path: root/kernel
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-08-18 20:34:57 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-08-18 20:34:57 +0000
commit72b9a7df489ea47b3e5470741fd39f6100d31676 (patch)
tree60108a573d2a80d2dd4e3833649890e32427ff8d /kernel
parent55ce117e8083477593cf1ff2e51a3641c7973830 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.1.pl1+dfsgupstream/8.1.pl1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
7 files changed, 268 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 71a9aa0e..4e09a0ed 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let patch_int buff pos n =
let out_buffer = ref(String.create 1024)
and out_position = ref 0
let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
let p = !out_position in
if p >= String.length !out_buffer then begin
@@ -37,6 +37,28 @@ let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+2) (Char.unsafe_chr b3);
String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4);
out_position := p + 4
+let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
+ let p = !out_position in
+ if p >= String.length !out_buffer then begin
+ let len = String.length !out_buffer in
+ let new_len =
+ if len <= Sys.max_string_length / 2
+ then 2 * len
+ else
+ if len = Sys.max_string_length
+ then raise (Invalid_argument "String.create") (* Pas la bonne execption
+.... *)
+ else Sys.max_string_length in
+ let new_buffer = String.create new_len in
+ String.blit !out_buffer 0 new_buffer 0 len;
+ out_buffer := new_buffer
+ end;
+ String.unsafe_set !out_buffer p (Char.unsafe_chr b1);
+ String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+1) (Char.unsafe_chr b2);
+ String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+2) (Char.unsafe_chr b3);
+ String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4);
+ out_position := p + 4
let out opcode =
out_word opcode 0 0 0
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 6d2064bf..2942e101 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7538 2005-11-08 17:14:52Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 9874 2007-06-04 13:46:11Z soubiran $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let apply_opt_resolver resolve kn =
match resolve with
None -> None
| Some resolve ->
- try List.assoc kn resolve with Not_found -> assert false
+ try List.assoc kn resolve with Not_found -> None
type substitution_domain = MSI of mod_self_id | MBI of mod_bound_id
@@ -110,6 +110,16 @@ let subst_con sub con =
None -> con',mkConst con'
| Some t -> con',t
+let subst_con0 sub con =
+ let mp,dir,l = repr_con con in
+ match subst_mp0 sub mp with
+ None -> None
+ | Some (mp',resolve) ->
+ let con' = make_con mp' dir l in
+ match apply_opt_resolver resolve con with
+ None -> Some (mkConst con')
+ | Some t -> Some t
(* Here the semantics is completely unclear.
What does "Hint Unfold t" means when "t" is a parameter?
Does the user mean "Unfold X.t" or does she mean "Unfold y"
@@ -119,16 +129,14 @@ let subst_evaluable_reference subst = function
| EvalVarRef id -> EvalVarRef id
| EvalConstRef kn -> EvalConstRef (fst (subst_con subst kn))
-This should be rewritten to prevent duplication of constr's when not
-For now, it uses map_constr and is rather ineffective
let rec map_kn f f' c =
let func = map_kn f f' in
match kind_of_term c with
- | Const kn -> f' kn
+ | Const kn ->
+ (match f' kn with
+ None -> c
+ | Some const ->const)
| Ind (kn,i) ->
(match f kn with
None -> c
@@ -138,18 +146,64 @@ let rec map_kn f f' c =
(match f kn with
None -> c
| Some kn' ->
- mkConstruct ((kn',i),j))
- | Case (ci,p,c,l) ->
- let ci' =
- { ci with
- ci_ind =
- let (kn,i) = ci.ci_ind in
- match f kn with None -> ci.ci_ind | Some kn' -> kn',i } in
- mkCase (ci', func p, func c, array_smartmap func l)
- | _ -> map_constr func c
+ mkConstruct ((kn',i),j))
+ | Case (ci,p,ct,l) ->
+ let ci_ind =
+ let (kn,i) = ci.ci_ind in
+ (match f kn with None -> ci.ci_ind | Some kn' -> kn',i ) in
+ let p' = func p in
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let l' = array_smartmap func l in
+ if (ci.ci_ind==ci_ind && p'==p
+ && l'==l && ct'==ct)then c
+ else
+ mkCase ({ci with ci_ind = ci_ind},
+ p',ct', l')
+ | Cast (ct,k,t) ->
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let t'= func t in
+ if (t'==t && ct'==ct) then c
+ else mkCast (ct', k, t')
+ | Prod (na,t,ct) ->
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let t'= func t in
+ if (t'==t && ct'==ct) then c
+ else mkProd (na, t', ct')
+ | Lambda (na,t,ct) ->
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let t'= func t in
+ if (t'==t && ct'==ct) then c
+ else mkLambda (na, t', ct')
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,ct) ->
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let t'= func t in
+ let b'= func b in
+ if (t'==t && ct'==ct && b==b') then c
+ else mkLetIn (na, b', t', ct')
+ | App (ct,l) ->
+ let ct' = func ct in
+ let l' = array_smartmap func l in
