path: root/doc/refman/Polynom.tex
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-02-13 13:48:12 +0000
commit55ce117e8083477593cf1ff2e51a3641c7973830 (patch)
treea82defb4105f175c71b0d13cae42831ce608c4d6 /doc/refman/Polynom.tex
parent208a0f7bfa5249f9795e6e225f309cbe715c0fad (diff)
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-\achapter{The \texttt{ring} tactic}
-\aauthor{Bruno Barras, Benjamin Gr\'egoire and Assia
- Mahboubi\footnote{based on previous work from
- Patrick Loiseleur and Samuel Boutin}}
-This chapter presents the \texttt{ring} tactic.
-\asection{What does this tactic?}
-\texttt{ring} does associative-commutative rewriting in ring and semi-ring
-structures. Assume you have two binary functions $\oplus$ and $\otimes$
-that are associative and commutative, with $\oplus$ distributive on
-$\otimes$, and two constants 0 and 1 that are unities for $\oplus$ and
-$\otimes$. A \textit{polynomial} is an expression built on variables $V_0, V_1,
-\dots$ and constants by application of $\oplus$ and $\otimes$.
-Let an {\it ordered product} be a product of variables $V_{i_1}
-\otimes \ldots \otimes V_{i_n}$ verifying $i_1 \le i_2 \le \dots \le
-i_n$. Let a \textit{monomial} be the product of a constant and an
-ordered product. We can order the monomials by the lexicographic
-order on products of variables. Let a \textit{canonical sum} be an
-ordered sum of monomials that are all different, i.e. each monomial in
-the sum is strictly less than the following monomial according to the
-lexicographic order. It is an easy theorem to show that every
-polynomial is equivalent (modulo the ring properties) to exactly one
-canonical sum. This canonical sum is called the \textit{normal form}
-of the polynomial. In fact, the actual representation shares monomials
-with same prefixes. So what does \texttt{ring}? It normalizes
-polynomials over any ring or semi-ring structure. The basic use of
-\texttt{ring} is to simplify ring expressions, so that the user does
-not have to deal manually with the theorems of associativity and
-\item In the ring of integers, the normal form of
-$x (3 + yx + 25(1 - z)) + zx$ is $28x + (-24)xz + xxy$.
-\item For the classical propositional calculus (or the boolean rings)
- the normal form is what logicians call \textit{disjunctive normal
- form}: every formula is equivalent to a disjunction of
- conjunctions of atoms. (Here $\oplus$ is $\vee$, $\otimes$ is
- $\wedge$, variables are atoms and the only constants are T and F)
-\asection{The variables map}
-It is frequent to have an expression built with + and
- $\times$, but rarely on variables only.
-Let us associate a number to each subterm of a ring
-expression in the \gallina\ language. For example in the ring
-\texttt{nat}, consider the expression:
-(plus (mult (plus (f (5)) x) x)
- (mult (if b then (4) else (f (3))) (2)))
-\noindent As a ring expression, it has 3 subterms. Give each subterm a
-number in an arbitrary order:
-0 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|if b then (4) else (f (3))| \\
-1 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|(f (5))| \\
-2 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|x| \\
-\noindent Then normalize the ``abstract'' polynomial
-$$((V_1 \otimes V_2) \oplus V_2) \oplus (V_0 \otimes 2) $$
-\noindent In our example the normal form is:
-$$(2 \otimes V_0) \oplus (V_1 \otimes V_2) \oplus (V_2 \otimes V_2)$$
-\noindent Then substitute the variables by their values in the variables map to
-get the concrete normal polynomial:
-(plus (mult (2) (if b then (4) else (f (3))))
- (plus (mult (f (5)) x) (mult x x)))
-\asection{Is it automatic?}
-Yes, building the variables map and doing the substitution after
-normalizing is automatically done by the tactic. So you can just forget
-this paragraph and use the tactic according to your intuition.
-\asection{Concrete usage in \Coq}
-The {\tt ring} tactic solves equations upon polynomial expressions of
-a ring (or semi-ring) structure. It proceeds by normalizing both hand
-sides of the equation (w.r.t. associativity, commutativity and
-distributivity, constant propagation) and comparing syntactically the
-{\tt ring\_simplify} applies the normalization procedure described
-above to the terms given. The tactic then replaces all occurrences of
-the terms given in the conclusion of the goal by their normal
-forms. If no term is given, then the conclusion should be an equation
-and both hand sides are normalized.
