path: root/contrib/jprover/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:40 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2009-02-01 00:54:40 +0100
commitcfbfe13f5b515ae2e3c6cdd97e2ccee03bc26e56 (patch)
treeb7832bd5d412a5a5d69cb36ae2ded62c71124c22 /contrib/jprover/
parent113b703a695acbe31ac6dd6a8c4aa94f6fda7545 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~rc2+dfsgupstream/8.2.rc2+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/jprover/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4599 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/jprover/ b/contrib/jprover/
deleted file mode 100644
index a9ebe5b6..00000000
--- a/contrib/jprover/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4599 +0,0 @@
- * JProver first-order automated prover. See the interface file
- * for more information and a list of references for JProver.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * This file is part of MetaPRL, a modular, higher order
- * logical framework that provides a logical programming
- * environment for OCaml and other languages.
- *
- * See the file doc/index.html for information on Nuprl,
- * OCaml, and more information about this system.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Schmitt
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * Author: Stephan Schmitt <>
- * Modified by: Aleksey Nogin <>
- *)
-open Jterm
-open Opname
-open Jlogic
-open Jtunify
-let ruletable = Jlogic.ruletable
-let free_var_op = make_opname ["free_variable"; "Jprover"]
-let jprover_op = make_opname ["jprover"; "string"]
-module JProver (JLogic : JLogicSig) =
- type polarity = I | O
- type connective = And | Or | Neg | Imp | All | Ex | At | Null
- type ptype = Alpha | Beta | Gamma | Delta | Phi | Psi | PNull
- type stype =
- Alpha_1 | Alpha_2 | Beta_1 | Beta_2 | Gamma_0 | Delta_0
- | Phi_0 | Psi_0 | PNull_0
- type pos = {name : string;
- address : int list;
- op : connective;
- pol : polarity;
- pt : ptype;
- st : stype;
- label : term}
- type 'pos ftree =
- Empty
- | NodeAt of 'pos
- | NodeA of 'pos * ('pos ftree) array
- type atom = {aname : string;
- aaddress : int list;
- aprefix : string list;
- apredicate : operator;
- apol : polarity;
- ast : stype;
- alabel : term}
- type atom_relations = atom * atom list * atom list
-(* all atoms except atom occur in [alpha_set] and [beta_set] of atom*)
-(* beta proofs *)
- type bproof = BEmpty
- | RNode of string list * bproof
- | CNode of (string * string)
- | BNode of string * (string list * bproof) * (string list * bproof)
- | AtNode of string * (string * string)
-(* Assume only constants for instantiations, not adapted to terms yet *)
- type inf = rule * term * term
-(* proof tree for pretty print and permutation *)
- type 'inf ptree =
- PEmpty
- | PNodeAx of 'inf
- | PNodeA of 'inf * 'inf ptree
- | PNodeB of 'inf * 'inf ptree * 'inf ptree
- module OrderedAtom =
- struct
- type t = atom
- let compare a1 a2 = if (a1.aname) = (a2.aname) then 0 else
- if (a1.aname) < (a2.aname) then -1 else 1
- end
- module AtomSet = Set.Make(OrderedAtom)
- module OrderedString =
- struct
- type t = string
- let compare a1 a2 = if a1 = a2 then 0 else
- if a1 < a2 then -1 else 1
- end
- module StringSet = Set.Make(OrderedString)
-(*i let _ =
- show_loading "Loading Jall%t" i*)
- let debug_jprover =
- create_debug (**)
- { debug_name = "jprover";
- debug_description = "Display Jprover operations";
- debug_value = false
- }
- let jprover_bug = Invalid_argument "Jprover bug (Jall module)"
-(************* printing function *************************************)
-(************ printing T-string unifiers ****************************)
-(* ******* printing ********** *)
- let rec list_to_string s =
- match s with
- [] -> ""
- | f::r ->
- f^"."^(list_to_string r)
- let rec print_eqlist eqlist =
- match eqlist with
- [] ->
- print_endline ""
- | (atnames,f)::r ->
- let (s,t) = f in
- let ls = list_to_string s
- and lt = list_to_string t in
- begin
- print_endline ("Atom names: "^(list_to_string atnames));
- print_endline (ls^" = "^lt);
- print_eqlist r
- end
- let print_equations eqlist =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- print_endline "Equations:";
- print_eqlist eqlist;
- Format.force_newline ();
- end
- let rec print_subst sigma =
- match sigma with
- [] ->
- print_endline ""
- | f::r ->
- let (v,s) = f in
- let ls = list_to_string s in
- begin
- print_endline (v^" = "^ls);
- print_subst r
- end
- let print_tunify sigma =
- let (n,subst) = sigma in
- begin
- print_endline " ";
- print_endline ("MaxVar = "^(string_of_int (n-1)));
- print_endline " ";
- print_endline "Substitution:";
- print_subst subst;
- print_endline " "
- end
-(********* printing atoms and their relations ***********************)
- let print_stype st =
- match st with
- Alpha_1 -> Format.print_string "Alpha_1"
- | Alpha_2 -> Format.print_string "Alpha_2"
- | Beta_1 -> Format.print_string "Beta_1"
- | Beta_2 -> Format.print_string "Beta_2"
- | Gamma_0 -> Format.print_string "Gamma_0"
- | Delta_0 -> Format.print_string "Delta_0"
- | Phi_0 -> Format.print_string "Phi_0"
- | Psi_0 -> Format.print_string "Psi_0"
- | PNull_0 -> Format.print_string "PNull_0"
- let print_pol pol =
- if pol = O then
- Format.print_string "O"
- else
- Format.print_string "I"
- let rec print_address int_list =
- match int_list with
- [] ->
- Format.print_string ""
- | hd::rest ->
- begin
- Format.print_int hd;
- print_address rest
- end
- let rec print_prefix prefix_list =
- match prefix_list with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | f::r ->
- begin
- Format.print_string f;
- print_prefix r
- end
- let print_atom at tab =
- let ({aname=x; aaddress=y; aprefix=z; apredicate=p; apol=a; ast=b; alabel=label}) = at in
- begin
- Format.print_string ("{aname="^x^"; address=");
- print_address y;
- Format.print_string "; ";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (tab+1) (tab+1);
- Format.print_string "prefix=";
- print_prefix z;
- Format.print_string "; predicate=<abstr>; ";
- Format.print_break (tab+1) (tab+1);
- Format.print_break (tab+1) (tab+1);
- Format.print_string "pol=";
- print_pol a;
- Format.print_string "; stype=";
- print_stype b;
- Format.print_string "; arguments=[<abstr>]";
- Format.print_string "\n alabel=";
- print_term stdout label;
- Format.print_string "}"
- end
- let rec print_atom_list set tab =
- match set with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | (f::r) ->
- begin
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (tab) (tab);
- print_atom f tab;
- print_atom_list r (tab)
- end
- let rec print_atom_info atom_relation =
- match atom_relation with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | (a,b,c)::r ->
- begin
- Format.print_string "atom:";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 3 3;
- print_atom a 3;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.print_string "alpha_set:";
- print_atom_list b 3;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.print_string "beta_set:";
- print_atom_list c 3;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- print_atom_info r
- end
-(*************** print formula tree, tree ordering etc. ***********)
- let print_ptype pt =
- match pt with
- Alpha -> Format.print_string "Alpha"
- | Beta -> Format.print_string "Beta"
- | Gamma -> Format.print_string "Gamma"
- | Delta -> Format.print_string "Delta"
- | Phi -> Format.print_string "Phi"
- | Psi -> Format.print_string "Psi"
- | PNull -> Format.print_string "PNull"
- let print_op op =
- match op with
- At -> Format.print_string "Atom"
- | Neg -> Format.print_string "Neg"
- | And -> Format.print_string "And"
- | Or -> Format.print_string "Or"
- | Imp -> Format.print_string "Imp"
- | Ex -> Format.print_string "Ex"
- | All -> Format.print_string "All"
- | Null -> Format.print_string "Null"
- let print_position position tab =
- let ({name=x; address=y; op=z; pol=a; pt=b; st=c; label=t}) = position in
- begin
- Format.print_string ("{name="^x^"; address=");
- print_address y;
- Format.print_string "; ";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (tab+1) 0;
-(* Format.print_break 0 3; *)
- Format.print_string "op=";
- print_op z;
- Format.print_string "; pol=";
- print_pol a;
- Format.print_string "; ptype=";
- print_ptype b;
- Format.print_string "; stype=";
- print_stype c;
- Format.print_string ";";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (tab+1) 0;
- Format.print_string "label=";
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break tab 0;
- print_term stdout t;
- Format.print_string "}"
- end
- let rec pp_ftree_list tree_list tab =
- let rec pp_ftree ftree new_tab =
- let dummy = String.make (new_tab-2) ' ' in
- match ftree with
- Empty -> Format.print_string ""
- | NodeAt(position) ->
- begin
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- print_string (dummy^"AtomNode: ");
-(* Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 3;
- print_position position new_tab;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break new_tab 0
- end
- | NodeA(position,subtrees) ->
- let tree_list = Array.to_list subtrees in
- begin
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- print_string (dummy^"InnerNode: ");
- print_position position new_tab;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- pp_ftree_list tree_list (new_tab-3)
- end
- in
- let new_tab = tab+5 in
- match tree_list with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | first::rest ->
- begin
- pp_ftree first new_tab;
- pp_ftree_list rest tab
- end
- let print_ftree ftree =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break 3 0;
- pp_ftree_list [ftree] 0;
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- let rec stringlist_to_string stringlist =
- match stringlist with
- [] -> "."
- | f::r ->
- let rest_s = stringlist_to_string r in
- (f^"."^rest_s)
- let rec print_stringlist slist =
- match slist with
- [] ->
- Format.print_string ""
- | f::r ->
- begin
- Format.print_string (f^".");
- print_stringlist r
- end
- let rec pp_bproof_list tree_list tab =
- let rec pp_bproof ftree new_tab =
- let dummy = String.make (new_tab-2) ' ' in
- match ftree with
- BEmpty -> Format.print_string ""
- | CNode((c1,c2)) ->
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (new_tab-10) 0;
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string (dummy^"CloseNode: connection = ("^c1^","^c2^")");
- Format.print_flush();
-(* Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 3;
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- Format.print_flush()
- end
- | AtNode(posname,(c1,c2)) ->
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break (new_tab-10) 0;
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string (dummy^"AtNode: pos = "^posname^" conneciton = ("^c1^","^c2^")");
- Format.print_flush();
-(* Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 0 3;
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- Format.print_flush()
- end
- | RNode(alpha_layer,bproof) ->
- let alpha_string = stringlist_to_string alpha_layer in
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush();
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_string (dummy^"RootNode: "^alpha_string);
- Format.print_flush();
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.print_flush();
- pp_bproof_list [bproof] (new_tab-3)
- end
- | BNode(posname,(alph1,bproof1),(alph2,bproof2)) ->
- let alpha_string1 = stringlist_to_string alph1
- and alpha_string2 = stringlist_to_string alph2 in
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break new_tab 0;
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush();
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_string (dummy^"BetaNode: pos = "^posname^" layer1 = "^alpha_string1^" layer2 = "^alpha_string2);
- Format.print_flush();
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break 0 0;
- Format.print_flush();
- pp_bproof_list [bproof1;bproof2] (new_tab-3)
- end
- in
- let new_tab = tab+5 in
- match tree_list with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | first::rest ->
- begin
- pp_bproof first new_tab;
- pp_bproof_list rest tab
- end
- let rec print_pairlist pairlist =
- match pairlist with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | (a,b)::rest ->
- begin
- Format.print_break 1 1;
- Format.print_string ("("^a^","^b^")");
- print_pairlist rest
- end
- let print_beta_proof bproof =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break 3 0;
- pp_bproof_list [bproof] 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- let rec print_treelist treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] ->
- print_endline "END";
- | f::r ->
- begin
- print_ftree f;
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "NEXT TREE";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_treelist r;
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- let rec print_set_list set_list =
- match set_list with
- [] -> ""
- | f::r ->
- (f.aname)^" "^(print_set_list r)
- let print_set set =
- let set_list = AtomSet.elements set in
- if set_list = [] then "empty"
- else
- print_set_list set_list
- let print_string_set set =
- let set_list = StringSet.elements set in
- print_stringlist set_list
- let rec print_list_sets list_of_sets =
- match list_of_sets with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | (pos,fset)::r ->
- begin
- Format.print_string (pos^": "); (* first element = node which successors depend on *)
- print_stringlist (StringSet.elements fset);
- Format.force_newline ();
- print_list_sets r
- end
- let print_ordering list_of_sets =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_list_sets list_of_sets;
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- let rec print_triplelist triplelist =
- match triplelist with
- [] -> Format.print_string ""
- | ((a,b),i)::rest ->
- begin
- Format.print_break 1 1;
- Format.print_string ("(("^a^","^b^"),"^(string_of_int i)^")");
- print_triplelist rest
- end
- let print_pos_n pos_n =
- Format.print_int pos_n
- let print_formula_info ftree ordering pos_n =
- begin
- print_ftree ftree;
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- print_ordering ordering;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string "number of positions: ";
- print_pos_n pos_n;
- Format.force_newline ();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
-(* print sequent proof tree *)
- let pp_rule (pos,r,formula,term) tab =
- let rep = ruletable r in
- if List.mem rep ["Alll";"Allr";"Exl";"Exr"] then
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
-(* Format.force_newline (); *)
- Format.print_break tab 0;
- Format.print_string (pos^": "^rep^" ");
- Format.print_flush ();
-(* Format.print_break tab 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_break tab 0;
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_term stdout formula;
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_string " ";
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_term stdout term;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- else
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_break tab 0;
- Format.print_string (pos^": "^rep^" ");
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.open_box 0;
-(* Format.print_break tab 0; *)
- Format.force_newline ();
-(* Format.print_break tab 0; *)
- print_term stdout formula;
- Format.force_newline ()
- end
- let last addr =
- if addr = ""
- then ""
- else
- String.make 1 (String.get addr (String.length addr-1))
- let rest addr =
- if addr = ""
- then ""
- else
- String.sub addr 0 ((String.length addr) - 1)
- let rec get_r_chain addr =
- if addr = "" then
- 0
- else
- let l = last addr in
- if l = "l" then
- 0
- else (* l = "r" *)
- let rs = rest addr in
- 1 + (get_r_chain rs)
- let rec tpp seqtree tab addr =
- match seqtree with
- | PEmpty -> raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx(rule) ->
- let (pos,r,p,pa) = rule in
- begin
- pp_rule (pos,r,p,pa) tab;
-(* Format.force_newline (); *)
-(* let mult = get_r_chain addr in *)
-(* Format.print_break 100 (tab - (3 * mult)) *)
- end
- | PNodeA(rule,left) ->
- let (pos,r,p,pa) = rule in
- begin
- pp_rule (pos,r,p,pa) tab;
- tpp left tab addr
- end
- | PNodeB(rule,left,right) ->
- let (pos,r,p,pa) = rule in
- let newtab = tab + 3 in
- begin
- pp_rule (pos,r,p,pa) tab;
-(* Format.force_newline (); *)
-(* Format.print_break 100 newtab; *)
- (tpp left newtab (addr^"l"));
- (tpp right newtab (addr^"r"))
- end
- let tt seqtree =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- tpp seqtree 0 "";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.close_box ();
- Format.print_newline ()
- end
-(************ END printing functions *********************************)
-(************ Beta proofs and redundancy deletion **********************)
- let rec remove_dups_connections connection_list =
- match connection_list with
- [] -> []
- | (c1,c2)::r ->
- if (List.mem (c1,c2) r) or (List.mem (c2,c1) r) then
- (* only one direction variant of a connection stays *)
- remove_dups_connections r
- else
- (c1,c2)::(remove_dups_connections r)
- let rec remove_dups_list list =
- match list with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- if List.mem f r then
- remove_dups_list r
- else
- f::(remove_dups_list r)
- let beta_pure alpha_layer connections beta_expansions =
- let (l1,l2) = List.split connections in
- let test_list = l1 @ l2 @ beta_expansions in
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline "";
- print_stringlist alpha_layer;
- Format.print_flush();
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline "";
- print_stringlist test_list;
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush();
- not (List.exists (fun x -> (List.mem x test_list)) alpha_layer)
- end
- let rec apply_bproof_purity bproof =
- match bproof with
- BEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | CNode((c1,c2)) ->
- bproof,[(c1,c2)],[]
- | AtNode(_,(c1,c2)) ->
- bproof,[(c1,c2)],[]
- | RNode(alpha_layer,subproof) ->
- let (opt_subproof,min_connections,beta_expansions) =
- apply_bproof_purity subproof in
- (RNode(alpha_layer,opt_subproof),min_connections,beta_expansions)
- | BNode(pos,(alph1,subp1),(alph2,subp2)) ->
- let (opt_subp1,min_conn1,beta_exp1) = apply_bproof_purity subp1 in
- if beta_pure alph1 min_conn1 beta_exp1 then
- begin
-(* print_endline ("Left layer of "^pos); *)
- (opt_subp1,min_conn1,beta_exp1)
- end
- else
- let (opt_subp2,min_conn2,beta_exp2) = apply_bproof_purity subp2 in
- if beta_pure alph2 min_conn2 beta_exp2 then
- begin
-(* print_endline ("Right layer of "^pos); *)
- (opt_subp2,min_conn2,beta_exp2)
- end
- else
- let min_conn = remove_dups_connections (min_conn1 @ min_conn2)
- and beta_exp = remove_dups_list ([pos] @ beta_exp1 @ beta_exp2) in
- (BNode(pos,(alph1,opt_subp1),(alph2,opt_subp2)),min_conn,beta_exp)
- let bproof_purity bproof =
- let (opt_bproof,min_connections,_) = apply_bproof_purity bproof in
- opt_bproof,min_connections
-(*********** split permutation *****************)
- let rec apply_permutation bproof rep_name direction act_blayer =
- match bproof with
- BEmpty | RNode(_,_) ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | AtNode(cx,(c1,c2)) ->
- bproof,act_blayer
- | CNode((c1,c2)) ->
- bproof,act_blayer
- | BNode(pos,(alph1,subp1),(alph2,subp2)) ->
- if rep_name = pos then
- let (new_blayer,replace_branch) =
- if direction = "left" then
- (alph1,subp1)
- else (* direciton = "right" *)
- (alph2,subp2)
- in
- (match replace_branch with
- CNode((c1,c2)) ->
- (AtNode(c1,(c1,c2))),new_blayer (* perform atom expansion at c1 *)
- | _ ->
- replace_branch,new_blayer
- )
- else
