/*(* * * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, * George C. Necula * Scott McPeak * Wes Weimer * Ben Liblit * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * **) (** ** 1.0 3.22.99 Hugues Cassé First version. ** 2.0 George Necula 12/12/00: Practically complete rewrite. *) */ %{ open Cabs module E = Errormsg let parse_error msg : unit = (* sm: c++-mode highlight hack: -> ' <- *) E.parse_error msg let print = print_string (* unit -> string option *) (* let getComments () = match !comments with [] -> None | _ -> let r = Some(String.concat "\n" (List.rev !comments)) in comments := []; r *) let currentLoc () = let l, f, c = E.getPosition () in { lineno = l; filename = f; byteno = c;} let cabslu = {lineno = -10; filename = "cabs loc unknown"; byteno = -10;} (* cabsloc -> cabsloc *) (* let handleLoc l = l.clcomment <- getComments(); l *) (* ** Expression building *) let smooth_expression lst = match lst with [] -> NOTHING | [expr] -> expr | _ -> COMMA (lst) let currentFunctionName = ref "" let announceFunctionName ((n, decl, _, _):name) = !Lexerhack.add_identifier n; (* Start a context that includes the parameter names and the whole body. * Will pop when we finish parsing the function body *) !Lexerhack.push_context (); (* Go through all the parameter names and mark them as identifiers *) let rec findProto = function PROTO (d, args, _) when isJUSTBASE d -> List.iter (fun (_, (an, _, _, _)) -> !Lexerhack.add_identifier an) args | PROTO (d, _, _) -> findProto d | PARENTYPE (_, d, _) -> findProto d | PTR (_, d) -> findProto d | ARRAY (d, _, _) -> findProto d | _ -> parse_error "Cannot find the prototype in a function definition"; raise Parsing.Parse_error and isJUSTBASE = function JUSTBASE -> true | PARENTYPE (_, d, _) -> isJUSTBASE d | _ -> false in findProto decl; currentFunctionName := n let applyPointer (ptspecs: attribute list list) (dt: decl_type) : decl_type = (* Outer specification first *) let rec loop = function [] -> dt | attrs :: rest -> PTR(attrs, loop rest) in loop ptspecs let doDeclaration (loc: cabsloc) (specs: spec_elem list) (nl: init_name list) : definition = if isTypedef specs then begin (* Tell the lexer about the new type names *) List.iter (fun ((n, _, _, _), _) -> !Lexerhack.add_type n) nl; TYPEDEF ((specs, List.map (fun (n, _) -> n) nl), loc) end else if nl = [] then ONLYTYPEDEF (specs, loc) else begin (* Tell the lexer about the new variable names *) List.iter (fun ((n, _, _, _), _) -> !Lexerhack.add_identifier n) nl; DECDEF ((specs, nl), loc) end let doFunctionDef (loc: cabsloc) (lend: cabsloc) (specs: spec_elem list) (n: name) (b: block) : definition = let fname = (specs, n) in FUNDEF (fname, b, loc, lend) let doOldParDecl (names: string list) ((pardefs: name_group list), (isva: bool)) : single_name list * bool = let findOneName n = (* Search in pardefs for the definition for this parameter *) let rec loopGroups = function [] -> ([SpecType Tint], (n, JUSTBASE, [], cabslu)) | (specs, names) :: restgroups -> let rec loopNames = function [] -> loopGroups restgroups | ((n',_, _, _) as sn) :: _ when n' = n -> (specs, sn) | _ :: restnames -> loopNames restnames in loopNames names in loopGroups pardefs in let args = List.map findOneName names in (args, isva) let checkConnective (s : string) : unit = begin (* checking this means I could possibly have more connectives, with *) (* different meaning *) if (s <> "to") then ( parse_error "transformer connective must be 'to'"; raise Parsing.Parse_error ) else () end let int64_to_char value = if (compare value (Int64.of_int 255) > 0) || (compare value Int64.zero < 0) then begin let msg = Printf.sprintf "cparser:intlist_to_string: character 0x%Lx too big" value in parse_error msg; raise Parsing.Parse_error end else Char.chr (Int64.to_int value) (* takes a not-nul-terminated list, and converts it to a string. *) let rec intlist_to_string (str: int64 list):string = match str with [] -> "" (* add nul-termination *) | value::rest -> let this_char = int64_to_char value in (String.make 1 this_char) ^ (intlist_to_string rest) let fst3 (result, _, _) = result let snd3 (_, result, _) = result let trd3 (_, _, result) = result (* transform: __builtin_offsetof(type, member) into : (size_t) (&(type * ) 0)->member *) let transformOffsetOf (speclist, dtype) member = let rec addPointer = function | JUSTBASE -> PTR([], JUSTBASE) | PARENTYPE (attrs1, dtype, attrs2) -> PARENTYPE (attrs1, addPointer dtype, attrs2) | ARRAY (dtype, attrs, expr) -> ARRAY (addPointer dtype, attrs, expr) | PTR (attrs, dtype) -> PTR (attrs, addPointer dtype) | PROTO (dtype, names, variadic) -> PROTO (addPointer dtype, names, variadic) in let nullType = (speclist, addPointer dtype) in let nullExpr = CONSTANT (CONST_INT "0") in let castExpr = CAST (nullType, SINGLE_INIT nullExpr) in let rec replaceBase = function | VARIABLE field -> MEMBEROFPTR (castExpr, field) | MEMBEROF (base, field) -> MEMBEROF (replaceBase base, field) | INDEX (base, index) -> INDEX (replaceBase base, index) | _ -> parse_error "malformed offset expression in __builtin_offsetof"; raise Parsing.Parse_error in let memberExpr = replaceBase member in