path: root/contrib/extraction/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-01-19 22:34:29 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-01-19 22:34:29 +0000
commit018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (patch)
treefbb91e2f74c73bb867ab62c58f248a704bbe6dec /contrib/extraction/
parent6497f27021fec4e01f2182014f2bb1989b4707f9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3upstream/8.0pl3
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index fbe423a7..c01766b0 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:08 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*i $Id:,v 2005/12/01 16:28:04 letouzey Exp $ i*)
open Pp
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ let rec mgu = function
let needs_magic p = try mgu p; false with Impossible -> true
-let put_magic_if b a = if b then MLmagic a else a
+let put_magic_if b a = if b && lang () <> Scheme then MLmagic a else a
-let put_magic p a = if needs_magic p then MLmagic a else a
+let put_magic p a = if needs_magic p && lang () <> Scheme then MLmagic a else a
(*S ML type env. *)
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ let ast_iter_rel f =
| MLrel i -> f (i-n)
| MLlam (_,a) -> iter (n+1) a
| MLletin (_,a,b) -> iter n a; iter (n+1) b
- | MLcase (a,v) ->
+ | MLcase (_,a,v) ->
iter n a; Array.iter (fun (_,l,t) -> iter (n + (List.length l)) t) v
| MLfix (_,ids,v) -> let k = Array.length ids in Array.iter (iter (n+k)) v
| MLapp (a,l) -> iter n a; List.iter (iter n) l
- | MLcons (_,l) -> List.iter (iter n) l
+ | MLcons (_,_,l) -> List.iter (iter n) l
| MLmagic a -> iter n a
| MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> ()
in iter 0
@@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ let ast_map_case f (c,ids,a) = (c,ids,f a)
let ast_map f = function
| MLlam (i,a) -> MLlam (i, f a)
| MLletin (i,a,b) -> MLletin (i, f a, f b)
- | MLcase (a,v) -> MLcase (f a, (ast_map_case f) v)
+ | MLcase (i,a,v) -> MLcase (i,f a, (ast_map_case f) v)
| MLfix (i,ids,v) -> MLfix (i, ids, f v)
| MLapp (a,l) -> MLapp (f a, f l)
- | MLcons (c,l) -> MLcons (c, f l)
+ | MLcons (i,c,l) -> MLcons (i,c, f l)
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> a
@@ -357,11 +357,11 @@ let ast_map_lift_case f n (c,ids,a) = (c,ids, f (n+(List.length ids)) a)
let ast_map_lift f n = function
| MLlam (i,a) -> MLlam (i, f (n+1) a)
| MLletin (i,a,b) -> MLletin (i, f n a, f (n+1) b)
- | MLcase (a,v) -> MLcase (f n a, (ast_map_lift_case f n) v)
+ | MLcase (i,a,v) -> MLcase (i,f n a, (ast_map_lift_case f n) v)
| MLfix (i,ids,v) ->
let k = Array.length ids in MLfix (i,ids, (f (k+n)) v)
| MLapp (a,l) -> MLapp (f n a, (f n) l)
- | MLcons (c,l) -> MLcons (c, (f n) l)
+ | MLcons (i,c,l) -> MLcons (i,c, (f n) l)
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> a
@@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ let ast_iter_case f (c,ids,a) = f a
let ast_iter f = function
| MLlam (i,a) -> f a
| MLletin (i,a,b) -> f a; f b
- | MLcase (a,v) -> f a; Array.iter (ast_iter_case f) v
+ | MLcase (_,a,v) -> f a; Array.iter (ast_iter_case f) v
| MLfix (i,ids,v) -> Array.iter f v
| MLapp (a,l) -> f a; List.iter f l
- | MLcons (c,l) -> List.iter f l
+ | MLcons (_,c,l) -> List.iter f l
| MLmagic a -> f a
| MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> ()
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ let nb_occur t = nb_occur_k 1 t
let nb_occur_match =
let rec nb k = function
| MLrel i -> if i = k then 1 else 0
- | MLcase(a,v) ->
+ | MLcase(_,a,v) ->
(nb k a) +
(fun r (_,ids,a) -> max r (nb (k+(List.length ids)) a)) 0 v
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ let nb_occur_match =
Array.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) 0 v
| MLlam (_,a) -> nb (k+1) a
| MLapp (a,l) -> List.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) (nb k a) l
- | MLcons (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) 0 l
+ | MLcons (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) 0 l
| MLmagic a -> nb k a
| MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> 0
in nb 1
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ let check_and_generalize (r0,l,c) =
if i'<1 then c
else if i'>nargs then MLrel (i-nargs+1)
else raise Impossible
- | MLcons(r,args) when r=r0 && (test_eta_args_lift n nargs args) ->
