path: root/checker
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:31:34 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-11-13 11:31:34 +0100
commit2280477a96e19ba5060de2d48dcc8fd7c8079d22 (patch)
tree074182834cb406d1304aec4233718564a9c06ba1 /checker
parent0aa2544d04dbd4b6ee665b551ed165e4fb02d2fa (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'checker')
27 files changed, 835 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c48b8301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+(** Headers *)
+let prefix_small_block = 0x80
+let prefix_small_int = 0x40
+let prefix_small_string = 0x20
+let code_int8 = 0x00
+let code_int16 = 0x01
+let code_int32 = 0x02
+let code_int64 = 0x03
+let code_shared8 = 0x04
+let code_shared16 = 0x05
+let code_shared32 = 0x06
+let code_double_array32_little = 0x07
+let code_block32 = 0x08
+let code_string8 = 0x09
+let code_string32 = 0x0A
+let code_double_big = 0x0B
+let code_double_little = 0x0C
+let code_double_array8_big = 0x0D
+let code_double_array8_little = 0x0E
+let code_double_array32_big = 0x0F
+let code_codepointer = 0x10
+let code_infixpointer = 0x11
+let code_custom = 0x12
+let code_block64 = 0x13
+type code_descr =
+let code_max = 0x13
+let magic_number = "\132\149\166\190"
+(** Memory reification *)
+type repr =
+| RInt of int
+| RBlock of (int * int) (* tag × len *)
+| RString of string
+| RPointer of int
+| RCode of int
+type data =
+| Int of int (* value *)
+| Ptr of int (* pointer *)
+| Atm of int (* tag *)
+| Fun of int (* address *)
+type obj =
+| Struct of int * data array (* tag × data *)
+| String of string
+module type Input =
+ type t
+ val input_byte : t -> int
+ val input_binary_int : t -> int
+module type S =
+ type input
+ val parse : input -> (data * obj array)
+module Make(M : Input) =
+open M
+type input = M.t
+let current_offset = ref 0
+let input_byte chan =
+ let () = incr current_offset in
+ input_byte chan
+let input_binary_int chan =
+ let () = current_offset := !current_offset + 4 in
+ input_binary_int chan
+let input_char chan = Char.chr (input_byte chan)
+let parse_header chan =
+ let () = current_offset := 0 in
+ let magic = String.create 4 in
+ let () = for i = 0 to 3 do magic.[i] <- input_char chan done in
+ let length = input_binary_int chan in
+ let objects = input_binary_int chan in
+ let size32 = input_binary_int chan in
+ let size64 = input_binary_int chan in
+ (magic, length, size32, size64, objects)
+let input_int8s chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ if i land 0x80 = 0
+ then i
+ else i lor ((-1) lsl 8)
+let input_int8u = input_byte
+let input_int16s chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let ans = (i lsl 8) lor j in
+ if i land 0x80 = 0
+ then ans
+ else ans lor ((-1) lsl 16)
+let input_int16u chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ (i lsl 8) lor j
+let input_int32s chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let ans = (i lsl 24) lor (j lsl 16) lor (k lsl 8) lor l in
+ if i land 0x80 = 0
+ then ans
+ else ans lor ((-1) lsl 31)
+let input_int32u chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ (i lsl 24) lor (j lsl 16) lor (k lsl 8) lor l
+let input_int64s chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let m = input_byte chan in
+ let n = input_byte chan in
+ let o = input_byte chan in
+ let p = input_byte chan in
+ let ans =
+ (i lsl 56) lor (j lsl 48) lor (k lsl 40) lor (l lsl 32) lor
+ (m lsl 24) lor (n lsl 16) lor (o lsl 8) lor p
+ in
+ if i land 0x80 = 0
+ then ans
+ else ans lor ((-1) lsl 63)
+let input_int64u chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let m = input_byte chan in
+ let n = input_byte chan in
+ let o = input_byte chan in
+ let p = input_byte chan in
+ (i lsl 56) lor (j lsl 48) lor (k lsl 40) lor (l lsl 32) lor
+ (m lsl 24) lor (n lsl 16) lor (o lsl 8) lor p
+let input_header32 chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let tag = l in
+ let len = (i lsl 14) lor (j lsl 6) lor (k lsr 2) in
+ (tag, len)
+let input_header64 chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let m = input_byte chan in
+ let n = input_byte chan in
+ let o = input_byte chan in
+ let p = input_byte chan in
+ let tag = p in
+ let len =
+ (i lsl 46) lor (j lsl 38) lor (k lsl 30) lor (l lsl 22) lor
+ (m lsl 14) lor (n lsl 6) lor (o lsr 2)
+ in
+ (tag, len)
+let input_string len chan =
+ let ans = String.create len in
+ for i = 0 to pred len do
+ ans.[i] <- input_char chan;
+ done;
+ ans
+let parse_object chan =
+ let data = input_byte chan in
+ if prefix_small_block <= data then
+ let tag = data land 0x0F in
+ let len = (data lsr 4) land 0x07 in
+ RBlock (tag, len)
+ else if prefix_small_int <= data then
+ RInt (data land 0x3F)
+ else if prefix_small_string <= data then
+ let len = data land 0x1F in
+ RString (input_string len chan)
+ else if data > code_max then
+ assert false
+ else match (Obj.magic data) with
+ | CODE_INT8 ->
+ RInt (input_int8s chan)
+ | CODE_INT16 ->
+ RInt (input_int16s chan)
+ | CODE_INT32 ->
+ RInt (input_int32s chan)
+ | CODE_INT64 ->
+ RInt (input_int64s chan)
+ RPointer (input_int8u chan)
+ | CODE_SHARED16 ->
+ RPointer (input_int16u chan)
+ | CODE_SHARED32 ->
+ RPointer (input_int32u chan)
+ | CODE_BLOCK32 ->
+ RBlock (input_header32 chan)
+ | CODE_BLOCK64 ->
+ RBlock (input_header64 chan)
+ let len = input_int8u chan in
+ RString (input_string len chan)
+ | CODE_STRING32 ->
+ let len = input_int32u chan in
+ RString (input_string len chan)
+ let addr = input_int32u chan in
+ for i = 0 to 15 do ignore (input_byte chan); done;
+ RCode addr
+ Printf.eprintf "Unhandled code %04x\n%!" data; assert false
+let parse chan =
+ let (magic, len, _, _, size) = parse_header chan in
+ let () = assert (magic = magic_number) in
+ let memory = Array.make size (Struct ((-1), [||])) in
+ let current_object = ref 0 in
+ let fill_obj = function
+ | RPointer n ->
+ let data = Ptr (!current_object - n) in
+ data, None
+ | RInt n ->
+ let data = Int n in
+ data, None
+ | RString s ->
+ let data = Ptr !current_object in
+ let () = memory.(!current_object) <- String s in
+ let () = incr current_object in
+ data, None
+ | RBlock (tag, 0) ->
+ (* Atoms are never shared *)
+ let data = Atm tag in
+ data, None
+ | RBlock (tag, len) ->
+ let data = Ptr !current_object in
+ let nblock = Array.make len (Atm (-1)) in
+ let () = memory.(!current_object) <- Struct (tag, nblock) in
+ let () = incr current_object in
+ data, Some nblock
+ | RCode addr ->
+ let data = Fun addr in
+ data, None
+ in
+ let rec fill block off accu =
+ if Array.length block = off then
+ match accu with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (block, off) :: accu -> fill block off accu
+ else
+ let data, nobj = fill_obj (parse_object chan) in
+ let () = block.(off) <- data in
+ let block, off, accu = match nobj with
+ | None -> block, succ off, accu
+ | Some nblock -> nblock, 0, ((block, succ off) :: accu)
+ in
+ fill block off accu
+ in
+ let ans = [|Atm (-1)|] in
+ let () = fill ans 0 [] in
+ (ans.(0), memory)
+module IChannel =
+ type t = in_channel
+ let input_byte = Pervasives.input_byte
+ let input_binary_int = Pervasives.input_binary_int
+module IString =
+ type t = (string * int ref)
+ let input_byte (s, off) =
+ let ans = Char.code (s.[!off]) in
+ let () = incr off in
+ ans
+ let input_binary_int chan =
+ let i = input_byte chan in
+ let j = input_byte chan in
+ let k = input_byte chan in
+ let l = input_byte chan in
+ let ans = (i lsl 24) lor (j lsl 16) lor (k lsl 8) lor l in
+ if i land 0x80 = 0
+ then ans
+ else ans lor ((-1) lsl 31)
+module PChannel = Make(IChannel)
+module PString = Make(IString)
+let parse_channel = PChannel.parse
+let parse_string s = PString.parse (s, ref 0)
diff --git a/checker/analyze.mli b/checker/analyze.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42efcf01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/analyze.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+type data =
