path: root/contrib/dp/test2.v
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /contrib/dp/test2.v
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/dp/test2.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/test2.v b/contrib/dp/test2.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4c0f6d..00000000
--- a/contrib/dp/test2.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import Classical.
-Require Import List.
-Open Scope list_scope.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Dp_timeout 3.
-Require Export zenon.
-Definition neg (z:Z) : Z := match z with
- | Z0 => Z0
- | Zpos p => Zneg p
- | Zneg p => Zpos p
- end.
-Goal forall z, neg (neg z) = z.
- Admitted.
-Open Scope nat_scope.
-Print plus.
-Goal forall x, x+0=x.
- induction x; ergo.
- (* simplify resoud le premier, pas le second *)
- Admitted.
-Goal 1::2::3::nil = 1::2::(1+2)::nil.
- zenon.
- Admitted.
-Definition T := nat.
-Parameter fct : T -> nat.
-Goal fct O = O.
- Admitted.
-Fixpoint even (n:nat) : Prop :=
- match n with
- O => True
- | S O => False
- | S (S p) => even p
- end.
-Goal even 4%nat.
- try zenon.
- Admitted.
-Definition p (A B:Set) (a:A) (b:B) : list (A*B) := cons (a,b) nil.
-Definition head :=
-fun (A : Set) (l : list A) =>
-match l with
-| nil => None (A:=A)
-| x :: _ => Some x
-Goal forall x, head _ (p _ _ 1 2) = Some x -> fst x = 1.
-BUG avec head prédéfini : manque eta-expansion sur A:Set
-Goal forall x, head _ (p _ _ 1 2) = Some x -> fst x = 1.
-Print value.
-Print Some.
-Inductive IN (A:Set) : A -> list A -> Prop :=
- | IN1 : forall x l, IN A x (x::l)
- | IN2: forall x l, IN A x l -> forall y, IN A x (y::l).
-Implicit Arguments IN [A].
-Goal forall x, forall (l:list nat), IN x l -> IN x (1%nat::l).
- zenon.
-Print In.