path: root/contrib/cc/
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /contrib/cc/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/cc/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cc/ b/contrib/cc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e73a6221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/cc/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:29:58 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* This file implements the basic congruence-closure algorithm by *)
+(* Downey,Sethi and Tarjan. *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+let init_size=251
+type pa_constructor=
+ {head_constr: int;
+ arity:int;
+ nhyps:int;
+ args:int list;
+ term_head:int}
+module PacMap=Map.Make(struct type t=int*int let compare=compare end)
+type term=
+ Symb of constr
+ | Appli of term*term
+ | Constructor of constructor*int*int (* constructor arity+ nhyps *)
+type rule=
+ Congruence
+ | Axiom of identifier
+ | Injection of int*int*int*int (* terms+head+arg position *)
+type equality = {lhs:int;rhs:int;rule:rule}
+let swap eq=
+ let swap_rule=match eq.rule with
+ Congruence -> Congruence
+ | Injection (i,j,c,a) -> Injection (j,i,c,a)
+ | Axiom id -> anomaly "no symmetry for axioms"
+ in {lhs=eq.rhs;rhs=eq.lhs;rule=swap_rule}
+(* Signature table *)
+module ST=struct
+ (* l: sign -> term r: term -> sign *)
+ type t = {toterm:(int*int,int) Hashtbl.t;
+ tosign:(int,int*int) Hashtbl.t}
+ let empty ()=
+ {toterm=Hashtbl.create init_size;
+ tosign=Hashtbl.create init_size}
+ let enter t sign st=
+ if Hashtbl.mem st.toterm sign then
+ anomaly "enter: signature already entered"
+ else
+ Hashtbl.replace st.toterm sign t;
+ Hashtbl.replace st.tosign t sign
+ let query sign st=Hashtbl.find st.toterm sign
+ let delete t st=
+ try let sign=Hashtbl.find st.tosign t in
+ Hashtbl.remove st.toterm sign;
+ Hashtbl.remove st.tosign t
+ with
+ Not_found -> ()
+ let rec delete_list l st=
+ match l with
+ []->()
+ | t::q -> delete t st;delete_list q st
+(* Basic Union-Find algo w/o path compression *)
+module UF = struct
+module IndMap=Map.Make(struct type t=inductive let compare=compare end)
+ type representative=
+ {mutable nfathers:int;
+ mutable fathers:int list;
+ mutable constructors:pa_constructor PacMap.t;
+ mutable inductives:(int * int) IndMap.t}
+ type cl = Rep of representative| Eqto of int*equality
+ type vertex = Leaf| Node of (int*int)
+ type node =
+ {clas:cl;
+ vertex:vertex;
+ term:term;
+ mutable node_constr: int PacMap.t}
+ type t={mutable size:int;
+ map:(int,node) Hashtbl.t;
+ syms:(term,int) Hashtbl.t;
+ sigtable:ST.t}
+ let empty ():t={size=0;
+ map=Hashtbl.create init_size;
+ syms=Hashtbl.create init_size;
+ sigtable=ST.empty ()}
+ let rec find uf i=
+ match (Hashtbl.find i).clas with
+ Rep _ -> i
+ | Eqto (j,_) ->find uf j
+ let get_representative uf i=
+ let node=Hashtbl.find i in
+ match node.clas with
+ Rep r ->r
+ | _ -> anomaly "get_representative: not a representative"
+ let get_constructor uf i=
+ match (Hashtbl.find i).term with
