path: root/doc/refman/RefMan-syn.tex
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
commit7f076db2a924377e9de3f9a6d838b8c44ed2e16d (patch)
treee075c526532a227c83d951c9dff8c944ea0c4d15 /doc/refman/RefMan-syn.tex
parent2a14f39fdfa80b021227396b22e38ed7c35356df (diff)
parent55ce117e8083477593cf1ff2e51a3641c7973830 (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.1+dfsg' into 8.1
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-\chapter{Syntax extensions and interpretation scopes}
-In this chapter, we introduce advanced commands to modify the way
-{\Coq} parses and prints objects, i.e. the translations between the
-concrete and internal representations of terms and commands. The main
-commands are {\tt Notation} and {\tt Infix} which are described in
-section \ref{Notation}. It also happens that the same symbolic
-notation is expected in different contexts. To achieve this form of
-overloading, {\Coq} offers a notion of interpretation scope. This is
-described in section \ref{scopes}.
-\Rem The commands {\tt Grammar}, {\tt Syntax} and {\tt Distfix} which
-were present for a while in {\Coq} are no longer available from {\Coq}
-version 8.0. The underlying AST structure is also no longer available.
-The functionalities of the command {\tt Syntactic Definition} are
-still available, see section \ref{Abbreviations}.
-\subsection{Basic notations}
-A {\em notation} is a symbolic abbreviation denoting some term
-or term pattern.
-A typical notation is the use of the infix symbol \verb=/\= to denote
-the logical conjunction (\texttt{and}). Such a notation is declared
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B).
-The expression \texttt{(and A B)} is the abbreviated term and the
-string \verb="A /\ B"= (called a {\em notation}) tells how it is
-symbolically written.
-A notation is always surrounded by double quotes (excepted when the
-abbreviation is a single ident, see \ref{Abbreviations}). The
-notation is composed of {\em tokens} separated by spaces. Identifiers
-in the string (such as \texttt{A} and \texttt{B}) are the {\em
-parameters} of the notation. They must occur at least once each in the
-denoted term. The other elements of the string (such as \verb=/\=) are
-the {\em symbols}.
-An identifier can be used as a symbol but it must be surrounded by
-simple quotes to avoid the confusion with a parameter. Similarly,
-every symbol of at least 3 characters and starting with a simple quote
-must be quoted (then it starts by two single quotes). Here is an example.
-Notation "'IF' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3).
-%TODO quote the identifier when not in front, not a keyword, as in "x 'U' y" ?
-A notation binds a syntactic expression to a term. Unless the parser
-and pretty-printer of {\Coq} already know how to deal with the
-syntactic expression (see \ref{ReservedNotation}), explicit precedences and
-associativity rules have to be given.
-\subsection{Precedences and associativity}
-Mixing different symbolic notations in a same text may cause serious
-parsing ambiguity. To deal with the ambiguity of notations, {\Coq}
-uses precedence levels ranging from 0 to 100 (plus one extra level
-numbered 200) and associativity rules.
-Consider for example the new notation
-Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B).
-Clearly, an expression such as {\tt (A:Prop)True \verb=/\= A \verb=\/=
-A \verb=\/= False} is ambiguous. To tell the {\Coq} parser how to
-interpret the expression, a priority between the symbols \verb=/\= and
-\verb=\/= has to be given. Assume for instance that we want conjunction
-to bind more than disjunction. This is expressed by assigning a
-precedence level to each notation, knowing that a lower level binds
-more than a higher level. Hence the level for disjunction must be
-higher than the level for conjunction.
-Since connectives are the less tight articulation points of a text, it
-is reasonable to choose levels not so far from the higher level which
-is 100, for example 85 for disjunction and 80 for
-conjunction\footnote{which are the levels effectively chosen in the
-current implementation of {\Coq}}.
-Similarly, an associativity is needed to decide whether {\tt True \verb=/\=
-False \verb=/\= False} defaults to {\tt True \verb=/\= (False
-\verb=/\= False)} (right associativity) or to {\tt (True
-\verb=/\= False) \verb=/\= False} (left associativity). We may
-even consider that the expression is not well-formed and that
-parentheses are mandatory (this is a ``no associativity'')\footnote{
-{\Coq} accepts notations declared as no associative but the parser on
-which {\Coq} is built, namely {\camlpppp}, currently does not implement the
-no-associativity and replace it by a left associativity; hence it is
-the same for {\Coq}: no-associativity is in fact left associativity}.
-We don't know of a special convention of the associativity of
-disjunction and conjunction, let's apply for instance a right
-associativity (which is the choice of {\Coq}).