+| Int of int
+| Ptr of int
+| Atm of int (* tag *)
+| Fun of int (* address *)
+type obj =
+| Struct of int * data array (* tag × data *)
+| String of string
+val parse_channel : in_channel -> (data * obj array)
+val parse_string : string -> (data * obj array)
+(** {6 Functorized version} *)
+module type Input =
+ type t
+ val input_byte : t -> int
+ (** Input a single byte *)
+ val input_binary_int : t -> int
+ (** Input a big-endian 31-bits signed integer *)
+(** Type of inputs *)
+module type S =
+ type input
+ val parse : input -> (data * obj array)
+ (** Return the entry point and the reification of the memory out of a
+ marshalled structure. *)
+module Make (M : Input) : S with type input = M.t
+(** Functorized version of the previous code. *)
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 3e22c4b1..21c8f1c5 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type library_t = {
library_opaques : Cic.opaque_table;
library_deps : Cic.library_deps;
library_digest : Cic.vodigest;
- library_extra_univs : Univ.constraints }
+ library_extra_univs : Univ.ContextSet.t }
module LibraryOrdered =
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ let access_opaque_univ_table dp i =
let t = LibraryMap.find dp !opaque_univ_tables in
assert (i < Array.length t);
Future.force t.(i)
- with Not_found -> Univ.empty_constraint
+ with Not_found -> Univ.ContextSet.empty
let _ = Declarations.indirect_opaque_access := access_opaque_table
@@ -271,32 +271,22 @@ let try_locate_qualified_library qid =
| LibNotFound -> error_lib_not_found qid
-(*s Low-level interning/externing of libraries to files *)
+(*s Low-level interning of libraries from files *)
-(*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *)
-let raw_intern_library =
- snd (System.raw_extern_intern Coq_config.vo_magic_number)
-let with_magic_number_check f a =
- try f a
- with System.Bad_magic_number fname ->
- errorlabstrm "with_magic_number_check"
- (str"file " ++ str fname ++ spc () ++ str"has bad magic number." ++
- spc () ++ str"It is corrupted" ++ spc () ++
- str"or was compiled with another version of Coq.")
+let raw_intern_library f =
+ System.raw_intern_state Coq_config.vo_magic_number f
(* Internalise libraries *)
open Cic
-let mk_library md f table digest cst = {
- library_name = md.md_name;
+let mk_library sd md f table digest cst = {
+ library_name = sd.md_name;
library_filename = f;
library_compiled = md.md_compiled;
library_opaques = table;
- library_deps = md.md_deps;
+ library_deps = sd.md_deps;
library_digest = digest;
library_extra_univs = cst }
@@ -310,10 +300,11 @@ let depgraph = ref LibraryMap.empty
let intern_from_file (dir, f) =
Flags.if_verbose pp (str"[intern "++str f++str" ..."); pp_flush ();
- let (md,table,opaque_csts,digest) =
+ let (sd,md,table,opaque_csts,digest) =
- let ch = with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
- let (md:Cic.library_disk), _, digest = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
+ let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
+ let (sd:Cic.summary_disk), _, digest = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
+ let (md:Cic.library_disk), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (opaque_csts:'a option), _, udg = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (discharging:'a option), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (tasks:'a option), _, _ = System.marshal_in_segment f ch in
@@ -325,9 +316,9 @@ let intern_from_file (dir, f) =
if not (String.equal ( ch pos) checksum) then
errorlabstrm "intern_from_file" (str "Checksum mismatch");
let () = close_in ch in
- if dir <> md.md_name then
+ if dir <> sd.md_name then
errorlabstrm "intern_from_file"
- (name_clash_message dir md.md_name f);
+ (name_clash_message dir sd.md_name f);
if tasks <> None || discharging <> None then
errorlabstrm "intern_from_file"
(str "The file "++str f++str " contains unfinished tasks");
@@ -340,25 +331,25 @@ let intern_from_file (dir, f) =
Validate.validate !Flags.debug Values.v_univopaques opaque_csts;
(* Verification of the unmarshalled values *)
+ Validate.validate !Flags.debug Values.v_libsum sd;
Validate.validate !Flags.debug Values.v_lib md;
Validate.validate !Flags.debug Values.v_opaques table;
Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str" done]"); pp_flush ();
let digest =
if opaque_csts <> None then Cic.Dviovo (digest,udg)
else (Cic.Dvo digest) in
- md,table,opaque_csts,digest
+ sd,md,table,opaque_csts,digest
with e -> Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str" failed!]"); raise e in
- depgraph := LibraryMap.add md.md_name md.md_deps !depgraph;
- opaque_tables := LibraryMap.add md.md_name table !opaque_tables;
+ depgraph := LibraryMap.add sd.md_name sd.md_deps !depgraph;
+ opaque_tables := LibraryMap.add sd.md_name table !opaque_tables;
Option.iter (fun (opaque_csts,_,_) ->
opaque_univ_tables :=
- LibraryMap.add md.md_name opaque_csts !opaque_univ_tables)
+ LibraryMap.add sd.md_name opaque_csts !opaque_univ_tables)
let extra_cst =
- Option.default Univ.empty_constraint
- ( (fun (_,cs,_) ->
- Univ.ContextSet.constraints cs) opaque_csts) in
- mk_library md f table digest extra_cst
+ Option.default Univ.ContextSet.empty
+ ( (fun (_,cs,_) -> cs) opaque_csts) in
+ mk_library sd md f table digest extra_cst
let get_deps (dir, f) =
try LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
diff --git a/checker/check.mllib b/checker/check.mllib
index 22df3756..49ca6bf0 100644
--- a/checker/check.mllib
+++ b/checker/check.mllib
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -23,13 +24,14 @@ Pp
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 05a2a1b9..d041f1b7 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -23,11 +23,17 @@ let print_memory_stat () =
let output_context = ref false
-let pr_engt = function
- Some ImpredicativeSet ->
- str "Theory: Set is impredicative"
- | None ->
- str "Theory: Set is predicative"
+let pr_engagement (impr_set,type_in_type) =
+ begin
+ match impr_set with
+ | ImpredicativeSet -> str "Theory: Set is impredicative"
+ | PredicativeSet -> str "Theory: Set is predicative"
+ end ++
+ begin
+ match type_in_type with
+ | StratifiedType -> str "Theory: Stratified type hierarchy"
+ | TypeInType -> str "Theory: Type is of type Type"
+ end
let cst_filter f csts =
@@ -54,7 +60,7 @@ let print_context env =
ppnl(hov 0
(fnl() ++ str"CONTEXT SUMMARY" ++ fnl() ++
str"===============" ++ fnl() ++ fnl() ++
- str "* " ++ hov 0 (pr_engt engt ++ fnl()) ++ fnl() ++
+ str "* " ++ hov 0 (pr_engagement engt ++ fnl()) ++ fnl() ++
str "* " ++ hov 0 (pr_ax csts) ++
fnl())); pp_flush()
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 9a1007ac..d5d9b9e3 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ let add_path ~unix_path:dir ~coq_root:coq_dirpath =
Check.add_load_path (dir,coq_dirpath)
- msg_warning (str ("Cannot open " ^ dir))
+ msg_warning (str "Cannot open " ++ str dir)
let convert_string d =
try Id.of_string d
with Errors.UserError _ ->
if_verbose msg_warning
- (str ("Directory "^d^" cannot be used as a Coq identifier (skipped)"));
+ (str "Directory " ++ str d ++ str " cannot be used as a Coq identifier (skipped)");
raise Exit
let add_rec_path ~unix_path ~coq_root =
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let add_rec_path ~unix_path ~coq_root =
List.iter Check.add_load_path dirs;
Check.add_load_path (unix_path, coq_root)
- msg_warning (str ("Cannot open " ^ unix_path))
+ msg_warning (str "Cannot open " ++ str unix_path)
(* By the option -include -I or -R of the command line *)
let includes = ref []
@@ -138,10 +138,11 @@ let init_load_path () =
let set_debug () = Flags.debug := true
-let engagement = ref None
-let set_engagement c = engagement := Some c