- let pproof1,new_blayer1 = apply_permutation subp1 rep_name direction act_blayer in
- let pproof2,new_blayer2 = apply_permutation subp2 rep_name direction new_blayer1 in
- (BNode(pos,(alph1,pproof1),(alph2,pproof2))),new_blayer2
- let split_permutation pname opt_bproof =
- match opt_bproof with
- RNode(alayer,BNode(pos,(alph1,opt_subp1),(alph2,opt_subp2))) ->
- if pos = pname then
-(* if topmost beta expansion agrees with pname, then *)
-(* only split the beta proof and give back the two subproofs *)
- let (osubp1,min_con1) = bproof_purity opt_subp1
- and (osubp2,min_con2) = bproof_purity opt_subp2 in
-(* there will be no purity reductions in the beta subproofs. We use this *)
-(* predicate to collect the set of used leaf-connections in each subproof*)
- ((RNode((alayer @ alph1),osubp1),min_con1),
- (RNode((alayer @ alph2),osubp2),min_con2)
- )
-(* we combine the branch after topmost beta expansion at pos into one root alpha layer *)
-(* -- the beta expansion node pos will not be needed in this root layer *)
- else
- let perm_bproof1,balph1 = apply_permutation
- (BNode(pos,(alph1,opt_subp1),(alph2,opt_subp2))) pname "left" []
- and perm_bproof2,balph2 = apply_permutation
- (BNode(pos,(alph1,opt_subp1),(alph2,opt_subp2))) pname "right" [] in
- begin
-(* print_endline " ";
- print_beta_proof perm_bproof1;
- print_endline" " ;
- print_beta_proof perm_bproof2;
- print_endline" ";
- let (osubp1,min_con1) = bproof_purity perm_bproof1
- and (osubp2,min_con2) = bproof_purity perm_bproof2 in
- ((RNode((alayer @ balph1),osubp1),min_con1),
- (RNode((alayer @ balph2),osubp2),min_con2)
- )
- end
-(* we combine the branch after the NEW topmost beta expansion at bpos *)
-(* into one root alpha layer -- the beta expansion node bpos will not be *)
-(* needed in this root layer *)
- | _ ->
- raise jprover_bug
-(*********** END split permutation *****************)
- let rec list_del list_el el_list =
- match el_list with
- [] ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | f::r ->
- if list_el = f then
- r
- else
- f::(list_del list_el r)
- let rec list_diff del_list check_list =
- match del_list with
- [] ->
- []
- | f::r ->
- if List.mem f check_list then
- list_diff r check_list
- else
- f::(list_diff r check_list)
-(* let rec compute_alpha_layer ftree_list =
- match ftree_list with
- [] ->
- [],[],[]
- | f::r ->
- (match f with
- Empty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- let pn =
- and (rnode,ratom,borderings) = compute_alpha_layer r in
- ((pn::rnode),(pn::ratom),borderings)
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let pn = in
- if = Beta then
- let (rnode,ratom,borderings) = compute_alpha_layer r in
- ((pn::rnode),(ratom),(f::borderings))
- else
- let suclist = Array.to_list suctrees in
- compute_alpha_layer (suclist @ r)
- )
- let rec compute_connection alpha_layer union_atoms connections =
- match connections with
- [] -> ("none","none")
- | (c,d)::r ->
- if (List.mem c union_atoms) & (List.mem d union_atoms) then
- let (c1,c2) =
- if List.mem c alpha_layer then
- (c,d)
- else
- if List.mem d alpha_layer then
- (d,c) (* then, d is supposed to occur in [alpha_layer] *)
- else
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: connection match failure")
- in
- (c1,c2)
- else
- compute_connection alpha_layer union_atoms r
- let get_beta_suctrees btree =
- match btree with
- Empty | NodeAt(_) -> raise jprover_bug
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let b1tree = suctrees.(0)
- and b2tree = suctrees.(1) in
- (,b1tree,b2tree)
- let rec build_beta_proof alpha_layer union_atoms beta_orderings connections =
- let (c1,c2) = compute_connection alpha_layer union_atoms connections in
-(* [c1] is supposed to occur in the lowmost alpha layer of the branch, *)
-(* i.e. [aplha_layer] *)
- if (c1,c2) = ("none","none") then
- (match beta_orderings with
- [] -> raise jprover_bug
- | btree::r ->
- let (beta_pos,suctree1,suctree2) = get_beta_suctrees btree in
- let (alpha_layer1, atoms1, bordering1) = compute_alpha_layer [suctree1]
- and (alpha_layer2, atoms2, bordering2) = compute_alpha_layer [suctree2] in
- let bproof1,beta1,closure1 =
- build_beta_proof alpha_layer1 (atoms1 @ union_atoms)
- (bordering1 @ r) connections
- in
- let bproof2,beta2,closure2 =
- build_beta_proof alpha_layer2 (atoms2 @ union_atoms)
- (bordering2 @ r) connections in
- (BNode(beta_pos,(alpha_layer1,bproof1),(alpha_layer2,bproof2))),(1+beta1+beta2),(closure1+closure2)
- )
- else
- CNode((c1,c2)),0,1
- let construct_beta_proof ftree connections =
- let (root_node,root_atoms,beta_orderings) = compute_alpha_layer [ftree]
- in
- let beta_proof,beta_exp,closures =
- build_beta_proof root_node root_atoms beta_orderings connections in
- (RNode(root_node,beta_proof)),beta_exp,closures
-(* *********** New Version with direct computation from extension proof **** *)
-(* follows a DIRECT step from proof histories via pr-connection orderings to opt. beta-proofs *)
- let rec compute_alpha_layer ftree_list =
- match ftree_list with
- [] ->
- []
- | f::r ->
- (match f with
- Empty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- let rnode = compute_alpha_layer r in
- (
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- if = Beta then
- let rnode = compute_alpha_layer r in
- (
- else
- let suclist = Array.to_list suctrees in
- compute_alpha_layer (suclist @ r)
- )
- let rec compute_beta_difference c1_context c2_context act_context =
- match c1_context,c2_context with
- ([],c2_context) ->
- (list_diff c2_context act_context)
-(* both connection partners in the same submatrix; [c1] already isolated *)
- | ((fc1::rc1),[]) ->
- [] (* [c2] is a reduction step, i.e. isolated before [c1] *)
- | ((fc1::rc1),(fc2::rc2)) ->
- if fc1 = fc2 then (* common initial beta-expansions *)
- compute_beta_difference rc1 rc2 act_context
- else
- (list_diff c2_context act_context)
- let rec non_closed beta_proof_list =
- match beta_proof_list with
- [] ->
- false
- | bpf::rbpf ->
- (match bpf with
- RNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | AtNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | BEmpty -> true
- | CNode(_) -> non_closed rbpf
- | BNode(pos,(_,bp1),(_,bp2)) -> non_closed ([bp1;bp2] @ rbpf)
- )
- let rec cut_context pos context =
- match context with
- [] ->
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid context element")
- | (f,num)::r ->
- if pos = f then
- context
- else
- cut_context pos r
- let compute_tree_difference beta_proof c1_context =
- match beta_proof with
- RNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | CNode(_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | AtNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | BEmpty -> c1_context
- | BNode(pos,_,_) ->
-(* print_endline ("actual root: "^pos); *)
- cut_context pos c1_context
- let print_context conn bcontext =
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_string conn;
- Format.print_string ": ";
- List.iter (fun x -> let (pos,num) = x in Format.print_string (pos^" "^(string_of_int num)^"")) bcontext;
- print_endline " ";
- Format.print_flush ()
- end
- let rec build_opt_beta_proof beta_proof ext_proof beta_atoms beta_layer_list act_context =
- let rec add_c2_tree (c1,c2) c2_diff_context =
- match c2_diff_context with
- [] ->
- (CNode(c1,c2),0)
- | (f,num)::c2_diff_r ->
- let next_beta_proof,next_exp =
- add_c2_tree (c1,c2) c2_diff_r in
- let (layer1,layer2) = List.assoc f beta_layer_list in
- let new_bproof =
- if num = 1 then
- BNode(f,(layer1,next_beta_proof),(layer2,BEmpty))
- else (* num = 2*)
- BNode(f,(layer1,BEmpty),(layer2,next_beta_proof))
- in
- (new_bproof,(next_exp+1))
- in
- let rec add_beta_expansions (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof c1_diff_context c2_diff_context new_act_context =
- match c1_diff_context with
- [] ->
- let (n_c1,n_c2) =
- if c2_diff_context = [] then (* make sure that leaf-connection is first element *)
- (c1,c2)
- else
- (c2,c1)
- in
- let c2_bproof,c2_exp = add_c2_tree (n_c1,n_c2) c2_diff_context in
- if c2_exp <> 0 then (* at least one open branch was generated to isloate [c2] *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "start with new beta-proof"; *)
- let new_bproof,new_exp,new_closures,new_rest_proof =
- build_opt_beta_proof c2_bproof rest_ext_proof beta_atoms beta_layer_list (act_context @ new_act_context) in
- (new_bproof,(new_exp+c2_exp),(new_closures+1),new_rest_proof)
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline "proceed with old beta-proof"; *)
- (c2_bproof,c2_exp,1,rest_ext_proof)
- end
- | (f,num)::c1_diff_r ->
- let (layer1,layer2) = List.assoc f beta_layer_list in
- let next_beta_proof,next_exp,next_closures,next_ext_proof =
- add_beta_expansions (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof c1_diff_r c2_diff_context new_act_context in
- let new_bproof =
- if num = 1 then
- BNode(f,(layer1,next_beta_proof),(layer2,BEmpty))
- else (* num = 2*)
- BNode(f,(layer1,BEmpty),(layer2,next_beta_proof))
- in
- (new_bproof,(next_exp+1),next_closures,next_ext_proof)
- in
- let rec insert_connection beta_proof (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof c1_diff_context c2_diff_context act_context =
- begin
-(* print_context c1 c1_diff_context;
- print_endline "";
- print_context c2 c2_diff_context;
- print_endline "";
- match beta_proof with
- RNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | CNode(_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | AtNode(_,_) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | BEmpty ->
- add_beta_expansions (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof c1_diff_context c2_diff_context act_context
- | BNode(pos,(layer1,sproof1),(layer2,sproof2)) ->
-(* print_endline (c1^" "^c2^" "^pos); *)
- (match c1_diff_context with
- [] ->
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: invalid beta-proof")
- | (f,num)::rest_context -> (* f = pos must hold!! *)
- if num = 1 then
- let (next_bproof,next_exp,next_closure,next_ext_proof) =
- insert_connection sproof1 (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof rest_context c2_diff_context act_context in
- (BNode(pos,(layer1,next_bproof),(layer2,sproof2)),next_exp,next_closure,next_ext_proof)
- else (* num = 2 *)
- let (next_bproof,next_exp,next_closure,next_ext_proof) =
- insert_connection sproof2 (c1,c2) rest_ext_proof rest_context c2_diff_context act_context in
- (BNode(pos,(layer1,sproof1),(layer2,next_bproof)),next_exp,next_closure,next_ext_proof)
- )
- end
- in
- match ext_proof with
- [] ->
- beta_proof,0,0,[]
- | (c1,c2)::rproof ->
-(* print_endline ("actual connection: "^c1^" "^c2); *)
- let c1_context = List.assoc c1 beta_atoms
- and c2_context = List.assoc c2 beta_atoms in
- let c2_diff_context = compute_beta_difference c1_context c2_context act_context
- and c1_diff_context = compute_tree_difference beta_proof c1_context in (* wrt. actual beta-proof *)
- let (next_beta_proof,next_exp,next_closures,next_ext_proof) =
- insert_connection beta_proof (c1,c2) rproof c1_diff_context c2_diff_context c1_diff_context in
- if non_closed [next_beta_proof] then (* at least one branch was generated to isolate [c1] *)
- let rest_beta_proof,rest_exp,rest_closures,rest_ext_proof =
- build_opt_beta_proof next_beta_proof next_ext_proof beta_atoms beta_layer_list act_context in
- rest_beta_proof,(next_exp+rest_exp),(next_closures+rest_closures),rest_ext_proof
- else
- next_beta_proof,next_exp,next_closures,next_ext_proof
- let rec annotate_atoms beta_context atlist treelist =
- let rec annotate_tree beta_context tree atlist =
- match tree with
- Empty ->
- (atlist,[],[])
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- if List.mem atlist then
- let new_atlist = list_del atlist in
- (new_atlist,[(,beta_context)],[])
- else
- (atlist,[],[])
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- if = Beta then
- let s1,s2 = suctrees.(0),suctrees.(1) in
- let alayer1 = compute_alpha_layer [s1]
- and alayer2 = compute_alpha_layer [s2]
- and new_beta_context1 = beta_context @ [(,1)]
- and new_beta_context2 = beta_context @ [(,2)] in
- let atlist1,annotates1,blayer_list1 =
- annotate_atoms new_beta_context1 atlist [s1] in
- let atlist2,annotates2,blayer_list2 =
- annotate_atoms new_beta_context2 atlist1 [s2]
- in
- (atlist2,(annotates1 @ annotates2),((,(alayer1,alayer2))::(blayer_list1 @ blayer_list2)))
- else
- annotate_atoms beta_context atlist (Array.to_list suctrees)
- in
- match treelist with
- [] -> (atlist,[],[])
- | f::r ->
- let (next_atlist,f_annotates,f_beta_layers) = annotate_tree beta_context f atlist in
- let (rest_atlist,rest_annotates,rest_beta_layers) = (annotate_atoms beta_context next_atlist r)
- in
- (rest_atlist, (f_annotates @ rest_annotates),(f_beta_layers @ rest_beta_layers))
- let construct_opt_beta_proof ftree ext_proof =
- let con1,con2 = List.split ext_proof in
- let con_atoms = remove_dups_list (con1 @ con2) in
- let (empty_atoms,beta_atoms,beta_layer_list) = annotate_atoms [] con_atoms [ftree] in
- let root_node = compute_alpha_layer [ftree] in
- let (beta_proof,beta_exp,closures,_) =
- build_opt_beta_proof BEmpty ext_proof beta_atoms beta_layer_list [] in
- (RNode(root_node,beta_proof)),beta_exp,closures
-(************* permutation ljmc -> lj *********************************)
- let subf1 n m subrel = List.mem ((n,m),1) subrel
- let subf2 n m subrel = List.mem ((n,m),2) subrel
- let tsubf n m tsubrel = List.mem (n,m) tsubrel
-(* Transforms all normal form layers in an LJ proof *)
- let rec modify prooftree (subrel,tsubrel) =
- match prooftree with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx((pos,inf,form,term)) ->
- prooftree,pos
- | PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),left) ->
- let t,qpos = modify left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if List.mem inf [Impr;Negr;Allr] then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),pos (* layer bound *)
- else if qpos = "Orl-True" then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),qpos
- else if List.mem inf [Andl;Alll;Exl] then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),qpos (* simply propagation *)
- else if inf = Exr then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),pos
- else t,qpos
- else if inf = Negl then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),"" (* empty string *)
- else t,qpos
- else (* x = Orr *)
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,Orr1,form,term),t),pos (* make Orr for LJ *)
- else if (subf2 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,Orr2,form,term),t),pos (* make Orr for LJ *)
- else t,qpos
- | PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),left,right) ->
- let t,qpos = modify left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if inf = Andr then
- if (or) (qpos = "Orl-True") (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- let s,rpos = modify right (subrel,tsubrel) in (* Orl-True -> subf *)
- if (or) (rpos = "Orl-True") (subf2 pos rpos subrel) then
- PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),t,s),pos
- else s,rpos
- else t,qpos (* not subf -> not Orl-True *)
- else if inf = Impl then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- let s,rpos = modify right (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),t,s),"" (* empty string *)
- else t,qpos
- else (* x = Orl *)
- let s,rpos = modify right (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),t,s),"Orl-True"
-(* transforms the subproof into an LJ proof between
- the beta-inference rule (excluded) and
- layer boundary in the branch ptree *)
- let rec rec_modify ptree (subrel,tsubrel) =
- match ptree with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx((pos,inf,form,term)) ->
- ptree,pos
- | PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),left) ->
- if List.mem inf [Impr;Negr;Allr] then
- ptree,pos (* layer bound, stop transforming! *)
- else
- let t,qpos = rec_modify left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if List.mem inf [Andl;Alll;Exl] then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),qpos (* simply propagation*)
- else if inf = Exr then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),pos
- else t,qpos
- else if inf = Negl then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),t),"" (* empty string *)
- else t,qpos
- else (* x = Orr *)
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,Orr1,form,term),t),pos (* make Orr for LJ *)
- else if (subf2 pos qpos subrel) then
- PNodeA((pos,Orr2,form,term),t),pos (* make Orr for LJ *)
- else t,qpos
- | PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),left,right) ->
- let t,qpos = rec_modify left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if inf = Andr then
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- let s,rpos = rec_modify right (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if (subf2 pos rpos subrel) then
- PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),t,s),pos
- else s,rpos
- else t,qpos
- else (* x = Impl since x= Orl cannot occur in the partial layer ptree *)
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then
- let s,rpos = rec_modify right (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),t,s),"" (* empty string *)
- else t,qpos
- let weak_modify rule ptree (subrel,tsubrel) = (* recall rule = or_l *)
- let (pos,inf,formlua,term) = rule in
- if inf = Orl then
- ptree,true
- else
- let ptreem,qpos = rec_modify ptree (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if (subf1 pos qpos subrel) then (* weak_modify will always be applied on left branches *)
- ptreem,true
- else
- ptreem,false
-(* Now, the permutation stuff .... *)
-(* Permutation schemes *)
-(* corresponds to local permutation lemma -- Lemma 3 in the paper -- *)
-(* with eigenvariablen renaming and branch modification *)
-(* eigenvariablen renaming and branch modification over *)
-(* the whole proofs, i.e. over layer boundaries, too *)
-(* global variable vor eigenvariable renaming during permutations *)
- let eigen_counter = ref 1
-(* append renamed paramater "r" to non-quantifier subformulae
- of renamed quantifier formulae *)
- let make_new_eigenvariable term =
- let op = (dest_term term).term_op in
- let opa = (dest_op op).op_params in
- let oppar = dest_param opa in
- match oppar with
- | String ofname::_ ->
- let new_eigen_var = (ofname^"_r"^(string_of_int (!eigen_counter))) in
- eigen_counter := !eigen_counter + 1;
- mk_string_term jprover_op new_eigen_var
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- let replace_subterm term oldt rept =
- let v_term = var_subst term oldt "dummy_var" in
- subst1 v_term "dummy_var" rept
- let rec eigen_rename old_parameter new_parameter ptree =
- match ptree with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx((pos,inf,form,term)) ->
- let new_form = replace_subterm form old_parameter new_parameter in
- PNodeAx((pos,inf,new_form,term))
- | PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term), left) ->
- let new_form = replace_subterm form old_parameter new_parameter
- and new_term = replace_subterm term old_parameter new_parameter in
- let ren_left = eigen_rename old_parameter new_parameter left in
- PNodeA((pos,inf,new_form,new_term), ren_left)
- | PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),left, right) ->
- let new_form = replace_subterm form old_parameter new_parameter in
- let ren_left = eigen_rename old_parameter new_parameter left in
- let ren_right = eigen_rename old_parameter new_parameter right in
- PNodeB((pos,inf,new_form,term), ren_left, ren_right)
- let rec update_ptree rule subtree direction tsubrel =
- match subtree with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx(r) ->
