path: root/contrib/dp/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit2c4a6b4efe55a2c6ca9ca7b185723e7909e57269 (patch)
treee1542c8adb83ff297284eefc23a2703461713d9b /contrib/dp/
parent514dce2dfe717e3ed2e37dce6467b56219d451c1 (diff)
parent3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha' into 8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/dp/')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/ b/contrib/dp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af684e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dp/
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+(* Authors: Nicolas Ayache and Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
+(* Tactics to call decision procedures *)
+(* Works in two steps:
+ - first the Coq context and the current goal are translated in
+ Polymorphic First-Order Logic (see fol.mli in this directory)
+ - then the resulting query is passed to the Why tool that translates
+ it to the syntax of the selected prover (Simplify, CVC Lite, haRVey,
+ Zenon)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Term
+open Tacmach
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Fol
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Termops
+open Coqlib
+open Hipattern
+open Libnames
+open Declarations
+let debug = ref false
+let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
+let coq_modules =
+ init_modules @ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules
+ @ [["Coq"; "omega"; "OmegaLemmas"]]
+let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "dp" coq_modules
+let coq_Z = lazy (constant "Z")
+let coq_Zplus = lazy (constant "Zplus")
+let coq_Zmult = lazy (constant "Zmult")
+let coq_Zopp = lazy (constant "Zopp")
+let coq_Zminus = lazy (constant "Zminus")
+let coq_Zdiv = lazy (constant "Zdiv")
+let coq_Zs = lazy (constant "Zs")
+let coq_Zgt = lazy (constant "Zgt")
+let coq_Zle = lazy (constant "Zle")
+let coq_Zge = lazy (constant "Zge")
+let coq_Zlt = lazy (constant "Zlt")
+let coq_Z0 = lazy (constant "Z0")
+let coq_Zpos = lazy (constant "Zpos")
+let coq_Zneg = lazy (constant "Zneg")
+let coq_xH = lazy (constant "xH")
+let coq_xI = lazy (constant "xI")
+let coq_xO = lazy (constant "xO")
+(* not Prop typed expressions *)
+exception NotProp
+(* not first-order expressions *)
+exception NotFO
+(* Renaming of Coq globals *)
+let global_names = Hashtbl.create 97
+let used_names = Hashtbl.create 97
+let rename_global r =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find global_names r
+ with Not_found ->
+ let rec loop id =
+ if Hashtbl.mem used_names id then
+ loop (lift_ident id)
+ else begin
+ Hashtbl.add used_names id ();
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ Hashtbl.add global_names r s;
+ s
+ end
+ in
+ loop (Nametab.id_of_global r)
+let foralls =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (x,t) p -> Forall (x, t, p))
+let fresh_var = function
+ | Anonymous -> rename_global (VarRef (id_of_string "x"))
+ | Name x -> rename_global (VarRef x)
+(* coq_rename_vars env [(x1,t1);...;(xn,tn)] renames the xi outside of
+ env names, and returns the new variables together with the new
+ environment *)
+let coq_rename_vars env vars =
+ let avoid = ref (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env)) in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (na,t) (newvars, newenv) ->
+ let id = next_name_away na !avoid in
+ avoid := id :: !avoid;
+ id :: newvars, Environ.push_named (id, None, t) newenv)
+ vars ([],env)
+(* extract the prenex type quantifications i.e.