-let engage () =
- match !engagement with Some c -> Safe_typing.set_engagement c | None -> ()
+let impredicative_set = ref Cic.PredicativeSet
+let set_impredicative_set () = impredicative_set := Cic.ImpredicativeSet
+let type_in_type = ref Cic.StratifiedType
+let set_type_in_type () = type_in_type := Cic.TypeInType
+let engage () = Safe_typing.set_engagement (!impredicative_set,!type_in_type)
let admit_list = ref ([] : section_path list)
@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ let print_usage_channel co command =
\n -silent disable trace of constants being checked\
\n -impredicative-set set sort Set impredicative\
+\n -type-in-type collapse type hierarchy\
\n -h, --help print this list of options\
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ let print_loc loc =
let loc = Loc.unloc loc in
(int (fst loc) ++ str"-" ++ int (snd loc))
-let guill s = "\""^s^"\""
+let guill s = str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\""
let where s =
if !Flags.debug then (str"in " ++ str s ++ str":" ++ spc ()) else (mt ())
@@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ let rec explain_exn = function
| Stream.Error txt ->
hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt)
| Sys_error msg ->
- hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Sys_error " ++ str (guill msg) ++ report() )
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Sys_error " ++ guill msg ++ report() )
| UserError(s,pps) ->
hov 1 (str "User error: " ++ where s ++ pps)
| Out_of_memory ->
@@ -241,14 +243,14 @@ let rec explain_exn = function
hov 0 (str "Stack overflow")
| Match_failure(filename,pos1,pos2) ->
hov 1 (anomaly_string () ++ str "Match failure in file " ++
- str (guill filename) ++ str " at line " ++ int pos1 ++
+ guill filename ++ str " at line " ++ int pos1 ++
str " character " ++ int pos2 ++ report ())
| Not_found ->
hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Not_found" ++ report ())
| Failure s ->
hov 0 (str "Failure: " ++ str s ++ report ())
| Invalid_argument s ->
- hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Invalid_argument " ++ str (guill s) ++ report ())
+ hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Invalid_argument " ++ guill s ++ report ())
| Sys.Break ->
hov 0 (fnl () ++ str "User interrupt.")
| Univ.UniverseInconsistency (o,u,v) ->
@@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ let rec explain_exn = function
Format.printf "@\n====== universes ====@\n";
Pp.pp (Univ.pr_universes
- str("\nCantApplyBadType at argument " ^ string_of_int n)
+ str "\nCantApplyBadType at argument " ++ int n
| CantApplyNonFunctional _ -> str"CantApplyNonFunctional"
| IllFormedRecBody _ -> str"IllFormedRecBody"
| IllTypedRecBody _ -> str"IllTypedRecBody"
@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ let rec explain_exn = function
hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "assert failure" ++ spc () ++
(if s = "" then mt ()
- (str ("(file \"" ^ s ^ "\", line ") ++ int b ++
+ (str "(file \"" ++ str s ++ str "\", line " ++ int b ++
str ", characters " ++ int e ++ str "-" ++
int (e+6) ++ str ")")) ++
report ())
@@ -319,11 +321,13 @@ let parse_args argv =
let rec parse = function
| [] -> ()
| "-impredicative-set" :: rem ->
- set_engagement Cic.ImpredicativeSet; parse rem
+ set_impredicative_set (); parse rem
+ | "-type-in-type" :: rem ->
+ set_type_in_type (); parse rem
| "-coqlib" :: s :: rem ->
if not (exists_dir s) then
- fatal_error (str ("Directory '"^s^"' does not exist")) false;
+ fatal_error (str "Directory '" ++ str s ++ str "' does not exist") false;
Flags.coqlib := s;
Flags.coqlib_spec := true;
parse rem
diff --git a/checker/cic.mli b/checker/cic.mli
index 90a0e9fe..bd75111a 100644
--- a/checker/cic.mli
+++ b/checker/cic.mli
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ type constr =
| Case of case_info * constr * constr * constr array
| Fix of constr pfixpoint
| CoFix of constr pcofixpoint
- | Proj of constant * constr
+ | Proj of projection * constr
type existential = constr pexistential
type rec_declaration = constr prec_declaration
@@ -165,7 +165,10 @@ type action
(** Engagements *)
-type engagement = ImpredicativeSet
+type set_predicativity = ImpredicativeSet | PredicativeSet
+type type_hierarchy = TypeInType | StratifiedType
+type engagement = set_predicativity * type_hierarchy
(** {6 Representation of constants (Definition/Axiom) } *)
@@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ and module_body =
(** algebraic type, kept if it's relevant for extraction *)
mod_type_alg : module_expression option;
(** set of all constraints in the module *)
- mod_constraints : Univ.constraints;
+ mod_constraints : Univ.ContextSet.t;
(** quotiented set of equivalent constants and inductive names *)
mod_delta : delta_resolver;
mod_retroknowledge : action list }
@@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ type compiled_library = {
comp_name : compilation_unit_name;
comp_mod : module_body;
comp_deps : library_deps;
- comp_enga : engagement option;
+ comp_enga : engagement;
comp_natsymbs : nativecode_symb_array
@@ -417,12 +420,16 @@ type compiled_library = {
type library_objects
-type library_disk = {
+type summary_disk = {
md_name : compilation_unit_name;
+ md_imports : compilation_unit_name array;
+ md_deps : library_deps;
+type library_disk = {
md_compiled : compiled_library;
md_objects : library_objects;
- md_deps : library_deps;
- md_imports : compilation_unit_name array }
type opaque_table = constr Future.computation array
type univ_table =
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 356b683f..c6cc2185 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ and fterm =
| FInd of pinductive
| FConstruct of pconstructor
| FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
- | FProj of constant * fconstr
+ | FProj of projection * fconstr
| FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCase of case_info * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr array
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ type stack_member =
| Zapp of fconstr array
| Zcase of case_info * fconstr * fconstr array
| ZcaseT of case_info * constr * constr array * fconstr subs
- | Zproj of int * int * constant
+ | Zproj of int * int * projection
| Zfix of fconstr * stack
| Zshift of int
| Zupdate of fconstr
@@ -678,8 +678,9 @@ let eta_expand_ind_stack env ind m s (f, s') =
let (depth, args, s) = strip_update_shift_app m s in
(** Try to drop the params, might fail on partially applied constructors. *)
let argss = try_drop_parameters depth pars args in
- let hstack = (fun p -> { norm = Red; (* right can't be a constructor though *)
- term = FProj (p, right) }) projs in
+ let hstack =
+ (fun p -> { norm = Red; (* right can't be a constructor though *)
+ term = FProj (Projection.make p false, right) }) projs in
argss, [Zapp hstack]
| _ -> raise Not_found (* disallow eta-exp for non-primitive records *)
@@ -738,7 +739,7 @@ let rec knh info m stk =
| FCast(t,_,_) -> knh info t stk
| FProj (p,c) ->
- if red_set info.i_flags (fCONST p) then
+ if red_set info.i_flags (fCONST (Projection.constant p)) then
(let pb = lookup_projection p (info.i_env) in
knh info c (Zproj (pb.proj_npars, pb.proj_arg, p)
:: zupdate m stk))
diff --git a/checker/closure.mli b/checker/closure.mli
index e6b39250..376e9fef 100644
--- a/checker/closure.mli
+++ b/checker/closure.mli
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ type fterm =
| FInd of pinductive
| FConstruct of pconstructor
| FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
- | FProj of constant * fconstr
+ | FProj of projection * fconstr
| FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
| FCase of case_info * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr array
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type stack_member =
