path: root/contrib/funind/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /contrib/funind/
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/funind/')
1 files changed, 1770 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ef23c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+open Printer
+open Util
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Pp
+open Entries
+open Hiddentac
+open Evd
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Indfun_common
+let msgnl = Pp.msgnl
+let do_observe () =
+ Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
+let observe strm =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then Pp.msgnl strm
+ else ()
+let observennl strm =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end
+ else ()
+let do_observe_tac s tac g =
+ try let v = tac g in (* msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); *) v
+ with e ->
+ let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
+ msgnl (str "observation "++str s++str " raised exception " ++
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str "on goal " ++ goal );
+ raise e;;
+let observe_tac s tac g =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then do_observe_tac s tac g
+ else tac g
+let tclTRYD tac =
+ if !Options.debug || do_observe ()
+ then (fun g -> try do_observe_tac "" tac g with _ -> tclIDTAC g)
+ else tac
+let list_chop ?(msg="") n l =
+ try
+ list_chop n l
+ with Failure (msg') ->
+ failwith (msg ^ msg')
+let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
+ let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in
+ mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|])
+type static_fix_info =
+ {
+ idx : int;
+ name : identifier;
+ types : types
+ }
+type static_infos =
+ {
+ fixes_ids : identifier list;
+ ptes_to_fixes : static_fix_info Idmap.t
+ }
+type 'a dynamic_info =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps : int;
+ rec_hyps : identifier list ;
+ eq_hyps : identifier list;
+ info : 'a
+ }
+let finish_proof dynamic_infos g =
+ observe_tac "finish"
+ h_assumption
+ g
+let refine c =
+ Tacmach.refine_no_check c
+let thin l =
+ Tacmach.thin_no_check l
+let cut_replacing id t tac :tactic=
+ tclTHENS (cut t)
+ [ tclTHEN (thin_no_check [id]) (introduction_no_check id);
+ tac
+ ]
+let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
+let rec_hyp_id = id_of_string "rec_hyp"
+let is_trivial_eq t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
+ eq_constr t1 t2
+ | _ -> false
+let rec incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 =
+ let c1,arg1 = decompose_app t1
+ and c2,arg2 = decompose_app t2
+ in
+ (not (eq_constr t1 t2)) &&
+ isConstruct c1 && isConstruct c2 &&
+ (
+ not (eq_constr c1 c2) ||
+ List.exists2 incompatible_constructor_terms arg1 arg2
+ )
+let is_incompatible_eq t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
+ incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2
+ | _ -> false
+let change_hyp_with_using hyp_id t tac =
+ fun g ->
+ let prov_id = pf_get_new_id hyp_id g in
+ [
+ forward (Some tac) (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_id) t;
+ thin [hyp_id];
+ h_rename prov_id hyp_id
+ ] g
+exception TOREMOVE
+let prove_trivial_eq h_id context (type_of_term,term) =
+ let nb_intros = List.length context in
+ [
+ tclDO nb_intros intro; (* introducing context *)
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"prove_trivial_eq : " nb_intros (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let context_hyps' =
+ (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|type_of_term;term|]))::
+ ( mkVar context_hyps)
+ in
+ let to_refine = applist(mkVar h_id,List.rev context_hyps') in
+ refine to_refine g
+ )
+ ]
+let isAppConstruct t =
+ if isApp t
+ then isConstruct (fst (destApp t))
+ else false
+let nf_betaoiotazeta = Reductionops.local_strong Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta
+let remove_useless_rel env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2 =
+ let rel_num = destRel t2 in
+ let nb_kept = List.length context - rel_num
+ and nb_popped = rel_num - 1
+ in
+ (* We remove the equation *)
+ let new_end_of_type = pop end_of_type in
+ let lt_relnum,ge_relnum =
+ list_chop
+ ~msg:("removing useless variable "^(string_of_int rel_num)^" :")
+ nb_popped
+ context
+ in
+ (* we rebuilt the type of hypothesis after the rel to remove *)
+ let hyp_type_lt_relnum =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type lt_relnum
+ in
+ (* we replace Rel 1 by t1 *)
+ let new_hyp_type_lt_relnum = subst1 t1 hyp_type_lt_relnum in
+ (* we resplit the type of hyp_type *)
+ let new_lt_relnum,new_end_of_type =
+ Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum nb_popped new_hyp_type_lt_relnum
+ in
+ (* and rebuilt new context of hyp *)
+ let new_context = new_lt_relnum@( ge_relnum) in
+ let new_typ_of_hyp =
+ nf_betaoiotazeta (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type new_context)
+ in
+ let prove_simpl_eq =
+ [
+ tclDO (nb_popped + nb_kept) intro;
+ (fun g' ->
+ let new_hyps_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g' in
+ let popped_ids,others =
+ list_chop ~msg:"removing useless variable pop :"
+ nb_popped new_hyps_ids in
+ let kept_ids,_ =
+ list_chop ~msg: " removing useless variable kept : "
+ nb_kept others
+ in
+ let rev_to_apply =
+ (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|Typing.type_of env sigma t1;t1|]))::
+ (( mkVar popped_ids)@
+ (t1::
+ ( mkVar kept_ids)))
+ in
+ let to_refine = applist(mkVar hyp_id,List.rev rev_to_apply) in
+ refine to_refine g'
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ let simpl_eq_tac = change_hyp_with_using hyp_id new_typ_of_hyp
+ (observe_tac "prove_simpl_eq" prove_simpl_eq)
+ in
+ let new_end_of_type = nf_betaoiotazeta new_end_of_type in
+ (new_context,new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac),new_typ_of_hyp,
+ (str " removing useless variable " ++ str (string_of_int rel_num) )
+let decompose_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2 =
+ let c1,args1 = destApp t1
+ and c2,args2 = destApp t2
+ in
+ (* This tactic must be used after is_incompatible_eq *)
