path: root/interp/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /interp/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'interp/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af3d805a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Nametab
+open Rawterm
+open Topconstr
+open Term
+type argument_type =
+ (* Basic types *)
+ | BoolArgType
+ | IntArgType
+ | IntOrVarArgType
+ | StringArgType
+ | PreIdentArgType
+ | IntroPatternArgType
+ | IdentArgType
+ | HypArgType
+ | RefArgType
+ (* Specific types *)
+ | SortArgType
+ | ConstrArgType
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType
+ | QuantHypArgType
+ | TacticArgType
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+ | BindingsArgType
+ | RedExprArgType
+ | List0ArgType of argument_type
+ | List1ArgType of argument_type
+ | OptArgType of argument_type
+ | PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
+ | ExtraArgType of string
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type 'a and_short_name = 'a * identifier located option
+type rawconstr_and_expr = rawconstr * constr_expr option
+(* Dynamics but tagged by a type expression *)
+type ('a,'b) generic_argument = argument_type * Obj.t
+let dyntab = ref ([] : string list)
+type ('a,'b,'c) abstract_argument_type = argument_type
+let create_arg s =
+ if List.mem s !dyntab then
+ anomaly ("Genarg.create: already declared generic argument " ^ s);
+ dyntab := s :: !dyntab;
+ let t = ExtraArgType s in
+ (t,t,t)
+let exists_argtype s = List.mem s !dyntab
+type intro_pattern_expr =
+ | IntroOrAndPattern of case_intro_pattern_expr
+ | IntroWildcard
+ | IntroIdentifier of identifier
+and case_intro_pattern_expr = intro_pattern_expr list list
+let rec pr_intro_pattern = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern pll -> pr_case_intro_pattern pll
+ | IntroWildcard -> str "_"
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> pr_id id
+and pr_case_intro_pattern = function
+ | [_::_ as pl] ->
+ str "(" ++ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_intro_pattern pl) ++ str ")"
+ | pll ->
+ str "[" ++
+ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep spc pr_intro_pattern) pll)
+ ++ str "]"
+type open_constr = Evd.evar_map * Term.constr
+type open_constr_expr = constr_expr
+type open_rawconstr = rawconstr_and_expr
+let rawwit_bool = BoolArgType
+let globwit_bool = BoolArgType
+let wit_bool = BoolArgType
+let rawwit_int = IntArgType
+let globwit_int = IntArgType
+let wit_int = IntArgType
+let rawwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let globwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let wit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let rawwit_string = StringArgType
+let globwit_string = StringArgType
+let wit_string = StringArgType
+let rawwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let globwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let wit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let rawwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let globwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let wit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let rawwit_ident = IdentArgType
+let globwit_ident = IdentArgType
+let wit_ident = IdentArgType
+let rawwit_var = HypArgType
+let globwit_var = HypArgType
+let wit_var = HypArgType
+let rawwit_ref = RefArgType
+let globwit_ref = RefArgType
+let wit_ref = RefArgType
+let rawwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let globwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let wit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let rawwit_sort = SortArgType
+let globwit_sort = SortArgType
+let wit_sort = SortArgType
+let rawwit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let globwit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let wit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let rawwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let globwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let wit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let rawwit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let globwit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let wit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let rawwit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let globwit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let wit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let rawwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let globwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let wit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let rawwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let globwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let wit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let rawwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let globwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let wit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let wit_list0 t = List0ArgType t
+let wit_list1 t = List1ArgType t
+let wit_opt t = OptArgType t
+let wit_pair t1 t2 = PairArgType (t1,t2)
+let in_gen t o = (t,Obj.repr o)
+let out_gen t (t',o) = if t = t' then Obj.magic o else failwith "out_gen"
+let genarg_tag (s,_) = s
+let fold_list0 f = function
+ | (List0ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
+let fold_list1 f = function
+ | (List1ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
+let fold_opt f a = function
+ | (OptArgType t as u, l) ->
+ (match Obj.magic l with
+ | None -> a
+ | Some x -> f (in_gen t x))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a opt"
+let fold_pair f = function
+ | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) ->
+ let (x1,x2) = Obj.magic l in
+ f (in_gen t1 x1) (in_gen t2 x2)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
+let app_list0 f = function
+ | (List0ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
+let app_list1 f = function
+ | (List1ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
+let app_opt f = function
+ | (OptArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr (option_app (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not an opt"
+let app_pair f1 f2 = function
+ | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) ->
+ let (o1,o2) = Obj.magic l in
+ let o1 = out_gen t1 (f1 (in_gen t1 o1)) in
+ let o2 = out_gen t2 (f2 (in_gen t2 o2)) in
+ (u, Obj.repr (o1,o2))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
+let unquote x = x
+type an_arg_of_this_type = Obj.t
+let in_generic t x = (t, Obj.repr x)