path: root/contrib/extraction/
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /contrib/extraction/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 917 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf457c6..00000000
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 11897 2009-02-09 19:28:02Z barras $ i*)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Declarations
-open Environ
-open Reduction
-open Reductionops
-open Inductive
-open Termops
-open Inductiveops
-open Recordops
-open Nameops
-open Summary
-open Libnames
-open Nametab
-open Miniml
-open Table
-open Mlutil
-exception I of inductive_info
-(* A set of all fixpoint functions currently being extracted *)
-let current_fixpoints = ref ([] : constant list)
-let none = Evd.empty
-let type_of env c = Retyping.get_type_of env none (strip_outer_cast c)
-let sort_of env c = Retyping.get_sort_family_of env none (strip_outer_cast c)
-let is_axiom env kn = (Environ.lookup_constant kn env).const_body = None
-(*S Generation of flags and signatures. *)
-(* The type [flag] gives us information about any Coq term:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item [TypeScheme] denotes a type scheme, that is
- something that will become a type after enough applications.
- More formally, a type scheme has type $(x_1:X_1)\ldots(x_n:X_n)s$ with
- [s = Set], [Prop] or [Type]
- \item [Default] denotes the other cases. It may be inexact after
- instanciation. For example [(X:Type)X] is [Default] and may give [Set]
- after instanciation, which is rather [TypeScheme]
- \item [Logic] denotes a term of sort [Prop], or a type scheme on sort [Prop]
- \item [Info] is the opposite. The same example [(X:Type)X] shows
- that an [Info] term might in fact be [Logic] later on.
- \end{itemize} *)
-type info = Logic | Info
-type scheme = TypeScheme | Default
-type flag = info * scheme
-(*s [flag_of_type] transforms a type [t] into a [flag].
- Really important function. *)
-let rec flag_of_type env t =
- let t = whd_betadeltaiota env none t in
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Prod (x,t,c) -> flag_of_type (push_rel (x,None,t) env) c
- | Sort (Prop Null) -> (Logic,TypeScheme)
- | Sort _ -> (Info,TypeScheme)
- | _ -> if (sort_of env t) = InProp then (Logic,Default) else (Info,Default)
-(*s Two particular cases of [flag_of_type]. *)
-let is_default env t = (flag_of_type env t = (Info, Default))
-exception NotDefault of kill_reason
-let check_default env t =
- match flag_of_type env t with
- | _,TypeScheme -> raise (NotDefault Ktype)
- | Logic,_ -> raise (NotDefault Kother)
- | _ -> ()
-let is_info_scheme env t = (flag_of_type env t = (Info, TypeScheme))
-(*s [type_sign] gernerates a signature aimed at treating a type application. *)
-let rec type_sign env c =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- (if is_info_scheme env t then Keep else Kill Kother)
- :: (type_sign (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d)
- | _ -> []
-let rec type_scheme_nb_args env c =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- let n = type_scheme_nb_args (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d in
- if is_info_scheme env t then n+1 else n
- | _ -> 0
-let _ = register_type_scheme_nb_args type_scheme_nb_args
-(*s [type_sign_vl] does the same, plus a type var list. *)
-let rec type_sign_vl env c =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- let s,vl = type_sign_vl (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d in
- if not (is_info_scheme env t) then Kill Kother::s, vl
- else Keep::s, (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl) :: vl
- | _ -> [],[]
-let rec nb_default_params env c =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- let n = nb_default_params (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d in
- if is_default env t then n+1 else n
- | _ -> 0
-(*S Management of type variable contexts. *)
-(* A De Bruijn variable context (db) is a context for translating Coq [Rel]
- into ML type [Tvar]. *)
-(*s From a type signature toward a type variable context (db). *)
-let db_from_sign s =
- let rec make i acc = function
- | [] -> acc
- | Keep :: l -> make (i+1) (i::acc) l
- | Kill _ :: l -> make i (0::acc) l
- in make 1 [] s
-(*s Create a type variable context from indications taken from
- an inductive type (see just below). *)
-let rec db_from_ind dbmap i =
- if i = 0 then []