-The tactic must be loaded by \texttt{Require Import Ring}. The ring
-structures must be declared with the \texttt{Add Ring} command (see
-below). The ring of booleans is predefined; if one wants to use the
-tactic on \texttt{nat} one must first require the module
-\texttt{ArithRing}; for \texttt{Z}, do \texttt{Require Import
-ZArithRing}; for \texttt{N}, do \texttt{Require Import
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Require Import ZArithRing.
-Goal forall a b c:Z,
- (a + b + c) * (a + b + c) =
- a * a + b * b + c * c + 2 * a * b + 2 * a * c + 2 * b * c.
-intros; ring.
-Reset Initial.
-\Warning \texttt{ring\_simplify $term_1$; ring\_simplify $term_2$} is
-not equivalent to \texttt{ring\_simplify $term_1$ $term_2$}. In the
-latter case the variables map is shared between the two terms, and
-common subterm $t$ of $term_1$ and $term_2$ will have the same
-associated variable number. So the first alternative should be
-avoided for terms belonging to the same ring theory.
-\item \errindex{not a valid ring equation}
- The conclusion of the goal is not provable in the corresponding ring
- theory.
-\item \errindex{arguments of ring\_simplify do not have all the same type}
- {\tt ring\_simplify} cannot simplify terms of several rings at the
- same time. Invoke the tactic once per ring structure.
-\item \errindex{cannot find a declared ring structure over {\tt term}}
- No ring has been declared for the type of the terms to be
- simplified. Use {\tt Add Ring} first.
-\item \errindex{cannot find a declared ring structure for equality
- {\tt term}}
- Same as above is the case of the {\tt ring} tactic.
-\asection{Adding a ring structure}
-Declaring a new ring consists in proving that a ring signature (a
-carrier set, an equality, and ring operations: {\tt
-Ring\_theory.ring\_theory} and {\tt Ring\_theory.semi\_ring\_theory})
-satisfies the ring axioms. Semi-rings (rings without $+$ inverse) are
-also supported. The equality can be either Leibniz equality, or any
-relation declared as a setoid (see~\ref{setoidtactics}). The definition
-of ring and semi-rings (see module {\tt Ring\_theory}) is:
- Record ring_theory : Prop := mk_rt {
- Radd_0_l : forall x, 0 + x == x;
- Radd_sym : forall x y, x + y == y + x;
- Radd_assoc : forall x y z, x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z;
- Rmul_1_l : forall x, 1 * x == x;
- Rmul_sym : forall x y, x * y == y * x;
- Rmul_assoc : forall x y z, x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z;
- Rdistr_l : forall x y z, (x + y) * z == (x * z) + (y * z);
- Rsub_def : forall x y, x - y == x + -y;
- Ropp_def : forall x, x + (- x) == 0
- }.
-Record semi_ring_theory : Prop := mk_srt {
- SRadd_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n;
- SRadd_sym : forall n m, n + m == m + n ;
- SRadd_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p;
- SRmul_1_l : forall n, 1*n == n;
- SRmul_0_l : forall n, 0*n == 0;
- SRmul_sym : forall n m, n*m == m*n;
- SRmul_assoc : forall n m p, n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p;
- SRdistr_l : forall n m p, (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p
- }.
-This implementation of {\tt ring} also features a notion of constant
-that can be parameterized. This can be used to improve the handling of
-closed expressions when operations are effective. It consists in
-introducing a type of \emph{coefficients} and an implementation of the
-ring operations, and a morphism from the coefficient type to the ring
-carrier type. The morphism needs not be injective, nor surjective. As
-an example, one can consider the real numbers. The set of coefficients
-could be the rational numbers, upon which the ring operations can be
-implemented. The fact that there exists a morphism is defined by the
-following properties:
- Record ring_morph : Prop := mkmorph {
- morph0 : [cO] == 0;
- morph1 : [cI] == 1;
- morph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- morph_sub : forall x y, [x -! y] == [x]-[y];
- morph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- morph_opp : forall x, [-!x] == -[x];
- morph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
- Record semi_morph : Prop := mkRmorph {
- Smorph0 : [cO] == 0;
- Smorph1 : [cI] == 1;
- Smorph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- Smorph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- Smorph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
-where {\tt c0} and {\tt cI} denote the 0 and 1 of the coefficient set,
-{\tt +!}, {\tt *!}, {\tt -!} are the implementations of the ring
-operations, {\tt ==} is the equality of the coefficients, {\tt ?+!} is
-an implementation of this equality, and {\tt [x]} is a notation for
-the image of {\tt x} by the ring morphism.