-Precedence levels and associativity rules of notations have to be
-given between parentheses in a list of modifiers that the
-\texttt{Notation} command understands. Here is how the previous
-examples refine.
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B) (at level 80, right associativity).
-Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B) (at level 85, right associativity).
-By default, a notation is considered non associative, but the
-precedence level is mandatory (except for special cases whose level is
-canonical). The level is either a number or the mention {\tt next
-level} whose meaning is obvious. The list of levels already assigned
-is on Figure~\ref{init-notations}.
-\subsection{Complex notations}
-Notations can be made from arbitraly complex symbols. One can for
-instance define prefix notations.
-Notation "~ x" := (not x) (at level 75, right associativity).
-One can also define notations for incomplete terms, with the hole
-expected to be inferred at typing time.
-Notation "x = y" := (@eq _ x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
-One can define {\em closed} notations whose both sides are symbols. In
-this case, the default precedence level for inner subexpression is 200.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "( x , y )" := (@pair _ _ x y) (at level 0).
-One can also define notations for binders.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)) (at level 0).
-In the last case though, there is a conflict with the notation for
-type casts. This last notation, as shown by the command {\tt Print Grammar
-constr} is at level 100. To avoid \verb=x : A= being parsed as a type cast,
-it is necessary to put {\tt x} at a level below 100, typically 99. Hence, a
-correct definition is
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)) (at level 0, x at level 99).
-%This change has retrospectively an effect on the notation for notation
-%{\tt "{ A } + { B }"}. For the sake of factorization, {\tt A} must be
-%put at level 99 too, which gives
-%Notation "{ A } + { B }" := (sumbool A B) (at level 0, A at level 99).
-See the next section for more about factorization.
-\subsection{Simple factorization rules}
-{\Coq} extensible parsing is performed by Camlp4 which is essentially a
-LL1 parser. Hence, some care has to be taken not to hide already
-existing rules by new rules. Some simple left factorization work has
-to be done. Here is an example.
-(********** The next rule for notation _ < _ < _ produces **********)
-(*** Error: Notation _ < _ < _ is already defined at level 70 ... ***)
-Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
-Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70).
-In order to factorize the left part of the rules, the subexpression
-referred by {\tt y} has to be at the same level in both rules. However
-the default behavior puts {\tt y} at the next level below 70
-in the first rule (no associativity is the default), and at the level
-200 in the second rule (level 200 is the default for inner expressions).
-To fix this, we need to force the parsing level of {\tt y},
-as follows.
-Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
-Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70, y at next level).
-For the sake of factorization with {\Coq} predefined rules, simple
-rules have to be observed for notations starting with a symbol:
-e.g. rules starting with ``\{'' or ``('' should be put at level 0. The
-list of {\Coq} predefined notations can be found in chapter \ref{Theories}.
-The command to display the current state of the {\Coq} term parser is
-\comindex{Print Grammar constr}
-\tt Print Grammar constr.
-\comindex{Print Grammar pattern}
-{\tt Print Grammar pattern.}\\
-This displays the state of the subparser of patterns (the parser
-used in the grammar of the {\tt match} {\tt with} constructions).
-\subsection{Displaying symbolic notations}
-The command \texttt{Notation} has an effect both on the {\Coq} parser and
-on the {\Coq} printer. For example:
-Check (and True True).
-However, printing, especially pretty-printing, requires
-more care than parsing. We may want specific indentations,
-line breaks, alignment if on several lines, etc.
-The default printing of notations is very rudimentary. For printing a
-notation, a {\em formatting box} is opened in such a way that if the
-notation and its arguments cannot fit on a single line, a line break
-is inserted before the symbols of the notation and the arguments on
-the next lines are aligned with the argument on the first line.
-A first, simple control that a user can have on the printing of a
-notation is the insertion of spaces at some places of the
-notation. This is performed by adding extra spaces between the symbols
-and parameters: each extra space (other than the single space needed
-to separate the components) is interpreted as a space to be inserted
-by the printer. Here is an example showing how to add spaces around
-the bar of the notation.
-Notation "{{ x : A | P }}" := (sig (fun x : A => P))
- (at level 0, x at level 99).
-Check (sig (fun x : nat => x=x)).
-The second, more powerful control on printing is by using the {\tt
-format} modifier. Here is an example
-Notation "'If' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3)
-(at level 200, right associativity, format
-"'[v ' 'If' c1 '/' '[' 'then' c2 ']' '/' '[' 'else' c3 ']' ']'").
