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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
commit7f076db2a924377e9de3f9a6d838b8c44ed2e16d (patch)
treee075c526532a227c83d951c9dff8c944ea0c4d15 /doc/refman/RefMan-cas.tex
parent2a14f39fdfa80b021227396b22e38ed7c35356df (diff)
parent55ce117e8083477593cf1ff2e51a3641c7973830 (diff)
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-%\coverpage{The Macro \verb+Cases+}{Cristina Cornes}
-\chapter{The Macro {\tt Cases}}\label{Cases}\index{Cases@{\tt Cases}}
-\marginparwidth 0pt \oddsidemargin 0pt \evensidemargin 0pt \marginparsep 0pt
-\topmargin 0pt \textwidth 6.5in \textheight 8.5in
-\verb+Cases+ is an extension to the concrete syntax of Coq that allows
-to write case expressions using patterns in a syntax close to that of ML languages.
-This construction is just a macro that is
-expanded during parsing into a sequence of the primitive construction
- \verb+Case+.
-The current implementation contains two strategies, one for compiling
-non-dependent case and another one for dependent case.
-A pattern is a term that indicates the {\em shape} of a value, i.e. a
-term where the variables can be seen as holes. When a value is
-matched against a pattern (this is called {\em pattern matching})
-the pattern behaves as a filter, and associates a sub-term of the value
-to each hole (i.e. to each variable pattern).
-The syntax of patterns is presented in figure \ref{grammar}\footnote{
-Notation: \{$P$\}$^*$ denotes zero or more repetitions of $P$ and
- \{$P$\}$^+$ denotes one or more repetitions of $P$. {\sl command} is the
-non-terminal corresponding to terms in Coq.}.
-Patterns are built up from constructors and variables. Any identifier
-that is not a constructor of an inductive or coinductive type is
-considered to be
-a variable. Identifiers in patterns should be linear except for
-the ``don't care'' pattern denoted by ``\verb+_+''.
-We can use patterns to build more complex patterns.
-We call {\em simple pattern} a variable or a pattern of the form
-$(c~\vec{x})$ where $c$ is a constructor symbol and $\vec{x}$ is a
-linear vector of variables. If a pattern is
-not simple we call it {\em nested}.
-A variable pattern matches any value, and the
-identifier is bound to that value. The pattern ``\verb+_+'' also matches
-any value, but it is not binding. Alias patterns written \verb+(+{\sl pattern} \verb+as+ {\sl
-identifier}\verb+)+ are also accepted. This pattern matches the same values as
-{\sl pattern} does and
-{\sl identifier} is bound to the matched value.
-A list of patterns is also considered as a pattern and is called {\em
-multiple pattern}.
-\begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \\
-\begin{tabular}{rcl}%\hline && \\
-simple\_pattern & := & pattern \verb+as+ identifier \\
- &$|$ & pattern \verb+,+ pattern \\
- &$|$ & pattern pattern\_list \\ && \\
-pattern & := & identifier $|$ \verb+(+ simple\_pattern \verb+)+ \\ &&\\
-equation & := & \{pattern\}$^+$ ~\verb+=>+ ~term \\ && \\
-ne\_eqn\_list & := & \verb+|+$^{opt}$ equation~ \{\verb+|+ equation\}$^*$ \\ &&\\
-eqn\_list & := & \{~equation~ \{\verb+|+ equation\}$^*$~\}$^*$\\ &&\\
-term & := &
-\verb+Cases+ \{term \}$^+$ \verb+of+ ne\_eqn\_list \verb+end+ \\
-&$|$ & \verb+<+term\verb+>+ \verb+Cases+ \{ term \}$^+$
-\verb+of+ eqn\_list \verb+end+ \\&& %\\ \hline
-\end{tabular} \\ \hline
-\end{sl} \end{center}
-\caption{Macro Cases syntax.}
-Pattern matching improves readability. Compare for example the term
-of the function {\em is\_zero} of natural
-numbers written with patterns and the one written in primitive
-concrete syntax (note that the first bar \verb+|+ is optional)~:
-\verb+[n:nat] Cases n of | O => true | _ => false end+,\\
-\verb+[n:nat] Case n of true [_:nat]false end+.
