path: root/ide/utils/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /ide/utils/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/utils/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 772 deletions
diff --git a/ide/utils/ b/ide/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3b42cd..00000000
--- a/ide/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,772 +0,0 @@
-(* Cameleon *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
-(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* any later version. *)
-(* *)
-(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
-(* *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
-(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
-(* 02111-1307 USA *)
-(* *)
-(* Contact: *)
-(** Simple options:
- This will enable very simple configuration, by a mouse-based configurator.
- Flags.will be defined by a special function, which will also check
- if a value has been provided by the user in its .gwmlrc file.
- The .gwmlrc will be created by a dedicated tool, which could be used
- to generate both .gwmlrc and .efunsrc files.
-Note: this is redundant, since such options could also be better set
-in the .Xdefaults file (using Xrm to load them). Maybe we should merge
-both approaches in a latter release.
- Code from Fabrice Le Fessant.
- *)
-type option_value =
- Module of option_module
- | StringValue of string
- | IntValue of int
- | FloatValue of float
- | List of option_value list
- | SmallList of option_value list
-and option_module = (string * option_value) list
-type 'a option_class =
- { class_name : string;
- from_value : option_value -> 'a;
- to_value : 'a -> option_value;
- mutable class_hooks : ('a option_record -> unit) list }
-and 'a option_record =
- { option_name : string list;
- option_class : 'a option_class;
- mutable option_value : 'a;
- option_help : string;
- mutable option_hooks : (unit -> unit) list;
- mutable string_wrappers : (('a -> string) * (string -> 'a)) option;
- option_file : options_file;
- }
-and options_file = {
- mutable file_name : string;
- mutable file_options : Obj.t option_record list;
- mutable file_rc : option_module;
- mutable file_pruned : bool;
- }
-let create_options_file name =
- ignore
- (
- if not (Sys.file_exists name) then
- let oc = open_out name in
- close_out oc
- );
- {
- file_name = name;
- file_options =[];
- file_rc = [];
- file_pruned = false;
- }
-let set_options_file opfile name = opfile.file_name <- name
- define_option_class
- (class_name : string)
- (from_value : option_value -> 'a)
- (to_value : 'a -> option_value) =
- let c =
- {class_name = class_name;
- from_value = from_value;
- to_value = to_value;
- class_hooks = []}
- in
- c
-let filename =
- ref
- (Filename.concat Sysenv.home
- ("." ^ Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) ^ "rc"))
-let gwmlrc = ref [];;
-let options = ref [];;
-let rec find_value list m =
- match list with
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | name :: tail ->
- let m = List.assoc name m in
- match m, tail with
- _, [] -> m
- | Module m, _ :: _ -> find_value tail m
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let prune_file file =
- file.file_pruned <- true
- define_option
- (opfile : options_file)
- (option_name : string list)
- (option_help : string)
- (option_class : 'a option_class)
- (default_value : 'a) =
- let o =
- {option_name = option_name;
- option_help = option_help;
- option_class = option_class;
- option_value = default_value;
- string_wrappers = None;
- option_hooks = [];
- option_file = opfile; }
- in
- opfile.file_options <- (Obj.magic o : Obj.t option_record) ::
- opfile.file_options;
- o.option_value <-
- begin try o.option_class.from_value (find_value option_name
- opfile.file_rc) with
- Not_found -> default_value
- | e ->
- Printf.printf "Flags.define_option, for option %s: "
- (match option_name with
- [] -> "???"