+ type_quantifiers env (A1:Set)...(Ak:Set)t = A1...An, (env+Ai), t *)
+let decomp_type_quantifiers env t =
+ let rec loop vars t = match kind_of_term t with
+ | Prod (n, a, t) when is_Set a ->
+ loop ((n,a) :: vars) t
+ | _ ->
+ let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in
+ let t = substl ( mkVar vars) t in
+ List.rev vars, env, t
+ in
+ loop [] t
+(* same thing with lambda binders (for axiomatize body) *)
+let decomp_type_lambdas env t =
+ let rec loop vars t = match kind_of_term t with
+ | Lambda (n, a, t) when is_Set a ->
+ loop ((n,a) :: vars) t
+ | _ ->
+ let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in
+ let t = substl ( mkVar vars) t in
+ List.rev vars, env, t
+ in
+ loop [] t
+let decompose_arrows =
+ let rec arrows_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,t,c) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) c) -> arrows_rec (t :: l) c
+ | Cast (c,_,_) -> arrows_rec l c
+ | _ -> List.rev l, c
+ in
+ arrows_rec []
+let rec eta_expanse t vars env i =
+ assert (i >= 0);
+ if i = 0 then
+ t, vars, env
+ else
+ match kind_of_term (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t) with
+ | Prod (n, a, b) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) b) ->
+ let avoid = ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env) in
+ let id = next_name_away n avoid in
+ let env' = Environ.push_named (id, None, a) env in
+ let t' = mkApp (t, [| mkVar id |]) in
+ eta_expanse t' (id :: vars) env' (pred i)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+let rec skip_k_args k cl = match k, cl with
+ | 0, _ -> cl
+ | _, _ :: cl -> skip_k_args (k-1) cl
+ | _, [] -> raise NotFO
+(* Coq global references *)
+type global = Gnot_fo | Gfo of Fol.decl
+let globals = ref Refmap.empty
+let globals_stack = ref []
+(* synchronization *)
+let () =
+ Summary.declare_summary "Dp globals"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !globals, !globals_stack);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function =
+ (fun (g,s) -> globals := g; globals_stack := s);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> ());
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let add_global r d = globals := Refmap.add r d !globals
+let mem_global r = Refmap.mem r !globals
+let lookup_global r = match Refmap.find r !globals with
+ | Gnot_fo -> raise NotFO
+ | Gfo d -> d
+let locals = Hashtbl.create 97
+let lookup_local r = match Hashtbl.find locals r with
+ | Gnot_fo -> raise NotFO
+ | Gfo d -> d
+let iter_all_constructors i f =
+ let _, oib = Global.lookup_inductive i in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun j tj -> f j (mkConstruct (i, j+1)))
+ oib.mind_nf_lc
+(* injection c [t1,...,tn] adds the injection axiom
+ forall x1:t1,...,xn:tn,y1:t1,...,yn:tn.
+ c(x1,...,xn)=c(y1,...,yn) -> x1=y1 /\ ... /\ xn=yn *)
+let injection c l =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ let var s = incr i; id_of_string (s ^ string_of_int !i) in
+ let xl = (fun t -> rename_global (VarRef (var "x")), t) l in
+ i := 0;
+ let yl = (fun t -> rename_global (VarRef (var "y")), t) l in
+ let f =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun (x,_) (y,_) p -> And (Fatom (Eq (App (x,[]),App (y,[]))), p))
+ xl yl True
+ in
+ let vars = (fun (x,_) -> App(x,[])) in
+ let f = Imp (Fatom (Eq (App (c, vars xl), App (c, vars yl))), f) in
+ let foralls = List.fold_right (fun (x,t) p -> Forall (x, t, p)) in
+ let f = foralls xl (foralls yl f) in
+ let ax = Axiom ("injection_" ^ c, f) in
+ globals_stack := ax :: !globals_stack
+(* rec_names_for c [|n1;...;nk|] builds the list of constant names for
+ identifiers n1...nk with the same path as c, if they exist; otherwise
+ raises Not_found *)
+let rec_names_for c =
+ let mp,dp,_ = Names.repr_con c in
+ array_map_to_list
+ (function
+ | Name id ->
+ let c' = Names.make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in
+ ignore (Global.lookup_constant c');
+ msgnl (Printer.pr_constr (mkConst c'));
+ c'
+ | Anonymous ->
+ raise Not_found)
+(* abstraction tables *)
+let term_abstractions = Hashtbl.create 97
+let new_abstraction =