- else (try Intmap.find i dbmap with Not_found -> 0)::(db_from_ind dbmap (i-1))
-(*s [parse_ind_args] builds a map: [i->j] iff the i-th Coq argument
- of a constructor corresponds to the j-th type var of the ML inductive. *)
-(* \begin{itemize}
- \item [si] : signature of the inductive
- \item [i] : counter of Coq args for [(I args)]
- \item [j] : counter of ML type vars
- \item [relmax] : total args number of the constructor
- \end{itemize} *)
-let parse_ind_args si args relmax =
- let rec parse i j = function
- | [] -> Intmap.empty
- | Kill _ :: s -> parse (i+1) j s
- | Keep :: s ->
- (match kind_of_term args.(i-1) with
- | Rel k -> Intmap.add (relmax+1-k) j (parse (i+1) (j+1) s)
- | _ -> parse (i+1) (j+1) s)
- in parse 1 1 si
-(*S Extraction of a type. *)
-(* [extract_type env db c args] is used to produce an ML type from the
- coq term [(c args)], which is supposed to be a Coq type. *)
-(* [db] is a context for translating Coq [Rel] into ML type [Tvar]. *)
-(* [j] stands for the next ML type var. [j=0] means we do not
- generate ML type var anymore (in subterms for example). *)
-let rec extract_type env db j c args =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betaiotazeta Evd.empty c) with
- | App (d, args') ->
- (* We just accumulate the arguments. *)
- extract_type env db j d (Array.to_list args' @ args)
- | Lambda (_,_,d) ->
- (match args with
- | [] -> assert false (* otherwise the lambda would be reductible. *)
- | a :: args -> extract_type env db j (subst1 a d) args)
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- assert (args = []);
- let env' = push_rel_assum (n,t) env in
- (match flag_of_type env t with
- | (Info, Default) ->
- (* Standard case: two [extract_type] ... *)
- let mld = extract_type env' (0::db) j d [] in
- (match expand env mld with
- | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
- | _ -> Tarr (extract_type env db 0 t [], mld))
- | (Info, TypeScheme) when j > 0 ->
- (* A new type var. *)
- let mld = extract_type env' (j::db) (j+1) d [] in
- (match expand env mld with
- | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
- | _ -> Tarr (Tdummy Ktype, mld))
- | _,lvl ->
- let mld = extract_type env' (0::db) j d [] in
- (match expand env mld with
- | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
- | _ ->
- let reason = if lvl=TypeScheme then Ktype else Kother in
- Tarr (Tdummy reason, mld)))
- | Sort _ -> Tdummy Ktype (* The two logical cases. *)
- | _ when sort_of env (applist (c, args)) = InProp -> Tdummy Kother
- | Rel n ->
- (match lookup_rel n env with
- | (_,Some t,_) -> extract_type env db j (lift n t) args
- | _ ->
- (* Asks [db] a translation for [n]. *)
- if n > List.length db then Tunknown
- else let n' = List.nth db (n-1) in
- if n' = 0 then Tunknown else Tvar n')
- | Const kn ->
- let r = ConstRef kn in
- let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- (match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Info, TypeScheme) ->
- let mlt = extract_type_app env db (r, type_sign env typ) args in
- (match cb.const_body with
- | None -> mlt
- | Some _ when is_custom r -> mlt
- | Some lbody ->
- let newc = applist (Declarations.force lbody, args) in
- let mlt' = extract_type env db j newc [] in
- (* ML type abbreviations interact badly with Coq *)
- (* reduction, so [mlt] and [mlt'] might be different: *)
- (* The more precise is [mlt'], extracted after reduction *)
- (* The shortest is [mlt], which use abbreviations *)
- (* If possible, we take [mlt], otherwise [mlt']. *)
- if expand env mlt = expand env mlt' then mlt else mlt')
- | _ -> (* only other case here: Info, Default, i.e. not an ML type *)
- (match cb.const_body with
- | None -> Tunknown (* Brutal approximation ... *)
- | Some lbody ->
- (* We try to reduce. *)
- let newc = applist (Declarations.force lbody, args) in
- extract_type env db j newc []))
- | Ind (kn,i) ->
- let s = (extract_ind env kn).ind_packets.(i).ip_sign in
- extract_type_app env db (IndRef (kn,i),s) args
- | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> Tunknown
- | _ -> assert false
-(* [extract_maybe_type] calls [extract_type] when used on a Coq type,
- and otherwise returns [Tdummy] or [Tunknown] *)
-and extract_maybe_type env db c =
- let t = whd_betadeltaiota env none (type_of env c) in
- if isSort t then extract_type env db 0 c []
- else if sort_of env t = InProp then Tdummy Kother else Tunknown
-(*s Auxiliary function dealing with type application.
