path: root/kernel/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /kernel/
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 87a6e485..ad435eb5 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 9573 2007-01-31 20:18:18Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id: 11001 2008-05-27 16:56:07Z aspiwack $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ open Univ
open Term
open Declarations
open Pre_env
-open Csymtable
(* The type of environments. *)
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ type named_context_val = Pre_env.named_context_val
type env = Pre_env.env
let pre_env env = env
+let env_of_pre_env env = env
let empty_named_context_val = empty_named_context_val
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ let push_rel = push_rel
let push_rel_context ctxt x = Sign.fold_rel_context push_rel ctxt ~init:x
let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env =
- let ctxt =
- array_map2_i
- (fun i na t -> (na, None, type_app (lift i) t)) lna typarray in
+ let ctxt = array_map2_i (fun i na t -> (na, None, lift i t)) lna typarray in
Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel assum e) env ctxt
let reset_rel_context env =
@@ -85,13 +83,14 @@ let fold_rel_context f env ~init =
(* Named context *)
let named_context_of_val = fst
+let named_vals_of_val = snd
(* [map_named_val f ctxt] apply [f] to the body and the type of
each declarations.
*** /!\ *** [f t] should be convertible with t *)
let map_named_val f (ctxt,ctxtv) =
let ctxt =
- (fun (id,body,typ) -> (id, option_map f body, f typ)) ctxt in
+ (fun (id,body,typ) -> (id, f body, f typ)) ctxt in
let empty_named_context = empty_named_context
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ let add_constant kn cs env =
(* constant_type gives the type of a constant *)
let constant_type env kn =
let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
- cb.const_type
+ cb.const_type
type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque
@@ -245,30 +244,6 @@ let global_vars_set env constr =
filtrec Idset.empty constr
-(* like [global_vars] but don't get through evars *)
-let global_vars_set_drop_evar env constr =
- let fold_constr_drop_evar f acc c = match kind_of_term c with
- | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
- | Construct _) -> acc
- | Cast (c,_,t) -> f (f acc c) t
- | Prod (_,t,c) -> f (f acc t) c
- | Lambda (_,t,c) -> f (f acc t) c
- | LetIn (_,b,t,c) -> f (f (f acc b) t) c
- | App (c,l) -> Array.fold_left f (f acc c) l
- | Evar (_,l) -> acc
- | Case (_,p,c,bl) -> Array.fold_left f (f (f acc p) c) bl
- | Fix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- let fd = array_map3 (fun na t b -> (na,t,b)) lna tl bl in
- Array.fold_left (fun acc (na,t,b) -> f (f acc t) b) acc fd
- | CoFix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- let fd = array_map3 (fun na t b -> (na,t,b)) lna tl bl in
- Array.fold_left (fun acc (na,t,b) -> f (f acc t) b) acc fd in
- let rec filtrec acc c =
- let vl = vars_of_global env c in
- let acc = List.fold_right Idset.add vl acc in
- fold_constr_drop_evar filtrec acc c
- in
- filtrec Idset.empty constr
(* [keep_hyps env ids] keeps the part of the section context of [env] which
contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables
@@ -299,7 +274,7 @@ let keep_hyps env needed =
(* Modules *)
let add_modtype ln mtb env =
- let new_modtypes = KNmap.add ln mtb env.env_globals.env_modtypes in
+ let new_modtypes = MPmap.add ln mtb env.env_globals.env_modtypes in
let new_globals =
{ env.env_globals with
env_modtypes = new_modtypes } in
@@ -312,14 +287,33 @@ let shallow_add_module mp mb env =
env_modules = new_mods } in
{ env with env_globals = new_globals }
+let rec scrape_alias mp env =
+ try
+ let mp1 = MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_alias in
+ scrape_alias mp1 env
+ with
+ Not_found -> mp
let lookup_module mp env =
- MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modules
+ let mp = scrape_alias mp env in
+ MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modules
let lookup_modtype ln env =
- KNmap.find ln env.env_globals.env_modtypes
+ let mp = scrape_alias ln env in
+ MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modtypes
-(*s Judgments. *)
+let register_alias mp1 mp2 env =
+ let new_alias = MPmap.add mp1 mp2 env.env_globals.env_alias in
+ let new_globals =
+ { env.env_globals with
+ env_alias = new_alias } in
+ { env with env_globals = new_globals }
+let lookup_alias mp env =
+ MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_alias
+(*s Judgments. *)
type unsafe_judgment = {
uj_val : constr;
uj_type : types }
@@ -382,15 +376,300 @@ let insert_after_hyp (ctxt,vals) id d check =
| _, _ -> assert false
in aux ctxt vals
(* To be used in Logic.clear_hyps *)
-let remove_hyps ids check (ctxt, vals) =
+let remove_hyps ids check_context check_value (ctxt, vals) =
let ctxt,vals,rmv =
- List.fold_right2 (fun (id,_,_ as d) v (ctxt,vals,rmv) ->
+ List.fold_right2 (fun (id,_,_ as d) (id',v) (ctxt,vals,rmv) ->
if List.mem id ids then
- let nd = check d in
- (nd::ctxt,v::vals,rmv))
+ let nd = check_context d in
+ let nv = check_value v in
+ (nd::ctxt,(id',nv)::vals,rmv))
ctxt vals ([],[],[])
in ((ctxt,vals),rmv)
+(*spiwack: the following functions assemble the pieces of the retroknowledge
+ note that the "consistent" register function is available in the module