- | name :: _ -> name);
- Printf.printf "%s" (Printexc.to_string e);
- print_newline ();
- default_value
- end;
- o
-open Genlex;;
-let lexer = make_lexer ["="; "{"; "}"; "["; "]"; ";"; "("; ")"; ","; "."];;
-let rec parse_gwmlrc (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match
- try Some (parse_id strm__) with
- Stream.Failure -> None
- with
- Some id ->
- begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "=") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_option strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- let eof =
- try parse_gwmlrc strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- (id, v) :: eof
- | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | _ -> []
-and parse_option (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "{") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_gwmlrc strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- begin match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "}") -> Stream.junk strm__; Module v
- | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; StringValue s
- | Some (String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; StringValue s
- | Some (Int i) -> Stream.junk strm__; IntValue i
- | Some (Float f) -> Stream.junk strm__; FloatValue f
- | Some (Char c) ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- StringValue (let s = String.create 1 in s.[0] <- c; s)
- | Some (Kwd "[") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- List v
- | Some (Kwd "(") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- let v =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- List v
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-and parse_id (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s
- | Some (String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-and parse_list (strm__ : _ Stream.t) =
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd ";") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Kwd ",") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | Some (Kwd ".") ->
- Stream.junk strm__;
- begin try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- end
- | _ ->
- match
- try Some (parse_option strm__) with
- Stream.Failure -> None
- with
- Some v ->
- let t =
- try parse_list strm__ with
- Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
- in
- v :: t
- | _ ->
- match Stream.peek strm__ with
- Some (Kwd "]") -> Stream.junk strm__; []
- | Some (Kwd ")") -> Stream.junk strm__; []
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
-let exec_hooks o =
- List.iter
- (fun f ->
- try f () with
- _ -> ())
- o.option_hooks
-let exec_chooks o =
- List.iter
- (fun f ->
- try f o with
- _ -> ())
- o.option_class.class_hooks
-let really_load filename options =
- let temp_file = filename ^ ".tmp" in
- if Sys.file_exists temp_file then begin
- Printf.printf
- "File %s exists\n" temp_file;
- Printf.printf
- "An error may have occurred during previous configuration save.\n";
- Printf.printf
- "Please, check your configurations files, and rename/remove this file\n";
- Printf.printf "before restarting";
- print_newline ();
- exit 1
- end
- else
- let ic = open_in filename in
- let s = Stream.of_channel ic in
- try
- let stream = lexer s in
- let list =
- try parse_gwmlrc stream with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "At pos %d/%d" (Stream.count s) (Stream.count stream);
- print_newline ();
- raise e
- in
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- try
- o.option_value <-
- o.option_class.from_value (find_value o.option_name list);
- exec_chooks o;
- exec_hooks o
- with
- e ->
- ()
- )
- options;
- list
- with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "Error %s in %s" (Printexc.to_string e) filename;
- print_newline ();
- []
-let load opfile =
- try opfile.file_rc <- really_load opfile.file_name opfile.file_options with
- Not_found ->
- Printf.printf "No %s found" opfile.file_name; print_newline ()
-let append opfile filename =
- try opfile.file_rc <-
- really_load filename opfile.file_options @ opfile.file_rc with
- Not_found ->
- Printf.printf "No %s found" filename; print_newline ()
-let ( !! ) o = o.option_value;;
-let ( =:= ) o v = o.option_value <- v; exec_chooks o; exec_hooks o;;
-let value_to_string v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> s
- | IntValue i -> string_of_int i
- | FloatValue f -> string_of_float f
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a string option"
-let string_to_value s = StringValue s;;
-let value_to_int v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> int_of_string s
- | IntValue i -> i
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not an int option"
-let int_to_value i = IntValue i;;
-(* The Pervasives version is too restrictive *)
-let bool_of_string s =
- match String.lowercase s with
- "true" -> true
- | "false" -> false
- | "yes" -> true
- | "no" -> false
- | "y" -> true
- | "n" -> false
- | _ -> invalid_arg "bool_of_string"
-let value_to_bool v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> bool_of_string s
- | IntValue v when v = 0 -> false
- | IntValue v when v = 1 -> true
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a bool option"
-let bool_to_value i = StringValue (string_of_bool i);;
-let value_to_float v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> float_of_string s
- | FloatValue f -> f