+ let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; "abstraction_" ^ string_of_int !r
+(* Arithmetic constants *)
+exception NotArithConstant
+(* translates a closed Coq term p:positive into a FOL term of type int *)
+let rec tr_positive p = match kind_of_term p with
+ | Term.Construct _ when p = Lazy.force coq_xH ->
+ Cst 1
+ | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xI ->
+ Plus (Mult (Cst 2, tr_positive a), Cst 1)
+ | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_xO ->
+ Mult (Cst 2, tr_positive a)
+ | Term.Cast (p, _, _) ->
+ tr_positive p
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotArithConstant
+(* translates a closed Coq term t:Z into a FOL term of type int *)
+let rec tr_arith_constant t = match kind_of_term t with
+ | Term.Construct _ when t = Lazy.force coq_Z0 ->
+ Cst 0
+ | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zpos ->
+ tr_positive a
+ | Term.App (f, [|a|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zneg ->
+ Moins (Cst 0, tr_positive a)
+ | Term.Cast (t, _, _) ->
+ tr_arith_constant t
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotArithConstant
+(* translate a Coq term t:Set into a FOL type expression;
+ tv = list of type variables *)
+and tr_type tv env t =
+ let t = Reductionops.nf_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty t in
+ if t = Lazy.force coq_Z then
+ Tid ("int", [])
+ else match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var x when List.mem x tv ->
+ Tvar (string_of_id x)
+ | _ ->
+ let f, cl = decompose_app t in
+ begin try
+ let r = global_of_constr f in
+ match tr_global env r with
+ | DeclType (id, k) ->
+ assert (k = List.length cl); (* since t:Set *)
+ Tid (id, (tr_type tv env) cl)
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ raise NotFO
+ | NotFO ->
+ (* we need to abstract some part of (f cl) *)
+ (*TODO*)
+ raise NotFO
+ end
+and make_term_abstraction tv env c =
+ let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty c in
+ let id = new_abstraction () in
+ match tr_decl env id ty with
+ | DeclFun (id,_,_,_) as d ->
+ begin try
+ Hashtbl.find term_abstractions c
+ with Not_found ->
+ Hashtbl.add term_abstractions c id;
+ globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack;
+ id
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+(* translate a Coq declaration id:ty in a FOL declaration, that is either
+ - a type declaration : DeclType (id, n) where n:int is the type arity
+ - a function declaration : DeclFun (id, tl, t) ; that includes constants
+ - a predicate declaration : DeclPred (id, tl)
+ - an axiom : Axiom (id, p)
+ *)
+and tr_decl env id ty =
+ let tv, env, t = decomp_type_quantifiers env ty in
+ if is_Set t then
+ DeclType (id, List.length tv)
+ else if is_Prop t then
+ DeclPred (id, List.length tv, [])
+ else
+ let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in
+ if is_Prop s then
+ Axiom (id, tr_formula tv [] env t)
+ else
+ let l, t = decompose_arrows t in
+ let l = (tr_type tv env) l in
+ if is_Prop t then
+ DeclPred(id, List.length tv, l)
+ else
+ let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in
+ if is_Set s then
+ DeclFun(id, List.length tv, l, tr_type tv env t)
+ else
+ raise NotFO
+(* tr_global(r) = tr_decl(id(r),typeof(r)) + a cache mechanism *)
+and tr_global env r = match r with
+ | VarRef id ->
+ lookup_local id
+ | r ->
+ try
+ lookup_global r
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let ty = Global.type_of_global r in
+ let id = rename_global r in
+ let d = tr_decl env id ty in
+ (* r can be already declared if it is a constructor *)
+ if not (mem_global r) then begin
+ add_global r (Gfo d);
+ globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack
+ end;
+ begin try axiomatize_body env r id d with NotFO -> () end;
+ d
+ with NotFO ->
+ add_global r Gnot_fo;
+ raise NotFO
+and axiomatize_body env r id d = match r with
+ | VarRef _ ->
+ assert false
+ | ConstRef c ->
+ begin match (Global.lookup_constant c).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let b = force b in
+ let tv, env, b = decomp_type_lambdas env b in
+ let axioms =
+ (match d with
+ | DeclPred (id, _, []) ->
