path: root/backend/RTLgenspec.v
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diff --git a/backend/RTLgenspec.v b/backend/RTLgenspec.v
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+++ b/backend/RTLgenspec.v
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+(** Abstract specification of RTL generation *)
+(** In this module, we define inductive predicates that specify the
+ translations from Cminor to RTL performed by the functions in module
+ [RTLgen]. We then show that these functions satisfy these relational
+ specifications. The relational specifications will then be used
+ instead of the actual functions to show semantic equivalence between
+ the source Cminor code and the the generated RTL code
+ (see module [RTLgenproof]). *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Errors.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Switch.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import CminorSel.
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import RTLgen.
+(** * Reasoning about monadic computations *)
+(** The tactics below simplify hypotheses of the form [f ... = OK x s]
+ where [f] is a monadic computation. For instance, the hypothesis
+ [(do x <- a; b) s = OK y s'] will generate the additional witnesses
+ [x], [s1] and the additional hypotheses
+ [a s = OK x s1] and [b x s1 = OK y s'], reflecting the fact that
+ both monadic computations [a] and [b] succeeded.
+Remark bind_inversion:
+ forall (A B: Set) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) (y: B) (s1 s3: state),
+ bind f g s1 = OK y s3 ->
+ exists x, exists s2, f s1 = OK x s2 /\ g x s2 = OK y s3.
+ intros until s3. unfold bind. destruct (f s1); intros.
+ discriminate.
+ exists a; exists s; auto.
+Remark bind2_inversion:
+ forall (A B C: Set) (f: mon (A*B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C)
+ (z: C) (s1 s3: state),
+ bind2 f g s1 = OK z s3 ->
+ exists x, exists y, exists s2, f s1 = OK (x, y) s2 /\ g x y s2 = OK z s3.
+ intros until s3. unfold bind2, bind. destruct (f s1). congruence.
+ destruct p as [x y]; simpl; intro.
+ exists x; exists y; exists s; auto.
+Ltac monadInv1 H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | (OK _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ inversion H; clear H; try subst
+ | (Error _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ discriminate
+ | (ret _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ inversion H; clear H; try subst
+ | (error _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ discriminate
+ | (bind ?F ?G ?S = OK ?X ?S') =>
+ let x := fresh "x" in (
+ let s := fresh "s" in (
+ let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ destruct (bind_inversion _ _ F G X S S' H) as [x [s [EQ1 EQ2]]];
+ clear H;
+ try (monadInv1 EQ2)))))
+ | (bind2 ?F ?G ?S = OK ?X ?S') =>
+ let x1 := fresh "x" in (
+ let x2 := fresh "x" in (
+ let s := fresh "s" in (
+ let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in (
+ destruct (bind2_inversion _ _ _ F G X S S' H) as [x1 [x2 [s [EQ1 EQ2]]]];
+ clear H;
+ try (monadInv1 EQ2))))))
+ end.
+Ltac monadInv H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | (ret _ _ = OK _ _) => monadInv1 H
+ | (error _ _ = OK _ _) => monadInv1 H
+ | (bind ?F ?G ?S = OK ?X ?S') => monadInv1 H
+ | (bind2 ?F ?G ?S = OK ?X ?S') => monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ | (?F _ = OK _ _) =>
+ ((progress simpl in H) || unfold F in H); monadInv1 H
+ end.
+(** * Monotonicity properties of the state *)
+(** Operations over the global state satisfy a crucial monotonicity property:
+ nodes are only added to the CFG, but never removed nor their instructions
+ changed; similarly, fresh nodes and fresh registers are only consumed,
+ but never reused. This property is captured by the following predicate
+ over states, which we show is a partial order. *)
+Inductive state_incr: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ state_incr_intro:
+ forall (s1 s2: state),
+ Ple s1.(st_nextnode) s2.(st_nextnode) ->
+ Ple s1.(st_nextreg) s2.(st_nextreg) ->
+ (forall pc, Plt pc s1.(st_nextnode) -> s2.(st_code)!pc = s1.(st_code)!pc) ->
+ state_incr s1 s2.
+Lemma instr_at_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 n i,
+ state_incr s1 s2 -> s1.(st_code)!n = Some i -> s2.(st_code)!n = Some i.
+ intros. inversion H.
+ rewrite H3. auto. elim (st_wf s1 n); intro.
+ assumption. congruence.
+Lemma state_incr_refl:
+ forall s, state_incr s s.
+ intros. apply state_incr_intro.
+ apply Ple_refl. apply Ple_refl. intros; auto.
+Hint Resolve state_incr_refl: rtlg.
+Lemma state_incr_trans:
+ forall s1 s2 s3, state_incr s1 s2 -> state_incr s2 s3 -> state_incr s1 s3.
+ intros. inversion H. inversion H0. apply state_incr_intro.
+ apply Ple_trans with (st_nextnode s2); assumption.
+ apply Ple_trans with (st_nextreg s2); assumption.
+ intros. transitivity (s2.(st_code)!pc).
+ apply H8. apply Plt_Ple_trans with s1.(st_nextnode); auto.
+ apply H3; auto.
+Hint Resolve state_incr_trans: rtlg.
+(** The following relation between two states is a weaker version of
+ [state_incr]. It permits changing the contents at an already reserved
+ graph node, but only from [None] to [Some i]. *)
+Definition state_extends (s1 s2: state): Prop :=
+ forall pc,
+ s1.(st_code)!pc = None \/ s2.(st_code)!pc = s1.(st_code)!pc.
+Lemma instr_at_extends:
+ forall s1 s2 pc i,
+ state_extends s1 s2 ->
+ s1.(st_code)!pc = Some i -> s2.(st_code)!pc = Some i.
+ intros. elim (H pc); intro. congruence. congruence.
+Lemma state_incr_extends:
+ forall s1 s2,
+ state_incr s1 s2 -> state_extends s1 s2.
+ unfold state_extends; intros. inversion H.
+ case (plt pc s1.(st_nextnode)); intro.
+ right; apply H2; auto.
+ left. elim (s1.(st_wf) pc); intro.
+ elim (n H5). auto.
+Hint Resolve state_incr_extends.
+(** * Validity and freshness of registers *)
+(** An RTL pseudo-register is valid in a given state if it was created
+ earlier, that is, it is less than the next fresh register of the state.
+ Otherwise, the pseudo-register is said to be fresh. *)
+Definition reg_valid (r: reg) (s: state) : Prop :=
+ Plt r s.(st_nextreg).
