using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities; namespace DafnyLanguage { [Export(typeof(IViewTaggerProvider))] [ContentType("dafny")] [TagType(typeof(TextMarkerTag))] internal class BraceMatchingTaggerProvider : IViewTaggerProvider { [Import] internal IBufferTagAggregatorFactoryService AggregatorFactory = null; public ITagger CreateTagger(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag { if (textView == null) return null; //provide highlighting only on the top-level buffer if (textView.TextBuffer != buffer) return null; ITagAggregator tagAggregator = AggregatorFactory.CreateTagAggregator(buffer); return new BraceMatchingTagger(textView, buffer, tagAggregator) as ITagger; } } internal abstract class TokenBasedTagger { ITagAggregator _aggregator; internal TokenBasedTagger(ITagAggregator tagAggregator) { _aggregator = tagAggregator; } public bool InsideComment(SnapshotPoint pt) { SnapshotSpan span = new SnapshotSpan(pt, 1); foreach (var tagSpan in this._aggregator.GetTags(span)) { switch (tagSpan.Tag.Kind) { case DafnyTokenKinds.Comment: case DafnyTokenKinds.String: foreach (var s in tagSpan.Span.GetSpans(pt.Snapshot)) { if (s.Contains(span)) return true; } break; default: break; } } return false; } } internal class BraceMatchingTagger : TokenBasedTagger, ITagger { ITextView View { get; set; } ITextBuffer SourceBuffer { get; set; } SnapshotPoint? CurrentChar { get; set; } private char[] openBraces; private char[] closeBraces; static TextMarkerTag Blue = new TextMarkerTag("blue"); internal BraceMatchingTagger(ITextView view, ITextBuffer sourceBuffer, ITagAggregator tagAggregator) : base(tagAggregator) { //here the keys are the open braces, and the values are the close braces openBraces = new char[] { '(', '{', '[' }; closeBraces = new char[] { ')', '}', ']' }; this.View = view; this.SourceBuffer = sourceBuffer; this.CurrentChar = null; this.View.Caret.PositionChanged += CaretPositionChanged; this.View.LayoutChanged += ViewLayoutChanged; } public event EventHandler TagsChanged; void ViewLayoutChanged(object sender, TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.NewSnapshot != e.OldSnapshot) //make sure that there has really been a change { UpdateAtCaretPosition(View.Caret.Position); } } void CaretPositionChanged(object sender, CaretPositionChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateAtCaretPosition(e.NewPosition); } void UpdateAtCaretPosition(CaretPosition caretPosition) { CurrentChar = caretPosition.Point.GetPoint(SourceBuffer, caretPosition.Affinity); if (!CurrentChar.HasValue) return; var chngd = TagsChanged; if (chngd != null) chngd(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length))); } public IEnumerable> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans) { if (spans.Count == 0) //there is no content in the buffer yield break; //don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized if (!CurrentChar.HasValue) yield break; //hold on to a snapshot of the current character SnapshotPoint currentChar = CurrentChar.Value; //if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot if (spans[0].Snapshot != currentChar.Snapshot) { currentChar = currentChar.TranslateTo(spans[0].Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive); } if (currentChar.Position < spans[0].Snapshot.Length) { // Check if the current character is an open brace char ch = currentChar.GetChar(); char closeCh; if (MatchBrace(currentChar, ch, true, out closeCh)) { SnapshotSpan pairSpan; if (FindMatchingCloseChar(currentChar, ch, closeCh, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan)) { yield return new TagSpan(new SnapshotSpan(currentChar, 1), Blue); yield return new TagSpan(pairSpan, Blue); } } } if (0 < currentChar.Position) { // Check if the previous character is a close brace (note, caret may be between a close brace and an open brace, in which case we'll tag two pairs) SnapshotPoint prevChar = currentChar - 1; char ch = prevChar.GetChar(); char openCh; if (MatchBrace(prevChar, ch, false, out openCh)) { SnapshotSpan pairSpan; if (FindMatchingOpenChar(prevChar, openCh, ch, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan)) { yield return new TagSpan(new SnapshotSpan(prevChar, 1), Blue); yield return new TagSpan(pairSpan, Blue); } } } } private bool MatchBrace(SnapshotPoint pt, char query, bool sourceIsOpen, out char match) { if (!InsideComment(pt)) { char[] source = sourceIsOpen ? openBraces : closeBraces; int i = 0; foreach (char ch in source) { if (ch == query) { char[] dest = sourceIsOpen ? closeBraces : openBraces; match = dest[i]; return true; } i++; } } match = query; // satisfy compiler return false; } private bool FindMatchingCloseChar(SnapshotPoint startPoint, char open, char close, int linesViewed, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan) { ITextSnapshotLine line = startPoint.GetContainingLine(); int lineNumber = line.LineNumber; int offset = startPoint.Position - line.Start.Position + 1; int lineNumberLimit = Math.Min(startPoint.Snapshot.LineCount, lineNumber + linesViewed); int openCount = 0; while (true) { string lineText = line.GetText(); //walk the entire line for (; offset < line.Length; offset++) { char currentChar = lineText[offset]; if (currentChar == open || currentChar == close) { if (!InsideComment(new SnapshotPoint(line.Snapshot, line.Start.Position + offset))) { if (currentChar == open) { openCount++; } else if (0 < openCount) { openCount--; } else { //found the matching close pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint.Snapshot, line.Start + offset, 1); return true; } } } } //move on to the next line lineNumber++; if (lineNumberLimit <= lineNumber) break; line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber); offset = 0; } pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint, startPoint); // satisfy the compiler return false; } private bool FindMatchingOpenChar(SnapshotPoint startPoint, char open, char close, int linesViewed, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan) { ITextSnapshotLine line = startPoint.GetContainingLine(); int lineNumber = line.LineNumber; int offset = startPoint.Position - line.Start.Position - 1; //move the offset to the character before this one int lineNumberLimit = Math.Max(0, lineNumber - linesViewed); int closeCount = 0; while (true) { string lineText = line.GetText(); //walk the entire line for (; 0 <= offset; offset--) { char currentChar = lineText[offset]; if (currentChar == open || currentChar == close) { if (!InsideComment(new SnapshotPoint(line.Snapshot, line.Start.Position + offset))) { if (currentChar == close) { closeCount++; } else if (0 < closeCount) { closeCount--; } else { // We've found the open character pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(line.Start + offset, 1); //we just want the character itself return true; } } } } // Move to the previous line lineNumber--; if (lineNumber < lineNumberLimit) break; line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber); offset = line.Length - 1; } pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint, startPoint); // satisfy the compiler return false; } } }