-A {\em format} is an extension of the string denoting the notation with
-the possible following elements delimited by single quotes:
-\item extra spaces are translated into simple spaces
-\item tokens of the form \verb='/ '= are translated into breaking point,
- in case a line break occurs, an indentation of the number of spaces
- after the ``\verb=/='' is applied (2 spaces in the given example)
-\item token of the form \verb='//'= force writing on a new line
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[ '= and \verb=']'=
- are translated into printing boxes; in case a line break occurs,
- an extra indentation of the number of spaces given after the ``\verb=[=''
- is applied (4 spaces in the example)
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[hv '= and \verb=']'=
- are translated into horizontal-orelse-vertical printing boxes;
- if the content of the box does not fit on a single line, then every breaking
- point forces a newline and an extra indentation of the number of spaces
- given after the ``\verb=[='' is applied at the beginning of each newline
- (3 spaces in the example)
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[v '= and
- \verb=']'= are translated into vertical printing boxes; every
- breaking point forces a newline, even if the line is large enough to
- display the whole content of the box, and an extra indentation of the
- number of spaces given after the ``\verb=[='' is applied at the beginning
- of each newline
-Thus, for the previous example, we get
-%\footnote{The ``@'' is here to shunt
-%the notation "'IF' A 'then' B 'else' C" which is defined in {\Coq}
-%initial state}:
-Notations do not survive the end of sections. No typing of the denoted
-expression is performed at definition time. Type-checking is done only
-at the time of use of the notation.
- (IF_then_else (IF_then_else True False True)
- (IF_then_else True False True)
- (IF_then_else True False True)).
-Sometimes, a notation is expected only for the parser.
-%(e.g. because
-%the underlying parser of {\Coq}, namely {\camlpppp}, is LL1 and some extra
-%rules are needed to circumvent the absence of factorization).
-To do so, the option {\em only parsing} is allowed in the list of modifiers of
-\subsection{The \texttt{Infix} command
-The \texttt{Infix} command is a shortening for declaring notations of
-infix symbols. Its syntax is
-\noindent\texttt{Infix "{\symbolentry}" :=} {\qualid} {\tt (} \nelist{\em modifier}{,} {\tt )}.
-and it is equivalent to
-\noindent\texttt{Notation "x {\symbolentry} y" := ({\qualid} x y) (} \nelist{\em modifier}{,} {\tt )}.
-where {\tt x} and {\tt y} are fresh names distinct from {\qualid}. Here is an example.
-Infix "/\" := and (at level 80, right associativity).
-\subsection{Reserving notations
-A given notation may be used in different contexts. {\Coq} expects all
-uses of the notation to be defined at the same precedence and with the
-same associativity. To avoid giving the precedence and associativity
-every time, it is possible to declare a parsing rule in advance
-without giving its interpretation. Here is an example from the initial
-state of {\Coq}.
-Reserved Notation "x = y" (at level 70, no associativity).
-Reserving a notation is also useful for simultaneously defined an
-inductive type or a recursive constant and a notation for it.
-\Rem The notations mentioned on Figure~\ref{init-notations} are
-reserved. Hence their precedence and associativity cannot be changed.
-\subsection{Simultaneous definition of terms and notations
-\comindex{Fixpoint {\ldots} where {\ldots}}
-\comindex{CoFixpoint {\ldots} where {\ldots}}
-\comindex{Inductive {\ldots} where {\ldots}}}
-Thanks to reserved notations, the inductive, coinductive, recursive
-and corecursive definitions can benefit of customized notations. To do
-this, insert a {\tt where} notation clause after the definition of the
-(co)inductive type or (co)recursive term (or after the definition of
-each of them in case of mutual definitions). The exact syntax is given
-on Figure \ref{notation-syntax}. Here are examples:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces an error **********)
-(********** because the symbol /\ is already bound **********)
-(**** Error: The conclusion of A -> B -> A /\ B is not valid *****)
-Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop := conj : A -> B -> A /\ B
-where "A /\ B" := (and A B).
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces an error **********)
-(********** because the symbol + is already bound **********)
-(**** Error: no recursive definition *****)
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S p => S (p+m)
- end
-where "n + m" := (plus n m).
-\subsection{Displaying informations about notations
-\comindex{Set Printing Notations}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Notations}}
-To deactivate the printing of all notations, use the command
-\tt Unset Printing Notations.
-To reactivate it, use the command
-\tt Set Printing Notations.
-The default is to use notations for printing terms wherever possible.
-\SeeAlso {\tt Set Printing All} in section \ref{SetPrintingAll}.
