path: root/engine/evd.mli
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 18:33:25 +0100
commit1b92c226e563643da187b8614d5888dc4855eb43 (patch)
treec4c3d204b36468b58cb71050ba95f06b8dd7bc2e /engine/evd.mli
parent7c9b0a702976078b813e6493c1284af62a3f093c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.6
Diffstat (limited to 'engine/evd.mli')
1 files changed, 637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engine/evd.mli b/engine/evd.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86887f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/evd.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Loc
+open Names
+open Term
+open Environ
+(** This file defines the pervasive unification state used everywhere in Coq
+ tactic engine. It is very low-level and most of the functions exported here
+ are irrelevant to the standard API user. Consider using {!Evarutil},
+ {!Sigma} or {!Proofview} instead.
+ A unification state (of type [evar_map]) is primarily a finite mapping
+ from existential variables to records containing the type of the evar
+ ([evar_concl]), the context under which it was introduced ([evar_hyps])
+ and its definition ([evar_body]). [evar_extra] is used to add any other
+ kind of information.
+ It also contains conversion constraints, debugging information and
+ information about meta variables. *)
+(** {5 Existential variables and unification states} *)
+(** {6 Evars} *)
+type evar = existential_key
+(** Existential variables. TODO: Should be made opaque one day. *)
+val string_of_existential : evar -> string
+(** {6 Evar filters} *)
+module Filter :
+ type t
+ (** Evar filters, seen as bitmasks. *)
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ (** Equality over filters *)
+ val identity : t
+ (** The identity filter. *)
+ val filter_list : t -> 'a list -> 'a list
+ (** Filter a list. Sizes must coincide. *)
+ val filter_array : t -> 'a array -> 'a array
+ (** Filter an array. Sizes must coincide. *)
+ val extend : int -> t -> t
+ (** [extend n f] extends [f] on the left with [n]-th times [true]. *)
+ val compose : t -> t -> t
+ (** Horizontal composition : [compose f1 f2] only keeps parts of [f2] where
+ [f1] is set. In particular, [f1] and [f2] must have the same length. *)
+ val apply_subfilter : t -> bool list -> t
+ (** [apply_subfilter f1 f2] applies filter [f2] where [f1] is [true]. In
+ particular, the length of [f2] is the number of times [f1] is [true] *)
+ val restrict_upon : t -> int -> (int -> bool) -> t option
+ (** Ad-hoc primitive. *)
+ val map_along : (bool -> 'a -> bool) -> t -> 'a list -> t
+ (** Apply the function on the filter and the list. Sizes must coincide. *)
+ val make : bool list -> t
+ (** Create out of a list *)
+ val repr : t -> bool list option
+ (** Observe as a bool list. *)
+(** {6 Evar infos} *)
+type evar_body =
+ | Evar_empty
+ | Evar_defined of constr
+module Store : Store.S
+(** Datatype used to store additional information in evar maps. *)
+type evar_info = {
+ evar_concl : constr;
+ (** Type of the evar. *)
+ evar_hyps : named_context_val;
+ (** Context of the evar. *)
+ evar_body : evar_body;
+ (** Optional content of the evar. *)
+ evar_filter : Filter.t;
+ (** Boolean mask over {!evar_hyps}. Should have the same length.