- Precondition: [r] is a type scheme represented by the signature [s],
- and is completely applied: [List.length args = List.length s]. *)
-and extract_type_app env db (r,s) args =
- let ml_args =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (b,c) a -> if b=Keep then
- let p = List.length (fst (splay_prod env none (type_of env c))) in
- let db = iterate (fun l -> 0 :: l) p db in
- (extract_type_scheme env db c p) :: a
- else a)
- (List.combine s args) []
- in Tglob (r, ml_args)
-(*S Extraction of a type scheme. *)
-(* [extract_type_scheme env db c p] works on a Coq term [c] which is
- an informative type scheme. It means that [c] is not a Coq type, but will
- be when applied to sufficiently many arguments ([p] in fact).
- This function decomposes p lambdas, with eta-expansion if needed. *)
-(* [db] is a context for translating Coq [Rel] into ML type [Tvar]. *)
-and extract_type_scheme env db c p =
- if p=0 then extract_type env db 0 c []
- else
- let c = whd_betaiotazeta Evd.empty c in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Lambda (n,t,d) ->
- extract_type_scheme (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) db d (p-1)
- | _ ->
- let rels = fst (splay_prod env none (type_of env c)) in
- let env = push_rels_assum rels env in
- let eta_args = List.rev_map mkRel (interval 1 p) in
- extract_type env db 0 (lift p c) eta_args
-(*S Extraction of an inductive type. *)
-and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
- let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
- try
- (* For a same kn, we can get various bodies due to module substitutions.
- We hence check that the mib has not changed from recording
- time to retrieving time. Ideally we should also check the env. *)
- let (mib0,ml_ind) = lookup_ind kn in
- if not (mib = mib0) then raise Not_found;
- ml_ind
- with Not_found ->
- (* First, if this inductive is aliased via a Module, *)
- (* we process the original inductive. *)
- Option.iter (fun kn -> ignore (extract_ind env kn)) mib.mind_equiv;
- (* Everything concerning parameters. *)
- (* We do that first, since they are common to all the [mib]. *)
- let mip0 = mib.mind_packets.(0) in
- let npar = mib.mind_nparams in
- let epar = push_rel_context mib.mind_params_ctxt env in
- (* First pass: we store inductive signatures together with *)
- (* their type var list. *)
- let packets =
- (fun mip ->
- let b = snd (mind_arity mip) <> InProp in
- let ar = Inductive.type_of_inductive env (mib,mip) in
- let s,v = if b then type_sign_vl env ar else [],[] in
- let t = Array.make (Array.length mip.mind_nf_lc) [] in
- { ip_typename = mip.mind_typename;
- ip_consnames = mip.mind_consnames;
- ip_logical = (not b);
- ip_sign = s;
- ip_vars = v;
- ip_types = t })
- mib.mind_packets
- in
- add_ind kn mib
- {ind_info = Standard;
- ind_nparams = npar;
- ind_packets = packets;
- ind_equiv = match mib.mind_equiv with
- | None -> NoEquiv
- | Some kn -> Equiv kn
- };
- (* Second pass: we extract constructors *)
- for i = 0 to mib.mind_ntypes - 1 do
- let p = packets.(i) in
- if not p.ip_logical then
- let types = arities_of_constructors env (kn,i) in
- for j = 0 to Array.length types - 1 do
- let t = snd (decompose_prod_n npar types.(j)) in
- let prods,head = dest_prod epar t in
- let nprods = List.length prods in
- let args = match kind_of_term head with
- | App (f,args) -> args (* [kind_of_term f = Ind ip] *)
- | _ -> [||]
- in
- let dbmap = parse_ind_args p.ip_sign args (nprods + npar) in
- let db = db_from_ind dbmap npar in
- p.ip_types.(j) <- extract_type_cons epar db dbmap t (npar+1)
- done
- done;
- (* Third pass: we determine special cases. *)
- let ind_info =
- try
- if not mib.mind_finite then raise (I Coinductive);
- if mib.mind_ntypes <> 1 then raise (I Standard);
- let p = packets.(0) in
- if p.ip_logical then raise (I Standard);
- if Array.length p.ip_types <> 1 then raise (I Standard);
- let typ = p.ip_types.(0) in
- let l = List.filter (fun t -> not (isDummy (expand env t))) typ in
