path: root/doc/tools/coqrst/notations
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2018-12-29 14:31:27 -0500
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2018-12-29 14:31:27 -0500
commit9043add656177eeac1491a73d2f3ab92bec0013c (patch)
tree2b0092c84bfbf718eca10c81f60b2640dc8cab05 /doc/tools/coqrst/notations
parenta4c7f8bd98be2a200489325ff7c5061cf80ab4f3 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.8.2upstream/8.8.2
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/tools/coqrst/notations')
14 files changed, 1211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/Makefile b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c017aed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+# Parsing compact tactic notation syntax in
+TEST_INPUT="unfold {+, @qualid|@string at {+, num}}"
+ antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -visitor -no-listener TacticNotations.g
+ antlr4 -Dlanguage=Java TacticNotations.g && javac TacticNotations*.java
+test: java
+ grun TacticNotations top -tree <<< "$(TEST_INPUT)"
+gui: java
+ grun TacticNotations top -gui <<< "$(TEST_INPUT)"
+ cd ..; python3 -m coqnotations.driver < ../tests/tactics > ../tests/antlr-notations.html
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a889ebda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team */
+/* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 */
+/* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) */
+/* \VV/ **************************************************************/
+/* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the */
+/* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 */
+/* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) */
+grammar TacticNotations;
+// Terminals are not visited, so we add non-terminals for each terminal that
+// needs rendering (in particular whitespace (kept in output) vs. WHITESPACE
+// (discarded)).
+top: blocks EOF;
+blocks: block ((whitespace)? block)*;
+block: atomic | meta | hole | repeat | curlies;
+curlies: LBRACE (whitespace)? blocks (whitespace)? RBRACE;
+whitespace: WHITESPACE;
+meta: METACHAR;
+atomic: ATOM (SUB)?;
+hole: ID (SUB)?;
+LGROUP: '{' [+*?];
+LBRACE: '{';
+RBRACE: '}';
+METACHAR: '%' [|(){}];
+ATOM: '@' | '_' | ~[@_{} ]+;
+ID: '@' ('_'? [a-zA-Z0-9])+;
+SUB: '_' '_' [a-zA-Z0-9]+;
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.tokens b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.tokens
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88b38f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.tokens
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27293e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Generated from TacticNotations.g by ANTLR 4.7
+from antlr4 import *
+from io import StringIO
+from import TextIO
+import sys
+def serializedATN():
+ with StringIO() as buf:
+ buf.write("\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\2\n")
+ buf.write(":\b\1\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7")
+ buf.write("\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\3\3\3\3\4\3\4\3\5\3\5\3")
+ buf.write("\5\3\6\3\6\6\6 \n\6\r\6\16\6!\5\6$\n\6\3\7\3\7\5\7(\n")
+ buf.write("\7\3\7\6\7+\n\7\r\7\16\7,\3\b\3\b\3\b\6\b\62\n\b\r\b\16")
+ buf.write("\b\63\3\t\6\t\67\n\t\r\t\16\t8\2\2\n\3\3\5\4\7\5\t\6\13")
+ buf.write("\7\r\b\17\t\21\n\3\2\7\4\2,-AA\4\2*+}\177\4\2BBaa\7\2")
+ buf.write("\"\"BBaa}}\177\177\5\2\62;C\\c|\2?\2\3\3\2\2\2\2\5\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\7\3\2\2\2\2\t\3\2\2\2\2\13\3\2\2\2\2\r\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\17\3\2\2\2\2\21\3\2\2\2\3\23\3\2\2\2\5\26\3\2\2\2\7")
+ buf.write("\30\3\2\2\2\t\32\3\2\2\2\13#\3\2\2\2\r%\3\2\2\2\17.\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\21\66\3\2\2\2\23\24\7}\2\2\24\25\t\2\2\2\25\4\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\26\27\7}\2\2\27\6\3\2\2\2\30\31\7\177\2\2\31\b")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\32\33\7\'\2\2\33\34\t\3\2\2\34\n\3\2\2\2\35$")
+ buf.write("\t\4\2\2\36 \n\5\2\2\37\36\3\2\2\2 !\3\2\2\2!\37\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2!\"\3\2\2\2\"$\3\2\2\2#\35\3\2\2\2#\37\3\2\2\2$\f\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2%*\7B\2\2&(\7a\2\2\'&\3\2\2\2\'(\3\2\2\2()\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2)+\t\6\2\2*\'\3\2\2\2+,\3\2\2\2,*\3\2\2\2,-\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("-\16\3\2\2\2./\7a\2\2/\61\7a\2\2\60\62\t\6\2\2\61\60\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\62\63\3\2\2\2\63\61\3\2\2\2\63\64\3\2\2\2\64\20")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\65\67\7\"\2\2\66\65\3\2\2\2\678\3\2\2\28\66\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\289\3\2\2\29\22\3\2\2\2\t\2!#\',\638\2")
+ return buf.getvalue()
+class TacticNotationsLexer(Lexer):
+ atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN())
+ decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ]
+ LGROUP = 1
+ LBRACE = 2
+ RBRACE = 3
+ ATOM = 5
+ ID = 6
+ SUB = 7
+ channelNames = [ u"DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", u"HIDDEN" ]
+ modeNames = [ "DEFAULT_MODE" ]
+ literalNames = [ "<INVALID>",
+ "'{'", "'}'" ]
+ symbolicNames = [ "<INVALID>",
+ ruleNames = [ "LGROUP", "LBRACE", "RBRACE", "METACHAR", "ATOM", "ID",
+ grammarFileName = "TacticNotations.g"
+ def __init__(self, input=None, output:TextIO = sys.stdout):
+ super().__init__(input, output)
+ self.checkVersion("4.7")
+ self._interp = LexerATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, PredictionContextCache())
+ self._actions = None
+ self._predicates = None
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotationsLexer.tokens b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotationsLexer.tokens
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88b38f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotationsLexer.tokens
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..645f0789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# Generated from TacticNotations.g by ANTLR 4.7
+# encoding: utf-8
+from antlr4 import *
+from io import StringIO
+from import TextIO
+import sys
