path: root/lib
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /lib
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
55 files changed, 4547 insertions, 766 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7671b0fc..f505bbe1 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 9821 2007-05-11 17:00:58Z aspiwack $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ open Pp
(* An integer is canonically represented as an array of k-digits blocs.
0 is represented by the empty array and -1 by the singleton [|-1|].
- The first bloc is in the range ]0;10^k[ for positive numbers.
- The first bloc is in the range ]-10^k;-1[ for negative ones.
+ The first bloc is in the range ]0;10^k[ for positive numbers.
+ The first bloc is in the range ]-10^k;-1[ for negative ones.
All other blocs are numbers in the range [0;10^k[.
Negative numbers are represented using 2's complementation. For instance,
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let normalize_neg n =
if Array.length n' = 0 then [|-1|] else (n'.(0) <- n'.(0) - base; n')
let rec normalize n =
- if Array.length n = 0 then n else
+ if Array.length n = 0 then n else
if n.(0) = -1 then normalize_neg n else normalize_pos n
let neg m =
@@ -167,8 +167,6 @@ let less_than m n =
(Array.length m = Array.length n && less_than_same_size m n 0 0))
let equal m n = (m = n)
-let less_or_equal_than m n = equal m n or less_than m n
let less_than_shift_pos k m n =
(Array.length m - k < Array.length n)
@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ let euclid m d =
if is_strictly_neg m then (-1),neg m else 1,Array.copy m in
let isnegd, d = if is_strictly_neg d then (-1),neg d else 1,d in
if d = zero then raise Division_by_zero;
- let q,r =
+ let q,r =
if less_than m d then (zero,m) else
let ql = Array.length m - Array.length d in
let q = Array.create (ql+1) 0 in
@@ -202,7 +200,7 @@ let euclid m d =
while not (less_than_shift_pos !i m d) do
if m.(!i)=0 then incr i else
if can_divide !i m d 0 then begin
- let v =
+ let v =
if Array.length d > 1 && d.(0) <> m.(!i) then
(m.(!i) * base + m.(!i+1)) / (d.(0) * base + d.(1) + 1)
@@ -234,11 +232,11 @@ let of_string s =
let r = (String.length s - !d) mod size in
let h = String.sub s (!d) r in
if !d = String.length s - 1 && isneg && h="1" then neg_one else
- let e = if h<>"" then 1 else 0 in
+ let e = if h<>"" then 1 else 0 in
let l = (String.length s - !d) / size in
let a = Array.create (l + e + n) 0 in
if isneg then begin
- a.(0) <- (-1);
+ a.(0) <- (-1);
let carry = ref 0 in
for i=l downto 1 do
let v = int_of_string (String.sub s ((i-1)*size + !d +r) size)+ !carry in
@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ let app_pair f (m, n) =
(f m, f n)
let add m n =
- if Obj.is_int m & Obj.is_int n
+ if Obj.is_int m & Obj.is_int n
then big_of_int (coerce_to_int m + coerce_to_int n)
else big_of_ints (add (ints_of_z m) (ints_of_z n))
@@ -313,8 +311,8 @@ let mult m n =
else big_of_ints (mult (ints_of_z m) (ints_of_z n))
let euclid m n =
- if Obj.is_int m & Obj.is_int n
- then app_pair big_of_int
+ if Obj.is_int m & Obj.is_int n
+ then app_pair big_of_int
(coerce_to_int m / coerce_to_int n, coerce_to_int m mod coerce_to_int n)
else app_pair big_of_ints (euclid (ints_of_z m) (ints_of_z n))
@@ -335,9 +333,7 @@ let one = big_of_int 1
let sub_1 n = sub n one
let add_1 n = add n one
let two = big_of_int 2
-let neg_two = big_of_int (-2)
let mult_2 n = add n n
-let is_zero n = n=zero
let div2_with_rest n =
let (q,b) = euclid n two in
@@ -364,12 +360,12 @@ let pow =
let (quo,rem) = div2_with_rest m in
((* [if m mod 2 = 1]*)
- if rem then
+ if rem then
mult n odd_rest
odd_rest )
(* quo = [m/2] *)
- (mult n n) quo
+ (mult n n) quo
pow_aux one
@@ -397,7 +393,7 @@ let check () =
let s = Printf.sprintf "%30s" (to_string n) in
let s' = Printf.sprintf "% 30.0f" (round n') in
if s <> s' then Printf.printf "%s: %s <> %s\n" op s s' in
-List.iter (fun a -> List.iter (fun b ->
+List.iter (fun a -> List.iter (fun b ->
let n = of_string a and m = of_string b in
let n' = float_of_string a and m' = float_of_string b in
let a = add n m and a' = n' +. m' in
diff --git a/lib/bigint.mli b/lib/bigint.mli
index f6d3da7b..69b035c4 100644
--- a/lib/bigint.mli
+++ b/lib/bigint.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: bigint.mli 9821 2007-05-11 17:00:58Z aspiwack $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Pp
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 35bbf32b..4191ccdb 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10441 2008-01-15 16:37:46Z lmamane $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Queues of a given length *)
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ let push bs e =
incr_size bs;
bs.depth <- bs.depth + 1;
bs.stack.(bs.pos) <- e
let pop bs =
if bs.size > 1 then begin
- bs.size <- bs.size - 1;
+ bs.size <- bs.size - 1;
bs.depth <- bs.depth - 1;
let oldpos = bs.pos in
decr_pos bs;
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let pop bs =
let top bs =
if bs.size >= 1 then bs.stack.(bs.pos)
else error "Nothing on the stack"
let app_push bs f =
if bs.size = 0 then error "Nothing on the stack"
else push bs (f (bs.stack.(bs.pos)))
diff --git a/lib/bstack.mli b/lib/bstack.mli
index ca2b5f02..cef8e1d9 100644
--- a/lib/bstack.mli
+++ b/lib/bstack.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: bstack.mli 10441 2008-01-15 16:37:46Z lmamane $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Bounded stacks. If the depth is [None], then there is no depth limit. *)
diff --git a/lib/compat.ml4 b/lib/compat.ml4
index 40cffadb..7566624b 100644
--- a/lib/compat.ml4
+++ b/lib/compat.ml4
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
-module M = struct
+module M = struct
type loc = Stdpp.location
let dummy_loc = Stdpp.dummy_loc
let make_loc = Stdpp.make_loc
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ let join_loc loc1 loc2 =
else Stdpp.encl_loc loc1 loc2
type token = string*string
type lexer = token Token.glexer
-let using l x = l.Token.tok_using x
module M = struct
@@ -40,12 +39,11 @@ let unloc (b,e) =
let join_loc loc1 loc2 =
if loc1 = dummy_loc or loc2 = dummy_loc then dummy_loc
- else (fst loc1, snd loc2)
+ else (fst loc1, snd loc2)
type token = Token.t
type lexer = Token.lexer
-let using l x = l.Token.using x
module M = struct
type loc = int * int
let dummy_loc = (0,0)
@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ let join_loc loc1 loc2 =
else (fst loc1, snd loc2)
type token = Token.t
type lexer = Token.lexer
-let using l x = l.Token.using x
@@ -68,4 +65,3 @@ let unloc = M.unloc
let join_loc = M.join_loc
type token = M.token
type lexer = M.lexer
-let using = M.using
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7b36929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:$ *)
+(* Generic dnet implementation over non-recursive types *)
+module type Datatype =
+ type 'a t
+ val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+ val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
+ val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
+ val fold2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'a
+ val compare : unit t -> unit t -> int
+ val terminal : 'a t -> bool
+ val choose : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b
+module type S =
+ type t
+ type ident
+ type meta
+ type 'a structure
+ module Idset : Set.S with type elt=ident
+ type 'a pattern =
+ | Term of 'a
+ | Meta of meta
+ type term_pattern = ('a structure) pattern as 'a
+ val empty : t
+ val add : t -> term_pattern -> ident -> t
+ val find_all : t -> Idset.t
+ val fold_pattern :
+ ('a -> (Idset.t * meta * t) -> 'a) -> 'a -> term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t option * 'a
+ val find_match : term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t
+ val inter : t -> t -> t
+ val union : t -> t -> t
+ val map : (ident -> ident) -> (unit structure -> unit structure) -> t -> t
+module Make =
+ functor (T:Datatype) ->
+ functor (Ident:Set.OrderedType) ->
+ functor (Meta:Set.OrderedType) ->
+ type ident = Ident.t
+ type meta = Meta.t
+ type 'a pattern =
+ | Term of 'a
+ | Meta of meta
+ type 'a structure = 'a T.t
+ module Idset = Set.Make(Ident)
+ module Mmap = Map.Make(Meta)
+ module Tmap = Map.Make(struct type t = unit structure
+ let compare = end)
+ type term_pattern = term_pattern structure pattern
+ type idset = Idset.t
+ (* we store identifiers at the leaf of the dnet *)
+ type node =
+ | Node of t structure
+ | Terminal of t structure * idset
+ (* at each node, we have a bunch of nodes (actually a map between
+ the bare node and a subnet) and a bunch of metavariables *)
+ and t = Nodes of node Tmap.t * idset Mmap.t
+ let empty : t = Nodes (Tmap.empty, Mmap.empty)
+ (* the head of a data is of type unit structure *)
+ let head w = (fun c -> ()) w
+ (* given a node of the net and a word, returns the subnet with the
+ same head as the word (with the rest of the nodes) *)
+ let split l (w:'a structure) : node * node Tmap.t =
+ let elt : node = Tmap.find (head w) l in
+ (elt, Tmap.remove (head w) l)
+ let select l w = Tmap.find (head w) l
+ let rec add (Nodes (t,m):t) (w:term_pattern) (id:ident) : t =
+ match w with Term w ->
+ ( try
+ let (n,tl) = split t w in
+ let new_node = match n with
+ | Terminal (e,is) -> Terminal (e,Idset.add id is)
+ | Node e -> Node (T.map2 (fun t p -> add t p id) e w) in
+ Nodes ((Tmap.add (head w) new_node tl), m)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let new_content = (fun p -> add empty p id) w in
+ let new_node =
+ if T.terminal w then
+ Terminal (new_content, Idset.singleton id)
+ else Node new_content in
+ Nodes ((Tmap.add (head w) new_node t), m) )
+ | Meta i ->
+ let m =
+ try Mmap.add i (Idset.add id (Mmap.find i m)) m
+ with Not_found -> Mmap.add i (Idset.singleton id) m in
+ Nodes (t, m)
+ let add t w id = add t w id
+ let rec find_all (Nodes (t,m)) : idset =
+ Idset.union
+ (Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m Idset.empty)
+ (Tmap.fold
+ ( fun _ n acc ->
+ let s2 = match n with
+ | Terminal (_,is) -> is
+ | Node e -> T.choose find_all e in
+ Idset.union acc s2
+ ) t Idset.empty)
+(* (\* optimization hack: Not_found is catched in fold_pattern *\) *)
+(* let fast_inter s1 s2 = *)
+(* if Idset.is_empty s1 || Idset.is_empty s2 then raise Not_found *)
+(* else Idset.inter s1 s2 *)
+(* let option_any2 f s1 s2 = match s1,s2 with *)
+(* | Some s1, Some s2 -> f s1 s2 *)
+(* | (Some s, _ | _, Some s) -> s *)
+(* | _ -> raise Not_found *)
+(* let fold_pattern ?(complete=true) f acc pat dn = *)
+(* let deferred = ref [] in *)
+(* let leafs,metas = ref None, ref None in *)
+(* let leaf s = leafs := match !leafs with *)
+(* | None -> Some s *)
+(* | Some s' -> Some (fast_inter s s') in *)
+(* let meta s = metas := match !metas with *)
+(* | None -> Some s *)
+(* | Some s' -> Some (Idset.union s s') in *)
+(* let defer c = deferred := c::!deferred in *)
+(* let rec fp_rec (p:term_pattern) (Nodes(t,m) as dn:t) = *)
+(* Mmap.iter (fun _ -> meta) m; (\* TODO: gérer patterns nonlin ici *\) *)
+(* match p with *)
+(* | Meta m -> defer (m,dn) *)
+(* | Term w -> *)
+(* try match select t w with *)
+(* | Terminal (_,is) -> leaf is *)
+(* | Node e -> *)
+(* if complete then T.fold2 (fun _ -> fp_rec) () w e else *)
+(* if T.fold2 *)
+(* (fun b p dn -> match p with *)
+(* | Term _ -> fp_rec p dn; false *)
+(* | Meta _ -> b *)
+(* ) true w e *)
+(* then T.choose (T.choose fp_rec w) e *)
+(* with Not_found -> *)
+(* if Mmap.is_empty m then raise Not_found else () *)
+(* in try *)
+(* fp_rec pat dn; *)
+(* (try Some (option_any2 Idset.union !leafs !metas) with Not_found -> None), *)
+(* List.fold_left (fun acc (m,dn) -> f m dn acc) acc !deferred *)
+(* with Not_found -> None,acc *)
+ (* Sets with a neutral element for inter *)
+ module OSet (S:Set.S) = struct
+ type t = S.t option
+ let union s1 s2 = match s1,s2 with
+ | (None, _ | _, None) -> None
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (S.union a b)
+ let inter s1 s2 = match s1,s2 with
+ | (None, a | a, None) -> a
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (S.inter a b)
+ let is_empty = function
+ | None -> false
+ | Some s -> S.is_empty s
+ (* optimization hack: Not_found is catched in fold_pattern *)
+ let fast_inter s1 s2 =
+ if is_empty s1 || is_empty s2 then raise Not_found
+ else let r = inter s1 s2 in
+ if is_empty r then raise Not_found else r
+ let full = None
+ let empty = Some S.empty
+ end
+ module OIdset = OSet(Idset)
+ let fold_pattern ?(complete=true) f acc pat dn =
+ let deferred = ref [] in
+ let defer c = deferred := c::!deferred in
+ let rec fp_rec metas p (Nodes(t,m) as dn:t) =
+ (* TODO gérer les dnets non-linéaires *)
+ let metas = Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m metas in
+ match p with
+ | Meta m -> defer (metas,m,dn); OIdset.full
+ | Term w ->
+ let curm = Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m Idset.empty in
+ try match select t w with
+ | Terminal (_,is) -> Some (Idset.union curm is)
+ | Node e ->
+ let ids = if complete then T.fold2
+ (fun acc w e ->
+ OIdset.fast_inter acc (fp_rec metas w e)
+ ) OIdset.full w e
+ else
+ let (all_metas, res) = T.fold2
+ (fun (b,acc) w e -> match w with
+ | Term _ -> false, OIdset.fast_inter acc (fp_rec metas w e)
+ | Meta _ -> b, acc
+ ) (true,OIdset.full) w e in
+ if all_metas then T.choose (T.choose (fp_rec metas) w) e
+ else res in
+ OIdset.union ids (Some curm)
+ with Not_found ->
+ if Idset.is_empty metas then raise Not_found else Some curm in
+ let cand =
+ try fp_rec Idset.empty pat dn
+ with Not_found -> OIdset.empty in
+ let res = List.fold_left f acc !deferred in
+ cand, res
+ (* intersection of two dnets. keep only the common pairs *)
+ let rec inter (t1:t) (t2:t) : t =
+ let inter_map f (Nodes (t1,m1):t) (Nodes (t2,m2):t) : t =
+ Nodes
+ (Tmap.fold
+ ( fun k e acc ->
+ try Tmap.add k (f e (Tmap.find k t2)) acc
+ with Not_found -> acc
+ ) t1 Tmap.empty,
+ Mmap.fold
+ ( fun m s acc ->
+ try Mmap.add m (Idset.inter s (Mmap.find m m2)) acc
+ with Not_found -> acc
+ ) m1 Mmap.empty
+ ) in
+ inter_map
+ (fun n1 n2 -> match n1,n2 with
+ | Terminal (e1,s1), Terminal (_,s2) -> Terminal (e1,Idset.inter s1 s2)
+ | Node e1, Node e2 -> Node (T.map2 inter e1 e2)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ) t1 t2
+ let rec union (t1:t) (t2:t) : t =
+ let union_map f (Nodes (t1,m1):t) (Nodes (t2,m2):t) : t =
+ Nodes
+ (Tmap.fold
+ ( fun k e acc ->
+ try Tmap.add k (f e (Tmap.find k acc)) acc
+ with Not_found -> Tmap.add k e acc
+ ) t1 t2,
+ Mmap.fold
+ ( fun m s acc ->
+ try Mmap.add m (Idset.inter s (Mmap.find m acc)) acc
+ with Not_found -> Mmap.add m s acc
+ ) m1 m2
+ ) in
+ union_map
+ (fun n1 n2 -> match n1,n2 with
+ | Terminal (e1,s1), Terminal (_,s2) -> Terminal (e1,Idset.union s1 s2)
+ | Node e1, Node e2 -> Node (T.map2 union e1 e2)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ) t1 t2
+ let find_match (p:term_pattern) (t:t) : idset =
+ let metas = ref Mmap.empty in
+ let (mset,lset) = fold_pattern ~complete:false
+ (fun acc (mset,m,t) ->
+ let all = OIdset.fast_inter acc
+ (Some(let t = try inter t (Mmap.find m !metas) with Not_found -> t in
+ metas := Mmap.add m t !metas;
+ find_all t)) in
+ OIdset.union (Some mset) all
+ ) None p t in
+ Option.get (OIdset.inter mset lset)
+ let fold_pattern f acc p dn = fold_pattern ~complete:true f acc p dn
+ let idset_map f is = Idset.fold (fun e acc -> Idset.add (f e) acc) is Idset.empty
+ let tmap_map f g m = Tmap.fold (fun k e acc -> Tmap.add (f k) (g e) acc) m Tmap.empty
+ let rec map sidset sterm (Nodes (t,m)) : t =
+ let snode = function
+ | Terminal (e,is) -> Terminal (e,idset_map sidset is)
+ | Node e -> Node ( (map sidset sterm) e) in
+ Nodes (tmap_map sterm snode t, (idset_map sidset) m)
diff --git a/lib/dnet.mli b/lib/dnet.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61998d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dnet.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:$ *)
+(* Generic discrimination net implementation over recursive
+ types. This module implements a association data structure similar
+ to tries but working on any types (not just lists). It is a term
+ indexing datastructure, a generalization of the discrimination nets
+ described for example in W.W.McCune, 1992, related also to
+ generalized tries [Hinze, 2000].
+ You can add pairs of (term,identifier) into a dnet, where the
+ identifier is *unique*, and search terms in a dnet filtering a
+ given pattern (retrievial of instances). It returns all identifiers
+ associated with terms matching the pattern. It also works the other
+ way around : You provide a set of patterns and a term, and it
+ returns all patterns which the term matches (retrievial of
+ generalizations). That's why you provide *patterns* everywhere.
+ Warning 1: Full unification doesn't work as for now. Make sure the
+ set of metavariables in the structure and in the queries are
+ distincts, or you'll get unexpected behaviours.
+ Warning 2: This structure is perfect, i.e. the set of candidates
+ returned is equal to the set of solutions. Beware of DeBruijn
+ shifts and sorts subtyping though (which makes the comparison not
+ symmetric, see
+ The complexity of the search is (almost) the depth of the term.
+ To use it, you have to provide a module (Datatype) with the datatype
+ parametrized on the recursive argument. example:
+ type btree = type 'a btree0 =
+ | Leaf ===> | Leaf
+ | Node of btree * btree | Node of 'a * 'a
+(* datatype you want to build a dnet on *)
+module type Datatype =
+ (* parametric datatype. ['a] is morally the recursive argument *)
+ type 'a t
+ (* non-recursive mapping of subterms *)
+ val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+ val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
+ (* non-recursive folding of subterms *)
+ val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
+ val fold2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'a
+ (* comparison of constructors *)
+ val compare : unit t -> unit t -> int
+ (* for each constructor, is it not-parametric on 'a? *)
+ val terminal : 'a t -> bool
+ (* [choose f w] applies f on ONE of the subterms of w *)
+ val choose : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b
+module type S =
+ type t
+ (* provided identifier type *)
+ type ident
+ (* provided metavariable type *)
+ type meta
+ (* provided parametrized datastructure *)
+ type 'a structure
+ (* returned sets of solutions *)
+ module Idset : Set.S with type elt=ident
+ (* a pattern is a term where each node can be a unification
+ variable *)
+ type 'a pattern =
+ | Term of 'a
+ | Meta of meta
+ type term_pattern = 'a structure pattern as 'a
+ val empty : t
+ (* [add t w i] adds a new association (w,i) in t. *)
+ val add : t -> term_pattern -> ident -> t
+ (* [find_all t] returns all identifiers contained in t. *)
+ val find_all : t -> Idset.t
+ (* [fold_pattern f acc p dn] folds f on each meta of p, passing the
+ meta and the sub-dnet under it. The result includes:
+ - Some set if identifiers were gathered on the leafs of the term
+ - None if the pattern contains no leaf (only Metas at the leafs).
+ *)
+ val fold_pattern :
+ ('a -> (Idset.t * meta * t) -> 'a) -> 'a -> term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t option * 'a
+ (* [find_match p t] returns identifiers of all terms matching p in
+ t. *)
+ val find_match : term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t
+ (* set operations on dnets *)
+ val inter : t -> t -> t
+ val union : t -> t -> t
+ (* apply a function on each identifier and node of terms in a dnet *)
+ val map : (ident -> ident) -> (unit structure -> unit structure) -> t -> t
+module Make :
+ functor (T:Datatype) ->
+ functor (Ident:Set.OrderedType) ->
+ functor (Meta:Set.OrderedType) ->
+ S with type ident = Ident.t
+ and type meta = Meta.t
+ and type 'a structure = 'a T.t
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 94979835..d2bd458a 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Util
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type t = string * Obj.t
let dyntab = ref ([] : string list)
let create s =
- if List.mem s !dyntab then
+ if List.mem s !dyntab then
anomaly ("Dyn.create: already declared dynamic " ^ s);
dyntab := s :: !dyntab;
((fun v -> (s,Obj.repr v)),
diff --git a/lib/dyn.mli b/lib/dyn.mli
index 86a1560a..1149612f 100644
--- a/lib/dyn.mli
+++ b/lib/dyn.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: dyn.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Dynamics. Use with extreme care. Not for kids. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 380abfd8..fd870a21 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10441 2008-01-15 16:37:46Z lmamane $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type ('a,'b,'c) t = {
mutable last_focused_stk : 'a list;
buf : ('a, 'b Bstack.t * 'c) Hashtbl.t }
-let empty () = {
+let empty () = {
focus = None;
last_focused_stk = [];
buf = Hashtbl.create 17 }
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let unfocus e =
e.last_focused_stk <- foc::(list_except foc e.last_focused_stk);
e.focus <- None
let last_focused e =
match e.last_focused_stk with
| [] -> None
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let restore_last_focus e =
match e.last_focused_stk with
| [] -> ()
| f::_ -> focus e f
let focusedp e =
match e.focus with
| None -> false
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ let depth e =
(* Undo focused proof of [e] to reach depth [n] *)
let undo_todepth e n =
match e.focus with
- | None ->
- if n <> 0
+ | None ->
+ if n <> 0
then errorlabstrm "Edit.undo_todepth" (str"No proof in progress")
else () (* if there is no proof in progress, then n must be zero *)
| Some d ->
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let undo_todepth e n =
let create e (d,b,c,usize) =
if Hashtbl.mem e.buf d then
- errorlabstrm "Edit.create"
+ errorlabstrm "Edit.create"
(str"Already editing something of that name");
let bs = Bstack.create usize b in
Hashtbl.add e.buf d (bs,c)
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ let delete e d =
| Some d' -> if d = d' then (e.focus <- None ; (restore_last_focus e))
| None -> ()
-let dom e =
+let dom e =
let l = ref [] in
Hashtbl.iter (fun x _ -> l := x :: !l) e.buf;
let clear e =
e.focus <- None;
e.last_focused_stk <- [];
diff --git a/lib/edit.mli b/lib/edit.mli
index ab82c1f9..d13d9c6f 100644
--- a/lib/edit.mli
+++ b/lib/edit.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: edit.mli 6947 2005-04-20 16:18:41Z coq $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* The type of editors.
* An editor is a finite map, ['a -> 'b], which knows how to apply
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index d700ffe1..2e680ad0 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -9,77 +9,77 @@
(* This file gathers environment variables needed by Coq to run (such
as coqlib) *)
-let coqbin () =
+let coqbin () =
if !Flags.boot || Coq_config.local
then Filename.concat Coq_config.coqsrc "bin"
else System.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name)
-let guess_coqlib () =
+let guess_coqlib () =
let file = "states/initial.coq" in
- if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib file)
+ if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib file)
then Coq_config.coqlib
- else
+ else
let coqbin = System.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) in
let prefix = Filename.dirname coqbin in
- let rpath = if Coq_config.local then [] else
+ let rpath = if Coq_config.local then [] else
(if Coq_config.arch = "win32" then ["lib"] else ["lib";"coq"]) in
let coqlib = List.fold_left Filename.concat prefix rpath in
if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat coqlib file) then coqlib else
Util.error "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; please use -coqlib option"
-let coqlib () =
+let coqlib () =
if !Flags.coqlib_spec then !Flags.coqlib else
(if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.coqsrc else guess_coqlib ())
let path_to_list p =
let sep = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then ';' else ':' in
- Util.split_string_at sep p
+ Util.split_string_at sep p
let rec which l f =
match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
- | p :: tl ->
- if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat p f)
- then p
+ | p :: tl ->
+ if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat p f)
+ then p
else which tl f
-let guess_camlbin () =
- let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in
+let guess_camlbin () =
+ let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in
let lpath = path_to_list path in
which lpath "ocamlc"
-let guess_camlp4bin () =
- let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in
+let guess_camlp4bin () =
+ let path = try Sys.getenv "PATH" with _ -> raise Not_found in
let lpath = path_to_list path in
which lpath Coq_config.camlp4
-let camlbin () =
+let camlbin () =
if !Flags.camlbin_spec then !Flags.camlbin else
if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camlbin else
try guess_camlbin () with _ -> Coq_config.camlbin
-let camllib () =
+let camllib () =
if !Flags.boot
then Coq_config.camllib
- else
- let camlbin = camlbin () in
+ else
+ let camlbin = camlbin () in
let com = (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlc") ^ " -where" in
let _,res = System.run_command (fun x -> x) (fun _ -> ()) com in
Util.strip res
(* TODO : essayer aussi camlbin *)
-let camlp4bin () =
+let camlp4bin () =
if !Flags.camlp4bin_spec then !Flags.camlp4bin else
if !Flags.boot then Coq_config.camlp4bin else
try guess_camlp4bin () with _ -> Coq_config.camlp4bin
-let camlp4lib () =
+let camlp4lib () =
if !Flags.boot
then Coq_config.camlp4lib
- else
- let camlp4bin = camlp4bin () in
+ else
+ let camlp4bin = camlp4bin () in
let com = (Filename.concat camlp4bin Coq_config.camlp4) ^ " -where" in
let _,res = System.run_command (fun x -> x) (fun _ -> ()) com in
Util.strip res
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7e6de0c4..76049509 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 6066 2004-09-06 22:54:50Z barras $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Format
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Make = functor(S : SearchProblem) -> struct
type position = int list
- let pp_position p =
+ let pp_position p =
let rec pp_rec = function
| [] -> ()
| [i] -> printf "%d" i
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ module Make = functor(S : SearchProblem) -> struct
(*s Depth first search. *)
- let rec depth_first s =
+ let rec depth_first s =
if S.success s then s else depth_first_many (S.branching s)
and depth_first_many = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| [s] -> depth_first s
| s :: l -> try depth_first s with Not_found -> depth_first_many l
- let debug_depth_first s =
+ let debug_depth_first s =
let rec explore p s =
pp_position p; S.pp s;
if S.success s then s else explore_many 1 p (S.branching s)
and explore_many i p = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| [s] -> explore (i::p) s
- | s :: l ->
+ | s :: l ->
try explore (i::p) s with Not_found -> explore_many (succ i) p l
explore [1] s
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module Make = functor(S : SearchProblem) -> struct
| h, x::t -> x, (h,t)
| h, [] -> match List.rev h with x::t -> x, ([],t) | [] -> raise Empty
- let breadth_first s =
+ let breadth_first s =
let rec explore q =
let (s, q') = try pop q with Empty -> raise Not_found in
enqueue q' (S.branching s)
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ module Make = functor(S : SearchProblem) -> struct
enqueue empty [s]
- let debug_breadth_first s =
+ let debug_breadth_first s =
let rec explore q =
- let ((p,s), q') = try pop q with Empty -> raise Not_found in
+ let ((p,s), q') = try pop q with Empty -> raise Not_found in
enqueue 1 p q' (S.branching s)
and enqueue i p q = function
- | [] ->
+ | [] ->
explore q
| s :: l ->
- let ps = i::p in
+ let ps = i::p in
pp_position ps; S.pp s;
if S.success s then s else enqueue (succ i) p (push (ps,s) q) l
diff --git a/lib/explore.mli b/lib/explore.mli
index 07f95e8a..e29f2795 100644
--- a/lib/explore.mli
+++ b/lib/explore.mli
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: explore.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(*s Search strategies. *)
(*s A search problem implements the following signature [SearchProblem].
[state] is the type of states of the search tree.
- [branching] is the branching function; if [branching s] returns an
+ [branching] is the branching function; if [branching s] returns an
empty list, then search from [s] is aborted; successors of [s] are
recursively searched in the order they appear in the list.
- [success] determines whether a given state is a success.
+ [success] determines whether a given state is a success.
- [pp] is a pretty-printer for states used in debugging versions of the
+ [pp] is a pretty-printer for states used in debugging versions of the
search functions. *)
module type SearchProblem = sig
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module type SearchProblem = sig
(*s Functor [Make] returns some search functions given a search problem.
- Search functions raise [Not_found] if no success is found.
+ Search functions raise [Not_found] if no success is found.
States are always visited in the order they appear in the
output of [branching] (whatever the search method is).
