path: root/contrib/correctness
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /contrib/correctness
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/correctness')
37 files changed, 1 insertions, 6501 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ProgramsExtraction.v b/contrib/correctness/ProgramsExtraction.v
index 5f7dfdbf..70f4b730 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/ProgramsExtraction.v
+++ b/contrib/correctness/ProgramsExtraction.v
@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: ProgramsExtraction.v 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-Require Export Extraction.
+(* $Id: ProgramsExtraction.v 10290 2007-11-06 01:27:17Z letouzey $ *)
Extract Inductive unit => unit [ "()" ].
Extract Inductive bool => bool [ true false ].
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/past.mli b/contrib/correctness/past.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 70328704..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/past.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: past.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-(*s Abstract syntax of imperative programs. *)
-open Names
-open Ptype
-open Topconstr
-type termination =
- | RecArg of int
- | Wf of constr_expr * constr_expr
-type variable = identifier
-type pattern =
- | PatVar of identifier
- | PatConstruct of identifier * ((kernel_name * int) * int)
- | PatAlias of pattern * identifier
- | PatPair of pattern * pattern
- | PatApp of pattern list
-type epattern =
- | ExnConstant of identifier
- | ExnBind of identifier * identifier
-type ('a, 'b) block_st =
- | Label of string
- | Assert of 'b Ptype.assertion
- | Statement of 'a
-type ('a, 'b) block = ('a, 'b) block_st list
-type ('a, 'b) t = {
- desc : ('a, 'b) t_desc;
- pre : 'b Ptype.precondition list;
- post : 'b Ptype.postcondition option;
- loc : Util.loc;
- info : 'a
-and ('a, 'b) t_desc =
- | Variable of variable
- | Acc of variable
- | Aff of variable * ('a, 'b) t
- | TabAcc of bool * variable * ('a, 'b) t
- | TabAff of bool * variable * ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
- | Seq of (('a, 'b) t, 'b) block
- | While of ('a, 'b) t * 'b Ptype.assertion option * ('b * 'b) *
- (('a, 'b) t, 'b) block
- | If of ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
- | Lam of 'b Ptype.ml_type_v Ptype.binder list * ('a, 'b) t
- | Apply of ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) arg list
- | SApp of ('a, 'b) t_desc list * ('a, 'b) t list
- | LetRef of variable * ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
- | Let of variable * ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t
- | LetRec of variable * 'b Ptype.ml_type_v Ptype.binder list *
- 'b Ptype.ml_type_v * ('b * 'b) * ('a, 'b) t
- | PPoint of string * ('a, 'b) t_desc
- | Expression of Term.constr
- | Debug of string * ('a, 'b) t
-and ('a, 'b) arg =
- | Term of ('a, 'b) t
- | Refarg of variable
- | Type of 'b Ptype.ml_type_v
-type program = (unit, Topconstr.constr_expr) t
-(*s Intermediate type for CC terms. *)
-type cc_type = Term.constr
-type cc_bind_type =
- | CC_typed_binder of cc_type
- | CC_untyped_binder
-type cc_binder = variable * cc_bind_type
-type cc_term =
- | CC_var of variable
- | CC_letin of bool * cc_type * cc_binder list * cc_term * cc_term
- | CC_lam of cc_binder list * cc_term
- | CC_app of cc_term * cc_term list
- | CC_tuple of bool * cc_type list * cc_term list
- | CC_case of cc_type * cc_term * cc_term list
- | CC_expr of Term.constr
- | CC_hole of cc_type
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 041cd81f..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Libnames
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Nametab
-open Declarations
-open Indtypes
-open Sign
-open Rawterm
-open Typeops
-open Entries
-open Topconstr
-open Pmisc
-open Past
-(* Here we translate intermediates terms (cc_term) into CCI terms (constr) *)
-let make_hole c = mkCast (isevar, c)
-(* Tuples are defined in file Tuples.v
- * and their constructors are called Build_tuple_n or exists_n,
- * wether they are dependant (last element only) or not.
- * If necessary, tuples are generated ``on the fly''. *)
-let tuple_exists id =
- try let _ = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id) in true
- with Not_found -> false
-let ast_set = CSort (dummy_loc,RProp Pos)
-let tuple_n n =
- let id = make_ident "tuple_" (Some n) in
- let l1n = Util.interval 1 n in
- let params =
- (fun i ->
- (LocalRawAssum ([dummy_loc,Name (make_ident "T" (Some i))], ast_set)))
- l1n in
- let fields =
- (fun i ->
- let id = make_ident ("proj_" ^ string_of_int n ^ "_") (Some i) in
- let id' = make_ident "T" (Some i) in
- (false, Vernacexpr.AssumExpr ((dummy_loc,Name id), mkIdentC id')))
- l1n
- in
- let cons = make_ident "Build_tuple_" (Some n) in
- Record.definition_structure
- ((false, (dummy_loc,id)), params, fields, cons, mk_Set)
-(*s [(sig_n n)] generates the inductive
- \begin{verbatim}
- Inductive sig_n [T1,...,Tn:Set; P:T1->...->Tn->Prop] : Set :=
- exist_n : (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)(P x1 ... xn) -> (sig_n T1 ... Tn P).
- \end{verbatim} *)
-let sig_n n =
- let id = make_ident "sig_" (Some n) in
- let l1n = Util.interval 1 n in
- let lT = (fun i -> make_ident "T" (Some i)) l1n in
- let lx = (fun i -> make_ident "x" (Some i)) l1n in
- let idp = make_ident "P" None in
- let params =
- let typ = List.fold_right (fun _ c -> mkArrow (mkRel n) c) lT mkProp in
- (idp, LocalAssum typ) ::
- (List.rev_map (fun id -> (id, LocalAssum mkSet)) lT)
- in
- let lc =
- let app_sig = mkApp(mkRel (2*n+3),
- Array.init (n+1) (fun i -> mkRel (2*n+2-i))) in
- let app_p = mkApp(mkRel (n+1),
- Array.init n (fun i -> mkRel (n-i))) in
- let c = mkArrow app_p app_sig in
- List.fold_right (fun id c -> mkProd (Name id, mkRel (n+1), c)) lx c
- in
- let cname = make_ident "exist_" (Some n) in
- Declare.declare_mind
- { mind_entry_finite = true;
- mind_entry_inds =
- [ { mind_entry_params = params;
- mind_entry_typename = id;
- mind_entry_arity = mkSet;
- mind_entry_consnames = [ cname ];
- mind_entry_lc = [ lc ] } ] }
-(*s On the fly generation of needed (possibly dependent) tuples. *)
-let check_product_n n =
- if n > 2 then
- let s = Printf.sprintf "tuple_%d" n in
- if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string s)) then tuple_n n
-let check_dep_product_n n =
- if n > 1 then
- let s = Printf.sprintf "sig_%d" n in
- if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string s)) then ignore (sig_n n)
-(*s Constructors for the tuples. *)
-let pair = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "prod",0),1)
-let exist = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sig",0),1)
-let tuple_ref dep n =
- if n = 2 & not dep then
- pair
- else
- let n = n - (if dep then 1 else 0) in
- if dep then
- if n = 1 then
- exist
- else begin
- let id = make_ident "exist_" (Some n) in
- if not (tuple_exists id) then ignore (sig_n n);
- Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id)
- end
- else begin
- let id = make_ident "Build_tuple_" (Some n) in
- if not (tuple_exists id) then tuple_n n;
- Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id)
- end
-(* Binders. *)
-let trad_binder avoid nenv id = function
- | CC_untyped_binder -> RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType (Name id))
- | CC_typed_binder ty -> Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv ty
-let rec push_vars avoid nenv = function
- | [] -> ([],avoid,nenv)
- | (id,b) :: bl ->
- let b' = trad_binder avoid nenv id b in
- let bl',avoid',nenv' =
- push_vars (id :: avoid) (add_name (Name id) nenv) bl
- in
- ((id,b') :: bl', avoid', nenv')
-let rec raw_lambda bl v = match bl with
- | [] ->
- v
- | (id,ty) :: bl' ->
- RLambda (dummy_loc, Name id, ty, raw_lambda bl' v)
-(* The translation itself is quite easy.
- letin are translated into Cases constructions *)
-let rawconstr_of_prog p =
- let rec trad avoid nenv = function
- | CC_var id ->
- RVar (dummy_loc, id)
- (*i optimisation : let x = <constr> in e2 => e2[x<-constr]
- | CC_letin (_,_,[id,_],CC_expr c,e2) ->
- real_subst_in_constr [id,c] (trad e2)
- | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),CC_expr e1,e2) ->
- let (b',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv b in
- let c1 = Detyping.detype avoid nenv e1
- and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in
- let id = Name (fst (List.hd b')) in
- RLetIn (dummy_loc, id, c1, c2)
- i*)
- | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),e1,e2) ->
- let (b',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv b in
- let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
- and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in
- RApp (dummy_loc, raw_lambda b' c2, [c1])
- | CC_letin (dep,ty,bl,e1,e2) ->
- let (bl',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv bl in
- let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
- and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in
- ROrderedCase (dummy_loc, LetStyle, None, c1, [| raw_lambda bl' c2 |], ref None)
- | CC_lam (bl,e) ->
- let bl',avoid',nenv' = push_vars avoid nenv bl in
- let c = trad avoid' nenv' e in
- raw_lambda bl' c
- | CC_app (f,args) ->
- let c = trad avoid nenv f
- and cargs = (trad avoid nenv) args in
- RApp (dummy_loc, c, cargs)
- | CC_tuple (_,_,[e]) ->
- trad avoid nenv e
- | CC_tuple (false,_,[e1;e2]) ->
- let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
- and c2 = trad avoid nenv e2 in
- RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc,pair),
- [RHole (dummy_loc,ImplicitArg (pair,1));
- RHole (dummy_loc,ImplicitArg (pair,2));c1;c2])
- | CC_tuple (dep,tyl,l) ->
- let n = List.length l in
- let cl = (trad avoid nenv) l in
- let tuple = tuple_ref dep n in
- let tyl = (Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv) tyl in
- let args = tyl @ cl in
- RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, tuple), args)
- | CC_case (ty,b,el) ->
- let c = trad avoid nenv b in
- let cl = (trad avoid nenv) el in
- let ty = Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv ty in
- ROrderedCase (dummy_loc, RegularStyle, Some ty, c, Array.of_list cl, ref None)
- | CC_expr c ->
- Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv c
- | CC_hole c ->
- RCast (dummy_loc, RHole (dummy_loc, QuestionMark),
- Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv c)
- in
- trad [] empty_names_context p
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli b/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b152f3..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(*i $Id: pcic.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
-open Past
-open Rawterm
-(* On-the-fly generation of needed (possibly dependent) tuples. *)
-val check_product_n : int -> unit
-val check_dep_product_n : int -> unit
-(* transforms intermediate functional programs into (raw) CIC terms *)
-val rawconstr_of_prog : cc_term -> rawconstr
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deleted file mode 100644
index 368d0281..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Sign
-open Pmisc
-open Putil
-open Ptype
-open Past
-(* on redéfinit add_sign pour éviter de construire des environnements
- * avec des doublons (qui font planter la résolution des implicites !) *)
-(* VERY UGLY!! find some work around *)
-let modify_sign id t s =
- fold_named_context
- (fun ((x,b,ty) as d) sign ->
- if x=id then add_named_decl (x,b,t) sign else add_named_decl d sign)
- s ~init:empty_named_context
-let add_sign (id,t) s =
- try
- let _ = lookup_named id s in
- modify_sign id t s
- with Not_found ->
- add_named_decl (id,None,t) s
-let cast_set c = mkCast (c, mkSet)
-let set = mkCast (mkSet, mkType Univ.prop_univ)
-(* [cci_sign_of env] construit un environnement pour CIC ne comprenant que
- * les objets fonctionnels de l'environnement de programes [env]
- *)
-let cci_sign_of ren env =
- Penv.fold_all
- (fun (id,v) sign ->
- match v with
- | Penv.TypeV (Ref _ | Array _) -> sign
- | Penv.TypeV v ->
- let ty = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- add_sign (id,cast_set ty) sign
- | Penv.Set -> add_sign (id,set) sign)
- env (Global.named_context ())
-(* [sign_meta ren env fadd ini]
- * construit un environnement pour CIC qui prend en compte les variables
- * de programme.
- * pour cela, cette fonction parcours tout l'envrionnement (global puis
- * local [env]) et pour chaque déclaration, ajoute ce qu'il faut avec la
- * fonction [fadd] s'il s'agit d'un mutable et directement sinon,
- * en partant de [ini].
- *)
-let sign_meta ren env fast ini =
- Penv.fold_all
- (fun (id,v) sign ->
- match v with
- | Penv.TypeV (Ref _ | Array _ as v) ->
- let ty = Pmonad.trad_imp_type ren env v in
- fast sign id ty
- | Penv.TypeV v ->
- let ty = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- add_sign (id,cast_set ty) sign
- | Penv.Set -> add_sign (id,set) sign)
- env ini
-let add_sign_d dates (id,c) sign =
- let sign =
- List.fold_left (fun sign d -> add_sign (at_id id d,c) sign) sign dates
- in
- add_sign (id,c) sign
-let sign_of add ren env =
- sign_meta ren env
- (fun sign id c -> let c = cast_set c in add (id,c) sign)
- (Global.named_context ())
-let result_of sign = function
- None -> sign
- | Some (id,c) -> add_sign (id, cast_set c) sign
-let before_after_result_sign_of res ren env =
- let dates = "" :: Prename.all_dates ren in
- result_of (sign_of (add_sign_d dates) ren env) res
-let before_after_sign_of ren =
- let dates = "" :: Prename.all_dates ren in
- sign_of (add_sign_d dates) ren
-let before_sign_of ren =
- let dates = Prename.all_dates ren in
- sign_of (add_sign_d dates) ren
-let now_sign_of =
- sign_of (add_sign_d [])
-(* environnement après traduction *)
-let trad_sign_of ren =
- sign_of
- (fun (id,c) sign -> add_sign (Prename.current_var ren id,c) sign)
- ren
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pcicenv.mli b/contrib/correctness/pcicenv.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 365fa960..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pcicenv.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pcicenv.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Penv
-open Names
-open Term
-open Sign
-(* Translation of local programs environments into Coq signatures.
- * It is mainly used to type the pre/post conditions in the good
- * environment *)
-(* cci_sign_of: uniquement les objets purement fonctionnels de l'env. *)
-val cci_sign_of : Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
-(* env. Coq avec seulement les variables X de l'env. *)
-val now_sign_of : Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
-(* + les variables X@d pour toutes les dates de l'env. *)
-val before_sign_of : Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
-(* + les variables `avant' X@ *)
-val before_after_sign_of : Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
-val before_after_result_sign_of : ((identifier * constr) option)
- -> Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
-(* env. des programmes traduits, avec les variables rennomées *)
-val trad_sign_of : Prename.t -> local_env -> named_context
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deleted file mode 100644
index 759e9133..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Nametab
-open Constrintern
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-let cci_global id =
- try
- global_reference id
- with
- _ -> raise Not_found
-let lookup_var ids locop id =
- if List.mem id ids then
- None
- else begin
- try Some (cci_global id)
- with Not_found -> Perror.unbound_variable id locop
- end
-let check_ref idl loc id =
- if (not (List.mem id idl)) & (not (Penv.is_global id)) then
- Perror.unbound_reference id loc
-(* db types : only check the references for the moment *)
-let rec check_type_v refs = function
- | Ref v ->
- check_type_v refs v
- | Array (c,v) ->
- check_type_v refs v
- | Arrow (bl,c) ->
- check_binder refs c bl
- | TypePure _ ->
- ()
-and check_type_c refs ((_,v),e,_,_) =
- check_type_v refs v;
- List.iter (check_ref refs None) (Peffect.get_reads e);
- List.iter (check_ref refs None) (Peffect.get_writes e)
- (* TODO: check_condition on p and q *)
-and check_binder refs c = function
- | [] ->
- check_type_c refs c
- | (id, BindType (Ref _ | Array _ as v)) :: bl ->
- check_type_v refs v;
- check_binder (id :: refs) c bl
- | (_, BindType v) :: bl ->
- check_type_v refs v;
- check_binder refs c bl
- | _ :: bl ->
- check_binder refs c bl
-(* db binders *)
-let rec db_binders ((tids,pids,refs) as idl) = function
- | [] ->
- idl, []
- | (id, BindType (Ref _ | Array _ as v)) as b :: rem ->
- check_type_v refs v;
- let idl',rem' = db_binders (tids,pids,id::refs) rem in
- idl', b :: rem'
- | (id, BindType v) as b :: rem ->
- check_type_v refs v;
- let idl',rem' = db_binders (tids,id::pids,refs) rem in
- idl', b :: rem'
- | ((id, BindSet) as t) :: rem ->
- let idl',rem' = db_binders (id::tids,pids,refs) rem in
- idl', t :: rem'
- | a :: rem ->
- let idl',rem' = db_binders idl rem in idl', a :: rem'
-(* db programs *)
-let db_prog e =
- (* tids = type identifiers, ids = variables, refs = references and arrays *)
- let rec db_desc ((tids,ids,refs) as idl) = function
- | (Variable x) as t ->
- (match lookup_var ids (Some e.loc) x with
- None -> t
- | Some c -> Expression c)
- | (Acc x) as t ->
- check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x;
- t
- | Aff (x,e1) ->
- check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x;
- Aff (x, db idl e1)
- | TabAcc (b,x,e1) ->
- check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x;
- TabAcc(b,x,db idl e1)
- | TabAff (b,x,e1,e2) ->
- check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x;
- TabAff (b,x, db idl e1, db idl e2)
- | Seq bl ->
- Seq ( (function
- Statement p -> Statement (db idl p)
- | x -> x) bl)
- | If (e1,e2,e3) ->
- If (db idl e1, db idl e2, db idl e3)
- | While (b,inv,var,bl) ->
- let bl' = (function
- Statement p -> Statement (db idl p)
- | x -> x) bl in
- While (db idl b, inv, var, bl')
- | Lam (bl,e) ->
- let idl',bl' = db_binders idl bl in Lam(bl', db idl' e)
- | Apply (e1,l) ->
- Apply (db idl e1, (db_arg idl) l)
- | SApp (dl,l) ->
- SApp (dl, (db idl) l)
- | LetRef (x,e1,e2) ->
- LetRef (x, db idl e1, db (tids,ids,x::refs) e2)
- | Let (x,e1,e2) ->
- Let (x, db idl e1, db (tids,x::ids,refs) e2)
- | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e) ->
- let (tids',ids',refs'),bl' = db_binders idl bl in
- check_type_v refs' v;
- LetRec (f, bl, v, var, db (tids',f::ids',refs') e)
- | Debug (s,e1) ->
- Debug (s, db idl e1)
- | Expression _ as x -> x
- | PPoint (s,d) -> PPoint (s, db_desc idl d)
- and db_arg ((tids,_,refs) as idl) = function
- | Term ({ desc = Variable id } as t) ->
- if List.mem id refs then Refarg id else Term (db idl t)
- | Term t -> Term (db idl t)
- | Type v as ty -> check_type_v refs v; ty
- | Refarg _ -> assert false
- and db idl e =
- { desc = db_desc idl e.desc ;
- pre = e.pre; post =;
- loc = e.loc; info = }
- in
- let ids = Termops.ids_of_named_context (Global.named_context ()) in
- (* TODO: separer X:Set et x:V:Set
- virer le reste (axiomes, etc.) *)
- let vars,refs = all_vars (), all_refs () in
- db ([],vars@ids,refs) e
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pdb.mli b/contrib/correctness/pdb.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e647b7..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pdb.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pdb.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Ptype
-open Past
-(* Here we separate local and global variables, we check the use of
- * references and arrays w.r.t the local and global environments, etc.
- * These functions directly raise UserError exceptions on bad programs.
- *)
-val check_type_v : Names.identifier list -> 'a ml_type_v -> unit
-val db_prog : program -> program
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deleted file mode 100644
index faf5f3d3..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Pmisc
-(* The type of effects.
- *
- * An effect is composed of two lists (r,w) of variables.
- * The first one is the list of read-only variables
- * and the second one is the list of read-write variables.
- *
- * INVARIANT: 1. each list is sorted in decreasing order for
- * 2. there are no duplicate elements in each list
- * 3. the two lists are disjoint
- *)
-type t = identifier list * identifier list
-(* the empty effect *)
-let bottom = ([], [])
-(* basic operations *)
-let push x l =
- let rec push_rec = function
- [] -> [x]
- | (y::rem) as l ->
- if x = y then l else if x > y then x::l else y :: push_rec rem
- in
- push_rec l
-let basic_remove x l =
- let rec rem_rec = function
- [] -> []
- | y::l -> if x = y then l else y :: rem_rec l
- in
- rem_rec l
-let mem x (r,w) = (List.mem x r) or (List.mem x w)
-let rec basic_union = function
- [], s2 -> s2
- | s1, [] -> s1
- | ((v1::l1) as s1), ((v2::l2) as s2) ->
- if v1 > v2 then
- v1 :: basic_union (l1,s2)
- else if v1 < v2 then
- v2 :: basic_union (s1,l2)
- else
- v1 :: basic_union (l1,l2)
-(* adds reads and writes variables *)
-let add_read id ((r,w) as e) =
- (* if the variable is already a RW it is ok, otherwise adds it as a RO. *)
- if List.mem id w then
- e
- else
- push id r, w
-let add_write id (r,w) =
- (* if the variable is a RO then removes it from RO. Adds it to RW. *)
- if List.mem id r then
- basic_remove id r, push id w
- else
- r, push id w
-(* access *)
-let get_reads = basic_union
-let get_writes = snd
-let get_repr e = (get_reads e, get_writes e)
-(* tests *)
-let is_read (r,_) id = List.mem id r
-let is_write (_,w) id = List.mem id w
-(* union and disjunction *)
-let union (r1,w1) (r2,w2) = basic_union (r1,r2), basic_union (w1,w2)
-let rec diff = function
- [], s2 -> []
- | s1, [] -> s1
- | ((v1::l1) as s1), ((v2::l2) as s2) ->
- if v1 > v2 then
- v1 :: diff (l1,s2)
- else if v1 < v2 then
- diff (s1,l2)
- else
- diff (l1,l2)
-let disj (r1,w1) (r2,w2) =
- let w1_w2 = diff (w1,w2) and w2_w1 = diff (w2,w1) in
- let r = basic_union (basic_union (r1,r2), basic_union (w1_w2,w2_w1))
- and w = basic_union (w1,w2) in
- r,w
-(* comparison relation *)
-let le e1 e2 = failwith "effects: le: not yet implemented"
-let inf e1 e2 = failwith "effects: inf: not yet implemented"
-(* composition *)
-let compose (r1,w1) (r2,w2) =
- let r = basic_union (r1, diff (r2,w1)) in
- let w = basic_union (w1,w2) in
- r,w
-(* remove *)
-let remove (r,w) name = basic_remove name r, basic_remove name w
-(* substitution *)
-let subst_list (x,x') l =
- if List.mem x l then push x' (basic_remove x l) else l
-let subst_one (r,w) s = subst_list s r, subst_list s w
-let subst s e = List.fold_left subst_one e s
-(* pretty-print *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Himsg
-let pp (r,w) =
- hov 0 (if r<>[] then
- (str"reads " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str"," ++ spc ())) pr_id r)
- else (mt ()) ++
- spc () ++
- if w<>[] then
- (str"writes " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun ()-> (str"," ++ spc ())) pr_id w)
- else (mt ())
-let ppr e =
- Pp.pp (pp e)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/peffect.mli b/contrib/correctness/peffect.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a10dea4..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/peffect.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: peffect.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-(* The abstract type of effects *)
-type t
-val bottom : t
-val add_read : identifier -> t -> t
-val add_write : identifier -> t -> t
-val get_reads : t -> identifier list
-val get_writes : t -> identifier list
-val get_repr : t -> (identifier list) * (identifier list)
-val is_read : t -> identifier -> bool (* read-only *)
-val is_write : t -> identifier -> bool (* read-write *)
-val compose : t -> t -> t
-val union : t -> t -> t
-val disj : t -> t -> t
-val remove : t -> identifier -> t
-val subst : (identifier * identifier) list -> t -> t
-val pp : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val ppr : t -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f89b1e1..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
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@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pmisc
-open Past
-open Ptype
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Libobject
-open Library
-open Term
-(* Environments for imperative programs.
