path: root/contrib/rtauto/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /contrib/rtauto/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/rtauto/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 546 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/rtauto/ b/contrib/rtauto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98643e0f..00000000
--- a/contrib/rtauto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7233 2005-07-15 12:34:56Z corbinea $ *)
-open Term
-open Util
-open Goptions
-type s_info=
- {mutable created_steps : int; (* node count*)
- mutable pruned_steps : int;
- mutable created_branches : int; (* path count *)
- mutable pruned_branches : int;
- mutable created_hyps : int; (* hyps count *)
- mutable pruned_hyps : int;
- mutable branch_failures : int;
- mutable branch_successes : int;
- mutable nd_branching : int}
-let s_info=
- {created_steps = 0; (* node count*)
- pruned_steps = 0;
- created_branches = 0; (* path count *)
- pruned_branches = 0;
- created_hyps = 0; (* hyps count *)
- pruned_hyps = 0;
- branch_failures = 0;
- branch_successes = 0;
- nd_branching = 0}
-let reset_info () =
- s_info.created_steps <- 0; (* node count*)
- s_info.pruned_steps <- 0;
- s_info.created_branches <- 0; (* path count *)
- s_info.pruned_branches <- 0;
- s_info.created_hyps <- 0; (* hyps count *)
- s_info.pruned_hyps <- 0;
- s_info.branch_failures <- 0;
- s_info.branch_successes <- 0;
- s_info.nd_branching <- 0
-let pruning = ref true
-let opt_pruning=
- {optsync=true;
- optname="Rtauto Pruning";
- optkey=SecondaryTable("Rtauto","Pruning");
- optread=(fun () -> !pruning);
- optwrite=(fun b -> pruning:=b)}
-let _ = declare_bool_option opt_pruning
-type form=
- Atom of int
- | Arrow of form * form
- | Bot
- | Conjunct of form * form
- | Disjunct of form * form
-type tag=int
-let decomp_form=function
- Atom i -> Some (i,[])
- | Arrow (f1,f2) -> Some (-1,[f1;f2])
- | Bot -> Some (-2,[])
- | Conjunct (f1,f2) -> Some (-3,[f1;f2])
- | Disjunct (f1,f2) -> Some (-4,[f1;f2])
-module Fmap=Map.Make(struct type t=form let compare=compare end)
-type sequent =
- {rev_hyps: form Intmap.t;
- norev_hyps: form Intmap.t;
- size:int;
- left:int Fmap.t;
- right:(int*form) list Fmap.t;
- cnx:(int*int*form*form) list;
- abs:int option;
- gl:form}
-let add_one_arrow i f1 f2 m=
- try Fmap.add f1 ((i,f2)::(Fmap.find f1 m)) m with
- Not_found ->
- Fmap.add f1 [i,f2] m
-type proof =
- Ax of int
- | I_Arrow of proof
- | E_Arrow of int*int*proof
- | D_Arrow of int*proof*proof
- | E_False of int
- | I_And of proof*proof
- | E_And of int*proof
- | D_And of int*proof
- | I_Or_l of proof
- | I_Or_r of proof
- | E_Or of int*proof*proof
- | D_Or of int*proof
- | Pop of int*proof
-type rule =
- SAx of int
- | SI_Arrow
- | SE_Arrow of int*int
- | SD_Arrow of int
- | SE_False of int
- | SI_And
- | SE_And of int
- | SD_And of int
- | SI_Or_l
- | SI_Or_r
- | SE_Or of int
- | SD_Or of int
-let add_step s sub =
- match s,sub with
- SAx i,[] -> Ax i
- | SI_Arrow,[p] -> I_Arrow p
- | SE_Arrow(i,j),[p] -> E_Arrow (i,j,p)
- | SD_Arrow i,[p1;p2] -> D_Arrow (i,p1,p2)
- | SE_False i,[] -> E_False i
- | SI_And,[p1;p2] -> I_And(p1,p2)
- | SE_And i,[p] -> E_And(i,p)
- | SD_And i,[p] -> D_And(i,p)
- | SI_Or_l,[p] -> I_Or_l p
- | SI_Or_r,[p] -> I_Or_r p
- | SE_Or i,[p1;p2] -> E_Or(i,p1,p2)
- | SD_Or i,[p] -> D_Or(i,p)
- | _,_ -> anomaly "add_step: wrong arity"
-type 'a with_deps =