Debugging versions of the search functions print the position of the
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 928912e6..12d25c54 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 11801 2009-01-18 20:11:41Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
let with_option o f x =
let old = !o in o:=true;
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ let raw_print = ref false
let unicode_syntax = ref false
+(* Compatibility mode *)
+type compat_version = V8_2
+let compat_version = ref None
+let version_strictly_greater v =
+ match !compat_version with None -> true | Some v' -> v'>v
+let version_less_or_equal v = not (version_strictly_greater v)
(* Translate *)
let beautify = ref false
let make_beautify f = beautify := f
@@ -55,6 +63,10 @@ let verbosely f x = without_option silent f x
let if_silent f x = if !silent then f x
let if_verbose f x = if not !silent then f x
+let auto_intros = ref true
+let make_auto_intros flag = auto_intros := flag
+let is_auto_intros () = version_strictly_greater V8_2 && !auto_intros
let hash_cons_proofs = ref true
let warn = ref true
@@ -80,8 +92,8 @@ let is_unsafe s = Stringset.mem s !unsafe_set
let boxed_definitions = ref true
let set_boxed_definitions b = boxed_definitions := b
-let boxed_definitions _ = !boxed_definitions
+let boxed_definitions _ = !boxed_definitions
(* Flags for external tools *)
let subst_command_placeholder s t =
@@ -102,6 +114,15 @@ let browser_cmd_fmt =
Not_found -> Coq_config.browser
+let is_standard_doc_url url =
+ let wwwcompatprefix = "" in
+ let wwwprefix = "" in
+ let n = String.length wwwprefix in
+ let n' = String.length Coq_config.wwwrefman in
+ url = Coq_config.localwwwrefman ||
+ url = Coq_config.wwwrefman ||
+ url = wwwcompatprefix ^ String.sub Coq_config.wwwrefman n (n'-n)
(* Options for changing coqlib *)
let coqlib_spec = ref false
let coqlib = ref Coq_config.coqlib
diff --git a/lib/flags.mli b/lib/flags.mli
index c5903285..50ba923b 100644
--- a/lib/flags.mli
+++ b/lib/flags.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: flags.mli 11801 2009-01-18 20:11:41Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Global options of the system. *)
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ val raw_print : bool ref
val unicode_syntax : bool ref
+type compat_version = V8_2
+val compat_version : compat_version option ref
+val version_strictly_greater : compat_version -> bool
+val version_less_or_equal : compat_version -> bool
val beautify : bool ref
val make_beautify : bool -> unit
val do_beautify : unit -> bool
@@ -42,6 +47,9 @@ val verbosely : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val if_silent : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val if_verbose : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+val make_auto_intros : bool -> unit
+val is_auto_intros : unit -> bool
val make_warn : bool -> unit
val if_warn : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
@@ -70,7 +78,9 @@ val boxed_definitions : unit -> bool
(* Returns string format for default browser to use from Coq or CoqIDE *)
val browser_cmd_fmt : string
+val is_standard_doc_url : string -> bool
(* Substitute %s in the first chain by the second chain *)
val subst_command_placeholder : string -> string -> string
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ca56fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module Make = functor (X:Map.OrderedType) -> struct
+ type key = X.t
+ type 'a t =
+ Empty
+ | Node of 'a t * key * 'a * 'a t * int
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+ let height = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h
+ let create l x d r =
+ let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let bal l x d r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ if hl > hr + 2 then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, ld, lr, _) ->
+ if height ll >= height lr then
+ create ll lv ld (create lr x d r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrd, lrr, _)->
+ create (create ll lv ld lrl) lrv lrd (create lrr x d r)
+ end
+ end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rd, rr, _) ->
+ if height rr >= height rl then
+ create (create l x d rl) rv rd rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rld, rlr, _) ->
+ create (create l x d rll) rlv rld (create rlr rv rd rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let rec add x data = function
+ Empty ->
+ Node(Empty, x, data, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then
+ Node(l, x, data, r, h)
+ else if c < 0 then
+ bal (add x data l) v d r
+ else
+ bal l v d (add x data r)
+ let rec find x = function
+ Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then d
+ else find x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec mem x = function
+ Empty ->
+ false
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec min_binding = function
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(Empty, x, d, r, _) -> (x, d)
+ | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> min_binding l
+ let rec remove_min_binding = function
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.remove_min_elt"
+ | Node(Empty, x, d, r, _) -> r
+ | Node(l, x, d, r, _) -> bal (remove_min_binding l) x d r
+ let merge t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (_, _) ->
+ let (x, d) = min_binding t2 in
+ bal t1 x d (remove_min_binding t2)
+ let rec remove x = function
+ Empty ->
+ Empty
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then
+ merge l r
+ else if c < 0 then
+ bal (remove x l) v d r
+ else
+ bal l v d (remove x r)
+ let rec iter f = function
+ Empty -> ()
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ iter f l; f v d; iter f r
+ let rec map f = function
+ Empty -> Empty
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) -> Node(map f l, v, f d, map f r, h)
+ (* Maintien de fold_right par compatibilité (changé en fold_left dans
+ ocaml-3.09.0) *)
+ let rec fold f m accu =
+ match m with
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ fold f l (f v d (fold f r accu))
+(* Added with respect to ocaml standard library. *)
+ let dom m = fold (fun x _ acc -> x::acc) m []
+ let rng m = fold (fun _ y acc -> y::acc) m []
+ let to_list m = fold (fun x y acc -> (x,y)::acc) m []
diff --git a/lib/fmap.mli b/lib/fmap.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c323b055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fmap.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module Make : functor (X : Map.OrderedType) ->
+ type key = X.t
+ type 'a t
+val empty : 'a t
+val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
+val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
+val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
+val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'c -> 'c
+(* Additions with respect to ocaml standard library. *)
+val dom : 'a t -> key list
+val rng : 'a t -> 'a list
+val to_list : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..567feaa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+module Make = functor (X : Set.OrderedType) ->
+ type elt = X.t
+ type t = Empty | Node of t * elt * t * int
+ (* Sets are represented by balanced binary trees (the heights of the
+ children differ by at most 2 *)
+ let height = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(_, _, _, h) -> h
+ (* Creates a new node with left son l, value x and right son r.
+ l and r must be balanced and | height l - height r | <= 2.
+ Inline expansion of height for better speed. *)
+ let create l x r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ Node(l, x, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ (* Same as create, but performs one step of rebalancing if necessary.
+ Assumes l and r balanced.
+ Inline expansion of create for better speed in the most frequent case
+ where no rebalancing is required. *)
+ let bal l x r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ if hl > hr + 2 then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, lr, _) ->
+ if height ll >= height lr then
+ create ll lv (create lr x r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrr, _)->
+ create (create ll lv lrl) lrv (create lrr x r)
+ end
+ end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rr, _) ->
+ if height rr >= height rl then
+ create (create l x rl) rv rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rlr, _) ->
+ create (create l x rll) rlv (create rlr rv rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ (* Same as bal, but repeat rebalancing until the final result
+ is balanced. *)
+ let rec join l x r =
+ match bal l x r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.join"
+ | Node(l', x', r', _) as t' ->
+ let d = height l' - height r' in
+ if d < -2 or d > 2 then join l' x' r' else t'
+ (* Merge two trees l and r into one.
+ All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
+ Assumes | height l - height r | <= 2. *)
+ let rec merge t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ bal l1 v1 (bal (merge r1 l2) v2 r2)
+ (* Same as merge, but does not assume anything about l and r. *)
+ let rec concat t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ join l1 v1 (join (concat r1 l2) v2 r2)
+ (* Splitting *)
+ let rec split x = function
+ Empty ->
+ (Empty, None, Empty)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then (l, Some v, r)
+ else if c < 0 then
+ let (ll, vl, rl) = split x l in (ll, vl, join rl v r)
+ else
+ let (lr, vr, rr) = split x r in (join l v lr, vr, rr)
+ (* Implementation of the set operations *)
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+ let rec mem x = function
+ Empty -> false
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec add x = function
+ Empty -> Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) as t ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then t else
+ if c < 0 then bal (add x l) v r else bal l v (add x r)
+ let singleton x = Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
+ let rec remove x = function
+ Empty -> Empty
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then merge l r else
+ if c < 0 then bal (remove x l) v r else bal l v (remove x r)
+ let rec union s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> t2
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ if h1 >= h2 then
+ if h2 = 1 then add v2 s1 else begin
+ let (l2, _, r2) = split v1 s2 in
+ join (union l1 l2) v1 (union r1 r2)
+ end
+ else
+ if h1 = 1 then add v1 s2 else begin
+ let (l1, _, r1) = split v2 s1 in
+ join (union l1 l2) v2 (union r1 r2)
+ end
+ let rec inter s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> Empty
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match split v1 t2 with
+ (l2, None, r2) ->
+ concat (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Some _, r2) ->
+ join (inter l1 l2) v1 (inter r1 r2)
+ let rec diff s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match split v1 t2 with
+ (l2, None, r2) ->
+ join (diff l1 l2) v1 (diff r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Some _, r2) ->
+ concat (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2)
+ let rec compare_aux l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> 0
+ | ([], _) -> -1
+ | (_, []) -> 1
+ | (Empty :: t1, Empty :: t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 t2
+ | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ let c = compare v1 v2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c else compare_aux (r1::t1) (r2::t2)
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _) :: t1, t2) ->
+ compare_aux (l1 :: Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
+ | (t1, Node(l2, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 (l2 :: Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)
+ let compare s1 s2 =
+ compare_aux [s1] [s2]
+ let equal s1 s2 =
+ compare s1 s2 = 0
+ let rec subset s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ Empty, _ ->
+ true
+ | _, Empty ->
+ false
+ | Node (l1, v1, r1, _), (Node (l2, v2, r2, _) as t2) ->
+ let c = v1 v2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
+ else if c < 0 then
+ subset (Node (l1, v1, Empty, 0)) l2 && subset r1 t2
+ else
+ subset (Node (Empty, v1, r1, 0)) r2 && subset l1 t2
+ let rec iter f = function
+ Empty -> ()
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> iter f l; f v; iter f r
+ let rec fold f s accu =
+ match s with
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> fold f l (f v (fold f r accu))
+ let rec cardinal = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r
+ let rec elements_aux accu = function
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> elements_aux (v :: elements_aux accu r) l
+ let elements s =
+ elements_aux [] s
+ let rec min_elt = function
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(Empty, v, r, _) -> v
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> min_elt l
+ let rec max_elt = function
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, v, Empty, _) -> v
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> max_elt r
+ let choose = min_elt
diff --git a/lib/fset.mli b/lib/fset.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1751d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fset.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Make : functor (X : Set.OrderedType) ->
+ type elt = X.t
+ type t
+val empty : t
+val is_empty : t -> bool
+val mem : elt -> t -> bool
+val add : elt -> t -> t
+val singleton : elt -> t
+val remove : elt -> t -> t
+val union : t -> t -> t
+val inter : t -> t -> t
+val diff : t -> t -> t
+val compare : t -> t -> int
+val equal : t -> t -> bool
+val subset : t -> t -> bool
+val iter : ( elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
+val fold : (elt -> 'b -> 'b) -> t -> 'b -> 'b
+val cardinal : t -> int
+val elements : t -> elt list
+val min_elt : t -> elt
+val max_elt : t -> elt
+val choose : t -> elt
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7a4cb56e..0c498fe7 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10250 2007-10-23 15:02:23Z aspiwack $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Maps using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Code borrowed from
the ocaml standard library (Copyright 1996, INRIA). *)
diff --git a/lib/gmap.mli b/lib/gmap.mli
index 5186cff4..ac1a9922 100644
--- a/lib/gmap.mli
+++ b/lib/gmap.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: gmap.mli 10250 2007-10-23 15:02:23Z aspiwack $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Maps using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Same interface as
the module [Map] from the ocaml standard library. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 0974909d..cec10d64 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7780 2006-01-03 20:33:53Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Util
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ let remove x y m =
let l = Gmap.find x m in
Gmap.add x (if List.mem y l then list_subtract l [y] else l) m
diff --git a/lib/gmapl.mli b/lib/gmapl.mli
index db8f4358..5a5c9a2a 100644
--- a/lib/gmapl.mli
+++ b/lib/gmapl.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: gmapl.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Maps from ['a] to lists of ['b]. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index e90386a0..d39cb23f 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Sets using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Code borrowed from
the ocaml standard library. *)
diff --git a/lib/gset.mli b/lib/gset.mli
index 5c794381..78fc61e1 100644
--- a/lib/gset.mli
+++ b/lib/gset.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: gset.mli 10840 2008-04-23 21:29:34Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Sets using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Same interface as
the module [Set] from the ocaml standard library. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 50be0ec4..921a4ed5 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Hash consing of datastructures *)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
* the hash-consing functions u provides.
* [equal] is a comparison function. It is allowed to use physical equality
* on the sub-terms hash-consed by the hash_sub function.
- * [hash] is the hash function given to the Hashtbl.Make function
+ * [hash] is the hash function given to the Hashtbl.Make function
* Note that this module type coerces to the argument of Hashtbl.Make.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let recursive_loop_hcons h u =
let rec hrec visited x =
if List.memq x visited then x
else hc (hrec (x::visited),u) x
- in
+ in
hrec []
(* For 2 mutually recursive types *)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ let comp_obj o1 o2 =
else false
else o1=o2
-let hash_obj hrec o =
+let hash_obj hrec o =
if tuple_p o then
let n = Obj.size o in
diff --git a/lib/hashcons.mli b/lib/hashcons.mli
index f1e55ba1..243368d0 100644
--- a/lib/hashcons.mli
+++ b/lib/hashcons.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: hashcons.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Generic hash-consing. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 92aa0070..7ddb4a72 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(*s Heaps *)
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@ module type Ordered = sig
module type S =sig
(* Type of functional heaps *)
type t
(* Type of elements *)
type elt
(* The empty heap *)
val empty : t
(* [add x h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], plus [x];
complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
val add : elt -> t -> t
(* [maximum h] returns the maximum element of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap]
when [h] is empty; complexity $O(1)$ *)
val maximum : t -> elt
(* [remove h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], except
- the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
- complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
val remove : t -> t
(* usual iterators and combinators; elements are presented in
arbitrary order *)
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
exception EmptyHeap
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ exception EmptyHeap
module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
(* Heaps are encoded as complete binary trees, i.e., binary trees
- which are full expect, may be, on the bottom level where it is filled
- from the left.
- These trees also enjoy the heap property, namely the value of any node
+ which are full expect, may be, on the bottom level where it is filled
+ from the left.
+ These trees also enjoy the heap property, namely the value of any node
is greater or equal than those of its left and right subtrees.
There are 4 kinds of complete binary trees, denoted by 4 constructors:
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
and [PFP] for a partial tree with a full left subtree and a partial
right subtree. *)
- type t =
+ type t =
| Empty
| FFF of t * X.t * t (* full (full, full) *)
| PPF of t * X.t * t (* partial (partial, full) *)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
type elt = X.t
let empty = Empty
(* smart constructors for insertion *)
let p_f l x r = match l with
| Empty | FFF _ -> PFF (l, x, r)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
| r -> PFP (l, x, r)
let rec add x = function
- | Empty ->
+ | Empty ->
FFF (Empty, x, Empty)
(* insertion to the left *)
| FFF (l, y, r) | PPF (l, y, r) ->
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
| r -> PFP (l, x, r)
let rec remove = function
- | Empty ->
+ | Empty ->
raise EmptyHeap
- | FFF (Empty, _, Empty) ->
+ | FFF (Empty, _, Empty) ->
| PFF (l, _, Empty) ->
@@ -124,30 +124,30 @@ module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
let xl = maximum l in
let xr = maximum r in
let l' = remove l in
- if xl xr >= 0 then
- p_f l' xl r
- else
+ if xl xr >= 0 then
+ p_f l' xl r
+ else
p_f l' xr (add xl (remove r))
(* remove on the right *)
| FFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
let xl = maximum l in
let xr = maximum r in
let r' = remove r in
- if xl xr > 0 then
+ if xl xr > 0 then
pf_ (add xr (remove l)) xl r'
- else
+ else
pf_ l xr r'
let rec iter f = function
- | Empty ->
+ | Empty ->
- | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
+ | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
iter f l; f x; iter f r
let rec fold f h x0 = match h with
- | Empty ->
+ | Empty ->
- | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
+ | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
fold f l (fold f r (f x x0))
diff --git a/lib/heap.mli b/lib/heap.mli
index d351edd0..777e356d 100644
--- a/lib/heap.mli
+++ b/lib/heap.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: heap.mli 6621 2005-01-21 17:24:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Heaps *)
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@ module type Ordered = sig
module type S =sig
(* Type of functional heaps *)
type t
(* Type of elements *)
type elt
(* The empty heap *)
val empty : t
(* [add x h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], plus [x];
complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
val add : elt -> t -> t
(* [maximum h] returns the maximum element of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap]
when [h] is empty; complexity $O(1)$ *)
val maximum : t -> elt
(* [remove h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], except
- the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
- complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
val remove : t -> t
(* usual iterators and combinators; elements are presented in
arbitrary order *)
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
exception EmptyHeap
diff --git a/lib/lib.mllib b/lib/lib.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1743ce26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 85efdd44..942fff48 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 11576 2008-11-10 19:13:15Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(** Module implementing basic combinators for OCaml option type.
It tries follow closely the style of OCaml standard library.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
let has_some = function
| None -> false
| _ -> true
exception IsNone
(** [get x] returns [y] where [x] is [Some y]. It raises IsNone
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ let make x = Some x
(** [init b x] returns [Some x] if [b] is [true] and [None] otherwise. *)
let init b x =
- if b then
+ if b then
Some x
(** [flatten x] is [Some y] if [x] is [Some (Some y)] and [None] otherwise. *)
let flatten = function
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ let flatten = function
(** {6 "Iterators"} ***)
-(** [iter f x] executes [f y] if [x] equals [Some y]. It does nothing
+(** [iter f x] executes [f y] if [x] equals [Some y]. It does nothing
otherwise. *)
let iter f = function
| Some y -> f y
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ exception Heterogeneous
(** [iter2 f x y] executes [f z w] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
[Some w]. It does nothing if both [x] and [y] are [None]. And raises
[Heterogeneous] otherwise. *)
-let iter2 f x y =
+let iter2 f x y =
match x,y with
| Some z, Some w -> f z w
| None,None -> ()
@@ -92,11 +92,17 @@ let fold_left2 f a x y =
| _ -> raise Heterogeneous
(** [fold_right f x a] is [f y a] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
-let fold_right f x a =
+let fold_right f x a =
match x with
| Some y -> f y a
| _ -> a
+(** [fold_map f a x] is [a, f y] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
+let fold_map f a x =
+ match x with
+ | Some y -> let a, z = f a y in a, Some z
+ | _ -> a, None
(** [cata f a x] is [a] if [x] is [None] and [f y] if [x] is [Some y]. *)
let cata f a = function
| Some c -> f c
@@ -112,20 +118,20 @@ let default a = function
(** [lift f x] is the same as [map f x]. *)
let lift = map
-(** [lift_right f a x] is [Some (f a y)] if [x] is [Some y], and
+(** [lift_right f a x] is [Some (f a y)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
let lift_right f a = function
| Some y -> Some (f a y)
| _ -> None
-(** [lift_left f x a] is [Some (f y a)] if [x] is [Some y], and
+(** [lift_left f x a] is [Some (f y a)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
let lift_left f x a =
match x with
| Some y -> Some (f y a)
| _ -> None
-(** [lift2 f x y] is [Some (f z w)] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
+(** [lift2 f x y] is [Some (f z w)] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
[Some w]. It is [None] otherwise. *)
let lift2 f x y =
match x,y with
@@ -137,18 +143,18 @@ let lift2 f x y =
(** {6 Operations with Lists} *)
module List =
- struct
+ struct
(** [List.cons x l] equals [y::l] if [x] is [Some y] and [l] otherwise. *)
let cons x l =
match x with
| Some y -> y::l
| _ -> l
(** [List.flatten l] is the list of all the [y]s such that [l] contains
[Some y] (in the same order). *)
let rec flatten = function
| x::l -> cons x (flatten l)
- | [] -> []
+ | [] -> []
@@ -157,8 +163,8 @@ end
module Misc =
- (** [ f x y] lifts the equality predicate [f] to
- option types. That is, if both [x] and [y] are [None] then
+ (** [ f x y] lifts the equality predicate [f] to
+ option types. That is, if both [x] and [y] are [None] then
it returns [true], if they are bothe [Some _] then
[f] is called. Otherwise it returns [false]. *)
let compare f x y =
diff --git a/lib/option.mli b/lib/option.mli
index 6fa89098..ef2e311a 100644
--- a/lib/option.mli
+++ b/lib/option.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: option.mli 11576 2008-11-10 19:13:15Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(** Module implementing basic combinators for OCaml option type.
It tries follow closely the style of OCaml standard library.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(** [has_some x] is [true] if [x] is of the form [Some y] and [false]
otherwise. *)
val has_some : 'a option -> bool
exception IsNone
(** [get x] returns [y] where [x] is [Some y]. It raises IsNone
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ val flatten : 'a option option -> 'a option
(** {6 "Iterators"} ***)
-(** [iter f x] executes [f y] if [x] equals [Some y]. It does nothing
+(** [iter f x] executes [f y] if [x] equals [Some y]. It does nothing
otherwise. *)
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a option -> unit
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ val fold_left2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option -> 'c option -> 'a
(** [fold_right f x a] is [f y a] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
val fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b -> 'b
+(** [fold_map f a x] is [a, f y] if [x] is [Some y], and [a] otherwise. *)
+val fold_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'a * 'c) -> 'a -> 'b option -> 'a * 'c option
(** [cata e f x] is [e] if [x] is [None] and [f a] if [x] is [Some a] *)
val cata : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a option -> 'b
@@ -77,15 +80,15 @@ val default : 'a -> 'a option -> 'a
(** [lift] is the same as {!map}. *)
val lift : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
-(** [lift_right f a x] is [Some (f a y)] if [x] is [Some y], and
+(** [lift_right f a x] is [Some (f a y)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
val lift_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b option -> 'c option
-(** [lift_left f x a] is [Some (f y a)] if [x] is [Some y], and
+(** [lift_left f x a] is [Some (f y a)] if [x] is [Some y], and
[None] otherwise. *)
val lift_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a option -> 'b -> 'c option
-(** [lift2 f x y] is [Some (f z w)] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
+(** [lift2 f x y] is [Some (f z w)] if [x] equals [Some z] and [y] equals
[Some w]. It is [None] otherwise. *)
val lift2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option
@@ -105,8 +108,8 @@ end
(** {6 Miscelaneous Primitives} *)
module Misc : sig
- (** [ f x y] lifts the equality predicate [f] to
- option types. That is, if both [x] and [y] are [None] then
+ (** [ f x y] lifts the equality predicate [f] to
+ option types. That is, if both [x] and [y] are [None] then
it returns [true], if they are bothe [Some _] then
[f] is called. Otherwise it returns [false]. *)
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a option -> 'a option -> bool
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml4 b/lib/pp.ml4
index 616302ac..b0948b0f 100644
--- a/lib/pp.ml4
+++ b/lib/pp.ml4
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: pp.ml4 10803 2008-04-16 09:30:05Z cek $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp_control
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ let print_emacs = ref false
let make_pp_emacs() = print_emacs:=true
let make_pp_nonemacs() = print_emacs:=false
-(* The different kinds of blocks are:
+(* The different kinds of blocks are:
\item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
\item[vbox:] Vertical block each break leads to a new line;
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ let make_pp_nonemacs() = print_emacs:=false
(except if no mark yet on the reste of the line)
let comments = ref []
let rec split_com comacc acc pos = function
[] -> comments := List.rev acc; comacc
| ((b,e),c as com)::coms ->
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let real r = str (string_of_float r)
let bool b = str (string_of_bool b)
let strbrk s =
let rec aux p n =
- if n < String.length s then
+ if n < String.length s then
if s.[n] = ' ' then
if p=n then [< spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
else [< str (String.sub s p (n-p)); spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ let rec pr_com ft s =
| None -> ()
(* pretty printing functions *)
-let pp_dirs ft =
+let pp_dirs ft =
let pp_open_box = function
| Pp_hbox n -> Format.pp_open_hbox ft ()
| Pp_vbox n -> Format.pp_open_vbox ft n
| Pp_hvbox n -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ft n
| Pp_hovbox n -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ft n
- | Pp_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ft ()
+ | Pp_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ft ()
let rec pp_cmd = function
| Ppcmd_print(n,s) ->
@@ -264,12 +264,12 @@ let pp_dirs ft =
| Ppdir_ppcmds cmdstream -> Stream.iter pp_cmd cmdstream
| Ppdir_print_newline ->
com_brk ft; Format.pp_print_newline ft ()
- | Ppdir_print_flush -> Format.pp_print_flush ft ()
+ | Ppdir_print_flush -> Format.pp_print_flush ft ()
fun dirstream ->
- try
+ try
Stream.iter pp_dir dirstream; com_brk ft
- with
+ with
| e -> Format.pp_print_flush ft () ; raise e
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ let ppcmds x = Ppdir_ppcmds x
let emacs_warning_start_string = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
let emacs_warning_end_string = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
-let warnstart() =
+let warnstart() =
if not !print_emacs then mt() else str emacs_warning_start_string
-let warnend() =
+let warnend() =
if not !print_emacs then mt() else str emacs_warning_end_string
let warnbody strm =
diff --git a/lib/pp.mli b/lib/pp.mli
index 85b8345d..66d9bfa6 100644
--- a/lib/pp.mli
+++ b/lib/pp.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pp.mli 10803 2008-04-16 09:30:05Z cek $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Pp_control
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ val warning_with : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val warn_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
val pp_flush_with : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
-val set_warning_function : (Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit) -> unit
+val set_warning_function : (Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit) -> unit
(*s Pretty-printing functions \emph{with flush}. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7aa05975..ecc54649 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10917 2008-05-10 16:35:46Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Parameters of pretty-printing *)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type pp_global_params = {
(* Default parameters of pretty-printing *)
-let dflt_gp = {
+let dflt_gp = {
margin = 78;
max_indent = 50;
max_depth = 50;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let dflt_gp = {
(* A deeper pretty-printer to print proof scripts *)
-let deep_gp = {
+let deep_gp = {
margin = 78;
max_indent = 50;
max_depth = 10000;
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ let deep_gp = {
(* set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
* set the parameters of a formatter *)
-let set_gp ft gp =
+let set_gp ft gp =
Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ;
Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ;
Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ;
Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis
-let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
+let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
let get_gp ft =
{ margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft ();
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ type 'a pp_formatter_params = {
fp_output : out_channel ;
fp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit ;
fp_flush_function : unit -> unit }
(* Output functions for stdout and stderr *)
let std_fp = {
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let err_fp = {
fp_output_function = output stderr;
fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush stderr) }
-(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
+(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
* returns of formatter for given formatter functions *)
let with_fp fp =
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let with_output_to ch =
let ft = with_fp { fp_output = ch ;
fp_output_function = (output ch) ;
fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush ch) } in
- set_gp ft deep_gp;
+ set_gp ft deep_gp;
let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter
@@ -105,5 +105,7 @@ let set_depth_boxes v =
let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ())
let set_margin v =
- Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft (match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v)
+ let v = match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v in
+ Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft v;
+ Format.pp_set_margin !deep_ft v
diff --git a/lib/pp_control.mli b/lib/pp_control.mli
index f245d942..5c481b89 100644
--- a/lib/pp_control.mli
+++ b/lib/pp_control.mli
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pp_control.mli 10917 2008-05-10 16:35:46Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Parameters of pretty-printing. *)
-type pp_global_params = {
+type pp_global_params = {
margin : int;
max_indent : int;
max_depth : int;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ val get_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params
(*s Output functions of pretty-printing. *)
-type 'a pp_formatter_params = {
+type 'a pp_formatter_params = {
fp_output : out_channel;
fp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit;
fp_flush_function : unit -> unit }
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 93b74463..af66c0f2 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(* *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
(* Sets over ordered types *)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module type S =
module Make(Ord: OrderedType) =
module EltSet = Set.Make(Ord)
(* when bool is false, the denoted set is the complement of
the given set *)
type elt = Ord.t
diff --git a/lib/predicate.mli b/lib/predicate.mli
index 85596fea..41d5399b 100644
--- a/lib/predicate.mli
+++ b/lib/predicate.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-(*i $Id: predicate.mli 6621 2005-01-21 17:24:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Module [Pred]: sets over infinite ordered types with complement. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index dd7e977e..7bf71d0b 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7538 2005-11-08 17:14:52Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Gc
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ let float_of_time t = float_of_int t /. 100.
let time_of_float f = int_of_float (f *. 100.)
let get_time () =
- let {Unix.tms_utime = ut;Unix.tms_stime = st} = Unix.times () in
- time_of_float (ut +. st)
+ time_of_float (Sys.time ())
(* Since ocaml 3.01, gc statistics are in float *)
let get_alloc () =
@@ -113,12 +112,12 @@ let ajoute_to_list ((name,n) as e) l =
with Not_found -> e::l
let magic = 1249
let merge_profile filename (curr_table, curr_outside, curr_total as new_data) =
let (old_table, old_outside, old_total) =
- try
+ try
let c = open_in filename in
- if input_binary_int c <> magic
+ if input_binary_int c <> magic
then Printf.printf "Incompatible recording file: %s\n" filename;
let old_data = input_value c in
close_in c;
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ let merge_profile filename (curr_table, curr_outside, curr_total as new_data) =
let c =
- open_out_gen
+ open_out_gen
[Open_creat;Open_wronly;Open_trunc;Open_binary] 0o644 filename in
output_binary_int c magic;
output_value c updated_data;
@@ -157,7 +156,10 @@ let merge_profile filename (curr_table, curr_outside, curr_total as new_data) =
(* Unix measure of time is approximative and shoitt delays are often
unperceivable; therefore, total times are measured in one (big)
step to avoid rounding errors and to get the best possible
- approximation *)
+ approximation.
+ Note: Sys.time is the same as:
+ Unix.(let x = times () in x.tms_utime +. x.tms_stime)
+ *)
---------- start profile for f1
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ overheadA| ...
real 2' | ...
---------- end 2nd f2
overheadC| ...
- ---------- [2'w2] 2nd call to get_time for 2nd f2
+ ---------- [2'w2] 2nd call to get_time for 2nd f2
overheadD| ...
---------- end profile for f2
real 1 | ...
@@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ let time_overhead_A_D () =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc-.totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !dummy_stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
dummy_last_alloc := get_alloc ()
@@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ let compute_alloc lo = lo /. (float_of_int word_length)
let format_profile (table, outside, total) =
print_newline ();
- Printf.printf
+ Printf.printf
"%-23s %9s %9s %10s %10s %10s\n"
"Function name" "Own time" "Tot. time" "Own alloc" "Tot. alloc" "Calls ";
let l = Sort.list (fun (_,{tottime=p}) (_,{tottime=p'}) -> p > p') table in
@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ let format_profile (table, outside, total) =
e.owncount e.intcount)
Printf.printf "%-23s %9.2f %9.2f %10.0f %10.0f %6d\n"
- "others"
+ "others"
(float_of_time outside.owntime) (float_of_time outside.tottime)
(compute_alloc outside.ownalloc)
(compute_alloc outside.totalloc)
@@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ let format_profile (table, outside, total) =
(compute_alloc total.ownalloc)
(compute_alloc total.totalloc);
- "Time in seconds and allocation in words (1 word = %d bytes)\n"
+ "Time in seconds and allocation in words (1 word = %d bytes)\n"
let recording_file = ref ""
@@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ let adjust_time ov_bc ov_ad e =
tottime = e.tottime - int_of_float (abcd_all +. bc_imm);
owntime = e.owntime - int_of_float (ad_imm +. bc_imm) }
-let close_profile print =
+let close_profile print =
let dw = spent_alloc () in
let t = get_time () in
match !stack with
@@ -390,7 +392,7 @@ let profile1 e f a =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ let profile1 e f a =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -432,7 +434,7 @@ let profile2 e f a b =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ let profile2 e f a b =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ let profile3 e f a b c =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ let profile3 e f a b c =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -516,7 +518,7 @@ let profile4 e f a b c d =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -530,7 +532,7 @@ let profile4 e f a b c d =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ let profile5 e f a b c d g =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -572,7 +574,7 @@ let profile5 e f a b c d g =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ let profile6 e f a b c d g h =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -614,7 +616,7 @@ let profile6 e f a b c d g h =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@ let profile7 e f a b c d g h i =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
@@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ let profile7 e f a b c d g h i =
ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
- if not (p==e) then
+ if not (p==e) then
(match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
last_alloc := get_alloc ();
raise exn
@@ -664,22 +666,20 @@ let profile7 e f a b c d g h i =
(* Some utilities to compute the logical and physical sizes and depth
of ML objects *)
-open Obj
let c = ref 0
let s = ref 0
let b = ref 0
let m = ref 0
let rec obj_stats d t =
- if is_int t then m := max d !m
- else if tag t >= no_scan_tag then
- if tag t = string_tag then
- (c := !c + size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
- else if tag t = double_tag then
+ if Obj.is_int t then m := max d !m
+ else if Obj.tag t >= Obj.no_scan_tag then
+ if Obj.tag t = Obj.string_tag then
+ (c := !c + Obj.size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else if Obj.tag t = Obj.double_tag then
(s := !s + 2; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
- else if tag t = double_array_tag then
- (s := !s + 2 * size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else if Obj.tag t = Obj.double_array_tag then
+ (s := !s + 2 * Obj.size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
else (b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
let n = Obj.size t in
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ let rec obj_stats d t =
block_stats (d + 1) (n - 1) t
and block_stats d i t =
- if i >= 0 then (obj_stats d (field t i); block_stats d (i-1) t)
+ if i >= 0 then (obj_stats d (Obj.field t i); block_stats d (i-1) t)
let obj_stats a =
c := 0; s:= 0; b:= 0; m:= 0;
@@ -695,24 +695,24 @@ let obj_stats a =
(!c, !s + !b, !m)
module H = Hashtbl.Make(
- struct
- type t = Obj.t
- let equal = (==)
- let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (magic o : int)
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (Obj.magic o : int)
let tbl = H.create 13
let rec obj_shared_size s t =
- if is_int t then s
+ if Obj.is_int t then s
else if H.mem tbl t then s
else begin
H.add tbl t ();
let n = Obj.size t in
- if tag t >= no_scan_tag then
- if tag t = string_tag then (c := !c + n; s + 1)
- else if tag t = double_tag then s + 3
- else if tag t = double_array_tag then s + 2 * n + 1
+ if Obj.tag t >= Obj.no_scan_tag then
+ if Obj.tag t = Obj.string_tag then (c := !c + n; s + 1)
+ else if Obj.tag t = Obj.double_tag then s + 3
+ else if Obj.tag t = Obj.double_array_tag then s + 2 * n + 1
else s + 1
block_shared_size (s + n + 1) (n - 1) t
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ let rec obj_shared_size s t =
and block_shared_size s i t =
if i < 0 then s
- else block_shared_size (obj_shared_size s (field t i)) (i-1) t
+ else block_shared_size (obj_shared_size s (Obj.field t i)) (i-1) t
let obj_shared_size a =
H.clear tbl;
diff --git a/lib/profile.mli b/lib/profile.mli
index 0937e9e3..9466ad30 100644
--- a/lib/profile.mli
+++ b/lib/profile.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: profile.mli 6621 2005-01-21 17:24:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(*s This program is a small time and allocation profiler for Objective Caml *)
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
(* Adapted from Christophe Raffalli *)
-(* To use it, link it with the program you want to profile (do not forget
-"-cclib -lunix -custom unix.cma" among the link options).
