path: root/interp/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /interp/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'interp/')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ce9bfaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Libnames
+open Pattern
+open Nametab
+let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l))
+let gen_reference locstr dir s =
+ let dir = make_dir ("Coq"::dir) in
+ let id = Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s in
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path dir id in
+ try
+ Nametab.absolute_reference sp
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (locstr^": cannot find "^(string_of_path sp))
+let gen_constant locstr dir s =
+ constr_of_reference (gen_reference locstr dir s)
+let list_try_find f =
+ let rec try_find_f = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | h::t -> try f h with Not_found -> try_find_f t
+ in
+ try_find_f
+let has_suffix_in_dirs dirs ref =
+ let dir = dirpath (sp_of_global ref) in
+ List.exists (fun d -> is_dirpath_prefix_of d dir) dirs
+let gen_constant_in_modules locstr dirs s =
+ let dirs = make_dir dirs in
+ let id = Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s in
+ let all = Nametab.locate_all (make_short_qualid id) in
+ let these = List.filter (has_suffix_in_dirs dirs) all in
+ match these with
+ | [x] -> constr_of_reference x
+ | [] ->
+ anomalylabstrm "" (str (locstr^": cannot find "^s^
+ " in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_dirpath dirs)
+ | l ->
+ anomalylabstrm ""
+ (str (locstr^": found more than once object of name "^s^
+ " in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_dirpath dirs)
+let init_reference dir s=gen_reference "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let init_constant dir s=gen_constant "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let arith_dir = ["Coq";"Arith"]
+let arith_modules = [arith_dir]
+let narith_dir = ["Coq";"NArith"]
+let zarith_dir = ["Coq";"ZArith"]
+let zarith_base_modules = [narith_dir;zarith_dir]
+let init_dir = ["Coq";"Init"]
+let init_modules = [
+ init_dir@["Datatypes"];
+ init_dir@["Logic"];
+ init_dir@["Specif"];
+ init_dir@["Logic_Type"];
+ init_dir@["Peano"];
+ init_dir@["Wf"]
+let coq_id = id_of_string "Coq"
+let init_id = id_of_string "Init"
+let arith_id = id_of_string "Arith"
+let datatypes_id = id_of_string "Datatypes"
+let logic_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Logic"]
+let logic_type_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Logic_Type"]
+let datatypes_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"]
+let arith_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Arith";"Arith"]
+(* TODO: temporary hack *)
+let make_path dir id = Libnames.encode_kn dir id
+let nat_path = make_path datatypes_module (id_of_string "nat")
+let glob_nat = IndRef (nat_path,0)
+let path_of_O = ((nat_path,0),1)
+let path_of_S = ((nat_path,0),2)
+let glob_O = ConstructRef path_of_O
+let glob_S = ConstructRef path_of_S
+let eq_path = make_path logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
+let eqT_path = make_path logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
+let glob_eq = IndRef (eq_path,0)
+let glob_eqT = IndRef (eqT_path,0)
+type coq_sigma_data = {
+ proj1 : constr;
+ proj2 : constr;
+ elim : constr;
+ intro : constr;
+ typ : constr }
+type 'a delayed = unit -> 'a
+let build_sigma_set () =
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existS";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS" }
+let build_sigma_type () =
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existT";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT" }
+(* Equalities *)
+type coq_leibniz_eq_data = {
+ eq : constr;
+ refl : constr;
+ ind : constr;
+ rrec : constr option;
+ rect : constr option;
+ congr: constr;
+ sym : constr }
+let lazy_init_constant dir id = lazy (init_constant dir id)
+(* Equality on Set *)
+let coq_eq_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eq_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "refl_equal"
+let coq_eq_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eq_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rec"
+let coq_eq_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rect"
+let coq_eq_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eq_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
+let coq_f_equal2 = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal2"
+let build_coq_eq_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_eq_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_eq_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_eq_ind;
+ rrec = Some (Lazy.force coq_eq_rec);
+ rect = Some (Lazy.force coq_eq_rect);
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_eq_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_eq_sym }
+let build_coq_eq () = Lazy.force coq_eq_eq
+let build_coq_f_equal2 () = Lazy.force coq_f_equal2
+(* Specif *)
+let coq_sumbool = lazy_init_constant ["Specif"] "sumbool"
+let build_coq_sumbool () = Lazy.force coq_sumbool
+(* Equality on Type *)
+let coq_eqT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eqT_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "refl_equal"