+def serializedATN():
+ with StringIO() as buf:
+ buf.write("\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\3\n")
+ buf.write("J\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b")
+ buf.write("\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\3\2\3\2\3\2\3\3\3\3\5\3\32\n\3\3")
+ buf.write("\3\7\3\35\n\3\f\3\16\3 \13\3\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\5\4\'")
+ buf.write("\n\4\3\5\3\5\5\5+\n\5\3\5\3\5\3\5\5\5\60\n\5\3\5\3\5\3")
+ buf.write("\6\3\6\5\6\66\n\6\3\6\3\6\5\6:\n\6\3\6\3\6\3\7\3\7\3\b")
+ buf.write("\3\b\3\t\3\t\5\tD\n\t\3\n\3\n\5\nH\n\n\3\n\2\2\13\2\4")
+ buf.write("\6\b\n\f\16\20\22\2\2\2L\2\24\3\2\2\2\4\27\3\2\2\2\6&")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\b(\3\2\2\2\n\63\3\2\2\2\f=\3\2\2\2\16?\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\20A\3\2\2\2\22E\3\2\2\2\24\25\5\4\3\2\25\26\7\2\2\3")
+ buf.write("\26\3\3\2\2\2\27\36\5\6\4\2\30\32\5\f\7\2\31\30\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\31\32\3\2\2\2\32\33\3\2\2\2\33\35\5\6\4\2\34\31\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\35 \3\2\2\2\36\34\3\2\2\2\36\37\3\2\2\2\37\5\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2 \36\3\2\2\2!\'\5\20\t\2\"\'\5\16\b\2#\'\5\22\n\2")
+ buf.write("$\'\5\b\5\2%\'\5\n\6\2&!\3\2\2\2&\"\3\2\2\2&#\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("&$\3\2\2\2&%\3\2\2\2\'\7\3\2\2\2(*\7\3\2\2)+\7\7\2\2*")
+ buf.write(")\3\2\2\2*+\3\2\2\2+,\3\2\2\2,-\7\n\2\2-/\5\4\3\2.\60")
+ buf.write("\7\n\2\2/.\3\2\2\2/\60\3\2\2\2\60\61\3\2\2\2\61\62\7\5")
+ buf.write("\2\2\62\t\3\2\2\2\63\65\7\4\2\2\64\66\5\f\7\2\65\64\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\65\66\3\2\2\2\66\67\3\2\2\2\679\5\4\3\28:\5\f\7")
+ buf.write("\298\3\2\2\29:\3\2\2\2:;\3\2\2\2;<\7\5\2\2<\13\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("=>\7\n\2\2>\r\3\2\2\2?@\7\6\2\2@\17\3\2\2\2AC\7\7\2\2")
+ buf.write("BD\7\t\2\2CB\3\2\2\2CD\3\2\2\2D\21\3\2\2\2EG\7\b\2\2F")
+ buf.write("H\7\t\2\2GF\3\2\2\2GH\3\2\2\2H\23\3\2\2\2\13\31\36&*/")
+ buf.write("\659CG")
+ return buf.getvalue()
+class TacticNotationsParser ( Parser ):
+ grammarFileName = "TacticNotations.g"
+ atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN())
+ decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ]
+ sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
+ literalNames = [ "<INVALID>", "<INVALID>", "'{'", "'}'" ]
+ symbolicNames = [ "<INVALID>", "LGROUP", "LBRACE", "RBRACE", "METACHAR",
+ RULE_top = 0
+ RULE_blocks = 1
+ RULE_block = 2
+ RULE_repeat = 3
+ RULE_curlies = 4
+ RULE_whitespace = 5
+ RULE_meta = 6
+ RULE_atomic = 7
+ RULE_hole = 8
+ ruleNames = [ "top", "blocks", "block", "repeat", "curlies", "whitespace",
+ "meta", "atomic", "hole" ]
+ EOF = Token.EOF
+ ATOM=5
+ ID=6
+ SUB=7
+ def __init__(self, input:TokenStream, output:TextIO = sys.stdout):
+ super().__init__(input, output)
+ self.checkVersion("4.7")
+ self._interp = ParserATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, self.sharedContextCache)
+ self._predicates = None
+ class TopContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def blocks(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.BlocksContext,0)
+ def EOF(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.EOF, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_top
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitTop" ):
+ return visitor.visitTop(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def top(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.TopContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 0, self.RULE_top)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 18
+ self.blocks()
+ self.state = 19
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.EOF)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class BlocksContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def block(self, i:int=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(TacticNotationsParser.BlockContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.BlockContext,i)
+ def whitespace(self, i:int=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_blocks
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitBlocks" ):
+ return visitor.visitBlocks(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def blocks(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.BlocksContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 2, self.RULE_blocks)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 21
+ self.block()
+ self.state = 28
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,1,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 23
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE:
+ self.state = 22
+ self.whitespace()
+ self.state = 25
+ self.block()
+ self.state = 30
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,1,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class BlockContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def atomic(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext,0)
+ def meta(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext,0)
+ def hole(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext,0)
+ def repeat(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext,0)
+ def curlies(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_block
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitBlock" ):
+ return visitor.visitBlock(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def block(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.BlockContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 4, self.RULE_block)
+ try:
+ self.state = 36
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [TacticNotationsParser.ATOM]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 31
+ self.atomic()
+ pass
+ elif token in [TacticNotationsParser.METACHAR]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 32
+ self.meta()
+ pass
+ elif token in [TacticNotationsParser.ID]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 33
+ self.hole()
+ pass
+ elif token in [TacticNotationsParser.LGROUP]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 34