+(* To use it, link it with the program you want to profile.
To trace a function "f" you first need to get a key for it by using :
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ let g = profile gkey g';;
Before the program quits, you should call "print_profile ();;". It
produces a result of the following kind:
-Function name Own time Total time Own alloc Tot. alloc Calls
+Function name Own time Total time Own alloc Tot. alloc Calls
f 0.28 0.47 116 116 5 4
h 0.19 0.19 0 0 4 0
g 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ Est. overhead/total 0.00 0.47 2752 3260
the number of calls to profiled functions inside the scope of the
current function
- If a function has a polymorphic type, you need to supply it with at
least one argument as in "let f a = profile1 fkey f a;;" (instead of
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ val profile6 :
-> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g
val profile7 :
profile_key ->
- ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h)
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h)
-> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h
diff --git a/lib/refutpat.ml4 b/lib/refutpat.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c6801a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/refutpat.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4use: "pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo" i*)
+open Pcaml
+(** * Non-irrefutable patterns
+ This small camlp4 extension creates a "let*" variant of the "let"
+ syntax that allow the use of a non-exhaustive pattern. The typical
+ usage is:
+ let* x::l = foo in ...
+ when foo is already known to be non-empty. This way, no warnings by ocamlc.
+ A Failure is raised if the pattern doesn't match the expression.
+ expr:
+ [[ "let"; "*"; p = patt; "="; e1 = expr; "in"; e2 = expr ->
+ <:expr< match $e1$ with
+ [ $p$ -> $e2$
+ | _ -> failwith "Refutable pattern failed"
+ ] >> ]];
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 4742a90d..ec50e556 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 10690 2008-03-18 13:30:04Z barras $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Util
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let rec subst_rtree_rec depth sub = function
let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 [|sub|] t
-(* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node
+(* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node
or a parameter *)
let rec expand = function
| Rec(j,defs) ->
@@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ the last one should be accepted
(* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *)
-let dest_param t =
+let dest_param t =
match expand t with
Param (i,j) -> (i,j)
| _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_param"
-let dest_node t =
+let dest_node t =
match expand t with
Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons)
| _ -> failwith "Rtree.dest_node"
-let is_node t =
+let is_node t =
match expand t with
Node _ -> true
| _ -> false
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ let rec map f t = match t with
let rec smartmap f t = match t with
Param _ -> t
- | Node (a,sons) ->
+ | Node (a,sons) ->
let a'=f a and sons' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) sons in
if a'==a && sons'==sons then
Node (a',sons')
- | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
let defs' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) defs in
if defs'==defs then
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ let rec pp_tree prl t =
| Node(lab,[||]) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str")")
| Node(lab,v) ->
hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str","++brk(1,0)++
- Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str")")
+ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_comma (pp_tree prl) v++str")")
| Rec(i,v) ->
if Array.length v = 0 then str"Rec{}"
else if Array.length v = 1 then
hov 2 (str"Rec{"++pp_tree prl v.(0)++str"}")
hov 2 (str"Rec{"++int i++str","++brk(1,0)++
- Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str"}")
+ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_comma (pp_tree prl) v++str"}")
diff --git a/lib/rtree.mli b/lib/rtree.mli
index b61e6965..de5a9aa3 100644
--- a/lib/rtree.mli
+++ b/lib/rtree.mli
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: rtree.mli 10690 2008-03-18 13:30:04Z barras $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Type of regular tree with nodes labelled by values of type 'a *)
(* The implementation uses de Bruijn indices, so binding capture
is avoided by the lift operator (see example below) *)
-type 'a t
+type 'a t
(* Building trees *)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ val mk_rec_calls : int -> 'a t array
val mk_rec : 'a t array -> 'a t array
(* [lift k t] increases of [k] the free parameters of [t]. Needed
- to avoid captures when a tree appears under [mk_rec] *)
+ to avoid captures when a tree appears under [mk_rec] *)
val lift : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
val is_node : 'a t -> bool
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a7f9df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+(** This module is a very simple implementation of "segment trees".
+ A segment tree of type ['a t] represents a mapping from a union of
+ disjoint segments to some values of type 'a.
+(** Misc. functions. *)
+let list_iteri f l =
+ let rec loop i = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (i + 1) xs
+ in
+ loop 0 l
+let log2 x = log x /. log 2.
+let log2n x = int_of_float (ceil (log2 (float_of_int x)))
+(** We focus on integers but this module can be generalized. *)
+type elt = int
+(** A value of type [domain] is interpreted differently given its position
+ in the tree. On internal nodes, a domain represents the set of
+ integers which are _not_ in the set of keys handled by the tree. On
+ leaves, a domain represents the st of integers which are in the set of
+ keys. *)
+type domain =
+ (** On internal nodes, a domain [Interval (a, b)] represents
+ the interval [a + 1; b - 1]. On leaves, it represents [a; b].
+ We always have [a] <= [b]. *)
+ | Interval of elt * elt
+ (** On internal node or root, a domain [Universe] represents all
+ the integers. When the tree is not a trivial root,
+ [Universe] has no interpretation on leaves. (The lookup
+ function should never reach the leaves.) *)
+ | Universe
+(** We use an array to store the almost complete tree. This array
+ contains at least one element. *)
+type 'a t = (domain * 'a option) array
+(** The root is the first item of the array. *)
+let is_root i = (i = 0)
+(** Standard layout for left child. *)
+let left_child i = 2 * i + 1
+(** Standard layout for right child. *)
+let right_child i = 2 * i + 2
+(** Extract the annotation of a node, be it internal or a leaf. *)
+let value_of i t = match t.(i) with (_, Some x) -> x | _ -> raise Not_found
+(** Initialize the array to store [n] leaves. *)
+let create n init =
+ Array.make (1 lsl (log2n n + 1) - 1) init
+(** Make a complete interval tree from a list of disjoint segments.
+ Precondition : the segments must be sorted. *)
+let make segments =
+ let nsegments = List.length segments in
+ let tree = create nsegments (Universe, None) in
+ let leaves_offset = (1 lsl (log2n nsegments)) - 1 in
+ (** The algorithm proceeds in two steps using an intermediate tree
+ to store minimum and maximum of each subtree as annotation of
+ the node. *)
+ (** We start from leaves: the last level of the tree is initialized
+ with the given segments... *)
+ list_iteri
+ (fun i ((start, stop), value) ->
+ let k = leaves_offset + i in
+ let i = Interval (start, stop) in
+ tree.(k) <- (i, Some i))
+ segments;
+ (** ... the remaining leaves are initialized with neutral information. *)
+ for k = leaves_offset + nsegments to Array.length tree -1 do
+ tree.(k) <- (Universe, Some Universe)
+ done;
+ (** We traverse the tree bottom-up and compute the interval and
+ annotation associated to each node from the annotations of its
+ children. *)
+ for k = leaves_offset - 1 downto 0 do
+ let node, annotation =
+ match value_of (left_child k) tree, value_of (right_child k) tree with
+ | Interval (left_min, left_max), Interval (right_min, right_max) ->
+ (Interval (left_max, right_min), Interval (left_min, right_max))
+ | Interval (min, max), Universe ->
+ (Interval (max, max), Interval (min, max))
+ | Universe, Universe -> Universe, Universe
+ | Universe, _ -> assert false
+ in
+ tree.(k) <- (node, Some annotation)
+ done;
+ (** Finally, annotation are replaced with the image related to each leaf. *)
+ let final_tree =
+ Array.mapi (fun i (segment, value) -> (segment, None)) tree
+ in
+ list_iteri
+ (fun i ((start, stop), value) ->
+ final_tree.(leaves_offset + i)
+ <- (Interval (start, stop), Some value))
+ segments;
+ final_tree
+(** [lookup k t] looks for an image for key [k] in the interval tree [t].
+ Raise [Not_found] if it fails. *)
+let lookup k t =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ while (snd t.(!i) = None) do
+ match fst t.(!i) with
+ | Interval (start, stop) ->
+ if k <= start then i := left_child !i
+ else if k >= stop then i:= right_child !i
+ else raise Not_found
+ | Universe -> raise Not_found
+ done;
+ match fst t.(!i) with
+ | Interval (start, stop) ->
+ if k >= start && k <= stop then
+ match snd t.(!i) with
+ | Some v -> v
+ | None -> assert false
+ else
+ raise Not_found
+ | Universe -> assert false
diff --git a/lib/segmenttree.mli b/lib/segmenttree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4aea13e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/segmenttree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(** This module is a very simple implementation of "segment trees".
+ A segment tree of type ['a t] represents a mapping from a union of
+ disjoint segments to some values of type 'a.
+(** A mapping from a union of disjoint segments to some values of type ['a]. *)
+type 'a t
+(** [make [(i1, j1), v1; (i2, j2), v2; ...] creates a mapping that
+ associates to every integer [x] the value [v1] if [i1 <= x <= j1],
+ [v2] if [i2 <= x <= j2], and so one.
+ Precondition: the segments must be sorted. *)
+val make : ((int * int) * 'a) list -> 'a t
+(** [lookup k t] looks for an image for key [k] in the interval tree [t].
+ Raise [Not_found] if it fails. *)
+val lookup : int -> 'a t -> 'a
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 3fa32ef8..6eb4e751 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 13175 2010-06-22 06:28:37Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open Unix
(* Expanding shell variables and home-directories *)
let safe_getenv_def var def =
- try
+ try
Sys.getenv var
with Not_found ->
warning ("Environment variable "^var^" not found: using '"^def^"' .");
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let rec expand_macros s i =
let l = String.length s in
if i=l then s else
match s.[i] with
- | '$' ->
+ | '$' ->
let n = expand_atom s (i+1) in
let v = safe_getenv (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1)) in
let s = (String.sub s 0 i)^v^(String.sub s n (l-n)) in
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let physical_path_of_string s = s
let string_of_physical_path p = p
(* Hints to partially detects if two paths refer to the same repertory *)
-let rec remove_path_dot p =
+let rec remove_path_dot p =
let curdir = Filename.concat Filename.current_dir_name "" in (* Unix: "./" *)
let n = String.length curdir in
if String.length p > n && String.sub p 0 n = curdir then
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let strip_path p =
let canonical_path_name p =
let current = Sys.getcwd () in
- try
+ try
Sys.chdir p;
let p' = Sys.getcwd () in
Sys.chdir current;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let skipped_dirnames = ref ["CVS"; "_darcs"]
let exclude_search_in_dirname f = skipped_dirnames := f :: !skipped_dirnames
-let ok_dirname f =
+let ok_dirname f =
f <> "" && f.[0] <> '.' && not (List.mem f !skipped_dirnames) &&
try ignore (check_ident f); true with _ -> false
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let all_subdirs ~unix_path:root =
let f = readdir dirh in
if ok_dirname f then
let file = Filename.concat dir f in
- try
+ try
if (stat file).st_kind = S_DIR then begin
let newrel = rel@[f] in
add file newrel;
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ let where_in_path ?(warn=true) path filename =
let rec search = function
| lpe :: rem ->
let f = Filename.concat lpe filename in
- if Sys.file_exists f
+ if Sys.file_exists f
then (lpe,f) :: search rem
else search rem
| [] -> [] in
let rec check_and_warn l =
match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
- | (lpe, f) :: l' ->
+ | (lpe, f) :: l' ->
if warn & l' <> [] then
(str filename ++ str " has been found in" ++ spc () ++
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ let find_file_in_path ?(warn=true) paths filename =
errorlabstrm "System.find_file_in_path"
(hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str filename))
- else
+ else
try where_in_path ~warn paths filename
with Not_found ->
errorlabstrm "System.find_file_in_path"
- (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str filename ++ spc () ++
+ (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str filename ++ spc () ++
str "on loadpath"))
let is_in_path lpath filename =
@@ -192,40 +192,40 @@ let marshal_in ch =
exception Bad_magic_number of string
let raw_extern_intern magic suffix =
- let extern_state name =
+ let extern_state name =
let filename = make_suffix name suffix in
let channel = open_trapping_failure filename in
output_binary_int channel magic;
- and intern_state filename =
+ and intern_state filename =
let channel = open_in_bin filename in
if input_binary_int channel <> magic then
raise (Bad_magic_number filename);
- in
+ in
let extern_intern ?(warn=true) magic suffix =
let (raw_extern,raw_intern) = raw_extern_intern magic suffix in
- let extern_state name val_0 =
+ let extern_state name val_0 =
let (filename,channel) = raw_extern name in
marshal_out channel val_0;
close_out channel
- with e ->
+ with e ->
begin try_remove filename; raise e end
with Sys_error s -> error ("System error: " ^ s)
- and intern_state paths name =
+ and intern_state paths name =
let _,filename = find_file_in_path ~warn paths (make_suffix name suffix) in
let channel = raw_intern filename in
let v = marshal_in channel in
- close_in channel;
+ close_in channel;
- with Sys_error s ->
+ with Sys_error s ->
error("System error: " ^ s)
- in
+ in
let with_magic_number_check f a =
@@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ let connect writefun readfun com =
let ch_to_in,ch_to_out =
try open_in tmp_to, open_out tmp_to
with Sys_error s -> error ("Cannot set connection to "^com^"("^s^")") in
- let ch_from_in,ch_from_out =
+ let ch_from_in,ch_from_out =
try open_in tmp_from, open_out tmp_from
with Sys_error s ->
- close_out ch_to_out; close_in ch_to_in;
+ close_out ch_to_out; close_in ch_to_in;
error ("Cannot set connection from "^com^"("^s^")") in
writefun ch_to_out;
close_out ch_to_out;
- let pid =
+ let pid =
let ch_to' = Unix.descr_of_in_channel ch_to_in in
let ch_from' = Unix.descr_of_out_channel ch_from_out in
try Unix.create_process com [|com|] ch_to' ch_from' Unix.stdout
@@ -279,32 +279,52 @@ let run_command converter f c =
let n = ref 0 in
let ne = ref 0 in
- while n:= input cin buff 0 127 ; ne := input cerr buffe 0 127 ;
+ while n:= input cin buff 0 127 ; ne := input cerr buffe 0 127 ;
!n+ !ne <> 0
- do
- let r = converter (String.sub buff 0 !n) in
+ do
+ let r = converter (String.sub buff 0 !n) in
f r;
Buffer.add_string result r;
- let r = converter (String.sub buffe 0 !ne) in
+ let r = converter (String.sub buffe 0 !ne) in
f r;
- Buffer.add_string result r
+ Buffer.add_string result r
(Unix.close_process_full (cin,cout,cerr), Buffer.contents result)
+let path_separator = if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then ':' else ';'
+let search_exe_in_path exe =
+ try
+ let path = Sys.getenv "PATH" in
+ let n = String.length path in
+ let rec aux i =
+ if i < n then
+ let j =
+ try String.index_from path i path_separator
+ with Not_found -> n
+ in
+ let dir = String.sub path i (j-i) in
+ let exe = Filename.concat dir exe in
+ if Sys.file_exists exe then Some exe else aux (i+1)
+ else
+ None
+ in aux 0
+ with Not_found -> None
(* Time stamps. *)
type time = float * float * float
-let process_time () =
+let process_time () =
let t = times () in
(t.tms_utime, t.tms_stime)
-let get_time () =
+let get_time () =
let t = times () in
(time(), t.tms_utime, t.tms_stime)
let time_difference (t1,_,_) (t2,_,_) = t2 -. t1
let fmt_time_difference (startreal,ustart,sstart) (stopreal,ustop,sstop) =
real (stopreal -. startreal) ++ str " secs " ++
str "(" ++
diff --git a/lib/system.mli b/lib/system.mli
index 426a00df..2b8057f8 100644
--- a/lib/system.mli
+++ b/lib/system.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: system.mli 13175 2010-06-22 06:28:37Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(*s Files and load paths. Load path entries remember the original root
given by the user. For efficiency, we keep the full path (field
@@ -48,26 +48,28 @@ val marshal_in : in_channel -> 'a
exception Bad_magic_number of string
-val raw_extern_intern : int -> string ->
+val raw_extern_intern : int -> string ->
(string -> string * out_channel) * (string -> in_channel)
-val extern_intern : ?warn:bool -> int -> string ->
+val extern_intern : ?warn:bool -> int -> string ->
(string -> 'a -> unit) * (load_path -> string -> 'a)
val with_magic_number_check : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(*s Sending/receiving once with external executable *)
-val connect : (out_channel -> unit) -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a
+val connect : (out_channel -> unit) -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a
(*s [run_command converter f com] launches command [com], and returns
the contents of stdout and stderr that have been processed with
[converter]; the processed contents of stdout and stderr is also
passed to [f] *)
-val run_command : (string -> string) -> (string -> unit) -> string ->
+val run_command : (string -> string) -> (string -> unit) -> string ->
Unix.process_status * string
+val search_exe_in_path : string -> string option
(*s Time stamps. *)
type time
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 2939e91a..1c1483ad 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
type ('a,'b) t = Node of 'b Gset.t * ('a, ('a,'b) t) Gmap.t
@@ -23,41 +23,41 @@ let in_dom (Node (_,m)) lbl = Gmap.mem lbl m
let is_empty_node (Node(a,b)) = (Gset.elements a = []) & (Gmap.to_list b = [])
let assure_arc m lbl =
- if Gmap.mem lbl m then
+ if Gmap.mem lbl m then
- else
+ else
Gmap.add lbl (Node (Gset.empty,Gmap.empty)) m
let cleanse_arcs (Node (hereset,m)) =
- let l = Gmap.rng m in
+ let l = Gmap.rng m in
Node(hereset, if List.for_all is_empty_node l then Gmap.empty else m)
let rec at_path f (Node (hereset,m)) = function
- | [] ->
+ | [] ->
cleanse_arcs (Node(f hereset,m))
| h::t ->
- let m = assure_arc m h in
+ let m = assure_arc m h in
cleanse_arcs (Node(hereset,
Gmap.add h (at_path f (Gmap.find h m) t) m))
let add tm (path,v) =
at_path (fun hereset -> Gset.add v hereset) tm path
let rmv tm (path,v) =
at_path (fun hereset -> Gset.remove v hereset) tm path
-let app f tlm =
+let app f tlm =
let rec apprec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
- let path = List.rev pfx in
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
Gset.iter (fun v -> f(path,v)) hereset;
Gmap.iter (fun l tm -> apprec (l::pfx) tm) m
- in
+ in
apprec [] tlm
-let to_list tlm =
+let to_list tlm =
let rec torec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
- let path = List.rev pfx in
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
List.flatten(( (fun v -> (path,v)) (Gset.elements hereset))::
( (fun (l,tm) -> torec (l::pfx) tm) (Gmap.to_list m)))
- in
+ in
torec [] tlm
diff --git a/lib/tlm.mli b/lib/tlm.mli
index 982bb5ed..54eb1759 100644
--- a/lib/tlm.mli
+++ b/lib/tlm.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: tlm.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
(* Tries. This module implements a data structure [('a,'b) t] mapping lists
of values of type ['a] to sets (as lists) of values of type ['b]. *)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdde344c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module Make =
+ functor (X : Set.OrderedType) ->
+ functor (Y : Map.OrderedType) ->
+ module T_dom = Fset.Make(X)
+ module T_codom = Fmap.Make(Y)
+ type t = Node of T_dom.t * t T_codom.t
+ let codom_to_list m = T_codom.fold (fun x y l -> (x,y)::l) m []
+ let codom_rng m = T_codom.fold (fun _ y acc -> y::acc) m []
+ let codom_dom m = T_codom.fold (fun x _ acc -> x::acc) m []
+ let empty = Node (T_dom.empty, T_codom.empty)
+ let map (Node (_,m)) lbl = T_codom.find lbl m
+ let xtract (Node (hereset,_)) = T_dom.elements hereset
+ let dom (Node (_,m)) = codom_dom m
+ let in_dom (Node (_,m)) lbl = T_codom.mem lbl m
+ let is_empty_node (Node(a,b)) = (T_dom.elements a = []) & (codom_to_list b = [])
+let assure_arc m lbl =
+ if T_codom.mem lbl m then
+ m
+ else
+ T_codom.add lbl (Node (T_dom.empty,T_codom.empty)) m
+let cleanse_arcs (Node (hereset,m)) =
+ let l = codom_rng m in
+ Node(hereset, if List.for_all is_empty_node l then T_codom.empty else m)
+let rec at_path f (Node (hereset,m)) = function
+ | [] ->
+ cleanse_arcs (Node(f hereset,m))
+ | h::t ->
+ let m = assure_arc m h in
+ cleanse_arcs (Node(hereset,
+ T_codom.add h (at_path f (T_codom.find h m) t) m))
+let add tm (path,v) =
+ at_path (fun hereset -> T_dom.add v hereset) tm path
+let rmv tm (path,v) =
+ at_path (fun hereset -> T_dom.remove v hereset) tm path
+let app f tlm =
+ let rec apprec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
+ T_dom.iter (fun v -> f(path,v)) hereset;
+ T_codom.iter (fun l tm -> apprec (l::pfx) tm) m
+ in
+ apprec [] tlm
+let to_list tlm =
+ let rec torec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
+ List.flatten(( (fun v -> (path,v)) (T_dom.elements hereset))::
+ ( (fun (l,tm) -> torec (l::pfx) tm) (codom_to_list m)))
+ in
+ torec [] tlm