+ Constructor (cstr,_,_)->cstr
+ | _ -> anomaly "get_constructor: not a constructor"
+ let fathers uf i=
+ (get_representative uf i).fathers
+ let size uf i=
+ (get_representative uf i).nfathers
+ let add_father uf i t=
+ let r=get_representative uf i in
+ r.nfathers<-r.nfathers+1;
+ r.fathers<-t::r.fathers
+ let pac_map uf i=
+ (get_representative uf i).constructors
+ let pac_arity uf i sg=
+ (PacMap.find sg (get_representative uf i).constructors).arity
+ let add_node_pac uf i sg j=
+ let node=Hashtbl.find i in
+ if not (PacMap.mem sg node.node_constr) then
+ node.node_constr<-PacMap.add sg j node.node_constr
+ let mem_node_pac uf i sg=
+ PacMap.find sg (Hashtbl.find i).node_constr
+ exception Discriminable of int * int * int * int * t
+ let add_pacs uf i pacs =
+ let rep=get_representative uf i in
+ let pending=ref [] and combine=ref [] in
+ let add_pac sg pac=
+ try
+ let opac=PacMap.find sg rep.constructors in
+ if (snd sg)>0 then () else
+ let tk=pac.term_head
+ and tl=opac.term_head in
+ let rec f n lk ll q=
+ if n > 0 then match (lk,ll) with
+ k::qk,l::ql->
+ let eq=
+ {lhs=k;rhs=l;rule=Injection(tk,tl,pac.head_constr,n)}
+ in f (n-1) qk ql (eq::q)
+ | _-> anomaly
+ "add_pacs : weird error in injection subterms merge"
+ else q in
+ combine:=f pac.nhyps pac.args opac.args !combine
+ with Not_found -> (* Still Unknown Constructor *)
+ rep.constructors <- PacMap.add sg pac rep.constructors;
+ pending:=
+ (fathers uf (find uf pac.term_head)) @rep.fathers@ !pending;
+ let (c,a)=sg in
+ if a=0 then
+ let (ind,_)=get_constructor uf c in
+ try
+ let th2,hc2=IndMap.find ind rep.inductives in
+ raise (Discriminable (pac.term_head,c,th2,hc2,uf))
+ with Not_found ->
+ rep.inductives<-
+ IndMap.add ind (pac.term_head,c) rep.inductives in
+ PacMap.iter add_pac pacs;
+ !pending,!combine
+ let term uf i=(Hashtbl.find i).term
+ let subterms uf i=
+ match (Hashtbl.find i).vertex with
+ Node(j,k) -> (j,k)
+ | _ -> anomaly "subterms: not a node"
+ let signature uf i=
+ let j,k=subterms uf i in (find uf j,find uf k)
+ let nodes uf= (* cherche les noeuds binaires *)
+ Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun i node l->
+ match node.vertex with
+ Node (_,_)->i::l
+ | _ ->l) []
+ let next uf=
+ let n=uf.size in uf.size<-n+1; n
+ let new_representative pm im=
+ {nfathers=0;
+ fathers=[];
+ constructors=pm;
+ inductives=im}
+ let rec add uf t=
+ try Hashtbl.find uf.syms t with
+ Not_found ->
+ let b=next uf in
+ let new_node=
+ match t with
+ Symb s ->
+ {clas=Rep (new_representative PacMap.empty IndMap.empty);
+ vertex=Leaf;term=t;node_constr=PacMap.empty}
+ | Appli (t1,t2) ->
+ let i1=add uf t1 and i2=add uf t2 in
+ add_father uf (find uf i1) b;
+ add_father uf (find uf i2) b;
+ {clas=Rep (new_representative PacMap.empty IndMap.empty);
+ vertex=Node(i1,i2);term=t;node_constr=PacMap.empty}
+ | Constructor (c,a,n) ->
+ let pacs=
+ PacMap.add (b,a)
+ {head_constr=b;arity=a;nhyps=n;args=[];term_head=b}
+ PacMap.empty in
+ let inds=
+ if a=0 then