+ assert (eq_constr c1 c2);
+ (* we remove this equation *)
+ let new_end_of_type = pop end_of_type in
+ let new_eqs =
+ array_map2_i
+ (fun i arg1 arg2 ->
+ let new_eq =
+ let type_of_arg = Typing.type_of env sigma arg1 in
+ mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_arg;arg1;arg2|])
+ in
+ Anonymous,None,lift i new_eq
+ )
+ args1
+ args2
+ in
+ let nb_new_eqs = Array.length new_eqs in
+ (* we add the new equation *)
+ let new_end_of_type = lift nb_new_eqs new_end_of_type in
+ let local_context =
+ List.rev (Array.to_list new_eqs) in
+ let new_end_of_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type local_context in
+ let new_typ_of_hyp =
+ nf_betaoiotazeta (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type context)
+ in
+ let prove_pattern_simplification =
+ let context_length = List.length context in
+ [
+ tclDO (context_length + nb_new_eqs) intro ;
+ (fun g ->
+ let new_eqs,others =
+ list_chop ~msg:"simplifying pattern : new_eqs" nb_new_eqs (pf_hyps g)
+ in
+ let context_hyps,_ = list_chop ~msg:"simplifying pattern : context_hyps"
+ context_length others in
+ let eq_args =
+ List.rev_map
+ (fun (_,_, eq) -> let _,args = destApp eq in args.(1),args.(2))
+ new_eqs
+ in
+ let lhs_args,rhs_args = List.split eq_args in
+ let lhs_eq = applist(c1,lhs_args)
+ and rhs_eq = applist(c1,rhs_args)
+ in
+ let type_of_eq = pf_type_of g lhs_eq in
+ let eq_to_assert =
+ mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_eq;lhs_eq;rhs_eq|])
+ in
+ let prove_new_eq =
+ tclMAP
+ (fun (id,_,_) ->
+ (* The tclTRY here is used when trying to rewrite
+ on Set
+ eg (@cons A x l)=(@cons A x' l') generates 3 eqs
+ A=A -> x=x' -> l = l' ...
+ *)
+ tclTRY (Equality.rewriteLR (mkVar id))
+ )
+ new_eqs;
+ reflexivity
+ ]
+ in
+ let new_eq_id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "H") g in
+ let create_new_eq =
+ forward
+ (Some (observe_tac "prove_new_eq" (prove_new_eq)))
+ (Genarg.IntroIdentifier new_eq_id)
+ eq_to_assert
+ in
+ let to_refine =
+ applist (
+ mkVar hyp_id,
+ List.rev ((mkVar new_eq_id)::
+ ( (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) context_hyps)))
+ in
+ tclTHEN
+ (observe_tac "create_new_eq" create_new_eq )
+ (observe_tac "refine in decompose_eq " (refine to_refine))
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ let simpl_eq_tac =
+ change_hyp_with_using hyp_id new_typ_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_pattern_simplification " prove_pattern_simplification)
+ in
+ (context,nf_betaoiotazeta new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac),new_typ_of_hyp,
+ str "simplifying an equation "
+let change_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) x t end_of_type =
+ if not (noccurn 1 end_of_type)
+ then (* if end_of_type depends on this term we don't touch it *)
+ begin
+ observe (str "Not treating " ++ pr_lconstr t );
+ failwith "NoChange";
+ end;
+ let res,new_typ_of_hyp,msg =
+ if not (isApp t) then failwith "NoChange";
+ let f,args = destApp t in
+ if not (eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq)) then failwith "NoChange";
+ let t1 = args.(1)
+ and t2 = args.(2)
+ in
+ if isRel t2 && closed0 t1 then (* closed_term = x with x bound in context *)
+ begin
+ remove_useless_rel env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2
+ end
+ else if isAppConstruct t1 && isAppConstruct t2 (* C .... = C .... *)
+ then decompose_eq env sigma hyp_id context t end_of_type t1 t2
+ else failwith "NoChange"
+ in
+ observe (str "In " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id ++
+ msg ++ fnl ()++
+ str "old_typ_of_hyp :=" ++
+ Printer.pr_lconstr_env
+ env
+ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:end_of_type ((x,None,t)::context))
+ ++ fnl () ++
+ str "new_typ_of_hyp := "++
+ Printer.pr_lconstr_env env new_typ_of_hyp ++ fnl ());
+ (res:'a*'b*'c)
+let is_property static_info t_x =
+ if isApp t_x
+ then
+ let pte,args = destApp t_x in
+ if isVar pte && array_for_all closed0 args
+ then Idmap.mem (destVar pte) static_info.ptes_to_fixes
+ else false
+ else false
+let isLetIn t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | LetIn _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let h_reduce_with_zeta =
+ h_reduce
+ (Rawterm.Cbv
+ {Rawterm.all_flags
+ with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
+ })
+let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
+ let constr_eq = Lazy.force eq in
+ let replace_if_unify arg (pat,cl,id,lhs) : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ try
+ let (evd,matched) =
+ Unification.w_unify_to_subterm
+ (pf_env g) ~mod_delta:false (pat,arg) cl.Clenv.env
+ in
+ let cl' = {cl with Clenv.env = evd } in
+ let c2 = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' lhs in
+ (Equality.replace matched c2) g
+ with _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "") g
+ in
+ let rewrite_on_step equalities : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
+ | App(_,args) when (not (test_var args arg_num)) ->
+(* tclFIRST ( (fun a -> observe_tac (str "replace_if_unify") (replace_if_unify args.(arg_num) a)) equalities) g *)
+ tclFIRST ( (replace_if_unify args.(arg_num)) equalities) g
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Util.UserError("", (str "No more rewrite" ++
+ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (pf_concl g))))
+ in
+ fun g ->
+ let equalities =
+ List.filter
+ (
+ fun (_,_,id_t) ->
+ match kind_of_term id_t with
+ | App(f,_) -> eq_constr f constr_eq
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ (pf_hyps g)
+ in
+ let f (id,_,ctype) =
+ let c = mkVar id in
+ let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding g (c,ctype) Rawterm.NoBindings in
+ let clause_type = Clenv.clenv_type eqclause in
+ let f,args = decompose_app (clause_type) in
+ let rec split_last_two = function
+ | [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2)
+ | x::y::z ->
+ split_last_two (y::z)
+ | _ ->
+ error ("The term provided is not an equivalence")
+ in
+ let (c1,c2) = split_last_two args in
+ (c2,eqclause,id,c1)
+ in
+ let matching_hyps = f equalities in