+ When filtered out, the corresponding variable is not allowed to occur
+ in the solution *)
+ evar_source : Evar_kinds.t located;
+ (** Information about the evar. *)
+ evar_candidates : constr list option;
+ (** List of possible solutions when known that it is a finite list *)
+ evar_extra : Store.t
+ (** Extra store, used for clever hacks. *)
+val make_evar : named_context_val -> types -> evar_info
+val evar_concl : evar_info -> constr
+val evar_context : evar_info -> Context.Named.t
+val evar_filtered_context : evar_info -> Context.Named.t
+val evar_hyps : evar_info -> named_context_val
+val evar_filtered_hyps : evar_info -> named_context_val
+val evar_body : evar_info -> evar_body
+val evar_filter : evar_info -> Filter.t
+val evar_env : evar_info -> env
+val evar_filtered_env : evar_info -> env
+val map_evar_body : (constr -> constr) -> evar_body -> evar_body
+val map_evar_info : (constr -> constr) -> evar_info -> evar_info
+(** {6 Unification state} **)
+type evar_universe_context = UState.t
+(** The universe context associated to an evar map *)
+type evar_map
+(** Type of unification state. Essentially a bunch of state-passing data needed
+ to handle incremental term construction. *)
+val empty : evar_map
+(** The empty evar map. *)
+val from_env : env -> evar_map
+(** The empty evar map with given universe context, taking its initial
+ universes from env. *)
+val from_ctx : evar_universe_context -> evar_map
+(** The empty evar map with given universe context *)
+val is_empty : evar_map -> bool
+(** Whether an evarmap is empty. *)
+val has_undefined : evar_map -> bool
+(** [has_undefined sigma] is [true] if and only if
+ there are uninstantiated evars in [sigma]. *)
+val new_evar : evar_map ->
+ ?naming:Misctypes.intro_pattern_naming_expr -> evar_info -> evar_map * evar
+(** Creates a fresh evar mapping to the given information. *)
+val add : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info -> evar_map
+(** [add sigma ev info] adds [ev] with evar info [info] in sigma.
+ Precondition: ev must not preexist in [sigma]. *)
+val find : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info
+(** Recover the data associated to an evar. *)
+val find_undefined : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info
+(** Same as {!find} but restricted to undefined evars. For efficiency
+ reasons. *)
+val remove : evar_map -> evar -> evar_map
+(** Remove an evar from an evar map. Use with caution. *)
+val mem : evar_map -> evar -> bool
+(** Whether an evar is present in an evarmap. *)
+val fold : (evar -> evar_info -> 'a -> 'a) -> evar_map -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Apply a function to all evars and their associated info in an evarmap. *)
+val fold_undefined : (evar -> evar_info -> 'a -> 'a) -> evar_map -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Same as {!fold}, but restricted to undefined evars. For efficiency
+ reasons. *)
+val raw_map : (evar -> evar_info -> evar_info) -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Apply the given function to all evars in the map. Beware: this function
+ expects the argument function to preserve the kind of [evar_body], i.e. it
+ must send [Evar_empty] to [Evar_empty] and [Evar_defined c] to some
+ [Evar_defined c']. *)
+val raw_map_undefined : (evar -> evar_info -> evar_info) -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Same as {!raw_map}, but restricted to undefined evars. For efficiency
+ reasons. *)
+val define : evar -> constr -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Set the body of an evar to the given constr. It is expected that:
+ {ul
+ {- The evar is already present in the evarmap.}
+ {- The evar is not defined in the evarmap yet.}
+ {- All the evars present in the constr should be present in the evar map.}
+ } *)
+val cmap : (constr -> constr) -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Map the function on all terms in the evar map. *)
+val is_evar : evar_map -> evar -> bool
+(** Alias for {!mem}. *)
+val is_defined : evar_map -> evar -> bool
+(** Whether an evar is defined in an evarmap. *)
+val is_undefined : evar_map -> evar -> bool
+(** Whether an evar is not defined in an evarmap. *)
+val add_constraints : evar_map -> Univ.constraints -> evar_map
+(** Add universe constraints in an evar map. *)
+val undefined_map : evar_map -> evar_info Evar.Map.t
+(** Access the undefined evar mapping directly. *)
+val drop_all_defined : evar_map -> evar_map