+ if (ct'== ct && l'==l) then c
+ else mkApp (ct',l')
+ | Evar (e,l) ->
+ let l' = array_smartmap func l in
+ if (l'==l) then c
+ else mkEvar (e,l')
+ | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let tl' = array_smartmap func tl in
+ let bl' = array_smartmap func bl in
+ if (bl == bl'&& tl == tl') then c
+ else mkFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl'))
+ | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let tl' = array_smartmap func tl in
+ let bl' = array_smartmap func bl in
+ if (bl == bl'&& tl == tl') then c
+ else mkCoFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl'))
+ | _ -> c
let subst_mps sub =
- map_kn (subst_kn0 sub) (fun con -> snd (subst_con sub con))
+ map_kn (subst_kn0 sub) (subst_con0 sub)
let rec replace_mp_in_mp mpfrom mpto mp =
match mp with
@@ -172,50 +226,57 @@ exception ChangeDomain of resolver
let join (subst1 : substitution) (subst2 : substitution) =
let apply_subst (sub : substitution) key (mp,resolve) =
let mp',resolve' =
- match subst_mp0 sub mp with
- None -> mp, None
- | Some (mp',resolve') -> mp',resolve' in
+ match subst_mp0 sub mp with
+ None -> mp, None
+ | Some (mp',resolve') -> mp',resolve' in
let resolve'' : resolver option =
- try
- let res =
- match resolve with
- Some res -> res
- | None ->
- match resolve' with
- None -> raise BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
- | Some res -> raise (ChangeDomain res)
- in
- Some
- (
- (fun (kn,topt) ->
- kn,
- match topt with
- None ->
- (match key with
- MSI msid ->
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPself msid) mp kn in
- apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
- | MBI mbid ->
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp kn in
- apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn')
- | Some t -> Some (subst_mps sub t)) res)
- with
- BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions -> None
- | ChangeDomain res ->
- Some
- ((
- (fun (kn,topt) ->
- let key' =
- match key with
- MSI msid -> MPself msid
- | MBI mbid -> MPbound mbid in
- (* let's replace mp with key in kn *)
- let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp key' kn in
- kn',topt)) res)
+ try
+ let res =
+ match resolve with
+ Some res -> res
+ | None ->
+ match resolve' with
+ None -> raise BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions
+ | Some res -> raise (ChangeDomain res)
+ in
+ Some
+ (
+ (fun (kn,topt) ->
+ kn,
+ match topt with
+ None ->
+ (match key with
+ MSI msid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPself msid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn'
+ | MBI mbid ->
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp kn in
+ apply_opt_resolver resolve' kn')
+ | Some t -> Some (subst_mps sub t)) res)
+ with
+ BothSubstitutionsAreIdentitySubstitutions -> None
+ | ChangeDomain res ->
+ let rec changeDom = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (kn,topt)::r ->
+ let key' =
+ match key with
+ MSI msid -> MPself msid
+ | MBI mbid -> MPbound mbid in
+ let kn' = replace_mp_in_con mp key' kn in
+ if kn==kn' then
+ (*the key does not appear in mp, we remove it
+ from the resolver that we are building*)
+ changeDom r
+ else
+ (kn',topt)::(changeDom r)
+ in
+ Some (changeDom res)
- mp',resolve'' in
+ mp',resolve'' in
let subst = Umap.mapi (apply_subst subst2) subst1 in
- Umap.fold Umap.add subst2 subst
+ Umap.fold Umap.add subst2 subst
let rec occur_in_path uid path =
match uid,path with
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 352a1e46..70de3034 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 9558 2007-01-30 14:58:42Z soubiran $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 9980 2007-07-12 13:32:37Z soubiran $ i*)
open Util
open Names
@@ -131,8 +131,12 @@ and merge_with env mtb with_decl =
let equiv =
match old.msb_equiv with
| None -> Some mp
- | Some mp' ->
- check_modpath_equiv env' mp mp';
+ | Some mp' ->
+ begin
+ try
+ check_modpath_equiv env' mp mp'
+ with Not_equiv_path -> error_not_equal mp mp
+ end;
Some mp
let msb =
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 8bab3c9d..fb00cfcd 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 9558 2007-01-30 14:58:42Z soubiran $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 9980 2007-07-12 13:32:37Z soubiran $ i*)
open Util
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ let error_not_a_functor _ = error "Application of not a functor"
let error_incompatible_modtypes _ _ = error "Incompatible module types"
-let error_not_equal _ _ = error "Not equal modules"
-let error_not_match l _ = error ("Signature components for label "^string_of_label l^" do not match")
+let error_not_equal p1 p2 = error ((string_of_mp p1)^" and "^(string_of_mp p2)^" are not equal modules")
+let error_not_match l l1 l2 = error (l1^" is not a subtype of "^l2^": "^
+ "Signature components for label "^(string_of_label l)^" do not match.")
