Require Import Coqlib. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Values. Require Import Memory. Require Import Globalenvs. Require Import Op. Require Import ValueDomain. Require Import RTL. (** Value analysis for PowerPC operators *) Definition eval_static_condition (cond: condition) (vl: list aval): abool := match cond, vl with | Ccomp c, v1 :: v2 :: nil => cmp_bool c v1 v2 | Ccompu c, v1 :: v2 :: nil => cmpu_bool c v1 v2 | Ccompimm c n, v1 :: nil => cmp_bool c v1 (I n) | Ccompuimm c n, v1 :: nil => cmpu_bool c v1 (I n) | Ccompf c, v1 :: v2 :: nil => cmpf_bool c v1 v2 | Cnotcompf c, v1 :: v2 :: nil => cnot (cmpf_bool c v1 v2) | Cmaskzero n, v1 :: nil => maskzero v1 n | Cmasknotzero n, v1 :: nil => cnot (maskzero v1 n) | _, _ => Bnone end. Definition eval_static_addressing (addr: addressing) (vl: list aval): aval := match addr, vl with | Aindexed n, v1::nil => add v1 (I n) | Aindexed2, v1::v2::nil => add v1 v2 | Aglobal s ofs, nil => Ptr (Gl s ofs) | Abased s ofs, v1::nil => add (Ptr (Gl s ofs)) v1 | Ainstack ofs, nil => Ptr(Stk ofs) | _, _ => Vbot end. Definition eval_static_operation (op: operation) (vl: list aval): aval := match op, vl with | Omove, v1::nil => v1 | Ointconst n, nil => I n | Ofloatconst n, nil => if propagate_float_constants tt then F n else ftop | Oaddrsymbol id ofs, nil => Ptr (Gl id ofs) | Oaddrstack ofs, nil => Ptr (Stk ofs) | Ocast8signed, v1 :: nil => sign_ext 8 v1 | Ocast16signed, v1 :: nil => sign_ext 16 v1 | Oadd, v1::v2::nil => add v1 v2 | Oaddimm n, v1::nil => add v1 (I n) | Oaddsymbol id ofs, v1::nil => add (Ptr (Gl id ofs)) v1 | Osub, v1::v2::nil => sub v1 v2 | Osubimm n, v1::nil => sub (I n) v1 | Omul, v1::v2::nil => mul v1 v2 | Omulimm n, v1::nil => mul v1 (I n) | Omulhs, v1::v2::nil => mulhs v1 v2 | Omulhu, v1::v2::nil => mulhu v1 v2 | Odiv, v1::v2::nil => divs v1 v2 | Odivu, v1::v2::nil => divu v1 v2 | Oand, v1::v2::nil => and v1 v2 | Oandimm n, v1::nil => and v1 (I n) | Oor, v1::v2::nil => or v1 v2 | Oorimm n, v1::nil => or v1 (I n) | Oxor, v1::v2::nil => xor v1 v2 | Oxorimm n, v1::nil => xor v1 (I n) | Onot, v1::nil => notint v1 | Onand, v1::v2::nil => notint(and v1 v2) | Onor, v1::v2::nil => notint(or v1 v2) | Onxor, v1::v2::nil => notint(xor v1 v2) | Oandc, v1::v2::nil => and v1 (notint v2) | Oorc, v1::v2::nil => or v1 (notint v2) | Oshl, v1::v2::nil => shl v1 v2 | Oshr, v1::v2::nil => shr v1 v2 | Oshrimm n, v1::nil => shr v1 (I n) | Oshrximm n, v1::nil => shrx v1 (I n) | Oshru, v1::v2::nil => shru v1 v2 | Orolm amount mask, v1::nil => rolm v1 amount mask | Oroli amount mask, v1::v2::nil => or (and v1 (I (Int.not mask))) (rolm v2 amount mask) | Onegf, v1::nil => negf v1 | Oabsf, v1::nil => absf v1 | Oaddf, v1::v2::nil => addf v1 v2 | Osubf, v1::v2::nil => subf v1 v2 | Omulf, v1::v2::nil => mulf v1 v2 | Odivf, v1::v2::nil => divf v1 v2 | Osingleoffloat, v1::nil => singleoffloat v1 | Ointoffloat, v1::nil => intoffloat v1 | Ofloatofwords, v1::v2::nil => floatofwords v1 v2 | Omakelong, v1::v2::nil => longofwords v1 v2 | Olowlong, v1::nil => loword v1 | Ohighlong, v1::nil => hiword v1 | Ocmp c, _ => of_optbool (eval_static_condition c vl) | _, _ => Vbot end. Section SOUNDNESS. Variable bc: block_classification. Variable ge: genv. Hypothesis GENV: genv_match bc ge. Variable sp: block. Hypothesis STACK: bc sp = BCstack. Theorem eval_static_condition_sound: forall cond vargs m aargs, list_forall2 (vmatch bc) vargs aargs -> cmatch (eval_condition cond vargs m) (eval_static_condition cond aargs). Proof. intros until aargs; intros VM. inv VM. destruct cond; auto with va. inv H0. destruct cond; simpl; eauto with va. inv H2. destruct cond; simpl; eauto with va. destruct cond; auto with va. Qed. Lemma symbol_address_sound: forall id ofs, vmatch bc (symbol_address ge id ofs) (Ptr (Gl id ofs)). Proof. intros; apply symbol_address_sound; apply GENV. Qed. Hint Resolve symbol_address_sound: va. Ltac InvHyps := match goal with | [H: None = Some _ |- _ ] => discriminate | [H: Some _ = Some _ |- _] => inv H | [H1: match ?vl with nil => _ | _ :: _ => _ end = Some _ , H2: list_forall2 _ ?vl _ |- _ ] => inv H2; InvHyps | _ => idtac end. Theorem eval_static_addressing_sound: forall addr vargs vres aargs, eval_addressing ge (Vptr sp addr vargs = Some vres -> list_forall2 (vmatch bc) vargs aargs -> vmatch bc vres (eval_static_addressing addr aargs). Proof. unfold eval_addressing, eval_static_addressing; intros; destruct addr; InvHyps; eauto with va. rewrite Int.add_zero_l; auto with va. Qed. Theorem eval_static_operation_sound: forall op vargs m vres aargs, eval_operation ge (Vptr sp op vargs m = Some vres -> list_forall2 (vmatch bc) vargs aargs -> vmatch bc vres (eval_static_operation op aargs). Proof. unfold eval_operation, eval_static_operation; intros; destruct op; InvHyps; eauto with va. destruct (propagate_float_constants tt); constructor. rewrite Int.add_zero_l; eauto with va. fold (Val.sub (Vint i) a1). auto with va. apply floatofwords_sound; auto. apply of_optbool_sound. eapply eval_static_condition_sound; eauto. Qed. End SOUNDNESS.