path: root/caml
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Diffstat (limited to 'caml')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/caml/ b/caml/
index ab111c1..c2115df 100644
--- a/caml/
+++ b/caml/
@@ -100,3 +100,29 @@ let array_of_coqlist = function
| Coq_cons(hd, tl) -> a.(i) <- hd; fill (i + 1) tl in
fill 1 tl
+(* Timing facility *)
+let timers = (Hashtbl.create 9 : (string, float) Hashtbl.t)
+let add_to_timer name time =
+ let old = try Hashtbl.find timers name with Not_found -> 0.0 in
+ Hashtbl.replace timers name (old +. time)
+let time name fn arg =
+ let start = Unix.gettimeofday() in
+ try
+ let res = fn arg in
+ add_to_timer name (Unix.gettimeofday() -. start);
+ res
+ with x ->
+ add_to_timer name (Unix.gettimeofday() -. start);
+ raise x
+let print_timers () =
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun name time -> Printf.printf "%-20s %.3f\n" name time)
+ timers
+let _ = at_exit print_timers