path: root/kernel
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-06-04 12:07:52 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-06-04 12:07:52 +0200
commit61dc740ed1c3780cccaec00d059a28f0d31d0052 (patch)
treed88d05baf35b9b09a034233300f35a694f9fa6c2 /kernel
parent97fefe1fcca363a1317e066e7f4b99b9c1e9987b (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.4~gamma0+really8.4beta2upstream/8.4_gamma0+really8.4beta2
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
9 files changed, 195 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.mli b/kernel/declarations.mli
index 5b800ede..7cf74ba3 100644
--- a/kernel/declarations.mli
+++ b/kernel/declarations.mli
@@ -192,6 +192,10 @@ type structure_field_body =
| SFBmodule of module_body
| SFBmodtype of module_type_body
+(** NB: we may encounter now (at most) twice the same label in
+ a [structure_body], once for a module ([SFBmodule] or [SFBmodtype])
+ and once for an object ([SFBconst] or [SFBmind]) *)
and structure_body = (label * structure_field_body) list
and struct_expr_body =
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index a384c836..bfc6f3c7 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -35,10 +35,14 @@ let rec mp_from_mexpr = function
| MSEfunctor (_,_,expr) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
| MSEwith (expr,_) -> mp_from_mexpr expr
-let rec list_split_assoc k rev_before = function
+let is_modular = function
+ | SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ -> true
+ | SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ -> false
+let rec list_split_assoc ((k,m) as km) rev_before = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
- | (k',b)::after when k=k' -> rev_before,b,after
- | h::tail -> list_split_assoc k (h::rev_before) tail
+ | (k',b)::after when k=k' && is_modular b = m -> rev_before,b,after
+ | h::tail -> list_split_assoc km (h::rev_before) tail
let discr_resolver env mtb =
match mtb.typ_expr with
@@ -54,35 +58,34 @@ let rec rebuild_mp mp l =
let rec check_with env sign with_decl alg_sign mp equiv =
let sign,wd,equiv,cst= match with_decl with
- | With_Definition (id,_) ->
- let sign,cb,cst = check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv in
- sign,With_definition_body(id,cb),equiv,cst
- | With_Module (id,mp1) ->
- let sign,equiv,cst =
- check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv in
- sign,With_module_body(id,mp1),equiv,cst in
+ | With_Definition (idl,c) ->
+ let sign,cb,cst = check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv in
+ sign,With_definition_body(idl,cb),equiv,cst
+ | With_Module (idl,mp1) ->
+ let sign,equiv,cst = check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv in
+ sign,With_module_body(idl,mp1),equiv,cst
+ in
if alg_sign = None then
sign,Some (SEBwith(Option.get(alg_sign),wd)),equiv,cst
-and check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv =
+and check_with_def env sign (idl,c) mp equiv =
let sig_b = match sign with
| SEBstruct(sig_b) -> sig_b
| _ -> error_signature_expected sign
- let id,idl = match with_decl with
- | With_Definition (id::idl,_) | With_Module (id::idl,_) -> id,idl
- | With_Definition ([],_) | With_Module ([],_) -> assert false
+ let id,idl = match idl with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | id::idl -> id,idl
let l = label_of_id id in
- let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in
+ let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc (l,(idl<>[])) [] sig_b in
let before = List.rev rev_before in
let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before equiv env in
- match with_decl with
- | With_Definition ([],_) -> assert false
- | With_Definition ([id],c) ->
+ if idl = [] then
+ (* Toplevel definition *)
let cb = match spec with
| SFBconst cb -> cb
| _ -> error_not_a_constant l
@@ -115,8 +118,9 @@ and check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv =
Cemitcodes.from_val (compile_constant_body env' def);
const_constraints = cst }
- SEBstruct(before@((l,SFBconst(cb'))::after)),cb',cst
- | With_Definition (_::_,c) ->
+ SEBstruct(before@(l,SFBconst(cb'))::after),cb',cst
+ else
+ (* Definition inside a sub-module *)
let old = match spec with
| SFBmodule msb -> msb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
@@ -124,43 +128,36 @@ and check_with_aux_def env sign with_decl mp equiv =
match old.mod_expr with
| None ->
- let new_with_decl = With_Definition (idl,c) in
let sign,cb,cst =
- check_with_aux_def env' old.mod_type new_with_decl
+ check_with_def env' old.mod_type (idl,c)
(MPdot(mp,l)) old.mod_delta in
let new_spec = SFBmodule({old with
mod_type = sign;
mod_type_alg = None}) in
- SEBstruct(before@((l,new_spec)::after)),cb,cst
+ SEBstruct(before@(l,new_spec)::after),cb,cst
| Some msb ->
error_generative_module_expected l
- | _ -> anomaly "Modtyping:incorrect use of with"
| Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint l
-and check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv =
+and check_with_mod env sign (idl,mp1) mp equiv =
let sig_b = match sign with
| SEBstruct(sig_b) ->sig_b
| _ -> error_signature_expected sign
- let id,idl = match with_decl with
- | With_Definition (id::idl,_) | With_Module (id::idl,_) -> id,idl
- | With_Definition ([],_) | With_Module ([],_) -> assert false
+ let id,idl = match idl with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | id::idl -> id,idl
let l = label_of_id id in
- let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in
+ let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc (l,true) [] sig_b in
let before = List.rev rev_before in
- let rec mp_rec = function
- | [] -> mp
- | i::r -> MPdot(mp_rec r,label_of_id i)
- in
let env' = Modops.add_signature mp before equiv env in
- match with_decl with
- | With_Module ([],_) -> assert false
- | With_Module ([id], mp1) ->
+ if idl = [] then
+ (* Toplevel module definition *)
let old = match spec with
SFBmodule msb -> msb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
@@ -194,7 +191,8 @@ and check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv =
let id_subst = map_mp (MPdot(mp,l)) (MPdot(mp,l)) new_mb.mod_delta in
SEBstruct(before@(l,new_spec)::subst_signature id_subst after),
add_delta_resolver equiv new_mb.mod_delta,cst
- | With_Module (idc,mp1) ->
+ else
+ (* Module definition of a sub-module *)
let old = match spec with
SFBmodule msb -> msb
| _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
@@ -202,10 +200,9 @@ and check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv =
match old.mod_expr with
None ->
- let new_with_decl = With_Module (idl,mp1) in
let sign,equiv',cst =
- check_with_aux_mod env'
- old.mod_type new_with_decl (MPdot(mp,l)) old.mod_delta in
+ check_with_mod env'
+ old.mod_type (idl,mp1) (MPdot(mp,l)) old.mod_delta in
let new_equiv = add_delta_resolver equiv equiv' in
let new_spec = SFBmodule {old with
mod_type = sign;
@@ -223,7 +220,6 @@ and check_with_aux_mod env sign with_decl mp equiv =
| _ ->
error_generative_module_expected l
- | _ -> anomaly "Modtyping:incorrect use of with"
Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
| Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_incorrect_with_constraint l
@@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ let rec add_struct_expr_constraints env = function
| SEBstruct (structure_body) ->
- (fun env (l,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
+ (fun env (_,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
@@ -413,7 +409,7 @@ let rec struct_expr_constraints cst = function
| SEBstruct (structure_body) ->
- (fun cst (l,item) -> struct_elem_constraints cst item)
+ (fun cst (_,item) -> struct_elem_constraints cst item)