let error_no_such_label l = error ("No such label "^string_of_label l)
let error_incompatible_labels l l' =
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ let error_circularity_in_subtyping l l1 l2 =
error ("An occurrence of "^l^" creates a circularity\n during the subtyping verification between "^l1^" and "^l2^".")
let error_no_such_label_sub l l1 l2 =
- error (l1^" is not a subtype of "^l2^".\nThe field "^(string_of_label l)^" is missing (or invisible) in "^l1^".")
+ error (l1^" is not a subtype of "^l2^":"^"The field "^(string_of_label l)^" is missing in "^l1^".")
let rec scrape_modtype env = function
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ let destr_functor = function
| MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) -> (arg_id,arg_t,body_t)
| mtb -> error_not_a_functor mtb
+exception Not_equiv_path
let rec check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
if mp1=mp2 then () else
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ let rec check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
| None ->
let mb2 = lookup_module mp2 env in
(match mb2.mod_equiv with
- | None -> error_not_equal mp1 mp2
+ | None -> raise Not_equiv_path
| Some mp2' -> check_modpath_equiv env mp2' mp1)
| Some mp1' -> check_modpath_equiv env mp2 mp1'
@@ -244,16 +246,16 @@ and constants_of_modtype env mp modtype =
| MTBfunsig _ -> []
(* returns a resolver for kn that maps mbid to mp *)
-(* Nota: Some delta-expansions used to happen here.
- Browse SVN if you want to know more. *)
+(* Desactivated until v8.2, waiting for the integration
+of "Parameter Inline". *)
let resolver_of_environment mbid modtype mp env =
let constants = constants_of_modtype env (MPbound mbid) modtype in
- let resolve = (fun (con,_) -> con,None) constants in
- Mod_subst.make_resolver resolve
+ let _ = (fun (con,_) -> con,None) constants in
+ Mod_subst.make_resolver []
let strengthen_const env mp l cb =
- match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
+ match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
| false, Some _ -> cb
| true, Some _
| _, None ->
diff --git a/kernel/modops.mli b/kernel/modops.mli
index 55f81079..61761bb7 100644
--- a/kernel/modops.mli
+++ b/kernel/modops.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: modops.mli 9558 2007-01-30 14:58:42Z soubiran $ i*)
+(*i $Id: modops.mli 9980 2007-07-12 13:32:37Z soubiran $ i*)
open Util
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ open Mod_subst
(* Various operations on modules and module types *)
exception Circularity of string
+exception Not_equiv_path
(* recursively unfold MTBdent module types *)
val scrape_modtype : env -> module_type_body -> module_type_body
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ val error_incompatible_modtypes :
val error_not_equal : module_path -> module_path -> 'a
-val error_not_match : label -> specification_body -> 'a
+val error_not_match : label -> string -> string -> 'a
val error_incompatible_labels : label -> label -> 'a
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 383d7879..4273fe14 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 9558 2007-01-30 14:58:42Z soubiran $ *)
+(* $Id: 9980 2007-07-12 13:32:37Z soubiran $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let repr_dirpath x = x
let empty_dirpath = []
let string_of_dirpath = function
- | [] -> "<empty>"
+ | [] -> ""
| sl ->
String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev sl))
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index d1a10651..2e6e5a34 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 9558 2007-01-30 14:58:42Z soubiran $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 10031 2007-07-19 18:05:46Z soubiran $ i*)
open Util
@@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ let check_conv_error error cst f env a1 a2 =
NotConvertible -> error ()
(* for now we do not allow reorderings *)
-let check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 =
+let check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 path1 path2 =
let kn = make_kn (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in
- let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+ let error () = error_not_match l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2))) in
let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in
let mib1 =
match info1 with
@@ -192,8 +194,10 @@ let check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 =
-let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
- let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 msid2 path1 path2 =
+ let error () = error_not_match l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2))) in
let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in
let check_type cst env t1 t2 =
@@ -251,17 +255,53 @@ let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
let cst = check_type cst env typ1 typ2 in
let con = make_con (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in
let cst =
- match cb2.const_body with
- | None -> cst
- | Some lc2 ->
- let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
- let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
- | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1
- | None -> mkConst con
- in
- check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ match cb2.const_body with
+ | None -> cst
+ | Some lc2 ->
+ let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
+ let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
+ | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1
+ | None -> mkConst con
+ in
