/**************************************************************/ /* ********************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * TOP MODULE OF SPASS * */ /* * * */ /* * $Module: TOP * */ /* * * */ /* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 * */ /* * MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */ /* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */ /* * General Public License as published by the Free * */ /* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */ /* * or (at your option) any later version. * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */ /* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */ /* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */ /* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */ /* * License for more details. * */ /* * * */ /* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */ /* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */ /* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */ /* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* * * */ /* * * */ /* $Revision: 35442 $ * */ /* $State$ * */ /* $Date: 2007-03-28 17:24:40 -0700 (Wed, 28 Mar 2007) $ * */ /* $Author: jeffc $ * */ /* * * */ /* * Contact: * */ /* * Christoph Weidenbach * */ /* * MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */ /* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */ /* * Email: weidenb@mpi-sb.mpg.de * */ /* * Germany * */ /* * * */ /* ********************************************************** */ /**************************************************************/ /* $RCSfile$ */ /*** MAIN LOOP *************************************************/ /**************************************************************/ /* Includes */ /**************************************************************/ #include "dfg.h" #include "defs.h" #include "ia.h" #include "rules-inf.h" #include "rules-sort.h" #include "rules-split.h" #include "terminator.h" #include "rules-red.h" #include "analyze.h" #include "clock.h" #include "stringsx.h" #include "options.h" #include "context.h" #include "cnf.h" #include "search.h" #include "hasharray.h" #include "closure.h" #include #include /**************************************************************/ /* Types and Variables */ /**************************************************************/ static const char *top_InputFile; static OPTID top_RemoveFileOptId; typedef enum {top_PROOF, top_COMPLETION, top_RESOURCE} top_SEARCHRESULT; /**************************************************************/ /* Catch Signals Section */ /**************************************************************/ #if (defined(SPASS_SIGNALS)) #include static PROOFSEARCH *top_PROOFSEARCH; static void top_SigHandler(int Signal) /************************************************************** INPUT: RETURNS: EFFECT: ***************************************************************/ { if (Signal == SIGSEGV || Signal == SIGBUS) { puts("\n\n\tSPASS is going to crash. This is probably caused by a"); puts("\tbug in SPASS. Please send a copy of the input file(s) together"); puts("\twith the used options to weidenb@mpi-sb.mpg.de, and someone will"); puts("\ttry to fix the problem.\n"); abort(); } if (Signal == SIGINT || Signal == SIGTERM) { clock_StopPassedTime(clock_OVERALL); printf("\nSPASS %s ", misc_VERSION); puts("\nSPASS beiseite: Ran out of time. SPASS was killed."); printf("Problem: %s ", (top_InputFile != (char*)NULL ? top_InputFile : "Read from stdin.")); printf("\nSPASS derived %d clauses, backtracked %d clauses " "and kept %d clauses.", (*top_PROOFSEARCH == (PROOFSEARCH)NULL ? 0 : prfs_DerivedClauses(*top_PROOFSEARCH)), (*top_PROOFSEARCH == (PROOFSEARCH)NULL ? 0 : prfs_BacktrackedClauses(*top_PROOFSEARCH)), (*top_PROOFSEARCH == (PROOFSEARCH)NULL ? 0 : prfs_KeptClauses(*top_PROOFSEARCH))); printf("\nSPASS allocated %lu KBytes.", memory_DemandedBytes()/1024); fputs("\nSPASS spent\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_OVERALL); fputs(" on the problem.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_INPUT); fputs(" for the input.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_CNF); fputs(" for the FLOTTER CNF translation.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_INFERENCE); fputs(" for inferences.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_BACKTRACK); fputs(" for the backtracking.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_REDUCTION); puts(" for the reduction."); } if (opts_IsSet(top_RemoveFileOptId)) remove(top_InputFile); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /**************************************************************/ /* Clause Selection Functions */ /**************************************************************/ static CLAUSE top_SelectClauseDepth(LIST List, FLAGSTORE Flags) /************************************************************** INPUT: A list of clauses and a flag store. RETURNS: A clause selected from the list. EFFECT: This function selects a clause from the list according to the following criteria: 1. minimal depth 2. minimal weight 3a. maximal number of variable occurrences, if the flag 'PrefVar' is TRUE 3b. minimal number of variable occurrences, if 'PrefVar' is FALSE ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE Result; NAT Vars,NewVars,Weight,Depth,NewDepth; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Depth = clause_Depth(Result); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(Result); List = list_Cdr(List); while (!list_Empty(List)) { NewDepth = clause_Depth(list_Car(List)); if (NewDepth <= Depth) { if (NewDepth < Depth || clause_Weight(list_Car(List)) < Weight) { Depth = NewDepth; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); } else if (clause_Weight(list_Car(List)) == Weight) { NewVars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFVAR)) { if (Vars < NewVars) { Depth = NewDepth; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = NewVars; } } else if (Vars > NewVars) { Depth = NewDepth; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = NewVars; } } } List = list_Cdr(List); } return Result; } static CLAUSE top_SelectMinimalWeightClause(LIST List, FLAGSTORE Flags) /************************************************************** INPUT: A list of clauses and a flag store. RETURNS: A clause selected from the list. EFFECT: This function selects a clause with minimal weight. If more than one clause has minimal weight and the flag 'PrefVar' is TRUE, a clause with maximal number of variable occurrences is selected. If 'PrefVar' is FALSE, a clause with minimal number of variable occurrences is selected. If two clauses are equal with respect to the two criteria the clause with the smaller list position is selected. CAUTION: THE LIST HAS TO BY SORTED BY WEIGHT IN ASCENDING ORDER! ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE Result; NAT Vars, NewVars, Weight; #ifdef CHECK /* Check invariant: List has to be sorted by weight (ascending) */ LIST Scan; Weight = clause_Weight(list_Car(List)); for (Scan = list_Cdr(List); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { NAT NewWeight; NewWeight = clause_Weight(list_Car(Scan)); if (NewWeight < Weight) { misc_StartErrorReport(); misc_ErrorReport("\n In top_SelectMinimalConWeightClause: clause list "); misc_ErrorReport("isn't sorted by weight"); misc_FinishErrorReport(); } Weight = NewWeight; } #endif Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(Result); List = list_Cdr(List); while (!list_Empty(List)) { if (clause_Weight(list_Car(List)) == Weight) { NewVars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFVAR)) { if (Vars < NewVars) { Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = NewVars; } } else if (Vars > NewVars) { Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); Vars = NewVars; } } else return Result; List = list_Cdr(List); } return Result; } static CLAUSE top_SelectMinimalConWeightClause(LIST List, FLAGSTORE Flags) /************************************************************** INPUT: A non-empty list of clauses and a flag store. RETURNS: A clause selected from the list. EFFECT: This function selects a clause from the list in a similar way as the function top_SelectMinimalWeightClause. The only difference is that conjecture clauses are preferred over axiom clauses, because their weight is divided by a factor given by the flag 'PrefCon'. ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE Result; NAT NewWeight,Weight, NewVars, Vars, Factor; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Factor = flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFCON); Weight = clause_Weight(Result); if (clause_GetFlag(Result, CONCLAUSE)) Weight = Weight / Factor; Vars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); List = list_Cdr(List); while (!list_Empty(List)) { NewWeight = clause_Weight(list_Car(List)); if (clause_GetFlag(list_Car(List),CONCLAUSE)) NewWeight = NewWeight / Factor; if (NewWeight < Weight) { Weight = NewWeight; Result = list_Car(List); Vars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); } else { if (NewWeight == Weight) { NewVars = clause_NumberOfVarOccs(list_Car(List)); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFVAR)) { if (Vars < NewVars) { Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = NewWeight; Vars = NewVars; } } else if (Vars > NewVars) { Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Weight = NewWeight; Vars = NewVars; } } } List = list_Cdr(List); } return Result; } /*static CLAUSE top_SelectClauseDepth(LIST List)*/ /************************************************************** INPUT: A list of clauses. RETURNS: A clause selected from the list. EFFECT: ***************************************************************/ /*{ CLAUSE Result; int Min, Depth; Result = (CLAUSE)list_Car(List); Depth = clause_Depth(Result); Min = Depth * clause_Weight(Result); List = list_Cdr(List); if (Depth == 0) return Result; while (!list_Empty(List)) { Depth = clause_Depth(list_Car(List)); if (Min > Depth * clause_Weight(list_Car(List))) { Result = list_Car(List); if (Depth == 0) return Result; Min = clause_Depth(Result) * clause_Weight(Result); } List = list_Cdr(List); } return Result; }*/ static LIST top_GetLiteralsForSplitting(CLAUSE Clause) /************************************************************** INPUT: A clause. RETURNS: A list of succedent literal indices where every single literal doesn't share any variables with other literals. If the clause is horn, an empty list is returned. ***************************************************************/ { LIST* Variables; /* An array, mapping literal index to list of variables */ int i, j; BOOL Stop; LIST Failed, Result; Result = list_Nil(); /* Special case: horn clause */ if (clause_IsHornClause(Clause)) return Result; /* Special case: clause is ground, so return all succedent literals */ if (clause_IsGround(Clause)) { for (i = clause_LastSuccedentLitIndex(Clause); i >= clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(Clause); i--) Result = list_Cons((POINTER)i, Result); return Result; } Variables = memory_Malloc(sizeof(LIST) * clause_Length(Clause)); /* Initialize the array */ for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= clause_LastLitIndex(Clause); i++) Variables[i] = term_VariableSymbols(clause_GetLiteralAtom(Clause, i)); /* is the set of literals that share variables with other literals */ Failed = list_Nil(); for (i = clause_LastSuccedentLitIndex(Clause); i >= clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(Clause); i--) { if (list_Empty(Variables[i])) Result = list_Cons((POINTER)i, Result); else if (!list_PointerMember(Failed, (POINTER)i)) { /* We don't know yet whether the literal shares variables */ Stop = FALSE; for (j = clause_FirstLitIndex(); j <= clause_LastLitIndex(Clause) && !Stop; j++) { if (i != j && list_HasIntersection(Variables[i], Variables[j])) { Stop = TRUE; /* Literal isnīt candidate for "optimal" splitting */ Failed = list_Cons((POINTER)i, Failed); Failed = list_Cons((POINTER)j, Failed); } } if (!Stop) Result = list_Cons((POINTER)i, Result); } } /* Cleanup */ for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= clause_LastLitIndex(Clause); i++) list_Delete(Variables[i]); memory_Free(Variables, sizeof(LIST) * clause_Length(Clause)); list_Delete(Failed); return Result; } static int top_GetOptimalSplitLiteralIndex(PROOFSEARCH Search, CLAUSE Clause, BOOL Usables) /************************************************************** INPUT: A proofsearch object, a clause and a boolean flag. RETURNS: The index of the positive literal from with the greatest number of instances (maybe 0) within the WorkedOff/Usable sets of the proof search object. The literal mustn't share any variables with other literals. If the clause doesn't have a suitable literal, a negative number is returned. EFFECT: If is FALSE, only the number of instances within the WorkedOff set is considered, otherwise the number of instances within both clause sets is considered. ***************************************************************/ { LIST SplitLits; LITERAL Literal; NAT Count, MaxInstances; int Result; MaxInstances = -1; SplitLits = top_GetLiteralsForSplitting(Clause); Result = -1; for ( ; !list_Empty(SplitLits); SplitLits = list_Pop(SplitLits)) { Literal = clause_GetLiteral(Clause, (int)list_Car(SplitLits)); /* Count the number of instances */ Count = prfs_GetNumberOfInstances(Search, Literal, Usables); if (Count > MaxInstances) { Result = (int)list_Car(SplitLits); MaxInstances = Count; } } return Result; } /* EK: hier lassen oder nach search.c oder nach rules-split.c? */ static CLAUSE top_GetPowerfulSplitClause(PROOFSEARCH Search, BOOL Usables, int* LitIndex) /************************************************************** INPUT: A proofsearch object, a boolean flag and a pointer to a literal index which is used as return value. RETURNS: A clause from the usable set that was selected as given clause. Iff no suitable clause was found NULL is returned and <*LitIndex> is set to -1. Iff a suitable clause was found, this clause is returned and <*LitIndex> is set to the index of the "optimal" literal. EFFECT: This function selects a clause from the "usable" set and a literal that are "optimal" for the application of the splitting rule with respect to the following criteria: 1) the literal must occur in the succedent of the non-horn clause, 2) the literal mustn't share any variables with other literals, 3) the clause must have a solved constraint, 4) the atom must have the maximum number of instances a) within the set of "workedoff" clauses, iff =FALSE b) within the set of "usable" and "workedoff" clauses, iff "Usables"=TRUE 5) the atom must have at least one instance in another clause. ***************************************************************/ { LIST Scan, SplitLits; NAT MaxNrOfInstances, NrOfInstances; CLAUSE Clause, OptimalClause; TERM Atom; SHARED_INDEX WOIndex, UsIndex; OptimalClause = NULL; *LitIndex = -1; MaxNrOfInstances = 0; WOIndex = prfs_WorkedOffSharingIndex(Search); UsIndex = prfs_UsableSharingIndex(Search); /* Prepare the term stamp */ if (term_StampOverflow(sharing_StampID(WOIndex))) sharing_ResetAllTermStamps(WOIndex); if (Usables && term_StampOverflow(sharing_StampID(UsIndex))) sharing_ResetAllTermStamps(UsIndex); term_StartStamp(); for (Scan = prfs_UsableClauses(Search); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { Clause = list_Car(Scan); if (clause_HasSolvedConstraint(Clause) && !clause_IsHornClause(Clause)) { /* Get a list of splittable literal indices */ SplitLits = top_GetLiteralsForSplitting(Clause); for ( ; !list_Empty(SplitLits); SplitLits = list_Pop(SplitLits)) { LITERAL Literal; Literal = clause_GetLiteral(Clause, (int)list_Car(SplitLits)); Atom = clause_LiteralAtom(Literal); if (!term_AlreadyVisited(Atom)) { /* Don't visit atom more than once */ term_SetTermStamp(Atom); /* Count the number of instances */ NrOfInstances = prfs_GetNumberOfInstances(Search, Literal, Usables); if (NrOfInstances > MaxNrOfInstances || OptimalClause == NULL || (NrOfInstances == MaxNrOfInstances && /* Prefer shorter clauses for splitting! */ clause_Length(Clause) < clause_Length(OptimalClause))) { OptimalClause = Clause; MaxNrOfInstances = NrOfInstances; *LitIndex = (int)list_Car(SplitLits); } } } } } term_StopStamp(); /* The splittable literal must have at least one instance to be useful */ /* reducing other clauses. If is TRUE, the literal must even */ /* have two instances, since the literal of the given clause is in the */ /* usable index, too. */ if (MaxNrOfInstances == 0 || (Usables && MaxNrOfInstances == 1)) { *LitIndex = -1; OptimalClause = NULL; } return OptimalClause; } static LIST top_FullReductionSelectGivenComputeDerivables(PROOFSEARCH Search, CLAUSE *SplitClause, int *Counter) /************************************************************** INPUT: A proof search object, a pointer to a clause resulting from a previous splitting step, and a pointer to an integer counter. RETURNS: A list of derived clauses. EFFECT: In this function a clause is selected from the set of "usable" clauses. After a clause was selected as "given clause", inferences between the given clause and the "worked off" clauses are made. The selection works as follows: 1) If <*SplitClause> is not NULL, the split clause is selected as "given clause". <*SplitClause> should result from splitting 2) If <*SplitClause> is NULL, we try to find a clause that is "optimal" for splitting. This is done by selecting a literal in a clause, such that is variable-disjoint from the rest of the clause, and the atom of has the maximum number of instances within the set of "usable" and "workoff" clauses. 3) If the previous steps failed, a clause is selected by weight or by depth, depending on the parameters "WDRatio", "PrefVar" and "PrefCon". Then splitting is tried on the selected clause. If the clause is a non-horn clause, we try to find a positive literal and a set of negative literals , such that and are variable disjoint from the rest of the clause. ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE GivenClause, TerminatorClause; LIST Derivables, SplitLits; FLAGSTORE Flags; PRECEDENCE Precedence; int LitIndex; GivenClause = NULL; Derivables = list_Nil(); Flags = prfs_Store(Search); Precedence = prfs_Precedence(Search); /* 1) If the last given clause was split or if backtracking was applied, */ /* then choose the clause resulting from the splitting step as */ /* given clause. */ /* ATTENTION: Since the might have been reduced since */ /* the time the variable was set, we have to check whether */ /* is still element of the set of usable clauses. */ if (*SplitClause != NULL && list_PointerMember(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), *SplitClause)) GivenClause = *SplitClause; *SplitClause = NULL; if (GivenClause == NULL) { if (prfs_SplitCounter(Search) != 0) /* 2) Try to find an "optimal" splitting clause, that doesn't share */ /* variables with any other literal. */ GivenClause = top_GetPowerfulSplitClause(Search, FALSE, &LitIndex); if (GivenClause != NULL) { /* Found "optimal" split clause, so apply splitting */ SplitLits = list_List(clause_GetLiteral(GivenClause, LitIndex)); *SplitClause = prfs_DoSplitting(Search, GivenClause, SplitLits); list_Delete(SplitLits); } else { /* 3) Splitting wasn't applied, so use the other strategies */ if ((*Counter) % flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_WDRATIO) == 0) GivenClause = top_SelectClauseDepth(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); else { if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFCON) != flag_PREFCONUNCHANGED) GivenClause = top_SelectMinimalConWeightClause(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); else GivenClause = top_SelectMinimalWeightClause(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); } (*Counter)++; /* EK: hier lassen, oder eine Klammerebene nach aussen? */ } } if (*SplitClause == NULL && prfs_SplitCounter(Search) != 0) { /* Try to find the "optimal" literal for splitting the clause. */ /* This makes sense for a clause that is the right part of a */ /* splitting step. */ LitIndex = top_GetOptimalSplitLiteralIndex(Search, GivenClause, FALSE); if (LitIndex >= 0) { SplitLits = list_List(clause_GetLiteral(GivenClause, LitIndex)); *SplitClause = prfs_DoSplitting(Search, GivenClause, SplitLits); list_Delete(SplitLits); } else { /* Optimal splitting wasn't possible, so try the old-style splitting. */ /* Here a split is done if a positive literal doesn't share variables */ /* with another POSITIVE literal. */ *SplitClause = prfs_PerformSplitting(Search, GivenClause); } } prfs_ExtractUsable(Search, GivenClause); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PGIVEN)) { fputs("\n\tGiven clause: ", stdout); clause_Print(GivenClause); fflush(stdout); } if (*SplitClause != NULL) Derivables = list_List(*SplitClause); else { /* No splitting was applied */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RTER) != flag_RTEROFF) { clock_StartCounter(clock_REDUCTION); TerminatorClause = red_Terminator(GivenClause, flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RTER), prfs_WorkedOffSharingIndex(Search), prfs_UsableSharingIndex(Search), Flags, Precedence); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_REDUCTION); if (TerminatorClause != NULL) { /* An empty clause was derived by the "terminator" rule */ Derivables = list_List(TerminatorClause); prfs_InsertUsableClause(Search, GivenClause); } } if (list_Empty(Derivables)) { /* No splitting was applied, no empty clause was found by terminator */ clause_SelectLiteral(GivenClause, Flags); /*clause_SetSpecialFlags(GivenClause,ana_SortDecreasing());*/ prfs_InsertWorkedOffClause(Search, GivenClause); clock_StartCounter(clock_INFERENCE); Derivables = inf_DerivableClauses(Search, GivenClause); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_INFERENCE); } } prfs_IncDerivedClauses(Search, list_Length(Derivables)); return Derivables; } static LIST top_LazyReductionSelectGivenComputeDerivables(PROOFSEARCH Search, CLAUSE *SplitClause, int *Counter) /************************************************************** INPUT: A proof search object, a pointer to a clause resulting from a previous splitting step, and a pointer to an integer counter. RETURNS: A list of derived clauses. EFFECT: In this function a clause is selected from the set of "usable" clauses. After a clause was selected as "given clause", inferences between the given clause and the "worked off" clauses are made. Take a look at the description of the function top_FullReduction... for more details. This function is more complicated than the other function, since clauses in the set of usable clauses may be reducible. Because of this fact, the selection of the given clause has to be done in a loop. After picking a "candidate" clause the clause is inter-reduced with the "worked off" set. If the candidate still exists after the reduction it is selected as given clause, else another usable clause is picked as candidate. ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE GivenClause, TerminatorClause; LIST Derivables; FLAGSTORE Flags; PRECEDENCE Precedence; int LitIndex; GivenClause = (CLAUSE)NULL; TerminatorClause = (CLAUSE)NULL; Derivables = list_Nil(); Flags = prfs_Store(Search); Precedence = prfs_Precedence(Search); while (GivenClause == (CLAUSE)NULL && !list_Empty(prfs_UsableClauses(Search))) { /* The selected clause may be redundant */ if (*SplitClause != NULL && list_PointerMember(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), *SplitClause)) GivenClause = *SplitClause; *SplitClause = NULL; /* Try selecting a clause that is optimal for splitting */ if (GivenClause == NULL) { if (prfs_SplitCounter(Search) != 0) { GivenClause = top_GetPowerfulSplitClause(Search, FALSE, &LitIndex); /* The value of isn't used here. */ } if (GivenClause == NULL) { /* No optimal clause for splitting found */ if ((*Counter) % flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_WDRATIO) == 0) GivenClause = top_SelectClauseDepth(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); else { if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PREFCON) != flag_PREFCONUNCHANGED) GivenClause = top_SelectMinimalConWeightClause(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); else GivenClause = top_SelectMinimalWeightClause(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags); } (*Counter)++; } } prfs_ExtractUsable(Search, GivenClause); /* Reduce the selected clause */ clock_StartCounter(clock_REDUCTION); GivenClause = red_CompleteReductionOnDerivedClause(Search, GivenClause, red_WORKEDOFF); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_REDUCTION); } if (GivenClause == (CLAUSE)NULL) /* Set of usable clauses is empty */ return list_Nil(); if (clause_IsEmptyClause(GivenClause)) { Derivables = list_List(GivenClause); return Derivables; } else { /* Reduce Workedoff clauses with selected clause */ clock_StartCounter(clock_REDUCTION); Derivables = red_BackReduction(Search, GivenClause, red_WORKEDOFF); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_REDUCTION); } /* Print selected clause */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PGIVEN)) { fputs("\n\tGiven clause: ", stdout); clause_Print(GivenClause); fflush(stdout); } /* Try splitting */ if (prfs_SplitCounter(Search) != 0) { /* First try "optimal" splitting on the selected clause */ LitIndex = top_GetOptimalSplitLiteralIndex(Search, GivenClause, FALSE); if (LitIndex >= 0) { LIST SplitLits; SplitLits = list_List(clause_GetLiteral(GivenClause, LitIndex)); *SplitClause = prfs_DoSplitting(Search, GivenClause, SplitLits); list_Delete(SplitLits); } else { /* Try the old splitting that allows negative literals */ /* sharing variables with the selected positive literal. */ *SplitClause = prfs_PerformSplitting(Search, GivenClause); } } if (*SplitClause != NULL) { Derivables = list_Cons(*SplitClause, Derivables); } else { /* Try terminator reduction only for a clause that wasn't splitted. */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RTER) != flag_RTEROFF) { TerminatorClause = red_Terminator(GivenClause, flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RTER), prfs_WorkedOffSharingIndex(Search), prfs_UsableSharingIndex(Search), Flags, Precedence); if (TerminatorClause != NULL) { Derivables = list_Cons(TerminatorClause, Derivables); prfs_InsertUsableClause(Search, GivenClause); } } if (TerminatorClause == (CLAUSE)NULL) { clause_SelectLiteral(GivenClause, Flags); /* clause_SetSpecialFlags(GivenClause,ana_SortDecreasing());*/ prfs_InsertWorkedOffClause(Search, GivenClause); clock_StartCounter(clock_INFERENCE); Derivables = list_Nconc(Derivables, inf_DerivableClauses(Search, GivenClause)); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_INFERENCE); } } prfs_IncDerivedClauses(Search, list_Length(Derivables)); return Derivables; } static PROOFSEARCH top_ProofSearch(PROOFSEARCH Search, LIST