path: root/backend/CSEproof.v
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+(** Correctness proof for common subexpression elimination. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import Kildall.
+Require Import CSE.
+(** * Semantic properties of value numberings *)
+(** ** Well-formedness of numberings *)
+(** A numbering is well-formed if all registers mentioned in equations
+ are less than the ``next'' register number given in the numbering.
+ This guarantees that the next register is fresh with respect to
+ the equations. *)
+Definition wf_rhs (next: valnum) (rh: rhs) : Prop :=
+ match rh with
+ | Op op vl => forall v, In v vl -> Plt v next
+ | Load chunk addr vl => forall v, In v vl -> Plt v next
+ end.
+Definition wf_equation (next: valnum) (vr: valnum) (rh: rhs) : Prop :=
+ Plt vr next /\ wf_rhs next rh.
+Definition wf_numbering (n: numbering) : Prop :=
+ (forall v rh,
+ In (v, rh) n.(num_eqs) -> wf_equation n.(num_next) v rh)
+ (forall r v,
+ PTree.get r n.(num_reg) = Some v -> Plt v n.(num_next)).
+Lemma wf_empty_numbering:
+ wf_numbering empty_numbering.
+ unfold empty_numbering; split; simpl; intros.
+ elim H.
+ rewrite PTree.gempty in H. congruence.
+Lemma wf_rhs_increasing:
+ forall next1 next2 rh,
+ Ple next1 next2 ->
+ wf_rhs next1 rh -> wf_rhs next2 rh.
+ intros; destruct rh; simpl; intros; apply Plt_Ple_trans with next1; auto.
+Lemma wf_equation_increasing:
+ forall next1 next2 vr rh,
+ Ple next1 next2 ->
+ wf_equation next1 vr rh -> wf_equation next2 vr rh.
+ intros. elim H0; intros. split.
+ apply Plt_Ple_trans with next1; auto.
+ apply wf_rhs_increasing with next1; auto.
+(** We now show that all operations over numberings
+ preserve well-formedness. *)
+Lemma wf_valnum_reg:
+ forall n r n' v,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ valnum_reg n r = (n', v) ->
+ wf_numbering n' /\ Plt v n'.(num_next) /\ Ple n.(num_next) n'.(num_next).
+ intros until v. intros WF. inversion WF.
+ generalize (H0 r v).
+ unfold valnum_reg. destruct ((num_reg n)!r).
+ intros. replace n' with n. split. auto.
+ split. apply H1. congruence.
+ apply Ple_refl.
+ congruence.
+ intros. inversion H2. simpl. split.
+ split; simpl; intros.
+ apply wf_equation_increasing with (num_next n). apply Ple_succ. auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H3. destruct (peq r0 r).
+ replace v0 with (num_next n). apply Plt_succ. congruence.
+ apply Plt_trans_succ; eauto.
+ split. apply Plt_succ. apply Ple_succ.
+Lemma wf_valnum_regs:
+ forall rl n n' vl,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ valnum_regs n rl = (n', vl) ->
+ wf_numbering n' /\
+ (forall v, In v vl -> Plt v n'.(num_next)) /\
+ Ple n.(num_next) n'.(num_next).
+ induction rl; intros.
+ simpl in H0. inversion H0. subst n'; subst vl.
+ simpl. intuition.
+ simpl in H0.
+ caseEq (valnum_reg n a). intros n1 v1 EQ1.
+ caseEq (valnum_regs n1 rl). intros ns vs EQS.
+ rewrite EQ1 in H0; rewrite EQS in H0; simpl in H0.
+ inversion H0. subst n'; subst vl.
+ generalize (wf_valnum_reg _ _ _ _ H EQ1); intros [A1 [B1 C1]].
+ generalize (IHrl _ _ _ A1 EQS); intros [As [Bs Cs]].
+ split. auto.
+ split. simpl; intros. elim H1; intro.