- if List.length l = 1 && not (type_mem_kn kn (List.hd l))
- then raise (I Singleton);
- if l = [] then raise (I Standard);
- if not mib.mind_record then raise (I Standard);
- let ip = (kn, 0) in
- let r = IndRef ip in
- if is_custom r then raise (I Standard);
- (* Now we're sure it's a record. *)
- (* First, we find its field names. *)
- let rec names_prod t = match kind_of_term t with
- | Prod(n,_,t) -> n::(names_prod t)
- | LetIn(_,_,_,t) -> names_prod t
- | Cast(t,_,_) -> names_prod t
- | _ -> []
- in
- let field_names =
- list_skipn mib.mind_nparams (names_prod mip0.mind_user_lc.(0)) in
- assert (List.length field_names = List.length typ);
- let projs = ref Cset.empty in
- let mp,d,_ = repr_kn kn in
- let rec select_fields l typs = match l,typs with
- | [],[] -> []
- | (Name id)::l, typ::typs ->
- if isDummy (expand env typ) then select_fields l typs
- else
- let knp = make_con mp d (label_of_id id) in
- if not (List.exists isKill (type2signature env typ))
- then
- projs := Cset.add knp !projs;
- (ConstRef knp) :: (select_fields l typs)
- | Anonymous::l, typ::typs ->
- if isDummy (expand env typ) then select_fields l typs
- else error_record r
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let field_glob = select_fields field_names typ
- in
- (* Is this record officially declared with its projections ? *)
- (* If so, we use this information. *)
- begin try
- let n = nb_default_params env
- (Inductive.type_of_inductive env (mib,mip0))
- in
- List.iter
- (Option.iter
- (fun kn -> if Cset.mem kn !projs then add_projection n kn))
- (lookup_projections ip)
- with Not_found -> ()
- end;
- Record field_glob
- with (I info) -> info
- in
- let i = {ind_info = ind_info;
- ind_nparams = npar;
- ind_packets = packets;
- ind_equiv = match mib.mind_equiv with
- | None -> NoEquiv
- | Some kn -> Equiv kn }
- in
- add_ind kn mib i;
- i
-(*s [extract_type_cons] extracts the type of an inductive
- constructor toward the corresponding list of ML types. *)
-(* \begin{itemize}
- \item [db] is a context for translating Coq [Rel] into ML type [Tvar]
- \item [dbmap] is a translation map (produced by a call to [parse_in_args])
- \item [i] is the rank of the current product (initially [params_nb+1])
- \end{itemize} *)
-and extract_type_cons env db dbmap c i =
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
- | Prod (n,t,d) ->
- let env' = push_rel_assum (n,t) env in
- let db' = (try Intmap.find i dbmap with Not_found -> 0) :: db in
- let l = extract_type_cons env' db' dbmap d (i+1) in
- (extract_type env db 0 t []) :: l
- | _ -> []
-(*s Recording the ML type abbreviation of a Coq type scheme constant. *)
-and mlt_env env r = match r with
- | ConstRef kn ->
- (try
- if not (visible_con kn) then raise Not_found;
- match lookup_term kn with
- | Dtype (_,vl,mlt) -> Some mlt
- | _ -> None
- with Not_found ->
- let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- match cb.const_body with
- | None -> None
- | Some l_body ->
- (match flag_of_type env typ with
- | Info,TypeScheme ->
- let body = Declarations.force l_body in
- let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- let db = db_from_sign s in
- let t = extract_type_scheme env db body (List.length s)
- in add_term kn (Dtype (r, vl, t)); Some t
- | _ -> None))
- | _ -> None
-and expand env = type_expand (mlt_env env)
-and type2signature env = type_to_signature (mlt_env env)
-let type2sign env = type_to_sign (mlt_env env)
-let type_expunge env = type_expunge (mlt_env env)
-(*s Extraction of the type of a constant. *)
-let record_constant_type env kn opt_typ =
- try
- if not (visible_con kn) then raise Not_found;
- lookup_type kn
- with Not_found ->
- let typ = match opt_typ with
- | None -> Typeops.type_of_constant env kn
- | Some typ -> typ
- in let mlt = extract_type env [] 1 typ []
- in let schema = (type_maxvar mlt, mlt)
- in add_type kn schema; schema
-(*S Extraction of a term. *)
-(* Precondition: [(c args)] is not a type scheme, and is informative. *)
-(* [mle] is a ML environment [Mlenv.t]. *)