ProblemClauses, FLAGSTORE InputFlags, LIST UserPrecedence, int *BoundApplied) /************************************************************** INPUT: A proof search object, a list of clauses, a flag store containing the flags from the command line and from the input file, a list containing the precedence as specified by the user, and a pointer to an integer. RETURNS: The same proof search object EFFECTS: ***************************************************************/ { LIST Scan,EmptyClauses,Derivables; LIST UsedEmptyClauses; CLAUSE SplitClause,HighestLevelEmptyClause; FLAGSTORE Flags; PRECEDENCE Precedence; int Counter, ActBound, BoundMode, BoundLoops; HighestLevelEmptyClause = (CLAUSE)NULL; UsedEmptyClauses = list_Nil(); EmptyClauses = list_Nil(); Derivables = list_Nil(); Flags = prfs_Store(Search); Precedence = prfs_Precedence(Search); Counter = 1; clock_InitCounter(clock_REDUCTION); clock_InitCounter(clock_BACKTRACK); clock_InitCounter(clock_INFERENCE); /* Important ! Recomputes Weight ! */ ana_AnalyzeProblem(Search, ProblemClauses); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_AUTO)) { prfs_InstallFiniteMonadicPredicates(Search, ProblemClauses, ana_FinMonPredList()); ana_AutoConfiguration(ProblemClauses, Flags, Precedence); /* File and input flags have higher precedence */ flag_TransferSetFlags(InputFlags, Flags); } /* Rearrange automatically determined precedence according to user's specification. */ symbol_RearrangePrecedence(Precedence, UserPrecedence); for (Scan = ProblemClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) clause_OrientAndReInit(list_Car(Scan), Flags, Precedence); /* Must be called after ana_AnalyzeProblem and Reorientation */ ana_AnalyzeSortStructure(ProblemClauses, Flags, Precedence); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_AUTO)) { ana_ExploitSortAnalysis(Flags); /* File and input flags have higher precedence */ flag_TransferSetFlags(InputFlags, Flags); } prfs_SetSplitCounter(Search, flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SPLITS)); ActBound = flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_BOUNDSTART); BoundMode = flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_BOUNDMODE); BoundLoops = flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_BOUNDLOOPS); *BoundApplied = -1; if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PPROBLEM)) { puts(""); puts("--------------------------SPASS-START-----------------------------"); puts("Input Problem:"); clause_ListPrint(ProblemClauses); ana_Print(Flags, Precedence); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SORTS) != flag_SORTSOFF) { BOOL Strong; Strong = (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SORTS) == flag_SORTSMONADICALL); for (Scan = ProblemClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) clause_SetSortConstraint((CLAUSE)list_Car(Scan),Strong,Flags, Precedence); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RINPUT)) { clock_StartCounter(clock_REDUCTION); EmptyClauses = red_ReduceInput(Search, ProblemClauses); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_REDUCTION); if (list_Empty(EmptyClauses) && flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SATINPUT)) EmptyClauses = red_SatInput(Search); } else { for (Scan=ProblemClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) prfs_InsertUsableClause(Search, list_Car(Scan)); } Derivables = list_Nil(); if (ana_SortRestrictions() || (ana_UnsolvedSortRestrictions() && flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_SORTS) == flag_SORTSMONADICALL)) { if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_RSST)) prfs_SetStaticSortTheory(Search,sort_ApproxStaticSortTheory(prfs_UsableClauses(Search),Flags,Precedence)); prfs_SetDynamicSortTheory(Search,sort_TheoryCreate()); } /* Fix literal order in clauses in the usable set. Since they are shared, we have to extract them from the sharing before fixing them. Afterwards, we have to insert them in the sharing again. */ for (Scan = prfs_UsableClauses(Search); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { CLAUSE clause; clause = list_Car(Scan); clause_MakeUnshared(clause,prfs_UsableSharingIndex(Search)); clause_FixLiteralOrder(clause, Flags, Precedence); clause_InsertIntoSharing(clause, prfs_UsableSharingIndex(Search), prfs_Store(Search), prfs_Precedence(Search)); } /* Calculate the frequency counts for the symbols in the usable set. */ for (Scan = prfs_UsableClauses(Search); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { CLAUSE clause; clause = list_Car(Scan); clause_CountSymbols(clause); } /* Sort usable set. */ prfs_SetUsableClauses(Search, list_Sort(prfs_UsableClauses(Search), (BOOL (*) (void *, void *)) clause_CompareAbstractLEQ)); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SOS)) { Derivables = list_Copy(prfs_UsableClauses(Search)); for (Scan=Derivables;!list_Empty(Scan);Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) if (!clause_GetFlag(list_Car(Scan), CONCLAUSE)) prfs_MoveUsableWorkedOff(Search,list_Car(Scan)); list_Delete(Derivables); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PPROBLEM)) { puts("\nProcessed Problem:"); puts("\nWorked Off Clauses:"); clause_ListPrint(prfs_WorkedOffClauses(Search)); puts("\nUsable Clauses:"); clause_ListPrint(prfs_UsableClauses(Search)); } while ((list_Empty(EmptyClauses) || !prfs_SplitStackEmpty(Search)) && prfs_Loops(Search) != 0 && ((*BoundApplied != -1) || !list_Empty(prfs_UsableClauses(Search))) && (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_TIMELIMIT) == flag_TIMELIMITUNLIMITED || flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_TIMELIMIT) > clock_GetSeconds(clock_OVERALL))) { Derivables = list_Nil(); SplitClause = (CLAUSE)NULL; *BoundApplied = -1; while ((list_Empty(EmptyClauses) || !prfs_SplitStackEmpty(Search)) && prfs_Loops(Search) != 0 && (!list_Empty(prfs_UsableClauses(Search)) || !list_Empty(EmptyClauses)) && (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_TIMELIMIT) == flag_TIMELIMITUNLIMITED || flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_TIMELIMIT) > clock_GetSeconds(clock_OVERALL))) { if (!list_Empty(EmptyClauses)) { /* Backtracking */ clock_StartCounter(clock_BACKTRACK); Derivables = split_Backtrack(Search, HighestLevelEmptyClause, &SplitClause); clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_BACKTRACK); prfs_IncBacktrackedClauses(Search, list_Length(Derivables)); if (prfs_SplitStackEmpty(Search)) Derivables = list_Nconc(EmptyClauses, Derivables); else { for ( ; !list_Empty(EmptyClauses); EmptyClauses = list_Pop(EmptyClauses)) if (list_Car(EmptyClauses) != HighestLevelEmptyClause) clause_Delete(list_Car(EmptyClauses)); prfs_InsertDocProofClause(Search, HighestLevelEmptyClause); /* Keep HighestLevelEmptyClause for finding the terms required */ /* for the proof. */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF)) UsedEmptyClauses = list_Cons(HighestLevelEmptyClause, UsedEmptyClauses); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCSPLIT)) printf("\n\t Split Backtracking level %d:",prfs_ValidLevel(Search)); } EmptyClauses = list_Nil(); HighestLevelEmptyClause = (CLAUSE)NULL; } else { /* no empty clause found */ #ifdef CHECK if (!prfs_Check(Search)) { misc_StartErrorReport(); misc_ErrorReport("\n In top_ProofSearch: Illegal state of search in SPASS.