+Definition reg_fresh (r: reg) (s: state) : Prop :=
+ ~(Plt r s.(st_nextreg)).
+Lemma valid_fresh_absurd:
+ forall r s, reg_valid r s -> reg_fresh r s -> False.
+ intros r s. unfold reg_valid, reg_fresh; case r; tauto.
+Hint Resolve valid_fresh_absurd: rtlg.
+Lemma valid_fresh_different:
+ forall r1 r2 s, reg_valid r1 s -> reg_fresh r2 s -> r1 <> r2.
+ unfold not; intros. subst r2. eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve valid_fresh_different: rtlg.
+Lemma reg_valid_incr:
+ forall r s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 -> reg_valid r s1 -> reg_valid r s2.
+ intros r s1 s2 INCR.
+ inversion INCR.
+ unfold reg_valid. intros; apply Plt_Ple_trans with (st_nextreg s1); auto.
+Hint Resolve reg_valid_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma reg_fresh_decr:
+ forall r s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 -> reg_fresh r s2 -> reg_fresh r s1.
+ intros r s1 s2 INCR. inversion INCR.
+ unfold reg_fresh; unfold not; intros.
+ apply H4. apply Plt_Ple_trans with (st_nextreg s1); auto.
+Hint Resolve reg_fresh_decr: rtlg.
+(** Validity of a list of registers. *)
+Definition regs_valid (rl: list reg) (s: state) : Prop :=
+ forall r, In r rl -> reg_valid r s.
+Lemma regs_valid_nil:
+ forall s, regs_valid nil s.
+ intros; red; intros. elim H.
+Hint Resolve regs_valid_nil: rtlg.
+Lemma regs_valid_cons:
+ forall r1 rl s,
+ reg_valid r1 s -> regs_valid rl s -> regs_valid (r1 :: rl) s.
+ intros; red; intros. elim H1; intro. subst r1; auto. auto.
+Lemma regs_valid_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 rl, state_incr s1 s2 -> regs_valid rl s1 -> regs_valid rl s2.
+ unfold regs_valid; intros; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve regs_valid_incr: rtlg.
+(** A register is ``in'' a mapping if it is associated with a Cminor
+ local or let-bound variable. *)
+Definition reg_in_map (m: mapping) (r: reg) : Prop :=
+ (exists id, m.(map_vars)!id = Some r) \/ In r m.(map_letvars).
+(** A compilation environment (mapping) is valid in a given state if
+ the registers associated with Cminor local variables and let-bound variables
+ are valid in the state. *)
+Definition map_valid (m: mapping) (s: state) : Prop :=
+ forall r, reg_in_map m r -> reg_valid r s.
+Lemma map_valid_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 m,
+ state_incr s1 s2 -> map_valid m s1 -> map_valid m s2.
+ unfold map_valid; intros; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve map_valid_incr: rtlg.
+(** * Properties of basic operations over the state *)
+(** Properties of [add_instr]. *)
+Lemma add_instr_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 i n,
+ add_instr i s1 = OK n s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ apply state_incr_intro; simpl.
+ apply Ple_succ.
+ apply Ple_refl.
+ intros. apply PTree.gso; apply Plt_ne; auto.
+Hint Resolve add_instr_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma add_instr_at:
+ forall s1 s2 i n,
+ add_instr i s1 = OK n s2 -> s2.(st_code)!n = Some i.
+ intros. monadInv H. simpl. apply PTree.gss.
+Hint Resolve add_instr_at.
+(** Properties of [reserve_instr] and [update_instr]. *)
+Lemma reserve_instr_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 n,
+ reserve_instr s1 = OK n s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ apply state_incr_intro; simpl.
+ apply Ple_succ.
+ apply Ple_refl.
+ auto.
+Lemma update_instr_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 s3 s4 i n t,
+ reserve_instr s1 = OK n s2 ->
+ state_incr s2 s3 ->
+ update_instr n i s3 = OK t s4 ->
+ state_incr s1 s4.
+ intros.
+ generalize H1; clear H1; unfold update_instr.
+ case (plt n (st_nextnode s3)); intros. 2: discriminate.
+ inv H1. inv H0. monadInv H; simpl in *.
+ apply state_incr_intro; simpl.
+ eapply Ple_trans; eauto. apply Plt_Ple. apply Plt_succ.
+ auto.
+ intros. rewrite PTree.gso.
+ apply H3. apply Plt_trans_succ; auto.
+ apply Plt_ne. auto.
+Lemma update_instr_extends:
+ forall s1 s2 s3 s4 i n t,
+ reserve_instr s1 = OK n s2 ->
+ state_incr s2 s3 ->
+ update_instr n i s3 = OK t s4 ->
+ state_extends s3 s4.
+ intros. injection H. intros EQ1 EQ2.
+ red; intros.
+ case (peq pc n); intro.
+ subst pc. left. inversion H0. rewrite H4. rewrite <- EQ1; simpl.
+ destruct (s1.(st_wf) n). rewrite <- EQ2 in H7. elim (Plt_strict _ H7).
+ auto.
+ rewrite <- EQ1; rewrite <- EQ2; simpl. apply Plt_succ.
+ generalize H1; unfold update_instr.
+ case (plt n s3.(st_nextnode)); intros; inv H2.
+ right; simpl. apply PTree.gso; auto.
+(** Properties of [new_reg]. *)
+Lemma new_reg_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 r, new_reg s1 = OK r s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ apply state_incr_intro; simpl.
+ apply Ple_refl. apply Ple_succ. auto.
+Hint Resolve new_reg_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma new_reg_valid:
+ forall s1 s2 r,
+ new_reg s1 = OK r s2 -> reg_valid r s2.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ unfold reg_valid; simpl. apply Plt_succ.
+Hint Resolve new_reg_valid: rtlg.
+Lemma new_reg_fresh:
+ forall s1 s2 r,
+ new_reg s1 = OK r s2 -> reg_fresh r s1.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ unfold reg_fresh; simpl.
+ exact (Plt_strict _).
+Hint Resolve new_reg_fresh: rtlg.
+Lemma new_reg_not_in_map:
+ forall s1 s2 m r,
+ new_reg s1 = OK r s2 -> map_valid m s1 -> ~(reg_in_map m r).
+ unfold not; intros; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve new_reg_not_in_map: rtlg.
+(** * Properties of operations over compilation environments *)
+Lemma init_mapping_valid:
+ forall s, map_valid init_mapping s.
+ unfold map_valid, init_mapping.
+ intros s r [[id A] | B].