-In Coq pattern matching is compiled into the primitive constructions,
-thus the expressiveness of the theory remains the same. Once the stage
-of parsing has finished patterns disappear. An easy way to see the
-result of the expansion is by printing the term with \texttt{Print} if
-the term is a constant, or
-using the command \texttt{Check} that displays
-the term with its type :
-Check (fun n:nat => match n with
- | O => true
- | _ => false
- end).
-\verb+Cases+ accepts optionally an infix term enclosed between
-brackets \verb+<>+ that we
-call the {\em elimination predicate}.
-This term is the same argument as the one expected by the primitive
-\verb+Case+. Given a pattern matching
-expression, if all the right hand sides of \verb+=>+ ({\em rhs} in
-short) have the same type, then this term
-can be sometimes synthesized, and so we can omit the \verb+<>+.
-Otherwise we have to
-provide the predicate between \verb+<>+ as for the primitive \verb+Case+.
-Let us illustrate through examples the different aspects of pattern matching.
-Consider for example the function that computes the maximum of two
-natural numbers. We can write it in primitive syntax by:
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O =>
- (* O *) m
- (* S n' *)
- | S n' =>
- match m with
- | O =>
- (* O *) S n'
- (* S m' *)
- | S m' => S (max n' m')
- end
- end.
-Using patterns in the definitions gives:
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S n' => match m with
- | O => S n'
- | S m' => S (max n' m')
- end
- end.
-Another way to write this definition is to use a multiple pattern to
- match \verb+n+ and \verb+m+:
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => m
- | S n', O => S n'
- | S n', S m' => S (max n' m')
- end.
-The strategy examines patterns
-from left to right. A case expression is generated {\bf only} when there is at least one constructor in the column of patterns.
-For example,
-Check (fun x:nat => match x return nat with
- | y => y
- end).
-We can also use ``\verb+as+ patterns'' to associate a name to a
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => m
- | S n' as N, O => N
- | S n', S m' => S (max n' m')
- end.
-In the previous examples patterns do not conflict with, but
-sometimes it is comfortable to write patterns that admits a non
-trivial superposition. Consider
-the boolean function $lef$ that given two natural numbers
-yields \verb+true+ if the first one is less or equal than the second
-one and \verb+false+ otherwise. We can write it as follows:
-Fixpoint lef (n m:nat) {struct m} : bool :=
- match n, m with
- | O, x => true
- | x, O => false
- | S n, S m => lef n m
- end.
-Note that the first and the second multiple pattern superpose because the couple of
-values \verb+O O+ matches both. Thus, what is the result of the
-function on those values?
-To eliminate ambiguity we use the {\em textual priority rule}: we
-consider patterns ordered from top to bottom, then a value is matched
-by the pattern at the $ith$ row if and only if is not matched by some
-pattern of a previous row. Thus in the example,
-\verb+O O+ is matched by the first pattern, and so \verb+(lef O O)+
-yields \verb+true+.
-Another way to write this function is:
-Reset lef.
-Fixpoint lef (n m:nat) {struct m} : bool :=
- match n, m with
- | O, x => true
- | S n, S m => lef n m
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Here the last pattern superposes with the first two. Because
-of the priority rule, the last pattern
-will be used only for values that do not match neither the first nor
-the second one.
-Terms with useless patterns are accepted by the
-system. For example,
- (fun x:nat => match x with
- | O => true
- | S _ => false
- | x => true
- end).
-is accepted even though the last pattern is never used.
-Beware, the
-current implementation rises no warning message when there are unused
-patterns in a term.
-\subsection{About patterns of parametric types}
-When matching objects of a parametric type, constructors in patterns
-{\em do not expect} the parameter arguments. Their value is deduced
-during expansion.
-Consider for example the polymorphic lists:
-Inductive List (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : List A
- | cons : A -> List A -> List A.
-We can check the function {\em tail}:
- (fun l:List nat =>
- match l with
- | nil => nil nat
- | cons _ l' => l'
- end).
-When we use parameters in patterns there is an error message:
- (fun l:List nat =>
- match l with
- | nil nat => nil nat
- | cons nat _ l' => l'
- end).
-\subsection{Matching objects of dependent types}
-The previous examples illustrate pattern matching on objects of
-non-dependent types, but we can also
-use the macro to destructure objects of dependent type.
