path: root/contrib/interface/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /contrib/interface/
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
index df03a579..7d1f57fe 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ open Libnames;;
open Goptions;;
-let in_coq_ref = ref false;;
-let declare_in_coq () = in_coq_ref:=true;;
-let in_coq () = !in_coq_ref;;
(* // Verify whether this is dead code, as of coq version 7 *)
(* The following three sentences have been added to cope with a change
of strategy from the Coq team in the way rules construct ast's. The
@@ -203,6 +197,10 @@ let xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt = function
| Some (ArgVar _) -> xlate_error "int_or_var: TODO"
| None -> CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT CT_none
+let apply_or_by_notation f = function
+ | AN x -> f x
+ | ByNotation _ -> xlate_error "TODO: ByNotation"
let tac_qualid_to_ct_ID ref =
CT_ident (Libnames.string_of_qualid (snd (qualid_of_reference ref)))
@@ -307,14 +305,10 @@ let make_fix_struct (n,bl) =
let names = names_of_local_assums bl in
let nn = List.length names in
if nn = 1 || n = None then ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
- else
- let n = out_some n in
- if n < nn then xlate_id_opt(List.nth names n)
- else xlate_error "unexpected result of parsing for Fixpoint";;
+ else ctf_ID_OPT_SOME(CT_ident (string_of_id (snd (Option.get n))));;
let rec xlate_binder = function
- (l,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
+ (l,k,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
and xlate_return_info = function
| (Some Anonymous, None) | (None, None) ->
CT_coerce_NONE_to_RETURN_INFO CT_none
@@ -327,7 +321,7 @@ and xlate_formula_opt =
| Some e -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT (xlate_formula e)
and xlate_binder_l = function
- LocalRawAssum(l,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
+ LocalRawAssum(l,_,t) -> CT_binder(xlate_id_opt_ne_list l, xlate_formula t)
| LocalRawDef(n,v) -> CT_coerce_DEF_to_BINDER(CT_def(xlate_id_opt n,
xlate_formula v))
@@ -336,7 +330,7 @@ and
| a::l -> CT_match_pattern_ne_list(xlate_match_pattern a, xlate_match_pattern l)
and translate_one_equation = function
- (_,[lp], a) -> CT_eqn (xlate_match_pattern_ne_list lp, xlate_formula a)
+ (_,[_,lp], a) -> CT_eqn (xlate_match_pattern_ne_list lp, xlate_formula a)
| _ -> xlate_error "TODO: disjunctive multiple patterns"
xlate_binder_ne_list = function
@@ -379,8 +373,8 @@ and (xlate_formula:Topconstr.constr_expr -> Ascent.ct_FORMULA) = function
(xlate_formula f, xlate_formula_expl l'))
| CApp(_, (_,f), l) ->
CT_appc(xlate_formula f, xlate_formula_expl_ne_list l)
- | CCases (_, _, [], _) -> assert false
- | CCases (_, ret_type, tm::tml, eqns)->
+ | CCases (_, _, _, [], _) -> assert false
+ | CCases (_, _, ret_type, tm::tml, eqns)->
CT_cases(CT_matched_formula_ne_list(xlate_matched_formula tm, xlate_matched_formula tml),
xlate_formula_opt ret_type,
@@ -418,23 +412,16 @@ and (xlate_formula:Topconstr.constr_expr -> Ascent.ct_FORMULA) = function
CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA(CT_metaid (string_of_id s))
| CPatVar (_, (true, s)) ->
xlate_error "Second order variable not supported"
- | CEvar (_, _) -> xlate_error "CEvar not supported"
+ | CEvar _ -> xlate_error "CEvar not supported"
| CCoFix (_, (_, id), lm::lmi) ->
- let strip_mutcorec (fid, bl,arf, ardef) =
+ let strip_mutcorec ((_, fid), bl,arf, ardef) =
CT_cofix_rec (xlate_ident fid, xlate_binder_list bl,
xlate_formula arf, xlate_formula ardef) in
CT_cofixc(xlate_ident id,
(CT_cofix_rec_list (strip_mutcorec lm, strip_mutcorec lmi)))
| CFix (_, (_, id), lm::lmi) ->
- let strip_mutrec (fid, (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef) =
- let (struct_arg,bl,arf,ardef) =
- (* Pierre L: could the case [n=None && bl=[]] happen ? Normally not *)
- (* By the way, how could [bl = []] happen in V8 syntax ? *)
- if bl = [] then
- let n = out_some n in
- let (bl,arf,ardef) = Ppconstr.split_fix (n+1) arf ardef in
- (xlate_id_opt(List.nth (names_of_local_assums bl) n),bl,arf,ardef)
- else (make_fix_struct (n, bl),bl,arf,ardef) in
+ let strip_mutrec ((_, fid), (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef) =
+ let struct_arg = make_fix_struct (n, bl) in
let arf = xlate_formula arf in
let ardef = xlate_formula ardef in
match xlate_binder_list bl with
@@ -461,7 +448,7 @@ and xlate_matched_formula = function
CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_MATCHED_FORMULA(xlate_formula f)
and xlate_formula_expl = function
(a, None) -> xlate_formula a
- | (a, Some (_,ExplByPos i)) ->
+ | (a, Some (_,ExplByPos (i, _))) ->
xlate_error "explicitation of implicit by rank not supported"
| (a, Some (_,ExplByName i)) ->
CT_labelled_arg(CT_ident (string_of_id i), xlate_formula a)
@@ -477,24 +464,31 @@ let (xlate_ident_or_metaid:
AI (_, x) -> xlate_ident x
| MetaId(_, x) -> CT_metaid x;;
+let nums_of_occs (b,nums) =
+ if b then nums
+ else (function ArgArg x -> ArgArg (-x) | y -> y) nums
let xlate_hyp = function
| AI (_,id) -> xlate_ident id
| MetaId _ -> xlate_error "MetaId should occur only in quotations"
let xlate_hyp_location =
- | (nums, AI (_,id)), InHypTypeOnly ->
- CT_intype(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list nums)
- | (nums, AI (_,id)), InHypValueOnly ->
- CT_invalue(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list nums)
- | ([], AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHypTypeOnly ->
+ CT_intype(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list (nums_of_occs occs))
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHypValueOnly ->
+ CT_invalue(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list (nums_of_occs occs))
+ | (occs, AI (_,id)), InHyp when occs = all_occurrences_expr ->
(CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD (xlate_ident id))
- | (a::l, AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
+ | ((_,a::l as occs), AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
+ let nums = nums_of_occs occs in
+ let a = List.hd nums and l = nums in
(CT_unfold_occ (xlate_ident id,
CT_int_ne_list(num_or_var_to_int a,
nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l)))
+ | (_, AI (_,id)), InHyp -> xlate_error "Unused" (* (true,]) *)
| (_, MetaId _),_ ->
xlate_error "MetaId not supported in xlate_hyp_location (should occur only in quotations)"
@@ -507,7 +501,7 @@ let xlate_clause cls =
| Some l -> CT_hyp_location_list( xlate_hyp_location l) in
- if cls.onconcl then
+ if cls.concl_occs <> no_occurrences_expr then
CT_coerce_STAR_to_STAR_OPT CT_star
CT_coerce_NONE_to_STAR_OPT CT_none)
@@ -606,14 +600,15 @@ let strip_targ_intropatt =
| _ -> xlate_error "strip_targ_intropatt";;
let get_flag r =
- let conv_flags, red_ids =
+ let conv_flags, red_ids =
+ let csts = (apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID) r.rConst in
if r.rDelta then
- [CT_delta], CT_unfbut ( tac_qualid_to_ct_ID r.rConst)
+ [CT_delta], CT_unfbut csts
(if r.rConst = []
then (* probably useless: just for compatibility *) []
else [CT_delta]),
- CT_unf ( tac_qualid_to_ct_ID r.rConst) in
+ CT_unf csts in
let conv_flags = if r.rBeta then CT_beta::conv_flags else conv_flags in
let conv_flags = if r.rIota then CT_iota::conv_flags else conv_flags in
let conv_flags = if r.rZeta then CT_zeta::conv_flags else conv_flags in
@@ -633,6 +628,8 @@ let rec xlate_intro_pattern =
| IntroWildcard -> CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(CT_ident "_" )
| IntroIdentifier c -> CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(xlate_ident c)
| IntroAnonymous -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroAnonymous"
+ | IntroFresh _ -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroFresh"
+ | IntroRewrite _ -> xlate_error "TODO: IntroRewrite"
let compute_INV_TYPE = function
FullInversionClear -> CT_inv_clear
@@ -663,7 +660,8 @@ let xlate_largs_to_id_opt largs =
| _ -> assert false;;
let xlate_int_or_constr = function
- ElimOnConstr a -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OR_INT(xlate_formula a)
+ ElimOnConstr (a,NoBindings) -> CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OR_INT(xlate_formula a)
+ | ElimOnConstr _ -> xlate_error "TODO: ElimOnConstr with bindings"
| ElimOnIdent(_,i) ->
(CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT(xlate_ident i))
@@ -676,9 +674,13 @@ let xlate_using = function
| Some (c2,sl2) -> CT_using (xlate_formula c2, xlate_bindings sl2);;
let xlate_one_unfold_block = function
- ([],qid) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD(tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
- | (n::nums, qid) ->
- CT_unfold_occ(tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid, nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list n nums)
+ ((true,[]),qid) ->
