path: root/interp/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-08-06 16:15:08 -0400
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-08-06 16:17:55 -0400
commitf18e6146f4fd6ed5b8ded10a3e602f5f64f919f4 (patch)
treec413c5bb42d20daf5307634ae6402526bb994fd6 /interp/
parentb9f47391f7f259c24119d1de0a87839e2cc5e80c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.3~rc1+dfsgupstream/8.3.rc1.dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'interp/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 0fed211d..3bf556f1 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
+(* $Id: 13332 2010-07-26 22:12:43Z msozeau $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ open Inductiveops
(* To interpret implicits and arg scopes of variables in inductive
types and recursive definitions and of projection names in records *)
-type var_internalization_type = Inductive | Recursive | Method
+type var_internalization_type =
+ | Inductive of identifier list (* list of params *)
+ | Recursive
+ | Method
type var_internalization_data =
(* type of the "free" variable, for coqdoc, e.g. while typing the
@@ -45,19 +48,12 @@ type var_internalization_data =
type internalization_env =
(identifier * var_internalization_data) list
-type full_internalization_env =
- (* a superset of the list of variables that may be automatically
- inserted and that must not occur as binders *)
- identifier list *
- (* mapping of the variables to their internalization data *)
- internalization_env
type raw_binder = (name * binding_kind * rawconstr option * rawconstr)
let interning_grammar = ref false
(* Historically for parsing grammar rules, but in fact used only for
- translator, v7 parsing, and unstrict tactic internalisation *)
+ translator, v7 parsing, and unstrict tactic internalization *)
let for_grammar f x =
interning_grammar := true;
let a = f x in
@@ -92,9 +88,9 @@ let global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id =
constr_of_global (Nametab.global_of_path (Libnames.make_path dir id))
-(* Internalisation errors *)
+(* Internalization errors *)
-type internalisation_error =
+type internalization_error =
| VariableCapture of identifier
| WrongExplicitImplicit
| IllegalMetavariable
@@ -104,7 +100,7 @@ type internalisation_error =
| BadPatternsNumber of int * int
| BadExplicitationNumber of explicitation * int option
-exception InternalisationError of loc * internalisation_error
+exception InternalizationError of loc * internalization_error
let explain_variable_capture id =
str "The variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs in its type"
@@ -146,7 +142,7 @@ let explain_bad_explicitation_number n po =
str "Bad explicitation name: found " ++ pr_id id ++
str" but was expecting " ++ s
-let explain_internalisation_error e =
+let explain_internalization_error e =
let pp = match e with
| VariableCapture id -> explain_variable_capture id
| WrongExplicitImplicit -> explain_wrong_explicit_implicit
@@ -171,30 +167,26 @@ let error_inductive_parameter_not_implicit loc =
(* Pre-computing the implicit arguments and arguments scopes needed *)
(* for interpretation *)
-let empty_internalization_env = ([],[])
+let empty_internalization_env = []
-let set_internalization_env_params ienv params =
- let nparams = List.length params in
- if nparams = 0 then
- ([],ienv)
- else
- let ienv_with_implicit_params =
- (fun (id,(ty,_,impl,scopes)) ->
- let sub_impl,_ = list_chop nparams impl in
- let sub_impl' = List.filter is_status_implicit sub_impl in
- (id,(ty, name_of_implicit sub_impl',impl,scopes))) ienv in
- (params, ienv_with_implicit_params)
-let compute_internalization_data env ty typ impls =
- let impl = compute_implicits_with_manual env typ (is_implicit_args()) impls in
- (ty, [], impl, compute_arguments_scope typ)
-let compute_full_internalization_env env ty params idl typl impll =
- set_internalization_env_params
- (list_map3
- (fun id typ impl -> (id,compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl))
- idl typl impll)
- params
+let compute_explicitable_implicit imps = function
+ | Inductive params ->
+ (* In inductive types, the parameters are fixed implicit arguments *)
+ let sub_impl,_ = list_chop (List.length params) imps in
+ let sub_impl' = List.filter is_status_implicit sub_impl in
+ name_of_implicit sub_impl'
+ | Recursive | Method ->
+ (* Unable to know in advance what the implicit arguments will be *)
+ []
+let compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl =
+ let impl = compute_implicits_with_manual env typ (is_implicit_args()) impl in
+ let expls_impl = compute_explicitable_implicit impl ty in
+ (ty, expls_impl, impl, compute_arguments_scope typ)
+let compute_internalization_env env ty =
+ list_map3
+ (fun id typ impl -> (id,compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl))
(* Contracting "{ _ }" in notations *)
@@ -216,18 +208,18 @@ let expand_notation_string ntn n =
(* This contracts the special case of "{ _ }" for sumbool, sumor notations *)
(* Remark: expansion of squash at definition is done in *)
-let contract_notation ntn (l,ll) =
+let contract_notation ntn (l,ll,bll) =
let ntn' = ref ntn in
let rec contract_squash n = function
| [] -> []
- | CNotation (_,"{ _ }",([a],[])) :: l ->
+ | CNotation (_,"{ _ }",([a],[],[])) :: l ->
ntn' := expand_notation_string !ntn' n;
contract_squash n (a::l)
| a :: l ->
a::contract_squash (n+1) l in
let l = contract_squash 0 l in
(* side effect; don't inline *)
- !ntn',(l,ll)
+ !ntn',(l,ll,bll)
let contract_pat_notation ntn (l,ll) =
let ntn' = ref ntn in
@@ -250,43 +242,219 @@ let make_current_scope = function
| (Some tmp_scope,scopes) -> tmp_scope::scopes
| None,scopes -> scopes
-let set_var_scope loc id (_,_,scopt,scopes) varscopes =
- let idscopes = List.assoc id varscopes in
- if !idscopes <> None &
- make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes)
- <> make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) then
- let pr_scope_stack = function
- | [] -> str "the empty scope stack"
- | [a] -> str "scope " ++ str a
- | l -> str "scope stack " ++
- str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma str l ++ str "]" in
- user_err_loc (loc,"set_var_scope",
- pr_id id ++ str " is used both in " ++
- pr_scope_stack (make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes)) ++
- strbrk " and in " ++
- pr_scope_stack (make_current_scope (scopt,scopes)))
- else
- idscopes := Some (scopt,scopes)
+let pr_scope_stack = function
+ | [] -> str "the empty scope stack"
+ | [a] -> str "scope " ++ str a
+ | l -> str "scope stack " ++
+ str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma str l ++ str "]"
+let error_inconsistent_scope loc id scopes1 scopes2 =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"set_var_scope",
+ pr_id id ++ str " is used both in " ++
+ pr_scope_stack scopes1 ++ strbrk " and in " ++ pr_scope_stack scopes2)
+let error_expect_constr_notation_type loc id =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ pr_id id ++ str " is bound in the notation to a term variable.")