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index c2d71ebb..d7a8b005 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ type safe_environment =
{ old : safe_environment;
env : env;
modinfo : module_info;
- labset : Labset.t;
+ modlabels : Labset.t;
+ objlabels : Labset.t;
revstruct : structure_body;
univ : Univ.constraints;
engagement : engagement option;
@@ -109,13 +110,16 @@ type safe_environment =
loads : (module_path * module_body) list;
local_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list}
-let exists_label l senv = Labset.mem l senv.labset
+let exists_modlabel l senv = Labset.mem l senv.modlabels
+let exists_objlabel l senv = Labset.mem l senv.objlabels
-let check_label l senv =
- if exists_label l senv then error_existing_label l
+let check_modlabel l senv =
+ if exists_modlabel l senv then error_existing_label l
+let check_objlabel l senv =
+ if exists_objlabel l senv then error_existing_label l
-let check_labels ls senv =
- Labset.iter (fun l -> check_label l senv) ls
+let check_objlabels ls senv =
+ Labset.iter (fun l -> check_objlabel l senv) ls
let labels_of_mib mib =
let add,get =
@@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ let rec empty_environment =
variant = NONE;
resolver = empty_delta_resolver;
resolver_of_param = empty_delta_resolver};
- labset = Labset.empty;
+ modlabels = Labset.empty;
+ objlabels = Labset.empty;
revstruct = [];
univ = Univ.empty_constraint;
engagement = None;
@@ -172,11 +177,15 @@ type generic_name =
| M
let add_field ((l,sfb) as field) gn senv =
- let labels = match sfb with
- | SFBmind mib -> labels_of_mib mib
- | _ -> Labset.singleton l
+ let mlabs,olabs = match sfb with
+ | SFBmind mib ->
+ let l = labels_of_mib mib in
+ check_objlabels l senv; (Labset.empty,l)
+ | SFBconst _ ->
+ check_objlabel l senv; (Labset.empty, Labset.singleton l)
+ | SFBmodule _ | SFBmodtype _ ->
+ check_modlabel l senv; (Labset.singleton l, Labset.empty)
- check_labels labels senv;
let senv = add_constraints (constraints_of_sfb sfb) senv in
let env' = match sfb, gn with
| SFBconst cb, C con -> Environ.add_constant con cb senv.env
@@ -187,7 +196,8 @@ let add_field ((l,sfb) as field) gn senv =
{ senv with
env = env';
- labset = Labset.union labels senv.labset;
+ modlabels = Labset.union mlabs senv.modlabels;
+ objlabels = Labset.union olabs senv.objlabels;
revstruct = field :: senv.revstruct }
(* Applying a certain function to the resolver of a safe environment *)
@@ -320,7 +330,7 @@ let add_module l me inl senv =
(* Interactive modules *)
let start_module l senv =
- check_label l senv;
+ check_modlabel l senv;
let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
let modinfo = { modpath = mp;
label = l;
@@ -331,7 +341,8 @@ let start_module l senv =
mp, { old = senv;
env = senv.env;
modinfo = modinfo;
- labset = Labset.empty;
+ modlabels = Labset.empty;
+ objlabels = Labset.empty;
revstruct = [];
univ = Univ.empty_constraint;
engagement = None;
@@ -415,7 +426,8 @@ let end_module l restype senv =
mp,resolver,{ old = oldsenv.old;
env = newenv;
modinfo = modinfo;
- labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ modlabels = Labset.add l oldsenv.modlabels;
+ objlabels = oldsenv.objlabels;
revstruct = (l,SFBmodule mb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
univ = Univ.union_constraints senv'.univ oldsenv.univ;
(* engagement is propagated to the upper level *)
@@ -510,7 +522,8 @@ let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl senv =
variant = new_variant;
resolver_of_param = add_delta_resolver
resolver_of_param senv.modinfo.resolver_of_param};
- labset = senv.labset;
+ modlabels = senv.modlabels;
+ objlabels = senv.objlabels;
revstruct = [];
univ = senv.univ;
engagement = senv.engagement;
@@ -522,7 +535,7 @@ let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl senv =
(* Interactive module types *)
let start_modtype l senv =
- check_label l senv;
+ check_modlabel l senv;