+ tclTRY (tclREPEAT (tclPROGRESS (rewrite_on_step matching_hyps))) g
+let rewrite_until_var arg_num eq_ids : tactic =
+ let test_var g =
+ let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
+ isVar args.(arg_num)
+ in
+ let rec do_rewrite eq_ids g =
+ if test_var g
+ then tclIDTAC g
+ else
+ match eq_ids with
+ | [] -> anomaly "Cannot find a way to prove recursive property";
+ | eq_id::eq_ids ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclTRY (Equality.rewriteRL (mkVar eq_id)))
+ (do_rewrite eq_ids)
+ g
+ in
+ do_rewrite eq_ids
+let prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps fix_info =
+ tclTHEN
+ (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx - 1) eq_hyps)
+ (fun g ->
+ let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
+ let rec_hyp_proof =
+ mkApp(mkVar,array_get_start pte_args)
+ in
+ refine rec_hyp_proof g
+ )
+let rec_pte_id = id_of_string "Hrec"
+let clean_hyp_with_heq static_infos eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma =
+ let coq_False = Coqlib.build_coq_False () in
+ let coq_True = Coqlib.build_coq_True () in
+ let coq_I = Coqlib.build_coq_I () in
+ let rec scan_type context type_of_hyp : tactic =
+ if isLetIn type_of_hyp then
+ let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_hyp context in
+ let reduced_type_of_hyp = nf_betaoiotazeta real_type_of_hyp in
+ (* length of context didn't change ? *)
+ let new_context,new_typ_of_hyp =
+ Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length context) reduced_type_of_hyp
+ in
+ [
+ h_reduce_with_zeta
+ (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)
+ ;
+ scan_type new_context new_typ_of_hyp
+ ]
+ else if isProd type_of_hyp
+ then
+ begin
+ let (x,t_x,t') = destProd type_of_hyp in
+ if is_property static_infos t_x then
+ begin
+ let pte,pte_args = (destApp t_x) in
+ let fix_info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) static_infos.ptes_to_fixes in
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in
+ let prove_new_type_of_hyp =
+ let context_length = List.length context in
+ [
+ tclDO context_length intro;
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps_ids =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"rec hyp : context_hyps"
+ context_length (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let rec_pte_id = pf_get_new_id rec_pte_id g in
+ let to_refine =
+ applist(mkVar hyp_id,
+ List.rev_map mkVar (rec_pte_id::context_hyps_ids)
+ )
+ in
+ [
+ forward
+ (Some (prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps fix_info))
+ (Genarg.IntroIdentifier rec_pte_id)
+ t_x;
+ refine to_refine
+ ]
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ [
+ observe_tac "hyp rec"
+ (change_hyp_with_using hyp_id real_type_of_hyp prove_new_type_of_hyp);
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ end
+ else if eq_constr t_x coq_False then
+ begin
+ observe (str "Removing : "++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++
+ str " since it has False in its preconds "
+ );
+ raise TOREMOVE; (* False -> .. useless *)
+ end
+ else if is_incompatible_eq t_x then raise TOREMOVE (* t_x := C1 ... = C2 ... *)
+ else if eq_constr t_x coq_True (* Trivial => we remove this precons *)
+ then
+ let _ =
+ observe (str "In "++Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++
+ str " removing useless precond True"
+ )
+ in
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
+ in
+ let prove_trivial =
+ let nb_intro = List.length context in
+ tclDO nb_intro intro;
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"removing True : context_hyps "nb_intro (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let to_refine =
+ applist (mkVar hyp_id,
+ List.rev ( mkVar context_hyps)
+ )
+ in
+ refine to_refine g
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ change_hyp_with_using hyp_id real_type_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_trivial" prove_trivial);
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ else if is_trivial_eq t_x
+ then (* t_x := t = t => we remove this precond *)
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
+ in
+ let _,args = destApp t_x in
+ [
+ change_hyp_with_using
+ hyp_id
+ real_type_of_hyp
+ (observe_tac "prove_trivial_eq" (prove_trivial_eq hyp_id context (args.(0),args.(1))));
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_context,new_t',tac = change_eq env sigma hyp_id context x t_x t' in
+ tclTHEN
+ tac
+ (scan_type new_context new_t')
+ with Failure "NoChange" ->
+ (* Last thing todo : push the rel in the context and continue *)
+ scan_type ((x,None,t_x)::context) t'
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ tclIDTAC
+ in
+ try
+ scan_type [] (Typing.type_of env sigma (mkVar hyp_id)), [hyp_id]
+ with TOREMOVE ->
+ thin [hyp_id],[]
+let clean_goal_with_heq static_infos continue_tac dyn_infos =
+ fun g ->
+ let env = pf_env g
+ and sigma = project g
+ in
+ let tac,new_hyps =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun (hyps_tac,new_hyps) hyp_id ->
+ let hyp_tac,new_hyp =
+ clean_hyp_with_heq static_infos dyn_infos.eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma
+ in
+ (tclTHEN hyp_tac hyps_tac),new_hyp@new_hyps
+ )
+ (tclIDTAC,[])
+ dyn_infos.rec_hyps
+ in
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = new_hyps;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
+ }
+ in
+ [
+ tac ;
+ (continue_tac new_infos)
+ ]
+ g
+let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq"
+let treat_new_case static_infos nb_prod continue_tac term dyn_infos =
+ fun g ->
+ let heq_id = pf_get_new_id heq_id g in
+ let nb_first_intro = nb_prod - 1 - dyn_infos.nb_rec_hyps in
+ [
+ (* We first introduce the variables *)
+ tclDO nb_first_intro (intro_avoiding dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
+ (* Then the equation itself *)
+ introduction_no_check heq_id;
+ (* Then the new hypothesis *)
+ tclMAP introduction_no_check dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ observe_tac "after_introduction" (fun g' ->
+ (* We get infos on the equations introduced*)