+(** {6 Instantiating partial terms} *)
+exception NotInstantiatedEvar
+val existential_value : evar_map -> existential -> constr
+(** [existential_value sigma ev] raises [NotInstantiatedEvar] if [ev] has
+ no body and [Not_found] if it does not exist in [sigma] *)
+val existential_type : evar_map -> existential -> types
+val existential_opt_value : evar_map -> existential -> constr option
+(** Same as {!existential_value} but returns an option instead of raising an
+ exception. *)
+val evar_instance_array : (Context.Named.Declaration.t -> 'a -> bool) -> evar_info ->
+ 'a array -> (Id.t * 'a) list
+val instantiate_evar_array : evar_info -> constr -> constr array -> constr
+val evars_reset_evd : ?with_conv_pbs:bool -> ?with_univs:bool ->
+ evar_map -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** spiwack: this function seems to somewhat break the abstraction. *)
+(** {6 Misc} *)
+val restrict : evar -> Filter.t -> ?candidates:constr list ->
+ evar_map -> evar_map * evar
+(** Restrict an undefined evar into a new evar by filtering context and
+ possibly limiting the instances to a set of candidates *)
+val downcast : evar -> types -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Change the type of an undefined evar to a new type assumed to be a
+ subtype of its current type; subtyping must be ensured by caller *)
+val evar_source : existential_key -> evar_map -> Evar_kinds.t located
+(** Convenience function. Wrapper around {!find} to recover the source of an
+ evar in a given evar map. *)
+val evar_ident : existential_key -> evar_map -> Id.t option
+val rename : existential_key -> Id.t -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val evar_key : Id.t -> evar_map -> existential_key
+val evar_source_of_meta : metavariable -> evar_map -> Evar_kinds.t located
+val dependent_evar_ident : existential_key -> evar_map -> Id.t
+(** {5 Side-effects} *)
+val emit_side_effects : Safe_typing.private_constants -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Push a side-effect into the evar map. *)
+val eval_side_effects : evar_map -> Safe_typing.private_constants
+(** Return the effects contained in the evar map. *)
+val drop_side_effects : evar_map -> evar_map
+(** This should not be used. For hacking purposes. *)
+(** {5 Future goals} *)
+val declare_future_goal : Evar.t -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Adds an existential variable to the list of future goals. For
+ internal uses only. *)
+val declare_principal_goal : Evar.t -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Adds an existential variable to the list of future goals and make
+ it principal. Only one existential variable can be made principal, an
+ error is raised otherwise. For internal uses only. *)
+val future_goals : evar_map -> Evar.t list
+(** Retrieves the list of future goals. Used by the [refine] primitive
+ of the tactic engine. *)
+val principal_future_goal : evar_map -> Evar.t option
+(** Retrieves the name of the principal existential variable if there
+ is one. Used by the [refine] primitive of the tactic engine. *)
+val reset_future_goals : evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Clears the list of future goals (as well as the principal future
+ goal). Used by the [refine] primitive of the tactic engine. *)
+val restore_future_goals : evar_map -> Evar.t list -> Evar.t option -> evar_map
+(** Sets the future goals (including the principal future goal) to a
+ previous value. Intended to be used after a local list of future
+ goals has been consumed. Used by the [refine] primitive of the
+ tactic engine. *)
+(** {5 Sort variables}
+ Evar maps also keep track of the universe constraints defined at a given
+ point. This section defines the relevant manipulation functions. *)
+val whd_sort_variable : evar_map -> constr -> constr
+exception UniversesDiffer
+val add_universe_constraints : evar_map -> Universes.universe_constraints -> evar_map
+(** Add the given universe unification constraints to the evar map.
+ @raises UniversesDiffer in case a first-order unification fails.
+ @raises UniverseInconsistency
+(** {5 Extra data}
+ Evar maps can contain arbitrary data, allowing to use an extensible state.
+ As evar maps are theoretically used in a strict state-passing style, such
+ additional data should be passed along transparently. Some old and bug-prone
+ code tends to drop them nonetheless, so you should keep cautious.