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a float option"
-let float_to_value i = FloatValue i;;
-let value_to_string2 v =
- match v with
- List [s1; s2] | SmallList [s1;s2] ->
- value_to_string s1, value_to_string s2
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a string2 option"
-let string2_to_value (s1, s2) = SmallList [StringValue s1; StringValue s2];;
-let value_to_list v2c v =
- match v with
- List l | SmallList l -> List.rev (List.rev_map v2c l)
- | StringValue s -> failwith (Printf.sprintf
- "Flags. not a list option (StringValue [%s])" s)
- | FloatValue _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (FloatValue)"
- | IntValue _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (IntValue)"
- | Module _ -> failwith "Flags. not a list option (Module)"
-let list_to_value c2v l =
- List
- (List.fold_right
- (fun v list ->
- try c2v v :: list with
- _ -> list)
- l [])
-let smalllist_to_value c2v l =
- SmallList
- (List.fold_right
- (fun v list ->
- try c2v v :: list with
- _ -> list)
- l [])
-let string_option =
- define_option_class "String" value_to_string string_to_value
-let color_option =
- define_option_class "Color" value_to_string string_to_value
-let font_option = define_option_class "Font" value_to_string string_to_value;;
-let int_option = define_option_class "Int" value_to_int int_to_value;;
-let bool_option = define_option_class "Bool" value_to_bool bool_to_value;;
-let float_option = define_option_class "Float" value_to_float float_to_value;;
-let string2_option =
- define_option_class "String2" value_to_string2 string2_to_value
-let list_option cl =
- define_option_class (cl.class_name ^ " List") (value_to_list cl.from_value)
- (list_to_value cl.to_value)
-let smalllist_option cl =
- define_option_class (cl.class_name ^ " List") (value_to_list cl.from_value)
- (smalllist_to_value cl.to_value)
-let to_value cl = cl.to_value;;
-let from_value cl = cl.from_value;;
-let value_to_sum l v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> List.assoc s l
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a sum option"
-let sum_to_value l v = StringValue (List.assq v l);;
-let sum_option l =
- let ll = (fun (a1, a2) -> a2, a1) l in
- define_option_class "Sum" (value_to_sum l) (sum_to_value ll)
-let exit_exn = Exit;;
-let safe_string s =
- if s = "" then "\"\""
- else
- try
- match s.[0] with
- 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ->
- for i = 1 to String.length s - 1 do
- match s.[i] with
- 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9' -> ()
- | _ -> raise exit_exn
- done;
- s
- | _ ->
- if string_of_int (int_of_string s) = s ||
- string_of_float (float_of_string s) = s then
- s
- else raise exit_exn
- with
- _ -> Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
-let with_help = ref false;;
-let rec save_module indent oc list =
- let subm = ref [] in
- List.iter
- (fun (name, help, value) ->
- match name with
- [] -> assert false
- | [name] ->
- if !with_help && help <> "" then
- Printf.fprintf oc "(* %s *)\n" help;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = " indent (safe_string name);
- save_value indent oc value;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n"
- | m :: tail ->
- let p =
- try List.assoc m !subm with
- _ -> let p = ref [] in subm := (m, p) :: !subm; p
- in
- p := (tail, help, value) :: !p)
- list;
- List.iter
- (fun (m, p) ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = {\n" indent (safe_string m);
- save_module (indent ^ " ") oc !p;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s}\n" indent)
- !subm
-and save_list indent oc list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | [v] -> save_value indent oc v
- | v :: tail ->
- save_value indent oc v; Printf.fprintf oc ", "; save_list indent oc tail
-and save_list_nl indent oc list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | [v] -> Printf.fprintf oc "\n%s" indent; save_value indent oc v
- | v :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n%s" indent;
- save_value indent oc v;
- Printf.fprintf oc ";";
- save_list_nl indent oc tail
-and save_value indent oc v =
- match v with
- StringValue s -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s" (safe_string s)
- | IntValue i -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d" i
- | FloatValue f -> Printf.fprintf oc "%f" f
- | List l ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "[";
- save_list_nl (indent ^ " ") oc l;
- Printf.fprintf oc "]"
- | SmallList l ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "(";
- save_list (indent ^ " ") oc l;
- Printf.fprintf oc ")"
- | Module m ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "{";
- save_module_fields (indent ^ " ") oc m;
- Printf.fprintf oc "}"
-and save_module_fields indent oc m =
- match m with
- [] -> ()
- | (name, v) :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s = " indent (safe_string name);
- save_value indent oc v;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n";
- save_module_fields indent oc tail
-let save opfile =
- let filename = opfile.file_name in
- let temp_file = filename ^ ".tmp" in
- let old_file = filename ^ ".old" in
- let oc = open_out temp_file in
- save_module "" oc
- (
- (fun o ->
- o.option_name, o.option_help,
- (try
- o.option_class.to_value o.option_value
- with
- e ->
- Printf.printf "Error while saving option \"%s\": %s"
- (try List.hd o.option_name with
- _ -> "???")