- subtree
- | PNodeA((pos,inf,formula,term), left) ->
- if (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule then
- left
- (* don't delete rule if subformula belongs to renamed instance of quantifiers; *)
- (* but this can never occur now since (renamed) formula is part of rule *)
- else
- let (posn,infn,formn,termn) = rule in
- if (&) (List.mem infn [Exl;Allr] ) (term = termn) then
- (* this can only occur if eigenvariable rule with same term as termn has been permuted; *)
- (* the application of the same eigenvariable introduction on the same subformula with *)
- (* different instantiated variables might occur! *)
- (* termn cannot occur in terms of permuted quantifier rules due to substitution split *)
- (* during reconstruciton of the ljmc proof *)
- let new_term = make_new_eigenvariable term in
-(* print_endline "Eigenvariable renaming!!!"; *)
- eigen_rename termn new_term subtree
- else
- let left_del =
- update_ptree rule left direction tsubrel
- in
- PNodeA((pos,inf,formula,term), left_del)
- | PNodeB((pos,inf,formula,term), left, right) ->
- if (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule then
- if direction = "l" then
- left
- else
- right (* direction = "r" *)
- else
- let left_del = update_ptree rule left direction tsubrel in
- let right_del = update_ptree rule right direction tsubrel in
- PNodeB((pos,inf,formula,term),left_del,right_del)
- let permute r1 r2 ptree la tsubrel =
-(* print_endline "permute in"; *)
- match ptree,la with
- PNodeA(r1, PNodeA(r2,left)),la ->
-(* print_endline "1-o-1"; *)
- PNodeA(r2, PNodeA(r1,left))
- (* one-over-one *)
- | PNodeA(r1, PNodeB(r2,left,right)),la ->
-(* print_endline "1-o-2"; *)
- PNodeB(r2, PNodeA(r1,left), PNodeA(r1,right))
- (* one-over-two *)
- | PNodeB(r1, PNodeA(r2,left), right),"l" ->
-(* print_endline "2-o-1 left"; *)
- let right_u = update_ptree r2 right "l" tsubrel in
- PNodeA(r2, PNodeB(r1, left, right_u))
- (* two-over-one left *)
- | PNodeB(r1, left, PNodeA(r2,right)),"r" ->
-(* print_endline "2-o-1 right"; *)
- let left_u = update_ptree r2 left "l" tsubrel in
- PNodeA(r2, PNodeB(r1, left_u, right))
- (* two-over-one right *)
- | PNodeB(r1, PNodeB(r2,left2,right2), right),"l" ->
-(* print_endline "2-o-2 left"; *)
- let right_ul = update_ptree r2 right "l" tsubrel in
- let right_ur = update_ptree r2 right "r" tsubrel in
- PNodeB(r2,PNodeB(r1,left2,right_ul),PNodeB(r1,right2,right_ur))
- (* two-over-two left *)
- | PNodeB(r1, left, PNodeB(r2,left2,right2)),"r" ->
-(* print_endline "2-o-2 right"; *)
- let left_ul = update_ptree r2 left "l" tsubrel in
- let left_ur = update_ptree r2 left "r" tsubrel in
- PNodeB(r2,PNodeB(r1,left_ul,left2),PNodeB(r1,left_ur, right2))
- (* two-over-two right *)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
-(* permute layers, isolate addmissible branches *)
-(* computes if an Andr is d-generatives *)
- let layer_bound rule =
- let (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule in
- if List.mem inf [Impr;Negr;Allr] then
- true
- else
- false
- let rec orl_free ptree =
- match ptree with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx(rule) ->
- true
- | PNodeA(rule,left) ->
- if layer_bound rule then
- true
- else
- orl_free left
- | PNodeB(rule,left,right) ->
- let (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule in
- if inf = Orl then
- false
- else
- (&) (orl_free left) (orl_free right)
- let rec dgenerative rule dglist ptree tsubrel =
- let (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule in
- if List.mem inf [Exr;Orr;Negl] then
- true
- else if inf = Andr then
- if dglist = [] then
- false
- else
- let first,rest = (List.hd dglist),( dglist) in
- let (pos1,inf1,formula1,term1) = first in
- if tsubf pos1 pos tsubrel then
- true
- else
- dgenerative rule rest ptree tsubrel
- else if inf = Impl then
- not (orl_free ptree)
- else
- false
-(* to compute a topmost addmissible pair r,o with
- the address addr of r in the proof tree
- let rec top_addmissible_pair ptree dglist act_r act_o act_addr tsubrel dummyt =
- let rec search_pair ptree dglist act_r act_o act_addr tsubrel =
- match ptree with
- PEmpty -> raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx(_) -> raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeA(rule, left) ->
-(* print_endline "alpha"; *)
- if (dgenerative rule dglist left tsubrel) then (* r = Exr,Orr,Negl *)
- let newdg = (@) [rule] dglist in
- search_pair left newdg act_r rule act_addr tsubrel
- else (* Impr, Allr, Notr only for test *)
- search_pair left dglist act_r act_o act_addr tsubrel
- | PNodeB(rule,left,right) ->
-(* print_endline "beta"; *)
- let (pos,inf,formula,term) = rule in
- if List.mem inf [Andr;Impl] then
- let bool = dgenerative rule dglist left tsubrel in
- let newdg,newrule =
- if bool then
- ((@) [rule] dglist),rule
- else
- dglist,act_o
- in
- if orl_free left then
- search_pair right newdg act_r newrule (act_addr^"r") tsubrel
- else (* not orl_free *)
- let left_r,left_o,left_addr =
- search_pair left newdg act_r newrule (act_addr^"l") tsubrel in
- if left_o = ("",Orr,dummyt,dummyt) then
- top_addmissible_pair right dglist act_r act_o (act_addr^"r") tsubrel dummyt
- else left_r,left_o,left_addr
- else (* r = Orl *)
- if orl_free left then
- top_addmissible_pair right dglist rule act_o (act_addr^"r") tsubrel dummyt
- else
- let left_r,left_o,left_addr
- = search_pair left dglist rule act_o (act_addr^"l") tsubrel in
- if left_o = ("",Orr,dummyt,dummyt) then
- top_addmissible_pair right dglist rule act_o (act_addr^"r") tsubrel dummyt
- else
- left_r,left_o,left_addr
- in
-(* print_endline "top_addmissible_pair in"; *)
- if orl_free ptree then (* there must be a orl BELOW an layer bound *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "orl_free"; *)
- act_r,act_o,act_addr
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline "orl_full"; *)
- search_pair ptree dglist act_r act_o act_addr tsubrel
- end
- let next_direction addr act_addr =
- String.make 1 (String.get addr (String.length act_addr))
- (* get starts with count 0*)
- let change_last addr d =
- let split = (String.length addr) - 1 in
- let prec,last =
- (String.sub addr 0 split),(String.sub addr split 1) in
- prec^d^last
- let last addr =
- if addr = ""
- then ""
- else
- String.make 1 (String.get addr (String.length addr-1))
- let rest addr =
- if addr = ""
- then ""
- else
- String.sub addr 0 ((String.length addr) - 1)
- let rec permute_layer ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel) =
- let rec permute_branch r addr act_addr ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel) =
-(* print_endline "pbranch in"; *)
- let la = last act_addr in (* no ensure uniqueness at 2-over-x *)
- match ptree,la with
- PNodeA(o,PNodeA(rule,left)),la -> (* one-over-one *)
-(* print_endline " one-over-one "; *)
- let permute_result = permute o rule ptree la tsubrel in
- begin match permute_result with
- PNodeA(r2,left2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr act_addr left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA(r2,pbleft)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- end
- | PNodeA(o,PNodeB(rule,left,right)),la -> (* one-over-two *)
-(* print_endline " one-over-two "; *)
- if rule = r then (* left,right are or_l free *)
- permute o rule ptree la tsubrel (* first termination case *)
- else
- let d = next_direction addr act_addr in
- if d = "l" then
- let permute_result = permute o rule ptree la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,left2,right2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr (act_addr^d) left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let plright = permute_layer right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(r2,pbleft,plright)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* d = "r", that is left of rule is or_l free *)
- let left1,bool = weak_modify rule left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if bool then (* rule is relevant *)
- let permute_result = permute o rule (PNodeA(o,PNodeB(rule,left1,right))) la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,left2,right2) ->
- let pbright = permute_branch r addr (act_addr^d) right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(r2,left2,pbright)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* rule is not relevant *)
- PNodeA(o,left1) (* optimized termination case (1) *)
- | PNodeB(o,PNodeA(rule,left),right1),"l" -> (* two-over-one, left *)
-(* print_endline " two-over-one, left "; *)
- let permute_result = permute o rule ptree la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeA(r2,left2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr act_addr left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA(r2,pbleft)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- | PNodeB(o,left1,PNodeA(rule,left)),"r" -> (* two-over-one, right *)
- (* left of o is or_l free *)
-(* print_endline " two-over-one, right"; *)
- let leftm,bool = weak_modify o left1 (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if bool then (* rule is relevant *)
- let permute_result = permute o rule (PNodeB(o,leftm,PNodeA(rule,left))) la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeA(r2,left2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr act_addr left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA(r2,pbleft)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* rule is not relevant *)
- leftm (* optimized termination case (2) *)
- | PNodeB(o,PNodeB(rule,left,right),right1),"l" -> (* two-over-two, left *)
-(* print_endline " two-over-two, left"; *)
- if rule = r then (* left,right are or_l free *)
- let permute_result = permute o rule ptree la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,PNodeB(r3,left3,right3),PNodeB(r4,left4,right4)) ->
-(* print_endline "permute 2-o-2, left ok"; *)
- let leftm3,bool3 = weak_modify r3 left3 (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let leftm4,bool4 = weak_modify r4 left4 (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let plleft,plright =
- if (&) bool3 bool4 then (* r3 and r4 are relevant *)
- (permute_layer (PNodeB(r3,leftm3,right3)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel)),
- (permute_layer (PNodeB(r4,leftm4,right4)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel))
- else if (&) bool3 (not bool4) then (* only r3 is relevant *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "two-over-two left: bool3 and not bool4"; *)
- (permute_layer (PNodeB(r3,leftm3,right3)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel)),
- leftm4
- end
- else if (&) (not bool3) bool4 then (* only r4 is relevant *)
- leftm3,
- (permute_layer (PNodeB(r4,leftm4,right4)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel))
- else (* neither r3 nor r4 are relevant *)
- leftm3,leftm4
- in
- PNodeB(r2,plleft,plright)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else
- let d = next_direction addr act_addr in
- let newadd = change_last act_addr d in
- if d = "l" then
- let permute_result = permute o rule ptree la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,left2,right2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr newadd left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let plright = permute_layer right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(r2,pbleft,plright)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* d = "r", that is left is or_l free *)
- let left1,bool = weak_modify rule left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if bool then (* rule is relevant *)
- let permute_result =
- permute o rule (PNodeB(o,PNodeB(rule,left1,right),right1)) la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,PNodeB(r3,left3,right3),right2) ->
- let pbright = permute_branch r addr newadd right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let leftm3,bool3 = weak_modify r3 left3 (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let plleft =
- if bool3 (* r3 relevant *) then
- permute_layer (PNodeB(r3,leftm3,right3)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
- else (* r3 redundant *)
- leftm3
- in
- PNodeB(r2,plleft,pbright) (* further opt. NOT possible *)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* rule is not relevant *)
- permute_layer (PNodeB(o,left1,right1)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel) (* further opt. possible *)
- (* combine with orl_free *)
- | PNodeB(o,left1,PNodeB(rule,left,right)),"r" -> (* two-over-two, right *)
-(* print_endline " two-over-two, right"; *)
- let leftm1,bool = weak_modify o left1 (subrel,tsubrel) in (* left1 is or_l free *)
- if bool then (* o is relevant, even after permutations *)
- if rule = r then (* left, right or_l free *)
- permute o rule (PNodeB(o,leftm1,PNodeB(rule,left,right))) la tsubrel
- else
- let d = next_direction addr act_addr in
- let newadd = change_last act_addr d in
- if d = "l" then
- let permute_result =
- permute o rule (PNodeB(o,leftm1,PNodeB(rule,left,right))) la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,left2,right2) ->
- let pbleft = permute_branch r addr newadd left2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let plright = permute_layer right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(r2,pbleft,plright)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* d = "r", that is left is or_l free *)
- let leftm,bool = weak_modify rule left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- if bool then (* rule is relevant *)
- let permute_result =
- permute o rule (PNodeB(o,leftm1,PNodeB(rule,left,right))) la tsubrel in
- (match permute_result with
- PNodeB(r2,left2,right2) ->
- let pbright = permute_branch r addr newadd right2 dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(r2,left2,pbright) (* left2 or_l free *)
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- )
- else (* rule is not relevant *)
- PNodeB(o,leftm1,leftm)
- else
- leftm1
- | _ -> raise jprover_bug
- in
- let rec trans_add_branch r o addr act_addr ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel) =
- match ptree with
- (PEmpty| PNodeAx(_)) -> raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeA(rule,left) ->
- if (dgenerative rule dglist left tsubrel) then
- let newdg = (@) [rule] dglist in
- if rule = o then
- begin
-(* print_endline "one-rule is o"; *)
- permute_branch r addr act_addr ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline "alpha - but not o"; *)
- let tptree = trans_add_branch r o addr act_addr left newdg (subrel,tsubrel) in
- permute_layer (PNodeA(rule,tptree)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
- (* r may not longer be valid for rule *)
- end
- else
- let tptree = trans_add_branch r o addr act_addr left dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA(rule,tptree)
- | PNodeB(rule,left,right) ->
- let d = next_direction addr act_addr in
- let bool = (dgenerative rule dglist left tsubrel) in
- if rule = o then
- begin
-(* print_endline "two-rule is o"; *)
- permute_branch r addr (act_addr^d) ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline ("beta - but not o: address "^d); *)
- let dbranch =
- if d = "l" then
- left
- else (* d = "r" *)
- right
- in
- let tptree =
- if bool then
- let newdg = (@) [rule] dglist in
- (trans_add_branch r o addr (act_addr^d) dbranch newdg (subrel,tsubrel))
- else
- (trans_add_branch r o addr (act_addr^d) dbranch dglist (subrel,tsubrel))
- in
- if d = "l" then
- permute_layer (PNodeB(rule,tptree,right)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
- else (* d = "r" *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "prob. a redundant call"; *)
- let back = permute_layer (PNodeB(rule,left,tptree)) dglist (subrel,tsubrel) in
-(* print_endline "SURELY a redundant call"; *)
- back
- end
- end
- in
-(* print_endline "permute_layer in"; *)
- let dummyt = mk_var_term "dummy" in
- let r,o,addr =
- top_addmissible_pair ptree dglist ("",Orl,dummyt,dummyt) ("",Orr,dummyt,dummyt) "" tsubrel dummyt in
- if r = ("",Orl,dummyt,dummyt) then
- ptree
- else if o = ("",Orr,dummyt,dummyt) then (* Orr is a dummy for no d-gen. rule *)
- ptree
- else
- let (x1,x2,x3,x4) = r
- and (y1,y2,y3,y4) = o in
- print_endline ("top or_l: "^x1);
- print_endline ("or_l address: "^addr);
- print_endline ("top dgen-rule: "^y1);
- trans_add_branch r o addr "" ptree dglist (subrel,tsubrel)
-(* Isolate layer and outer recursion structure *)
-(* uses weaker layer boundaries: ONLY critical inferences *)
- let rec trans_layer ptree (subrel,tsubrel) =
- let rec isol_layer ptree (subrel,tsubrel) =
- match ptree with
- PEmpty -> raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx(inf) ->
- ptree
- | PNodeA((pos,rule,formula,term),left) ->
- if List.mem rule [Allr;Impr;Negr] then
- let tptree = trans_layer left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA((pos,rule,formula,term),tptree)
- else
- let tptree = isol_layer left (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeA((pos,rule,formula,term),tptree)
- | PNodeB(rule,left,right) ->
- let tptree_l = isol_layer left (subrel,tsubrel)
- and tptree_r = isol_layer right (subrel,tsubrel) in
- PNodeB(rule,tptree_l,tptree_r)
- in
- begin
-(* print_endline "trans_layer in"; *)
- let top_tree = isol_layer ptree (subrel,tsubrel) in
- let back = permute_layer top_tree [] (subrel,tsubrel) in
-(* print_endline "translauer out"; *)
- back
- end
-(* build the proof tree from a list of inference rules *)
- let rec unclosed subtree =
- match subtree with
- PEmpty -> true
- | PNodeAx(y) -> false
- | PNodeA(y,left) -> (unclosed left)
- | PNodeB(y,left,right) -> (or) (unclosed left) (unclosed right)
- let rec extend prooftree element =
- match prooftree with
- PEmpty ->
- let (pos,rule,formula,term) = element in
- if rule = Ax then
- PNodeAx(element)
- else
- if List.mem rule [Andr; Orl; Impl] then
- PNodeB(element,PEmpty,PEmpty)
- else
- PNodeA(element,PEmpty)
- | PNodeAx(y) ->
- PEmpty (* that's only for exhaustive pattern matching *)
- | PNodeA(y, left) ->
- PNodeA(y, (extend left element))
- | PNodeB(y, left, right) ->
- if (unclosed left) then
- PNodeB(y, (extend left element), right)
- else
- PNodeB(y, left, (extend right element))
- let rec bptree prooftree nodelist nax=
- match nodelist with
- [] -> prooftree,nax
- | ((_,pos),(rule,formula,term))::rest -> (* kick away the first argument *)
- let newax =
- if rule = Ax then
- 1
- else
- 0
- in
- bptree (extend prooftree (pos,rule,formula,term)) rest (nax+newax)
- let bproof nodelist =
- bptree PEmpty nodelist 0
- let rec get_successor_pos treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- (
- match f with
- Empty -> get_successor_pos r
- | NodeAt(_) -> raise jprover_bug
- | NodeA(pos,_) ->
- pos::(get_successor_pos r)
- )
- let rec get_formula_tree ftreelist f predflag =
- match ftreelist with
- [] -> raise jprover_bug
- | ftree::rest_trees ->
- (match ftree with
- Empty -> get_formula_tree rest_trees f predflag
- | NodeAt(_) -> get_formula_tree rest_trees f predflag
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- if predflag = "pred" then
- if = Gamma then
- let succs = get_successor_pos (Array.to_list suctrees) in
- if List.mem f succs then
- NodeA(pos,suctrees),succs
- else
- get_formula_tree ((Array.to_list suctrees) @ rest_trees) f predflag
- else
- get_formula_tree ((Array.to_list suctrees) @ rest_trees) f predflag
- else (* predflag = "" *)
- if pos = f then
- NodeA(pos,suctrees),[]
- else
- get_formula_tree ((Array.to_list suctrees) @ rest_trees) f predflag
- )
- let rec get_formula_treelist ftree po =
- match po with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