+ simpl in A. rewrite PTree.gempty in A; discriminate.
+ simpl in B. tauto.
+(** Properties of [find_var]. *)
+Lemma find_var_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 map name r,
+ find_var map name s1 = OK r s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros until r. unfold find_var.
+ case (map_vars map)!name; intros; monadInv H.
+ auto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve find_var_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma find_var_in_map:
+ forall s1 s2 map name r,
+ find_var map name s1 = OK r s2 -> reg_in_map map r.
+ intros until r. unfold find_var; caseEq (map.(map_vars)!name).
+ intros. inv H0. left; exists name; auto.
+ intros. inv H0.
+Hint Resolve find_var_in_map: rtlg.
+Lemma find_var_valid:
+ forall s1 s2 map name r,
+ find_var map name s1 = OK r s2 -> map_valid map s1 -> reg_valid r s1.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve find_var_valid: rtlg.
+(** Properties of [find_letvar]. *)
+Lemma find_letvar_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 map idx r,
+ find_letvar map idx s1 = OK r s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros until r. unfold find_letvar.
+ case (nth_error (map_letvars map) idx); intros; monadInv H.
+ auto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve find_letvar_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma find_letvar_in_map:
+ forall s1 s2 map idx r,
+ find_letvar map idx s1 = OK r s2 -> reg_in_map map r.
+ intros until r. unfold find_letvar.
+ caseEq (nth_error (map_letvars map) idx); intros; monadInv H0.
+ right; apply nth_error_in with idx; auto.
+Hint Resolve find_letvar_in_map: rtlg.
+Lemma find_letvar_valid:
+ forall s1 s2 map idx r,
+ find_letvar map idx s1 = OK r s2 -> map_valid map s1 -> reg_valid r s1.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve find_letvar_valid: rtlg.
+(** Properties of [add_var]. *)
+Lemma add_var_valid:
+ forall s1 s2 map1 map2 name r,
+ add_var map1 name s1 = OK (r, map2) s2 ->
+ map_valid map1 s1 ->
+ reg_valid r s2 /\ map_valid map2 s2.
+ intros. monadInv H.
+ split. eauto with rtlg.
+ inversion EQ. subst. red. intros r' [[id A] | B].
+ simpl in A. rewrite PTree.gsspec in A. destruct (peq id name).
+ inv A. eauto with rtlg.
+ apply reg_valid_incr with s1. eauto with rtlg.
+ apply H0. left; exists id; auto.
+ simpl in B. apply reg_valid_incr with s1. eauto with rtlg.
+ apply H0. right; auto.
+Lemma add_var_incr:
+ forall s1 s2 map name rm,
+ add_var map name s1 = OK rm s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros. monadInv H. eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve add_var_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma add_var_find:
+ forall s1 s2 map name r map',
+ add_var map name s1 = OK (r,map') s2 -> map'.(map_vars)!name = Some r.
+ intros. monadInv H. simpl. apply PTree.gss.
+Lemma add_vars_incr:
+ forall names s1 s2 map r,
+ add_vars map names s1 = OK r s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ induction names; simpl; intros; monadInv H.
+ auto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma add_vars_valid:
+ forall namel s1 s2 map1 map2 rl,
+ add_vars map1 namel s1 = OK (rl, map2) s2 ->
+ map_valid map1 s1 ->
+ regs_valid rl s2 /\ map_valid map2 s2.
+ induction namel; simpl; intros; monadInv H.
+ split. red; simpl; intros; tauto. auto.
+ exploit IHnamel; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit add_var_valid; eauto. intros [C D].
+ exploit add_var_incr; eauto. intros INCR.
+ split. apply regs_valid_cons; eauto with rtlg.
+ auto.
+Lemma add_var_letenv:
+ forall map1 i s1 r map2 s2,
+ add_var map1 i s1 = OK (r, map2) s2 ->
+ map2.(map_letvars) = map1.(map_letvars).
+ intros; monadInv H. reflexivity.
+Lemma add_vars_letenv:
+ forall il map1 s1 rl map2 s2,
+ add_vars map1 il s1 = OK (rl, map2) s2 ->
+ map2.(map_letvars) = map1.(map_letvars).
+ induction il; simpl; intros; monadInv H.
+ reflexivity.
+ transitivity (map_letvars x0).
+ eapply add_var_letenv; eauto.
+ eauto.
+(** Properties of [add_letvar]. *)
+Lemma add_letvar_valid:
+ forall map s r,
+ map_valid map s ->
+ reg_valid r s ->
+ map_valid (add_letvar map r) s.
+ intros; red; intros.
+ destruct H1 as [[id A]|B].
+ simpl in A. apply H. left; exists id; auto.
+ simpl in B. elim B; intro.
+ subst r0; auto. apply H. right; auto.
+(** * Properties of [alloc_reg] and [alloc_regs] *)
+Lemma alloc_reg_incr:
+ forall a s1 s2 map r,
+ alloc_reg map a s1 = OK r s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ intros until r. unfold alloc_reg.
+ case a; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve alloc_reg_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_reg_valid:
+ forall a s1 s2 map r,
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ alloc_reg map a s1 = OK r s2 -> reg_valid r s2.
+ intros until r. unfold alloc_reg.
+ case a; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve alloc_reg_valid: rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_reg_fresh_or_in_map:
+ forall map a s r s',
+ map_valid map s ->
+ alloc_reg map a s = OK r s' ->
+ reg_in_map map r \/ reg_fresh r s.
+ intros until s'. unfold alloc_reg.
+ destruct a; intros; try (right; eauto with rtlg; fail).
+ left; eauto with rtlg.
+ left; eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_regs_incr:
+ forall al s1 s2 map rl,
+ alloc_regs map al s1 = OK rl s2 -> state_incr s1 s2.
+ induction al; simpl; intros; monadInv H; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve alloc_regs_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_regs_valid:
+ forall al s1 s2 map rl,
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ alloc_regs map al s1 = OK rl s2 ->
+ regs_valid rl s2.
+ induction al; simpl; intros; monadInv H0.
+ apply regs_valid_nil.
+ apply regs_valid_cons. eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve alloc_regs_valid: rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_regs_fresh_or_in_map:
+ forall map al s rl s',
+ map_valid map s ->
+ alloc_regs map al s = OK rl s' ->
+ forall r, In r rl -> reg_in_map map r \/ reg_fresh r s.
+ induction al; simpl; intros; monadInv H0.
+ elim H1.
+ elim H1; intro.