+ let value = tr_formula tv [] env b in
+ [id, Iff (Fatom (Pred (id, [])), value)]
+ | DeclFun (id, _, [], _) ->
+ let value = tr_term tv [] env b in
+ [id, Fatom (Eq (Fol.App (id, []), value))]
+ | DeclFun (id, _, l, _) | DeclPred (id, _, l) ->
+ Format.eprintf "axiomatize_body %S@." id;
+ let b = match kind_of_term b with
+ (* a single recursive function *)
+ | Fix (_, (_,_,[|b|])) ->
+ subst1 (mkConst c) b
+ (* mutually recursive functions *)
+ | Fix ((_,i), (names,_,bodies)) ->
+ (* we only deal with named functions *)
+ begin try
+ let l = rec_names_for c names in
+ substl (List.rev_map mkConst l) bodies.(i)
+ with Not_found ->
+ b
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ b
+ in
+ let vars, t = decompose_lam b in
+ let n = List.length l in
+ let k = List.length vars in
+ assert (k <= n);
+ let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env vars in
+ let t = substl ( mkVar vars) t in
+ let t, vars, env = eta_expanse t vars env (n-k) in
+ let vars = List.rev vars in
+ let bv = vars in
+ let vars = (fun x -> string_of_id x) vars in
+ let fol_var x =
+ Fol.App (x, []) in
+ let fol_vars = fol_var vars in
+ let vars = List.combine vars l in
+ begin match d with
+ | DeclFun _ ->
+ begin match kind_of_term t with
+ | Case (ci, _, e, br) ->
+ equations_for_case env id vars tv bv ci e br
+ | _ ->
+ let p =
+ Fatom (Eq (App (id, fol_vars),
+ tr_term tv bv env t))
+ in
+ [id, foralls vars p]
+ end
+ | DeclPred _ ->
+ let value = tr_formula tv bv env t in
+ let p = Iff (Fatom (Pred (id, fol_vars)), value) in
+ [id, foralls vars p]
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ | DeclType _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+ | Axiom _ -> assert false)
+ in
+ let axioms = (fun (id,ax) -> Axiom (id, ax)) axioms in
+ globals_stack := axioms @ !globals_stack
+ | None ->
+ () (* Coq axiom *)
+ end
+ | IndRef i ->
+ iter_all_constructors i
+ (fun _ c ->
+ let rc = reference_of_constr c in
+ try
+ begin match tr_global env rc with
+ | DeclFun (_, _, [], _) -> ()
+ | DeclFun (idc, _, al, _) -> injection idc al
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
+ with NotFO ->
+ ())
+ | _ -> ()
+and equations_for_case env id vars tv bv ci e br = match kind_of_term e with
+ | Var x when List.exists (fun (y, _) -> string_of_id x = y) vars ->
+ let eqs = ref [] in
+ iter_all_constructors ci.ci_ind
+ (fun j cj ->
+ try
+ let cjr = reference_of_constr cj in
+ begin match tr_global env cjr with
+ | DeclFun (idc, _, l, _) ->
+ let b = br.(j) in
+ let rec_vars, b = decompose_lam b in
+ let rec_vars, env = coq_rename_vars env rec_vars in
+ let b = substl ( mkVar rec_vars) b in
+ let rec_vars = List.rev rec_vars in
+ let bv = bv @ rec_vars in
+ let rec_vars = string_of_id rec_vars in
+ let fol_var x =
+ Fol.App (x, []) in
+ let fol_rec_vars = fol_var rec_vars in
+ let fol_rec_term = App (idc, fol_rec_vars) in
+ let rec_vars = List.combine rec_vars l in
+ let fol_vars = fst vars in
+ let fol_vars = fol_var fol_vars in
+ let fol_vars = (fun y -> match y with
+ | App (id, _) ->
+ if id = string_of_id x
+ then fol_rec_term
+ else y
+ | _ -> y)
+ fol_vars in
+ let vars = vars @ rec_vars in
+ let rec remove l e = match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (y, t)::l' -> if y = string_of_id e then l'
+ else (y, t)::(remove l' e) in
+ let vars = remove vars x in
+ let p =
+ Fatom (Eq (App (id, fol_vars),
+ tr_term tv bv env b))
+ in
+ eqs := (id ^ "_" ^ idc, foralls vars p) :: !eqs
+ | _ ->
+ assert false end
+ with NotFO ->
+ ());
+ !eqs
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+(* assumption: t:T:Set *)
+and tr_term tv bv env t = match kind_of_term t with
+ | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zplus ->
+ Plus (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)
+ | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zminus ->
+ Moins (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)
+ | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zmult ->
+ Mult (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)
+ | Term.App (f, [|a;b|]) when f = Lazy.force coq_Zdiv ->
+ Div (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b)