+ subst v. eapply Plt_Ple_trans; eauto.
+ auto.
+ eapply Ple_trans; eauto.
+Lemma find_valnum_rhs_correct:
+ forall rh vn eqs,
+ find_valnum_rhs rh eqs = Some vn -> In (vn, rh) eqs.
+ induction eqs; simpl.
+ congruence.
+ case a; intros v r'. case (eq_rhs rh r'); intro.
+ intro. left. congruence.
+ intro. right. auto.
+Lemma wf_add_rhs:
+ forall n rd rh,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ wf_rhs n.(num_next) rh ->
+ wf_numbering (add_rhs n rd rh).
+ intros. inversion H. unfold add_rhs.
+ caseEq (find_valnum_rhs rh n.(num_eqs)); intros.
+ split; simpl. assumption.
+ intros r v0. rewrite PTree.gsspec. case (peq r rd); intros.
+ inversion H4. subst v0.
+ elim (H1 v rh (find_valnum_rhs_correct _ _ _ H3)). auto.
+ eauto.
+ split; simpl.
+ intros v rh0 [A1|A2]. inversion A1. subst rh0.
+ split. apply Plt_succ. apply wf_rhs_increasing with n.(num_next).
+ apply Ple_succ. auto.
+ apply wf_equation_increasing with n.(num_next). apply Ple_succ. auto.
+ intros r v. rewrite PTree.gsspec. case (peq r rd); intro.
+ intro. inversion H4. apply Plt_succ.
+ intro. apply Plt_trans_succ. eauto.
+Lemma wf_add_op:
+ forall n rd op rs,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ wf_numbering (add_op n rd op rs).
+ intros. unfold add_op.
+ case (is_move_operation op rs).
+ intro r. caseEq (valnum_reg n r); intros n' v EQ.
+ destruct (wf_valnum_reg _ _ _ _ H EQ) as [[A1 A2] [B C]].
+ split; simpl. assumption. intros until v0. rewrite PTree.gsspec.
+ case (peq r0 rd); intros. replace v0 with v. auto. congruence.
+ eauto.
+ caseEq (valnum_regs n rs). intros n' vl EQ.
+ generalize (wf_valnum_regs _ _ _ _ H EQ). intros [A [B C]].
+ apply wf_add_rhs; auto.
+Lemma wf_add_load:
+ forall n rd chunk addr rs,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ wf_numbering (add_load n rd chunk addr rs).
+ intros. unfold add_load.
+ caseEq (valnum_regs n rs). intros n' vl EQ.
+ generalize (wf_valnum_regs _ _ _ _ H EQ). intros [A [B C]].
+ apply wf_add_rhs; auto.
+Lemma kill_load_eqs_incl:
+ forall eqs, List.incl (kill_load_eqs eqs) eqs.
+ induction eqs; simpl; intros.
+ apply incl_refl.
+ destruct a. destruct r. apply incl_same_head; auto.
+ auto.
+ apply incl_tl. auto.
+Lemma wf_kill_loads:
+ forall n, wf_numbering n -> wf_numbering (kill_loads n).
+ intros. inversion H. unfold kill_loads; split; simpl; intros.
+ apply H0. apply kill_load_eqs_incl. auto.
+ eauto.
+Lemma wf_transfer:
+ forall f pc n, wf_numbering n -> wf_numbering (transfer f pc n).
+ intros. unfold transfer.
+ destruct (f.(fn_code)!pc); auto.
+ destruct i; auto.
+ apply wf_add_op; auto.
+ apply wf_add_load; auto.
+ apply wf_kill_loads; auto.
+ apply wf_empty_numbering.
+(** As a consequence, the numberings computed by the static analysis
+ are well formed. *)
+Theorem wf_analyze:
+ forall f pc, wf_numbering (analyze f)!!pc.
+ unfold analyze; intros.