+ subst r.
+ eapply alloc_reg_fresh_or_in_map; eauto.
+ exploit IHal. apply map_valid_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [A|B]. auto. right; eauto with rtlg.
+(** A register is an adequate target for holding the value of an
+ expression if
+- either the register is associated with a Cminor let-bound variable
+ or a Cminor local variable;
+- or the register is not associated with any Cminor variable
+ and does not belong to the preserved set [pr]. *)
+Inductive target_reg_ok (map: mapping) (pr: list reg): expr -> reg -> Prop :=
+ | target_reg_var:
+ forall id r,
+ map.(map_vars)!id = Some r ->
+ target_reg_ok map pr (Evar id) r
+ | target_reg_letvar:
+ forall idx r,
+ nth_error map.(map_letvars) idx = Some r ->
+ target_reg_ok map pr (Eletvar idx) r
+ | target_reg_other:
+ forall a r,
+ ~(reg_in_map map r) -> ~In r pr ->
+ target_reg_ok map pr a r.
+Inductive target_regs_ok (map: mapping) (pr: list reg): exprlist -> list reg -> Prop :=
+ | target_regs_nil:
+ target_regs_ok map pr Enil nil
+ | target_regs_cons: forall a1 al r1 rl,
+ target_reg_ok map pr a1 r1 ->
+ target_regs_ok map (r1 :: pr) al rl ->
+ target_regs_ok map pr (Econs a1 al) (r1 :: rl).
+Lemma target_reg_ok_append:
+ forall map pr a r,
+ target_reg_ok map pr a r ->
+ forall pr',
+ (forall r', In r' pr' -> reg_in_map map r' \/ r' <> r) ->
+ target_reg_ok map (pr' ++ pr) a r.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ constructor; auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ constructor; auto. red; intros.
+ elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H2); intro.
+ generalize (H1 _ H3). tauto. tauto.
+Lemma target_reg_ok_cons:
+ forall map pr a r,
+ target_reg_ok map pr a r ->
+ forall r',
+ reg_in_map map r' \/ r' <> r ->
+ target_reg_ok map (r' :: pr) a r.
+ intros. change (r' :: pr) with ((r' :: nil) ++ pr).
+ apply target_reg_ok_append; auto.
+ intros r'' [A|B]. subst r''; auto. contradiction.
+Lemma new_reg_target_ok:
+ forall map pr s1 a r s2,
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ regs_valid pr s1 ->
+ new_reg s1 = OK r s2 ->
+ target_reg_ok map pr a r.
+ intros. constructor.
+ red; intro. apply valid_fresh_absurd with r s1.
+ eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+ red; intro. apply valid_fresh_absurd with r s1.
+ auto. eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma alloc_reg_target_ok:
+ forall map pr s1 a r s2,
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ regs_valid pr s1 ->
+ alloc_reg map a s1 = OK r s2 ->
+ target_reg_ok map pr a r.
+ intros. unfold alloc_reg in H1. destruct a;
+ try (eapply new_reg_target_ok; eauto; fail).
+ (* Evar *)
+ generalize H1; unfold find_var. caseEq (map_vars map)!i; intros.
+ inv H3. constructor. auto. inv H3.
+ (* Elet *)
+ generalize H1; unfold find_letvar. caseEq (nth_error (map_letvars map) n); intros.
+ inv H3. constructor. auto. inv H3.
+Lemma alloc_regs_target_ok:
+ forall map al pr s1 rl s2,
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ regs_valid pr s1 ->
+ alloc_regs map al s1 = OK rl s2 ->
+ target_regs_ok map pr al rl.
+ induction al; intros; monadInv H1.
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ eapply alloc_reg_target_ok; eauto.
+ apply IHal with s s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply regs_valid_cons; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve new_reg_target_ok alloc_reg_target_ok alloc_regs_target_ok: rtlg.
+(** The following predicate is a variant of [target_reg_ok] used
+ to characterize registers that are adequate for holding the return
+ value of a function. *)
+Inductive return_reg_ok: state -> mapping -> option reg -> Prop :=
+ | return_reg_ok_none:
+ forall s map,
+ return_reg_ok s map None
+ | return_reg_ok_some:
+ forall s map r,
+ ~(reg_in_map map r) -> reg_valid r s ->
+ return_reg_ok s map (Some r).
+Lemma return_reg_ok_incr:
+ forall s map rret, return_reg_ok s map rret ->
+ forall s', state_incr s s' -> return_reg_ok s' map rret.
+ induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto with rtlg.
+Hint Resolve return_reg_ok_incr: rtlg.
+Lemma new_reg_return_ok:
+ forall s1 r s2 map sig,
+ new_reg s1 = OK r s2 ->
+ map_valid map s1 ->
+ return_reg_ok s2 map (ret_reg sig r).
+ intros. unfold ret_reg. destruct (sig_res sig); constructor.
+ eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+(** * Relational specification of the translation *)
+(** We now define inductive predicates that characterize the fact that
+ the control-flow graph produced by compilation of a Cminor function
+ contains sub-graphs that correspond to the translation of each
+ Cminor expression or statement in the original code. *)
+(** [tr_move c ns rs nd rd] holds if the graph [c], between nodes [ns]
+ and [nd], contains instructions that move the value of register [rs]
+ to register [rd]. *)
+Inductive tr_move (c: code):
+ node -> reg -> node -> reg -> Prop :=
+ | tr_move_0: forall n r,
+ tr_move c n r n r
+ | tr_move_1: forall ns rs nd rd,
+ c!ns = Some (Iop Omove (rs :: nil) rd nd) ->
+ tr_move c ns rs nd rd.
+(** [tr_expr c map pr expr ns nd rd] holds if the graph [c],
+ between nodes [ns] and [nd], contains instructions that compute the
+ value of the Cminor expression [expr] and deposit this value in
+ register [rd]. [map] is a mapping from Cminor variables to the
+ corresponding RTL registers. [pr] is a list of RTL registers whose
+ values must be preserved during this computation. All registers
+ mentioned in [map] must also be preserved during this computation.
+ To ensure this, we demand that the result registers of the instructions
+ appearing on the path from [ns] to [nd] are neither in [pr] nor in [map].