let addrExpr = UNARY (ADDROF, memberExpr) in (* slight cheat: hard-coded assumption that size_t == unsigned int *) let sizeofType = [SpecType Tunsigned], JUSTBASE in let resultExpr = CAST (sizeofType, SINGLE_INIT addrExpr) in resultExpr %} %token IDENT %token CST_CHAR %token CST_WCHAR %token CST_INT %token CST_FLOAT %token NAMED_TYPE /* Each character is its own list element, and the terminating nul is not included in this list. */ %token CST_STRING %token CST_WSTRING %token EOF %token CHAR INT DOUBLE FLOAT VOID INT64 INT32 %token ENUM STRUCT TYPEDEF UNION %token SIGNED UNSIGNED LONG SHORT %token VOLATILE EXTERN STATIC CONST RESTRICT AUTO REGISTER %token THREAD %token SIZEOF ALIGNOF %token EQ PLUS_EQ MINUS_EQ STAR_EQ SLASH_EQ PERCENT_EQ %token AND_EQ PIPE_EQ CIRC_EQ INF_INF_EQ SUP_SUP_EQ %token ARROW DOT %token EQ_EQ EXCLAM_EQ INF SUP INF_EQ SUP_EQ %token PLUS MINUS STAR %token SLASH PERCENT %token TILDE AND %token PIPE CIRC %token EXCLAM AND_AND %token PIPE_PIPE %token INF_INF SUP_SUP %token PLUS_PLUS MINUS_MINUS %token RPAREN %token LPAREN RBRACE %token LBRACE %token LBRACKET RBRACKET %token COLON %token SEMICOLON %token COMMA ELLIPSIS QUEST %token BREAK CONTINUE GOTO RETURN %token SWITCH CASE DEFAULT %token WHILE DO FOR %token IF TRY EXCEPT FINALLY %token ELSE %token ATTRIBUTE INLINE ASM TYPEOF FUNCTION__ PRETTY_FUNCTION__ %token LABEL__ %token BUILTIN_VA_ARG ATTRIBUTE_USED %token BUILTIN_VA_LIST %token BLOCKATTRIBUTE %token BUILTIN_TYPES_COMPAT BUILTIN_OFFSETOF %token DECLSPEC %token MSASM MSATTR %token PRAGMA_LINE %token PRAGMA %token PRAGMA_EOL /* sm: cabs tree transformation specification keywords */ %token AT_TRANSFORM AT_TRANSFORMEXPR AT_SPECIFIER AT_EXPR %token AT_NAME /* operator precedence */ %nonassoc IF %nonassoc ELSE %left COMMA %right EQ PLUS_EQ MINUS_EQ STAR_EQ SLASH_EQ PERCENT_EQ AND_EQ PIPE_EQ CIRC_EQ INF_INF_EQ SUP_SUP_EQ %right QUEST COLON %left PIPE_PIPE %left AND_AND %left PIPE %left CIRC %left AND %left EQ_EQ EXCLAM_EQ %left INF SUP INF_EQ SUP_EQ %left INF_INF SUP_SUP %left PLUS MINUS %left STAR SLASH PERCENT CONST RESTRICT VOLATILE %right EXCLAM TILDE PLUS_PLUS MINUS_MINUS CAST RPAREN ADDROF SIZEOF ALIGNOF %left LBRACKET %left DOT ARROW LPAREN LBRACE %right NAMED_TYPE /* We'll use this to handle redefinitions of * NAMED_TYPE as variables */ %left IDENT /* Non-terminals informations */ %start interpret file %type file interpret globals %type global %type attributes attributes_with_asm asmattr %type statement %type constant %type string_constant %type expression %type opt_expression %type init_expression %type comma_expression %type paren_comma_expression %type arguments %type bracket_comma_expression %type string_list %type wstring_list %type initializer %type <(Cabs.initwhat * Cabs.init_expression) list> initializer_list %type init_designators init_designators_opt %type decl_spec_list %type type_spec %type struct_decl_list %type old_proto_decl %type parameter_decl %type enumerator %type enum_list %type declaration function_def %type function_def_start %type type_name %type block %type block_element_list %type local_labels local_label_names %type old_parameter_list_ne %type init_declarator %type init_declarator_list %type declarator %type field_decl %type <(Cabs.name * expression option) list> field_decl_list %type direct_decl %type abs_direct_decl abs_direct_decl_opt %type abstract_decl /* (* Each element is a "* ". *) */ %type pointer pointer_opt %type location %type cvspec %% interpret: file EOF {$1} ; file: globals {$1} ; globals: /* empty */ { [] } | global globals { $1 :: $2 } | SEMICOLON globals { $2 } ; location: /* empty */ { currentLoc () } %prec IDENT /*** Global Definition ***/ global: | declaration { $1 } | function_def { $1 } /*(* Some C header files ar shared with the C++ compiler and have linkage * specification *)*/ | EXTERN string_constant declaration { LINKAGE (fst $2, (*handleLoc*) (snd $2), [ $3 ]) } | EXTERN string_constant LBRACE globals RBRACE { LINKAGE (fst $2, (*handleLoc*) (snd $2), $4) } | ASM LPAREN string_constant RPAREN SEMICOLON { GLOBASM (fst $3, (*handleLoc*) $1) } | pragma { $1 } /* (* Old-style function prototype. This should be somewhere else, like in * "declaration". For now we keep it at global scope only because in local * scope it looks too much like a function call *) */ | IDENT LPAREN old_parameter_list_ne RPAREN old_pardef_list SEMICOLON { (* Convert pardecl to new style *) let pardecl, isva = doOldParDecl $3 $5 in (* Make the function declarator *) doDeclaration ((*handleLoc*) (snd $1)) [] [((fst $1, PROTO(JUSTBASE, pardecl,isva), [], cabslu), NO_INIT)] } /* (* Old style function prototype, but without any arguments *) */ | IDENT LPAREN RPAREN SEMICOLON { (* Make the function declarator *) doDeclaration ((*handleLoc*)(snd $1)) [] [((fst $1, PROTO(JUSTBASE,[],false), [], cabslu), NO_INIT)] } /* transformer for a toplevel construct */ | AT_TRANSFORM LBRACE global RBRACE IDENT/*to*/ LBRACE globals RBRACE { checkConnective(fst $5); TRANSFORMER($3, $7, $1) } /* transformer for an expression */ | AT_TRANSFORMEXPR LBRACE expression RBRACE IDENT/*to*/ LBRACE expression RBRACE { checkConnective(fst $5); EXPRTRANSFORMER(fst $3, fst $7, $1) } | location error SEMICOLON { PRAGMA (VARIABLE "parse_error", $1) } ; id_or_typename: IDENT {fst $1} | NAMED_TYPE {fst $1} | AT_NAME LPAREN IDENT RPAREN { "@name(" ^ fst $3 ^ ")" } /* pattern variable name */ ; maybecomma: /* empty */ { () } | COMMA { () } ; /* *** Expressions *** */ primary_expression: /*(* 6.5.1. *)*/ | IDENT {VARIABLE (fst $1), snd $1} | constant {CONSTANT (fst $1), snd $1} | paren_comma_expression {smooth_expression (fst $1), snd $1} | LPAREN block RPAREN { GNU_BODY (fst3 $2), $1 } /*(* Next is Scott's transformer *)*/ | AT_EXPR LPAREN IDENT RPAREN /* expression pattern variable */ { EXPR_PATTERN(fst $3), $1 } ; postfix_expression: /*(* 6.5.2 *)*/ | primary_expression { $1 } | postfix_expression bracket_comma_expression {INDEX (fst $1, smooth_expression $2), snd $1} | postfix_expression LPAREN arguments RPAREN {CALL (fst $1, $3), snd $1} | BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN expression COMMA type_name RPAREN { let b, d = $5 in CALL (VARIABLE "__builtin_va_arg", [fst $3; TYPE_SIZEOF (b, d)]), $1 } | BUILTIN_TYPES_COMPAT LPAREN type_name COMMA type_name RPAREN { let b1,d1 = $3 in let b2,d2 = $5 in CALL (VARIABLE "__builtin_types_compatible_p", [TYPE_SIZEOF(b1,d1); TYPE_SIZEOF(b2,d2)]), $1 } | BUILTIN_OFFSETOF LPAREN type_name COMMA offsetof_member_designator RPAREN { transformOffsetOf $3 (fst $5), $1 } | postfix_expression DOT id_or_typename {MEMBEROF (fst $1, $3), snd $1} | postfix_expression ARROW id_or_typename {MEMBEROFPTR (fst $1, $3), snd $1} | postfix_expression PLUS_PLUS {UNARY (POSINCR, fst $1), snd $1} | postfix_expression MINUS_MINUS {UNARY (POSDECR, fst $1), snd $1} /* (* We handle GCC constructor expressions *) */ | LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list_opt RBRACE { CAST($2, COMPOUND_INIT $5), $1 } ; offsetof_member_designator: /* GCC extension for __builtin_offsetof */ | IDENT { VARIABLE (fst $1), snd $1 } | offsetof_member_designator DOT IDENT { MEMBEROF (fst $1, fst $3), snd $1 } | offsetof_member_designator bracket_comma_expression { INDEX (fst $1, smooth_expression $2), snd $1 } ; unary_expression: /*(* 6.5.3 *)*/ | postfix_expression { $1 } | PLUS_PLUS unary_expression {UNARY (PREINCR, fst $2), $1} | MINUS_MINUS unary_expression {UNARY (PREDECR, fst $2), $1} | SIZEOF unary_expression {EXPR_SIZEOF (fst $2), $1} | SIZEOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN {let b, d = $3 in TYPE_SIZEOF (b, d), $1} | ALIGNOF unary_expression {EXPR_ALIGNOF (fst $2), $1} | ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN {let b, d = $3 in TYPE_ALIGNOF (b, d), $1} | PLUS cast_expression {UNARY (PLUS, fst $2), $1} | MINUS cast_expression {UNARY (MINUS, fst $2), $1} | STAR cast_expression {UNARY (MEMOF, fst $2), $1} | AND cast_expression {UNARY (ADDROF, fst $2), $1} | EXCLAM cast_expression {UNARY (NOT, fst $2), $1} | TILDE cast_expression {UNARY (BNOT, fst $2), $1} | AND_AND IDENT { LABELADDR (fst $2), $1 } ; cast_expression: /*(* 6.5.4 *)*/ | unary_expression { $1 } | LPAREN type_name RPAREN cast_expression { CAST($2, SINGLE_INIT (fst $4)), $1 } ; multiplicative_expression: /*(* 6.5.5 *)*/ | cast_expression { $1 } | multiplicative_expression STAR cast_expression {BINARY(MUL, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | multiplicative_expression SLASH cast_expression {BINARY(DIV, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | multiplicative_expression PERCENT cast_expression {BINARY(MOD, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; additive_expression: /*(* 6.5.6 *)*/ | multiplicative_expression { $1 } | additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression {BINARY(ADD, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression {BINARY(SUB, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; shift_expression: /*(* 6.5.7 *)*/ | additive_expression { $1 } | shift_expression INF_INF additive_expression {BINARY(SHL, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | shift_expression SUP_SUP additive_expression {BINARY(SHR, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; relational_expression: /*(* 6.5.8 *)*/ | shift_expression { $1 } | relational_expression INF shift_expression {BINARY(LT, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | relational_expression SUP shift_expression {BINARY(GT, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | relational_expression INF_EQ shift_expression {BINARY(LE, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | relational_expression SUP_EQ shift_expression {BINARY(GE, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; equality_expression: /*(* 6.5.9 *)*/ | relational_expression { $1 } | equality_expression EQ_EQ relational_expression {BINARY(EQ, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | equality_expression EXCLAM_EQ relational_expression {BINARY(NE, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; bitwise_and_expression: /*(* 6.5.10 *)*/ | equality_expression { $1 } | bitwise_and_expression AND equality_expression {BINARY(BAND, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; bitwise_xor_expression: /*(* 6.5.11 *)*/ | bitwise_and_expression { $1 } | bitwise_xor_expression CIRC bitwise_and_expression {BINARY(XOR, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; bitwise_or_expression: /*(* 6.5.12 *)*/ | bitwise_xor_expression { $1 } | bitwise_or_expression PIPE bitwise_xor_expression {BINARY(BOR, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; logical_and_expression: /*(* 6.5.13 *)*/ | bitwise_or_expression { $1 } | logical_and_expression AND_AND bitwise_or_expression {BINARY(AND, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; logical_or_expression: /*(* 6.5.14 *)*/ | logical_and_expression { $1 } | logical_or_expression PIPE_PIPE logical_and_expression {BINARY(OR, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; conditional_expression: /*(* 6.5.15 *)*/ | logical_or_expression { $1 } | logical_or_expression QUEST opt_expression COLON conditional_expression {QUESTION (fst $1, $3, fst $5), snd $1} ; /*(* The C spec says that left-hand sides of assignment expressions are unary * expressions. GCC allows cast expressions in there ! *)*/ assignment_expression: /*(* 6.5.16 *)*/ | conditional_expression { $1 } | cast_expression EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression PLUS_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(ADD_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression MINUS_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(SUB_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression STAR_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(MUL_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression SLASH_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(DIV_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression PERCENT_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(MOD_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression AND_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(BAND_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression PIPE_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(BOR_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression CIRC_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(XOR_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression INF_INF_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(SHL_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} | cast_expression SUP_SUP_EQ assignment_expression {BINARY(SHR_ASSIGN, fst $1, fst $3), snd $1} ; expression: /*(* 6.5.17 *)*/ assignment_expression { $1 } ; constant: CST_INT {CONST_INT (fst $1), snd $1} | CST_FLOAT {CONST_FLOAT (fst $1), snd $1} | CST_CHAR {CONST_CHAR (fst $1), snd $1} | CST_WCHAR {CONST_WCHAR (fst $1), snd $1} | string_constant {CONST_STRING (fst $1), snd $1} | wstring_list {CONST_WSTRING (fst $1), snd $1} ; string_constant: /* Now that we know this constant isn't part of a wstring, convert it back to a string for easy viewing. */ string_list { let queue, location = $1 in let buffer = Buffer.create (Queue.length queue) in Queue.iter (List.iter (fun value -> let char = int64_to_char value in Buffer.add_char buffer char)) queue; Buffer.contents buffer, location } ; one_string_constant: /* Don't concat multiple strings. For asm templates. */ CST_STRING {intlist_to_string (fst $1) } ; string_list: one_string { let queue = Queue.create () in Queue.add (fst $1) queue; queue, snd $1 } | string_list one_string { Queue.add (fst $2) (fst $1); $1 } ; wstring_list: CST_WSTRING { $1 } | wstring_list one_string { (fst $1) @ (fst $2), snd $1 } | wstring_list CST_WSTRING { (fst $1) @ (fst $2), snd $1 } /* Only the first string in the list needs an L, so L"a" "b" is the same * as L"ab" or L"a" L"b". */ one_string: CST_STRING {$1} | FUNCTION__ {(Cabs.explodeStringToInts !currentFunctionName), $1} | PRETTY_FUNCTION__ {(Cabs.explodeStringToInts !currentFunctionName), $1} ; init_expression: expression { SINGLE_INIT (fst $1) } | LBRACE initializer_list_opt RBRACE { COMPOUND_INIT $2} initializer_list: /* ISO 6.7.8. Allow a trailing COMMA */ initializer { [$1] } | initializer COMMA initializer_list_opt { $1 :: $3 } ; initializer_list_opt: /* empty */ { [] } | initializer_list { $1 } ; initializer: init_designators eq_opt init_expression { ($1, $3) } | gcc_init_designators init_expression { ($1, $2) } | init_expression { (NEXT_INIT, $1) } ; eq_opt: EQ { () } /*(* GCC allows missing = *)*/ | /*(* empty *)*/ { () } ; init_designators: DOT id_or_typename init_designators_opt { INFIELD_INIT($2, $3) } | LBRACKET expression RBRACKET init_designators_opt { ATINDEX_INIT(fst $2, $4) } | LBRACKET expression ELLIPSIS expression RBRACKET { ATINDEXRANGE_INIT(fst $2, fst $4) } ; init_designators_opt: /* empty */ { NEXT_INIT } | init_designators { $1 } ; gcc_init_designators: /*(* GCC supports these strange things *)*/ id_or_typename COLON { INFIELD_INIT($1, NEXT_INIT) } ; arguments: /* empty */ { [] } | comma_expression { fst $1 } ; opt_expression: /* empty */ {NOTHING} | comma_expression {smooth_expression (fst $1)} ; comma_expression: expression {[fst $1], snd $1} | expression COMMA comma_expression { fst $1 :: fst $3, snd $1 } | error COMMA comma_expression { $3 } ; comma_expression_opt: /* empty */ { NOTHING } | comma_expression { smooth_expression (fst $1) } ; paren_comma_expression: LPAREN comma_expression RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN error RPAREN { [], $1 } ; bracket_comma_expression: LBRACKET comma_expression RBRACKET { fst $2 } | LBRACKET error RBRACKET { [] } ; /*** statements ***/ block: /* ISO 6.8.2 */ block_begin local_labels block_attrs block_element_list RBRACE {!Lexerhack.pop_context(); { blabels = $2; battrs = $3; bstmts = $4 }, $1, $5 } | error location RBRACE { { blabels = []; battrs = []; bstmts = [] }, $2, $3 } ; block_begin: LBRACE {!Lexerhack.push_context (); $1} ; block_attrs: /* empty */ { [] } | BLOCKATTRIBUTE paren_attr_list_ne { [("__blockattribute__", $2)] } ; /* statements and declarations in a block, in any order (for C99 support) */ block_element_list: /* empty */ { [] } | declaration block_element_list { DEFINITION($1) :: $2 } | statement block_element_list { $1 :: $2 } /*(* GCC accepts a label at the end of a block *)*/ | IDENT COLON { [ LABEL (fst $1, NOP (snd $1), snd $1)] } | pragma block_element_list { $2 } ; local_labels: /* empty */ { [] } | LABEL__ local_label_names SEMICOLON local_labels { $2 @ $4 } ; local_label_names: IDENT { [ fst $1 ] } | IDENT COMMA local_label_names { fst $1 :: $3 } ; statement: SEMICOLON {NOP ((*handleLoc*) $1) } | comma_expression SEMICOLON {COMPUTATION (smooth_expression (fst $1), (*handleLoc*)(snd $1))} | block {BLOCK (fst3 $1, (*handleLoc*)(snd3 $1))} | IF paren_comma_expression statement %prec IF {IF (smooth_expression (fst $2), $3, NOP $1, $1)} | IF paren_comma_expression statement ELSE statement {IF (smooth_expression (fst $2), $3, $5, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | SWITCH paren_comma_expression statement {SWITCH (smooth_expression (fst $2), $3, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | WHILE paren_comma_expression statement {WHILE (smooth_expression (fst $2), $3, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | DO statement WHILE paren_comma_expression SEMICOLON {DOWHILE (smooth_expression (fst $4), $2, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | FOR LPAREN for_clause opt_expression SEMICOLON opt_expression RPAREN statement {FOR ($3, $4, $6, $8, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | IDENT COLON statement {LABEL (fst $1, $3, (*handleLoc*) (snd $1))} | CASE expression COLON statement {CASE (fst $2, $4, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | CASE expression ELLIPSIS expression COLON statement {CASERANGE (fst $2, fst $4, $6, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | DEFAULT COLON {DEFAULT (NOP $1, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | RETURN SEMICOLON {RETURN (NOTHING, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | RETURN comma_expression SEMICOLON {RETURN (smooth_expression (fst $2), (*handleLoc*) $1)} | BREAK SEMICOLON {BREAK ((*handleLoc*) $1)} | CONTINUE SEMICOLON {CONTINUE ((*handleLoc*) $1)} | GOTO IDENT SEMICOLON {GOTO (fst $2, (*handleLoc*) $1)} | GOTO STAR comma_expression SEMICOLON { COMPGOTO (smooth_expression (fst $3), (*handleLoc*) $1) } | ASM asmattr LPAREN asmtemplate asmoutputs RPAREN SEMICOLON { ASM ($2, $4, $5, (*handleLoc*) $1) } | MSASM { ASM ([], [fst $1], None, (*handleLoc*)(snd $1))} | TRY block EXCEPT paren_comma_expression block { let b, _, _ = $2 in let h, _, _ = $5 in if not !Cprint.msvcMode then parse_error "try/except in GCC code"; TRY_EXCEPT (b, COMMA (fst $4), h, (*handleLoc*) $1) } | TRY block FINALLY block { let b, _, _ = $2 in let h, _, _ = $4 in if not !Cprint.msvcMode then parse_error "try/finally in GCC code"; TRY_FINALLY (b, h, (*handleLoc*) $1) } | error location SEMICOLON { (NOP $2)} ; for_clause: opt_expression SEMICOLON { FC_EXP $1 } | declaration { FC_DECL $1 } ; declaration: /* ISO 6.7.*/ decl_spec_list init_declarator_list SEMICOLON { doDeclaration ((*handleLoc*)(snd $1)) (fst $1) $2 } | decl_spec_list SEMICOLON { doDeclaration ((*handleLoc*)(snd $1)) (fst $1) [] } ; init_declarator_list: /* ISO 6.7 */ init_declarator { [$1] } | init_declarator COMMA init_declarator_list { $1 :: $3 } ; init_declarator: /* ISO 6.7 */ declarator { ($1, NO_INIT) } | declarator EQ init_expression { ($1, $3) } ; decl_spec_list: /* ISO 6.7 */ /* ISO 6.7.1 */ | TYPEDEF decl_spec_list_opt { SpecTypedef :: $2, $1 } | EXTERN decl_spec_list_opt { SpecStorage EXTERN :: $2, $1 } | STATIC decl_spec_list_opt { SpecStorage STATIC :: $2, $1 } | AUTO decl_spec_list_opt { SpecStorage AUTO :: $2, $1 } | REGISTER decl_spec_list_opt { SpecStorage REGISTER :: $2, $1} /* ISO 6.7.2 */ | type_spec decl_spec_list_opt_no_named { SpecType (fst $1) :: $2, snd $1 } /* ISO 6.7.4 */ | INLINE decl_spec_list_opt { SpecInline :: $2, $1 } | cvspec decl_spec_list_opt { (fst $1) :: $2, snd $1 } | attribute_nocv decl_spec_list_opt { SpecAttr (fst $1) :: $2, snd $1 } /* specifier pattern variable (must be last in spec list) */ | AT_SPECIFIER LPAREN IDENT RPAREN { [ SpecPattern(fst $3) ], $1 } ; /* (* In most cases if we see a NAMED_TYPE we must shift it. Thus we declare * NAMED_TYPE to have right associativity *) */ decl_spec_list_opt: /* empty */ { [] } %prec NAMED_TYPE | decl_spec_list { fst $1 } ; /* (* We add this separate rule to handle the special case when an appearance * of NAMED_TYPE should not be considered as part of the specifiers but as * part of the declarator. IDENT has higher precedence than NAMED_TYPE *) */ decl_spec_list_opt_no_named: /* empty */ { [] } %prec IDENT | decl_spec_list { fst $1 } ; type_spec: /* ISO 6.7.2 */ VOID { Tvoid, $1} | CHAR { Tchar, $1 } | SHORT { Tshort, $1 } | INT { Tint, $1 } | LONG { Tlong, $1 } | INT64 { Tint64, $1 } | FLOAT { Tfloat, $1 } | DOUBLE { Tdouble, $1 } | SIGNED { Tsigned, $1 } | UNSIGNED { Tunsigned, $1 } | STRUCT id_or_typename { Tstruct ($2, None, []), $1 } | STRUCT just_attributes id_or_typename { Tstruct ($3, None, $2), $1 } | STRUCT id_or_typename LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tstruct ($2, Some $4, []), $1 } | STRUCT LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tstruct ("", Some $3, []), $1 } | STRUCT just_attributes id_or_typename LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tstruct ($3, Some $5, $2), $1 } | STRUCT just_attributes LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tstruct ("", Some $4, $2), $1 } | UNION id_or_typename { Tunion ($2, None, []), $1 } | UNION id_or_typename LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tunion ($2, Some $4, []), $1 } | UNION LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tunion ("", Some $3, []), $1 } | UNION just_attributes id_or_typename LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tunion ($3, Some $5, $2), $1 } | UNION just_attributes LBRACE struct_decl_list RBRACE { Tunion ("", Some $4, $2), $1 } | ENUM id_or_typename { Tenum ($2, None, []), $1 } | ENUM id_or_typename LBRACE enum_list maybecomma RBRACE { Tenum ($2, Some $4, []), $1 } | ENUM LBRACE enum_list maybecomma RBRACE { Tenum ("", Some $3, []), $1 } | ENUM just_attributes id_or_typename LBRACE enum_list maybecomma RBRACE { Tenum ($3, Some $5, $2), $1 } | ENUM just_attributes LBRACE enum_list maybecomma RBRACE { Tenum ("", Some $4, $2), $1 } | NAMED_TYPE { Tnamed (fst $1), snd $1 } | TYPEOF LPAREN expression RPAREN { TtypeofE (fst $3), $1 } | TYPEOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN { let s, d = $3 in TtypeofT (s, d), $1 } ; struct_decl_list: /* (* ISO 6.7.2. Except that we allow empty structs. We * also allow missing field names. *) */ /* empty */ { [] } | decl_spec_list SEMICOLON struct_decl_list { (fst $1, [(missingFieldDecl, None)]) :: $3 } /*(* GCC allows extra semicolons *)*/ | SEMICOLON struct_decl_list { $2 } | decl_spec_list field_decl_list SEMICOLON struct_decl_list { (fst $1, $2) :: $4 } /*(* MSVC allows pragmas in strange places *)*/ | pragma struct_decl_list { $2 } | error SEMICOLON struct_decl_list { $3 } ; field_decl_list: /* (* ISO 6.7.2 *) */ field_decl { [$1] } | field_decl COMMA field_decl_list { $1 :: $3 } ; field_decl: /* (* ISO 6.7.2. Except that we allow unnamed fields. *) */ | declarator { ($1, None) } | declarator COLON expression { ($1, Some (fst $3)) } | COLON expression { (missingFieldDecl, Some (fst $2)) } ; enum_list: /* (* ISO *) */ enumerator {[$1]} | enum_list COMMA enumerator {$1 @ [$3]} | enum_list COMMA error { $1 } ; enumerator: IDENT {(fst $1, NOTHING, snd $1)} | IDENT EQ expression {(fst $1, fst $3, snd $1)} ; declarator: /* (* ISO 6.7.5. Plus Microsoft declarators.*) */ pointer_opt direct_decl attributes_with_asm { let (n, decl) = $2 in (n, applyPointer (fst $1) decl, $3, (*(*handleLoc*)*)(snd $1)) } ; direct_decl: /* (* ISO 6.7.5 *) */ /* (* We want to be able to redefine named * types as variable names *) */ | id_or_typename { ($1, JUSTBASE) } | LPAREN attributes declarator RPAREN { let (n,decl,al,loc) = $3 in (n, PARENTYPE($2,decl,al)) } | direct_decl LBRACKET attributes comma_expression_opt RBRACKET { let (n, decl) = $1 in (n, ARRAY(decl, $3, $4)) } | direct_decl LBRACKET attributes error RBRACKET { let (n, decl) = $1 in (n, ARRAY(decl, $3, NOTHING)) } | direct_decl parameter_list_startscope rest_par_list RPAREN { let (n, decl) = $1 in let (params, isva) = $3 in !Lexerhack.pop_context (); (n, PROTO(decl, params, isva)) } ; parameter_list_startscope: LPAREN { !Lexerhack.push_context () } ; rest_par_list: | /* empty */ { ([], false) } | parameter_decl rest_par_list1 { let (params, isva) = $2 in ($1 :: params, isva) } ; rest_par_list1: /* empty */ { ([], false) } | COMMA ELLIPSIS { ([], true) } | COMMA parameter_decl rest_par_list1 { let (params, isva) = $3 in ($2 :: params, isva) } ; parameter_decl: /* (* ISO 6.7.5 *) */ decl_spec_list declarator { (fst $1, $2) } | decl_spec_list abstract_decl { let d, a = $2 in (fst $1, ("", d, a, cabslu)) } | decl_spec_list { (fst $1, ("", JUSTBASE, [], cabslu)) } | LPAREN parameter_decl RPAREN { $2 } ; /* (* Old style prototypes. Like a declarator *) */ old_proto_decl: pointer_opt direct_old_proto_decl { let (n, decl, a) = $2 in (n, applyPointer (fst $1) decl, a, snd $1) } ; direct_old_proto_decl: direct_decl LPAREN old_parameter_list_ne RPAREN old_pardef_list { let par_decl, isva = doOldParDecl $3 $5 in let n, decl = $1 in (n, PROTO(decl, par_decl, isva), []) } | direct_decl LPAREN RPAREN { let n, decl = $1 in (n, PROTO(decl, [], false), []) } /* (* appears sometimesm but generates a shift-reduce conflict. *) | LPAREN STAR direct_decl LPAREN old_parameter_list_ne RPAREN RPAREN LPAREN RPAREN old_pardef_list { let par_decl, isva = doOldParDecl $5 $10 in let n, decl = $3 in (n, PROTO(decl, par_decl, isva), []) } */ ; old_parameter_list_ne: | IDENT { [fst $1] } | IDENT COMMA old_parameter_list_ne { let rest = $3 in (fst $1 :: rest) } ; old_pardef_list: /* empty */ { ([], false) } | decl_spec_list old_pardef SEMICOLON ELLIPSIS { ([(fst $1, $2)], true) } | decl_spec_list old_pardef SEMICOLON old_pardef_list { let rest, isva = $4 in ((fst $1, $2) :: rest, isva) } ; old_pardef: declarator { [$1] } | declarator COMMA old_pardef { $1 :: $3 } | error { [] } ; pointer: /* (* ISO 6.7.5 *) */ STAR attributes pointer_opt { $2 :: fst $3, $1 } ; pointer_opt: /**/ { let l = currentLoc () in ([], l) } | pointer { $1 } ; type_name: /* (* ISO 6.7.6 *) */ decl_spec_list abstract_decl { let d, a = $2 in if a <> [] then begin parse_error "attributes in type name"; raise Parsing.Parse_error end; (fst $1, d) } | decl_spec_list { (fst $1, JUSTBASE) } ; abstract_decl: /* (* ISO 6.7.6. *) */ pointer_opt abs_direct_decl attributes { applyPointer (fst $1) $2, $3 } | pointer { applyPointer (fst $1) JUSTBASE, [] } ; abs_direct_decl: /* (* ISO 6.7.6. We do not support optional declarator for * functions. Plus Microsoft attributes. See the * discussion for declarator. *) */ | LPAREN attributes abstract_decl RPAREN { let d, a = $3 in PARENTYPE ($2, d, a) } | LPAREN error RPAREN { JUSTBASE } | abs_direct_decl_opt LBRACKET comma_expression_opt RBRACKET { ARRAY($1, [], $3) } /*(* The next should be abs_direct_decl_opt but we get conflicts *)*/ | abs_direct_decl parameter_list_startscope rest_par_list RPAREN { let (params, isva) = $3 in !Lexerhack.pop_context (); PROTO ($1, params, isva) } ; abs_direct_decl_opt: abs_direct_decl { $1 } | /* empty */ { JUSTBASE } ; function_def: /* (* ISO 6.9.1 *) */ function_def_start block { let (loc, specs, decl) = $1 in currentFunctionName := "<__FUNCTION__ used outside any functions>"; !Lexerhack.pop_context (); (* The context pushed by * announceFunctionName *) doFunctionDef ((*handleLoc*) loc) (trd3 $2) specs decl (fst3 $2) } function_def_start: /* (* ISO 6.9.1 *) */ decl_spec_list declarator { announceFunctionName $2; (snd $1, fst $1, $2) } /* (* Old-style function prototype *) */ | decl_spec_list old_proto_decl { announceFunctionName $2; (snd $1, fst $1, $2) } /* (* New-style function that does not have a return type *) */ | IDENT parameter_list_startscope rest_par_list RPAREN { let (params, isva) = $3 in let fdec = (fst $1, PROTO(JUSTBASE, params, isva), [], snd $1) in announceFunctionName fdec; (* Default is int type *) let defSpec = [SpecType Tint] in (snd $1, defSpec, fdec) } /* (* No return type and old-style parameter list *) */ | IDENT LPAREN old_parameter_list_ne RPAREN old_pardef_list { (* Convert pardecl to new style *) let pardecl, isva = doOldParDecl $3 $5 in (* Make the function declarator *) let fdec = (fst $1, PROTO(JUSTBASE, pardecl,isva), [], snd $1) in announceFunctionName fdec; (* Default is int type *) let defSpec = [SpecType Tint] in (snd $1, defSpec, fdec) } /* (* No return type and no parameters *) */ | IDENT LPAREN RPAREN { (* Make the function declarator *) let fdec = (fst $1, PROTO(JUSTBASE, [], false), [], snd $1) in announceFunctionName fdec; (* Default is int type *) let defSpec = [SpecType Tint] in (snd $1, defSpec, fdec) } ; /* const/volatile as type specifier elements */ cvspec: CONST { SpecCV(CV_CONST), $1 } | VOLATILE { SpecCV(CV_VOLATILE), $1 } | RESTRICT { SpecCV(CV_RESTRICT), $1 } ; /*** GCC attributes ***/ attributes: /* empty */ { []} | attribute attributes { fst $1 :: $2 } ; /* (* In some contexts we can have an inline assembly to specify the name to * be used for a global. We treat this as a name attribute *) */ attributes_with_asm: /* empty */ { [] } | attribute attributes_with_asm { fst $1 :: $2 } | ASM LPAREN string_constant RPAREN attributes { ("__asm__", [CONSTANT(CONST_STRING (fst $3))]) :: $5 } ; /* things like __attribute__, but no const/volatile */ attribute_nocv: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN paren_attr_list_ne RPAREN { ("__attribute__", $3), $1 } /*(* | ATTRIBUTE_USED { ("__attribute__", [ VARIABLE "used" ]), $1 } *)*/ | DECLSPEC paren_attr_list_ne { ("__declspec", $2), $1 } | MSATTR { (fst $1, []), snd $1 } /* ISO 6.7.3 */ | THREAD { ("__thread",[]), $1 } ; /* __attribute__ plus const/volatile */ attribute: attribute_nocv { $1 } | CONST { ("const", []), $1 } | RESTRICT { ("restrict",[]), $1 } | VOLATILE { ("volatile",[]), $1 } ; /* (* sm: I need something that just includes __attribute__ and nothing more, * to support them appearing between the 'struct' keyword and the type name. * Actually, a declspec can appear there as well (on MSVC) *) */ just_attribute: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN paren_attr_list_ne RPAREN { ("__attribute__", $3) } | DECLSPEC