+let error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ pr_id id ++
+ str " is expected to occur in binding position in the right-hand side.")
+let set_var_scope loc id istermvar (_,_,scopt,scopes) ntnvars =
+ try
+ let idscopes,typ = List.assoc id ntnvars in
+ if !idscopes <> None &
+ make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes)
+ <> make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) then
+ error_inconsistent_scope loc id
+ (make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes))
+ (make_current_scope (scopt,scopes))
+ else
+ idscopes := Some (scopt,scopes);
+ match typ with
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder ->
+ if istermvar then error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr ->
+ (* We need sometimes to parse idents at a constr level for
+ factorization and we cannot enforce this constraint:
+ if not istermvar then error_expect_constr_notation_type loc id *)
+ ()
+ | NtnInternTypeIdent -> ()
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Not in a notation *)
+ ()
+let set_type_scope (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes) =
+ (ids,unb,Some Notation.type_scope,scopes)
+let reset_tmp_scope (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes) =
+ (ids,unb,None,scopes)
+let rec it_mkRProd env body =
+ match env with
+ (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkRProd tl (RProd (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
+ | [] -> body
+let rec it_mkRLambda env body =
+ match env with
+ (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkRLambda tl (RLambda (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
+ | [] -> body
+(* Utilities for binders *)
+let check_capture loc ty = function
+ | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
+ | RHole _ ->
+ (try match na with
+ | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
+ | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found -> RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
+ | x -> x
+let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,impls) =
+ if List.exists (function
+ | (_,(Inductive indparams,_,_,_)) -> List.mem id indparams
+ | _ -> false) impls
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter of an inductive type " ++
+ pr_id id ++ strbrk " is not allowed to be used as a bound variable in the type of its constructor.")
+let push_name_env ?(global_level=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) =
+ function
+ | loc,Anonymous ->
+ if global_level then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
+ env
+ | loc,Name id ->
+ check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
+ set_var_scope loc id false env (let (_,_,ntnvars,_) = lvar in ntnvars);
+ if global_level then Dumpglob.dump_definition (loc,id) true "var"
+ else Dumpglob.dump_binding loc id;
+ (Idset.add id ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes)
+let intern_generalized_binder ?(global_level=false) intern_type lvar
+ (ids,unb,tmpsc,sc as env) bl (loc, na) b b' t ty =
+ let ids = match na with Anonymous -> ids | Name na -> Idset.add na ids in
+ let ty, ids' =
+ if t then ty, ids else
+ Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application ids
+ Implicit_quantifiers.combine_params_freevar ty
+ in
+ let ty' = intern_type (ids,true,tmpsc,sc) ty in
+ let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids ~allowed:ids' ty' in
+ let env' = List.fold_left (fun env (x, l) -> push_name_env ~global_level lvar env (l, Name x)) env fvs in
+ let bl = (fun (id, loc) -> (Name id, b, None, RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType (Name id)))) fvs in
+ let na = match na with
+ | Anonymous ->
+ if global_level then na
+ else
+ let name =
+ let id =
+ match ty with
+ | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id))), _) -> id
+ | _ -> id_of_string "H"
+ in Implicit_quantifiers.make_fresh ids' (Global.env ()) id
+ in Name name
+ | _ -> na
+ in (push_name_env ~global_level lvar env' (loc,na)), (na,b',None,ty') :: List.rev bl
+let intern_local_binder_aux ?(global_level=false) intern intern_type lvar (env,bl) = function
+ | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
+ (match bk with
+ | Default k ->
+ let (loc,na) = List.hd nal in
+ (* TODO: fail if several names with different implicit types *)
+ let ty = locate_if_isevar loc na (intern_type env ty) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (env,bl) na ->
+ (push_name_env lvar env na,(snd na,k,None,ty)::bl))
+ (env,bl) nal
+ | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
+ let env, b = intern_generalized_binder ~global_level intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ env, b @ bl)
+ | LocalRawDef((loc,na as locna),def) ->
+ (push_name_env lvar env locna,
+ (na,Explicit,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
+let intern_generalization intern (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes as env) lvar loc bk ak c =
+ let c = intern (ids,true,tmp_scope,scopes) c in
+ let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids c in
+ let env', c' =
+ let abs =
+ let pi =
+ match ak with
+ | Some AbsPi -> true
+ | None when tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope
+ || List.mem Notation.type_scope scopes -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if pi then
+ (fun (id, loc') acc ->
+ RProd (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ else
+ (fun (id, loc') acc ->
+ RLambda (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ in
+ List.fold_right (fun (id, loc as lid) (env, acc) ->
+ let env' = push_name_env lvar env (loc, Name id) in