+ | Term.Var id when List.mem id bv ->
+ App (string_of_id id, [])
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ tr_arith_constant t
+ with NotArithConstant ->
+ let f, cl = decompose_app t in
+ begin try
+ let r = global_of_constr f in
+ match tr_global env r with
+ | DeclFun (s, k, _, _) ->
+ let cl = skip_k_args k cl in
+ Fol.App (s, (tr_term tv bv env) cl)
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ raise NotFO
+ | NotFO -> (* we need to abstract some part of (f cl) *)
+ let rec abstract app = function
+ | [] ->
+ Fol.App (make_term_abstraction tv env app, [])
+ | x :: l as args ->
+ begin try
+ let s = make_term_abstraction tv env app in
+ Fol.App (s, (tr_term tv bv env) args)
+ with NotFO ->
+ abstract (applist (app, [x])) l
+ end
+ in
+ let app,l = match cl with
+ | x :: l -> applist (f, [x]), l | [] -> raise NotFO
+ in
+ abstract app l
+ end
+and quantifiers n a b tv bv env =
+ let vars, env = coq_rename_vars env [n,a] in
+ let id = match vars with [x] -> x | _ -> assert false in
+ let b = subst1 (mkVar id) b in
+ let t = tr_type tv env a in
+ let bv = id :: bv in
+ id, t, bv, env, b
+(* assumption: f is of type Prop *)
+and tr_formula tv bv env f =
+ let c, args = decompose_app f in
+ match kind_of_term c, args with
+ | Var id, [] ->
+ Fatom (Pred (rename_global (VarRef id), []))
+ | _, [t;a;b] when c = build_coq_eq () ->
+ let ty = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t in
+ if is_Set ty then
+ let _ = tr_type tv env t in
+ Fatom (Eq (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b))
+ else
+ raise NotFO
+ | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zle ->
+ Fatom (Le (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b))
+ | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zlt ->
+ Fatom (Lt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b))
+ | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zge ->
+ Fatom (Ge (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b))
+ | _, [a;b] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zgt ->
+ Fatom (Gt (tr_term tv bv env a, tr_term tv bv env b))
+ | _, [] when c = build_coq_False () ->
+ False
+ | _, [] when c = build_coq_True () ->
+ True
+ | _, [a] when c = build_coq_not () ->
+ Not (tr_formula tv bv env a)
+ | _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_and () ->
+ And (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b)
+ | _, [a;b] when c = build_coq_or () ->
+ Or (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b)
+ | Prod (n, a, b), _ ->
+ if is_imp_term f then
+ Imp (tr_formula tv bv env a, tr_formula tv bv env b)
+ else
+ let id, t, bv, env, b = quantifiers n a b tv bv env in
+ Forall (string_of_id id, t, tr_formula tv bv env b)
+ | _, [_; a] when c = build_coq_ex () ->
+ begin match kind_of_term a with
+ | Lambda(n, a, b) ->
+ let id, t, bv, env, b = quantifiers n a b tv bv env in
+ Exists (string_of_id id, t, tr_formula tv bv env b)
+ | _ ->
+ (* unusual case of the shape (ex p) *)
+ raise NotFO (* TODO: we could eta-expanse *)
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ begin try
+ let r = global_of_constr c in
+ match tr_global env r with
+ | DeclPred (s, k, _) ->
+ let args = skip_k_args k args in
+ Fatom (Pred (s, (tr_term tv bv env) args))
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise NotFO
+ end
+let tr_goal gl =
+ Hashtbl.clear locals;
+ let tr_one_hyp (id, ty) =
+ try
+ let s = rename_global (VarRef id) in
+ let d = tr_decl (pf_env gl) s ty in
+ Hashtbl.add locals id (Gfo d);
+ d
+ with NotFO ->
+ Hashtbl.add locals id Gnot_fo;
+ raise NotFO
+ in
+ let hyps =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun h acc -> try tr_one_hyp h :: acc with NotFO -> acc)
+ (pf_hyps_types gl) []
+ in
+ let c = tr_formula [] [] (pf_env gl) (pf_concl gl) in
+ let hyps = List.rev_append !globals_stack (List.rev hyps) in
+ hyps, c
+type prover = Simplify | CVCLite | Harvey | Zenon
+let remove_files = List.iter (fun f -> try Sys.remove f with _ -> ())
+let sprintf = Format.sprintf
+let call_simplify fwhy =
+ if Sys.command (sprintf "why --simplify %s" fwhy) <> 0 then