+ caseEq (Solver.fixpoint (successors f) (fn_nextpc f)
+ (transfer f) (fn_entrypoint f)).
+ intros approx EQ.
+ eapply Solver.fixpoint_invariant with (P := wf_numbering); eauto.
+ exact wf_empty_numbering.
+ exact (wf_transfer f).
+ intro. rewrite apply wf_empty_numbering.
+(** ** Properties of satisfiability of numberings *)
+Module ValnumEq.
+ Definition t := valnum.
+ Definition eq := peq.
+End ValnumEq.
+Module VMap := EMap(ValnumEq).
+Variable ge: genv.
+Variable sp: val.
+Variable m: mem.
+(** Agremment between two mappings from value numbers to values
+ up to a given value number. *)
+Definition valu_agree (valu1 valu2: valnum -> val) (upto: valnum) : Prop :=
+ forall v, Plt v upto -> valu2 v = valu1 v.
+Lemma valu_agree_refl:
+ forall valu upto, valu_agree valu valu upto.
+ intros; red; auto.
+Lemma valu_agree_trans:
+ forall valu1 valu2 valu3 upto12 upto23,
+ valu_agree valu1 valu2 upto12 ->
+ valu_agree valu2 valu3 upto23 ->
+ Ple upto12 upto23 ->
+ valu_agree valu1 valu3 upto12.
+ intros; red; intros. transitivity (valu2 v).
+ apply H0. apply Plt_Ple_trans with upto12; auto.
+ apply H; auto.
+Lemma valu_agree_list:
+ forall valu1 valu2 upto vl,
+ valu_agree valu1 valu2 upto ->
+ (forall v, In v vl -> Plt v upto) ->
+ map valu2 vl = map valu1 vl.
+ intros. apply list_map_exten. intros. symmetry. apply H. auto.
+(** The [numbering_holds] predicate (defined in file [CSE]) is
+ extensional with respect to [valu_agree]. *)
+Lemma numbering_holds_exten:
+ forall valu1 valu2 n rs,
+ valu_agree valu1 valu2 n.(num_next) ->
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_holds valu1 ge sp rs m n ->
+ numbering_holds valu2 ge sp rs m n.
+ intros. inversion H0. inversion H1. split; intros.
+ generalize (H2 _ _ H6). intro WFEQ.
+ generalize (H4 _ _ H6).
+ unfold equation_holds; destruct rh.
+ elim WFEQ; intros.
+ rewrite (valu_agree_list valu1 valu2 n.(num_next)).
+ rewrite H. auto. auto. auto. exact H8.
+ elim WFEQ; intros.
+ rewrite (valu_agree_list valu1 valu2 n.(num_next)).
+ rewrite H. auto. auto. auto. exact H8.
+ rewrite H. auto. eauto.
+(** [valnum_reg] and [valnum_regs] preserve the [numbering_holds] predicate.
+ Moreover, it is always the case that the returned value number has
+ the value of the given register in the final assignment of values to
+ value numbers. *)
+Lemma valnum_reg_holds:
+ forall valu1 rs n r n' v,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_holds valu1 ge sp rs m n ->
+ valnum_reg n r = (n', v) ->
+ exists valu2,
+ numbering_holds valu2 ge sp rs m n' /\
+ valu2 v = rs#r /\
+ valu_agree valu1 valu2 n.(num_next).
+ intros until v. unfold valnum_reg.
+ caseEq (n.(num_reg)!r).
+ (* Register already has a value number *)
+ intros. inversion H2. subst n'; subst v0.
+ inversion H1.
+ exists valu1. split. auto.
+ split. symmetry. auto.
+ apply valu_agree_refl.
+ (* Register gets a fresh value number *)
+ intros. inversion H2. subst n'. subst v. inversion H1.
+ set (valu2 := VMap.set n.(num_next) rs#r valu1).
+ assert (AG: valu_agree valu1 valu2 n.(num_next)).