-\subsection{Locating notations
-To know to which notations a given symbol belongs to, use the command
-\tt Locate {\symbolentry}
-where symbol is any (composite) symbol surrounded by quotes. To locate
-a particular notation, use a string where the variables of the
-notation are replaced by ``\_''.
-Locate "exists".
-Locate "'exists' _ , _".
-\SeeAlso Section \ref{Locate}.
-{\sentence} & ::= &
- \texttt{Notation} \zeroone{\tt Local} {\str} \texttt{:=} {\term}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} \zeroone{:{\scope}} .\\
- & $|$ &
- \texttt{Infix} \zeroone{\tt Local} {\str} \texttt{:=} {\qualid}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} \zeroone{:{\scope}} .\\
- & $|$ &
- \texttt{Reserved Notation} \zeroone{\tt Local} {\str}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} .\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Inductive}
- \nelist{{\inductivebody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with}{\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoInductive}
- \nelist{{\inductivebody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with}{\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Fixpoint}
- \nelist{{\fixpointbody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoFixpoint}
- \nelist{{\cofixpointbody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with} {\tt .} \\
-{\declnotation} & ::= &
- \zeroone{{\tt where} {\str} {\tt :=} {\term} \zeroone{:{\scope}}} .
- & ::= & \nelist{\ident}{,} {\tt at level} {\naturalnumber} \\
- & $|$ & \nelist{\ident}{,} {\tt at next level} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt at level} {\naturalnumber} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt left associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt right associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt no associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt ident} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt global} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt bigint} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt only parsing} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt format} {\str}
-\caption{Syntax of the variants of {\tt Notation}}
-\subsection{Notations with recursive patterns}
-An experimental mechanism is provided for declaring elementary
-notations including recursive patterns. The basic syntax is
-Require Import List.
-Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
-On the right-hand-side, an extra construction of the form {\tt ..} ($f$
-$t_1$ $\ldots$ $t_n$) {\tt ..} can be used. Notice that {\tt ..} is part of
-the {\Coq} syntax while $\ldots$ is just a meta-notation of this
-manual to denote a sequence of terms of arbitrary size.
-This extra construction enclosed within {\tt ..}, let's call it $t$,
-must be one of the argument of an applicative term of the form {\tt
-($f$ $u_1$ $\ldots$ $u_n$)}. The sequences $t_1$ $\ldots$ $t_n$ and
-$u_1$ $\ldots$ $u_n$ must coincide everywhere but in two places. In
-one place, say the terms of indice $i$, we must have $u_i = t$. In the
-other place, say the terms of indice $j$, both $u_j$ and $t_j$ must be
-variables, say $x$ and $y$ which are bound by the notation string on
-the left-hand-side of the declaration. The variables $x$ and $y$ in
-the string must occur in a substring of the form "$x$ $s$ {\tt ..} $s$
-$y$" where {\tt ..} is part of the syntax and $s$ is two times the
-same sequence of terminal symbols (i.e. symbols which are not
-These invariants must be satisfied in order the notation to be
-correct. The term $t_i$ is the {\em terminating} expression of
-the notation and the pattern {\tt ($f$ $u_1$ $\ldots$ $u_{i-1}$ {\rm [I]}
-$u_{i+1}$ $\ldots$ $u_{j-1}$ {\rm [E]} $u_{j+1}$ $\ldots$ $u_{n}$)} is the
-{\em iterating pattern}. The hole [I] is the {\em iterative} place
-and the hole [E] is the {\em enumerating} place. Remark that if $j<i$, the
-iterative place comes after the enumerating place accordingly.
-The notation parses sequences of tokens such that the subpart "$x$ $s$
-{\tt ..} $s$ $y$" parses any number of time (but at least one time) a
-sequence of expressions separated by the sequence of tokens $s$. The
-parsing phase produces a list of expressions which
-are used to fill in order the holes [E] of the iterating pattern
-which is nested as many time as the length of the list, the hole [I]
-being the nesting point. In the innermost occurrence of the nested
-iterating pattern, the hole [I] is finally filled with the terminating
-In the example above, $f$ is {\tt cons}, $n=3$ (because {\tt cons} has
-a hidden implicit argument!), $i=3$ and $j=2$. The {\em terminating}
-expression is {\tt nil} and the {\em iterating pattern} is {\tt cons
-{\rm [E] [I]}}. Finally, the sequence $s$ is made of the single token
-``{\tt ;}''. Here is another example.
-Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) (at level 0).