+ Safetyping, Environ only synchronizes the proactive and the reactive parts*)
+open Retroknowledge
+(* lifting of the "get" functions works also for "mem"*)
+let retroknowledge f env =
+ f env.retroknowledge
+let registered env field =
+ retroknowledge mem env field
+(* spiwack: this unregistration function is not in operation yet. It should
+ not be used *)
+(* this unregistration function assumes that no "constr" can hold two different
+ places in the retroknowledge. There is no reason why it shouldn't be true,
+ but in case someone needs it, remember to add special branches to the
+ unregister function *)
+let unregister env field =
+ match field with
+ | KInt31 (_,Int31Type) ->
+ (*there is only one matching kind due to the fact that Environ.env
+ is abstract, and that the only function which add elements to the
+ retroknowledge is Environ.register which enforces this shape *)
+ (match retroknowledge find env field with
+ | Ind i31t -> let i31c = Construct (i31t, 1) in
+ {env with retroknowledge =
+ remove (retroknowledge clear_info env i31c) field}
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ |_ -> {env with retroknowledge =
+ try
+ remove (retroknowledge clear_info env
+ (retroknowledge find env field)) field
+ with Not_found ->
+ retroknowledge remove env field}
+(* the Environ.register function syncrhonizes the proactive and reactive
+ retroknowledge. *)
+let register =
+ (* subfunction used for static decompilation of int31 (after a vm_compute,
+ see pretyping/ for more information) *)
+ let constr_of_int31 =
+ let nth_digit_plus_one i n = (* calculates the nth (starting with 0)
+ digit of i and adds 1 to it
+ (nth_digit_plus_one 1 3 = 2) *)
+ if (land) i ((lsl) 1 n) = 0 then
+ 1
+ else
+ 2
+ in
+ fun ind -> fun digit_ind -> fun tag ->
+ let array_of_int i =
+ Array.init 31 (fun n -> mkConstruct
+ (digit_ind, nth_digit_plus_one i (30-n)))
+ in
+ mkApp(mkConstruct(ind, 1), array_of_int tag)
+ in
+ (* subfunction which adds the information bound to the constructor of
+ the int31 type to the reactive retroknowledge *)
+ let add_int31c retroknowledge c =
+ let rk = add_vm_constant_static_info retroknowledge c
+ Cbytegen.compile_structured_int31
+ in
+ add_vm_constant_dynamic_info rk c Cbytegen.dynamic_int31_compilation
+ in
+ (* subfunction which adds the compiling information of an
+ int31 operation which has a specific vm instruction (associates
+ it to the name of the coq definition in the reactive retroknowledge) *)
+ let add_int31_op retroknowledge v n op kn =
+ add_vm_compiling_info retroknowledge v (Cbytegen.op_compilation n op kn)
+ in
+fun env field value ->
+ (* subfunction which shortens the (very often use) registration of binary
+ operators to the reactive retroknowledge. *)
+ let add_int31_binop_from_const op =
+ match value with
+ | Const kn -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 2
+ op kn
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be a constant"
+ in
+ let add_int31_unop_from_const op =
+ match value with
+ | Const kn -> retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 1
+ op kn
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be a constant"
+ in
+ (* subfunction which completes the function constr_of_int31 above
+ by performing the actual retroknowledge operations *)
+ let add_int31_decompilation_from_type rk =
+ (* invariant : the type of bits is registered, otherwise the function
+ would raise Not_found. The invariant is enforced in *)
+ match field with
+ | KInt31 (grp, Int31Type) ->
+ (match Retroknowledge.find rk (KInt31 (grp,Int31Bits)) with
+ | Ind i31bit_type ->
+ (match value with
+ | Ind i31t ->
+ Retroknowledge.add_vm_decompile_constant_info rk
+ value (constr_of_int31 i31t i31bit_type)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be an inductive type")
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: Int31Bits should be an inductive type")
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: add_int31_decompilation_from_type called with an abnormal field"
+ in
+ {env with retroknowledge =
+ let retroknowledge_with_reactive_info =
+ match field with
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Type) ->
+ let i31c = match value with
+ | Ind i31t -> (Construct (i31t, 1))
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be an inductive type"
+ in
+ add_int31_decompilation_from_type
+ (add_vm_before_match_info
+ (retroknowledge add_int31c env i31c)
+ value Cbytegen.int31_escape_before_match)
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Plus) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusCarryC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcarrycint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Minus) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubcint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusCarryC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const
+ Cbytecodes.Ksubcarrycint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Times) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31TimesC) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulcint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Div21) -> (* this is a ternary operation *)
+ (match value with
+ | Const kn ->
+ retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 3