diff --git a/lib/tries.mli b/lib/tries.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..342c81ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tries.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Make :
+ functor (X : Set.OrderedType) ->
+ functor (Y : Map.OrderedType) ->
+ type t
+ val empty : t
+ (* Work on labels, not on paths. *)
+ val map : t -> Y.t -> t
+ val xtract : t -> X.t list
+ val dom : t -> Y.t list
+ val in_dom : t -> Y.t -> bool
+ (* Work on paths, not on labels. *)
+ val add : t -> Y.t list * X.t -> t
+ val rmv : t -> Y.t list * X.t -> t
+ val app : ((Y.t list * X.t) -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val to_list : t -> (Y.t list * X.t) list
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4e978d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2619 @@
+(** Unicode tables generated from Camomile. *)
+(* Letter, Uppercase *)
+let lu = [
+ (0x00041,0x0005A);
+ (0x000C0,0x000D6);
+ (0x000D8,0x000DE);
+ (0x00100,0x00100);
+ (0x00102,0x00102);
+ (0x00104,0x00104);
+ (0x00106,0x00106);
+ (0x00108,0x00108);
+ (0x0010A,0x0010A);
+ (0x0010C,0x0010C);
+ (0x0010E,0x0010E);
+ (0x00110,0x00110);
+ (0x00112,0x00112);
+ (0x00114,0x00114);
+ (0x00116,0x00116);
+ (0x00118,0x00118);
+ (0x0011A,0x0011A);
+ (0x0011C,0x0011C);
+ (0x0011E,0x0011E);
+ (0x00120,0x00120);
+ (0x00122,0x00122);
+ (0x00124,0x00124);
+ (0x00126,0x00126);
+ (0x00128,0x00128);
+ (0x0012A,0x0012A);
+ (0x0012C,0x0012C);
+ (0x0012E,0x0012E);
+ (0x00130,0x00130);
+ (0x00132,0x00132);
+ (0x00134,0x00134);
+ (0x00136,0x00136);
+ (0x00139,0x00139);
+ (0x0013B,0x0013B);
+ (0x0013D,0x0013D);
+ (0x0013F,0x0013F);
+ (0x00141,0x00141);
+ (0x00143,0x00143);
+ (0x00145,0x00145);
+ (0x00147,0x00147);
+ (0x0014A,0x0014A);
+ (0x0014C,0x0014C);
+ (0x0014E,0x0014E);
+ (0x00150,0x00150);
+ (0x00152,0x00152);
+ (0x00154,0x00154);
+ (0x00156,0x00156);
+ (0x00158,0x00158);
+ (0x0015A,0x0015A);
+ (0x0015C,0x0015C);
+ (0x0015E,0x0015E);
+ (0x00160,0x00160);
+ (0x00162,0x00162);
+ (0x00164,0x00164);
+ (0x00166,0x00166);
+ (0x00168,0x00168);
+ (0x0016A,0x0016A);
+ (0x0016C,0x0016C);
+ (0x0016E,0x0016E);
+ (0x00170,0x00170);
+ (0x00172,0x00172);
+ (0x00174,0x00174);
+ (0x00176,0x00176);
+ (0x00178,0x00179);
+ (0x0017B,0x0017B);
+ (0x0017D,0x0017D);
+ (0x00181,0x00182);
+ (0x00184,0x00184);
+ (0x00186,0x00187);
+ (0x00189,0x0018B);
+ (0x0018E,0x00191);
+ (0x00193,0x00194);
+ (0x00196,0x00198);
+ (0x0019C,0x0019D);
+ (0x0019F,0x001A0);
+ (0x001A2,0x001A2);
+ (0x001A4,0x001A4);
+ (0x001A6,0x001A7);
+ (0x001A9,0x001A9);
+ (0x001AC,0x001AC);
+ (0x001AE,0x001AF);
+ (0x001B1,0x001B3);
+ (0x001B5,0x001B5);
+ (0x001B7,0x001B8);
+ (0x001BC,0x001BC);
+ (0x001C4,0x001C4);
+ (0x001C7,0x001C7);
+ (0x001CA,0x001CA);
+ (0x001CD,0x001CD);
+ (0x001CF,0x001CF);
+ (0x001D1,0x001D1);
+ (0x001D3,0x001D3);
+ (0x001D5,0x001D5);
+ (0x001D7,0x001D7);
+ (0x001D9,0x001D9);
+ (0x001DB,0x001DB);
+ (0x001DE,0x001DE);
+ (0x001E0,0x001E0);
+ (0x001E2,0x001E2);
+ (0x001E4,0x001E4);
+ (0x001E6,0x001E6);
+ (0x001E8,0x001E8);
+ (0x001EA,0x001EA);
+ (0x001EC,0x001EC);
+ (0x001EE,0x001EE);
+ (0x001F1,0x001F1);
+ (0x001F4,0x001F4);
+ (0x001F6,0x001F8);
+ (0x001FA,0x001FA);
+ (0x001FC,0x001FC);
+ (0x001FE,0x001FE);
+ (0x00200,0x00200);
+ (0x00202,0x00202);
+ (0x00204,0x00204);
+ (0x00206,0x00206);
+ (0x00208,0x00208);
+ (0x0020A,0x0020A);
+ (0x0020C,0x0020C);
+ (0x0020E,0x0020E);
+ (0x00210,0x00210);
+ (0x00212,0x00212);
+ (0x00214,0x00214);
+ (0x00216,0x00216);
+ (0x00218,0x00218);
+ (0x0021A,0x0021A);
+ (0x0021C,0x0021C);
+ (0x0021E,0x0021E);
+ (0x00220,0x00220);
+ (0x00222,0x00222);
+ (0x00224,0x00224);
+ (0x00226,0x00226);
+ (0x00228,0x00228);
+ (0x0022A,0x0022A);
+ (0x0022C,0x0022C);
+ (0x0022E,0x0022E);
+ (0x00230,0x00230);
+ (0x00232,0x00232);
+ (0x00386,0x00386);
+ (0x00388,0x0038A);
+ (0x0038C,0x0038C);
+ (0x0038E,0x0038F);
+ (0x00391,0x003A1);
+ (0x003A3,0x003AB);
+ (0x003D2,0x003D4);
+ (0x003D8,0x003D8);
+ (0x003DA,0x003DA);
+ (0x003DC,0x003DC);
+ (0x003DE,0x003DE);
+ (0x003E0,0x003E0);
+ (0x003E2,0x003E2);
+ (0x003E4,0x003E4);
+ (0x003E6,0x003E6);
+ (0x003E8,0x003E8);
+ (0x003EA,0x003EA);
+ (0x003EC,0x003EC);
+ (0x003EE,0x003EE);
+ (0x003F4,0x003F4);
+ (0x00400,0x0042F);
+ (0x00460,0x00460);
+ (0x00462,0x00462);
+ (0x00464,0x00464);
+ (0x00466,0x00466);
+ (0x00468,0x00468);
+ (0x0046A,0x0046A);
+ (0x0046C,0x0046C);
+ (0x0046E,0x0046E);
+ (0x00470,0x00470);
+ (0x00472,0x00472);
+ (0x00474,0x00474);
+ (0x00476,0x00476);
+ (0x00478,0x00478);
+ (0x0047A,0x0047A);
+ (0x0047C,0x0047C);
+ (0x0047E,0x0047E);
+ (0x00480,0x00480);
+ (0x0048A,0x0048A);
+ (0x0048C,0x0048C);
+ (0x0048E,0x0048E);
+ (0x00490,0x00490);
+ (0x00492,0x00492);
+ (0x00494,0x00494);
+ (0x00496,0x00496);
+ (0x00498,0x00498);
+ (0x0049A,0x0049A);
+ (0x0049C,0x0049C);
+ (0x0049E,0x0049E);
+ (0x004A0,0x004A0);
+ (0x004A2,0x004A2);
+ (0x004A4,0x004A4);
+ (0x004A6,0x004A6);
+ (0x004A8,0x004A8);
+ (0x004AA,0x004AA);
+ (0x004AC,0x004AC);
+ (0x004AE,0x004AE);
+ (0x004B0,0x004B0);
+ (0x004B2,0x004B2);
+ (0x004B4,0x004B4);
+ (0x004B6,0x004B6);
+ (0x004B8,0x004B8);
+ (0x004BA,0x004BA);
+ (0x004BC,0x004BC);
+ (0x004BE,0x004BE);
+ (0x004C0,0x004C1);
+ (0x004C3,0x004C3);
+ (0x004C5,0x004C5);
+ (0x004C7,0x004C7);
+ (0x004C9,0x004C9);
+ (0x004CB,0x004CB);
+ (0x004CD,0x004CD);
+ (0x004D0,0x004D0);
+ (0x004D2,0x004D2);
+ (0x004D4,0x004D4);
+ (0x004D6,0x004D6);
+ (0x004D8,0x004D8);
+ (0x004DA,0x004DA);
+ (0x004DC,0x004DC);
+ (0x004DE,0x004DE);
+ (0x004E0,0x004E0);
+ (0x004E2,0x004E2);
+ (0x004E4,0x004E4);
+ (0x004E6,0x004E6);
+ (0x004E8,0x004E8);
+ (0x004EA,0x004EA);
+ (0x004EC,0x004EC);
+ (0x004EE,0x004EE);
+ (0x004F0,0x004F0);
+ (0x004F2,0x004F2);
+ (0x004F4,0x004F4);
+ (0x004F8,0x004F8);
+ (0x00500,0x00500);
+ (0x00502,0x00502);
+ (0x00504,0x00504);
+ (0x00506,0x00506);
+ (0x00508,0x00508);
+ (0x0050A,0x0050A);
+ (0x0050C,0x0050C);
+ (0x0050E,0x0050E);
+ (0x00531,0x00556);
+ (0x010A0,0x010C5);
+ (0x01E00,0x01E00);
+ (0x01E02,0x01E02);
+ (0x01E04,0x01E04);
+ (0x01E06,0x01E06);
+ (0x01E08,0x01E08);
+ (0x01E0A,0x01E0A);
+ (0x01E0C,0x01E0C);
+ (0x01E0E,0x01E0E);
+ (0x01E10,0x01E10);
+ (0x01E12,0x01E12);
+ (0x01E14,0x01E14);
+ (0x01E16,0x01E16);
+ (0x01E18,0x01E18);
+ (0x01E1A,0x01E1A);
+ (0x01E1C,0x01E1C);
+ (0x01E1E,0x01E1E);
+ (0x01E20,0x01E20);
+ (0x01E22,0x01E22);
+ (0x01E24,0x01E24);
+ (0x01E26,0x01E26);
+ (0x01E28,0x01E28);
+ (0x01E2A,0x01E2A);
+ (0x01E2C,0x01E2C);
+ (0x01E2E,0x01E2E);
+ (0x01E30,0x01E30);
+ (0x01E32,0x01E32);
+ (0x01E34,0x01E34);
+ (0x01E36,0x01E36);
+ (0x01E38,0x01E38);
+ (0x01E3A,0x01E3A);
+ (0x01E3C,0x01E3C);
+ (0x01E3E,0x01E3E);
+ (0x01E40,0x01E40);
+ (0x01E42,0x01E42);
+ (0x01E44,0x01E44);
+ (0x01E46,0x01E46);
+ (0x01E48,0x01E48);
+ (0x01E4A,0x01E4A);
+ (0x01E4C,0x01E4C);
+ (0x01E4E,0x01E4E);
+ (0x01E50,0x01E50);
+ (0x01E52,0x01E52);
+ (0x01E54,0x01E54);
+ (0x01E56,0x01E56);
+ (0x01E58,0x01E58);
+ (0x01E5A,0x01E5A);
+ (0x01E5C,0x01E5C);
+ (0x01E5E,0x01E5E);
+ (0x01E60,0x01E60);
+ (0x01E62,0x01E62);
+ (0x01E64,0x01E64);
+ (0x01E66,0x01E66);
+ (0x01E68,0x01E68);
+ (0x01E6A,0x01E6A);
+ (0x01E6C,0x01E6C);
+ (0x01E6E,0x01E6E);
+ (0x01E70,0x01E70);
+ (0x01E72,0x01E72);
+ (0x01E74,0x01E74);
+ (0x01E76,0x01E76);
+ (0x01E78,0x01E78);
+ (0x01E7A,0x01E7A);
+ (0x01E7C,0x01E7C);
+ (0x01E7E,0x01E7E);
+ (0x01E80,0x01E80);
+ (0x01E82,0x01E82);
+ (0x01E84,0x01E84);
+ (0x01E86,0x01E86);
+ (0x01E88,0x01E88);
+ (0x01E8A,0x01E8A);
+ (0x01E8C,0x01E8C);
+ (0x01E8E,0x01E8E);
+ (0x01E90,0x01E90);
+ (0x01E92,0x01E92);
+ (0x01E94,0x01E94);
+ (0x01EA0,0x01EA0);
+ (0x01EA2,0x01EA2);
+ (0x01EA4,0x01EA4);
+ (0x01EA6,0x01EA6);
+ (0x01EA8,0x01EA8);
+ (0x01EAA,0x01EAA);
+ (0x01EAC,0x01EAC);
+ (0x01EAE,0x01EAE);
+ (0x01EB0,0x01EB0);
+ (0x01EB2,0x01EB2);
+ (0x01EB4,0x01EB4);
+ (0x01EB6,0x01EB6);
+ (0x01EB8,0x01EB8);
+ (0x01EBA,0x01EBA);
+ (0x01EBC,0x01EBC);
+ (0x01EBE,0x01EBE);
+ (0x01EC0,0x01EC0);
+ (0x01EC2,0x01EC2);
+ (0x01EC4,0x01EC4);
+ (0x01EC6,0x01EC6);
+ (0x01EC8,0x01EC8);
+ (0x01ECA,0x01ECA);
+ (0x01ECC,0x01ECC);
+ (0x01ECE,0x01ECE);
+ (0x01ED0,0x01ED0);
+ (0x01ED2,0x01ED2);
+ (0x01ED4,0x01ED4);
+ (0x01ED6,0x01ED6);
+ (0x01ED8,0x01ED8);
+ (0x01EDA,0x01EDA);
+ (0x01EDC,0x01EDC);
+ (0x01EDE,0x01EDE);
+ (0x01EE0,0x01EE0);
+ (0x01EE2,0x01EE2);
+ (0x01EE4,0x01EE4);
+ (0x01EE6,0x01EE6);
+ (0x01EE8,0x01EE8);
+ (0x01EEA,0x01EEA);
+ (0x01EEC,0x01EEC);
+ (0x01EEE,0x01EEE);
+ (0x01EF0,0x01EF0);
+ (0x01EF2,0x01EF2);
+ (0x01EF4,0x01EF4);
+ (0x01EF6,0x01EF6);
+ (0x01EF8,0x01EF8);
+ (0x01F08,0x01F0F);
+ (0x01F18,0x01F1D);
+ (0x01F28,0x01F2F);
+ (0x01F38,0x01F3F);
+ (0x01F48,0x01F4D);
+ (0x01F59,0x01F59);
+ (0x01F5B,0x01F5B);
+ (0x01F5D,0x01F5D);
+ (0x01F5F,0x01F5F);
+ (0x01F68,0x01F6F);
+ (0x01FB8,0x01FBB);
+ (0x01FC8,0x01FCB);
+ (0x01FD8,0x01FDB);
+ (0x01FE8,0x01FEC);
+ (0x01FF8,0x01FFB);
+ (0x02102,0x02102);
+ (0x02107,0x02107);
+ (0x0210B,0x0210D);
+ (0x02110,0x02112);
+ (0x02115,0x02115);
+ (0x02119,0x0211D);
+ (0x02124,0x02124);
+ (0x02126,0x02126);
+ (0x02128,0x02128);
+ (0x0212A,0x0212D);
+ (0x02130,0x02131);
+ (0x02133,0x02133);
+ (0x0213E,0x0213F);
+ (0x02145,0x02145);
+ (0x0FF21,0x0FF3A);
+ (0x10400,0x10425);
+ (0x1D400,0x1D419);
+ (0x1D434,0x1D44D);
+ (0x1D468,0x1D481);
+ (0x1D49C,0x1D49C);
+ (0x1D49E,0x1D49F);
+ (0x1D4A2,0x1D4A2);
+ (0x1D4A5,0x1D4A6);
+ (0x1D4A9,0x1D4AC);
+ (0x1D4AE,0x1D4B5);
+ (0x1D4D0,0x1D4E9);
+ (0x1D504,0x1D505);
+ (0x1D507,0x1D50A);
+ (0x1D50D,0x1D514);
+ (0x1D516,0x1D51C);
+ (0x1D538,0x1D539);
+ (0x1D53B,0x1D53E);
+ (0x1D540,0x1D544);
+ (0x1D546,0x1D546);
+ (0x1D54A,0x1D550);
+ (0x1D56C,0x1D585);
+ (0x1D5A0,0x1D5B9);
+ (0x1D5D4,0x1D5ED);
+ (0x1D608,0x1D621);
+ (0x1D63C,0x1D655);
+ (0x1D670,0x1D689);
+ (0x1D6A8,0x1D6C0);
+ (0x1D6E2,0x1D6FA);
+ (0x1D71C,0x1D734);
+ (0x1D756,0x1D76E);
+ (0x1D790,0x1D7A8)
+(* Letter, Lowercase *)
+let ll = [
+ (0x00061,0x0007A);
+ (0x000AA,0x000AA);
+ (0x000B5,0x000B5);
+ (0x000BA,0x000BA);
+ (0x000DF,0x000F6);
+ (0x000F8,0x000FF);
+ (0x00101,0x00101);
+ (0x00103,0x00103);
+ (0x00105,0x00105);
+ (0x00107,0x00107);
+ (0x00109,0x00109);
+ (0x0010B,0x0010B);
+ (0x0010D,0x0010D);
+ (0x0010F,0x0010F);
+ (0x00111,0x00111);
+ (0x00113,0x00113);
+ (0x00115,0x00115);
+ (0x00117,0x00117);
+ (0x00119,0x00119);
+ (0x0011B,0x0011B);
+ (0x0011D,0x0011D);
+ (0x0011F,0x0011F);
+ (0x00121,0x00121);
+ (0x00123,0x00123);
+ (0x00125,0x00125);
+ (0x00127,0x00127);
+ (0x00129,0x00129);
+ (0x0012B,0x0012B);
+ (0x0012D,0x0012D);
+ (0x0012F,0x0012F);
+ (0x00131,0x00131);
+ (0x00133,0x00133);
+ (0x00135,0x00135);
+ (0x00137,0x00138);
+ (0x0013A,0x0013A);
+ (0x0013C,0x0013C);
+ (0x0013E,0x0013E);
+ (0x00140,0x00140);
+ (0x00142,0x00142);
+ (0x00144,0x00144);
+ (0x00146,0x00146);
+ (0x00148,0x00149);
+ (0x0014B,0x0014B);
+ (0x0014D,0x0014D);
+ (0x0014F,0x0014F);
+ (0x00151,0x00151);
+ (0x00153,0x00153);
+ (0x00155,0x00155);
+ (0x00157,0x00157);
+ (0x00159,0x00159);
+ (0x0015B,0x0015B);
+ (0x0015D,0x0015D);
+ (0x0015F,0x0015F);
+ (0x00161,0x00161);
+ (0x00163,0x00163);
+ (0x00165,0x00165);
+ (0x00167,0x00167);
+ (0x00169,0x00169);
+ (0x0016B,0x0016B);
+ (0x0016D,0x0016D);
+ (0x0016F,0x0016F);
+ (0x00171,0x00171);
+ (0x00173,0x00173);
+ (0x00175,0x00175);
+ (0x00177,0x00177);
+ (0x0017A,0x0017A);
+ (0x0017C,0x0017C);
+ (0x0017E,0x00180);
+ (0x00183,0x00183);
+ (0x00185,0x00185);
+ (0x00188,0x00188);
+ (0x0018C,0x0018D);
+ (0x00192,0x00192);
+ (0x00195,0x00195);
+ (0x00199,0x0019B);
+ (0x0019E,0x0019E);
+ (0x001A1,0x001A1);
+ (0x001A3,0x001A3);
+ (0x001A5,0x001A5);
+ (0x001A8,0x001A8);
+ (0x001AA,0x001AB);
+ (0x001AD,0x001AD);
+ (0x001B0,0x001B0);
+ (0x001B4,0x001B4);
+ (0x001B6,0x001B6);
+ (0x001B9,0x001BA);
+ (0x001BD,0x001BF);
+ (0x001C6,0x001C6);
+ (0x001C9,0x001C9);
+ (0x001CC,0x001CC);
+ (0x001CE,0x001CE);
+ (0x001D0,0x001D0);
+ (0x001D2,0x001D2);
+ (0x001D4,0x001D4);
+ (0x001D6,0x001D6);
+ (0x001D8,0x001D8);
+ (0x001DA,0x001DA);
+ (0x001DC,0x001DD);
+ (0x001DF,0x001DF);
+ (0x001E1,0x001E1);
+ (0x001E3,0x001E3);
+ (0x001E5,0x001E5);
+ (0x001E7,0x001E7);
+ (0x001E9,0x001E9);
+ (0x001EB,0x001EB);
+ (0x001ED,0x001ED);
+ (0x001EF,0x001F0);
+ (0x001F3,0x001F3);
+ (0x001F5,0x001F5);
+ (0x001F9,0x001F9);
+ (0x001FB,0x001FB);
+ (0x001FD,0x001FD);
+ (0x001FF,0x001FF);
+ (0x00201,0x00201);
+ (0x00203,0x00203);
+ (0x00205,0x00205);
+ (0x00207,0x00207);
+ (0x00209,0x00209);
+ (0x0020B,0x0020B);
+ (0x0020D,0x0020D);
+ (0x0020F,0x0020F);
+ (0x00211,0x00211);
+ (0x00213,0x00213);
+ (0x00215,0x00215);
+ (0x00217,0x00217);
+ (0x00219,0x00219);
+ (0x0021B,0x0021B);
+ (0x0021D,0x0021D);
+ (0x0021F,0x0021F);
+ (0x00223,0x00223);
+ (0x00225,0x00225);
+ (0x00227,0x00227);
+ (0x00229,0x00229);
+ (0x0022B,0x0022B);
+ (0x0022D,0x0022D);
+ (0x0022F,0x0022F);
+ (0x00231,0x00231);
+ (0x00233,0x00233);
+ (0x00250,0x002AD);
+ (0x00390,0x00390);
+ (0x003AC,0x003CE);
+ (0x003D0,0x003D1);
+ (0x003D5,0x003D7);
+ (0x003D9,0x003D9);
+ (0x003DB,0x003DB);
+ (0x003DD,0x003DD);
+ (0x003DF,0x003DF);
+ (0x003E1,0x003E1);
+ (0x003E3,0x003E3);
+ (0x003E5,0x003E5);
+ (0x003E7,0x003E7);
+ (0x003E9,0x003E9);
+ (0x003EB,0x003EB);
+ (0x003ED,0x003ED);
+ (0x003EF,0x003F3);
+ (0x003F5,0x003F5);
+ (0x00430,0x0045F);
+ (0x00461,0x00461);
+ (0x00463,0x00463);
+ (0x00465,0x00465);
+ (0x00467,0x00467);
+ (0x00469,0x00469);
+ (0x0046B,0x0046B);
+ (0x0046D,0x0046D);
+ (0x0046F,0x0046F);
+ (0x00471,0x00471);
+ (0x00473,0x00473);
+ (0x00475,0x00475);
+ (0x00477,0x00477);
+ (0x00479,0x00479);
+ (0x0047B,0x0047B);
+ (0x0047D,0x0047D);
+ (0x0047F,0x0047F);
+ (0x00481,0x00481);
+ (0x0048B,0x0048B);
+ (0x0048D,0x0048D);
+ (0x0048F,0x0048F);
+ (0x00491,0x00491);
+ (0x00493,0x00493);
+ (0x00495,0x00495);
+ (0x00497,0x00497);
+ (0x00499,0x00499);
+ (0x0049B,0x0049B);
+ (0x0049D,0x0049D);
+ (0x0049F,0x0049F);
+ (0x004A1,0x004A1);
+ (0x004A3,0x004A3);
+ (0x004A5,0x004A5);
+ (0x004A7,0x004A7);
+ (0x004A9,0x004A9);
+ (0x004AB,0x004AB);
+ (0x004AD,0x004AD);
+ (0x004AF,0x004AF);
+ (0x004B1,0x004B1);
+ (0x004B3,0x004B3);
+ (0x004B5,0x004B5);
+ (0x004B7,0x004B7);
+ (0x004B9,0x004B9);
+ (0x004BB,0x004BB);
+ (0x004BD,0x004BD);
+ (0x004BF,0x004BF);
+ (0x004C2,0x004C2);
+ (0x004C4,0x004C4);
+ (0x004C6,0x004C6);
+ (0x004C8,0x004C8);
+ (0x004CA,0x004CA);
+ (0x004CC,0x004CC);
+ (0x004CE,0x004CE);
+ (0x004D1,0x004D1);
+ (0x004D3,0x004D3);
+ (0x004D5,0x004D5);
+ (0x004D7,0x004D7);
+ (0x004D9,0x004D9);
+ (0x004DB,0x004DB);
+ (0x004DD,0x004DD);
+ (0x004DF,0x004DF);
+ (0x004E1,0x004E1);
+ (0x004E3,0x004E3);
+ (0x004E5,0x004E5);
+ (0x004E7,0x004E7);
+ (0x004E9,0x004E9);
+ (0x004EB,0x004EB);
+ (0x004ED,0x004ED);
+ (0x004EF,0x004EF);
+ (0x004F1,0x004F1);
+ (0x004F3,0x004F3);
+ (0x004F5,0x004F5);
+ (0x004F9,0x004F9);
+ (0x00501,0x00501);
+ (0x00503,0x00503);
+ (0x00505,0x00505);
+ (0x00507,0x00507);
+ (0x00509,0x00509);
+ (0x0050B,0x0050B);
+ (0x0050D,0x0050D);
+ (0x0050F,0x0050F);
+ (0x00561,0x00587);
+ (0x01E01,0x01E01);
+ (0x01E03,0x01E03);
+ (0x01E05,0x01E05);
+ (0x01E07,0x01E07);
+ (0x01E09,0x01E09);
+ (0x01E0B,0x01E0B);
+ (0x01E0D,0x01E0D);
+ (0x01E0F,0x01E0F);
+ (0x01E11,0x01E11);
+ (0x01E13,0x01E13);
+ (0x01E15,0x01E15);
+ (0x01E17,0x01E17);
+ (0x01E19,0x01E19);
+ (0x01E1B,0x01E1B);
+ (0x01E1D,0x01E1D);
+ (0x01E1F,0x01E1F);
+ (0x01E21,0x01E21);
+ (0x01E23,0x01E23);
+ (0x01E25,0x01E25);
+ (0x01E27,0x01E27);
+ (0x01E29,0x01E29);
+ (0x01E2B,0x01E2B);
+ (0x01E2D,0x01E2D);
+ (0x01E2F,0x01E2F);
+ (0x01E31,0x01E31);
+ (0x01E33,0x01E33);
+ (0x01E35,0x01E35);
+ (0x01E37,0x01E37);
+ (0x01E39,0x01E39);
+ (0x01E3B,0x01E3B);
+ (0x01E3D,0x01E3D);
+ (0x01E3F,0x01E3F);
+ (0x01E41,0x01E41);
+ (0x01E43,0x01E43);
+ (0x01E45,0x01E45);
+ (0x01E47,0x01E47);
+ (0x01E49,0x01E49);
+ (0x01E4B,0x01E4B);
+ (0x01E4D,0x01E4D);
+ (0x01E4F,0x01E4F);
+ (0x01E51,0x01E51);
+ (0x01E53,0x01E53);
+ (0x01E55,0x01E55);
+ (0x01E57,0x01E57);
+ (0x01E59,0x01E59);
+ (0x01E5B,0x01E5B);
+ (0x01E5D,0x01E5D);
+ (0x01E5F,0x01E5F);
+ (0x01E61,0x01E61);
+ (0x01E63,0x01E63);
+ (0x01E65,0x01E65);
+ (0x01E67,0x01E67);
+ (0x01E69,0x01E69);
+ (0x01E6B,0x01E6B);
+ (0x01E6D,0x01E6D);
+ (0x01E6F,0x01E6F);
+ (0x01E71,0x01E71);
+ (0x01E73,0x01E73);
+ (0x01E75,0x01E75);
+ (0x01E77,0x01E77);
+ (0x01E79,0x01E79);
+ (0x01E7B,0x01E7B);
+ (0x01E7D,0x01E7D);
+ (0x01E7F,0x01E7F);
+ (0x01E81,0x01E81);
+ (0x01E83,0x01E83);
+ (0x01E85,0x01E85);
+ (0x01E87,0x01E87);
+ (0x01E89,0x01E89);
+ (0x01E8B,0x01E8B);
+ (0x01E8D,0x01E8D);
+ (0x01E8F,0x01E8F);
+ (0x01E91,0x01E91);
+ (0x01E93,0x01E93);
+ (0x01E95,0x01E9B);
+ (0x01EA1,0x01EA1);
+ (0x01EA3,0x01EA3);
+ (0x01EA5,0x01EA5);
+ (0x01EA7,0x01EA7);
+ (0x01EA9,0x01EA9);
+ (0x01EAB,0x01EAB);
+ (0x01EAD,0x01EAD);
+ (0x01EAF,0x01EAF);
+ (0x01EB1,0x01EB1);
+ (0x01EB3,0x01EB3);
+ (0x01EB5,0x01EB5);
+ (0x01EB7,0x01EB7);
+ (0x01EB9,0x01EB9);
+ (0x01EBB,0x01EBB);
+ (0x01EBD,0x01EBD);
+ (0x01EBF,0x01EBF);
+ (0x01EC1,0x01EC1);
+ (0x01EC3,0x01EC3);
+ (0x01EC5,0x01EC5);
+ (0x01EC7,0x01EC7);
+ (0x01EC9,0x01EC9);
+ (0x01ECB,0x01ECB);
+ (0x01ECD,0x01ECD);
+ (0x01ECF,0x01ECF);
+ (0x01ED1,0x01ED1);
+ (0x01ED3,0x01ED3);
+ (0x01ED5,0x01ED5);
+ (0x01ED7,0x01ED7);
+ (0x01ED9,0x01ED9);
+ (0x01EDB,0x01EDB);
+ (0x01EDD,0x01EDD);
+ (0x01EDF,0x01EDF);
+ (0x01EE1,0x01EE1);
+ (0x01EE3,0x01EE3);
+ (0x01EE5,0x01EE5);
+ (0x01EE7,0x01EE7);
+ (0x01EE9,0x01EE9);
+ (0x01EEB,0x01EEB);
+ (0x01EED,0x01EED);
+ (0x01EEF,0x01EEF);
+ (0x01EF1,0x01EF1);
+ (0x01EF3,0x01EF3);
+ (0x01EF5,0x01EF5);
+ (0x01EF7,0x01EF7);
+ (0x01EF9,0x01EF9);
+ (0x01F00,0x01F07);
+ (0x01F10,0x01F15);
+ (0x01F20,0x01F27);
+ (0x01F30,0x01F37);
+ (0x01F40,0x01F45);
+ (0x01F50,0x01F57);
+ (0x01F60,0x01F67);
+ (0x01F70,0x01F7D);
+ (0x01F80,0x01F87);
+ (0x01F90,0x01F97);
+ (0x01FA0,0x01FA7);
+ (0x01FB0,0x01FB4);
+ (0x01FB6,0x01FB7);
+ (0x01FBE,0x01FBE);
+ (0x01FC2,0x01FC4);
+ (0x01FC6,0x01FC7);
+ (0x01FD0,0x01FD3);
+ (0x01FD6,0x01FD7);
+ (0x01FE0,0x01FE7);
+ (0x01FF2,0x01FF4);
+ (0x01FF6,0x01FF7);
+ (0x02071,0x02071);
+ (0x0207F,0x0207F);
+ (0x0210A,0x0210A);
+ (0x0210E,0x0210F);
+ (0x02113,0x02113);
+ (0x0212F,0x0212F);
+ (0x02134,0x02134);
+ (0x02139,0x02139);
+ (0x0213D,0x0213D);
+ (0x02146,0x02149);
+ (0x0FB00,0x0FB06);
+ (0x0FB13,0x0FB17);
+ (0x0FF41,0x0FF5A);
+ (0x10428,0x1044D);
+ (0x1D41A,0x1D433);
+ (0x1D44E,0x1D454);
+ (0x1D456,0x1D467);
+ (0x1D482,0x1D49B);
+ (0x1D4B6,0x1D4B9);
+ (0x1D4BB,0x1D4BB);
+ (0x1D4BD,0x1D4C0);
+ (0x1D4C2,0x1D4C3);
+ (0x1D4C5,0x1D4CF);
+ (0x1D4EA,0x1D503);
+ (0x1D51E,0x1D537);
+ (0x1D552,0x1D56B);
+ (0x1D586,0x1D59F);
+ (0x1D5BA,0x1D5D3);
+ (0x1D5EE,0x1D607);
+ (0x1D622,0x1D63B);
+ (0x1D656,0x1D66F);
+ (0x1D68A,0x1D6A3);
+ (0x1D6C2,0x1D6DA);
+ (0x1D6DC,0x1D6E1);
+ (0x1D6FC,0x1D714);
+ (0x1D716,0x1D71B);
+ (0x1D736,0x1D74E);
+ (0x1D750,0x1D755);
+ (0x1D770,0x1D788);
+ (0x1D78A,0x1D78F);
+ (0x1D7AA,0x1D7C2);
+ (0x1D7C4,0x1D7C9)
+(* Letter, Titlecase *)
+let lt = [
+ (0x001C5,0x001C5);
+ (0x001C8,0x001C8);
+ (0x001CB,0x001CB);
+ (0x001F2,0x001F2);
+ (0x01F88,0x01F8F);
+ (0x01F98,0x01F9F);
+ (0x01FA8,0x01FAF);
+ (0x01FBC,0x01FBC);
+ (0x01FCC,0x01FCC);
+ (0x01FFC,0x01FFC)
+(* Mark, Non-Spacing *)
+let mn = [
+ (0x00300,0x0034F);
+ (0x00360,0x0036F);
+ (0x00483,0x00486);
+ (0x00591,0x005A1);
+ (0x005A3,0x005B9);
+ (0x005BB,0x005BD);
+ (0x005BF,0x005BF);
+ (0x005C1,0x005C2);
+ (0x005C4,0x005C4);
+ (0x0064B,0x00655);
+ (0x00670,0x00670);
+ (0x006D6,0x006DC);
+ (0x006DF,0x006E4);
+ (0x006E7,0x006E8);
+ (0x006EA,0x006ED);
+ (0x00711,0x00711);
+ (0x00730,0x0074A);
+ (0x007A6,0x007B0);
+ (0x00901,0x00902);
+ (0x0093C,0x0093C);
+ (0x00941,0x00948);
+ (0x0094D,0x0094D);
+ (0x00951,0x00954);
+ (0x00962,0x00963);
+ (0x00981,0x00981);
+ (0x009BC,0x009BC);
+ (0x009C1,0x009C4);
+ (0x009CD,0x009CD);
+ (0x009E2,0x009E3);
+ (0x00A02,0x00A02);
+ (0x00A3C,0x00A3C);
+ (0x00A41,0x00A42);
+ (0x00A47,0x00A48);
+ (0x00A4B,0x00A4D);
+ (0x00A70,0x00A71);
+ (0x00A81,0x00A82);
+ (0x00ABC,0x00ABC);
+ (0x00AC1,0x00AC5);
+ (0x00AC7,0x00AC8);
+ (0x00ACD,0x00ACD);
+ (0x00B01,0x00B01);
+ (0x00B3C,0x00B3C);
+ (0x00B3F,0x00B3F);
+ (0x00B41,0x00B43);
+ (0x00B4D,0x00B4D);
+ (0x00B56,0x00B56);
+ (0x00B82,0x00B82);
+ (0x00BC0,0x00BC0);
+ (0x00BCD,0x00BCD);
+ (0x00C3E,0x00C40);
+ (0x00C46,0x00C48);
+ (0x00C4A,0x00C4D);
+ (0x00C55,0x00C56);
+ (0x00CBF,0x00CBF);
+ (0x00CC6,0x00CC6);
+ (0x00CCC,0x00CCD);
+ (0x00D41,0x00D43);
+ (0x00D4D,0x00D4D);
+ (0x00DCA,0x00DCA);
+ (0x00DD2,0x00DD4);
+ (0x00DD6,0x00DD6);
+ (0x00E31,0x00E31);
+ (0x00E34,0x00E3A);
+ (0x00E47,0x00E4E);
+ (0x00EB1,0x00EB1);
+ (0x00EB4,0x00EB9);
+ (0x00EBB,0x00EBC);
+ (0x00EC8,0x00ECD);
+ (0x00F18,0x00F19);
+ (0x00F35,0x00F35);
+ (0x00F37,0x00F37);
+ (0x00F39,0x00F39);
+ (0x00F71,0x00F7E);
+ (0x00F80,0x00F84);
+ (0x00F86,0x00F87);
+ (0x00F90,0x00F97);
+ (0x00F99,0x00FBC);
+ (0x00FC6,0x00FC6);
+ (0x0102D,0x01030);
+ (0x01032,0x01032);
+ (0x01036,0x01037);
+ (0x01039,0x01039);
+ (0x01058,0x01059);
+ (0x01712,0x01714);
+ (0x01732,0x01734);
+ (0x01752,0x01753);
+ (0x01772,0x01773);
+ (0x017B7,0x017BD);
+ (0x017C6,0x017C6);
+ (0x017C9,0x017D3);
+ (0x0180B,0x0180D);
+ (0x018A9,0x018A9);
+ (0x020D0,0x020DC);
+ (0x020E1,0x020E1);
+ (0x020E5,0x020EA);
+ (0x0302A,0x0302F);
+ (0x03099,0x0309A);
+ (0x0FB1E,0x0FB1E);
+ (0x0FE00,0x0FE0F);
+ (0x0FE20,0x0FE23);
+ (0x1D167,0x1D169);
+ (0x1D17B,0x1D182);
+ (0x1D185,0x1D18B);
+ (0x1D1AA,0x1D1AD)
+(* Mark, Spacing Combining *)
+let mc = [
+ (0x00903,0x00903);
+ (0x0093E,0x00940);
+ (0x00949,0x0094C);
+ (0x00982,0x00983);
+ (0x009BE,0x009C0);
+ (0x009C7,0x009C8);
+ (0x009CB,0x009CC);
+ (0x009D7,0x009D7);
+ (0x00A3E,0x00A40);
+ (0x00A83,0x00A83);
+ (0x00ABE,0x00AC0);
+ (0x00AC9,0x00AC9);
+ (0x00ACB,0x00ACC);
+ (0x00B02,0x00B03);
+ (0x00B3E,0x00B3E);
+ (0x00B40,0x00B40);
+ (0x00B47,0x00B48);
+ (0x00B4B,0x00B4C);
+ (0x00B57,0x00B57);
+ (0x00BBE,0x00BBF);
+ (0x00BC1,0x00BC2);
+ (0x00BC6,0x00BC8);
+ (0x00BCA,0x00BCC);
+ (0x00BD7,0x00BD7);
+ (0x00C01,0x00C03);
+ (0x00C41,0x00C44);
+ (0x00C82,0x00C83);
+ (0x00CBE,0x00CBE);
+ (0x00CC0,0x00CC4);
+ (0x00CC7,0x00CC8);
+ (0x00CCA,0x00CCB);
+ (0x00CD5,0x00CD6);
+ (0x00D02,0x00D03);
+ (0x00D3E,0x00D40);
+ (0x00D46,0x00D48);
+ (0x00D4A,0x00D4C);
+ (0x00D57,0x00D57);
+ (0x00D82,0x00D83);
+ (0x00DCF,0x00DD1);
+ (0x00DD8,0x00DDF);
+ (0x00DF2,0x00DF3);
+ (0x00F3E,0x00F3F);
+ (0x00F7F,0x00F7F);
+ (0x0102C,0x0102C);
+ (0x01031,0x01031);
+ (0x01038,0x01038);
+ (0x01056,0x01057);
+ (0x017B4,0x017B6);
+ (0x017BE,0x017C5);
+ (0x017C7,0x017C8);
+ (0x1D165,0x1D166);
+ (0x1D16D,0x1D172)
+(* Mark, Enclosing *)
+let me = [
+ (0x00488,0x00489);
+ (0x006DE,0x006DE);
+ (0x020DD,0x020E0);
+ (0x020E2,0x020E4)
+(* Number, Decimal Digit *)
+let nd = [
+ (0x00030,0x00039);