+Inductive tr_expr (c: code):
+ mapping -> list reg -> expr -> node -> node -> reg -> Prop :=
+ | tr_Evar: forall map pr id ns nd r rd,
+ map.(map_vars)!id = Some r ->
+ (rd = r \/ ~reg_in_map map rd /\ ~In rd pr) ->
+ tr_move c ns r nd rd ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Evar id) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Eop: forall map pr op al ns nd rd n1 rl,
+ tr_exprlist c map pr al ns n1 rl ->
+ c!n1 = Some (Iop op rl rd nd) ->
+ ~reg_in_map map rd -> ~In rd pr ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Eop op al) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Eload: forall map pr chunk addr al ns nd rd n1 rl,
+ tr_exprlist c map pr al ns n1 rl ->
+ c!n1 = Some (Iload chunk addr rl rd nd) ->
+ ~reg_in_map map rd -> ~In rd pr ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Eload chunk addr al) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Estore: forall map pr chunk addr al b ns nd rd n1 rl n2,
+ tr_exprlist c map pr al ns n1 rl ->
+ tr_expr c map (rl ++ pr) b n1 n2 rd ->
+ c!n2 = Some (Istore chunk addr rl rd nd) ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Estore chunk addr al b) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Ecall: forall map pr sig b cl ns nd rd n1 rf n2 rargs,
+ tr_expr c map pr b ns n1 rf ->
+ tr_exprlist c map (rf :: pr) cl n1 n2 rargs ->
+ c!n2 = Some (Icall sig (inl _ rf) rargs rd nd) ->
+ ~reg_in_map map rd -> ~In rd pr ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Ecall sig b cl) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Econdition: forall map pr b ifso ifnot ns nd rd ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_condition c map pr b ns ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_expr c map pr ifso ntrue nd rd ->
+ tr_expr c map pr ifnot nfalse nd rd ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Econdition b ifso ifnot) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Elet: forall map pr b1 b2 ns nd rd n1 r,
+ ~reg_in_map map r ->
+ tr_expr c map pr b1 ns n1 r ->
+ tr_expr c (add_letvar map r) pr b2 n1 nd rd ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Elet b1 b2) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Eletvar: forall map pr n ns nd rd r,
+ List.nth_error map.(map_letvars) n = Some r ->
+ (rd = r \/ ~reg_in_map map rd /\ ~In rd pr) ->
+ tr_move c ns r nd rd ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Eletvar n) ns nd rd
+ | tr_Ealloc: forall map pr a ns nd rd n1 r,
+ tr_expr c map pr a ns n1 r ->
+ c!n1 = Some (Ialloc r rd nd) ->
+ ~reg_in_map map rd -> ~In rd pr ->
+ tr_expr c map pr (Ealloc a) ns nd rd
+(** [tr_expr c map pr cond ns ntrue nfalse rd] holds if the graph [c],
+ starting at node [ns], contains instructions that compute the truth
+ value of the Cminor conditional expression [cond] and terminate
+ on node [ntrue] if the condition holds and on node [nfalse] otherwise. *)
+with tr_condition (c: code):
+ mapping -> list reg -> condexpr -> node -> node -> node -> Prop :=
+ | tr_CEtrue: forall map pr ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_condition c map pr CEtrue ntrue ntrue nfalse
+ | tr_CEfalse: forall map pr ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_condition c map pr CEfalse nfalse ntrue nfalse
+ | tr_CEcond: forall map pr cond bl ns ntrue nfalse n1 rl,
+ tr_exprlist c map pr bl ns n1 rl ->
+ c!n1 = Some (Icond cond rl ntrue nfalse) ->
+ tr_condition c map pr (CEcond cond bl) ns ntrue nfalse
+ | tr_CEcondition: forall map pr b ifso ifnot ns ntrue nfalse ntrue' nfalse',
+ tr_condition c map pr b ns ntrue' nfalse' ->
+ tr_condition c map pr ifso ntrue' ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_condition c map pr ifnot nfalse' ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_condition c map pr (CEcondition b ifso ifnot) ns ntrue nfalse
+(** [tr_exprlist c map pr exprs ns nd rds] holds if the graph [c],
+ between nodes [ns] and [nd], contains instructions that compute the values
+ of the list of Cminor expression [exprlist] and deposit these values
+ in registers [rds]. *)
+with tr_exprlist (c: code):
+ mapping -> list reg -> exprlist -> node -> node -> list reg -> Prop :=
+ | tr_Enil: forall map pr n,
+ tr_exprlist c map pr Enil n n nil
+ | tr_Econs: forall map pr a1 al ns nd r1 rl n1,
+ tr_expr c map pr a1 ns n1 r1 ->
+ tr_exprlist c map (r1 :: pr) al n1 nd rl ->
+ tr_exprlist c map pr (Econs a1 al) ns nd (r1 :: rl).
+(** Auxiliary for the compilation of [switch] statements. *)
+Inductive tr_switch
+ (c: code) (r: reg) (nexits: list node):
+ comptree -> node -> Prop :=
+ | tr_switch_action: forall act n,
+ nth_error nexits act = Some n ->
+ tr_switch c r nexits (CTaction act) n
+ | tr_switch_ifeq: forall key act t' n ncont nfound,
+ tr_switch c r nexits t' ncont ->
+ nth_error nexits act = Some nfound ->
+ c!n = Some(Icond (Ccompimm Ceq key) (r :: nil) nfound ncont) ->
+ tr_switch c r nexits (CTifeq key act t') n
+ | tr_switch_iflt: forall key t1 t2 n n1 n2,
+ tr_switch c r nexits t1 n1 ->
+ tr_switch c r nexits t2 n2 ->
+ c!n = Some(Icond (Ccompuimm Clt key) (r :: nil) n1 n2) ->
+ tr_switch c r nexits (CTiflt key t1 t2) n.