-Since {\tt Z} is an initial ring (and {\tt N} is an initial
-semi-ring), it can always be considered as a set of
-coefficients. There are basically three kinds of (semi-)rings:
-\item[abstract rings] to be used when operations are not
- effective. The set of coefficients is {\tt Z} (or {\tt N} for
- semi-rings).
-\item[computational rings] to be used when operations are
- effective. The set of coefficients is the ring itself. The user only
- has to provide an implementation for the equality.
-\item[customized ring] for other cases. The user has to provide the
- coefficient set and the morphism.
-The syntax for adding a new ring is {\tt Add Ring $name$ : $ring$
-($mod_1$,\dots,$mod_2$)}. The name is not relevent. It is just used
-for error messages. $ring$ is a proof that the ring signature
-satisfies the (semi-)ring axioms. The optional list of modifiers is
-used to tailor the behaviour of the tactic. The following list
-describes their syntax and effects:
-\item[abstract] declares the ring as abstract. This is the default.
-\item[decidable \term] declares the ring as computational. \term{} is
- the correctness proof of an equality test {\tt ?=!}. Its type should be of
- the form {\tt forall x y, x?=!y = true $\rightarrow$ x == y}.
-\item[morphism \term] declares the ring as a customized one. \term{} is
- a proof that there exists a morphism between a set of coefficient
- and the ring carrier (see {\tt Ring\_theory.ring\_morph} and {\tt
- Ring\_theory.semi\_morph}).
-\item[setoid \term$_1$ \term$_2$] forces the use of given
- setoid. \term$_1$ is a proof that the equality is indeed a setoid
- (see {\tt Setoid.Setoid\_Theory}), and \term$_2$ a proof that the
- ring operations are morphisms (see {\tt Ring\_theory.ring\_eq\_ext} and
- {\tt Ring\_theory.sring\_eq\_ext}). This modifier needs not be used if the
- setoid and morphisms have been declared.
-\item[constants [\ltac]] specifies a tactic expression that, given a term,
- returns either an object of the coefficient set that is mapped to
- the expression via the morphism, or returns {\tt
- Ring\_tac.NotConstant}. Abstract (semi-)rings need not define this.
-\item[preprocess [\ltac]]
- specifies a tactic that is applied as a preliminary step for {\tt
- ring} and {\tt ring\_simplify}. It can be used to transform a goal
- so that it is better recognized. For instance, {\tt S n} can be
- changed to {\tt plus 1 n}.
-\item[postprocess [\ltac]] specifies a tactic that is applied as a final step
- for {\tt ring\_simplify}. For instance, it can be used to undo
- modifications of the preprocessor.
-\item \errindex{bad ring structure}
- The proof of the ring structure provided is not of the expected type.
-\item \errindex{bad lemma for decidability of equality}
- The equality function provided in the case of a computational ring
- has not the expected type.
-\item \errindex{ring {\it operation} should be declared as a morphism}
- A setoid associated to the carrier of the ring structure as been
- found, but the ring operation should be declared as
- morphism. See~\ref{setoidtactics}.
-\asection{How does it work?}
-The code of \texttt{ring} is a good example of tactic written using
-\textit{reflection}. What is reflection? Basically, it is writing
-\Coq{} tactics in \Coq, rather than in \ocaml. From the philosophical
-point of view, it is using the ability of the Calculus of
-Constructions to speak and reason about itself. For the \texttt{ring}
-tactic we used \Coq\ as a programming language and also as a proof
-environment to build a tactic and to prove it correctness.
-The interested reader is strongly advised to have a look at the file
-\texttt{Ring\_polynom.v}. Here a type for polynomials is defined:
-Inductive PExpr : Type :=
- | PEc : C -> PExpr
- | PEX : positive -> PExpr
- | PEadd : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEsub : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEmul : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEopp : PExpr -> PExpr.