+ | MLcons(_,r,args) when r=r0 && (test_eta_args_lift n nargs args) ->
MLrel (n+1)
| a -> ast_map_lift genrec n a
in genrec 0 c
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ let rec permut_case_fun br acc =
let rec is_iota_gen = function
| MLcons _ -> true
- | MLcase(_,br)-> array_for_all (fun (_,_,t)->is_iota_gen t) br
+ | MLcase(_,_,br)-> array_for_all (fun (_,_,t)->is_iota_gen t) br
| _ -> false
let constructor_index = function
@@ -716,15 +716,15 @@ let constructor_index = function
let iota_gen br =
let rec iota k = function
- | MLcons (r,a) ->
+ | MLcons (i,r,a) ->
let (_,ids,c) = br.(constructor_index r) in
let c = List.fold_right (fun id t -> MLlam (id,t)) ids c in
let c = ast_lift k c in
MLapp (c,a)
- | MLcase(e,br') ->
+ | MLcase(i,e,br') ->
let new_br = (fun (n,i,c)->(n,i,iota (k+(List.length i)) c)) br'
- in MLcase(e, new_br)
+ in MLcase(i,e, new_br)
| _ -> assert false
in iota 0
@@ -741,13 +741,18 @@ let rec simpl o = function
simpl o f
| MLapp (f, a) ->
simpl_app o ( (simpl o) a) (simpl o f)
- | MLcase (e,br) ->
+ | MLcase (i,e,br) ->
let br = (fun (n,l,t) -> (n,l,simpl o t)) br in
- simpl_case o br (simpl o e)
- | MLletin(id,c,e) when
- (id = dummy_name) || (is_atomic c) || (is_atomic e) ||
- (let n = nb_occur_match e in n = 0 || (n=1 && o.opt_lin_let)) ->
+ simpl_case o i br (simpl o e)
+ | MLletin(id,c,e) ->
+ let e = (simpl o e) in
+ if
+ (id = dummy_name) || (is_atomic c) || (is_atomic e) ||
+ (let n = nb_occur_match e in n = 0 || (n=1 && o.opt_lin_let))
+ then
simpl o (ast_subst c e)
+ else
+ MLletin(id, simpl o c, e)
| MLfix(i,ids,c) ->
let n = Array.length ids in
if ast_occurs_itvl 1 n c.(i) then
@@ -770,7 +775,7 @@ and simpl_app o a = function
| MLletin (id,e1,e2) when o.opt_let_app ->
(* Application of a letin: we push arguments inside *)
MLletin (id, e1, simpl o (MLapp (e2, (ast_lift 1) a)))
- | MLcase (e,br) when o.opt_case_app ->
+ | MLcase (i,e,br) when o.opt_case_app ->
(* Application of a case: we push arguments inside *)
let br' =
@@ -778,16 +783,16 @@ and simpl_app o a = function
let k = List.length l in
let a' = (ast_lift k) a in
(n, l, simpl o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
- in simpl o (MLcase (e,br'))
+ in simpl o (MLcase (i,e,br'))
| (MLdummy | MLexn _) as e -> e
(* We just discard arguments in those cases. *)
| f -> MLapp (f,a)
-and simpl_case o br e =
+and simpl_case o i br e =
if o.opt_case_iot && (is_iota_gen e) then (* Generalized iota-redex *)
simpl o (iota_gen br e)
- try (* Does a term [f] exist such as each branch is [(f e)] ? *)
+ try (* Does a term [f] exist such that each branch is [(f e)] ? *)
if not o.opt_case_idr then raise Impossible;
let f = check_generalizable_case o.opt_case_idg br in
simpl o (MLapp (MLlam (anonymous,f),[e]))
@@ -801,9 +806,9 @@ and simpl_case o br e =
let ids,br = permut_case_fun br [] in
let n = List.length ids in
- if n <> 0 then named_lams ids (MLcase (ast_lift n e, br))
- else MLcase (e, br)
- else MLcase (e,br)
+ if n <> 0 then named_lams ids (MLcase (i,ast_lift n e, br))
+ else MLcase (i,e,br)
+ else MLcase (i,e,br)
let rec post_simpl = function
| MLletin(_,c,e) when (is_atomic (eta_red c)) ->
@@ -1006,8 +1011,8 @@ let optimize_fix a =
let rec ml_size = function
| MLapp(t,l) -> List.length l + ml_size t + ml_size_list l
| MLlam(_,t) -> 1 + ml_size t
- | MLcons(_,l) -> ml_size_list l
- | MLcase(t,pv) ->
+ | MLcons(_,_,l) -> ml_size_list l
+ | MLcase(_,t,pv) ->
1 + ml_size t + (Array.fold_right (fun (_,_,t) a -> a + ml_size t) pv 0)
| MLfix(_,_,f) -> ml_size_array f
| MLletin (_,_,t) -> ml_size t
@@ -1061,7 +1066,7 @@ let rec non_stricts add cand = function
| MLapp (t,l)->
let cand = non_stricts false cand t in
List.fold_left (non_stricts false) cand l
- | MLcons (_,l) ->
+ | MLcons (_,_,l) ->
List.fold_left (non_stricts false) cand l
| MLletin (_,t1,t2) ->
let cand = non_stricts false cand t1 in
@@ -1071,7 +1076,7 @@ let rec non_stricts add cand = function
let cand = lift n cand in
let cand = Array.fold_left (non_stricts false) cand f in
pop n cand
- | MLcase (t,v) ->
+ | MLcase (_,t,v) ->
(* The only interesting case: for a variable to be non-strict, *)
(* it is sufficient that it appears non-strict in at least one branch, *)
(* so we make an union (in fact a merge). *)