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD(apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
+ | (((_,_::_) as occs), qid) ->
+ let l = nums_of_occs occs in
+ CT_unfold_occ(apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid,
+ nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list (List.hd l) ( l))
+ | ((false,[]), qid) -> xlate_error "Unused"
let xlate_with_names = function
@@ -739,7 +741,8 @@ and xlate_red_tactic =
| CbvVm -> CT_cbvvm
| Hnf -> CT_hnf
| Simpl None -> CT_simpl ctv_PATTERN_OPT_NONE
- | Simpl (Some (l,c)) ->
+ | Simpl (Some (occs,c)) ->
+ let l = nums_of_occs occs in
@@ -758,9 +761,9 @@ and xlate_red_tactic =
| Fold formula_list ->
CT_fold(CT_formula_list( xlate_formula formula_list))
| Pattern l ->
- let pat_list = (fun (nums,c) ->
+ let pat_list = (fun (occs,c) ->
- (CT_int_list (nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux nums),
+ (CT_int_list (nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux (nums_of_occs occs)),
xlate_formula c)) l in
(match pat_list with
| first :: others -> CT_pattern (CT_pattern_ne_list (first, others))
@@ -770,21 +773,23 @@ and xlate_red_tactic =
and xlate_local_rec_tac = function
(* TODO LATER: local recursive tactics and global ones should be handled in
the same manner *)
- | ((_,x),(argl,tac)) ->
+ | ((_,x),Tacexp (TacFun (argl,tac))) ->
let fst, rest = xlate_largs_to_id_opt argl in
CT_rec_tactic_fun(xlate_ident x,
CT_id_opt_ne_list(fst, rest),
xlate_tactic tac)
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: more general argument of 'let rec in'"
and xlate_tactic =
| TacFun (largs, t) ->
let fst, rest = xlate_largs_to_id_opt largs in
CT_tactic_fun (CT_id_opt_ne_list(fst, rest), xlate_tactic t)
- | TacThen (t1,t2) ->
+ | TacThen (t1,[||],t2,[||]) ->
(match xlate_tactic t1 with
CT_then(a,l) -> CT_then(a,l@[xlate_tactic t2])
| t -> CT_then (t,[xlate_tactic t2]))
+ | TacThen _ -> xlate_error "TacThen generalization TODO"
| TacThens(t1,[]) -> assert false
| TacThens(t1,t::l) ->
let ct = xlate_tactic t in
@@ -831,36 +836,31 @@ and xlate_tactic =
| TacMatchContext (false,true,rule1::rules) ->
CT_match_context_reverse(xlate_context_rule rule1, xlate_context_rule rules)
- | TacLetIn (l, t) ->
+ | TacLetIn (false, l, t) ->
let cvt_clause =
- ((_,s),None,ConstrMayEval v) ->
+ ((_,s),ConstrMayEval v) ->
CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
(formula_to_def_body v))
- | ((_,s),None,Tacexp t) ->
+ | ((_,s),Tacexp t) ->
CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
(xlate_tactic t))
- | ((_,s),None,t) ->
+ | ((_,s),t) ->
CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none,
- (xlate_call_or_tacarg t))
- | ((_,s),Some c,t) ->
- CT_let_clause(xlate_ident s,
- CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT(xlate_tactic c),
- (xlate_call_or_tacarg t)) in
+ (xlate_call_or_tacarg t)) in
let cl_l = cvt_clause l in
(match cl_l with
| [] -> assert false
| fst::others ->
CT_let_ltac (CT_let_clauses(fst, others), mk_let_value t))
- | TacLetRecIn([], _) -> xlate_error "recursive definition with no definition"
- | TacLetRecIn(f1::l, t) ->
+ | TacLetIn(true, [], _) -> xlate_error "recursive definition with no definition"
+ | TacLetIn(true, f1::l, t) ->
let tl = CT_rec_tactic_fun_list
(xlate_local_rec_tac f1, xlate_local_rec_tac l) in
CT_rec_tactic_in(tl, xlate_tactic t)
@@ -917,6 +917,7 @@ and xlate_tac =
| TacChange (None, f, b) -> CT_change (xlate_formula f, xlate_clause b)
| TacChange (Some(l,c), f, b) ->
(* TODO LATER: combine with other constructions of pattern_occ *)
+ let l = nums_of_occs l in
CT_pattern_occ(CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l),
xlate_formula c),
@@ -946,18 +947,22 @@ and xlate_tac =
xlate_error "TODO: injection as"
| TacFix (idopt, n) ->
CT_fixtactic (xlate_ident_opt idopt, CT_int n, CT_fix_tac_list [])
- | TacMutualFix (id, n, fixtac_list) ->
+ | TacMutualFix (false, id, n, fixtac_list) ->
let f (id,n,c) = CT_fixtac (xlate_ident id, CT_int n, xlate_formula c) in
(ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident id), CT_int n,
CT_fix_tac_list ( f fixtac_list))
+ | TacMutualFix (true, id, n, fixtac_list) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: non user-visible fix"
| TacCofix idopt ->
CT_cofixtactic (xlate_ident_opt idopt, CT_cofix_tac_list [])
- | TacMutualCofix (id, cofixtac_list) ->
+ | TacMutualCofix (false, id, cofixtac_list) ->