+(** [tr_stmt c map stmt ns ncont nexits nret rret] holds if the graph [c],
+ starting at node [ns], contains instructions that perform the Cminor
+ statement [stmt]. These instructions branch to node [ncont] if
+ the statement terminates normally, to the [n]-th node in [nexits]
+ if the statement terminates prematurely on a [exit n] statement,
+ and to [nret] if the statement terminates prematurely on a [return]
+ statement. Moreover, if the [return] statement has an argument,
+ its value is deposited in register [rret]. *)
+Inductive tr_stmt (c: code) (map: mapping):
+ stmt -> node -> node -> list node -> node -> option reg -> Prop :=
+ | tr_Sskip: forall ns nexits nret rret,
+ tr_stmt c map Sskip ns ns nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sexpr: forall a ns nd nexits nret rret r,
+ tr_expr c map nil a ns nd r ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sexpr a) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sassign: forall id a ns nd nexits nret rret rv rt n,
+ map.(map_vars)!id = Some rv ->
+ tr_move c n rt nd rv ->
+ tr_expr c map nil a ns n rt ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sassign id a) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sseq: forall s1 s2 ns nd nexits nret rret n,
+ tr_stmt c map s2 n nd nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt c map s1 ns n nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sseq s1 s2) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sifthenelse: forall a strue sfalse ns nd nexits nret rret ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_stmt c map strue ntrue nd nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt c map sfalse nfalse nd nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_condition c map nil a ns ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sifthenelse a strue sfalse) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sloop: forall sbody ns nd nexits nret rret nloop,
+ tr_stmt c map sbody ns nloop nexits nret rret ->
+ c!nloop = Some(Inop ns) ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sloop sbody) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sblock: forall sbody ns nd nexits nret rret,
+ tr_stmt c map sbody ns nd (nd :: nexits) nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sblock sbody) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sexit: forall n ns nd nexits nret rret,
+ nth_error nexits n = Some ns ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sexit n) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sswitch: forall a cases default ns nd nexits nret rret n r t,
+ validate_switch default cases t = true ->
+ tr_expr c map nil a ns n r ->
+ tr_switch c r nexits t n ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sswitch a cases default) ns nd nexits nret rret
+ | tr_Sreturn_none: forall nret nd nexits,
+ tr_stmt c map (Sreturn None) nret nd nexits nret None
+ | tr_Sreturn_some: forall a ns nd nexits nret rret,
+ tr_expr c map nil a ns nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Sreturn (Some a)) ns nd nexits nret (Some rret)
+ | tr_Stailcall: forall sig b cl ns nd nexits nret rret n1 rf n2 rargs,
+ tr_expr c map nil b ns n1 rf ->
+ tr_exprlist c map (rf :: nil) cl n1 n2 rargs ->
+ c!n2 = Some (Itailcall sig (inl _ rf) rargs) ->
+ tr_stmt c map (Stailcall sig b cl) ns nd nexits nret rret.
+(** [tr_function f tf] specifies the RTL function [tf] that
+ [RTLgen.transl_function] returns. *)
+Inductive tr_function: CminorSel.function -> RTL.function -> Prop :=
+ | tr_function_intro:
+ forall f code rparams map1 s1 rvars map2 s2 nentry nret rret orret nextnode wfcode,
+ add_vars init_mapping f.(CminorSel.fn_params) init_state = OK (rparams, map1) s1 ->
+ add_vars map1 f.(CminorSel.fn_vars) s1 = OK (rvars, map2) s2 ->
+ orret = ret_reg f.(CminorSel.fn_sig) rret ->
+ tr_stmt code map2 f.(CminorSel.fn_body) nentry nret nil nret orret ->
+ code!nret = Some(Ireturn orret) ->
+ tr_function f (RTL.mkfunction
+ f.(CminorSel.fn_sig)
+ rparams
+ f.(CminorSel.fn_stackspace)
+ code
+ nentry
+ nextnode
+ wfcode).
+(** * Correctness proof of the translation functions *)
+(** We now show that the translation functions in module [RTLgen]
+ satisfy the specifications given above as inductive predicates. *)
+Scheme tr_expr_ind3 := Minimality for tr_expr Sort Prop
+ with tr_condition_ind3 := Minimality for tr_condition Sort Prop
+ with tr_exprlist_ind3 := Minimality for tr_exprlist Sort Prop.
+Definition tr_expr_condition_exprlist_ind3
+ (c: code)
+ (P : mapping -> list reg -> expr -> node -> node -> reg -> Prop)
+ (P0 : mapping -> list reg -> condexpr -> node -> node -> node -> Prop)
+ (P1 : mapping -> list reg -> exprlist -> node -> node -> list reg -> Prop) :=
+ fun a b c' d e f g h i j k l m n o =>
+ conj (tr_expr_ind3 c P P0 P1 a b c' d e f g h i j k l m n o)
+ (conj (tr_condition_ind3 c P P0 P1 a b c' d e f g h i j k l m n o)
+ (tr_exprlist_ind3 c P P0 P1 a b c' d e f g h i j k l m n o)).
+Lemma tr_move_extends:
+ forall s1 s2, state_extends s1 s2 ->
+ forall ns rs nd rd,
+ tr_move s1.(st_code) ns rs nd rd ->
+ tr_move s2.(st_code) ns rs nd rd.
+ induction 2; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply instr_at_extends; eauto.
+Lemma tr_expr_condition_exprlist_extends:
+ forall s1 s2, state_extends s1 s2 ->
+ (forall map pr a ns nd rd,
+ tr_expr s1.(st_code) map pr a ns nd rd ->
+ tr_expr s2.(st_code) map pr a ns nd rd)
+/\(forall map pr a ns ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_condition s1.(st_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_condition s2.(st_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse)
+/\(forall map pr al ns nd rl,
+ tr_exprlist s1.(st_code) map pr al ns nd rl ->
+ tr_exprlist s2.(st_code) map pr al ns nd rl).
+ intros s1 s2 EXT.
+ pose (AT := fun pc i => instr_at_extends s1 s2 pc i EXT).
+ apply tr_expr_condition_exprlist_ind3; intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply tr_move_extends; eauto.
+ eapply tr_move_extends; eauto.
+Lemma tr_expr_incr:
+ forall s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 ->
+ forall map pr a ns nd rd,
+ tr_expr s1.(st_code) map pr a ns nd rd ->
+ tr_expr s2.(st_code) map pr a ns nd rd.
+ intros.
+ exploit tr_expr_condition_exprlist_extends.
+ apply state_incr_extends; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. eauto.
+Lemma tr_condition_incr:
+ forall s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 ->
+ forall map pr a ns ntrue nfalse,
+ tr_condition s1.(st_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse ->
+ tr_condition s2.(st_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse.
+ intros.
+ exploit tr_expr_condition_exprlist_extends.
+ apply state_incr_extends; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. eauto.
+Lemma tr_exprlist_incr:
+ forall s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 ->
+ forall map pr al ns nd rl,
+ tr_exprlist s1.(st_code) map pr al ns nd rl ->
+ tr_exprlist s2.(st_code) map pr al ns nd rl.
+ intros.
+ exploit tr_expr_condition_exprlist_extends.
+ apply state_incr_extends; eauto. intros [A [B C]]. eauto.
+Scheme expr_ind3 := Induction for expr Sort Prop
+ with condexpr_ind3 := Induction for condexpr Sort Prop
+ with exprlist_ind3 := Induction for exprlist Sort Prop.
