/**************************************************************/ /* ********************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * UR-RESOLUTION * */ /* * * */ /* * $Module: INFERENCE RULES * */ /* * * */ /* * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */ /* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */ /* * General Public License as published by the Free * */ /* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */ /* * or (at your option) any later version. * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */ /* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */ /* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */ /* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */ /* * License for more details. * */ /* * * */ /* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */ /* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */ /* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */ /* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* * * */ /* * * */ /* $Revision: 21527 $ * */ /* $State$ * */ /* $Date: 2005-04-24 21:10:28 -0700 (Sun, 24 Apr 2005) $ * */ /* $Author: duraid $ * */ /* * * */ /* * Contact: * */ /* * Christoph Weidenbach * */ /* * MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */ /* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */ /* * Email: weidenb@mpi-sb.mpg.de * */ /* * Germany * */ /* * * */ /* ********************************************************** */ /**************************************************************/ /* $RCSfile$ */ /**************************************************************/ /* Includes */ /**************************************************************/ #include "rules-ur.h" #include "list.h" static LIST inf_GetURPartnerLits(TERM Atom, LITERAL Lit, BOOL Unit, SHARED_INDEX Index) /************************************************************** INPUT: An atom, a literal, a boolean flag and a SHARED_INDEX. RETURNS: A list of literals with sign complementary to that are unifiable with . If is true, only literals from unit clauses are returned, if is false, only literals from non-unit clauses are returned. EFFECT: is a copy of 's atom where some substitution was applied and equality literals might have been swapped. is just needed to check whether the unifiable literals are complementary. ***************************************************************/ { LIST Result, Unifiers, LitScan; LITERAL PLit; int length; Result = list_Nil(); Unifiers = st_GetUnifier(cont_LeftContext(), sharing_Index(Index), cont_RightContext(), Atom); for ( ; !list_Empty(Unifiers); Unifiers = list_Pop(Unifiers)) { if (!term_IsVariable(list_Car(Unifiers))) { for (LitScan = sharing_NAtomDataList(list_Car(Unifiers)); !list_Empty(LitScan); LitScan = list_Cdr(LitScan)) { PLit = list_Car(LitScan); length = clause_Length(clause_LiteralOwningClause(PLit)); if (clause_LiteralsAreComplementary(Lit, PLit) && ((Unit && length==1) || (!Unit && length!=1))) /* The partner literals must have complementary sign and if == TRUE they must be from unit clauses, if == FALSE they must be from non-unit clauses. */ Result = list_Cons(PLit, Result); } } } return Result; } static CLAUSE inf_CreateURUnitResolvent(CLAUSE Clause, int i, SUBST Subst, LIST FoundMap, FLAGSTORE Flags, PRECEDENCE Precedence) /************************************************************** INPUT: A non-unit clause, a literal index from the clause, a substitution, a list of pairs (l1, l2) of literals, where l1 is from the non-unit clause and l2 is from a unit clause, a flag store and a precedence. RETURNS: The resolvent of this UR resolution inference. The clause consists of the literal at index in after application of . EFFECT: The flag store and the precedence are needed to create the new clause. ***************************************************************/ { CLAUSE Result, PClause; LITERAL Lit; TERM Atom; LIST Parents; NAT depth; /* Create atom for resolvent */ Atom = subst_Apply(Subst, term_Copy(clause_GetLiteralAtom(Clause, i))); /* Create clause */ Parents = list_List(Atom); if (i <= clause_LastConstraintLitIndex(Clause)) Result = clause_Create(Parents, list_Nil(), list_Nil(), Flags, Precedence); else if (i <= clause_LastAntecedentLitIndex(Clause)) Result = clause_Create(list_Nil(), Parents, list_Nil(), Flags, Precedence); else Result = clause_Create(list_Nil(), list_Nil(), Parents, Flags, Precedence); list_Delete(Parents); /* Get parent clauses and literals, calculate depth of resolvent */ Parents = list_List(Clause); depth = clause_Depth(Clause); for ( ; !list_Empty(FoundMap); FoundMap = list_Cdr(FoundMap)) { Lit = list_PairSecond(list_Car(FoundMap)); /* Literal from unit */ PClause = clause_LiteralOwningClause(Lit); Parents = list_Cons(PClause, Parents); depth = misc_Max(depth, clause_Depth(PClause)); clause_AddParentClause(Result, clause_Number(PClause)); clause_AddParentLiteral(Result, clause_LiteralGetIndex(Lit)); Lit = list_PairFirst(list_Car(FoundMap)); /* Is from */ clause_AddParentClause(Result, clause_Number(Clause)); clause_AddParentLiteral(Result, clause_LiteralGetIndex(Lit)); } clause_SetFromURResolution(Result); clause_SetDepth(Result, depth+1); clause_SetSplitDataFromList(Result, Parents); list_Delete(Parents); return Result; } static LIST inf_SearchURResolvents(CLAUSE Clause, int i, LIST FoundMap, LIST RestLits, SUBST Subst, SYMBOL GlobalMaxVar, SHARED_INDEX Index, FLAGSTORE Flags, PRECEDENCE Precedence) /************************************************************** INPUT: A non-unit clause, a literal index from . is a list of pairs (l1,l2) of unifiable literals, where l1 is from and l2 is from a unit clause. is a list of literals from where we haven't found unifiable literals from unit clauses so far. is the overall substitution for (not for the unit-clauses!). is the maximal variable encountered so far. is used to search unifiable literals. The flag store and the precedence are needed to create the new clauses. RETURNS: A list of UR resolution resolvents. ***************************************************************/ { if (list_Empty(RestLits)) { /* Stop the recursion */ return list_List(inf_CreateURUnitResolvent(Clause, i, Subst, FoundMap, Flags, Precedence)); } else { LITERAL Lit, PLit; SYMBOL NewMaxVar; SUBST NewSubst, RightSubst; TERM AtomCopy, PAtom; LIST Result, Partners; BOOL Swapped; Result = list_Nil(); Swapped = FALSE; /* Choose the unmatched literal with the most symbols */ RestLits = clause_MoveBestLiteralToFront(list_Copy(RestLits), Subst, GlobalMaxVar, clause_HyperLiteralIsBetter); Lit = list_Car(RestLits); RestLits = list_Pop(RestLits); AtomCopy = subst_Apply(Subst, term_Copy(clause_LiteralAtom(Lit))); /* The following 'endless' loop runs twice for equality literals */ /* and only once for other literals. */ while (TRUE) { Partners = inf_GetURPartnerLits(AtomCopy, Lit, TRUE, Index); for ( ; !list_Empty(Partners); Partners = list_Pop(Partners)) { PLit = list_Car(Partners); /* Rename the atom */ PAtom = term_Copy(clause_LiteralAtom(PLit)); term_StartMaxRenaming(GlobalMaxVar); term_Rename(PAtom); /* Get the new global maximal variable */ NewMaxVar = term_MaxVar(PAtom); if (symbol_GreaterVariable(GlobalMaxVar, NewMaxVar)) NewMaxVar = GlobalMaxVar; /* Get the substitution */ cont_Check(); if (!unify_UnifyNoOC(cont_LeftContext(), AtomCopy, cont_RightContext(), PAtom)) { misc_StartErrorReport(); misc_ErrorReport("\n In inf_SearchURResolvents: Unification failed."); misc_FinishErrorReport(); } subst_ExtractUnifier(cont_LeftContext(), &NewSubst, cont_RightContext(), &RightSubst); cont_Reset(); subst_Delete(RightSubst); /* Forget substitution for unit clause */ term_Delete(PAtom); /* Was just needed to get the substitution */ /* Build the composition of the substitutions */ RightSubst = NewSubst; NewSubst = subst_Compose(NewSubst, subst_Copy(Subst)); subst_Delete(RightSubst); FoundMap = list_Cons(list_PairCreate(Lit, PLit), FoundMap); Result = list_Nconc(inf_SearchURResolvents(Clause,i,FoundMap,RestLits, NewSubst,NewMaxVar,Index, Flags, Precedence), Result); list_PairFree(list_Car(FoundMap)); FoundMap = list_Pop(FoundMap); subst_Delete(NewSubst); } /* loop control */ if (!fol_IsEquality(AtomCopy) || Swapped) break; else { term_EqualitySwap(AtomCopy); Swapped = TRUE; } } /* cleanup */ term_Delete(AtomCopy); list_Delete(RestLits); return Result; } } static LIST inf_NonUnitURResolution(CLAUSE Clause, int SpecialLitIndex, LIST FoundMap, SUBST Subst, SYMBOL GlobalMaxVar, SHARED_INDEX Index, FLAGSTORE Flags, PRECEDENCE Precedence) /************************************************************** INPUT: A non-unit clause, a literal index from . is a list of pairs (l1,l2) of unifiable literals, where l1 is from and l2 is from a unit clause. At this point the list has at most one element. is the substitution for . is the maximal variable encountered so far. is used to search unifiable literals. The flag store and the precedence are needed to create the new clauses. RETURNS: The list of UR resolution resolvents. EFFECT: If inf_URResolution was called with a unit clause, is the index of a literal from a non-unit clause, that is unifiable with the unit clause's literal, otherwise it is set to -1. ***************************************************************/ { LIST Result, RestLits; int i, last; Result = list_Nil(); RestLits = clause_GetLiteralListExcept(Clause, SpecialLitIndex); last = clause_LastLitIndex(Clause); for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= last; i++) { /* is the index of the literal that remains in the resolvent */ if (i != SpecialLitIndex) { RestLits = list_PointerDeleteOneElement(RestLits, clause_GetLiteral(Clause,i)); Result = list_Nconc(inf_SearchURResolvents(Clause, i, FoundMap, RestLits, Subst, GlobalMaxVar, Index, Flags, Precedence), Result); RestLits = list_Cons(clause_GetLiteral(Clause, i), RestLits); } } list_Delete(RestLits); return Result; } LIST inf_URResolution(CLAUSE Clause, SHARED_INDEX Index, FLAGSTORE Flags, PRECEDENCE Precedence) /************************************************************** INPUT: A clause, a shared index, a flag store and a precedence. RETURNS: The list of UR resolution resolvents. EFFECT: The flag store and the precedence are needed to create the resolvents. ***************************************************************/ { LIST Result; if (clause_Length(Clause) != 1) { /* Clause isn't unit clause */ Result = inf_NonUnitURResolution(Clause, -1, list_Nil(), subst_Nil(), clause_MaxVar(Clause), Index, Flags, Precedence); } else { /* Clause is unit clause, so search partner literals in non-unit clauses */ LITERAL Lit, PLit; TERM Atom; LIST Partners, FoundMap; SYMBOL MaxVar, PMaxVar; SUBST LeftSubst, RightSubst; CLAUSE PClause; int PLitInd; BOOL Swapped; Result = list_Nil(); Lit = clause_GetLiteral(Clause, clause_FirstLitIndex()); Atom = term_Copy(clause_LiteralAtom(Lit)); Swapped = FALSE; /* The following 'endless' loop runs twice for equality literals */ /* and only once for other literals. */ while (TRUE) { /* Get complementary literals from non-unit clauses */ Partners = inf_GetURPartnerLits(Atom, Lit, FALSE, Index); for ( ; !list_Empty(Partners); Partners = list_Pop(Partners)) { PLit = list_Car(Partners); PLitInd = clause_LiteralGetIndex(PLit); PClause = clause_LiteralOwningClause(PLit); /* non-unit clause */ PMaxVar = clause_MaxVar(PClause); term_StartMaxRenaming(PMaxVar); term_Rename(Atom); /* Rename atom from unit clause */ MaxVar = term_MaxVar(Atom); if (symbol_GreaterVariable(PMaxVar, MaxVar)) MaxVar = PMaxVar; /* Get the substitution */ cont_Check(); unify_UnifyNoOC(cont_LeftContext(), clause_LiteralAtom(PLit), cont_RightContext(), Atom); subst_ExtractUnifier(cont_LeftContext(), &LeftSubst, cont_RightContext(), &RightSubst); cont_Reset(); /* We don't need the substitution for the unit clause */ subst_Delete(RightSubst); FoundMap = list_List(list_PairCreate(PLit, Lit)); Result = list_Nconc(inf_NonUnitURResolution(PClause, PLitInd, FoundMap, LeftSubst, MaxVar, Index, Flags, Precedence), Result); list_DeletePairList(FoundMap); subst_Delete(LeftSubst); } /* loop control */ if (!fol_IsEquality(Atom) || Swapped) break; else { term_EqualitySwap(Atom); Swapped = TRUE; } } /* end of endless loop */ term_Delete(Atom); } return Result; }