+ (0x00660,0x00669);
+ (0x006F0,0x006F9);
+ (0x00966,0x0096F);
+ (0x009E6,0x009EF);
+ (0x00A66,0x00A6F);
+ (0x00AE6,0x00AEF);
+ (0x00B66,0x00B6F);
+ (0x00BE7,0x00BEF);
+ (0x00C66,0x00C6F);
+ (0x00CE6,0x00CEF);
+ (0x00D66,0x00D6F);
+ (0x00E50,0x00E59);
+ (0x00ED0,0x00ED9);
+ (0x00F20,0x00F29);
+ (0x01040,0x01049);
+ (0x01369,0x01371);
+ (0x017E0,0x017E9);
+ (0x01810,0x01819);
+ (0x0FF10,0x0FF19);
+ (0x1D7CE,0x1D7FF)
+(* Number, Letter *)
+let nl = [
+ (0x016EE,0x016F0);
+ (0x02160,0x02183);
+ (0x03007,0x03007);
+ (0x03021,0x03029);
+ (0x03038,0x0303A);
+ (0x1034A,0x1034A)
+(* Number, Other *)
+let no = [
+ (0x000B2,0x000B3);
+ (0x000B9,0x000B9);
+ (0x000BC,0x000BE);
+ (0x009F4,0x009F9);
+ (0x00BF0,0x00BF2);
+ (0x00F2A,0x00F33);
+ (0x01372,0x0137C);
+ (0x02070,0x02070);
+ (0x02074,0x02079);
+ (0x02080,0x02089);
+ (0x02153,0x0215F);
+ (0x02460,0x0249B);
+ (0x024EA,0x024FE);
+ (0x02776,0x02793);
+ (0x03192,0x03195);
+ (0x03220,0x03229);
+ (0x03251,0x0325F);
+ (0x03280,0x03289);
+ (0x032B1,0x032BF);
+ (0x10320,0x10323)
+(* Separator, Space *)
+let zs = [
+ (0x00020,0x00020);
+ (0x000A0,0x000A0);
+ (0x01680,0x01680);
+ (0x02000,0x0200B);
+ (0x0202F,0x0202F);
+ (0x0205F,0x0205F);
+ (0x03000,0x03000)
+(* Separator, Line *)
+let zl = [
+ (0x02028,0x02028)
+(* Separator, Paragraph *)
+let zp = [
+ (0x02029,0x02029)
+(* Other, Control *)
+let cc = [
+ (0x00000,0x0001F);
+ (0x0007F,0x0009F)
+(* Other, Format *)
+let cf = [
+ (0x006DD,0x006DD);
+ (0x0070F,0x0070F);
+ (0x0180E,0x0180E);
+ (0x0200C,0x0200F);
+ (0x0202A,0x0202E);
+ (0x02060,0x02063);
+ (0x0206A,0x0206F);
+ (0x0FEFF,0x0FEFF);
+ (0x0FFF9,0x0FFFB);
+ (0x1D173,0x1D17A);
+ (0xE0001,0xE0001);
+ (0xE0020,0xE007F)
+(* Other, Surrogate *)
+let cs = [
+ (0x0D800,0x0DEFE);
+ (0x0DFFF,0x0DFFF)
+(* Other, Private Use *)
+let co = [
+ (0x0E000,0x0F8FF)
+(* Other, Not Assigned *)
+let cn = [
+ (0x00221,0x00221);
+ (0x00234,0x0024F);
+ (0x002AE,0x002AF);
+ (0x002EF,0x002FF);
+ (0x00350,0x0035F);
+ (0x00370,0x00373);
+ (0x00376,0x00379);
+ (0x0037B,0x0037D);
+ (0x0037F,0x00383);
+ (0x0038B,0x0038B);
+ (0x0038D,0x0038D);
+ (0x003A2,0x003A2);
+ (0x003CF,0x003CF);
+ (0x003F7,0x003FF);
+ (0x00487,0x00487);
+ (0x004CF,0x004CF);
+ (0x004F6,0x004F7);
+ (0x004FA,0x004FF);
+ (0x00510,0x00530);
+ (0x00557,0x00558);
+ (0x00560,0x00560);
+ (0x00588,0x00588);
+ (0x0058B,0x00590);
+ (0x005A2,0x005A2);
+ (0x005BA,0x005BA);
+ (0x005C5,0x005CF);
+ (0x005EB,0x005EF);
+ (0x005F5,0x0060B);
+ (0x0060D,0x0061A);
+ (0x0061C,0x0061E);
+ (0x00620,0x00620);
+ (0x0063B,0x0063F);
+ (0x00656,0x0065F);
+ (0x006EE,0x006EF);
+ (0x006FF,0x006FF);
+ (0x0070E,0x0070E);
+ (0x0072D,0x0072F);
+ (0x0074B,0x0077F);
+ (0x007B2,0x00900);
+ (0x00904,0x00904);
+ (0x0093A,0x0093B);
+ (0x0094E,0x0094F);
+ (0x00955,0x00957);
+ (0x00971,0x00980);
+ (0x00984,0x00984);
+ (0x0098D,0x0098E);
+ (0x00991,0x00992);
+ (0x009A9,0x009A9);
+ (0x009B1,0x009B1);
+ (0x009B3,0x009B5);
+ (0x009BA,0x009BB);
+ (0x009BD,0x009BD);
+ (0x009C5,0x009C6);
+ (0x009C9,0x009CA);
+ (0x009CE,0x009D6);
+ (0x009D8,0x009DB);
+ (0x009DE,0x009DE);
+ (0x009E4,0x009E5);
+ (0x009FB,0x00A01);
+ (0x00A03,0x00A04);
+ (0x00A0B,0x00A0E);
+ (0x00A11,0x00A12);
+ (0x00A29,0x00A29);
+ (0x00A31,0x00A31);
+ (0x00A34,0x00A34);
+ (0x00A37,0x00A37);
+ (0x00A3A,0x00A3B);
+ (0x00A3D,0x00A3D);
+ (0x00A43,0x00A46);
+ (0x00A49,0x00A4A);
+ (0x00A4E,0x00A58);
+ (0x00A5D,0x00A5D);
+ (0x00A5F,0x00A65);
+ (0x00A75,0x00A80);
+ (0x00A84,0x00A84);
+ (0x00A8C,0x00A8C);
+ (0x00A8E,0x00A8E);
+ (0x00A92,0x00A92);
+ (0x00AA9,0x00AA9);
+ (0x00AB1,0x00AB1);
+ (0x00AB4,0x00AB4);
+ (0x00ABA,0x00ABB);
+ (0x00AC6,0x00AC6);
+ (0x00ACA,0x00ACA);
+ (0x00ACE,0x00ACF);
+ (0x00AD1,0x00ADF);
+ (0x00AE1,0x00AE5);
+ (0x00AF0,0x00B00);
+ (0x00B04,0x00B04);
+ (0x00B0D,0x00B0E);
+ (0x00B11,0x00B12);
+ (0x00B29,0x00B29);
+ (0x00B31,0x00B31);
+ (0x00B34,0x00B35);
+ (0x00B3A,0x00B3B);
+ (0x00B44,0x00B46);
+ (0x00B49,0x00B4A);
+ (0x00B4E,0x00B55);
+ (0x00B58,0x00B5B);
+ (0x00B5E,0x00B5E);
+ (0x00B62,0x00B65);
+ (0x00B71,0x00B81);
+ (0x00B84,0x00B84);
+ (0x00B8B,0x00B8D);
+ (0x00B91,0x00B91);
+ (0x00B96,0x00B98);
+ (0x00B9B,0x00B9B);
+ (0x00B9D,0x00B9D);
+ (0x00BA0,0x00BA2);
+ (0x00BA5,0x00BA7);
+ (0x00BAB,0x00BAD);
+ (0x00BB6,0x00BB6);
+ (0x00BBA,0x00BBD);
+ (0x00BC3,0x00BC5);
+ (0x00BC9,0x00BC9);
+ (0x00BCE,0x00BD6);
+ (0x00BD8,0x00BE6);
+ (0x00BF3,0x00C00);
+ (0x00C04,0x00C04);
+ (0x00C0D,0x00C0D);
+ (0x00C11,0x00C11);
+ (0x00C29,0x00C29);
+ (0x00C34,0x00C34);
+ (0x00C3A,0x00C3D);
+ (0x00C45,0x00C45);
+ (0x00C49,0x00C49);
+ (0x00C4E,0x00C54);
+ (0x00C57,0x00C5F);
+ (0x00C62,0x00C65);
+ (0x00C70,0x00C81);
+ (0x00C84,0x00C84);
+ (0x00C8D,0x00C8D);
+ (0x00C91,0x00C91);
+ (0x00CA9,0x00CA9);
+ (0x00CB4,0x00CB4);
+ (0x00CBA,0x00CBD);
+ (0x00CC5,0x00CC5);
+ (0x00CC9,0x00CC9);
+ (0x00CCE,0x00CD4);
+ (0x00CD7,0x00CDD);
+ (0x00CDF,0x00CDF);
+ (0x00CE2,0x00CE5);
+ (0x00CF0,0x00D01);
+ (0x00D04,0x00D04);
+ (0x00D0D,0x00D0D);
+ (0x00D11,0x00D11);
+ (0x00D29,0x00D29);
+ (0x00D3A,0x00D3D);
+ (0x00D44,0x00D45);
+ (0x00D49,0x00D49);
+ (0x00D4E,0x00D56);
+ (0x00D58,0x00D5F);
+ (0x00D62,0x00D65);
+ (0x00D70,0x00D81);
+ (0x00D84,0x00D84);
+ (0x00D97,0x00D99);
+ (0x00DB2,0x00DB2);
+ (0x00DBC,0x00DBC);
+ (0x00DBE,0x00DBF);
+ (0x00DC7,0x00DC9);
+ (0x00DCB,0x00DCE);
+ (0x00DD5,0x00DD5);
+ (0x00DD7,0x00DD7);
+ (0x00DE0,0x00DF1);
+ (0x00DF5,0x00E00);
+ (0x00E3B,0x00E3E);
+ (0x00E5C,0x00E80);
+ (0x00E83,0x00E83);
+ (0x00E85,0x00E86);
+ (0x00E89,0x00E89);
+ (0x00E8B,0x00E8C);
+ (0x00E8E,0x00E93);
+ (0x00E98,0x00E98);
+ (0x00EA0,0x00EA0);
+ (0x00EA4,0x00EA4);
+ (0x00EA6,0x00EA6);
+ (0x00EA8,0x00EA9);
+ (0x00EAC,0x00EAC);
+ (0x00EBA,0x00EBA);
+ (0x00EBE,0x00EBF);
+ (0x00EC5,0x00EC5);
+ (0x00EC7,0x00EC7);
+ (0x00ECE,0x00ECF);
+ (0x00EDA,0x00EDB);
+ (0x00EDE,0x00EFF);
+ (0x00F48,0x00F48);
+ (0x00F6B,0x00F70);
+ (0x00F8C,0x00F8F);
+ (0x00F98,0x00F98);
+ (0x00FBD,0x00FBD);
+ (0x00FCD,0x00FCE);
+ (0x00FD0,0x00FFF);
+ (0x01022,0x01022);
+ (0x01028,0x01028);
+ (0x0102B,0x0102B);
+ (0x01033,0x01035);
+ (0x0103A,0x0103F);
+ (0x0105A,0x0109F);
+ (0x010C6,0x010CF);
+ (0x010F9,0x010FA);
+ (0x010FC,0x010FF);
+ (0x0115A,0x0115E);
+ (0x011A3,0x011A7);
+ (0x011FA,0x011FF);
+ (0x01207,0x01207);
+ (0x01247,0x01247);
+ (0x01249,0x01249);
+ (0x0124E,0x0124F);
+ (0x01257,0x01257);
+ (0x01259,0x01259);
+ (0x0125E,0x0125F);
+ (0x01287,0x01287);
+ (0x01289,0x01289);
+ (0x0128E,0x0128F);
+ (0x012AF,0x012AF);
+ (0x012B1,0x012B1);
+ (0x012B6,0x012B7);
+ (0x012BF,0x012BF);
+ (0x012C1,0x012C1);
+ (0x012C6,0x012C7);
+ (0x012CF,0x012CF);
+ (0x012D7,0x012D7);
+ (0x012EF,0x012EF);
+ (0x0130F,0x0130F);
+ (0x01311,0x01311);
+ (0x01316,0x01317);
+ (0x0131F,0x0131F);
+ (0x01347,0x01347);
+ (0x0135B,0x01360);
+ (0x0137D,0x0139F);
+ (0x013F5,0x01400);
+ (0x01677,0x0167F);
+ (0x0169D,0x0169F);
+ (0x016F1,0x016FF);
+ (0x0170D,0x0170D);
+ (0x01715,0x0171F);
+ (0x01737,0x0173F);
+ (0x01754,0x0175F);
+ (0x0176D,0x0176D);
+ (0x01771,0x01771);
+ (0x01774,0x0177F);
+ (0x017DD,0x017DF);
+ (0x017EA,0x017FF);
+ (0x0180F,0x0180F);
+ (0x0181A,0x0181F);
+ (0x01878,0x0187F);
+ (0x018AA,0x01DFF);
+ (0x01E9C,0x01E9F);
+ (0x01EFA,0x01EFF);
+ (0x01F16,0x01F17);
+ (0x01F1E,0x01F1F);
+ (0x01F46,0x01F47);
+ (0x01F4E,0x01F4F);
+ (0x01F58,0x01F58);
+ (0x01F5A,0x01F5A);
+ (0x01F5C,0x01F5C);
+ (0x01F5E,0x01F5E);
+ (0x01F7E,0x01F7F);
+ (0x01FB5,0x01FB5);
+ (0x01FC5,0x01FC5);
+ (0x01FD4,0x01FD5);
+ (0x01FDC,0x01FDC);
+ (0x01FF0,0x01FF1);
+ (0x01FF5,0x01FF5);
+ (0x01FFF,0x01FFF);
+ (0x02053,0x02056);
+ (0x02058,0x0205E);
+ (0x02064,0x02069);
+ (0x02072,0x02073);
+ (0x0208F,0x0209F);
+ (0x020B2,0x020CF);
+ (0x020EB,0x020FF);
+ (0x0213B,0x0213C);
+ (0x0214C,0x02152);
+ (0x02184,0x0218F);
+ (0x023CF,0x023FF);
+ (0x02427,0x0243F);
+ (0x0244B,0x0245F);
+ (0x024FF,0x024FF);
+ (0x02614,0x02615);
+ (0x02618,0x02618);
+ (0x0267E,0x0267F);
+ (0x0268A,0x02700);
+ (0x02705,0x02705);
+ (0x0270A,0x0270B);
+ (0x02728,0x02728);
+ (0x0274C,0x0274C);
+ (0x0274E,0x0274E);
+ (0x02753,0x02755);
+ (0x02757,0x02757);
+ (0x0275F,0x02760);
+ (0x02795,0x02797);
+ (0x027B0,0x027B0);
+ (0x027BF,0x027CF);
+ (0x027EC,0x027EF);
+ (0x02B00,0x02E7F);
+ (0x02E9A,0x02E9A);
+ (0x02EF4,0x02EFF);
+ (0x02FD6,0x02FEF);
+ (0x02FFC,0x02FFF);
+ (0x03040,0x03040);
+ (0x03097,0x03098);
+ (0x03100,0x03104);
+ (0x0312D,0x03130);
+ (0x0318F,0x0318F);
+ (0x031B8,0x031EF);
+ (0x0321D,0x0321F);
+ (0x03244,0x03250);
+ (0x0327C,0x0327E);
+ (0x032CC,0x032CF);
+ (0x032FF,0x032FF);
+ (0x03377,0x0337A);
+ (0x033DE,0x033DF);
+ (0x033FF,0x033FF);
+ (0x04DB6,0x04DFF);
+ (0x09FA6,0x09FFF);
+ (0x0A48D,0x0A48F);
+ (0x0A4C7,0x0ABFF);
+ (0x0D7A4,0x0D7FF);
+ (0x0DEFF,0x0DFFE);
+ (0x0FA2E,0x0FA2F);
+ (0x0FA6B,0x0FAFF);
+ (0x0FB07,0x0FB12);
+ (0x0FB18,0x0FB1C);
+ (0x0FB37,0x0FB37);
+ (0x0FB3D,0x0FB3D);
+ (0x0FB3F,0x0FB3F);
+ (0x0FB42,0x0FB42);
+ (0x0FB45,0x0FB45);
+ (0x0FBB2,0x0FBD2);
+ (0x0FD40,0x0FD4F);
+ (0x0FD90,0x0FD91);
+ (0x0FDC8,0x0FDEF);
+ (0x0FDFD,0x0FDFF);
+ (0x0FE10,0x0FE1F);
+ (0x0FE24,0x0FE2F);
+ (0x0FE47,0x0FE48);
+ (0x0FE53,0x0FE53);
+ (0x0FE67,0x0FE67);
+ (0x0FE6C,0x0FE6F);
+ (0x0FE75,0x0FE75);
+ (0x0FEFD,0x0FEFE);
+ (0x0FF00,0x0FF00);
+ (0x0FFBF,0x0FFC1);
+ (0x0FFC8,0x0FFC9);
+ (0x0FFD0,0x0FFD1);
+ (0x0FFD8,0x0FFD9);
+ (0x0FFDD,0x0FFDF);
+ (0x0FFE7,0x0FFE7);
+ (0x0FFEF,0x0FFF8);
+ (0x0FFFE,0x102FF);
+ (0x1031F,0x1031F);
+ (0x10324,0x1032F);
+ (0x1034B,0x103FF);
+ (0x10426,0x10427);
+ (0x1044E,0x1CFFF);
+ (0x1D0F6,0x1D0FF);
+ (0x1D127,0x1D129);
+ (0x1D1DE,0x1D3FF);
+ (0x1D455,0x1D455);
+ (0x1D49D,0x1D49D);
+ (0x1D4A0,0x1D4A1);
+ (0x1D4A3,0x1D4A4);
+ (0x1D4A7,0x1D4A8);
+ (0x1D4AD,0x1D4AD);
+ (0x1D4BA,0x1D4BA);
+ (0x1D4BC,0x1D4BC);
+ (0x1D4C1,0x1D4C1);
+ (0x1D4C4,0x1D4C4);
+ (0x1D506,0x1D506);
+ (0x1D50B,0x1D50C);
+ (0x1D515,0x1D515);
+ (0x1D51D,0x1D51D);
+ (0x1D53A,0x1D53A);
+ (0x1D53F,0x1D53F);
+ (0x1D545,0x1D545);
+ (0x1D547,0x1D549);
+ (0x1D551,0x1D551);
+ (0x1D6A4,0x1D6A7);
+ (0x1D7CA,0x1D7CD);
+ (0x1D800,0x1FFFF);
+ (0x2A6D7,0x2F7FF);
+ (0x2FA1E,0xE0000);
+ (0xE0002,0xE001F);
+ (0xE0080,0x7FFFFFFF)
+(* Letter, Modifier *)
+let lm = [
+ (0x002B0,0x002B8);
+ (0x002BB,0x002C1);
+ (0x002D0,0x002D1);
+ (0x002E0,0x002E4);
+ (0x002EE,0x002EE);
+ (0x0037A,0x0037A);
+ (0x00559,0x00559);
+ (0x00640,0x00640);
+ (0x006E5,0x006E6);
+ (0x00E46,0x00E46);
+ (0x00EC6,0x00EC6);
+ (0x017D7,0x017D7);
+ (0x01843,0x01843);
+ (0x03005,0x03005);
+ (0x03031,0x03035);
+ (0x0303B,0x0303B);
+ (0x0309D,0x0309E);
+ (0x030FC,0x030FE);
+ (0x0FF70,0x0FF70);
+ (0x0FF9E,0x0FF9F)
+(* Letter, Other *)
+let lo = [
+ (0x001BB,0x001BB);
+ (0x001C0,0x001C3);
+ (0x005D0,0x005EA);
+ (0x005F0,0x005F2);
+ (0x00621,0x0063A);
+ (0x00641,0x0064A);
+ (0x0066E,0x0066F);
+ (0x00671,0x006D3);
+ (0x006D5,0x006D5);
+ (0x006FA,0x006FC);
+ (0x00710,0x00710);
+ (0x00712,0x0072C);
+ (0x00780,0x007A5);
+ (0x007B1,0x007B1);
+ (0x00905,0x00939);
+ (0x0093D,0x0093D);
+ (0x00950,0x00950);
+ (0x00958,0x00961);
+ (0x00985,0x0098C);
+ (0x0098F,0x00990);
+ (0x00993,0x009A8);
+ (0x009AA,0x009B0);
+ (0x009B2,0x009B2);
+ (0x009B6,0x009B9);
+ (0x009DC,0x009DD);
+ (0x009DF,0x009E1);
+ (0x009F0,0x009F1);
+ (0x00A05,0x00A0A);
+ (0x00A0F,0x00A10);
+ (0x00A13,0x00A28);
+ (0x00A2A,0x00A30);
+ (0x00A32,0x00A33);
+ (0x00A35,0x00A36);
+ (0x00A38,0x00A39);
+ (0x00A59,0x00A5C);
+ (0x00A5E,0x00A5E);
+ (0x00A72,0x00A74);
+ (0x00A85,0x00A8B);
+ (0x00A8D,0x00A8D);
+ (0x00A8F,0x00A91);
+ (0x00A93,0x00AA8);
+ (0x00AAA,0x00AB0);
+ (0x00AB2,0x00AB3);
+ (0x00AB5,0x00AB9);
+ (0x00ABD,0x00ABD);
+ (0x00AD0,0x00AD0);
+ (0x00AE0,0x00AE0);
+ (0x00B05,0x00B0C);
+ (0x00B0F,0x00B10);
+ (0x00B13,0x00B28);
+ (0x00B2A,0x00B30);
+ (0x00B32,0x00B33);
+ (0x00B36,0x00B39);
+ (0x00B3D,0x00B3D);
+ (0x00B5C,0x00B5D);
+ (0x00B5F,0x00B61);
+ (0x00B83,0x00B83);
+ (0x00B85,0x00B8A);
+ (0x00B8E,0x00B90);
+ (0x00B92,0x00B95);
+ (0x00B99,0x00B9A);
+ (0x00B9C,0x00B9C);
+ (0x00B9E,0x00B9F);
+ (0x00BA3,0x00BA4);
+ (0x00BA8,0x00BAA);
+ (0x00BAE,0x00BB5);
+ (0x00BB7,0x00BB9);
+ (0x00C05,0x00C0C);
+ (0x00C0E,0x00C10);
+ (0x00C12,0x00C28);
+ (0x00C2A,0x00C33);
+ (0x00C35,0x00C39);
+ (0x00C60,0x00C61);
+ (0x00C85,0x00C8C);
+ (0x00C8E,0x00C90);
+ (0x00C92,0x00CA8);
+ (0x00CAA,0x00CB3);
+ (0x00CB5,0x00CB9);
+ (0x00CDE,0x00CDE);
+ (0x00CE0,0x00CE1);
+ (0x00D05,0x00D0C);
+ (0x00D0E,0x00D10);
+ (0x00D12,0x00D28);
+ (0x00D2A,0x00D39);
+ (0x00D60,0x00D61);
+ (0x00D85,0x00D96);
+ (0x00D9A,0x00DB1);
+ (0x00DB3,0x00DBB);
+ (0x00DBD,0x00DBD);
+ (0x00DC0,0x00DC6);
+ (0x00E01,0x00E30);
+ (0x00E32,0x00E33);
+ (0x00E40,0x00E45);
+ (0x00E81,0x00E82);
+ (0x00E84,0x00E84);
+ (0x00E87,0x00E88);
+ (0x00E8A,0x00E8A);
+ (0x00E8D,0x00E8D);
+ (0x00E94,0x00E97);
+ (0x00E99,0x00E9F);
+ (0x00EA1,0x00EA3);
+ (0x00EA5,0x00EA5);
+ (0x00EA7,0x00EA7);
+ (0x00EAA,0x00EAB);
+ (0x00EAD,0x00EB0);
+ (0x00EB2,0x00EB3);
+ (0x00EBD,0x00EBD);
+ (0x00EC0,0x00EC4);
+ (0x00EDC,0x00EDD);
+ (0x00F00,0x00F00);
+ (0x00F40,0x00F47);
+ (0x00F49,0x00F6A);
+ (0x00F88,0x00F8B);
+ (0x01000,0x01021);
+ (0x01023,0x01027);
+ (0x01029,0x0102A);
+ (0x01050,0x01055);
+ (0x010D0,0x010F8);
+ (0x01100,0x01159);
+ (0x0115F,0x011A2);
+ (0x011A8,0x011F9);
+ (0x01200,0x01206);
+ (0x01208,0x01246);
+ (0x01248,0x01248);
+ (0x0124A,0x0124D);
+ (0x01250,0x01256);
+ (0x01258,0x01258);
+ (0x0125A,0x0125D);
+ (0x01260,0x01286);
+ (0x01288,0x01288);
+ (0x0128A,0x0128D);
+ (0x01290,0x012AE);
+ (0x012B0,0x012B0);
+ (0x012B2,0x012B5);
+ (0x012B8,0x012BE);
+ (0x012C0,0x012C0);
+ (0x012C2,0x012C5);
+ (0x012C8,0x012CE);
+ (0x012D0,0x012D6);
+ (0x012D8,0x012EE);
+ (0x012F0,0x0130E);
+ (0x01310,0x01310);
+ (0x01312,0x01315);
+ (0x01318,0x0131E);
+ (0x01320,0x01346);
+ (0x01348,0x0135A);
+ (0x013A0,0x013F4);
+ (0x01401,0x0166C);
+ (0x0166F,0x01676);
+ (0x01681,0x0169A);
+ (0x016A0,0x016EA);
+ (0x01700,0x0170C);
+ (0x0170E,0x01711);
+ (0x01720,0x01731);
+ (0x01740,0x01751);
+ (0x01760,0x0176C);
+ (0x0176E,0x01770);
+ (0x01780,0x017B3);
+ (0x017DC,0x017DC);
+ (0x01820,0x01842);
+ (0x01844,0x01877);
+ (0x01880,0x018A8);
+ (0x02135,0x02138);
+ (0x03006,0x03006);
+ (0x0303C,0x0303C);
+ (0x03041,0x03096);
+ (0x0309F,0x0309F);
+ (0x030A1,0x030FA);
+ (0x030FF,0x030FF);
+ (0x03105,0x0312C);
+ (0x03131,0x0318E);
+ (0x031A0,0x031B7);
+ (0x031F0,0x031FF);
+ (0x03400,0x04DB5);
+ (0x04E00,0x09FA5);
+ (0x0A000,0x0A48C);
+ (0x0AC00,0x0D7A3);
+ (0x0F900,0x0FA2D);
+ (0x0FA30,0x0FA6A);
+ (0x0FB1D,0x0FB1D);
+ (0x0FB1F,0x0FB28);
+ (0x0FB2A,0x0FB36);
+ (0x0FB38,0x0FB3C);
+ (0x0FB3E,0x0FB3E);
+ (0x0FB40,0x0FB41);
+ (0x0FB43,0x0FB44);
+ (0x0FB46,0x0FBB1);
+ (0x0FBD3,0x0FD3D);
+ (0x0FD50,0x0FD8F);
+ (0x0FD92,0x0FDC7);
+ (0x0FDF0,0x0FDFB);
+ (0x0FE70,0x0FE74);
+ (0x0FE76,0x0FEFC);
+ (0x0FF66,0x0FF6F);
+ (0x0FF71,0x0FF9D);
+ (0x0FFA0,0x0FFBE);
+ (0x0FFC2,0x0FFC7);
+ (0x0FFCA,0x0FFCF);
+ (0x0FFD2,0x0FFD7);
+ (0x0FFDA,0x0FFDC);
+ (0x10300,0x1031E);
+ (0x10330,0x10349);
+ (0x20000,0x2A6D6);
+ (0x2F800,0x2FA1D)
+(* Punctuation, Connector *)
+let pc = [
+ (0x0005F,0x0005F);
+ (0x0203F,0x02040);
+ (0x030FB,0x030FB);
+ (0x0FE33,0x0FE34);
+ (0x0FE4D,0x0FE4F);
+ (0x0FF3F,0x0FF3F);
+ (0x0FF65,0x0FF65)
+(* Punctuation, Dash *)
+let pd = [
+ (0x0002D,0x0002D);
+ (0x000AD,0x000AD);
+ (0x0058A,0x0058A);
+ (0x01806,0x01806);
+ (0x02010,0x02015);
+ (0x0301C,0x0301C);
+ (0x03030,0x03030);
+ (0x030A0,0x030A0);
+ (0x0FE31,0x0FE32);
+ (0x0FE58,0x0FE58);
+ (0x0FE63,0x0FE63);
+ (0x0FF0D,0x0FF0D)
+(* Punctuation, Open *)
+let ps = [
+ (0x00028,0x00028);
+ (0x0005B,0x0005B);
+ (0x0007B,0x0007B);
+ (0x00F3A,0x00F3A);
+ (0x00F3C,0x00F3C);
+ (0x0169B,0x0169B);
+ (0x0201A,0x0201A);
+ (0x0201E,0x0201E);
+ (0x02045,0x02045);
+ (0x0207D,0x0207D);
+ (0x0208D,0x0208D);
+ (0x02329,0x02329);
+ (0x023B4,0x023B4);
+ (0x02768,0x02768);
+ (0x0276A,0x0276A);
+ (0x0276C,0x0276C);
+ (0x0276E,0x0276E);
+ (0x02770,0x02770);
+ (0x02772,0x02772);
+ (0x02774,0x02774);
+ (0x027E6,0x027E6);
+ (0x027E8,0x027E8);
+ (0x027EA,0x027EA);
+ (0x02983,0x02983);
+ (0x02985,0x02985);
+ (0x02987,0x02987);
+ (0x02989,0x02989);
+ (0x0298B,0x0298B);
+ (0x0298D,0x0298D);
+ (0x0298F,0x0298F);
+ (0x02991,0x02991);
+ (0x02993,0x02993);
+ (0x02995,0x02995);
+ (0x02997,0x02997);
+ (0x029D8,0x029D8);
+ (0x029DA,0x029DA);
+ (0x029FC,0x029FC);
+ (0x03008,0x03008);
+ (0x0300A,0x0300A);
+ (0x0300C,0x0300C);
+ (0x0300E,0x0300E);
+ (0x03010,0x03010);
+ (0x03014,0x03014);
+ (0x03016,0x03016);
+ (0x03018,0x03018);
+ (0x0301A,0x0301A);
+ (0x0301D,0x0301D);
+ (0x0FD3E,0x0FD3E);
+ (0x0FE35,0x0FE35);
+ (0x0FE37,0x0FE37);
+ (0x0FE39,0x0FE39);
+ (0x0FE3B,0x0FE3B);
+ (0x0FE3D,0x0FE3D);
+ (0x0FE3F,0x0FE3F);
+ (0x0FE41,0x0FE41);
+ (0x0FE43,0x0FE43);
+ (0x0FE59,0x0FE59);
+ (0x0FE5B,0x0FE5B);
+ (0x0FE5D,0x0FE5D);
+ (0x0FF08,0x0FF08);
+ (0x0FF3B,0x0FF3B);
+ (0x0FF5B,0x0FF5B);
+ (0x0FF5F,0x0FF5F);
+ (0x0FF62,0x0FF62)
+(* Punctuation, Close *)
+let pe = [
+ (0x00029,0x00029);
+ (0x0005D,0x0005D);
+ (0x0007D,0x0007D);
+ (0x00F3B,0x00F3B);
+ (0x00F3D,0x00F3D);
+ (0x0169C,0x0169C);
+ (0x02046,0x02046);
+ (0x0207E,0x0207E);
+ (0x0208E,0x0208E);
+ (0x0232A,0x0232A);
+ (0x023B5,0x023B5);
+ (0x02769,0x02769);
+ (0x0276B,0x0276B);
+ (0x0276D,0x0276D);
+ (0x0276F,0x0276F);
+ (0x02771,0x02771);
+ (0x02773,0x02773);
+ (0x02775,0x02775);
+ (0x027E7,0x027E7);
+ (0x027E9,0x027E9);
+ (0x027EB,0x027EB);
+ (0x02984,0x02984);
+ (0x02986,0x02986);
+ (0x02988,0x02988);
+ (0x0298A,0x0298A);
+ (0x0298C,0x0298C);
+ (0x0298E,0x0298E);
+ (0x02990,0x02990);
+ (0x02992,0x02992);
+ (0x02994,0x02994);
+ (0x02996,0x02996);
+ (0x02998,0x02998);
+ (0x029D9,0x029D9);
+ (0x029DB,0x029DB);
+ (0x029FD,0x029FD);
+ (0x03009,0x03009);
+ (0x0300B,0x0300B);
+ (0x0300D,0x0300D);
+ (0x0300F,0x0300F);
+ (0x03011,0x03011);
+ (0x03015,0x03015);
+ (0x03017,0x03017);
+ (0x03019,0x03019);
+ (0x0301B,0x0301B);
+ (0x0301E,0x0301F);
+ (0x0FD3F,0x0FD3F);
+ (0x0FE36,0x0FE36);
+ (0x0FE38,0x0FE38);
+ (0x0FE3A,0x0FE3A);
+ (0x0FE3C,0x0FE3C);
+ (0x0FE3E,0x0FE3E);
+ (0x0FE40,0x0FE40);
+ (0x0FE42,0x0FE42);
+ (0x0FE44,0x0FE44);
+ (0x0FE5A,0x0FE5A);
+ (0x0FE5C,0x0FE5C);
+ (0x0FE5E,0x0FE5E);
+ (0x0FF09,0x0FF09);
+ (0x0FF3D,0x0FF3D);
+ (0x0FF5D,0x0FF5D);
+ (0x0FF60,0x0FF60);
+ (0x0FF63,0x0FF63)
+(* Punctuation, Initial quote *)
+let pi = [
+ (0x000AB,0x000AB);
+ (0x02018,0x02018);
+ (0x0201B,0x0201C);
+ (0x0201F,0x0201F);
+ (0x02039,0x02039)
+(* Punctuation, Final quote *)
+let pf = [
+ (0x000BB,0x000BB);
+ (0x02019,0x02019);
+ (0x0201D,0x0201D);
+ (0x0203A,0x0203A)
+(* Punctuation, Other *)
+let po = [
+ (0x00021,0x00023);
+ (0x00025,0x00027);
+ (0x0002A,0x0002A);
+ (0x0002C,0x0002C);
+ (0x0002E,0x0002F);
+ (0x0003A,0x0003B);
+ (0x0003F,0x00040);
+ (0x0005C,0x0005C);
+ (0x000A1,0x000A1);
+ (0x000B7,0x000B7);
+ (0x000BF,0x000BF);
+ (0x0037E,0x0037E);
+ (0x00387,0x00387);
+ (0x0055A,0x0055F);
+ (0x00589,0x00589);
+ (0x005BE,0x005BE);
+ (0x005C0,0x005C0);
+ (0x005C3,0x005C3);
+ (0x005F3,0x005F4);
+ (0x0060C,0x0060C);
+ (0x0061B,0x0061B);
+ (0x0061F,0x0061F);
+ (0x0066A,0x0066D);
+ (0x006D4,0x006D4);
+ (0x00700,0x0070D);
+ (0x00964,0x00965);
+ (0x00970,0x00970);
+ (0x00DF4,0x00DF4);
+ (0x00E4F,0x00E4F);
+ (0x00E5A,0x00E5B);
+ (0x00F04,0x00F12);
+ (0x00F85,0x00F85);
+ (0x0104A,0x0104F);
+ (0x010FB,0x010FB);
+ (0x01361,0x01368);
+ (0x0166D,0x0166E);
+ (0x016EB,0x016ED);
+ (0x01735,0x01736);
+ (0x017D4,0x017D6);
+ (0x017D8,0x017DA);
+ (0x01800,0x01805);
+ (0x01807,0x0180A);
+ (0x02016,0x02017);
+ (0x02020,0x02027);
+ (0x02030,0x02038);
+ (0x0203B,0x0203E);
+ (0x02041,0x02043);
+ (0x02047,0x02051);
+ (0x02057,0x02057);
+ (0x023B6,0x023B6);
+ (0x03001,0x03003);
+ (0x0303D,0x0303D);
+ (0x0FE30,0x0FE30);
+ (0x0FE45,0x0FE46);
+ (0x0FE49,0x0FE4C);
+ (0x0FE50,0x0FE52);
+ (0x0FE54,0x0FE57);
+ (0x0FE5F,0x0FE61);
+ (0x0FE68,0x0FE68);
+ (0x0FE6A,0x0FE6B);
+ (0x0FF01,0x0FF03);
+ (0x0FF05,0x0FF07);
+ (0x0FF0A,0x0FF0A);
+ (0x0FF0C,0x0FF0C);
+ (0x0FF0E,0x0FF0F);
+ (0x0FF1A,0x0FF1B);
+ (0x0FF1F,0x0FF20);
+ (0x0FF3C,0x0FF3C);
+ (0x0FF61,0x0FF61);
+ (0x0FF64,0x0FF64)
+(* Symbol, Math *)
+let sm = [
+ (0x0002B,0x0002B);
+ (0x0003C,0x0003E);
+ (0x0007C,0x0007C);
+ (0x0007E,0x0007E);
+ (0x000AC,0x000AC);
+ (0x000B1,0x000B1);
+ (0x000D7,0x000D7);
+ (0x000F7,0x000F7);
+ (0x003F6,0x003F6);
+ (0x02044,0x02044);
+ (0x02052,0x02052);
+ (0x0207A,0x0207C);
+ (0x0208A,0x0208C);
+ (0x02140,0x02144);
+ (0x0214B,0x0214B);
+ (0x02190,0x02194);
+ (0x0219A,0x0219B);
+ (0x021A0,0x021A0);
+ (0x021A3,0x021A3);
+ (0x021A6,0x021A6);
+ (0x021AE,0x021AE);
+ (0x021CE,0x021CF);
+ (0x021D2,0x021D2);
+ (0x021D4,0x021D4);
+ (0x021F4,0x022FF);
+ (0x02308,0x0230B);
+ (0x02320,0x02321);
+ (0x0237C,0x0237C);
+ (0x0239B,0x023B3);
+ (0x025B7,0x025B7);
+ (0x025C1,0x025C1);
+ (0x025F8,0x025FF);
+ (0x0266F,0x0266F);
+ (0x027D0,0x027E5);
+ (0x027F0,0x027FF);
+ (0x02900,0x02982);
+ (0x02999,0x029D7);
+ (0x029DC,0x029FB);
+ (0x029FE,0x02AFF);
+ (0x0FB29,0x0FB29);
+ (0x0FE62,0x0FE62);
+ (0x0FE64,0x0FE66);
+ (0x0FF0B,0x0FF0B);
+ (0x0FF1C,0x0FF1E);
+ (0x0FF5C,0x0FF5C);
+ (0x0FF5E,0x0FF5E);
+ (0x0FFE2,0x0FFE2);
+ (0x0FFE9,0x0FFEC);
+ (0x1D6C1,0x1D6C1);
+ (0x1D6DB,0x1D6DB);
+ (0x1D6FB,0x1D6FB);
+ (0x1D715,0x1D715);
+ (0x1D735,0x1D735);
+ (0x1D74F,0x1D74F);
+ (0x1D76F,0x1D76F);
+ (0x1D789,0x1D789);
+ (0x1D7A9,0x1D7A9);
+ (0x1D7C3,0x1D7C3)
+(* Symbol, Currency *)
+let sc = [
+ (0x00024,0x00024);
+ (0x000A2,0x000A5);
+ (0x009F2,0x009F3);
+ (0x00E3F,0x00E3F);
+ (0x017DB,0x017DB);
+ (0x020A0,0x020B1);
+ (0x0FDFC,0x0FDFC);
+ (0x0FE69,0x0FE69);
+ (0x0FF04,0x0FF04);
+ (0x0FFE0,0x0FFE1);
+ (0x0FFE5,0x0FFE6)
+(* Symbol, Modifier *)
+let sk = [
+ (0x0005E,0x0005E);
+ (0x00060,0x00060);
+ (0x000A8,0x000A8);
+ (0x000AF,0x000AF);
+ (0x000B4,0x000B4);
+ (0x000B8,0x000B8);
+ (0x002B9,0x002BA);
+ (0x002C2,0x002CF);
+ (0x002D2,0x002DF);
+ (0x002E5,0x002ED);
+ (0x00374,0x00375);
+ (0x00384,0x00385);
+ (0x01FBD,0x01FBD);
+ (0x01FBF,0x01FC1);
+ (0x01FCD,0x01FCF);
+ (0x01FDD,0x01FDF);
+ (0x01FED,0x01FEF);
+ (0x01FFD,0x01FFE);
+ (0x0309B,0x0309C);
+ (0x0FF3E,0x0FF3E);
+ (0x0FF40,0x0FF40);
+ (0x0FFE3,0x0FFE3)
+(* Symbol, Other *)
+let so = [
+ (0x000A6,0x000A7);
+ (0x000A9,0x000A9);
+ (0x000AE,0x000AE);
+ (0x000B0,0x000B0);
+ (0x000B6,0x000B6);
+ (0x00482,0x00482);
+ (0x006E9,0x006E9);
+ (0x006FD,0x006FE);
+ (0x009FA,0x009FA);
+ (0x00B70,0x00B70);
+ (0x00F01,0x00F03);
+ (0x00F13,0x00F17);
+ (0x00F1A,0x00F1F);
+ (0x00F34,0x00F34);
+ (0x00F36,0x00F36);
+ (0x00F38,0x00F38);
+ (0x00FBE,0x00FC5);
+ (0x00FC7,0x00FCC);
+ (0x00FCF,0x00FCF);
+ (0x02100,0x02101);
+ (0x02103,0x02106);
+ (0x02108,0x02109);
+ (0x02114,0x02114);
+ (0x02116,0x02118);
+ (0x0211E,0x02123);
+ (0x02125,0x02125);
+ (0x02127,0x02127);