+ let new_term_value_eq = pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq_id) in
+ (* compute the new value of the body *)
+ let new_term_value =
+ match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
+ | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
+ | _ ->
+ observe (pr_gls g' ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
+ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') new_term_value_eq
+ );
+ assert false
+ in
+ let fun_body =
+ mkLambda(Anonymous,
+ pf_type_of g' term,
+ replace_term term (mkRel 1)
+ )
+ in
+ let new_body = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |])) in
+ let new_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ info = new_body;
+ eq_hyps = heq_id::dyn_infos.eq_hyps
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq static_infos continue_tac new_infos g'
+ )
+ ]
+ g
+let do_prove_princ_for_struct
+ (interactive_proof:bool)
+ (fnames:constant list)
+ static_infos
+(* (ptes:identifier list) *)
+(* (fixes:(int*constr*identifier*constr) Idmap.t) *)
+(* (hyps: identifier list) *)
+(* (term:constr) *)
+ dyn_infos
+ : tactic =
+(* let fixes_ids = Idmap.fold (fun _ (_,_,id,_) acc -> id::acc) fixes [] in *)
+ let rec do_prove_princ_for_struct_aux do_finalize dyn_infos : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+(* observe (str "proving on " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term);*)
+ match kind_of_term with
+ | Case(_,_,t,_) ->
+ let g_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ let type_of_term = pf_type_of g t in
+ let term_eq =
+ make_refl_eq type_of_term t
+ in
+ [
+ h_generalize ( mkVar dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
+ thin dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ pattern_option [[-1],t] None;
+ h_simplest_case t;
+ (fun g' ->
+ let g'_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g') in
+ let nb_instanciate_partial = g'_nb_prod - g_nb_prod in
+ observe_tac "treat_new_case"
+ (treat_new_case
+ static_infos
+ nb_instanciate_partial
+ (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize)
+ t
+ dyn_infos)
+ g'
+ )
+ ] g
+ | Lambda(n,t,b) ->
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with
+ | Prod _ ->
+ tclTHEN
+ intro
+ (fun g' ->
+ let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
+ let new_term =
+ pf_nf_betaiota g'
+ (mkApp(,[|mkVar id|]))
+ in
+ let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_term} in
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize new_infos g'
+ ) g
+ | _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ end
+ | Cast(t,_,_) ->
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = t} g
+ | Const _ | Var _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Sort _ | Construct _ | Ind _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ | App(_,_) ->
+ let f,args = decompose_app in
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = (f,args)
+ }
+ in
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize new_infos g
+ | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = (f,args)
+ }
+ in
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize new_infos g
+ | Const _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ | _ ->
+(* observe *)
+(* (str "Applied binders not yet implemented: in "++ fnl () ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term ++ fnl () ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f ++ spc () ++ str "is applied") ; *)
+ tclFAIL 0 (str "TODO : Applied binders not yet implemented") g
+ end
+ | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
+ error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet")
+ | Prod _ -> assert false
+ | LetIn _ ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = nf_betaoiotazeta
+ }
+ in
+ [tclMAP
+ (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
+ dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize new_infos
+ ] g
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "" (str "in do_prove_princ_for_struct found : "(* ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term *)
+ )
+ and do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize dyn_infos g =
+(* observe (str "proving with "++Printer.pr_lconstr term++ str " on goal " ++ pr_gls g); *)
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct_aux do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ and do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize dyn_infos (* f_args' args *) :tactic =
+ fun g ->
+(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
+(* then msgnl (str "do_prove_princ_for_struct_args with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f_args' *)
+(* ); *)
+ let (f_args',args) = in
+ let tac =
+ match args with
+ | [] ->
+ do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f_args'}
+ | arg::args ->
+ let do_finalize dyn_infos =
+ let new_arg = in
+ tclTRYD
+ (do_prove_princ_for_struct_args
+ do_finalize
+ {dyn_infos with info = (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|])), args}
+ )
+ in
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize
+ {dyn_infos with info = arg }
+ in
+ tclTRYD(tac ) g
+ in
+ let do_finish_proof dyn_infos =
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ static_infos
+ finish_proof dyn_infos
+ in
+ observe_tac "do_prove_princ_for_struct"
+ (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finish_proof dyn_infos)
+let is_pte_type t =
+ isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
+let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
+exception Not_Rec
+let instanciate_hyps_with_args (do_prove:identifier list -> tactic) hyps args_id =
+ let args = Array.of_list ( mkVar args_id) in
+ let instanciate_one_hyp hid =
+ ( (* we instanciate the hyp if possible *)
+(* tclTHENLIST *)
+(* [h_generalize [mkApp(mkVar hid,args)]; *)
+(* intro_erasing hid] *)
+ fun g ->
+ let prov_hid = pf_get_new_id hid g in
+ forward None (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_hid) (mkApp(mkVar hid,args));
+ thin [hid];
+ h_rename prov_hid hid
+ ] g
+ )
+ ( (*
+ if not then we are in a mutual function block
+ and this hyp is a recursive hyp on an other function.
