path: root/contrib/dp/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /contrib/dp/
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/dp/')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/ b/contrib/dp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1ddb039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dp/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+(* Pretty-print PFOL (see fol.mli) in Why syntax *)
+open Format
+open Fol
+let rec print_list sep print fmt = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [x] -> print fmt x
+ | x :: r -> print fmt x; sep fmt (); print_list sep print fmt r
+let space fmt () = fprintf fmt "@ "
+let comma fmt () = fprintf fmt ",@ "
+let is_why_keyword =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> Hashtbl.add h s ())
+ ["absurd"; "and"; "array"; "as"; "assert"; "axiom"; "begin";
+ "bool"; "do"; "done"; "else"; "end"; "exception"; "exists";
+ "external"; "false"; "for"; "forall"; "fun"; "function"; "goal";
+ "if"; "in"; "int"; "invariant"; "label"; "let"; "logic"; "not";
+ "of"; "or"; "parameter"; "predicate"; "prop"; "raise"; "raises";
+ "reads"; "real"; "rec"; "ref"; "returns"; "then"; "true"; "try";
+ "type"; "unit"; "variant"; "void"; "while"; "with"; "writes" ];
+ Hashtbl.mem h
+let ident fmt s =
+ if is_why_keyword s then fprintf fmt "coq__%s" s else fprintf fmt "%s" s
+let rec print_typ fmt = function
+ | Tvar x -> fprintf fmt "'%a" ident x
+ | Tid ("int", []) -> fprintf fmt "int"
+ | Tid (x, []) -> fprintf fmt "%a" ident x
+ | Tid (x, [t]) -> fprintf fmt "%a %a" print_typ t ident x
+ | Tid (x,tl) -> fprintf fmt "(%a) %a" (print_list comma print_typ) tl ident x
+let rec print_term fmt = function
+ | Cst n ->
+ fprintf fmt "%d" n
+ | Plus (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a +@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Moins (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a -@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Mult (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a *@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Div (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a /@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | App (id, []) ->
+ fprintf fmt "%a" ident id
+ | App (id, tl) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%a(%a)@]" ident id print_terms tl
+and print_terms fmt tl =
+ print_list comma print_term fmt tl
+let rec print_predicate fmt p =
+ let pp = print_predicate in
+ match p with
+ | True ->
+ fprintf fmt "true"
+ | False ->
+ fprintf fmt "false"
+ | Fatom (Eq (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a =@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Le (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a <=@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Lt (a, b))->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a <@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Ge (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a >=@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Gt (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a >@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Pred (id, [])) ->
+ fprintf fmt "%a" ident id
+ | Fatom (Pred (id, tl)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[%a(%a)@]" ident id print_terms tl
+ | Imp (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a ->@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | Iff (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a <->@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | And (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a and@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | Or (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%a or@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | Not a ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(not@ %a)@]" pp a
+ | Forall (id, t, p) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(forall %a:%a.@ %a)@]" ident id print_typ t pp p
+ | Exists (id, t, p) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(exists %a:%a.@ %a)@]" ident id print_typ t pp p
+let print_query fmt (decls,concl) =
+ let print_dtype = function
+ | DeclType (id, 0) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[type %a@]@\n@\n" ident id
+ | DeclType (id, 1) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[type 'a %a@]@\n@\n" ident id
+ | DeclType (id, n) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[type (";
+ for i = 1 to n do
+ fprintf fmt "'a%d" i; if i < n then fprintf fmt ", "
+ done;
+ fprintf fmt ") %a@]@\n@\n" ident id
+ | DeclFun _ | DeclPred _ | Axiom _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ let print_dvar_dpred = function
+ | DeclFun (id, _, [], t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[logic %a : -> %a@]@\n@\n" ident id print_typ t
+ | DeclFun (id, _, l, t) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[logic %a : %a -> %a@]@\n@\n"
+ ident id (print_list comma print_typ) l print_typ t
+ | DeclPred (id, _, []) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[logic %a : -> prop @]@\n@\n" ident id
+ | DeclPred (id, _, l) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[logic %a : %a -> prop@]@\n@\n"
+ ident id (print_list comma print_typ) l
+ | DeclType _ | Axiom _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ let print_assert = function
+ | Axiom (id, f) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>axiom %a:@ %a@]@\n@\n" ident id print_predicate f
+ | DeclType _ | DeclFun _ | DeclPred _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ List.iter print_dtype decls;
+ List.iter print_dvar_dpred decls;
+ List.iter print_assert decls;
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>goal coq___goal: %a@]" print_predicate concl
+let output_file f q =
+ let c = open_out f in
+ let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in
+ fprintf fmt "@[%a@]@." print_query q;
+ close_out c