-Consider the type \verb+listn+ of lists of a certain length:
-Inductive listn : nat -> Set :=
- | niln : listn 0%N
- | consn : forall n:nat, nat -> listn n -> listn (S n).
-\subsubsection{Understanding dependencies in patterns}
-We can define the function \verb+length+ over \verb+listn+ by :
-Definition length (n:nat) (l:listn n) := n.
-Just for illustrating pattern matching,
-we can define it by case analysis:
-Reset length.
-Definition length (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0%N
- | consn n _ _ => S n
- end.
-We can understand the meaning of this definition using the
-same notions of usual pattern matching.
-Now suppose we split the second pattern of \verb+length+ into two
-cases so to give an
-alternative definition using nested patterns:
-Definition length1 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0%N
- | consn n _ niln => S n
- | consn n _ (consn _ _ _) => S n
- end.
-It is obvious that \verb+length1+ is another version of
-\verb+length+. We can also give the following definition:
-Definition length2 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0%N
- | consn n _ niln => 1%N
- | consn n _ (consn m _ _) => S (S m)
- end.
-If we forget that \verb+listn+ is a dependent type and we read these
-definitions using the usual semantics of pattern matching, we can conclude
-that \verb+length1+
-and \verb+length2+ are different functions.
-In fact, they are equivalent
-because the pattern \verb+niln+ implies that \verb+n+ can only match
-the value $0$ and analogously the pattern \verb+consn+ determines that \verb+n+ can
-only match values of the form $(S~v)$ where $v$ is the value matched by
-The converse is also true. If
-we destructure the length value with the pattern \verb+O+ then the list
-value should be $niln$.
-Thus, the following term \verb+length3+ corresponds to the function
-\verb+length+ but this time defined by case analysis on the dependencies instead of on the list:
-Definition length3 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0%N
- | consn O _ _ => 1%N
- | consn (S n) _ _ => S (S n)
- end.
-When we have nested patterns of dependent types, the semantics of
-pattern matching becomes a little more difficult because
-the set of values that are matched by a sub-pattern may be conditioned by the
-values matched by another sub-pattern. Dependent nested patterns are
-somehow constrained patterns.
-In the examples, the expansion of
-\verb+length1+ and \verb+length2+ yields exactly the same term
- but the
-expansion of \verb+length3+ is completely different. \verb+length1+ and
-\verb+length2+ are expanded into two nested case analysis on
-\verb+listn+ while \verb+length3+ is expanded into a case analysis on
-\verb+listn+ containing a case analysis on natural numbers inside.
-In practice the user can think about the patterns as independent and
-it is the expansion algorithm that cares to relate them. \\
-\subsubsection{When the elimination predicate must be provided}
-The examples given so far do not need an explicit elimination predicate
-between \verb+<>+ because all the rhs have the same type and the
-strategy succeeds to synthesize it.
-Unfortunately when dealing with dependent patterns it often happens
-that we need to write cases where the type of the rhs are
-different instances of the elimination predicate.
-The function \verb+concat+ for \verb+listn+
-is an example where the branches have different type
-and we need to provide the elimination predicate:
-Fixpoint concat (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat) (l':listn m) {struct l} :
- listn (n + m) :=
- match l in listn n return listn (n + m) with
- | niln => l'
- | consn n' a y => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m l')
- end.
-Recall that a list of patterns is also a pattern. So, when
-we destructure several terms at the same time and the branches have
-different type we need to provide
-the elimination predicate for this multiple pattern.
-For example, an equivalent definition for \verb+concat+ (even though with a useless extra pattern) would have
-Reset concat.
-Fixpoint concat (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat) (l':listn m) {struct l} :
- listn (n + m) :=
- match l in listn n, l' return listn (n + m) with
- | niln, x => x
- | consn n' a y, x => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m x)
- end.
-Note that this time, the predicate \verb+[n,_:nat](listn (plus n m))+ is binary because we
-destructure both \verb+l+ and \verb+l'+ whose types have arity one.
-In general, if we destructure the terms $e_1\ldots e_n$
-the predicate will be of arity $m$ where $m$ is the sum of the
-number of dependencies of the type of $e_1, e_2,\ldots e_n$ (the $\lambda$-abstractions
-should correspond from left to right to each dependent argument of the
-type of $e_1\ldots e_n$).