- *
- * An environment of programs is an association tables
- * from identifiers (Names.identifier) to types of values with effects
- * (ProgAst.ml_type_v), together with a list of these associations, since
- * the order is relevant (we have dependent types e.g. [x:nat; t:(array x T)])
- *)
-module Env = struct
- type 'a t = ('a Idmap.t)
- * ((identifier * 'a) list)
- * ((identifier * (identifier * variant)) list)
- let empty = Idmap.empty, [], []
- let add id v (m,l,r) = (Idmap.add id v m, (id,v)::l, r)
- let find id (m,_,_) = Idmap.find id m
- let fold f (_,l,_) x0 = List.fold_right f l x0
- let add_rec (id,var) (m,l,r) = (m,l,(id,var)::r)
- let find_rec id (_,_,r) = List.assoc id r
-(* Local environments *)
-type type_info = Set | TypeV of type_v
-type local_env = type_info Env.t
-let empty = (Env.empty : local_env)
-let add (id,v) = Env.add id (TypeV v)
-let add_set id = Env.add id Set
-let find id env =
- match Env.find id env with TypeV v -> v | Set -> raise Not_found
-let is_local env id =
- try
- match Env.find id env with TypeV _ -> true | Set -> false
- with
- Not_found -> false
-let is_local_set env id =
- try
- match Env.find id env with TypeV _ -> false | Set -> true
- with
- Not_found -> false
-(* typed programs *)
-type typing_info = {
- env : local_env;
- kappa : constr ml_type_c
-type typed_program = (typing_info, constr) t
-(* The global environment.
- *
- * We have a global typing environment env
- * We also keep a table of programs for extraction purposes
- * and a table of initializations (still for extraction)
- *)
-let (env : type_info Env.t ref) = ref Env.empty
-let (pgm_table : (typed_program option) Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
-let (init_table : constr Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
-let freeze () = (!env, !pgm_table, !init_table)
-let unfreeze (e,p,i) = env := e; pgm_table := p; init_table := i
-let init () =
- env := Env.empty; pgm_table := Idmap.empty; init_table := Idmap.empty
-Summary.declare_summary "programs-environment"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init;
- Summary.survive_module = false;
- Summary.survive_section = false }
-(* Operations on the global environment. *)
-let add_pgm id p = pgm_table := Idmap.add id p !pgm_table
-let cache_global (_,(id,v,p)) =
- env := Env.add id v !env; add_pgm id p
-let type_info_app f = function Set -> Set | TypeV v -> TypeV (f v)
-let subst_global (_,s,(id,v,p)) = (id, type_info_app (type_v_knsubst s) v, p)
-let (inProg,outProg) =
- declare_object { object_name = "programs-objects";
- cache_function = cache_global;
- load_function = (fun _ -> cache_global);
- open_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- subst_function = subst_global;
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
-let is_mutable = function Ref _ | Array _ -> true | _ -> false
-let add_global id v p =
- try
- let _ = Env.find id !env in
- Perror.clash id None
- with
- Not_found -> begin
- let id' =
- if is_mutable v then id
- else id_of_string ("prog_" ^ (string_of_id id))
- in
- Lib.add_leaf id' (inProg (id,TypeV v,p))
- end
-let add_global_set id =
- try
- let _ = Env.find id !env in
- Perror.clash id None
- with
- Not_found -> Lib.add_leaf id (inProg (id,Set,None))
-let is_global id =
- try
- match Env.find id !env with TypeV _ -> true | Set -> false
- with
- Not_found -> false
-let is_global_set id =
- try
- match Env.find id !env with TypeV _ -> false | Set -> true
- with
- Not_found -> false
-let lookup_global id =
- match Env.find id !env with TypeV v -> v | Set -> raise Not_found
-let find_pgm id = Idmap.find id !pgm_table
-let all_vars () =
- Env.fold
- (fun (id,v) l -> match v with TypeV (Arrow _|TypePure _) -> id::l | _ -> l)
- !env []
-let all_refs () =
- Env.fold
- (fun (id,v) l -> match v with TypeV (Ref _ | Array _) -> id::l | _ -> l)
- !env []
-(* initializations *)
-let cache_init (_,(id,c)) =
- init_table := Idmap.add id c !init_table
-let subst_init (_,s,(id,c)) = (id, subst_mps s c)
-let (inInit,outInit) =
- declare_object { object_name = "programs-objects-init";
- cache_function = cache_init;
- load_function = (fun _ -> cache_init);
- open_function = (fun _ _-> ());
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- subst_function = subst_init;
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
-let initialize id c = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inInit (id,c))
-let find_init id = Idmap.find id !init_table
-(* access in env, local then global *)
-let type_in_env env id =
- try find id env with Not_found -> lookup_global id
-let is_in_env env id =
- (is_global id) or (is_local env id)
-let fold_all f lenv x0 =
- let x1 = Env.fold f !env x0 in
- Env.fold f lenv x1
-(* recursions *)
-let add_recursion = Env.add_rec
-let find_recursion = Env.find_rec
-(* We also maintain a table of the currently edited proofs of programs
- * in order to add them in the environnement when the user does Save *)
-open Pp
-open Himsg
-let (edited : (type_v * typed_program) Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
-let new_edited id v =
- edited := Idmap.add id v !edited
-let is_edited id =
- try let _ = Idmap.find id !edited in true with Not_found -> false
-let register id id' =
- try
- let (v,p) = Idmap.find id !edited in
- let _ = add_global id' v (Some p) in
- Options.if_verbose
- msgnl (hov 0 (str"Program " ++ pr_id id' ++ spc () ++ str"is defined"));
- edited := Idmap.remove id !edited
- with Not_found -> ()
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/penv.mli b/contrib/correctness/penv.mli
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index 6743b465..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/penv.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: penv.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Names
-open Libnames
-open Term
-(* Environment for imperative programs.
- *
- * Here we manage the global environment, which is imperative,
- * and we provide a functional local environment.
- *
- * The most important functions, is_in_env, type_in_env and fold_all
- * first look in the local environment then in the global one.
- *)
-(* local environments *)
-type local_env
-val empty : local_env
-val add : (identifier * type_v) -> local_env -> local_env
-val add_set : identifier -> local_env -> local_env
-val is_local : local_env -> identifier -> bool
-val is_local_set : local_env -> identifier -> bool
-(* typed programs *)
-type typing_info = {
- env : local_env;
- kappa : constr ml_type_c
-type typed_program = (typing_info, constr) t
-(* global environment *)
-val add_global : identifier -> type_v -> typed_program option -> object_name
-val add_global_set : identifier -> object_name
-val is_global : identifier -> bool
-val is_global_set : identifier -> bool
-val lookup_global : identifier -> type_v
-val all_vars : unit -> identifier list
-val all_refs : unit -> identifier list
-(* a table keeps the program (for extraction) *)
-val find_pgm : identifier -> typed_program option
-(* a table keeps the initializations of mutable objects *)
-val initialize : identifier -> constr -> unit
-val find_init : identifier -> constr
-(* access in env (local then global) *)
-val type_in_env : local_env -> identifier -> type_v
-val is_in_env : local_env -> identifier -> bool
-type type_info = Set | TypeV of type_v
-val fold_all : (identifier * type_info -> 'a -> 'a) -> local_env -> 'a -> 'a
-(* local environnements also contains a list of recursive functions
- * with the associated variant *)
-val add_recursion : identifier * (identifier*variant) -> local_env -> local_env
-val find_recursion : identifier -> local_env -> identifier * variant
-(* We also maintain a table of the currently edited proofs of programs
- * in order to add them in the environnement when the user does Save *)
-val new_edited : identifier -> type_v * typed_program -> unit
-val is_edited : identifier -> bool
-val register : identifier -> identifier -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8415e96d..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Term
-open Himsg
-open Ptype
-open Past
-let is_mutable = function Ref _ | Array _ -> true | _ -> false
-let is_pure = function TypePure _ -> true | _ -> false
-let raise_with_loc = function
- | None -> raise
- | Some loc -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
-let unbound_variable id loc =
- raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.unbound_variable",
- (hov 0 (str"Unbound variable" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ fnl ()))))
-let unbound_reference id loc =
- raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.unbound_reference",
- (hov 0 (str"Unbound reference" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ fnl ()))))
-let clash id loc =
- raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.clash",
- (hov 0 (str"Clash with previous constant" ++ spc () ++
- str(string_of_id id) ++ fnl ()))))
-let not_defined id =
- raise
- (UserError ("Perror.not_defined",
- (hov 0 (str"The object" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
- str"is not defined" ++ fnl ()))))
-let check_for_reference loc id = function
- Ref _ -> ()
- | _ -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_reference",
- hov 0 (pr_id id ++ spc () ++
- str"is not a reference")))
-let check_for_array loc id = function
- Array _ -> ()
- | _ -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_array",
- hov 0 (pr_id id ++ spc () ++
- str"is not an array")))
-let is_constant_type s = function
- TypePure c ->
- let id = id_of_string s in
- let c' = Constrintern.global_reference id in
- Reductionops.is_conv (Global.env()) Evd.empty c c'
- | _ -> false
-let check_for_index_type loc v =
- let is_index = is_constant_type "Z" v in
- if not is_index then
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_index",
- hov 0 (str"This expression is an index" ++ spc () ++
- str"and should have type int (Z)")))
-let check_no_effect loc ef =
- if not (Peffect.get_writes ef = []) then
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_no_effect",
- hov 0 (str"A boolean should not have side effects"
-let should_be_boolean loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.should_be_boolean",
- hov 0 (str"This expression is a test:" ++ spc () ++
- str"it should have type bool")))
-let test_should_be_annotated loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.test_should_be_annotated",
- hov 0 (str"This test should be annotated")))
-let if_branches loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.if_branches",
- hov 0 (str"The two branches of an `if' expression" ++ spc () ++
- str"should have the same type")))
-let check_for_not_mutable loc v =
- if is_mutable v then
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_not_mutable",
- hov 0 (str"This expression cannot be a mutable")))
-let check_for_pure_type loc v =
- if not (is_pure v) then
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_pure_type",
- hov 0 (str"This expression must be pure" ++ spc () ++
- str"(neither a mutable nor a function)")))
-let check_for_let_ref loc v =
- if not (is_pure v) then
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.check_for_let_ref",
- hov 0 (str"References can only be bound in pure terms")))
-let informative loc s =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.variant_informative",
- hov 0 (str s ++ spc () ++ str"must be informative")))
-let variant_informative loc = informative loc "Variant"
-let should_be_informative loc = informative loc "This term"
-let app_of_non_function loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.app_of_non_function",
- hov 0 (str"This term cannot be applied" ++ spc () ++
- str"(either it is not a function" ++ spc () ++
- str"or it is applied to non pure arguments)")))
-let partial_app loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.partial_app",
- hov 0 (str"This function does not have" ++
- spc () ++ str"the right number of arguments")))
-let expected_type loc s =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.expected_type",
- hov 0 (str"Argument is expected to have type" ++ spc () ++ s)))
-let expects_a_type id loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.expects_a_type",
- hov 0 (str"The argument " ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
- str"in this application is supposed to be a type")))
-let expects_a_term id =
- raise
- (UserError ("Perror.expects_a_type",
- hov 0 (str"The argument " ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
- str"in this application is supposed to be a term")))
-let should_be_a_variable loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.should_be_a_variable",
- hov 0 (str"Argument should be a variable")))
-let should_be_a_reference loc =
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("Perror.should_be_a_reference",
- hov 0 (str"Argument of function should be a reference")))
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/perror.mli b/contrib/correctness/perror.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 45b2acdc..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/perror.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: perror.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Ptype
-open Past
-val unbound_variable : identifier -> loc option -> 'a
-val unbound_reference : identifier -> loc option -> 'a
-val clash : identifier -> loc option -> 'a
-val not_defined : identifier -> 'a
-val check_for_reference : loc -> identifier -> type_v -> unit
-val check_for_array : loc -> identifier -> type_v -> unit
-val check_for_index_type : loc -> type_v -> unit
-val check_no_effect : loc -> Peffect.t -> unit
-val should_be_boolean : loc -> 'a
-val test_should_be_annotated : loc -> 'a
-val if_branches : loc -> 'a
-val check_for_not_mutable : loc -> type_v -> unit
-val check_for_pure_type : loc -> type_v -> unit
-val check_for_let_ref : loc -> type_v -> unit
-val variant_informative : loc -> 'a
-val should_be_informative : loc -> 'a
-val app_of_non_function : loc -> 'a
-val partial_app : loc -> 'a
-val expected_type : loc -> std_ppcmds -> 'a
-val expects_a_type : identifier -> loc -> 'a
-val expects_a_term : identifier -> 'a
-val should_be_a_variable : loc -> 'a
-val should_be_a_reference : loc -> 'a
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 407567ad..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp_control
-open Pp
-open Util
-open System
-open Names
-open Term
-open Himsg
-open Reduction
-open Putil
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Putil
-let extraction env c =
- let ren = initial_renaming env in
- let sign = Pcicenv.now_sign_of ren env in
- let fsign = Mach.fsign_of_sign (Evd.mt_evd()) sign in
- match Mach.infexecute (Evd.mt_evd()) (sign,fsign) c with
- | (_,Inf j) -> j._VAL
- | (_,Logic) -> failwith "Prog_extract.pp: should be informative"
-(* les tableaux jouent un role particulier, puisqu'ils seront extraits
- * vers des tableaux ML *)
-let sp_access = coq_constant ["correctness"; "Arrays"] "access"
-let access = ConstRef sp_access
-let has_array = ref false
-let pp_conversions () =
- (str"\
-let rec int_of_pos = function
- XH -> 1
- | XI p -> 2 * (int_of_pos p) + 1
- | XO p -> 2 * (int_of_pos p)
- ++ ++
-let int_of_z = function
- ZERO -> 0
- | POS p -> int_of_pos p
- | NEG p -> -(int_of_pos p)
- ++ ++
-") (* '"' *)
-(* collect all section-path in a CIC constant *)
-let spset_of_cci env c =
- let spl = Fw_env.collect (extraction env c) in
- let sps = List.fold_left (fun e x -> SpSet.add x e) SpSet.empty spl in
- has_array := !has_array or (SpSet.mem sp_access sps) ++
- SpSet.remove sp_access sps
-(* collect all Coq constants and all pgms appearing in a given program *)
-let add_id env ((sp,ids) as s) id =
- if is_local env id then
- s
- else if is_global id then
- (sp,IdSet.add id ids)
- else
- try (SpSet.add (Nametab.sp_of_id FW id) sp,ids) with Not_found -> s
-let collect env =
- let rec collect_desc env s = function
- | Var x -> add_id env s x
- | Acc x -> add_id env s x
- | Aff (x,e1) -> add_id env (collect_rec env s e1) x
- | TabAcc (_,x,e1) ->
- has_array := true ++
- add_id env (collect_rec env s e1) x
- | TabAff (_,x,e1,e2) ->
- has_array := true ++
- add_id env (collect_rec env (collect_rec env s e1) e2) x
- | Seq bl ->
- List.fold_left (fun s st -> match st with
- Statement p -> collect_rec env s p
- | _ -> s) s bl
- | If (e1,e2,e3) ->
- collect_rec env (collect_rec env (collect_rec env s e1) e2) e3
- | While (b,_,_,bl) ->
- let s = List.fold_left (fun s st -> match st with
- Statement p -> collect_rec env s p
- | _ -> s) s bl in
- collect_rec env s b
- | Lam (bl,e) ->
- collect_rec (traverse_binders env bl) s e
- | App (e1,l) ->
- let s = List.fold_left (fun s a -> match a with
- Term t -> collect_rec env s t
- | Type _ | Refarg _ -> s) s l in
- collect_rec env s e1
- | SApp (_,l) ->
- List.fold_left (fun s a -> collect_rec env s a) s l
- | LetRef (x,e1,e2) ->
- let (_,v),_,_,_ = in
- collect_rec (add (x,Ref v) env) (collect_rec env s e1) e2
- | LetIn (x,e1,e2) ->
- let (_,v),_,_,_ = in
- collect_rec (add (x,v) env) (collect_rec env s e1) e2
- | LetRec (f,bl,_,_,e) ->
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl in
- let env'' = add (f,make_arrow bl env' in
- collect_rec env'' s e
- | Debug (_,e1) -> collect_rec env s e1
- | PPoint (_,d) -> collect_desc env s d
- | Expression c ->
- let (sp,ids) = s in
- let sp' = spset_of_cci env c in
- SpSet.fold
- (fun s (es,ei) ->
- let id = basename s in
- if is_global id then (*SpSet.add s*)es,IdSet.add id ei
- else SpSet.add s es,ei)
- sp' (sp,ids)
- and collect_rec env s p = collect_desc env s p.desc
- in
- collect_rec env (SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty)
-(* On a besoin de faire du renommage, tout comme pour l'extraction des
- * termes Coq. En ce qui concerne les globaux, on utilise la table de
- * Fwtoml. Pour les objects locaux, on introduit la structure de
- * renommage rename_struct
- *)
-module Ocaml_ren = Ocaml.OCaml_renaming
-let rename_global id =
- let id' = Ocaml_ren.rename_global_term !Fwtoml.globals (Name id) in
- Fwtoml.add_global_renaming (id,id') ++
- id'
-type rename_struct = { rn_map : identifier IdMap.t;
- rn_avoid : identifier list }
-let rn_empty = { rn_map = IdMap.empty; rn_avoid = [] }
-let rename_local rn id =
- let id' = Ocaml_ren.rename_term (!Fwtoml.globals@rn.rn_avoid) (Name id) in
- { rn_map = IdMap.add id id' rn.rn_map; rn_avoid = id' :: rn.rn_avoid },
- id'
-let get_local_name rn id = IdMap.find id rn.rn_map
-let get_name env rn id =
- if is_local env id then
- get_local_name rn id
- else
- Fwtoml.get_global_name id
-let rec rename_binders rn = function
- | [] -> rn
- | (id,_) :: bl -> let rn',_ = rename_local rn id in rename_binders rn' bl
-(* on a bespoin d'un pretty-printer de constr particulier, qui reconnaisse
- * les acces a des references et dans des tableaux, et qui de plus n'imprime
- * pas de GENTERM lorsque des identificateurs ne sont pas visibles.
- * Il est simplifie dans la mesure ou l'on a ici que des constantes et
- * des applications.
- *)
-let putpar par s =
- if par then (str"(" ++ s ++ str")") else s
-let is_ref env id =
- try
- (match type_in_env env id with Ref _ -> true | _ -> false)
- with
- Not_found -> false
-let rec pp_constr env rn = function
- | VAR id ->
- if is_ref env id then
- (str"!" ++ pID (get_name env rn id))
- else
- pID (get_name env rn id)
- | DOPN((Const _|MutInd _|MutConstruct _) as oper, _) ->
- pID (Fwtoml.name_of_oper oper)
- | DOPN(AppL,v) ->
- if Array.length v = 0 then
- (mt ())
- else begin
- match v.(0) with
- DOPN(Const sp,_) when sp = sp_access ->
- (pp_constr env rn v.(3) ++
- str".(int_of_z " ++ pp_constr env rn v.(4) ++ str")")
- | _ ->
- hov 2 (putpar true (prvect_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ()))
- (pp_constr env rn) v))
- end
- | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> pp_constr env rn c
- | _ -> failwith "Prog_extract.pp_constr: unexpected constr"
-(* pretty-print of imperative programs *)
-let collect_lambda =
- let rec collect acc p = match p.desc with
- | Lam(bl,t) -> collect (bl@acc) t
- | x -> acc,p
- in
- collect []
-let pr_binding rn =
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (mt ()))
- (function
- | (id,(Untyped | BindType _)) ->
- (str" " ++ pID (get_local_name rn id))
- | (id,BindSet) -> (mt ()))
-let pp_prog id =
- let rec pp_d env rn par = function
- | Var x -> pID (get_name env rn x)
- | Acc x -> (str"!" ++ pID (get_name env rn x))
- | Aff (x,e1) -> (pID (get_name env rn x) ++
- str" := " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e1))
- | TabAcc (_,x,e1) ->
- (pID (get_name env rn x) ++
- str".(int_of_z " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn true e1) ++ str")")
- | TabAff (_,x,e1,e2) ->
- (pID (get_name env rn x) ++
- str".(int_of_z " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn true e1) ++ str")" ++
- str" <-" ++ spc () ++ hov 2 (pp env rn false e2))
- | Seq bl ->
- (str"begin" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp_block env rn bl) ++ fnl () ++
- str"end")
- | If (e1,e2,e3) ->
- putpar par (str"if " ++ (pp env rn false e1) ++
- str" then" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e2) ++ fnl () ++
- str"else" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e3))
- (* optimisations : then begin .... end else begin ... end *)
- | While (b,inv,_,bl) ->
- (str"while " ++ (pp env rn false b) ++ str" do" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++
- hov 0 ((match inv with
- None -> (mt ())
- | Some c -> (str"(* invariant: " ++ pTERM c.a_value ++
- str" *)" ++ fnl ())) ++
- pp_block env rn bl) ++ fnl () ++
- str"done")
- | Lam (bl,e) ->
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl in
- let rn' = rename_binders rn bl in
- putpar par
- (hov 2 (str"fun" ++ pr_binding rn' bl ++ str" ->" ++
- spc () ++ pp env' rn' false e))
- | SApp ((Var id)::_, [e1; e2])
- when id = connective_and or id = connective_or ->
- let conn = if id = connective_and then "&" else "or" in
- putpar par
- (hov 0 (pp env rn true e1 ++ spc () ++ str conn ++ spc () ++
- pp env rn true e2))
- | SApp ((Var id)::_, [e]) when id = connective_not ->
- putpar par
- (hov 0 (str"not" ++ spc () ++ pp env rn true e))
- | SApp _ ->
- invalid_arg "Prog_extract.pp_prog (SApp)"
- | App(e1,[]) ->
- hov 0 (pp env rn false e1)
- | App (e1,l) ->
- putpar true
- (hov 2 (pp env rn true e1 ++
- prlist (function
- Term p -> (spc () ++ pp env rn true p)
- | Refarg x -> (spc () ++ pID (get_name env rn x))
- | Type _ -> (mt ()))
- l))
- | LetRef (x,e1,e2) ->
- let (_,v),_,_,_ = in
- let env' = add (x,Ref v) env in
- let rn',x' = rename_local rn x in
- putpar par
- (hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID x' ++ str" = ref " ++ pp env rn false e1 ++
- str" in" ++ fnl () ++ pp env' rn' false e2))
- | LetIn (x,e1,e2) ->
- let (_,v),_,_,_ = in
- let env' = add (x,v) env in
- let rn',x' = rename_local rn x in
- putpar par
- (hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID x' ++ str" = " ++ pp env rn false e1 ++
- str" in" ++ fnl () ++ pp env' rn' false e2))
- | LetRec (f,bl,_,_,e) ->
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl in
- let rn' = rename_binders rn bl in
- let env'' = add (f,make_arrow bl env' in
- let rn'',f' = rename_local rn' f in
- putpar par
- (hov 0 (str"let rec " ++ pID f' ++ pr_binding rn' bl ++ str" =" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env'' rn'' false e) ++ fnl () ++
- str"in " ++ pID f'))
- | Debug (_,e1) -> pp env rn par e1
- | PPoint (_,d) -> pp_d env rn par d
- | Expression c ->
- pp_constr env rn (extraction env c)
- and pp_block env rn bl =
- let bl =
- map_succeed (function Statement p -> p | _ -> failwith "caught") bl
- in
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str";" ++ fnl ()))
- (fun p -> hov 0 (pp env rn false p)) bl
- and pp env rn par p =
- (pp_d env rn par p.desc)
- and pp_mut v c = match v with
- | Ref _ ->
- (str"ref " ++ pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty c))
- | Array (n,_) ->
- (str"Array.create " ++ cut () ++
- putpar true
- (str"int_of_z " ++
- pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty n)) ++
- str" " ++ pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty c))
- | _ -> invalid_arg "pp_mut"
- in
- let v = lookup_global id in
- let id' = rename_global id in
- if is_mutable v then
- try
- let c = find_init id in
- hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID id' ++ str" = " ++ pp_mut v c)
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.pp_prog"
- (str"The variable " ++ pID id ++
- str" must be initialized first !")