- {dep_it:'a;
- dep_goal:bool;
- dep_hyps:Intset.t}
-type slice=
- {proofs_done:proof list;
- proofs_todo:sequent with_deps list;
- step:rule;
- needs_goal:bool;
- needs_hyps:Intset.t;
- changes_goal:bool;
- creates_hyps:Intset.t}
-type state =
- Complete of proof
- | Incomplete of sequent * slice list
-let project = function
- Complete prf -> prf
- | Incomplete (_,_) -> anomaly "not a successful state"
-let pop n prf =
- let nprf=
- match prf.dep_it with
- Pop (i,p) -> Pop (i+n,p)
- | p -> Pop(n,p) in
- {prf with dep_it = nprf}
-let rec fill stack proof =
- match stack with
- [] -> Complete proof.dep_it
- | slice::super ->
- if
- !pruning &&
- slice.proofs_done=[] &&
- not (slice.changes_goal && proof.dep_goal) &&
- not (Intset.exists
- (fun i -> Intset.mem i proof.dep_hyps)
- slice.creates_hyps)
- then
- begin
- s_info.pruned_steps<-s_info.pruned_steps+1;
- s_info.pruned_branches<- s_info.pruned_branches +
- List.length slice.proofs_todo;
- let created_here=Intset.cardinal slice.creates_hyps in
- s_info.pruned_hyps<-s_info.pruned_hyps+
- List.fold_left
- (fun sum dseq -> sum + Intset.cardinal dseq.dep_hyps)
- created_here slice.proofs_todo;
- fill super (pop (Intset.cardinal slice.creates_hyps) proof)
- end
- else
- let dep_hyps=
- Intset.union slice.needs_hyps
- (Intset.diff proof.dep_hyps slice.creates_hyps) in
- let dep_goal=
- slice.needs_goal ||
- ((not slice.changes_goal) && proof.dep_goal) in
- let proofs_done=
- proof.dep_it::slice.proofs_done in
- match slice.proofs_todo with
- [] ->
- fill super {dep_it =
- add_step slice.step (List.rev proofs_done);
- dep_goal = dep_goal;
- dep_hyps = dep_hyps}
- | current::next ->
- let nslice=
- {proofs_done=proofs_done;
- proofs_todo=next;
- step=slice.step;
- needs_goal=dep_goal;
- needs_hyps=dep_hyps;
- changes_goal=current.dep_goal;
- creates_hyps=current.dep_hyps} in
- Incomplete (current.dep_it,nslice::super)
-let append stack (step,subgoals) =
- s_info.created_steps<-s_info.created_steps+1;
- match subgoals with
- [] ->
- s_info.branch_successes<-s_info.branch_successes+1;
- fill stack {dep_it=add_step step.dep_it [];
- dep_goal=step.dep_goal;
- dep_hyps=step.dep_hyps}
- | hd :: next ->
- s_info.created_branches<-
- s_info.created_branches+List.length next;
- let slice=
- {proofs_done=[];
- proofs_todo=next;
- step=step.dep_it;
- needs_goal=step.dep_goal;
- needs_hyps=step.dep_hyps;
- changes_goal=hd.dep_goal;
- creates_hyps=hd.dep_hyps} in
- Incomplete(hd.dep_it,slice::stack)
-let embed seq=
- {dep_it=seq;
- dep_goal=false;
- dep_hyps=Intset.empty}
-let change_goal seq gl=
- {seq with
- dep_it={seq.dep_it with gl=gl};
- dep_goal=true}
-let add_hyp seqwd f=
- s_info.created_hyps<-s_info.created_hyps+1;
- let seq=seqwd.dep_it in
- let num = seq.size+1 in
- let left = Fmap.add f num seq.left in
- let cnx,right=
- try
- let l=Fmap.find f seq.right in
- List.fold_right (fun (i,f0) l0 -> (num,i,f,f0)::l0) l seq.cnx,
- Fmap.remove f seq.right
- with Not_found -> seq.cnx,seq.right in
- let nseq=
- match f with
- Bot ->
- {seq with
- left=left;
- right=right;
- size=num;
- abs=Some num;
- cnx=cnx}
- | Atom _ ->
- {seq with
- size=num;
- left=left;
- right=right;
- cnx=cnx}
- | Conjunct (_,_) | Disjunct (_,_) ->
- {seq with
- rev_hyps=Intmap.add num f seq.rev_hyps;
- size=num;
- left=left;
- right=right;
- cnx=cnx}
- | Arrow (f1,f2) ->
- let ncnx,nright=
- try
- let i = Fmap.find f1 seq.left in