+val get_extra_data : evar_map -> Store.t
+val set_extra_data : Store.t -> evar_map -> evar_map
+(** {5 Enriching with evar maps} *)
+type 'a sigma = {
+ it : 'a ;
+ (** The base object. *)
+ sigma : evar_map
+ (** The added unification state. *)
+(** The type constructor ['a sigma] adds an evar map to an object of type
+ ['a]. *)
+val sig_it : 'a sigma -> 'a
+val sig_sig : 'a sigma -> evar_map
+val on_sig : 'a sigma -> (evar_map -> evar_map * 'b) -> 'a sigma * 'b
+(** {5 The state monad with state an evar map} *)
+module MonadR : Monad.S with type +'a t = evar_map -> evar_map * 'a
+module Monad : Monad.S with type +'a t = evar_map -> 'a * evar_map
+(** {5 Meta machinery}
+ These functions are almost deprecated. They were used before the
+ introduction of the full-fledged evar calculus. In an ideal world, they
+ should be removed. Alas, some parts of the code still use them. Do not use
+ in newly-written code. *)
+module Metaset : Set.S with type elt = metavariable
+module Metamap : Map.ExtS with type key = metavariable and module Set := Metaset
+type 'a freelisted = {
+ rebus : 'a;
+ freemetas : Metaset.t }
+val metavars_of : constr -> Metaset.t
+val mk_freelisted : constr -> constr freelisted
+val map_fl : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a freelisted -> 'b freelisted
+(** Status of an instance found by unification wrt to the meta it solves:
+ - a supertype of the meta (e.g. the solution to ?X <= T is a supertype of ?X)
+ - a subtype of the meta (e.g. the solution to T <= ?X is a supertype of ?X)
+ - a term that can be eta-expanded n times while still being a solution
+ (e.g. the solution [P] to [?X u v = P u v] can be eta-expanded twice)
+type instance_constraint = IsSuperType | IsSubType | Conv
+val eq_instance_constraint :
+ instance_constraint -> instance_constraint -> bool
+(** Status of the unification of the type of an instance against the type of
+ the meta it instantiates:
+ - CoerceToType means that the unification of types has not been done
+ and that a coercion can still be inserted: the meta should not be
+ substituted freely (this happens for instance given via the
+ "with" binding clause).
+ - TypeProcessed means that the information obtainable from the
+ unification of types has been extracted.
+ - TypeNotProcessed means that the unification of types has not been
+ done but it is known that no coercion may be inserted: the meta
+ can be substituted freely.
+type instance_typing_status =
+ CoerceToType | TypeNotProcessed | TypeProcessed
+(** Status of an instance together with the status of its type unification *)
+type instance_status = instance_constraint * instance_typing_status
+(** Clausal environments *)
+type clbinding =
+ | Cltyp of Name.t * constr freelisted
+ | Clval of Name.t * (constr freelisted * instance_status) * constr freelisted
+(** Unification constraints *)
+type conv_pb = Reduction.conv_pb
+type evar_constraint = conv_pb * env * constr * constr
+val add_conv_pb : ?tail:bool -> evar_constraint -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val extract_changed_conv_pbs : evar_map ->
+ (Evar.Set.t -> evar_constraint -> bool) ->
+ evar_map * evar_constraint list
+val extract_all_conv_pbs : evar_map -> evar_map * evar_constraint list
+val loc_of_conv_pb : evar_map -> evar_constraint -> Loc.t
+(** The following functions return the set of evars immediately
+ contained in the object; need the term to be evar-normal otherwise
+ defined evars are returned too. *)
+val evar_list : constr -> existential list
+ (** excluding evars in instances of evars and collected with
+ redundancies from right to left (used by tactic "instantiate") *)
+val evars_of_term : constr -> Evar.Set.t
+ (** including evars in instances of evars *)
+val evars_of_named_context : Context.Named.t -> Evar.Set.t
+val evars_of_filtered_evar_info : evar_info -> Evar.Set.t
+(** Metas *)
+val meta_list : evar_map -> (metavariable * clbinding) list
+val meta_defined : evar_map -> metavariable -> bool
+val meta_value : evar_map -> metavariable -> constr
+(** [meta_fvalue] raises [Not_found] if meta not in map or [Anomaly] if
+ meta has no value *)
+val meta_fvalue : evar_map -> metavariable -> constr freelisted * instance_status
+val meta_opt_fvalue : evar_map -> metavariable -> (constr freelisted * instance_status) option
+val meta_type : evar_map -> metavariable -> types
+val meta_ftype : evar_map -> metavariable -> types freelisted
+val meta_name : evar_map -> metavariable -> Name.t
+val meta_declare :
+ metavariable -> types -> ?name:Name.t -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val meta_assign : metavariable -> constr * instance_status -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val meta_reassign : metavariable -> constr * instance_status -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val clear_metas : evar_map -> evar_map
+(** [meta_merge evd1 evd2] returns [evd2] extended with the metas of [evd1] *)
+val meta_merge : ?with_univs:bool -> evar_map -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val undefined_metas : evar_map -> metavariable list
+val map_metas_fvalue : (constr -> constr) -> evar_map -> evar_map
+val map_metas : (constr -> constr) -> evar_map -> evar_map
+type metabinding = metavariable * constr * instance_status
+val retract_coercible_metas : evar_map -> metabinding list * evar_map
+(** {5 FIXME: Nothing to do here} *)
+ Sort/universe variables *)
+(** Rigid or flexible universe variables.