- else
- match find_pgm id with
- | None ->
- errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.pp_prog"
- (str"The program " ++ pID id ++
- str" must be realized first !")
- | Some p ->
- let bl,p = collect_lambda p in
- let rn = rename_binders rn_empty bl in
- let env = traverse_binders empty bl in
- hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID id' ++ pr_binding rn bl ++ str" =" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 2 (pp env rn false p))
-(* extraction des programmes impératifs/fonctionnels vers ocaml *)
-(* Il faut parfois importer des modules non ouverts, sinon
- * Ocaml.OCaml_pp_file.pp echoue en disant "machin is not a defined
- * informative object". Cela dit, ce n'est pas tres satisfaisant, vu que
- * la constante existe quand meme: il vaudrait mieux contourner l'echec
- * de ml_import.fwsp_of_id
- *)
-let import sp = match repr_path sp with
- | [m],_,_ ->
- begin
- try Library.import_export_module m true
- with _ -> ()
- end
- | _ -> ()
-let pp_ocaml file prm =
- has_array := false ++
- (* on separe objects Coq et programmes *)
- let cic,pgms =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (sp,ids) id ->
- if is_global id then (sp,IdSet.add id ids) else (IdSet.add id sp,ids))
- (IdSet.empty,IdSet.empty) prm.needed
- in
- (* on met les programmes dans l'ordre et pour chacun on recherche les
- * objects Coq necessaires, que l'on rajoute a l'ensemble cic *)
- let cic,_,pgms =
- let o_pgms = fold_all (fun (id,_) l -> id::l) empty [] in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (cic,pgms,pl) id ->
- if IdSet.mem id pgms then
- let spl,pgms' =
- try
- (match find_pgm id with
- | Some p -> collect empty p
- | None ->
- (try
- let c = find_init id in
- spset_of_cci empty c,IdSet.empty
- with Not_found ->
- SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty))
- with Not_found -> SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty
- in
- let cic' =
- SpSet.fold
- (fun sp cic -> import sp ++ IdSet.add (basename sp) cic)
- spl cic
- in
- (cic',IdSet.union pgms pgms',id::pl)
- else
- (cic,pgms,pl))
- (cic,pgms,[]) o_pgms
- in
- let cic = IdSet.elements cic in
- (* on pretty-print *)
- let prm' = { needed = cic ++ expand = prm.expand ++
- expansion = prm.expansion ++ exact = prm.exact }
- in
- let strm = (Ocaml.OCaml_pp_file.pp_recursive prm' ++
- fnl () ++ fnl () ++
- if !has_array then pp_conversions() else (mt ()) ++
- prlist (fun p -> (pp_prog p ++ fnl () ++ str";;" ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()))
- pgms
- in
- (* puis on ecrit dans le fichier *)
- let chan = open_trapping_failure open_out file ".ml" in
- let ft = with_output_to chan in
- begin
- try pP_with ft strm ++ pp_flush_with ft ()
- with e -> pp_flush_with ft () ++ close_out chan ++ raise e
- end ++
- close_out chan
-(* Initializations of mutable objects *)
-let initialize id com =
- let loc = Ast.loc com in
- let c = constr_of_com (Evd.mt_evd()) (initial_sign()) com in
- let ty =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota (type_of (Evd.mt_evd()) (initial_sign()) c) in
- try
- let v = lookup_global id in
- let ety = match v with
- | Ref (TypePure c) -> c | Array (_,TypePure c) -> c
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in
- if conv (Evd.mt_evd()) ty ety then
- initialize id c
- else
- errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.initialize"
- (str"Not the expected type for the mutable " ++ pID id)
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.initialize"
- (pr_id id ++ str" is not a mutable")
-(* grammaire *)
-open Vernacinterp
-let _ = vinterp_add "IMPERATIVEEXTRACTION"
- (function
- | VARG_STRING file :: rem ->
- let prm = parse_param rem in (fun () -> pp_ocaml file prm)
- | _ -> assert false)
-let _ = vinterp_add "INITIALIZE"
- (function
- (fun () -> initialize id com)
- | _ -> assert false)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pextract.mli b/contrib/correctness/pextract.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 3492729c..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pextract.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pextract.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-val pp_ocaml : string -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 076b11cd..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Term
-open Libnames
-open Topconstr
-(* debug *)
-let deb_mess s =
- if !Options.debug then begin
- msgnl s; pp_flush()
- end
-let deb_print f x =
- if !Options.debug then begin
- msgnl (f x); pp_flush()
- end
-let list_of_some = function
- None -> []
- | Some x -> [x]
-let difference l1 l2 =
- let rec diff = function
- [] -> []
- | a::rem -> if List.mem a l2 then diff rem else a::(diff rem)
- in
- diff l1
-(* TODO: these functions should be moved in the code of Coq *)
-let reraise_with_loc loc f x =
- try f x with Util.UserError (_,_) as e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e
-(* functions on names *)
-let at = if !Options.v7 then "@" else "'at'"
-let at_id id d = id_of_string ((string_of_id id) ^ at ^ d)
-let is_at id =
- try
- let _ = string_index_from (string_of_id id) 0 at in true
- with Not_found ->
- false
-let un_at id =
- let s = string_of_id id in
- try
- let n = string_index_from s 0 at in
- id_of_string (String.sub s 0 n),
- String.sub s (n + String.length at)
- (String.length s - n - String.length at)
- with Not_found ->
- invalid_arg "un_at"
-let renaming_of_ids avoid ids =
- let rec rename avoid = function
- [] -> [], avoid
- | x::rem ->
- let al,avoid = rename avoid rem in
- let x' = next_ident_away x avoid in
- (x,x')::al, x'::avoid
- in
- rename avoid ids
-let result_id = id_of_string "result"
-let adr_id id = id_of_string ("adr_" ^ (string_of_id id))
-(* hypotheses names *)
-let next s r = function
- Anonymous -> incr r; id_of_string (s ^ string_of_int !r)
- | Name id -> id
-let reset_names,pre_name,post_name,inv_name,
- test_name,bool_name,var_name,phi_name,for_name,label_name =
- let pre = ref 0 in
- let post = ref 0 in
- let inv = ref 0 in
- let test = ref 0 in
- let bool = ref 0 in
- let var = ref 0 in
- let phi = ref 0 in
- let forr = ref 0 in
- let label = ref 0 in
- (fun () ->
- pre := 0; post := 0; inv := 0; test := 0;
- bool := 0; var := 0; phi := 0; label := 0),
- (next "Pre" pre),
- (next "Post" post),
- (next "Inv" inv),
- (next "Test" test),
- (fun () -> next "Bool" bool Anonymous),
- (next "Variant" var),
- (fun () -> next "rphi" phi Anonymous),
- (fun () -> next "for" forr Anonymous),
- (fun () -> string_of_id (next "Label" label Anonymous))
-let default = id_of_string "x_"
-let id_of_name = function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default
-(* functions on CIC terms *)
-let isevar = Evarutil.new_evar_in_sign (Global.env ())
-(* Substitutions of variables by others. *)
-let subst_in_constr alist =
- let alist' = (fun (id,id') -> (id, mkVar id')) alist in
- replace_vars alist'
-let subst_in_ast alist ast =
- let rec subst = function
- Nvar(l,s) -> Nvar(l,try List.assoc s alist with Not_found -> s)
- | Node(l,s,args) -> Node(l,s, subst args)
- | Slam(l,so,a) -> Slam(l,so,subst a) (* TODO:enlever so de alist ? *)
- | x -> x
- in
- subst ast
-let subst_ast_in_ast alist ast =
- let rec subst = function
- Nvar(l,s) as x -> (try List.assoc s alist with Not_found -> x)
- | Node(l,s,args) -> Node(l,s, subst args)
- | Slam(l,so,a) -> Slam(l,so,subst a) (* TODO:enlever so de alist ? *)
- | x -> x
- in
- subst ast
-let rec subst_in_ast alist = function
- | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) ->
- CRef (Ident (loc,(try List.assoc id alist with Not_found -> id)))
- | x -> map_constr_expr_with_binders subst_in_ast List.remove_assoc alist x
-let rec subst_ast_in_ast alist = function
- | CRef (Ident (_,id)) as x -> (try List.assoc id alist with Not_found -> x)
- | x ->
- map_constr_expr_with_binders subst_ast_in_ast List.remove_assoc alist x
-(* subst. of variables by constr *)
-let real_subst_in_constr = replace_vars
-(* Coq constants *)
-let coq_constant d s =
- Libnames.encode_kn
- (make_dirpath (List.rev ( id_of_string ("Coq"::d))))
- (id_of_string s)
-let bool_sp = coq_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "bool"
-let coq_true = mkConstruct ((bool_sp,0),1)
-let coq_false = mkConstruct ((bool_sp,0),2)
-let constant s =
- let id = Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s in
- Constrintern.global_reference id
-let connective_and = id_of_string "prog_bool_and"
-let connective_or = id_of_string "prog_bool_or"
-let connective_not = id_of_string "prog_bool_not"
-let is_connective id =
- id = connective_and or id = connective_or or id = connective_not
-(* [conj i s] constructs the conjunction of two constr *)
-let conj i s = Term.applist (constant "and", [i; s])
-(* [n_mkNamedProd v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type
- [(x1:t1)...(xn:tn)v] *)
-let rec n_mkNamedProd v = function
- | [] -> v
- | (id,ty) :: rem -> n_mkNamedProd (Term.mkNamedProd id ty v) rem
-(* [n_lambda v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type [x1:t1]...[xn:tn]v *)
-let rec n_lambda v = function
- | [] -> v
- | (id,ty) :: rem -> n_lambda (Term.mkNamedLambda id ty v) rem
-(* [abstract env idl c] constructs [x1]...[xn]c where idl = [x1;...;xn] *)
-let abstract ids c = n_lambda c (List.rev ids)
-(* substitutivity (of kernel names, for modules management) *)
-open Ptype
-let rec type_v_knsubst s = function
- | Ref v -> Ref (type_v_knsubst s v)
- | Array (c, v) -> Array (subst_mps s c, type_v_knsubst s v)
- | Arrow (bl, c) -> Arrow ( (binder_knsubst s) bl, type_c_knsubst s c)
- | TypePure c -> TypePure (subst_mps s c)
-and type_c_knsubst s ((id,v),e,pl,q) =
- ((id, type_v_knsubst s v), e,
- (fun p -> { p with p_value = subst_mps s p.p_value }) pl,
- option_map (fun q -> { q with a_value = subst_mps s q.a_value }) q)
-and binder_knsubst s (id,b) =
- (id, match b with BindType v -> BindType (type_v_knsubst s v) | _ -> b)
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index 9d96467f..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pmisc.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Ptype
-open Topconstr
-(* Some misc. functions *)
-val reraise_with_loc : Util.loc -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-val list_of_some : 'a option -> 'a list
-val difference : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val at_id : identifier -> string -> identifier
-val un_at : identifier -> identifier * string
-val is_at : identifier -> bool
-val result_id : identifier
-val adr_id : identifier -> identifier
-val renaming_of_ids : identifier list -> identifier list
- -> (identifier * identifier) list * identifier list
-val reset_names : unit -> unit
-val pre_name : name -> identifier
-val post_name : name -> identifier
-val inv_name : name -> identifier
-val test_name : name -> identifier
-val bool_name : unit -> identifier
-val var_name : name -> identifier
-val phi_name : unit -> identifier
-val for_name : unit -> identifier
-val label_name : unit -> string
-val id_of_name : name -> identifier
-(* CIC terms *)
-val isevar : constr
-val subst_in_constr : (identifier * identifier) list -> constr -> constr
-val subst_in_ast : (identifier * identifier) list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val subst_ast_in_ast :
- (identifier * constr_expr) list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val real_subst_in_constr : (identifier * constr) list -> constr -> constr
-val constant : string -> constr
-val coq_constant : string list -> string -> kernel_name
-val conj : constr -> constr -> constr
-val coq_true : constr
-val coq_false : constr
-val connective_and : identifier
-val connective_or : identifier
-val connective_not : identifier
-val is_connective : identifier -> bool
-val n_mkNamedProd : constr -> (identifier * constr) list -> constr
-val n_lambda : constr -> (identifier * constr) list -> constr
-val abstract : (identifier * constr) list -> constr -> constr
-val type_v_knsubst : substitution -> type_v -> type_v
-val type_c_knsubst : substitution -> type_c -> type_c
-(* for debugging purposes *)
-val deb_mess : Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit
-val deb_print : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a -> unit
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deleted file mode 100644
index e812fa57..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Termast
-open Pattern
-open Matching
-open Pmisc
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Putil
-open Prename
-open Penv
-open Peffect
-open Ptyping
-open Pmonad
-let has_proof_part ren env c =
- let sign = Pcicenv.trad_sign_of ren env in
- let ty = Typing.type_of (Global.env_of_context sign) Evd.empty c in
- Hipattern.is_matching_sigma (Reductionops.nf_betaiota ty)
-(* main part: translation of imperative programs into functional ones.
- *
- * [env] is the environment
- * [ren] is the current renamings of variables
- * [t] is the imperative program to translate, annotated with type+effects
- *
- * we return the translated program in type cc_term
- *)
-let rec trad ren t =
- let env = in
- trad_desc ren env t.desc
-and trad_desc ren env ct d =
- let (_,tt),eft,pt,qt = ct in
- match d with
- | Expression c ->
- let ids = get_reads eft in
- let al = current_vars ren ids in
- let c' = subst_in_constr al c in
- if has_proof_part ren env c' then
- CC_expr c'
- else
- let ty = trad_ml_type_v ren env tt in
- make_tuple [ CC_expr c',ty ] qt ren env (current_date ren)
- | Variable id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then
- invalid_arg "Mlise.trad_desc"
- else if is_local env id then
- CC_var id
- else
- CC_expr (constant (string_of_id id))
- | Acc _ ->
- failwith "Mlise.trad: pure terms are supposed to be expressions"
- | TabAcc (check, x, e1) ->
- let _,ty_elem,_ = array_info ren env x in
- let te1 = trad ren e1 in
- let (_,ef1,p1,q1) = in
- let w = get_writes ef1 in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- let id = id_of_string "index" in
- let access =
- make_raw_access ren' env (x,current_var ren' x) (mkVar id)
- in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren' (current_date ren) env
- (CC_expr access, ty_elem) (eft,qt) in
- let t =
- if check then
- let h = make_pre_access ren env x (mkVar id) in
- let_in_pre ty (anonymous_pre true h) t
- else
- t
- in
- make_let_in ren env te1 p1
- (current_vars ren' w,q1) (id,constant "Z") (t,ty)
- | Aff (x, e1) ->
- let tx = trad_type_in_env ren env x in
- let te1 = trad ren e1 in
- let (_,ef1,p1,q1) = in
- let w1 = get_writes ef1 in
- let ren' = next ren (x::w1) in
- let t_ty = result_tuple ren' (current_date ren) env
- (CC_expr (constant "tt"), constant "unit") (eft,qt)
- in
- make_let_in ren env te1 p1
- (current_vars ren' w1,q1) (current_var ren' x,tx) t_ty
- | TabAff (check, x, e1, e2) ->
- let _,ty_elem,ty_array = array_info ren env x in
- let te1 = trad ren e1 in
- let (_,ef1,p1,q1) = in
- let w1 = get_writes ef1 in
- let ren' = next ren w1 in
- let te2 = trad ren' e2 in
- let (_,ef2,p2,q2) = in
- let w2 = get_writes ef2 in
- let ren'' = next ren' w2 in
- let id1 = id_of_string "index" in
- let id2 = id_of_string "v" in
- let ren''' = next ren'' [x] in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren''' (current_date ren) env
- (CC_expr (constant "tt"), constant "unit") (eft,qt) in
- let store = make_raw_store ren'' env (x,current_var ren'' x) (mkVar id1)
- (mkVar id2) in
- let t = make_let_in ren'' env (CC_expr store) [] ([],None)
- (current_var ren''' x,ty_array) (t,ty) in
- let t = make_let_in ren' env te2 p2
- (current_vars ren'' w2,q2) (id2,ty_elem) (t,ty) in
- let t =
- if check then
- let h = make_pre_access ren' env x (mkVar id1) in
- let_in_pre ty (anonymous_pre true h) t
- else
- t
- in
- make_let_in ren env te1 p1
- (current_vars ren' w1,q1) (id1,constant "Z") (t,ty)
- | Seq bl ->
- let before = current_date ren in
- let finish ren = function
- Some (id,ty) ->
- result_tuple ren before env (CC_var id, ty) (eft,qt)
- | None ->
- failwith "a block should contain at least one statement"
- in
- let bl = trad_block ren env bl in
- make_block ren env finish bl
- | If (b, e1, e2) ->
- let tb = trad ren b in
- let _,efb,_,_ = in
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes efb) in
- let te1 = trad ren' e1 in
- let te2 = trad ren' e2 in
- make_if ren env (tb, ren' (te1,
- (te2, ct
- (* Translation of the while. *)
- | While (b, inv, var, bl) ->
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes eft) in
- let tb = trad ren' b in
- let tbl = trad_block ren' env bl in
- let var' = typed_var ren env var in
- make_while ren env var' (tb, tbl (inv,ct)
- | Lam (bl, e) ->
- let bl' = trad_binders ren env bl in
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- let te = trans ren' e in
- CC_lam (bl', te)
- | SApp ([Variable id; Expression q1; Expression q2], [e1; e2])
- when id = connective_and or id = connective_or ->
- let c = constant (string_of_id id) in
- let te1 = trad ren e1
- and te2 = trad ren e2 in
- let q1' = apply_post ren env (current_date ren) (anonymous q1)
- and q2' = apply_post ren env (current_date ren) (anonymous q2) in
- CC_app (CC_expr c, [CC_expr q1'.a_value; CC_expr q2'.a_value; te1; te2])
- | SApp ([Variable id; Expression q], [e]) when id = connective_not ->
- let c = constant (string_of_id id) in
- let te = trad ren e in
- let q' = apply_post ren env (current_date ren) (anonymous q) in
- CC_app (CC_expr c, [CC_expr q'.a_value; te])
- | SApp _ ->
- invalid_arg "mlise.trad (SApp)"
- | Apply (f, args) ->
- let trad_arg (ren,args) = function
- | Term a ->
- let ((_,tya),efa,_,_) as ca = in
- let ta = trad ren a in
- let w = get_writes efa in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- ren', ta::args
- | Refarg _ ->
- ren, args
- | Type v ->
- let c = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- ren, (CC_expr c)::args
- in
- let ren',targs = List.fold_left trad_arg (ren,[]) args in
- let tf = trad ren' f in
- let cf = in
- let c,(s,_,_),capp = effect_app ren env f args in
- let tc_args =
- List.combine
- (List.rev targs)
- (Util.map_succeed
- (function
- | Term x ->
- | Refarg _ -> failwith "caught"
- | Type _ ->
- (result_id,TypePure mkSet),Peffect.bottom,[],None)
- args)
- in
- make_app env ren tc_args ren' (tf,cf) (c,s,capp) ct
- | LetRef (x, e1, e2) ->
- let (_,v1),ef1,p1,q1 = in
- let te1 = trad ren e1 in
- let tv1 = trad_ml_type_v ren env v1 in
- let env' = add (x,Ref v1) env in
- let ren' = next ren [x] in
- let (_,v2),ef2,p2,q2 = in
- let tv2 = trad_ml_type_v ren' env' v2 in
- let te2 = trad ren' e2 in
- let ren'' = next ren' (get_writes ef2) in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren'' (current_date ren) env
- (CC_var result_id, tv2) (eft,qt) in
- let t = make_let_in ren' env' te2 p2
- (current_vars ren'' (get_writes ef2),q2)
- (result_id,tv2) (t,ty) in
- let t = make_let_in ren env te1 p1
- (current_vars ren' (get_writes ef1),q1) (x,tv1) (t,ty)
- in
- t
- | Let (x, e1, e2) ->
- let (_,v1),ef1,p1,q1 = in
- let te1 = trad ren e1 in
- let tv1 = trad_ml_type_v ren env v1 in
- let env' = add (x,v1) env in
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes ef1) in
- let (_,v2),ef2,p2,q2 = in
- let tv2 = trad_ml_type_v ren' env' v2 in
- let te2 = trad ren' e2 in
- let ren'' = next ren' (get_writes ef2) in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren'' (current_date ren) env
- (CC_var result_id, tv2) (eft,qt) in
- let t = make_let_in ren' env' te2 p2
- (current_vars ren'' (get_writes ef2),q2)
- (result_id,tv2) (t,ty) in
- let t = make_let_in ren env te1 p1
- (current_vars ren' (get_writes ef1),q1) (x,tv1) (t,ty)
- in
- t
- | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e) ->
- let (_,ef,_,_) as c =
- match tt with Arrow(_,c) -> c | _ -> assert false in
- let bl' = trad_binders ren env bl in
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- let (phi0,var') = find_recursion f in
- let te = trad ren' e in
- let t = make_letrec ren' env' (phi0,var') f bl' (te, c in
- CC_lam (bl', t)
- | PPoint (s,d) ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- trad_desc ren' env ct d
- | Debug _ -> failwith "Mlise.trad: Debug: not implemented"
-and trad_binders ren env = function
- | [] ->
- []
- | (_,BindType (Ref _ | Array _))::bl ->
- trad_binders ren env bl
- | (id,BindType v)::bl ->
- let tt = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- (id, CC_typed_binder tt) :: (trad_binders ren env bl)
- | (id,BindSet)::bl ->
- (id, CC_typed_binder mkSet) :: (trad_binders ren env bl)
- | (_,Untyped)::_ -> invalid_arg "trad_binders"
-and trad_block ren env = function
- | [] ->
- []
- | (Assert c)::block ->
- (Assert c)::(trad_block ren env block)
- | (Label s)::block ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- (Label s)::(trad_block ren' env block)
- | (Statement e)::block ->
- let te = trad ren e in
- let _,efe,_,_ = in
- let w = get_writes efe in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- (Statement (te, ren' env block)
-and trans ren e =
- let env = in
- let _,ef,p,_ = in
- let ty = trad_ml_type_c ren env in
- let ids = get_reads ef in
- let al = current_vars ren ids in
- let c = trad ren e in
- let c = abs_pre ren env (c,ty) p in
- let bl = binding_of_alist ren env al in
- make_abs (List.rev bl) c
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8936f0..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pmlize.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Names
-(* translation of imperative programs into intermediate functional programs *)
-val trans : Prename.t -> typed_program -> cc_term
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f1b5946..00000000
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@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Termast
-open Pmisc
-open Putil
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Prename
-open Penv
-open Pcic
-open Peffect
-(* [product ren [y1,z1;...;yk,zk] q] constructs
- * the (possibly dependent) tuple type
- *
- * z1 x ... x zk if no post-condition
- * or \exists. y1:z1. ... yk:zk. (Q x1 ... xn) otherwise
- *
- * where the xi are given by the renaming [ren].
- *)
-let product_name = function
- | 2 -> "prod"
- | n -> check_product_n n; Printf.sprintf "tuple_%d" n
-let dep_product_name = function
- | 1 -> "sig"
- | n -> check_dep_product_n n; Printf.sprintf "sig_%d" n
-let product ren env before lo = function
- | None -> (* non dependent case *)
- begin match lo with
- | [_,v] -> v
- | _ ->
- let s = product_name (List.length lo) in
- Term.applist (constant s, snd lo)
- end
- | Some q -> (* dependent case *)
- let s = dep_product_name (List.length lo) in
- let a' = apply_post ren env before q in
- Term.applist (constant s, ( snd lo) @ [a'.a_value])
-(* [arrow ren v pl] abstracts the term v over the pre-condition if any
- * i.e. computes
- *
- * (P1 x1 ... xn) -> ... -> (Pk x1 ... xn) -> v
- *
- * where the xi are given by the renaming [ren].
- *)
-let arrow ren env v pl =
- List.fold_left
- (fun t p ->
- if p.p_assert then t else Term.mkArrow (apply_pre ren env p).p_value t)
- v pl
-(* [abstract_post ren env (e,q) (res,v)] abstract a post-condition q
- * over the write-variables of e *)
-let rec abstract_post ren env (e,q) =
- let after_id id = id_of_string ((string_of_id id) ^ "'") in
- let (_,go) = Peffect.get_repr e in
- let al = (fun id -> (id,after_id id)) go in
- let q = option_map (named_app (subst_in_constr al)) q in
- let tgo = (fun (id,aid) -> (aid, trad_type_in_env ren env id)) al in
- option_map (named_app (abstract tgo)) q
-(* Translation of effects types in cic types.