-Notations with recursive patterns can be reserved like standard
-notations, they can also be declared within interpretation scopes (see
-section \ref{scopes}).
-\subsection{Notations and binders}
-Notations can be defined for binders as in the example:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig (fun x : A => P)) (at level 0).
-The binding variables in the left-hand-side that occur as a parameter
-of the notation naturally bind all their occurrences appearing in
-their respective scope after instantiation of the parameters of the
-Contrastingly, the binding variables that are not a parameter of the
-notation do not capture the variables of same name that
-could appear in their scope after instantiation of the
-notation. E.g., for the notation
-Notation "'exists_different' n" := (exists p:nat, p<>n) (at level 200).
-the next command fails because {\tt p} does not bind in
-the instance of {\tt n}.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following produces **********)
-(**** The reference p was not found in the current environment ********)
-Check (exists_different p).
-\Rem Binding variables must not necessarily be parsed using the
-{\tt ident} entry. For factorization purposes, they can be said to be
-parsed at another level (e.g. {\tt x} in \verb="{ x : A | P }"= must be
-parsed at level 99 to be factorized with the notation
-\verb="{ A } + { B }"= for which {\tt A} can be any term).
-However, even if parsed as a term, this term must at the end be effectively
-a single identifier.
-\paragraph{Syntax of notations}
-The different syntactic variants of the command \texttt{Notation} are
-given on Figure \ref{notation-syntax}. The optional {\tt :{\scope}} is
-described in the section \ref{scopes}.
-\Rem No typing of the denoted expression is performed at definition
-time. Type-checking is done only at the time of use of the notation.
-\Rem Many examples of {\tt Notation} may be found in the files
-composing the initial state of {\Coq} (see directory {\tt
-\Rem The notation \verb="{ x }"= has a special status in such a way
-that complex notations of the form \verb="x + { y }"= or
-\verb="x * { y }"= can be nested with correct precedences. Especially,
-every notation involving a pattern of the form \verb="{ x }"= is
-parsed as a notation where the pattern \verb="{ x }"= has been simply
-replaced by \verb="x"= and the curly brackets are parsed separately.
-E.g. \verb="y + { z }"= is not parsed as a term of the given form but
-as a term of the form \verb="y + z"= where \verb=z= has been parsed
-using the rule parsing \verb="{ x }"=. Especially, level and
-precedences for a rule including patterns of the form \verb="{ x }"=
-are relative not to the textual notation but to the notation where the
-curly brackets have been removed (e.g. the level and the associativity
-given to some notation, say \verb="{ y } & { z }"= in fact applies to
-the underlying \verb="{ x }"=-free rule which is \verb="y & z"=).
-\paragraph{Persistence of notations}
-Notations do not survive the end of sections. They survive modules
-unless the command {\tt Notation Local} is used instead of {\tt
-\section{Interpretation scopes}
-\index{Interpretation scopes}
-% Introduction
-An {\em interpretation scope} is a set of notations for terms with
-their interpretation. Interpretation scopes provides with a weak,
-purely syntactical form of notations overloading: a same notation, for
-instance the infix symbol \verb=+= can be used to denote distinct
-definitions of an additive operator. Depending on which interpretation
-scopes is currently open, the interpretation is different.
-Interpretation scopes can include an interpretation for
-numerals and strings. However, this is only made possible at the
-{\ocaml} level.
-See Figure \ref{notation-syntax} for the syntax of notations including
-the possibility to declare them in a given scope. Here is a typical
-example which declares the notation for conjunction in the scope {\tt
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B) : type_scope.
-\Rem A notation not defined in a scope is called a {\em lonely} notation.
-\subsection{Global interpretation rules for notations}
-At any time, the interpretation of a notation for term is done within
-a {\em stack} of interpretation scopes and lonely notations. In case a
-notation has several interpretations, the actual interpretation is the
-one defined by (or in) the more recently declared (or open) lonely
-notation (or interpretation scope) which defines this notation.
-Typically if a given notation is defined in some scope {\scope} but
-has also an interpretation not assigned to a scope, then, if {\scope}
-is open before the lonely interpretation is declared, then the lonely
-interpretation is used (and this is the case even if the
-interpretation of the notation in {\scope} is given after the lonely
-interpretation: otherwise said, only the order of lonely
-interpretations and opening of scopes matters, and not the declaration
-of interpretations within a scope).
-The initial state of {\Coq} declares three interpretation scopes and
-no lonely notations. These scopes, in opening order, are {\tt
-core\_scope}, {\tt type\_scope} and {\tt nat\_scope}.