| Zapp of fconstr array
| Zcase of case_info * fconstr * fconstr array
| ZcaseT of case_info * constr * constr array * fconstr subs
- | Zproj of int * int * constant
+ | Zproj of int * int * projection
| Zfix of fconstr * stack
| Zshift of int
| Zupdate of fconstr
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 8d913475..32d1713a 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -206,14 +206,15 @@ let rec map_kn f f' c =
let func = map_kn f f' in
match c with
| Const (kn, u) -> (try snd (f' kn u) with No_subst -> c)
- | Proj (kn,t) ->
- let kn' =
- try fst (f' kn Univ.Instance.empty)
- with No_subst -> kn
+ | Proj (p,t) ->
+ let p' =
+ (fun kn ->
+ try fst (f' kn Univ.Instance.empty)
+ with No_subst -> kn) p
let t' = func t in
- if kn' == kn && t' == t then c
- else Proj (kn', t')
+ if p' == p && t' == t then c
+ else Proj (p', t')
| Ind ((kn,i),u) ->
let kn' = f kn in
if kn'==kn then c else Ind ((kn',i),u)
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ let subst_lazy_constr sub = function
let indirect_opaque_access =
ref ((fun dp i -> assert false) : DirPath.t -> int -> constr)
let indirect_opaque_univ_access =
- ref ((fun dp i -> assert false) : DirPath.t -> int -> Univ.constraints)
+ ref ((fun dp i -> assert false) : DirPath.t -> int -> Univ.ContextSet.t)
let force_lazy_constr = function
| Indirect (l,dp,i) ->
@@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ let force_lazy_constr = function
let force_lazy_constr_univs = function
| OpaqueDef (Indirect (l,dp,i)) -> !indirect_opaque_univ_access dp i
- | _ -> Univ.empty_constraint
+ | _ -> Univ.ContextSet.empty
let subst_constant_def sub = function
| Undef inl -> Undef inl
@@ -456,6 +457,8 @@ let is_opaque cb = match cb.const_body with
| OpaqueDef _ -> true
| Def _ | Undef _ -> false
+let opaque_univ_context cb = force_lazy_constr_univs cb.const_body
let subst_rel_declaration sub (id,copt,t as x) =
let copt' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps sub) copt in
let t' = subst_mps sub t in
diff --git a/checker/declarations.mli b/checker/declarations.mli
index 3c6db6ab..456df836 100644
--- a/checker/declarations.mli
+++ b/checker/declarations.mli
@@ -2,17 +2,18 @@ open Names
open Cic
val force_constr : constr_substituted -> constr
-val force_lazy_constr_univs : Cic.constant_def -> Univ.constraints
+val force_lazy_constr_univs : Cic.constant_def -> Univ.ContextSet.t
val from_val : constr -> constr_substituted
val indirect_opaque_access : (DirPath.t -> int -> constr) ref
-val indirect_opaque_univ_access : (DirPath.t -> int -> Univ.constraints) ref
+val indirect_opaque_univ_access : (DirPath.t -> int -> Univ.ContextSet.t) ref
(** Constant_body *)
val body_of_constant : constant_body -> constr option
val constant_has_body : constant_body -> bool
val is_opaque : constant_body -> bool
+val opaque_univ_context : constant_body -> Univ.ContextSet.t
(* Mutual inductives *)
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 710ebc71..f8f5c29b 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type globals = {
type stratification = {
env_universes : Univ.universes;
- env_engagement : engagement option
+ env_engagement : engagement
type env = {
@@ -33,19 +33,28 @@ let empty_env = {
env_rel_context = [];
env_stratification =
{ env_universes = Univ.initial_universes;
- env_engagement = None};
+ env_engagement = (PredicativeSet,StratifiedType)};
env_imports = MPmap.empty }
let engagement env = env.env_stratification.env_engagement
let universes env = env.env_stratification.env_universes
let rel_context env = env.env_rel_context
-let set_engagement c env =
- match env.env_stratification.env_engagement with
- | Some c' -> if c=c' then env else error "Incompatible engagement"
- | None ->
- { env with env_stratification =
- { env.env_stratification with env_engagement = Some c } }
+let set_engagement (impr_set,type_in_type as c) env =
+ let expected_impr_set,expected_type_in_type =
+ env.env_stratification.env_engagement in
+ begin
+ match impr_set,expected_impr_set with
+ | PredicativeSet, ImpredicativeSet -> error "Incompatible engagement"
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match type_in_type,expected_type_in_type with
+ | StratifiedType, TypeInType -> error "Incompatible engagement"
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ { env with env_stratification =
+ { env.env_stratification with env_engagement = c } }
(* Digests *)
@@ -75,13 +84,20 @@ let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env =
Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel assum e) env ctxt
(* Universe constraints *)
-let add_constraints c env =
- if c == Univ.Constraint.empty then
- env
- else
- let s = env.env_stratification in
+let map_universes f env =
+ let s = env.env_stratification in
{ env with env_stratification =
- { s with env_universes = Univ.merge_constraints c s.env_universes } }
+ { s with env_universes = f s.env_universes } }
+let add_constraints c env =
+ if c == Univ.Constraint.empty then env
+ else map_universes (Univ.merge_constraints c) env
+let push_context ?(strict=false) ctx env =
+ map_universes (Univ.merge_context strict ctx) env
+let push_context_set ?(strict=false) ctx env =
+ map_universes (Univ.merge_context_set strict ctx) env
let check_constraints cst env =
Univ.check_constraints cst env.env_stratification.env_universes
@@ -147,8 +163,8 @@ let evaluable_constant cst env =
let is_projection cst env =
not (Option.is_empty (lookup_constant cst env).const_proj)
-let lookup_projection cst env =
- match (lookup_constant cst env).const_proj with
+let lookup_projection p env =
+ match (lookup_constant (Projection.constant p) env).const_proj with
| Some pb -> pb
| None -> anomaly ("lookup_projection: constant is not a projection")
diff --git a/checker/environ.mli b/checker/environ.mli
index d3448b12..87f143d1 100644
--- a/checker/environ.mli
+++ b/checker/environ.mli
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type globals = {
env_modtypes : module_type_body MPmap.t}
type stratification = {
env_universes : Univ.universes;
- env_engagement : engagement option;
+ env_engagement : engagement;
type env = {
env_globals : globals;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type env = {
val empty_env : env
(* Engagement *)
-val engagement : env -> Cic.engagement option
+val engagement : env -> Cic.engagement
val set_engagement : Cic.engagement -> env -> env
(* Digests *)
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ val push_rec_types : name array * constr array * 'a -> env -> env
(* Universes *)
val universes : env -> Univ.universes
val add_constraints : Univ.constraints -> env -> env
+val push_context : ?strict:bool -> Univ.universe_context -> env -> env
+val push_context_set : ?strict:bool -> Univ.universe_context_set -> env -> env
val check_constraints : Univ.constraints -> env -> bool
(* Constants *)
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ val constant_value : env -> constant puniverses -> constr
val evaluable_constant : constant -> env -> bool
val is_projection : constant -> env -> bool
-val lookup_projection : constant -> env -> projection_body
+val lookup_projection : projection -> env -> projection_body
(* Inductives *)
val mind_equiv : env -> inductive -> inductive -> bool
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 050c33e6..f02f03dc 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let typecheck_arity env params inds =
(* Allowed eliminations *)
let check_predicativity env s small level =
- match s, engagement env with
+ match s, fst (engagement env) with
Type u, _ ->
(* let u' = fresh_local_univ () in *)
(* let cst = *)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let check_predicativity env s small level =
(* (universes env) in *)
if not (Univ.check_leq (universes env) level u) then
failwith "impredicative Type inductive type"