let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
let modinfo = { modpath = mp;
label = l;
@@ -533,7 +546,8 @@ let start_modtype l senv =
mp, { old = senv;
env = senv.env;
modinfo = modinfo;
- labset = Labset.empty;
+ modlabels = Labset.empty;
+ objlabels = Labset.empty;
revstruct = [];
univ = Univ.empty_constraint;
engagement = None;
@@ -584,7 +598,8 @@ let end_modtype l senv =
mp, { old = oldsenv.old;
env = newenv;
modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo;
- labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ modlabels = Labset.add l oldsenv.modlabels;
+ objlabels = oldsenv.objlabels;
revstruct = (l,SFBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
univ = Univ.union_constraints senv.univ oldsenv.univ;
engagement = senv.engagement;
@@ -643,7 +658,8 @@ let start_library dir senv =
mp, { old = senv;
env = senv.env;
modinfo = modinfo;
- labset = Labset.empty;
+ modlabels = Labset.empty;
+ objlabels = Labset.empty;
revstruct = [];
univ = Univ.empty_constraint;
engagement = None;
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.mli b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
index 6f46a45b..ad275d49 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.mli
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ val typing : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment
(** {7 Query } *)
-val exists_label : label -> safe_environment -> bool
+val exists_objlabel : label -> safe_environment -> bool
(*spiwack: safe retroknowledge functionalities *)
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index c141a02a..08ee67b4 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -32,15 +32,18 @@ type namedobject =
| Constant of constant_body
| IndType of inductive * mutual_inductive_body
| IndConstr of constructor * mutual_inductive_body
+type namedmodule =
| Module of module_body
| Modtype of module_type_body
(* adds above information about one mutual inductive: all types and
constructors *)
-let add_nameobjects_of_mib ln mib map =
- let add_nameobjects_of_one j oib map =
- let ip = (ln,j) in
+let add_mib_nameobjects mp l mib map =
+ let ind = make_mind mp empty_dirpath l in
+ let add_mip_nameobjects j oib map =
+ let ip = (ind,j) in
let map =
(fun i id map ->
@@ -50,22 +53,33 @@ let add_nameobjects_of_mib ln mib map =
Labmap.add (label_of_id oib.mind_typename) (IndType (ip, mib)) map
- array_fold_right_i add_nameobjects_of_one mib.mind_packets map
+ array_fold_right_i add_mip_nameobjects mib.mind_packets map
+(* creates (namedobject/namedmodule) map for the whole signature *)
+type labmap = { objs : namedobject Labmap.t; mods : namedmodule Labmap.t }
+let empty_labmap = { objs = Labmap.empty; mods = Labmap.empty }
-(* creates namedobject map for the whole signature *)
+let get_obj mp map l =
+ try Labmap.find l map.objs
+ with Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l (string_of_mp mp)
-let make_label_map mp list =
+let get_mod mp map l =
+ try Labmap.find l map.mods
+ with Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l (string_of_mp mp)
+let make_labmap mp list =
let add_one (l,e) map =
- let add_map obj = Labmap.add l obj map in
match e with
- | SFBconst cb -> add_map (Constant cb)
- | SFBmind mib ->
- add_nameobjects_of_mib (make_mind mp empty_dirpath l) mib map
- | SFBmodule mb -> add_map (Module mb)
- | SFBmodtype mtb -> add_map (Modtype mtb)
+ | SFBconst cb -> { map with objs = Labmap.add l (Constant cb) map.objs }
+ | SFBmind mib -> { map with objs = add_mib_nameobjects mp l mib map.objs }
+ | SFBmodule mb -> { map with mods = Labmap.add l (Module mb) map.mods }
+ | SFBmodtype mtb -> { map with mods = Labmap.add l (Modtype mtb) map.mods }
- List.fold_right add_one list Labmap.empty
+ List.fold_right add_one list empty_labmap
let check_conv_error error why cst f env a1 a2 =
@@ -299,7 +313,6 @@ let check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2 =