- *
- * [trad_ml_type_v] and [trad_ml_type_c] translate types with effects
- * into cic types.
- *)
-and prod ren env g =
- (fun id -> (current_var ren id, trad_type_in_env ren env id))
- g
-and input ren env e =
- let i,_ = Peffect.get_repr e in
- prod ren env i
-and output ren env ((id,v),e) =
- let tv = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- let _,o = Peffect.get_repr e in
- (prod ren env o) @ [id,tv]
-and input_output ren env c =
- let ((res,v),e,_,_) = c in
- input ren env e, output ren env ((res,v),e)
-(* The function t -> \barre{t} on V and C. *)
-and trad_ml_type_c ren env c =
- let ((res,v),e,p,q) = c in
- let q = abstract_post ren env (e,q) in
- let lo = output ren env ((res,v),e) in
- let ty = product ren env (current_date ren) lo q in
- let ty = arrow ren env ty p in
- let li = input ren env e in
- n_mkNamedProd ty li
-and trad_ml_type_v ren env = function
- | Ref _ | Array _ -> invalid_arg "Monad.trad_ml_type_v"
- | Arrow (bl, c) ->
- let bl',ren',env' =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (bl,ren,env) b -> match b with
- | (id,BindType ((Ref _ | Array _) as v)) ->
- let env' = add (id,v) env in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- (bl,ren',env')
- | (id,BindType v) ->
- let tt = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- let env' = add (id,v) env in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- (id,tt)::bl,ren',env'
- | (id, BindSet) ->
- (id,mkSet) :: bl,ren,env
- | _ -> failwith "Monad: trad_ml_type_v: not yet implemented"
- )
- ([],ren,env) bl
- in
- n_mkNamedProd (trad_ml_type_c ren' env' c) bl'
- | TypePure c ->
- (apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre false c)).p_value
-and trad_imp_type ren env = function
- | Ref v -> trad_ml_type_v ren env v
- | Array (c,v) -> Term.applist (constant "array",
- [c; trad_ml_type_v ren env v])
- | _ -> invalid_arg "Monad.trad_imp_type"
-and trad_type_in_env ren env id =
- let v = type_in_env env id in trad_imp_type ren env v
-(* bindings *)
-let binding_of_alist ren env al =
- (fun (id,id') -> (id', CC_typed_binder (trad_type_in_env ren env id)))
- al
-(* [make_abs bl t p] abstracts t w.r.t binding list bl., that is
- * [x1:t1]...[xn:tn]t. Returns t if the binding is empty. *)
-let make_abs bl t = match bl with
- | [] -> t
- | _ -> CC_lam (bl, t)
-(* [result_tuple ren before env (res,v) (ef,q)] constructs the tuple
- *
- * (y1,...,yn,res,?::(q/ren y1 ... yn res))
- *
- * where the yi are the values of the output of ef.
- * if there is no yi and no post-condition, it is simplified in res itself.
- *)
-let simple_constr_of_prog = function
- | CC_expr c -> c
- | CC_var id -> mkVar id
- | _ -> assert false
-let make_tuple l q ren env before = match l with
- | [e,_] when q = None ->
- e
- | _ ->
- let tl = snd l in
- let dep,h,th = match q with
- | None -> false,[],[]
- | Some c ->
- let args = (fun (e,_) -> simple_constr_of_prog e) l in
- let c = apply_post ren env before c in
- true,
- [ CC_hole (Term.applist (c.a_value, args)) ], (* hole *)
- [ c.a_value ] (* type of the hole *)
- in
- CC_tuple (dep, tl @ th, ( fst l) @ h)
-let result_tuple ren before env (res,v) (ef,q) =
- let ids = get_writes ef in
- let lo =
- ( (fun id ->
- let id' = current_var ren id in
- CC_var id', trad_type_in_env ren env id) ids)
- @ [res,v]
- in
- let q = abstract_post ren env (ef,q) in
- make_tuple lo q ren env before,
- product ren env before lo q
-(* [make_let_in ren env fe p (vo,q) (res,v) t] constructs the term
- [ let h1 = ?:P1 in ... let hn = ?:Pm in ]
- let y1,y2,...,yn, res [,q] = fe in
- t
- vo=[_,y1;...;_,ym] are list of renamings.
- v is the type of res
- *)
-let let_in_pre ty p t =
- let h = p.p_value in
- CC_letin (false, ty, [pre_name p.p_name,CC_typed_binder h], CC_hole h, t)
-let multiple_let_in_pre ty hl t =
- List.fold_left (fun t h -> let_in_pre ty h t) t hl
-let make_let_in ren env fe p (vo,q) (res,tyres) (t,ty) =
- let b = [res, CC_typed_binder tyres] in
- let b',dep = match q with
- | None -> [],false
- | Some q -> [post_name q.a_name, CC_untyped_binder],true
- in
- let bl = (binding_of_alist ren env vo) @ b @ b' in
- let tyapp =
- let n = succ (List.length vo) in
- let name = match q with None -> product_name n | _ -> dep_product_name n in
- constant name
- in
- let t = CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, fe, t) in
- multiple_let_in_pre ty ( (apply_pre ren env) p) t
-(* [abs_pre ren env (t,ty) pl] abstracts a term t with respect to the
- * list of pre-conditions [pl]. Some of them are real pre-conditions
- * and others are assertions, according to the boolean field p_assert,
- * so we construct the term
- * [h1:P1]...[hn:Pn]let h'1 = ?:P'1 in ... let H'm = ?:P'm in t
- *)
-let abs_pre ren env (t,ty) pl =
- List.fold_left
- (fun t p ->
- if p.p_assert then
- let_in_pre ty (apply_pre ren env p) t
- else
- let h = pre_name p.p_name in
- CC_lam ([h,CC_typed_binder (apply_pre ren env p).p_value],t))
- t pl
-(* [make_block ren env finish bl] builds the translation of a block
- * finish is the function that is applied to the result at the end of the
- * block. *)
-let make_block ren env finish bl =
- let rec rec_block ren result = function
- | [] ->
- finish ren result
- | (Assert c) :: block ->
- let t,ty = rec_block ren result block in
- let c = apply_assert ren env c in
- let p = { p_assert = true; p_name = c.a_name; p_value = c.a_value } in
- let_in_pre ty p t, ty
- | (Label s) :: block ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- rec_block ren' result block
- | (Statement (te,info)) :: block ->
- let (_,tye),efe,pe,qe = info in
- let w = get_writes efe in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- let id = result_id in
- let tye = trad_ml_type_v ren env tye in
- let t = rec_block ren' (Some (id,tye)) block in
- make_let_in ren env te pe (current_vars ren' w,qe) (id,tye) t,
- snd t
- in
- let t,_ = rec_block ren None bl in
- t
-(* [make_app env ren args ren' (tf,cf) (cb,s,capp) c]
- * constructs the application of [tf] to [args].
- * capp is the effect of application, after substitution (s) and cb before
- *)
-let eq ty e1 e2 =
- Term.applist (constant "eq", [ty; e1; e2])
-let lt r e1 e2 =
- Term.applist (r, [e1; e2])
-let is_recursive env = function
- | CC_var x ->
- (try let _ = find_recursion x env in true with Not_found -> false)
- | _ -> false
-let if_recursion env f = function
- | CC_var x ->
- (try let v = find_recursion x env in (f v x) with Not_found -> [])
- | _ -> []
-let dec_phi ren env s svi =
- if_recursion env
- (fun (phi0,(cphi,r,_)) f ->
- let phi = subst_in_constr svi (subst_in_constr s cphi) in
- let phi = (apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre true phi)).p_value in
- [CC_expr phi; CC_hole (lt r phi (mkVar phi0))])
-let eq_phi ren env s svi =
- if_recursion env
- (fun (phi0,(cphi,_,a)) f ->
- let phi = subst_in_constr svi (subst_in_constr s cphi) in
- let phi = (apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre true phi)).p_value in
- [CC_hole (eq a phi phi)])
-let is_ref_binder = function
- | (_,BindType (Ref _ | Array _)) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let make_app env ren args ren' (tf,cf) ((bl,cb),s,capp) c =
- let ((_,tvf),ef,pf,qf) = cf in
- let (_,eapp,papp,qapp) = capp in
- let ((_,v),e,p,q) = c in
- let bl = List.filter (fun b -> not (is_ref_binder b)) bl in
- let recur = is_recursive env tf in
- let before = current_date ren in
- let ren'' = next ren' (get_writes ef) in
- let ren''' = next ren'' (get_writes eapp) in
- let res = result_id in
- let vi,svi =
- let ids = fst bl in
- let s = fresh (avoid ren ids) ids in
- snd s, s
- in
- let tyres = subst_in_constr svi (trad_ml_type_v ren env v) in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren''' before env (CC_var res, tyres) (e,q) in
- let res_f = id_of_string "vf" in
- let inf,outf =
- let i,o = let _,e,_,_ = cb in get_reads e, get_writes e in
- let apply_s = (fun id -> try List.assoc id s with _ -> id) in
- apply_s i, apply_s o
- in
- let fe =
- let xi = List.rev ( snd (current_vars ren'' inf)) in
- let holes = (fun x -> (apply_pre ren'' env x).p_value)
- ( (pre_app (subst_in_constr svi)) papp) in
- CC_app ((if recur then tf else CC_var res_f),
- (dec_phi ren'' env s svi tf)
- @( (fun id -> CC_var id) (vi @ xi))
- @(eq_phi ren'' env s svi tf)
- @( (fun c -> CC_hole c) holes))
- in
- let qapp' = option_map (named_app (subst_in_constr svi)) qapp in
- let t =
- make_let_in ren'' env fe [] (current_vars ren''' outf,qapp')
- (res,tyres) (t,ty)
- in
- let t =
- if recur then
- t
- else
- make_let_in ren' env tf pf
- (current_vars ren'' (get_writes ef),qf)
- (res_f,trad_ml_type_v ren env tvf) (t,ty)
- in
- let rec eval_args ren = function
- | [] -> t
- | (vx,(ta,((_,tva),ea,pa,qa)))::args ->
- let w = get_writes ea in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- let t' = eval_args ren' args in
- make_let_in ren env ta pa (current_vars ren' (get_writes ea),qa)
- (vx,trad_ml_type_v ren env tva) (t',ty)
- in
- eval_args ren (List.combine vi args)
-(* [make_if ren env (tb,cb) ren' (t1,c1) (t2,c2)]
- * constructs the term corresponding to a if expression, i.e
- *
- * [p] let o1, b [,q1] = m1 [?::p1] in
- * Cases b of
- * R => let o2, v2 [,q2] = t1 [?::p2] in
- * (proj (o1,o2)), v2 [,?::q]
- * | S => let o2, v2 [,q2] = t2 [?::p2] in
- * (proj (o1,o2)), v2 [,?::q]
- *)
-let make_if_case ren env ty (b,qb) (br1,br2) =
- let id_b,ty',ty1,ty2 = match qb with
- | Some q ->
- let q = apply_post ren env (current_date ren) q in
- let (name,t1,t2) = Term.destLambda q.a_value in
- q.a_name,
- Term.mkLambda (name, t1, mkArrow t2 ty),
- Term.mkApp (q.a_value, [| coq_true |]),
- Term.mkApp (q.a_value, [| coq_false |])
- | None -> assert false
- in
- let n = test_name Anonymous in
- CC_app (CC_case (ty', b, [CC_lam ([n,CC_typed_binder ty1], br1);
- CC_lam ([n,CC_typed_binder ty2], br2)]),
- [CC_var (post_name id_b)])
-let make_if ren env (tb,cb) ren' (t1,c1) (t2,c2) c =
- let ((_,tvb),eb,pb,qb) = cb in
- let ((_,tv1),e1,p1,q1) = c1 in
- let ((_,tv2),e2,p2,q2) = c2 in
- let ((_,t),e,p,q) = c in
- let wb = get_writes eb in
- let resb = id_of_string "resultb" in
- let res = result_id in
- let tyb = trad_ml_type_v ren' env tvb in
- let tt = trad_ml_type_v ren env t in
- (* une branche de if *)
- let branch (tv_br,e_br,p_br,q_br) f_br =
- let w_br = get_writes e_br in
- let ren'' = next ren' w_br in
- let t,ty = result_tuple ren'' (current_date ren') env
- (CC_var res,tt) (e,q) in
- make_let_in ren' env f_br p_br (current_vars ren'' w_br,q_br)
- (res,tt) (t,ty),
- ty
- in
- let t1,ty1 = branch c1 t1 in
- let t2,ty2 = branch c2 t2 in
- let ty = ty1 in
- let qb = force_bool_name qb in
- let t = make_if_case ren env ty (CC_var resb,qb) (t1,t2) in
- make_let_in ren env tb pb (current_vars ren' wb,qb) (resb,tyb) (t,ty)
-(* [make_while ren env (cphi,r,a) (tb,cb) (te,ce) c]
- * constructs the term corresponding to the while, i.e.
- *
- * [h:(I x)](well_founded_induction
- * A R ?::(well_founded A R)
- * [Phi:A] (x) Phi=phi(x)->(I x)-> \exists x'.res.(I x')/\(S x')
- * [Phi_0:A][w:(Phi:A)(Phi<Phi_0)-> ...]
- * [x][eq:Phi_0=phi(x)][h:(I x)]
- * Cases (b x) of
- * (left HH) => (x,?::(IS x))
- * | (right HH) => let x1,_,_ = (e x ?) in
- * (w phi(x1) ? x1 ? ?)
- * phi(x) x ? ?)
- *)
-let id_phi = id_of_string "phi"
-let id_phi0 = id_of_string "phi0"
-let make_body_while ren env phi_of a r id_phi0 id_w (tb,cb) tbl (i,c) =
- let ((_,tvb),eb,pb,qb) = cb in
- let (_,ef,_,is) = c in
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes ef) in
- let before = current_date ren in
- let ty =
- let is = abstract_post ren' env (ef,is) in
- let _,lo = input_output ren env c in
- product ren env before lo is
- in
- let resb = id_of_string "resultb" in
- let tyb = trad_ml_type_v ren' env tvb in
- let wb = get_writes eb in
- (* première branche: le test est vrai => e;w *)
- let t1 =
- make_block ren' env
- (fun ren'' result -> match result with
- | Some (id,_) ->
- let v = List.rev (current_vars ren'' (get_writes ef)) in
- CC_app (CC_var id_w,
- [CC_expr (phi_of ren'');
- CC_hole (lt r (phi_of ren'') (mkVar id_phi0))]
- @( (fun (_,id) -> CC_var id) v)
- @(CC_hole (eq a (phi_of ren'') (phi_of ren'')))
- ::(match i with
- | None -> []
- | Some c ->
- [CC_hole (apply_assert ren'' env c).a_value])),
- ty
- | None -> failwith "a block should contain at least one statement")
- tbl
- in
- (* deuxième branche: le test est faux => on sort de la boucle *)
- let t2,_ =
- result_tuple ren' before env
- (CC_expr (constant "tt"),constant "unit") (ef,is)
- in
- let b_al = current_vars ren' (get_reads eb) in
- let qb = force_bool_name qb in
- let t = make_if_case ren' env ty (CC_var resb,qb) (t1,t2) in
- let t =
- make_let_in ren' env tb pb (current_vars ren' wb,qb) (resb,tyb) (t,ty)
- in
- let t =
- let pl = (pre_of_assert false) (list_of_some i) in
- abs_pre ren' env (t,ty) pl
- in
- let t =
- CC_lam ([var_name Anonymous,
- CC_typed_binder (eq a (mkVar id_phi0) (phi_of ren'))],t)
- in
- let bl = binding_of_alist ren env (current_vars ren' (get_writes ef)) in
- make_abs (List.rev bl) t
-let make_while ren env (cphi,r,a) (tb,cb) tbl (i,c) =
- let (_,ef,_,is) = c in
- let phi_of ren = (apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre true cphi)).p_value in
- let wf_a_r = Term.applist (constant "well_founded", [a; r]) in
- let before = current_date ren in
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes ef) in
- let al = current_vars ren' (get_writes ef) in
- let v =
- let _,lo = input_output ren env c in
- let is = abstract_post ren' env (ef,is) in
- match i with
- | None -> product ren' env before lo is
- | Some ci ->
- Term.mkArrow (apply_assert ren' env ci).a_value
- (product ren' env before lo is)
- in
- let v = Term.mkArrow (eq a (mkVar id_phi) (phi_of ren')) v in
- let v =
- n_mkNamedProd v
- ( (fun (id,id') -> (id',trad_type_in_env ren env id)) al)
- in
- let tw =
- Term.mkNamedProd id_phi a
- (Term.mkArrow (lt r (mkVar id_phi) (mkVar id_phi0)) v)
- in
- let id_w = id_of_string "loop" in
- let vars = List.rev (current_vars ren (get_writes ef)) in
- let body =
- make_body_while ren env phi_of a r id_phi0 id_w (tb,cb) tbl (i,c)
- in
- CC_app (CC_expr (constant "well_founded_induction"),
- [CC_expr a; CC_expr r;
- CC_hole wf_a_r;
- CC_expr (Term.mkNamedLambda id_phi a v);
- CC_lam ([id_phi0, CC_typed_binder a;
- id_w, CC_typed_binder tw],
- body);
- CC_expr (phi_of ren)]
- @( (fun (_,id) -> CC_var id) vars)
- @(CC_hole (eq a (phi_of ren) (phi_of ren)))
- ::(match i with
- | None -> []
- | Some c -> [CC_hole (apply_assert ren env c).a_value]))
-(* [make_letrec ren env (phi0,(cphi,r,a)) bl (te,ce) c]
- * constructs the term corresponding to the let rec i.e.
- *
- * [x][h:P(x)](well_founded_induction
- * A R ?::(well_founded A R)
- * [Phi:A] (bl) (x) Phi=phi(x)->(P x)-> \exists x'.res.(Q x x')
- * [Phi_0:A][w:(Phi:A)(Phi<Phi_0)-> ...]
- * [bl][x][eq:Phi_0=phi(x)][h:(P x)]te
- * phi(x) bl x ? ?)
- *)
-let make_letrec ren env (id_phi0,(cphi,r,a)) idf bl (te,ce) c =
- let (_,ef,p,q) = c in
- let phi_of ren = (apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre true cphi)).p_value in
- let wf_a_r = Term.applist (constant "well_founded", [a; r]) in
- let before = current_date ren in
- let al = current_vars ren (get_reads ef) in
- let v =
- let _,lo = input_output ren env c in
- let q = abstract_post ren env (ef,q) in
- arrow ren env (product ren env (current_date ren) lo q) p
- in
- let v = Term.mkArrow (eq a (mkVar id_phi) (phi_of ren)) v in
- let v =
- n_mkNamedProd v
- ( (fun (id,id') -> (id',trad_type_in_env ren env id)) al)
- in
- let v =
- n_mkNamedProd v
- ( (function (id,CC_typed_binder c) -> (id,c)
- | _ -> assert false) (List.rev bl))
- in
- let tw =
- Term.mkNamedProd id_phi a
- (Term.mkArrow (lt r (mkVar id_phi) (mkVar id_phi0)) v)
- in
- let vars = List.rev (current_vars ren (get_reads ef)) in
- let body =
- let al = current_vars ren (get_reads ef) in
- let bod = abs_pre ren env (te,v) p in
- let bod = CC_lam ([var_name Anonymous,
- CC_typed_binder (eq a (mkVar id_phi0) (phi_of ren))],
- bod)
- in
- let bl' = binding_of_alist ren env al in
- make_abs (bl@(List.rev bl')) bod
- in
- let t =
- CC_app (CC_expr (constant "well_founded_induction"),
- [CC_expr a; CC_expr r;
- CC_hole wf_a_r;
- CC_expr (Term.mkNamedLambda id_phi a v);
- CC_lam ([id_phi0, CC_typed_binder a;
- idf, CC_typed_binder tw],
- body);
- CC_expr (phi_of ren)]
- @( (fun (id,_) -> CC_var id) bl)
- @( (fun (_,id) -> CC_var id) vars)
- @[CC_hole (eq a (phi_of ren) (phi_of ren))]
- )
- in
- (* on abstrait juste par rapport aux variables de ef *)
- let al = current_vars ren (get_reads ef) in
- let bl = binding_of_alist ren env al in
- make_abs (List.rev bl) t
-(* [make_access env id c] Access in array id.
- *
- * Constructs [t:(array s T)](access_g s T t c ?::(lt c s)).
- *)
-let array_info ren env id =
- let ty = type_in_env env id in
- let size,v = dearray_type ty in
- let ty_elem = trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- let ty_array = trad_imp_type ren env ty in
- size,ty_elem,ty_array
-let make_raw_access ren env (id,id') c =
- let size,ty_elem,_ = array_info ren env id in
- Term.applist (constant "access", [size; ty_elem; mkVar id'; c])
-let make_pre_access ren env id c =
- let size,_,_ = array_info ren env id in
- conj (lt (constant "Zle") (constant "ZERO") c)
- (lt (constant "Zlt") c size)
-let make_raw_store ren env (id,id') c1 c2 =
- let size,ty_elem,_ = array_info ren env id in
- Term.applist (constant "store", [size; ty_elem; mkVar id'; c1; c2])
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pmonad.mli b/contrib/correctness/pmonad.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a46a040e..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pmonad.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pmonad.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-(* Main part of the translation of imperative programs into functional ones
- * (with *)
-(* Here we translate the specification into a CIC specification *)
-val trad_ml_type_v : Prename.t -> local_env -> type_v -> constr
-val trad_ml_type_c : Prename.t -> local_env -> type_c -> constr
-val trad_imp_type : Prename.t -> local_env -> type_v -> constr
-val trad_type_in_env : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr
-val binding_of_alist : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> (identifier * identifier) list
- -> cc_binder list
-val make_abs : cc_binder list -> cc_term -> cc_term
-val abs_pre : Prename.t -> local_env -> cc_term * constr ->
- constr precondition list -> cc_term
-(* The following functions translate the main constructions *)
-val make_tuple : (cc_term * cc_type) list -> predicate option
- -> Prename.t -> local_env -> string
- -> cc_term
-val result_tuple : Prename.t -> string -> local_env
- -> (cc_term * constr) -> (Peffect.t * predicate option)
- -> cc_term * constr
-val let_in_pre : constr -> constr precondition -> cc_term -> cc_term
-val make_let_in : Prename.t -> local_env -> cc_term
- -> constr precondition list
- -> ((identifier * identifier) list * predicate option)
- -> identifier * constr
- -> cc_term * constr -> cc_term
-val make_block : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> (Prename.t -> (identifier * constr) option -> cc_term * constr)
- -> (cc_term * type_c, constr) block
- -> cc_term
-val make_app : local_env
- -> Prename.t -> (cc_term * type_c) list
- -> Prename.t -> cc_term * type_c
- -> ((type_v binder list) * type_c)
- * ((identifier*identifier) list)
- * type_c
- -> type_c
- -> cc_term
-val make_if : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> cc_term * type_c
- -> Prename.t
- -> cc_term * type_c
- -> cc_term * type_c
- -> type_c
- -> cc_term
-val make_while : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> (constr * constr * constr) (* typed variant *)
- -> cc_term * type_c
- -> (cc_term * type_c, constr) block
- -> constr assertion option * type_c
- -> cc_term
-val make_letrec : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> (identifier * (constr * constr * constr)) (* typed variant *)
- -> identifier (* the name of the function *)
- -> (cc_binder list)
- -> (cc_term * type_c)
- -> type_c
- -> cc_term
-(* Functions to translate array operations *)
-val array_info :
- Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr * constr * constr
-val make_raw_access :
- Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier * identifier -> constr -> constr
-val make_raw_store :
- Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier * identifier
- -> constr -> constr -> constr
-val make_pre_access :
- Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr -> constr
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deleted file mode 100644
index 669727fc..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Past
-open Pmisc
-let rec cc_subst subst = function
- | CC_var id as c ->
- (try CC_expr (List.assoc id subst) with Not_found -> c)
- | CC_letin (b,ty,bl,c1,c2) ->
- CC_letin (b, real_subst_in_constr subst ty, cc_subst_binders subst bl,
- cc_subst subst c1, cc_subst (cc_cross_binders subst bl) c2)
- | CC_lam (bl, c) ->
- CC_lam (cc_subst_binders subst bl,
- cc_subst (cc_cross_binders subst bl) c)
- | CC_app (c, cl) ->
- CC_app (cc_subst subst c, (cc_subst subst) cl)
- | CC_tuple (b, tl, cl) ->
- CC_tuple (b, (real_subst_in_constr subst) tl,
- (cc_subst subst) cl)
- | CC_case (ty, c, cl) ->
- CC_case (real_subst_in_constr subst ty, cc_subst subst c,
- (cc_subst subst) cl)
- | CC_expr c ->
- CC_expr (real_subst_in_constr subst c)
- | CC_hole ty ->
- CC_hole (real_subst_in_constr subst ty)
-and cc_subst_binders subst = (cc_subst_binder subst)
-and cc_subst_binder subst = function
- | id,CC_typed_binder c -> id,CC_typed_binder (real_subst_in_constr subst c)
- | b -> b
-and cc_cross_binders subst = function
- | [] -> subst
- | (id,_) :: bl -> cc_cross_binders (List.remove_assoc id subst) bl
-(* here we only perform eta-reductions on programs to eliminate
- * redexes of the kind
- *
- * let (x1,...,xn) = e in (x1,...,xn) --> e
- *
- *)
-let is_eta_redex bl al =
- try
- List.for_all2
- (fun (id,_) t -> match t with CC_var id' -> id=id' | _ -> false)
- bl al
- with
- Invalid_argument("List.for_all2") -> false
-let rec red = function
- | CC_letin (_, _, [id,_], CC_expr c1, e2) ->
- red (cc_subst [id,c1] e2)
- | CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, e1, e2) ->
- begin match red e2 with
- | CC_tuple (false,tl,al) ->
- if is_eta_redex bl al then
- red e1
- else
- CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1,
- CC_tuple (false,tl, red al))
- | e -> CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1, e)
- end
- | CC_lam (bl, e) ->
- CC_lam (bl, red e)
- | CC_app (e, al) ->
- CC_app (red e, red al)
- | CC_case (ty, e1, el) ->
- CC_case (ty, red e1, red el)
- | CC_tuple (dep, tl, al) ->
- CC_tuple (dep, tl, red al)
- | e -> e
-(* How to reduce uncomplete proof terms when they have become constr *)
-open Term
-open Reductionops
-(* Il ne faut pas reduire de redexe (beta/iota) qui impliquerait
- * la substitution d'une métavariable.
