Floating Point Documentation for Boogie Written by Dietrich Geisler Contact: dgeisler50@gmail.com This document aims to describe the syntax for declaring and using floating points in Boogie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declaring Variables: The syntax for declaring a floating point variable is as follows: var name: float(exp man); Where exp is the size of the float exponent and man is the size of the float mantissa It is also acceptable to use the following syntax: var name: float(); This syntax assumes the float exponent to be size 8 and the mantissa to be size 24 example: var x: float(11 53) Declares a variable called x with a exponent sized 11 and mantissa sized 53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declaring Constants: All of the following syntax are viable for declaring a floating point constant: float(dec) float(exp_val man_val) float(dec exp man) float(exp_val man_val exp man) Where dec is the decimal value of the constant, exp_val/man_value are the integer values of their respective fields, And exp/man are the sizes of their respective fields. Note that when exp and man are not specified, they are given sizes 8 and 24 respectively -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defined Operations: Given two floating point values x and y with the same size of exponent and mantissa The following operations operate as defined in Operators section of this document: http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-FloatingPoint.shtml (Note that rounding mode is always assumed to be Round to Nearest Even (RNE)) (Also note that operations not listed here are undefined) operatation boogie syntax neg(x) -x add(x, y) x + y sub(x, y) x - y mul(x, y) x * y div(x, y) x / y leq(x, y) x <= y lt(x, y) x < y geq(x, y) x >= y gt(x, y) x > y eq(x, y) x == y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other: The following special values can be declared with the following syntax: Value Declaration NaN fp(nan exp man) +oo fp(oo exp man) OR fp(INF exp man) -oo fp(-oo exp man) OR fp(INF exp man) -zero fp(-zero exp man) Where exp and man are the sizes of the exponent and mantissa respectively -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: There is currently no way to convert from a floating point to any other data type There is currently no way to convert the value of a variable to a floating point type For example, the following statements fails: var x : real; fp(x); Statements of the following form cause a parser error (parenthesis followed by fp constant) ... (fp(1) + fp(1));