+ self.repeat()
+ pass
+ elif token in [TacticNotationsParser.LBRACE]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 35
+ self.curlies()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class RepeatContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def LGROUP(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.LGROUP, 0)
+ def WHITESPACE(self, i:int=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTokens(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE)
+ else:
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE, i)
+ def blocks(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.BlocksContext,0)
+ def RBRACE(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.RBRACE, 0)
+ def ATOM(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.ATOM, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_repeat
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitRepeat" ):
+ return visitor.visitRepeat(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def repeat(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 6, self.RULE_repeat)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 38
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.LGROUP)
+ self.state = 40
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.ATOM:
+ self.state = 39
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.ATOM)
+ self.state = 42
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE)
+ self.state = 43
+ self.blocks()
+ self.state = 45
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE:
+ self.state = 44
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE)
+ self.state = 47
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.RBRACE)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class CurliesContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def LBRACE(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.LBRACE, 0)
+ def blocks(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.BlocksContext,0)
+ def RBRACE(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.RBRACE, 0)
+ def whitespace(self, i:int=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_curlies
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitCurlies" ):
+ return visitor.visitCurlies(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def curlies(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 8, self.RULE_curlies)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 49
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.LBRACE)
+ self.state = 51
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE:
+ self.state = 50
+ self.whitespace()
+ self.state = 53
+ self.blocks()
+ self.state = 55
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE:
+ self.state = 54
+ self.whitespace()
+ self.state = 57
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.RBRACE)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class WhitespaceContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def WHITESPACE(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_whitespace
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitWhitespace" ):
+ return visitor.visitWhitespace(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def whitespace(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 10, self.RULE_whitespace)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 59
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.WHITESPACE)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class MetaContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def METACHAR(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.METACHAR, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_meta
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitMeta" ):
+ return visitor.visitMeta(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def meta(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 12, self.RULE_meta)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 61
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.METACHAR)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class AtomicContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def ATOM(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.ATOM, 0)
+ def SUB(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.SUB, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_atomic
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitAtomic" ):
+ return visitor.visitAtomic(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def atomic(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 14, self.RULE_atomic)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 63
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.ATOM)
+ self.state = 65
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.SUB:
+ self.state = 64
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.SUB)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class HoleContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def ID(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.ID, 0)
+ def SUB(self):
+ return self.getToken(TacticNotationsParser.SUB, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return TacticNotationsParser.RULE_hole
+ def accept(self, visitor:ParseTreeVisitor):
+ if hasattr( visitor, "visitHole" ):
+ return visitor.visitHole(self)
+ else:
+ return visitor.visitChildren(self)
+ def hole(self):
+ localctx = TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 16, self.RULE_hole)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 67
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.ID)
+ self.state = 69
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==TacticNotationsParser.SUB:
+ self.state = 68
+ self.match(TacticNotationsParser.SUB)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
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+# Generated from TacticNotations.g by ANTLR 4.7
+from antlr4 import *
+if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__:
+ from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+ from TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+# This class defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser.