- *
- * On commence par rendre toutes les applications binaire (strong bin_app)
- * puis on applique la reduction spéciale programmes définie dans
- * typing/reduction *)
-let bin_app = function
- | DOPN(AppL,v) as c ->
- (match Array.length v with
- | 1 -> v.(0)
- | 2 -> c
- | n ->
- let f = DOPN(AppL,Array.sub v 0 (pred n)) in
- DOPN(AppL,[|f;v.(pred n)|]))
- | c -> c
-let red_cci c =
- (*i let c = strong bin_app c in i*)
- strong whd_programs (Global.env ()) Evd.empty c
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pred.mli b/contrib/correctness/pred.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a9549b..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pred.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pred.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Term
-open Past
-(* reduction on intermediate programs
- * get rid of redexes of the kind let (x1,...,xn) = e in (x1,...,xn) *)
-val red : cc_term -> cc_term
-(* Ad-hoc reduction on partial proof terms *)
-val red_cci : constr -> constr
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@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Util
-open Pp
-open Himsg
-open Pmisc
-(* Variables names management *)
-type date = string
-(* The following data structure keeps the successive names of the variables
- * as we traverse the program. A each step a ``date'' and a
- * collection of new names is (possibly) given, and updates the
- * previous renaming.
- *
- * Then, we can ask for the name of a variable, at current date or
- * at a given date.
- *
- * It is easily represented by a list of date x assoc list, most recent coming
- * first i.e. as follows:
- *
- * [ date (= current), [ (x,xi); ... ];
- * date , [ (z,zk); ... ];
- * ...
- * date (= initial), [ (x,xj); (y,yi); ... ]
- *
- * We also keep a list of all names already introduced, in order to
- * quickly get fresh names.
- *)
-type t =
- { levels : (date * (identifier * identifier) list) list;
- avoid : identifier list;
- cpt : int }
-let empty_ren = { levels = []; avoid = []; cpt = 0 }
-let update r d ids =
- let al,av = renaming_of_ids r.avoid ids in
- { levels = (d,al) :: r.levels; avoid = av; cpt = r.cpt }
-let push_date r d = update r d []
-let next r ids =
- let al,av = renaming_of_ids r.avoid ids in
- let n = succ r.cpt in
- let d = string_of_int n in
- { levels = (d,al) :: r.levels; avoid = av; cpt = n }
-let find r x =
- let rec find_in_one = function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | (y,v)::rem -> if y = x then v else find_in_one rem
- in
- let rec find_in_all = function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | (_,l)::rem -> try find_in_one l with Not_found -> find_in_all rem
- in
- find_in_all r.levels
-let current_var = find
-let current_vars r ids = (fun id -> id,current_var r id) ids
-let avoid r ids = { levels = r.levels; avoid = r.avoid @ ids; cpt = r.cpt }
-let fresh r ids = fst (renaming_of_ids r.avoid ids)
-let current_date r =
- match r.levels with
- [] -> invalid_arg "Renamings.current_date"
- | (d,_)::_ -> d
-let all_dates r = fst r.levels
-let rec valid_date da r =
- let rec valid = function
- [] -> false
- | (d,_)::rem -> (d=da) or (valid rem)
- in
- valid r.levels
-(* [until d r] selects the part of the renaming [r] starting from date [d] *)
-let rec until da r =
- let rec cut = function
- [] -> invalid_arg "Renamings.until"
- | (d,_)::rem as r -> if d=da then r else cut rem
- in
- { avoid = r.avoid; levels = cut r.levels; cpt = r.cpt }
-let var_at_date r d id =
- try
- find (until d r) id
- with Not_found ->
- raise (UserError ("Renamings.var_at_date",
- hov 0 (str"Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str" is unknown" ++ spc () ++
- str"at date " ++ str d)))
-let vars_at_date r d ids =
- let r' = until d r in (fun id -> id,find r' id) ids
-(* pretty-printers *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Himsg
-let pp r =
- hov 2 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (fnl ()))
- (fun (d,l) ->
- (str d ++ str": " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ()))
- (fun (id,id') ->
- (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str"," ++ pr_id id' ++ str")"))
- l))
- r.levels)
-let ppr e =
- Pp.pp (pp e)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/prename.mli b/contrib/correctness/prename.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d3ab669..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/prename.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: prename.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-(* Abstract type for renamings
- *
- * Records the names of the mutables objets (ref, arrays) at the different
- * moments of the evaluation, called dates
- *)
-type t
-type date = string
-val empty_ren : t
-val update : t -> date -> identifier list -> t
- (* assign new names for the given variables, associated to a new date *)
-val next : t -> identifier list -> t
- (* assign new names for the given variables, associated to a new
- * date which is generated from an internal counter *)
-val push_date : t -> date -> t
- (* put a new date on top of the stack *)
-val valid_date : date -> t -> bool
-val current_date : t -> date
-val all_dates : t -> date list
-val current_var : t -> identifier -> identifier
-val current_vars : t -> identifier list -> (identifier * identifier) list
- (* gives the current names of some variables *)
-val avoid : t -> identifier list -> t
-val fresh : t -> identifier list -> (identifier * identifier) list
- (* introduces new names to avoid and renames some given variables *)
-val var_at_date : t -> date -> identifier -> identifier
- (* gives the name of a variable at a given date *)
-val vars_at_date : t -> date -> identifier list
- -> (identifier * identifier) list
- (* idem for a list of variables *)
-(* pretty-printers *)
-val pp : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val ppr : t -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4 b/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d43112..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: psyntax.ml4 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
-(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-open Options
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Vernacentries
-open Reduction
-open Term
-open Libnames
-open Topconstr
-open Prename
-open Pmisc
-open Putil
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Pmonad
-open Vernacexpr
-(* We define new entries for programs, with the use of this module
- * Programs. These entries are named Programs.<foo>
- *)
-module Gram = Pcoq.Gram
-module Constr = Pcoq.Constr
-module Tactic = Pcoq.Tactic
-module Programs =
- struct
- let gec s = Gram.Entry.create ("Programs."^s)
- (* types *)
- let type_v = gec "type_v"
- let type_v0 = gec "type_v0"
- let type_v1 = gec "type_v1"
- let type_v2 = gec "type_v2"
- let type_v3 = gec "type_v3"
- let type_v_app = gec "type_v_app"
- let type_c = gec "type_c"
- let effects = gec "effects"
- let reads = gec "reads"
- let writes = gec "writes"
- let pre_condition = gec "pre_condition"
- let post_condition = gec "post_condition"
- (* binders *)
- let binder = gec "binder"
- let binder_type = gec "binder_type"
- let binders = gec "binders"
- (* programs *)
- let program = gec "program"
- let prog1 = gec "prog1"
- let prog2 = gec "prog2"
- let prog3 = gec "prog3"
- let prog4 = gec "prog4"
- let prog5 = gec "prog5"
- let prog6 = gec "prog6"
- let prog7 = gec "prog7"
- let ast1 = gec "ast1"
- let ast2 = gec "ast2"
- let ast3 = gec "ast3"
- let ast4 = gec "ast4"
- let ast5 = gec "ast5"
- let ast6 = gec "ast6"
- let ast7 = gec "ast7"
- let arg = gec "arg"
- let block = gec "block"
- let block_statement = gec "block_statement"
- let relation = gec "relation"
- let variable = gec "variable"
- let invariant = gec "invariant"
- let variant = gec "variant"
- let assertion = gec "assertion"
- let precondition = gec "precondition"
- let postcondition = gec "postcondition"
- let predicate = gec "predicate"
- let name = gec "name"
- end
-open Programs
-let ast_of_int n =
- CDelimiters
- (dummy_loc, "Z", CNumeral (dummy_loc, Bignat.POS (Bignat.of_string n)))
-let constr_of_int n =
- Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env ()) (ast_of_int n)
-open Util
-open Coqast
-let mk_id loc id = mkRefC (Ident (loc, id))
-let mk_ref loc s = mk_id loc (Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s)
-let mk_appl loc1 loc2 f args =
- CApp (join_loc loc1 loc2, (None,mk_ref loc1 f), (fun a -> a,None) args)
-let conj_assert {a_name=n;a_value=a} {a_value=b} =
- let loc1 = constr_loc a in
- let loc2 = constr_loc a in
- { a_value = mk_appl loc1 loc2 "and" [a;b]; a_name = n }
-let conj = function
- None,None -> None
- | None,b -> b
- | a,None -> a
- | Some a,Some b -> Some (conj_assert a b)
-let without_effect loc d =
- { desc = d; pre = []; post = None; loc = loc; info = () }
-let isevar = Expression isevar
-let bin_op op loc e1 e2 =
- without_effect loc
- (Apply (without_effect loc (Expression (constant op)),
- [ Term e1; Term e2 ]))
-let un_op op loc e =
- without_effect loc
- (Apply (without_effect loc (Expression (constant op)), [Term e]))
-let bool_bin op loc a1 a2 =
- let w = without_effect loc in
- let d = SApp ( [Variable op], [a1; a2]) in
- w d
-let bool_or loc = bool_bin connective_or loc
-let bool_and loc = bool_bin connective_and loc
-let bool_not loc a =
- let w = without_effect loc in
- let d = SApp ( [Variable connective_not ], [a]) in
- w d
-let ast_zwf_zero loc = mk_appl loc loc "Zwf" [mk_ref loc "Z0"]
-(* program -> Coq AST *)
-let bdize c =
- let env =
- Global.env_of_context (Pcicenv.cci_sign_of Prename.empty_ren Penv.empty)
- in
- Constrextern.extern_constr true env c
-let rec coqast_of_program loc = function
- | Variable id -> mk_id loc id
- | Acc id -> mk_id loc id
- | Apply (f,l) ->
- let f = coqast_of_program f.loc f.desc in
- let args =
- (function Term t -> (coqast_of_program t.loc t.desc,None)
- | _ -> invalid_arg "coqast_of_program") l
- in
- CApp (dummy_loc, (None,f), args)
- | Expression c -> bdize c
- | _ -> invalid_arg "coqast_of_program"
-(* The construction `for' is syntactic sugar.
- *
- * for i = v1 to v2 do { invariant Inv } block done
- *
- * ==> (let rec f i { variant v2+1-i } =
- * { i <= v2+1 /\ Inv(i) }
- * (if i > v2 then tt else begin block; (f (i+1)) end)
- * { Inv(v2+1) }
- * in (f v1)) { Inv(v2+1) }
- *)
-let ast_plus_un loc ast =
- let un = ast_of_int "1" in
- mk_appl loc loc "Zplus" [ast;un]
-let make_ast_for loc i v1 v2 inv block =
- let f = for_name() in
- let id_i = id_of_string i in
- let var_i = without_effect loc (Variable id_i) in
- let var_f = without_effect loc (Variable f) in
- let succ_v2 =
- let a_v2 = coqast_of_program v2.loc v2.desc in
- ast_plus_un loc a_v2 in
- let post = named_app (subst_ast_in_ast [ id_i, succ_v2 ]) inv in
- let e1 =
- let test = bin_op "Z_gt_le_bool" loc var_i v2 in
- let br_t = without_effect loc (Expression (constant "tt")) in
- let br_f =
- let un = without_effect loc (Expression (constr_of_int "1")) in
- let succ_i = bin_op "Zplus" loc var_i un in
- let f_succ_i = without_effect loc (Apply (var_f, [Term succ_i])) in
- without_effect loc (Seq (block @ [Statement f_succ_i]))
- in
- let inv' =
- let i_le_sv2 = mk_appl loc loc "Zle" [mk_ref loc i; succ_v2] in
- conj_assert {a_value=i_le_sv2;a_name=inv.a_name} inv
- in
- { desc = If(test,br_t,br_f); loc = loc;
- pre = [pre_of_assert false inv']; post = Some post; info = () }
- in
- let bl =
- let typez = mk_ref loc "Z" in
- [(id_of_string i, BindType (TypePure typez))]
- in
- let fv1 = without_effect loc (Apply (var_f, [Term v1])) in
- let v = TypePure (mk_ref loc "unit") in
- let var =
- let a = mk_appl loc loc "Zminus" [succ_v2;mk_ref loc i] in
- (a, ast_zwf_zero loc)
- in
- Let (f, without_effect loc (LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e1)), fv1)
-let mk_prog loc p pre post =
- { desc = p.desc;
- pre = p.pre @ pre;
- post = conj (,post);
- loc = loc;
- info = () }
-if !Options.v7 then
- (* Types ******************************************************************)
- type_v:
- [ [ t = type_v0 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v0:
- [ [ t = type_v1 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v1:
- [ [ t = type_v2 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v2:
- [ v = type_v2; IDENT "ref" -> Ref v
- | t = type_v3 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v3:
- [ [ IDENT "array"; size = Constr.constr; "of"; v = type_v0 ->
- Array (size,v)
- | IDENT "fun"; bl = binders; c = type_c -> make_arrow bl c
- | c = Constr.constr -> TypePure c
- ] ]
- ;
- type_c:
- [ [ IDENT "returns"; id = IDENT; ":"; v = type_v;
- e = effects; p = OPT pre_condition; q = OPT post_condition; "end" ->
- ((id_of_string id, v), e, list_of_some p, q)
- ] ]
- ;
- effects:
- [ [ r = OPT reads; w = OPT writes ->
- let r' = match r with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
- let w' = match w with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
- List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_write x e)
- (List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_read x e) Peffect.bottom r')
- w'
- ] ]
- ;
- reads:
- [ [ IDENT "reads"; l = LIST0 IDENT SEP "," -> id_of_string l ] ]
- ;
- writes:
- [ [ IDENT "writes"; l=LIST0 IDENT SEP "," -> id_of_string l ] ]
- ;
- pre_condition:
- [ [ IDENT "pre"; c = predicate -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
- ;
- post_condition:
- [ [ IDENT "post"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
- ;
- (* Binders (for both types and programs) **********************************)
- binder:
- [ [ "("; sl = LIST1 IDENT SEP ","; ":"; t = binder_type ; ")" ->
- (fun s -> (id_of_string s, t)) sl
- ] ]
- ;
- binder_type:
- [ [ "Set" -> BindSet
- | v = type_v -> BindType v
- ] ]
- ;
- binders:
- [ [ bl = LIST0 binder -> List.flatten bl ] ]
- ;
- (* annotations *)
- predicate:
- [ [ c = Constr.constr; n = name -> { a_name = n; a_value = c } ] ]
- ;
- name:
- [ [ "as"; s = IDENT -> Name (id_of_string s)
- | -> Anonymous
- ] ]
- ;
- (* Programs ***************************************************************)
- variable:
- [ [ s = IDENT -> id_of_string s ] ]
- ;
- assertion:
- [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> c ] ]
- ;
- precondition:
- [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
- ;
- postcondition:
- [ [ "{"; c = predicate; "}" -> c ] ]
- ;
- program:
- [ [ p = prog1 -> p ] ]
- ;
- prog1:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast1; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog2:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast2; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog3:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast3; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog4:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast4; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog5:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast5; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog6:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast6; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- ast1:
- [ [ x = prog2; IDENT "or"; y = prog1 -> bool_or loc x y
- | x = prog2; IDENT "and"; y = prog1 -> bool_and loc x y
- | x = prog2 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast2:
- [ [ IDENT "not"; x = prog3 -> bool_not loc x
- | x = prog3 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast3:
- [ [ x = prog4; rel = relation; y = prog4 -> bin_op rel loc x y
- | x = prog4 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast4:
- [ [ x = prog5; "+"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zplus" loc x y
- | x = prog5; "-"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zminus" loc x y
- | x = prog5 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast5:
- [ [ x = prog6; "*"; y = prog5 -> bin_op "Zmult" loc x y
- | x = prog6 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast6:
- [ [ "-"; x = prog6 -> un_op "Zopp" loc x
- | x = ast7 -> without_effect loc x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast7:
- [ [ v = variable ->
- Variable v
- | n = INT ->
- Expression (constr_of_int n)
- | "!"; v = variable ->
- Acc v
- | "?" ->
- isevar
- | v = variable; ":="; p = program ->
- Aff (v,p)
- | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
- | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
- | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
- TabAff (true,v,e,p)
- | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
- TabAff (true,v,e,p)
- | IDENT "if"; e1 = program; IDENT "then"; e2 = program;
- IDENT "else"; e3 = program ->
- If (e1,e2,e3)
- | IDENT "if"; e1 = program; IDENT "then"; e2 = program ->
- If (e1,e2,without_effect loc (Expression (constant "tt")))
- | IDENT "while"; b = program; IDENT "do";
- "{"; inv = OPT invariant; IDENT "variant"; wf = variant; "}";
- bl = block; IDENT "done" ->
- While (b, inv, wf, bl)
- | IDENT "for"; i = IDENT; "="; v1 = program; IDENT "to"; v2 = program;
- IDENT "do"; "{"; inv = invariant; "}";
- bl = block; IDENT "done" ->
- make_ast_for loc i v1 v2 inv bl
- | IDENT "let"; v = variable; "="; IDENT "ref"; p1 = program;
- "in"; p2 = program ->
- LetRef (v, p1, p2)
- | IDENT "let"; v = variable; "="; p1 = program; "in"; p2 = program ->
- Let (v, p1, p2)
- | IDENT "begin"; b = block; "end" ->
- Seq b
- | IDENT "fun"; bl = binders; "->"; p = program ->
- Lam (bl,p)
- | IDENT "let"; IDENT "rec"; f = variable;
- bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
- "{"; IDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program ->
- LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)
- | IDENT "let"; IDENT "rec"; f = variable;
- bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
- "{"; IDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program;
- "in"; p2 = program ->
- Let (f, without_effect loc (LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)), p2)
- | "@"; s = STRING; p = program ->
- Debug (s,p)
- | "("; p = program; args = LIST0 arg; ")" ->
- match args with
- [] ->
- if p.pre<>[] or<>None then
- Pp.warning "Some annotations are lost";
- p.desc
- | _ ->
- Apply(p,args)
- ] ]
- ;
- arg:
- [ [ "'"; t = type_v -> Type t
- | p = program -> Term p
- ] ]
- ;
- block:
- [ [ s = block_statement; ";"; b = block -> s::b
- | s = block_statement -> [s] ] ]
- ;
- block_statement:
- [ [ IDENT "label"; s = IDENT -> Label s
- | IDENT "assert"; c = assertion -> Assert c
- | p = program -> Statement p ] ]
- ;
- relation:
- [ [ "<" -> "Z_lt_ge_bool"
- | "<=" -> "Z_le_gt_bool"
- | ">" -> "Z_gt_le_bool"
- | ">=" -> "Z_ge_lt_bool"
- | "=" -> "Z_eq_bool"
- | "<>" -> "Z_noteq_bool" ] ]
- ;
- (* Other entries (invariants, etc.) ***************************************)
- invariant:
- [ [ IDENT "invariant"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
- ;
- variant:
- [ [ c = Constr.constr; IDENT "for"; r = Constr.constr -> (c, r)
- | c = Constr.constr -> (c, ast_zwf_zero loc) ] ]
- ;
- GLOBAL: type_v program;
- (* Types ******************************************************************)
- type_v:
- [ [ t = type_v0 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v0:
- [ [ t = type_v1 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v1:
- [ [ t = type_v2 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v2:
- [ v = type_v2; IDENT "ref" -> Ref v
- | t = type_v3 -> t ] ]
- ;
- type_v3:
- [ [ IDENT "array"; size = Constr.constr; IDENT "of"; v = type_v0 ->
- Array (size,v)
- | "fun"; bl = binders; c = type_c -> make_arrow bl c
- | c = Constr.constr -> TypePure c
- ] ]
- ;
- type_c:
- [ [ IDENT "returns"; id = IDENT; ":"; v = type_v;
- e = effects; p = OPT pre_condition; q = OPT post_condition; "end" ->
- ((id_of_string id, v), e, list_of_some p, q)
- ] ]
- ;
- effects:
- [ [ r = OPT reads; w = OPT writes ->
- let r' = match r with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
- let w' = match w with Some l -> l | _ -> [] in
- List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_write x e)
- (List.fold_left (fun e x -> Peffect.add_read x e) Peffect.bottom r')
- w'
- ] ]
- ;
- reads:
- [ [ IDENT "reads"; l = LIST0 IDENT SEP "," -> id_of_string l ] ]
- ;
- writes:
- [ [ IDENT "writes"; l=LIST0 IDENT SEP "," -> id_of_string l ] ]
- ;
- pre_condition:
- [ [ IDENT "pre"; c = predicate -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
- ;
- post_condition:
- [ [ IDENT "post"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
- ;
- (* Binders (for both types and programs) **********************************)
- binder:
- [ [ "("; sl = LIST1 IDENT SEP ","; ":"; t = binder_type ; ")" ->
- (fun s -> (id_of_string s, t)) sl
- ] ]
- ;
- binder_type:
- [ [ "Set" -> BindSet
- | v = type_v -> BindType v
- ] ]
- ;
- binders:
- [ [ bl = LIST0 binder -> List.flatten bl ] ]
- ;
- (* annotations *)
- predicate:
- [ [ c = Constr.constr; n = name -> { a_name = n; a_value = c } ] ]
- ;
- dpredicate:
- [ [ c = Constr.lconstr; n = name -> { a_name = n; a_value = c } ] ]
- ;
- name:
- [ [ "as"; s = IDENT -> Name (id_of_string s)
- | -> Anonymous
- ] ]
- ;
- (* Programs ***************************************************************)
- variable:
- [ [ s = IDENT -> id_of_string s ] ]
- ;
- assertion:
- [ [ "{"; c = dpredicate; "}" -> c ] ]
- ;
- precondition:
- [ [ "{"; c = dpredicate; "}" -> pre_of_assert false c ] ]
- ;
- postcondition:
- [ [ "{"; c = dpredicate; "}" -> c ] ]
- ;
- program:
- [ [ p = prog1 -> p ] ]
- ;