+ [UnivRigid] variables are user-provided or come from an explicit
+ [Type] in the source, we do not minimize them or unify them eagerly.
+ [UnivFlexible alg] variables are fresh universe variables of
+ polymorphic constants or generated during refinement, sometimes in
+ algebraic position (i.e. not appearing in the term at the moment of
+ creation). They are the candidates for minimization (if alg, to an
+ algebraic universe) and unified eagerly in the first-order
+ unification heurstic. *)
+type rigid = UState.rigid =
+ | UnivRigid
+ | UnivFlexible of bool (** Is substitution by an algebraic ok? *)
+val univ_rigid : rigid
+val univ_flexible : rigid
+val univ_flexible_alg : rigid
+type 'a in_evar_universe_context = 'a * evar_universe_context
+val evar_universe_context_set : evar_universe_context -> Univ.universe_context_set
+val evar_universe_context_constraints : evar_universe_context -> Univ.constraints
+val evar_context_universe_context : evar_universe_context -> Univ.universe_context
+val evar_universe_context_of : Univ.universe_context_set -> evar_universe_context
+val empty_evar_universe_context : evar_universe_context
+val union_evar_universe_context : evar_universe_context -> evar_universe_context ->
+ evar_universe_context
+val evar_universe_context_subst : evar_universe_context -> Universes.universe_opt_subst
+val constrain_variables : Univ.LSet.t -> evar_universe_context -> Univ.constraints
+val evar_universe_context_of_binders :
+ Universes.universe_binders -> evar_universe_context
+val make_evar_universe_context : env -> (Id.t located) list option -> evar_universe_context
+val restrict_universe_context : evar_map -> Univ.universe_set -> evar_map
+(** Raises Not_found if not a name for a universe in this map. *)
+val universe_of_name : evar_map -> string -> Univ.universe_level
+val add_universe_name : evar_map -> string -> Univ.universe_level -> evar_map
+val add_constraints_context : evar_universe_context ->
+ Univ.constraints -> evar_universe_context
+val normalize_evar_universe_context_variables : evar_universe_context ->
+ Univ.universe_subst in_evar_universe_context
+val normalize_evar_universe_context : evar_universe_context ->
+ evar_universe_context
+val new_univ_level_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> rigid -> evar_map -> evar_map * Univ.universe_level
+val new_univ_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> rigid -> evar_map -> evar_map * Univ.universe
+val new_sort_variable : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?name:string -> rigid -> evar_map -> evar_map * sorts
+val add_global_univ : evar_map -> Univ.Level.t -> evar_map
+val universe_rigidity : evar_map -> Univ.Level.t -> rigid
+val make_flexible_variable : evar_map -> bool -> Univ.universe_level -> evar_map
+val is_sort_variable : evar_map -> sorts -> Univ.universe_level option
+(** [is_sort_variable evm s] returns [Some u] or [None] if [s] is
+ not a local sort variable declared in [evm] *)
+val is_flexible_level : evar_map -> Univ.Level.t -> bool
+(* val normalize_universe_level : evar_map -> Univ.universe_level -> Univ.universe_level *)
+val normalize_universe : evar_map -> Univ.universe -> Univ.universe
+val normalize_universe_instance : evar_map -> Univ.universe_instance -> Univ.universe_instance
+val set_leq_sort : env -> evar_map -> sorts -> sorts -> evar_map
+val set_eq_sort : env -> evar_map -> sorts -> sorts -> evar_map
+val has_lub : evar_map -> Univ.universe -> Univ.universe -> evar_map
+val set_eq_level : evar_map -> Univ.universe_level -> Univ.universe_level -> evar_map
+val set_leq_level : evar_map -> Univ.universe_level -> Univ.universe_level -> evar_map
+val set_eq_instances : ?flex:bool ->
+ evar_map -> Univ.universe_instance -> Univ.universe_instance -> evar_map
+val check_eq : evar_map -> Univ.universe -> Univ.universe -> bool
+val check_leq : evar_map -> Univ.universe -> Univ.universe -> bool