let f (id,c) = CT_cofixtac (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c) in
(CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT (xlate_ident id),
CT_cofix_tac_list ( f cofixtac_list))
+ | TacMutualCofix (true, id, cofixtac_list) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: non user-visible cofix"
| TacIntrosUntil (NamedHyp id) ->
CT_intros_until (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT (xlate_ident id))
| TacIntrosUntil (AnonHyp n) ->
@@ -975,10 +980,12 @@ and xlate_tac =
| TacIntroMove (Some id, None) ->
CT_intros (CT_intro_patt_list[CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT(xlate_ident id)])
| TacIntroMove (None, None) -> CT_intro (CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT CT_none)
- | TacLeft bindl -> CT_left (xlate_bindings bindl)
- | TacRight bindl -> CT_right (xlate_bindings bindl)
- | TacSplit (false,bindl) -> CT_split (xlate_bindings bindl)
- | TacSplit (true,bindl) -> CT_exists (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacLeft (false,bindl) -> CT_left (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacRight (false,bindl) -> CT_right (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit (false,false,bindl) -> CT_split (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit (false,true,bindl) -> CT_exists (xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacSplit _ | TacRight _ | TacLeft _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: esplit, eright, etc"
| TacExtend (_,"replace", [c1; c2;cl;tac_opt]) ->
let c1 = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c1) in
let c2 = xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr c2) in
@@ -991,7 +998,7 @@ and xlate_tac =
let cl_as_xlate_arg =
{cl_as_clause with
Tacexpr.onhyps =
- option_map
(fun l -> (fun ((l,id),hyp_flag) -> ((l, Tacexpr.AI ((),id)) ,hyp_flag)) l
@@ -1009,12 +1016,15 @@ and xlate_tac =
CT_replace_with (c1, c2,cl,tac_opt)
- | TacRewrite(b,cbindl,cl) ->
+ | TacRewrite(false,[b,Precisely 1,cbindl],cl,None) ->
let cl = xlate_clause cl
and c = xlate_formula (fst cbindl)
and bindl = xlate_bindings (snd cbindl) in
if b then CT_rewrite_lr (c, bindl, cl)
else CT_rewrite_rl (c, bindl, cl)
+ | TacRewrite(_,_,_,Some _) -> xlate_error "TODO: rewrite by"
+ | TacRewrite(false,_,cl,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: rewrite of several hyps at once"
+ | TacRewrite(true,_,cl,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: erewrite"
| TacExtend (_,"conditional_rewrite", [t; b; cbindl]) ->
let t = out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t in
let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
@@ -1127,10 +1137,9 @@ and xlate_tac =
(match out_gen rawwit_int_or_var n with
| ArgVar _ -> xlate_error ""
| ArgArg n -> CT_prolog (CT_formula_list cl, CT_int n))
- | TacExtend (_,"eapply", [cbindl]) ->
- let (c,bindl) = out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings cbindl in
- let c = xlate_formula c and bindl = xlate_bindings bindl in
- CT_eapply (c, bindl)
+ (* eapply now represented by TacApply (true,cbindl)
+ | TacExtend (_,"eapply", [cbindl]) ->
| TacTrivial ([],Some []) -> CT_trivial
| TacTrivial ([],None) ->
CT_trivial_with(CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR CT_star)
@@ -1141,25 +1150,36 @@ and xlate_tac =
xlate_error "TODO: trivial using"
| TacReduce (red, l) ->
CT_reduce (xlate_red_tactic red, xlate_clause l)
- | TacApply (c,bindl) ->
+ | TacApply (true,false,(c,bindl)) ->
CT_apply (xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings bindl)
- | TacConstructor (n_or_meta, bindl) ->
+ | TacApply (true,true,(c,bindl)) ->
+ CT_eapply (xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacApply (false,_,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: simple (e)apply"
+ | TacConstructor (false,n_or_meta, bindl) ->
let n = match n_or_meta with AI n -> n | MetaId _ -> xlate_error ""
in CT_constructor (CT_int n, xlate_bindings bindl)
+ | TacConstructor _ -> xlate_error "TODO: econstructor"
| TacSpecialize (nopt, (c,sl)) ->
CT_specialize (xlate_int_opt nopt, xlate_formula c, xlate_bindings sl)
| TacGeneralize [] -> xlate_error ""
- | TacGeneralize (first :: cl) ->
+ | TacGeneralize ((((true,[]),first),Anonymous) :: cl)
+ when List.for_all (fun ((o,_),na) -> o = all_occurrences_expr
+ & na = Anonymous) cl ->
- (CT_formula_ne_list (xlate_formula first, xlate_formula cl))