-(* [mlt] is the ML type we want our extraction of [(c args)] to have. *)
-let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | App (f,a) ->
- extract_term env mle mlt f (Array.to_list a @ args)
- | Lambda (n, t, d) ->
- let id = id_of_name n in
- (match args with
- | a :: l ->
- (* We make as many [LetIn] as possible. *)
- let d' = mkLetIn (Name id,a,t,applistc d ( (lift 1) l))
- in extract_term env mle mlt d' []
- | [] ->
- let env' = push_rel_assum (Name id, t) env in
- let id, a = try check_default env t; id, new_meta()
- with NotDefault d -> dummy_name, Tdummy d
- in
- let b = new_meta () in
- (* If [mlt] cannot be unified with an arrow type, then magic! *)
- let magic = needs_magic (mlt, Tarr (a, b)) in
- let d' = extract_term env' (Mlenv.push_type mle a) b d [] in
- put_magic_if magic (MLlam (id, d')))
- | LetIn (n, c1, t1, c2) ->
- let id = id_of_name n in
- let env' = push_rel (Name id, Some c1, t1) env in
- let args' = (lift 1) args in
- (try
- check_default env t1;
- let a = new_meta () in
- let c1' = extract_term env mle a c1 [] in
- (* The type of [c1'] is generalized and stored in [mle]. *)
- let mle' = Mlenv.push_gen mle a in
- MLletin (id, c1', extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args')
- with NotDefault d ->
- let mle' = Mlenv.push_std_type mle (Tdummy d) in
- ast_pop (extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args'))
- | Const kn ->
- extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args
- | Construct cp ->
- extract_cons_app env mle mlt cp args
- | Rel n ->
- (* As soon as the expected [mlt] for the head is known, *)
- (* we unify it with an fresh copy of the stored type of [Rel n]. *)
- let extract_rel mlt = put_magic (mlt, Mlenv.get mle n) (MLrel n)
- in extract_app env mle mlt extract_rel args
- | Case ({ci_ind=ip},_,c0,br) ->
- extract_app env mle mlt (extract_case env mle (ip,c0,br)) args
- | Fix ((_,i),recd) ->
- extract_app env mle mlt (extract_fix env mle i recd) args
- | CoFix (i,recd) ->
- extract_app env mle mlt (extract_fix env mle i recd) args
- | Cast (c,_,_) -> extract_term env mle mlt c args
- | Ind _ | Prod _ | Sort _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Var _ -> assert false
-(*s [extract_maybe_term] is [extract_term] for usual terms, else [MLdummy] *)
-and extract_maybe_term env mle mlt c =
- try check_default env (type_of env c);
- extract_term env mle mlt c []
- with NotDefault d ->
- put_magic (mlt, Tdummy d) MLdummy
-(*s Generic way to deal with an application. *)
-(* We first type all arguments starting with unknown meta types.
- This gives us the expected type of the head. Then we use the
- [mk_head] to produce the ML head from this type. *)
-and extract_app env mle mlt mk_head args =
- let metas = new_meta args in
- let type_head = type_recomp (metas, mlt) in
- let mlargs = List.map2 (extract_maybe_term env mle) metas args in
- if mlargs = [] then mk_head type_head else MLapp (mk_head type_head, mlargs)
-(*s Auxiliary function used to extract arguments of constant or constructor. *)
-and make_mlargs env e s args typs =
- let l = ref s in
- let keep () = match !l with [] -> true | b :: s -> l:=s; b=Keep in
- let rec f = function
- | [], [] -> []
- | a::la, t::lt when keep() -> extract_maybe_term env e t a :: (f (la,lt))
- | _::la, _::lt -> f (la,lt)
- | _ -> assert false
- in f (args,typs)
-(*s Extraction of a constant applied to arguments. *)
-and extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args =
- (* First, the [ml_schema] of the constant, in expanded version. *)
- let nb,t = record_constant_type env kn None in
- let schema = nb, expand env t in
- (* Can we instantiate types variables for this constant ? *)
- (* In Ocaml, inside the definition of this constant, the answer is no. *)
- let instantiated =
- if lang () = Ocaml && List.mem kn !current_fixpoints then var2var' (snd schema)
- else instantiation schema
- in
- (* Then the expected type of this constant. *)
- let a = new_meta () in
