path: root/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli b/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 358c6ba6..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-open Rawterm
-(* Ocaml 3.06 Map.S does not handle is_empty *)
-val idmap_is_empty : 'a Names.Idmap.t -> bool
-(* [get_pattern_id pat] returns a list of all the variable appearing in [pat] *)
-val get_pattern_id : cases_pattern -> Names.identifier list
-(* [pattern_to_term pat] returns a rawconstr corresponding to [pat].
- [pat] must not contain occurences of anonymous pattern
-val pattern_to_term : cases_pattern -> rawconstr
- Some basic functions to rebuild rawconstr
- In each of them the location is Util.dummy_loc
-val mkRRef : Libnames.global_reference -> rawconstr
-val mkRVar : Names.identifier -> rawconstr
-val mkRApp : rawconstr*(rawconstr list) -> rawconstr
-val mkRLambda :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRProd :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRLetIn :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRCases : rawconstr option * tomatch_tuples * cases_clauses -> rawconstr
-val mkRSort : rawsort -> rawconstr
-val mkRHole : unit -> rawconstr (* we only build Evd.BinderType Anonymous holes *)
-val mkRCast : rawconstr* rawconstr -> rawconstr
- Some basic functions to decompose rawconstrs
- These are analogous to the ones constrs
-val raw_decompose_prod : rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_or_letin :
- rawconstr -> (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_n : int -> rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n : int -> rawconstr ->
- (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list * rawconstr
-val raw_compose_prod : rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list -> rawconstr
-val raw_compose_prod_or_letin: rawconstr ->
- (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list -> rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_app : rawconstr -> rawconstr*(rawconstr list)
-(* [raw_make_eq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t2 = t1] *)
-val raw_make_eq : ?typ:rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_neq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t1 <> t2] *)
-val raw_make_neq : rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_or P1 P2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [P1 \/ P2] *)
-val raw_make_or : rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_or_list [P1;...;Pn]] build the rawconstr corresponding
- to [P1 \/ ( .... \/ Pn)]
-val raw_make_or_list : rawconstr list -> rawconstr
-(* alpha_conversion functions *)
-(* Replace the var mapped in the rawconstr/context *)
-val change_vars : Names.identifier Names.Idmap.t -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [alpha_pat avoid pat] rename all the variables present in [pat] s.t.
- the result does not share variables with [avoid]. This function create
- a fresh variable for each occurence of the anonymous pattern.
- Also returns a mapping from old variables to new ones and the concatenation of
- [avoid] with the variables appearing in the result.
- val alpha_pat :
- Names.Idmap.key list ->
- Rawterm.cases_pattern ->
- Rawterm.cases_pattern * Names.Idmap.key list *
- Names.identifier Names.Idmap.t
-(* [alpha_rt avoid rt] alpha convert [rt] s.t. the result repects barendregt
- conventions and does not share bound variables with avoid
-val alpha_rt : Names.identifier list -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* same as alpha_rt but for case branches *)
-val alpha_br : Names.identifier list ->
- Util.loc * Names.identifier list * Rawterm.cases_pattern list *
- Rawterm.rawconstr ->
- Util.loc * Names.identifier list * Rawterm.cases_pattern list *
- Rawterm.rawconstr
-(* Reduction function *)
-val replace_var_by_term :
- Names.identifier ->
- Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
- [is_free_in id rt] checks if [id] is a free variable in [rt]
-val is_free_in : Names.identifier -> rawconstr -> bool
-val are_unifiable : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
-val eq_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
- ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Idset.t
- returns the set of variables appearing in a pattern
-val ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Names.Idset.t
-(* TODO: finish this function (Fix not treated) *)
-val ids_of_rawterm: rawconstr -> Names.Idset.t
- removing let_in construction in a rawterm
-val zeta_normalize : Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
-val expand_as : rawconstr -> rawconstr