+Definition expr_condexpr_exprlist_ind
+ (P1: expr -> Prop) (P2: condexpr -> Prop) (P3: exprlist -> Prop) :=
+ fun a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o =>
+ conj (expr_ind3 P1 P2 P3 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)
+ (conj (condexpr_ind3 P1 P2 P3 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)
+ (exprlist_ind3 P1 P2 P3 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o)).
+Lemma add_move_charact:
+ forall s ns rs nd rd s',
+ add_move rs rd nd s = OK ns s' ->
+ tr_move s'.(st_code) ns rs nd rd /\ state_incr s s'.
+ intros. unfold add_move in H. destruct (Reg.eq rs rd).
+ inv H. split. constructor. auto with rtlg.
+ split. constructor. eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_expr_condexpr_list_charact:
+ (forall a map rd nd s ns s' pr
+ (TR: transl_expr map a rd nd s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s)
+ (OK: target_reg_ok map pr a rd)
+ (VALID: regs_valid pr s)
+ (VALID2: reg_valid rd s),
+ tr_expr s'.(st_code) map pr a ns nd rd
+ /\ state_incr s s')
+ (forall a map ntrue nfalse s ns s' pr
+ (TR: transl_condition map a ntrue nfalse s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s)
+ (VALID: regs_valid pr s),
+ tr_condition s'.(st_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse
+ /\ state_incr s s')
+ (forall al map rl nd s ns s' pr
+ (TR: transl_exprlist map al rl nd s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s)
+ (OK: target_regs_ok map pr al rl)
+ (VALID1: regs_valid pr s)
+ (VALID2: regs_valid rl s),
+ tr_exprlist s'.(st_code) map pr al ns nd rl
+ /\ state_incr s s').
+ apply expr_condexpr_exprlist_ind; intros; try (monadInv TR).
+ (* Evar *)
+ generalize EQ; unfold find_var. caseEq (map_vars map)!i; intros; inv EQ1.
+ exploit add_move_charact; eauto.
+ intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ inv OK. left; congruence. right; eauto.
+ auto.
+ (* Eop *)
+ inv OK.
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply instr_at_incr; eauto.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Eload *)
+ inv OK.
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply instr_at_incr; eauto.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Estore *)
+ inv OK.
+ assert (state_incr s s1). eauto with rtlg.
+ exploit (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ (x ++ pr) EQ0).
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ apply target_reg_ok_append. constructor; auto.
+ intros. exploit alloc_regs_fresh_or_in_map; eauto.
+ intros [A|B]. auto. right. apply sym_not_equal.
+ eapply valid_fresh_different; eauto with rtlg.
+ red; intros. elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H4); intro.
+ exploit alloc_regs_valid; eauto with rtlg.
+ generalize (VALID _ H5). eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ3); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_expr_incr with s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply instr_at_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Ecall *)
+ inv OK.
+ assert (state_incr s0 s3).
+ apply state_incr_trans with s1. eauto with rtlg.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ assert (regs_valid (x :: pr) s1).
+ apply regs_valid_cons; eauto with rtlg.
+ exploit (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ (x :: pr) EQ2).
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ apply alloc_regs_target_ok with s1 s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ apply regs_valid_incr with s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ4).
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ apply regs_valid_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply reg_valid_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_exprlist_incr with s4; eauto.
+ apply instr_at_incr with s3; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Econdition *)
+ inv OK.
+ exploit (H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ); eauto with rtlg.
+ constructor; auto.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ1); eauto with rtlg.
+ constructor; auto.
+ intros [C D].
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [E F].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_expr_incr with s1; auto.
+ apply tr_expr_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s0; auto.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s1; auto.
+ (* Elet *)
+ inv OK.
+ exploit (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ1).
+ apply add_letvar_valid; eauto with rtlg.
+ constructor; auto.
+ red; unfold reg_in_map. simpl. intros [[id A] | [B | C]].
+ elim H1. left; exists id; auto.
+ subst x. apply valid_fresh_absurd with rd s. auto. eauto with rtlg.
+ elim H1. right; auto.
+ eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg. intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor.
+ eapply new_reg_not_in_map; eauto with rtlg. eauto.
+ apply tr_expr_incr with s1; auto.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Eletvar *)
+ generalize EQ; unfold find_letvar. caseEq (nth_error (map_letvars map) n); intros; inv EQ0.
+ monadInv EQ1.
+ exploit add_move_charact; eauto.
+ intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ inv OK. left; congruence. right; eauto.
+ auto.
+ monadInv EQ1.
+ (* Ealloc *)
+ inv OK.
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply instr_at_incr; eauto.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ (* CEtrue *)
+ split. constructor. auto with rtlg.
+ (* CEfalse *)
+ split. constructor. auto with rtlg.
+ (* CEcond *)
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply instr_at_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* CEcondition *)
+ exploit (H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ1); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [C D].
+ exploit (H _ _ _ _ _ _ pr EQ2); eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [E F].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_condition_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_condition_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Enil *)
+ destruct rl; inv TR. split. constructor. eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Econs *)
+ destruct rl; simpl in TR; monadInv TR. inv OK.
+ exploit H0; eauto.
+ apply regs_valid_cons. apply VALID2. auto with coqlib. auto.
+ red; intros; apply VALID2; auto with coqlib.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit H; eauto.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ generalize (VALID2 r (in_eq _ _)). eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_exprlist_incr with s0; auto.
+ apply state_incr_trans with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_expr_charact:
+ forall a map rd nd s ns s'
+ (TR: transl_expr map a rd nd s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s)
+ (OK: target_reg_ok map nil a rd)
+ (VALID2: reg_valid rd s),
+ tr_expr s'.(st_code) map nil a ns nd rd
+ /\ state_incr s s'.
+ destruct transl_expr_condexpr_list_charact as [A [B C]].
+ intros. eapply A; eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_condexpr_charact:
+ forall a map ntrue nfalse s ns s'
+ (TR: transl_condition map a ntrue nfalse s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s),
+ tr_condition s'.(st_code) map nil a ns ntrue nfalse
+ /\ state_incr s s'.
+ destruct transl_expr_condexpr_list_charact as [A [B C]].
+ intros. eapply B; eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma tr_switch_extends:
+ forall s1 s2, state_extends s1 s2 ->
+ forall r nexits t ns,
+ tr_switch s1.(st_code) r nexits t ns ->
+ tr_switch s2.(st_code) r nexits t ns.
+ induction 2; econstructor; eauto with rtlg.
+ eapply instr_at_extends; eauto.