\n"); misc_FinishErrorReport(); } if (!ana_Equations()) red_CheckSplitSubsumptionCondition(Search); #endif if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_FULLRED)) Derivables = top_FullReductionSelectGivenComputeDerivables(Search, &SplitClause, &Counter); else Derivables = top_LazyReductionSelectGivenComputeDerivables(Search, &SplitClause, &Counter); } /* Print the derived clauses, if required */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PDER)) for (Scan=Derivables; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) { fputs("\nDerived: ", stdout); clause_Print(list_Car(Scan)); } /* Partition the derived clauses into empty and non-empty clauses */ Derivables = split_ExtractEmptyClauses(Derivables, &EmptyClauses); /* Apply reduction rules */ clock_StartCounter(clock_REDUCTION); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_FULLRED)) { EmptyClauses = list_Nconc(EmptyClauses, red_CompleteReductionOnDerivedClauses(Search, Derivables, red_ALL, ActBound, BoundMode, BoundApplied)); } else { EmptyClauses = list_Nconc(EmptyClauses, red_CompleteReductionOnDerivedClauses(Search, Derivables, red_WORKEDOFF, ActBound, BoundMode, BoundApplied)); } clock_StopAddPassedTime(clock_REDUCTION); if (!list_Empty(EmptyClauses)) { HighestLevelEmptyClause = split_SmallestSplitLevelClause(EmptyClauses); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PEMPTYCLAUSE)) { fputs("\nEmptyClause: ", stdout); clause_Print(HighestLevelEmptyClause); } } prfs_DecLoops(Search); } if (ActBound != flag_BOUNDSTARTUNLIMITED && BoundMode != flag_BOUNDMODEUNLIMITED) { BoundLoops--; if (BoundLoops == flag_BOUNDLOOPSMIN) ActBound = flag_BOUNDSTARTUNLIMITED; else ActBound = *BoundApplied; if (*BoundApplied != -1) { prfs_SwapIndexes(Search); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags,flag_PBINC)) printf("\n\n\t ---- New Clause %s Bound: %2d ----\n", (BoundMode==flag_BOUNDMODERESTRICTEDBYDEPTH) ? "Term Depth" : "Weight",ActBound); } } } prfs_SetEmptyClauses(Search, EmptyClauses); prfs_SetUsedEmptyClauses(Search, UsedEmptyClauses); return Search; } static void top_Flotter(int argc, const char* argv[], LIST InputClauses) /************************************************************** INPUT: RETURNS: Nothing. EFFECT: ***************************************************************/ { FILE *Output; char *description; const char *creator = "\n\tCNF generated by FLOTTER " misc_VERSION " *}"; int size; int creator_size; if (argc < opts_Indicator()+2) Output = stdout; else Output = misc_OpenFile(argv[opts_Indicator()+1],"w"); creator_size = (int)strlen(creator); size = (int)strlen(dfg_ProblemDescription()) + creator_size; description = (char*)memory_Malloc(sizeof(char)*size); strncpy(description,dfg_ProblemDescription(),size-creator_size-3); strcpy(description+size-creator_size-3, creator); clause_FPrintCnfDFGProblem(Output, dfg_ProblemName(), dfg_ProblemAuthor(), dfg_ProblemStatusString(), description, InputClauses); fputs("\nFLOTTER needed\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_INPUT); puts(" for the input."); fputs("\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_CNF); fputs(" for the CNF translation.", stdout); if (Output != stdout) misc_CloseFile(Output,argv[opts_Indicator()+1]); memory_Free(description, sizeof(char)*size); } static BOOL top_CalledFlotter(const char* Call) { int length; length = strlen(Call); return string_Equal((Call + (length > 7 ? length - 7 : 0)), "FLOTTER"); } /**************************************************************/ /* Main Function */ /**************************************************************/ int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { LIST InputClauses,Scan,Axioms,Conjectures, Sorts, QueryClauses, LabelClauses, QueryPair, ProblemClauses, Labellist, Sortlabellist, Symblist, UserPrecedence; PROOFSEARCH Search, FlotterSearch; /* are the flags from the problem file and the command line. */ FLAGSTORE InputFlags, Flags; /* is the precedence after reading the problem file. */ PRECEDENCE InputPrecedence, Precedence; FILE* InputStream; HASH TermLabelToClauselist, ClauseToTermLabellist; top_SEARCHRESULT Result; Search = (PROOFSEARCH)NULL; #if (defined(SPASS_SIGNALS)) top_PROOFSEARCH = &Search; signal(SIGINT, top_SigHandler); signal(SIGTERM, top_SigHandler); signal(SIGSEGV, top_SigHandler); signal(SIGBUS, top_SigHandler); #endif clock_Init(); clock_StartCounter(clock_OVERALL); memory_Init(memory__UNLIMITED); atexit(memory_FreeAllMem); symbol_Init(TRUE); stack_Init(); hash_Init(); sort_Init(); term_Init(); InputPrecedence = symbol_CreatePrecedence(); fol_Init(TRUE, InputPrecedence); cont_Init(); unify_Init(); flag_Init(); subs_Init(); clause_Init(); red_Init(); ren_Init(); dp_Init(); opts_Init(); ana_Init(); cc_Init(); /* Build proof search object to store definitions in */ Search = prfs_Create(); InputFlags = flag_CreateStore(); /* declare all options */ opts_DeclareSPASSFlagsAsOptions(); top_RemoveFileOptId = opts_Declare("rf", opts_NOARGTYPE); if (!opts_Read(argc, argv)) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* Check whether flag_STDIN is set in the command line */ flag_InitStoreByDefaults(InputFlags); opts_SetFlags(InputFlags); if (argc < opts_Indicator()+1 && !flag_GetFlagValue(InputFlags,flag_STDIN)) { /* No input file, no stdin input */ printf("\n\t %s %s",argv[0],misc_VERSION); if (top_CalledFlotter(argv[0]) || flag_GetFlagValue(InputFlags, flag_FLOTTER)) puts("\n\t Usage: FLOTTER [options] [] []\n"); else puts("\n\t Usage: SPASS [options] [] \n"); puts("Possible options:\n"); opts_PrintSPASSNames(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } FlotterSearch = NULL; Axioms = Conjectures = Sorts = Labellist = Sortlabellist = UserPrecedence = list_Nil(); if (flag_GetFlagValue(InputFlags, flag_STDIN)) { top_InputFile = (char*)NULL; InputStream = stdin; } else { top_InputFile = argv[opts_Indicator()]; InputStream = misc_OpenFile(top_InputFile, "r"); } clock_StartCounter(clock_INPUT); flag_CleanStore(InputFlags); /* Mark all flags as unset */ /* Now add flags from file to InputFlags and set precedence */ InputClauses = dfg_DFGParser(InputStream, InputFlags, InputPrecedence, &Axioms, &Conjectures, &Sorts, &UserPrecedence); /* Add/overwrite with command line flags */ opts_SetFlags(InputFlags); Flags = prfs_Store(Search); Precedence = prfs_Precedence(Search); /* The Flags were initialized with the default flag values. */ /* This values are now overwritten by command line flags and flags */ /* from the input file. */ flag_TransferSetFlags(InputFlags, Flags); /* From now on the input flags are not changed! */ /* Transfer input precedence to search object */ symbol_TransferPrecedence(InputPrecedence, Precedence); /* Complain about missing input clauses/formulae when in */ /* non-interactive mode */ if (!flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE) && list_Empty(Axioms) && list_Empty(Conjectures) && list_Empty(InputClauses)) { misc_StartUserErrorReport(); misc_UserErrorReport("\n No formulae and clauses found in input file!