let ty1 = type_of_constructor cstr (mind1,mind1.mind_packets.(i)) in
let ty2 = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb2.const_type in
check_conv NotConvertibleTypeField cst conv env ty1 ty2
- | _ -> error DefinitionFieldExpected
let rec check_modules cst env msb1 msb2 subst1 subst2 =
let mty1 = module_type_of_module None msb1 in
@@ -308,33 +321,24 @@ let rec check_modules cst env msb1 msb2 subst1 subst2 =
and check_signatures cst env mp1 sig1 mp2 sig2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2=
- let map1 = make_label_map mp1 sig1 in
+ let map1 = make_labmap mp1 sig1 in
let check_one_body cst (l,spec2) =
- let info1 =
- try
- Labmap.find l map1
- with
- Not_found -> error_no_such_label_sub l
- (string_of_mp mp1)
- in
- match spec2 with
+ match spec2 with
| SFBconst cb2 ->
- check_constant cst env mp1 l info1 cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2
+ check_constant cst env mp1 l (get_obj mp1 map1 l)
+ cb2 spec2 subst1 subst2
| SFBmind mib2 ->
- check_inductive cst env
- mp1 l info1 mp2 mib2 spec2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2
+ check_inductive cst env mp1 l (get_obj mp1 map1 l)
+ mp2 mib2 spec2 subst1 subst2 reso1 reso2
| SFBmodule msb2 ->
- begin
- match info1 with
- | Module msb -> check_modules cst env msb msb2
- subst1 subst2
- | _ -> error_signature_mismatch l spec2 ModuleFieldExpected
+ begin match get_mod mp1 map1 l with
+ | Module msb -> check_modules cst env msb msb2 subst1 subst2
+ | _ -> error_signature_mismatch l spec2 ModuleFieldExpected
| SFBmodtype mtb2 ->
- let mtb1 =
- match info1 with
- | Modtype mtb -> mtb
- | _ -> error_signature_mismatch l spec2 ModuleTypeFieldExpected
+ let mtb1 = match get_mod mp1 map1 l with
+ | Modtype mtb -> mtb
+ | _ -> error_signature_mismatch l spec2 ModuleTypeFieldExpected
let env = add_module (module_body_of_type mtb2.typ_mp mtb2)
(add_module (module_body_of_type mtb1.typ_mp mtb1) env) in
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index dcb63cf7..46bc7c56 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ let isCast c = match kind_of_term c with Cast _ -> true | _ -> false
(* Tests if a de Bruijn index *)
let isRel c = match kind_of_term c with Rel _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isRelN n c = match kind_of_term c with Rel n' -> n = n' | _ -> false
(* Tests if a variable *)
let isVar c = match kind_of_term c with Var _ -> true | _ -> false
diff --git a/kernel/term.mli b/kernel/term.mli
index d5899f18..e83be6d6 100644
--- a/kernel/term.mli
+++ b/kernel/term.mli
@@ -229,8 +229,9 @@ val kind_of_type : types -> (constr, types) kind_of_type
(** {6 Simple term case analysis. } *)
val isRel : constr -> bool
+val isRelN : int -> constr -> bool
val isVar : constr -> bool
-val isVarId : identifier -> constr -> bool
+val isVarId : identifier -> constr -> bool
val isInd : constr -> bool
val isEvar : constr -> bool
val isMeta : constr -> bool
@@ -435,8 +436,7 @@ val it_mkProd_or_LetIn : types -> rel_context -> types
(** {6 Other term destructors. } *)
(** Transforms a product term {% $ %}(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T{% $ %} into the pair
- {% $ %}([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T){% $ %}, where {% $ %}T{% $ %} is not a product.
- It includes also local definitions *)
+ {% $ %}([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T){% $ %}, where {% $ %}T{% $ %} is not a product. *)
val decompose_prod : constr -> (name*constr) list * constr
(** Transforms a lambda term {% $ %}[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T{% $ %} into the pair
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index a8934544..0193542a 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -260,46 +260,62 @@ type order = EQ | LT | LE | NLE
(** [compare_neq] : is [arcv] in the transitive upward closure of [arcu] ?