-(* a posistion in po has either stype Gamma_0,Psi_0,Phi_0 (non-atomic), or it has *)
-(* ptype Alpha (or on the right), since there was a deadlock for proof reconstruction in LJ*)
- if List.mem [Phi_0;Psi_0] then
- let (stree,_) = get_formula_tree [ftree] f "" in
- stree::(get_formula_treelist ftree r)
- else
- if = Gamma_0 then
- let (predtree,succs) = get_formula_tree [ftree] f "pred" in
- let new_po = list_diff r succs in
- predtree::(get_formula_treelist ftree new_po)
- else
- if = Alpha then (* same as first case, or on the right *)
- let (stree,_) = get_formula_tree [ftree] f "" in
- stree::(get_formula_treelist ftree r)
- else raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: non-admissible open position")
- let rec build_formula_rel dir_treelist slist predname =
- let rec build_renamed_gamma_rel dtreelist predname posname d =
- match dtreelist with
- [] -> [],[]
- | (x,ft)::rdtlist ->
- let rest_rel,rest_ren = build_renamed_gamma_rel rdtlist predname posname d in
- (
- match ft with
- Empty -> (* may have empty successors due to purity in former reconstruction steps *)
- rest_rel,rest_ren
- | NodeAt(_) ->
- raise jprover_bug (* gamma_0 position never is atomic *)
- | NodeA(spos,suctrees) ->
- if List.mem slist then
-(* the gamma_0 position is really unsolved *)
-(* this is only relevant for the gamma_0 positions in po *)
- let new_name = (posname^"_"^ (* make new unique gamma name *) in
- let new_srel_el = ((predname,new_name),d)
- and new_rename_el = (,new_name) (* gamma_0 position as key first *) in
- let (srel,sren) = build_formula_rel [(x,ft)] slist new_name in
- ((new_srel_el::srel) @ rest_rel),((new_rename_el::sren) @ rest_ren)
- else
- rest_rel,rest_ren
- )
- in
- match dir_treelist with
- [] -> [],[]
- | (d,f)::dir_r ->
- let (rest_rel,rest_renlist) = build_formula_rel dir_r slist predname in
- match f with
- Empty ->
- print_endline "Hello, an empty subtree!!!!!!";
- rest_rel,rest_renlist
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- (((predname,,d)::rest_rel),rest_renlist
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- (match with
- Alpha | Beta ->
- let dtreelist =
- if ( = Alpha) & (pos.op = Neg) then
- [(1,suctrees.(0))]
- else
- let st1 = suctrees.(0)
- and st2 = suctrees.(1) in
- [(1,st1);(2,st2)]
- in
- let (srel,sren) = build_formula_rel dtreelist slist in
- ((((predname,,d)::srel) @ rest_rel),(sren @ rest_renlist)
- | Delta ->
- let st1 = suctrees.(0) in
- let (srel,sren) = build_formula_rel [(1,st1)] slist in
- ((((predname,,d)::srel) @ rest_rel),(sren @ rest_renlist)
- | Psi| Phi ->
- let succlist = Array.to_list suctrees in
- let dtreelist = ( (fun x -> (d,x)) succlist) in
- let (srel,sren) = build_formula_rel dtreelist slist predname in
- (srel @ rest_rel),(sren @ rest_renlist)
- | Gamma ->
- let succlist = (Array.to_list suctrees) in
- let dtreelist = ( (fun x -> (1,x)) succlist) in
-(* if (nonemptys suctrees 0 n) = 1 then
- let (srel,sren) = build_formula_rel dtreelist slist in
- ((((predname,,d)::srel) @ rest_rel),(sren @ rest_renlist)
- else (* we have more than one gamma instance, which means renaming *)
- let (srel,sren) = build_renamed_gamma_rel dtreelist predname d in
- (srel @ rest_rel),(sren @ rest_renlist)
- | PNull ->
- raise jprover_bug
- )
- let rec rename_gamma ljmc_proof rename_list =
- match ljmc_proof with
- [] -> []
- | ((inst,pos),(rule,formula,term))::r ->
- if List.mem rule [Alll;Exr] then
- let new_gamma = List.assoc inst rename_list in
- ((inst,new_gamma),(rule,formula,term))::(rename_gamma r rename_list)
- else
- ((inst,pos),(rule,formula,term))::(rename_gamma r rename_list)
- let rec compare_pair (s,sf) list =
- if list = [] then
- list
- else
- let (s_1,sf_1),restlist = (List.hd list),( list) in
- if sf = s_1 then
- (@) [(s,sf_1)] (compare_pair (s,sf) restlist)
- else
- compare_pair (s,sf) restlist
- let rec compare_pairlist list1 list2 =
- if list1 = [] then
- list1
- else
- let (s1,sf1),restlist1 = (List.hd list1),( list1) in
- (@) (compare_pair (s1,sf1) list2) (compare_pairlist restlist1 list2)
- let rec trans_rec pairlist translist =
- let tlist = compare_pairlist pairlist translist in
- if tlist = [] then
- translist
- else
- (@) (trans_rec pairlist tlist) translist
- let transitive_closure subrel =
- let pairlist,nlist = List.split subrel in
- trans_rec pairlist pairlist
- let pt ptree subrel =
- let tsubrel = transitive_closure subrel in
- let transptree = trans_layer ptree (subrel,tsubrel) in
- print_endline "";
- fst (modify transptree (subrel,tsubrel))
-(* let mtree = fst (modify transptree (subrel,tsubrel)) in *)
-(* pretty_print mtree ax *)
- let rec make_node_list ljproof =
- match ljproof with
- PEmpty ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | PNodeAx((pos,inf,form,term)) ->
- [(("",pos),(inf,form,term))]
- | PNodeA((pos,inf,form,term),left) ->
- let left_list = make_node_list left in
- (("",pos),(inf,form,term))::left_list
- | PNodeB((pos,inf,form,term),left,right) ->
- let left_list = make_node_list left
- and right_list = make_node_list right in
- (("",pos),(inf,form,term))::(left_list @ right_list)
- let permute_ljmc ftree po slist ljmc_proof =
- (* ftree/po are the formula tree / open positions of the sequent that caused deadlock and permutation *)
-(* print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!Permutation TO DO!!!!!!!!!"; *)
- (* the open positions in po are either phi_0, psi_0, or gamma_0 positions *)
- (* since proof reconstruction was a deadlock in LJ *)
- let po_treelist = get_formula_treelist ftree po in
- let dir_treelist = (fun x -> (1,x)) po_treelist in
- let (formula_rel,rename_list) = build_formula_rel dir_treelist slist "dummy" in
- let renamed_ljmc_proof = rename_gamma ljmc_proof rename_list in
- let (ptree,ax) = bproof renamed_ljmc_proof in
- let ljproof = pt ptree formula_rel in
- (* this is a direct formula relation, comprising left/right subformula *)
- begin
-(* print_treelist po_treelist; *)
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
-(* print_triplelist formula_rel; *)
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- tt ljproof;
-(* print_pairlist rename_list; *)
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- make_node_list ljproof
- end
-(************** PROOF RECONSTRUCTION without redundancy deletion ******************************)
- let rec init_unsolved treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- begin match f with
- Empty -> []
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- ( r)
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let new_treelist = (Array.to_list suctrees) @ r in
- ( new_treelist)
- end
-(* only the unsolved positions will be represented --> skip additional root position *)
- let build_unsolved ftree =
- match ftree with
- Empty | NodeAt _ ->
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- ((,init_unsolved (Array.to_list suctrees))
- let rec collect_variables tree_list =
- match tree_list with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- begin match f with
- Empty -> []
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- if = Gamma_0 then
- r
- else
- collect_variables r
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let new_tree_list = (Array.to_list suctrees) @ r in
- if = Gamma_0 then
- new_tree_list
- else
- collect_variables new_tree_list
- end
- let rec extend_sigmaQ sigmaQ vlist =
- match vlist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let vf = mk_var_term f in
- if List.exists (fun x -> (fst x = vf)) sigmaQ then
- extend_sigmaQ sigmaQ r
- else
-(* first and second component are var terms in meta-prl *)
- [(vf,vf)] @ (extend_sigmaQ sigmaQ r)
- let build_sigmaQ sigmaQ ftree =
- let vlist = collect_variables [ftree] in
- sigmaQ @ (extend_sigmaQ sigmaQ vlist)
-(* subformula relation subrel is assumed to be represented in pairs
- (a,b) *)
- let rec delete e list = (* e must not necessarily occur in list *)
- match list with
- [] -> [] (* e must not necessarily occur in list *)
- | first::rest ->
- if e = first then
- rest
- else
- first::(delete e rest)
- let rec key_delete fname pos_list = (* in key_delete, f is a pos name (key) but sucs is a list of positions *)
- match pos_list with
- [] -> [] (* the position with name f must not necessarily occur in pos_list *)
- | f::r ->
- if fname = then
- r
- else
- f::(key_delete fname r)
- let rec get_roots treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- match f with
- Empty -> (get_roots r) (* Empty is posible below alpha-nodes after purity *)
- | NodeAt(pos) -> pos::(get_roots r)
- | NodeA(pos,trees) -> pos::(get_roots r)
- let rec comp_ps padd ftree =
- match ftree with
- Empty -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: empty formula tree")
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- []
- | NodeA(pos,strees) ->
- match padd with
- [] -> get_roots (Array.to_list strees)
- | f::r ->
- if r = [] then
- pos::(comp_ps r (Array.get strees (f-1)))
- else
- comp_ps r (Array.get strees (f-1))
-(* computes a list: first element predecessor, next elements successoes of p *)
- let tpredsucc p ftree =
- let padd = p.address in
- comp_ps padd ftree
-(* set an element in an array, without side effects *)
- let myset array int element =
- let length = Array.length array in
- let firstpart = Array.sub array 0 (int) in
- let secondpart = Array.sub array (int+1) (length-(int+1)) in
- (Array.append firstpart (Array.append [|element|] secondpart))
- let rec compute_open treelist slist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> []
- | first::rest ->
- let elements =
- match first with
- Empty -> []
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- if (List.mem ( slist) then
- [pos]
- else
- []
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- if (List.mem ( slist) then
- [pos]
- else
- compute_open (Array.to_list suctrees) slist
- in
- elements @ (compute_open rest slist)
- let rec select_connection pname connections slist =
- match connections with
- [] -> ("none","none")
- | f::r ->
- let partner =
- if (fst f) = pname then
- (snd f)
- else
- if (snd f) = pname then
- (fst f)
- else
- "none"
- in
- if ((partner = "none") or (List.mem partner slist)) then
- select_connection pname r slist
- else
- f
- let rec replace_element element element_set redord =
- match redord with
- [] -> raise jprover_bug (* element occurs in redord *)
- | (f,fset)::r ->
- if f = element then
- (f,element_set)::r
- else
- (f,fset)::(replace_element element element_set r)
- let rec collect_succ_sets sucs redord =
- match redord with
- [] -> StringSet.empty
- | (f,fset)::r ->
- let new_sucs = key_delete f sucs in
- if (List.length sucs) = (List.length new_sucs) then (* position with name f did not occur in sucs -- no deletion *)
- (collect_succ_sets sucs r)
- else
- StringSet.union (StringSet.add f fset) (collect_succ_sets new_sucs r)
- let replace_ordering psucc_name sucs redord =
- let new_psucc_set = collect_succ_sets sucs redord in
-(* print_string_set new_psucc_set; *)
- replace_element psucc_name new_psucc_set redord
- let rec update pname redord =
- match redord with
- [] -> []
- | (f,fset)::r ->
- if pname=f then
- r
- else
- (f,fset)::(update pname r)
-(* rule construction *)
- let rec selectQ_rec spos_var csigmaQ =
- match csigmaQ with
- [] -> mk_var_term spos_var (* dynamic completion of csigmaQ *)
- | (var,term)::r ->
- if spos_var=var then
- term
- else
- selectQ_rec spos_var r
- let selectQ spos_name csigmaQ =
- let spos_var = spos_name^"_jprover" in
- selectQ_rec spos_var csigmaQ
- let apply_sigmaQ term sigmaQ =
- let sigma_vars,sigma_terms = List.split sigmaQ in
- (subst term sigma_vars sigma_terms)
- let build_rule pos spos csigmaQ orr_flag calculus =
- let inst_label = apply_sigmaQ (pos.label) csigmaQ in
- match pos.op,pos.pol with
- Null,_ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: no rule")
- | At,O -> Ax,(inst_label),xnil_term (* to give back a term *)
- | At,I -> Ax,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | And,O -> Andr,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | And,I -> Andl,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Or,O ->
- if calculus = "LJ" then
- let or_rule =
- if orr_flag = 1 then
- Orr1
- else
- Orr2
- in
- or_rule,(inst_label),xnil_term
- else
- Orr,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Or,I -> Orl,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Neg,O -> Negr,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Neg,I -> Negl,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Imp,O -> Impr,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | Imp,I -> Impl,(inst_label),xnil_term
- | All,I -> Alll,(inst_label),(selectQ csigmaQ) (* elements of csigmaQ is (string * term) *)
- | Ex,O -> Exr,(inst_label), (selectQ csigmaQ)
- | All,O -> Allr,(inst_label),(mk_string_term jprover_op (* must be a proper term *)
- | Ex,I -> Exl,(inst_label),(mk_string_term jprover_op (* must be a proper term *)
-(* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Split begin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *)
- let rec nonemptys treearray j n =
- if j = n then
- 0
- else
- let count =
- if (Array.get treearray j) <> Empty then
- 1
- else
- 0
- in
- count + (nonemptys treearray (j+1) n)
- let rec collect_pure ftreelist (flist,slist) =
- let rec collect_itpure ftree (flist,slist) =
- match ftree with
- Empty -> (* assumed that not all brother trees are Empty *)
- []
- | NodeAt(pos) -> (* that may NOT longer be an inner node *)
- if ((List.mem ( flist) or (List.mem ( slist)) then
- []
- else
- [pos]
- | NodeA(pos,treearray) ->
- collect_pure (Array.to_list treearray) (flist,slist)
- in
- match ftreelist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- (collect_itpure f (flist,slist)) @ (collect_pure r (flist,slist))
- let rec update_list testlist list =
- match testlist with
- [] -> list
- | f::r ->
- let newlist = delete f list in (* f may not occur in list; then newlist=list *)
- update_list r newlist
- let rec update_pairlist p pairlist =
- match pairlist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- if ((fst f) = p) or ((snd f) = p) then
- update_pairlist p r
- else
- f::(update_pairlist p r)
- let rec update_connections slist connections =
- match slist with
- [] -> connections
- | f::r ->
- let connew = update_pairlist f connections in
- update_connections r connew
- let rec update_redord delset redord = (* delset is the set of positions to be deleted *)
- match redord with
- [] -> []
- | (f,fset)::r ->
- if (StringSet.mem f delset) then
- update_redord delset r (* delete all key elements f from redord which are in delset *)
- else
- let new_fset = StringSet.diff fset delset in (* no successor of f from delset should remain in fset *)
- (f,new_fset)::(update_redord delset r)
- let rec get_position_names treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> []
- | deltree::rests ->
- match deltree with
- Empty -> get_position_names rests
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- ( rests
- | NodeA(pos,strees) ->
- ( ((Array.to_list strees) @ rests))
- let rec slist_to_set slist =
- match slist with
- [] ->
- StringSet.empty
- | f::r ->
- StringSet.add f (slist_to_set r)
- let rec print_purelist pr =
- match pr with
- [] ->
- begin
- print_string ".";
- print_endline " ";
- end
- | f::r ->
- print_string ((^", ");
- print_purelist r
- let update_relations deltree redord connections unsolved_list =
- let pure_names = get_position_names [deltree] in
- begin
-(* print_ftree deltree;
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline " ";
- print_stringlist pure_names;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- let rednew = update_redord (slist_to_set pure_names) redord
- and connew = update_connections pure_names connections
- and unsolnew = update_list pure_names unsolved_list in
- (rednew,connew,unsolnew)
- end
- let rec collect_qpos ftreelist uslist =
- match ftreelist with
- [] -> [],[]
- | ftree::rest ->
- match ftree with
- Empty ->
- collect_qpos rest uslist
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- let (rest_delta,rest_gamma) = collect_qpos rest uslist in
- if ( = Gamma_0) & (List.mem uslist) then
- rest_delta,(
- else
- if ( = Delta_0) & (List.mem uslist) then
- (,rest_gamma
- else
- rest_delta,rest_gamma
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let (rest_delta,rest_gamma) = collect_qpos ((Array.to_list suctrees) @ rest) uslist in
- if ( = Gamma_0) & (List.mem uslist) then
- rest_delta,(
- else
- if ( = Delta_0) & (List.mem uslist) then
- (,rest_gamma
- else
- rest_delta,rest_gamma
- let rec do_split gamma_diff sigmaQ =
- match sigmaQ with
- [] -> []
- | (v,term)::r ->
- if (List.mem (String.sub v 0 (String.index v '_')) gamma_diff) then
- do_split gamma_diff r
- else
- (v,term)::(do_split gamma_diff r)
-(* make a term list out of a bterm list *)
- let rec collect_subterms = function
- [] -> []
- | bt::r ->
- let dbt = dest_bterm bt in
- (dbt.bterm)::(collect_subterms r)
- let rec collect_delta_terms = function
- [] -> []
- | t::r ->
- let dt = dest_term t in
- let top = dt.term_op
- and tterms = dt.term_terms in
- let dop = dest_op top in
- let don = dest_opname dop.op_name in
- let doa = dest_param dop.op_params in
- match don with
- [] ->
- let sub_terms = collect_subterms tterms in
- collect_delta_terms (sub_terms @ r)
- | op1::opr ->
- if op1 = "jprover" then
- match doa with
- [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: delta position missing")
- | String delta::_ ->
- delta::(collect_delta_terms r)
- | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: delta position error")
- else
- let sub_terms = collect_subterms tterms in
- collect_delta_terms (sub_terms @ r)
- let rec check_delta_terms (v,term) ass_delta_diff dterms =
- match ass_delta_diff with
- [] -> term,[]
- | (var,dname)::r ->
- if List.mem dname dterms then
- let new_var =
- if var = "" then
- v
- else
- var
- in
- let replace_term = mk_string_term jprover_op dname in
- let next_term = var_subst term replace_term new_var in
- let (new_term,next_diffs) = check_delta_terms (v,next_term) r dterms in
- (new_term,((new_var,dname)::next_diffs))
- else
- let (new_term,next_diffs) = check_delta_terms (v,term) r dterms in
- (new_term,((var,dname)::next_diffs))
- let rec localize_sigma zw_sigma ass_delta_diff =
- match zw_sigma with
- [] -> []
- | (v,term)::r ->
- let dterms = collect_delta_terms [term] in
- let (new_term,new_ass_delta_diff) = check_delta_terms (v,term) ass_delta_diff dterms in
- (v,new_term)::(localize_sigma r new_ass_delta_diff)
- let subst_split ft1 ft2 ftree uslist1 uslist2 uslist sigmaQ =
- let delta,gamma = collect_qpos [ftree] uslist
- and delta1,gamma1 = collect_qpos [ft1] uslist1
- and delta2,gamma2 = collect_qpos [ft2] uslist2 in
- let delta_diff1 = list_diff delta delta1
- and delta_diff2 = list_diff delta delta2
- and gamma_diff1 = list_diff gamma gamma1
- and gamma_diff2 = list_diff gamma gamma2 in
- let zw_sigma1 = do_split gamma_diff1 sigmaQ
- and zw_sigma2 = do_split gamma_diff2 sigmaQ in
- let ass_delta_diff1 = (fun x -> ("",x)) delta_diff1
- and ass_delta_diff2 = (fun x -> ("",x)) delta_diff2 in
- let sigmaQ1 = localize_sigma zw_sigma1 ass_delta_diff1
- and sigmaQ2 = localize_sigma zw_sigma2 ass_delta_diff2 in
- (sigmaQ1,sigmaQ2)
- let rec reduce_tree addr actual_node ftree beta_flag =
- match addr with
- [] -> (ftree,Empty,actual_node,beta_flag)
- | a::radd ->
- match ftree with
- Empty ->
- print_endline "Empty purity tree";
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeAt(_) ->
- print_endline "Atom purity tree";
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeA(pos,strees) ->
