@String{CSM = {Proc. of the Conf. on Soft. Maintenance (CSM)}} @String{PLDI = {Proc. of the Programming Languages Design and Implementation Conf. (PLDI)}} @String{POPL = {Proc. of Principles Of Progamming Languages symposium (POPL)}} @String{LNCS = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}} @String{TOPLAS = {ACM Transactions on Programing Languages and Systems}} @String{SV = {Springer-Verlag}} @String{JUCS = "Journal of Universal Computer Science"} @Book{B:book, AUTHOR = "J.R. Abrial", TITLE = "The B-Book assigning programs to meanings", PUBLISHER="Cambridge University Press", YEAR = "1996"} @Book{compil:book, AUTHOR = "A.V. Aho and R.Sethi and J.D.Ullman", TITLE = "Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools", PUBLISHER="Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1988"} @phdthesis{C:andersen, AUTHOR = "L.O. Andersen", TITLE = "Program analysis and specialization for the C programming language", YEAR="1994", SCHOOL="University of Copenhagen", NOTE="DIKU report 94/19"} @InProceedings{ppc:appel, author = {A.W. Appel}, title = {Foundational Proof-Carrying Code}, booktitle = {16th Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)}, year = {2001}, month = {June}, address = {Washington, DC, United States}, pages = {247} } @INPROCEEDINGS{pepm:glueck, AUTHOR="R. Baier and R. Gl{\"u}ck and R. Z{\"o}chling", TITLE="Partial evaluation of numerical programs in {F}ortran", PAGES="119-132", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the Partial Evaluation and semantics based Program Manipulation Workshop", ORGANIZATION="ACM SIGPLAN", ADDRESS="Melbourne", YEAR="1994"} @ARTICLE{slicing:berg, AUTHOR="J.A. Bergstra and T.B. Dinesh and J. Field and J. Heering", TITLE="Toward a complete transformational toolkit for compilers", PAGES="639-684", JOURNAL = TOPLAS, VOLUME="19", NUMBER="5", MONTH = "September", YEAR="1997"} @Book{CoqArt, author = "Y. Bertot and P. 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Facon", TITLE = "{SFAC}, a tool for program comprehension by specialization", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the Third Workshop on Program Comprehension", ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", PAGES = "162-167", ADDRESS = "Washington D.C.", MONTH = "November", YEAR = {1994} } @INPROCEEDINGS{tapsoft:sb, AUTHOR = "S. Blazy and P. Facon", TITLE = "Formal specification and prototyping of a program specializer", BOOKTITLE = "{TAPSOFT '95}: Theory and Practice of Software Development", PAGES = "666-680", SERIES = LNCS, VOLUME = "915", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", editor = "P. D. Mosses and M. Nielsen and M. I. Schwartzbach", ADDRESS = "Aarhus", MONTH = "May", YEAR = {1995} } @INPROCEEDINGS{pe1996:sb, AUTHOR = "S. Blazy and P. Facon", TITLE = "An automatic interprocedural analysis for the understanding of scientific application Programs", PAGES = "1-16", crossref={pe1996:tout} } @ARTICLE{sope:sb, AUTHOR = "S. Blazy and P. Facon", TITLE = "Partial evaluation for program understanding", crossref={sope:tout} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ase:sb, AUTHOR = "S. Blazy and P. Facon", TITLE = "Application of formal methods to the development of a software maintenance tool", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the Automated Software Engineering Conference", PAGES = "162-171", ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", MONTH = "November", YEAR = {1997} } @article{sekejal:sb, AUTHOR = "S. Blazy", TITLE = "Partial Evaluation for the understanding of {F}ortran programs", journal = "Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering", VOLUME = "4", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "535-559", YEAR = {1994} } @article{asejal:sb, AUTHOR = "S. 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Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods {ICFEM}", PAGES = {280--299}, SERIES = LNCS, VOLUME = 3785 , publisher = "Springer-Verlag", ADDRESS = "Manchester, UK", MONTH = "November", YEAR = {2005} } @inproceedings{blazy06:fm, author = {Sandrine Blazy and Zaynah Dargaye and Xavier Leroy}, title = {Formal Verification of a {C} Compiler Front-End}, booktitle = {Symp. on Formal Methods (FM'06)}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = 4805, year = {2006}, pages = {460-475}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11813040_31}} @InProceedings{table:ob, author = {O. Boite and C. Dubois}, title = {Proving {T}ype {S}oundness of a {S}imply {T}yped {ML}-like {L}anguage with {R}eferences}, year = 2001, Booktitle = {Supplemental Proc. of TPHOL'01, Informatics Research Report EDI-INF-RR-0046 of University of Edinburgh}, Editor = {R. Boulton and P. Jackson}, pages = {69--84} } @INPROCEEDINGS{coq:dataflow, AUTHOR = {D. Cachera and T. Jensen and D. Pichardie and V. 