- | Prop Pos, Some ImpredicativeSet -> ()
+ | Prop Pos, ImpredicativeSet -> ()
| Prop Pos, _ ->
if not small then failwith "impredicative Set inductive type"
| Prop Null,_ -> ()
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ type ill_formed_ind =
| LocalNonPos of int
| LocalNotEnoughArgs of int
| LocalNotConstructor
- | LocalNonPar of int * int
+ | LocalNonPar of int * int * int
exception IllFormedInd of ill_formed_ind
@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ let explain_ind_err ntyp env0 nbpar c err =
| LocalNotConstructor ->
raise (InductiveError
(NotConstructor (env,c',Rel (ntyp+nbpar))))
- | LocalNonPar (n,l) ->
+ | LocalNonPar (n,i,l) ->
raise (InductiveError
- (NonPar (env,c',n,Rel (nbpar-n+1), Rel (l+nbpar))))
+ (NonPar (env,c',n,Rel i,Rel (l+nbpar))))
let failwith_non_pos n ntypes c =
for k = n to n + ntypes - 1 do
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ let check_correct_par (env,n,ntypes,_) hyps l largs =
| _::hyps ->
match whd_betadeltaiota env lpar.(k) with
| Rel w when w = index -> check (k-1) (index+1) hyps
- | _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPar (k+1,l)))
+ | _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPar (k+1,index,l)))
in check (nparams-1) (n-nhyps) hyps;
if not (Array.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs') then
failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes largs'
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 59d1a645..21b80f32 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -103,13 +103,12 @@ let instantiate_params full t u args sign =
let full_inductive_instantiate mib u params sign =
let dummy = Prop Null in
- let t = mkArity (sign,dummy) in
+ let t = mkArity (subst_instance_context u sign,dummy) in
fst (destArity (instantiate_params true t u params mib.mind_params_ctxt))
-let full_constructor_instantiate ((mind,_),u,(mib,_),params) =
- let inst_ind = constructor_instantiate mind u mib in
- (fun t ->
- instantiate_params true (inst_ind t) u params mib.mind_params_ctxt)
+let full_constructor_instantiate ((mind,_),u,(mib,_),params) t =
+ let inst_ind = constructor_instantiate mind u mib t in
+ instantiate_params true inst_ind u params mib.mind_params_ctxt
@@ -142,53 +141,60 @@ let sort_as_univ = function
| Prop Null -> Univ.type0m_univ
| Prop Pos -> Univ.type0_univ
+(* cons_subst add the mapping [u |-> su] in subst if [u] is not *)
+(* in the domain or add [u |-> sup x su] if [u] is already mapped *)
+(* to [x]. *)
let cons_subst u su subst =
- Univ.LMap.add u su subst
-let actualize_decl_level env lev t =
- let sign,s = dest_arity env t in
- mkArity (sign,lev)
-let polymorphism_on_non_applied_parameters = false
+ try
+ Univ.LMap.add u (Univ.sup (Univ.LMap.find u subst) su) subst
+ with Not_found -> Univ.LMap.add u su subst
+(* remember_subst updates the mapping [u |-> x] by [u |-> sup x u] *)
+(* if it is presents and returns the substitution unchanged if not.*)
+let remember_subst u subst =
+ try
+ let su = Universe.make u in
+ Univ.LMap.add u (Univ.sup (Univ.LMap.find u subst) su) subst
+ with Not_found -> subst
(* Bind expected levels of parameters to actual levels *)
(* Propagate the new levels in the signature *)
-let rec make_subst env = function
- | (_,Some _,_ as t)::sign, exp, args ->
- let ctx,subst = make_subst env (sign, exp, args) in
- t::ctx, subst
- | d::sign, None::exp, args ->
- let args = match args with _::args -> args | [] -> [] in
- let ctx,subst = make_subst env (sign, exp, args) in
- d::ctx, subst
- | d::sign, Some u::exp, a::args ->
- (* We recover the level of the argument, but we don't change the *)
- (* level in the corresponding type in the arity; this level in the *)
- (* arity is a global level which, at typing time, will be enforce *)
- (* to be greater than the level of the argument; this is probably *)
- (* a useless extra constraint *)
- let s = sort_as_univ (snd (dest_arity env a)) in
- let ctx,subst = make_subst env (sign, exp, args) in
- d::ctx, cons_subst u s subst
- | (na,None,t as d)::sign, Some u::exp, [] ->
- (* No more argument here: we instantiate the type with a fresh level *)
- (* which is first propagated to the corresponding premise in the arity *)
- (* (actualize_decl_level), then to the conclusion of the arity (via *)
- (* the substitution) *)
- let ctx,subst = make_subst env (sign, exp, []) in
- d::ctx, subst
- | sign, [], _ ->
- (* Uniform parameters are exhausted *)
- sign,Univ.LMap.empty
- | [], _, _ ->
- assert false
+let rec make_subst env =
+ let rec make subst = function
+ | (_,Some _,_)::sign, exp, args ->
+ make subst (sign, exp, args)
+ | d::sign, None::exp, args ->
+ let args = match args with _::args -> args | [] -> [] in
+ make subst (sign, exp, args)
+ | d::sign, Some u::exp, a::args ->
+ (* We recover the level of the argument, but we don't change the *)
+ (* level in the corresponding type in the arity; this level in the *)
+ (* arity is a global level which, at typing time, will be enforce *)
+ (* to be greater than the level of the argument; this is probably *)
+ (* a useless extra constraint *)
+ let s = sort_as_univ (snd (dest_arity env a)) in
+ make (cons_subst u s subst) (sign, exp, args)
+ | (na,None,t)::sign, Some u::exp, [] ->
+ (* No more argument here: we add the remaining universes to the *)
+ (* substitution (when [u] is distinct from all other universes in the *)
+ (* template, it is identity substitution otherwise (ie. when u is *)
+ (* already in the domain of the substitution) [remember_subst] will *)
+ (* update its image [x] by [sup x u] in order not to forget the *)
+ (* dependency in [u] that remains to be fullfilled. *)
+ make (remember_subst u subst) (sign, exp, [])
+ | sign, [], _ ->
+ (* Uniform parameters are exhausted *)
+ subst
+ | [], _, _ ->
+ assert false
+ in
+ make Univ.LMap.empty
exception SingletonInductiveBecomesProp of Id.t
let instantiate_universes env ctx ar argsorts =
let args = Array.to_list argsorts in
- let ctx,subst = make_subst env (ctx,ar.template_param_levels,args) in
+ let subst = make_subst env (ctx,ar.template_param_levels,args) in
let level = Univ.subst_univs_universe (Univ.make_subst subst) ar.template_level in
let ty =
(* Singleton type not containing types are interpretable in Prop *)
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 998e23c6..3ea5ed0d 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -18,19 +18,27 @@ let refresh_arity ar =
let ctxt, hd = decompose_prod_assum ar in
match hd with
Sort (Type u) when not (Univ.is_univ_variable u) ->
- let u' = Univ.Universe.make (Univ.Level.make empty_dirpath 1) in
- mkArity (ctxt,Prop Null),
- Univ.enforce_leq u u' Univ.empty_constraint
- | _ -> ar, Univ.empty_constraint
+ let ul = Univ.Level.make empty_dirpath 1 in
+ let u' = Univ.Universe.make ul in
+ let cst = Univ.enforce_leq u u' Univ.empty_constraint in
+ let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.make (Univ.LSet.singleton ul) cst in
+ mkArity (ctxt,Prop Null), ctx
+ | _ -> ar, Univ.ContextSet.empty
let check_constant_declaration env kn cb =
Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str " checking cst: " ++ prcon kn); pp_flush ();
- let env' = add_constraints (Univ.UContext.constraints cb.const_universes) env in
+ let env' =
+ if cb.const_polymorphic then
+ let inst = Univ.make_abstract_instance cb.const_universes in
+ let ctx = Univ.UContext.make (inst, Univ.UContext.constraints cb.const_universes) in
+ push_context ~strict:false ctx env
+ else push_context ~strict:true cb.const_universes env
+ in
let envty, ty =
match cb.const_type with
RegularArity ty ->
let ty', cu = refresh_arity ty in
- let envty = add_constraints cu env' in
+ let envty = push_context_set cu env' in
let _ = infer_type envty ty' in envty, ty
| TemplateArity(ctxt,par) ->
let _ = check_ctxt env' ctxt in