-(* print_endline; *)
- (* the associated node occurs above f (or the empty address) and hence, is neither atom nor empty tree *)
- let nexttree = (Array.get strees (a-1)) in
- if (nonemptys strees 0 (Array.length strees)) < 2 then
- begin
-(* print_endline "strees 1 or non-empties < 2"; *)
- let (ft,dt,an,bf) = reduce_tree radd actual_node nexttree beta_flag in
- let nstrees = myset strees (a-1) ft in
-(* print_endline ("way back "^; *)
- (NodeA(pos,nstrees),dt,an,bf)
- end
- else (* nonemptys >= 2 *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "nonempties >= 2 "; *)
- let (new_act,new_bf) =
- if = Beta then
- (actual_node,true)
- else
- ((,false)
- in
- let (ft,dt,an,bf) = reduce_tree radd new_act nexttree new_bf in
- if an = then
- let nstrees = myset strees (a-1) Empty in
-(* print_endline ("way back assocnode "^; *)
- (NodeA(pos,nstrees),nexttree,an,bf)
- else (* has been replaced / will be replaced below / above pos *)
- let nstrees = myset strees (a-1) ft in
-(* print_endline ("way back "^; *)
- (NodeA(pos,nstrees),dt,an,bf)
- end
- let rec purity ftree redord connections unsolved_list =
- let rec purity_reduction pr ftree redord connections unsolved_list =
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline " ";
- print_purelist pr;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- match pr with
- [] -> (ftree,redord,connections,unsolved_list)
- | f::r ->
-(* print_endline ("pure position "^(; *)
- let (ftnew,deltree,assocn,beta_flag) = reduce_tree f.address "" ftree false
- in
-(* print_endline ("assoc node "^assocn); *)
- if assocn = "" then
- (Empty,[],[],[]) (* should not occur in the final version *)
- else
- let (rednew,connew,unsolnew) = update_relations deltree redord connections unsolved_list in
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline " ";
- print_pairlist connew;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- if beta_flag = true then
- begin
-(* print_endline "beta_flag true"; *)
- purity ftnew rednew connew unsolnew
- (* new pure positions may occur; old ones may not longer exist *)
- end
- else
- purity_reduction r ftnew rednew connew unsolnew (* let's finish the old pure positions *)
- end
- end
- in
- let flist,slist = List.split connections in
- let pr = collect_pure [ftree] (flist,slist) in
- purity_reduction pr ftree redord connections unsolved_list
- let rec betasplit addr ftree redord connections unsolved_list =
- match ftree with
- Empty ->
- print_endline "bsplit Empty tree";
- raise jprover_bug
- | NodeAt(_) ->
- print_endline "bsplit Atom tree";
- raise jprover_bug (* the beta-node should actually occur! *)
- | NodeA(pos,strees) ->
- match addr with
- [] -> (* we are at the beta node under consideration *)
- let st1tree = (Array.get strees 0)
- and st2tree = (Array.get strees 1) in
- let (zw1red,zw1conn,zw1uslist) = update_relations st2tree redord connections unsolved_list
- and (zw2red,zw2conn,zw2uslist) = update_relations st1tree redord connections unsolved_list in
- ((NodeA(pos,[|st1tree;Empty|])),zw1red,zw1conn,zw1uslist),
- ((NodeA(pos,[|Empty;st2tree|])),zw2red,zw2conn,zw2uslist)
- | f::rest ->
- let nexttree = Array.get strees (f-1) in
- let (zw1ft,zw1red,zw1conn,zw1uslist),(zw2ft,zw2red,zw2conn,zw2uslist) =
- betasplit rest nexttree redord connections unsolved_list in
-(* let scopytrees = Array.copy strees in *)
- let zw1trees = myset strees (f-1) zw1ft
- and zw2trees = myset strees (f-1) zw2ft in
- (NodeA(pos,zw1trees),zw1red,zw1conn,zw1uslist),(NodeA(pos,zw2trees),zw2red,zw2conn,zw2uslist)
- let split addr pname ftree redord connections unsolved_list opt_bproof =
- let (opt_bp1,min_con1),(opt_bp2,min_con2) = split_permutation pname opt_bproof in
- begin
- print_endline "Beta proof 1: ";
- print_endline "";
- print_beta_proof opt_bp1;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Beta proof 1 connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist min_con1;
- print_endline ".";
- Format.print_flush();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "Beta proof 2: ";
- print_endline "";
- print_beta_proof opt_bp2;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Beta proof 2 connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist min_con2;
- print_endline ".";
- Format.print_flush();
- print_endline "";
- let (zw1ft,zw1red,zw1conn,zw1uslist),(zw2ft,zw2red,zw2conn,zw2uslist) =
- betasplit addr ftree redord connections unsolved_list in
-(* zw1conn and zw2conn are not longer needed when using beta proofs *)
-(* print_endline "betasp_out"; *)
- let ft1,red1,conn1,uslist1 = purity zw1ft zw1red min_con1 zw1uslist in
-(* print_endline "purity_one_out"; *)
- let ft2,red2,conn2,uslist2 = purity zw2ft zw2red min_con2 zw2uslist in
-(* print_endline "purity_two_out"; *)
-(* again, min_con1 = conn1 and min_con2 = conn2 should hold *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Purity 1 connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist conn1;
- print_endline ".";
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Purity 2 connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist conn2;
- print_endline ".";
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- (ft1,red1,conn1,uslist1,opt_bp1),(ft2,red2,conn2,uslist2,opt_bp2)
- end
- end
-(* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Splitting end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *)
-(* for wait labels we collect all solved atoms with pol=0 *)
- let rec collect_solved_O_At ftreelist slist =
- match ftreelist with
- [] ->
- []
- | f::r ->
- match f with
- Empty -> (* may become possible after purity *)
- collect_solved_O_At r slist
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- if ((List.mem ( slist) or (pos.pol = I)) then (* recall slist is the unsolved list *)
- collect_solved_O_At r slist
- else
- (* here, we have pos solved and pos.pol = O) *)
- pos::(collect_solved_O_At r slist)
- | NodeA(pos,treearray) ->
- collect_solved_O_At ((Array.to_list treearray) @ r) slist
- let rec red_ord_block pname redord =
- match redord with
- [] -> false
- | (f,fset)::r ->
- if ((f = pname) or (not (StringSet.mem pname fset))) then
- red_ord_block pname r
- else
- true (* then, we have (StringSet.mem pname fset) *)
- let rec check_wait_succ_LJ faddress ftree =
- match ftree with
- Empty -> raise jprover_bug
- | NodeAt(pos) -> raise jprover_bug (* we have an gamma_0 position or an or-formula *)
- | NodeA(pos,strees) ->
- match faddress with
- [] ->
- if pos.op = Or then
- match (strees.(0),strees.(1)) with
- (Empty,Empty) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: redundancies occur")
- | (Empty,_) -> (false,2) (* determines the Orr2 rule *)
- | (_,Empty) -> (false,1) (* determines the Orr1 ruke *)
- | (_,_) -> (true,0) (* wait-label is set *)
- else
- (false,0)
- | f::r ->
- if r = [] then
- if ( = Gamma) & ((nonemptys strees 0 (Array.length strees)) > 1) then
- (true,0) (* we are at a gamma position (exr) with one than one successor -- wait label in LJ*)
- else
- check_wait_succ_LJ r (Array.get strees (f-1))
- else
- check_wait_succ_LJ r (Array.get strees (f-1))
- let blocked f po redord ftree connections slist logic calculus opt_bproof =
-(* print_endline ("Blocking check "^(; *)
- if (red_ord_block ( redord) then
- begin
-(* print_endline "wait-1 check positive"; *)
- true,0
- end
- else
- if logic = "C" then
- false,0 (* ready, in C only redord counts *)
- else
- let pa_O = collect_solved_O_At [ftree] slist (* solved atoms in ftree *)
- and po_test = (delete f po) in
- if calculus = "LJmc" then (* we provide dynamic wait labels for both sequent calculi *)
-(* print_endline "wait-2 check"; *)
- if ( = Psi_0) & ( <> PNull) &
- ((pa_O <> []) or (List.exists (fun x -> x.pol = O) po_test)) then
- begin
-(* print_endline "wait-2 positive"; *)
- true,0 (* wait_2 label *)
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline "wait-2 negative"; *)
- false,0
- end
- else (* calculus is supposed to be LJ *)
- if calculus = "LJ" then
- if (( = Phi_0) & ((f.op=Neg) or (f.op=Imp)) &
- ((pa_O <> []) or (List.exists (fun x -> x.pol = O) po_test))
- )
- (* this would cause an impl or negl rule with an non-empty succedent *)
- then
- if (f.op=Neg) then
- true,0
- else (* (f.op=Imp) *)
- (* In case of an impl rule on A => B, the wait_label must NOT be set
- iff all succedent formulae depend exclusively on B. For this, we
- perform a split operation and determine, if in the A-subgoal
- all succedent formulae are pure, i.e.~have been deleted from treds.
- Otherwise, in case of A-dependent succedent formulae, the
- wait_label must be set.
- *)
- let ((_,min_con1),_) = split_permutation opt_bproof in
- let slist_fake = delete slist in
- let ((zw1ft,zw1red,_,zw1uslist),_) =
- betasplit (f.address) ftree redord connections slist_fake in
- let ft1,_,_,uslist1 = purity zw1ft zw1red min_con1 zw1uslist in
-(* print_endline "wait label purity_one_out"; *)
- let ft1_root = (List.hd ( (tpredsucc f ft1))) in
-(* print_endline ("wait-root "^(; *)
- let po_fake = compute_open [ft1] uslist1 in
- let po_fake_test = delete ft1_root po_fake
- and pa_O_fake = collect_solved_O_At [ft1] uslist1 in
-(* print_purelist (po_fake_test @ pa_O_fake); *)
- if ((pa_O_fake <> []) or (List.exists (fun x -> x.pol = O) po_fake_test)) then
- true,0
- else
- false,0
- else
- if ((f.pol=O) & (( or (f.op=Or))) then
- let (bool,orr_flag) = check_wait_succ_LJ f.address ftree in
- (bool,orr_flag)
- (* here is determined if orr1 or orr2 will be performed, provided bool=false) *)
- (* orr_flag can be 1 or 2 *)
- else
- false,0
- else
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: calculus should be LJmc or LJ")
- let rec get_beta_preference list actual =
- match list with
- [] -> actual
- | (f,int)::r ->
- if f.op = Imp then
- (f,int)
- else
-(* if f.op = Or then
- get_beta_preference r (f,int)
- else
- get_beta_preference r actual
- exception Gamma_deadlock
- let rec select_pos search_po po redord ftree connections slist logic calculus candidates
- opt_bproof =
- match search_po with
- [] ->
- (match candidates with
- [] ->
- if calculus = "LJ" then
- raise Gamma_deadlock (* permutation may be necessary *)
- else
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: overall deadlock") (* this case should not occur *)
- | c::rest ->
- get_beta_preference (c::rest) c
- )
- | f::r -> (* there exist an open position *)
- let (bool,orr_flag) = (blocked f po redord ftree connections slist logic calculus
- opt_bproof)
- in
- if (bool = true) then
- select_pos r po redord ftree connections slist logic calculus candidates opt_bproof
- else
- if = Beta then
- (* search for non-splitting rules first *)
-(* let beta_candidate =
- if candidates = []
- then
- [(f,orr_flag)]
- else
- !!!! but preserve first found candidate !!!!!!!
- candidates
- in
- !!!!!!! this strategy is not sure the best -- back to old !!!!!!!!!
- select_pos r po redord ftree connections slist logic calculus
- ((f,orr_flag)::candidates) opt_bproof
- else
- (f,orr_flag)
-(* let rec get_position_in_tree pname treelist =
- match treelist with
- [] -> raise jprover_bug
- | f::r ->
- begin match f with
- Empty -> get_position_in_tree pname r
- | NodeAt(pos) ->
- if = pname then
- pos
- else
- get_position_in_tree pname r
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- get_position_in_tree pname ((Array.to_list suctrees) @ r)
- end
-(* total corresponds to tot in the thesis,
- tot simulates the while-loop, solve is the rest *)
- let rec total ftree redord connections csigmaQ slist logic calculus opt_bproof =
- let rec tot ftree redord connections po slist =
- let rec solve ftree redord connections p po slist (pred,succs) orr_flag =
- let newslist = delete ( slist in
- let rback =
- if = Gamma_0 then
- begin
-(* print_endline "that's the gamma rule"; *)
- [((,,(build_rule pred p csigmaQ orr_flag calculus))]
- end
- else
- []
- in
-(* print_endline "gamma check finish"; *)
- let pnew =
- if <> Beta then
- succs @ (delete p po)
- else
- po
- in
- match with
- Gamma ->
- rback @ (tot ftree redord connections pnew newslist)
- | Psi ->
- if p.op = At then
- let succ = List.hd succs in
- rback @ (solve ftree redord connections succ pnew newslist (p,[]) orr_flag) (* solve atoms immediately *)
- else
- rback @ (tot ftree redord connections pnew newslist)
- | Phi ->
- if p.op = At then
- let succ = List.hd succs in
- rback @ (solve ftree redord connections succ pnew newslist (p,[]) orr_flag) (* solve atoms immediately *)
- else
- rback @ (tot ftree redord connections pnew newslist)
- | PNull ->
- let new_redord = update redord in
- let (c1,c2) = select_connection ( connections newslist in
- if (c1= "none" & c2 ="none") then
- rback @ (tot ftree new_redord connections pnew newslist)
- else
- let (ass_pos,inst_pos) =
-(* need the pol=O position ass_pos of the connection for later permutation *)
-(* need the pol=I position inst_pos for NuPRL instantiation *)
- if = c1 then
- if p.pol = O then
- (c1,c2)
- else
- (c2,c1)
- else (* = c2 *)
- if p.pol = O then
- (c2,c1)
- else
- (c1,c2)
- in
- rback @ [(("",ass_pos),(build_rule p p csigmaQ orr_flag calculus))]
- (* one possibility of recursion end *)
- | Alpha ->
- rback @ ((("",,(build_rule p p csigmaQ orr_flag calculus))::(tot ftree redord connections pnew newslist))
- | Delta ->
- let sp = List.hd succs in
- rback @ ((("",,(build_rule p sp csigmaQ orr_flag calculus))::(tot ftree redord connections pnew newslist))
- | Beta ->
-(* print_endline "split_in"; *)
- let (ft1,red1,conn1,uslist1,opt_bproof1),(ft2,red2,conn2,uslist2,opt_bproof2) =
- split (p.address) ( ftree redord connections newslist opt_bproof in
- let (sigmaQ1,sigmaQ2) = subst_split ft1 ft2 ftree uslist1 uslist2 newslist csigmaQ in
-(* print_endline "split_out"; *)
- let p1 = total ft1 red1 conn1 sigmaQ1 uslist1 logic calculus opt_bproof1 in
-(* print_endline "compute p1 out"; *)
- let p2 = total ft2 red2 conn2 sigmaQ2 uslist2 logic calculus opt_bproof2 in
-(* print_endline "compute p2 out"; *)
- rback @ [(("",,(build_rule p p csigmaQ orr_flag calculus))] @ p1 @ p2 (* second possibility of recursion end *)
- in
- begin try
- let (p,orr_flag) = select_pos po po redord ftree connections slist logic
- calculus [] opt_bproof
- (* last argument for guiding selection strategy *)
- in
-(* print_endline ((^" "^(string_of_int orr_flag)); *)
- let predsuccs = tpredsucc p ftree in
- let pred = List.hd predsuccs
- and succs = predsuccs in
- let redpo = update ( redord in (* deletes the entry (p,psuccset) from the redord *)
- let rednew =
- if ( = Delta) then (* keep the tree ordering for the successor position only *)
- let psucc = List.hd succs in
- let ppsuccs = tpredsucc psucc ftree in
- let sucs = ppsuccs in
- replace_ordering ( sucs redpo (* union the succsets of psucc *)
- else
- redpo
- in
-(* print_endline "update ok"; *)
- solve ftree rednew connections p po slist (pred,succs) orr_flag
- with Gamma_deadlock ->
- let ljmc_subproof = total ftree redord connections csigmaQ slist "J" "LJmc" opt_bproof
- in
- eigen_counter := 1;
- permute_ljmc ftree po slist ljmc_subproof
- (* the permuaiton result will be appended to the lj proof constructed so far *)
- end
- in
- let po = compute_open [ftree] slist in
- tot ftree redord connections po slist
- let reconstruct ftree redord sigmaQ ext_proof logic calculus =
- let min_connections = remove_dups_connections ext_proof in
- let (opt_bproof,beta_exp,closures) = construct_opt_beta_proof ftree ext_proof in
-(* let connections = remove_dups_connections ext_proof in
- let bproof,beta_exp,closures = construct_beta_proof ftree connections in
- let (opt_bproof,min_connections) = bproof_purity bproof in
- if !debug_jprover then
- begin
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Beta proof with number of closures = "^(string_of_int closures)^" and number of beta expansions = "^(string_of_int beta_exp));
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_beta_proof bproof;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "Optimal beta proof: ";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_beta_proof opt_bproof;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Beta proof connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist min_connections;
- print_endline ".";
- Format.print_flush(); *)
- print_endline "";
- end;
- let (newroot_name,unsolved_list) = build_unsolved ftree in
- let redord2 = (update newroot_name redord) in (* otherwise we would have a deadlock *)
- let (init_tree,init_redord,init_connections,init_unsolved_list) =
- purity ftree redord2 min_connections unsolved_list in
- begin
-(* print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Purity connections: ");
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist init_connections;
- print_endline ".";
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
-(* it should hold: min_connections = init_connections *)
- total init_tree init_redord init_connections sigmaQ
- init_unsolved_list logic calculus opt_bproof
- end
-(* ***************** REDUCTION ORDERING -- both types **************************** *)
- exception Reflexive
- let rec transitive_irreflexive_closure addset const ordering =
- match ordering with
- [] ->
- []
- | (pos,fset)::r ->
- if (pos = const) or (StringSet.mem const fset) then
-(* check reflexsivity during transitive closure wrt. addset ONLY!!! *)
- if StringSet.mem pos addset then
- raise Reflexive
- else
- (pos,(StringSet.union fset addset))::(transitive_irreflexive_closure addset const r)
- else
- (pos,fset)::(transitive_irreflexive_closure addset const r)
- let rec search_set var ordering =
-(* print_endline var; *)
- match ordering with
- [] ->
- raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: element in ordering missing")
- | (pos,fset)::r ->
- if pos = var then
- StringSet.add pos fset
- else
- search_set var r
- let add_sets var const ordering =
- let addset = search_set var ordering in
- transitive_irreflexive_closure addset const ordering
-(* ************* J ordering ********************************************** *)
- let rec add_arrowsJ (v,vlist) ordering =
- match vlist with
- [] -> ordering
- | f::r ->
- if ((String.get f 0)='c') then
- let new_ordering = add_sets v f ordering in
- add_arrowsJ (v,r) new_ordering
- else
- add_arrowsJ (v,r) ordering
- let rec add_substJ replace_vars replace_string ordering atom_rel =
- match replace_vars with
- [] -> ordering
- | v::r ->
- if (String.get v 1 = 'n') (* don't integrate new variables *)
- or (List.exists (fun (x,_,_) -> (x.aname = v)) atom_rel) then (* no reduction ordering at atoms *)
- (add_substJ r replace_string ordering atom_rel)
- else
- let next_ordering = add_arrowsJ (v,replace_string) ordering in
- (add_substJ r replace_string next_ordering atom_rel)
- let build_orderingJ replace_vars replace_string ordering atom_rel =
- try
- add_substJ replace_vars replace_string ordering atom_rel
- with Reflexive -> (* only possible in the FO case *)
- raise Not_unifiable (*search for alternative string unifiers *)
- let rec build_orderingJ_list substJ ordering atom_rel =
- match substJ with
- [] -> ordering
- | (v,vlist)::r ->
- let next_ordering = build_orderingJ [v] vlist ordering atom_rel in
- build_orderingJ_list r next_ordering atom_rel
-(* ************* J ordering END ********************************************** *)
-(* ************* quantifier ordering ********************************************** *)
- let rec add_arrowsQ v clist ordering =
- match clist with
- [] -> ordering
- | f::r ->
- let new_ordering = add_sets v f ordering in
- add_arrowsQ v r new_ordering
- let rec print_sigmaQ sigmaQ =
- match sigmaQ with
- [] ->
- print_endline "."
