path: root/grammar/tacextend.mlp
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
commita4c7f8bd98be2a200489325ff7c5061cf80ab4f3 (patch)
tree26dd9c4aa142597ee09c887ef161d5f0fa5077b6 /grammar/tacextend.mlp
parent164c6861860e6b52818c031f901ffeff91fca16a (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.6upstream/8.6
Diffstat (limited to 'grammar/tacextend.mlp')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grammar/tacextend.mlp b/grammar/tacextend.mlp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..683a7e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/tacextend.mlp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Implementation of the TACTIC EXTEND macro. *)
+open Q_util
+open Argextend
+open GramCompat
+let dloc = <:expr< Loc.ghost >>
+let plugin_name = <:expr< __coq_plugin_name >>
+let mlexpr_of_ident id =
+ (** Workaround for badly-designed generic arguments lacking a closure *)
+ let id = "$" ^ id in
+ <:expr< Names.Id.of_string_soft $str:id$ >>
+let rec make_patt = function
+ | [] -> <:patt< [] >>
+ | ExtNonTerminal (_, p) :: l ->
+ <:patt< [ $lid:p$ :: $make_patt l$ ] >>
+ | _::l -> make_patt l
+let rec make_let raw e = function
+ | [] -> <:expr< fun $lid:"ist"$ -> $e$ >>
+ | ExtNonTerminal (g, p) :: l ->
+ let t = type_of_user_symbol g in
+ let loc = MLast.loc_of_expr e in
+ let e = make_let raw e l in
+ let v =
+ if raw then <:expr< Genarg.out_gen $make_rawwit loc t$ $lid:p$ >>
+ else <:expr< Tacinterp.Value.cast $make_topwit loc t$ $lid:p$ >> in
+ <:expr< let $lid:p$ = $v$ in $e$ >>
+ | _::l -> make_let raw e l
+let make_clause (pt,_,e) =
+ (make_patt pt,
+ vala None,
+ make_let false e pt)
+let make_fun_clauses loc s l =
+ let map c = GramCompat.make_fun loc [make_clause c] in
+ mlexpr_of_list map l
+let get_argt e = <:expr< (fun e -> match e with [ Genarg.ExtraArg tag -> tag | _ -> assert False ]) $e$ >>
+let rec mlexpr_of_symbol = function
+| Ulist1 s -> <:expr< Extend.Ulist1 $mlexpr_of_symbol s$ >>
+| Ulist1sep (s,sep) -> <:expr< Extend.Ulist1sep $mlexpr_of_symbol s$ $str:sep$ >>
+| Ulist0 s -> <:expr< Extend.Ulist0 $mlexpr_of_symbol s$ >>
+| Ulist0sep (s,sep) -> <:expr< Extend.Ulist0sep $mlexpr_of_symbol s$ $str:sep$ >>
+| Uopt s -> <:expr< Extend.Uopt $mlexpr_of_symbol s$ >>
+| Uentry e ->
+ let arg = get_argt <:expr< $lid:"wit_"^e$ >> in
+ <:expr< Extend.Uentry (Genarg.ArgT.Any $arg$) >>
+| Uentryl (e, l) ->
+ assert (e = "tactic");
+ let arg = get_argt <:expr< Constrarg.wit_tactic >> in
+ <:expr< Extend.Uentryl (Genarg.ArgT.Any $arg$) $mlexpr_of_int l$>>
+let make_prod_item = function
+ | ExtTerminal s -> <:expr< Tacentries.TacTerm $str:s$ >>
+ | ExtNonTerminal (g, id) ->
+ <:expr< Tacentries.TacNonTerm $default_loc$ $mlexpr_of_symbol g$ $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >>
+let mlexpr_of_clause cl =
+ mlexpr_of_list (fun (a,_,_) -> mlexpr_of_list make_prod_item a) cl
+(** Special treatment of constr entries *)
+let is_constr_gram = function
+| ExtTerminal _ -> false
+| ExtNonTerminal (Uentry "constr", _) -> true
+| _ -> false
+let make_var = function
+ | ExtNonTerminal (_, p) -> Some p
+ | _ -> assert false
+let declare_tactic loc s c cl = match cl with
+| [(ExtTerminal name) :: rem, _, tac] when List.for_all is_constr_gram rem ->