+ We are not supposed to use it while proving this
+ principle so that we can trash it
+ *)
+ (fun g ->
+ observe (str "Instanciation: removing hyp " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid);
+ thin [hid] g
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ (* if no args then no instanciation ! *)
+ if args_id = []
+ then
+ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
+ do_prove hyps
+ ]
+ else
+ [
+ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
+ tclMAP instanciate_one_hyp hyps;
+ (fun g ->
+ let all_g_hyps_id =
+ List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty
+ in
+ let remaining_hyps =
+ List.filter (fun id -> Idset.mem id all_g_hyps_id) hyps
+ in
+ do_prove remaining_hyps g
+ )
+ ]
+let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _naprams : tactic =
+ fun goal ->
+(* observe (str "Proving principle for "++ str (string_of_int fun_num) ++ str "th function : " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr (mkConst fnames.(fun_num))); *)
+ let princ_type = pf_concl goal in
+ let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
+ let get_body const =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let body = force b in
+ Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
+ (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+ (Global.env ())
+ (Evd.empty)
+ body
+ | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
+ in
+ let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
+ let params : identifier list ref = ref [] in
+ let predicates : identifier list ref = ref [] in
+ let args : identifier list ref = ref [] in
+ let branches : identifier list ref = ref [] in
+ let pte_to_fix = ref Idmap.empty in
+ let fbody_with_params = ref None in
+ let intro_with_remembrance ref number : tactic =
+ tclTHEN
+ ( tclDO number intro )
+ (fun g ->
+ let last_n = list_chop number (pf_hyps g) in
+ ref := (fun (id,_,_) -> id) (fst last_n)@ !ref;
+ tclIDTAC g
+ )
+ in
+ let rec partial_combine body params =
+ match kind_of_term body,params with
+ | Lambda (x,t,b),param::params ->
+ partial_combine (subst1 param b) params
+ | Fix(infos),_ ->
+ body,params, Some (infos)
+ | _ -> body,params,None
+ in
+ let build_pte_to_fix (offset:int) params predicates
+ ((idxs,fix_num),(na,typearray,ca)) (avoid,_) =
+(* let true_params,_ = list_chop offset params in *)
+ let true_params = List.rev params in
+ let avoid = ref avoid in
+ let res = list_fold_left_i
+ (fun i acc pte_id ->
+ let this_fix_id = fresh_id !avoid "fix___" in
+ avoid := this_fix_id::!avoid;
+(* let this_body = substl (List.rev fnames_as_constr) ca.(i) in *)
+ let new_type = prod_applist typearray.(i) true_params in
+ let new_type_args,_ = decompose_prod new_type in
+ let nargs = List.length new_type_args in
+ let pte_args =
+ (* let rev_args = List.rev_map (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) new_type_args in *)
+ let f = applist((* all_funs *)mkConst fnames.(i),true_params) in
+ let app_f = mkApp(f,Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))) in
+ (Array.to_list (Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))))@[app_f]
+ in
+ let app_pte = applist(mkVar pte_id,pte_args) in
+ let new_type = compose_prod new_type_args app_pte in
+ let fix_info =
+ {
+ idx = idxs.(i) - offset + 1;
+ name = this_fix_id;
+ types = new_type
+ }
+ in
+ pte_to_fix := Idmap.add pte_id fix_info !pte_to_fix;
+ fix_info::acc
+ )
+ 0
+ []
+ predicates
+ in
+ !avoid,List.rev res
+ in
+ let mk_fixes : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let body_p,params',fix_infos =
+ partial_combine fbody (List.rev_map mkVar !params)
+ in
+ fbody_with_params := Some body_p;
+ let offset = List.length params' in
+ let not_real_param,true_params =
+ list_chop
+ ((List.length !params ) - offset)
+ !params
+ in
+ params := true_params; args := not_real_param;
+(* observe (str "mk_fixes : params are "++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc *)
+(* (fun id -> pr_lconstr (mkVar id)) *)
+(* !params *)
+(* ); *)
+ let new_avoid,infos =
+ option_fold_right
+ (build_pte_to_fix
+ offset
+ ( mkVar !params)
+ (List.rev !predicates)
+ )
+ fix_infos
+ ((pf_ids_of_hyps g),[])
+ in
+ let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
+ match pre_info,infos with
+ | [],[] -> tclIDTAC g
+ | _,this_fix_info::infos' ->
+ let other_fix_info =
+ (fun fix_info ->,fix_info.idx,fix_info.types)
+ (pre_info@infos')
+ in
+ (h_mutual_fix this_fix_info.idx other_fix_info)
+ (tclFAIL 1000 (str "bad index" ++
+ str (string_of_int this_fix_info.idx) ++
+ str "offset := " ++
+ (str (string_of_int offset))))
+ g
+ | _,[] -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
+ in
+ let do_prove ptes_to_fixes args branches : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let static_infos =
+ {
+ ptes_to_fixes = ptes_to_fixes;
+ fixes_ids =
+ Idmap.fold
+ (fun _ fix_info acc ->
+ ptes_to_fixes []
+ }
+ in
+ match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
+ | App(pte,pte_args) when isVar pte ->
+ begin
+ let pte = destVar pte in
+ try
+ if not (Idmap.mem pte ptes_to_fixes) then raise Not_Rec;
+ let nparams = List.length !params in
+ let args_as_constr = mkVar args in
+ let rec_num,new_body =
+ let idx' = list_index pte (List.rev !predicates) - 1 in
+ let f = fnames.(idx') in
+ let body_with_params = match !fbody_with_params with Some f -> f | _ -> anomaly ""
+ in
+ let name_of_f = Name ( id_of_label (con_label f)) in
+ let ((rec_nums,_),(na,_,bodies)) = destFix body_with_params in
+ let idx'' = list_index name_of_f (Array.to_list na) - 1 in
+ let body = substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs)) bodies.(idx'') in
+ let body = Reductionops.nf_beta (applist(body,(List.rev_map mkVar !params))) in
+ rec_nums.(idx'') - nparams ,body
+ in
+ let applied_body =
+ Reductionops.nf_beta
+ (applist(new_body,List.rev args_as_constr))
+ in
+ let do_prove branches applied_body =
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ static_infos
+ branches
+ applied_body
+ in
+ let replace_and_prove =
+ tclTHENS
+ (fun g ->