- (* We compare stored and expected types in two steps. *)
- (* First, can [kn] be applied to all args ? *)
- let metas = new_meta args in
- let magic1 = needs_magic (type_recomp (metas, a), instantiated) in
- (* Second, is the resulting type compatible with the expected type [mlt] ? *)
- let magic2 = needs_magic (a, mlt) in
- (* The internal head receives a magic if [magic1] *)
- let head = put_magic_if magic1 (MLglob (ConstRef kn)) in
- (* Now, the extraction of the arguments. *)
- let s = type2signature env (snd schema) in
- let ls = List.length s in
- let la = List.length args in
- let mla = make_mlargs env mle s args metas in
- let mla =
- if not magic1 then
- try
- let l,l' = list_chop (projection_arity (ConstRef kn)) mla in
- if l' <> [] then ( (fun _ -> MLexn "Proj Args") l) @ l'
- else mla
- with _ -> mla
- else mla
- in
- (* Different situations depending of the number of arguments: *)
- if ls = 0 then put_magic_if magic2 head
- else if List.mem Keep s then
- if la >= ls || not (List.exists isKill s)
- then
- put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, mla))
- else
- (* Not enough arguments. We complete via eta-expansion. *)
- let ls' = ls-la in
- let s' = list_lastn ls' s in
- let mla = ( (ast_lift ls') mla) @ (eta_args_sign ls' s') in
- put_magic_if magic2 (anonym_or_dummy_lams (MLapp (head, mla)) s')
- else if List.mem (Kill Kother) s then
- (* In the special case of always false signature, one dummy lam is left. *)
- (* So a [MLdummy] is left accordingly. *)
- if la >= ls
- then put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, MLdummy :: mla))
- else put_magic_if magic2 (dummy_lams head (ls-la-1))
- else (* s is made only of [Kill Ktype] *)
- if la >= ls
- then put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, mla))
- else put_magic_if magic2 (dummy_lams head (ls-la))
-(*s Extraction of an inductive constructor applied to arguments. *)
-(* \begin{itemize}
- \item In ML, contructor arguments are uncurryfied.
- \item We managed to suppress logical parts inside inductive definitions,
- but they must appears outside (for partial applications for instance)
- \item We also suppressed all Coq parameters to the inductives, since
- they are fixed, and thus are not used for the computation.
- \end{itemize} *)
-and extract_cons_app env mle mlt (((kn,i) as ip,j) as cp) args =
- (* First, we build the type of the constructor, stored in small pieces. *)
- let mi = extract_ind env kn in
- let params_nb = mi.ind_nparams in
- let oi = mi.ind_packets.(i) in
- let nb_tvars = List.length oi.ip_vars
- and types = (expand env) oi.ip_types.(j-1) in
- let list_tvar = (fun i -> Tvar i) (interval 1 nb_tvars) in
- let type_cons = type_recomp (types, Tglob (IndRef ip, list_tvar)) in
- let type_cons = instantiation (nb_tvars, type_cons) in
- (* Then, the usual variables [s], [ls], [la], ... *)
- let s = (type2sign env) types in
- let ls = List.length s in
- let la = List.length args in
- assert (la <= ls + params_nb);
- let la' = max 0 (la - params_nb) in
- let args' = list_lastn la' args in
- (* Now, we build the expected type of the constructor *)
- let metas = new_meta args' in
- (* If stored and expected types differ, then magic! *)
- let a = new_meta () in
- let magic1 = needs_magic (type_cons, type_recomp (metas, a)) in
- let magic2 = needs_magic (a, mlt) in
- let head mla =
- if mi.ind_info = Singleton then
- put_magic_if magic1 (List.hd mla) (* assert (List.length mla = 1) *)
- else put_magic_if magic1 (MLcons (mi.ind_info, ConstructRef cp, mla))
- in
- (* Different situations depending of the number of arguments: *)
- if la < params_nb then
- let head' = head (eta_args_sign ls s) in
- put_magic_if magic2
- (dummy_lams (anonym_or_dummy_lams head' s) (params_nb - la))
- else
- let mla = make_mlargs env mle s args' metas in
- if la = ls + params_nb
- then put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (head mla)
- else (* [ params_nb <= la <= ls + params_nb ] *)
- let ls' = params_nb + ls - la in
- let s' = list_lastn ls' s in