@@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ let mk_mtb mp sign delta =
mod_expr = Abstract;
mod_type = sign;
mod_type_alg = None;
- mod_constraints = Univ.Constraint.empty;
+ mod_constraints = Univ.ContextSet.empty;
mod_delta = delta;
mod_retroknowledge = []; }
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 8ccf118d..7f07f8bf 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ let strengthen_const mp_from l cb resolver =
| Def _ -> cb
| _ ->
let con = Constant.make2 mp_from l in
- (* let con = constant_of_delta resolver con in*)
let u =
- if cb.const_polymorphic then Univ.UContext.instance cb.const_universes
+ if cb.const_polymorphic then
+ Univ.make_abstract_instance cb.const_universes
else Univ.Instance.empty
- { cb with const_body = Def (Declarations.from_val (Const (con,u))) }
+ { cb with
+ const_body = Def (Declarations.from_val (Const (con,u))) }
let rec strengthen_mod mp_from mp_to mb =
if Declarations.mp_in_delta mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta then mb
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 1cc48ff7..7624fd32 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let print_pure_constr csr =
in print_string"{"; print_fix (); print_string"}"
| Proj (p, c) ->
- print_string "Proj("; sp_con_display p; print_string ",";
+ print_string "Proj("; sp_con_display (Projection.constant p); print_string ",";
box_display c; print_string ")"
and box_display c = open_hovbox 1; term_display c; close_box()
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 28fdb130..384d883e 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let compare_stack_shape stk1 stk2 =
type lft_constr_stack_elt =
Zlapp of (lift * fconstr) array
- | Zlproj of Names.constant * lift
+ | Zlproj of Names.projection * lift
| Zlfix of (lift * fconstr) * lft_constr_stack
| Zlcase of case_info * lift * fconstr * fconstr array
and lft_constr_stack = lft_constr_stack_elt list
@@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ let compare_stacks f fmind lft1 stk1 lft2 stk2 =
| (Zlfix(fx1,a1),Zlfix(fx2,a2)) ->
f fx1 fx2; cmp_rec a1 a2
| (Zlproj (c1,l1),Zlproj (c2,l2)) ->
- if not (Names.eq_con_chk c1 c2) then
+ if not (Names.eq_con_chk
+ (Names.Projection.constant c1)
+ (Names.Projection.constant c2)) then
raise NotConvertible
| (Zlcase(ci1,l1,p1,br1),Zlcase(ci2,l2,p2,br2)) ->
if not (fmind ci1.ci_ind ci2.ci_ind) then
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ type conv_pb =
-let sort_cmp univ pb s0 s1 =
+let sort_cmp env univ pb s0 s1 =
match (s0,s1) with
| (Prop c1, Prop c2) when pb = CUMUL -> if c1 = Pos && c2 = Null then raise NotConvertible
| (Prop c1, Prop c2) -> if c1 <> c2 then raise NotConvertible
@@ -165,14 +167,15 @@ let sort_cmp univ pb s0 s1 =
CUMUL -> ()
| _ -> raise NotConvertible)
| (Type u1, Type u2) ->
- if not
+ if snd (engagement env) == StratifiedType
+ && not
(match pb with
| CONV -> Univ.check_eq univ u1 u2
| CUMUL -> Univ.check_leq univ u1 u2)
then begin
if !Flags.debug then begin
let op = match pb with CONV -> "=" | CUMUL -> "<=" in
- Printf.eprintf "cort_cmp: %s\n%!" Pp.(string_of_ppcmds
+ Printf.eprintf "sort_cmp: %s\n%!" Pp.(string_of_ppcmds
(str"Error: " ++ Univ.pr_uni u1 ++ str op ++ Univ.pr_uni u2 ++ str ":" ++ cut()
++ Univ.pr_universes univ))
@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ and eqappr univ cv_pb infos (lft1,st1) (lft2,st2) =
(match a1, a2 with
| (Sort s1, Sort s2) ->
assert (is_empty_stack v1 && is_empty_stack v2);
- sort_cmp univ cv_pb s1 s2
+ sort_cmp (infos_env infos) univ cv_pb s1 s2
| (Meta n, Meta m) ->
if n=m
then convert_stacks univ infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 810d6e0b..81a3cc03 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -27,18 +27,26 @@ let set_engagement c =
(* full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *)
let full_add_module dp mb univs digest =
let env = !genv in
- let env = add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env in
- let env = add_constraints univs env in
+ let env = push_context_set ~strict:true mb.mod_constraints env in
+ let env = push_context_set ~strict:true univs env in
let env = Modops.add_module mb env in
genv := add_digest env dp digest
-(* Check that the engagement expected by a library matches the initial one *)
-let check_engagement env c =
- match engagement env, c with
- | Some ImpredicativeSet, Some ImpredicativeSet -> ()
- | _, None -> ()
- | _, Some ImpredicativeSet ->
- error "Needs option -impredicative-set"
+(* Check that the engagement expected by a library extends the initial one *)
+let check_engagement env (expected_impredicative_set,expected_type_in_type) =
+ let impredicative_set,type_in_type = Environ.engagement env in
+ begin
+ match impredicative_set, expected_impredicative_set with
+ | PredicativeSet, ImpredicativeSet ->
+ Errors.error "Needs option -impredicative-set."
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match type_in_type, expected_type_in_type with
+ | StratifiedType, TypeInType ->
+ Errors.error "Needs option -type-in-type."
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
(* Libraries = Compiled modules *)
@@ -75,8 +83,8 @@ let import file clib univs digest =
check_engagement env clib.comp_enga;
let mb = clib.comp_mod in
- (add_constraints univs
- (add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env)) mb.mod_mp mb;
+ (push_context_set ~strict:true univs
+ (push_context_set ~strict:true mb.mod_constraints env)) mb.mod_mp mb;
stamp_library file digest;
full_add_module clib.comp_name mb univs digest
diff --git a/checker/safe_typing.mli b/checker/safe_typing.mli
index e16e64e6..892a8d2c 100644
--- a/checker/safe_typing.mli
+++ b/checker/safe_typing.mli
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ val get_env : unit -> env
val set_engagement : engagement -> unit
val import :
- CUnix.physical_path -> compiled_library -> Univ.constraints -> Cic.vodigest -> unit
+ CUnix.physical_path -> compiled_library -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> Cic.vodigest -> unit
val unsafe_import :
- CUnix.physical_path -> compiled_library -> Univ.constraints -> Cic.vodigest -> unit
+ CUnix.physical_path -> compiled_library -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> Cic.vodigest -> unit
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 93540276..430be495 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ let compare_constr f t1 t2 =
Array.equal f tl1 tl2 && Array.equal f bl1 bl2
| CoFix(ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) ->
Int.equal ln1 ln2 && Array.equal f tl1 tl2 && Array.equal f bl1 bl2
- | Proj (p1,c1), Proj(p2,c2) -> eq_con_chk p1 p2 && f c1 c2
+ | Proj (p1,c1), Proj(p2,c2) -> Projection.equal p1 p2 && f c1 c2
| _ -> false
let rec eq_constr m n =
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 9bc4b269..21819992 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let sort_of_product env domsort rangsort =
| (Prop _, Prop Pos) -> rangsort
(* Product rule (Type,Set,?) *)
| (Type u1, Prop Pos) ->
- if engagement env = Some ImpredicativeSet then
+ if fst (engagement env) = ImpredicativeSet then
(* Rule is (Type,Set,Set) in the Set-impredicative calculus *)
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 3bcb3bc9..648e4781 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ module Level = struct
let set = make Set
let prop = make Prop
+ let var i = make (Var i)
let is_small x =
match data x with
| Level _ -> false
@@ -281,8 +282,8 @@ module Level = struct
(** Level sets and maps *)
-module LSet = Set.Make (Level)
-module LMap = Map.Make (Level)
+module LMap = HMap.Make (Level)
+module LSet = LMap.Set
type 'a universe_map = 'a LMap.t
@@ -559,20 +560,26 @@ let repr g u =
repr_rec u
-(* [safe_repr] also search for the canonical representative, but
- if the graph doesn't contain the searched universe, we add it. *)
-let safe_repr g u =