-Polynomials in normal form are defined as:
- Inductive Pol : Type :=
- | Pc : C -> Pol
- | Pinj : positive -> Pol -> Pol
- | PX : Pol -> positive -> Pol -> Pol.
-where {\tt Pinj n P} denotes $P$ in which $V_i$ is replaced by
-$V_{i+n}$, and {\tt PX P n Q} denotes $P \otimes V_1^{n} \oplus Q'$,
-$Q'$ being $Q$ where $V_i$ is replaced by $V_{i+1}$.
-Variables maps are represented by list of ring elements, and two
-interpretation functions, one that maps a variables map and a
-polynomial to an element of the concrete ring, and the second one that
-does the same for normal forms:
-Definition PEeval : list R -> PExpr -> R := [...].
-Definition Pphi_dev : list R -> Pol -> R := [...].
-A function to normalize polynomials is defined, and the big theorem is
-its correctness w.r.t interpretation, that is:
-Definition norm : PExpr -> Pol := [...].
-Lemma Pphi_dev_ok :
- forall l pe npe, norm pe = npe -> PEeval l pe == Pphi_dev l npe.
-So now, what is the scheme for a normalization proof? Let \texttt{p}
-be the polynomial expression that the user wants to normalize. First a
-little piece of ML code guesses the type of \texttt{p}, the ring
-theory \texttt{T} to use, an abstract polynomial \texttt{ap} and a
-variables map \texttt{v} such that \texttt{p} is
-$\beta\delta\iota$-equivalent to \verb|(PEeval v ap)|. Then we
-replace it by \verb|(Pphi_dev v (norm ap))|, using the
-main correctness theorem and we reduce it to a concrete expression
-\texttt{p'}, which is the concrete normal form of
-\texttt{p}. This is summarized in this diagram:
-\texttt{p} & $\rightarrow_{\beta\delta\iota}$
- & \texttt{(PEeval v ap)} \\
- & & $=_{\mathrm{(by\ the\ main\ correctness\ theorem)}}$ \\
- & $\leftarrow_{\beta\delta\iota}$
- & \texttt{(Pphi\_dev v (norm ap))}
-The user do not see the right part of the diagram.
-From outside, the tactic behaves like a
-$\beta\delta\iota$ simplification extended with AC rewriting rules.
-Basically, the proof is only the application of the main
-correctness theorem to well-chosen arguments.
-\asection{Legacy implementation}
-\Warning This tactic is the {\tt ring} tactic of previous versions of
-\Coq{} and it should be considered as deprecated. It will probably be
-removed in future releases. It has been kept only for compatibility
-reasons and in order to help moving existing code to the newer
-implementation described above. For more details, please refer to the
-Coq Reference Manual, version 8.0.
-\subsection{\tt legacy ring \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$
-\tacindex{legacy ring}
-\comindex{Add Legacy Ring}
-\comindex{Add Legacy Semi Ring}}
-This tactic, written by Samuel Boutin and Patrick Loiseleur, applies
-associative commutative rewriting on every ring. The tactic must be
-loaded by \texttt{Require Import LegacyRing}. The ring must be declared in
-the \texttt{Add Ring} command. The ring of booleans
-is predefined; if one wants to use the tactic on \texttt{nat} one must
-first require the module \texttt{LegacyArithRing}; for \texttt{Z}, do
-\texttt{Require Import LegacyZArithRing}; for \texttt{N}, do \texttt{Require
-Import LegacyNArithRing}.
-The terms \term$_1$, \dots, \term$_n$ must be subterms of the goal
-conclusion. The tactic \texttt{ring} normalizes these terms
-w.r.t. associativity and commutativity and replace them by their
-normal form.
-\item \texttt{legacy ring} When the goal is an equality $t_1=t_2$, it
- acts like \texttt{ring\_simplify} $t_1$ $t_2$ and then
- solves the equality by reflexivity.
-\item \texttt{ring\_nat} is a tactic macro for \texttt{repeat rewrite
- S\_to\_plus\_one; ring}. The theorem \texttt{S\_to\_plus\_one} is a
- proof that \texttt{forall (n:nat), S n = plus (S O) n}.
-You can have a look at the files \texttt{LegacyRing.v},
-\texttt{ArithRing.v}, \texttt{ZArithRing.v} to see examples of the
-\texttt{Add Ring} command.