- (Printexc.to_string e);
- print_newline ();
- StringValue ""))
- (List.rev opfile.file_options));
- if not opfile.file_pruned then begin
- Printf.fprintf oc
- "\n(*\n The following options are not used (errors, obsolete, ...) \n*)\n";
- List.iter
- (fun (name, value) ->
- try
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- match o.option_name with
- n :: _ -> if n = name then raise Exit
- | _ -> ())
- opfile.file_options;
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s = " (safe_string name);
- save_value " " oc value;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n"
- with
- _ -> ())
- opfile.file_rc;
- end;
- close_out oc;
- (try Sys.rename filename old_file with _ -> ());
- (try Sys.rename temp_file filename with _ -> ())
-let save_with_help opfile =
- with_help := true;
- begin try save opfile with
- _ -> ()
- end;
- with_help := false
-let option_hook option f = option.option_hooks <- f :: option.option_hooks;;
-let class_hook option_class f =
- option_class.class_hooks <- f :: option_class.class_hooks
-let rec iter_order f list =
- match list with
- [] -> ()
- | v :: tail -> f v; iter_order f tail
-let help oc opfile =
- List.iter
- (fun o ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "OPTION \"";
- begin match o.option_name with
- [] -> Printf.fprintf oc "???"
- | [name] -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s" name
- | name :: tail ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "%s" name;
- iter_order (fun name -> Printf.fprintf oc ":%s" name) o.option_name
- end;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\" (TYPE \"%s\"): %s\n CURRENT: \n"
- o.option_class.class_name o.option_help;
- begin try
- save_value "" oc (o.option_class.to_value o.option_value)
- with
- _ -> ()
- end;
- Printf.fprintf oc "\n")
- opfile.file_options;
- flush oc
-let tuple2_to_value (c1, c2) (a1, a2) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2]
-let value_to_tuple2 (c1, c2) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2
- | SmallList [v1; v2] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2
- | List l | SmallList l ->
- Printf.printf "list of %d" (List.length l);
- print_newline ();
- failwith "Flags. not a tuple2 list option"
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple2 option"
-let tuple2_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple2_option" (value_to_tuple2 p) (tuple2_to_value p)
-let tuple3_to_value (c1, c2, c3) (a1, a2, a3) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2; to_value c3 a3]
-let value_to_tuple3 (c1, c2, c3) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2; v3] -> from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3
- | SmallList [v1; v2; v3] ->
- from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple3 option"
-let tuple3_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple3_option" (value_to_tuple3 p) (tuple3_to_value p)
-let tuple4_to_value (c1, c2, c3, c4) (a1, a2, a3, a4) =
- SmallList [to_value c1 a1; to_value c2 a2; to_value c3 a3; to_value c4 a4]
-let value_to_tuple4 (c1, c2, c3, c4) v =
- match v with
- List [v1; v2; v3; v4] ->
- (from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3, from_value c4 v4)
- | SmallList [v1; v2; v3; v4] ->
- (from_value c1 v1, from_value c2 v2, from_value c3 v3, from_value c4 v4)
- | _ -> failwith "Flags. not a tuple4 option"
-let tuple4_option p =
- define_option_class "tuple4_option" (value_to_tuple4 p) (tuple4_to_value p)
-let shortname o = String.concat ":" o.option_name;;
-let get_class o = o.option_class;;
-let get_help o =
- let help = o.option_help in if help = "" then "No Help Available" else help
-let simple_options opfile =
- let list = ref [] in
- List.iter (fun o ->
- match o.option_name with
- [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> ()
- | [name] ->
- match o.option_class.to_value o.option_value with
- Module _ | SmallList _ | List _ ->
- begin
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None -> ()
- | Some (to_string, from_string) ->
- list := (name, to_string o.option_value) :: !list
- end
- | v ->
- list := (name, value_to_string v) :: !list
- ) opfile.file_options;
- !list
-let get_option opfile name =
- let rec iter name list =
- match list with
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | o :: list ->
- if o.option_name = name then o
- else iter name list
- in
- iter [name] opfile.file_options
-let set_simple_option opfile name v =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- begin
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None ->
- o.option_value <- o.option_class.from_value (string_to_value v);
- | Some (_, from_string) ->
- o.option_value <- from_string v
- end;
- exec_chooks o; exec_hooks o;;
-let get_simple_option opfile name =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- match o.string_wrappers with
- None ->
- value_to_string (o.option_class.to_value o.option_value)
- | Some (to_string, _) ->
- to_string o.option_value
-let set_option_hook opfile name hook =
- let o = get_option opfile name in
- o.option_hooks <- hook :: o.option_hooks
-let set_string_wrappers o to_string from_string =
- o.string_wrappers <- Some (to_string, from_string)
-let simple_args opfile =
- (fun (name, v) ->
- ("-" ^ name),
- Arg.String (set_simple_option opfile name),
- (Printf.sprintf "<string> : \t%s (current: %s)"
- (get_option opfile name).option_help
- v)
- ) (simple_options opfile)