- let rec safe_repr_rec u =
- match UMap.find u g with
- | Equiv v -> safe_repr_rec v
- | Canonical arc -> arc
- in
- try g, safe_repr_rec u
- with Not_found ->
- let can = terminal u in
- enter_arc can g, can
+let get_set_arc g = repr g Level.set
+exception AlreadyDeclared
+let add_universe vlev strict g =
+ try
+ let _arcv = UMap.find vlev g in
+ raise AlreadyDeclared
+ with Not_found ->
+ let v = terminal vlev in
+ let arc =
+ let arc = get_set_arc g in
+ if strict then
+ { arc with}
+ else
+ { arc with le=vlev::arc.le}
+ in
+ let g = enter_arc arc g in
+ enter_arc v g
(* reprleq : canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
(* All canonical arcv such that arcu<=arcv with arcv#arcu *)
let reprleq g arcu =
@@ -739,8 +746,8 @@ let is_lt g arcu arcv =
(** First, checks on universe levels *)
let check_equal g u v =
- let g, arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let _, arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
arcu == arcv
let check_eq_level g u v = u == v || check_equal g u v
@@ -749,8 +756,8 @@ let is_set_arc u = Level.is_set u.univ
let is_prop_arc u = Level.is_prop u.univ
let check_smaller g strict u v =
- let g, arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let g, arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
if strict then
is_lt g arcu arcv
@@ -900,8 +907,8 @@ let error_inconsistency o u v =
(* enforc_univ_eq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
- let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
match fast_compare g arcu arcv with
| FastEQ -> g
| FastLT -> error_inconsistency Eq v u
@@ -916,8 +923,8 @@ let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
(* enforce_univ_leq : Level.t -> Level.t -> unit *)
(* enforce_univ_leq u v will force u<=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
let enforce_univ_leq u v g =
- let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
if is_leq g arcu arcv then g
match fast_compare g arcv arcu with
@@ -928,8 +935,8 @@ let enforce_univ_leq u v g =
(* enforce_univ_lt u v will force u<v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
- let g,arcu = safe_repr g u in
- let g,arcv = safe_repr g v in
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
match fast_compare g arcu arcv with
| FastLT -> g
| FastLE -> fst (setlt g arcu arcv)
@@ -941,7 +948,10 @@ let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
| FastLE | FastLT -> error_inconsistency Lt u v
(* Prop = Set is forbidden here. *)
-let initial_universes = enforce_univ_lt Level.prop Level.set UMap.empty
+let initial_universes =
+ let g = enter_arc (terminal Level.set) UMap.empty in
+ let g = enter_arc (terminal Level.prop) g in
+ enforce_univ_lt Level.prop Level.set g
(* Constraints and sets of constraints. *)
@@ -970,7 +980,7 @@ module Constraint = Set.Make(UConstraintOrd)
let empty_constraint = Constraint.empty
let merge_constraints c g =
Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
type constraints = Constraint.t
(** A value with universe constraints. *)
@@ -1146,7 +1156,7 @@ struct
(** Universe contexts (variables as a list) *)
let empty = (Instance.empty, Constraint.empty)
+ let make x = x
let instance (univs, cst) = univs
let constraints (univs, cst) = cst
@@ -1158,6 +1168,8 @@ struct
type t = LSet.t constrained
let empty = LSet.empty, Constraint.empty
let constraints (_, cst) = cst
+ let levels (ctx, _) = ctx
+ let make ctx cst = (ctx, cst)
type universe_context_set = ContextSet.t
@@ -1207,6 +1219,9 @@ let subst_instance_constraints s csts =
(fun c csts -> Constraint.add (subst_instance_constraint s c) csts)
csts Constraint.empty
+let make_abstract_instance (ctx, _) =
+ Array.mapi (fun i l -> Level.var i) ctx
(** Substitute instance inst for ctx in csts *)
let instantiate_univ_context (ctx, csts) =
(ctx, subst_instance_constraints ctx csts)
@@ -1238,6 +1253,20 @@ let subst_univs_universe fn ul =
List.fold_left (fun acc u -> Universe.merge_univs acc (Universe.Huniv.tip u))
substs nosubst
+let merge_context strict ctx g =
+ let g = Array.fold_left
+ (* Be lenient, module typing reintroduces universes and
+ constraints due to includes *)
+ (fun g v -> try add_universe v strict g with AlreadyDeclared -> g)
+ g (UContext.instance ctx)
+ in merge_constraints (UContext.constraints ctx) g
+let merge_context_set strict ctx g =
+ let g = LSet.fold
+ (fun v g -> try add_universe v strict g with AlreadyDeclared -> g)
+ (ContextSet.levels ctx) g
+ in merge_constraints (ContextSet.constraints ctx) g
(** Pretty-printing *)
let pr_arc = function
diff --git a/checker/univ.mli b/checker/univ.mli
index 742ef91a..02c1bbdb 100644
--- a/checker/univ.mli
+++ b/checker/univ.mli
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ val check_eq : universe check_function
(** The initial graph of universes: Prop < Set *)
val initial_universes : universes
+(** Adds a universe to the graph, ensuring it is >= or > Set.
+ @raises AlreadyDeclared if the level is already declared in the graph. *)
+exception AlreadyDeclared
+val add_universe : universe_level -> bool -> universes -> universes
(** {6 Constraints. } *)
type constraint_type = Lt | Le | Eq
@@ -117,14 +124,14 @@ type univ_inconsistency = constraint_type * universe * universe
exception UniverseInconsistency of univ_inconsistency
val merge_constraints : constraints -> universes -> universes
val check_constraints : constraints -> universes -> bool
(** {6 Support for universe polymorphism } *)
(** Polymorphic maps from universe levels to 'a *)
module LMap : Map.S with type key = universe_level
+module LSet : CSig.SetS with type elt = universe_level
type 'a universe_map = 'a LMap.t
(** {6 Substitution} *)
@@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ sig
type t
val empty : t
+ val make : universe_instance constrained -> t
val instance : t -> Instance.t
val constraints : t -> constraints
@@ -186,6 +193,7 @@ end
module ContextSet :
type t
+ val make : LSet.t -> constraints -> t
val empty : t
val constraints : t -> constraints
@@ -193,6 +201,9 @@ module ContextSet :
type universe_context = UContext.t
type universe_context_set = ContextSet.t
+val merge_context : bool -> universe_context -> universes -> universes
+val merge_context_set : bool -> universe_context_set -> universes -> universes
val empty_level_subst : universe_level_subst
val is_empty_level_subst : universe_level_subst -> bool
@@ -219,6 +230,9 @@ val subst_instance_constraints : universe_instance -> constraints -> constraints
val instantiate_univ_context : universe_context -> universe_context
val instantiate_univ_constraints : universe_instance -> universe_context -> constraints
+(** Build the relative instance corresponding to the context *)
+val make_abstract_instance : universe_context -> universe_instance
(** {6 Pretty-printing of universes. } *)
val pr_universes : universes -> Pp.std_ppcmds
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index cf93466b..34de511c 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
To ensure this file is up-to-date, 'make' now compares the md5 of cic.mli
with a copy we maintain here:
-MD5 0a174243f8b06535c9eecbbe8d339fe1 checker/cic.mli
+MD5 76312d06933f47498a1981a6261c9f75 checker/cic.mli
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ let v_caseinfo =
v_tuple "case_info" [|v_ind;Int;Array Int;Array Int;v_cprint|]
let v_cast = v_enum "cast_kind" 4
+let v_proj = v_tuple "projection" [|v_cst; v_bool|]
let rec v_constr =
Sum ("constr",0,[|
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ let rec v_constr =
[|v_caseinfo;v_constr;v_constr;Array v_constr|]; (* Case *)
[|v_fix|]; (* Fix *)
[|v_cofix|]; (* CoFix *)
- [|v_cst;v_constr|] (* Proj *)
+ [|v_proj;v_constr|] (* Proj *)
and v_prec = Tuple ("prec_declaration",
@@ -192,7 +193,9 @@ let v_lazy_constr =
(** kernel/declarations *)
-let v_engagement = v_enum "eng" 1