- We try to avoid visiting unneeded parts of this transitive closure,
- by stopping as soon as [arcv] is encountered. During the recursive
- traversal, [lt_done] and [le_done] are universes we have already
- visited, they do not contain [arcv]. The 3rd arg is
- [(lt_todo,le_todo)], two lists of universes not yet considered,
- known to be above [arcu], strictly or not.
+ In [strict] mode, we fully distinguish between LE and LT, while in
+ non-strict mode, we simply answer LE for both situations.
+ If [arcv] is encountered in a LT part, we could directly answer
+ without visiting unneeded parts of this transitive closure.
+ In [strict] mode, if [arcv] is encountered in a LE part, we could only
+ change the default answer (1st arg [c]) from NLE to LE, since a strict
+ constraint may appear later. During the recursive traversal,
+ [lt_done] and [le_done] are universes we have already visited,
+ they do not contain [arcv]. The 4rd arg is [(lt_todo,le_todo)],
+ two lists of universes not yet considered, known to be above [arcu],
+ strictly or not.
We use depth-first search, but the presence of [arcv] in [new_lt]
is checked as soon as possible : this seems to be slightly faster
on a test.
-let compare_neq g arcu arcv =
- let rec cmp lt_done le_done = function
- | [],[] -> NLE
+let compare_neq strict g arcu arcv =
+ let rec cmp c lt_done le_done = function
+ | [],[] -> c
| arc::lt_todo, le_todo ->
if List.memq arc lt_done then
- cmp lt_done le_done (lt_todo,le_todo)
+ cmp c lt_done le_done (lt_todo,le_todo)
let lt_new = can g ( in
- if List.memq arcv lt_new then LT
- else cmp (arc::lt_done) le_done (lt_new@lt_todo,le_todo)
+ if List.memq arcv lt_new then
+ if strict then LT else LE
+ else cmp c (arc::lt_done) le_done (lt_new@lt_todo,le_todo)
| [], arc::le_todo ->
- if arc == arcv then LE
- (* No need to continue inspecting universes above arc:
- if arcv is strictly above arc, then we would have a cycle *)
+ if arc == arcv then
+ (* No need to continue inspecting universes above arc:
+ if arcv is strictly above arc, then we would have a cycle.
+ But we cannot answer LE yet, a stronger constraint may
+ come later from [le_todo]. *)
+ if strict then cmp LE lt_done le_done ([],le_todo) else LE
if (List.memq arc lt_done) || (List.memq arc le_done) then
- cmp lt_done le_done ([],le_todo)
+ cmp c lt_done le_done ([],le_todo)
let lt_new = can g in
- if List.memq arcv lt_new then LT
+ if List.memq arcv lt_new then
+ if strict then LT else LE
let le_new = can g arc.le in
- cmp lt_done (arc::le_done) (lt_new, le_new@le_todo)
+ cmp c lt_done (arc::le_done) (lt_new, le_new@le_todo)
- cmp [] [] ([],[arcu])
+ cmp NLE [] [] ([],[arcu])
let compare g arcu arcv =
- if arcu == arcv then EQ else compare_neq g arcu arcv
+ if arcu == arcv then EQ else compare_neq true g arcu arcv
+let is_leq g arcu arcv =
+ arcu == arcv || (compare_neq false g arcu arcv = LE)
+let is_lt g arcu arcv = (compare g arcu arcv = LT)
(* Invariants : compare(u,v) = EQ <=> compare(v,u) = EQ
compare(u,v) = LT or LE => compare(v,u) = NLE
@@ -337,11 +353,11 @@ let rec check_eq g u v =
let compare_greater g strict u v =
let g, arcu = safe_repr g u in
let g, arcv = safe_repr g v in
- if not strict && arcv == snd (safe_repr g UniverseLevel.Set) then true else
- match compare g arcv arcu with
- | (EQ|LE) -> not strict
- | LT -> true