+ (CT_formula_ne_list (xlate_formula first,
+ (fun ((_,c),_) -> xlate_formula c) cl))
+ | TacGeneralize _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Generalize at and as"
| TacGeneralizeDep c ->
CT_generalize_dependent (xlate_formula c)
| TacElimType c -> CT_elim_type (xlate_formula c)
| TacCaseType c -> CT_case_type (xlate_formula c)
- | TacElim ((c1,sl), u) ->
+ | TacElim (false,(c1,sl), u) ->
CT_elim (xlate_formula c1, xlate_bindings sl, xlate_using u)
- | TacCase (c1,sl) ->
+ | TacCase (false,(c1,sl)) ->
CT_casetac (xlate_formula c1, xlate_bindings sl)
+ | TacElim (true,_,_) | TacCase (true,_)
+ | TacNewDestruct (true,_,_,_,_) | TacNewInduction (true,_,_,_,_) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: eelim, ecase, edestruct, einduction"
| TacSimpleInduction h -> CT_induction (xlate_quantified_hypothesis h)
| TacSimpleDestruct h -> CT_destruct (xlate_quantified_hypothesis h)
| TacCut c -> CT_cut (xlate_formula c)
@@ -1167,8 +1187,8 @@ and xlate_tac =
| TacDecompose ([],c) ->
xlate_error "Decompose : empty list of identifiers?"
| TacDecompose (id::l,c) ->
- let id' = tac_qualid_to_ct_ID id in
- let l' = tac_qualid_to_ct_ID l in
+ let id' = apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID id in
+ let l' = (apply_or_by_notation tac_qualid_to_ct_ID) l in
CT_decompose_list(CT_id_ne_list(id',l'),xlate_formula c)
| TacDecomposeAnd c -> CT_decompose_record (xlate_formula c)
| TacDecomposeOr c -> CT_decompose_sum(xlate_formula c)
@@ -1178,6 +1198,7 @@ and xlate_tac =
let idl' = xlate_hyp idl in
CT_clear (CT_id_ne_list (xlate_hyp id, idl'))
| TacClear (true,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: 'clear - idl' and 'clear'"
+ | TacRevert _ -> xlate_error "TODO: revert"
| (*For translating tactics/Inv.v *)
TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,idl,l),quant_hyp) ->
CT_inversion(compute_INV_TYPE k, xlate_quantified_hypothesis quant_hyp,
@@ -1192,30 +1213,36 @@ and xlate_tac =
CT_use_inversion (id, xlate_formula c,
CT_id_list ( xlate_hyp idlist))
| TacExtend (_,"omega", []) -> CT_omega
- | TacRename (id1, id2) -> CT_rename(xlate_hyp id1, xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacRename [id1, id2] -> CT_rename(xlate_hyp id1, xlate_hyp id2)
+ | TacRename _ -> xlate_error "TODO: add support for n-ary rename"
| TacClearBody([]) -> assert false
| TacClearBody(a::l) ->
CT_clear_body (CT_id_ne_list (xlate_hyp a, xlate_hyp l))
- | TacDAuto (a, b) ->
+ | TacDAuto (a, b, []) ->
CT_dauto(xlate_int_or_var_opt_to_int_opt a, xlate_int_opt b)
- | TacNewDestruct(a,b,c) ->
- CT_new_destruct (* Julien F. : est-ce correct *)
+ | TacDAuto (a, b, _) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: dauto using"
+ | TacNewDestruct(false,a,b,c,None) ->
+ CT_new_destruct
( xlate_int_or_constr a, xlate_using b,
xlate_with_names c)
- | TacNewInduction(a,b,c) ->
- CT_new_induction (* Pierre C. : est-ce correct *)
+ | TacNewInduction(false,a,b,c,None) ->
+ CT_new_induction
( xlate_int_or_constr a, xlate_using b,
xlate_with_names c)
+ | TacNewDestruct(false,a,b,c,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: destruct in"
+ | TacNewInduction(false,a,b,c,_) ->xlate_error "TODO: induction in"
(*| TacInstantiate (a, b, cl) ->
CT_instantiate(CT_int a, xlate_formula b,
assert false) *)
- | TacLetTac (na, c, cl) when cl = nowhere ->
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, true) when cl = nowhere ->
CT_pose(xlate_id_opt_aux na, xlate_formula c)
- | TacLetTac (na, c, cl) ->
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, true) ->
CT_lettac(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),na), xlate_formula c,
(* TODO LATER: This should be shared with Unfold,
but the structures are different *)
xlate_clause cl)
+ | TacLetTac (na, c, cl, false) -> xlate_error "TODO: remember"
| TacAssert (None, IntroIdentifier id, c) ->
CT_assert(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Name id), xlate_formula c)
| TacAssert (None, IntroAnonymous, c) ->
@@ -1226,16 +1253,18 @@ and xlate_tac =
CT_truecut(xlate_id_opt ((0,0),Anonymous), xlate_formula c)
| TacAssert _ ->
xlate_error "TODO: assert with 'as' and 'by' and pose proof with 'as'"
- | TacAnyConstructor(Some tac) ->
+ | TacAnyConstructor(false,Some tac) ->
(CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT(xlate_tactic tac))
- | TacAnyConstructor(None) ->
+ | TacAnyConstructor(false,None) ->