+ (0x02129,0x02129);
+ (0x0212E,0x0212E);
+ (0x02132,0x02132);
+ (0x0213A,0x0213A);
+ (0x0214A,0x0214A);
+ (0x02195,0x02199);
+ (0x0219C,0x0219F);
+ (0x021A1,0x021A2);
+ (0x021A4,0x021A5);
+ (0x021A7,0x021AD);
+ (0x021AF,0x021CD);
+ (0x021D0,0x021D1);
+ (0x021D3,0x021D3);
+ (0x021D5,0x021F3);
+ (0x02300,0x02307);
+ (0x0230C,0x0231F);
+ (0x02322,0x02328);
+ (0x0232B,0x0237B);
+ (0x0237D,0x0239A);
+ (0x023B7,0x023CE);
+ (0x02400,0x02426);
+ (0x02440,0x0244A);
+ (0x0249C,0x024E9);
+ (0x02500,0x025B6);
+ (0x025B8,0x025C0);
+ (0x025C2,0x025F7);
+ (0x02600,0x02613);
+ (0x02616,0x02617);
+ (0x02619,0x0266E);
+ (0x02670,0x0267D);
+ (0x02680,0x02689);
+ (0x02701,0x02704);
+ (0x02706,0x02709);
+ (0x0270C,0x02727);
+ (0x02729,0x0274B);
+ (0x0274D,0x0274D);
+ (0x0274F,0x02752);
+ (0x02756,0x02756);
+ (0x02758,0x0275E);
+ (0x02761,0x02767);
+ (0x02794,0x02794);
+ (0x02798,0x027AF);
+ (0x027B1,0x027BE);
+ (0x02800,0x028FF);
+ (0x02E80,0x02E99);
+ (0x02E9B,0x02EF3);
+ (0x02F00,0x02FD5);
+ (0x02FF0,0x02FFB);
+ (0x03004,0x03004);
+ (0x03012,0x03013);
+ (0x03020,0x03020);
+ (0x03036,0x03037);
+ (0x0303E,0x0303F);
+ (0x03190,0x03191);
+ (0x03196,0x0319F);
+ (0x03200,0x0321C);
+ (0x0322A,0x03243);
+ (0x03260,0x0327B);
+ (0x0327F,0x0327F);
+ (0x0328A,0x032B0);
+ (0x032C0,0x032CB);
+ (0x032D0,0x032FE);
+ (0x03300,0x03376);
+ (0x0337B,0x033DD);
+ (0x033E0,0x033FE);
+ (0x0A490,0x0A4C6);
+ (0x0FFE4,0x0FFE4);
+ (0x0FFE8,0x0FFE8);
+ (0x0FFED,0x0FFEE);
+ (0x0FFFC,0x0FFFD);
+ (0x1D000,0x1D0F5);
+ (0x1D100,0x1D126);
+ (0x1D12A,0x1D164);
+ (0x1D16A,0x1D16C);
+ (0x1D183,0x1D184);
+ (0x1D18C,0x1D1A9);
+ (0x1D1AE,0x1D1DD)
+(* Conversion to lower case. *)
+let to_lower = [
+ (0x00041,0x0005A), `Delta (32);
+ (0x000C0,0x000D6), `Delta (32);
+ (0x000D8,0x000DE), `Delta (32);
+ (0x00100,0x00100), `Abs (0x00101);
+ (0x00102,0x00102), `Abs (0x00103);
+ (0x00104,0x00104), `Abs (0x00105);
+ (0x00106,0x00106), `Abs (0x00107);
+ (0x00108,0x00108), `Abs (0x00109);
+ (0x0010A,0x0010A), `Abs (0x0010B);
+ (0x0010C,0x0010C), `Abs (0x0010D);
+ (0x0010E,0x0010E), `Abs (0x0010F);
+ (0x00110,0x00110), `Abs (0x00111);
+ (0x00112,0x00112), `Abs (0x00113);
+ (0x00114,0x00114), `Abs (0x00115);
+ (0x00116,0x00116), `Abs (0x00117);
+ (0x00118,0x00118), `Abs (0x00119);
+ (0x0011A,0x0011A), `Abs (0x0011B);
+ (0x0011C,0x0011C), `Abs (0x0011D);
+ (0x0011E,0x0011E), `Abs (0x0011F);
+ (0x00120,0x00120), `Abs (0x00121);
+ (0x00122,0x00122), `Abs (0x00123);
+ (0x00124,0x00124), `Abs (0x00125);
+ (0x00126,0x00126), `Abs (0x00127);
+ (0x00128,0x00128), `Abs (0x00129);
+ (0x0012A,0x0012A), `Abs (0x0012B);
+ (0x0012C,0x0012C), `Abs (0x0012D);
+ (0x0012E,0x0012E), `Abs (0x0012F);
+ (0x00130,0x00130), `Abs (0x00069);
+ (0x00132,0x00132), `Abs (0x00133);
+ (0x00134,0x00134), `Abs (0x00135);
+ (0x00136,0x00136), `Abs (0x00137);
+ (0x00139,0x00139), `Abs (0x0013A);
+ (0x0013B,0x0013B), `Abs (0x0013C);
+ (0x0013D,0x0013D), `Abs (0x0013E);
+ (0x0013F,0x0013F), `Abs (0x00140);
+ (0x00141,0x00141), `Abs (0x00142);
+ (0x00143,0x00143), `Abs (0x00144);
+ (0x00145,0x00145), `Abs (0x00146);
+ (0x00147,0x00147), `Abs (0x00148);
+ (0x0014A,0x0014A), `Abs (0x0014B);
+ (0x0014C,0x0014C), `Abs (0x0014D);
+ (0x0014E,0x0014E), `Abs (0x0014F);
+ (0x00150,0x00150), `Abs (0x00151);
+ (0x00152,0x00152), `Abs (0x00153);
+ (0x00154,0x00154), `Abs (0x00155);
+ (0x00156,0x00156), `Abs (0x00157);
+ (0x00158,0x00158), `Abs (0x00159);
+ (0x0015A,0x0015A), `Abs (0x0015B);
+ (0x0015C,0x0015C), `Abs (0x0015D);
+ (0x0015E,0x0015E), `Abs (0x0015F);
+ (0x00160,0x00160), `Abs (0x00161);
+ (0x00162,0x00162), `Abs (0x00163);
+ (0x00164,0x00164), `Abs (0x00165);
+ (0x00166,0x00166), `Abs (0x00167);
+ (0x00168,0x00168), `Abs (0x00169);
+ (0x0016A,0x0016A), `Abs (0x0016B);
+ (0x0016C,0x0016C), `Abs (0x0016D);
+ (0x0016E,0x0016E), `Abs (0x0016F);
+ (0x00170,0x00170), `Abs (0x00171);
+ (0x00172,0x00172), `Abs (0x00173);
+ (0x00174,0x00174), `Abs (0x00175);
+ (0x00176,0x00176), `Abs (0x00177);
+ (0x00178,0x00178), `Abs (0x000FF);
+ (0x00179,0x00179), `Abs (0x0017A);
+ (0x0017B,0x0017B), `Abs (0x0017C);
+ (0x0017D,0x0017D), `Abs (0x0017E);
+ (0x00181,0x00181), `Abs (0x00253);
+ (0x00182,0x00182), `Abs (0x00183);
+ (0x00184,0x00184), `Abs (0x00185);
+ (0x00186,0x00186), `Abs (0x00254);
+ (0x00187,0x00187), `Abs (0x00188);
+ (0x00189,0x0018A), `Delta (205);
+ (0x0018B,0x0018B), `Abs (0x0018C);
+ (0x0018E,0x0018E), `Abs (0x001DD);
+ (0x0018F,0x0018F), `Abs (0x00259);
+ (0x00190,0x00190), `Abs (0x0025B);
+ (0x00191,0x00191), `Abs (0x00192);
+ (0x00193,0x00193), `Abs (0x00260);
+ (0x00194,0x00194), `Abs (0x00263);
+ (0x00196,0x00196), `Abs (0x00269);
+ (0x00197,0x00197), `Abs (0x00268);
+ (0x00198,0x00198), `Abs (0x00199);
+ (0x0019C,0x0019C), `Abs (0x0026F);
+ (0x0019D,0x0019D), `Abs (0x00272);
+ (0x0019F,0x0019F), `Abs (0x00275);
+ (0x001A0,0x001A0), `Abs (0x001A1);
+ (0x001A2,0x001A2), `Abs (0x001A3);
+ (0x001A4,0x001A4), `Abs (0x001A5);
+ (0x001A6,0x001A6), `Abs (0x00280);
+ (0x001A7,0x001A7), `Abs (0x001A8);
+ (0x001A9,0x001A9), `Abs (0x00283);
+ (0x001AC,0x001AC), `Abs (0x001AD);
+ (0x001AE,0x001AE), `Abs (0x00288);
+ (0x001AF,0x001AF), `Abs (0x001B0);
+ (0x001B1,0x001B2), `Delta (217);
+ (0x001B3,0x001B3), `Abs (0x001B4);
+ (0x001B5,0x001B5), `Abs (0x001B6);
+ (0x001B7,0x001B7), `Abs (0x00292);
+ (0x001B8,0x001B8), `Abs (0x001B9);
+ (0x001BC,0x001BC), `Abs (0x001BD);
+ (0x001C4,0x001C4), `Abs (0x001C6);
+ (0x001C7,0x001C7), `Abs (0x001C9);
+ (0x001CA,0x001CA), `Abs (0x001CC);
+ (0x001CD,0x001CD), `Abs (0x001CE);
+ (0x001CF,0x001CF), `Abs (0x001D0);
+ (0x001D1,0x001D1), `Abs (0x001D2);
+ (0x001D3,0x001D3), `Abs (0x001D4);
+ (0x001D5,0x001D5), `Abs (0x001D6);
+ (0x001D7,0x001D7), `Abs (0x001D8);
+ (0x001D9,0x001D9), `Abs (0x001DA);
+ (0x001DB,0x001DB), `Abs (0x001DC);
+ (0x001DE,0x001DE), `Abs (0x001DF);
+ (0x001E0,0x001E0), `Abs (0x001E1);
+ (0x001E2,0x001E2), `Abs (0x001E3);
+ (0x001E4,0x001E4), `Abs (0x001E5);
+ (0x001E6,0x001E6), `Abs (0x001E7);
+ (0x001E8,0x001E8), `Abs (0x001E9);
+ (0x001EA,0x001EA), `Abs (0x001EB);
+ (0x001EC,0x001EC), `Abs (0x001ED);
+ (0x001EE,0x001EE), `Abs (0x001EF);
+ (0x001F1,0x001F1), `Abs (0x001F3);
+ (0x001F4,0x001F4), `Abs (0x001F5);
+ (0x001F6,0x001F6), `Abs (0x00195);
+ (0x001F7,0x001F7), `Abs (0x001BF);
+ (0x001F8,0x001F8), `Abs (0x001F9);
+ (0x001FA,0x001FA), `Abs (0x001FB);
+ (0x001FC,0x001FC), `Abs (0x001FD);
+ (0x001FE,0x001FE), `Abs (0x001FF);
+ (0x00200,0x00200), `Abs (0x00201);
+ (0x00202,0x00202), `Abs (0x00203);
+ (0x00204,0x00204), `Abs (0x00205);
+ (0x00206,0x00206), `Abs (0x00207);
+ (0x00208,0x00208), `Abs (0x00209);
+ (0x0020A,0x0020A), `Abs (0x0020B);
+ (0x0020C,0x0020C), `Abs (0x0020D);
+ (0x0020E,0x0020E), `Abs (0x0020F);
+ (0x00210,0x00210), `Abs (0x00211);
+ (0x00212,0x00212), `Abs (0x00213);
+ (0x00214,0x00214), `Abs (0x00215);
+ (0x00216,0x00216), `Abs (0x00217);
+ (0x00218,0x00218), `Abs (0x00219);
+ (0x0021A,0x0021A), `Abs (0x0021B);
+ (0x0021C,0x0021C), `Abs (0x0021D);
+ (0x0021E,0x0021E), `Abs (0x0021F);
+ (0x00220,0x00220), `Abs (0x0019E);
+ (0x00222,0x00222), `Abs (0x00223);
+ (0x00224,0x00224), `Abs (0x00225);
+ (0x00226,0x00226), `Abs (0x00227);
+ (0x00228,0x00228), `Abs (0x00229);
+ (0x0022A,0x0022A), `Abs (0x0022B);
+ (0x0022C,0x0022C), `Abs (0x0022D);
+ (0x0022E,0x0022E), `Abs (0x0022F);
+ (0x00230,0x00230), `Abs (0x00231);
+ (0x00232,0x00232), `Abs (0x00233);
+ (0x00386,0x00386), `Abs (0x003AC);
+ (0x00388,0x0038A), `Delta (37);
+ (0x0038C,0x0038C), `Abs (0x003CC);
+ (0x0038E,0x0038F), `Delta (63);
+ (0x00391,0x003A1), `Delta (32);
+ (0x003A3,0x003AB), `Delta (32);
+ (0x003D8,0x003D8), `Abs (0x003D9);
+ (0x003DA,0x003DA), `Abs (0x003DB);
+ (0x003DC,0x003DC), `Abs (0x003DD);
+ (0x003DE,0x003DE), `Abs (0x003DF);
+ (0x003E0,0x003E0), `Abs (0x003E1);
+ (0x003E2,0x003E2), `Abs (0x003E3);
+ (0x003E4,0x003E4), `Abs (0x003E5);
+ (0x003E6,0x003E6), `Abs (0x003E7);
+ (0x003E8,0x003E8), `Abs (0x003E9);
+ (0x003EA,0x003EA), `Abs (0x003EB);
+ (0x003EC,0x003EC), `Abs (0x003ED);
+ (0x003EE,0x003EE), `Abs (0x003EF);
+ (0x003F4,0x003F4), `Abs (0x003B8);
+ (0x00400,0x0040F), `Delta (80);
+ (0x00410,0x0042F), `Delta (32);
+ (0x00460,0x00460), `Abs (0x00461);
+ (0x00462,0x00462), `Abs (0x00463);
+ (0x00464,0x00464), `Abs (0x00465);
+ (0x00466,0x00466), `Abs (0x00467);
+ (0x00468,0x00468), `Abs (0x00469);
+ (0x0046A,0x0046A), `Abs (0x0046B);
+ (0x0046C,0x0046C), `Abs (0x0046D);
+ (0x0046E,0x0046E), `Abs (0x0046F);
+ (0x00470,0x00470), `Abs (0x00471);
+ (0x00472,0x00472), `Abs (0x00473);
+ (0x00474,0x00474), `Abs (0x00475);
+ (0x00476,0x00476), `Abs (0x00477);
+ (0x00478,0x00478), `Abs (0x00479);
+ (0x0047A,0x0047A), `Abs (0x0047B);
+ (0x0047C,0x0047C), `Abs (0x0047D);
+ (0x0047E,0x0047E), `Abs (0x0047F);
+ (0x00480,0x00480), `Abs (0x00481);
+ (0x0048A,0x0048A), `Abs (0x0048B);
+ (0x0048C,0x0048C), `Abs (0x0048D);
+ (0x0048E,0x0048E), `Abs (0x0048F);
+ (0x00490,0x00490), `Abs (0x00491);
+ (0x00492,0x00492), `Abs (0x00493);
+ (0x00494,0x00494), `Abs (0x00495);
+ (0x00496,0x00496), `Abs (0x00497);
+ (0x00498,0x00498), `Abs (0x00499);
+ (0x0049A,0x0049A), `Abs (0x0049B);
+ (0x0049C,0x0049C), `Abs (0x0049D);
+ (0x0049E,0x0049E), `Abs (0x0049F);
+ (0x004A0,0x004A0), `Abs (0x004A1);
+ (0x004A2,0x004A2), `Abs (0x004A3);
+ (0x004A4,0x004A4), `Abs (0x004A5);
+ (0x004A6,0x004A6), `Abs (0x004A7);
+ (0x004A8,0x004A8), `Abs (0x004A9);
+ (0x004AA,0x004AA), `Abs (0x004AB);
+ (0x004AC,0x004AC), `Abs (0x004AD);
+ (0x004AE,0x004AE), `Abs (0x004AF);
+ (0x004B0,0x004B0), `Abs (0x004B1);
+ (0x004B2,0x004B2), `Abs (0x004B3);
+ (0x004B4,0x004B4), `Abs (0x004B5);
+ (0x004B6,0x004B6), `Abs (0x004B7);
+ (0x004B8,0x004B8), `Abs (0x004B9);
+ (0x004BA,0x004BA), `Abs (0x004BB);
+ (0x004BC,0x004BC), `Abs (0x004BD);
+ (0x004BE,0x004BE), `Abs (0x004BF);
+ (0x004C1,0x004C1), `Abs (0x004C2);
+ (0x004C3,0x004C3), `Abs (0x004C4);
+ (0x004C5,0x004C5), `Abs (0x004C6);
+ (0x004C7,0x004C7), `Abs (0x004C8);
+ (0x004C9,0x004C9), `Abs (0x004CA);
+ (0x004CB,0x004CB), `Abs (0x004CC);
+ (0x004CD,0x004CD), `Abs (0x004CE);
+ (0x004D0,0x004D0), `Abs (0x004D1);
+ (0x004D2,0x004D2), `Abs (0x004D3);
+ (0x004D4,0x004D4), `Abs (0x004D5);
+ (0x004D6,0x004D6), `Abs (0x004D7);
+ (0x004D8,0x004D8), `Abs (0x004D9);
+ (0x004DA,0x004DA), `Abs (0x004DB);
+ (0x004DC,0x004DC), `Abs (0x004DD);
+ (0x004DE,0x004DE), `Abs (0x004DF);
+ (0x004E0,0x004E0), `Abs (0x004E1);
+ (0x004E2,0x004E2), `Abs (0x004E3);
+ (0x004E4,0x004E4), `Abs (0x004E5);
+ (0x004E6,0x004E6), `Abs (0x004E7);
+ (0x004E8,0x004E8), `Abs (0x004E9);
+ (0x004EA,0x004EA), `Abs (0x004EB);
+ (0x004EC,0x004EC), `Abs (0x004ED);
+ (0x004EE,0x004EE), `Abs (0x004EF);
+ (0x004F0,0x004F0), `Abs (0x004F1);
+ (0x004F2,0x004F2), `Abs (0x004F3);
+ (0x004F4,0x004F4), `Abs (0x004F5);
+ (0x004F8,0x004F8), `Abs (0x004F9);
+ (0x00500,0x00500), `Abs (0x00501);
+ (0x00502,0x00502), `Abs (0x00503);
+ (0x00504,0x00504), `Abs (0x00505);
+ (0x00506,0x00506), `Abs (0x00507);
+ (0x00508,0x00508), `Abs (0x00509);
+ (0x0050A,0x0050A), `Abs (0x0050B);
+ (0x0050C,0x0050C), `Abs (0x0050D);
+ (0x0050E,0x0050E), `Abs (0x0050F);
+ (0x00531,0x00556), `Delta (48);
+ (0x01E00,0x01E00), `Abs (0x01E01);
+ (0x01E02,0x01E02), `Abs (0x01E03);
+ (0x01E04,0x01E04), `Abs (0x01E05);
+ (0x01E06,0x01E06), `Abs (0x01E07);
+ (0x01E08,0x01E08), `Abs (0x01E09);
+ (0x01E0A,0x01E0A), `Abs (0x01E0B);
+ (0x01E0C,0x01E0C), `Abs (0x01E0D);
+ (0x01E0E,0x01E0E), `Abs (0x01E0F);
+ (0x01E10,0x01E10), `Abs (0x01E11);
+ (0x01E12,0x01E12), `Abs (0x01E13);
+ (0x01E14,0x01E14), `Abs (0x01E15);
+ (0x01E16,0x01E16), `Abs (0x01E17);
+ (0x01E18,0x01E18), `Abs (0x01E19);
+ (0x01E1A,0x01E1A), `Abs (0x01E1B);
+ (0x01E1C,0x01E1C), `Abs (0x01E1D);
+ (0x01E1E,0x01E1E), `Abs (0x01E1F);
+ (0x01E20,0x01E20), `Abs (0x01E21);
+ (0x01E22,0x01E22), `Abs (0x01E23);
+ (0x01E24,0x01E24), `Abs (0x01E25);
+ (0x01E26,0x01E26), `Abs (0x01E27);
+ (0x01E28,0x01E28), `Abs (0x01E29);
+ (0x01E2A,0x01E2A), `Abs (0x01E2B);
+ (0x01E2C,0x01E2C), `Abs (0x01E2D);
+ (0x01E2E,0x01E2E), `Abs (0x01E2F);
+ (0x01E30,0x01E30), `Abs (0x01E31);
+ (0x01E32,0x01E32), `Abs (0x01E33);
+ (0x01E34,0x01E34), `Abs (0x01E35);
+ (0x01E36,0x01E36), `Abs (0x01E37);
+ (0x01E38,0x01E38), `Abs (0x01E39);
+ (0x01E3A,0x01E3A), `Abs (0x01E3B);
+ (0x01E3C,0x01E3C), `Abs (0x01E3D);
+ (0x01E3E,0x01E3E), `Abs (0x01E3F);
+ (0x01E40,0x01E40), `Abs (0x01E41);
+ (0x01E42,0x01E42), `Abs (0x01E43);
+ (0x01E44,0x01E44), `Abs (0x01E45);
+ (0x01E46,0x01E46), `Abs (0x01E47);
+ (0x01E48,0x01E48), `Abs (0x01E49);
+ (0x01E4A,0x01E4A), `Abs (0x01E4B);
+ (0x01E4C,0x01E4C), `Abs (0x01E4D);
+ (0x01E4E,0x01E4E), `Abs (0x01E4F);
+ (0x01E50,0x01E50), `Abs (0x01E51);
+ (0x01E52,0x01E52), `Abs (0x01E53);
+ (0x01E54,0x01E54), `Abs (0x01E55);
+ (0x01E56,0x01E56), `Abs (0x01E57);
+ (0x01E58,0x01E58), `Abs (0x01E59);
+ (0x01E5A,0x01E5A), `Abs (0x01E5B);
+ (0x01E5C,0x01E5C), `Abs (0x01E5D);
+ (0x01E5E,0x01E5E), `Abs (0x01E5F);
+ (0x01E60,0x01E60), `Abs (0x01E61);
+ (0x01E62,0x01E62), `Abs (0x01E63);
+ (0x01E64,0x01E64), `Abs (0x01E65);
+ (0x01E66,0x01E66), `Abs (0x01E67);
+ (0x01E68,0x01E68), `Abs (0x01E69);
+ (0x01E6A,0x01E6A), `Abs (0x01E6B);
+ (0x01E6C,0x01E6C), `Abs (0x01E6D);
+ (0x01E6E,0x01E6E), `Abs (0x01E6F);
+ (0x01E70,0x01E70), `Abs (0x01E71);
+ (0x01E72,0x01E72), `Abs (0x01E73);
+ (0x01E74,0x01E74), `Abs (0x01E75);
+ (0x01E76,0x01E76), `Abs (0x01E77);
+ (0x01E78,0x01E78), `Abs (0x01E79);
+ (0x01E7A,0x01E7A), `Abs (0x01E7B);
+ (0x01E7C,0x01E7C), `Abs (0x01E7D);
+ (0x01E7E,0x01E7E), `Abs (0x01E7F);
+ (0x01E80,0x01E80), `Abs (0x01E81);
+ (0x01E82,0x01E82), `Abs (0x01E83);
+ (0x01E84,0x01E84), `Abs (0x01E85);
+ (0x01E86,0x01E86), `Abs (0x01E87);
+ (0x01E88,0x01E88), `Abs (0x01E89);
+ (0x01E8A,0x01E8A), `Abs (0x01E8B);
+ (0x01E8C,0x01E8C), `Abs (0x01E8D);
+ (0x01E8E,0x01E8E), `Abs (0x01E8F);
+ (0x01E90,0x01E90), `Abs (0x01E91);
+ (0x01E92,0x01E92), `Abs (0x01E93);
+ (0x01E94,0x01E94), `Abs (0x01E95);
+ (0x01EA0,0x01EA0), `Abs (0x01EA1);
+ (0x01EA2,0x01EA2), `Abs (0x01EA3);
+ (0x01EA4,0x01EA4), `Abs (0x01EA5);
+ (0x01EA6,0x01EA6), `Abs (0x01EA7);
+ (0x01EA8,0x01EA8), `Abs (0x01EA9);
+ (0x01EAA,0x01EAA), `Abs (0x01EAB);
+ (0x01EAC,0x01EAC), `Abs (0x01EAD);
+ (0x01EAE,0x01EAE), `Abs (0x01EAF);
+ (0x01EB0,0x01EB0), `Abs (0x01EB1);
+ (0x01EB2,0x01EB2), `Abs (0x01EB3);
+ (0x01EB4,0x01EB4), `Abs (0x01EB5);
+ (0x01EB6,0x01EB6), `Abs (0x01EB7);
+ (0x01EB8,0x01EB8), `Abs (0x01EB9);
+ (0x01EBA,0x01EBA), `Abs (0x01EBB);
+ (0x01EBC,0x01EBC), `Abs (0x01EBD);
+ (0x01EBE,0x01EBE), `Abs (0x01EBF);
+ (0x01EC0,0x01EC0), `Abs (0x01EC1);
+ (0x01EC2,0x01EC2), `Abs (0x01EC3);
+ (0x01EC4,0x01EC4), `Abs (0x01EC5);
+ (0x01EC6,0x01EC6), `Abs (0x01EC7);
+ (0x01EC8,0x01EC8), `Abs (0x01EC9);
+ (0x01ECA,0x01ECA), `Abs (0x01ECB);
+ (0x01ECC,0x01ECC), `Abs (0x01ECD);
+ (0x01ECE,0x01ECE), `Abs (0x01ECF);
+ (0x01ED0,0x01ED0), `Abs (0x01ED1);
+ (0x01ED2,0x01ED2), `Abs (0x01ED3);
+ (0x01ED4,0x01ED4), `Abs (0x01ED5);
+ (0x01ED6,0x01ED6), `Abs (0x01ED7);
+ (0x01ED8,0x01ED8), `Abs (0x01ED9);
+ (0x01EDA,0x01EDA), `Abs (0x01EDB);
+ (0x01EDC,0x01EDC), `Abs (0x01EDD);
+ (0x01EDE,0x01EDE), `Abs (0x01EDF);
+ (0x01EE0,0x01EE0), `Abs (0x01EE1);
+ (0x01EE2,0x01EE2), `Abs (0x01EE3);
+ (0x01EE4,0x01EE4), `Abs (0x01EE5);
+ (0x01EE6,0x01EE6), `Abs (0x01EE7);
+ (0x01EE8,0x01EE8), `Abs (0x01EE9);
+ (0x01EEA,0x01EEA), `Abs (0x01EEB);
+ (0x01EEC,0x01EEC), `Abs (0x01EED);
+ (0x01EEE,0x01EEE), `Abs (0x01EEF);
+ (0x01EF0,0x01EF0), `Abs (0x01EF1);
+ (0x01EF2,0x01EF2), `Abs (0x01EF3);
+ (0x01EF4,0x01EF4), `Abs (0x01EF5);
+ (0x01EF6,0x01EF6), `Abs (0x01EF7);
+ (0x01EF8,0x01EF8), `Abs (0x01EF9);
+ (0x01F08,0x01F0F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F18,0x01F1D), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F28,0x01F2F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F38,0x01F3F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F48,0x01F4D), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F59,0x01F59), `Abs (0x01F51);
+ (0x01F5B,0x01F5B), `Abs (0x01F53);
+ (0x01F5D,0x01F5D), `Abs (0x01F55);
+ (0x01F5F,0x01F5F), `Abs (0x01F57);
+ (0x01F68,0x01F6F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FB8,0x01FB9), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FBA,0x01FBB), `Delta (-74);
+ (0x01FC8,0x01FCB), `Delta (-86);
+ (0x01FD8,0x01FD9), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FDA,0x01FDB), `Delta (-100);
+ (0x01FE8,0x01FE9), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FEA,0x01FEB), `Delta (-112);
+ (0x01FEC,0x01FEC), `Abs (0x01FE5);
+ (0x01FF8,0x01FF9), `Delta (-128);
+ (0x01FFA,0x01FFB), `Delta (-126);
+ (0x02126,0x02126), `Abs (0x003C9);
+ (0x0212A,0x0212A), `Abs (0x0006B);
+ (0x0212B,0x0212B), `Abs (0x000E5);
+ (0x0FF21,0x0FF3A), `Delta (32);
+ (0x10400,0x10425), `Delta (40);
+ (0x001C5,0x001C5), `Abs (0x001C6);
+ (0x001C8,0x001C8), `Abs (0x001C9);
+ (0x001CB,0x001CB), `Abs (0x001CC);
+ (0x001F2,0x001F2), `Abs (0x001F3);
+ (0x01F88,0x01F8F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01F98,0x01F9F), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FA8,0x01FAF), `Delta (-8);
+ (0x01FBC,0x01FBC), `Abs (0x01FB3);
+ (0x01FCC,0x01FCC), `Abs (0x01FC3);
+ (0x01FFC,0x01FFC), `Abs (0x01FF3);
+ (0x02160,0x0216F), `Delta (16)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 0d6e7ff2..6d04c3c2 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 13200 2010-06-25 22:36:25Z letouzey $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
@@ -20,8 +20,15 @@ exception UserError of string * std_ppcmds (* User errors *)
let error string = raise (UserError(string, str string))
let errorlabstrm l pps = raise (UserError(l,pps))
+exception AnomalyOnError of string * exn
+exception AlreadyDeclared of std_ppcmds (* for already declared Schemes *)
+let alreadydeclared pps = raise (AlreadyDeclared(pps))
let todo s = prerr_string ("TODO: "^s^"\n")
+exception Timeout
type loc = Compat.loc
let dummy_loc = Compat.dummy_loc
let unloc = Compat.unloc
@@ -34,7 +41,7 @@ let anomaly_loc (loc,s,strm) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Anomaly (s,strm))
let user_err_loc (loc,s,strm) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (UserError (s,strm))
let invalid_arg_loc (loc,s) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Invalid_argument s)
-let located_fold_left f x (_,a) = f x a
+let located_fold_left f x (_,a) = f x a
let located_iter2 f (_,a) (_,b) = f a b
(* Like Exc_located, but specifies the outermost file read, the filename
@@ -47,6 +54,12 @@ exception Error_in_file of string * (bool * string * loc) * exn
let on_fst f (a,b) = (f a,b)
let on_snd f (a,b) = (a,f b)
+(* Mapping under pairs *)
+let on_pi1 f (a,b,c) = (f a,b,c)
+let on_pi2 f (a,b,c) = (a,f b,c)
+let on_pi3 f (a,b,c) = (a,b,f c)
(* Projections from triplets *)
let pi1 (a,_,_) = a
@@ -65,13 +78,13 @@ let is_blank = function
(* Strings *)
-let explode s =
+let explode s =
let rec explode_rec n =
if n >= String.length s then
- else
+ else
String.make 1 (String.get s n) :: explode_rec (succ n)
- in
+ in
explode_rec 0
let implode sl = String.concat "" sl
@@ -91,16 +104,20 @@ let strip s =
let a = lstrip_rec 0 and b = rstrip_rec (n-1) in
String.sub s a (b-a+1)
+let drop_simple_quotes s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if n > 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\'' then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else s
(* substring searching... *)
(* gdzie = where, co = what *)
(* gdzie=gdzie(string) gl=gdzie(length) gi=gdzie(index) *)
-let rec is_sub gdzie gl gi co cl ci =
+let rec is_sub gdzie gl gi co cl ci =
(ci>=cl) ||
- ((String.unsafe_get gdzie gi = String.unsafe_get co ci) &&
+ ((String.unsafe_get gdzie gi = String.unsafe_get co ci) &&
(is_sub gdzie gl (gi+1) co cl (ci+1)))
-let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
+let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
(* First adapt to ocaml 3.11 new semantics of index_from *)
if (i+cl > l) then raise Not_found;
(* Then proceed as in ocaml < 3.11 *)
@@ -108,7 +125,7 @@ let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
if (i'+cl <= l) && (is_sub gdzie l i' co cl 0) then i' else
raw_str_index (i'+1) gdzie l c co cl
-let string_index_from gdzie i co =
+let string_index_from gdzie i co =
if co="" then i else
raw_str_index i gdzie (String.length gdzie)
(String.unsafe_get co 0) co (String.length co)
@@ -130,7 +147,7 @@ let ordinal n =
let split_string_at c s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec split n =
- try
+ try
let pos = String.index_from s n c in
let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
dir :: split (succ pos)
@@ -153,138 +170,105 @@ type utf8_status = UnicodeLetter | UnicodeIdentPart | UnicodeSymbol
exception UnsupportedUtf8
-let classify_unicode unicode =
- match unicode land 0x1F000 with
- | 0x0 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin underscore *)
- | x when x = 0x005F -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin letters *)
- | x when 0x0041 <= x & x <= 0x005A -> UnicodeLetter
- | x when 0x0061 <= x & x <= 0x007A -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin digits and quote *)
- | x when 0x0030 <= x & x <= 0x0039 or x = 0x0027 -> UnicodeIdentPart
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin symbols *)
- | x when x <= 0x007F -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 non breaking space U00A0 *)
- | 0x00A0 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 symbols U00A1-00BF *)
- | x when 0x00A0 <= x & x <= 0x00BF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00C0-00D6 *)
- | x when 0x00C0 <= x & x <= 0x00D6 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 symbol U00D7 *)
- | 0x00D7 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00D8-00F6 *)
- | x when 0x00D8 <= x & x <= 0x00F6 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 symbol U00F7 *)
- | 0x00F7 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00F8-00FF *)
- | x when 0x00F8 <= x & x <= 0x00FF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Latin Extended A U0100-017F and Latin Extended B U0180-U0241 *)
- | x when 0x0100 <= x & x <= 0x0241 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Phonetic letters U0250-02AF *)
- | x when 0x0250 <= x & x <= 0x02AF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 what do to with diacritics U0300-U036F ? *)
- (* utf-8 Greek letters U0380-03FF *)