-The command to add a scope to the interpretation scope stack is
-\comindex{Open Scope}
-\comindex{Close Scope}
-{\tt Open Scope} {\scope}.
-It is also possible to remove a scope from the interpretation scope
-stack by using the command
-{\tt Close Scope} {\scope}.
-Notice that this command does not only cancel the last {\tt Open Scope
-{\scope}} but all the invocation of it.
-\Rem {\tt Open Scope} and {\tt Close Scope} do not survive the end of
-sections where they occur. When defined outside of a section, they are
-exported to the modules that import the module where they occur.
-\item {\tt Open Local Scope} {\scope}.
-\item {\tt Close Local Scope} {\scope}.
-These variants are not exported to the modules that import the module
-where they occur, even if outside a section.
-\subsection{Local interpretation rules for notations}
-In addition to the global rules of interpretation of notations, some
-ways to change the interpretation of subterms are available.
-\subsubsection{Local opening of an interpretation scope
-\comindex{Delimit Scope}}
-It is possible to locally extend the interpretation scope stack using
-the syntax ({\term})\%{\nterm{key}} (or simply {\term}\%{\nterm{key}}
-for atomic terms), where {\nterm{key}} is a special identifier called
-{\em delimiting key} and bound to a given scope.
-In such a situation, the term {\term}, and all its subterms, are
-interpreted in the scope stack extended with the scope bound to
-To bind a delimiting key to a scope, use the command
-\texttt{Delimit Scope} {\scope} \texttt{with} {\ident}
-\subsubsection{Binding arguments of a constant to an interpretation scope
-\comindex{Arguments Scope}}
-It is possible to set in advance that some arguments of a given
-constant have to be interpreted in a given scope. The command is
-{\tt Arguments Scope} {\qualid} {\tt [ \nelist{\optscope}{} ]}
-where the list is a list made either of {\tt \_} or of a scope name.
-Each scope in the list is bound to the corresponding parameter of
-{\qualid} in order. When interpreting a term, if some of the
-arguments of {\qualid} are built from a notation, then this notation
-is interpreted in the scope stack extended by the scopes bound (if any)
-to these arguments.
-\SeeAlso The command to show the scopes bound to the arguments of a
-function is described in section \ref{About}.
-\subsubsection{Binding types of arguments to an interpretation scope}
-When an interpretation scope is naturally associated to a type
-(e.g. the scope of operations on the natural numbers), it may be
-convenient to bind it to this type. The effect of this is that any
-argument of a function that syntactically expects a parameter of this
-type is interpreted using scope. More precisely, it applies only if
-this argument is built from a notation, and if so, this notation is
-interpreted in the scope stack extended by this particular scope. It
-does not apply to the subterms of this notation (unless the
-interpretation of the notation itself expects arguments of the same
-type that would trigger the same scope).
-\comindex{Bind Scope}
-More generally, any {\class} (see chapter \ref{Coercions-full}) can be
-bound to an interpretation scope. The command to do it is
-{\tt Bind Scope} {\scope} \texttt{with} {\class}
-Parameter U : Set.
-Bind Scope U_scope with U.
-Parameter Uplus : U -> U -> U.
-Parameter P : forall T:Set, T -> U -> Prop.
-Parameter f : forall T:Set, T -> U.
-Infix "+" := Uplus : U_scope.
-Unset Printing Notations.
-Open Scope nat_scope. (* Define + on the nat as the default for + *)
-Check (fun x y1 y2 z t => P _ (x + t) ((f _ (y1 + y2) + z))).
-\Rem The scope {\tt type\_scope} has also a local effect on
-interpretation. See the next section.
-\SeeAlso The command to show the scopes bound to the arguments of a
-function is described in section \ref{About}.
-\subsection{The {\tt type\_scope} interpretation scope}
-The scope {\tt type\_scope} has a special status. It is a primitive
-interpretation scope which is temporarily activated each time a
-subterm of an expression is expected to be a type. This includes goals
-and statements, types of binders, domain and codomain of implication,
-codomain of products, and more generally any type argument of a
-declared or defined constant.
-\subsection{Interpretation scopes used in the standard library of {\Coq}}
-We give an overview of the scopes used in the standard library of
-{\Coq}. For a complete list of notations in each scope, use the
-commands {\tt Print Scopes} or {\tt Print Scopes {\scope}}.
-\subsubsection{\tt type\_scope}
-This includes infix {\tt *} for product types and infix {\tt +} for
-sum types. It is delimited by key {\tt type}.