CT_any_constructor(CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT CT_none)
+ | TacAnyConstructor _ -> xlate_error "TODO: econstructor"
| TacExtend(_, "ring", [args]) ->
( xlate_formula
(out_gen (wit_list0 rawwit_constr) args)))
+ | TacExtend (_, "f_equal", _) -> xlate_error "TODO: f_equal"
| TacExtend (_,id, l) ->
print_endline ("Extratactics : "^ id);
CT_user_tac (CT_ident id, CT_targ_list ( coerce_genarg_to_TARG l))
@@ -1299,7 +1328,7 @@ and coerce_genarg_to_TARG x =
(snd (out_gen
(rawwit_open_constr_gen b) x))))
| ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
- let n = out_some (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let n = Option.get (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG t
| ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic constr with bindings"
@@ -1392,7 +1421,7 @@ let coerce_genarg_to_VARG x =
| ConstrMayEvalArgType -> xlate_error"TODO: generic constr-may-eval argument"
| QuantHypArgType ->xlate_error"TODO: generic quantified hypothesis argument"
| ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
- let n = out_some (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let n = Option.get (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
| OpenConstrArgType _ -> xlate_error "TODO: generic open constr"
@@ -1563,7 +1592,9 @@ let rec xlate_module_type = function
| CWith_Module((_, idl), (_, qid)) ->
CT_id_list ( xlate_ident idl),
- CT_ident (xlate_qualid qid)));;
+ CT_ident (xlate_qualid qid)))
+ | CMTEapply (_,_) -> xlate_error "TODO: Funsig application";;
let xlate_module_binder_list (l:module_binder list) =
@@ -1596,8 +1627,8 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
| VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (true, tacs) ->
- ((_, id), body) ->
- CT_tac_def(CT_ident (string_of_id id), xlate_tactic body))
+ (id, _, body) ->
+ CT_tac_def(reference_to_ct_ID id, xlate_tactic body))
tacs with
[] -> assert false
| fst::tacs1 ->
@@ -1714,7 +1745,7 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
CT_id_ne_list(n1, names), dblist)
| HintsExtern (n, c, t) ->
CT_hint_extern(CT_int n, xlate_formula c, xlate_tactic t, dblist)
- | HintsResolve l | HintsImmediate l ->
+ | HintsImmediate l ->
let f1, formulas = match xlate_formula l with
a :: tl -> a, tl
| _ -> failwith "" in
@@ -1731,6 +1762,23 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
HintsResolve _ -> CT_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
| HintsImmediate _ -> CT_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
| _ -> assert false)
+ | HintsResolve l ->
+ let f1, formulas = match xlate_formula ( snd l) with
+ a :: tl -> a, tl
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ let l' = CT_formula_ne_list(f1, formulas) in
+ if local then
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ ->
+ CT_local_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ (match h with
+ HintsResolve _ -> CT_hints_resolve(l', dblist)
+ | HintsImmediate _ -> CT_hints_immediate(l', dblist)
+ | _ -> assert false)
| HintsUnfold l ->
let n1, names = match loc_qualid_to_ct_ID l with
n1 :: names -> n1, names
@@ -1766,13 +1814,11 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident s))
| VernacEndProof Admitted ->
CT_save (CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT (CT_thm "Admitted"), ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
- | VernacSetOpacity (false, id :: idl) ->
- CT_transparent(CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id,
- loc_qualid_to_ct_ID idl))
- | VernacSetOpacity (true, id :: idl)
- -> CT_opaque (CT_id_ne_list(loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id,
- loc_qualid_to_ct_ID idl))
- | VernacSetOpacity (_, []) -> xlate_error "Shouldn't occur"
+ | VernacSetOpacity (_,l) ->
+ CT_strategy(CT_level_list
+ ( (fun (l,q) ->
+ (level_to_ct_LEVEL l,
+ CT_id_list( loc_qualid_to_ct_ID q))) l))
| VernacUndo n -> CT_undo (CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT (CT_int n))
| VernacShow (ShowGoal nopt) -> CT_show_goal (xlate_int_opt nopt)
| VernacShow ShowNode -> CT_show_node
@@ -1799,7 +1845,7 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
| PrintOpaqueName id -> CT_print_opaqueid (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id)
| PrintSectionContext id -> CT_print_section (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID id)
| PrintModules -> CT_print_modules
- | PrintGrammar (phylum, name) -> CT_print_grammar CT_grammar_none