+ (env', abs lid acc)) fvs (env,c)
+ in c'
+let iterate_binder intern lvar (env,bl) = function
+ | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
+ let intern_type env = intern (set_type_scope env) in
+ (match bk with
+ | Default k ->
+ let (loc,na) = List.hd nal in
+ (* TODO: fail if several names with different implicit types *)
+ let ty = intern_type env ty in
+ let ty = locate_if_isevar loc na ty in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (env,bl) na -> (push_name_env lvar env na,(snd na,k,None,ty)::bl))
+ (env,bl) nal
+ | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
+ let env, b = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ env, b @ bl)
+ | LocalRawDef((loc,na as locna),def) ->
+ (push_name_env lvar env locna,
+ (na,Explicit,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
(* Syntax extensions *)
-let traverse_binder (subst,substlist) (renaming,(ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env))=
+let option_mem_assoc id = function
+ | Some (id',c) -> id = id'
+ | None -> false
+let find_fresh_name renaming (terms,termlists,binders) id =
+ let fvs1 = (fun (_,(c,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr c) terms in
+ let fvs2 = List.flatten ( (fun (_,(l,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr l) termlists) in
+ let fvs3 = snd renaming in
+ (* TODO binders *)
+ let fvs = List.flatten ( Idset.elements (fvs1@fvs2)) @ fvs3 in
+ next_ident_away id fvs
+let traverse_binder (terms,_,_ as subst)
+ (renaming,(ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env))=
| Anonymous -> (renaming,env),Anonymous
| Name id ->
(* Binders bound in the notation are considered first-order objects *)
- let _,na = coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id subst)) in
+ let _,na = coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id terms)) in
(renaming,(name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes)), na
with Not_found ->
(* Binders not bound in the notation do not capture variables *)
(* outside the notation (i.e. in the substitution) *)
- let fvs1 = (fun (_,(c,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr c) subst in
- let fvs2 = List.flatten ( (fun (_,(l,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr l) substlist) in
- let fvs3 = snd renaming in
- let fvs = List.flatten ( Idset.elements (fvs1@fvs2)) @ fvs3 in
- let id' = next_ident_away id fvs in
+ let id' = find_fresh_name renaming subst id in
let renaming' = if id=id' then renaming else (id,id')::renaming in
(renaming',env), Name id'
@@ -294,17 +462,18 @@ let rec subst_iterator y t = function
| RVar (_,id) as x -> if id = y then t else x
| x -> map_rawconstr (subst_iterator y t) x
-let rec subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp (subst,substlist as sub) infos c =
- let (renaming,(ids,unb,_,scopes)) = infos in
- let subinfos = renaming,(ids,unb,None,scopes) in
- match c with
- | AVar id ->
+let subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern lvar subst infos c =
+ let (terms,termlists,binders) = subst in
+ let rec aux (terms,binderopt as subst') (renaming,(ids,unb,_,scopes as env)) c =
+ let subinfos = renaming,(ids,unb,None,scopes) in
+ match c with
+ | AVar id ->
(* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
(* of the notations *)
- let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in
- interp (ids,unb,scopt,subscopes@scopes) a
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id terms in
+ intern (ids,unb,scopt,subscopes@scopes) a
with Not_found ->
RVar (loc,List.assoc id renaming)
@@ -312,83 +481,96 @@ let rec subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp (subst,substlist as sub) infos c =
(* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
RVar (loc,id)
- | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
- let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x substlist in
- let termin =
- subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp sub subinfos terminator in
+ let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x termlists in
+ let termin = aux subst' subinfos terminator in
List.fold_right (fun a t ->
subst_iterator ldots_var t
- (subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp
- ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst,substlist) subinfos iter))
+ (aux ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::terms,binderopt) subinfos iter))
(if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
with Not_found ->
anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
- | AHole (Evd.BinderType (Name id as na)) ->
+ | AHole (Evd.BinderType (Name id as na)) ->
let na =
- try snd (coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id subst)))
+ try snd (coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id terms)))
with Not_found -> na in
RHole (loc,Evd.BinderType na)
- | t ->
- rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (traverse_binder sub)
- (subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp sub) subinfos t
-let intern_notation intern (_,_,tmp_scope,scopes as env) loc ntn fullargs =
- let ntn,(args,argslist as fullargs) = contract_notation ntn fullargs in
- let (((ids,idsl),c),df) = interp_notation loc ntn (tmp_scope,scopes) in
+ | ABinderList (x,_,iter,terminator) ->
+ (try
+ (* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
+ let (bl,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x binders in
+ let env,bl = List.fold_left (iterate_binder intern lvar) (env,[]) bl in
+ let termin = aux subst' (renaming,env) terminator in
+ List.fold_left (fun t binder ->