+class TacticNotationsVisitor(ParseTreeVisitor):
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#top.
+ def visitTop(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.TopContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#blocks.
+ def visitBlocks(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.BlocksContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#block.
+ def visitBlock(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.BlockContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#repeat.
+ def visitRepeat(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#curlies.
+ def visitCurlies(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#whitespace.
+ def visitWhitespace(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#meta.
+ def visitMeta(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#atomic.
+ def visitAtomic(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ # Visit a parse tree produced by TacticNotationsParser#hole.
+ def visitHole(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext):
+ return self.visitChildren(ctx)
+del TacticNotationsParser
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+"""Transform a font to center each of its characters in square bounding boxes.
+See for background information.
+from collections import Counter
+ import fontforge
+ import psMat
+except ImportError:
+ print("This program requires FontForge's python bindings:")
+ print(" git clone")
+ print(" cd fontforge")
+ print(" ./bootstrap")
+ print(" ./configure")
+ print(" make -j8")
+ print(" sudo make install")
+ raise
+def glyph_height(glyph):
+ _, ylo, _, yhi = glyph.boundingBox()
+ return yhi - ylo
+def scale_single_glyph(glyph, width, height):
+ """Center glyph in a box of size width*height"""
+ # Some glyphs (such as ‘;’) contain references (‘.’ + ‘,’), and moving the
+ # referenced glyphs moves them in all glyphs that reference them.
+ # Unlinking copies references into this glyph
+ glyph.unlinkThisGlyph()
+ # Width
+ deltaw = width - glyph.width
+ glyph.left_side_bearing += deltaw / 2
+ glyph.right_side_bearing += deltaw - glyph.left_side_bearing
+ glyph.width = width
+ # Height
+ ylo = glyph.boundingBox()[1]
+ deltah = height - glyph_height(glyph)
+ glyph.transform(psMat.translate(0, deltah / 2.0 - ylo))
+def avg(lst):
+ lst = list(lst)
+ return sum(lst) / float(len(lst))
+def trim_font(fnt):
+ """Remove characters codes beyond 191 front fnt"""
+ for g in fnt.glyphs():
+ if g.unicode >= 191:
+ fnt.removeGlyph(g)
+ return fnt
+def center_glyphs(src_font_path, dst_font_path, dst_name):
+ fnt = trim_font(
+ size = max(g.width for g in fnt.glyphs())
+ fnt.ascent, fnt.descent = size, 0
+ for glyph in fnt.glyphs():
+ scale_single_glyph(glyph, size, size)
+ fnt.sfnt_names = []
+ fnt.fontname = fnt.familyname = fnt.fullname = dst_name
+ fnt.generate(dst_font_path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from os.path import dirname, join, abspath
+ curdir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
+ ubuntumono_path = join(curdir, "UbuntuMono-B.ttf")
+ ubuntumono_mod_path = join(curdir, "CoqNotations.ttf")
+ center_glyphs(ubuntumono_path, ubuntumono_mod_path, "CoqNotations")
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+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+"""A visitor for ANTLR notation ASTs, producing raw HTML.
+Uses the dominate package.