- prog1:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast1; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog2:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast2; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog3:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast3; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog4:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast4; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog5:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast5; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- prog6:
- [ [ pre = LIST0 precondition; ast = ast6; post = OPT postcondition ->
- mk_prog loc ast pre post ] ]
- ;
- ast1:
- [ [ x = prog2; IDENT "or"; y = prog1 -> bool_or loc x y
- | x = prog2; IDENT "and"; y = prog1 -> bool_and loc x y
- | x = prog2 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast2:
- [ [ IDENT "not"; x = prog3 -> bool_not loc x
- | x = prog3 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast3:
- [ [ x = prog4; rel = relation; y = prog4 -> bin_op rel loc x y
- | x = prog4 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast4:
- [ [ x = prog5; "+"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zplus" loc x y
- | x = prog5; "-"; y = prog4 -> bin_op "Zminus" loc x y
- | x = prog5 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast5:
- [ [ x = prog6; "*"; y = prog5 -> bin_op "Zmult" loc x y
- | x = prog6 -> x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast6:
- [ [ "-"; x = prog6 -> un_op "Zopp" loc x
- | x = ast7 -> without_effect loc x
- ] ]
- ;
- ast7:
- [ [ v = variable ->
- Variable v
- | n = INT ->
- Expression (constr_of_int n)
- | "!"; v = variable ->
- Acc v
- | "?" ->
- isevar
- | v = variable; ":="; p = program ->
- Aff (v,p)
- | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
- | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]" -> TabAcc (true,v,e)
- | v = variable; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
- TabAff (true,v,e,p)
- | v = variable; "#"; "["; e = program; "]"; ":="; p = program ->
- TabAff (true,v,e,p)
- | "if"; e1 = program; "then"; e2 = program; "else"; e3 = program ->
- If (e1,e2,e3)
- | "if"; e1 = program; "then"; e2 = program ->
- If (e1,e2,without_effect loc (Expression (constant "tt")))
- | IDENT "while"; b = program; IDENT "do";
- "{"; inv = OPT invariant; IDENT "variant"; wf = variant; "}";
- bl = block; IDENT "done" ->
- While (b, inv, wf, bl)
- | "for"; i = IDENT; "="; v1 = program; IDENT "to"; v2 = program;
- IDENT "do"; "{"; inv = invariant; "}";
- bl = block; IDENT "done" ->
- make_ast_for loc i v1 v2 inv bl
- | "let"; v = variable; "="; IDENT "ref"; p1 = program;
- "in"; p2 = program ->
- LetRef (v, p1, p2)
- | "let"; v = variable; "="; p1 = program; "in"; p2 = program ->
- Let (v, p1, p2)
- | IDENT "begin"; b = block; "end" ->
- Seq b
- | "fun"; bl = binders; "=>"; p = program ->
- Lam (bl,p)
- | "let"; IDENT "rec"; f = variable;
- bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
- "{"; IDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program ->
- LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)
- | "let"; IDENT "rec"; f = variable;
- bl = binders; ":"; v = type_v;
- "{"; IDENT "variant"; var = variant; "}"; "="; p = program;
- "in"; p2 = program ->
- Let (f, without_effect loc (LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p)), p2)
- | "@"; s = STRING; p = program ->
- Debug (s,p)
- | "("; p = program; args = LIST0 arg; ")" ->
- match args with
- [] ->
- if p.pre<>[] or<>None then
- Pp.warning "Some annotations are lost";
- p.desc
- | _ ->
- Apply(p,args)
- ] ]
- ;
- arg:
- [ [ "'"; t = type_v -> Type t
- | p = program -> Term p
- ] ]
- ;
- block:
- [ [ s = block_statement; ";"; b = block -> s::b
- | s = block_statement -> [s] ] ]
- ;
- block_statement:
- [ [ IDENT "label"; s = IDENT -> Label s
- | IDENT "assert"; c = assertion -> Assert c
- | p = program -> Statement p ] ]
- ;
- relation:
- [ [ "<" -> "Z_lt_ge_bool"
- | "<=" -> "Z_le_gt_bool"
- | ">" -> "Z_gt_le_bool"
- | ">=" -> "Z_ge_lt_bool"
- | "=" -> "Z_eq_bool"
- | "<>" -> "Z_noteq_bool" ] ]
- ;
- (* Other entries (invariants, etc.) ***************************************)
- invariant:
- [ [ IDENT "invariant"; c = predicate -> c ] ]
- ;
- variant:
- [ [ c = Constr.constr; "for"; r = Constr.constr -> (c, r)
- | c = Constr.constr -> (c, ast_zwf_zero loc) ] ]
- ;
-let wit_program, globwit_program, rawwit_program =
- Genarg.create_arg "program"
-let wit_type_v, globwit_type_v, rawwit_type_v =
- Genarg.create_arg "type_v"
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Himsg
-open Vernacinterp
-open Vernacexpr
-open Declare
-let is_assumed global ids =
- if List.length ids = 1 then
- msgnl (str (if global then "A global variable " else "") ++
- pr_id (List.hd ids) ++ str " is assumed")
- else
- msgnl (str (if global then "Some global variables " else "") ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str ", ")) pr_id ids ++
- str " are assumed")
-open Pcoq
-(* Variables *)
-let wit_variables, globwit_variables, rawwit_variables =
- Genarg.create_arg "variables"
-let variables = Gram.Entry.create "Variables"
- variables: [ [ l = LIST1 Prim.ident SEP "," -> l ] ];
-let pr_variables _prc _prtac l = spc() ++ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id l
-let _ =
- Pptactic.declare_extra_genarg_pprule true
- (rawwit_variables, pr_variables)
- (globwit_variables, pr_variables)
- (wit_variables, pr_variables)
-(* then_tac *)
-open Genarg
-open Tacinterp
-let pr_then_tac _ prt = function
- | None -> mt ()
- | Some t -> pr_semicolon () ++ prt t
- TYPED AS tactic_opt
- PRINTED BY pr_then_tac
- INTERPRETED BY interp_genarg
- GLOBALIZED BY intern_genarg
-| [ ";" tactic(t) ] -> [ Some t ]
-| [ ] -> [ None ]
-(* Correctness *)
- [ "Correctness" preident(str) program(pgm) then_tac(tac) ]
- -> [ Ptactic.correctness str pgm (option_map Tacinterp.interp tac) ]
-(* Show Programs *)
-let show_programs () =
- fold_all
- (fun (id,v) _ ->
- msgnl (pr_id id ++ str " : " ++
- hov 2 (match v with TypeV v -> pp_type_v v
- | Set -> (str "Set")) ++
- fnl ()))
- Penv.empty ()
- [ "Show" "Programs" ] -> [ show_programs () ]
-(* Global Variable *)
-let global_variable ids v =
- List.iter
- (fun id -> if Penv.is_global id then
- Util.errorlabstrm "PROGVARIABLE"
- (str"Clash with previous constant " ++ pr_id id))
- ids;
- Pdb.check_type_v (all_refs ()) v;
- let env = empty in
- let ren = update empty_ren "" [] in
- let v = Ptyping.cic_type_v env ren v in
- if not (is_mutable v) then begin
- let c =
- Entries.ParameterEntry (trad_ml_type_v ren env v),
- Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Definitional in
- List.iter
- (fun id -> ignore (Declare.declare_constant id c)) ids;
- if_verbose (is_assumed false) ids
- end;
- if not (is_pure v) then begin
- List.iter (fun id -> ignore (Penv.add_global id v None)) ids;
- if_verbose (is_assumed true) ids
- end
- [ "Global" "Variable" variables(ids) ":" type_v(t) ]
- -> [ global_variable ids t]
-let pr_id id = pr_id (Constrextern.v7_to_v8_id id)
-(* Type printer *)
-let pr_reads = function
- | [] -> mt ()
- | l -> spc () ++
- hov 0 (str "reads" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id l)
-let pr_writes = function
- | [] -> mt ()
- | l -> spc () ++
- hov 0 (str "writes" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id l)
-let pr_effects x =
- let (ro,rw) = Peffect.get_repr x in pr_reads ro ++ pr_writes rw
-let pr_predicate delimited { a_name = n; a_value = c } =
- (if delimited then Ppconstr.pr_lconstr else Ppconstr.pr_constr) c ++
- (match n with Name id -> spc () ++ str "as " ++ pr_id id | Anonymous -> mt())
-let pr_assert b { p_name = x; p_value = v } =
- pr_predicate b { a_name = x; a_value = v }
-let pr_pre_condition_list = function
- | [] -> mt ()
- | [pre] -> spc() ++ hov 0 (str "pre" ++ spc () ++ pr_assert false pre)
- | _ -> assert false
-let pr_post_condition_opt = function
- | None -> mt ()
- | Some post ->
- spc() ++ hov 0 (str "post" ++ spc () ++ pr_predicate false post)
-let rec pr_type_v_v8 = function
- | Array (a,v) ->
- str "array" ++ spc() ++ Ppconstr.pr_constr a ++ spc() ++ str "of " ++
- pr_type_v_v8 v
- | v -> pr_type_v3 v
-and pr_type_v3 = function
- | Ref v -> pr_type_v3 v ++ spc () ++ str "ref"
- | Arrow (bl,((id,v),e,prel,postl)) ->
- str "fun" ++ spc() ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep cut pr_binder bl) ++
- spc () ++ str "returns" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ str ":" ++
- pr_type_v_v8 v ++ pr_effects e ++
- pr_pre_condition_list prel ++ pr_post_condition_opt postl ++
- spc () ++ str "end"
- | TypePure a -> Ppconstr.pr_constr a
- | v -> str "(" ++ pr_type_v_v8 v ++ str ")"
-and pr_binder = function
- | (id,BindType c) ->
- str "(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ":" ++ pr_type_v_v8 c ++ str ")"
- | (id,BindSet) ->
- str "(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ":" ++ str "Set" ++ str ")"
- | (id,Untyped) ->
- str "<<<<< TODO: Untyped binder >>>>"
-let _ =
- Pptactic.declare_extra_genarg_pprule true
- (rawwit_type_v, fun _ _ -> pr_type_v_v8)
- (globwit_type_v, fun _ -> raise Not_found)
- (wit_type_v, fun _ -> raise Not_found)
-(* Program printer *)
-let pr_precondition pred = str "{" ++ pr_assert true pred ++ str "}" ++ spc ()
-let pr_postcondition pred = str "{" ++ pr_predicate true pred ++ str "}"
-let pr_invariant = function
- | None -> mt ()
- | Some c -> hov 2 (str "invariant" ++ spc () ++ pr_predicate false c)
-let pr_variant (c1,c2) =
- Ppconstr.pr_constr c1 ++
- (try Constrextern.check_same_type c2 (ast_zwf_zero dummy_loc); mt ()
- with _ -> spc() ++ hov 0 (str "for" ++ spc () ++ Ppconstr.pr_constr c2))
-let rec pr_desc = function
- | Variable id ->
- (* Unsafe: should distinguish global names and bound vars *)
- let vars = (* TODO *) Idset.empty in
- let id = try
- snd (repr_qualid
- (snd (qualid_of_reference
- (Constrextern.extern_reference
- dummy_loc vars (Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id))))))
- with _ -> id in
- pr_id id
- | Acc id -> str "!" ++ pr_id id
- | Aff (id,p) -> pr_id id ++ spc() ++ str ":=" ++ spc() ++ pr_prog p
- | TabAcc (b,id,p) -> pr_id id ++ str "[" ++ pr_prog p ++ str "]"
- | TabAff (b,id,p1,p2) ->
- pr_id id ++ str "[" ++ pr_prog p1 ++ str "]" ++
- str ":=" ++ pr_prog p2
- | Seq bll ->
- hv 0 (str "begin" ++ spc () ++ pr_block bll ++ spc () ++ str "end")
- | While (p1,inv,var,bll) ->
- hv 0 (
- hov 0 (str "while" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p1 ++ spc () ++ str "do") ++
- brk (1,2) ++
- hv 2 (
- str "{ " ++
- pr_invariant inv ++ spc() ++
- hov 0 (str "variant" ++ spc () ++ pr_variant var)
- ++ str " }") ++ cut () ++
- hov 0 (pr_block bll) ++ cut () ++
- str "done")
- | If (p1,p2,p3) ->
- hov 1 (str "if " ++ pr_prog p1) ++ spc () ++
- hov 0 (str "then" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p2) ++ spc () ++
- hov 0 (str "else" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p3)
- | Lam (bl,p) ->
- hov 0
- (str "fun" ++ spc () ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep cut pr_binder bl) ++
- spc () ++ str "=>") ++
- pr_prog p
- | Apply ({desc=Expression e; pre=[]; post=None} as p,args) when isConst e ->
- begin match
- string_of_id (snd (repr_path (Nametab.sp_of_global (ConstRef (destConst e))))),
- args
- with
- | "Zmult", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"*" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Zplus", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"+" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Zminus", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"-" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Zopp", [a] ->
- str "( -" ++ pr_arg a ++ str ")"
- | "Z_lt_ge_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"<" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Z_le_gt_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"<=" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Z_gt_le_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str">" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Z_ge_lt_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str">=" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Z_eq_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"=" ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | "Z_noteq_bool", [a1;a2] ->
- str "(" ++ pr_arg a1 ++ str"<> " ++ pr_arg a2 ++ str ")"
- | _ ->
- str "(" ++ pr_prog p ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_arg args ++
- str ")"
- end
- | Apply (p,args) ->
- str "(" ++ pr_prog p ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_arg args ++
- str ")"
- | SApp ([Variable v], args) ->
- begin match string_of_id v, args with
- | "prog_bool_and", [a1;a2] ->
- str"(" ++ pr_prog a1 ++ spc() ++ str"and " ++ pr_prog a2 ++str")"
- | "prog_bool_or", [a1;a2] ->
- str"(" ++ pr_prog a1 ++ spc() ++ str"or " ++ pr_prog a2 ++ str")"
- | "prog_bool_not", [a] ->
- str "(not " ++ pr_prog a ++ str ")"
- | _ -> failwith "Correctness printer: TODO"
- end
- | SApp _ -> failwith "Correctness printer: TODO"
- | LetRef (v,p1,p2) ->
- hov 2 (
- str "let " ++ pr_id v ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++ str "ref" ++ spc () ++
- pr_prog p1 ++ str " in") ++
- spc () ++ pr_prog p2
- | Let (id, {desc=LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p); pre=[]; post=None },p2) when f=id ->
- hov 2 (
- str "let rec " ++ pr_id f ++ spc () ++
- hov 0 (prlist_with_sep cut pr_binder bl) ++ spc () ++
- str ":" ++ pr_type_v_v8 v ++ spc () ++
- hov 2 (str "{ variant" ++ spc () ++ pr_variant var ++ str " }") ++
- spc() ++ str "=" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p ++
- str " in") ++
- spc () ++ pr_prog p2
- | Let (v,p1,p2) ->
- hov 2 (
- str "let " ++ pr_id v ++ str " =" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p1 ++ str" in")
- ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p2
- | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,p) ->
- str "let rec " ++ pr_id f ++ spc () ++
- hov 0 (prlist_with_sep cut pr_binder bl) ++ spc () ++
- str ":" ++ pr_type_v_v8 v ++ spc () ++
- hov 2 (str "{ variant" ++ spc () ++ pr_variant var ++ str " }") ++
- spc () ++ str "=" ++ spc () ++ pr_prog p
- | PPoint _ -> str "TODO: Ppoint" (* Internal use only *)
- | Expression c ->
- (* Numeral or "tt": use a printer which doesn't globalize *)
- Ppconstr.pr_constr
- (Constrextern.extern_constr_in_scope false "Z_scope" (Global.env()) c)
- | Debug (s,p) -> str "@" ++ Pptactic.qsnew s ++ pr_prog p
-and pr_block_st = function
- | Label s -> hov 0 (str "label" ++ spc() ++ str s)
- | Assert pred ->
- hov 0 (str "assert" ++ spc() ++ hov 0 (pr_postcondition pred))
- | Statement p -> pr_prog p
-and pr_block bl = prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon pr_block_st bl
-and pr_arg = function
- | Past.Term p -> pr_prog p
- | Past.Type t -> str "'" ++ pr_type_v_v8 t
- | Refarg _ -> str "TODO: Refarg" (* Internal use only *)
-and pr_prog0 b { desc = desc; pre = pre; post = post } =
- hv 0 (
- prlist pr_precondition pre ++
- hov 0
- (if b & post<>None then str"(" ++ pr_desc desc ++ str")"
- else pr_desc desc)
- ++ Ppconstr.pr_opt pr_postcondition post)
-and pr_prog x = pr_prog0 true x
-let _ =
- Pptactic.declare_extra_genarg_pprule true
- (rawwit_program, fun _ _ a -> spc () ++ pr_prog0 false a)
- (globwit_program, fun _ -> raise Not_found)
- (wit_program, fun _ -> raise Not_found)
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deleted file mode 100644
index c0f0990b..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: psyntax.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pcoq
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Topconstr
-(* Grammar for the programs and the tactic Correctness *)
-module Programs :
- sig
- val program : program Gram.Entry.e
- val type_v : constr_expr ml_type_v Gram.Entry.e
- val type_c : constr_expr ml_type_c Gram.Entry.e
- end
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deleted file mode 100644
index babc607d..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Options
-open Names
-open Libnames
-open Term
-open Pretyping
-open Pfedit
-open Decl_kinds
-open Vernacentries
-open Pmisc
-open Putil
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Prename
-open Peffect
-open Pmonad
-(* [coqast_of_prog: program -> constr * constr]
- * Traduction d'un programme impératif en un but (second constr)
- * et un terme de preuve partiel pour ce but (premier constr)
- *)
-let coqast_of_prog p =
- (* 1. db : séparation dB/var/const *)
- let p = Pdb.db_prog p in
- (* 2. typage avec effets *)
- deb_mess (str"Ptyping.states: Typing with effects..." ++ fnl ());
- let env = Penv.empty in
- let ren = initial_renaming env in
- let p = Ptyping.states ren env p in
- let ((_,v),_,_,_) as c = in
- Perror.check_for_not_mutable p.loc v;
- deb_print pp_type_c c;
- (* 3. propagation annotations *)
- let p = Pwp.propagate ren p in
- (* 4a. traduction type *)
- let ty = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_c ren env c in
- deb_print (Printer.pr_lconstr_env (Global.env())) ty;
- (* 4b. traduction terme (terme intermédiaire de type cc_term) *)
- deb_mess
- (fnl () ++ str"Mlize.trad: Translation program -> cc_term..." ++ fnl ());
- let cc = Pmlize.trans ren p in
- let cc = cc in
- deb_print Putil.pp_cc_term cc;
- (* 5. traduction en constr *)
- deb_mess
- (fnl () ++ str"Pcic.constr_of_prog: Translation cc_term -> rawconstr..." ++
- fnl ());
- let r = Pcic.rawconstr_of_prog cc in
- deb_print Printer.pr_lrawconstr r;
- (* 6. résolution implicites *)
- deb_mess (fnl () ++ str"Resolution implicits (? => Meta(n))..." ++ fnl ());
- let oc = understand_gen_tcc Evd.empty (Global.env()) [] None r in
- deb_print (Printer.pr_lconstr_env (Global.env())) (snd oc);
- p,oc,ty,v
-(* [automatic : tactic]
- *
- * Certains buts engendrés par "correctness" (ci-dessous)
- * sont réellement triviaux. On peut les résoudre aisément, sans pour autant
- * tomber dans la solution trop lourde qui consiste à faire "; Auto."
- *
- * Cette tactique fait les choses suivantes :
- * o elle élimine les hypothèses de nom loop<i>
- * o sur G |- (well_founded nat lt) ==> Exact lt_wf.
- * o sur G |- (well_founded Z (Zwf c)) ==> Exact (Zwf_well_founded c)
- * o sur G |- e = e' ==> Reflexivity. (arg. de decr. des boucles)
- * sinon Try Assumption.
- * o sur G |- P /\ Q ==> Try (Split; Assumption). (sortie de boucle)
- * o sinon, Try AssumptionBis (= Assumption + décomposition /\ dans hyp.)
- * (pour entrée dans corps de boucle par ex.)
- *)
-open Pattern
-open Tacmach
-open Tactics
-open Tacticals
-open Equality
-open Nametab
-let nat = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "nat", 0)
-let lt = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Peano"] "lt")
-let well_founded = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Wf"] "well_founded")
-let z = IndRef (coq_constant ["ZArith";"BinInt"] "Z", 0)
-let and_ = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and", 0)
-let eq = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Logic"] "eq", 0)
-let mkmeta n = Nameops.make_ident "X" (Some n)
-let mkPMeta n = PMeta (Some (mkmeta n))
-(* ["(well_founded nat lt)"] *)
-let wf_nat_pattern =
- PApp (PRef well_founded, [| PRef nat; PRef lt |])
-(* ["((well_founded Z (Zwf ?1))"] *)
-let wf_z_pattern =
- let zwf = ConstRef (coq_constant ["ZArith";"Zwf"] "Zwf") in
- PApp (PRef well_founded, [| PRef z; PApp (PRef zwf, [| mkPMeta 1 |]) |])
-(* ["(and ?1 ?2)"] *)
-let and_pattern =
- PApp (PRef and_, [| mkPMeta 1; mkPMeta 2 |])
-(* ["(eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"] *)
-let eq_pattern =
- PApp (PRef eq, [| mkPMeta 1; mkPMeta 2; mkPMeta 3 |])
-(* loop_ids: remove loop<i> hypotheses from the context, and rewrite
- * using Variant<i> hypotheses when needed. *)
-let (loop_ids : tactic) = fun gl ->
- let rec arec hyps gl =
- let env = pf_env gl in
- let concl = pf_concl gl in
- match hyps with
- | [] -> tclIDTAC gl
- | (id,a) :: al ->
- let s = string_of_id id in
- let n = String.length s in
- if n >= 4 & (let su = String.sub s 0 4 in su="loop" or su="Bool")
- then
- tclTHEN (clear [id]) (arec al) gl
- else if n >= 7 & String.sub s 0 7 = "Variant" then begin
- match pf_matches gl eq_pattern (body_of_type a) with
- | [_; _,varphi; _] when isVar varphi ->
- let phi = destVar varphi in
- if Termops.occur_var env phi concl then
- tclTHEN (rewriteLR (mkVar id)) (arec al) gl
- else
- arec al gl
- | _ -> assert false end
- else
- arec al gl
- in
- arec (pf_hyps_types gl) gl
-(* assumption_bis: like assumption, but also solves ... h:A/\B ... |- A
- * (resp. B) *)
-let (assumption_bis : tactic) = fun gl ->
- let concl = pf_concl gl in
- let rec arec = function
- | [] -> Util.error "No such assumption"
- | (s,a) :: al ->
- let a = body_of_type a in
- if pf_conv_x_leq gl a concl then
- refine (mkVar s) gl
- else if pf_is_matching gl and_pattern a then
- match pf_matches gl and_pattern a with
- | [_,c1; _,c2] ->
- if pf_conv_x_leq gl c1 concl then
- exact_check (applistc (constant "proj1") [c1;c2;mkVar s]) gl
- else if pf_conv_x_leq gl c2 concl then
- exact_check (applistc (constant "proj2") [c1;c2;mkVar s]) gl
- else
- arec al
- | _ -> assert false
- else
- arec al
- in
- arec (pf_hyps_types gl)
-(* automatic: see above *)
-let (automatic : tactic) =
- tclTHEN
- loop_ids
- (fun gl ->
- let c = pf_concl gl in
- if pf_is_matching gl wf_nat_pattern c then
- exact_check (constant "lt_wf") gl
- else if pf_is_matching gl wf_z_pattern c then
- let (_,z) = List.hd (pf_matches gl wf_z_pattern c) in
- exact_check (Term.applist (constant "Zwf_well_founded",[z])) gl
- else if pf_is_matching gl and_pattern c then
- (tclORELSE assumption_bis
- (tclTRY (tclTHEN simplest_split assumption))) gl
- else if pf_is_matching gl eq_pattern c then
- (tclORELSE reflexivity (tclTRY assumption_bis)) gl
- else
- tclTRY assumption_bis gl)
-(* [correctness s p] : string -> program -> tactic option -> unit
- *
- * Vernac: Correctness <string> <program> [; <tactic>].