+(* observe (str "replacing " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (array_last pte_args) ++ *)
+(* str " with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) applied_body ++ *)
+(* str " rec_arg_num is " ++ str (string_of_int rec_num) *)
+(* ); *)
+ (Equality.replace (array_last pte_args) applied_body) g
+ )
+ [
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ static_infos do_prove
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ info = applied_body;
+ eq_hyps = [];
+ } ;
+ try
+ let id = List.nth (List.rev args_as_constr) (rec_num) in
+ (* observe (str "choosen var := "++ pr_lconstr id); *)
+ [(h_simplest_case id);
+ Tactics.intros_reflexivity
+ ])
+ with _ -> tclIDTAC
+ ]
+ in
+ (observe_tac "doing replacement" ( replace_and_prove)) g
+ with Not_Rec ->
+ let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (array_last pte_args))) in
+ tclTHEN
+ (unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)])
+ (observe_tac ""
+ (fun g' ->
+ let body = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g'))) in
+ let dyn_infos =
+ { nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ info = body;
+ eq_hyps = []
+ }
+ in
+ let do_prove =
+ do_prove_princ_for_struct
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ static_infos
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq static_infos
+ do_prove dyn_infos g'
+ )
+ )
+ g
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ [
+ (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing params" (intro_with_remembrance params princ_info.nparams) g);
+ (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing predicate" (intro_with_remembrance predicates princ_info.npredicates) g);
+ (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing branches" (intro_with_remembrance branches princ_info.nbranches) g);
+ (fun g -> observe_tac "declaring fix(es)" mk_fixes g);
+ (fun g ->
+ let nb_prod_g = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ tclDO nb_prod_g intro;
+ (fun g' ->
+ let args =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"args" nb_prod_g (pf_ids_of_hyps g'))
+ in
+ let do_prove_on_branches branches : tactic =
+ observe_tac "proving" (do_prove !pte_to_fix args branches)
+ in
+ observe_tac "instanciating rec hyps"
+ (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove_on_branches !branches (List.rev args))
+ g'
+ )
+ ]
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ goal
+exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
+exception Toberemoved
+let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel rel_to_fun sorts princ_type =
+ let princ_type_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+(* let type_sort = (Termops.new_sort_in_family InType) in *)
+ let change_predicate_sort i (x,_,t) =
+ let new_sort = sorts.(i) in
+ let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
+ let real_args =
+ if princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl
+ then args
+ else args
+ in
+ x,None,compose_prod real_args (mkSort new_sort)
+ in
+ let new_predicates =
+ list_map_i
+ change_predicate_sort
+ 0
+ princ_type_info.predicates
+ in
+ let env_with_params_and_predicates =
+ Environ.push_rel_context
+ new_predicates
+ (Environ.push_rel_context
+ princ_type_info.params
+ env
+ )
+ in
+ let rel_as_kn =
+ fst (match princ_type_info.indref with
+ | Some (Libnames.IndRef ind) -> ind
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a valid predicate"
+ )
+ in
+ let pre_princ =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:
+ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:(option_fold_right
+ mkProd_or_LetIn
+ princ_type_info.indarg
+ princ_type_info.concl
+ )
+ princ_type_info.args
+ )
+ princ_type_info.branches
+ in
+ let is_dom c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let get_fun_num c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind(_,num) -> num
+ | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
+ let mk_replacement c i args =
+ let res = mkApp(rel_to_fun.(i), pop (array_get_start args)) in
+(* observe (str "replacing " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str " by " ++ pr_lconstr res); *)
+ res
+ in
+ let rec has_dummy_var t =
+ fold_constr
+ (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
+ false
+ t
+ in
+ let rec compute_new_princ_type remove env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
+ let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
+ match kind_of_term pre_princ with
+ | Rel n ->
+ begin
+ try match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
+ | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[] with Not_found -> assert false
+ end
+ | Prod(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkProd env x t b
+ | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkLambda env x t b
+ | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
+ | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
+ let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
+ let num = get_fun_num f in
+ raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement pre_princ num args))
+ | App(f,args) ->
+ let is_pte =
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel n ->
+ is_pte (Environ.lookup_rel n env)
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let args =
+ if is_pte && remove
+ then array_get_start args
+ else args
+ in
+ let new_args,binders_to_remove =
+ Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env)
+ args
+ ([],[])
+ in
+ let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type remove env f in
+ applist(new_f, new_args),
+ list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
+ | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[]
+ in
+(* observennl ( *)
+(* match kind_of_term pre_princ with *)
+(* | Prod _ -> *)
+(* str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
+(* str" is "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type ++ fnl () *)
+(* | _ -> str "" *)
+(* ); *)
+ res
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove bind_fun env x t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ binders_to_remove_from_t
+ ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
+ let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type remove env v in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
+ ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
+ let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type remove env e
+ in
+ new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
+ in
+(* observe (str "Computing new principe from " ++ pr_lconstr_env env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ); *)
+ let pre_res,_ =
+ compute_new_princ_type princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ in
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:(it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:pre_res new_predicates)
+ princ_type_info.params
+let change_property_sort toSort princ princName =
+ let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ in
+ let change_sort_in_predicate (x,v,t) =
+ (x,None,
+ let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
+ compose_prod args (mkSort toSort)
+ )
+ in
+ let princName_as_constr = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) princName in
+ let init =
+ let nargs = (princ_info.nparams + (List.length princ_info.predicates)) in
+ mkApp(princName_as_constr,
+ Array.init nargs
+ (fun i -> mkRel (nargs - i )))
+ in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
+ ~init:
+ (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init
+ ( change_sort_in_predicate princ_info.predicates)
+ )
+ princ_info.params
+let pp_dur time time' =
+ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time time'))
+(* Things to be removed latter : just here to compare
+ saving proof with and without normalizing the proof
+let new_save id const (locality,kind) hook =
+ let {const_entry_body = pft;
+ const_entry_type = tpo;
+ const_entry_opaque = opacity } = const in
+ let l,r = match locality with
+ | Decl_kinds.Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
+ let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
+ let c = Declare.SectionLocalDef (pft, tpo, opacity) in
+ let _ = Declare.declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
+ (Decl_kinds.Local, Libnames.VarRef id)
+ | Decl_kinds.Local ->
+ let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
+ let kn = Declare.declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
+ (Decl_kinds.Global, Libnames.ConstRef kn)
+ | Decl_kinds.Global ->
+ let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
+ let kn = Declare.declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
+ (Decl_kinds.Global, Libnames.ConstRef kn) in
+ let time1 = System.get_time () in
+ Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
+ let time2 = System.get_time () in
+ hook l r;
+ time1,time2
+(* definition_message id *)
+let new_save_named opacity =
+(* if do_observe () *)
+(* then *)
+ let time1 = System.get_time () in
+ let id,(const,persistence,hook) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in
+ let time2 = System.get_time () in
+ let const =
+ { const with
+ const_entry_body = (* nf_betaoiotazeta *)const.const_entry_body ;
+ const_entry_opaque = opacity
+ }
+ in
+ let time3 = System.get_time () in
+ let time4,time5 = new_save id const persistence hook in
+ let time6 = System.get_time () in
+ Pp.msgnl
+ (str "cooking proof time : " ++ pp_dur time1 time2 ++ fnl () ++
+ str "reducing proof time : " ++ pp_dur time2 time3 ++ fnl () ++
+ str "saving proof time : " ++ pp_dur time3 time4 ++fnl () ++
+ str "deleting proof time : " ++ pp_dur time4 time5 ++fnl () ++
+ str "hook time :" ++ pp_dur time5 time6
+ )
+(* End of things to be removed latter : just here to compare
+ saving proof with and without normalizing the proof
+let generate_functional_principle
+ interactive_proof
+ old_princ_type sorts new_princ_name funs i proof_tac
+ =
+ let f = funs.(i) in
+ let type_sort = Termops.new_sort_in_family InType in
+ let new_sorts =
+ match sorts with
+ | None -> Array.make (Array.length funs) (type_sort)
+ | Some a -> a
+ in
+ (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
+ let mutr_nparams = (compute_elim_sig old_princ_type).nparams in
+ (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
+ let new_principle_type =
+ compute_new_princ_type_from_rel
+ ( mkConst funs)
+ new_sorts
+ old_princ_type
+ in
+(* observe (str "new_principle_type : " ++ pr_lconstr new_principle_type); *)
+ let base_new_princ_name,new_princ_name =
+ match new_princ_name with
+ | Some (id) -> id,id
+ | None ->
+ let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in
+ id_of_f,Indrec.make_elimination_ident id_of_f (family_of_sort type_sort)
+ in
+ let names = ref [new_princ_name] in
+ let hook _ _ =
+ if sorts = None
+ then
+(* let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in *)
+ let register_with_sort fam_sort =
+ let s = Termops.new_sort_in_family fam_sort in
+ let name = Indrec.make_elimination_ident base_new_princ_name fam_sort in
+ let value =
+ change_property_sort s new_principle_type new_princ_name
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new principle := " ++ pr_lconstr value); *)
+ let ce =
+ { const_entry_body = value;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_boxed = Options.boxed_definitions()
+ }
+ in
+ ignore(
+ Declare.declare_constant
+ name
+ (Entries.DefinitionEntry ce,
+ Decl_kinds.IsDefinition (Decl_kinds.Scheme)
+ )
+ );
+ names := name :: !names
+ in
+ register_with_sort InProp;
+ register_with_sort InSet
+ in
+ begin
+ Command.start_proof
+ new_princ_name
+ (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
+ new_principle_type
+ hook
+ ;
+ try
+ let _tim1 = System.get_time () in
+ (proof_tac ( mkConst funs) mutr_nparams);
+ let _tim2 = System.get_time () in
+(* begin *)
+(* let dur1 = System.time_difference tim1 tim2 in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to compute proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur1)); *)
+(* end; *)
+ let do_save = not (do_observe ()) && not interactive_proof in
+ let _ =
+ try
+ Options.silently Command.save_named true;