+ | PrintGrammar name -> CT_print_grammar CT_grammar_none
| PrintHintDb -> CT_print_hintdb (CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_OR_STAR CT_star)
| PrintHintDbName id ->
CT_print_hintdb (CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STAR (CT_ident id))
@@ -1819,6 +1865,12 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
CT_print_path (xlate_class id1, xlate_class id2)
| PrintCanonicalConversions ->
xlate_error "TODO: Print Canonical Structures"
+ | PrintAssumptions _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print Needed Assumptions"
+ | PrintInstances _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print Instances"
+ | PrintTypeClasses ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Print TypeClasses"
| PrintInspect n -> CT_inspect (CT_int n)
| PrintUniverses opt_s -> CT_print_universes(ctf_STRING_OPT opt_s)
| PrintSetoids -> CT_print_setoids
@@ -1837,12 +1889,14 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
| VernacBeginSection (_,id) ->
CT_coerce_SECTION_BEGIN_to_COMMAND (CT_section (xlate_ident id))
| VernacEndSegment (_,id) -> CT_section_end (xlate_ident id)
- | VernacStartTheoremProof (k, (_,s), (bl,c), _, _) ->
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (k, [Some (_,s), (bl,c)], _, _) ->
CT_theorem_goal (CT_coerce_THM_to_DEFN_OR_THM (xlate_thm k), xlate_ident s,
xlate_binder_list bl, xlate_formula c))
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof _ ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Mutually dependent theorems"
| VernacSuspend -> CT_suspend
- | VernacResume idopt -> CT_resume (xlate_ident_opt (option_map snd idopt))
+ | VernacResume idopt -> CT_resume (xlate_ident_opt ( snd idopt))
| VernacDefinition (k,(_,s),ProveBody (bl,typ),_) ->
@@ -1853,8 +1907,9 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
(xlate_defn kind, xlate_ident s, xlate_binder_list bl,
cvt_optional_eval_for_definition c red_option,
xlate_formula_opt typ_opt)
- | VernacAssumption (kind, b) ->
- CT_variable (xlate_var kind, cvt_vernac_binders b)
+ | VernacAssumption (kind,inline ,b) ->xlate_error "TODO: Parameter Inline"
+ (*inline : bool -> automatic delta reduction at fonctor application*)
+ (* CT_variable (xlate_var kind, cvt_vernac_binders b)*)
| VernacCheckMayEval (None, numopt, c) ->
CT_check (xlate_formula c)
| VernacSearch (s,x) ->
@@ -1884,7 +1939,7 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
(_, (add_coercion, (_,s)), binders, c1,
rec_constructor_or_none, field_list) ->
let record_constructor =
- xlate_ident_opt (option_map snd rec_constructor_or_none) in
+ xlate_ident_opt ( snd rec_constructor_or_none) in
((if add_coercion then CT_coercion_atm else
@@ -1902,15 +1957,8 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
(CT_co_ind co_or_ind, CT_ind_spec_list ( strip_mutind lmi))
| VernacFixpoint ([],_) -> xlate_error "mutual recursive"
| VernacFixpoint ((lm :: lmi),boxed) ->
- let strip_mutrec ((fid, (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
- let (struct_arg,bl,arf,ardef) =
- (* Pierre L: could the case [n=None && bl=[]] happen ? Normally not *)
- (* By the way, how could [bl = []] happen in V8 syntax ? *)
- if bl = [] then
- let n = out_some n in
- let (bl,arf,ardef) = Ppconstr.split_fix (n+1) arf ardef in
- (xlate_id_opt(List.nth (names_of_local_assums bl) n),bl,arf,ardef)
- else (make_fix_struct (n, bl),bl,arf,ardef) in
+ let strip_mutrec (((_,fid), (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
+ let struct_arg = make_fix_struct (n, bl) in
let arf = xlate_formula arf in
let ardef = xlate_formula ardef in
match xlate_binder_list bl with
@@ -1922,26 +1970,35 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
(CT_fix_rec_list (strip_mutrec lm, strip_mutrec lmi))
| VernacCoFixpoint ([],boxed) -> xlate_error "mutual corecursive"
| VernacCoFixpoint ((lm :: lmi),boxed) ->
- let strip_mutcorec ((fid, bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
+ let strip_mutcorec (((_,fid), bl, arf, ardef), _ntn) =
CT_cofix_rec (xlate_ident fid, xlate_binder_list bl,
xlate_formula arf, xlate_formula ardef) in
(CT_cofix_rec_list (strip_mutcorec lm, strip_mutcorec lmi))
| VernacScheme [] -> xlate_error "induction scheme"
| VernacScheme (lm :: lmi) ->
- let strip_ind ((_,id), depstr, inde, sort) =
+ let strip_ind = function
+ | (Some (_,id), InductionScheme (depstr, inde, sort)) ->
