path: root/ide/interface.mli
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
commit7cfc4e5146be5666419451bdd516f1f3f264d24a (patch)
treee4197645da03dc3c7cc84e434cc31d0a0cca7056 /ide/interface.mli
parent420f78b2caeaaddc6fe484565b2d0e49c66888e5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/interface.mli')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/interface.mli b/ide/interface.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..464e851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/interface.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** * Declarative part of the interface of CoqIde calls to Coq *)
+(** * Generic structures *)
+type raw = bool
+type verbose = bool
+(** The type of coqtop goals *)
+type goal = {
+ goal_id : string;
+ (** Unique goal identifier *)
+ goal_hyp : string list;
+ (** List of hypotheses *)
+ goal_ccl : string;
+ (** Goal conclusion *)
+type evar = {
+ evar_info : string;
+ (** A string describing an evar: type, number, environment *)
+type status = {
+ status_path : string list;
+ (** Module path of the current proof *)
+ status_proofname : string option;
+ (** Current proof name. [None] if no focussed proof is in progress *)
+ status_allproofs : string list;
+ (** List of all pending proofs. Order is not significant *)
+ status_proofnum : int;
+ (** An id describing the state of the current proof. *)
+type 'a pre_goals = {
+ fg_goals : 'a list;
+ (** List of the focussed goals *)
+ bg_goals : ('a list * 'a list) list;
+ (** Zipper representing the unfocused background goals *)
+ shelved_goals : 'a list;
+ (** List of the goals on the shelf. *)
+ given_up_goals : 'a list;
+ (** List of the goals that have been given up *)
+type goals = goal pre_goals
+type hint = (string * string) list
+(** A list of tactics applicable and their appearance *)
+type option_name = string list
+type option_value =
+ | BoolValue of bool
+ | IntValue of int option
+ | StringValue of string
+(** Summary of an option status *)
+type option_state = {
+ opt_sync : bool;
+ (** Whether an option is synchronous *)
+ opt_depr : bool;
+ (** Wheter an option is deprecated *)
+ opt_name : string;
+ (** A short string that is displayed when using [Test] *)
+ opt_value : option_value;
+ (** The current value of the option *)
+type search_constraint =
+(** Whether the name satisfies a regexp (uses Ocaml Str syntax) *)
+| Name_Pattern of string
+(** Whether the object type satisfies a pattern *)
+| Type_Pattern of string
+(** Whether some subtype of object type satisfies a pattern *)
+| SubType_Pattern of string
+(** Whether the object pertains to a module *)
+| In_Module of string list
+(** Bypass the Search blacklist *)
+| Include_Blacklist
+(** A list of search constraints; the boolean flag is set to [false] whenever
+ the flag should be negated. *)
+type search_flags = (search_constraint * bool) list
+(** A named object in Coq. [coq_object_qualid] is the shortest path defined for
+ the user. [coq_object_prefix] is the missing part to recover the fully
+ qualified name, i.e [fully_qualified = coq_object_prefix + coq_object_qualid].
+ [coq_object_object] is the actual content of the object. *)
+type 'a coq_object = {
+ coq_object_prefix : string list;
+ coq_object_qualid : string list;
+ coq_object_object : 'a;
+type coq_info = {
+ coqtop_version : string;
+ protocol_version : string;
+ release_date : string;
+ compile_date : string;
+(** Calls result *)
+type location = (int * int) option (* start and end of the error *)
+type state_id = Feedback.state_id
+type edit_id = Feedback.edit_id
+(* The fail case carries the current state_id of the prover, the GUI
+ should probably retract to that point *)
+type 'a value =
+ | Good of 'a
+ | Fail of (state_id * location * string)
+type ('a, 'b) union = ('a, 'b) Util.union
+(* Request/Reply message protocol between Coq and CoqIde *)
+(** [add ((s,eid),(sid,v))] adds the phrase [s] with edit id [eid]
+ on top of the current edit position (that is asserted to be [sid])
+ verbosely if [v] is true. The response [(id,(rc,s)] is the new state
+ [id] assigned to the phrase, some output [s]. [rc] is [Inl] if the new
+ state id is the tip of the edit point, or [Inr tip] if the new phrase
+ closes a focus and [tip] is the new edit tip *)
+type add_sty = (string * edit_id) * (state_id * verbose)
+type add_rty = state_id * ((unit, state_id) union * string)
+(** [edit_at id] declares the user wants to edit just after [id].
