open ELF_types open ELF_utils open Library open PPC_parsers open PPC_types let code_at_vaddr (e: elf)(vaddr: int32)(nb_instr: int): ecode option = begin match bitstring_at_vaddr e vaddr (Safe32.of_int (4 * nb_instr)) with | None -> None | Some(code_bs, _, _) -> Some (parse_code_as_list code_bs) end let code_of_sym_ndx (e: elf) (ndx: int): ecode option = let sym = e.e_symtab.(ndx) in begin match bitstring_at_vaddr e sym.st_value sym.st_size with | None -> None | Some(bs, _, _) -> Some(parse_code_as_list bs) end let code_of_sym_name (e: elf) (name: string): ecode option = begin match ndx_of_sym_name e name with | Some ndx -> code_of_sym_ndx e ndx | None -> None end