+ subst_iterator ldots_var t
+ (aux (terms,Some(x,binder)) subinfos iter))
+ termin bl
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
+ | AProd (Name id, AHole _, c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
+ let (na,bk,_,t) = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ RProd (loc,na,bk,t,aux subst' infos c')
+ | ALambda (Name id,AHole _,c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
+ let (na,bk,_,t) = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ RLambda (loc,na,bk,t,aux subst' infos c')
+ | t ->
+ rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (traverse_binder subst)
+ (aux subst') subinfos t
+ in aux (terms,None) infos c
+let split_by_type ids =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (l1,l2,l3) ->
+ match typ with
+ | NtnTypeConstr -> ((x,scl)::l1,l2,l3)
+ | NtnTypeConstrList -> (l1,(x,scl)::l2,l3)
+ | NtnTypeBinderList -> (l1,l2,(x,scl)::l3)) ids ([],[],[])
+let make_subst ids l = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids l
+let intern_notation intern (_,_,tmp_scope,scopes as env) lvar loc ntn fullargs =
+ let ntn,(args,argslist,bll as fullargs) = contract_notation ntn fullargs in
+ let ((ids,c),df) = interp_notation loc ntn (tmp_scope,scopes) in
Dumpglob.dump_notation_location (ntn_loc loc fullargs ntn) ntn df;
- let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids args in
- let substlist = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) idsl argslist in
- subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern (subst,substlist) ([],env) c
-let set_type_scope (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes) =
- (ids,unb,Some Notation.type_scope,scopes)
-let reset_tmp_scope (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes) =
- (ids,unb,None,scopes)
-let rec it_mkRProd env body =
- match env with
- (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkRProd tl (RProd (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
- | [] -> body
-let rec it_mkRLambda env body =
- match env with
- (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkRLambda tl (RLambda (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
- | [] -> body
+ let ids,idsl,idsbl = split_by_type ids in
+ let terms = make_subst ids args in
+ let termlists = make_subst idsl argslist in
+ let binders = make_subst idsbl bll in
+ subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern lvar
+ (terms,termlists,binders) ([],env) c
(* Discriminating between bound variables and global references *)
-(* [vars1] is a set of name to avoid (used for the tactic language);
- [vars2] is the set of global variables, env is the set of variables
- abstracted until this point *)
let string_of_ty = function
- | Inductive -> "ind"
+ | Inductive _ -> "ind"
| Recursive -> "def"
| Method -> "meth"
-let intern_var (env,unbound_vars,_,_ as genv) (ltacvars,vars2,vars3,(_,impls)) loc id =
- let (vars1,unbndltacvars) = ltacvars in
+let intern_var (ids,_,_,_ as genv) (ltacvars,namedctxvars,ntnvars,impls) loc id =
+ let (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) = ltacvars in
(* Is [id] an inductive type potentially with implicit *)
- let ty,l,impl,argsc = List.assoc id impls in
- let l =
- (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) l in
+ let ty,expl_impls,impls,argsc = List.assoc id impls in
+ let expl_impls =
+ (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) expl_impls in
let tys = string_of_ty ty in
- Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (string_of_id id) tys;
- RVar (loc,id), impl, argsc, l
+ Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (string_of_id id) tys;
+ RVar (loc,id), impls, argsc, expl_impls
with Not_found ->
- (* Is [id] bound in current env or is an ltac var bound to constr *)
- if Idset.mem id env or List.mem id vars1
+ (* Is [id] bound in current term or is an ltac var bound to constr *)
+ if Idset.mem id ids or List.mem id ltacvars
RVar (loc,id), [], [], []
(* Is [id] a notation variable *)
- else if List.mem_assoc id vars3
+ else if List.mem_assoc id ntnvars
+ then
+ (set_var_scope loc id true genv ntnvars; RVar (loc,id), [], [], [])
+ (* Is [id] the special variable for recursive notations *)
+ else if ntnvars <> [] && id = ldots_var
- (set_var_scope loc id genv vars3; RVar (loc,id), [], [], [])
+ RVar (loc,id), [], [], []
(* Is [id] bound to a free name in ltac (this is an ltac error message) *)
@@ -398,7 +580,7 @@ let intern_var (env,unbound_vars,_,_ as genv) (ltacvars,vars2,vars3,(_,impls)) l
| Some id0 -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id0
with Not_found ->
(* Is [id] a goal or section variable *)
- let _ = Sign.lookup_named id vars2 in
+ let _ = Sign.lookup_named id namedctxvars in
(* [id] a section variable *)
(* Redundant: could be done in intern_qualid *)
@@ -443,7 +625,7 @@ let intern_reference ref =
(intern_extended_global_of_qualid (qualid_of_reference ref))
(* Is it a global reference or a syntactic definition? *)
-let intern_qualid loc qid intern env args =
+let intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args =
match intern_extended_global_of_qualid (loc,qid) with
| TrueGlobal ref ->
RRef (loc, ref), args
@@ -453,25 +635,25 @@ let intern_qualid loc qid intern env args =
if List.length args < nids then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
let args1,args2 = list_chop nids args in
check_no_explicitation args1;
- let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(fst a,scl))) ids args1 in
- subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern (subst,[]) ([],env) c, args2
+ let subst = make_subst ids ( fst args1) in
+ subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern lvar (subst,[],[]) ([],env) c, args2
(* Rule out section vars since these should have been found by intern_var *)
-let intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env args =
- match intern_qualid loc qid intern env args with
+let intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args =
+ match intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args with
| RRef (loc, VarRef id),_ -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
| r -> r
let intern_applied_reference intern (_, unb, _, _ as env) lvar args = function
| Qualid (loc, qid) ->
- let r,args2 = intern_qualid loc qid intern env args in
+ let r,args2 = intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args in
find_appl_head_data r, args2
| Ident (loc, id) ->
try intern_var env lvar loc id, args
with Not_found ->
let qid = qualid_of_ident id in
- let r,args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env args in
+ let r,args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args in
find_appl_head_data r, args2
with e ->
(* Extra allowance for non globalizing functions *)
@@ -482,7 +664,7 @@ let intern_applied_reference intern (_, unb, _, _ as env) lvar args = function
let interp_reference vars r =
let (r,_,_,_),_ =
intern_applied_reference (fun _ -> error_not_enough_arguments dummy_loc)
- (Idset.empty,false,None,[]) (vars,[],[],([],[])) [] r
+ (Idset.empty,false,None,[]) (vars,[],[],[]) [] r
in r
let apply_scope_env (ids,unb,_,scopes) = function
@@ -529,14 +711,14 @@ let loc_of_lhs lhs =
let check_linearity lhs ids =
match has_duplicate ids with
| Some id ->
- raise (InternalisationError (loc_of_lhs lhs,NonLinearPattern id))
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc_of_lhs lhs,NonLinearPattern id))
| None ->
(* Match the number of pattern against the number of matched args *)
let check_number_of_pattern loc n l =
let p = List.length l in
- if n<>p then raise (InternalisationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p)))
+ if n<>p then raise (InternalizationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p)))
let check_or_pat_variables loc ids idsl =
if List.exists (fun ids' -> not (list_eq_set ids ids')) idsl then
@@ -646,7 +828,7 @@ let find_constructor ref f aliases pats scopes =
let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in
let gref =
try locate_extended qid
- with Not_found -> raise (InternalisationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref)) in
+ with Not_found -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref)) in
match gref with
| SynDef sp ->
let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
@@ -677,7 +859,7 @@ let find_constructor ref f aliases pats scopes =
let find_pattern_variable = function
| Ident (loc,id) -> id
- | Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalisationError(loc,NotAConstructor x))
+ | Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalizationError(loc,NotAConstructor x))
let maybe_constructor ref f aliases scopes =
@@ -686,7 +868,7 @@ let maybe_constructor ref f aliases scopes =
ConstrPat (c,idspl1)
(* patt var does not exists globally *)
- | InternalisationError _ -> VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
+ | InternalizationError _ -> VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
(* patt var also exists globally but does not satisfy preconditions *)
| (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
if_verbose msg_warning (str "pattern " ++ pr_reference ref ++
@@ -696,7 +878,7 @@ let maybe_constructor ref f aliases scopes =
let mustbe_constructor loc ref f aliases patl scopes =
try find_constructor ref f aliases patl scopes
with (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
- raise (InternalisationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref))
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref))
let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
(*mode=false if pattern and true if constructor*)
@@ -813,7 +995,8 @@ let rec intern_cases_pattern genv scopes (ids,asubst as aliases) tmp_scope pat=
intern_pat scopes aliases tmp_scope a
| CPatNotation (loc, ntn, fullargs) ->
let ntn,(args,argsl as fullargs) = contract_pat_notation ntn fullargs in
- let (((ids',idsl'),c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn (tmp_scope,scopes) in
+ let ((ids',c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn (tmp_scope,scopes) in
+ let (ids',idsl',_) = split_by_type ids' in
Dumpglob.dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc fullargs ntn) ntn df;
let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids' args in
let substlist = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) idsl' argsl in
@@ -849,116 +1032,6 @@ let rec intern_cases_pattern genv scopes (ids,asubst as aliases) tmp_scope pat=
(ids,List.flatten pl')
-(* Fix and CoFix *)
-(* Utilities for binders *)
-let check_capture loc ty = function
- | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
- raise (InternalisationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
- | _ ->
- ()
-let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
- | RHole _ ->
- (try match na with
- | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
- | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
- | x -> x
-let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,(indnames,_)) =
- if List.mem id indnames then
- errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter or name of an inductive type " ++
- pr_id id ++ strbrk " is not allowed to be used as a bound variable in the type of its constructor.")