- | NLE -> false
+ if strict then
+ is_lt g arcv arcu
+ else
+ arcv == snd (safe_repr g UniverseLevel.Set) || is_leq g arcv arcu
let compare_greater g strict u v =
let b = compare_greater g strict u v in
@@ -368,9 +384,8 @@ let setlt g arcu arcv =
(* checks that non-redundant *)
let setlt_if (g,arcu) v =
let arcv = repr g v in
- match compare g arcu arcv with
- | LT -> g, arcu
- | _ -> setlt g arcu arcv
+ if is_lt g arcu arcv then g, arcu
+ else setlt g arcu arcv
(* setleq : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
(* forces u >= v *)
@@ -383,9 +398,8 @@ let setleq g arcu arcv =
(* checks that non-redundant *)
let setleq_if (g,arcu) v =
let arcv = repr g v in
- match compare g arcu arcv with
- | NLE -> setleq g arcu arcv
- | _ -> g, arcu
+ if is_leq g arcu arcv then g, arcu
+ else setleq g arcu arcv
(* merge : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
(* we assume compare(u,v) = LE *)
@@ -429,14 +443,12 @@ let error_inconsistency o u v = raise (UniverseInconsistency (o,Atom u,Atom v))
let enforce_univ_leq u v g =
let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
- match compare g arcu arcv with
- | NLE ->
- (match compare g arcv arcu with
- | LT -> error_inconsistency Le u v
- | LE -> merge g arcv arcu
- | NLE -> fst (setleq g arcu arcv)
- | EQ -> anomaly "")
- | _ -> g
+ if is_leq g arcu arcv then g
+ else match compare g arcv arcu with
+ | LT -> error_inconsistency Le u v
+ | LE -> merge g arcv arcu
+ | NLE -> fst (setleq g arcu arcv)
+ | EQ -> anomaly ""
(* enforc_univ_eq : UniverseLevel.t -> UniverseLevel.t -> unit *)
(* enforc_univ_eq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
@@ -463,9 +475,8 @@ let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
| LE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
| EQ -> error_inconsistency Lt u v
| NLE ->
- (match compare g arcv arcu with
- | NLE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
- | _ -> error_inconsistency Lt u v)
+ if is_leq g arcv arcu then error_inconsistency Lt u v
+ else fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
(* Constraints and sets of consrtaints. *)
@@ -480,7 +491,13 @@ let enforce_constraint cst g =
module Constraint = Set.Make(
type t = univ_constraint
- let compare =
+ let compare (u,c,v) (u',c',v') =
+ let i = c c' in
+ if i <> 0 then i
+ else
+ let i' = u u' in
+ if i' <> 0 then i'
+ else v v'
type constraints = Constraint.t
@@ -784,6 +801,14 @@ let no_upper_constraints u cst =
| Atom u -> Constraint.for_all (fun (u1,_,_) -> u1 <> u) cst
| Max _ -> anomaly "no_upper_constraints"
+(* Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *)
+let univ_depends u v =
+ match u, v with
+ | Atom u, Atom v -> u = v
+ | Atom u, Max (gel,gtl) -> List.mem u gel || List.mem u gtl
+ | _ -> anomaly "univ_depends given a non-atomic 1st arg"
(* Pretty-printing *)
let pr_arc = function
diff --git a/kernel/univ.mli b/kernel/univ.mli
index 8b3f6291..e4e66915 100644
--- a/kernel/univ.mli
+++ b/kernel/univ.mli
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ val subst_large_constraints :
val no_upper_constraints : universe -> constraints -> bool
+(** Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *)
+val univ_depends : universe -> universe -> bool
(** {6 Pretty-printing of universes. } *)
val pr_uni_level : universe_level -> Pp.std_ppcmds