- | (v,term)::r ->
- begin
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline " ";
- print_string (v^" = ");
- print_term stdout term;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- print_sigmaQ r
- end
- let rec print_term_list tlist =
- match tlist with
- [] -> print_string "."
- | t::r ->
- begin
- print_term stdout t;
- print_string " ";
- print_term_list r
- end
- let rec add_sigmaQ new_elements ordering =
- match new_elements with
- [] -> ([],ordering)
- | (v,termlist)::r ->
- let dterms = collect_delta_terms termlist in
- begin
- let new_ordering = add_arrowsQ v dterms ordering in
- let (rest_pairs,rest_ordering) = add_sigmaQ r new_ordering in
- ((v,dterms)::rest_pairs),rest_ordering
- end
- let build_orderingQ new_elements ordering =
-(* new_elements is of type (string * term list) list, since one variable can receive more than *)
-(* a single term due to substitution multiplication *)
- try
-(* print_endline "build orderingQ in"; *) (* apple *)
- add_sigmaQ new_elements ordering;
- with Reflexive ->
- raise Failed (* new connection, please *)
-(* ************* quantifier ordering END ********************************************** *)
-(* ****** Quantifier unification ************** *)
-(* For multiplication we assume always idempotent substitutions sigma, tau! *)
- let rec collect_assoc inst_vars tauQ =
- match inst_vars with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let f_term = List.assoc f tauQ in
- f_term::(collect_assoc r tauQ)
- let rec rec_apply sigmaQ tauQ tau_vars tau_terms =
- match sigmaQ with
- [] -> [],[]
- | (v,term)::r ->
- let app_term = subst term tau_vars tau_terms in
- let old_free = free_vars_list term
- and new_free = free_vars_list app_term in
- let inst_vars = list_diff old_free new_free in
- let inst_terms = collect_assoc inst_vars tauQ in
- let (rest_sigma,rest_sigma_ordering) = rec_apply r tauQ tau_vars tau_terms in
- if inst_terms = [] then
- ((v,app_term)::rest_sigma),rest_sigma_ordering
- else
- let ordering_v = String.sub v 0 (String.index v '_') in
- ((v,app_term)::rest_sigma),((ordering_v,inst_terms)::rest_sigma_ordering)
-(* let multiply sigmaQ tauQ =
- let tau_vars,tau_terms = List.split tauQ
- and sigma_vars,sigma_terms = List.split sigmaQ in
- let apply_terms = rec_apply sigma_terms tau_vars tau_terms in
- (List.combine sigma_vars apply_terms) @ tauQ
- let multiply sigmaQ tauQ =
- let (tau_vars,tau_terms) = List.split tauQ in
- let (new_sigmaQ,sigma_ordering) = rec_apply sigmaQ tauQ tau_vars tau_terms in
- let tau_ordering_terms = ( (fun x -> [x]) tau_terms) (* for extending ordering_elements *) in
- let tau_ordering_vars = ( (fun x -> String.sub x 0 (String.index x '_')) tau_vars) in
- let tau_ordering = (List.combine tau_ordering_vars tau_ordering_terms) in
- ((new_sigmaQ @ tauQ),
- (sigma_ordering @ tau_ordering)
- )
- let apply_2_sigmaQ term1 term2 sigmaQ =
- let sigma_vars,sigma_terms = List.split sigmaQ in
- (subst term1 sigma_vars sigma_terms),(subst term2 sigma_vars sigma_terms)
- let jqunify term1 term2 sigmaQ =
- let app_term1,app_term2 = apply_2_sigmaQ term1 term2 sigmaQ in
- try
- let tauQ = unify_mm app_term1 app_term2 StringSet.empty in
- let (mult,oel) = multiply sigmaQ tauQ in
- (mult,oel)
- with
- RefineError _ -> (* any unification failure *)
-(* print_endline "fo-unification fail"; *)
- raise Failed (* new connection, please *)
-(* ************ T-STRING UNIFICATION ******************************** *)
- let rec combine subst (ov,oslist) =
- match subst with
- [] -> [],[]
- | f::r ->
- let (v,slist) = f in
- let rest_vlist,rest_combine = (combine r (ov,oslist)) in
- if (List.mem ov slist) then (* subst assumed to be idemponent *)
- let com_element = com_subst slist (ov,oslist) in
- (v::rest_vlist),((v,com_element)::rest_combine)
- else
- (rest_vlist,(f::rest_combine))
- let compose sigma one_subst =
- let (n,subst)=sigma
- and (ov,oslist) = one_subst in
- let (trans_vars,com) = combine subst (ov,oslist)
- in
-(* begin
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!!test print!!!!!!!!!!";
- print_subst [one_subst];
- print_subst subst;
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!! END test print!!!!!!!!!!";
- if List.mem one_subst subst then
- (trans_vars,(n,com))
- else
-(* ov may multiply as variable in subst with DIFFERENT values *)
-(* in order to avoid explicit atom instances!!! *)
- (trans_vars,(n,(com @ [one_subst])))
-(* end *)
- let rec apply_element fs ft (v,slist) =
- match (fs,ft) with
- ([],[]) ->
- ([],[])
- | ([],(ft_first::ft_rest)) ->
- let new_ft_first =
- if ft_first = v then
- slist
- else
- [ft_first]
- in
- let (emptylist,new_ft_rest) = apply_element [] ft_rest (v,slist) in
- (emptylist,(new_ft_first @ new_ft_rest))
- | ((fs_first::fs_rest),[]) ->
- let new_fs_first =
- if fs_first = v then
- slist
- else
- [fs_first]
- in
- let (new_fs_rest,emptylist) = apply_element fs_rest [] (v,slist) in
- ((new_fs_first @ new_fs_rest),emptylist)
- | ((fs_first::fs_rest),(ft_first::ft_rest)) ->
- let new_fs_first =
- if fs_first = v then
- slist
- else
- [fs_first]
- and new_ft_first =
- if ft_first = v then
- slist
- else
- [ft_first]
- in
- let (new_fs_rest,new_ft_rest) = apply_element fs_rest ft_rest (v,slist) in
- ((new_fs_first @ new_fs_rest),(new_ft_first @ new_ft_rest))
- let rec shorten us ut =
- match (us,ut) with
- ([],_) -> (us,ut)
- | (_,[]) -> (us,ut)
- | ((fs::rs),(ft::rt)) ->
- if fs = ft then
- shorten rs rt
- else
- (us,ut)
- let rec apply_subst_list eq_rest (v,slist) =
- match eq_rest with
- [] ->
- (true,[])
- | (atomnames,(fs,ft))::r ->
- let (n_fs,n_ft) = apply_element fs ft (v,slist) in
- let (new_fs,new_ft) = shorten n_fs n_ft in (* delete equal first elements *)
- match (new_fs,new_ft) with
- [],[] ->
- let (bool,new_eq_rest) = apply_subst_list r (v,slist) in
- (bool,((atomnames,([],[]))::new_eq_rest))
- | [],(fft::rft) ->
- if (is_const fft) then
- (false,[])
- else
- let (bool,new_eq_rest) = apply_subst_list r (v,slist) in
- (bool,((atomnames,([],new_ft))::new_eq_rest))
- | (ffs::rfs),[] ->
- if (is_const ffs) then
- (false,[])
- else
- let (bool,new_eq_rest) = apply_subst_list r (v,slist) in
- (bool,((atomnames,(new_fs,[]))::new_eq_rest))
- | (ffs::rfs),(fft::rft) ->
- if (is_const ffs) & (is_const fft) then
- (false,[])
- (* different first constants cause local fail *)
- else
- (* at least one of firsts is a variable *)
- let (bool,new_eq_rest) = apply_subst_list r (v,slist) in
- (bool,((atomnames,(new_fs,new_ft))::new_eq_rest))
- let apply_subst eq_rest (v,slist) atomnames =
- if (List.mem v atomnames) then (* don't apply subst to atom variables !! *)
- (true,eq_rest)
- else
- apply_subst_list eq_rest (v,slist)
- let all_variable_check eqlist = false (* needs some discussion with Jens! -- NOT done *)
- let rec all_variable_check eqlist =
- match eqlist with
- [] -> true
- | ((_,(fs,ft))::rest_eq) ->
- if (fs <> []) & (ft <> []) then
- let fs_first = List.hd fs
- and ft_first = List.hd ft
- in
- if (is_const fs_first) or (is_const ft_first) then
- false
- else
- all_variable_check rest_eq
- else
- false
- let rec tunify_list eqlist init_sigma orderingQ atom_rel =
- let rec tunify atomnames fs ft rt rest_eq sigma ordering =
- let apply_r1 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r1"; *)
- tunify_list rest_eq sigma ordering atom_rel
- in
- let apply_r2 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r2"; *)
- tunify atomnames rt fs ft rest_eq sigma ordering
- in
- let apply_r3 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r3"; *)
- let rfs = ( fs)
- and rft = ( rt) in
- tunify atomnames rfs ft rft rest_eq sigma ordering
- in
- let apply_r4 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r4"; *)
- tunify atomnames rt ft fs rest_eq sigma ordering
- in
- let apply_r5 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r5"; *)
- let v = (List.hd fs) in
- let (compose_vars,new_sigma) = compose sigma (v,ft) in
- let (bool,new_rest_eq) = apply_subst rest_eq (v,ft) atomnames in
- if (bool=false) then
- raise Not_unifiable
- else
- let new_ordering = build_orderingJ (v::compose_vars) ft ordering atom_rel in
- tunify atomnames ( fs) rt rt new_rest_eq new_sigma new_ordering
- in
- let apply_r6 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r6"; *)
- let v = (List.hd fs) in
- let (_,new_sigma) = (compose sigma (v,[])) in
- let (bool,new_rest_eq) = apply_subst rest_eq (v,[]) atomnames in
- if (bool=false) then
- raise Not_unifiable
- else
- (* no relation update since [] has been replaced for v *)
- tunify atomnames ( fs) ft rt new_rest_eq new_sigma ordering
- in
- let apply_r7 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r7"; *)
- let v = (List.hd fs)
- and c1 = (List.hd rt)
- and c2t =( rt) in
- let (compose_vars,new_sigma) = (compose sigma (v,(ft @ [c1]))) in
- let (bool,new_rest_eq) = apply_subst rest_eq (v,(ft @ [c1])) atomnames in
- if bool=false then
- raise Not_unifiable
- else
- let new_ordering = build_orderingJ (v::compose_vars) (ft @ [c1]) ordering atom_rel in
- tunify atomnames ( fs) [] c2t new_rest_eq new_sigma new_ordering
- in
- let apply_r8 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r8"; *)
- tunify atomnames rt [(List.hd fs)] ( fs) rest_eq sigma ordering
- in
- let apply_r9 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r9"; *)
- let v = (List.hd fs)
- and (max,subst) = sigma in
- let v_new = ("vnew"^(string_of_int max)) in
- let (compose_vars,new_sigma) = (compose ((max+1),subst) (v,(ft @ [v_new]))) in
- let (bool,new_rest_eq) = apply_subst rest_eq (v,(ft @ [v_new])) atomnames in
- if (bool=false) then
- raise Not_unifiable
- else
- let new_ordering =
- build_orderingJ (v::compose_vars) (ft @ [v_new]) ordering atom_rel in
- tunify atomnames rt [v_new] ( fs) new_rest_eq new_sigma new_ordering
- in
- let apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma =
-(* print_endline "r10"; *)
- let x = List.hd rt in
- tunify atomnames fs (ft @ [x]) ( rt) rest_eq sigma ordering
- in
- if r_1 fs ft rt then
- apply_r1 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else if r_2 fs ft rt then
- apply_r2 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else if r_3 fs ft rt then
- apply_r3 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else if r_4 fs ft rt then
- apply_r4 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else if r_5 fs ft rt then
- apply_r5 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else if r_6 fs ft rt then
- (try
- apply_r6 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- with Not_unifiable ->
- if r_7 fs ft rt then (* r7 applicable if r6 was and tr6 = C2t' *)
- (try
- apply_r7 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- with Not_unifiable ->
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma (* r10 always applicable if r6 was *)
- )
- else
-(* r10 could be represented only once if we would try it before r7.*)
-(* but looking at the transformation rules, r10 should be tried at last in any case *)
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma (* r10 always applicable r6 was *)
- )
- else if r_7 fs ft rt then (* not r6 and r7 possible if z <> [] *)
- (try
- apply_r7 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- with Not_unifiable ->
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma (* r10 always applicable if r7 was *)
- )
- else if r_8 fs ft rt then
- (try
- apply_r8 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- with Not_unifiable ->
- if r_10 fs ft rt then (* r10 applicable if r8 was and tr8 <> [] *)
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else
- raise Not_unifiable (* simply back propagation *)
- )
- else if r_9 fs ft rt then
- (try
- apply_r9 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- with Not_unifiable ->
- if r_10 fs ft rt then (* r10 applicable if r9 was and tr9 <> [] *)
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else
- raise Not_unifiable (* simply back propagation *)
- )
- else
- if r_10 fs ft rt then (* not ri, i<10, and r10 possible if for instance *)
- (* (s=[] and x=v1) or (z<>[] and xt=C1V1t') *)
- apply_r10 fs ft rt rest_eq sigma
- else (* NO rule applicable *)
- raise Not_unifiable
- in
- match eqlist with
- [] ->
- init_sigma,orderingQ
- | f::rest_eq ->
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_equations [f];
- Format.print_flush ();
- let (atomnames,(fs,ft)) = f in
- tunify atomnames fs [] ft rest_eq init_sigma orderingQ
- end
-let rec test_apply_eq atomnames eqs eqt subst =
- match subst with
- [] -> (eqs,eqt)
- | (f,flist)::r ->
- let (first_appl_eqs,first_appl_eqt) =
- if List.mem f atomnames then
- (eqs,eqt)
- else
- (apply_element eqs eqt (f,flist))
- in
- test_apply_eq atomnames first_appl_eqs first_appl_eqt r
-let rec test_apply_eqsubst eqlist subst =
- match eqlist with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let (atomnames,(eqs,eqt)) = f in
- let applied_element = test_apply_eq atomnames eqs eqt subst in
- (atomnames,applied_element)::(test_apply_eqsubst r subst)
-let ttest us ut ns nt eqlist orderingQ atom_rel =
- let (short_us,short_ut) = shorten us ut in (* apply intial rule R3 *)
- (* to eliminate common beginning *)
- let new_element = ([ns;nt],(short_us,short_ut)) in
- let full_eqlist =
- if List.mem new_element eqlist then
- eqlist
- else
- new_element::eqlist
- in
- let (sigma,_) = tunify_list full_eqlist (1,[]) orderingQ atom_rel in
- let (n,subst) = sigma in
- let test_apply = test_apply_eqsubst full_eqlist subst in
- begin
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "Final equations:";
- print_equations full_eqlist;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "Final substitution:";
- print_tunify sigma;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "Applied equations:";
- print_equations test_apply
- end
-let do_stringunify us ut ns nt equations fo_eqlist orderingQ atom_rel qmax =
- let (short_us,short_ut) = shorten us ut in (* apply intial rule R3 to eliminate common beginning *)
- let new_element = ([ns;nt],(short_us,short_ut)) in
- let full_eqlist =
- if List.mem new_element equations then
- equations @ fo_eqlist
- else
- (new_element::equations) @ fo_eqlist
- in
- try
-(* print_equations full_eqlist; *)
-(* max-1 new variables have been used for the domain equations *)
- let (new_sigma,new_ordering) = tunify_list full_eqlist (1,[]) orderingQ atom_rel in
-(* sigmaQ will not be returned in eqlist *)
- (new_sigma,(qmax,full_eqlist),new_ordering)
- with Not_unifiable ->
- raise Failed (* new connection please *)
-let rec one_equation gprefix dlist delta_0_prefixes n =
- match dlist with
- [] -> ([],n)
- | f::r ->
- let fprefix = List.assoc f delta_0_prefixes in
- let (sf1,sg) = shorten fprefix gprefix
- and v_new = ("vnewq"^(string_of_int n)) in
- let fnew = sf1 @ [v_new] in
- let (rest_equations,new_n) = one_equation gprefix r delta_0_prefixes (n+1) in
- (([],(fnew,sg))::rest_equations),new_n
-let rec make_domain_equations fo_pairs (gamma_0_prefixes,delta_0_prefixes) n =
- match fo_pairs with
- [] -> ([],n)
- | (g,dlist)::r ->
- let gprefix = List.assoc g gamma_0_prefixes in
- let (gequations,max) = one_equation gprefix dlist delta_0_prefixes n in
- let (rest_equations,new_max) =
- make_domain_equations r (gamma_0_prefixes,delta_0_prefixes) max in
- (gequations @ rest_equations),new_max
-(* type of one unifier: int * ((string * string list) list) *)
-(* global failure: (0,[]) *)
-let stringunify ext_atom try_one eqlist fo_pairs logic orderingQ atom_rel qprefixes =
- if logic = "C" then
- ((0,[]),(0,[]),orderingQ)
- else
- let (qmax,equations) = eqlist
- and us = ext_atom.aprefix
- and ut = try_one.aprefix
- and ns = ext_atom.aname
- and nt = try_one.aname in
- if qprefixes = ([],[]) then (* prop case *)
- begin
-(* print_endline "This is the prop case"; *)
- let (new_sigma,new_eqlist) = Jtunify.do_stringunify us ut ns nt equations
- (* prop unification only *)
- in
- (new_sigma,new_eqlist,[]) (* assume the empty reduction ordering during proof search *)
- end
- else
- begin
-(* print_endline "This is the FO case"; *)
-(* fo_eqlist encodes the domain condition on J quantifier substitutions *)
-(* Again, always computed for the whole substitution sigmaQ *)
- let (fo_eqlist,new_max) = make_domain_equations fo_pairs qprefixes qmax in
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_string "domain equations in";
- print_equations fo_eqlist;
- print_string "domain equations out";
- Format.print_flush ();
- do_stringunify us ut ns nt equations fo_eqlist orderingQ atom_rel new_max
- end
- end
-(**************************************** add multiplicity *********************************)
-let rec subst_replace subst_list t =
- match subst_list with
- [] -> t
- | (old_t,new_t)::r ->
- let inter_term = var_subst t old_t "dummy" in