-\subsection{Add a ring structure}
-It can be done in the \Coq toplevel (No ML file to edit and to link
-with \Coq). First, \texttt{ring} can handle two kinds of structure:
-rings and semi-rings. Semi-rings are like rings without an opposite to
-addition. Their precise specification (in \gallina) can be found in
-the file
-The typical example of ring is \texttt{Z}, the typical
-example of semi-ring is \texttt{nat}.
-The specification of a
-ring is divided in two parts: first the record of constants
-($\oplus$, $\otimes$, 1, 0, $\ominus$) and then the theorems
-(associativity, commutativity, etc.).
-Section Theory_of_semi_rings.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Aone : A.
-Variable Azero : A.
-(* There is also a "weakly decidable" equality on A. That means
- that if (A_eq x y)=true then x=y but x=y can arise when
- (A_eq x y)=false. On an abstract ring the function [x,y:A]false
- is a good choice. The proof of A_eq_prop is in this case easy. *)
-Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
-Record Semi_Ring_Theory : Prop :=
-{ SR_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
- SR_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
- SR_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
- SR_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
- SR_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
- SR_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
- SR_mult_zero_left : (n:A)[| 0*n == 0 |];
- SR_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
- SR_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A)[| n + m == n + p |] -> m==p;
- SR_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
-Section Theory_of_rings.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Aone : A.
-Variable Azero : A.
-Variable Aopp : A -> A.
-Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
-Record Ring_Theory : Prop :=
-{ Th_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
- Th_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
- Th_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
- Th_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
- Th_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
- Th_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
- Th_opp_def : (n:A) [| n + (-n) == 0 |];
- Th_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
- Th_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
-To define a ring structure on A, you must provide an addition, a
-multiplication, an opposite function and two unities 0 and 1.
-You must then prove all theorems that make
-a ring structure, and pack them with the \verb|Build_Ring_Theory|
-Finally to register a ring the syntax is:
-\comindex{Add Legacy Ring}
- \texttt{Add Legacy Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv Aeq T}
- \texttt{[} \textit{c1 \dots cn} \texttt{].}
-\noindent where \textit{A} is a term of type \texttt{Set},
-\textit{Aplus} is a term of type \texttt{A->A->A},
-\textit{Amult} is a term of type \texttt{A->A->A},
-\textit{Aone} is a term of type \texttt{A},
-\textit{Azero} is a term of type \texttt{A},
-\textit{Ainv} is a term of type \texttt{A->A},
-\textit{Aeq} is a term of type \texttt{A->bool},
-\textit{T} is a term of type
-\texttt{(Ring\_Theory }\textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv
- Aeq}\texttt{)}.
-The arguments \textit{c1 \dots cn},
-are the names of constructors which define closed terms: a
-subterm will be considered as a constant if it is either one of the
-terms \textit{c1 \dots cn} or the application of one of these terms to
-closed terms. For \texttt{nat}, the given constructors are \texttt{S}
-and \texttt{O}, and the closed terms are \texttt{O}, \texttt{(S O)},
-\texttt{(S (S O))}, \ldots
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Semi Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq T}
- \texttt{[} \textit{c1 \dots\ cn} \texttt{].}\comindex{Add Legacy Semi
- Ring}
- There are two differences with the \texttt{Add Ring} command: there
- is no inverse function and the term $T$ must be of type
- \texttt{(Semi\_Ring\_Theory }\textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero
- Aeq}\texttt{)}.
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Abstract Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv
- Aeq T}\texttt{.}\comindex{Add Legacy Abstract Ring}
- This command should be used for when the operations of rings are not
- computable; for example the real numbers of
- \texttt{theories/REALS/}. Here $0+1$ is not beta-reduced to $1$ but
- you still may want to \textit{rewrite} it to $1$ using the ring
- axioms. The argument \texttt{Aeq} is not used; a good choice for
- that function is \verb+[x:A]false+.
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Abstract Semi Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero
- Aeq T}\texttt{.}\comindex{Add Legacy Abstract Semi Ring}
-\item \errindex{Not a valid (semi)ring theory}.
- That happens when the typing condition does not hold.
-Currently, the hypothesis is made than no more than one ring structure
-may be declared for a given type in \texttt{Set} or \texttt{Type}.