+ anomaly ("call to why --simplify " ^ fwhy ^ " failed; please report");
+ let fsx = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "timeout 10 Simplify %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" fsx
+ in
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ let r = if out = 0 then Valid else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in
+ if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fsx];
+ r
+let call_zenon fwhy =
+ let cmd = sprintf "why --no-prelude --no-zenon-prelude --zenon %s" fwhy in
+ if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
+ anomaly ("call to " ^ cmd ^ " failed; please report");
+ let fznn = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.znn" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "timeout 10 zenon %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q PROOF-FOUND out" fznn
+ in
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ let r =
+ if out = 0 then Valid
+ else if out = 1 then Invalid
+ else if out = 137 then Timeout
+ else anomaly ("malformed Zenon input file " ^ fznn)
+ in
+ if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fznn];
+ r
+let call_cvcl fwhy =
+ if Sys.command (sprintf "why --cvcl %s" fwhy) <> 0 then
+ anomaly ("call to why --cvcl " ^ fwhy ^ " failed; please report");
+ let fcvc = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.cvc" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "timeout 10 cvcl < %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" fcvc
+ in
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ let r = if out = 0 then Valid else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout in
+ if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; fcvc];
+ r
+let call_harvey fwhy =
+ if Sys.command (sprintf "why --harvey %s" fwhy) <> 0 then
+ anomaly ("call to why --harvey " ^ fwhy ^ " failed; please report");
+ let frv = Filename.chop_suffix fwhy ".why" ^ "_why.rv" in
+ let out = Sys.command (sprintf "rvc -e -t %s > /dev/null 2>&1" frv) in
+ if out <> 0 then anomaly ("call to rvc -e -t " ^ frv ^ " failed");
+ let f = Filename.chop_suffix frv ".rv" ^ "-0.baf" in
+ let outf = Filename.temp_file "rv" ".out" in
+ let out =
+ Sys.command (sprintf "timeout 10 rv -e\"-T 2000\" %s > %s 2>&1" f outf)
+ in
+ let r =
+ if out <> 0 then
+ Timeout
+ else
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "grep \"Proof obligation in\" %s | grep -q \"is valid\"" outf
+ in
+ if Sys.command cmd = 0 then Valid else Invalid
+ in
+ if not !debug then remove_files [fwhy; frv; outf];
+ r
+let call_prover prover q =
+ let fwhy = Filename.temp_file "coq_dp" ".why" in
+ Dp_why.output_file fwhy q;
+ if !debug then ignore (Sys.command (sprintf "cat %s" fwhy));
+ match prover with
+ | Simplify -> call_simplify fwhy
+ | Zenon -> call_zenon fwhy
+ | CVCLite -> call_cvcl fwhy
+ | Harvey -> call_harvey fwhy
+let dp prover gl =
+ let concl_type = pf_type_of gl (pf_concl gl) in
+ if not (is_Prop concl_type) then error "Conclusion is not a Prop";
+ try
+ let q = tr_goal gl in
+ begin match call_prover prover q with
+ | Valid -> Tactics.admit_as_an_axiom gl
+ | Invalid -> error "Invalid"
+ | DontKnow -> error "Don't know"
+ | Timeout -> error "Timeout"
+ end
+ with NotFO ->
+ error "Not a first order goal"
+let simplify = tclTHEN intros (dp Simplify)
+let cvc_lite = tclTHEN intros (dp CVCLite)
+let harvey = dp Harvey
+let zenon = tclTHEN intros (dp Zenon)
+let dp_hint l =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let one_hint (qid,r) =
+ if not (mem_global r) then begin
+ let ty = Global.type_of_global r in
+ let s = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty ty in
+ if is_Prop s then
+ try
+ let id = rename_global r in
+ let d = Axiom (id, tr_formula [] [] env ty) in
+ add_global r (Gfo d);
+ globals_stack := d :: !globals_stack
+ with NotFO ->
+ add_global r Gnot_fo;
+ msg_warning
+ (pr_reference qid ++
+ str " ignored (not a first order proposition)")
+ else begin
+ add_global r Gnot_fo;
+ msg_warning
+ (pr_reference qid ++ str " ignored (not a proposition)")
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter one_hint ( (fun qid -> qid, qid) l)