- let new_term = subst1 inter_term "dummy" new_t in
- subst_replace r new_term
-let rename_pos x m =
- let pref = String.get x 0 in
- (Char.escaped pref)^(string_of_int m)
-let update_position position m replace_n subst_list mult =
- let ({name=x; address=y; op=z; pol=p; pt=a; st=b; label=t}) = position in
- let nx = rename_pos x m in
- let nsubst_list =
- if b=Gamma_0 then
- let vx = mk_var_term (x^"_jprover")
- and vnx = mk_var_term (nx^"_jprover") in
- (vx,vnx)::subst_list
- else
- if b=Delta_0 then
- let sx = mk_string_term jprover_op x
- and snx = mk_string_term jprover_op nx in
- (sx,snx)::subst_list
- else
- subst_list
- in
- let nt = subst_replace nsubst_list t in
- let add_array = Array.of_list y in
- let _ = (add_array.(replace_n) <- mult) in
- let new_add = Array.to_list add_array in
- ({name=nx; address=new_add; op=z; pol=p; pt=a; st=b; label=nt},m,nsubst_list)
-let rec append_orderings list_of_lists =
- match list_of_lists with
- [] ->
- []
- | f::r ->
- f @ (append_orderings r)
-let rec union_orderings first_orderings =
- match first_orderings with
- [] ->
- StringSet.empty
- | (pos,fset)::r ->
- StringSet.union (StringSet.add pos fset) (union_orderings r)
-let rec select_orderings add_orderings =
- match add_orderings with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- (List.hd f)::select_orderings r
-let combine_ordering_list add_orderings pos_name =
- let first_orderings = select_orderings add_orderings in
- let pos_succs = union_orderings first_orderings in
- let rest_orderings = append_orderings add_orderings in
- (pos_name,pos_succs)::rest_orderings
-let rec copy_and_rename_tree last_tree replace_n pos_n mult subst_list =
- let rec rename_subtrees tree_list nposition s_pos_n nsubst_list =
- match tree_list with
- [] -> ([||],[],s_pos_n)
- | f::r ->
- let (f_subtree,f_ordering,f_pos_n) =
- copy_and_rename_tree f replace_n s_pos_n mult nsubst_list in
- let (r_subtrees,r_ordering_list,r_pos_n) = rename_subtrees r nposition f_pos_n nsubst_list in
- ((Array.append [|f_subtree|] r_subtrees),(f_ordering::r_ordering_list),r_pos_n)
- in
- match last_tree with
- Empty -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: copy tree")
- | NodeAt(position) -> (* can never be a Gamma_0 position -> no replacements *)
- let (nposition,npos_n,_) = update_position position (pos_n+1) replace_n subst_list mult in
- ((NodeAt(nposition)),[(,StringSet.empty)],npos_n)
- | NodeA(position, suctrees) ->
- let (nposition,npos_n,nsubst_list) = update_position position (pos_n+1) replace_n subst_list mult in
- let (new_suctrees, new_ordering_list, new_pos_n) =
- rename_subtrees (Array.to_list suctrees) nposition npos_n nsubst_list in
- let new_ordering = combine_ordering_list new_ordering_list ( in
- ((NodeA(nposition,new_suctrees)),new_ordering,new_pos_n)
-(* we construct for each pos a list orderings representing and correspondning to the array of succtrees *)
-let rec add_multiplicity ftree pos_n mult logic =
- let rec parse_subtrees tree_list s_pos_n =
- match tree_list with
- [] -> ([||],[],s_pos_n)
- | f::r ->
- let (f_subtree,f_ordering,f_pos_n) = add_multiplicity f s_pos_n mult logic in
- let (r_subtrees,r_ordering_list,r_pos_n) = parse_subtrees r f_pos_n in
- ((Array.append [|f_subtree|] r_subtrees),(f_ordering::r_ordering_list),r_pos_n)
- in
- match ftree with
- Empty -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: add mult")
- | NodeAt(pos) -> (ftree,[(,StringSet.empty)],pos_n)
- | NodeA(pos,suctrees) ->
- let (new_suctrees, new_ordering_list, new_pos_n) = parse_subtrees (Array.to_list suctrees) pos_n in
- if ((( = Phi) & (((pos.op <> At) & (logic="J")) or ((pos.op = All) & (logic = "C"))))
- (* no explicit atom-instances *)
- or (( = Gamma) & ( <> Phi_0))) then (* universal quantifiers are copied *)
- (* at their Phi positions *)
- let replace_n = (List.length pos.address) (* points to the following argument in the array_of_address *)
- and last = (Array.length new_suctrees) - 1 in (* array first element has index 0 *)
- let last_tree = new_suctrees.(last) in
- let (add_tree,add_ordering,final_pos_n) =
- copy_and_rename_tree last_tree replace_n new_pos_n mult [] in
- let final_suctrees = Array.append new_suctrees [|add_tree|]
- and add_orderings = List.append new_ordering_list [add_ordering] in
- let final_ordering = combine_ordering_list add_orderings ( in
- ((NodeA(pos,final_suctrees)),final_ordering,final_pos_n)
- else
- let final_ordering = combine_ordering_list new_ordering_list ( in
- ((NodeA(pos,new_suctrees)),final_ordering,new_pos_n)
-(************** Path checker ****************************************************)
-let rec get_sets atom atom_sets =
- match atom_sets with
- [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover bug: atom not found")
- | f::r ->
- let (a,b,c) = f in
- if atom = a then f
- else
- get_sets atom r
-let rec get_connections a alpha tabulist =
- match alpha with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- if (a.apredicate = f.apredicate) & (a.apol <> f.apol) & (not (List.mem f tabulist)) then
- (a,f)::(get_connections a r tabulist)
- else
- (get_connections a r tabulist)
-let rec connections atom_rel tabulist =
- match atom_rel with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let (a,alpha,beta) = f in
- (get_connections a alpha tabulist) @ (connections r (a::tabulist))
-let check_alpha_relation atom set atom_sets =
- let (a,alpha,beta) = get_sets atom atom_sets in
- AtomSet.subset set alpha
-let rec extset atom_sets path closed =
- match atom_sets with
- [] -> AtomSet.empty
- | f::r ->
- let (at,alpha,beta) = f in
- if (AtomSet.subset path alpha) & (AtomSet.subset closed beta) then
- AtomSet.add at (extset r path closed)
- else
- (extset r path closed)
-let rec check_ext_list ext_list fail_set atom_sets = (* fail_set consists of one atom only *)
- match ext_list with
- [] -> AtomSet.empty
- | f::r ->
- if (check_alpha_relation f fail_set atom_sets) then
- AtomSet.add f (check_ext_list r fail_set atom_sets)
- else
- (check_ext_list r fail_set atom_sets)
-let fail_ext_set ext_atom ext_set atom_sets =
- let ext_list = AtomSet.elements ext_set
- and fail_set = AtomSet.add ext_atom AtomSet.empty in
- check_ext_list ext_list fail_set atom_sets
-let rec ext_partners con path ext_atom (reduction_partners,extension_partners) atom_sets =
- match con with
- [] ->
- (reduction_partners,extension_partners)
- | f::r ->
- let (a,b) = f in
- if List.mem ext_atom [a;b] then
- let ext_partner =
- if ext_atom = a then b else a
- in
- let (new_red_partners,new_ext_partners) =
-(* force reduction steps first *)
- if (AtomSet.mem ext_partner path) then
- ((AtomSet.add ext_partner reduction_partners),extension_partners)
- else
- if (check_alpha_relation ext_partner path atom_sets) then
- (reduction_partners,(AtomSet.add ext_partner extension_partners))
- else
- (reduction_partners,extension_partners)
- in
- ext_partners r path ext_atom (new_red_partners,new_ext_partners) atom_sets
- else
- ext_partners r path ext_atom (reduction_partners,extension_partners) atom_sets
-exception Failed_connections
-let path_checker atom_rel atom_sets qprefixes init_ordering logic =
- let con = connections atom_rel [] in
- let rec provable path closed (orderingQ,reduction_ordering) eqlist (sigmaQ,sigmaJ) =
- let rec check_connections (reduction_partners,extension_partners) ext_atom =
- let try_one =
- if reduction_partners = AtomSet.empty then
- if extension_partners = AtomSet.empty then
- raise Failed_connections
- else
- AtomSet.choose extension_partners
- else
- (* force reduction steps always first!! *)
- AtomSet.choose reduction_partners
- in
-(* print_endline ("connection partner "^(try_one.aname)); *)
-(* print_endline ("partner path "^(print_set path));
- (try
- let (new_sigmaQ,new_ordering_elements) = jqunify (ext_atom.alabel) (try_one.alabel) sigmaQ in
-(* build the orderingQ incrementally from the new added substitution tau of new_sigmaQ *)
- let (relate_pairs,new_orderingQ) = build_orderingQ new_ordering_elements orderingQ in
-(* we make in incremental reflexivity test during the string unification *)
- let (new_sigmaJ,new_eqlist,new_red_ordering) =
-(* new_red_ordering = [] in propositional case *)
- stringunify ext_atom try_one eqlist relate_pairs logic new_orderingQ atom_rel qprefixes
- in
-(* print_endline ("make reduction ordering "^((string_of_int (List.length new_ordering)))); *)
- let new_closed = AtomSet.add ext_atom closed in
- let ((next_orderingQ,next_red_ordering),next_eqlist,(next_sigmaQ,next_sigmaJ),subproof) =
- if AtomSet.mem try_one path then
- provable path new_closed (new_orderingQ,new_red_ordering) new_eqlist (new_sigmaQ,new_sigmaJ)
- (* always use old first-order ordering for recursion *)
- else
- let new_path = AtomSet.add ext_atom path
- and extension = AtomSet.add try_one AtomSet.empty in
- let ((norderingQ,nredordering),neqlist,(nsigmaQ,nsigmaJ),p1) =
- provable new_path extension (new_orderingQ,new_red_ordering) new_eqlist (new_sigmaQ,new_sigmaJ) in
- let ((nnorderingQ,nnredordering),nneqlist,(nnsigmaQ,nnsigmaJ),p2) =
- provable path new_closed (norderingQ,nredordering) neqlist (nsigmaQ,nsigmaJ) in
- ((nnorderingQ,nnredordering),nneqlist,(nnsigmaQ,nnsigmaJ),(p1 @ p2))
- (* first the extension subgoals = depth first; then other subgoals in same clause *)
- in
- ((next_orderingQ,next_red_ordering),next_eqlist,(next_sigmaQ,next_sigmaJ),(((ext_atom.aname),(try_one.aname))::subproof))
- with Failed ->
-(* print_endline ("new connection for "^(ext_atom.aname)); *)
-(* print_endline ("Failed"); *)
- check_connections ((AtomSet.remove try_one reduction_partners),
- (AtomSet.remove try_one extension_partners)
- ) ext_atom
- )
- in
- let rec check_extension extset =
- if extset = AtomSet.empty then
- raise Failed (* go directly to a new entry connection *)
- else
- let select_one = AtomSet.choose extset in
-(* print_endline ("extension literal "^(select_one.aname)); *)
-(* print_endline ("extension path "^(print_set path));*)
- let (reduction_partners,extension_partners) =
- ext_partners con path select_one (AtomSet.empty,AtomSet.empty) atom_sets in
- (try
- check_connections (reduction_partners,extension_partners) select_one
- with Failed_connections ->
-(* print_endline ("no connections for subgoal "^(select_one.aname)); *)
-(* print_endline ("Failed_connections"); *)
- let fail_ext_set = fail_ext_set select_one extset atom_sets in
- check_extension fail_ext_set
- )
- in
- let extset = extset atom_sets path closed in
- if extset = AtomSet.empty then
- ((orderingQ,reduction_ordering),eqlist,(sigmaQ,sigmaJ),[])
- else
- check_extension extset
- in
- if qprefixes = ([],[]) then
- begin
-(* print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!! prop prover !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; *)
-(* in the propositional case, the reduction ordering will be computed AFTER proof search *)
- let (_,eqlist,(_,(n,substJ)),ext_proof) =
- provable AtomSet.empty AtomSet.empty ([],[]) (1,[]) ([],(1,[])) in
- let orderingJ = build_orderingJ_list substJ init_ordering atom_rel in
- ((init_ordering,orderingJ),eqlist,([],(n,substJ)),ext_proof)
- end
- else
- provable AtomSet.empty AtomSet.empty (init_ordering,[]) (1,[]) ([],(1,[]))
-(*************************** prepare and init prover *******************************************************)
-let rec list_to_set list =
- match list with
- [] -> AtomSet.empty
- | f::r ->
- let rest_set = list_to_set r in
- AtomSet.add f rest_set
-let rec make_atom_sets atom_rel =
- match atom_rel with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let (a,alpha,beta) = f in
- (a,(list_to_set alpha),(list_to_set beta))::(make_atom_sets r)
-let rec predecessor address_1 address_2 ftree =
- match ftree with
- Empty -> PNull (* should not occur since every pair of atoms have a common predecessor *)
- | NodeAt(position) -> PNull (* should not occur as above *)
- | NodeA(position,suctrees) ->
- match address_1,address_2 with
- [],_ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: predecessors left")
- | _,[] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Jprover: predecessors right")
- | (f1::r1),(f2::r2) ->
- if f1 = f2 then
- predecessor r1 r2 (suctrees.(f1-1))
- else
-let rec compute_sets element ftree alist =
- match alist with
- [] -> [],[]
- | first::rest ->
- if first = element then
- compute_sets element ftree rest (* element is neithes alpha- nor beta-related to itself*)
- else
- let (alpha_rest,beta_rest) = compute_sets element ftree rest in
- if predecessor (element.aaddress) (first.aaddress) ftree = Beta then
- (alpha_rest,(first::beta_rest))
- else
- ((first::alpha_rest),beta_rest)
-let rec compute_atomlist_relations worklist ftree alist = (* last version of alist for total comparison *)
- let rec compute_atom_relations element ftree alist =
- let alpha_set,beta_set = compute_sets element ftree alist in
- (element,alpha_set,beta_set)
- in
- match worklist with
- [] -> []
- | first::rest ->
- let first_relations = compute_atom_relations first ftree alist in
- first_relations::(compute_atomlist_relations rest ftree alist)
-let atom_record position prefix =
- let aname = ( in
- let aprefix = (List.append prefix [aname]) in (* atom position is last element in prefix *)
- let aop = (dest_term position.label).term_op in
- ({aname=aname; aaddress=(position.address); aprefix=aprefix; apredicate=aop;
- apol=(position.pol); ast=(; alabel=(position.label)})
-let rec select_atoms_treelist treelist prefix =
- let rec select_atoms ftree prefix =
- match ftree with
- Empty -> [],[],[]
- | NodeAt(position) ->
- [(atom_record position prefix)],[],[]
- | NodeA(position,suctrees) ->
- let treelist = Array.to_list suctrees in
- let new_prefix =
- let prefix_element =
- if List.mem ( [Psi_0;Phi_0] then
- [(]
- else
- []
- in
- (List.append prefix prefix_element)
- in
- let (gamma_0_element,delta_0_element) =
- if = Gamma_0 then
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline "gamma_0 prefixes ";
- print_string (^" :");
- print_stringlist prefix;
- print_endline " ";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- [(,prefix)],[]
- end
- else
- if = Delta_0 then
- begin
-(* Format.open_box 0;
- print_endline "delta_0 prefixes ";
- print_string (^" :");
- print_stringlist prefix;
- print_endline " ";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- [],[(,prefix)]
- end
- else
- [],[]
- in
- let (rest_alist,rest_gamma_0_prefixes,rest_delta_0_prefixes) =
- select_atoms_treelist treelist new_prefix in
- (rest_alist,(rest_gamma_0_prefixes @ gamma_0_element),
- (rest_delta_0_prefixes @ delta_0_element))
- in
- match treelist with
- [] -> [],[],[]
- | first::rest ->
- let (first_alist,first_gprefixes,first_dprefixes) = select_atoms first prefix
- and (rest_alist,rest_gprefixes,rest_dprefixes) = select_atoms_treelist rest prefix in
- ((first_alist @ rest_alist),(first_gprefixes @ rest_gprefixes),
- (first_dprefixes @ rest_dprefixes))
-let prepare_prover ftree =
- let alist,gamma_0_prefixes,delta_0_prefixes = select_atoms_treelist [ftree] [] in
- let atom_rel = compute_atomlist_relations alist ftree alist in
- (atom_rel,(gamma_0_prefixes,delta_0_prefixes))
-(* ************************ Build intial formula tree and relations *********************************** *)
-(* Building a formula tree and the tree ordering from the input formula, i.e. OCaml term *)
-let make_position_name stype pos_n =
- let prefix =
- if List.mem stype [Phi_0;Gamma_0]
- then "v"
- else
- if List.mem stype [Psi_0;Delta_0]
- then "c"
- else
- "a"
- in
- prefix^(string_of_int pos_n)
-let dual_pol pol =
- if pol = O then I else O
-let check_subst_term (variable,old_term) pos_name stype =
- if (List.mem stype [Gamma_0;Delta_0]) then
- let new_variable =
- if stype = Gamma_0 then (mk_var_term (pos_name^"_jprover"))
- else
- (mk_string_term jprover_op pos_name)
- in
- (subst1 old_term variable new_variable) (* replace variable (non-empty) in t by pos_name *)
- (* pos_name is either a variable term or a constant, f.i. a string term *)
- (* !!! check unification module how handling eingenvariables as constants !!! *)
- else
- old_term
-let rec build_ftree (variable,old_term) pol stype address pos_n =
- let pos_name = make_position_name stype pos_n in
- let term = check_subst_term (variable,old_term) pos_name stype in
- if JLogic.is_and_term term then
- let s,t = JLogic.dest_and term in
- let ptype,stype_1,stype_2 =
- if pol = O
- then Beta,Beta_1,Beta_2
- else
- Alpha,Alpha_1,Alpha_2
- in
- let position = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=And; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree ("",s) pol stype_1 (address@[1]) (pos_n+1) in
- let subtree_right,ordering_right,posn_right = build_ftree ("",t) pol stype_2 (address@[2])