-This allows automatic detection of the theory used to achieve the
-normalization. On popular demand, we can change that and allow several
-ring structures on the same set.
-The table of ring theories is compatible with the \Coq\
-sectioning mechanism. If you declare a ring inside a section, the
-declaration will be thrown away when closing the section.
-And when you load a compiled file, all the \texttt{Add Ring}
-commands of this file that are not inside a section will be loaded.
-The typical example of ring is \texttt{Z}, and the typical example of
-semi-ring is \texttt{nat}. Another ring structure is defined on the
-\Warning Only the ring of booleans is loaded by default with the
-\texttt{Ring} module. To load the ring structure for \texttt{nat},
-load the module \texttt{ArithRing}, and for \texttt{Z},
-load the module \texttt{ZArithRing}.
-\asection{History of \texttt{ring}}
-First Samuel Boutin designed the tactic \texttt{ACDSimpl}.
-This tactic did lot of rewriting. But the proofs
-terms generated by rewriting were too big for \Coq's type-checker.
-Let us see why:
-Require Import ZArith.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Goal forall x y z:Z, x + 3 + y + y * z = x + 3 + y + z * y.
-intros; rewrite (Zmult_comm y z); reflexivity.
-Save toto.
-Print toto.
-At each step of rewriting, the whole context is duplicated in the proof
-term. Then, a tactic that does hundreds of rewriting generates huge proof
-terms. Since \texttt{ACDSimpl} was too slow, Samuel Boutin rewrote it
-using reflection (see his article in TACS'97 \cite{Bou97}). Later, the
-stuff was rewritten by Patrick
-Loiseleur: the new tactic does not any more require \texttt{ACDSimpl}
-to compile and it makes use of $\beta\delta\iota$-reduction
-not only to replace the rewriting steps, but also to achieve the
-interleaving of computation and
-reasoning (see \ref{DiscussReflection}). He also wrote a
-few ML code for the \texttt{Add Ring} command, that allow to register
-new rings dynamically.
-Proofs terms generated by \texttt{ring} are quite small, they are
-linear in the number of $\oplus$ and $\otimes$ operations in the
-normalized terms. Type-checking those terms requires some time because it
-makes a large use of the conversion rule, but
-memory requirements are much smaller.
-Efficiency is not the only motivation to use reflection
-here. \texttt{ring} also deals with constants, it rewrites for example the
-expression $34 + 2*x -x + 12$ to the expected result $x + 46$. For the
-tactic \texttt{ACDSimpl}, the only constants were 0 and 1. So the
-expression $34 + 2*(x - 1) + 12$ is interpreted as
-$V_0 \oplus V_1 \otimes (V_2 \ominus 1) \oplus V_3$,
-with the variables mapping
-$\{V_0 \mt 34; V_1 \mt 2; V_2 \mt x; V_3 \mt 12 \}$. Then it is
-rewritten to $34 - x + 2*x + 12$, very far from the expected
-result. Here rewriting is not sufficient: you have to do some kind of
-reduction (some kind of \textit{computation}) to achieve the
-The tactic \texttt{ring} is not only faster than a classical one:
-using reflection, we get for free integration of computation and
-reasoning that would be very complex to implement in the classic fashion.
-Is it the ultimate way to write tactics? The answer is: yes and
-no. The \texttt{ring} tactic uses intensively the conversion rule of
-\CIC, that is replaces proof by computation the most as it is
-possible. It can be useful in all situations where a classical tactic
-generates huge proof terms. Symbolic Processing and Tautologies are in
-that case. But there are also tactics like \texttt{auto} or
-\texttt{linear} that do many complex computations, using side-effects
-and backtracking, and generate a small proof term. Clearly, it would
-be significantly less efficient to replace them by tactics using
-Another idea suggested by Benjamin Werner: reflection could be used to
-couple an external tool (a rewriting program or a model checker) with
-\Coq. We define (in \Coq) a type of terms, a type of \emph{traces},
-and prove a correction theorem that states that \emph{replaying
-traces} is safe w.r.t some interpretation. Then we let the external
-tool do every computation (using side-effects, backtracking,
-exception, or others features that are not available in pure lambda
-calculus) to produce the trace: now we can check in Coq{} that the
-trace has the expected semantic by applying the correction lemma.
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