-let push_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) = function
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then errorlabstrm "" (str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
- env
- | Name id ->
- check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
- (Idset.add id ids, unb,tmpsc,scopes)
-let push_loc_name_env ?(fail_anonymous=false) lvar (ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes as env) loc = function
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Anonymous variables not allowed");
- env
- | Name id ->
- check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
- Dumpglob.dump_binding loc id;
- (Idset.add id ids,unb,tmpsc,scopes)
-let intern_generalized_binder ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern_type lvar
- (ids,unb,tmpsc,sc as env) bl (loc, na) b b' t ty =
- let ids = match na with Anonymous -> ids | Name na -> Idset.add na ids in
- let ty, ids' =
- if t then ty, ids else
- Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application ids
- Implicit_quantifiers.combine_params_freevar ty
- in
- let ty' = intern_type (ids,true,tmpsc,sc) ty in
- let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids ~allowed:ids' ty' in
- let env' = List.fold_left (fun env (x, l) -> push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env l (Name x)) env fvs in
- let bl = (fun (id, loc) -> (Name id, b, None, RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType (Name id)))) fvs in
- let na = match na with
- | Anonymous ->
- if fail_anonymous then na
- else
- let name =
- let id =
- match ty with
- | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id))), _) -> id
- | _ -> id_of_string "H"
- in Implicit_quantifiers.make_fresh ids' (Global.env ()) id
- in Name name
- | _ -> na
- in (push_loc_name_env ~fail_anonymous lvar env' loc na), (na,b',None,ty') :: List.rev bl
-let intern_local_binder_aux ?(fail_anonymous=false) intern intern_type lvar ((ids,unb,ts,sc as env),bl) = function
- | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
- (match bk with
- | Default k ->
- let (loc,na) = List.hd nal in
- (* TODO: fail if several names with different implicit types *)
- let ty = locate_if_isevar loc na (intern_type env ty) in
- List.fold_left
- (fun ((ids,unb,ts,sc),bl) (_,na) ->
- ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc), (na,k,None,ty)::bl))
- (env,bl) nal
- | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, b = intern_generalized_binder ~fail_anonymous intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- env, b @ bl)
- | LocalRawDef((loc,na),def) ->
- ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,unb,ts,sc),
- (na,Explicit,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
-let intern_generalization intern (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes as env) lvar loc bk ak c =
- let c = intern (ids,true,tmp_scope,scopes) c in
- let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_rawconstr ~bound:ids c in
- let env', c' =
- let abs =
- let pi =
- match ak with
- | Some AbsPi -> true
- | None when tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope
- || List.mem Notation.type_scope scopes -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- if pi then
- (fun (id, loc') acc ->
- RProd (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
- else
- (fun (id, loc') acc ->
- RLambda (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, RHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
- in
- List.fold_right (fun (id, loc as lid) (env, acc) ->
- let env' = push_loc_name_env lvar env loc (Name id) in
- (env', abs lid acc)) fvs (env,c)
- in c'
(* Utilities for application *)
let merge_impargs l args =
@@ -1030,7 +1103,7 @@ let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
(* Main loop *)
-let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
+let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let rec intern (ids,unb,tmp_scope,scopes as env) = function
| CRef ref as x ->
let (c,imp,subscopes,l),_ =
@@ -1044,17 +1117,16 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let n =
try list_index0 iddef lf
with Not_found ->
- raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (false,iddef)))
+ raise (InternalizationError (locid,UnboundFixName (false,iddef)))
let idl =
(fun (id,(n,order),bl,ty,bd) ->
let intern_ro_arg f =
- let idx = Option.default 0 (index_of_annot bl n) in
- let before, after = list_chop idx bl in
+ let before, after = split_at_annot bl n in
let ((ids',_,_,_) as env',rbefore) =
List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) before in
let ro = f (intern (ids', unb, tmp_scope, scopes)) in
- let n' = (fun _ -> List.length before) n in
+ let n' = (fun _ -> List.length rbefore) n in
n', ro, List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env',rbefore) after
let n, ro, ((ids',_,_,_),rbl) =
@@ -1082,7 +1154,7 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let n =
try list_index0 iddef lf
with Not_found ->
- raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (true,iddef)))
+ raise (InternalizationError (locid,UnboundFixName (true,iddef)))
let idl =
(fun (id,bl,ty,bd) ->
@@ -1107,15 +1179,15 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
intern env c2
| CLambdaN (loc,(nal,bk,ty)::bll,c2) ->
iterate_lam loc (reset_tmp_scope env) bk ty (CLambdaN (loc, bll, c2)) nal
- | CLetIn (loc,(loc1,na),c1,c2) ->
- RLetIn (loc, na, intern (reset_tmp_scope env) c1,
- intern (push_loc_name_env lvar env loc1 na) c2)
- | CNotation (loc,"- _",([CPrim (_,Numeral p)],[]))
+ | CLetIn (loc,na,c1,c2) ->
+ RLetIn (loc, snd na, intern (reset_tmp_scope env) c1,
+ intern (push_name_env lvar env na) c2)
+ | CNotation (loc,"- _",([CPrim (_,Numeral p)],[],[]))
when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
intern env (CPrim (loc,Numeral (Bigint.neg p)))
- | CNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[])) -> intern env a
+ | CNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[],[])) -> intern env a
| CNotation (loc,ntn,args) ->
- intern_notation intern env loc ntn args
+ intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn args
| CGeneralization (loc,b,a,c) ->
intern_generalization intern env lvar loc b a c
| CPrim (loc, p) ->
@@ -1138,8 +1210,8 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let (c,impargs,args_scopes,l),args =
match f with
| CRef ref -> intern_applied_reference intern env lvar args ref
- | CNotation (loc,ntn,([],[])) ->
- let c = intern_notation intern env loc ntn ([],[]) in
+ | CNotation (loc,ntn,([],[],[])) ->
+ let c = intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn ([],[],[]) in
find_appl_head_data c, args
| x -> (intern env f,[],[],[]), args in
let args =
@@ -1177,7 +1249,7 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let p' = (fun p ->
let env'' = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env ids in
intern_type env'' p) po in
- RLetTuple (loc, nal, (na', p'), b',
+ RLetTuple (loc, snd nal, (na', p'), b',
intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env nal) c)
| CIf (loc, c, (na,po), b1, b2) ->
let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
@@ -1191,7 +1263,7 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| CPatVar (loc, n) when allow_patvar ->
RPatVar (loc, n)
| CPatVar (loc, _) ->
- raise (InternalisationError (loc,IllegalMetavariable))
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,IllegalMetavariable))
| CEvar (loc, n, l) ->
REvar (loc, n, ( (intern env)) l)
| CSort (loc, s) ->
@@ -1252,27 +1324,27 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
if List.length l <> nindargs then
error_wrong_numarg_inductive_loc loc globalenv ind nindargs;
let nal = (function
- | RHole loc -> Anonymous
- | RVar (_,id) -> Name id
+ | RHole (loc,_) -> loc,Anonymous
+ | RVar (loc,id) -> loc,Name id
| c -> user_err_loc (loc_of_rawconstr c,"",str "Not a name.")) l in
let parnal,realnal = list_chop nparams nal in
- if List.exists ((<>) Anonymous) parnal then
+ if List.exists (fun (_,na) -> na <> Anonymous) parnal then
error_inductive_parameter_not_implicit loc;
- realnal, Some (loc,ind,nparams,realnal)
+ realnal, Some (loc,ind,nparams, snd realnal)
| None ->
[], None in
let na = match tm', na with
- | RVar (_,id), None when Idset.mem id vars -> Name id
- | RRef (loc, VarRef id), None -> Name id
- | _, None -> Anonymous
- | _, Some na -> na in
- (tm',(na,typ)), na::ids
+ | RVar (loc,id), None when Idset.mem id vars -> loc,Name id
+ | RRef (loc, VarRef id), None -> loc,Name id
+ | _, None -> dummy_loc,Anonymous
+ | _, Some (loc,na) -> loc,na in
+ (tm',(snd na,typ)), na::ids
and iterate_prod loc2 env bk ty body nal =
let rec default env bk = function
- | (loc1,na)::nal ->
+ | (loc1,na as locna)::nal ->
if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
- let body = default (push_loc_name_env lvar env loc1 na) bk nal in
+ let body = default (push_name_env lvar env locna) bk nal in
let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in
RProd (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, bk, ty, body)
| [] -> intern_type env body
@@ -1280,24 +1352,22 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
match bk with
| Default b -> default env b nal
| Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar
- env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
let body = intern_type env body in
it_mkRProd ibind body
and iterate_lam loc2 env bk ty body nal =
let rec default env bk = function
- | (loc1,na)::nal ->
+ | (loc1,na as locna)::nal ->
if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
- let body = default (push_loc_name_env lvar env loc1 na) bk nal in
+ let body = default (push_name_env lvar env locna) bk nal in
let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in
RLambda (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, bk, ty, body)
| [] -> intern env body
in match bk with
| Default b -> default env b nal
| Generalized (b, b', t) ->
- let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar
- env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
let body = intern env body in
it_mkRLambda ibind body
@@ -1345,9 +1415,9 @@ let internalise sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
intern env c
- InternalisationError (loc,e) ->
+ InternalizationError (loc,e) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",
- explain_internalisation_error e)
+ explain_internalization_error e)
(* Functions to translate constr_expr into rawconstr *)
@@ -1359,11 +1429,11 @@ let extract_ids env =
let intern_gen isarity sigma env
- ?(impls=([],[])) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
+ ?(impls=[]) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
c =
let tmp_scope =
if isarity then Some Notation.type_scope else None in
- internalise sigma env (extract_ids env, false, tmp_scope,[])
+ internalize sigma env (extract_ids env, false, tmp_scope,[])
allow_patvar (ltacvars,Environ.named_context env, [], impls) c
let intern_constr sigma env c = intern_gen false sigma env c
@@ -1374,8 +1444,8 @@ let intern_pattern env patt =
intern_cases_pattern env [] ([],[]) None patt
- InternalisationError (loc,e) ->
- user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalisation_error e)
+ InternalizationError (loc,e) ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalization_error e)
type manual_implicits = (explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list
@@ -1384,7 +1454,7 @@ type manual_implicits = (explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list
(* Functions to parse and interpret constructions *)
let interp_gen kind sigma env
- ?(impls=([],[])) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
+ ?(impls=[]) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
c =
let c = intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls ~allow_patvar ~ltacvars sigma env c in
Default.understand_gen kind sigma env c
@@ -1392,10 +1462,10 @@ let interp_gen kind sigma env
let interp_constr sigma env c =
interp_gen (OfType None) sigma env c
-let interp_type sigma env ?(impls=([],[])) c =
+let interp_type sigma env ?(impls=[]) c =