+ Cbytecodes.Kdiv21int31 kn
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be a constant")
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Div) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kdivint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31AddMulDiv) -> (* this is a ternary operation *)
+ (match value with
+ | Const kn ->
+ retroknowledge add_int31_op env value 3
+ Cbytecodes.Kaddmuldivint31 kn
+ | _ -> anomaly "Environ.register: should be a constant")
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Compare) -> add_int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kcompareint31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Head0) -> add_int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Khead0int31
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Tail0) -> add_int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ktail0int31
+ | _ -> env.retroknowledge
+ in
+ Retroknowledge.add_field retroknowledge_with_reactive_info field value
+ }
+(* spiwack: the following definitions are used by the function
+ [assumptions] which gives as an output the set of all
+ axioms and sections variables on which a given term depends
+ in a context (expectingly the Global context) *)
+type context_object =
+ | Variable of identifier (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
+ | Axiom of constant (* An axiom or a constant. *)
+(* Defines a set of [assumption] *)
+module OrderedContextObject =
+ type t = context_object
+ let compare x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | Variable i1 , Variable i2 -> id_ord i1 i2
+ | Axiom k1 , Axiom k2 -> k1 k2
+ (* spiwack: it would probably be cleaner
+ to provide a [kn_ord] function *)
+ | Variable _ , Axiom _ -> -1
+ | Axiom _ , Variable _ -> 1
+module ContextObjectSet = Set.Make (OrderedContextObject)
+module ContextObjectMap = Map.Make (OrderedContextObject)
+let assumptions (* t env *) =
+ (* Infix definition for chaining function that accumulate
+ on a and a ContextObjectSet, ContextObjectMap. *)
+ let ( ** ) f1 f2 s m = let (s',m') = f1 s m in f2 s' m' in
+ (* This function eases memoization, by checking if an object is already
+ stored before trying and applying a function.
+ If the object is there, the function is not fired (we are in a
+ particular case where memoized object don't need a treatment at all).
+ If the object isn't there, it is stored and the function is fired*)
+ let try_and_go o f s m =
+ if ContextObjectSet.mem o s then
+ (s,m)
+ else
+ f (ContextObjectSet.add o s) m
+ in
+ let identity2 s m = (s,m) in
+ (* Goes recursively into the term to see if it depends on assumptions
+ the 3 important cases are : - Const _ where we need to first unfold
+ the constant and return the needed assumptions of its body in the
+ environment,
+ - Rel _ which means the term is a variable
+ which has been bound earlier by a Lambda or a Prod (returns [] ),
+ - Var _ which means that the term refers
+ to a section variable or a "Let" definition, in the former it is
+ an assumption of [t], in the latter is must be unfolded like a Const.
+ The other cases are straightforward recursion.
+ Calls to the environment are memoized, thus avoiding to explore
+ the DAG of the environment as if it was a tree (can cause
+ exponential behavior and prevent the algorithm from terminating
+ in reasonable time). [s] is a set of [context_object], representing
+ the object already visited.*)
+ let rec aux t env s acc =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id -> aux_memoize_id id env s acc
+ | Meta _ | Evar _ ->
+ Util.anomaly "Environ.assumption: does not expect a meta or an evar"
+ | Cast (e1,_,e2) | Prod (_,e1,e2) | Lambda (_,e1,e2) ->
+ ((aux e1 env)**(aux e2 env)) s acc
+ | LetIn (_,e1,e2,e3) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (aux e2 env)**
+ (aux e3 env))
+ s acc
+ | App (e1, e_array) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e_array identity2))
+ s acc
+ | Case (_,e1,e2,e_array) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (aux e2 env)**
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e_array identity2))
+ s acc
+ | Fix (_,(_, e1_array, e2_array)) | CoFix (_,(_,e1_array, e2_array)) ->
+ ((Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e1_array identity2) **
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e2_array identity2))
+ s acc
+ | Const kn -> aux_memoize_kn kn env s acc
+ | _ -> (s,acc) (* closed atomic types + rel *)
+ and add_id id env s acc =
+ (* a Var can be either a variable, or a "Let" definition.*)
+ match lookup_named id env with
+ | (_,None,t) ->
+ (s,ContextObjectMap.add (Variable id) t acc)
+ | (_,Some bdy,_) -> aux bdy env s acc
+ and aux_memoize_id id env =
+ try_and_go (Variable id) (add_id id env)
+ and add_kn kn env s acc =
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ match cb.Declarations.const_body with
+ | None ->
+ let ctype =
+ match cb.Declarations.const_type with
+ | PolymorphicArity (ctx,a) -> mkArity (ctx, Type a.poly_level)
+ | NonPolymorphicType t -> t
+ in
+ (s,ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom kn) ctype acc)
+ | Some body -> aux (Declarations.force body) env s acc
+ and aux_memoize_kn kn env =
+ try_and_go (Axiom kn) (add_kn kn env)
+ in
+ fun t env ->
+ snd (aux t env (ContextObjectSet.empty) (ContextObjectMap.empty))
+(* /spiwack *)