/**************************************************************/ /* ********************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * LISTS * */ /* * * */ /* * $Module: LIST * */ /* * * */ /* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 * */ /* * MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */ /* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */ /* * General Public License as published by the Free * */ /* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */ /* * or (at your option) any later version. * */ /* * * */ /* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */ /* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */ /* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */ /* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */ /* * License for more details. * */ /* * * */ /* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */ /* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */ /* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */ /* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* * * */ /* * * */ /* $Revision: 21527 $ * */ /* $State$ * */ /* $Date: 2005-04-24 21:10:28 -0700 (Sun, 24 Apr 2005) $ * */ /* $Author: duraid $ * */ /* * * */ /* * Contact: * */ /* * Christoph Weidenbach * */ /* * MPI fuer Informatik * */ /* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */ /* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */ /* * Email: weidenb@mpi-sb.mpg.de * */ /* * Germany * */ /* * * */ /* ********************************************************** */ /**************************************************************/ /* $RCSfile$ */ #ifndef _LIST_ #define _LIST_ /**************************************************************/ /* Includes */ /**************************************************************/ #include "memory.h" #include "misc.h" /**************************************************************/ /* Structures */ /**************************************************************/ typedef struct LIST_HELP { struct LIST_HELP *cdr; POINTER car; } LIST_NODE; typedef LIST_NODE *LIST; /**************************************************************/ /* Macros */ /**************************************************************/ static __inline__ void list_Free(LIST L) { memory_Free(L, sizeof(LIST_NODE)); } static __inline__ LIST list_Nil(void) { return NULL; } static __inline__ BOOL list_Empty(LIST L) { return L == NULL; } static __inline__ BOOL list_Exist(LIST L) { return L != NULL; } static __inline__ POINTER list_Car(LIST L) { return L->car; } static __inline__ POINTER list_NCar(LIST *L) { POINTER Result; LIST Help; Result = (*L)->car; Help = (*L)->cdr; list_Free(*L); *L = Help; return Result; } static __inline__ LIST list_Cdr(LIST L) { return L->cdr; } static __inline__ POINTER list_First(LIST L) { return list_Car(L); } static __inline__ POINTER list_Second(LIST L) { return list_Car(list_Cdr(L)); } static __inline__ POINTER list_Third(LIST L) { return list_Car(list_Cdr(list_Cdr(L))); } static __inline__ POINTER list_Fourth(LIST L) { return(list_Third(list_Cdr(L))); } static __inline__ POINTER list_Fifth(LIST L) { return(list_Fourth(list_Cdr(L))); } static __inline__ void list_Rplacd(LIST L1, LIST L2) { L1->cdr = L2; } static __inline__ void list_Rplaca(LIST L, POINTER P) { L->car = P; } static __inline__ void list_RplacSecond(LIST L, POINTER P) { list_Rplaca(list_Cdr(L), P); } /**************************************************************/ /* Functions */ /**************************************************************/ LIST list_Copy(const LIST); LIST list_CopyWithElement(const LIST, POINTER (*)(POINTER)); void list_InsertNext(LIST, POINTER); void list_NMapCar(LIST, POINTER (*)(POINTER)); void list_Apply(void (*)(POINTER), LIST); LIST list_Reverse(const LIST); LIST list_NReverse(LIST); void list_Split(LIST, LIST *, LIST *); LIST list_PointerSort(LIST); LIST list_Merge(LIST, LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_MergeSort(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_InsertionSort(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_Sort(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); BOOL list_SortedInOrder(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_NumberSort(LIST , NAT (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_GreaterNumberSort(LIST , NAT (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_NNumberMerge(LIST , LIST, NAT (*)(POINTER)); POINTER list_DequeueNext(LIST); POINTER list_NthElement(LIST, NAT); void list_DeleteWithElement(LIST, void (*)(POINTER)); NAT list_DeleteWithElementCount(LIST, void (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteElement(LIST, POINTER, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteElementIf(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteElementIfFree(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER), void (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteElementFree(LIST, POINTER, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER), void (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteOneElement(LIST, POINTER, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_PointerDeleteElement(LIST, POINTER); LIST list_PointerDeleteElementFree(LIST, POINTER, void (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_PointerDeleteOneElement(LIST, POINTER); BOOL list_DeleteFromList(LIST*, POINTER); BOOL list_DeleteOneFromList(LIST*, POINTER); LIST list_DeleteDuplicates(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_DeleteDuplicatesFree(LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER), void (*)(POINTER)); LIST list_PointerDeleteDuplicates(LIST); BOOL list_IsSetOfPointers(LIST); LIST list_NPointerUnion(LIST, LIST); LIST list_NUnion(LIST, LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_NListTimes(LIST, LIST); LIST list_NIntersect(LIST, LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); void list_NInsert(LIST, LIST); LIST list_NPointerIntersect(LIST, LIST); BOOL list_HasIntersection(LIST, LIST); LIST list_NPointerDifference(LIST, LIST); LIST list_NDifference(LIST, LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); LIST list_NMultisetDifference(LIST, LIST, BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER)); BOOL list_PointerReplaceMember(LIST, POINTER, POINTER); void list_DeleteAssocListWithValues(LIST, void (*)(POINTER)); POINTER list_AssocListValue(LIST, POINTER); LIST list_AssocListPair(LIST, POINTER); LIST list_MultisetDistribution(LIST); int list_CompareMultisetsByElementDistribution(LIST, LIST); NAT list_Length(LIST); NAT list_Bytes(LIST); /**************************************************************/ /* Functional Inline Functions */ /**************************************************************/ static __inline__ LIST list_Cons(POINTER Ptr, const LIST List) { LIST Cell; Cell = (LIST)memory_Malloc(sizeof(LIST_NODE)); Cell->car = Ptr; Cell->cdr = List; return Cell; } static __inline__ LIST list_Nconc(LIST List1, LIST List2) { LIST Result; if (list_Empty(List1)) return List2; if (list_Empty(List2)) return List1; Result = List1; for (List1 = Result; !list_Empty(list_Cdr(List1)); List1 = list_Cdr(List1)) /* empty */; List1->cdr = List2; return Result; } static __inline__ LIST list_List(POINTER P) { return list_Cons(P,list_Nil()); } static __inline__ LIST list_Append(LIST List1, LIST List2) { LIST Result; if (list_Empty(List1)) return List2; if (list_Empty(List2)) return list_Copy(List1); Result = list_Copy(List1); for (List1 = Result; !list_Empty(list_Cdr(List1)); List1 = list_Cdr(List1)) /* empty */; List1->cdr = List2; return Result; } static __inline__ void list_Delete(LIST L) { LIST Current; Current = L; while (!list_Empty(Current)) { L = list_Cdr(L); list_Free(Current); Current = L; } } static __inline__ BOOL list_Member(LIST List, POINTER Element, BOOL (*Test)(POINTER, POINTER)) /************************************************************** INPUT: A list and an element pointer and an equality test for two elements. RETURNS: TRUE iff Element is in List with respect to Test ***************************************************************/ { while (!list_Empty(List)) { if (Test(Element, list_Car(List))) return TRUE; List = list_Cdr(List); } return FALSE; } static __inline__ BOOL list_PointerMember(LIST List, POINTER Element) /************************************************************** INPUT: A list and an element pointer. RETURNS: TRUE iff Element is in List with respect to pointer equality. ***************************************************************/ { while (!list_Empty(List)) { if (Element == list_Car(List)) return TRUE; List = list_Cdr(List); } return FALSE; } /**************************************************************/ /* Stack Macros */ /**************************************************************/ static __inline__ LIST list_StackBottom(void) { return list_Nil(); } static __inline__ BOOL list_StackEmpty(LIST S) { return list_Empty(S); } static __inline__ LIST list_Push(POINTER I, LIST L) { return list_Cons(I, L); } static __inline__ POINTER list_Top(LIST L) { return list_Car(L); } static __inline__ LIST list_Pop(LIST L) { LIST Aux = L; L = list_Cdr(L); list_Free(Aux); return L; } static __inline__ void list_RplacTop(LIST L, POINTER P) { list_Rplaca(L, P); } static __inline__ LIST list_StackFree(LIST L) { while (!list_StackEmpty(L)) L = list_Pop(L); return list_Nil(); } /**************************************************************/ /* Pair Macros */ /**************************************************************/ static __inline__ LIST list_PairNull(void) { return list_Nil(); } static __inline__ LIST list_PairCreate(POINTER P1, POINTER P2) { return list_Cons(P1, P2); } static __inline__ void list_PairFree(LIST L) { list_Free(L); } static __inline__ POINTER list_PairFirst(LIST L) { return list_Car(L); } static __inline__ POINTER list_PairSecond(LIST L) { return (POINTER)list_Cdr(L); } static __inline__ void list_PairRplacSecond(LIST L, POINTER P) { list_Rplacd(L,P); } static __inline__ void list_DeletePairList(LIST L) /* Delete a list of pairs */ { list_DeleteWithElement(L, (void (*)(POINTER))list_PairFree); } static __inline__ void list_DeleteDistribution(LIST L) { list_DeletePairList(L); } /**************************************************************/ /* Assoc Lists */ /**************************************************************/ static __inline__ LIST list_AssocCons(LIST L, POINTER Key, POINTER Value) { return list_Cons(list_PairCreate(Key, Value), L); } #endif