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Fidge", type = "Technical report", institution = "Software Verification Research Centre", address = "School of Information Technology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072. Australia", number = "97-22", month = may, year = "1997", keywords = "refinement, compilers.", abstract = "This report shows how compilation of high-level language programs to assembler code can be formally represented in the refinement calculus. New operators are introduced to widen the modelling language to encompass assembler code. A compilation strategy is then embodied as a set of derived refinement rules.", url = "http://svrc.it.uq.edu.au/Bibliography/svrc-tr.html?97-22" } @INPROCEEDINGS{slicing:field, AUTHOR = "J. Field and G. Ramalingam and F. Tip", TITLE = "Parametric program slicing", BOOKTITLE = POPL, ADDRESS = "San Francisco, USA", PAGES = "379-392", YEAR = {1995} } @InProceedings{fsets, author = {J.-C. Filli{\^a}tre and P. 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Thiemann", TITLE = "International seminar on partial evaluation", ADDRESS = "Dagstuhl castle", SERIES = LNCS, VOLUME = "1110", publisher = SV, MONTH = "February", YEAR = {1996} } @proceedings{sope:tout, TITLE = "Symposium on partial evaluation", SERIES = "ACM Computing Surveys", ORGANIZATION = "ACM", NUMBER = "4", MONTH = "December", YEAR = {1998} } @TechReport{outil:2, author = {M.G.J. van den Brand and P. Klint and C. Verhoef}, title = {{R}everse engineering and system renovation: an annotated bibliography}, institution = {{U}niversity of {A}msterdam, {P}rogramming {R}esearch {G}roup}, number = {P9603}, year = {1996}, fileurl = {http://ftp.wins.uva.nl/pub/programming-research/reports/1996/P9603.ps.Z}, abstracturl = {http://ftp.wins.uva.nl/pub/programming-research/reports/1996/abstracts/P9603.txt}, } @TechReport{P9702, author = {M.G.J. van den Brand and M.P.A. Sellink and C. Verhoef}, title = {{R}eengineering {COBOL} {S}oftware {I}mplies {S}pecification of the {U}nderlying {D}ialects}, institution = {{U}niversity of {A}msterdam, {P}rogramming {R}esearch {G}roup}, number = {P9702}, year = {1997}, fileurl = {http://ftp.wins.uva.nl/pub/programming-research/reports/1997/P9702.ps.Z}, abstracturl = {http://ftp.wins.uva.nl/pub/programming-research/reports/1997/abstracts/P9702.txt}, note = {Available by anonymous ftp from ftp.wins.uva.nl, file pub/programming-research/reports/1997/P9702.ps.Z} } @INPROCEEDINGS{outil:3, author = {M.P.A. Sellink and C. Verhoef}, title = {Scaffolding for Software Renovation}, BOOKTITLE = CSM, ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", ADDRESS = "Z{\"u}rich", MONTH = "March", YEAR = "2000", } @INPROCEEDINGS{outil:4, author = {H. Yank and P. Luker and W.Chu}, title = {Code understanding through program transformation for reusable component identification}, BOOKTITLE = "Fifth Workshop on Program Comprehension Proceedings", ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", YEAR = "1997", } @INPROCEEDINGS{outil:1, author = {I. Baxter and A. Yahin and L. Moura and M. Sant'Anna and L. Bier}, title = {Clone detection using abstract syntax trees}, BOOKTITLE = CSM, ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", YEAR = "1998", } @article{mem:sota, AUTHOR = "R.D. Tennent and D.R. Ghica and ", TITLE = "Abstract models of storage", journal = "Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation", volume = "13", number = "1/2", MONTH = "", YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "119-129" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mem:bornat, AUTHOR = "R. Bornat", TITLE = "Proving pointer programs in {H}oare logic", BOOKTITLE = "5th Conf. on Mathematics of Program Construction", publisher = SV, MONTH = "", YEAR = "2000", PAGES = "102-126" } @PROCEEDINGS{space:tout, TITLE = "Second workshop on semantics, program analysis, and computing environments for memory management", ADDRESS = "Venice", ORGANIZATION="ACM SIGPLAN", MONTH = "January", YEAR = {2004} } @InProceedings{typebin:popl, author = {Z. Shao and B.Saha and V. Trifonov and N. Papaspyrou}, title = {A type system for certified binaries}, booktitle = POPL, year = {2002}, address = {Portland, United States}, month = {January}, pages = "217-232" } @InProceedings{shao:cac, author = {D.Yu and Z. Shao}, title = {Verification of safety properties for concurrent assembly code}, booktitle = {Int. Conf. on Functional Programming (ICFP)}, year = {2004}, address = {Snowbird, United States}, month = {September}, pages = "175-188" } @InProceedings{walker:space, author = {D. Walker}, title = {Stacks, heaps and regions: one logic to bind them}, year = {2004}, booktitle = {Second workshop on semantics, program anlysis and computing analysis for memory management (SPACE)}, note = {invited talk}, address = {Venice, Italy}, month = {January}, } @InProceedings{mem:watson, author = {G.Watson}, title = {Compilation of refinement for a practical language}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM)}, crossref = {icfem2003} } @Misc{concert, title = {ARC Concert}, note = {http://www-sop.inria.fr/lemme/concert}, } @proceedings{icfem2003, editor = {J. S. Dong and J. Woodcock}, title = {Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2003}, publisher = SV, series = LNCS, volume = {2885}, address = {Singapore}, year = {2003}, month = {November} } @article{dave:survey, author = {Maulik A. Dave}, title = {Compiler verification: a bibliography}, journal = {SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes}, volume = {28}, number = {6}, year = {2003}, pages = {2--2}, urlpublisher = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/966221.966235}, publisher = "ACM Press" }