- let mla = ( (ast_lift ls') mla) @ (eta_args_sign ls' s') in
- put_magic_if magic2 (anonym_or_dummy_lams (head mla) s')
-(*S Extraction of a case. *)
-and extract_case env mle ((kn,i) as ip,c,br) mlt =
- (* [br]: bodies of each branch (in functional form) *)
- (* [ni]: number of arguments without parameters in each branch *)
- let ni = mis_constr_nargs_env env ip in
- let br_size = Array.length br in
- assert (Array.length ni = br_size);
- if br_size = 0 then begin
- add_recursors env kn; (* May have passed unseen if logical ... *)
- MLexn "absurd case"
- end else
- (* [c] has an inductive type, and is not a type scheme type. *)
- let t = type_of env c in
- (* The only non-informative case: [c] is of sort [Prop] *)
- if (sort_of env t) = InProp then
- begin
- add_recursors env kn; (* May have passed unseen if logical ... *)
- (* Logical singleton case: *)
- (* [match c with C i j k -> t] becomes [t'] *)
- assert (br_size = 1);
- let s = iterate (fun l -> Kill Kother :: l) ni.(0) [] in
- let mlt = iterate (fun t -> Tarr (Tdummy Kother, t)) ni.(0) mlt in
- let e = extract_maybe_term env mle mlt br.(0) in
- snd (case_expunge s e)
- end
- else
- let mi = extract_ind env kn in
- let oi = mi.ind_packets.(i) in
- let metas = Array.init (List.length oi.ip_vars) new_meta in
- (* The extraction of the head. *)
- let type_head = Tglob (IndRef ip, Array.to_list metas) in
- let a = extract_term env mle type_head c [] in
- (* The extraction of each branch. *)
- let extract_branch i =
- (* The types of the arguments of the corresponding constructor. *)
- let f t = type_subst_vect metas (expand env t) in
- let l = f oi.ip_types.(i) in
- (* the corresponding signature *)
- let s = (type2sign env) oi.ip_types.(i) in
- (* Extraction of the branch (in functional form). *)
- let e = extract_maybe_term env mle (type_recomp (l,mlt)) br.(i) in
- (* We suppress dummy arguments according to signature. *)
- let ids,e = case_expunge s e in
- (ConstructRef (ip,i+1), List.rev ids, e)
- in
- if mi.ind_info = Singleton then
- begin
- (* Informative singleton case: *)
- (* [match c with C i -> t] becomes [let i = c' in t'] *)
- assert (br_size = 1);
- let (_,ids,e') = extract_branch 0 in
- assert (List.length ids = 1);
- MLletin (List.hd ids,a,e')
- end
- else
- (* Standard case: we apply [extract_branch]. *)
- MLcase ((mi.ind_info,[]), a, Array.init br_size extract_branch)
-(*s Extraction of a (co)-fixpoint. *)
-and extract_fix env mle i (fi,ti,ci as recd) mlt =
- let env = push_rec_types recd env in
- let metas = new_meta fi in
- metas.(i) <- mlt;
- let mle = Array.fold_left Mlenv.push_type mle metas in
- let ei = array_map2 (extract_maybe_term env mle) metas ci in
- MLfix (i, id_of_name fi, ei)
-(*S ML declarations. *)
-(* [decomp_lams_eta env c t] finds the number [n] of products in the type [t],
- and decompose the term [c] in [n] lambdas, with eta-expansion if needed. *)
-let rec decomp_lams_eta_n n env c t =
- let rels = fst (decomp_n_prod env none n t) in
- let rels = (fun (id,_,c) -> (id,c)) rels in
- let m = nb_lam c in
- if m >= n then decompose_lam_n n c
- else
- let rels',c = decompose_lam c in
- let d = n - m in
- (* we'd better keep rels' as long as possible. *)
- let rels = (list_firstn d rels) @ rels' in
- let eta_args = List.rev_map mkRel (interval 1 d) in
- rels, applist (lift d c,eta_args)
-(*s From a constant to a ML declaration. *)
-let extract_std_constant env kn body typ =
- reset_meta_count ();
- (* The short type [t] (i.e. possibly with abbreviations). *)
- let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
- (* The real type [t']: without head lambdas, expanded, *)
- (* and with [Tvar] translated to [Tvar'] (not instantiable). *)
- let l,t' = type_decomp (expand env (var2var' t)) in
- let s = (type2sign env) l in
- (* The initial ML environment. *)
- let mle = List.fold_left Mlenv.push_std_type Mlenv.empty l in
- (* Decomposing the top level lambdas of [body]. *)
- let rels,c = decomp_lams_eta_n (List.length s) env body typ in