-\subsubsection{\tt nat\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt nat}. Positive numerals in this scope are mapped to their
-canonical representent built from {\tt O} and {\tt S}. The scope is
-delimited by key {\tt nat}.
-\subsubsection{\tt N\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt N} (binary natural numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt N}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed term of type {\tt Z}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Z\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt Z} (binary integer numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt Z}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed term of type {\tt Z}.
-\subsubsection{\tt positive\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt positive} (binary strictly positive numbers). It is
-delimited by key {\tt positive} and comes with an interpretation for
-numerals as closed term of type {\tt positive}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Q\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt Q} (rational numbers defined as fractions of an integer and
-a strictly positive integer modulo the equality of the
-numerator-denominator cross-product). As for numerals, only $0$ and
-$1$ have an interpretation in scope {\tt Q\_scope} (their
-interpretations are $\frac{0}{1}$ and $\frac{1}{1}$ respectively).
-\subsubsection{\tt Qc\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on the
-type {\tt Qc} of rational numbers defined as the type of irreducible
-fractions of an integer and a strictly positive integer.
-\subsubsection{\tt real\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt R} (axiomatic real numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt R}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as term of type {\tt
-R}. The interpretation is based on the binary decomposition. The
-numeral 2 is represented by $1+1$. The interpretation $\phi(n)$ of an
-odd positive numerals greater $n$ than 3 is {\tt 1+(1+1)*$\phi((n-1)/2)$}.
-The interpretation $\phi(n)$ of an even positive numerals greater $n$
-than 4 is {\tt (1+1)*$\phi(n/2)$}. Negative numerals are represented as the
-opposite of the interpretation of their absolute value. E.g. the
-syntactic object {\tt -11} is interpreted as {\tt
--(1+(1+1)*((1+1)*(1+(1+1))))} where the unit $1$ and all the operations are
-those of {\tt R}.
-\subsubsection{\tt bool\_scope}
-This includes notations for the boolean operators. It is
-delimited by key {\tt bool}.
-\subsubsection{\tt list\_scope}
-This includes notations for the list operators. It is
-delimited by key {\tt list}.
-\subsubsection{\tt core\_scope}
-This includes the notation for pairs. It is delimited by key {\tt core}.
-\subsubsection{\tt string\_scope}
-This includes notation for strings as elements of the type {\tt
-string}. Special characters and escaping follow {\Coq} conventions
-on strings (see page~\pageref{strings}). Especially, there is no
-convention to visualize non printable characters of a string. The
-file {\tt String.v} shows an example that contains quotes, a newline
-and a beep (i.e. the ascii character of code 7).
-\subsubsection{\tt char\_scope}
-This includes interpretation for all strings of the form
-\verb!"!$c$\verb!"! where $c$ is an ascii character, or of the form
-\verb!"!$nnn$\verb!"! where $nnn$ is a three-digits number (possibly
-with leading 0's), or of the form \verb!""""!. Their respective
-denotations are the ascii code of $c$, the decimal ascii code $nnn$,
-or the ascii code of the character \verb!"! (i.e. the ascii code
-34), all of them being represented in the type {\tt ascii}.
-\subsection{Displaying informations about scopes}
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Visibility}
-This displays the current stack of notations in scopes and lonely
-notations that is used to interpret a notation. The top of the stack
-is displayed last. Notations in scopes whose interpretation is hidden
-by the same notation in a more recently open scope are not
-displayed. Hence each notation is displayed only once.
-{\tt Print Visibility {\scope}}\\
-This displays the current stack of notations in scopes and lonely
-notations assuming that {\scope} is pushed on top of the stack. This
-is useful to know how a subterm locally occurring in the scope of
-{\scope} is interpreted.
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Scope {\scope}}
-This displays all the notations defined in interpretation scope
-{\scope}. It also displays the delimiting key if any and the class to
-which the scope is bound, if any.
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Scopes}
-This displays all the notations, delimiting keys and corresponding
-class of all the existing interpretation scopes.
-It also displays the lonely notations.
-An {\em abbreviation} is a name denoting a (presumably) more complex
-expression. An abbreviation is a special form of notation with no
-parameter and only one symbol which is an identifier. This identifier
-is given with no quotes around. Example:
-Require Import List.
-Notation List := (list nat).
-An abbreviation expects no precedence nor associativity, since it can
-always be put at the lower level of atomic expressions, and
-associativity is irrelevant. Abbreviations are used as much as
-possible by the {\Coq} printers unless the modifier
-\verb=(only parsing)= is given.
-Abbreviations are bound to an absolute name like for an ordinary
-definition, and can be referred by partially qualified names too.