interp_gen IsType sigma env ~impls c
-let interp_casted_constr sigma env ?(impls=([],[])) c typ =
+let interp_casted_constr sigma env ?(impls=[]) c typ =
interp_gen (OfType (Some typ)) sigma env ~impls c
let interp_open_constr sigma env c =
@@ -1423,34 +1493,35 @@ let interp_constr_judgment sigma env c =
Default.understand_judgment sigma env (intern_constr sigma env c)
let interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true)
- env ?(impls=([],[])) kind c =
+ env ?(impls=[]) kind c =
let evdref =
match evdref with
| None -> ref Evd.empty
| Some evdref -> evdref
- let c = intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls !evdref env c in
- let imps = Implicit_quantifiers.implicits_of_rawterm c in
+ let istype = kind = IsType in
+ let c = intern_gen istype ~impls !evdref env c in
+ let imps = Implicit_quantifiers.implicits_of_rawterm ~with_products:istype c in
Default.understand_tcc_evars ~fail_evar evdref env kind c, imps
let interp_casted_constr_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true)
- env ?(impls=([],[])) c typ =
+ env ?(impls=[]) c typ =
interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env ~impls (OfType (Some typ)) c
-let interp_type_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=([],[])) c =
+let interp_type_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=[]) c =
interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env IsType ~impls c
-let interp_constr_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=([],[])) c =
+let interp_constr_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=[]) c =
interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env (OfType None) ~impls c
-let interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env ?(impls=([],[])) kind c =
+let interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env ?(impls=[]) kind c =
let c = intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls ( !evdref) env c in
Default.understand_tcc_evars evdref env kind c
-let interp_casted_constr_evars evdref env ?(impls=([],[])) c typ =
+let interp_casted_constr_evars evdref env ?(impls=[]) c typ =
interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env ~impls (OfType (Some typ)) c
-let interp_type_evars evdref env ?(impls=([],[])) c =
+let interp_type_evars evdref env ?(impls=[]) c =
interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env IsType ~impls c
type ltac_sign = identifier list * unbound_ltac_var_map
@@ -1459,19 +1530,20 @@ let intern_constr_pattern sigma env ?(as_type=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[])) c =
let c = intern_gen as_type ~allow_patvar:true ~ltacvars sigma env c in
pattern_of_rawconstr c
-let interp_aconstr ?(impls=([],[])) (vars,varslist) a =
+let interp_aconstr ?(impls=[]) vars recvars a =
let env = Global.env () in
(* [vl] is intended to remember the scope of the free variables of [a] *)
- let vl = (fun id -> (id,ref None)) (vars@varslist) in
- let c = internalise Evd.empty (Global.env()) (extract_ids env, false, None, [])
+ let vl = (fun (id,typ) -> (id,(ref None,typ))) vars in
+ let c = internalize Evd.empty (Global.env()) (extract_ids env, false, None, [])
false (([],[]),Environ.named_context env,vl,impls) a in
(* Translate and check that [c] has all its free variables bound in [vars] *)
- let a = aconstr_of_rawconstr vars c in
+ let a = aconstr_of_rawconstr vars recvars c in
+ (* Splits variables into those that are binding, bound, or both *)
+ (* binding and bound *)
+ let out_scope = function None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l in
+ let vars = (fun (id,(sc,typ)) -> (id,(out_scope !sc,typ))) vl in
(* Returns [a] and the ordered list of variables with their scopes *)
- (* Variables occurring in binders have no relevant scope since bound *)
- let vl = (fun (id,r) ->
- (id,match !r with None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l)) vl in
- list_chop (List.length vars) vl, a
+ vars, a
(* Interpret binders and contexts *)
@@ -1489,14 +1561,14 @@ open Environ
open Term
let my_intern_constr sigma env lvar acc c =
- internalise sigma env acc false lvar c
+ internalize sigma env acc false lvar c
let my_intern_type sigma env lvar acc c = my_intern_constr sigma env lvar (set_type_scope acc) c
-let intern_context fail_anonymous sigma env params =
- let lvar = (([],[]),Environ.named_context env, [], ([], [])) in
+let intern_context global_level sigma env params =
+ let lvar = (([],[]),Environ.named_context env, [], []) in
snd (List.fold_left
- (intern_local_binder_aux ~fail_anonymous (my_intern_constr sigma env lvar) (my_intern_type sigma env lvar) lvar)
+ (intern_local_binder_aux ~global_level (my_intern_constr sigma env lvar) (my_intern_type sigma env lvar) lvar)
((extract_ids env,false,None,[]), []) params)
let interp_rawcontext_gen understand_type understand_judgment env bl =
@@ -1522,15 +1594,15 @@ let interp_rawcontext_gen understand_type understand_judgment env bl =
(env,[],1,[]) (List.rev bl)
in (env, par), impls
-let interp_context_gen understand_type understand_judgment ?(fail_anonymous=false) sigma env params =
- let bl = intern_context fail_anonymous sigma env params in
+let interp_context_gen understand_type understand_judgment ?(global_level=false) sigma env params =
+ let bl = intern_context global_level sigma env params in
interp_rawcontext_gen understand_type understand_judgment env bl
-let interp_context ?(fail_anonymous=false) sigma env params =
+let interp_context ?(global_level=false) sigma env params =
interp_context_gen (Default.understand_type sigma)
- (Default.understand_judgment sigma) ~fail_anonymous sigma env params
+ (Default.understand_judgment sigma) ~global_level sigma env params
-let interp_context_evars ?(fail_anonymous=false) evdref env params =
+let interp_context_evars ?(global_level=false) evdref env params =
interp_context_gen (fun env t -> Default.understand_tcc_evars evdref env IsType t)
- (Default.understand_judgment_tcc evdref) ~fail_anonymous !evdref env params
+ (Default.understand_judgment_tcc evdref) ~global_level !evdref env params