r as cstr) (smallles, noneqs) ->
+ if d == Le then
+ if Univ.Level.is_small l then
+ if is_set_minimization () then
+ (Constraint.add cstr smallles, noneqs)
+ else (smallles, noneqs)
+ else if Level.is_small r then
+ if Level.is_prop r then
+ raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency
+ (Le,Universe.make l,Universe.make r,None))
+ else (smallles, Constraint.add (l,Eq,r) noneqs)
+ else (smallles, Constraint.add cstr noneqs)
+ else (smallles, Constraint.add cstr noneqs))
+ csts (Constraint.empty, Constraint.empty)
+ in
let csts =
(* We first put constraints in a normal-form: all self-loops are collapsed
to equalities. *)
- let g = Univ.merge_constraints csts Univ.empty_universes in
+ let g = Univ.LSet.fold (fun v g -> Univ.add_universe v false g)
+ ctx Univ.empty_universes
+ in
+ let g =
+ Univ.Constraint.fold
+ (fun (l, d, r) g ->
+ let g =
+ if not (Level.is_small l || LSet.mem l ctx) then
+ try Univ.add_universe l false g
+ with Univ.AlreadyDeclared -> g
+ else g
+ in
+ let g =
+ if not (Level.is_small r || LSet.mem r ctx) then
+ try Univ.add_universe r false g
+ with Univ.AlreadyDeclared -> g
+ else g
+ in g) csts g
+ in
+ let g = Univ.Constraint.fold Univ.enforce_constraint csts g in
Univ.constraints_of_universes g
let noneqs =
- Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r) noneqs ->
- if d == Eq then (UF.union l r uf; noneqs)
- else Constraint.add (l,d,r) noneqs)
- csts Constraint.empty
+ Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r as cstr) noneqs ->
+ if d == Eq then (UF.union l r uf; noneqs)
+ else (* We ignore the trivial Prop/Set <= i constraints. *)
+ if d == Le && Univ.Level.is_small l then noneqs
+ else if Univ.Level.is_prop l && d == Lt && Univ.Level.is_set r
+ then noneqs
+ else Constraint.add cstr noneqs)
+ csts Constraint.empty
+ let noneqs = Constraint.union noneqs smallles in
let partition = UF.partition uf in
let flex x = LMap.mem x us in
let ctx, subst, eqs = List.fold_left (fun (ctx, subst, cstrs) s ->
@@ -819,7 +911,7 @@ let normalize_context_set ctx us algs =
Constraint.add (canon, Univ.Eq, g) cst) global
- let subst = LSet.fold (fun f -> LMap.add f canon) rigid subst in
+ let subst = LSet.fold (fun f -> LMap.add f canon) rigid subst in
let subst = LSet.fold (fun f -> LMap.add f canon) flexible subst in
(LSet.diff (LSet.diff ctx rigid) flexible, subst, cstrs))
(ctx, LMap.empty, Constraint.empty) partition
@@ -915,12 +1007,12 @@ let simplify_universe_context (univs,csts) =
let csts' = subst_univs_level_constraints subst csts' in
(univs', csts'), subst
-let is_small_leq (l,d,r) =
- Level.is_small l && d == Univ.Le
+let is_trivial_leq (l,d,r) =
+ Univ.Level.is_prop l && (d == Univ.Le || (d == Univ.Lt && Univ.Level.is_set r))
(* Prop < i <-> Set+1 <= i <-> Set < i *)
let translate_cstr (l,d,r as cstr) =
- if Level.equal Level.prop l && d == Univ.Lt then
+ if Level.equal Level.prop l && d == Univ.Lt && not (Level.equal Level.set r) then
(Level.set, d, r)
else cstr
@@ -928,7 +1020,7 @@ let refresh_constraints univs (ctx, cstrs) =
let cstrs', univs' =
Univ.Constraint.fold (fun c (cstrs', univs as acc) ->
let c = translate_cstr c in
- if Univ.check_constraint univs c && not (is_small_leq c) then acc
+ if is_trivial_leq c then acc
else (Univ.Constraint.add c cstrs', Univ.enforce_constraint c univs))
cstrs (Univ.Constraint.empty, univs)
in ((ctx, cstrs'), univs')
@@ -995,13 +1087,14 @@ let solve_constraints_system levels level_bounds level_min =
for i=0 to nind-1 do
for j=0 to nind-1 do
if not (Int.equal i j) && Int.Set.mem j clos.(i) then
- (v.(i) <- Universe.sup v.(i) level_bounds.(j);
- level_min.(i) <- Universe.sup level_min.(i) level_min.(j))
+ (v.(i) <- Universe.sup v.(i) level_bounds.(j));
+ (* level_min.(i) <- Universe.sup level_min.(i) level_min.(j)) *)
- for j=0 to nind-1 do
- match levels.(j) with
- | Some u -> v.(i) <- univ_level_rem u v.(i) level_min.(i)
- | None -> ()
- done
+ (* for j=0 to nind-1 do *)
+ (* match levels.(j) with *)
+ (* | Some u when not (Univ.Level.is_small u) -> *)
+ (* v.(i) <- univ_level_rem u v.(i) level_min.(i) *)
+ (* | _ -> () *)
+ (* done *)
diff --git a/library/universes.mli b/library/universes.mli
index 252648d7..45672ef4 100644
--- a/library/universes.mli
+++ b/library/universes.mli
@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@ open Term
open Environ
open Univ
+val set_minimization : bool ref
+val is_set_minimization : unit -> bool
(** Universes *)
+(** Global universe name <-> level mapping *)
type universe_names =
Univ.universe_level Idmap.t * Id.t Univ.LMap.t
@@ -22,6 +26,13 @@ val set_global_universe_names : universe_names -> unit
val pr_with_global_universes : Level.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** Local universe name <-> level mapping *)
+type universe_binders = (Id.t * Univ.universe_level) list
+val register_universe_binders : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders -> unit
+val universe_binders_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders
(** The global universe counter *)
val set_remote_new_univ_level : universe_level RemoteCounter.installer
@@ -66,6 +77,14 @@ val to_constraints : universes -> universe_constraints -> constraints
application grouping, the universe constraints in [u] and additional constraints [c]. *)
val eq_constr_univs_infer : Univ.universes -> constr -> constr -> bool universe_constrained
+(** [eq_constr_univs_infer_With kind1 kind2 univs m n] is a variant of
+ {!eq_constr_univs_infer} taking kind-of-term functions, to expose
+ subterms of [m] and [n], arguments. *)
+val eq_constr_univs_infer_with :
+ (constr -> (constr,types) kind_of_term) ->
+ (constr -> (constr,types) kind_of_term) ->
+ Univ.universes -> constr -> constr -> bool universe_constrained
(** [leq_constr_univs u a b] is [true, c] if [a] is convertible to [b]
modulo alpha, casts, application grouping, the universe constraints
in [u] and additional constraints [c]. *)