-When the arity of the predicate (i.e. number of abstractions) is not
-correct Coq rises an error message. For example:
-Fixpoint concat (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat) (l':listn m) {struct l} :
- listn (n + m) :=
- match l, l' with
- | niln, x => x
- | consn n' a y, x => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m x)
- end.
-\subsection{Using pattern matching to write proofs}
-In all the previous examples the elimination predicate does not depend on the object(s) matched.
-The typical case where this is not possible is when we write a proof by
-induction or a function that yields an object of dependent type.
-For example, we can write
-the function \verb+buildlist+ that given a natural number
-$n$ builds a list length $n$ containing zeros as follows:
-Fixpoint buildlist (n:nat) : listn n :=
- match n return listn n with
- | O => niln
- | S n => consn n 0 (buildlist n)
- end.
-We can also use multiple patterns whenever the elimination predicate has
-the correct arity.
-Consider the following definition of the predicate less-equal
-Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
- | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0%N n
- | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
-We can use multiple patterns to write the proof of the lemma
- \verb+(n,m:nat) (Le n m)\/(Le m n)+:
-Fixpoint dec (n m:nat) {struct n} : Le n m \/ Le m n :=
- match n, m return Le n m \/ Le m n with
- | O, x => or_introl (Le x 0) (LeO x)
- | x, O => or_intror (Le x 0) (LeO x)
- | S n as N, S m as M =>
- match dec n m with
- | or_introl h => or_introl (Le M N) (LeS n m h)
- | or_intror h => or_intror (Le N M) (LeS m n h)
- end
- end.
-In the example of \verb+dec+ the elimination predicate is binary
-because we destructure two arguments of \verb+nat+ that is a
-non-dependent type. Note the first \verb+Cases+ is dependent while the
-second is not.
-In general, consider the terms $e_1\ldots e_n$,
-where the type of $e_i$ is an instance of a family type
-$[\vec{d_i}:\vec{D_i}]T_i$ ($1\leq i
-\leq n$). Then to write \verb+<+${\cal P}$\verb+>Cases+ $e_1\ldots
-e_n$ \verb+of+ \ldots \verb+end+, the
-elimination predicate ${\cal P}$ should be of the form:
-$[\vec{d_1}:\vec{D_1}][x_1:T_1]\ldots [\vec{d_n}:\vec{D_n}][x_n:T_n]Q.$
-\section{Extending the syntax of pattern}
-The primitive syntax for patterns considers only those patterns containing
-symbols of constructors and variables. Nevertheless, we
-may define our own syntax for constructors and may be interested in
-using this syntax to write patterns.
-Because not any term is a pattern, the fact of extending the terms
-syntax does not imply the extension of pattern syntax. Thus,
-the grammar of patterns should be explicitly extended whenever we
-want to use a particular syntax for a constructor.
-The grammar rules for the macro \verb+Cases+ (and thus for patterns)
-are defined in the file \verb+Multcase.v+ in the directory
-\verb+src/syntax+. To extend the grammar of patterns
-we need to extend the non-terminals corresponding to patterns
-(we refer the reader to chapter of grammar extensions).
-We have already extended the pattern syntax so as to note
-the constructor \verb+pair+ of cartesian product with "( , )" in patterns.
-This allows for example, to write the first projection
-of pairs as follows:
-Definition fst (A B:Set) (H:A * B) := match H with
- | pair x y => x
- end.
-The grammar presented in figure \ref{grammar} actually
-contains this extension.
-\section{When does the expansion strategy fail?}\label{limitations}
-The strategy works very like in ML languages when treating
-patterns of non-dependent type.
-But there are new cases of failure that are due to the presence of
-The error messages of the current implementation may be
-sometimes confusing.
-When the tactic fails because patterns are somehow incorrect then
-error messages refer to the initial expression. But the strategy
-may succeed to build an expression whose sub-expressions are well typed but
-the whole expression is not. In this situation the message makes
-reference to the expanded expression.
-We encourage users, when they have patterns with the same outer constructor in different equations, to name the variable patterns in the same positions with the same name.