\n"); misc_FinishUserErrorReport(); } cnf_Init(Flags); /* Depends on Strong Skolemization Flag */ /* DocProof is required for interactive mode */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE)) { flag_SetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF, flag_DOCPROOFON); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF)) prfs_AddDocProofSharingIndex(Search); /* Create necessary hasharrays */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF)) { TermLabelToClauselist = hsh_Create(); ClauseToTermLabellist = hsh_Create(); } else { TermLabelToClauselist = NULL; ClauseToTermLabellist = NULL; } /* Build conjecture formula and negate it: Conjectures are taken disjunctively!!*/ for (Scan = Conjectures; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) list_Rplacd(list_Car(Scan), (LIST)term_Create(fol_Not(), list_List(list_PairSecond(list_Car(Scan))))); clock_StopPassedTime(clock_INPUT); if (top_InputFile) { misc_CloseFile(InputStream,top_InputFile); if (opts_IsSet(top_RemoveFileOptId)) remove(top_InputFile); } clock_StartCounter(clock_CNF); if (list_Empty(InputClauses)) { NAT Termcount; Termcount = 0; /* Create labels for formulae without them */ for (Scan = Axioms; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan), Termcount++) { if (list_PairFirst(list_Car(Scan)) == NULL) { char L[100]; char* Label; sprintf(L, "axiom%d", Termcount); Label = string_StringCopy(L); list_Rplaca(list_Car(Scan), Label); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF) && flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PLABELS)) { printf("\nAdded label %s for axiom \n", Label); fol_PrettyPrintDFG((TERM) list_PairSecond(list_Car(Scan))); } } } Termcount = 0; for (Scan = Sorts; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { char L[100]; char* Label; sprintf(L, "declaration%d", Termcount); Label = string_StringCopy(L); list_Rplaca(list_Car(Scan), Label); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF) && flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PLABELS)) { printf("\nAdded label %s for declaration \n", Label); fol_PrettyPrintDFG((TERM) list_PairSecond(list_Car(Scan))); } Sortlabellist = list_Cons(Label, Sortlabellist); } Axioms = list_Nconc(Axioms, Sorts); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_APPLYDEFS) != flag_APPLYDEFSOFF) { def_ExtractDefsFromTermlist(Search, Axioms, Conjectures); Conjectures = def_ApplyDefinitionToTermList(prfs_Definitions(Search), Conjectures, Flags, Precedence); } /* We must keep the list of symbols because they can't be freed in cnf_Flotter */ Symblist = list_Nil(); /* Axioms is list of pairs, conjectures is list of terms */ /* A ProofSearch object is only returned and the symbols kept in Symblist if flag_INTERACTIVE is set */ FlotterSearch = cnf_Flotter(Axioms,Conjectures,&InputClauses, &Labellist, TermLabelToClauselist, ClauseToTermLabellist, Flags, Precedence, &Symblist); InputClauses = clause_ListSortWeighed(InputClauses); clause_SetCounter(1); for (Scan = InputClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) { clause_NewNumber(list_Car(Scan)); } } else { dfg_DeleteFormulaPairList(Axioms); dfg_DeleteFormulaPairList(Sorts); dfg_DeleteFormulaPairList(Conjectures); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_APPLYDEFS) != flag_APPLYDEFSOFF) { /* Extract list of definitions */ def_ExtractDefsFromClauselist(Search, InputClauses); def_FlattenDefinitionsDestructive(Search); for (Scan=prfs_Definitions(Search); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) InputClauses = def_ApplyDefToClauselist(Search, (DEF) list_Car(Scan), InputClauses, TRUE); } } clock_StopPassedTime(clock_CNF); if (top_CalledFlotter(argv[0]) || flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_FLOTTER)) { top_Flotter(argc,argv,InputClauses); flag_SetFlagValue(Flags, flag_TIMELIMIT, 0); /* Exit No Output */ flag_SetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE, flag_INTERACTIVEOFF); flag_SetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PPROBLEM, flag_PPROBLEMOFF); } memory_Restrict(flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_MEMORY)); do { LIST deflist; int BoundApplied; ProblemClauses = list_Nil(); LabelClauses = list_Nil(); Result = top_RESOURCE; if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE)) { QueryPair = ia_GetNextRequest(InputStream, Flags); /* A pair () */ /* Get list of clauses derivable from formulae with labels in labellist */ if (list_Empty(QueryPair)) { break; } for (Scan=list_PairSecond(QueryPair);!list_Empty(Scan);Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) { LIST l; l = hsh_GetWithCompareFunc(TermLabelToClauselist, list_Car(Scan), (BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)) cnf_LabelEqual, (unsigned long (*)(POINTER)) hsh_StringHashKey); l = list_PointerDeleteDuplicates(list_Copy(l)); LabelClauses = list_Nconc(l, LabelClauses); } /* Get list of clauses derivable from sorts */ for (Scan=Sortlabellist; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) { LIST l; l = hsh_GetWithCompareFunc(TermLabelToClauselist, list_Car(Scan), (BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)) cnf_LabelEqual, (unsigned long (*)(POINTER)) hsh_StringHashKey); l = list_PointerDeleteDuplicates(list_Copy(l)); LabelClauses = list_Nconc(l, LabelClauses); } /* For labelclauses copies are introduced */ /* So an update to the clause to term mapping is necessary */ for (Scan=LabelClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) { CLAUSE C; LIST l; C = (CLAUSE) list_Car(Scan); l = list_Copy(hsh_Get(ClauseToTermLabellist, C)); l = cnf_DeleteDuplicateLabelsFromList(l); list_Rplaca(Scan, clause_Copy(C)); hsh_PutList(ClauseToTermLabellist, list_Car(Scan), l); } QueryClauses = cnf_QueryFlotter(FlotterSearch, list_PairFirst(QueryPair), &Symblist); ProblemClauses = list_Nconc(QueryClauses, LabelClauses); for (Scan=list_PairSecond(QueryPair); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan= list_Cdr(Scan)) string_StringFree(list_Car(Scan)); /* Free the label strings */ list_Delete(list_PairSecond(QueryPair)); list_PairFree(QueryPair); clock_InitCounter(clock_OVERALL); clock_StartCounter(clock_OVERALL); } else { ProblemClauses = InputClauses; InputClauses = list_Nil(); } prfs_SetSplitCounter(Search,flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_SPLITS)); prfs_SetLoops(Search,flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_LOOPS)); prfs_SetBacktrackedClauses(Search, 0); BoundApplied = -1; Search = top_ProofSearch(Search, ProblemClauses, InputFlags, UserPrecedence, &BoundApplied); if ((flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_TIMELIMIT) == flag_TIMELIMITUNLIMITED || flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_TIMELIMIT) > clock_GetSeconds(clock_OVERALL)) && prfs_Loops(Search) != 0 && (BoundApplied == -1 || !list_Empty(prfs_EmptyClauses(Search)))) { if (list_Empty(prfs_EmptyClauses(Search))) Result = top_COMPLETION; else Result = top_PROOF; } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_TIMELIMIT) != 0) { /* Stop SPASS immediately */ printf("\nSPASS %s ", misc_VERSION); fputs("\nSPASS beiseite: ", stdout); switch (Result) { case top_RESOURCE: if (prfs_Loops(Search) != 0) fputs("Ran out of time.", stdout); else fputs("Maximal number of loops exceeded.", stdout); break; case top_PROOF: fputs("Proof found.", stdout); break; default: /* Completion */ fputs("Completion found.", stdout); } printf("\nProblem: %s ", (top_InputFile != (char*)NULL ? top_InputFile : "Read from stdin.")); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PSTATISTIC)) { clock_StopPassedTime(clock_OVERALL); printf("\nSPASS derived %d clauses,", prfs_DerivedClauses(Search)); printf(" backtracked %d clauses", prfs_BacktrackedClauses(Search)); printf(" and kept %d clauses.", prfs_KeptClauses(Search)); printf("\nSPASS allocated %lu KBytes.", memory_DemandedBytes()/1024); fputs("\nSPASS spent\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_OVERALL); fputs(" on the problem.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_INPUT); fputs(" for the input.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_CNF); fputs(" for the FLOTTER CNF translation.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_INFERENCE); fputs(" for inferences.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_BACKTRACK); fputs(" for the backtracking.\n\t\t", stdout); clock_PrintTime(clock_REDUCTION); puts(" for the reduction."); } if (Result != top_PROOF && flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_FPMODEL) != flag_FPMODELOFF) { FILE *Output; char name[100]; const char * creator = "{*SPASS " misc_VERSION " *}"; BOOL PrintPotProductive; strcpy(name, (top_InputFile != (char*)NULL ? top_InputFile : "SPASS")); if (Result == top_COMPLETION) strcat(name, ".model"); else strcat(name, ".clauses"); Output = misc_OpenFile(name,"w"); PrintPotProductive = (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_FPMODEL) == flag_FPMODELPOTENTIALLYPRODUCTIVECLAUSES); if (Result == top_COMPLETION) clause_FPrintCnfFormulasDFGProblem(Output, PrintPotProductive, "{*Completion_by_SPASS*}", creator, "satisfiable", dfg_ProblemDescription(), prfs_WorkedOffClauses(Search), list_Nil(), Flags, Precedence); else clause_FPrintCnfFormulasDFGProblem(Output, PrintPotProductive, "{*Clauses_generated_by_SPASS*}", creator, "unknown", dfg_ProblemDescription(), prfs_WorkedOffClauses(Search), prfs_UsableClauses(Search), Flags, Precedence); misc_CloseFile(Output, name); if (Result == top_COMPLETION) printf("\nCompletion printed to: %s\n", name); else printf("\nClauses printed to: %s\n", name); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF) && Result != top_RESOURCE) { if (Result == top_COMPLETION) { puts("\n\n The saturated set of worked-off clauses is :"); clause_ListPrint(prfs_WorkedOffClauses(Search)); } else { LIST UsedClauses, UsedTerms; if (!top_InputFile) top_InputFile = "SPASS"; UsedClauses = dp_PrintProof(Search, prfs_EmptyClauses(Search), top_InputFile); /* Find terms required for proof */ UsedTerms = list_Nil(); for (Scan = UsedClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) if (clause_IsFromInput((CLAUSE) list_Car(Scan))) { LIST L; L = hsh_Get(ClauseToTermLabellist, list_Car(Scan)); L = list_Copy(L); L = cnf_DeleteDuplicateLabelsFromList(L); UsedTerms = list_Nconc(UsedTerms, L); } list_Delete(UsedClauses); UsedTerms = cnf_DeleteDuplicateLabelsFromList(UsedTerms); fputs("\nFormulae used in the proof :", stdout); for (Scan = UsedTerms; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) if (!(strncmp((char*) list_Car(Scan), "_SORT_", 6) == 0)) printf(" %s", (char*) list_Car(Scan)); putchar('\n'); list_Delete(UsedTerms); } } } /* Delete mapping for the clause copies of the labelclauses */ for (Scan = LabelClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) hsh_DelItem(ClauseToTermLabellist, list_Car(Scan)); list_Delete(ProblemClauses); fflush(stdout); /* Keep definitions */ deflist = prfs_Definitions(Search); prfs_SetDefinitions(Search, list_Nil()); prfs_Clean(Search); prfs_SetDefinitions(Search, deflist); symbol_TransferPrecedence(InputPrecedence, Precedence); if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PPROBLEM)) fputs("\n--------------------------SPASS-STOP------------------------------", stdout); } while (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE) && (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_TIMELIMIT) != 0)); for (Scan = InputClauses; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan)) clause_OrientAndReInit(list_Car(Scan), Flags, Precedence); /* Cleanup Flotter data structures */ if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_INTERACTIVE)) { if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF)) list_Delete(Symblist); else symbol_DeleteSymbolList(Symblist); /* symbol_ResetSkolemIndex(); */ if (FlotterSearch != NULL) prfs_Delete(FlotterSearch); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_PFLAGS)) { putchar('\n'); flag_Print(Flags); } if (flag_GetFlagValue(Flags, flag_DOCPROOF)) { hsh_Delete(TermLabelToClauselist); hsh_Delete(ClauseToTermLabellist); } for (Scan = Labellist; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) string_StringFree(list_Car(Scan)); list_Delete(Labellist); list_Delete(Sortlabellist); list_Delete(UserPrecedence); cnf_Free(Flags); prfs_Delete(Search); clause_DeleteClauseList(InputClauses); flag_DeleteStore(InputFlags); symbol_DeletePrecedence(InputPrecedence); cc_Free(); ana_Free(); sort_Free(); unify_Free(); cont_Free(); fol_Free(); symbol_FreeAllSymbols(); dfg_Free(); opts_Free(); #ifdef CHECK memory_Print(); memory_PrintLeaks(); #endif putchar('\n'); return 0; }