- (i,num,f1,f2)::cnx,right
- with Not_found ->
- cnx,(add_one_arrow num f1 f2 right) in
- match f1 with
- Conjunct (_,_) | Disjunct (_,_) ->
- {seq with
- rev_hyps=Intmap.add num f seq.rev_hyps;
- size=num;
- left=left;
- right=nright;
- cnx=ncnx}
- | Arrow(_,_) ->
- {seq with
- norev_hyps=Intmap.add num f seq.norev_hyps;
- size=num;
- left=left;
- right=nright;
- cnx=ncnx}
- | _ ->
- {seq with
- size=num;
- left=left;
- right=nright;
- cnx=ncnx} in
- {seqwd with
- dep_it=nseq;
- dep_hyps=Intset.add num seqwd.dep_hyps}
-exception Here_is of (int*form)
-let choose m=
- try
- Intmap.iter (fun i f -> raise (Here_is (i,f))) m;
- raise Not_found
- with
- Here_is (i,f) -> (i,f)
-let search_or seq=
- match with
- Disjunct (f1,f2) ->
- [{dep_it = SI_Or_l;
- dep_goal = true;
- dep_hyps = Intset.empty},
- [change_goal (embed seq) f1];
- {dep_it = SI_Or_r;
- dep_goal = true;
- dep_hyps = Intset.empty},
- [change_goal (embed seq) f2]]
- | _ -> []
-let search_norev seq=
- let goals=ref (search_or seq) in
- let add_one i f=
- match f with
- Arrow (Arrow (f1,f2),f3) ->
- let nseq =
- {seq with norev_hyps=Intmap.remove i seq.norev_hyps} in
- goals:=
- ({dep_it=SD_Arrow(i);
- dep_goal=false;
- dep_hyps=Intset.singleton i},
- [add_hyp
- (add_hyp
- (change_goal (embed nseq) f2)
- (Arrow(f2,f3)))
- f1;
- add_hyp (embed nseq) f3]):: !goals
- | _ -> anomaly "search_no_rev: can't happen" in
- Intmap.iter add_one seq.norev_hyps;
- List.rev !goals
-let search_in_rev_hyps seq=
- try
- let i,f=choose seq.rev_hyps in
- let make_step step=
- {dep_it=step;
- dep_goal=false;
- dep_hyps=Intset.singleton i} in
- let nseq={seq with rev_hyps=Intmap.remove i seq.rev_hyps} in
- match f with
- Conjunct (f1,f2) ->
- [make_step (SE_And(i)),
- [add_hyp (add_hyp (embed nseq) f1) f2]]
- | Disjunct (f1,f2) ->
- [make_step (SE_Or(i)),
- [add_hyp (embed nseq) f1;add_hyp (embed nseq) f2]]
- | Arrow (Conjunct (f1,f2),f0) ->
- [make_step (SD_And(i)),
- [add_hyp (embed nseq) (Arrow (f1,Arrow (f2,f0)))]]
- | Arrow (Disjunct (f1,f2),f0) ->
- [make_step (SD_Or(i)),
- [add_hyp (add_hyp (embed nseq) (Arrow(f1,f0))) (Arrow (f2,f0))]]
- | _ -> anomaly "search_in_rev_hyps: can't happen"
- with
- Not_found -> search_norev seq
-let search_rev seq=
- match seq.cnx with
- (i,j,f1,f2)::next ->
- let nseq=
- match f1 with
- Conjunct (_,_) | Disjunct (_,_) ->
- {seq with cnx=next;
- rev_hyps=Intmap.remove j seq.rev_hyps}
- | Arrow (_,_) ->
- {seq with cnx=next;
- norev_hyps=Intmap.remove j seq.norev_hyps}
- | _ ->
- {seq with cnx=next} in
- [{dep_it=SE_Arrow(i,j);
- dep_goal=false;
- dep_hyps=Intset.add i (Intset.singleton j)},
- [add_hyp (embed nseq) f2]]
- | [] ->
- match with
- Arrow (f1,f2) ->
- [{dep_it=SI_Arrow;
- dep_goal=true;
- dep_hyps=Intset.empty},
- [add_hyp (change_goal (embed seq) f2) f1]]
- | Conjunct (f1,f2) ->
- [{dep_it=SI_And;
- dep_goal=true;
- dep_hyps=Intset.empty},[change_goal (embed seq) f1;
- change_goal (embed seq) f2]]
- | _ -> search_in_rev_hyps seq
-let search_all seq=
- match seq.abs with
- Some i ->
- [{dep_it=SE_False (i);
- dep_goal=false;
- dep_hyps=Intset.singleton i},[]]
- | None ->
- try
- let ax = Fmap.find seq.left in
- [{dep_it=SAx (ax);
- dep_goal=true;
- dep_hyps=Intset.singleton ax},[]]
- with Not_found -> search_rev seq
-let bare_sequent = embed
- {rev_hyps=Intmap.empty;
- norev_hyps=Intmap.empty;
- size=0;
- left=Fmap.empty;
- right=Fmap.empty;
- cnx=[];