- *)
-let reduce_open_constr (em0,c) =
- let existential_map_of_constr =
- let rec collect em c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Cast (c',t) ->
- (match kind_of_term c' with
- | Evar (ev,_) ->
- if not (Evd.mem em ev) then
- Evd.add em ev (Evd.find em0 ev)
- else
- em
- | _ -> fold_constr collect em c)
- | Evar _ ->
- assert false (* all existentials should be casted *)
- | _ ->
- fold_constr collect em c
- in
- collect Evd.empty
- in
- let c = Pred.red_cci c in
- let em = existential_map_of_constr c in
- (em,c)
-let register id n =
- let id' = match n with None -> id | Some id' -> id' in
- Penv.register id id'
- (* On dit à la commande "Save" d'enregistrer les nouveaux programmes *)
-let correctness_hook _ ref =
- let pf_id = Nametab.id_of_global ref in
- register pf_id None
-let correctness s p opttac =
- Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"correctness";"Correctness"];
- Pmisc.reset_names();
- let p,oc,cty,v = coqast_of_prog p in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let sign = Global.named_context () in
- let sigma = Evd.empty in
- let cty = Reduction.nf_betaiota cty in
- let id = id_of_string s in
- start_proof id (IsGlobal (Proof Lemma)) sign cty correctness_hook;
- Penv.new_edited id (v,p);
- if !debug then msg (Pfedit.pr_open_subgoals());
- deb_mess (str"Pred.red_cci: Reduction..." ++ fnl ());
- let oc = reduce_open_constr oc in
- deb_mess (str"AFTER REDUCTION:" ++ fnl ());
- deb_print (Printer.pr_lconstr_env (Global.env())) (snd oc);
- let tac = (tclTHEN (Extratactics.refine_tac oc) automatic) in
- let tac = match opttac with
- | None -> tac
- | Some t -> tclTHEN tac t
- in
- solve_nth 1 tac;
- if_verbose msg (pr_open_subgoals ())
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index 87378cff..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: ptactic.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-(* The main tactic: takes a name N, a program P, creates a goal
- * of name N with the functional specification of P, then apply the Refine
- * tactic with the partial proof term obtained by the translation of
- * P into a functional program.
- *
- * Then an ad-hoc automatic tactic is applied on each subgoal to solve the
- * trivial proof obligations *)
-val correctness : string -> Past.program -> Tacmach.tactic option -> unit
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index be181bcc..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/ptype.mli
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: ptype.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Term
-(* Types des valeurs (V) et des calculs (C).
- *
- * On a C = r:V,E,P,Q
- *
- * et V = (x1:V1)...(xn:Vn)C | V ref | V array | <type pur>
- *
- * INVARIANT: l'effet E contient toutes les variables apparaissant dans
- * le programme ET les annotations P et Q
- * Si E = { x1,...,xn | y1,...,ym }, les variables x sont les
- * variables en lecture seule et y1 les variables modifiées
- * les xi sont libres dans P et Q, et les yi,result liées dans Q
- * i.e. P = p(x)
- * et Q = [y1]...[yn][res]q(x,y,res)
- *)
-(* pre and post conditions *)
-type 'a precondition = { p_assert : bool; p_name :; p_value : 'a }
-type 'a assertion = { a_name :; a_value : 'a }
-type 'a postcondition = 'a assertion
-type predicate = constr assertion
-(* binders *)
-type 'a binder_type =
- BindType of 'a
- | BindSet
- | Untyped
-type 'a binder = Names.identifier * 'a binder_type
-(* variant *)
-type variant = constr * constr * constr (* phi, R, A *)
-(* types des valeurs *)
-type 'a ml_type_v =
- Ref of 'a ml_type_v
- | Array of 'a * 'a ml_type_v (* size x type *)
- | Arrow of 'a ml_type_v binder list * 'a ml_type_c
- | TypePure of 'a
-(* et type des calculs *)
-and 'a ml_type_c =
- (Names.identifier * 'a ml_type_v)
- * Peffect.t
- * ('a precondition list) * ('a postcondition option)
-(* at beginning they contain Coq AST but they become constr after typing *)
-type type_v = constr ml_type_v
-type type_c = constr ml_type_c
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91c1f293..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Environ
-open Constrintern
-open Himsg
-open Proof_trees
-open Topconstr
-open Pmisc
-open Putil
-open Prename
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Peffect
-open Pcicenv
-(* Ce module implante le jugement Gamma |-a e : kappa de la thèse.
- * Les annotations passent du type CoqAst.t au type Term.constr ici.
- * Les post-conditions sont abstraites par rapport au résultat. *)
-let simplify_type_of env sigma t =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota (Typing.type_of env sigma t)
-let just_reads e =
- difference (get_reads e) (get_writes e)
-let type_v_sup loc t1 t2 =
- if t1 = t2 then
- t1
- else
- Perror.if_branches loc
-let typed_var ren env (phi,r) =
- let sign = Pcicenv.before_after_sign_of ren env in
- let a = simplify_type_of (Global.env_of_context sign) Evd.empty phi in
- (phi,r,a)
-(* Application de fonction *)
-let rec convert = function
- | (TypePure c1, TypePure c2) ->
- Reductionops.is_conv (Global.env ()) Evd.empty c1 c2
- | (Ref v1, Ref v2) ->
- convert (v1,v2)
- | (Array (s1,v1), Array (s2,v2)) ->
- (Reductionops.is_conv (Global.env ()) Evd.empty s1 s2) && (convert (v1,v2))
- | (v1,v2) -> v1 = v2
-let effect_app ren env f args =
- let n = List.length args in
- let tf =
- let ((_,v),_,_,_) = in
- match v with TypePure c -> v_of_constr c | _ -> v
- in
- let bl,c =
- match tf with
- Arrow (bl, c) ->
- if List.length bl <> n then Perror.partial_app f.loc;
- bl,c
- | _ -> Perror.app_of_non_function f.loc
- in
- let check_type loc v t so =
- let v' = type_v_rsubst so v in
- if not (convert (v',t)) then Perror.expected_type loc (pp_type_v v')
- in
- let s,so,ok =
- (* s est la substitution des références, so celle des autres arg.
- * ok nous dit si les arguments sont sans effet i.e. des expressions *)
- List.fold_left
- (fun (s,so,ok) (b,a) ->
- match b,a with
- (id,BindType (Ref _ | Array _ as v)), Refarg id' ->
- let ta = type_in_env env id' in
- check_type f.loc v ta so;
- (id,id')::s, so, ok
- | _, Refarg _ -> Perror.should_be_a_variable f.loc
- | (id,BindType v), Term t ->
- let ((_,ta),_,_,_) = in
- check_type t.loc v ta so;
- (match t.desc with
- Expression c -> s, (id,c)::so, ok
- | _ -> s,so,false)
- | (id,BindSet), Type v ->
- let c = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- s, (id,c)::so, ok
- | (id,BindSet), Term t -> Perror.expects_a_type id t.loc
- | (id,BindType _), Type _ -> Perror.expects_a_term id
- | (_,Untyped), _ -> invalid_arg "effects_app")
- ([],[],true)
- (List.combine bl args)
- in
- let (id,v),ef,pre,post = type_c_subst s c in
- (bl,c), (s,so,ok), ((id,type_v_rsubst so v),ef,pre,post)
-(* Execution of a Coq AST. Returns value and type.
- * Also returns its variables *)
-let state_coq_ast sign a =
- let env = Global.env_of_context sign in
- let j =
- reraise_with_loc (constr_loc a) (judgment_of_rawconstr Evd.empty env) a in
- let ids = global_vars env j.uj_val in
- j.uj_val, j.uj_type, ids
-(* [is_pure p] tests wether the program p is an expression or not. *)
-let type_of_expression ren env c =
- let sign = now_sign_of ren env in
- simplify_type_of (Global.env_of_context sign) Evd.empty c
-let rec is_pure_type_v = function
- TypePure _ -> true
- | Arrow (bl,c) -> List.for_all is_pure_arg bl & is_pure_type_c c
- | Ref _ | Array _ -> false
-and is_pure_arg = function
- (_,BindType v) -> is_pure_type_v v
- | (_,BindSet) -> true
- | (_,Untyped) -> false
-and is_pure_type_c = function
- (_,v),_,[],None -> is_pure_type_v v
- | _ -> false
-let rec is_pure_desc ren env = function
- Variable id ->
- not (is_in_env env id) or (is_pure_type_v (type_in_env env id))
- | Expression c ->
- (c = isevar) or (is_pure_cci (type_of_expression ren env c))
- | Acc _ -> true
- | TabAcc (_,_,p) -> is_pure ren env p
- | Apply (p,args) ->
- is_pure ren env p & List.for_all (is_pure_arg ren env) args
- | SApp _ | Aff _ | TabAff _ | Seq _ | While _ | If _
- | Lam _ | LetRef _ | Let _ | LetRec _ -> false
- | Debug (_,p) -> is_pure ren env p
- | PPoint (_,d) -> is_pure_desc ren env d
-and is_pure ren env p =
- p.pre = [] & = None & is_pure_desc ren env p.desc
-and is_pure_arg ren env = function
- Term p -> is_pure ren env p
- | Type _ -> true
- | Refarg _ -> false
-(* [state_var ren env (phi,r)] returns a tuple (e,(phi',r'))
- * where e is the effect of the variant phi and phi',r' the corresponding
- * constr of phi and r.
- *)
-let state_var ren env (phi,r) =
- let sign = Pcicenv.before_after_sign_of ren env in
- let phi',_,ids = state_coq_ast sign phi in
- let ef = List.fold_left
- (fun e id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then Peffect.add_read id e else e)
- Peffect.bottom ids in
- let r',_,_ = state_coq_ast (Global.named_context ()) r in
- ef,(phi',r')
-(* [state_pre ren env pl] returns a pair (e,c) where e is the effect of the
- * pre-conditions list pl and cl the corresponding constrs not yet abstracted
- * over the variables xi (i.e. c NOT [x1]...[xn]c !)
- *)
-let state_pre ren env pl =
- let state e p =
- let sign = Pcicenv.before_sign_of ren env in
- let cc,_,ids = state_coq_ast sign p.p_value in
- let ef = List.fold_left
- (fun e id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then
- Peffect.add_read id e
- else if is_at id then
- let uid,_ = un_at id in
- if is_mutable_in_env env uid then
- Peffect.add_read uid e
- else
- e
- else
- e)
- e ids
- in
- ef,{ p_assert = p.p_assert; p_name = p.p_name; p_value = cc }
- in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (e,cl) p -> let ef,c = state e p in (ef,c::cl))
- (Peffect.bottom,[]) pl
-let state_assert ren env a =
- let p = pre_of_assert true a in
- let e,l = state_pre ren env [p] in
- e,assert_of_pre (List.hd l)
-let state_inv ren env = function
- None -> Peffect.bottom, None
- | Some i -> let e,p = state_assert ren env i in e,Some p
-(* [state_post ren env (id,v,ef) q] returns a pair (e,c)
- * where e is the effect of the
- * post-condition q and c the corresponding constr not yet abstracted
- * over the variables xi, yi and result.
- * Moreover the RW variables not appearing in ef have been replaced by
- * RO variables, and (id,v) is the result
- *)
-let state_post ren env (id,v,ef) = function
- None -> Peffect.bottom, None
- | Some q ->
- let v' = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- let sign = Pcicenv.before_after_result_sign_of (Some (id,v')) ren env in
- let cc,_,ids = state_coq_ast sign q.a_value in
- let ef,c =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (e,c) id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then
- if is_write ef id then
- Peffect.add_write id e, c
- else
- Peffect.add_read id e,
- subst_in_constr [id,at_id id ""] c
- else if is_at id then
- let uid,_ = un_at id in
- if is_mutable_in_env env uid then
- Peffect.add_read uid e, c
- else
- e,c
- else
- e,c)
- (Peffect.bottom,cc) ids
- in
- let c = abstract [id,v'] c in
- ef, Some { a_name = q.a_name; a_value = c }
-(* transformation of AST into constr in types V and C *)
-let rec cic_type_v env ren = function
- | Ref v -> Ref (cic_type_v env ren v)
- | Array (com,v) ->
- let sign = Pcicenv.now_sign_of ren env in
- let c = interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env_of_context sign) com in
- Array (c, cic_type_v env ren v)
- | Arrow (bl,c) ->
- let bl',ren',env' =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (bl,ren,env) b ->
- let b' = cic_binder env ren b in
- let env' = traverse_binders env [b'] in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- b'::bl,ren',env')
- ([],ren,env) bl
- in
- let c' = cic_type_c env' ren' c in
- Arrow (List.rev bl',c')
- | TypePure com ->
- let sign = Pcicenv.cci_sign_of ren env in
- let c = interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env_of_context sign) com in
- TypePure c
-and cic_type_c env ren ((id,v),e,p,q) =
- let v' = cic_type_v env ren v in
- let cv = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v' in
- let efp,p' = state_pre ren env p in
- let efq,q' = state_post ren env (id,v',e) q in
- let ef = Peffect.union e (Peffect.union efp efq) in
- ((id,v'),ef,p',q')
-and cic_binder env ren = function
- | (id,BindType v) ->
- let v' = cic_type_v env ren v in
- let env' = add (id,v') env in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- (id, BindType v')
- | (id,BindSet) -> (id,BindSet)
- | (id,Untyped) -> (id,Untyped)
-and cic_binders env ren = function
- [] -> []
- | b::bl ->
- let b' = cic_binder env ren b in
- let env' = traverse_binders env [b'] in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- b' :: (cic_binders env' ren' bl)
-(* The case of expressions.
- *
- * Expressions are programs without neither effects nor pre/post conditions.
- * But access to variables are allowed.
- *
- * Here we transform an expression into the corresponding constr,
- * the variables still appearing as VAR (they will be abstracted in
- * Mlise.trad)
- * We collect the pre-conditions (e<N for t[e]) as we traverse the term.
- * We also return the effect, which does contain only *read* variables.
- *)
-let states_expression ren env expr =
- let rec effect pl = function
- | Variable id ->
- (if is_global id then constant (string_of_id id) else mkVar id),
- pl, Peffect.bottom
- | Expression c -> c, pl, Peffect.bottom
- | Acc id -> mkVar id, pl, Peffect.add_read id Peffect.bottom
- | TabAcc (_,id,p) ->
- let c,pl,ef = effect pl p.desc in
- let pre = Pmonad.make_pre_access ren env id c in
- Pmonad.make_raw_access ren env (id,id) c,
- (anonymous_pre true pre)::pl, Peffect.add_read id ef
- | Apply (p,args) ->
- let a,pl,e = effect pl p.desc in
- let args,pl,e =
- List.fold_right
- (fun arg (l,pl,e) ->
- match arg with
- Term p ->
- let carg,pl,earg = effect pl p.desc in
- carg::l,pl,Peffect.union e earg
- | Type v ->
- let v' = cic_type_v env ren v in
- (Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v')::l,pl,e
- | Refarg _ -> assert false)
- args ([],pl,e)
- in
- Term.applist (a,args),pl,e
- | _ -> invalid_arg "Ptyping.states_expression"
- in
- let e0,pl0 = state_pre ren env expr.pre in
- let c,pl,e = effect [] expr.desc in
- let sign = Pcicenv.before_sign_of ren env in
- (*i WAS
- let c = (Trad.ise_resolve true empty_evd [] (gLOB sign) c)._VAL in
- i*)
- let ty = simplify_type_of (Global.env_of_context sign) Evd.empty c in
- let v = TypePure ty in
- let ef = Peffect.union e0 e in
- Expression c, (v,ef), pl0@pl
-(* We infer here the type with effects.
- * The type of types with effects (ml_type_c) is defined in the module ProgAst.
- *
- * A program of the shape {P} e {Q} has a type
- *
- * V, E, {None|Some P}, {None|Some Q}
- *
- * where - V is the type of e
- * - E = (I,O) is the effect; the input I contains
- * all the input variables appearing in P,e and Q;
- * the output O contains variables possibly modified in e
- * - P is NOT abstracted
- * - Q = [y'1]...[y'k][result]Q where O = {y'j}
- * i.e. Q is only abstracted over the output and the result
- * the other variables now refer to value BEFORE
- *)
-let verbose_fix = ref false
-let rec states_desc ren env loc = function
- Expression c ->
- let ty = type_of_expression ren env c in
- let v = v_of_constr ty in
- Expression c, (v,Peffect.bottom)
- | Acc _ ->
- failwith "Ptyping.states: term is supposed not to be pure"
- | Variable id ->
- let v = type_in_env env id in
- let ef = Peffect.bottom in
- Variable id, (v,ef)
- | Aff (x, e1) ->
- Perror.check_for_reference loc x (type_in_env env x);
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1 in
- let _,e,_,_ = in
- let ef = add_write x e in
- let v = constant_unit () in
- Aff (x, s_e1), (v, ef)
- | TabAcc (check, x, e) ->
- let s_e = states ren env e in
- let _,efe,_,_ = in
- let ef = Peffect.add_read x efe in
- let _,ty = dearray_type (type_in_env env x) in
- TabAcc (check, x, s_e), (ty, ef)
- | TabAff (check, x, e1, e2) ->
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1 in
- let s_e2 = states ren env e2 in
- let _,ef1,_,_ = in
- let _,ef2,_,_ = in
- let ef = Peffect.add_write x (Peffect.union ef1 ef2) in
- let v = constant_unit () in
- TabAff (check, x, s_e1, s_e2), (v,ef)
- | Seq bl ->
- let bl,v,ef,_ = states_block ren env bl in
- Seq bl, (v,ef)
- | While(b, invopt, var, bl) ->
- let efphi,(cvar,r') = state_var ren env var in
- let ren' = next ren [] in
- let s_b = states ren' env b in
- let s_bl,_,ef_bl,_ = states_block ren' env bl in
- let cb = in
- let efinv,inv = state_inv ren env invopt in
- let _,efb,_,_ = in
- let ef =
- Peffect.union (Peffect.union ef_bl efb) (Peffect.union efinv efphi)
- in
- let v = constant_unit () in
- let cvar =
- let al = (fun id -> (id,at_id id "")) (just_reads ef) in
- subst_in_constr al cvar
- in
- While (s_b,inv,(cvar,r'),s_bl), (v,ef)
- | Lam ([],_) ->
- failwith "Ptyping.states: abs. should have almost one binder"
- | Lam (bl, e) ->
- let bl' = cic_binders env ren bl in
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl' in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- let s_e = states ren' env' e in
- let v = make_arrow bl' in
- let ef = Peffect.bottom in
- Lam(bl',s_e), (v,ef)
- (* Connectives AND and OR *)
- | SApp ([Variable id], [e1;e2]) ->
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1
- and s_e2 = states ren env e2 in
- let (_,ef1,_,_) =
- and (_,ef2,_,_) = in
- let ef = Peffect.union ef1 ef2 in
- SApp ([Variable id], [s_e1; s_e2]),
- (TypePure (constant "bool"), ef)
- (* Connective NOT *)
- | SApp ([Variable id], [e]) ->
- let s_e = states ren env e in
- let (_,ef,_,_) = in
- SApp ([Variable id], [s_e]),
- (TypePure (constant "bool"), ef)
- | SApp _ -> invalid_arg "Ptyping.states (SApp)"
- Si un argument réel de type ref. correspond à une ref. globale
- modifiée par la fonction alors la traduction ne sera pas correcte.
- Exemple:
- f=[x:ref Int]( r := !r+1 ; x := !x+1) modifie r et son argument x
- donc si on l'applique à r justement, elle ne modifiera que r
- mais le séquencement ne sera pas correct. *)
- | Apply (f, args) ->
- let s_f = states ren env f in
- let _,eff,_,_ = in
- let s_args = (states_arg ren env) args in
- let ef_args =
- (function Term t -> let (_,e,_,_) = in e
- | _ -> Peffect.bottom)
- s_args
- in
- let _,_,((_,tapp),efapp,_,_) = effect_app ren env s_f s_args in
- let ef =
- Peffect.compose (List.fold_left Peffect.compose eff ef_args) efapp
- in
- Apply (s_f, s_args), (tapp, ef)
- | LetRef (x, e1, e2) ->
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1 in
- let (_,v1),ef1,_,_ = in
- let env' = add (x,Ref v1) env in
- let ren' = next ren [x] in
- let s_e2 = states ren' env' e2 in
- let (_,v2),ef2,_,_ = in
- Perror.check_for_let_ref loc v2;
- let ef = Peffect.compose ef1 (Peffect.remove ef2 x) in
- LetRef (x, s_e1, s_e2), (v2,ef)
- | Let (x, e1, e2) ->
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1 in
- let (_,v1),ef1,_,_ = in
- Perror.check_for_not_mutable e1.loc v1;
- let env' = add (x,v1) env in
- let s_e2 = states ren env' e2 in
- let (_,v2),ef2,_,_ = in
- let ef = Peffect.compose ef1 ef2 in
- Let (x, s_e1, s_e2), (v2,ef)
- | If (b, e1, e2) ->
- let s_b = states ren env b in
- let s_e1 = states ren env e1
- and s_e2 = states ren env e2 in
- let (_,tb),efb,_,_ = in
- let (_,t1),ef1,_,_ = in
- let (_,t2),ef2,_,_ = in
- let ef = Peffect.compose efb (disj ef1 ef2) in
- let v = type_v_sup loc t1 t2 in
- If (s_b, s_e1, s_e2), (v,ef)
- | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e) ->
- let bl' = cic_binders env ren bl in
- let env' = traverse_binders env bl' in
- let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
- let v' = cic_type_v env' ren' v in
- let efvar,var' = state_var ren' env' var in
- let phi0 = phi_name () in
- let tvar = typed_var ren env' var' in
- (* effect for a let/rec construct is computed as a fixpoint *)
- let rec state_rec c =
- let tf = make_arrow bl' c in
- let env'' = add_recursion (f,(phi0,tvar)) (add (f,tf) env') in
- let s_e = states ren' env'' e in
- if = c then
- s_e
- else begin
- if !verbose_fix then begin msgnl (pp_type_c end ;
- state_rec
- end
- in
- let s_e = state_rec ((result_id,v'),efvar,[],None) in
- let tf = make_arrow bl' in
- LetRec (f,bl',v',var',s_e), (tf,Peffect.bottom)
- | PPoint (s,d) ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- states_desc ren' env loc d
- | Debug _ -> failwith "Ptyping.states: Debug: TODO"
-and states_arg ren env = function
- Term a -> let s_a = states ren env a in Term s_a
- | Refarg id -> Refarg id
- | Type v -> let v' = cic_type_v env ren v in Type v'
-and states ren env expr =
- (* Here we deal with the pre- and post- conditions:
- * we add their effects to the effects of the program *)
- let (d,(v,e),p1) =
- if is_pure_desc ren env expr.desc then
- states_expression ren env expr
- else
- let (d,ve) = states_desc ren env expr.loc expr.desc in (d,ve,[])
- in
- let (ep,p) = state_pre ren env expr.pre in
- let (eq,q) = state_post ren env (result_id,v,e) in
- let e' = Peffect.union e (Peffect.union ep eq) in
- let p' = p1 @ p in
- let tinfo = { env = env; kappa = ((result_id,v),e',p',q) } in
- { desc = d;
- loc = expr.loc;
- pre = p'; post = q; (* on les conserve aussi ici pour prog_wp *)
- info = tinfo }
-and states_block ren env bl =
- let rec ef_block ren tyres = function
- [] ->
- begin match tyres with
- Some ty -> [],ty,Peffect.bottom,ren
- | None -> failwith "a block should contain at least one statement"
- end
- | (Assert p)::block ->
- let ep,c = state_assert ren env p in
- let bl,t,ef,ren' = ef_block ren tyres block in
- (Assert c)::bl,t,Peffect.union ep ef,ren'
- | (Label s)::block ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- let bl,t,ef,ren'' = ef_block ren' tyres block in
- (Label s)::bl,t,ef,ren''
- | (Statement e)::block ->
- let s_e = states ren env e in
- let (_,t),efe,_,_ = in
- let ren' = next ren (get_writes efe) in
- let bl,t,ef,ren'' = ef_block ren' (Some t) block in
- (Statement s_e)::bl,t,Peffect.compose efe ef,ren''
- in
- ef_block ren None bl
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ptyping.mli b/contrib/correctness/ptyping.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf548b1..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/ptyping.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: ptyping.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Names
-open Term
-open Topconstr
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-(* This module realizes type and effect inference *)
-val cic_type_v : local_env -> Prename.t -> constr_expr ml_type_v -> type_v
-val effect_app : Prename.t -> local_env
- -> (typing_info,'b) Past.t
- -> (typing_info,constr) arg list
- -> (type_v binder list * type_c)
- * ((identifier*identifier) list * (identifier*constr) list * bool)
- * type_c
-val typed_var : Prename.t -> local_env -> constr * constr -> variant
-val type_of_expression : Prename.t -> local_env -> constr -> constr
-val states : Prename.t -> local_env -> program -> typed_program
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c3ba35..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Pattern
-open Matching
-open Hipattern
-open Environ
-open Pmisc
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-open Prename
-let is_mutable = function Ref _ | Array _ -> true | _ -> false
-let is_pure = function TypePure _ -> true | _ -> false
-let named_app f x = { a_name = x.a_name; a_value = (f x.a_value) }
-let pre_app f x =
- { p_assert = x.p_assert; p_name = x.p_name; p_value = f x.p_value }
-let post_app = named_app
-let anonymous x = { a_name = Anonymous; a_value = x }
-let anonymous_pre b x = { p_assert = b; p_name = Anonymous; p_value = x }
-let force_name f x =
- option_map (fun q -> { a_name = Name (f q.a_name); a_value = q.a_value }) x
-let force_post_name x = force_name post_name x
-let force_bool_name x =
- force_name (function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> bool_name()) x
-let out_post = function
- Some { a_value = x } -> x
- | None -> invalid_arg "out_post"
-let pre_of_assert b x =
- { p_assert = b; p_name = x.a_name; p_value = x.a_value }
-let assert_of_pre x =
- { a_name = x.p_name; a_value = x.p_value }
-(* Some generic functions on programs *)
-let is_mutable_in_env env id =
- (is_in_env env id) & (is_mutable (type_in_env env id))
-let now_vars env c =
- Util.map_succeed
- (function id -> if is_mutable_in_env env id then id else failwith "caught")
- (global_vars (Global.env()) c)
-let make_before_after c =
- let ids = global_vars (Global.env()) c in
- let al =
- Util.map_succeed
- (function id ->
- if is_at id then
- match un_at id with (uid,"") -> (id,uid) | _ -> failwith "caught"
- else failwith "caught")
- ids
- in
- subst_in_constr al c
-(* [apply_pre] and [apply_post] instantiate pre- and post- conditions
- * according to a given renaming of variables (and a date that means
- * `before' in the case of the post-condition).