+from dominate import tags
+from .parsing import parse
+from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+from .TacticNotationsVisitor import TacticNotationsVisitor
+class TacticNotationsToHTMLVisitor(TacticNotationsVisitor):
+ def visitRepeat(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext):
+ with tags.span(_class="repeat-wrapper"):
+ with tags.span(_class="repeat"):
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ repeat_marker = ctx.LGROUP().getText()[1]
+ separator = ctx.ATOM()
+ tags.sup(repeat_marker)
+ if separator:
+ tags.sub(separator.getText())
+ def visitCurlies(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext):
+ sp = tags.span(_class="curlies")
+ sp.add("{")
+ with sp:
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ sp.add("}")
+ def visitAtomic(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext):
+ tags.span(ctx.ATOM().getText())
+ def visitHole(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext):
+ tags.span(ctx.ID().getText()[1:], _class="hole")
+ sub = ctx.SUB()
+ if sub:
+ tags.sub(sub.getText()[1:])
+ def visitMeta(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext):
+ txt = ctx.METACHAR().getText()[1:]
+ if (txt == "{") or (txt == "}"):
+ tags.span(txt)
+ else:
+ tags.span(txt, _class="meta")
+ def visitWhitespace(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext):
+ tags.span(" ") # TODO: no need for a <span> here
+def htmlize(notation):
+ """Translate notation to a dominate HTML tree"""
+ top = tags.span(_class='notation')
+ with top:
+ TacticNotationsToHTMLVisitor().visit(parse(notation))
+ return top
+def htmlize_str(notation):
+ """Translate notation to a raw HTML document"""
+ # ‘pretty=True’ introduces spurious spaces
+ return htmlize(notation).render(pretty=False)
+def htmlize_p(notation):
+ """Like `htmlize`, wrapped in a ‘p’.
+ Does not return: instead, must be run in a dominate context.
+ """
+ with tags.p():
+ htmlize(notation)
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+from .TacticNotationsLexer import TacticNotationsLexer
+from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+from antlr4 import CommonTokenStream, InputStream
+SUBSTITUTIONS = [#("@bindings_list", "{+ (@id := @val) }"),
+ ("@qualid_or_string", "@id|@string")]
+def substitute(notation):
+ """Perform common substitutions in the notation string.
+ Nested notations quickly became unwieldy in the original ‘…’-based format,
+ so they were avoided and replaced by pointers to grammar rules. With the
+ new format, it's usually nicer to remove the indirection.
+ """
+ for (src, dst) in SUBSTITUTIONS:
+ notation = notation.replace(src, dst)
+ return notation
+def parse(notation):
+ """Parse a notation string.
+ :return: An ANTLR AST. Use one of the supplied visitors (or write your own)
+ to turn it into useful output.
+ """
+ substituted = substitute(notation)
+ lexer = TacticNotationsLexer(InputStream(substituted))
+ return TacticNotationsParser(CommonTokenStream(lexer)).top()
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+"""A visitor for ANTLR notation ASTs, producing plain text with ellipses.
+Somewhat-closely approximates the rendering of the original manual.
+from io import StringIO
+from .parsing import parse
+from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+from .TacticNotationsVisitor import TacticNotationsVisitor
+class TacticNotationsToDotsVisitor(TacticNotationsVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = StringIO()
+ def visitRepeat(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext):
+ separator = ctx.ATOM()
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ if ctx.LGROUP().getText()[1] == "+":
+ spacer = (separator.getText() + " " if separator else "")
+ self.buffer.write(spacer + "…" + spacer)
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ def visitCurlies(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext):
+ self.buffer.write("{")
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ self.buffer.write("}")
+ def visitAtomic(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext):
+ self.buffer.write(ctx.ATOM().getText())
+ def visitHole(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext):
+ self.buffer.write("‘{}’".format(ctx.ID().getText()[1:]))
+ def visitMeta(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext):
+ self.buffer.write(ctx.METACHAR().getText()[1:])
+ def visitWhitespace(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext):
+ self.buffer.write(" ")
+def stringify_with_ellipses(notation):
+ vs = TacticNotationsToDotsVisitor()
+ vs.visit(parse(notation))
+ return vs.buffer.getvalue()
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+"""An experimental visitor for ANTLR notation ASTs, producing regular expressions."""
+import re
+from io import StringIO
+from .parsing import parse
+from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+from .TacticNotationsVisitor import TacticNotationsVisitor
+class TacticNotationsToRegexpVisitor(TacticNotationsVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = StringIO()
+ def visitRepeat(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext):
+ separator = ctx.ATOM()
+ repeat_marker = ctx.LGROUP().getText()[1]
+ self.buffer.write("(")
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ self.buffer.write(")")
+ if repeat_marker in ["?", "*"]:
+ self.buffer.write("?")