+let v_impredicative_set = v_enum "impr-set" 2
+let v_type_in_type = v_enum "type-in-type" 2
+let v_engagement = v_tuple "eng" [|v_impredicative_set; v_type_in_type|]
let v_pol_arity =
v_tuple "polymorphic_arity" [|List(Opt v_level);v_univ|]
@@ -205,8 +208,10 @@ let v_cst_def =
[|[|Opt Int|]; [|v_cstr_subst|]; [|v_lazy_constr|]|]
let v_projbody =
- v_tuple "projection_body" [|v_cst;Int;Int;v_constr;v_tuple "proj_eta" [|v_constr;v_constr|];
- v_constr|]
+ v_tuple "projection_body"
+ [|v_cst;Int;Int;v_constr;
+ v_tuple "proj_eta" [|v_constr;v_constr|];
+ v_constr|]
let v_cb = v_tuple "constant_body"
@@ -302,17 +307,17 @@ and v_impl =
and v_noimpl = v_enum "no_impl" 1 (* Abstract is mandatory for mtb *)
and v_module =
Tuple ("module_body",
- [|v_mp;v_impl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_cstrs;v_resolver;Any|])
+ [|v_mp;v_impl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_context_set;v_resolver;Any|])
and v_modtype =
Tuple ("module_type_body",
- [|v_mp;v_noimpl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_cstrs;v_resolver;Any|])
+ [|v_mp;v_noimpl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_context_set;v_resolver;Any|])
(** kernel/safe_typing *)
let v_vodigest = Sum ("module_impl",0, [| [|String|]; [|String;String|] |])
let v_deps = Array (v_tuple "dep" [|v_dp;v_vodigest|])
let v_compiled_lib =
- v_tuple "compiled" [|v_dp;v_module;v_deps;Opt v_engagement;Any|]
+ v_tuple "compiled" [|v_dp;v_module;v_deps;v_engagement;Any|]
(** Library objects *)
@@ -350,8 +355,11 @@ let v_stm_seg = v_pair v_tasks v_counters
(** Toplevel structures in a vo (see Cic.mli) *)
+let v_libsum =
+ Tuple ("summary", [|v_dp;Array v_dp;v_deps|])
let v_lib =
- Tuple ("library",[|v_dp;v_compiled_lib;v_libraryobjs;v_deps;Array v_dp|])
+ Tuple ("library",[|v_compiled_lib;v_libraryobjs|])
let v_opaques = Array (v_computation v_constr)
let v_univopaques =
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 7c954d6f..4aecb28f 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -21,32 +21,91 @@ sig
type obj
val input : in_channel -> obj
val repr : obj -> obj repr
- val size : int list -> int
+ val size : obj -> int
-module Repr : S =
+module ReprObj : S =
- type obj = Obj.t
+ type obj = Obj.t * int list
let input chan =
let obj = input_value chan in
let () = CObj.register_shared_size obj in
- obj
+ (obj, [])
- let repr obj =
+ let repr (obj, pos) =
if Obj.is_block obj then
let tag = Obj.tag obj in
if tag = Obj.string_tag then STRING (Obj.magic obj)
else if tag < Obj.no_scan_tag then
- let data = Obj.dup obj in
- let () = Obj.set_tag data 0 in
+ let init i = (Obj.field obj i, i :: pos) in
+ let data = Array.init (Obj.size obj) init in
BLOCK (tag, Obj.magic data)
else OTHER
else INT (Obj.magic obj)
- let size p = CObj.shared_size_of_pos p
+ let size (_, p) = CObj.shared_size_of_pos p
+module ReprMem : S =
+ open Analyze
+ type obj = data
+ let memory = ref [||]
+ let sizes = ref [||]
+ (** size, in words *)
+ let ws = Sys.word_size / 8
+ let rec init_size seen = function
+ | Int _ | Atm _ | Fun _ -> 0
+ | Ptr p ->
+ if seen.(p) then 0
+ else
+ let () = seen.(p) <- true in
+ match (!memory).(p) with
+ | Struct (tag, os) ->
+ let fold accu o = accu + 1 + init_size seen o in
+ let size = Array.fold_left fold 1 os in
+ let () = (!sizes).(p) <- size in
+ size
+ | String s ->
+ let size = 2 + (String.length s / ws) in
+ let () = (!sizes).(p) <- size in
+ size
+ let size = function
+ | Int _ | Atm _ | Fun _ -> 0
+ | Ptr p -> (!sizes).(p)
+ let repr = function
+ | Int i -> INT i
+ | Atm t -> BLOCK (t, [||])
+ | Fun _ -> OTHER
+ | Ptr p ->
+ match (!memory).(p) with
+ | Struct (tag, os) -> BLOCK (tag, os)
+ | String s -> STRING s
+ let input ch =
+ let obj, mem = parse_channel ch in
+ let () = memory := mem in
+ let () = sizes := Array.make (Array.length mem) (-1) in
+ let seen = Array.make (Array.length mem) false in
+ let _ = init_size seen obj in
+ obj
+module Visit (Repr : S) :
+ val init : unit -> unit
+ val visit : Values.value -> Repr.obj -> int list -> unit
+end =
(** Name of a value *)
let rec get_name ?(extra=false) = function
@@ -92,7 +151,7 @@ let rec get_details v o = match v, Repr.repr o with
let node_info (v,o,p) =
get_name ~extra:true v ^ get_details v o ^
- " (size "^ string_of_int (Repr.size p)^"w)"
+ " (size "^ string_of_int (Repr.size o)^"w)"
(** Children of a block : type, object, position.
For lists, we collect all elements of the list at once *)
@@ -201,14 +260,49 @@ let rec visit v o pos =
| Failure "forbidden" -> let info = pop () in visit info.typ info.obj info.pos
| Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> visit v o pos
(** Loading the vo *)
+type header = {
+ magic : string;
+ (** Magic number of the marshaller *)
+ length : int;
+ (** Size on disk in bytes *)
+ size32 : int;
+ (** Size in words when loaded on 32-bit systems *)
+ size64 : int;
+ (** Size in words when loaded on 64-bit systems *)
+ objects : int;
+ (** Number of blocks defined in the marshalled structure *)
+let dummy_header = {
+ magic = "\000\000\000\000";
+ length = 0;
+ size32 = 0;
+ size64 = 0;
+ objects = 0;
+let parse_header chan =
+ let magic = String.create 4 in
+ let () = for i = 0 to 3 do magic.[i] <- input_char chan done in
+ let length = input_binary_int chan in
+ let objects = input_binary_int chan in
+ let size32 = input_binary_int chan in
+ let size64 = input_binary_int chan in
+ { magic; length; size32; size64; objects }
type segment = {
name : string;
mutable pos : int;
typ : Values.value;
+ mutable header : header;
+let make_seg name typ = { name; typ; pos = 0; header = dummy_header }
let visit_vo f =
Printf.printf "\nWelcome to votour !\n";
Printf.printf "Enjoy your guided tour of a Coq .vo or .vi file\n";
@@ -216,12 +310,19 @@ let visit_vo f =
"At prompt, <n> enters the <n>-th child, u goes up 1 level, x exits\n\n%!";
let segments = [|
- {name="library"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_lib};
- {name="univ constraints of opaque proofs"; pos=0;typ=Values.v_univopaques};
- {name="discharging info"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any};
- {name="STM tasks"; pos=0; typ=Opt Values.v_stm_seg};
- {name="opaque proofs"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_opaques};
+ make_seg "summary" Values.v_libsum;
+ make_seg "library" Values.v_lib;
+ make_seg "univ constraints of opaque proofs" Values.v_univopaques;
+ make_seg "discharging info" (Opt Any);
+ make_seg "STM tasks" (Opt Values.v_stm_seg);
+ make_seg "opaque proofs" Values.v_opaques;
|] in
+ let repr =
+ if Sys.word_size = 64 then (module ReprMem : S) else (module ReprObj : S)
+ (** On 32-bit machines, representation may exceed the max size of arrays *)
+ in
+ let module Repr = (val repr : S) in
+ let module Visit = Visit(Repr) in
while true do
let ch = open_in_bin f in
let magic = input_binary_int ch in
@@ -229,21 +330,24 @@ let visit_vo f =
for i=0 to Array.length segments - 1 do
let pos = input_binary_int ch in
segments.(i).pos <- pos_in ch;
+ let header = parse_header ch in
+ segments.(i).header <- header;
seek_in ch pos;
ignore(Digest.input ch);
Printf.printf "The file has %d segments, choose the one to visit:\n"
(Array.length segments);
- Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos } ->
- Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d\n" i name pos)
+ Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos; header } ->
+ let size = if Sys.word_size = 64 then header.size64 else header.size32 in
+ Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d (size %iw)\n" i name pos size)
Printf.printf "# %!";
let l = read_line () in
let seg = int_of_string l in
seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos;
let o = Repr.input ch in
- let () = init () in
- visit segments.(seg).typ o []
+ let () = Visit.init () in
+ Visit.visit segments.(seg).typ o []
let main =