- | x when 0x0380 <= x & x <= 0x03FF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic letters U0400-0481 *)
- | x when 0x0400 <= x & x <= 0x0481 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic symbol U0482 *)
- | 0x0482 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 what do to with diacritics U0483-U0489 \ U0487 ? *)
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic letters U048A-U4F9 (Warning: 04CF) *)
- | x when 0x048A <= x & x <= 0x04F9 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic supplement letters U0500-U050F *)
- | x when 0x0500 <= x & x <= 0x050F -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Hebrew letters U05D0-05EA *)
- | x when 0x05D0 <= x & x <= 0x05EA -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Arabic letters U0621-064A *)
- | x when 0x0621 <= x & x <= 0x064A -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Arabic supplement letters U0750-076D *)
- | x when 0x0750 <= x & x <= 0x076D -> UnicodeLetter
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | 0x1000 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 Georgian U10A0-10FF (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x10A0 <= x & x <= 0x10FF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Hangul Jamo U1100-11FF (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x1100 <= x & x <= 0x11FF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Latin additional letters U1E00-1E9B and U1EA0-1EF9 *)
- | x when 0x1E00 <= x & x <= 0x1E9B -> UnicodeLetter
- | x when 0x1EA0 <= x & x <= 0x1EF9 -> UnicodeLetter
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | 0x2000 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 general punctuation U2080-2089 *)
- (* Hyphens *)
- | x when 0x2010 <= x & x <= 0x2011 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* Dashes and other symbols *)
- | x when 0x2012 <= x & x <= 0x2027 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* Per mille and per ten thousand signs *)
- | x when 0x2030 <= x & x <= 0x2031 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* Prime letters *)
- | x when 0x2032 <= x & x <= 0x2034 or x = 0x2057 -> UnicodeIdentPart
- (* Miscellaneous punctuation *)
- | x when 0x2039 <= x & x <= 0x2056 -> UnicodeSymbol
- | x when 0x2058 <= x & x <= 0x205E -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* Invisible mathematical operators *)
- | x when 0x2061 <= x & x <= 0x2063 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 superscript U2070-207C *)
- | x when 0x2070 <= x & x <= 0x207C -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 subscript U2080-2089 *)
- | x when 0x2080 <= x & x <= 0x2089 -> UnicodeIdentPart
- (* utf-8 letter-like U2100-214F *)
- | x when 0x2100 <= x & x <= 0x214F -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 number-forms U2153-2183 *)
- | x when 0x2153 <= x & x <= 0x2183 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 arrows A U2190-21FF *)
- (* utf-8 mathematical operators U2200-22FF *)
- (* utf-8 miscellaneous technical U2300-23FF *)
- | x when 0x2190 <= x & x <= 0x23FF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 box drawing U2500-257F has ceiling, etc. *)
- (* utf-8 block elements U2580-259F *)
- (* utf-8 geom. shapes U25A0-25FF (has triangles, losange, etc) *)
- (* utf-8 miscellaneous symbols U2600-26FF *)
- | x when 0x2500 <= x & x <= 0x26FF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 arrows B U2900-297F *)
- | x when 0x2900 <= x & x <= 0x297F -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 mathematical operators U2A00-2AFF *)
- | x when 0x2A00 <= x & x <= 0x2AFF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 bold symbols U2768-U2775 *)
- | x when 0x2768 <= x & x <= 0x2775 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 arrows and brackets U27E0-U27FF *)
- | x when 0x27E0 <= x & x <= 0x27FF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 brackets, braces and parentheses *)
- | x when 0x2980 <= x & x <= 0x29FF -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 miscellaneous including double-plus U29F0-U29FF *)
- | x when 0x29F0 <= x & x <= 0x29FF -> UnicodeSymbol
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | _ ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 CJC Symbols and Punctuation *)
- | x when 0x3008 <= x & x <= 0x3020 -> UnicodeSymbol
- (* utf-8 Hiragana U3040-309F and Katakana U30A0-30FF *)
- | x when 0x3040 <= x & x <= 0x30FF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Unified CJK Ideographs U4E00-9FA5 *)
- | x when 0x4E00 <= x & x <= 0x9FA5 -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Hangul syllables UAC00-D7AF *)
- | x when 0xAC00 <= x & x <= 0xD7AF -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Gothic U10330-1034A *)
- | x when 0x10330 <= x & x <= 0x1034A -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Math Alphanumeric Symbols U1D400-1D7FF (letters) (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x1D400 <= x & x <= 0x1D7CB -> UnicodeLetter
- (* utf-8 Math Alphanumeric Symbols U1D400-1D7FF (digits) *)
- | x when 0x1D7CE <= x & x <= 0x1D7FF -> UnicodeIdentPart
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
+(* The following table stores classes of Unicode characters that
+ are used by the lexer. There are 3 different classes so 2 bits are
+ allocated for each character. We only use 16 bits over the 31 bits
+ to simplify the masking process. (This choice seems to be a good
+ trade-off between speed and space after some benchmarks.) *)
+(* A 256ko table, initially filled with zeros. *)
+let table = Array.create (1 lsl 17) 0
+(* Associate a 2-bit pattern to each status at position [i].
+ Only the 3 lowest bits of [i] are taken into account to
+ define the position of the pattern in the word.
+ Notice that pattern "00" means "undefined". *)
+let mask i = function
+ | UnicodeLetter -> 1 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 01 *)
+ | UnicodeIdentPart -> 2 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 10 *)
+ | UnicodeSymbol -> 3 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 11 *)
+(* Helper to reset 2 bits in a word. *)
+let reset_mask i =
+ lnot (3 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1))
+(* Initialize the lookup table from a list of segments, assigning
+ a status to every character of each segment. The order of these
+ assignments is relevant: it is possible to assign status [s] to
+ a segment [(c1, c2)] and later assign [s'] to [c] even if [c] is
+ between [c1] and [c2]. *)
+let mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for status tables =
+ List.iter
+ (List.iter
+ (fun (c1, c2) ->
+ for i = c1 to c2 do
+ table.(i lsr 3) <-
+ (table.(i lsr 3) land (reset_mask i)) lor (mask i status)
+ done))
+ tables
+(* Look up into the table and interpret the found pattern. *)
+let lookup x =
+ let v = (table.(x lsr 3) lsr ((x land 7) lsl 1)) land 3 in
+ if v = 1 then UnicodeLetter
+ else if v = 2 then UnicodeIdentPart
+ else if v = 3 then UnicodeSymbol
+ else raise UnsupportedUtf8
+(* [classify_unicode] discriminates between 3 different kinds of
+ symbols based on the standard unicode classification (extracted from
+ Camomile). *)
+let classify_unicode =
+ let single c = [ (c, c) ] in
+ (* General tables. *)
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeSymbol
+ [
+; (* Symbol, maths. *)
+; (* Symbol, currency. *)
+; (* Symbol, modifier. *)
+ Unicodetable.pd; (* Punctation, dash. *)
+ Unicodetable.pc; (* Punctation, connector. *)
+; (* Punctation, open. *)
+; (* Punctation, close. *)
+ Unicodetable.pi; (* Punctation, initial quote. *)
+; (* Punctation, final quote. *)
+ Unicodetable.po; (* Punctation, other. *)
+ ];
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeLetter
+ [
+; (* Letter, uppercase. *)
+ Unicodetable.ll; (* Letter, lowercase. *)
+; (* Letter, titlecase. *)
+ Unicodetable.lo; (* Letter, others. *)
+ ];
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeIdentPart
+ [
+ Unicodetable.nd; (* Number, decimal digits. *)
+; (* Number, letter. *)
+; (* Number, other. *)
+ ];
+ (* Exceptions (from a previous version of this function). *)
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeSymbol
+ [
+ single 0x000B2; (* Squared. *)
+ single 0x0002E; (* Dot. *)
+ ];
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeLetter
+ [
+ single 0x005F; (* Underscore. *)
+ single 0x00A0; (* Non breaking space. *)
+ ];
+ mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeIdentPart
+ [
+ single 0x0027; (* Special space. *)
+ ];
+ (* Lookup *)
+ lookup
exception End_of_input
let utf8_of_unicode n =
- if n < 128 then
+ if n < 128 then
String.make 1 (Char.chr n)
else if n < 2048 then
let s = String.make 2 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
@@ -294,18 +278,18 @@ let utf8_of_unicode n =
else if n < 65536 then
let s = String.make 3 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
- begin
+ begin
s.[1] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 64) mod 64);
- s.[0] <- Char.chr (224 + n / 4096);
+ s.[0] <- Char.chr (224 + n / 4096);
let s = String.make 4 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
- begin
+ begin
s.[2] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 64) mod 64);
s.[1] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 4096) mod 64);
s.[0] <- Char.chr (240 + n / 262144);
- s
+ s
let next_utf8 s i =
@@ -358,7 +342,7 @@ let check_ident_gen handle s =
i := !i + j
with End_of_input -> ()
- with
+ with
| End_of_input -> error "The empty string is not an identifier."
| UnsupportedUtf8 -> error (s^": unsupported character in utf8 sequence.")
| Invalid_argument _ -> error (s^": invalid utf8 sequence.")
@@ -366,127 +350,21 @@ let check_ident_gen handle s =
let check_ident_soft = check_ident_gen warning
let check_ident = check_ident_gen error
-let lowercase_unicode s unicode =
- match unicode land 0x1F000 with
- | 0x0 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin underscore *)
- | x when x = 0x005F -> x
- (* utf-8 Basic Latin letters *)
- | x when 0x0041 <= x & x <= 0x005A -> x + 32
- | x when 0x0061 <= x & x <= 0x007A -> x
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 non breaking space U00A0 *)
- | 0x00A0 as x -> x
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00C0-00D6 *)
- | x when 0x00C0 <= x & x <= 0x00D6 -> x + 32
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00D8-00F6 *)
- | x when 0x00D8 <= x & x <= 0x00DE -> x + 32
- | x when 0x00E0 <= x & x <= 0x00F6 -> x
- (* utf-8 Latin-1 letters U00F8-00FF *)
- | x when 0x00F8 <= x & x <= 0x00FF -> x
- (* utf-8 Latin Extended A U0100-017F and Latin Extended B U0180-U0241 *)
- | x when 0x0100 <= x & x <= 0x017F ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- | x when 0x0180 <= x & x <= 0x0241 ->
- warning ("Unable to decide which lowercase letter to map to "^s); x
- (* utf-8 Phonetic letters U0250-02AF *)
- | x when 0x0250 <= x & x <= 0x02AF -> x
- (* utf-8 what do to with diacritics U0300-U036F ? *)
- (* utf-8 Greek letters U0380-03FF *)
- | x when 0x0380 <= x & x <= 0x0385 -> x
- | 0x0386 -> 0x03AC
- | x when 0x0388 <= x & x <= 0x038A -> x + 37
- | 0x038C -> 0x03CC
- | x when 0x038E <= x & x <= 0x038F -> x + 63
- | x when 0x0390 <= x & x <= 0x03AB & x <> 0x03A2 -> x + 32
- (* utf-8 Greek lowercase letters U03B0-03CE *)
- | x when 0x03AC <= x & x <= 0x03CE -> x
- | x when 0x03CF <= x & x <= 0x03FF ->
- warning ("Unable to decide which lowercase letter to map to "^s); x
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic letters U0400-0481 *)
- | x when 0x0400 <= x & x <= 0x040F -> x + 80
- | x when 0x0410 <= x & x <= 0x042F -> x + 32
- | x when 0x0430 <= x & x <= 0x045F -> x
- | x when 0x0460 <= x & x <= 0x0481 ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic letters U048A-U4F9 (Warning: 04CF) *)
- | x when 0x048A <= x & x <= 0x04F9 & x <> 0x04CF ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- (* utf-8 Cyrillic supplement letters U0500-U050F *)
- | x when 0x0500 <= x & x <= 0x050F ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- (* utf-8 Hebrew letters U05D0-05EA *)
- | x when 0x05D0 <= x & x <= 0x05EA -> x
- (* utf-8 Arabic letters U0621-064A *)
- | x when 0x0621 <= x & x <= 0x064A -> x
- (* utf-8 Arabic supplement letters U0750-076D *)
- | x when 0x0750 <= x & x <= 0x076D -> x
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | 0x1000 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 Georgian U10A0-10FF (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x10A0 <= x & x <= 0x10FF -> x
- (* utf-8 Hangul Jamo U1100-11FF (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x1100 <= x & x <= 0x11FF -> x
- (* utf-8 Latin additional letters U1E00-1E9B and U1EA0-1EF9 *)
- | x when 0x1E00 <= x & x <= 0x1E95 ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- | x when 0x1E96 <= x & x <= 0x1E9B -> x
- | x when 0x1EA0 <= x & x <= 0x1EF9 ->
- if x mod 2 = 1 then x else x + 1
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | 0x2000 ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 general punctuation U2080-2089 *)
- (* Hyphens *)
- | x when 0x2010 <= x & x <= 0x2011 -> x
- (* utf-8 letter-like U2100-214F *)
- | 0x2102 (* double-struck C *) -> Char.code 'x'
- | 0x2115 (* double-struck N *) -> Char.code 'n'
- | 0x2119 (* double-struck P *) -> Char.code 'x'
- | 0x211A (* double-struck Q *) -> Char.code 'x'
- | 0x211D (* double-struck R *) -> Char.code 'r'
- | 0x2124 (* double-struck Z *) -> Char.code 'x'
- | x when 0x2100 <= x & x <= 0x214F ->
- warning ("Unable to decide which lowercase letter to map to "^s); x
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
- | _ ->
- begin match unicode with
- (* utf-8 Hiragana U3040-309F and Katakana U30A0-30FF *)
- | x when 0x3040 <= x & x <= 0x30FF -> x
- (* utf-8 Unified CJK Ideographs U4E00-9FA5 *)
- | x when 0x4E00 <= x & x <= 0x9FA5 -> x
- (* utf-8 Hangul syllables UAC00-D7AF *)
- | x when 0xAC00 <= x & x <= 0xD7AF -> x
- (* utf-8 Gothic U10330-1034A *)
- | x when 0x10330 <= x & x <= 0x1034A -> x
- (* utf-8 Math Alphanumeric Symbols U1D400-1D7FF (letters) (has holes) *)
- | x when 0x1D6A8 <= x & x <= 0x1D7C9 ->
- let a = (x - 0x1D6A8) mod 58 in
- if a <= 16 or (18 <= a & a <= 24)
- then x + 26 (* all but nabla and theta symbol *)
- else x
- | x when 0x1D538 <= x & x <= 0x1D56B ->
- (* Use ordinary lowercase in both small and capital double-struck *)
- (x - 0x1D538) mod 26 + Char.code 'a'
- | x when 0x1D468 <= x & x <= 0x1D6A3 -> (* General case *)
- if (x - 0x1D400 / 26) mod 2 = 0 then x + 26 else x
- | x when 0x1D400 <= x & x <= 0x1D7CB -> (* fallback *)
- x
- (* utf-8 Math Alphanumeric Symbols U1D400-1D7FF (digits) *)
- | x when 0x1D7CE <= x & x <= 0x1D7FF -> x
- | _ -> raise UnsupportedUtf8
- end
+let lowercase_unicode =
+ let tree = Segmenttree.make Unicodetable.to_lower in
+ fun unicode ->
+ try
+ match Segmenttree.lookup unicode tree with
+ | `Abs c -> c
+ | `Delta d -> unicode + d
+ with Not_found -> unicode
let lowercase_first_char_utf8 s =
assert (s <> "");
let j, n = next_utf8 s 0 in
- utf8_of_unicode (lowercase_unicode (String.sub s 0 j) n)
+ utf8_of_unicode (lowercase_unicode n)
-(* For extraction, we need to encode unicode character into ascii ones *)
+(** For extraction, we need to encode unicode character into ascii ones *)
let ascii_of_ident s =
let check_ascii s =
@@ -499,50 +377,60 @@ let ascii_of_ident s =
begin try while true do
let j, n = next_utf8 s !i in
out :=
- if n >= 128
- then Printf.sprintf "%s__U%04x_" !out n
- else Printf.sprintf "%s%c" !out s.[!i];
+ if n >= 128
+ then Printf.sprintf "%s__U%04x_" !out n
+ else Printf.sprintf "%s%c" !out s.[!i];
i := !i + j
done with End_of_input -> () end;
(* Lists *)
-let list_intersect l1 l2 =
+let rec list_compare cmp l1 l2 =
+ match l1,l2 with
+ [], [] -> 0
+ | _::_, [] -> 1
+ | [], _::_ -> -1
+ | x1::l1, x2::l2 ->
+ (match cmp x1 x2 with
+ | 0 -> list_compare cmp l1 l2
+ | c -> c)
+let list_intersect l1 l2 =
List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x l2) l1
-let list_union l1 l2 =
+let list_union l1 l2 =
let rec urec = function
| [] -> l2
| a::l -> if List.mem a l2 then urec l else a::urec l
- in
+ in
urec l1
-let list_unionq l1 l2 =
+let list_unionq l1 l2 =
let rec urec = function
| [] -> l2
| a::l -> if List.memq a l2 then urec l else a::urec l
- in
+ in
urec l1
let list_subtract l1 l2 =
if l2 = [] then l1 else List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x l2)) l1
-let list_subtractq l1 l2 =
+let list_subtractq l1 l2 =
if l2 = [] then l1 else List.filter (fun x -> not (List.memq x l2)) l1
-let list_chop n l =
+let list_chop n l =
let rec chop_aux acc = function
| (0, l2) -> (List.rev acc, l2)
| (n, (h::t)) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (pred n, t)
| (_, []) -> failwith "list_chop"
- in
+ in
chop_aux [] (n,l)
-let list_tabulate f len =
+let list_tabulate f len =
let rec tabrec n =
if n = len then [] else (f n)::(tabrec (n+1))
- in
+ in
tabrec 0
let rec list_make n v =
@@ -550,41 +438,41 @@ let rec list_make n v =
else if n < 0 then invalid_arg "list_make"
else v::list_make (n-1) v
-let list_assign l n e =
+let list_assign l n e =
let rec assrec stk = function
| ((h::t), 0) -> List.rev_append stk (e::t)
| ((h::t), n) -> assrec (h::stk) (t, n-1)
| ([], _) -> failwith "list_assign"
- in
+ in
assrec [] (l,n)
let rec list_smartmap f l = match l with
[] -> l
- | h::tl ->
+ | h::tl ->
let h' = f h and tl' = list_smartmap f tl in
if h'==h && tl'==tl then l
else h'::tl'
let list_map_left f = (* ensures the order in case of side-effects *)
let rec map_rec = function
- | [] -> []
+ | [] -> []
| x::l -> let v = f x in v :: map_rec l
- in
+ in
-let list_map_i f =
+let list_map_i f =
let rec map_i_rec i = function
- | [] -> []
+ | [] -> []
| x::l -> let v = f i x in v :: map_i_rec (i+1) l
- in
+ in
-let list_map2_i f i l1 l2 =
+let list_map2_i f i l1 l2 =
let rec map_i i = function
| ([], []) -> []
| ((h1::t1), (h2::t2)) -> let v = f i h1 h2 in v :: map_i (succ i) (t1,t2)
| (_, _) -> invalid_arg "map2_i"
- in
+ in
map_i i (l1,l2)
let list_map3 f l1 l2 l3 =
@@ -592,7 +480,7 @@ let list_map3 f l1 l2 l3 =
| ([], [], []) -> []
| ((h1::t1), (h2::t2), (h3::t3)) -> let v = f h1 h2 h3 in v::map (t1,t2,t3)
| (_, _, _) -> invalid_arg "map3"
- in
+ in
map (l1,l2,l3)
let list_map4 f l1 l2 l3 l4 =
@@ -600,41 +488,41 @@ let list_map4 f l1 l2 l3 l4 =
| ([], [], [], []) -> []
| ((h1::t1), (h2::t2), (h3::t3), (h4::t4)) -> let v = f h1 h2 h3 h4 in v::map (t1,t2,t3,t4)
| (_, _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "map4"
- in
+ in
map (l1,l2,l3,l4)
-let list_index x =
+let list_index x =
let rec index_x n = function
| y::l -> if x = y then n else index_x (succ n) l
| [] -> raise Not_found
- in
+ in
index_x 1
-let list_index0 x l = list_index x l - 1
+let list_index0 x l = list_index x l - 1
-let list_unique_index x =
+let list_unique_index x =
let rec index_x n = function
- | y::l ->
- if x = y then
+ | y::l ->
+ if x = y then
if List.mem x l then raise Not_found
- else n
+ else n
else index_x (succ n) l
- | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
in index_x 1
let list_fold_right_i f i l =
let rec it_list_f i l a = match l with
| [] -> a
| b::l -> f (i-1) b (it_list_f (i-1) l a)
- in
+ in
it_list_f (List.length l + i) l
-let list_fold_left_i f =
+let list_fold_left_i f =
let rec it_list_f i a = function
- | [] -> a
+ | [] -> a
| b::l -> it_list_f (i+1) (f i a b) l
- in
- it_list_f
+ in
+ it_list_f
let rec list_fold_left3 f accu l1 l2 l3 =
match (l1, l2, l3) with
@@ -665,16 +553,16 @@ let list_iter3 f l1 l2 l3 =
| ([], [], []) -> ()
| ((h1::t1), (h2::t2), (h3::t3)) -> f h1 h2 h3; iter (t1,t2,t3)
| (_, _, _) -> invalid_arg "map3"
- in
+ in
iter (l1,l2,l3)
let list_iter_i f l = list_fold_left_i (fun i _ x -> f i x) 0 () l
-let list_for_all_i p =
+let list_for_all_i p =
let rec for_all_p i = function
- | [] -> true
+ | [] -> true
| a::l -> p i a && for_all_p (i+1) l
- in
+ in
let list_except x l = List.filter (fun y -> not (x = y)) l
@@ -698,32 +586,33 @@ let list_eq_set l1 l2 =
| a::l2 -> aux (list_remove_first a l1) l2 in
try aux l1 l2 with Not_found -> false
-let list_for_all2eq f l1 l2 = try List.for_all2 f l1 l2 with Failure _ -> false
+let list_for_all2eq f l1 l2 =
+ try List.for_all2 f l1 l2 with Invalid_argument _ -> false
-let list_map_i f =
- let rec map_i_rec i = function
- | [] -> []
- | x::l -> let v = f i x in v::map_i_rec (i+1) l
- in
- map_i_rec
+let list_filter_i p =
+ let rec filter_i_rec i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x::l -> let l' = filter_i_rec (succ i) l in if p i x then x::l' else l'
+ in
+ filter_i_rec 0
let rec list_sep_last = function
| [] -> failwith "sep_last"
| hd::[] -> (hd,[])
| hd::tl -> let (l,tl) = list_sep_last tl in (l,hd::tl)
-let list_try_find_i f =
+let list_try_find_i f =
let rec try_find_f n = function
| [] -> failwith "try_find_i"
| h::t -> try f n h with Failure _ -> try_find_f (n+1) t
- in
+ in
-let list_try_find f =
+let list_try_find f =
let rec try_find_f = function
| [] -> failwith "try_find"
| h::t -> try f h with Failure _ -> try_find_f t
- in
+ in
let list_uniquize l =
@@ -737,12 +626,12 @@ let list_uniquize l =
| [] -> List.rev acc
in aux [] l
-let rec list_distinct l =
+let rec list_distinct l =
let visited = Hashtbl.create 23 in
let rec loop = function
| h::t ->
if Hashtbl.mem visited h then false
- else
+ else
Hashtbl.add visited h h;
loop t
@@ -755,10 +644,10 @@ let rec list_merge_uniq cmp l1 l2 =
| [], l2 -> l2
| l1, [] -> l1
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 ->
- let c = cmp h1 h2 in
- if c = 0
+ let c = cmp h1 h2 in
+ if c = 0
then h1 :: list_merge_uniq cmp t1 t2
- else if c <= 0
+ else if c <= 0
then h1 :: list_merge_uniq cmp t1 l2
else h2 :: list_merge_uniq cmp l1 t2
@@ -787,24 +676,29 @@ let list_subset l1 l2 =
let rec look = function
| [] -> true
| x::ll -> try Hashtbl.find t2 x; look ll with Not_found -> false
- in
+ in
look l1
-let list_split_at p =
- let rec split_at_loop x y =
- match y with
- | [] -> ([],[])
- | (a::l) -> if (p a) then (List.rev x,y) else split_at_loop (a::x) l
- in
- split_at_loop []
-let list_split_by p =
- let rec split_loop = function
- | [] -> ([],[])
- | (a::l) ->
- let (l1,l2) = split_loop l in if (p a) then (a::l1,l2) else (l1,a::l2)
- in
- split_loop
+(* [list_split_at i l] splits [l] into two lists [(l1,l2)] such that [l1++l2=l]
+ and [l1] has length [i].