+ red; intros. unfold valu2. apply VMap.gso.
+ auto with coqlib.
+ elim (numbering_holds_exten _ _ _ _ AG H0 H1); intros.
+ exists valu2.
+ split. split; simpl; intros. auto.
+ unfold valu2, VMap.set, ValnumEq.eq.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H7. destruct (peq r0 r).
+ inversion H7. rewrite peq_true. congruence.
+ case (peq vn (num_next n)); intro.
+ inversion H0. generalize (H9 _ _ H7). rewrite e. intro.
+ elim (Plt_strict _ H10).
+ auto.
+ split. unfold valu2. apply VMap.gss.
+ auto.
+Lemma valnum_regs_holds:
+ forall rs rl valu1 n n' vl,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_holds valu1 ge sp rs m n ->
+ valnum_regs n rl = (n', vl) ->
+ exists valu2,
+ numbering_holds valu2 ge sp rs m n' /\
+ valu2 vl = rs##rl /\
+ valu_agree valu1 valu2 n.(num_next).
+ induction rl; simpl; intros.
+ (* base case *)
+ inversion H1; subst n'; subst vl.
+ exists valu1. split. auto. split. reflexivity. apply valu_agree_refl.
+ (* inductive case *)
+ caseEq (valnum_reg n a); intros n1 v1 EQ1.
+ caseEq (valnum_regs n1 rl); intros ns vs EQs.
+ rewrite EQ1 in H1; rewrite EQs in H1. inversion H1. subst vl; subst n'.
+ generalize (valnum_reg_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ H H0 EQ1).
+ intros [valu2 [A [B C]]].
+ generalize (wf_valnum_reg _ _ _ _ H EQ1). intros [D [E F]].
+ generalize (IHrl _ _ _ _ D A EQs).
+ intros [valu3 [P [Q R]]].
+ exists valu3.
+ split. auto.
+ split. simpl. rewrite R. congruence. auto.
+ eapply valu_agree_trans; eauto.
+(** A reformulation of the [equation_holds] predicate in terms
+ of the value to which a right-hand side of an equation evaluates. *)
+Definition rhs_evals_to
+ (valu: valnum -> val) (rh: rhs) (v: val) : Prop :=
+ match rh with
+ | Op op vl =>
+ eval_operation ge sp op ( valu vl) = Some v
+ | Load chunk addr vl =>
+ exists a,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr ( valu vl) = Some a /\
+ loadv chunk m a = Some v
+ end.
+Lemma equation_evals_to_holds_1:
+ forall valu rh v vres,
+ rhs_evals_to valu rh v ->
+ equation_holds valu ge sp m vres rh ->
+ valu vres = v.
+ intros until vres. unfold rhs_evals_to, equation_holds.
+ destruct rh. congruence.
+ intros [a1 [A1 B1]] [a2 [A2 B2]]. congruence.
+Lemma equation_evals_to_holds_2:
+ forall valu rh v vres,
+ wf_rhs vres rh ->
+ rhs_evals_to valu rh v ->
+ equation_holds (VMap.set vres v valu) ge sp m vres rh.
+ intros until vres. unfold wf_rhs, rhs_evals_to, equation_holds.
+ rewrite VMap.gss.
+ assert (forall vl: list valnum,
+ (forall v, In v vl -> Plt v vres) ->
+ map (VMap.set vres v valu) vl = map valu vl).
+ intros. apply list_map_exten. intros.
+ symmetry. apply VMap.gso. apply Plt_ne. auto.
+ destruct rh; intros; rewrite H; auto.
+(** The numbering obtained by adding an equation [rd = rhs] is satisfiable
+ in a concrete register set where [rd] is set to the value of [rhs]. *)
+Lemma add_rhs_satisfiable:
+ forall n rh valu1 rs rd v,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ wf_rhs n.(num_next) rh ->
+ numbering_holds valu1 ge sp rs m n ->
+ rhs_evals_to valu1 rh v ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp (rs#rd <- v) m (add_rhs n rd rh).