+ eapply instr_at_extends; eauto.
+Lemma tr_stmt_extends:
+ forall s1 s2, state_extends s1 s2 ->
+ forall map s ns nd nexits nret rret,
+ tr_stmt s1.(st_code) map s ns nd nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt s2.(st_code) map s ns nd nexits nret rret.
+ intros s1 s2 EXT.
+ destruct (tr_expr_condition_exprlist_extends s1 s2 EXT) as [A [B C]].
+ pose (AT := fun pc i => instr_at_extends s1 s2 pc i EXT).
+ induction 1; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply tr_move_extends; eauto.
+ eapply tr_switch_extends; eauto.
+Lemma tr_stmt_incr:
+ forall s1 s2, state_incr s1 s2 ->
+ forall map s ns nd nexits nret rret,
+ tr_stmt s1.(st_code) map s ns nd nexits nret rret ->
+ tr_stmt s2.(st_code) map s ns nd nexits nret rret.
+ intros. eapply tr_stmt_extends; eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_exit_charact:
+ forall nexits n s ne s',
+ transl_exit nexits n s = OK ne s' ->
+ nth_error nexits n = Some ne /\ s' = s.
+ intros until s'. unfold transl_exit.
+ destruct (nth_error nexits n); intro; monadInv H. auto.
+Lemma transl_switch_charact:
+ forall r nexits t s ns s',
+ transl_switch r nexits t s = OK ns s' ->
+ tr_switch s'.(st_code) r nexits t ns /\ state_incr s s'.
+ induction t; simpl; intros.
+ exploit transl_exit_charact; eauto. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto. subst s'; auto with rtlg.
+ monadInv H.
+ exploit transl_exit_charact; eauto. intros [A B]. subst s1.
+ exploit IHt; eauto. intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_switch_extends with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ monadInv H.
+ exploit IHt2; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit IHt1; eauto. intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor.
+ apply tr_switch_extends with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_switch_extends with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_stmt_charact:
+ forall map stmt nd nexits nret rret s ns s'
+ (TR: transl_stmt map stmt nd nexits nret rret s = OK ns s')
+ (WF: map_valid map s)
+ (OK: return_reg_ok s map rret),
+ tr_stmt s'.(st_code) map stmt ns nd nexits nret rret
+ /\ state_incr s s'.
+ induction stmt; intros; simpl in TR; try (monadInv TR).
+ (* Sskip *)
+ split. constructor. auto with rtlg.
+ (* Sexpr *)
+ exploit transl_expr_charact; eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto. eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Sassign *)
+ exploit add_move_charact; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit transl_expr_charact; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply map_valid_incr with s; eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [C D].
+ generalize EQ. unfold find_var. caseEq (map_vars map)!i; intros; inv EQ2.
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_move_extends with s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Sseq *)
+ exploit IHstmt2; eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ exploit IHstmt1; eauto with rtlg. intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto. apply tr_stmt_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Sifthenelse *)
+ destruct (more_likely c stmt1 stmt2); monadInv TR.
+ exploit IHstmt2; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit IHstmt1; eauto with rtlg. intros [C D].
+ exploit transl_condexpr_charact; eauto with rtlg. intros [E F].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_stmt_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_stmt_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ exploit IHstmt1; eauto. intros [A B].
+ exploit IHstmt2; eauto with rtlg. intros [C D].
+ exploit transl_condexpr_charact; eauto with rtlg. intros [E F].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_stmt_incr with s0; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_stmt_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ (* Sloop *)
+ assert (state_incr s s0).
+ eapply reserve_instr_incr; eauto.
+ exploit IHstmt; eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor.
+ apply tr_stmt_extends with s1; eauto.
+ eapply update_instr_extends; eauto.
+ unfold update_instr in EQ0.
+ destruct (plt x (st_nextnode s1)); inv EQ0.
+ simpl. apply PTree.gss.
+ eapply update_instr_incr; eauto.
+ (* Sblock *)
+ exploit IHstmt; eauto. intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+ (* Sexit *)
+ exploit transl_exit_charact; eauto. intros [A B]. subst s'.
+ split. econstructor; eauto. auto with rtlg.
+ (* Sswitch *)
+ generalize TR; clear TR.
+ set (t := compile_switch n l).
+ caseEq (validate_switch n l t); intro VALID; intros.
+ monadInv TR.
+ exploit transl_switch_charact; eauto with rtlg. intros [A B].
+ exploit transl_expr_charact; eauto with rtlg. intros [C D].
+ split. econstructor; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply tr_switch_extends with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+ monadInv TR.
+ (* Sreturn *)
+ destruct o; destruct rret; inv TR.
+ inv OK.
+ exploit transl_expr_charact; eauto with rtlg.
+ constructor. auto. simpl; tauto.
+ intros [A B].
+ split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+ split. constructor. auto with rtlg.
+ (* Stailcall *)
+ assert (state_incr s0 s2) by eauto with rtlg.
+ destruct transl_expr_condexpr_list_charact as [A [B C]].
+ exploit (C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (x ::nil) EQ2); eauto with rtlg.
+ apply alloc_regs_target_ok with s1 s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply regs_valid_cons. eauto with rtlg. apply regs_valid_nil.
+ apply regs_valid_cons. apply reg_valid_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply regs_valid_nil.
+ apply regs_valid_incr with s2; eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [D E].
+ exploit (A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nil EQ4); eauto with rtlg.
+ apply reg_valid_incr with s1; eauto with rtlg.
+ intros [F G].
+ split. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply tr_exprlist_incr with s4; eauto.
+ apply instr_at_incr with s3; eauto with rtlg.
+ eauto with rtlg.
+Lemma transl_function_charact:
+ forall f tf,
+ transl_function f = Errors.OK tf ->
+ tr_function f tf.
+ intros until tf. unfold transl_function.
+ caseEq (transl_fun f init_state). congruence.
+ intros [nentry rparams] sfinal TR E. inv E.
+ monadInv TR.
+ exploit add_vars_valid. eexact EQ. apply init_mapping_valid.
+ intros [A B].
+ exploit add_vars_valid. eexact EQ1. auto.
+ intros [C D].
+ exploit transl_stmt_charact; eauto with rtlg.
+ unfold ret_reg. destruct (sig_res (CminorSel.fn_sig f)).
+ constructor. eauto with rtlg. eauto with rtlg.
+ constructor.
+ intros [E F].
+ eapply tr_function_intro; eauto with rtlg.
+ apply instr_at_incr with s2; eauto with rtlg.