-E.g. to write {\small\verb+(cons n O x) => e1+} and {\small\verb+(cons n \_ x) => e2+} instead of
-{\small\verb+(cons n O x) => e1+} and {\small\verb+(cons n' \_ x') => e2+}. This helps to maintain certain name correspondence between the generated expression and the original.
-Here is a summary of the error messages corresponding to each situation:
-\item patterns are incorrect (because constructors are not
-applied to the correct number of the arguments, because they are not linear or they are
-wrongly typed)
-\item \sverb{In pattern } {\sl term} \sverb{the constructor } {\sl ident}
-\sverb{expects } {\sl num} \sverb{arguments}
-\item \sverb{The variable } {\sl ident} \sverb{is bound several times in pattern } {\sl term}
-\item \sverb{Constructor pattern: } {\sl term} \sverb{cannot match values of type } {\sl term}
-\item the pattern matching is not exhaustive
-\item \sverb{This pattern-matching is not exhaustive}
-\item the elimination predicate provided to \verb+Cases+ has not the expected arity
-\item \sverb{The elimination predicate } {\sl term} \sverb{should be
-of arity } {\sl num} \sverb{(for non dependent case) or } {\sl num} \sverb{(for dependent case)}
- \item the whole expression is wrongly typed, or the synthesis of implicit arguments fails (for example to find
-the elimination predicate or to resolve implicit arguments in the rhs).
-There are {\em nested patterns of dependent type}, the
-elimination predicate corresponds to non-dependent case and has the form $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$
-and {\bf some} $x_i$ occurs {\bf free} in
-$T$. Then, the strategy may fail to find out a correct elimination
-predicate during some step of compilation.
-In this situation we recommend the user to rewrite the nested
-dependent patterns into several \verb+Cases+ with {\em simple patterns}.
-In all these cases we have the following error message:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item
- {\tt Expansion strategy failed to build a well typed case expression.
- There is a branch that mismatches the expected type.
- The risen type error on the result of expansion was:}
- \end{itemize}
-\item because of nested patterns, it may happen that even though all
-the rhs have the same type, the strategy needs
-dependent elimination and so an elimination predicate must be
-provided. The system
-warns about this situation, trying to compile anyway with the
-non-dependent strategy. The risen message is:
-\item {\tt Warning: This pattern matching may need dependent elimination to be compiled.
-I will try, but if fails try again giving dependent elimination predicate.}
-\item there are {\em nested patterns of dependent type} and the strategy
-builds a term that is well typed but recursive
-calls in fix point are reported as illegal:
-\item {\tt Error: Recursive call applied to an illegal term ...}
-This is because the strategy generates a term that is correct
-w.r.t. to the initial term but which does not pass the guard condition.
-In this situation we recommend the user to transform the nested dependent
-patterns into {\em several \verb+Cases+ of simple patterns}.
-Let us explain this with an example.
-Consider the following defintion of a function that yields the last
-element of a list and \verb+O+ if it is empty:
-Fixpoint last (n:nat) (l:listn n) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | consn _ a niln => a
- | consn m _ x => last m x
- | niln => 0%N
- end.
-It fails because of the priority between patterns, we know that this
-definition is equivalent to the following more explicit one (which
-fails too):
-Fixpoint last (n:nat) (l:listn n) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | consn _ a niln => a
- | consn n _ (consn m b x) => last n (consn m b x)
- | niln => 0%N
- end.
-Note that the recursive call \sverb{(last n (consn m b x)) } is not
-guarded. When treating with patterns of dependent types the strategy
-interprets the first definition of \texttt{last} as the second
-onefootnote{In languages of the ML family
-the first definition would be translated into a term where the
-variable \texttt{x} is shared in the expression. When
-patterns are of non-dependent types, Coq compiles as in ML languages
-using sharing. When patterns are of dependent types the compilation
-reconstructs the term as in the second definition of \texttt{last} so to
-ensure the result of expansion is well typed.}.
-Thus it generates a
-term where the recursive call is rejected by the
-guard condition.
-You can get rid of this problem by writing the definition with \emph{simple
-Fixpoint last (n:nat) (l:listn n) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l return nat with
- | consn m a x => match x with
- | niln => a
- | _ => last m x
- end
- | niln => 0%N
- end.