path: root/contrib/dp/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /contrib/dp/
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/dp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/ b/contrib/dp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d43081..00000000
--- a/contrib/dp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-open Format
-open Fol
-let rec print_list sep print fmt = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [x] -> print fmt x
- | x :: r -> print fmt x; sep fmt (); print_list sep print fmt r
-let space fmt () = fprintf fmt "@ "
-let comma fmt () = fprintf fmt ",@ "
-let rec print_term fmt = function
- | Cst n ->
- fprintf fmt "%d" n
- | Plus (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ +@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Moins (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ -@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Mult (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ *@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Div (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ /@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | App (id, []) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" id
- | App (id, tl) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s(%a)@]" id print_terms tl
-and print_terms fmt tl =
- print_list comma print_term fmt tl
-let rec print_predicate fmt p =
- let pp = print_predicate in
- match p with
- | True ->
- fprintf fmt "TRUE"
- | False ->
- fprintf fmt "FALSE"
- | Fatom (Eq (a, b)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a = %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Le (a, b)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ <= %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Lt (a, b))->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ < %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Ge (a, b)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ >= %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Gt (a, b)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ > %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
- | Fatom (Pred (id, [])) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" id
- | Fatom (Pred (id, tl)) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s(%a)@]" id print_terms tl
- | Imp (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ => %a)@]" pp a pp b
- | And (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ AND@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
- | Or (a, b) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ OR@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
- | Not a ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(NOT@ %a)@]" pp a
- | Forall (id, t, p) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(FORALL (%s:%s): %a)@]" id t pp p
- | Exists (id, t, p) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%s:%s): %a)@]" id t pp p
-let rec string_of_type_list = function
- | [] -> assert false
- | [e] -> e
- | e :: l' -> e ^ ", " ^ (string_of_type_list l')
-let print_query fmt (decls,concl) =
- let print_decl = function
- | DeclVar (id, [], t) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: %s;@]@\n" id t
- | DeclVar (id, [e], t) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: [%s -> %s];@]@\n"
- id e t
- | DeclVar (id, l, t) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: [[%s] -> %s];@]@\n"
- id (string_of_type_list l) t
- | DeclPred (id, []) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: BOOLEAN;@]@\n" id
- | DeclPred (id, [e]) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: [%s -> BOOLEAN];@]@\n"
- id e
- | DeclPred (id, l) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: [[%s] -> BOOLEAN];@]@\n"
- id (string_of_type_list l)
- | DeclType id ->
- fprintf fmt "@[%s: TYPE;@]@\n" id
- | Assert (id, f) ->
- fprintf fmt "@[ASSERT %% %s@\n %a;@]@\n" id print_predicate f
- in
- List.iter print_decl decls;
- fprintf fmt "QUERY %a;" print_predicate concl
-let call q =
- let f = Filename.temp_file "coq_dp" ".cvc" in
- let c = open_out f in
- let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in
- fprintf fmt "@[%a@]@." print_query q;
- close_out c;
- ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "cat %s" f));
- let cmd =
- sprintf "timeout 10 cvcl < %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" f
- in
- prerr_endline cmd; flush stderr;
- let out = Sys.command cmd in
- if out = 0 then Valid else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout
- (* TODO: effacer le fichier f et le fichier out *)