open Check open Disassembler open ELF_parsers open ELF_printers open Fuzz let elf_file = ref (None: string option) let sdump_files = ref ([] : string list) let option_fuzz = ref false let option_bytefuzz = ref false let option_printelf = ref false let set_elf_file s = begin match !elf_file with | None -> elf_file := Some s | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple ELF executables given on command line") end let set_conf_file s = begin match !conf_file with | None -> conf_file := Some s | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "multiple configuration files given on command line") end let option_disassemble = ref false let disassemble_list = ref ([]: string list) let add_disassemble s = disassemble_list := s :: !disassemble_list; option_disassemble := true let options = [ (* Main options *) "-exe", Arg.String set_elf_file, " Specify the ELF executable file to analyze"; "-conf", Arg.String set_conf_file, " Specify a configuration file (see README)"; (* Parsing behavior *) "-relaxed", Arg.Set ELF_parsers.relaxed, "Allows the following behaviors in the ELF parser: \t* Use of a fallback heuristic to resolve symbols bootstrapped at load time"; (* Printing behavior *) "-no-exhaustive", Arg.Clear Check.exhaustivity, "Disable the exhaustivity check of ELF function and data symbols"; "-list-missing", Arg.Set Check.list_missing, "List function and data symbols that were missing in the exhaustivity check"; (* Alternative outputs *) "-debug", Arg.Set Check.debug, "Print a detailed trace of verification"; "-disass", Arg.String add_disassemble, " Disassemble the symbol with specified name (can be repeated)"; "-print-elf", Arg.Set option_printelf, "Print the contents of the unanalyzed ELF executable"; (* ELF map related *) "-print-elfmap", Arg.Set Check.print_elfmap, "Print a map of the analyzed ELF executable"; "-verbose-elfmap", Arg.Set Frameworks.verbose_elfmap, "Show sections and symbols contained in the unknown parts of the elf map"; (* Fuzz testing related *) "-dump-elfmap", Arg.Set Check.dump_elfmap, "Dump an ELF map to .elfmap, for use with random fuzzing"; "-fuzz", Arg.Set option_fuzz, "Random fuzz testing"; "-fuzz-byte", Arg.Set option_bytefuzz, "Random fuzz testing byte per byte"; "-fuzz-debug", Arg.Set Fuzz.fuzz_debug, "Print a detailed trace of ongoing fuzz testing"; ] let anonymous arg = if Filename.check_suffix arg ".sdump" then sdump_files := arg :: !sdump_files else set_elf_file arg let usage = "The CompCert C post-linking validator, version " ^ Configuration.version ^ " Usage: cchecklink [options] <.sdump files> In the absence of options, checks are performed and a short result is displayed. Options are:" let _ = Arg.parse options anonymous usage; begin match !elf_file with | None -> Arg.usage options usage; exit 2 | Some elffilename -> let sdumps = List.rev !sdump_files in if !option_disassemble then begin let elf = read_elf elffilename in List.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "Disassembling %s:\n%s\n\n" s (disassemble elf s) ) !disassemble_list end else if !option_bytefuzz then begin Random.self_init(); fuzz_every_byte_loop elffilename sdumps end else if !option_fuzz then begin Random.self_init(); fuzz_loop elffilename sdumps end else if !option_printelf then begin let elf = read_elf elffilename in print_endline (string_of_elf elf) end else begin check_elf_dump elffilename sdumps end end