+ intros. unfold add_rhs.
+ caseEq (find_valnum_rhs rh n.(num_eqs)).
+ (* RHS found *)
+ intros vres FINDVN. inversion H1.
+ exists valu1. split; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite Regmap.gsspec.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H5.
+ destruct (peq r rd).
+ symmetry. eapply equation_evals_to_holds_1; eauto.
+ apply H3. apply find_valnum_rhs_correct. congruence.
+ auto.
+ (* RHS not found *)
+ intro FINDVN.
+ set (valu2 := VMap.set n.(num_next) v valu1).
+ assert (AG: valu_agree valu1 valu2 n.(num_next)).
+ red; intros. unfold valu2. apply VMap.gso.
+ auto with coqlib.
+ elim (numbering_holds_exten _ _ _ _ AG H H1); intros.
+ exists valu2. split; simpl; intros.
+ elim H5; intro.
+ inversion H6; subst vn; subst rh0.
+ unfold valu2. eapply equation_evals_to_holds_2; eauto.
+ auto.
+ rewrite Regmap.gsspec. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H5. destruct (peq r rd).
+ unfold valu2. inversion H5. symmetry. apply VMap.gss.
+ auto.
+(** [add_op] returns a numbering that is satisfiable in the register
+ set after execution of the corresponding [Iop] instruction. *)
+Lemma add_op_satisfiable:
+ forall n rs op args dst v,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ eval_operation ge sp op rs##args = Some v ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp (rs#dst <- v) m (add_op n dst op args).
+ intros. inversion H0.
+ unfold add_op.
+ caseEq (@is_move_operation reg op args).
+ intros arg EQ.
+ destruct (is_move_operation_correct _ _ EQ) as [A B]. subst op args.
+ caseEq (valnum_reg n arg). intros n1 v1 VL.
+ generalize (valnum_reg_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ H H2 VL). intros [valu2 [A [B C]]].
+ generalize (wf_valnum_reg _ _ _ _ H VL). intros [D [E F]].
+ elim A; intros. exists valu2; split; simpl; intros.
+ auto. rewrite Regmap.gsspec. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H5.
+ destruct (peq r dst). simpl in H1. congruence. auto.
+ intro NEQ. caseEq (valnum_regs n args). intros n1 vl VRL.
+ generalize (valnum_regs_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ H H2 VRL). intros [valu2 [A [B C]]].
+ generalize (wf_valnum_regs _ _ _ _ H VRL). intros [D [E F]].
+ apply add_rhs_satisfiable with valu2; auto.
+ simpl. congruence.
+(** [add_load] returns a numbering that is satisfiable in the register
+ set after execution of the corresponding [Iload] instruction. *)
+Lemma add_load_satisfiable:
+ forall n rs chunk addr args dst a v,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp
+ (rs#dst <- v)
+ m (add_load n dst chunk addr args).
+ intros. inversion H0.
+ unfold add_load.
+ caseEq (valnum_regs n args). intros n1 vl VRL.
+ generalize (valnum_regs_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ H H3 VRL). intros [valu2 [A [B C]]].
+ generalize (wf_valnum_regs _ _ _ _ H VRL). intros [D [E F]].
+ apply add_rhs_satisfiable with valu2; auto.
+ simpl. exists a; split; congruence.
+(** [kill_load] preserves satisfiability. Moreover, the resulting numbering
+ is satisfiable in any concrete memory state. *)
+Lemma kill_load_eqs_ops:
+ forall v rhs eqs,
+ In (v, rhs) (kill_load_eqs eqs) ->
+ match rhs with Op _ _ => True | Load _ _ _ => False end.
+ induction eqs; simpl; intros.
+ elim H.
+ destruct a. destruct r.
+ elim H; intros. inversion H0; subst v0; subst rhs. auto.