+ The response is [Inl] if the document has been rewound to that point,
+ [Inr (start,(stop,tip))] if [id] is in a zone that can be focused.
+ In that case the zone is delimited by [start] and [stop] while [tip]
+ is the new document [tip]. Edits made by subsequent [add] are always
+ performend on top of [id]. *)
+type edit_at_sty = state_id
+type edit_at_rty = (unit, state_id * (state_id * state_id)) union
+(** [query s id] executes [s] at state [id] and does not record any state
+ change but for the printings that are sent in response *)
+type query_sty = string * state_id
+type query_rty = string
+(** Fetching the list of current goals. Return [None] if no proof is in
+ progress, [Some gl] otherwise. *)
+type goals_sty = unit
+type goals_rty = goals option
+(** Retrieve the list of unintantiated evars in the current proof. [None] if no
+ proof is in progress. *)
+type evars_sty = unit
+type evars_rty = evar list option
+(** Retrieving the tactics applicable to the current goal. [None] if there is
+ no proof in progress. *)
+type hints_sty = unit
+type hints_rty = (hint list * hint) option
+(** The status, for instance "Ready in SomeSection, proving Foo", the
+ input boolean (if true) forces the evaluation of all unevaluated
+ statements *)
+type status_sty = bool
+type status_rty = status
+(** Search for objects satisfying the given search flags. *)
+type search_sty = search_flags
+type search_rty = string coq_object list
+(** Retrieve the list of options of the current toplevel *)
+type get_options_sty = unit
+type get_options_rty = (option_name * option_state) list
+(** Set the options to the given value. Warning: this is not atomic, so whenever
+ the call fails, the option state can be messed up... This is the caller duty
+ to check that everything is correct. *)
+type set_options_sty = (option_name * option_value) list
+type set_options_rty = unit
+(** Create a "match" template for a given inductive type.
+ For each branch of the match, we list the constructor name
+ followed by enough pattern variables. *)
+type mkcases_sty = string
+type mkcases_rty = string list list
+(** Quit gracefully the interpreter. *)
+type quit_sty = unit
+type quit_rty = unit
+(* Initialize, and return the initial state id. The argument is the filename.
+ * If its directory is not in dirpath, it adds it. It also loads
+ * compilation hints for the filename. *)
+type init_sty = string option
+type init_rty = state_id
+type about_sty = unit
+type about_rty = coq_info
+type handle_exn_sty = Exninfo.iexn
+type handle_exn_rty = state_id * location * string
+(* Retrocompatibility stuff *)
+type interp_sty = (raw * verbose) * string
+(* spiwack: [Inl] for safe and [Inr] for unsafe. *)
+type interp_rty = state_id * (string,string) Util.union
+type stop_worker_sty = string
+type stop_worker_rty = unit
+type print_ast_sty = state_id
+type print_ast_rty = Xml_datatype.xml
+type annotate_sty = string
+type annotate_rty = Xml_datatype.xml
+type handler = {
+ add : add_sty -> add_rty;
+ edit_at : edit_at_sty -> edit_at_rty;
+ query : query_sty -> query_rty;
+ goals : goals_sty -> goals_rty;
+ evars : evars_sty -> evars_rty;
+ hints : hints_sty -> hints_rty;
+ status : status_sty -> status_rty;
+ search : search_sty -> search_rty;
+ get_options : get_options_sty -> get_options_rty;
+ set_options : set_options_sty -> set_options_rty;
+ mkcases : mkcases_sty -> mkcases_rty;
+ about : about_sty -> about_rty;
+ stop_worker : stop_worker_sty -> stop_worker_rty;
+ print_ast : print_ast_sty -> print_ast_rty;
+ annotate : annotate_sty -> annotate_rty;
+ handle_exn : handle_exn_sty -> handle_exn_rty;
+ init : init_sty -> init_rty;
+ quit : quit_sty -> quit_rty;
+ (* Retrocompatibility stuff *)
+ interp : interp_sty -> interp_rty;