path: root/ide/utils/uoptions.mli
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /ide/utils/uoptions.mli
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/utils/uoptions.mli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/ide/utils/uoptions.mli b/ide/utils/uoptions.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a323ac60..00000000
--- a/ide/utils/uoptions.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: *)
- This module implements a simple mechanism to handle program options files.
- An options file is defined as a set of [variable = value] lines,
- where value can be a simple string, a list of values (between brackets
-or parentheses) or a set of [variable = value] lines between braces.
-The option file is automatically loaded and saved, and options are
-manipulated inside the program as easily as references.
- Code from Fabrice Le Fessant.
-type 'a option_class
-(** The abstract type for a class of options. A class is a set of options
-which use the same conversion functions from loading and saving.*)
-type 'a option_record
-(** The abstract type for an option *)
-type options_file
-val create_options_file : string -> options_file
-val set_options_file : options_file -> string -> unit
-val prune_file : options_file -> unit
-(** {2 Operations on option files} *)
-val load : options_file -> unit
-(** [load file] loads the option file. All options whose value is specified
- in the option file are updated. *)
-val append : options_file -> string -> unit
-(** [append filename] loads the specified option file. All options whose
-value is specified in this file are updated. *)
-val save : options_file -> unit
-(** [save file] saves all the options values to the option file. *)
-val save_with_help : options_file -> unit
-(** [save_with_help ()] saves all the options values to the option file,
- with the help provided for each option. *)
-(** {2 Creating options} *)
-val define_option : options_file ->
- string list -> string -> 'a option_class -> 'a -> 'a option_record
-val option_hook : 'a option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val string_option : string option_class
-val color_option : string option_class
-val font_option : string option_class
-val int_option : int option_class
-val bool_option : bool option_class
-val float_option : float option_class
-val string2_option : (string * string) option_class
- (* parameterized options *)
-val list_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
-val smalllist_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
-val sum_option : (string * 'a) list -> 'a option_class
-val tuple2_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class -> ('a * 'b) option_class
-val tuple3_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c) option_class
-val tuple4_option :
- 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class * 'd option_class ->
- ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) option_class
-(** {2 Using options} *)
-val ( !! ) : 'a option_record -> 'a
-val ( =:= ) : 'a option_record -> 'a -> unit
-val shortname : 'a option_record -> string
-val get_help : 'a option_record -> string
-(** {2 Creating new option classes} *)
-val get_class : 'a option_record -> 'a option_class
-val class_hook : 'a option_class -> ('a option_record -> unit) -> unit
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
-| StringValue of string
-| IntValue of int
-| FloatValue of float
-| List of option_value list
-| SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module =
- (string * option_value) list
-val define_option_class :
- string -> (option_value -> 'a) -> ('a -> option_value) -> 'a option_class
-val to_value : 'a option_class -> 'a -> option_value
-val from_value : 'a option_class -> option_value -> 'a
-val value_to_string : option_value -> string
-val string_to_value : string -> option_value
-val value_to_int : option_value -> int
-val int_to_value : int -> option_value
-val bool_of_string : string -> bool
-val value_to_bool : option_value -> bool
-val bool_to_value : bool -> option_value
-val value_to_float : option_value -> float
-val float_to_value : float -> option_value
-val value_to_string2 : option_value -> string * string
-val string2_to_value : string * string -> option_value
-val value_to_list : (option_value -> 'a) -> option_value -> 'a list
-val list_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
-val smalllist_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
-val set_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string -> unit
-val simple_options : options_file -> (string * string) list
-val get_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string
-val set_option_hook : options_file -> string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val set_string_wrappers : 'a option_record ->
- ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'a) -> unit
-(** {2 Other functions} *)
-val simple_args : options_file -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list