+val evar_universe_context : evar_map -> evar_universe_context
+val universe_context_set : evar_map -> Univ.universe_context_set
+val universe_context : ?names:(Id.t located) list -> evar_map ->
+ (Id.t * Univ.Level.t) list * Univ.universe_context
+val universe_subst : evar_map -> Universes.universe_opt_subst
+val universes : evar_map -> UGraph.t
+val merge_universe_context : evar_map -> evar_universe_context -> evar_map
+val set_universe_context : evar_map -> evar_universe_context -> evar_map
+val merge_context_set : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?sideff:bool -> rigid -> evar_map -> Univ.universe_context_set -> evar_map
+val merge_universe_subst : evar_map -> Universes.universe_opt_subst -> evar_map
+val with_context_set : ?loc:Loc.t -> rigid -> evar_map -> 'a Univ.in_universe_context_set -> evar_map * 'a
+val nf_univ_variables : evar_map -> evar_map * Univ.universe_subst
+val abstract_undefined_variables : evar_universe_context -> evar_universe_context
+val fix_undefined_variables : evar_map -> evar_map
+val refresh_undefined_universes : evar_map -> evar_map * Univ.universe_level_subst
+val nf_constraints : evar_map -> evar_map
+val update_sigma_env : evar_map -> env -> evar_map
+(** Polymorphic universes *)
+val fresh_sort_in_family : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?rigid:rigid -> env -> evar_map -> sorts_family -> evar_map * sorts
+val fresh_constant_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> env -> evar_map -> constant -> evar_map * pconstant
+val fresh_inductive_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> env -> evar_map -> inductive -> evar_map * pinductive
+val fresh_constructor_instance : ?loc:Loc.t -> env -> evar_map -> constructor -> evar_map * pconstructor
+val fresh_global : ?loc:Loc.t -> ?rigid:rigid -> ?names:Univ.Instance.t -> env ->
+ evar_map -> Globnames.global_reference -> evar_map * constr
+ Conversion w.r.t. an evar map, not unifying universes. See
+ [Reductionops.infer_conv] for conversion up-to universes. *)
+val test_conversion : env -> evar_map -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool
+(** WARNING: This does not allow unification of universes *)
+val eq_constr_univs : evar_map -> constr -> constr -> evar_map * bool
+(** Syntactic equality up to universes, recording the associated constraints *)
+val e_eq_constr_univs : evar_map ref -> constr -> constr -> bool
+(** Syntactic equality up to universes. *)
+(* constr with holes and pending resolution of classes, conversion *)
+(* problems, candidates, etc. *)
+type pending = (* before: *) evar_map * (* after: *) evar_map
+type pending_constr = pending * constr
+type open_constr = evar_map * constr (* Special case when before is empty *)
+(** Partially constructed constrs. *)
+type unsolvability_explanation = SeveralInstancesFound of int
+(** Failure explanation. *)
+val pr_existential_key : evar_map -> evar -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evar_suggested_name : existential_key -> evar_map -> Id.t
+(** {5 Debug pretty-printers} *)
+val pr_evar_info : evar_info -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evar_constraints : evar_constraint list -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evar_map : ?with_univs:bool -> int option -> evar_map -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evar_map_filter : ?with_univs:bool -> (Evar.t -> evar_info -> bool) ->
+ evar_map -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_metaset : Metaset.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evar_universe_context : evar_universe_context -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_evd_level : evar_map -> Univ.Level.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** {5 Deprecated functions} *)
+val create_evar_defs : evar_map -> evar_map
+(** Create an [evar_map] with empty meta map: *)
+(** {5 Summary names} *)
+val evar_counter_summary_name : string