- *)
-let make_assoc_list ren env on_prime ids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun al id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then
- (id,current_var ren id)::al
- else if is_at id then
- let uid,d = un_at id in
- if is_mutable_in_env env uid then
- (match d with
- "" -> (id,on_prime ren uid)
- | _ -> (id,var_at_date ren d uid))::al
- else
- al
- else
- al)
- [] ids
-let apply_pre ren env c =
- let ids = global_vars (Global.env()) c.p_value in
- let al = make_assoc_list ren env current_var ids in
- { p_assert = c.p_assert; p_name = c.p_name;
- p_value = subst_in_constr al c.p_value }
-let apply_assert ren env c =
- let ids = global_vars (Global.env()) c.a_value in
- let al = make_assoc_list ren env current_var ids in
- { a_name = c.a_name; a_value = subst_in_constr al c.a_value }
-let apply_post ren env before c =
- let ids = global_vars (Global.env()) c.a_value in
- let al =
- make_assoc_list ren env (fun r uid -> var_at_date r before uid) ids in
- { a_name = c.a_name; a_value = subst_in_constr al c.a_value }
-(* [traverse_binder ren env bl] updates renaming [ren] and environment [env]
- * as we cross the binders [bl]
- *)
-let rec traverse_binders env = function
- [] -> env
- | (id,BindType v)::rem ->
- traverse_binders (add (id,v) env) rem
- | (id,BindSet)::rem ->
- traverse_binders (add_set id env) rem
- | (_,Untyped)::_ ->
- invalid_arg "traverse_binders"
-let initial_renaming env =
- let ids = Penv.fold_all (fun (id,_) l -> id::l) env [] in
- update empty_ren "0" ids
-(* Substitutions *)
-let rec type_c_subst s ((id,t),e,p,q) =
- let s' = s @ (fun (x,x') -> (at_id x "", at_id x' "")) s in
- (id, type_v_subst s t), Peffect.subst s e,
- (pre_app (subst_in_constr s)) p,
- option_map (post_app (subst_in_constr s')) q
-and type_v_subst s = function
- Ref v -> Ref (type_v_subst s v)
- | Array (n,v) -> Array (n,type_v_subst s v)
- | Arrow (bl,c) -> Arrow( (binder_subst s) bl, type_c_subst s c)
- | (TypePure _) as v -> v
-and binder_subst s = function
- (n, BindType v) -> (n, BindType (type_v_subst s v))
- | b -> b
-(* substitution of constr by others *)
-let rec type_c_rsubst s ((id,t),e,p,q) =
- (id, type_v_rsubst s t), e,
- (pre_app (real_subst_in_constr s)) p,
- option_map (post_app (real_subst_in_constr s)) q
-and type_v_rsubst s = function
- Ref v -> Ref (type_v_rsubst s v)
- | Array (n,v) -> Array (real_subst_in_constr s n,type_v_rsubst s v)
- | Arrow (bl,c) -> Arrow( (binder_rsubst s) bl, type_c_rsubst s c)
- | TypePure c -> TypePure (real_subst_in_constr s c)
-and binder_rsubst s = function
- | (n, BindType v) -> (n, BindType (type_v_rsubst s v))
- | b -> b
-(* make_arrow bl c = (x1:V1)...(xn:Vn)c *)
-let make_arrow bl c = match bl with
- | [] -> invalid_arg "make_arrow: no binder"
- | _ -> Arrow (bl,c)
-(* misc. functions *)
-let deref_type = function
- | Ref v -> v
- | _ -> invalid_arg "deref_type"
-let dearray_type = function
- | Array (size,v) -> size,v
- | _ -> invalid_arg "dearray_type"
-let constant_unit () = TypePure (constant "unit")
-let id_from_name = function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> (id_of_string "X")
-(* v_of_constr : traduit un type CCI en un type ML *)
-(* TODO: faire un test plus serieux sur le type des objets Coq *)
-let rec is_pure_cci c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Cast (c,_) -> is_pure_cci c
- | Prod(_,_,c') -> is_pure_cci c'
- | Rel _ | Ind _ | Const _ -> true (* heu... *)
- | App _ -> not (is_matching_sigma c)
- | _ -> Util.error "CCI term not acceptable in programs"
-let rec v_of_constr c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Cast (c,_) -> v_of_constr c
- | Prod _ ->
- let revbl,t2 = Term.decompose_prod c in
- let bl =
- (fun (name,t1) -> (id_from_name name, BindType (v_of_constr t1)))
- (List.rev revbl)
- in
- let vars = List.rev ( (fun (id,_) -> mkVar id) bl) in
- Arrow (bl, c_of_constr (substl vars t2))
- | Ind _ | Const _ | App _ ->
- TypePure c
- | _ ->
- failwith "v_of_constr: TODO"
-and c_of_constr c =
- if is_matching_sigma c then
- let (a,q) = match_sigma c in
- (result_id, v_of_constr a), Peffect.bottom, [], Some (anonymous q)
- else
- (result_id, v_of_constr c), Peffect.bottom, [], None
-(* pretty printers (for debugging purposes) *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-let pr_lconstr x = Printer.pr_lconstr_env (Global.env()) x
-let pp_pre = function
- [] -> (mt ())
- | l ->
- hov 0 (str"pre " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ()))
- (fun x -> pr_lconstr x.p_value) l)
-let pp_post = function
- None -> (mt ())
- | Some c -> hov 0 (str"post " ++ pr_lconstr c.a_value)
-let rec pp_type_v = function
- Ref v -> hov 0 (pp_type_v v ++ spc () ++ str"ref")
- | Array (cc,v) -> hov 0 (str"array " ++ pr_lconstr cc ++ str" of " ++ pp_type_v v)
- | Arrow (b,c) ->
- hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (mt ())) pp_binder b ++
- pp_type_c c)
- | TypePure c -> pr_lconstr c
-and pp_type_c ((id,v),e,p,q) =
- hov 0 (str"returns " ++ pr_id id ++ str":" ++ pp_type_v v ++ spc () ++
- Peffect.pp e ++ spc () ++ pp_pre p ++ spc () ++ pp_post q ++
- spc () ++ str"end")
-and pp_binder = function
- id,BindType v -> (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str":" ++ pp_type_v v ++ str")")
- | id,BindSet -> (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str":Set)")
- | id,Untyped -> (str"(" ++ pr_id id ++ str")")
-(* pretty-print of cc-terms (intermediate terms) *)
-let rec pp_cc_term = function
- CC_var id -> pr_id id
- | CC_letin (_,_,bl,c,c1) ->
- hov 0 (hov 2 (str"let " ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str","))
- (fun (id,_) -> pr_id id) bl ++
- str" =" ++ spc () ++
- pp_cc_term c ++
- str " in") ++
- fnl () ++
- pp_cc_term c1)
- | CC_lam (bl,c) ->
- hov 2 (prlist (fun (id,_) -> (str"[" ++ pr_id id ++ str"]")) bl ++
- cut () ++
- pp_cc_term c)
- | CC_app (f,args) ->
- hov 2 (str"(" ++
- pp_cc_term f ++ spc () ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ())) pp_cc_term args ++
- str")")
- | CC_tuple (_,_,cl) ->
- hov 2 (str"(" ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str"," ++ cut ()))
- pp_cc_term cl ++
- str")")
- | CC_case (_,b,[e1;e2]) ->
- hov 0 (str"if " ++ pp_cc_term b ++ str" then" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp_cc_term e1) ++ fnl () ++
- str"else" ++ fnl () ++
- str" " ++ hov 0 (pp_cc_term e2))
- | CC_case _ ->
- hov 0 (str"<Case: not yet implemented>")
- | CC_expr c ->
- hov 0 (pr_lconstr c)
- | CC_hole c ->
- (str"(?::" ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str")")
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/putil.mli b/contrib/correctness/putil.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c487f3f..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/putil.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: putil.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Pp
-open Names
-open Term
-open Pmisc
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Penv
-val is_mutable : 'a ml_type_v -> bool
-val is_pure : 'a ml_type_v -> bool
-val named_app : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a assertion -> 'b assertion
-val pre_app : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a precondition -> 'b precondition
-val post_app : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a postcondition -> 'b postcondition
-val anonymous : 'a -> 'a assertion
-val anonymous_pre : bool -> 'a -> 'a precondition
-val out_post : 'a postcondition option -> 'a
-val pre_of_assert : bool -> 'a assertion -> 'a precondition
-val assert_of_pre : 'a precondition -> 'a assertion
-val force_post_name : 'a postcondition option -> 'a postcondition option
-val force_bool_name : 'a postcondition option -> 'a postcondition option
-val make_before_after : constr -> constr
-val traverse_binders : local_env -> (type_v binder) list -> local_env
-val initial_renaming : local_env -> Prename.t
-val apply_pre : Prename.t -> local_env -> constr precondition ->
- constr precondition
-val apply_post : Prename.t -> local_env -> string -> constr postcondition ->
- constr postcondition
-val apply_assert : Prename.t -> local_env -> constr assertion ->
- constr assertion
-val type_v_subst : (identifier * identifier) list -> type_v -> type_v
-val type_c_subst : (identifier * identifier) list -> type_c -> type_c
-val type_v_rsubst : (identifier * constr) list -> type_v -> type_v
-val type_c_rsubst : (identifier * constr) list -> type_c -> type_c
-val make_arrow : ('a ml_type_v binder) list -> 'a ml_type_c -> 'a ml_type_v
-val is_mutable_in_env : local_env -> identifier -> bool
-val now_vars : local_env -> constr -> identifier list
-val deref_type : 'a ml_type_v -> 'a ml_type_v
-val dearray_type : 'a ml_type_v -> 'a * 'a ml_type_v
-val constant_unit : unit -> constr ml_type_v
-val v_of_constr : constr -> constr ml_type_v
-val c_of_constr : constr -> constr ml_type_c
-val is_pure_cci : constr -> bool
-(* pretty printers *)
-val pp_type_v : type_v -> std_ppcmds
-val pp_type_c : type_c -> std_ppcmds
-val pp_cc_term : cc_term -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
deleted file mode 100644
index f422c5cd..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Libnames
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Environ
-open Nametab
-open Pmisc
-open Ptype
-open Past
-open Putil
-open Penv
-open Peffect
-open Ptyping
-open Prename
-(* In this module:
- * - we try to insert more annotations to achieve a greater completeness;
- * - we recursively propagate annotations inside programs;
- * - we normalize boolean expressions.
- *
- * The propagation schemas are the following:
- *
- * 1. (f a1 ... an) -> (f a1 ... an) {Qf} if the ai are functional
- *
- * 2. (if e1 then e2 else e3) {Q} -> (if e1 then e2 {Q} else e3 {Q}) {Q}
- *
- * 3. (let x = e1 in e2) {Q} -> (let x = e1 in e2 {Q}) {Q}
- *)
-(* force a post-condition *)
-let update_post env top ef c =
- let i,o = Peffect.get_repr ef in
- let al =
- List.fold_left
- (fun l id ->
- if is_mutable_in_env env id then
- if is_write ef id then l else (id,at_id id "")::l
- else if is_at id then
- let (uid,d) = un_at id in
- if is_mutable_in_env env uid & d="" then
- (id,at_id uid top)::l
- else
- l
- else
- l)
- [] (global_vars (Global.env()) c)
- in
- subst_in_constr al c
-let force_post up env top q e =
- let (res,ef,p,_) = in
- let q' =
- if up then option_map (named_app (update_post env top ef)) q else q
- in
- let i = { env =; kappa = (res,ef,p,q') } in
- { desc = e.desc; pre = e.pre; post = q'; loc = e.loc; info = i }
-(* put a post-condition if none is present *)
-let post_if_none_up env top q = function
- | { post = None } as p -> force_post true env top q p
- | p -> p
-let post_if_none env q = function
- | { post = None } as p -> force_post false env "" q p
- | p -> p
-(* [annotation_candidate p] determines if p is a candidate for a
- * post-condition *)
-let annotation_candidate = function
- | { desc = If _ | Let _ | LetRef _ ; post = None } -> true
- | _ -> false
-(* [extract_pre p] erase the pre-condition of p and returns it *)
-let extract_pre pr =
- let (v,e,p,q) = in
- { desc = pr.desc; pre = []; post =; loc = pr.loc;
- info = { env =; kappa = (v,e,[],q) } },
- p
-(* adds some pre-conditions *)
-let add_pre p1 pr =
- let (v,e,p,q) = in
- let p' = p1 @ p in
- { desc = pr.desc; pre = p'; post =; loc = pr.loc;
- info = { env =; kappa = (v,e,p',q) } }
-(* change the statement *)
-let change_desc p d =
- { desc = d; pre = p.pre; post =; loc = p.loc; info = }
-let create_bool_post c =
- Some { a_value = c; a_name = Name (bool_name()) }
-(* [normalize_boolean b] checks if the boolean expression b (of type bool) is
- * annotated, and if it is not the case tries to add the annotation
- * (if result then c=true else c=false) if b is an expression c.
- *)
-let is_bool = function
- | TypePure c ->
- (match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c) with
- | Ind op ->
- string_of_id (id_of_global (IndRef op)) = "bool"
- | _ -> false)
- | _ -> false
-let normalize_boolean ren env b =
- let ((res,v),ef,p,q) = in
- Perror.check_no_effect b.loc ef;
- if is_bool v then
- match q with
- | Some _ ->
- (* il y a une annotation : on se contente de lui forcer un nom *)
- let q = force_bool_name q in
- { desc = b.desc; pre = b.pre; post = q; loc = b.loc;
- info = { env =; kappa = ((res,v),ef,p,q) } }
- | None -> begin
- (* il n'y a pas d'annotation : on cherche à en mettre une *)
- match b.desc with
- Expression c ->
- let c' = Term.applist (constant "annot_bool",[c]) in
- let ty = type_of_expression ren env c' in
- let (_,q') = Hipattern.match_sigma ty in
- let q' = Some { a_value = q'; a_name = Name (bool_name()) } in
- { desc = Expression c';
- pre = b.pre; post = q'; loc = b.loc;
- info = { env =; kappa = ((res, v),ef,p,q') } }
- | _ -> b
- end
- else
- Perror.should_be_boolean b.loc
-(* [decomp_boolean c] returns the specs R and S of a boolean expression *)
-let decomp_boolean = function
- | Some { a_value = q } ->
- Reductionops.whd_betaiota (Term.applist (q, [constant "true"])),
- Reductionops.whd_betaiota (Term.applist (q, [constant "false"]))
- | _ -> invalid_arg "Ptyping.decomp_boolean"
-(* top point of a program *)
-let top_point = function
- | PPoint (s,_) as p -> s,p
- | p -> let s = label_name() in s,PPoint(s,p)
-let top_point_block = function
- | (Label s :: _) as b -> s,b
- | b -> let s = label_name() in s,(Label s)::b
-let abstract_unit q = abstract [result_id,constant "unit"] q
-(* [add_decreasing env ren ren' phi r bl] adds the decreasing condition
- * phi(ren') r phi(ren)
- * to the last assertion of the block [bl], which is created if needed
- *)
-let add_decreasing env inv (var,r) lab bl =
- let ids = now_vars env var in
- let al = (fun id -> (id,at_id id lab)) ids in
- let var_lab = subst_in_constr al var in
- let dec = Term.applist (r, [var;var_lab]) in
- let post = match inv with
- None -> anonymous dec
- | Some i -> { a_value = conj dec i.a_value; a_name = i.a_name }
- in
- bl @ [ Assert post ]
-(* [post_last_statement env top q bl] annotates the last statement of the
- * sequence bl with q if necessary *)
-let post_last_statement env top q bl =
- match List.rev bl with
- | Statement e :: rem when annotation_candidate e ->
- List.rev ((Statement (post_if_none_up env top q e)) :: rem)
- | _ -> bl
-(* [propagate_desc] moves the annotations inside the program
- * info is the typing information coming from the outside annotations *)
-let rec propagate_desc ren info d =
- let env = info.env in
- let (_,_,p,q) = info.kappa in
- match d with
- | If (e1,e2,e3) ->
- (* propagation number 2 *)
- let e1' = normalize_boolean ren env (propagate ren e1) in
- if = None or = None then
- let top = label_name() in
- let ren' = push_date ren top in
- PPoint (top, If (e1',
- propagate ren' (post_if_none_up env top q e2),
- propagate ren' (post_if_none_up env top q e3)))
- else
- If (e1', propagate ren e2, propagate ren e3)
- | Aff (x,e) ->
- Aff (x, propagate ren e)
- | TabAcc (ch,x,e) ->
- TabAcc (ch, x, propagate ren e)
- | TabAff (ch,x,({desc=Expression c} as e1),e2) ->
- let p = Pmonad.make_pre_access ren env x c in
- let e1' = add_pre [(anonymous_pre true p)] e1 in
- TabAff (false, x, propagate ren e1', propagate ren e2)
- | TabAff (ch,x,e1,e2) ->
- TabAff (ch, x, propagate ren e1, propagate ren e2)
- | Apply (f,l) ->
- Apply (propagate ren f, (propagate_arg ren) l)
- | SApp (f,l) ->
- let l =
- (fun e -> normalize_boolean ren env (propagate ren e)) l
- in
- SApp (f, l)
- | Lam (bl,e) ->
- Lam (bl, propagate ren e)
- | Seq bl ->
- let top,bl = top_point_block bl in
- let bl = post_last_statement env top q bl in
- Seq (propagate_block ren env bl)
- | While (b,inv,var,bl) ->
- let b = normalize_boolean ren env (propagate ren b) in
- let lab,bl = top_point_block bl in
- let bl = add_decreasing env inv var lab bl in
- While (b,inv,var,propagate_block ren env bl)
- | LetRef (x,e1,e2) ->
- let top = label_name() in
- let ren' = push_date ren top in
- PPoint (top, LetRef (x, propagate ren' e1,
- propagate ren' (post_if_none_up env top q e2)))
- | Let (x,e1,e2) ->
- let top = label_name() in
- let ren' = push_date ren top in
- PPoint (top, Let (x, propagate ren' e1,
- propagate ren' (post_if_none_up env top q e2)))
- | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e) ->
- LetRec (f, bl, v, var, propagate ren e)
- | PPoint (s,d) ->
- PPoint (s, propagate_desc ren info d)
- | Debug _ | Variable _
- | Acc _ | Expression _ as d -> d
-(* [propagate] adds new annotations if possible *)
-and propagate ren p =
- let env = in
- let p = match p.desc with
- | Apply (f,l) ->
- let _,(_,so,ok),(_,_,_,qapp) = effect_app ren env f l in
- if ok then
- let q = option_map (named_app (real_subst_in_constr so)) qapp in
- post_if_none env q p
- else
- p
- | _ -> p
- in
- let d = propagate_desc ren p.desc in
- let p = change_desc p d in
- match d with
- | Aff (x,e) ->
- let e1,p1 = extract_pre e in
- change_desc (add_pre p1 p) (Aff (x,e1))
- | TabAff (check, x, ({ desc = Expression _ } as e1), e2) ->
- let e1',p1 = extract_pre e1 in
- let e2',p2 = extract_pre e2 in
- change_desc (add_pre (p1@p2) p) (TabAff (check,x,e1',e2'))
- | While (b,inv,_,_) ->
- let _,s = decomp_boolean in
- let s = make_before_after s in
- let q = match inv with
- None -> Some (anonymous s)
- | Some i -> Some { a_value = conj i.a_value s; a_name = i.a_name }
- in
- let q = option_map (named_app abstract_unit) q in
- post_if_none env q p
- | SApp ([Variable id], [e1;e2])
- when id = connective_and or id = connective_or ->
- let (_,_,_,q1) =
- and (_,_,_,q2) = in
- let (r1,s1) = decomp_boolean q1
- and (r2,s2) = decomp_boolean q2 in
- let q =
- let conn = if id = connective_and then "spec_and" else "spec_or" in
- let c = Term.applist (constant conn, [r1; s1; r2; s2]) in
- let c = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota (Global.env()) c in
- create_bool_post c
- in
- let d =
- SApp ([Variable id;
- Expression (out_post q1);
- Expression (out_post q2)],
- [e1; e2] )
- in
- post_if_none env q (change_desc p d)
- | SApp ([Variable id], [e1]) when id = connective_not ->
- let (_,_,_,q1) = in
- let (r1,s1) = decomp_boolean q1 in
- let q =
- let c = Term.applist (constant "spec_not", [r1; s1]) in
- let c = Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota (Global.env ()) c in
- create_bool_post c
- in
- let d = SApp ([Variable id; Expression (out_post q1)], [ e1 ]) in
- post_if_none env q (change_desc p d)
- | _ -> p
-and propagate_arg ren = function
- | Type _ | Refarg _ as a -> a
- | Term e -> Term (propagate ren e)
-and propagate_block ren env = function
- | [] ->
- []
- | (Statement p) :: (Assert q) :: rem when annotation_candidate p ->
- (* TODO: plutot = None ? *)
- let q' =
- let ((id,v),_,_,_) = in
- let tv = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_v ren env v in
- named_app (abstract [id,tv]) q
- in
- let p' = post_if_none env (Some q') p in
- (Statement (propagate ren p')) :: (Assert q)
- :: (propagate_block ren env rem)
- | (Statement p) :: rem ->
- (Statement (propagate ren p)) :: (propagate_block ren env rem)
- | (Label s as x) :: rem ->
- x :: propagate_block (push_date ren s) env rem
- | x :: rem ->
- x :: propagate_block ren env rem
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pwp.mli b/contrib/correctness/pwp.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4027a623..00000000
--- a/contrib/correctness/pwp.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id: pwp.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
-open Term
-open Penv
-val update_post : local_env -> string -> Peffect.t -> constr -> constr
-val propagate : Prename.t -> typed_program -> typed_program