+ apply IHeqs. auto.
+ apply IHeqs. auto.
+Lemma kill_load_satisfiable:
+ forall n rs m',
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m' (kill_loads n).
+ intros. inversion H. inversion H0.
+ generalize (kill_load_eqs_incl n.(num_eqs)). intro.
+ exists x. split; intros.
+ generalize (H1 _ _ (H3 _ H4)).
+ generalize (kill_load_eqs_ops _ _ _ H4).
+ destruct rh; simpl. auto. tauto.
+ apply H2. assumption.
+(** Correctness of [reg_valnum]: if it returns a register [r],
+ that register correctly maps back to the given value number. *)
+Lemma reg_valnum_correct:
+ forall n v r, reg_valnum n v = Some r -> n.(num_reg)!r = Some v.
+ intros until r. unfold reg_valnum. rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
+ assert(forall l acc0,
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc: option reg) (p: reg * valnum) =>
+ if peq (snd p) v then Some (fst p) else acc)
+ l acc0 = Some r ->
+ In (r, v) l \/ acc0 = Some r).
+ induction l; simpl.
+ intros. tauto.
+ case a; simpl; intros r1 v1 acc0 FL.
+ generalize (IHl _ FL).
+ case (peq v1 v); intro.
+ subst v1. intros [A|B]. tauto. inversion B; subst r1. tauto.
+ tauto.
+ intro. elim (H _ _ H0); intro.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+ discriminate.
+(** Correctness of [find_op] and [find_load]: if successful and in a
+ satisfiable numbering, the returned register does contain the
+ result value of the operation or memory load. *)
+Lemma find_rhs_correct:
+ forall valu rs n rh r,
+ numbering_holds valu ge sp rs m n ->
+ find_rhs n rh = Some r ->
+ rhs_evals_to valu rh rs#r.
+ intros until r. intros NH.
+ unfold find_rhs.
+ caseEq (find_valnum_rhs rh n.(num_eqs)); intros.
+ generalize (find_valnum_rhs_correct _ _ _ H); intro.
+ generalize (reg_valnum_correct _ _ _ H0); intro.
+ inversion NH.
+ generalize (H3 _ _ H1). rewrite (H4 _ _ H2).
+ destruct rh; simpl; auto.
+ discriminate.
+Lemma find_op_correct:
+ forall rs n op args r,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ find_op n op args = Some r ->
+ eval_operation ge sp op rs##args = Some rs#r.
+ intros until r. intros WF [valu NH].
+ unfold find_op. caseEq (valnum_regs n args). intros n' vl VR FIND.
+ generalize (valnum_regs_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ WF NH VR).
+ intros [valu2 [NH2 [EQ AG]]].
+ rewrite <- EQ.
+ change (rhs_evals_to valu2 (Op op vl) rs#r).
+ eapply find_rhs_correct; eauto.
+Lemma find_load_correct:
+ forall rs n chunk addr args r,
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ find_load n chunk addr args = Some r ->
+ exists a,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a /\
+ loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r.
+ intros until r. intros WF [valu NH].
+ unfold find_load. caseEq (valnum_regs n args). intros n' vl VR FIND.
+ generalize (valnum_regs_holds _ _ _ _ _ _ WF NH VR).
+ intros [valu2 [NH2 [EQ AG]]].
+ rewrite <- EQ.
+ change (rhs_evals_to valu2 (Load chunk addr vl) rs#r).
+ eapply find_rhs_correct; eauto.
+(** The transfer function preserves satisfiability of numberings. *)
+Lemma transfer_correct:
+ forall ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' f n,
+ exec_instr ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' ->
+ c = f.(fn_code) ->
+ wf_numbering n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs' m' (transfer f pc n).
+ induction 1; intros; subst c; unfold transfer; rewrite H; auto.
+ (* Iop *)
+ eapply add_op_satisfiable; eauto.