+ (** The extension is only made of a name followed by constr entries: we do not
+ add any grammar nor printing rule and add it as a true Ltac definition. *)
+ let patt = make_patt rem in
+ let vars = make_var rem in
+ let vars = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_ident) vars in
+ let entry = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let se = <:expr< { Tacexpr.mltac_tactic = $entry$; Tacexpr.mltac_plugin = $plugin_name$ } >> in
+ let ml = <:expr< { Tacexpr.mltac_name = $se$; Tacexpr.mltac_index = 0 } >> in
+ let name = mlexpr_of_string name in
+ let tac = match rem with
+ | [] ->
+ (** Special handling of tactics without arguments: such tactics do not do
+ a Proofview.Goal.nf_enter to compute their arguments. It matters for some
+ whole-prof tactics like [shelve_unifiable]. *)
+ <:expr< fun _ $lid:"ist"$ -> $tac$ >>
+ | _ ->
+ let f = GramCompat.make_fun loc [patt, vala None, <:expr< fun $lid:"ist"$ -> $tac$ >>] in
+ <:expr< Tacinterp.lift_constr_tac_to_ml_tac $vars$ $f$ >>
+ in
+ (** Arguments are not passed directly to the ML tactic in the TacML node,
+ the ML tactic retrieves its arguments in the [ist] environment instead.
+ This is the rĂ´le of the [lift_constr_tac_to_ml_tac] function. *)
+ let body = <:expr< Tacexpr.TacFun ($vars$, Tacexpr.TacML ($dloc$, $ml$, [])) >> in
+ let name = <:expr< Names.Id.of_string $name$ >> in
+ declare_str_items loc
+ [ <:str_item< do {
+ let obj () = Tacenv.register_ltac True False $name$ $body$ in
+ let () = Tacenv.register_ml_tactic $se$ [|$tac$|] in
+ Mltop.declare_cache_obj obj $plugin_name$ } >>
+ ]
+| _ ->
+ (** Otherwise we add parsing and printing rules to generate a call to a
+ TacML tactic. *)
+ let entry = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let se = <:expr< { Tacexpr.mltac_tactic = $entry$; Tacexpr.mltac_plugin = $plugin_name$ } >> in
+ let gl = mlexpr_of_clause cl in
+ let obj = <:expr< fun () -> Tacentries.add_ml_tactic_notation $se$ $gl$ >> in
+ declare_str_items loc
+ [ <:str_item< do {
+ Tacenv.register_ml_tactic $se$ (Array.of_list $make_fun_clauses loc s cl$);
+ Mltop.declare_cache_obj $obj$ $plugin_name$; } >>
+ ]
+open Pcaml
+open PcamlSig (* necessary for camlp4 *)
+ GLOBAL: str_item;
+ str_item:
+ [ [ "TACTIC"; "EXTEND"; s = tac_name;
+ c = OPT [ "CLASSIFIED"; "BY"; c = LIDENT -> <:expr< $lid:c$ >> ];
+ OPT "|"; l = LIST1 tacrule SEP "|";
+ "END" ->
+ declare_tactic loc s c l ] ]
+ ;
+ tacrule:
+ [ [ "["; l = LIST1 tacargs; "]";
+ c = OPT [ "=>"; "["; c = Pcaml.expr; "]" -> c ];
+ "->"; "["; e = Pcaml.expr; "]" ->
+ (match l with
+ | ExtNonTerminal _ :: _ ->
+ (* En attendant la syntaxe de tacticielles *)
+ failwith "Tactic syntax must start with an identifier"
+ | _ -> (l,c,e))
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ tacargs:
+ [ [ e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ")" ->
+ let e = parse_user_entry e "" in
+ ExtNonTerminal (e, s)
+ | e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ","; sep = STRING; ")" ->
+ let e = parse_user_entry e sep in
+ ExtNonTerminal (e, s)
+ | s = STRING ->
+ let () = if s = "" then failwith "Empty terminal." in
+ ExtTerminal s
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ tac_name:
+ [ [ s = LIDENT -> s
+ | s = UIDENT -> s
+ ] ]
+ ;