- abs=None;
- gl=Bot}
-let init_state hyps gl=
- let init = change_goal bare_sequent gl in
- let goal=List.fold_right (fun (_,f,_) seq ->add_hyp seq f) hyps init in
- Incomplete (goal.dep_it,[])
-let success= function
- Complete _ -> true
- | Incomplete (_,_) -> false
-let branching = function
- Incomplete (seq,stack) ->
- check_for_interrupt ();
- let successors = search_all seq in
- let _ =
- match successors with
- [] -> s_info.branch_failures<-s_info.branch_failures+1
- | _::next ->
- s_info.nd_branching<-s_info.nd_branching+List.length next in
- (append stack) successors
- | Complete prf -> anomaly "already succeeded"
-open Pp
-let rec pp_form =
- function
- Arrow(f1,f2) -> (pp_or f1) ++ (str " -> ") ++ (pp_form f2)
- | f -> pp_or f
-and pp_or = function
- Disjunct(f1,f2) ->
- (pp_or f1) ++ (str " \\/ ") ++ (pp_and f2)
- | f -> pp_and f
-and pp_and = function
- Conjunct(f1,f2) ->
- (pp_and f1) ++ (str " /\\ ") ++ (pp_atom f2)
- | f -> pp_atom f
-and pp_atom= function
- Bot -> str "#"
- | Atom n -> int n
- | f -> str "(" ++ hv 2 (pp_form f) ++ str ")"
-let pr_form f = msg (pp_form f)
-let pp_intmap map =
- let pp=ref (str "") in
- Intmap.iter (fun i obj -> pp:= (!pp ++
- pp_form obj ++ cut ())) map;
- str "{ " ++ v 0 (!pp) ++ str " }"
-let pp_list pp_obj l=
-let pp=ref (str "") in
- List.iter (fun o -> pp := !pp ++ (pp_obj o) ++ str ", ") l;
- str "[ " ++ !pp ++ str "]"
-let pp_mapint map =
- let pp=ref (str "") in
- Fmap.iter (fun obj l -> pp:= (!pp ++
- pp_form obj ++ str " => " ++
- pp_list (fun (i,f) -> pp_form f) l ++
- cut ()) ) map;
- str "{ " ++ vb 0 ++ (!pp) ++ str " }" ++ close ()
-let pp_connect (i,j,f1,f2) = pp_form f1 ++ str " => " ++ pp_form f2
-let pp_gl gl= cut () ++
- str "{ " ++ vb 0 ++
- begin
- match gl.abs with
- None -> str ""
- | Some i -> str "ABSURD" ++ cut ()
- end ++
- str "rev =" ++ pp_intmap gl.rev_hyps ++ cut () ++
- str "norev =" ++ pp_intmap gl.norev_hyps ++ cut () ++
- str "arrows=" ++ pp_mapint gl.right ++ cut () ++
- str "cnx =" ++ pp_list pp_connect gl.cnx ++ cut () ++
- str "goal =" ++ pp_form ++ str " }" ++ close ()
-let pp =
- function
- Incomplete(gl,ctx) -> msgnl (pp_gl gl)
- | _ -> msg (str "<complete>")
-let pp_info () =
- let count_info =
- if !pruning then
- str "Proof steps : " ++
- int s_info.created_steps ++ str " created / " ++
- int s_info.pruned_steps ++ str " pruned" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Proof branches : " ++
- int s_info.created_branches ++ str " created / " ++
- int s_info.pruned_branches ++ str " pruned" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Hypotheses : " ++
- int s_info.created_hyps ++ str " created / " ++
- int s_info.pruned_hyps ++ str " pruned" ++ fnl ()
- else
- str "Pruning is off" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Proof steps : " ++
- int s_info.created_steps ++ str " created" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Proof branches : " ++
- int s_info.created_branches ++ str " created" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Hypotheses : " ++
- int s_info.created_hyps ++ str " created" ++ fnl () in
- msgnl
- ( str "Proof-search statistics :" ++ fnl () ++
- count_info ++
- str "Branch ends: " ++
- int s_info.branch_successes ++ str " successes / " ++
- int s_info.branch_failures ++ str " failures" ++ fnl () ++
- str "Non-deterministic choices : " ++
- int s_info.nd_branching ++ str " branches")