+ (* Iload *)
+ eapply add_load_satisfiable; eauto.
+ (* Istore *)
+ eapply kill_load_satisfiable; eauto.
+ (* Icall *)
+ apply empty_numbering_satisfiable.
+(** The numberings associated to each instruction by the static analysis
+ are inductively satisfiable, in the following sense: the numbering
+ at the function entry point is satisfiable, and for any RTL execution
+ from [pc] to [pc'], satisfiability at [pc] implies
+ satisfiability at [pc']. *)
+Theorem analysis_correct_1:
+ forall ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' f,
+ exec_instr ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' ->
+ c = f.(fn_code) ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!pc ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs' m' (analyze f)!!pc'.
+ intros until f. intros EXEC CODE.
+ generalize (wf_analyze f pc).
+ unfold analyze.
+ caseEq (Solver.fixpoint (successors f) (fn_nextpc f)
+ (transfer f) (fn_entrypoint f)).
+ intros res FIXPOINT WF NS.
+ assert (numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs' m' (transfer f pc res!!pc)).
+ eapply transfer_correct; eauto.
+ assert ( res!!pc' (transfer f pc res!!pc)).
+ eapply Solver.fixpoint_solution; eauto.
+ elim (fn_code_wf f pc); intro. auto.
+ rewrite <- CODE in H0.
+ elim (exec_instr_present _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXEC H0).
+ rewrite CODE in EXEC. eapply successors_correct; eauto.
+ apply H0. auto.
+ intros. rewrite apply empty_numbering_satisfiable.
+Theorem analysis_correct_N:
+ forall ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' f,
+ exec_instrs ge c sp pc rs m pc' rs' m' ->
+ c = f.(fn_code) ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!pc ->
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs' m' (analyze f)!!pc'.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ assumption.
+ eapply analysis_correct_1; eauto.
+ eauto.
+Theorem analysis_correct_entry:
+ forall ge sp rs m f,
+ numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!(f.(fn_entrypoint)).
+ intros.
+ replace ((analyze f)!!(f.(fn_entrypoint)))
+ with empty_numbering.
+ apply empty_numbering_satisfiable.
+ unfold analyze.
+ caseEq (Solver.fixpoint (successors f) (fn_nextpc f)
+ (transfer f) (fn_entrypoint f)).
+ intros res FIXPOINT.
+ symmetry. change empty_numbering with
+ eapply Solver.fixpoint_entry; eauto.
+ intros. symmetry. apply
+(** * Semantic preservation *)
+Variable prog: program.
+Let tprog := transf_program prog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Lemma symbols_preserved:
+ forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+Proof (Genv.find_symbol_transf transf_function prog).
+Lemma functions_translated:
+ forall (v: val) (f: RTL.function),
+ Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (transf_function f).
+Proof (@Genv.find_funct_transf _ _ transf_function prog).
+Lemma funct_ptr_translated:
+ forall (b: block) (f: RTL.function),
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some (transf_function f).
+Proof (@Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf _ _ transf_function prog).
+(** The proof of semantic preservation is a simulation argument using
+ diagrams of the following form:
+ pc, rs, m ------------------------ pc, rs, m
+ | |
+ | |
+ v v
+ pc', rs', m' --------------------- pc', rs', m'
+ Left: RTL execution in the original program. Right: RTL execution in
+ the optimized program. Precondition (top): the numbering at [pc]
+ (returned by the static analysis) is satisfiable. Postcondition: none.
+Definition exec_instr_prop
+ (c: code) (sp: val)
+ (pc: node) (rs: regset) (m: mem)
+ (pc': node) (rs': regset) (m': mem) : Prop :=
+ forall f
+ (CF: c = f.(RTL.fn_code))
+ (SAT: numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!pc),
+ exec_instr tge (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs m pc' rs' m'.