+let coq_eqT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eqT_congr =lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eqT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
+let build_coq_eqT_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_eqT_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_eqT_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_eqT_ind;
+ rrec = None;
+ rect = None;
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_eqT_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_eqT_sym }
+let build_coq_eqT () = Lazy.force coq_eqT_eq
+let build_coq_sym_eqT () = Lazy.force coq_eqT_sym
+(* Equality on Type as a Type *)
+let coq_idT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity"
+let coq_idT_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "refl_identity"
+let coq_idT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_ind"
+let coq_idT_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_rec"
+let coq_idT_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_rect"
+let coq_idT_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "congr_id"
+let coq_idT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "sym_id"
+let build_coq_idT_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_idT_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_idT_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_idT_ind;
+ rrec = Some (Lazy.force coq_idT_rec);
+ rect = Some (Lazy.force coq_idT_rect);
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_idT_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_idT_sym }
+let lazy_init_constant_v7 d id id7 =
+ if !Options.v7 then lazy_init_constant d id else
+ lazy (anomaly
+ (id7^" does no longer exist in V8 new syntax, use "^id
+ ^" instead (probably an error in ML contributed code)"))
+(* Empty Type *)
+let coq_EmptyT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Logic"] "False" "EmptyT"
+(* Unit Type and its unique inhabitant *)
+let coq_UnitT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Datatypes"] "unit" "UnitT"
+let coq_IT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Datatypes"] "tt" "IT"
+(* The False proposition *)
+let coq_False = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "False"
+(* The True proposition and its unique proof *)
+let coq_True = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "True"
+let coq_I = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "I"
+(* Connectives *)
+let coq_not = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "not"
+let coq_and = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "and"
+let coq_or = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "or"
+let coq_ex = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "ex"
+(* Runtime part *)
+let build_coq_EmptyT () = Lazy.force coq_EmptyT
+let build_coq_UnitT () = Lazy.force coq_UnitT
+let build_coq_IT () = Lazy.force coq_IT
+let build_coq_True () = Lazy.force coq_True
+let build_coq_I () = Lazy.force coq_I
+let build_coq_False () = Lazy.force coq_False
+let build_coq_not () = Lazy.force coq_not
+let build_coq_and () = Lazy.force coq_and
+let build_coq_or () = Lazy.force coq_or
+let build_coq_ex () = Lazy.force coq_ex
+(* Patterns *)
+(* This needs to have interp_constrpattern available ...
+let parse_constr s =
+ try
+ Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi s
+ with Stdpp.Exc_located (_ , (Stream.Failure | Stream.Error _)) ->
+ error "Syntax error : not a construction"
+let parse_pattern s =
+ Constrintern.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_constr s)
+let coq_eq_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_eqT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_idT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic_Type.identityT ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_existS_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Specif.existS ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)"))
+let coq_existT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Specif.existT ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)"))
+let coq_not_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.not ?)"))
+let coq_imp_False_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "? -> Coq.Init.Logic.False"))
+let coq_imp_False_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "? -> Coq.Init.Logic.False"))
+let coq_eqdec_partial_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(sumbool (eq ?1 ?2 ?3) ?4)"))
+let coq_eqdec_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(x,y:?1){<?1>x=y}+{~(<?1>x=y)}"))
+(* The following is less readable but does not depend on parsing *)
+let coq_eq_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "eq")
+let coq_eqT_ref = coq_eq_ref
+let coq_idT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity")
+let coq_existS_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existS")
+let coq_existT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existT")
+let coq_not_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "not")
+let coq_False_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "False")
+let coq_sumbool_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sumbool")
+let coq_sig_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sig")