+ elif repeat_marker in ["+", "*"]:
+ self.buffer.write("(")
+ self.buffer.write(r"\s*" + re.escape(separator.getText() if separator else " ") + r"\s*")
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ self.buffer.write(")*")
+ def visitCurlies(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext):
+ self.buffer.write(r"\{")
+ self.visitChildren(ctx)
+ self.buffer.write(r"\}")
+ def visitAtomic(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext):
+ self.buffer.write(re.escape(ctx.ATOM().getText()))
+ def visitHole(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext):
+ self.buffer.write("([^();. \n]+)") # FIXME could allow more things
+ def visitMeta(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext):
+ self.buffer.write(re.escape(ctx.METACHAR().getText()[1:]))
+ def visitWhitespace(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext):
+ self.buffer.write(r"\s+")
+def regexpify(notation):
+ """Translate notation to a Python regular expression matching it"""
+ vs = TacticNotationsToRegexpVisitor()
+ vs.visit(parse(notation))
+ return vs.buffer.getvalue()
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+## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
+## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
+## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
+## \VV/ ###############################################################
+## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
+## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
+## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
+"""A visitor for ANTLR notation ASTs, producing Sphinx nodes.
+Unlike the HTML visitor, this produces Sphinx-friendly nodes that can be used by
+all backends. If you just want HTML output, use the HTML visitor.
+from .parsing import parse
+from .TacticNotationsParser import TacticNotationsParser
+from .TacticNotationsVisitor import TacticNotationsVisitor
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx import addnodes
+import sys
+class TacticNotationsToSphinxVisitor(TacticNotationsVisitor):
+ def defaultResult(self):
+ return []
+ def aggregateResult(self, aggregate, nextResult):
+ if nextResult:
+ aggregate.extend(nextResult)
+ return aggregate
+ def visitRepeat(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.RepeatContext):
+ # Uses inline nodes instead of subscript and superscript to ensure that
+ # we get the right customization hooks at the LaTeX level
+ wrapper = nodes.inline('', '', classes=['repeat-wrapper'])
+ wrapper += nodes.inline('', '', *self.visitChildren(ctx), classes=["repeat"])
+ repeat_marker = ctx.LGROUP().getText()[1]
+ wrapper += nodes.inline(repeat_marker, repeat_marker, classes=['notation-sup'])
+ separator = ctx.ATOM()
+ if separator:
+ sep = separator.getText()
+ wrapper += nodes.inline(sep, sep, classes=['notation-sub'])
+ return [wrapper]
+ def visitCurlies(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.CurliesContext):
+ sp = nodes.inline('', '', classes=["curlies"])
+ sp += nodes.Text("{")
+ sp.extend(self.visitChildren(ctx))
+ sp += nodes.Text("}")
+ return [sp]
+ def visitAtomic(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.AtomicContext):
+ atom = ctx.ATOM().getText()
+ sub = ctx.SUB()
+ node = nodes.inline(atom, atom)
+ if sub:
+ sub_index = sub.getText()[2:]
+ node += nodes.subscript(sub_index, sub_index)
+ return [node]
+ def visitHole(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.HoleContext):
+ hole = ctx.ID().getText()
+ token_name = hole[1:]
+ node = nodes.inline(hole, token_name, classes=["hole"])
+ sub = ctx.SUB()
+ if sub:
+ sub_index = sub.getText()[2:]
+ node += nodes.subscript(sub_index, sub_index)
+ return [addnodes.pending_xref(token_name, node, reftype='token', refdomain='std', reftarget=token_name)]
+ def visitMeta(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.MetaContext):
+ meta = ctx.METACHAR().getText()
+ metachar = meta[1:] # remove escape char
+ token_name = metachar
+ if (metachar == "{") or (metachar == "}"):
+ classes=[]
+ else:
+ classes=["meta"]
+ return [nodes.inline(metachar, token_name, classes=classes)]
+ def visitWhitespace(self, ctx:TacticNotationsParser.WhitespaceContext):
+ return [nodes.Text(" ")]
+def sphinxify(notation):
+ """Translate notation into a Sphinx document tree"""
+ vs = TacticNotationsToSphinxVisitor()
+ return vs.visit(parse(notation))
+def main():
+ print(sphinxify("a := {+, b {+ c}}"))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()