+Definition exec_instrs_prop
+ (c: code) (sp: val)
+ (pc: node) (rs: regset) (m: mem)
+ (pc': node) (rs': regset) (m': mem) : Prop :=
+ forall f
+ (CF: c = f.(RTL.fn_code))
+ (SAT: numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!pc),
+ exec_instrs tge (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs m pc' rs' m'.
+Definition exec_function_prop
+ (f: RTL.function) (args: list val) (m: mem)
+ (res: val) (m': mem) : Prop :=
+ exec_function tge (transf_function f) args m res m'.
+Ltac TransfInstr :=
+ match goal with
+ | H1: (PTree.get ?pc ?c = Some ?instr), f: function |- _ =>
+ cut ((transf_code (analyze f) c)!pc = Some(transf_instr (analyze f)!!pc instr));
+ [ simpl
+ | unfold transf_code; rewrite PTree.gmap;
+ unfold option_map; rewrite H1; reflexivity ]
+ end.
+(** The proof of simulation is by structural induction on the evaluation
+ derivation for the source program. *)
+Lemma transf_function_correct:
+ forall f args m res m',
+ exec_function ge f args m res m' ->
+ exec_function_prop f args m res m'.
+ apply (exec_function_ind_3 ge
+ exec_instr_prop exec_instrs_prop exec_function_prop);
+ intros; red; intros; try TransfInstr.
+ (* Inop *)
+ intro; apply exec_Inop; auto.
+ (* Iop *)
+ assert (eval_operation tge sp op rs##args = Some v).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ case (is_trivial_op op).
+ intro. eapply exec_Iop'; eauto.
+ caseEq (find_op (analyze f)!!pc op args). intros r FIND CODE.
+ eapply exec_Iop'; eauto. simpl.
+ assert (eval_operation ge sp op rs##args = Some rs#r).
+ eapply find_op_correct; eauto.
+ eapply wf_analyze; eauto.
+ congruence.
+ intros. eapply exec_Iop'; eauto.
+ (* Iload *)
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs##args = Some a).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ caseEq (find_load (analyze f)!!pc chunk addr args). intros r FIND CODE.
+ eapply exec_Iop'; eauto. simpl.
+ assert (exists a, eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a
+ /\ loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r).
+ eapply find_load_correct; eauto.
+ eapply wf_analyze; eauto.
+ elim H3; intros a' [A B].
+ congruence.
+ intros. eapply exec_Iload'; eauto.
+ (* Istore *)
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs##args = Some a).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ intro; eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
+ (* Icall *)
+ assert (find_function tge ros rs = Some (transf_function f)).
+ destruct ros; simpl in H0; simpl.
+ apply functions_translated; auto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i).
+ apply funct_ptr_translated; auto. discriminate.
+ intro; eapply exec_Icall with (f := transf_function f); eauto.
+ (* Icond true *)
+ intro; eapply exec_Icond_true; eauto.
+ (* Icond false *)
+ intro; eapply exec_Icond_false; eauto.
+ (* refl *)
+ apply exec_refl.
+ (* one *)
+ apply exec_one; auto.
+ (* trans *)
+ eapply exec_trans; eauto. apply H2; auto.
+ eapply analysis_correct_N; eauto.
+ (* function *)
+ intro. unfold transf_function; eapply exec_funct; simpl; eauto.
+ eapply H1; eauto. eapply analysis_correct_entry; eauto.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forall (r: val),
+ exec_program prog r -> exec_program tprog r.
+ intros r [fptr [f [m [FINDS [FINDF [SIG EXEC]]]]]].
+ red. exists fptr; exists (transf_function f); exists m.
+ split. change (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. assumption.
+ split. apply funct_ptr_translated; auto.
+ split. unfold transf_function.
+ rewrite <- SIG. destruct (analyze f); reflexivity.
+ apply transf_function_correct.
+ unfold tprog, transf_program. rewrite Genv.init_mem_transf.
+ exact EXEC.