+ begin
+ match cb1.const_opaque,cb2.const_opaque with
+ false,false |true,true ->
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ | false,true ->
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term c1 with
+ | Const con' ->
+ let c1 =
+ match (Pre_env.lookup_constant con'
+ (pre_env env)).const_body with
+ Some c -> Declarations.force c
+ | None -> mkConst con'
+ in
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ | _ ->
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ end
+ | true,false->
+ begin
+ match (kind_of_term c2) with
+ | Const con'->
+ if con' = con
+ then cst
+ else
+ let c2 =
+ match (Pre_env.lookup_constant con'
+ (pre_env env)).const_body with
+ Some c -> Declarations.force c
+ | None -> mkConst con'
+ in
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ | _ ->
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+ end
+ end
- cst
+ cst
| IndType ((kn,i),mind1) ->
ignore (Util.error (
"The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
@@ -286,60 +326,77 @@ let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
check_conv cst conv env ty1 ty2
| _ -> error ()
-let rec check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 =
+let rec check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 path1 path2 =
let mp = (MPdot(MPself msid1,l)) in
let mty1 = strengthen env msb1.msb_modtype mp in
- let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 msb2.msb_modtype false in
- begin
- match msb1.msb_equiv, msb2.msb_equiv with
- | _, None -> ()
- | None, Some mp2 ->
- check_modpath_equiv env mp mp2
- | Some mp1, Some mp2 ->
- check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2
- end;
- cst
+ let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 msb2.msb_modtype false
+ path1 path2 in
+ begin
+ match msb1.msb_equiv, msb2.msb_equiv with
+ | _, None -> ()
+ | None, Some mp2 ->
+ begin
+ try
+ check_modpath_equiv env mp mp2
+ with Not_equiv_path -> error_not_equal mp mp2
+ end
+ | Some mp1, Some mp2 -> try
+ check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2
+ with Not_equiv_path -> error_not_equal mp1 mp2
+ end;
+ cst
-and check_signatures cst env (msid1,sig1) (msid2,sig2') =
+and check_signatures cst env (msid1,sig1) (msid2,sig2') path1 path2=
let mp1 = MPself msid1 in
let env = add_signature mp1 sig1 env in
let sig2 = try
subst_signature_msid msid2 mp1 sig2'
| Circularity l ->
- error_circularity_in_subtyping l (string_of_msid msid1) (string_of_msid msid2) in
+ error_circularity_in_subtyping l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2)))
+ in
let map1 = make_label_map mp1 sig1 in
let check_one_body cst (l,spec2) =
let info1 =
Labmap.find l map1
- Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l (string_of_msid msid1) (string_of_msid msid2)
+ Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2)))
match spec2 with
| SPBconst cb2 ->
- check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2
+ check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 msid2 path1 path2
| SPBmind mib2 ->
- check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2
+ check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 path1 path2
| SPBmodule msb2 ->
let msb1 =
match info1 with
| Module msb -> msb
- | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ | _ -> error_not_match l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2)))
- check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2
+ check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 path1 path2
| SPBmodtype mtb2 ->
let mtb1 =
match info1 with
| Modtype mtb -> mtb
- | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ | _ -> error_not_match l
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path1)))
+ (String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev path2)))
- check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 true
+ check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 true path1 path2
List.fold_left check_one_body cst sig2
-and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv =
+and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv path1 path2 =
if mtb1==mtb2 then cst else (* just in case :) *)
let mtb1' = scrape_modtype env mtb1 in
let mtb2' = scrape_modtype env mtb2 in
@@ -347,14 +404,17 @@ and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv =
match mtb1', mtb2' with
| MTBsig (msid1,list1),
MTBsig (msid2,list2) ->
- let cst = check_signatures cst env (msid1,list1) (msid2,list2) in
+ let cst = check_signatures cst env (msid1,list1) (msid2,list2)
+ ((id_of_msid msid1)::path1) ((id_of_msid msid2)::path2) in
if equiv then
check_signatures cst env (msid2,list2) (msid1,list1)
+ ((id_of_msid msid2)::path2) ((id_of_msid msid1)::path1)
| MTBfunsig (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
MTBfunsig (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
- let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 equiv in
+ let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 equiv
+ [] [] in
(* contravariant *)
let env =
add_module (MPbound arg_id2) (module_body_of_type arg_t2) env
@@ -367,9 +427,10 @@ and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv =
check_modtypes cst env body_t1' body_t2 equiv
+ path1 path2
| MTBident _ , _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed"
| _ , MTBident _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed"
| _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
let check_subtypes env sup super =
- check_modtypes Constraint.empty env sup super false
+ check_modtypes Constraint.empty env sup super false [] []