+ let (ind,_)=c in
+ IndMap.add ind (b,b) IndMap.empty
+ else IndMap.empty in
+ {clas=Rep (new_representative pacs inds);
+ vertex=Leaf;term=t;node_constr=PacMap.empty}
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add b new_node;
+ Hashtbl.add uf.syms t b;
+ b
+ let link uf i j eq= (* links i -> j *)
+ let node=Hashtbl.find i in
+ Hashtbl.replace i {node with clas=Eqto (j,eq)}
+ let union uf i1 i2 eq=
+ let r1= get_representative uf i1
+ and r2= get_representative uf i2 in
+ link uf i1 i2 eq;
+ r2.nfathers<-r1.nfathers+r2.nfathers;
+ r2.fathers<-r1.fathers@r2.fathers;
+ add_pacs uf i2 r1.constructors
+ let rec down_path uf i l=
+ match (Hashtbl.find i).clas with
+ Eqto(j,t)->down_path uf j (((i,j),t)::l)
+ | Rep _ ->l
+ let rec min_path=function
+ ([],l2)->([],l2)
+ | (l1,[])->(l1,[])
+ | (((c1,t1)::q1),((c2,t2)::q2)) when c1=c2 -> min_path (q1,q2)
+ | cpl -> cpl
+ let join_path uf i j=
+ assert (find uf i=find uf j);
+ min_path (down_path uf i [],down_path uf j [])
+let rec combine_rec uf=function
+ []->[]
+ | t::pending->
+ let combine=combine_rec uf pending in
+ let s=UF.signature uf t in
+ let u=snd (UF.subterms uf t) in
+ let f (c,a) pac pacs=
+ if a=0 then pacs else
+ let sg=(c,a-1) in
+ UF.add_node_pac uf t sg pac.term_head;
+ PacMap.add sg {pac with args=u::pac.args;term_head=t} pacs
+ in
+ let pacs=PacMap.fold f (UF.pac_map uf (fst s)) PacMap.empty in
+ let i=UF.find uf t in
+ let (p,c)=UF.add_pacs uf i pacs in
+ let combine2=(combine_rec uf p)@c@combine in
+ try {lhs=t;rhs=ST.query s uf.UF.sigtable;rule=Congruence}::combine2 with
+ Not_found->
+ ST.enter t s uf.UF.sigtable;combine2
+let rec process_rec uf=function
+ []->[]
+ | eq::combine->
+ let pending=process_rec uf combine in
+ let i=UF.find uf eq.lhs
+ and j=UF.find uf eq.rhs in
+ if i=j then
+ pending
+ else
+ if (UF.size uf i)<(UF.size uf j) then
+ let l=UF.fathers uf i in
+ let (p,c)=UF.union uf i j eq in
+ let _ =ST.delete_list l uf.UF.sigtable in
+ let inj_pending=process_rec uf c in
+ inj_pending@p@l@pending
+ else
+ let l=UF.fathers uf j in
+ let (p,c)=UF.union uf j i (swap eq) in
+ let _ =ST.delete_list l uf.UF.sigtable in
+ let inj_pending=process_rec uf c in
+ inj_pending@p@l@pending
+let rec cc_rec uf=function
+ []->()
+ | pending->
+ let combine=combine_rec uf pending in
+ let pending0=process_rec uf combine in
+ cc_rec uf pending0
+let cc uf=cc_rec uf (UF.nodes uf)
+let rec make_uf=function
+ []->UF.empty ()
+ | (ax,(t1,t2))::q->
+ let uf=make_uf q in
+ let i1=UF.add uf t1 in
+ let i2=UF.add uf t2 in
+ let j1=UF.find uf i1 and j2=UF.find uf i2 in
+ if j1=j2 then uf else
+ let (_,inj_combine)=
+ UF.union uf j1 j2 {lhs=i1;rhs=i2;rule=Axiom ax} in
+ let _ = process_rec uf inj_combine in uf
+let add_one_diseq uf (t1,t2)=(UF.add uf t1,UF.add uf t2)
+let add_disaxioms uf disaxioms=
+ let f (id,cpl)=(id,add_one_diseq uf cpl) in
+ f disaxioms
+let check_equal uf (i1,i2) = UF.find uf i1 = UF.find uf i2
+let find_contradiction uf diseq =
+ List.find (fun (id,cpl) -> check_equal uf cpl) diseq