- (* The lambdas names. *)
- let ids = (fun (n,_) -> id_of_name n) rels in
- (* The according Coq environment. *)
- let env = push_rels_assum rels env in
- (* The real extraction: *)
- let e = extract_term env mle t' c [] in
- (* Expunging term and type from dummy lambdas. *)
- term_expunge s (ids,e), type_expunge env t
-let extract_fixpoint env vkn (fi,ti,ci) =
- let n = Array.length vkn in
- let types = Array.make n (Tdummy Kother)
- and terms = Array.make n MLdummy in
- let kns = Array.to_list vkn in
- current_fixpoints := kns;
- (* for replacing recursive calls [Rel ..] by the corresponding [Const]: *)
- let sub = List.rev_map mkConst kns in
- for i = 0 to n-1 do
- if sort_of env ti.(i) <> InProp then begin
- let e,t = extract_std_constant env vkn.(i) (substl sub ci.(i)) ti.(i) in
- terms.(i) <- e;
- types.(i) <- t;
- end
- done;
- current_fixpoints := [];
- Dfix ( (fun kn -> ConstRef kn) vkn, terms, types)
-let extract_constant env kn cb =
- let r = ConstRef kn in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- match cb.const_body with
- | None -> (* A logical axiom is risky, an informative one is fatal. *)
- (match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Info,TypeScheme) ->
- if not (is_custom r) then add_info_axiom r;
- let n = type_scheme_nb_args env typ in
- let ids = iterate (fun l -> anonymous::l) n [] in
- Dtype (r, ids, Taxiom)
- | (Info,Default) ->
- if not (is_custom r) then add_info_axiom r;
- let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
- Dterm (r, MLaxiom, type_expunge env t)
- | (Logic,TypeScheme) ->
- add_log_axiom r; Dtype (r, [], Tdummy Ktype)
- | (Logic,Default) ->
- add_log_axiom r; Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy Kother))
- | Some body ->
- (match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Logic, Default) -> Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy Kother)
- | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Dtype (r, [], Tdummy Ktype)
- | (Info, Default) ->
- let e,t = extract_std_constant env kn (force body) typ in
- Dterm (r,e,t)
- | (Info, TypeScheme) ->
- let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- let db = db_from_sign s in
- let t = extract_type_scheme env db (force body) (List.length s)
- in Dtype (r, vl, t))
-let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
- let r = ConstRef kn in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Stype (r, [], Some (Tdummy Ktype))
- | (Logic, Default) -> Sval (r, Tdummy Kother)
- | (Info, TypeScheme) ->
- let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- (match cb.const_body with
- | None -> Stype (r, vl, None)
- | Some body ->
- let db = db_from_sign s in
- let t = extract_type_scheme env db (force body) (List.length s)
- in Stype (r, vl, Some t))
- | (Info, Default) ->
- let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
- Sval (r, type_expunge env t)
-let extract_with_type env cb =
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Info, TypeScheme) ->
- let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
- let body = Option.get cb.const_body in
- let db = db_from_sign s in
- let t = extract_type_scheme env db (force body) (List.length s) in
- Some (vl, t)
- | _ -> None
-let extract_inductive env kn =
- let ind = extract_ind env kn in
- add_recursors env kn;
- let f l = List.filter (fun t -> not (isDummy (expand env t))) l in
- let packets =
- (fun p -> { p with ip_types = f p.ip_types })
- ind.ind_packets
- in { ind with ind_packets = packets }
-(*s Is a [ml_decl] logical ? *)
-let logical_decl = function
- | Dterm (_,MLdummy,Tdummy _) -> true
- | Dtype (_,[],Tdummy _) -> true
- | Dfix (_,av,tv) ->
- (array_for_all ((=) MLdummy) av) &&
- (array_for_all isDummy tv)
- | Dind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
- | _ -> false
-(*s Is a [ml_spec] logical ? *)
-let logical_spec = function
- | Stype (_, [], Some (Tdummy _)) -> true
- | Sval (_,Tdummy _) -> true
- | Sind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
- | _ -> false