+ It raises [Failure] when [i] is negative or greater than the length of [l] *)
+let list_split_at index l =
+ let rec aux i acc = function
+ tl when i = index -> (List.rev acc), tl
+ | hd :: tl -> aux (succ i) (hd :: acc) tl
+ | [] -> failwith "list_split_at: Invalid argument"
+ in aux 0 [] l
+(* [list_split_when p l] splits [l] into two lists [(l1,a::l2)] such that
+ [l1++(a::l2)=l], [p a=true] and [p b = false] for every element [b] of [l1].
+ If there is no such [a], then it returns [(l,[])] instead *)
+let list_split_when p =
+ let rec split_when_loop x y =
+ match y with
+ | [] -> (List.rev x,[])
+ | (a::l) -> if (p a) then (List.rev x,y) else split_when_loop (a::x) l
+ in
+ split_when_loop []
let rec list_split3 = function
| [] -> ([], [], [])
@@ -824,7 +718,7 @@ let list_firstn n l =
| (0, l) -> List.rev acc
| (n, (h::t)) -> aux (h::acc) (pred n, t)
| _ -> failwith "firstn"
- in
+ in
aux [] (n,l)
let rec list_last = function
@@ -839,20 +733,23 @@ let list_lastn n l =
if len < n then failwith "lastn" else aux len l
-let rec list_skipn n l = match n,l with
- | 0, _ -> l
- | _, [] -> failwith "list_fromn"
+let rec list_skipn n l = match n,l with
+ | 0, _ -> l
+ | _, [] -> failwith "list_skipn"
| n, _::l -> list_skipn (pred n) l
-let rec list_addn n x l =
+let rec list_skipn_at_least n l =
+ try list_skipn n l with Failure _ -> []
+let rec list_addn n x l =
if n = 0 then l else x :: (list_addn (pred n) x l)
-let list_prefix_of prefl l =
+let list_prefix_of prefl l =
let rec prefrec = function
| (h1::t1, h2::t2) -> h1 = h2 && prefrec (t1,t2)
| ([], _) -> true
| (_, _) -> false
- in
+ in
prefrec (prefl,l)
let list_drop_prefix p l =
@@ -860,7 +757,7 @@ let list_drop_prefix p l =
let rec list_drop_prefix_rec = function
| ([], tl) -> Some tl
| (_, []) -> None
- | (h1::tp, h2::tl) ->
+ | (h1::tp, h2::tl) ->
if h1 = h2 then list_drop_prefix_rec (tp,tl) else None
match list_drop_prefix_rec (p,l) with
@@ -876,7 +773,7 @@ let list_share_tails l1 l2 =
let rec shr_rev acc = function
| ((x1::l1), (x2::l2)) when x1 == x2 -> shr_rev (x1::acc) (l1,l2)
| (l1,l2) -> (List.rev l1, List.rev l2, acc)
- in
+ in
shr_rev [] (List.rev l1, List.rev l2)
let rec list_fold_map f e = function
@@ -887,10 +784,10 @@ let rec list_fold_map f e = function
(* (* tail-recursive version of the above function *)
-let list_fold_map f e l =
- let g (e,b') h =
+let list_fold_map f e l =
+ let g (e,b') h =
let (e',h') = f e h in
- (e',h'::b')
+ (e',h'::b')
let (e',lrev) = List.fold_left g (e,[]) l in
(e',List.rev lrev)
@@ -914,17 +811,17 @@ let list_union_map f l acc =
-(* A generic cartesian product: for any operator (**),
- [list_cartesian (**) [x1;x2] [y1;y2] = [x1**y1; x1**y2; x2**y1; x2**y1]],
+(* A generic cartesian product: for any operator (**),
+ [list_cartesian (**) [x1;x2] [y1;y2] = [x1**y1; x1**y2; x2**y1; x2**y1]],
and so on if there are more elements in the lists. *)
-let rec list_cartesian op l1 l2 =
+let rec list_cartesian op l1 l2 =
list_map_append (fun x -> (op x) l2) l1
-(* [list_cartesians] is an n-ary cartesian product: it iterates
+(* [list_cartesians] is an n-ary cartesian product: it iterates
[list_cartesian] over a list of lists. *)
-let list_cartesians op init ll =
+let list_cartesians op init ll =
List.fold_right (list_cartesian op) ll [init]
(* list_combinations [[a;b];[c;d]] gives [[a;c];[a;d];[b;c];[b;d]] *)
@@ -933,12 +830,12 @@ let list_combinations l = list_cartesians (fun x l -> x::l) [] l
(* Keep only those products that do not return None *)
-let rec list_cartesian_filter op l1 l2 =
+let rec list_cartesian_filter op l1 l2 =
list_map_append (fun x -> list_map_filter (op x) l2) l1
(* Keep only those products that do not return None *)
-let rec list_cartesians_filter op init ll =
+let rec list_cartesians_filter op init ll =
List.fold_right (list_cartesian_filter op) ll [init]
(* Drop the last element of a list *)
@@ -947,57 +844,76 @@ let rec list_drop_last = function [] -> assert false | hd :: [] -> [] | hd :: tl
(* Arrays *)
-let array_exists f v =
+let array_compare item_cmp v1 v2 =
+ let c = compare (Array.length v1) (Array.length v2) in
+ if c<>0 then c else
+ let rec cmp = function
+ -1 -> 0
+ | i ->
+ let c' = item_cmp v1.(i) v2.(i) in
+ if c'<>0 then c'
+ else cmp (i-1) in
+ cmp (Array.length v1 - 1)
+let array_exists f v =
let rec exrec = function
| -1 -> false
| n -> (f v.(n)) || (exrec (n-1))
- in
- exrec ((Array.length v)-1)
+ in
+ exrec ((Array.length v)-1)
-let array_for_all f v =
+let array_for_all f v =
let rec allrec = function
| -1 -> true
| n -> (f v.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
- in
- allrec ((Array.length v)-1)
+ in
+ allrec ((Array.length v)-1)
let array_for_all2 f v1 v2 =
let rec allrec = function
| -1 -> true
| n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
- in
+ in
let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
- lv1 = Array.length v2 && allrec (pred lv1)
+ lv1 = Array.length v2 && allrec (pred lv1)
let array_for_all3 f v1 v2 v3 =
let rec allrec = function
| -1 -> true
| n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n) v3.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
- in
+ in
let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
- lv1 = Array.length v2 && lv1 = Array.length v3 && allrec (pred lv1)
+ lv1 = Array.length v2 && lv1 = Array.length v3 && allrec (pred lv1)
let array_for_all4 f v1 v2 v3 v4 =
let rec allrec = function
| -1 -> true
| n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n) v3.(n) v4.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
- in
+ in
let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
lv1 = Array.length v2 &&
lv1 = Array.length v3 &&
lv1 = Array.length v4 &&
- allrec (pred lv1)
+ allrec (pred lv1)
-let array_for_all_i f i v =
- let rec allrec i n = n = Array.length v || f i v.(n) && allrec (i+1) (n+1) in
+let array_for_all_i f i v =
+ let rec allrec i n = n = Array.length v || f i v.(n) && allrec (i+1) (n+1) in
allrec i 0
-let array_hd v =
+exception Found of int
+let array_find_i (pred: int -> 'a -> bool) (arr: 'a array) : int option =
+ try
+ for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done;
+ None
+ with Found i -> Some i
+let array_hd v =
match Array.length v with
| 0 -> failwith "array_hd"
| _ -> v.(0)
-let array_tl v =
+let array_tl v =
match Array.length v with
| 0 -> failwith "array_tl"
| n -> Array.sub v 1 (pred n)
@@ -1009,12 +925,12 @@ let array_last v =
let array_cons e v = Array.append [|e|] v
-let array_rev t =
+let array_rev t =
let n=Array.length t in
- if n <=0 then ()
+ if n <=0 then ()
let tmp=ref t.(0) in
- for i=0 to pred (n/2) do
+ for i=0 to pred (n/2) do
tmp:=t.((pred n)-i);
t.((pred n)-i)<- t.(i);
t.(i)<- !tmp
@@ -1045,7 +961,7 @@ let array_fold_right2 f v1 v2 a =
let array_fold_left2 f a v1 v2 =
let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
- let rec fold a n =
+ let rec fold a n =
if n >= lv1 then a else fold (f a v1.(n) v2.(n)) (succ n)
if Array.length v2 <> lv1 then invalid_arg "array_fold_left2";
@@ -1053,25 +969,25 @@ let array_fold_left2 f a v1 v2 =
let array_fold_left2_i f a v1 v2 =
let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
- let rec fold a n =
+ let rec fold a n =
if n >= lv1 then a else fold (f n a v1.(n) v2.(n)) (succ n)
if Array.length v2 <> lv1 then invalid_arg "array_fold_left2";
fold a 0
-let array_fold_left_from n f a v =
+let array_fold_left_from n f a v =
let rec fold a n =
if n >= Array.length v then a else fold (f a v.(n)) (succ n)
- in
+ in
fold a n
-let array_fold_right_from n f v a =
+let array_fold_right_from n f v a =
let rec fold n =
if n >= Array.length v then a else f v.(n) (fold (succ n))
- in
+ in
fold n
-let array_app_tl v l =
+let array_app_tl v l =
if Array.length v = 0 then invalid_arg "array_app_tl";
array_fold_right_from 1 (fun e l -> e::l) v l
@@ -1091,9 +1007,9 @@ exception Local of int
(* If none of the elements is changed by f we return ar itself.
The for loop looks for the first such an element.
- If found it is temporarily stored in a ref and the new array is produced,
+ If found it is temporarily stored in a ref and the new array is produced,
but f is not re-applied to elements that are already checked *)
-let array_smartmap f ar =
+let array_smartmap f ar =
let ar_size = Array.length ar in
let aux = ref None in
@@ -1107,10 +1023,10 @@ let array_smartmap f ar =
- Local i ->
- let copy j =
- if j<i then ar.(j)
- else if j=i then
+ Local i ->
+ let copy j =
+ if j<i then ar.(j)
+ else if j=i then
match !aux with Some a' -> a' | None -> failwith "Error"
else f (ar.(j))
@@ -1118,8 +1034,8 @@ let array_smartmap f ar =
let array_map2 f v1 v2 =
if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 then invalid_arg "array_map2";
- if Array.length v1 == 0 then
- [| |]
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
else begin
let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f v1.(0) v2.(0)) in
for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
@@ -1130,8 +1046,8 @@ let array_map2 f v1 v2 =
let array_map2_i f v1 v2 =
if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 then invalid_arg "array_map2";
- if Array.length v1 == 0 then
- [| |]
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
else begin
let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f 0 v1.(0) v2.(0)) in
for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
@@ -1143,8 +1059,8 @@ let array_map2_i f v1 v2 =
let array_map3 f v1 v2 v3 =
if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 ||
Array.length v1 <> Array.length v3 then invalid_arg "array_map3";
- if Array.length v1 == 0 then
- [| |]
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
else begin
let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f v1.(0) v2.(0) v3.(0)) in
for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
@@ -1185,7 +1101,7 @@ let pure_functional = false
let array_fold_map' f v e =
if pure_functional then
let (l,e) =
- Array.fold_right
+ Array.fold_right
(fun x (l,e) -> let (y,e) = f x e in (y::l,e))
v ([],e) in
(Array.of_list l,e)
@@ -1201,8 +1117,8 @@ let array_fold_map f e v =
let array_fold_map2' f v1 v2 e =
let e' = ref e in
- let v' =
- array_map2 (fun x1 x2 -> let (y,e) = f x1 x2 !e' in e' := e; y) v1 v2
+ let v' =
+ array_map2 (fun x1 x2 -> let (y,e) = f x1 x2 !e' in e' := e; y) v1 v2
@@ -1223,6 +1139,11 @@ let array_union_map f a acc =
+let array_rev_to_list a =
+ let rec tolist i res =
+ if i >= Array.length a then res else tolist (i+1) (a.(i) :: res) in
+ tolist 0 []
(* Matrices *)
let matrix_transpose mat =
@@ -1235,10 +1156,12 @@ let identity x = x
let compose f g x = f (g x)
-let iterate f =
+let const x _ = x
+let iterate f =
let rec iterate_f n x =
if n <= 0 then x else iterate_f (pred n) (f x)
- in
+ in
let repeat n f x =
@@ -1247,7 +1170,7 @@ let repeat n f x =
let iterate_for a b f x =
let rec iterate i v = if i > b then v else iterate (succ i) (f i v) in
iterate a x
(* Misc *)
type ('a,'b) union = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
@@ -1263,27 +1186,27 @@ let intmap_to_list m = Intmap.fold (fun n v l -> (n,v)::l) m []
let intmap_inv m b = Intmap.fold (fun n v l -> if v = b then n::l else l) m []
-let interval n m =
+let interval n m =
let rec interval_n (l,m) =
if n > m then l else interval_n (m::l,pred m)
- in
+ in
interval_n ([],m)
-let map_succeed f =
- let rec map_f = function
+let map_succeed f =
+ let rec map_f = function
| [] -> []
| h::t -> try (let x = f h in x :: map_f t) with Failure _ -> map_f t
- in
- map_f
+ in
+ map_f
(* Pretty-printing *)
let pr_spc = spc
let pr_fnl = fnl
let pr_int = int
let pr_str = str
-let pr_coma () = str "," ++ spc ()
+let pr_comma () = str "," ++ spc ()
let pr_semicolon () = str ";" ++ spc ()
let pr_bar () = str "|" ++ spc ()
let pr_arg pr x = spc () ++ pr x
@@ -1294,7 +1217,7 @@ let nth n = str (ordinal n)
(* [prlist pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs [pr a ++ ... ++ pr c] *)
-let rec prlist elem l = match l with
+let rec prlist elem l = match l with
| [] -> mt ()
| h::t -> Stream.lapp (fun () -> elem h) (prlist elem t)
@@ -1302,7 +1225,7 @@ let rec prlist elem l = match l with
if a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead.
evaluation is done from left to right. *)
-let rec prlist_strict elem l = match l with
+let rec prlist_strict elem l = match l with
| [] -> mt ()
| h::t ->
let e = elem h in let r = prlist_strict elem t in e++r
@@ -1326,22 +1249,22 @@ let rec pr_sequence elem = function
let e = elem h and r = pr_sequence elem t in
if e = mt () then r else e ++ spc () ++ r
-(* [pr_enum pr [a ; b ; ... ; c]] outputs
+(* [pr_enum pr [a ; b ; ... ; c]] outputs
[pr a ++ str "," ++ pr b ++ str "," ++ ... ++ str "and" ++ pr c] *)
let pr_enum pr l =
let c,l' = list_sep_last l in
- prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr l' ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr l' ++
(if l'<>[] then str " and" ++ spc () else mt()) ++ pr c
let pr_vertical_list pr = function
| [] -> str "none" ++ fnl ()
| l -> fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_fnl pr l) ++ fnl ()
let prvecti elem v =
let n = Array.length v in
let rec pr i =
- if i = 0 then
+ if i = 0 then
elem 0 v.(0)
let r = pr (i-1) and e = elem i v.(i) in r ++ e
@@ -1353,10 +1276,10 @@ let prvecti elem v =
let prvect_with_sep sep elem v =
let rec pr n =
- if n = 0 then
+ if n = 0 then
elem v.(0)
- else
- let r = pr (n-1) and s = sep() and e = elem v.(n) in
+ else
+ let r = pr (n-1) and s = sep() and e = elem v.(n) in
r ++ s ++ e
let n = Array.length v in
@@ -1410,64 +1333,62 @@ let memon_eq eq n f =
(*s Size of ocaml values. *)
module Size = struct
- open Obj
(*s Pointers already visited are stored in a hash-table, where
comparisons are done using physical equality. *)
module H = Hashtbl.Make(
- struct
- type t = Obj.t
- let equal = (==)
- let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (magic o : int)
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (Obj.magic o : int)
let node_table = (H.create 257 : unit H.t)
let in_table o = try H.find node_table o; true with Not_found -> false
let add_in_table o = H.add node_table o ()
let reset_table () = H.clear node_table
(*s Objects are traversed recursively, as soon as their tags are less than
[no_scan_tag]. [count] records the numbers of words already visited. *)
- let size_of_double = size (repr 1.0)
+ let size_of_double = Obj.size (Obj.repr 1.0)
let count = ref 0
let rec traverse t =
if not (in_table t) then begin
add_in_table t;
- if is_block t then begin
- let n = size t in
- let tag = tag t in
- if tag < no_scan_tag then begin
+ if Obj.is_block t then begin
+ let n = Obj.size t in
+ let tag = Obj.tag t in
+ if tag < Obj.no_scan_tag then begin
count := !count + 1 + n;
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
- let f = field t i in
- if is_block f then traverse f
+ let f = Obj.field t i in
+ if Obj.is_block f then traverse f
- end else if tag = string_tag then
- count := !count + 1 + n
- else if tag = double_tag then
+ end else if tag = Obj.string_tag then
+ count := !count + 1 + n
+ else if tag = Obj.double_tag then
count := !count + size_of_double
- else if tag = double_array_tag then
- count := !count + 1 + size_of_double * n
+ else if tag = Obj.double_array_tag then
+ count := !count + 1 + size_of_double * n
incr count
(*s Sizes of objects in words and in bytes. The size in bytes is computed
system-independently according to [Sys.word_size]. *)
let size_w o =
reset_table ();
count := 0;
- traverse (repr o);
+ traverse (Obj.repr o);
let size_b o = (size_w o) * (Sys.word_size / 8)
@@ -1493,6 +1414,5 @@ let heap_size_kb () = (heap_size () + 1023) / 1024
(*s interruption *)
let interrupt = ref false
-let check_for_interrupt () =
+let check_for_interrupt () =
if !interrupt then begin interrupt := false; raise Sys.Break end
diff --git a/lib/util.mli b/lib/util.mli
index 97bda074..cd8e3135 100644
--- a/lib/util.mli
+++ b/lib/util.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: util.mli 13200 2010-06-25 22:36:25Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Pp
@@ -26,12 +26,19 @@ exception UserError of string * std_ppcmds
val error : string -> 'a
val errorlabstrm : string -> std_ppcmds -> 'a
+exception AlreadyDeclared of std_ppcmds
+val alreadydeclared : std_ppcmds -> 'a
+exception AnomalyOnError of string * exn
(* [todo] is for running of an incomplete code its implementation is
"do nothing" (or print a message), but this function should not be
used in a released code *)
val todo : string -> unit
+exception Timeout
type loc = Compat.loc
type 'a located = loc * 'a
@@ -57,6 +64,12 @@ exception Error_in_file of string * (bool * string * loc) * exn
val on_fst : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a * 'c -> 'b * 'c
val on_snd : ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'a -> 'c * 'b
+(* Mapping under triple *)
+val on_pi1 : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a * 'c * 'd -> 'b * 'c * 'd
+val on_pi2 : ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'a * 'd -> 'c * 'b * 'd
+val on_pi3 : ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'd * 'a -> 'c * 'd * 'b
(*s Projections from triplets *)
val pi1 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'a
@@ -75,6 +88,7 @@ val is_blank : char -> bool
val explode : string -> string list
val implode : string list -> string
val strip : string -> string
+val drop_simple_quotes : string -> string
val string_index_from : string -> int -> string -> int
val string_string_contains : where:string -> what:string -> bool
val plural : int -> string -> string
@@ -98,6 +112,7 @@ val ascii_of_ident : string -> string
(*s Lists. *)
+val list_compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
val list_add_set : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_eq_set : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
val list_intersect : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
@@ -119,16 +134,18 @@ val list_map_filter : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val list_smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_map_left : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val list_map_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val list_map2_i :
+val list_map2_i :
(int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
val list_map3 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list
val list_map4 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list
+val list_filter_i :
+ (int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
(* [list_index] returns the 1st index of an element in a list (counting from 1) *)
val list_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int
(* [list_unique_index x l] returns [Not_found] if [x] doesn't occur exactly once *)
-val list_unique_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int
+val list_unique_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int
(* [list_index0] behaves as [list_index] except that it starts counting at 0 *)
val list_index0 : 'a -> 'a list -> int
val list_iter3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> unit
@@ -151,16 +168,18 @@ val list_uniquize : 'a list -> 'a list
(* merges two sorted lists and preserves the uniqueness property: *)
val list_merge_uniq : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_subset : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
-val list_split_at : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
-val list_split_by : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+val list_split_at : int -> 'a list -> 'a list*'a list
+val list_split_when : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val list_split3 : ('a * 'b * 'c) list -> 'a list * 'b list * 'c list
val list_partition_by : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list list
val list_firstn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_last : 'a list -> 'a
val list_lastn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val list_skipn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_skipn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_skipn_at_least : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_addn : int -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_prefix_of : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
+(* [list_drop_prefix p l] returns [t] if [l=p++t] else return [l] *)
val list_drop_prefix : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val list_drop_last : 'a list -> 'a list
(* [map_append f [x1; ...; xn]] returns [(f x1)@(f x2)@...@(f xn)] *)
@@ -174,11 +193,11 @@ val list_share_tails : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list * 'a list
val list_fold_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'a * 'c) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a * 'c list
val list_fold_map' : ('b -> 'a -> 'c * 'a) -> 'b list -> 'a -> 'c list * 'a
val list_map_assoc : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c * 'a) list -> ('c * 'b) list
-(* A generic cartesian product: for any operator (**),
- [list_cartesian (**) [x1;x2] [y1;y2] = [x1**y1; x1**y2; x2**y1; x2**y1]],
+(* A generic cartesian product: for any operator (**),
+ [list_cartesian (**) [x1;x2] [y1;y2] = [x1**y1; x1**y2; x2**y1; x2**y1]],
and so on if there are more elements in the lists. *)
val list_cartesian : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
-(* [list_cartesians] is an n-ary cartesian product: it iterates
+(* [list_cartesians] is an n-ary cartesian product: it iterates
[list_cartesian] over a list of lists. *)
val list_cartesians : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list list -> 'b list
(* list_combinations [[a;b];[c;d]] returns [[a;c];[a;d];[b;c];[b;d]] *)
@@ -193,6 +212,7 @@ val list_union_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
(*s Arrays. *)
+val array_compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> 'a array -> int
val array_exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
val array_for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
val array_for_all2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> bool
@@ -201,19 +221,20 @@ val array_for_all3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> bool) ->
val array_for_all4 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> bool) ->
'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'd array -> bool
val array_for_all_i : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> int -> 'a array -> bool
+val array_find_i : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a array -> int option
val array_hd : 'a array -> 'a
val array_tl : 'a array -> 'a array
val array_last : 'a array -> 'a
val array_cons : 'a -> 'a array -> 'a array
val array_rev : 'a array -> unit
-val array_fold_right_i :
+val array_fold_right_i :
(int -> 'b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b array -> 'a -> 'a
val array_fold_left_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'a
val array_fold_right2 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c -> 'c
-val array_fold_left2 :
+val array_fold_left2 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'a
-val array_fold_left2_i :
+val array_fold_left2_i :
(int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'a
val array_fold_left_from : int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'a
val array_fold_right_from : int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b -> 'b
@@ -224,7 +245,7 @@ val array_chop : int -> 'a array -> 'a array * 'a array
val array_smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> 'a array
val array_map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array
val array_map2_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array
-val array_map3 :
+val array_map3 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'd array
val array_map_left : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array
val array_map_left_pair : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> ('c -> 'd) -> 'c array ->
@@ -236,6 +257,7 @@ val array_fold_map2' :
('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd * 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c -> 'd array * 'c
val array_distinct : 'a array -> bool
val array_union_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b -> 'b
+val array_rev_to_list : 'a array -> 'a list
(*s Matrices *)
@@ -245,6 +267,7 @@ val matrix_transpose : 'a list list -> 'a list list
val identity : 'a -> 'a
val compose : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
+val const : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a -> 'a
val repeat : int -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val iterate_for : int -> int -> (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
@@ -275,7 +298,7 @@ val pr_spc : unit -> std_ppcmds
val pr_fnl : unit -> std_ppcmds
val pr_int : int -> std_ppcmds
val pr_str : string -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_coma : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_comma : unit -> std_ppcmds
val pr_semicolon : unit -> std_ppcmds
val pr_bar : unit -> std_ppcmds
val pr_arg : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a -> std_ppcmds