(xlate_ident id, xlate_dep depstr,
CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID inde),
- xlate_sort sort) in
+ xlate_sort sort)
+ | (None, InductionScheme (depstr, inde, sort)) ->
+ CT_scheme_spec
+ (xlate_ident (id_of_string ""), xlate_dep depstr,
+ CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (loc_qualid_to_ct_ID inde),
+ xlate_sort sort)
+ | (_, EqualityScheme _) -> xlate_error "TODO: Scheme Equality" in
(CT_scheme_spec_list (strip_ind lm, strip_ind lmi))
- | VernacSyntacticDefinition (id, c, false, _) ->
+ | VernacCombinedScheme _ -> xlate_error "TODO: Combined Scheme"
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_,id), ([],c), false, _) ->
CT_syntax_macro (xlate_ident id, xlate_formula c, xlate_int_opt None)
- | VernacSyntacticDefinition (id, c, true, _) ->
- xlate_error "TODO: Local abbreviations"
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_,id), _, _, _) ->
+ xlate_error"TODO: Local abbreviations and abbreviations with parameters"
(* Modules and Module Types *)
- | VernacDeclareModuleType((_, id), bl, mty_o) ->
+ | VernacInclude (_) -> xlate_error "TODO : Include "
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType((_, id), bl, mty_o) ->
CT_module_type_decl(xlate_ident id,
xlate_module_binder_list bl,
match mty_o with
@@ -2051,6 +2108,12 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
| Local -> CT_local in
CT_coercion (local_opt, id_opt, xlate_ident id1,
xlate_class id2, xlate_class id3)
+ (* Type Classes *)
+ | VernacDeclareInstance _|VernacContext _|
+ VernacInstance (_, _, _, _, _)|VernacClass (_, _, _, _, _) ->
+ xlate_error "TODO: Type Classes commands"
| VernacResetName id -> CT_reset (xlate_ident (snd id))
| VernacResetInitial -> CT_restore_state (CT_ident "Initial")
| VernacExtend (s, l) ->
@@ -2073,10 +2136,10 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
- (function ExplByPos x
+ (function ExplByPos (x,_), _, _
-> xlate_error
"explication argument by rank is obsolete"
- | ExplByName id -> CT_ident (string_of_id id)) l)))
+ | ExplByName id, _, _ -> CT_ident (string_of_id id)) l)))
| VernacDeclareImplicits(false, id, opt_positions) ->
xlate_error "TODO: Implicit Arguments Global"
| VernacReserve((_,a)::l, f) ->
@@ -2096,13 +2159,15 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
let table1 =
match table with
PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
- | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2) in
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
| VernacSetOption (table, v) ->
let table1 =
match table with
PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
- | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2) in
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
let value =
match v with
| BoolValue _ -> assert false
@@ -2115,7 +2180,8 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
let table1 =
match table with
PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
- | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2) in
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
| VernacAddOption (table, l) ->
let values =
@@ -2130,7 +2196,8 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
let table1 =
match table with
PrimaryTable(s) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE(CT_ident s)
- | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2) in
+ | SecondaryTable(s1,s2) -> CT_table(CT_ident s1, CT_ident s2)
+ | TertiaryTable(s1,s2,s3) -> xlate_error "TODO: TertiaryTable" in
CT_set_option_value2(table1, CT_id_or_string_ne_list(fst, values1))
| VernacImport(true, a::l) ->
CT_export_id(CT_id_ne_list(reference_to_ct_ID a,
@@ -2140,13 +2207,17 @@ let rec xlate_vernac = reference_to_ct_ID l))
| VernacImport(_, []) -> assert false
| VernacProof t -> CT_proof_with(xlate_tactic t)
- | VernacVar _ -> xlate_error "Grammar vernac obsolete"
| (VernacGlobalCheck _|VernacPrintOption _|
VernacMemOption (_, _)|VernacRemoveOption (_, _)
| VernacBack _ | VernacBacktrack _ |VernacBackTo _|VernacRestoreState _| VernacWriteState _|
VernacSolveExistential (_, _)|VernacCanonical _ |
- VernacTacticNotation _)
- -> xlate_error "TODO: vernac";;
+ VernacTacticNotation _ | VernacUndoTo _ | VernacRemoveName _)
+ -> xlate_error "TODO: vernac"
+and level_to_ct_LEVEL = function
+ Conv_oracle.Opaque -> CT_Opaque
+ | Conv_oracle.Level n -> CT_Level (CT_int n)
+ | Conv_oracle.Expand -> CT_Expand;;
let rec xlate_vernac_list =