- (posn_left+1) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left
- and (succ_right,whole_right) = List.hd ordering_right in
- let pos_succs =
- (StringSet.add succ_left (StringSet.add succ_right (StringSet.union whole_left whole_right)))
- in
- (NodeA(position,[|subtree_left;subtree_right|]),
- ((,pos_succs)::(ordering_left @ ordering_right)),
- posn_right
- )
- else
- if JLogic.is_or_term term then
- let s,t = JLogic.dest_or term in
- let ptype,stype_1,stype_2 =
- if pol = O
- then Alpha,Alpha_1,Alpha_2
- else
- Beta,Beta_1,Beta_2
- in
- let position = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=Or; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree ("",s) pol stype_1 (address@[1]) (pos_n+1) in
- let subtree_right,ordering_right,posn_right = build_ftree ("",t) pol stype_2 (address@[2])
- (posn_left+1) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left
- and (succ_right,whole_right) = List.hd ordering_right in
- let pos_succs =
- StringSet.add succ_left (StringSet.add succ_right (StringSet.union whole_left whole_right)) in
- (NodeA(position,[|subtree_left;subtree_right|]),
- ((,pos_succs) :: (ordering_left @ ordering_right),
- posn_right
- )
- else
- if JLogic.is_implies_term term then
- let s,t = JLogic.dest_implies term in
- let ptype_0,stype_0,ptype,stype_1,stype_2 =
- if pol = O
- then Psi,Psi_0,Alpha,Alpha_1,Alpha_2
- else
- Phi,Phi_0,Beta,Beta_1,Beta_2
- in
- let pos2_name = make_position_name stype_0 (pos_n+1) in
- let sposition = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=Imp; pol=pol; pt=ptype_0; st=stype; label=term}
- and position = {name=pos2_name; address=address@[1]; op=Imp; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype_0; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree ("",s) (dual_pol pol) stype_1 (address@[1;1])
- (pos_n+2) in
- let subtree_right,ordering_right,posn_right = build_ftree ("",t) pol stype_2 (address@[1;2])
- (posn_left+1) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left
- and (succ_right,whole_right) = List.hd ordering_right in
- let pos_succs =
- StringSet.add succ_left (StringSet.add succ_right (StringSet.union whole_left whole_right)) in
- let pos_ordering = (,pos_succs) :: (ordering_left @ ordering_right) in
- (NodeA(sposition,[|NodeA(position,[|subtree_left;subtree_right|])|]),
- ((,(StringSet.add pos_succs))::pos_ordering),
- posn_right
- )
- else
- if JLogic.is_not_term term then
- let s = JLogic.dest_not term in
- let ptype_0,stype_0,ptype,stype_1=
- if pol = O
- then Psi,Psi_0,Alpha,Alpha_1
- else
- Phi,Phi_0,Alpha,Alpha_1
- in
- let pos2_name = make_position_name stype_0 (pos_n+1) in
- let sposition = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=Neg; pol=pol; pt=ptype_0; st=stype; label=term}
- and position = {name=pos2_name; address=address@[1]; op=Neg; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype_0; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree ("",s) (dual_pol pol) stype_1 (address@[1;1])
- (pos_n+2) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left in
- let pos_succs =
- StringSet.add succ_left whole_left in
- let pos_ordering = (,pos_succs) :: ordering_left in
- (NodeA(sposition,[|NodeA(position,[| subtree_left|])|]),
- ((,(StringSet.add pos_succs))::pos_ordering),
- posn_left
- )
- else
- if JLogic.is_exists_term term then
- let v,s,t = JLogic.dest_exists term in (* s is type of v and will be supressed here *)
- let ptype,stype_1 =
- if pol = O
- then Gamma,Gamma_0
- else
- Delta,Delta_0
- in
- let position = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=Ex; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree (v,t) pol stype_1 (address@[1]) (pos_n+1) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left in
- let pos_succs =
- StringSet.add succ_left whole_left in
- (NodeA(position,[|subtree_left|]),
- ((,pos_succs) :: ordering_left),
- posn_left
- )
- else
- if JLogic.is_all_term term then
- let v,s,t = JLogic.dest_all term in
- (* s is type of v and will be supressed here *)
- let ptype_0,stype_0,ptype,stype_1=
- if pol = O
- then Psi,Psi_0,Delta,Delta_0
- else
- Phi,Phi_0,Gamma,Gamma_0
- in
- let pos2_name = make_position_name stype_0 (pos_n+1) in
- let sposition = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=All; pol=pol; pt=ptype_0; st=stype; label=term}
- and position = {name=pos2_name; address=address@[1]; op=All; pol=pol; pt=ptype; st=stype_0; label=term} in
- let subtree_left,ordering_left,posn_left = build_ftree (v,t) pol stype_1 (address@[1;1])
- (pos_n+2) in
- let (succ_left,whole_left) = List.hd ordering_left in
- let pos_succs =
- StringSet.add succ_left whole_left in
- let pos_ordering = (,pos_succs) :: ordering_left in
- (NodeA(sposition,[|NodeA(position,[|subtree_left|])|]),
- ((,(StringSet.add pos_succs))::pos_ordering),
- posn_left
- )
- else (* finally, term is atomic *)
- let ptype_0,stype_0 =
- if pol = O
- then Psi,Psi_0
- else
- Phi,Phi_0
- in
- let pos2_name = make_position_name stype_0 (pos_n+1) in
- let sposition = {name=pos_name; address=address; op=At; pol=pol; pt=ptype_0; st=stype; label=term}
- and position = {name=pos2_name; address=address@[1]; op=At; pol=pol; pt=PNull; st=stype_0; label=term} in
- (NodeA(sposition,[|NodeAt(position)|]),
- [(,(StringSet.add StringSet.empty));(,StringSet.empty)],
- pos_n+1
- )
-let rec construct_ftree termlist treelist orderinglist pos_n goal =
- match termlist with
- [] ->
- let new_root = {name="w"; address=[]; op=Null; pol=O; pt=Psi; st=PNull_0; label=goal}
- and treearray = Array.of_list treelist in
- NodeA(new_root,treearray),(("w",(union_orderings orderinglist))::orderinglist),pos_n
- | ft::rest_terms ->
- let next_address = [((List.length treelist)+1)]
- and next_pol,next_goal =
- if rest_terms = [] then
- O,ft (* construct tree for the conclusion *)
- else
- I,goal
- in
- let new_tree,new_ordering,new_pos_n =
- build_ftree ("",ft) next_pol Alpha_1 next_address (pos_n+1) in
- construct_ftree rest_terms (treelist @ [new_tree])
- (orderinglist @ new_ordering) new_pos_n next_goal
-(*************************** Main LOOP ************************************)
-let unprovable = RefineError ("Jprover", StringError "formula is not provable")
-let mult_limit_exn = RefineError ("Jprover", StringError "multiplicity limit reached")
-let coq_exn = RefineError ("Jprover", StringError "interface for coq: error on ")
-let init_prover ftree =
- let atom_relation,qprefixes = prepare_prover ftree in
-(* print_atom_info atom_relation; *) (* apple *)
- let atom_sets = make_atom_sets atom_relation in
- (atom_relation,atom_sets,qprefixes)
-let rec try_multiplicity mult_limit ftree ordering pos_n mult logic =
- try
- let (atom_relation,atom_sets,qprefixes) = init_prover ftree in
- let ((orderingQ,red_ordering),eqlist,unifier,ext_proof) =
- path_checker atom_relation atom_sets qprefixes ordering logic in
- (ftree,red_ordering,eqlist,unifier,ext_proof) (* orderingQ is not needed as return value *)
- with Failed ->
- match mult_limit with
- Some m when m == mult ->
- raise mult_limit_exn
- | _ ->
- let new_mult = mult+1 in
- begin
- Pp.msgnl (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "Multiplicity Fail: Trying new multiplicity ")
- ( new_mult));
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string "Multiplicity Fail: ";
- Format.print_string ("Try new multiplicity "^(string_of_int new_mult));
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- let (new_ftree,new_ordering,new_pos_n) =
- add_multiplicity ftree pos_n new_mult logic in
- if (new_ftree = ftree) then
- raise unprovable
- else
-(* print_formula_info new_ftree new_ordering new_pos_n; *) (* apple *)
- try_multiplicity mult_limit new_ftree new_ordering new_pos_n new_mult logic
- end
-let prove mult_limit termlist logic =
- let (ftree,ordering,pos_n) = construct_ftree termlist [] [] 0 (mk_var_term "dummy") in
-(* pos_n = number of positions without new root "w" *)
-(* print_formula_info ftree ordering pos_n; *) (* apple *)
- try_multiplicity mult_limit ftree ordering pos_n 1 logic
-(********** first-order type theory interface *******************)
-let rec renam_free_vars termlist =
- match termlist
- with [] -> [],[]
- | f::r ->
- let var_names = free_vars_list f in
- let string_terms =
- (fun x -> (mk_string_term free_var_op x)) var_names
- in
- let mapping = List.combine var_names string_terms
- and new_f = subst f var_names string_terms in
- let (rest_mapping,rest_renamed) = renam_free_vars r in
- let unique_mapping = remove_dups_list (mapping @ rest_mapping) in
- (unique_mapping,(new_f::rest_renamed))
-let rec apply_var_subst term var_subst_list =
- match var_subst_list with
- [] -> term
- | (v,t)::r ->
- let next_term = var_subst term t v in
- apply_var_subst next_term r
-let rec make_equal_list n list_object =
- if n = 0 then
- []
- else
- list_object::(make_equal_list (n-1) list_object)
-let rec create_output rule_list input_map =
- match rule_list with
- [] -> JLogic.empty_inf
- | f::r ->
- let (pos,(rule,term1,term2)) = f in
- let delta1_names = collect_delta_terms [term1]
- and delta2_names = collect_delta_terms [term2] in
- let unique_deltas = remove_dups_list (delta1_names @ delta2_names) in
- let delta_terms =
- (fun x -> (mk_string_term jprover_op x)) unique_deltas in
- let delta_vars = (fun x -> (x^"_jprover")) unique_deltas in
- let delta_map = List.combine delta_vars delta_terms in
- let var_mapping = (input_map @ delta_map) in
- let frees1 = free_vars_list term1
- and frees2 = free_vars_list term2 in
- let unique_object = mk_var_term "v0_jprover" in
- let unique_list1 = make_equal_list (List.length frees1) unique_object
- and unique_list2 = make_equal_list (List.length frees2) unique_object
- in
- let next_term1 = subst term1 frees1 unique_list1
- and next_term2 = subst term2 frees2 unique_list2 in
- let new_term1 = apply_var_subst next_term1 var_mapping
- and new_term2 = apply_var_subst next_term2 var_mapping
- and (a,b) = pos
- in
-(* kick away the first argument, the position *)
- (JLogic.append_inf (create_output r input_map) (b,new_term1) (a,new_term2) rule)
-let rec make_test_interface rule_list input_map =
- match rule_list with
- [] -> []
- | f::r ->
- let (pos,(rule,term1,term2)) = f in
- let delta1_names = collect_delta_terms [term1]
- and delta2_names = collect_delta_terms [term2] in
- let unique_deltas = remove_dups_list (delta1_names @ delta2_names) in
- let delta_terms =
- (fun x -> (mk_string_term jprover_op x)) unique_deltas in
- let delta_vars = (fun x -> (x^"_jprover")) unique_deltas in
- let delta_map = List.combine delta_vars delta_terms in
- let var_mapping = (input_map @ delta_map) in
- let frees1 = free_vars_list term1
- and frees2 = free_vars_list term2 in
- let unique_object = mk_var_term "v0_jprover" in
- let unique_list1 = make_equal_list (List.length frees1) unique_object
- and unique_list2 = make_equal_list (List.length frees2) unique_object
- in
- begin
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_stringlist frees1;
- print_endline "";
- print_stringlist frees2;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- let next_term1 = subst term1 frees1 unique_list1
- and next_term2 = subst term2 frees2 unique_list2 in
- let new_term1 = apply_var_subst next_term1 var_mapping
- and new_term2 = apply_var_subst next_term2 var_mapping
- in
- (pos,(rule,new_term1,new_term2))::(make_test_interface r input_map)
- end
-let decomp_pos pos =
- let {name=n; address=a; label=l} = pos in
- (n,(a,l))
-let rec build_formula_id ftree =
- let rec build_fid_list = function
- [] -> []
- | t::rest -> (build_formula_id t)@(build_fid_list rest)
- in
- match ftree with
- Empty -> []
- | NodeAt(position) ->
- [decomp_pos position]
- | NodeA(position,subtrees) ->
- let tree_list = Array.to_list subtrees in
- (decomp_pos position)::(build_fid_list tree_list)
-let rec encode1 = function (* normal *)
- [] -> ""
- | i::r -> "_"^(string_of_int i)^(encode1 r)
-let rec encode2 = function (* move up *)
- [i] -> ""
- | i::r -> "_"^(string_of_int i)^(encode2 r)
- | _ -> raise coq_exn
-let rec encode3 = function (* move down *)
- [] -> "_1"
- | i::r -> "_"^(string_of_int i)^(encode3 r)
-let lookup_coq str map =
- try
- let (il,t) = List.assoc str map in
- il
- with Not_found -> raise coq_exn
-let create_coq_input inf map =
- let rec rec_coq_part inf =
- match inf with
- [] -> []
- | (rule, (s1, t1), ((s2, t2) as k))::r ->
- begin
- match rule with
- Andl | Andr | Orl | Orr1 | Orr2 ->
- (rule, (encode1 (lookup_coq s1 map), t1), k)::(rec_coq_part r)
- | Impr | Impl | Negr | Negl | Ax ->
- (rule, (encode2 (lookup_coq s1 map), t1), k)::(rec_coq_part r)
- | Exr ->
- (rule, (encode1 (lookup_coq s1 map), t1),
- (encode1 (lookup_coq s2 map), t2))::(rec_coq_part r)
- | Exl ->
- (rule, (encode1 (lookup_coq s1 map), t1),
- (encode3 (lookup_coq s1 map), t2))::(rec_coq_part r)
- | Allr | Alll ->
- (rule, (encode2 (lookup_coq s1 map), t1),
- (* (s2, t2))::(rec_coq_part r) *)
- (encode3 (lookup_coq s1 map), t2))::(rec_coq_part r)
- | _ -> raise coq_exn
- end
- in
- rec_coq_part inf
-let gen_prover mult_limit logic calculus hyps concls =
- let (input_map,renamed_termlist) = renam_free_vars (hyps @ concls) in
- let (ftree,red_ordering,eqlist,(sigmaQ,sigmaJ),ext_proof) = prove mult_limit renamed_termlist logic in
- let sequent_proof = reconstruct ftree red_ordering sigmaQ ext_proof logic calculus in
- let idl = build_formula_id ftree in
-(* print_ftree ftree; apple *)
- (* transform types and rename constants *)
- (* we can transform the eigenvariables AFTER proof reconstruction since *)
- (* new delta_0 constants may have been constructed during rule permutation *)
- (* from the LJmc to the LJ proof *)
- create_coq_input (create_output sequent_proof input_map) idl
-let prover mult_limit hyps concl = gen_prover mult_limit "J" "LJ" hyps [concl]
-(************* test with propositional proof reconstruction ************)
-let rec count_axioms seq_list =
- match seq_list with
- [] -> 0
- | f::r ->
- let (rule,_,_) = f in
- if rule = Ax then
- 1 + count_axioms r
- else
- count_axioms r
-let do_prove mult_limit termlist logic calculus =
- try begin
- let (input_map,renamed_termlist) = renam_free_vars termlist in
- let (ftree,red_ordering,eqlist,(sigmaQ,sigmaJ),ext_proof) = prove mult_limit renamed_termlist logic in
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string "Extension proof ready";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string ("Length of Extension proof: "^((string_of_int (List.length ext_proof)))^
- " Axioms");
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- print_endline "Extension proof:";
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_pairlist ext_proof; (* print list of type (string * string) list *)
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_ordering red_ordering;
- Format.print_flush ();
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
-(* ----------------------------------------------- *)
- Format.open_box 0;
- print_tunify sigmaJ;
- Format.print_flush ();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_sigmaQ sigmaQ;
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- Format.open_box 0;
- let (qmax,equations) = eqlist in
- print_endline ("number of quantifier domains : "^(string_of_int (qmax-1)));
- print_endline "";
- print_equations equations;
- Format.print_flush ();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ("Length of equations : "^((string_of_int (List.length equations))));
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
-(* --------------------------------------------------------- *)
- Format.print_string "Break ... ";
- print_endline "";
- print_endline "";
- Format.print_flush ();
- let reconstr_proof = reconstruct ftree red_ordering sigmaQ ext_proof logic calculus in
- let sequent_proof = make_test_interface reconstr_proof input_map in
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_string "Sequent proof ready";
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- let (ptree,count_ax) = bproof sequent_proof in
- Format.open_box 0;
- Format.print_string ("Length of sequent proof: "^((string_of_int count_ax))^" Axioms");
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.force_newline ();
- Format.print_flush ();
- tt ptree;
- Format.print_flush ();
- print_endline "";
- print_endline ""
- end with exn -> begin
- print_endline "Jprover got an exception:";
- print_endline (Printexc.to_string exn)
- end
-let test concl logic calculus = (* calculus should be LJmc or LJ for J, and LK for C *)
- do_prove None [concl] logic calculus
-(* for sequents *)
-let seqtest list_term logic calculus =
- let bterms = (dest_term list_term).term_terms in
- let termlist = collect_subterms bterms in
- do_prove None termlist logic calculus
-end (* of struct *)