+ let _dur2 = System.time_difference _tim2 (System.get_time ()) in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to check proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur2)); *)
+ Options.if_verbose
+ (fun () ->
+ Pp.msgnl (
+ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> str" is defined " ++ fnl ())
+ Ppconstr.pr_id
+ (List.rev !names) ++ str" is defined "
+ )
+ )
+ ()
+ with e when do_save ->
+ msg_warning
+ (
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e
+ );
+ if not (do_observe ())
+ then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
+ in
+ ()
+(* let tim3 = Sys.time () in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to save proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float (tim3 -. tim2))); *)
+ with
+ | e ->
+ msg_warning
+ (
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e
+ );
+ if not ( do_observe ())
+ then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
+ end
+let get_funs_constant mp dp =
+ let rec get_funs_constant const e : (Names.constant*int) array =
+ match kind_of_term (snd (decompose_lam e)) with
+ | Fix((_,(na,_,_))) ->
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i na ->
+ match na with
+ | Name id ->
+ let const = make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in
+ const,i
+ | Anonymous ->
+ anomaly "Anonymous fix"
+ )
+ na
+ | _ -> [|const,0|]
+ in
+ function const ->
+ let find_constant_body const =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let body = force b in
+ let body = Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
+ (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+ (Global.env ())
+ (Evd.empty)
+ body
+ in
+ body
+ | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
+ in
+ let f = find_constant_body const in
+ let l_const = get_funs_constant const f in
+ (*
+ We need to check that all the functions found are in the same block
+ to prevent Reset stange thing
+ *)
+ let l_bodies = find_constant_body (Array.to_list ( fst l_const)) in
+ let l_params,l_fixes = List.split ( decompose_lam l_bodies) in
+ (* all the paremeter must be equal*)
+ let _check_params =
+ let first_params = List.hd l_params in
+ List.iter
+ (fun params ->
+ if not ((=) first_params params)
+ then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ )
+ l_params
+ in
+ (* The bodies has to be very similar *)
+ let _check_bodies =
+ try
+ let extract_info is_first body =
+ match kind_of_term body with
+ | Fix((idxs,_),(na,ta,ca)) -> (idxs,na,ta,ca)
+ | _ ->
+ if is_first && (List.length l_bodies = 1)
+ then raise Not_Rec
+ else error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ in
+ let first_infos = extract_info true (List.hd l_bodies) in
+ let check body = (* Hope this is correct *)
+ if not (first_infos = (extract_info false body))
+ then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ in
+ List.iter check l_bodies
+ with Not_Rec -> ()
+ in
+ l_const
+let make_scheme fas =
+ let env = Global.env ()
+ and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let id_to_constr id =
+ Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
+ in
+ let funs = (fun (_,f,_) -> id_to_constr f) fas in
+ let first_fun = destConst (List.hd funs) in
+ let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
+ let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
+ let first_fun_kn =
+ (* Fixme: take into accour funs_mp and funs_dp *)
+ fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
+ in
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
+ let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
+ let prop_sort = InProp in
+ let funs_indexes =
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
+ (function const -> List.assoc (destConst const) this_block_funs_indexes)
+ funs
+ in
+ let ind_list =
+ (fun (idx) ->
+ let ind = first_fun_kn,idx in
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ ind,mib,mip,true,prop_sort
+ )
+ funs_indexes
+ in
+ let l_schemes = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) (Indrec.build_mutual_indrec env sigma ind_list) in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ let sorts =
+ List.rev_map (fun (_,_,x) ->
+ Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
+ )
+ fas
+ in
+ let princ_names = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fas in
+ let _ = List.map2
+ (fun princ_name scheme_type ->
+ incr i;
+(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
+(* ); *)
+ generate_functional_principle
+ false
+ scheme_type
+ (Some (Array.of_list sorts))
+ (Some princ_name)
+ this_block_funs
+ !i
+ (prove_princ_for_struct false !i (Array.of_list ( destConst funs)))
+ )
+ princ_names
+ l_schemes
+ in
+ ()
+let make_case_scheme fa =
+ let env = Global.env ()
+ and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let id_to_constr id =
+ Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
+ in
+ let funs = (fun (_,f,_) -> id_to_constr f) fa in
+ let first_fun = destConst funs in
+ let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
+ let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
+ let first_fun_kn =
+ (* Fixme: take into accour funs_mp and funs_dp *)
+ fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
+ in
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
+ let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
+ let prop_sort = InProp in
+ let funs_indexes =
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
+ List.assoc (destConst funs) this_block_funs_indexes
+ in
+ let ind_fun =
+ let ind = first_fun_kn,funs_indexes in
+ ind,prop_sort
+ in
+ let scheme_type = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) ((fun (ind,sf) -> Indrec.make_case_gen env sigma ind sf) ind_fun) in
+ let sorts =
+ (fun (_,_,x) ->
+ Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
+ )
+ fa
+ in
+ let princ_name = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fa in
+ let _ =
+(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
+(* ); *)
+ generate_functional_principle
+ false
+ scheme_type
+ (Some ([|sorts|]))
+ (Some princ_name)
+ this_block_funs
+ 0
+ (prove_princ_for_struct false 0 [|destConst funs|])
+ in
+ ()