-Abbreviations are syntactic in the sense that they are bound to
-expressions which are not typed at the time of the definition of the
-abbreviation but at the time it is used. Especially, abbreviation can
-be bound to terms with holes (i.e. with ``\_''). The general syntax
-for abbreviations is
-\texttt{Notation} \zeroone{{\tt Local}} {\ident} \texttt{:=} {\term}
- \zeroone{{\tt (only parsing)}} \verb=.=
-Set Strict Implicit.
-Reset Initial.
-Definition explicit_id (A:Set) (a:A) := a.
-Notation id := (explicit_id _).
-Check (id 0).
-Abbreviations do not survive the end of sections. No typing of the denoted
-expression is performed at definition time. Type-checking is done only
-at the time of use of the abbreviation.
-\Rem \index{Syntactic Definition} % For
-compatibility Abbreviations are similar to the {\em syntactic
-definitions} available in versions of {\Coq} prior to version 8.0,
-except that abbreviations are used for printing (unless the modifier
-\verb=(only parsing)= is given) while syntactic definitions were not.
-\section{Tactic Notations}
-Tactic notations allow to customize the syntax of the tactics of the
-tactic language\footnote{Tactic notations are just a simplification of
-the {\tt Grammar tactic simple\_tactic} command that existed in
-versions prior to version 8.0.}. Tactic notations obey the following
-{\sentence} & ::= & \texttt{Tactic Notation} {\taclevel} \sequence{\proditem}{} \\
-& & \texttt{:= {\tac} .}\\
-{\proditem} & ::= & {\str} $|$ {\tacargtype}{\tt ({\ident})} \\
-{\taclevel} & ::= & $|$ {\tt (at level} {\naturalnumber}{\tt )} \\
-{\tacargtype} & ::= &
-%{\tt preident} $|$
-{\tt ident} $|$
-{\tt simple\_intropattern} $|$
-{\tt hyp} \\ & $|$ &
-% {\tt quantified\_hypothesis} $|$
-{\tt reference} $|$
-{\tt constr} \\ & $|$ &
-%{\tt castedopenconstr} $|$
-{\tt integer} \\ & $|$ &
-{\tt int\_or\_var} $|$
-{\tt tactic} $|$
-A tactic notation {\tt Tactic Notation {\taclevel}
-{\sequence{\proditem}{}} := {\tac}} extends the parser and
-pretty-printer of tactics with a new rule made of the list of
-production items. It then evaluates into the tactic expression
-{\tac}. For simple tactics, it is recommended to use a terminal
-symbol, i.e. a {\str}, for the first production item. The tactic
-level indicates the parsing precedence of the tactic notation. This
-information is particularly relevant for notations of tacticals.
-Levels 0 to 5 are available. To know the parsing precedences of the
-existing tacticals, use the command {\tt Print Grammar tactic.}
-Each type of tactic argument has a specific semantic regarding how it
-is parsed and how it is interpreted. The semantic is described in the
-following table. The last command gives examples of tactics which
-use the corresponding kind of argument.
-Tactic argument type & parsed as & interpreted as & as in tactic \\
-\hline \\
-{\tt\small ident} & identifier & a user-given name & {\tt intro} \\
-{\tt\small simple\_intropattern} & intro\_pattern & an intro\_pattern & {\tt intros}\\
-{\tt\small hyp} & identifier & an hypothesis defined in context & {\tt clear}\\
-%% quantified_hypothesis actually not supported
-%%{\tt\small quantified\_hypothesis} & identifier or integer & a named or non dep. hyp. of the goal & {\tt intros until}\\
-{\tt\small reference} & qualified identifier & a global reference of term & {\tt unfold}\\
-{\tt\small constr} & term & a term & {\tt exact} \\
-%% castedopenconstr actually not supported
-%%{\tt\small castedopenconstr} & term & a term with its sign. of exist. var. & {\tt refine}\\
-{\tt\small integer} & integer & an integer & \\
-{\tt\small int\_or\_var} & identifier or integer & an integer & {\tt do} \\
-{\tt\small tactic} & tactic & a tactic & \\
-\Rem In order to be bound in tactic definitions, each syntactic entry
-for argument type must include the case of simple {\ltac} identifier
-as part of what it parses. This is naturally the case for {\tt ident},
-{\tt simple\_intropattern}, {\tt reference}, {\tt constr}, ... but not
-for {\tt integer}. This is the reason for introducing a special entry
-{\tt int\_or\_var} which evaluates to integers only but which
-syntactically includes identifiers in order to be usable in tactic
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