paren_attr_list_ne { ("__declspec", $2) } ; /* this can't be empty, b/c I folded that possibility into the calling * productions to avoid some S/R conflicts */ just_attributes: just_attribute { [$1] } | just_attribute just_attributes { $1 :: $2 } ; /** (* PRAGMAS and ATTRIBUTES *) ***/ pragma: | PRAGMA attr PRAGMA_EOL { PRAGMA ($2, $1) } | PRAGMA attr SEMICOLON PRAGMA_EOL { PRAGMA ($2, $1) } | PRAGMA_LINE { PRAGMA (VARIABLE (fst $1), snd $1) } ; /* (* We want to allow certain strange things that occur in pragmas, so we * cannot use directly the language of expressions *) */ primary_attr: IDENT { VARIABLE (fst $1) } /*(* The NAMED_TYPE here creates conflicts with IDENT *)*/ | NAMED_TYPE { VARIABLE (fst $1) } | LPAREN attr RPAREN { $2 } | IDENT IDENT { CALL(VARIABLE (fst $1), [VARIABLE (fst $2)]) } | CST_INT { CONSTANT(CONST_INT (fst $1)) } | string_constant { CONSTANT(CONST_STRING (fst $1)) } /*(* Const when it appears in * attribute lists, is translated * to aconst *)*/ | CONST { VARIABLE "aconst" } | IDENT COLON CST_INT { VARIABLE (fst $1 ^ ":" ^ fst $3) } | CST_INT COLON CST_INT { VARIABLE (fst $1 ^ ":" ^ fst $3) } | DEFAULT COLON CST_INT { VARIABLE ("default:" ^ fst $3) } /*(** GCC allows this as an * attribute for functions, * synonim for noreturn **)*/ | VOLATILE { VARIABLE ("__noreturn__") } ; postfix_attr: primary_attr { $1 } /* (* use a VARIABLE "" so that the * parentheses are printed *) */ | IDENT LPAREN RPAREN { CALL(VARIABLE (fst $1), [VARIABLE ""]) } | IDENT paren_attr_list_ne { CALL(VARIABLE (fst $1), $2) } | postfix_attr ARROW id_or_typename {MEMBEROFPTR ($1, $3)} | postfix_attr DOT id_or_typename {MEMBEROF ($1, $3)} ; /*(* Since in attributes we use both IDENT and NAMED_TYPE as indentifiers, * that leads to conflicts for SIZEOF and ALIGNOF. In those cases we require * that their arguments be expressions, not attributes *)*/ unary_attr: postfix_attr { $1 } | SIZEOF unary_expression {EXPR_SIZEOF (fst $2) } | SIZEOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN {let b, d = $3 in TYPE_SIZEOF (b, d)} | ALIGNOF unary_expression {EXPR_ALIGNOF (fst $2) } | ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN {let b, d = $3 in TYPE_ALIGNOF (b, d)} | PLUS cast_attr {UNARY (PLUS, $2)} | MINUS cast_attr {UNARY (MINUS, $2)} | STAR cast_attr {UNARY (MEMOF, $2)} | AND cast_attr {UNARY (ADDROF, $2)} | EXCLAM cast_attr {UNARY (NOT, $2)} | TILDE cast_attr {UNARY (BNOT, $2)} ; cast_attr: unary_attr { $1 } ; multiplicative_attr: cast_attr { $1 } | multiplicative_attr STAR cast_attr {BINARY(MUL ,$1 , $3)} | multiplicative_attr SLASH cast_attr {BINARY(DIV ,$1 , $3)} | multiplicative_attr PERCENT cast_attr {BINARY(MOD ,$1 , $3)} ; additive_attr: multiplicative_attr { $1 } | additive_attr PLUS multiplicative_attr {BINARY(ADD ,$1 , $3)} | additive_attr MINUS multiplicative_attr {BINARY(SUB ,$1 , $3)} ; shift_attr: additive_attr { $1 } | shift_attr INF_INF additive_attr {BINARY(SHL ,$1 , $3)} | shift_attr SUP_SUP additive_attr {BINARY(SHR ,$1 , $3)} ; relational_attr: shift_attr { $1 } | relational_attr INF shift_attr {BINARY(LT ,$1 , $3)} | relational_attr SUP shift_attr {BINARY(GT ,$1 , $3)} | relational_attr INF_EQ shift_attr {BINARY(LE ,$1 , $3)} | relational_attr SUP_EQ shift_attr {BINARY(GE ,$1 , $3)} ; equality_attr: relational_attr { $1 } | equality_attr EQ_EQ relational_attr {BINARY(EQ ,$1 , $3)} | equality_attr EXCLAM_EQ relational_attr {BINARY(NE ,$1 , $3)} ; bitwise_and_attr: equality_attr { $1 } | bitwise_and_attr AND equality_attr {BINARY(BAND ,$1 , $3)} ; bitwise_xor_attr: bitwise_and_attr { $1 } | bitwise_xor_attr CIRC bitwise_and_attr {BINARY(XOR ,$1 , $3)} ; bitwise_or_attr: bitwise_xor_attr { $1 } | bitwise_or_attr PIPE bitwise_xor_attr {BINARY(BOR ,$1 , $3)} ; logical_and_attr: bitwise_or_attr { $1 } | logical_and_attr AND_AND bitwise_or_attr {BINARY(AND ,$1 , $3)} ; logical_or_attr: logical_and_attr { $1 } | logical_or_attr PIPE_PIPE logical_and_attr {BINARY(OR ,$1 , $3)} ; attr: logical_or_attr { $1 } ; attr_list_ne: | attr { [$1] } | attr COMMA attr_list_ne { $1 :: $3 } | error COMMA attr_list_ne { $3 } ; paren_attr_list_ne: LPAREN attr_list_ne RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN error RPAREN { [] } ; /*** GCC ASM instructions ***/ asmattr: /* empty */ { [] } | VOLATILE asmattr { ("volatile", []) :: $2 } | CONST asmattr { ("const", []) :: $2 } ; asmtemplate: one_string_constant { [$1] } | one_string_constant asmtemplate { $1 :: $2 } ; asmoutputs: /* empty */ { None } | COLON asmoperands asminputs { let (ins, clobs) = $3 in Some {aoutputs = $2; ainputs = ins; aclobbers = clobs} } ; asmoperands: /* empty */ { [] } | asmoperandsne { List.rev $1 } ; asmoperandsne: asmoperand { [$1] } | asmoperandsne COMMA asmoperand { $3 :: $1 } ; asmoperand: string_constant LPAREN expression RPAREN { (fst $1, fst $3) } | string_constant LPAREN error RPAREN { (fst $1, NOTHING ) } ; asminputs: /* empty */ { ([], []) } | COLON asmoperands asmclobber { ($2, $3) } ; asmclobber: /* empty */ { [] } | COLON asmcloberlst_ne { $2 } ; asmcloberlst_ne: one_string_constant { [$1] } | one_string_constant COMMA asmcloberlst_ne { $1 :: $3 } ; %%